Solar flower cyclamen: growing from seed. How to grow cyclamen from seeds at home step by step

It is a wonderful plant that can be seen in any grower. Not many people know how to grow cyclamen from seeds, so in most cases they are bought in flower shops already in blooming... If you take care of them correctly, then their flowering will be abundant for 10 years.

Conditions for good growth

When you decide on your choice: buy an adult flower or buy a bag of seeds. If you buy a plant in a store, then you need to create competent care at home. When buying a plant, the advantage is that you can get your seeds from it.

How do I get homemade seeds?

If you have an adult individual, then do not miss the opportunity to extract seeds from him. To do this, you will need to perform unnatural pollination.

To do this, you need to take the pollen from one flower with a brush and move it to the upper part of the pistil (stigma) of the next flower.

The pollination procedure is preferable to perform in morning time... After pollination is completed, it is recommended to fertilize with potassium sulfate.

When your beauty fades, you get seeds.

Soil mix

If you take proper care at home, you can grow a beautiful and healthy cyclamen. The land for the plant plays an important role, so you need to choose the right one.

In order to sow seeds, purchased soil is used or the mixture is allowed to be prepared independently. For this, the following ingredients are used:

  • leafy land;
  • peat;

All ingredients are taken in the same ratio and mixed. Soil for cyclamens is also suitable or it is allowed to use soil for indoor plants, it can be "Tulip" or "Terra-vita".

Seed treatment

To get seeds to sprout quickly at home, professionals use some tricks. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. The seeds need to be soaked in cold water for 3 days. Add two drops to the liquid detergent in a glass of water (it is permissible to take any detergent). The water should be changed daily with new water. The seed tank needs to be placed in a cool place (of course, to keep the seeds from freezing).
  2. The next method is to treat the seeds with "Epin" or "Zircon", it is also allowed to use potassium permanganate. Purchased products must be diluted in the ratio of two drops per 250 ml of water. But potassium permanganate needs to be dissolved to a light pink shade. Leave the seeds in this form for 15 hours.

Thanks to such procedures, even the most stale seeds will grow at home.


So, the land is prepared, the cyclamen seeds are completely processed - we begin to sow seedlings. To plant seeds in soil for indoor plants, we recommend that you do not buy special cassettes for plants, but use ordinary plastic containers for sweets (cakes, pastries).

Just before planting the seeds, it is necessary to make drainage grooves in advance.

First of all, on the bottom of the tank we lay a drainage of about two cm, then the soil for indoor plants is about 7 cm, and then we do a little watering.

Sowing seedlings is permissible in 2 methods:

  1. Make hollows one centimeter deep and plant.
  2. Place seedlings where water has been spilled. And then sprinkle with a thin layer of soil (about 1.5 cm). It is recommended to sow the seeds not together, but at an interval of 3 cm from each other.


To grow cyclamen from seeds, it is very important to observe proper care at home.

After disembarking, cover the container with glass or cardboard and take it to a room where the temperature should be 19 ° C. It should be borne in mind that at a high temperature, the seedling is able to fall into a state of dormancy, and if it is low, it can rot.

In addition, the pot of seedlings must be constantly ventilated: every day for about 20 minutes.

If impeccable home care is organized, then cyclamen seeds generally germinate in a month. But sometimes it can take up to six months.

The temperature regime is allowed to change when the first shoots appear: the tank must be placed in a well-lit place, only without direct sunlight and the temperature must be reduced to 10-12 C.

Transplanting young plants

How to transplant cyclamen? After a month and a half, your handsome man will appear. Cyclamen transplantation is not carried out immediately, but somewhere in 3 months. After this period root system it will ripen well and increase its volume, and the tuber will also actively form.

A cyclamen transplant is carried out only three months after planting, when 2 leaves are formed on a flower.

The cyclamen is transplanted as follows: it is necessary to take care of the drainage grooves and drainage in advance, then we dive the young seedlings in separate cups, two plants each.

It is best to transplant with an earthen clod and then add soil, which is prohibited with an adult cyclamen (in this case, the tuber must be filled up to half and the cyclamen pot must be selected depending on the root system). The cyclamen transplant is done very carefully so as not to harm the plant.

Top dressing

In order to grow healthy and blooming cyclamen. Professionals do not recommend fertilizing young plants for up to six months. Only after 6 months it is allowed to apply half the dose of fertilizers.

Top dressing must be purchased at flower shops for flowering plants.

You need to create impeccable care at home in order to grow beautiful flowers... Young seedlings adore when the ground is well moistened, which cannot be said about adult individuals who prefer moderate watering in the hot season.

Some sources say that cyclamen can be propagated by a tuber, but this is wrong. If you propagate cyclamen in this way, then there is a high probability of introducing an infection, and the plant will die. And in most cases, root decay occurs.

So do not experiment, but propagate cyclamen from seeds and organize competent care, then you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful specimen and enjoy its flawless flowering.

Reproduction of cyclamen at home Reproduction and cultivation of adenium from seeds at home

With the onset of cold weather, when all the plants have already withered, and the opal foliage, for sure, will cheer you up with its spectacular "butterflies" flowers, as if flitting over silvery-green leaves with unique stains. His homeland is the coast Mediterranean Sea... How pot culture cyclamens of two types gained wide popularity: Persian and European. They bloom in winter, when no other plant pleases us. It is a perennial corm-forming plant. It is characteristic that cultivation is carried out. Reproduction by dividing the tuber is not recommended because the tuber can quickly rot and die.

Sowing seeds can be carried out at any time, just the time of the first flowering will directly depend on the time of the last transshipment, when the tuber is buried 2/3 of the height. But it is best to start growing in February-March, then the plants can bloom in a year, in March. The seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator or potassium permanganate and sown in a prepared, steamed earth mixture (soil mixture + sand in a ratio of 4: 1). They are closed to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter. Seeds are placed in a pre-watered groove at a distance of 3-4 centimeters and sprinkled with earth. Cyclamen seeds germinate in the dark at 18 - 20 degrees. For this landing capacity it is closed not only with glass or film, but also with dark paper until the moment of germination. Seedlings appear no earlier than a month later. Some varieties are distinguished by long germination, so do not despair in advance, they can please you in a couple of months.

The emerging seedlings should be transferred to the light, but where they are not threatened by the direct midday sun.

After the appearance of the first real plants, with a characteristic for cyclamen coloring of the leaves, the plant must be dived. For the first pick, you can use a common container, but the distance between the shoots should be at least 5 centimeters. It is best to dive into individual containers filled with loose soil (you can recommend a soil mix such as "Tulip"), with sufficient drainage. At the first pick, the already formed nodule is lightly sprinkled with earth.

Growing cyclamen from seeds is characterized by the fact that in the first year young plants do not rest. The second pick should be performed at the age of 7-8 months in pots with a diameter of no more than 10-11 centimeters. At the same time, tubers should be buried in moist soil by 2/3 of their height. With the skillful use of agrotechnical techniques - shading, spraying, accurate dosage mineral fertilizers, you can achieve enhanced growth of young cyclamens and their flowering one year after planting the seeds. It is also necessary to make the formation of bushes. Adult leaves are spread apart and slightly pinned with straightened paper clips or hairpins. This technique promotes the formation of flower buds.

Growing cyclamen from seeds requires adherence to some basic rules:

When transplanting plants into a new container, you cannot use soil mixtures to which fresh or poorly rotted manure has been added. Tubers can rot and die;

When transshipping, it should be remembered that large pots are contraindicated for cyclamens, the soil in them quickly turns sour, and the roots rot. There should be no more than 3 centimeters between the edge of the pot and the corm;

When planting, the cyclamen should not be buried more than 2/3 of the tuber height, because this protects the growth point and stimulates the laying of flower buds;

An excess of mineral fertilizers is not recommended for young plants, so they should be applied in a minimum amount (1/2 tsp of complex flower fertilizer per liter of water). In the period before flowering, the plants should be fed two to three times;

Watering should be carried out only in the pan, since when water gets on the tuber of the plant, the flower buds can rot;

When flower buds appear, the ambient temperature should be about 18 degrees and watering should be reduced.

Seeds are one of the opportunities to enjoy magnificent plants that bloom spectacularly in winter time, causing us delight and a sense of unreality against the background of patterned frosty window glass.

Cyclamen is considered a beautiful flower with bright and catchy colors. Of course, the easiest way to get finished plant in the store already in the form of a beautiful and decorated with an abundant bouquet of inflorescences and buds. But it will become much more interesting to grow a cyclamen with your own hands at home from seeds, although this is a rather difficult task.

It is worth noting that when growing cyclamen from seeds at home, the first flowering will appear after 1 year. And during the year you will have to painstakingly look after the seedlings. Let's take a closer look at how to plant and how to grow cyclamen from seeds at home.

Where to get seeds for planting cyclamen?

If you have a great desire to start growing a beautiful and healthy flower, then first of all, you need to turn your attention to the varieties of this plant. Most often grown at home persian cyclamen.

To grow Persian cyclamen, you need to purchase seeds only from reliable suppliers, as this is a guarantee that you will be able to grow exactly the plant that is shown on the package. Otherwise, you will be offended to spend a lot of time and energy on growing some incomprehensible varieties or completely different plants, which may suddenly appear after the germination of the seeds. In addition, purchase seed for cultivation with reliable producers guarantees good germination.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that to purchase seed for growing cyclamen at home necessary in specialized stores in which you have confidence and which have collected a lot positive feedback... Under no circumstances should you buy cyclamen seeds from some unfamiliar and new suppliers that you have not heard of before.

How to collect seeds for growing

If you have at least one cyclamen growing at home, then you can independently collect seeds from this plant, from which you can later grow new ones. However, this requires some manipulation of cyclamen pollination.

So, in order to carry out pollination with the further receipt of seeds from the cyclamen flower, it is necessary to do the following steps:

  • Using a brush, pollen from one cyclamen flower must be transferred to another flower of the plant.
  • If you want to get best result, then the cyclamen flowers should be different varieties.
  • Pollination of flowers is recommended in the morning.
  • To consolidate the result of pollination, this procedure it is recommended to carry out several times in a row.
  • Each pollination should end with potassium sulfate fertilizing the plant.

If during pollination you met all the conditions described above, then after flowering, as a rule, seed pods instead of buds. These boxes must be handled very carefully. The boxes must not be allowed to burst. They must be carefully torn off and wrapped in a napkin. The seed box opens on its own, and the seeds of the plant necessary for growing at home fall out.

Preparation and sowing

Sowing seeds should start with the fact that necessary purchase or prepare all planting material, which may later be useful for growing this plant.

More specifically, the following materials must be prepared:

  • A soil mixture, which in its composition should contain peat, leafy soil or vermiculite with peat. All components are mixed in equal proportions.
  • A container with drainage holes.
  • Drainage in the form of expanded clay or foam.

When you have prepared all the necessary components described above, you need to fill the drainage layer into the container, and then put the prepared soil mixture on top.

To ensure fast germination healthy plants it is recommended to use several techniques that have been developed by flower growers for several years. These techniques imply seed treatment before sowing. Novice growers can split the seeds into equal parts and try both methods to find the one that suits them best.

After you have carried out the procedure for soaking the seed, the cultivation of cyclamen will be much easier, since experts say that even the oldest seeds will be able to germinate after treatment. or Zircon... The treated seeds are planted in a prepared container with soil. The seeds can be placed either in a spilled trench or simply spread on the soil, while sprinkling it with earth. In this case, the seeds should lie at a distance of 2 to 3 cm from each other. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm.

Crop care

After sowing planting material containers with seedlings must be covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm room. The air temperature in the room should not be higher than 20 degrees, since at a high temperature the seeds enter a dormant period.

In addition, seeds are needed daily ventilate. A small greenhouse needs to be opened every day for 10 minutes.

If you followed all the rules for caring for seedlings, then literally in a month the first shoots will appear. It should be noted that not all cyclamen varieties have good germination. For example, varieties Kiss and Apple can germinate for six months. But the Persian cyclamen germinates quickly.

When the first shoots appear, this means that the seedlings need to be transferred to a cooler room. Sprouted seedlings externally represent light purple sprouts. A tuber is formed from each such shoot, and an shoot with the first leaves is formed from it. It happens that the first sheet is covered with a skin that does not want to be removed. This is a sign that the seedling is lacking moisture.

In order to avoid the suspension of the growth process, it is necessary neatly remove the skin with tweezers. To do this, the plant must first be prepared by wetting the formations with a spray bottle and letting it soften for at least half an hour. Do not forget about watering as well. It must be increased, which will allow the plant to get rid of the skin on its own.

It should be noted that the development of young seedlings after the first shoots will be rather slow. Slow development is due to the build-up of the root system, the growth of the plant above the soil surface stops.

Transplant sprouts to a permanent place necessary when he has bushes with two or three true leaves. With the most favorable conditions this will happen in 3 months.

Care of young cyclamen

Before planting young plants in a permanent place in a pot, you need to make sure that the container is well arranged drainage system... Cyclamens need abundant watering, but also does not tolerate frequent stagnation of moisture in a pot.

When the plant has reached the transplant period, it must be transferred from a temporary container to a permanent place in a pot. At the same time, the plant is covered with soil in such a way that the entire root system is under a layer of soil.

If you are transplanting already adult plant, then the tuber is only half immersed in the ground.

6 months after the transplant, cyclamen is necessary feed fertilizers. As a top dressing, you can use any fertilizer for flowering plants. However, experts strongly recommend to breed feeding not according to the parameters that are indicated on the package. It is necessary to use only half the dose of the solution for feeding cyclamen.

Young plants hardly tolerate droughts, prefer constant watering... This care regimen must be adhered to for one year, after which the plant becomes an adult, and watering is reduced at the same time.

Tuber propagation

It is worth noting that growing cyclamen with seeds is not the only breeding method. Cyclamen can also be propagated using tubers, although this method is more dangerous due to the possibility of plant death.

Cultivation of cyclamens by dividing the tuber is carried out when the plants are in the dormant stage. The dormant period for cyclamens, as a rule, begins with the arrival of spring.

For reproduction, the tuber must be cut in such a way that each piece had an active kidney from which new plants are formed. To exclude infection by infection, the sections on the tuber must be treated with ash.

After that, the divided tuber is planted in light soil in such a way that the living bud on it does not close with the substrate. This suggests that the tuber must be immersed in substrate only half. Seedling care is the same as caring for mature plants. Watering should be done in moderation.

Summing up, it is worth noting that we have completely figured out all the stages of growing. Thus, it became clear how this plant can be grown from seeds.

If you have mastered the theoretical part of growing cyclamen at home well enough, then you can safely proceed to practical training and grow this unusual flower at home by yourself. Those interested can also watch a video detailing the cultivation and breeding of cyclamens.

In the winter season, when hurricanes are raging outside the window, hills of snow turn white, it is nice to have a colorful corner of flowering plants at home. Such bright representatives of decorative indoor flowers include.

In nature, cyclamens grow in the Mediterranean part of Europe and Iran. They are perennials that delight with their colorful flowers from late autumn to early spring. Florists also grow them at home, getting not only a wonderful oasis in the middle of winter, but also a valuable medicine.

, or the alpine violet, is easily recognized by its long-stemmed pink to purple flowers. The leaves that look like hearts are cast in silver on top, and are painted in a dark red tone from below. Looking at the plant, it seems that this beautiful Spanish woman flaunts with a proud posture in front of the audience. Her silvery puffy skirt accentuates her slender waist with a bright headdress.

The European type of flower has small inflorescences, but the Persian is characterized by large, butterfly-like petals with white, pink shades. They spread a pleasant smell far. The root of the plant is a tuber of both oval and flat shape.

Cyclamen begins to bloom in mid-autumn, and ends at the end of the winter season.

Each flower lives up to ten days, giving way to its fellows. The seeds of the plant are similar to buckwheat grain, they are collected in a miniature box. In spring, the flower hibernates, since the tuber lives and breathes above the ground, and the leaves and stems freeze for a while. Cyclamen propagation methods - tubers and seeds. The second method is most often used. Plant seeds are purchased in a specialized store or collected independently from indoor flower.

Basic rules of preparation:

  • Seed material is shaken out of dry capsules and soaked in water before sowing, to which Epin-extra or Zircon is added to stimulate growth. The drug is diluted as follows: four drops in half a glass of liquid. After twelve hours, you can spread the seeds on a moistened cotton pad, covering with a damp bandage. In a day, the seeds will swell and will be ready for sowing.
  • The soil for an indoor flower should be loose, nutritious, well-permeable to air and water. It can be a commercially available substrate specifically for decorative floriculture. Preparing the soil yourself is not difficult. Gotta mix garden land with peat, adding a little river sand... Steaming the soil is mandatory. It is spilled with boiling water or kept in the oven for several minutes. Disinfection is carried out two weeks before planting seeds.
  • For a container for planting, choose either small flower pots, or plastic containers. Holes must be made in them to remove excess moisture... A drainage layer is laid on the bottom, collected from pieces of foam plastic, fine expanded clay, clay shards.

Many people try to germinate the seeds first, so that they can then be planted in pots. To do this, place the material on the moistened gauze, covering them with a layer of fabric on top. Then, a day later, the seeds are planted in a container at a distance of three centimeters, sprinkling them with a little soil. The containers are placed in a dark place, constantly moistening the ground.

As soon as shoots appear, the pots are placed on light-colored windowsills. After three months, the overgrown small flowers can be repotted, each in a separate container. Small pale purple sprouts require a sensitive attitude towards themselves.

Landing: timing and rules

So, the seed pots were in the dark and cool, they sprouted quickly, within a month, at a temperature not lower than ten degrees and not higher than twenty. Too hot a place not for sprouts, otherwise they will appear much later.

Sowing dates play an important role in the beginning of flowering of alpine violets.

By planting them at the end of June, you can be sure that the plant will bloom in the fall. Planting in August will result in a late blooming season. Covering the top of the landing is optional. If this measure is taken, then it will be necessary to air them daily. The main maintenance requirements at this time are soil moisture. It is better to do it with a pipette, delivering moisture to the root of the plant.

A flower is possible when three or four leaves have appeared. Perform the procedure carefully, trying not to damage the nodules. We must not forget that the root system must be above the soil. Deep deepening can destroy the plant. If this happens, then they remove upper layer soil, exposing the tubers. After that, the aerial part of the alpine violet begins to actively develop. Six months after sowing cyclamens, they take on a real adult appearance.

And then it's time for feeding indoor plant... Either universal complexes for decorative flowers will be effective. Proper watering is also important for the formation of a rosette of leaves and inflorescences. It is important that the liquid does not get on the tubers, otherwise rotting will occur. If the plant gains strength a year after sowing, then this indicates that the cultivation procedure was successful.

Cyclamen care rules are simple:

  1. A comfortable place for a flower will be one where Sun rays do not shine so brightly. He prefers diffused light, partial shade. The room should be well ventilated, but without drafts, which are contraindicated in cyclamen.
  2. Being a cold-loving plant, the flower does not like heat. It blooms well at temperatures between fourteen and sixteen degrees above zero.
  3. During the dormant period, the pot with the plant can be moved to the basement, but with sufficient lighting.
  4. High air and soil humidity are ideal conditions for a flower. But when watering, you need to be careful. It is best to water through the tray containing the plant pot. It is necessary to change the water in it daily. Drops of liquid should not fall on the stem, tubers, flowers, otherwise they will rot. Water for irrigation is taken only room temperature with preliminary upholding.
  5. During the watering procedure, it is recommended to introduce specially selected for flowering plants. You should not get carried away with nitrogenous fertilizing - the foliage will grow, and the flowering will stop.
  6. During the rest period, dry leaves and flowers are cut off from the cyclamen. The strong parts are cut closer to the roots. Watering is reduced, slightly moistening the soil.
  7. In the summer, an alpine violet is transplanted into a pot bigger size leaving a third of the tubers above the ground. Watering begins ten days after the procedure.

The main ailments of cyclamen include fungal diseases caused by improper care:

  • Abundant watering, waterlogging causes the appearance of gray rot on the tubers. If a pathology is found, the plant is carefully dug out, the infected root areas are cut off, then rinsing them in a solution of potassium permanganate. After drying the tubers, the cyclamen is planted in a new pot with pre-steamed soil.
  • A flower gets sick with root rot if it has been infected with fungal pathogens that live in the ground. This ailment strikes when planting seeds in non-steamed soil. You can get rid of the disease with the help of fungicides such as Glyocladin, by treating plants with them. And the tubers must be thoroughly rinsed in a disinfectant solution and dried.
  • Sooty fungi clog the stomata and ducts of leaves, destroying them. Fungal plaque on the plates must be washed off with a solution of green soap, then rinsed warm water... Spraying with Bordeaux liquid will also help.
  • Peduncles can also be damaged by fungi. From this they will deform, dry out. The damaged flowers are removed and the cyclamen is sprayed.

Indoor flower pests:

The health of a houseplant is in the hands of its owner.

More information can be found in the video:

Growing flowers of cyclamen (duckweed) at home from seeds is not difficult. But before indoor cyclamens grow from seeds and begin to bloom, it will take about a year.

How to grow indoor flower cyclamen from seeds at home?

For sowing, cyclamen seeds need to be prepared. Seeds of duck, grown on their own, must first be removed from the fruit-box and dried for several days.

Store cyclamen seeds and dried seeds grown with home care have good, almost 100% germination.

Growing cyclamen plants from seeds is carried out in several stages.

Soaking cyclamen (duckweed) seeds before planting

The first step is preparing and soaking the seeds. First, you need to wet a gauze or cotton pad folded in several rows in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before sowing, the cyclamen seeds are placed on one side of damp gauze or on a disc, covered with the remaining piece of gauze or disc on top, left to soak for 14 hours, constantly making sure that the seeds do not dry out.

Planting cyclamen seeds (pot preparation)

At this time, you need to prepare a pot for future cyclamen flowers. It should not be large, since we will transplant the seedlings several times as they grow. If you decide to plant cyclamen seeds in a plastic pot, then most likely there are no holes in its bottom, they can be made with a hot nail. To do this, the nail needs to be held for a few seconds over an open fire, while it is convenient to hold it with the help of pliers so as not to burn itself. Holes in the pot for growing cyclamen from seeds.

A layer of drainage (expanded clay, polystyrene) is poured onto the bottom of the pot, not large up to 2 cm. Then the ready-made earthen mixture for cyclamens is poured in a layer of 7 cm. The earth is moistened. Seeds are laid out at intervals of 3 cm from each other.

Planting cyclamen seeds in the soil

On top, carefully sprinkle with earth with a layer of 1 cm.

For growing from seeds of indoor cyclamen, it is better to use a dark room.

Cyclamen flower seeds have interesting feature, they germinate faster, in about a month, in a cool room, with a temperature of +15 degrees. And at a higher temperature above +18 degrees, seeds germinate more slowly, after 2-3 months.

When growing from cyclamen seeds, when leaving at home, you need to ensure that the earthen ball is always moist and the seeds do not dry out.

How often to water cyclamen seedlings? They need to be watered daily, but very carefully. It is necessary to ensure that the water in the pot with cyclamen flowers does not stagnate.

If you are afraid to dry out the cyclamen shoots, you can cover them with glass, but do not forget to ventilate them.

If you use the "dark" method of growing cyclamen from seeds, then when cyclamen shoots appear, the plant must be brought to light.

Seedlings of cyclamen are small nodules from which purple loops of seedlings with a leaf unfold.

When cyclamen shoots appear, sometimes a problem arises - the peel of the seed does not come off and a single leaf cannot unfold. Usually, the seedlings themselves, after a while, cope with this problem. But you can help the cyclamen leaf, for this, carefully cover the sprout with a damp cotton swab, leave it for one hour and the seed will soften.

You can try to remove the seed from the cyclamen with tweezers, but this can damage the sprout.

The first three months, the roots of the cyclamen grow, and the sprout with a leaf almost does not grow. When 2 true leaves of cyclamen appear, they dive. Plants are planted in a 6x6 pattern. You need to dive carefully, you need to take a cyclamen seedling with a lump of earth. It is convenient to plant "kids" in boxes for seedlings. When picking, the cyclamen nodules are completely covered with earth.

Transplanting cyclamen seedlings (drainage)

When the cyclamen flower reaches full development, it is transplanted into a separate pot, deepening the tuber 1/2 into the ground. At the bottom of the pot for planting a cyclamen flower, you need to make drainage from stones or pieces of polystyrene. Drainage in a pot for growing cyclamen from seeds

The cyclamen indoor flower tuber has only 1 growth point, therefore, its damage leads to the death of the plant.

In the first year of life, cyclamen flowers, when caring for home care, love constantly moist soil. Therefore, during this period, you need to ensure that the soil in the pots does not dry out. After picking, cyclamens grow quickly and soon reach the size of adult plants.

It is not necessary to feed cyclamens for the first six months of life. And half-year-old indoor cyclamens need to be fed with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

Young cyclamens, when caring for home, do not tolerate high temperatures. Between three months and a year optimum temperature their content is from 0 to +5 degrees Celsius. If it is not possible to keep at this temperature, then it can be increased. But it must be remembered that cyclamens grown in colder conditions have a higher and more compact outlet and they will be more resistant to temperature changes in the future. And cyclamens grown at high temperatures have a loose socket.

After the cyclamen leaves appear, water it very carefully, along the edge of the pot or from the pallet. Otherwise, water may get on the leaves of the plant and the growing point may get wet, cyclamen decay may occur. If water does get on the plant, it should be blotted with a paper towel.

Usually, the cyclamen flower blooms 13-14 months after sowing the seeds.

Of course, you can buy an already blooming cyclamen in the store.

But, the cyclamen is from the store. grown in greenhouses with the help of chemicals and fertilizers, artificial feeding and growth stimulants, it does not adapt well to the conditions of our apartments, to their warm and dry air and in 50% of cases dies.

And the cyclamen grown from seeds is not whimsical when caring for home, it is initially adapted to the conditions of your home. It is more resistant to diseases and pests, it tolerates high temperatures more easily.

In the store, it is not always possible to buy indoor cyclamen flowers of the type and color you need.

And simply, this is a very exciting activity - to grow a beautiful flowering plant from a small nondescript seed.