Biological fungicides in tablets. Features of the use of fungicidal mixtures to protect plants

In the process of care for plantings, fungicides for plants have to be used. We are talking about preparations to which they resort to prevention and struggle with pathogens - the cause of the spread of fungal diseases. Their causative agents are able to affect both one culture and a group of plants. In order not to treat the problem, it is better to prevent it and protect the planting in advance.

Best Fungicides for Plants

Specialists in protecting plants constantly improve the funds, create combined compositions, pay attention to the immunization of cultures. Fungicide preparations are designed to protect vegetable, fruit and indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. The timely use of antifungal agents retains the health of plantations, increases their decorativeness and yield, prevents the occurrence of mycoses.

What is fungicide?

Apply substances of biological or chemical origin To prevent, eliminate fungal lesions of plants. They are effective for the protection of seeds and soil during the rolling, the green part of the plantation during spraying. Fungicides for plants are divided into:

  1. Contact- act on the surface of the stems, leaves.
  2. Systemic- Substances along the vascular system of plants penetrate the tissue of fruits and vegetables, can act on the shell of seeds.

Fungicides for plants by origin are:

  1. Organic. Antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria, they are for ambient harmlessly decomposedly decompose. Such formulations are softer, their impact is weaker, but has little side effects.
  2. Inorganic. Made preparations based on strong chemical compounds, they persist in the soil for a long time. Chemicals act rather and more active, they are often toxic and require caution in use.

It is important to know the features of the use of fungicides - they can be used as a powder and bring to the ground during the rescue. Actual use of a solution - they can shed the soil to protect against fungus, to prevent seeds before planting. Early spring either late in autumn Fungicides for plants are used for foliage irrigation. Prepare a mixture strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Fungicide Sorrow

It is high effective tool wide spectrum Actions with a working substance DiPhenokonazole. The speed is used from, oidium on grapes, pubars. Concentrate showed successfully fungicidal properties on potatoes, tomatoes, fruit trees, gooseberry, currants. The drug is small toxic for animals and people. Application of the drug Sight:

  1. 3-5 ml of concentrate must be divorced in 10 liters of water, use immediately.
  2. It operates within 1-2 weeks.
  3. If the spores of mushrooms have already appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.
  4. Sigh is suitable for soaking seeds.

Fungicide Falcon

The drug comes into the market in the form of a concentrate in 5-liter canices. Emulsion is weakly toxic and non-hazardous to the environment. For the preparation of a working solution for prevention, 5 ml of the preparation is required by 10 liters of water, if the plantings are already amazed - 10 ml on 10 liters of water. Falcon spray crops, it is not washed off with precipitation. The effect of the fungicide lasts 2-4 weeks.

Fungicide strobe

Among the fungicides for plants, the drug is considered unique. It is effectively fighting with most fungal and microbial ailments, used to protect grapes, fruit trees, vegetables, colors. Application of the drug strides and its action:

  1. Fungicide is represented in the form of granules that quickly dissolve in water.
  2. The tool will stop the hearth disease, does not give to develop disputes and stops the growth of the mushroom.
  3. To prepare a solution, it is necessary to dissolve 0.4 g of granules in 1 liter of water.
  4. Use the emulsion in the first 2 hours after cooking.
  5. The drug can be applied at the flowering time.
  6. Fungicide resistantly tolerates precipitation, works well and low temperatures, and wet foliage.
  7. Two seasons in a row to use it is not recommended.

Fungicide Tanos

The drug Tanos is a fungicide with the contact component of the Famoxadone and the active substance of the cimoxanil. He, penetrating the inside of the tissues of the leaves, has therapeutic effects even after 1-2 days after infection. The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It protects plants from phytoofluorosis, alternariosis, garment species of rot, prevents new spores on plants, improves the process of photosynthesis. Fungicide Tanos - action and application

  1. It is used to protect potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sunflower.
  2. The solution is prepared in proportion - 4 g of the preparation on 10 liters of water.
  3. The drug to wash is stable, forms a film on the foliage, the arms disputes are dying within 2 minutes.
  4. Tanos is particularly effective in prophylactic use - process plants every 10-12 days to 4 times per season.

Fungicide Horus

Systemic fungicide (The active component of the Ciprodinyl) is used at the beginning of the season to protect against pasta, leaf curlyness, muced dew, moniliosis, fruit rot for seed and bone crops. The agent penetrates the plants quickly and begins to act literally after 2 hours, even if it rains. The use of fungicide chorus:

  1. The norm of the fungicide in the preparation of the solution depends on the type of plant and varies in the range of 3-6 g per 10 liters.
  2. The interval between the irrigation of the chorus is 12-14 days.
  3. Last processing is resolved 14-30 days before harvest.
  4. At a temperature of + 3-20 ° C, the effectiveness is the highest. If the thermometer is above + 25 ° C - it is significantly reduced.

Fungicide quadris

Systemic fungicide Quadris is a drug for protecting soil vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cabbage), grapes, peas, strawberries from major diseases. With it, you can cope with mildewing dew, phytoofluorosis, mildu, oidium, phytoofluorosis, spottedness. Fungicide is endowed with preventive, healing and eradicating effect. Preparation Quadris - Action and Application:

  1. The concentration of the active solution on cultures is 0.2%.
  2. It is recommended to conduct 3 spraying by Fungicide quadris for the season.
  3. Fungicide is non-toxic for the environment, prolongs the period of fruiting culture and crop preservation.

Fungicide Maxim

The drug Maxim is a contact fungicide, with it to protect plants from fungal diseases and disinfect the soil. The current component of fludioxonyl is extracted from bacteria, it treats plants and enhances their immunity, it works effectively against fusariosis, mold, root rot. Application of the drug Maxim:

  1. Fungicide is suitable for treating potatoes, beets, grain, legumes, bulbous crops, garden and indoor flowers.
  2. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml of means per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to use it within 24 hours. Under the plant pour 50-100 ml of the prepared solution.
  3. Maxim is etched seeds, bulbs, tubers, the whole planting material, rhizomes and when bookmarking them for storage.


Speeciously struggling with fungal diseases of the leaves and the FundaZol seeds - the sweater and fungicide of a wide range of actions based on benomila. The agent is also considered an insecticide and destroys most of the known pests - ticks, tort. The use of Fundazola:

  1. The drug is produced in bags of 10 g, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. The emulsion spray the leaves, rushing the seeds and the bulbs before planting, shed the soil.
  3. Fundazole is suitable for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, fruit trees, berries, colors.
  4. The drug is toxic, during the season is allowed to conduct no more than 2 plant treatments with such a means, fruit trees - up to 5 times.

Fongicide phytosporin

Curly biofungicide for plants is small for humans and animals. The drug is contact, designed to protect against fungal and bacterial ailments of room, greenhouse, garden and garden plants. Application of phytoosporin:

  1. The tool is used as the prevention of diseases.
  2. Phytosporin acts immediately after use, its properties are preserved wide temperature range.
  3. Before use, the working fluid insist 1-2 hours.

Phytosporin is used:

  1. For spraying and watering blooming, vegetable and fruiting plants, trees, shrubs.
  2. For soaking seeds, bulbs and seedlings system.
  3. For spilling soil before planting.
  4. For processing tubers, bulbs and rhizomes when bookmarking storage.

Fungicide Svitch

The preparation of the system and contact action Svitch is excellent protection of the vineyard, fruit trees, tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries from fungal ailments. Preventive treatment of plants with a solution reduces the risk of the appearance of mycoses. The fungicide of the Switch has no shortcomings practically - it is low toxic, it has a sweaty resistance, a wide range of operating temperatures, can even spray them flowering plants. As part - the innovative substances of Ciprodinyl (penetrate into the plant) and FluudioSanil (a contact effect is provided on the causative agent). Application Switch:

  1. Fungicide consumption rate - 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Plant treatment is performed by freshly prepared solution.
  3. After spraying, the fungicide is valid after 2 hours.
  4. Use the drug for irrigation of crops and treed of seeds and soil, its protective effect lasts 20 days.

Hello everyone! What is fungicides? Fungicides are substances that partially suppress or destroy the pathogens of diseases various plants. There are several classifications of this type of pesticides depending on the action, chemical characteristics, as well as a method of application.

We offer you a list of fungicides represented as a list of the most popular compositions for plants with names and descriptions to them.

You need to choose fungicides based on the type of plant and the directness of the disease that threatens him. Before the preparation of the working solution, it is necessary to carefully re-read the instructions and take care of protecting the skin and respiratory tract.

What do you know from this material:

Fungicides list of drugs and instructions for use

  1. Abiga Peak
  2. Alorin
  3. Albite
  4. Bactofit
  5. Bon Forte
  6. Bordeaux mix
  7. Bravo
  8. Vitaros
  9. Vectra
  10. Gamair.
  11. Quadris
  12. Kurzat.
  13. Maxim
  14. Mikosan.
  15. Oksich
  16. Ordan
  17. Planries
  18. Forecast
  19. Strobe
  20. Tanos
  21. Topaz
  22. Triphodermin
  23. Trikhof
  24. Fundazoll
  25. Chorus
  26. Chistocevet


"Agat" refer to biological fungicides for plants. He acts not only as a defender of plants from diseases, but also contributes to an increase in the level of yield. The composition has a beneficial effect on the development of plant roots and significantly increases the germination of seeds. It is usually used in gardening, but also room plants can be treated with this drug as prophylaxis.

The active ingredient composition is bacteria and bioactive creatures of microbial and vegetable origin. The release form - the fluid consistency paste, packaged in the jars to 10 g. For processing 1 spoon, the means dissolves in three liters. Plants should be sprayed every 20 days about 3-4 times a season.


"Abiga Peak" is a contact type of fungicides containing copper composite in its composition. The latter, interacting with pathogenic disputes, has a property to highlight active copper, which inhibits their growth and respiration, which suppresses the preferential number of proteins important to the spread of pathogens.

It is effectively struggling with bacterial and fungal diseases on technical, ornamental, vegetable, floral and fruit crops. Medicinal plants, Vine grapes and forest plantations can also be treated with this drug.

To determine the level of acidity of the mixture, it is lowered by 3-4 minutes of an iron nail. If, after this time, a red copper flap appeared on the rod, the proportions were not allowed.

Processing plant crops need during the lack of wind either at low speed. In mandatory, you need to use the respirator or at least a gauze bandage. Rubber gloves, safety glasses and tight clothing - mandatory attributes when working with "Abiga".


"Alin" - biological preparationOverwhelming fungal diseases Garden and indoor plants. Determinently affects tormentous dew, white and gray rot, septoria, rust mushrooms.

For a declined water bucket worth using 2 tablets of the drug. Such a solution is made of painful plants. If you need to spray, then the concentrate should be more saturated - 2 alin tablets per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to conduct no more than three treatments, while observing the temporary interval in 5-7 days.

The drug is not dangerous, both for people and animals, bees, fish.


"Albit" - biological fungicide contact type. Material substance for the environment. Destroys viruses provoking plant diseases, and can also be applied as a stimulator for the development and growth of garden crops. Additionally, it is capable of improving the level of yield.

The main advantages of the drug:

  • Approximately 10-35% increases the crop of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, vegetables, leguminous, fruit crops, fodder herbs.
  • It has a pronounced high-imaging effect, contributes to the formation and enhanced growth of a powerful root system, the formation of additional productive stems.
  • It has a protective effect, while holding back the development of a wide range of pathogens of the main diseases of crops (root rot, buury rust, mildew, spots, white and gray rot, bacteriosis, etc.) by increasing the natural stability (immunity) of plants to the disease. The biological efficacy of the drug against disease is, according to manufacturers, an average of 50-80%.
  • Removes stress rendered on plants with pesticides, temperature drops and drought. This is especially important when using chemical pesticides, since each treatment of plants with pesticides causes stress and temporary depression of plants, negatively affecting the crop and its quality.
  • Increases the germination and removes the growth of seed treated with crutzers, relieves the oppression of growth in the overdose of herbicides.
  • Increases the efficiency of using mineral nutrition elements by plants due to reproduction in the soil of nitrogen and other useful bacteria, reduces the consumption of mineral fertilizers.
  • Reduces the amount of phytopathogenic fungi in the soil, reduces the toxicity of the soil, due to the stimulation of the activities of useful microorganisms increases soil fertility.


Batophite biopreparation is used to protect plants from pathogens of microorganisms, including meal dew. Roses, carnations, fruit-berry cultures - The most suitable plants for the use of "bastophith", since it is precisely in their respect that the composition is most effective. The drug is recommended to use in cases where there is no possibility to treat plants with chemicals.

"Bactofit" works best if you use it in cool weather. It is allowed even during frequent precipitation. It is important to apply the tool at least one day before the rain. The re-procedure must be carried out approximately 5 days later.

Cuttings and seeds before landing are also often treated with "bastophit".

Bordeaux mix

It is considered the strongest means of exposure to fungal and bacterial diseases.

To prepare such a means
you should use lime (forge), and water. 300 g of lime quench water and add to 2-3 l hot water. Similar manipulations are carried out with copper vitrios in a separate dish (not iron).

Each of the solutions are gradually adjusted to a volume of 5 liters, this time already using pretty cold water. The solution of lime via double gauze is filtered and a mixture is introduced to it. copper Kaper. It is important to actively stir the working mixture.

Need to follow the correctness of proportions. The mixture should be bright blue. The poison in this age creates copper, the lime works as a neutralizer of acidity. Insufficient lime quantity can burn the plant.

Bordeaux mixture must be used on the same day when it was prepared. It is possible to increase the storage period before the day, but only if you add sugar to a mixture (7-10 g of sugar per 10 liter of solution).

Bon Forte

Bon Forte is the composition for complex care for home plants (older than one year). Processing of indoor plants in three stages are carried out: treatment and prevention from pests and insects, feeding fertilizers (after 3-7 days), stimulating green mass growth, immune system (in a week).

Fungicide "Bon Forte" is very effectively affecting the causative agents of mildew and other types of fungal diseases, rust. This composition is sold in the form of plastic ampoules 2 ml in each. For a solution, 1 ampoule of substances and 5 liters of water are needed. Processing is carried out very carefully so that the solution is evenly mixed with all the leaves. The means is not subject to storage.


Contact fungicide "Bravo" is used in the fight against fungal diseases of wheat, vegetable crops and beloved by all potatoes.

The active substance is chlorotalonyl. It is ideal for dealing with and mediprix - false torment. You can use the preparation with an extensive temperature range. It protects the plant for about 12-14 days.

The tool is fully compatible with most other fungicides.


Fungicide "Vitaros" is the composition of the contact system used for processing planting material When disembarking coordinates and indoor plants. Seeds and bulbs are subject to processing. "Vitaros" suppresses any manifestations of causative agents of diseases, not only on the surface, but also inside the plant.

A tool in ampoules in 2 ml and bottles per 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml are for sale. The order of 2 ml is used per 1 liter of water. The planting material is soaked in a solution for 2 hours.


To protect plants from diseases and therapeutic impact on them, you can purchase Fungicide "Vectra". The drug is able to destroy the phytopathogenic fungus and contributes to the recovery of the plant. It is applied against septoriasis, gray rot, mildew.

The working solution consists of 0.2-0.3 ml of the "Vectra" fungicide and 1 l of water. The drug retains its effect on affected plants within 12-15 days.


Biological fungicide "Gamiir" is used in therapeutic and preventive purposes in relation to room and garden plants. It is very effective effect on leafy spotting of bacterial origin, phytoofluorosis and tormentous dew, for keels and fusariosis.

The solution for irrigation is prepared on the basis of the proportion: 1 tablet means of 5 liters of water. For spraying - 2 Tablets "Gamaira" on 1 liter of water. Plant should be treated 3 times, following the interval in one week.

Substance is low enough. In the soil and plants do not accumulate, which means that products are growing environmentally friendly


Glocladin "Glyocladin" - a biological type preparation, which is used to prevent and treat root rot. You can use the tool both for indoor plants and for garden crops and vegetables.

At the time of landing or sowing seeds should be put 1-4 Tablets "Glyocladine" in the soil. Protective action does not lose force within 1-1.5 months.


Fight with phytoofluorosis, powdery dew (false and real), anthracnose, brown spotting vegetable crops and grape vine Helps "Quadris SC" is an effective systemic fungicide.

The main active substance is azoxyresisobin, which has not only prophylactic, but also medical property. The drug can be applied and relative to room plants, but it should be extremely careful.

Release form: Vial (1 L), package (foil) by 6 ml.

Protective action lasts 12-14 days. The result should be waited already 5 days after applying.


The fungicide of the locally systemic and contact exposure, which is used to treat false mildew on vegetables (mainly cucumbers) and phytoofluorosis on potatoes. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the drug have proven themselves as extremely effective, since substances that make up the means suppress the disputes of pathogens.

"Kurzat" moderately dangerous and practically not toxic for living organisms


"Maxim" is a contact fungicide, with which can be protected by plants from diseases and carry out soil disinfection. Effectively works in the treatment of fusariosis, root rot, mold, etc.

Comes in ampoules in 2 ml means in each.

The working solution is prepared by a 1-2 l of water 2 ml of means (1 ampule). The soil is either watering the working fluid, or spray. The drug "Maxim" is treated with seeds, bulbs, tubers, that is, the whole planting material. It should be done before directly landing or during storage.

After 24 hours, the working fluid will lose all its properties, so it must be immediately used in full.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigoros is a contact fungicide, which has copper sulfate in its composition. Well helps in the fight against diseases of the bone and seed fruit, berry, ornamental and shrub crops.

Available in the form of soluble powder, from which a working solution is prepared. For each plant, the dosage is selected individually, so it is necessary to read the instructions for the composition. When preparing the working fluid, the powder is first bred in a small amount of water, and only then bring to the desired volume.

Important! The prepared working mixture should be used on the same day. Mixing with other drugs is prohibited.

The prepared solution is evenly sprayed by plants in the morning or in the evening in dry weather and with minimal wind activity. Culture leaves are uniformly wetted.

To carry out the disinfection of trees seedlings, you first need to remove the growths on the roots, and then place them in the prepared solution for 2-3 minutes (but not longer). After the procedure, the root system must be a variety of clear water.


"Mikosan" - the drug of the biological type of impact, which is used to garden and indoor plants. The tool works by increasing the resistance of crops to pathogenic fungi. The substances included in the "Micosana" stimulate the production of lectins in the tissues, which destroy the malicious mushrooms and bacteria.

Important! The fungicide "Mikosan" does not destroy the source of the disease, and helps the plant effectively fight him independently.

Makes sense to apply tool on initial stages Manifestations of any spots on the leaves of plants. If the disease has developed for a long time, "Mikosan" will not be able to manage with it.


"Ordan" - a fungicide, which is produced in the form of a wetting powder of cream or white color. In one bag - 25 g. It effectively affects the pathogens of diseases of tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, grapes and other cultures, eliminating them from phytoofluorosis, peronosporosis, mildew and alternariasis.

The working solution is prepared before its direct use (5 liters of water accounts for one package "Ordan" (25 g). First, the powder must be dissolved in a small amount of fluid, and then bring to the right volume, mixing the solution thoroughly.


Continated-system fungicide by oxicha is designed to destroy oomycete mushrooms. It reliably protects the tomatoes and cucumbers of the open and closed soil from of different kind fungal diseases. It is also recommended to apply on plantings of potatoes, onions ,. In addition, hydroxychich is highly efficient when processing grapes. With it, you can treat plants and spend preventive processing cultures.

The composition of the fungicide by hydroxyhich includes two operating components. This is cool copper and oxadixil. It is due to them, the drug shows high efficiency.

The protective effect of the drug lasts about 10-14 days. The speed of exposure is no more than 3 days.


"Planries" is a universal and very effective means. This drug effectively protects plants from ascohitosis, white and gray rot, alternariasis, fusariosis, phomose, verticillosis.

Plannel is completely biological and is distinguished by a unique effect.

In its composition "Planries" has bacteria that, after entering the soil together with the treated planting material, begin to actively settle root system Plants and produce antibiotics and enzymes, which suppress the development of root rot. Moreover, these bacteria also contribute to the increase in the overall immunity of vegetative crops.


The "forecast" is a fungicide of chemical impact. Protects such cultures as strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries from attacks of pasta, spotty, mildew and other diseases.

The forecast of its composition has a new active ingredient that is characterized by high levels efficiency. The drug works as a protective, healing and prophylactic agent.

It is necessary to spray plants before flowering, during the growing season and after the harvest was assembled.

Profit Gold

"Profit Gold" - contact-system fungicidehelps in the fight against alternariasis, phytoofluorosis and other diseases of fungal origin. The main active substance of cimoxanyl, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves of the plant, penetrating inside, and Famoxadon, another component of the drug, on the contrary, remains on the surface for a long time.

"Profit Gold" on sale The drug is represented in the form of dark brown granules with a slight specific smell. In 1 sachet may contain 1.5 g, 3 g, or 6 g.

The dosage of the drug "Profit Gold" to create a working solution is selected individually for each culture. Prepare the remedy should be immediately before it is planned. During the growing season, it is necessary to spray in three stages, with a break in 8-12 days.

Important! The preparation "Profit Gold" can be combined only with growth regulators. Means with an alkaline reaction combined with "Profit Gold" can not be. Also prohibited simultaneous use of the drug with any other fungicides.

When working with the composition you need to protect the skin and airways. In case of violation of such rules, poisoning is possible or damage to the skin. Empty tool from under the means must immediately burn.


"Raek" is a fungicide, which is distinguished by a long period of protective action. It is applied to fruit cultures in order to protect them from such pests as a passage, kokkomicosis and mildew.

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules, a volume of 2 ml of substance, as well as in bottles of 10 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml. It starts to work for 2 hours after use. Prepare a working solution using 1.5-2 ml of the preparation on 10 liters of water. Processing is recommended no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.


"Sump" is a drug that is an analogue of "Raek". Apply it in the fight against malievable dew, passion and oidium.

To obtain a ready-made solution, you need to take 3-5 ml of the composition and about 10 liters of water. Acts "Sump" within one or two weeks.

Fungicide "Sump" is almost non-toxic for people and animals and is completely non-toxic for birds.

Important! If mushroom disputes appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.


The drug "Staters" is a fungicide, which is used to treat various fungal diseases of vegetable and fruit crops. Admissible use and relative to the grape vines. It effectively copes with pulse dew and peridosporosis.

The strobe form of release - granules that dissolve in water. In one pack of 200 g of the drug. Before processing plants, 0.4 ml of granules should be diluted in 1 liter.

An important advantage of this tool is the admissibility of its use during flowering. Also, the "strobe" is not dangerous for bees. This fungicide is completely picked up atmospheric precipitation. Moreover, the drug works well on wet foliage, and at low positive temperatures.

Important! Use the drug "Staters" two seasons in a row is urgently not recommended because it causes the appearance of resistance.


Tanos - Fungicide, the main active substance of which is Cimoxanil. It was he, penetrating the leaf fabric penetrating, may be therapeutic effect even 1-2 days after infection.

The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It is used to protect plants from potato diseases, sunflower, tomato and onions. What is important, the drug "Tanos" is stable to washing, since it is characteristic of the plant to bind to the natural wax and form a peculiar film on the surface.


Systemic non-phytotoxic fungicide "Topaz" is used in the fight against rust, gray and fruit rotting, malical dew. On 10 liters of water accounts for 2 ml. The means used in the fight against mildew and 4 ml of the composition against rust.

To get a more noticeable effect, apply "Topaz" at the first signs of the disease. Processing plants need once for one or two weeks. Fungicide will act already happen 3 hours after use.

Systemic fungicides in two or three hours after treatment penetrate the inside of the tissues of the plant and begin to act, which makes it not worrying about sudden atmospheric precipitation. Rain does not wash the remedy from the surface of the plant.

In relation to man and animal, the preparation "Topaz" moderately dangerous. As for birds and fish - the means for them is not toxic.


"Triphodermin" is called the fungicide of the biological impact method. With it is treated and carried out the prevention of root system infections decorative plants and room colors. Often it is called the "Soil Help". In the solution of this drug, the seeds can also be carried out by watering the plants with the working fluid prepared on the basis of the drug Triphodermine.

In its composition there are disputes of soil mushroom, which, penetrating into the ground, are able to destroy more than 60 species of different pathogens causing fruit and root rot, phytoofluorosis, risoctonyosis, etc.

The form of the drug - powder 10 g in one package. The finished working solution is stored up to 1 month, but only in the refrigerator and at a temperature not higher than +5 ° C. However, before reapplying the solution, it is necessary to warm up to the usual room temperature.

The Trehodermin preparation is absolutely safe for both human and animals, bees, fish, etc. He is also not phytotoxic.


Triofit - Biological Fungicide, fighting with a number of diseases, in particular with gray and root rot.

Product is presented in the form of a suspension in plastic bottles. In the preparation of the working solution, they take 25 g of the drug on 1 liter of water. You can not use too warm water. A finished mixture is poured soil, additionally or instead of watering, you can make a foliage.

The preparation "Trikhofit" is lowly toxic for humans, so it can be used not only in the garden and garden, but also in conditions of the house.


Fundazole effectively fight with a considerable amount of fungal diseases of leaves and seeds. Helps "Fundazole" - fungicide and a wide spectrum of systematic exposure. It is used in the process of treating crop diseases and as a means for their prevention.

During the season, more than two plant treatments cannot be allowed in the form of watering or spraying, since the pathogens will be resistant. To avoid this, it is recommended that 1-2 seasons are not used from the agent of benzimidazoles.


Phytolavin - Biological bactericid "Phytolavin" is used to prevent the rotor of the root system, bacterial burn, vascular bacteriosis, moniliosis and anthraznosis.

It is available in the form of a water-soluble concentrate in ampoules or vials. There is also a format of a canister of 1 and 5 liters.

The drug is not phytotoxic, but, it means that it will not destroy the useful fauna. It is starting to act quickly, because it easily penetrates the tissue of cultures.

Phitosporin M.

Phytosporin "Phytosporin-M" - contact fungicide, which refers to microbiological drugs and is intended to protect against fungal and bacterial diseases of indoor, gardening, garden and greenhouse plants.

The drug is presented in the form of liquid, powder and paste. It is used, usually, in order to prevent the disease, and the processing is subject to both seeds and bulbs before landing and all cultures in the future (on a regular basis).

The phytosporin is influenced immediately after use. The properties of the drug are stored with an extensive range of temperatures. It can even be frozen, it will not affect the efficiency of work. Before use of the solution, the working fluid should be insisted for 1-2 hours. Read more in this article.


"Horus" is a systemic fungicide, which is used at the beginning of the season to protect against pasta, moniliosis of seed and bone crops, curls of peach leaves, in order to suspend the development of malical dew during the period of fenofases.

The interval between the applications of "Horus" is from 7 to 10 days. The temperature from +3 ° C to +20 ° C will not reduce the effectiveness of the product neither during spraying, no later. But at a temperature of more than +25 ° C, efficiency is significantly reduced.

The feature of the drug "Horus" is the fact that the tool quickly penetrates the plant: it starts to act literally after 2 hours. That is, even if it suddenly rains the drug will still work.


"Hom" will help with disease of vegetable, fruit and decorative cultures. This is a system-local fungicide, having a composure of copper in its composition.

The drug is for sale in bags of 20 and 40. Effective in the treatment of text apple trees and pears, rotten plum fruits, Mildi grape vines, peach leaf curly.

The working solution is prepared at the rate of 40 g of substance on 10 liters of water. 2-3 processing for indoor plants and up to 5 treatments for garden crops are recommended.


A high level of efficiency in the fight against mildewing, spotting and gray rotting is distinguished by the drug "Ceratus." In plant tissues, after processing, the agent penetrates for two hours, which means the probability of flinching is reduced to a minimum. As for the period of protection of the drug, it lasts it can be about two weeks.

The "purexvet" is produced in the form of a high concentration emulsion. To prepare a working solution for processing flower plants It is necessary in 5 liters of water to dilute 2-4 ml of the drug. Treatment should be carried out at the first symptoms of diseases and during the period during the growing season for prevention.

Fungicides for plants video

Fungicides and insecticides Tools Defenders

The Scientific and Production Association "Gardens of Russia" 30 years is engaged in the introduction of the latest achievements of selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and decorative cultures in the broad practice of amateur gardening. The unification uses the most modern technologiesA unique laboratory of microclonal reproduction of plants has been created.

The main task of NGOs "Gardens of Russia" is to ensure gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and new products of global selection. Delivery of landing material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by mail of Russia.

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To combat S. dangerous diseases and pests of plants in the garden, vegetable garden, fungicides are often used on household colors. What is this substance? What is the reason for the high efficiency of the compositions?

What is fungicides

Substances of biological or chemical origin are used to prevent, eliminate and prevent fungal lesions, to combat pests for room colors, gardening crops. Preparations are effective to protect seeds during routing.

Translated from the Latin language, fungicide means "killing mushrooms". The timely use of antifungal compositions preserves the health of plants, increases yield, prevents the spread of mycoses.

Properties and features

The proper use of fungicides for plants guarantees the protection of fruit, vegetable crops, indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. Consultants of the House - Garden - Garden stores or specialized department of construction supermarkets will be prompted by dachensons and amateur flowes, which means will help in a particular case.

Fungicides differ in several parameters, have a different effect of exposure. When buying formulations, you need to consider many characteristics.


  • organic (antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (preparations are made on the basis of various chemical compounds).

How to get rid of and whether to do it? Read useful information.

About action and rules of application ultrasonic discharge Rodents and insects Pest Rejections Read the page.

Degree of decomposition:

  • long persist in the soil (inorganic substances);
  • harmless to the environment, completely decompose (components of natural origin).

The power of the impact:

  • the vegetable compositions "softer", the impact is weaker, but few side effects;
  • chemicals act faster, more active, but often toxic, use requires caution.

The nature of the distribution of plant tissues:

  • contact. Act on the surface of the leaves, stems, destructively affect fungi when contact with the active substance;
  • system. Substances on the vascular system of plants penetrate the fabric of fruits and vegetables, some drugs act even in the seed shell.

For use:

  • soil treatment;
  • etching prepared seeds;
  • spraying plants during the growing season;
  • prevention of fungal lesions when laying grains and vegetable storage crops;
  • fighting fungus during rest;
  • universal formulations.

On a note! Biopreparations have become more popular for last years. Sades and floweries decided not to risk the health of plants: chemicals act more active, but worsen the state of the soil. Toxic compositions often provoke people poisoning in non-compliance with protection measures when using potent fungicides.

How to apply

The processing is carried out by fungicides in the form of a powder (entering into the soil, drying of seeds) and a solution (spraying of plants). Certain types of drugs are recommended in different periods of life of fruit and vegetable crops.

When combating fungal lesions of vegetable and fruit crops, indoor flowers is important to remember the protection measures:

  • put on old clothes closing the whole body;
  • put on a medical mask or respirator;
  • eyes protect special transparent glasses;
  • after processing using any shape of antifungal agents, well wash hands with antibacterial soap;
  • clothes can not be used for everyday wear: wicked things to dry, try, remove into a separate box.

For room flowers


  • for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, contact and systemic fungicides are processed;
  • at home, experts advise pay attention to biological preparations containing active bacteria;
  • for use in urban apartments, compositions in the form of an emulsion, powder, spraying solution are suitable;
  • chemical fungicides are allowed to apply before the growing season at the end of the flowering period and the collection of fruits. Biopreparations can be used at any time (some formulations are suitable for processing fruit when harvesting).

For garden plants


  • sollar and powder is suitable for dranking seeds. The agent is added to the water during seed soaking;
  • insertion into the ground during the rescue. Fungicide powder and a solution of antifungal agent (irrigation) will warn the development of fungus in the soil;
  • spraying will negotiate in early spring And by the end of autumn. This method is suitable for antifungal processing of vegetable and granaries.

How to breed

Prepare a solution or reduce the concentration of the emulsion, according to the instructions for the selected fungicide. For each agent there are certain proportions.

General rules:

  • prepare Capacity: Tank, bucket;
  • pour the third part of the water;
  • pour powder or add a concentrated emulsion;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • add the remaining water, mix it once again;
  • to combat fungus, use only freshly prepared solution: after a few hours the preparations reduce activity, especially biological agents.

Tip! Do not cook fungicidal About the reserve. It is forbidden to keep a solution to storage open: this moment is critical, if there are small children. Pets can also choose if they drink part of the composition.

Review of effective fungicides

When choosing antifungal compositions, it is important to consider the area of \u200b\u200bprocessing, plants, toxicity, degree of damage to the green mass and soil infection. The list of drugs is based on the reviews of agrotechnology specialists, gardeners - gardeners, summer houses and flowerflowers.


Fungicide characteristic Staters:

  • fungicide of a wide range of action;
  • effective to combat pulse dew, roasting skewers, rust, password;
  • active ingredient - xerosim methyl, concentration - 500 g / kg;
  • release form - water-insulated granules;
  • the average price of the bottle (200 g) is 2850 rubles.


Fungicide characteristic Topaz:

  • systemic agent for protecting various crops from rust, mildew, other fungal diseases;
  • the composition is presented in the form of a concentrated emulsion;
  • active ingredient - Penkonazole, concentration - 100 g per 1l;
  • high efficiency in the prevention of infection with pulse dew, processing immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease;
  • application interval - one or two weeks;
  • in accordance with the active formation, the fungus combines the preparation of topaz and contact fungicides;
  • the average price is 120 rubles per 10 ml.



  • fungicide for spraying fruit bone and seed crops;
  • the drug is effective to combat alternariasis, moniliosis, a pair, curls of leaves, fruit rot;
  • active ingredient - cyprodinyl (in 1 kg contained 750 g of substance);
  • fungicide is produced in the form of granules for the preparation of the solution;
  • one of the advantages is the resistance to the wash, well holds on plants in the cool, raw weather (even at a temperature not higher than +15 degrees);
  • the last processing is allowed 14-30 days before the collection of fruits (depending on the type of plant);
  • the drug can be applied in a complex with fungicides "Topaz" and "Sorrow";
  • the average cost - from 8900 to 11500 rubles.



  • a new generation low-toxic agent is effective to eliminate many species fungus on fruit, ornamental, vegetable and cereal cultures;
  • active therapeutic and preventive properties;
  • prolonged action after processing - up to two weeks;
  • the suspension concentrate contains azoxystrobin. 1 liter of the drug accounts for 250 ml of the active ingredient;
  • fungicide Kvadris is sprayed on the leaves into a windless, dry weather. The drug quickly absorbs, penetrates all tissues of plants;
  • price - from 2770 to 3900 rubles / liter.


Fungicide Falcon Characteristics:

  • effective processing of coarse, grain, grapes;
  • the combined drug contains three active substances: tebukonazole, triadimenol, spiroksamine;
  • the emulsion concentrate with several active ingredients warns the resistance to the action of the drug;
  • the number of treatments - one to four depending on the culture;
  • the average price is 2100 rubles per 1 liter.


Fungicide characteristic Sight:

  • highly active remedy for a wide range of action;
  • acting component - diphenoconazole, concentration - 100 g per / liter;
  • the emulsion concentrate successfully showed fungicidal properties on fruit trees, potatoes, tomatoes, currants, pumpkins, gooseberries;
  • the tool is compatible with most pesticides;
  • the working solution cannot be prepared in advance: the activity of the composition will decrease;
  • dosage depends on the type of plants;
  • the drug is suitable for soaking seeds of room colors;
  • the effect after processing occurs after 2 hours;
  • approximate cost - from 9400 rubles / liter.



  • the fungicidal means of contact type is actively struggling with the mushrooms of the class of ascompensates;
  • active component - fludioxonyl at a concentration of 25 g per 1 liter;
  • new chemical class of phenylpyrolls, high efficiency against the background of many drugs;
  • unique fungicide is similar to properties with natural antifungal compositions;
  • fungicide Maxim is suitable for processing garden and indoor flowers, including bulbous, potatoes, shoots, rhizomes and roots;
  • just one processing;
  • approximate cost - 1,700 rubles per 1 liter.

How to get rid of in potatoes? find out effective methods Fight pest.

The instruction on the use of the drug Aktar for indoor plants against pests is described by the page.

Go to the address and read about how to safely pull the ticks from the dog.



  • active Components: Contact Substance Famoxadon Plus Local System Cimoxanil. The concentration of each ingredient is 250 g per 1 kg;
  • the drug is represented in the form of waterproken granules;
  • composition for treating potatoes;
  • the tool holds well on the surface, actively operates;
  • it is allowed to apply no more than four times per season;
  • the average cost - 2400 rubles for 400 g.



  • systemic remedy for bone fungus, seed, decorative, berry, vegetable crops, grape vine;
  • the active substance is a penneconazole (per 1 l - 100 ml of the active component);
  • release form - Emulsion concentrate;
  • the average degree of toxicity;
  • processing frequency - 1 time in 10 days;
  • the average price is 100 rubles per 10 ml.



  • the combined means contains two active ingredients: Ciprodinyl and floodioxonyl, manifests a contact and system action;
  • actively struggling with gray rot on grapes;
  • the class of danger to humans and bees - the third;
  • action: Handling Fungicide, Protective Pesticide;
  • for the preparation of the working solution, water-insulated granules are used;
  • the drug Switch is effective for the protection and treatment of grapes;
  • improves the preservation of the vine, prevents the rotting of the berries during transportation;
  • good resistance to washes;
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • the average price is 11,000 rubles per liter.



  • modern contact fungicide successfully struggles with fungus even with high infectious load;
  • granules are used to prepare an active solution;
  • the composition with antifungal action also shows activity as pesticide;
  • the combination of methols and prakracostrobin has a comprehensive impact on the pathogens of fungal infections, reduces the risk of resistance;
  • fungicide of prolonged action: long intervals between processing;
  • easily dissolve, when spraying the minimum amount of "dust";
  • the average price of the preparation of Cabrio Top - 2600 rubles / liter.

Sades, gardeners - gardeners, amateur flowers believe that without fungicides it is difficult to grow healthy plants. Experienced owners recommend medium and low-class toxicity to the latest generations. With active reproduction, the fungus is desirable to combine systemic and contact facilities.

Each composition from the list of fungicides is good in its own way. When buying it is important to take into account the type of plants, the degree of infection, the number of treatments for obtaining the result.

Read more about the properties and use of fungicides in the following video:

Fungicides for plants, what are it, what is it? The last decades were marked by the unprecedented growth of viral, bacterial, fungal diseases of all plants. With fungal diseases (phytoofluorosis, gray rot, other types of rot, mildew, perronosporosis, fusariosis, cracksposition, root rot, various letters of leaves, other), with competent use, fungicides are successfully coping - contact, systemic. Bacterial, virus diseases are practically not amenable to treatment, whatever actions are gardeners. All fungicides are divided into contact and systemic drugs.

Contact fungicides

Contact preparations - such as cinbocyne, polycarbocine, copper, sulfur, mankucket, others - are not able to treat already sick plants, but reliably protect them from infection. These plants do not produce stability - this is their main advantage. But the term of the protective action does not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the processing is repeated.

The multiplicity of treatments for contact action fungicides is the largest: from 3 to 6 processing per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate the plant, protect only those places on which they are directly protected. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to thoroughly spray not only the upper surface of the leaves, but the bottom of them too. Many types of fungi are beginning to germinate from the bottomside of the leaves.

System action fungicides

Under the systematic in protecting plants it is understood as the ability of the active substance to redistribute from the place of application to other parts of the plant not only on the surface, but also inside. These drugs protect plants from fungi not only outside, but also from the inside. Systemic fungicides are able to have a healing effect, but in the early stages of infection.

Already after 2-6 hours from the moment of processing, any atmospheric precipitation (or watering) are not able to reduce the effectiveness of such drugs. And the term of the protective action is maintained from them for 2-3 weeks.

However, pathogenic fungi very quickly produce resistance to systemic fungicides. To slow down this process, international experts on plant protection are recommended to use them no more than two times per season on the same culture. And if additional processing is required, you need to use drugs or contact; or a systemic fungicide, but a completely different chemical group.

Chemical groups of plant protection of plants (in brackets are given analogues)

  1. Azoles (Triazoles) - Vectra (Granite), Sump (Bogard, Dividend), Topaz, Tilt (Bumper), Folikur, Alto, Baitan, Bayleton, Sports, Impact.
  2. Stiverulins - but, strobe, amistar.
  3. Benzimidazole - Fundazol (Benomyl), Derozal (Coloro-Super), Tecto (Titusim),
  4. Phenylamides - aproomen.
  5. Anylidopyrimidines - Horus.
  6. Pyrimidinalkarbinols - Rubigan.
  7. Ditianola - Delan.
  8. Phosphonates - allett (alufit).
  9. Ftalalamides - Merpan, foil.

Like insects, the stability of fungi on plants is produced immediately to all fungicides of one chemical group.

The best plants protection options are considered:

  • alternation of contact and systemic fungicides;
  • alternation of 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

For many years, mixed fungicides consisting of 2-3 actors are produced, and they:

  • at the same time contact and systemic action (R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandophan M8, Tattu, Oxychik, Pilon, Artemi C, Polym, DF, Arzerid, Avitsyl, others). Use them by the type of contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution is usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 liters of water). Pay attention to the smaller concentration of solutions leads to poor results. So this is exactly the case when "porridge oil does not spoil" ... Prepare the solutions of the fungicides of this group, adhering to the recommendations of the instruction, but it is better to even make them more concentrated than it is written.
  • only system action may relate to one chemical group or completely different. This is done only in order to expand the range of action on harmful fungi. These fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Rider, Alto Super, Falcon, Tanos, others. They are used no more than two times per season.

Basic rules for use of drugs

  • Spray only in cloudy weak weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. The precipitation fell within 4-6 hours after treatment, reduce the effectiveness of many fungicides.
  • Be sure to use rubber gloves, because All means of protecting plants penetrate well through the skin and then absorbed into the blood. On the face it is enough to wear a light respirator or a dressing.
  • Try to spray the fungicides of the plants themselves, not the soil. High-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time will save your health. Therefore, do not save on the purchase of sprayer.
  • It is forbidden to proceed by fungicides of the systemic culture, which in food are used green stems or leaves, as well as radishes, radish, dycon, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherry, cherry. The last four can only be processed before flowering. Since all these cultures absorb the poisonous compounds very well, and do not have time to get rid of them until the moment of eating food, even if the time limits are met.
  • The working solution is prepared immediately before use, no more than a day can be stored.
  • Do not allow any fungicides to enter the reservoirs, as this leads to the death of all living in them. The poisons are faster in the surface layer of land, which is not intended for use under the garden, hayflash, pastures, playgrounds. The sun, soil microorganisms are the main destroyers, neutralizers of any poisonous compounds.
  • Store fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably an indiscriminate room away from food products. All packaging should be sealed, as air moisture changes physical properties drugs. The shelf life of biological preparations is 1-2.5 years, chemical - 10 or more years, regardless of the shelf life indicated on the tare label.

Fonggicides. (from Latin Fungus - Mushroom and Caedo - I kill) - chemicals from a group of pesticides. These drugs destroy or warn the development of the dispute or mycelium pathogenic fungi, as well as bacteria that are pathogens of certain plant diseases.

Protective fungicides Used for processing healthy plants In preventive purposes to prevent their incidence.

Medicinal (eradicating) fungicides - Preparations, processing which is carried out after the plant's foundation on the plant. The active substance of therapeutic fungicide inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms, causing diseasesand leads to the recovery of the plant.

Systemic fungicides - Modern chemical drugs that can move along the vascular plant of the plant and protect a new increase that appeared after processing. Typically, systemic fungicides have attending effects, but can also be used in preventive purposes. They are quickly absorbed by the plant, and therefore their effectiveness is not much dependent on precipitation.

Contact fungicides Protect only those parts of the plant to which they are applied are strongly dependent on precipitation and have only a protective effect.

Prothers of planting material - chemical substances: With their help, they are pre-sowing (soaking) of seeds to protect future shoots from diseases and pests, and also process bulbs, tuberukovits, tubers and rhizomes of plants before planting. There are drugs of narrow-controlled effects: either for the prevention of possible diseases, or against pests. However, the preparations of comprehensive action are currently used.

Many fungicides are toxic drugs, and the feasibility of their use at home should be justified. A convincing request for the use of drugs to read safety instructions when working with toxic substances.

The most common drugs of fungicidal action:

Fundazoll Powder (DV - Benomyl). A broad systemic fungicide to combat many fungal diseases can be carried out prophylactic and treating spraying. Used as a seed gel before sowing. Used in the threat of fungal diseases for watering or spraying plants in prophylactic purposes with a solution prepared from 1 g of powder and 1 liter of water. Leaves whitish spots on the leaves. It has weak nasty smell. Hazard class - 3.

Topaz (DV - Penkonazole). Ke 100 g / l. Systemic fungicide prophylactic and attending action from class of triazoles. Means for protecting plants from a wide range of fungal diseases (pulse dew, rust, oidium). Preventive, and attending processing are possible. The drug has no smell, moderately dangerous for humans and animals, not toxic for birds and useful insects, dangerous for fish. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Phytosporin-M. (PASTA) (DV Bacillus subtilis 26 d, 100 million CB / g) - biofungicide to protect plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. It is mainly used in preventive purposes (processing of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering plants in order to prevent incidence in the collection). Malotoxic, not dangerous for plants themselves and bees. Hazard class - 4.

Triphodermin The air-dry consists of an argument of the soil mushroom Trichoderma Lignorum (about 10 billion disputes in 1 g) along with a grain barley substrate on which it has grown. Biological treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and decorative plants, rehabilitation of the soil mixture.

Maxim, COP (25 g / l of Floodiochesonila) Proverster of bluish flowers from rot (Fusariosis, gray rot, etc.). Contact fungicide to protect the planting material (bulbs, tuberukovitsa, etc.) floral crops and seed potatoes from diseases during the storage period and before planting. The drug can be used to spray the roots and rhizomes of floral crops when dividing bushes and before planting. The drug is not phytotoxic, moderately dangerous substance for humans and animals. The drug is toxic for fish, prevent falling into reservoirs. Hazard class - 3.

Vectra (DV - Bromuconazole). Ke 100 g / l. The means of prophylactic and attending action to protect against malicious dew, paste and other fungal diseases. Without smell. Available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Soon (DV - diphenokonazole). Systemic fungicide of the class of preventive triacs and attending action to protect against malicious dew, paste and other fungal diseases. There is no smell. Processing during flowering is prohibited. Hazard class - 3.

Hom , Oxych (copper chlorock). Fungicide, designed to combat vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops (phytoofluorosis, antrase, bacteriosis, rust, spottedness, etc.) toxic for fish: not allow in reservoirs. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 20 days before harvest. Hazard class - 3.

Copper Kuner (copper sulfate, 980 g / kg) - fungicide designed to spray fruit and berries, decorative trees And shrubs from the paste, moniliosis, anthrax and other diseases, as well as for disinfection of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Hazard class - 3.

Colloid sulfur (Powder) - low-toxic healing fungicidal agent. Used when signs of pulse dew, paste. The last treatment with the drug can be carried out 3 days before harvest. Hazard class - 4.

Bordeaux mixture - traditionally used, relatively ineffective fungicidal agent. Represents water solution Copper mood and lime. Used for the prevention and treatment of phytoofluorosis. Leaves stable white spots.