Review of the best varieties of black currant. Black currant: varieties of super large sweet and fruitful, description, photo The best varieties of black currant

Over the past ten years, significant progress has been made in the selection of red and black currants. The productivity of a number of varieties has increased, improved taste qualities and medicinal properties, as well as increased resistance of currants to frost, some diseases and pests.

Let us consider the characteristics of the best varieties of currants and describe in detail how to organize wintering for a fruit shrub in order to maintain its high yield for the future period.

Requirements for new varieties of currants and stages of their breeding

Breeders annually bring out new varieties of black and red currants, trying to make the plant superior to its predecessors in terms of economically useful qualities.

Each time, before deduction, an ideal model is determined that has all the desired properties:

  • high productivity;
  • large-fruited;
  • rich in vitamin C;
  • frost resistance;
  • pleasant taste;
  • drought resistance;
  • resistance to pests and diseases;
  • resistance to spring (return) frosts;
  • different ripening periods.

After establishing the basic parameters of the plant, the breeder proceeds to the selection of parental forms - the genetic basis of the future variety. This stage of work can take one to three years - during this time, the breeder propagates the desired parental form vegetatively, plants it in the collection and studies the results of fruiting.

All the main characteristics of currants are transmitted only during vegetative propagation (by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush)

The next stage of breeding a new variety - crossing (hybridization) allows you to combine the hereditary traits of the two parental forms. An amateur gardener can also crossbreed.

Purposeful hybridization consists in artificial pollination, as a result of which fruits grow, containing seeds with hereditary information from the father and mother plant. The seeds of ripe fruits are collected, dried and sown on the beds. Next year, hybrid seedlings of new varieties of currants are ready for growing and reproduction.

It is possible to judge the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid seedlings only after a few years, having harvested, evaluating the taste characteristics, resistance to temperature fluctuations, diseases and pests.

If the plant meets the stated requirements, then proceed to the next stage - the primary variety study. A sufficient number of hybrid specimens of currants (15-30 pieces) are planted, propagating them vegetatively, and a comparative assessment is carried out with the standard (zoned) variety for three to five years. Allocate features hybrid variety and conduct state variety testing, according to the results of which a name is assigned to the new variety, and is allowed to be used outside the territory of the country.

High-yielding and industrial varieties of currants

The main requirements for industrial varieties of currants are as follows:

  • high productivity;
  • good presentation;
  • ecological plasticity;
  • manufacturability of products;
  • high resistance to pests, diseases;
  • the possibility of machine harvesting;
  • high transportability.

It should be noted that industrial varieties of currants can be grown in home gardens and summer cottages because they are often less demanding to maintain. However, their taste can be inferior to dessert, large-fruited and sweet currant varieties.

The varieties of black currant that are distinguished by high yields include:

Industrial high-yielding red currant varieties:

The best varieties of black currant

Early varieties of black currant

There are many early ripening blackcurrant varieties. We will try to highlight some of the most recent and promising achievements of breeders.

Black currant varieties "Exotic" obtained by crossing two varieties of Seedling Golubki and Bradthorpe. The currant bush is vigorous, but not too dense. The leaves are large, the axis of the brush with berries is straight, not pubescent. Berries are densely arranged on the cluster (about 10 pieces).

The berries are large enough (2-2.6 g), have a sweet and sour taste, thin, shiny skin. The yield of the variety is average, about 1 kg per bush.

The advantages of the variety include: frost resistance, size and manufacturability of fruits.

Variety "Sibylla" bred in 2008, it is distinguished by high winter hardiness, dessert taste of fruits and large berries (up to 5 g). The yield of Sibilla black currant averages 8 t / ha.

The disadvantage of this variety is the low resistance of the plant to the bud mite.

New super-early variety "Mriya Kievskaya" has a stable average yield and is resistant to columnar rust, powdery mildew... The bush is medium-sized and slightly spreading. Large currant berries (4g) with a sweet and sour taste can be used for further processing, freezing.

Dessert varieties of black currant

Dessert varieties of black currant are more often used for processing (making jams, preserves and for confectionery purposes). Typically, these varieties have a high sugar content and a pleasant aroma.

"Nestor Kozin"- an early ripe variety of black currant, the berries of which are sweet and large enough - 3-4.5 g (non-uniform). Compact bush, height - 1-1.5 m. The variety gives good yield starting from the second year after planting. Fruit bush resistant to disease - rarely affected by anthracnose and powdery mildew. Winter hardiness and drought resistance - high.

Black currant variety "Perun" can also be classified as dessert, since its fruits have a pleasant aroma and high sugar content, the size of the fruits is about 2g. The yield of the variety is average (1.5 kg / bush), the plant is resistant to spring frosts and tolerates dry periods well. The disadvantage of the variety is its strong susceptibility to powdery mildew.

Black currant "Selechenskaya 2", registered in 2004, has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is an excellent taste of berries (5 points), size of fruits (5.5 g), high content of ascorbic acid, resistance to diseases. The yield of the variety is good - up to 2.8 kg / bush.

Large-fruited varieties of black currant

Often summer residents and gardeners prefer to grow large-fruited currants, the varieties of which can be both early and mid-late ripening.

Among other large-fruited varieties, it is necessary to highlight a variety with an average ripening period - "Vigorous"... Currant berries are one-dimensional, very large (5.5 g), plum-shaped. The berry taste is slightly sour, refreshing. The yield of the variety is up to 12 t / ha. Black currant of this variety is resistant to frost, as well as to pests (hazel grouse, kidney mite). The disadvantages of "Vigorous" include the rapid aging of the bush.

Dobrynya belongs to varieties of medium ripening, but differs in very large fruits (6 g). In addition, the variety has good taste (4.8 points) and aroma. The yield of the variety is average (1.6-2.4 kg / bush).

The black currant variety also boasts large, one-dimensional fruits. Lucia... Fruit weight - up to 5.5 g. The yield of the variety is high (10 t / ha) and stable, but the shrubs age quickly and are demanding on agricultural technology.

Black currant varieties of medium and late ripening

Among medium-late varieties of black currant, they are distinguished by high yields "Bagheera" and "Agatha"... Average yield of "Bagira" - 12.0 t / ha, "Agata" - 11.0 t / ha (maximum - 13.3 t / ha).

Berries "Bagira" are medium in size (about 1.3 g), while "Agata" has large fruits, weighing up to 3.8 g. The taste of berries of both varieties is sweet and sour. The varieties are winter-hardy, drought-resistant, relatively immune to powdery mildew, kidney mites.

The Bagheera variety is distinguished by good transportability and suitability for mechanized cultivation technology.

Red currant: varieties and their description

Early ripening red currant varieties

Among the best varieties of red currants, one can single out a variety that is distinguished by a dessert, very sweet taste - "Pink Pearl"... The currant bush is slightly spreading, but high enough. Small fruits color pink, weighing about 0.7 g, can hang on branches for a long time and not deteriorate. The yield of the variety is average. "Pink Pearl" tolerates frosty winters well.

"Cascade" is a large-fruited early ripening variety bred in the USA. The weight of the berries is about 1.4 g, the taste is sweet and sour, the length of the brushes can reach 10 cm. Red currants of this variety are practically not exposed to fungal diseases and pleases with a stable yield.

One of the new early ripening varieties "Niva" has a good and stable yield - about 2.1 kg / bush. The average weight of the berries is 0.7 g, the color of the fruits is bright red. Purpose - universal (fruits have good gelling properties). Lack of variety - spring frosts can significantly damage flowers and currant ovary.

Mid-late ripening red currant varieties

High yields are inherent in medium-late ripening varieties: "Ilyinka" and "Dear".

"Ilyinka" has large, one-dimensional berries, weighing up to 1.6 g with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The yield of red currants in a favorable period is 5 kg / bush (average yield is 3 kg / bush). The plant is resistant to powdery mildew, but occasionally it is affected by sawflies and anthracnose.

Despite the fact that the Beloved red currant variety appeared not so long ago, it has already gained popularity among gardeners. The main advantages of the variety: excellent yield (11.4 t / ha) and good winter hardiness. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew, but can be affected by leaf spots.

Medicinal properties of new varieties of red currant

Many of the new varieties of red currants have high bactericidal and medicinal properties... Decoctions and juice from fresh red currant berries are useful for the following diseases:

  • food poisoning;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes.

In addition, red currants are used to strengthen capillaries, improve metabolism and general immunity, and also as an antipyretic agent. Vitamin complex contained in berries, neutralizes the action of nitrates and promotes their excretion from the body.

Preparing currants for winter

Currant belongs to frost-resistant plants. Therefore, even if the currants were not given due attention during the period autumn preparation, then, most likely, the bush will overwinter safely. However, having carried out simple work and having prepared the currants for wintering, it will be possible to guarantee the safety of a high harvest for the next year.

Stages of preparing red and black currants for winter:

With the arrival of spring, the currants must be cleared of snow and the leaves removed, and after a few days it will be possible to remove the rope.

Blackcurrant berries rich in vitamins can be found in summer cottages and household plots from Moscow to Siberia, as its popularity is growing every year. Today, many varieties of black currant have been bred, which allow you to choose the most suitable for any region of our country.

Each variety of currants has unique characteristics, when comparing which, you can make the right choice in favor of one or another black currant:

  • fruiting time;
  • taste (sweet, sweet and sour);
  • the thickness of the skin of the berries;
  • drought resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to damage by diseases and pests.

Early varieties of black currant

Early currants ripen in early July and are not afraid of return frosts in May. Since the main harvest occurs before the onset of hot days, it is not afraid of kidney mites and powdery mildew:

  • Curiosity - medium height a bush with oval sweet and sour berries weighing 2g and dense skin;
  • Selechenskaya-2 is a popular variety in middle lane and the Moscow region, has an upright bush with round berries of dessert taste weighing 4-5gr;
  • Exotica is a versatile variety with round berries of 4-5 grams and a thin skin, suitable for canning and grinding with sugar;
  • Seedling Dove - an ultra-early variety that has passed many years of testing in many regions of our country, has small berries 1.2 - 1.7 g, which crack when overripe, suitable for hand harvesting;
  • Pleasing - early-growing bushes with short clusters of 6-9 berries, yields 4-5 kg ​​per bush.

The best early varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia are:

  • Summer resident;
  • Nara;
  • Nester Kozin;
  • Belarusian.

They are distinguished by amicable ripening and high productivity.

Medium black currant varieties

Mid-ripening blackcurrant varieties have sweet berries and medium spreading drought-resistant bushes:

  • Perun is a disease and pest resistant variety with large aromatic berries;
  • Dubovskaya - characterized by compact, low-growing bushes with medium-sized sweet berries;
  • Dobrynya - is resistant to diseases and pests;
  • Raisin - has sweet berries with an original aroma of high yield, which do not crumble during the period of final ripening, but wither on the bushes.

Medium varieties are the widest group of black currants, which also include new high-yielding varieties:

  • Loyalty;
  • Green haze;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Necklace;
  • Mystery;
  • Orlovia.

Late varieties of black currant

Late black currant is most suitable for conservation, making jam, compotes and other preparations.

It is the late varieties of black currant with a dense skin of berries that are frozen to replenish the winter diet with vitamins:

  • Venus - has a strong-growing bush with sweet large berries (5-6gr), unpretentious to growing conditions and soil composition;
  • Vologda - strong, frost-resistant bushes with large berries are suitable for mechanized harvesting;
  • Natasha is a versatile variety with dense, rounded black berries that give stable high yield good taste.

To obtain high yields of late varieties of currants, it is necessary to provide bushes optimal conditions cultivation throughout the growing season.

Large-fruited black currant

When choosing large varieties of black currant, it is necessary to consider for which region they are bred. After all, even the best varieties currants for Siberia or the Urals will not give the desired rich harvest in the Moscow region, since the growing conditions will differ from those declared by the breeders.

To obtain high yields and large berries, you need to adhere to some recommendations:

  • For a summer cottage, choose proven varieties that have proven themselves for several years: Yadrenaya, Valovaya, Guliver, Zhemchuzhina, Bagira, Lazy;
  • Choose zoned varieties that are adapted to the specific growing conditions of the Urals, Siberia or the Moscow region;
  • Strong healthy planting material that nurseries offer is the key to a future harvest;
  • Observance of correct agricultural practices on the site ensures the maximum yield.

Competent care of the berry (timely watering, fertilization,) - a guarantee successful cultivation large varieties of black currant.

Regionalized varieties of black currant

Depending on weather conditions, the same black currant variety can manifest itself in different ways in different regions of Russia. Breeders develop varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, as well as adapt to changing growing conditions. For each climatic zone of our country, the best varieties of black currant are zoned, of which the most promising are distinguished.

  • The best black currant varieties for the Moscow region (Belorusskaya sweet, Detskoselskaya, Moscow, Izmailovskaya, Karelskaya, Paulinka) - ideal varieties of black currants of European selection for the middle lane, which are bred taking into account the climatic characteristics and weather conditions in this region, drought-resistant, self-fertile, good tolerate sudden changes in spring temperatures.
  • The best varieties of black currant for Siberia (Brown, Zagadka, Minusinka, Hercules, Lucia) - are distinguished by high frost-resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.
  • The best blackcurrant varieties for the Urals (Nina, Kent, Pamyat Michurina, Sibilla, Dashkovskaya, Rhapsody) are winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pest damage, perfectly tolerate return frosts and sudden temperature changes.

When choosing a currant for your site, it is important to pay attention to the soil composition of the site, the climatic conditions in the region, the size of the berries, the taste and yield of the variety.

For summer residents who have the opportunity to come to the site once a week, drought-resistant varieties are most preferable, in which the berries do not crumble when ripe:

  • Raisin;
  • Gulliver;
  • Nara;

Typically, catalogs contain descriptions of each variety of black currant with a photo, where its characteristics and advantages are briefly given.

Black currant varieties - video

It is known a large number of black currant, ripening early. The following are considered promising:

    significantly differs from currant berries familiar to everyone, combining best differences wild currant and gooseberries. Its bushes tolerate the dry period without any problems. The berries of this early variety are distinguished by their versatility, they are enviably high and amount to four to five kilograms from each bush. The sizes of the berries are large, rounded in shape. The color is black, shiny. The mass of one is from three to five and a half grams, the taste is amazing. Each hundred grams of the product contains 161 mg of vitamin C. This variety can thrive in any area. Berry bushes are distinguished by strong straight branches, they do not need tying.

  • A summer resident is more suitable for European regions than others. This type of currant is distinguished by high yield indicators, large size berries (from two to three and a half grams), short terms ripening. are so stunted that, with abundant branches, they adhere to the surface of the earth. The berries have good taste, without the characteristic sourness. Their ripening is uneven, which makes it possible to harvest for a long period. The cultivar is known for its resistance to anthracnose as well as rust and kidney mites.

  • - belongs to those having large berries, fully ripens in the regions of the middle lane. bred by crossing Blueberry Seedling and Bradthorpe. The berry weighs up to three grams, their taste is sour-sweet, the skin is shiny. Berries, when separated from the branches, remain dry, collected quickly and easily, and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The bush gives a high yield, is characterized by medium growth and straight branches, not too thick. large-sized, the axis of the berry tassel is straight. Up to ten berries are tied on it. It resists powdery mildew, but is affected by anthracnose. The variety tolerates winter cold well. The yield is not very high - one bush gives up to a kilogram of berries, which differ in manufacturability.

  • Maria Kievskaya - gives stable average volumes. are resistant to columnar rust and powdery mildew. Their forms are of medium height and slight spreading. Berries weigh up to four grams, sweet and sour, used for processing or freezing.

  • Nestor Kozin is another early variety. The berries are quite large (from three to four grams), sweet in taste. Compact ones reach one and a half meters. This variety produces good yields from the second season of development. The plant perfectly resists anthracnose and powdery mildew, perfectly tolerates frosty winters and dry seasons.

  • Perun - this variety has a pleasant aroma, it is considered a dessert. weigh about two grams, contain a large amount of sugar. medium size, up to one and a half kilograms per bush. The plant perfectly tolerates return frosts, does not suffer from dry seasons. The main disadvantage of this species is that it is considered overly susceptible to powdery mildew.


Gardeners prefer to grow these varieties because of the large size of the berries and the timing of their ripening:

  • Dubrovskaya - perfectly tolerates the winter season, resists kidney mites and anthracnose, does not lend itself to terry. reaches three kilograms from each, characterized by low growth and compact size. The berries are medium in size.

  • Dobrynya - perfectly tolerates dry periods and frosts. Does not lend itself to powdery mildew, well resists anthracnose and mites. The bush is weak and erect, but differs in large berries, yields up to two and a half kilograms.

  • Raisin - dessert, with an average ripening period. Berries different sizes, from medium to large, their average weight is about three grams, their aroma is refreshing, in one hundred grams of the product the content of vitamin C reaches one hundred and seventy grams. The plant has a high yield, withstands powdery mildew, frost and winter cold. Berries are considered one of the sweetest among the other varieties of currants. They do not wither on the branches, do not crumble when ripe.

  • Yadrenaya is another representative of medium-ripening varieties. The berries are one-dimensional, rather large (about five grams), plum-shaped. The taste is somewhat refreshing, sourish. The yield is high, reaching twelve tons per hectare. Bushes perfectly tolerate frost, resist various pests, powdery mildew and rust. The main disadvantage is the very rapid aging of the bushes, which occurs due to a decrease in the growth of young shoots. more suitable for Western Siberia. Growing it in the middle lane leads to a decrease in yield and size of berries.


  • Vologda is a vigorous currant bush that winters well, resists powdery mildew and bud mites, but is susceptible to rust. The yield of large-sized berries is about four kilograms per bush, their ripening is uneven.

  • Katyusha - hibernates without problems, resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew, susceptible to kidney mites. The bush is tall, the spreading is weak. Berries large forms, their skin is dense.

  • Mermaid - begins to bear fruit early, perfectly tolerates winter cold. The yield reaches three and a half kilograms. A vigorous bush has medium spreading and large berries. The plant resists powdery mildew and kidney mites, septoria and anthracnose.

  • Bagheera - average yields of this reach twelve tons of berries per hectare of medium size, sweet and sour taste. perfectly tolerates winter cold, does not lend itself to powdery mildew and kidney mites. The main difference between Bagira berries is their excellent transportability and the ability to use mechanized technologies during cultivation.

Features of different varieties

  • , the berries of which have a dessert flavor, are recommended to be used for food. If the skin is thin, then the berries are better for rubbing with sugar. Thicker-skinned people tolerate freezing well, retaining their qualities.
  • If you have problems, opt for drought-tolerant breeding. The types of currants are divided according to the content of vitamin C in berries, the resistance of plants to recurrent spring frosts. It is very important to take into account the unpretentiousness of the plants - resistance to winter cold, diseases and pests.
  • The individual conditions of each site, the climate and the organization of care can affect the taste of berries, yield and other parameters.
  • The results of long-term observations of the subjects have proved that almost all of them are able to transfer winter conditions... Occasionally freezing of shoots can be observed in the most severe cold weather.
  • As a rule, black currants begin their growing season from mid-April or early May. From its beginning to the onset, it takes from two weeks to one month.
    The plant blooms from the second half of May. At the same time, the earlier ones bloom a few days faster than the middle and late ones. The flowering period lasts three to four weeks.
    Black currant bears fruit on mixed shoots, the annual growth of which is up to twenty-five centimeters. One of the main indicators of value is the weight of the berries, their sweetness and aroma.

Plant care

  1. Black currant loves lighted areas, but is capable of growing in. It is recommended to post. Their rate is half a bucket per bush. For the same purpose, superphosphates and potassium sulfate are used. used annually. Eighty grams of saltpeter is applied under the bush.
    the currant system is placed close to the surface of the ground, so we recommend loosening it with great care.
  2. Currants are planted until the buds bloom, with the beginning of spring. But the period is better for this procedure. Landing is carried out according to the scheme of two meters by one and a half. Reproduction of currants is carried out by the method and layering. For planting, they are prepared in half a meter in size, it is recommended to bury the seedling ten centimeters, maintaining a slight slope. Planting ends by cutting off the shoots to the second or third bud.
  3. During the growth period, the bush should consist of fifteen to twenty branches, differing in different ages. currants are recommended in early spring until the buds begin to open. The same procedure is performed after the completion of the fall. In this case, thinning of the bushes is carried out by removing five-year-old branches, which are characterized by weak growth.

Useful qualities of berries

  • They count. Berries are used traditional medicine as therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
    Black currant prevents cancer, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • For elderly people, the use of currant berries is recommended in order to prevent the weakening of mental abilities.
  • Currant berries prevent the manifestation of diabetes. For this purpose, they are introduced into the diet for the purpose of strengthening and during the period of various diseases.
  • Currant fruit helps in the treatment of kidney stones, liver and respiratory organs. Their vitamin C content is important factor for the full-fledged activity of the body.

Black currant refers to. Berry bushes are easy to grow. It remains only to choose varieties that will feel great on garden plot... this amazing berry is preserved in it under all known processing methods and storage conditions.

Many of you will now grimace. Whether it's sweet raspberries, what is this black, fine sourness for? In fact, you are wrong, modern varieties for the Moscow region give the opportunity to get a very large, tasty and endless healthy berry... Today we will talk in detail about which type of shrub to choose for your backyard economy.

Instead of introducing

Having a small summer cottage, we are very limited in time and area, which means that we cannot plant one variety after another, choosing the one that will be most effective by the method of exclusion. Modern breeders offer a variety of black currant varieties for the Moscow region, and it is very difficult to choose among them the ones that you like the most. According to the register, there are more than 170 types of them. Therefore, let's define the criteria that should be followed.

Choosing for the Moscow region

The first indicator is yield. The characteristics of the variety must contain at least 3 kg of berries. This is not so much, but if 5-10 bushes grow on the site, then the harvest will be quite sufficient. The second thing to pay attention to is frost resistance. Despite the fact that the climate in this region is milder than in many other areas, in winter, temperatures can drop up to 40 degrees. The third indicator is resistance to late spring frosts. And finally, the last: blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region should be sufficiently self-fertile, that is, even in bad weather conditions, when insects practically do not arrive, tie about 60% of the harvest.

But that's not all: we need varieties with large and sweet berries, with a good dessert flavor. And finally, what is also important is the high content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for making excellent medicinal jam. Based on all that has been said, we need to choose the most suitable varieties for your garden.

Black currant varieties with large berries for the Moscow region

Today we will present only those varieties that meet the above criteria, are winter-hardy, productive, large-fruited and resistant to various diseases. The first I would like to mention is the Ariadna variety. It was bred relatively recently in Chelyabinsk, but has already gained a good reputation. Winter-hardy and resistant to powdery mildew, it practically does not cause trouble for the gardener. It should be borne in mind that resistance to kidney mites and mites is low. The bush is very compact, medium-sized, practically not spreading, self-fertile. The yield is good, you can remove up to 3 kg from one bush.

The taste of the berries is very delicate, sweet and sour. Like the varieties of black currant with large berries presented below, it is just perfect for the Moscow region. Fruit tasting score - 5 points.

The effect is the choice of most gardeners

We continue our short excursion, during which we present you varieties of black currant for the Moscow region with photos and descriptions. If you need an unpretentious variety that will bear fruit in almost any weather conditions, and at the same time produce the highest quality harvest, then choose the Effect variety. You will feel the difference from many others in the first prolonged spring. Its flowers are resistant to spring frost. But that's not all, the bushes demonstrate tremendous frost resistance, drought resistance and heat resistance. That is, whatever the weather outside the window, you will have good harvest currants. The variety is resistant to almost all diseases.

Expect your plantings to take up a lot of space. The bush is vigorous, spreading. Highly productive variety, from one bush you get more than 3 kg of berries. It belongs to the largest-fruited of all late-ripening varieties. If you are looking for the best black currant varieties for the Moscow region, then consider that your search is over.

Sweet Belarusian currant

Probably, everyone is most interested in sweet varieties of black currant for the Moscow region. Large tasty berries will become a favorite treat for the whole family. This variety was bred by the National Academy of Fruit Growing in Belarus. This is a real find for amateur and industrial gardening. The bushes very quickly enter the fruiting phase, already in the second year after planting the seedlings you will pick the berries. This is the most high rate early maturity of all that is today. Plants do not care about winter frosts, but late frosts can destroy some flowers and significantly reduce the yield. The variety is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and anthracnose. The bush is large enough, spreading and very productive. Like all large varieties of black currant, it suits very well for the Moscow region, while each bush can provide the gardener with 4 kg of magnificent berries. The variety is mid-season, the fruits are distinguished by excellent taste.

Exotic variety

His homeland is the city of Oryol. It is an early ripening variety that is great for desserts and fresh consumption. The berries are large, sweet, thin-skinned, very tender and tasty. The bush is easy to handle, compact, erect. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and resistance to powdery mildew, as well as kidney mites. This is a fast-growing, self-fertile and productive variety, from each bush you can get up to 3 kg of excellent berries. If we talk about the best varieties of black currant for the Moscow region, then it is imperative to include the early-ripening variety Exotic and the late-ripening Effect in its list.

Veloy, Leningradskaya sweet

Another stunning variety that exhibits the highest winter frost resistance. It can grow even in Siberia, it is not afraid of winter thaws followed by a drop in temperature. Drought-resistant, can do without watering for a long time. Resistant to most diseases such as powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust and terry. The bush is compact and very productive, it can produce up to 5 kg of berries. The fruit tastes with a pleasant sourness.

Variety Sudarushka

Today we are considering the best varieties of black currant for the Moscow region. Gardeners' reviews become a good help when choosing, as they transmit personal experience of people. All the varieties presented in the article have the highest ratings, amateurs and professionals praise them for an excellent harvest, large tasty fruits, and also unpretentiousness. But I would also like to mention such a variety as Sudarushka. He will appeal to those who love very much sweet berry... Bred in Chelyabinsk, it is relatively winter hardy. V very coldy you need to additionally use a covering material. But this inconvenience is compensated by the yield - one bush gives up to 5 kg of fresh currants. A mid-season variety, its tasting score is 5 points.


It was bred in the city of Bryansk and received recognition from many gardeners in the country. It is a large-fruited variety that requires very good care, the highest soil fertility. The harvest will depend on this. Relatively winter-hardy, feels better in drought conditions, resists spring frosts well. It is immune to powdery mildew and a number of other diseases. The bush is small, erect. The berries are very large, for which gardeners love this variety. The taste is sweet with pleasant sourness. This is one of the best large-fruited varieties. Do not forget that berries are not the only health benefits. Be sure to harvest for the winter and fresh in order to drink delicious tea in winter that will support immunity.

Currant vigorous

Bred in the city of Barnaul, well adapted to the conditions of Siberia and the plant needs good care, be sure to feed it every year. Resistant to frost of any intensity. Relatively resistant to common diseases (powdery mildew and others). The bush is quite compact, medium-sized, semi-spreading. This is the largest of all late-ripening varieties. The berries are very beautiful, black and shiny, with a characteristic sourness. He regularly collects great reviews from gardeners, but the cooler the climate in which you live, the smaller the berries will be.

We presented you the most popular varieties of black currant for the Moscow region (with photos and descriptions). This information will help you find exactly the one that will grow on your site and delight you with fresh berries every year. In order to provide a family with a harvest, you only need a few bushes.

Large currants have always been a priority for gardeners, because the amount of harvest depends on the size of the berries. But, nevertheless, varieties with high adaptability to different climatic conditions, giving not only large, but also sweet berries, are of the greatest interest. Thanks to the achievements of modern breeding, there is plenty to choose from - only domestic varieties and hybrids of black currant today number about two hundred. What varieties of black currant with large berries are suitable for temperate and cold Siberian climates?

For the middle lane

The vast territory of Russia is located in several completely opposite climatic zones, therefore it is impossible to choose a universal variety of currants suitable for growing in any region. In the middle zone of the country, a temperate climate prevails, and theoretically any variety of European selection can give a good harvest here, but practice shows that the best results, nevertheless, can be achieved when planting zoned varieties. For this region, this list is simply huge, therefore, the most promising large-fruited varieties of various ripening periods will be presented below.

Summer resident

The Dachnitsa variety is the most suitable not only for the Central belt, but also for the entire European part of Russia. It was bred not so long ago, in 2004, but has already firmly established itself in garden and summer cottages. This variety is the dream of any summer resident. Bushes are undersized, compact, beautifully rounded, with attractive corrugated leaves. The berries are quite large (average weight 2.5 g, maximum - 5 g), oval, dark blue in color, with a thin skin and an unusual sweet and sour taste (sugar 9.3%).

Ripening is early, but uneven, which allows harvesting for a long time in several stages. Of the advantages of currants, one can note excellent winter hardiness, because the variety was bred with the participation of the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture and passed variety tests for resistance not only to cold, but also to diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew, rust, as well as dangerous pest currants - to kidney mites.


Very sweet black currant with large berries, sometimes larger than cherries. It belongs to the early varieties (ripens in early June), self-fertile, with excellent winter hardiness. Vigorous bush with straight stems and large light green corrugated leaves. It has a good immunity to powdery mildew, but is often affected by anthracnose.

Exotic berries are round, one-dimensional, weighing 3.5-6 g. The skin is thin, black, shiny. The pulp is tender, with small seeds, a pleasant refreshing, slightly sour taste (sugar 8.9%). Due to the dry separation, the berries are well stored and transported. The yield of the variety is low - about 1 kg / bush.

Selechinskaya 2

A new improved variety based on the Selechenskaya-1 currant. Is different early date ripening, long-term fruiting and excellent yield - 4-5 kg ​​/ bush. Plants are tall (up to 1.5 m), erect, rather compact. The fruits are large (4-6 g), even rounded, remain on the branches for a long time and do not crumble. The skin is black, shiny. Fragrant pulp with soft seeds, excellent dessert taste.

Unlike its predecessor, Selechenskaya-2 is not susceptible to fungal diseases, it tolerates severe frosts and drought without any problems, and is extremely rarely affected by a kidney mite. It is unpretentious in care, it can grow in the shade, therefore it is suitable for any region of Russia.


The largest and sweetest blackcurrant among the late varieties. Ripens by mid-August, does not crumble for a long time. The bushes are undersized, compact in size, the leaves are dark green with a grayish tint. The berries are round, weighing up to 4 g, sweet and sour (sugar 7.2%), with a small amount of seeds in the pulp, for universal use.

This variety is often cultivated on an industrial scale, since it has good winter hardiness, as well as immunity to anthracnose, terry, and kidney mites. Among the disadvantages can be noted the instability to powdery mildew. The yield is good - up to 4 kg / bush.


It is considered the most successful variety in domestic breeding for growing in the middle lane. It has a fairly high immunity to powdery mildew and anthracnose, which is very important for mid-season currants... Also, the plants tolerate drought, severe frosts and sudden spring frosts well, while maintaining the ability to bear abundant fruit.

Dobrynya is a large-fruited and very tasty black currant. The berries are round, slightly glossy, weighing 5-7 g, excellent dessert taste. In fertile soil and subject to agricultural technology, the yield can reach 4 kg / bush.


For more than a decade, Venus currant has been the undisputed leader among gardeners and farmers due to the ideal combination in one variety of the most important qualities for a given culture:

  • high yield - up to 5 kg / 1 bush;
  • resistance to a number of fungal diseases, including powdery mildew;
  • self-pollination ability;
  • excellent adaptive abilities - plants equally well tolerate severe frosts and prolonged drought;
  • long-term (3-4 collection) fruiting;
  • belonging to the dessert direction - the taste of this berry is super-sweet, very rich, without any sourness.

According to the ripening period, it belongs to the mid-season varieties, but in a southern climate it can give early harvests... The purpose of the fruit is universal.

For Siberia

Siberia is considered the coldest region in the country. The local climate is very diverse: from continental with hot summers and frosty winters (Western and Eastern Siberia) to very harsh with winter temperatures below -50 ° C. However, this huge region is famous for its breeding achievements and is the home of many promising varieties that give not only large, but also very sweet currant berries. Below are the large-fruited and sweet varieties of black currant, bred and zoned specifically for this region.


Mid-season variety with very high frost resistance. top scores shows in Eastern and Western Siberia, often used for breeding others winter-hardy varieties as an example of valuable varietal qualities. The bushes are very compact. The berries are round, rather large - 1.2-1.6 g. The rind is dense, intense black color. The taste of the pulp is rich, slightly sour (sugar 10.3%).

"Druzhnaya" is highly resistant to kidney mites and rust, but is susceptible to powdery mildew. Among the advantages of the variety, it should be noted the excellent transportability and safety of the berries due to the dense skin and dry separation. The yield is average - about 2 kg / bush, but this is good for this region.


Despite belonging to the Altai selection, the winter hardiness of this currant is average. Shoots can withstand fairly severe frosts in winter, but buds and flower rudiments cannot withstand even minor sudden frosts in spring. The disadvantage of the variety is also its low resistance to kidney mites and septoria, but high immunity to rust and the ability to self-pollination should be noted.

In terms of ripening, Zoya is ahead of the previous variety and has a high yield, which significantly depends on weather conditions - on average, up to 3 kg of berries can be harvested from 1 bush, maximum - 7.8 kg. Early fruiting, harvesting is carried out in 2 stages. Berries of medium size - 1-1.2 g, black-violet color, covered with a slight waxy bloom, slightly sour taste. The main purpose of the variety is technical processing.


This variety is the development of the Altai Fruit and Berry Station. Its winter hardiness is higher than that of the previous variety - there is a higher resistance to cold of flower rudiments, while the vegetative system (stems) needs shelter for the winter. Also, Biya currant is resistant to kidney mites, moderately to septoria, rust, powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Bushes vigorous, spreading, with powerful, slightly curved shoots. The berries of this variety are no different large size(0.7-1.2 g), but the return of the crop is amicable and massive. Productivity, as in the previous case, depends on weather conditions and varies between 3.5-9 kg per bush.

Black currant care

In general, black currants are quite unpretentious. If the planting was carried out in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology, then standard care measures are sufficient for its successful fruiting.

Whichever varieties you choose, they will thank you with an excellent harvest if the bushes are planted in a good sunny place with moderate humidity, on loose fertile soil of neutral, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline acidity, and the garden bed is clean throughout the season.

Most varieties have good immunity to diseases, but factors such as excessive moisture, the proximity of weeds and insufficient nutrition can lead to the development of pathological processes and weaken the plant.

To prevent this from happening, the area between the bushes must be cleared of weeds in time, and the soil must be loosened.

In the spring, as a preventive measure, bushes can be treated copper-containing preparations(bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate), or pour boiling water well - this procedure not only destroys fungi and pest larvae, but also increases the adaptive properties of currants.

As for watering, adult bushes need them only in hot weather, when there is no rain. Young seedlings should be watered regularly until they take root, but remember that currants cannot tolerate excessive moisture.

Like any berry culture, currants respond well to feeding, in particular organic. Compost or humus in 0.5 buckets under a bush is usually applied after flowering, and late autumn, before wintering trunk circle covered with a layer of humus. In early spring, plants need nitrogen - this element can be provided by carbamide (30 g / m²), or saltpeter (80 g).

For regular fruiting and maintaining the health of the bush, currants must be cut off annually. The norm for an adult bush is the presence of 15-20 strong fruiting shoots. Pruning should be done in early spring, before bud growth has begun, or in fall, after the leaves have fallen off. Old (more than 5 years old) lower branches, as well as damaged and weak shoots leading to thickening, are subject to removal. At spring pruning the tops of the shoots are shortened by about 2/3 of their length.

By performing these simple measures, you can get an excellent berry harvest, and the choice of the largest-fruited variety will allow you to achieve record results.

In this video, the expert will share valuable tips for growing black currants in the country, for caring for the plant and protecting against harmful insects.