How to grow peas at home. Seed planting procedure

To plant and grow peas at home, you need to choose seeds that are divided into varieties - sugar and shelling. Sugar varieties are more tasty and whimsical in cultivation, and husk varieties are harder and more unpretentious. Prepare containers for planting peas in advance, it can be wooden boxes or plastic deep containers, cellular or homogeneous.

The soil for planting should be loose and moist. In addition, a third of the soil should be loosening materials, straw, sawdust, humus. Complex soil is also added to the soil. mineral fertilizers, dissolving them in water for irrigation, at least twenty-five or thirty grams per ten liters of water.

Before planting peas at home, the seeds are treated with micronutrient fertilizers containing boron and molybdenum, and nitragin, which will improve their germination and shoot growth. Peas are planted in an ordinary way very densely, the distance between the seeds is one or two centimeters, and between the rows - two or three centimeters, the planting depth is two, three centimeters.

Now you can take a fine strainer and gently pour the planted seeds through it. The best nutrition for peas with poor growth and development is a weak urea solution, about one gram per liter of water. Seedlings are also watered very carefully with a strainer. After a month, you can plant such pea seedlings in open ground or on a balcony and loggia.

On the balcony, plastic or wooden boxes are used, pea seedlings are planted in even grooves at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other, and ten to fifteen centimeters are left between the plants in one row. The open grooves are sprinkled with soil, watered abundantly from a small watering can.

Peas are very fond of light and water, therefore they need sufficient sunlight and full watering, its yield will largely depend on this. When the plants on the balcony or loggia reach a height of fifteen to twenty centimeters, a coarse mesh should be hung over them, along which the stems will curl upward, and it will be easy to harvest.

When growing peas at home, do not forget to thoroughly loosen the soil, since due to excess moisture, it becomes compacted, and air oxygen cannot reach the roots, and this has a bad effect on the growth and development of plants. To understand how to grow peas at home well and correctly, you need to learn everything about feeding it.

During flowering and the formation of ovaries, pea plants are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers; during the growth of fruits, it will also not be superfluous to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under the plant roots. Also, to combat plant diseases, it is useful to fertilize peas with trace elements with the addition of copper, this will eliminate bacteria, strengthen the stems and leaves.

Fruiting of peas at home continues for a month or two. Harvest the peas in the morning, when the peas become full size, pleasant firmness and ripeness, from one plant you can get up to half a kilo of ripe and juicy beans. At the end of fruiting, the legumes are cut off.

In order to grow peas on the windowsill you will need:

  • viable seeds
  • earth - prepared soil
  • planting container - it will be convenient to grow a plant, for example, in a pot or oblong box
  • mineral fertilizers suitable for the selected variety
  • a bottle of water (for irrigation and fertilization)
  • loosening fork

If you want to grow a tasty treat on your balcony or loggia, you must first choose the right varieties of peas, the germination of which is most likely for the existing conditions. Those who are not the first time engaged in such plantings are advised to choose undersized, sugar varieties, which will make it possible to comfortably place plantings in a pot even if there are low ones. window openings... In addition, the leaves of undersized varieties are the most juicy in comparison with grain varieties. But in general, you can experiment with varieties, initially picking up several at once and then moving on to the option you like.

The most common varieties grown at home are:

  • early ripe "Sugar". Differs in short stature, abundance of fruits and edibility of the shoulder blades. Fruits are medium in size, palpably sweet;
  • undersized "Early Gribovsky". Differs in versatility, unpretentiousness, abundant harvest;
  • early "Alpha", excellent for both conservation and drying;
  • mid-season "Zhegalova 112", suitable for preservation with both peas and shoulder blades. Despite the long ripening period (60-80) days, it feels good in apartments, the yield is high.

When planting material picked up, you need to start germinating it. In order to germinate peas, you need to take a small piece of fabric, preferably natural (cotton, flax), wrap the peas in it and pour water over it for 3-4 hours. After the excess water can be drained and stored in a damp cloth for 3-6 days, i.e. until they "hatch". The main thing is to make sure that the fabric with the peas wrapped in it is constantly wet, otherwise the planting material can be hopelessly ruined. It is very easy to germinate any legumes in this way. While the seeds are "hatching", it is necessary to prepare containers and soil for planting.

As for the first, here you can take shallow oblong boxes, but it should be borne in mind that the plant develops well in an ordinary pot or plastic container, but the latter are still undesirable. But with the soil, everything is somewhat more complicated. Of course, you can fill the prepared containers with soil with personal plot and calm down on this. The peas will certainly grow, but will not produce such excellent results. If you have chosen a more difficult path and decided to prepare the soil, then you should adhere to the rule that one third of the earth is loosening material: sawdust, straw, humus, small pebbles. It is better to take mineral fertilizers, and it is necessary to apply them to the soil after dissolving them in water. To germinate peas for the soil, it is important to ensure the looseness of the powder, for which it is worth adding a little mulch to it.

Planting should be done as follows: in a prepared box or pot, make grooves no more than 2 cm deep at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Germinated peas are laid in the grooves obtained and sprinkled with moistened soil on top. Planting can additionally be poured over with water. After that, you should leave the containers with plantings alone and wait for the plant to germinate, remembering to ensure that the soil does not dry out and remains moist.

After the plant reaches a height of about 10 centimeters, it is necessary to stretch a coarse mesh over it in order to set the direction of growth for the peas. This is important, as otherwise the plantings will not have enough light. And those plants that turn out to be darkened risk dying or will bear poor fruit.

Pea care

You need to know that home-planted peas also require care. Doing enough simple recommendations will allow you to achieve excellent results. Care includes regular loosening, timely watering and fertilizing if necessary, as well as removing diseased and weak plants.

After the peas have begun to bloom, fertilization stops, but the amount of watering increases slightly, since the shoots need much more moisture to form the ovaries than for their own growth.

At home cultivation the risk of developing diseases of peas is minimal, and if yellowing of the leaves is noticed on any of the plants, their twisting, the formation of dark or light spots, such a plant must be destroyed so that the disease does not spread to neighboring shoots.

Homemade peas use

Few people know that peas at home can be grown not only for the sake of the pods themselves, but also for greens. Firstly, it grows in a pot much faster than the same onion or, for example, salad. And secondly, when the right approach he can provide the owners not only with fresh herbs every day, but also with excellent fruits. In order for the plant not to die from excessive removal of greenery (leaves) after coarsening of the stem, it is pruned, which is why the peas give a large abundance of shoots. Some of them can be used for greenery, and some for growing shoulder blades.

Many varieties have quite edible shoulder blades, especially for sugar varieties. Moreover, as effective measure For the prevention of ARVI, it is sugar varieties that will be the best option, since 100 grams of scoops (this is about 10-15 pcs) contains a daily dose of vitamin C, which belongs to a natural antiviral inhibitor.

Finally, the peas themselves. Almost all varieties of peas can be eaten raw, they are also suitable for conservation and as ingredients for different kinds dishes. Often grown peas at home, especially in winter, are excellent for drying - some lack of moisture affects, and when choosing the appropriate variety (for example, mid-early Avola), the result will be more than excellent.

You can add juicy vitamin greens and delicious peas to your menu at any time of the year, even when it's frosty outside. It is quite easy to grow peas on a windowsill in a city apartment.

Legumes, to which peas belong, are ranked as citrus fruits in terms of the amount of vitamin C, and there is so much protein in them that they can easily replace meat products. This is Alternative option for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet and for those who have an intolerance to animal protein.

Most vegetable growers know representatives of the family:

  • Lentils
  • Peas

Of all these useful and nutritious plants, peas are the most widespread due to their unpretentiousness.

The appearance of vegetable peas, the only one suitable for human consumption, is well known to gardeners. Its leaves are located on the branches, which are attached to the tetrahedral stem.

The branch ends with antennae. With their help, the plant moves further vertically. Low-growing varieties, which do not need to climb to a height, do not have these antennae or they are not functional.

Take ordinary land from the garden. This option is not as difficult as the previous one. Its disadvantage is that garden land needs disinfection, as a result of which, in addition to harmful ones, beneficial microorganisms are also destroyed.

Use coconut substrate for growing. It can be purchased at garden centers. But more economical is to buy used briquettes from a large vegetable farm. This material can be used several times, and then it can be added to improve the structure of the soil.

Plant tying devices. Small varieties do not need trellis or supports. For reliability, you can tie the bush to a bamboo stick, which are available in a large assortment in flower shops.

For peas good option will create a trellis or place the lashes of this plant on a mesh attached to the wall. With this method of cultivation, the mesh should not be placed close to the wall. This disrupts the air exchange of the plant. On the balcony in such conditions, under the rays of the active sun, peas will not give the desired results.

The advantage of this growing method is added the convenience of harvesting and additional decorative effect... With the help of such a screen in winter garden you can separate the zones and use edible herbs and peas.

A little preparation, patience, and time will endow the experimenter with delicious peas and juicy greens. At a time when it is snowing outside the window, on the windowsill or warm balcony growing peas is not difficult.

What peas love

It is the owner's task to take into account the preferences of the plant. Only in case of mutual understanding will it give the grower a delicious harvest.

When grown at home, peas love:

  • Spacious capacity
  • Loose earth
  • Lots of light, but not active sunlight
  • Regular watering
  • Top dressing
  • Not very high temperatures
  • Loosening of the upper soil layer
  • Timely collection

A pot for growing peas at home should be deep and spacious enough. The containers that are sold in flower shops for growing orchids are suitable. The principle is the same - good breathability and the possibility of a garter or support.

The soil or potting soil for growing peas at home should be loose and moderately moist. This is the main condition. Soil fertility in indoor conditions can be compensated for with top dressing and various biological additives.

It is necessary to grow peas at home for greenery or fruiting in a well-lit place. This may be a wide window sill or a warm balcony.

Apart from the location, important condition is regular, but not over-watering. Upper layer the soil should not be wet, but slightly dry. It is easy to determine with the help of human hands. Too dry soil feels prickly with the fingers.

Slightly moisturized, it is perceived by the human senses more calmly and comfortably.

There are no definite recommendations here. The condition of the soil layer depends on its thickness, pot location and ambient temperature. In this case, human receptors will be the main reference point for the plant owner.

You need to feed the plant no more than once a week. At the very beginning of growth, it is good to use HB-101 as a biostimulant.

At first glance at its price, it seems inappropriate to use this biostimulant as the main source nutrients... But with its further use, the vegetable grower realizes that one drop of this elixir per liter of water is enough to give several plants all the useful substances and encourage them to continue their life.

Top dressing with this drug must be done by spraying on. It is also useful to use complex fertilizers such as Fertik or Kemir as root top dressing. They contain all the necessary trace elements for plant development.

Temperature regime for a plant such as homemade peas, it is not difficult to create. During the period of germination of seeds on a thermometer near a bowl with crops, a temperature of 24-25 ° C is needed.

The main thing is loosening the soil

This temperature is created in a heated living room. After germination, it should be lowered by a couple of degrees. This thermometer mark appears near the window in the living room, but subject to distance from the glass.

Loosening the soil in a pot with a plant should be done regularly, once a week. The plant breathes through the soil layer, and the roots receive micronutrients in full.

An uncomplicated care formula and a little patience are the keys to success when growing peas.

How to plant

To save space in landing capacity peas are best planted sprouted. For this, the prepared seeds are soaked in the nutritional solution of Epin or Energen. After two or three days, they hatch. You can plant such seeds in a few more days, when the sprout reaches 1 cm in length.

Sometimes it is recommended to soak the seeds in cotton or gauze. With this method, there is a risk of breaking fragile shoots. They tend to grow through the plexus of threads and it is rather difficult to extract them without loss.

In the prepared soil mixture, grooves are laid with a depth of no more than 2 cm. The germinated ones are laid out in them after 5-7 cm.

Until the sprouts appear, the container is kept in a warm place, but not next to the battery. It is also not recommended to put it on the windowsill. IN winter time the air temperature there is not high and the seeds can rot in the ground.

Before the first shoots appear, the soil must be regularly moistened. It is better to do this with a spray bottle.

After germination, watering should be reduced in order to avoid plant diseases with a black leg.

Peas are one of the oldest leguminous plant groups cultivated by humans. Unfortunately, a modern city dweller is superficially familiar with the centuries-old culture of world importance, the maximum is by the contents of a jar with canned peas. But knowing how to grow peas on the windowsill, and most importantly, having received the first harvest, you will be able to prepare Olivier salad with even greater skill.

Conditions for growing peas on the windowsill

Peas, like all legumes, are not the most capricious plant. You can plant it both on the site and in the apartment. The volumes in the second case will be more modest, but it is still possible to achieve a high-quality tasty harvest from peas.

The agrotechnology for growing peas consists of the following stages:

  • Selection and calibration of seeds;
  • Processing of planting material: soaking, pickling, disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate, stratification, bubbling;
  • Planting seeds, caring for seedlings;
  • Pick sprouts in separate containers;
  • Transfer of seedlings to open ground or transplanting to a dedicated place in a selected container.

What conditions must be observed when growing peas?

  • Temperature regime (lower in the initial phase of the growing season with a gradual increase during the formation of vegetative organs);
  • Soil moisture not less than 70%;
  • Lighting (up to 12 hours a day);
  • Planting in light nutritious soil;
  • Regular feeding with mineral complex fertilizers.


Long daylight hours are one of the prerequisites for growing peas at home on a balcony or in a room. The plant needs at least 12 hours of continuous lighting... If the natural sun exposure is short-lived or does not have the required intensity, arrange hanging UV or fluorescent lamps above the seedling containers or the pot. They should hang over the plants at a distance of about 0.5 m.


You can grow peas for seeds almost at any time of the year. This culture is cold-resistant and can withstand low temperatures... Since frost is impossible in indoor conditions, peas grow without any problems. The emergence of seedlings is potentially possible at a temperature of +4 ° С. For the formation of full-fledged seedlings, a mark on the thermometer should not fall below +10 ° С... Pea seeds will germinate even at +1 ° C. Plant budding takes place at a temperature of +14 ° C. Inflorescences develop optimally if the air is exactly two degrees warmer.

The soil

Green and yellow peas, as well as other varieties of crops, love soil with a certain granulometric composition. The soil is selected light, rich in nutrients, but not sour. The optimal reaction of the soil for growing greenery is pH in the range of 6 - 7. Peas themselves are an excellent green manure, that is, in the process of their growth, they enrich the soil with nitrogen. At home, this is not particularly relevant, but for breeding vegetable crops in open ground this plant quality is extremely beneficial.

For a first experience, if you are in doubt as to whether how to grow peas at home, the universal soil substrate from the store will do. You can mix a certain amount into it wood ash... Be sure to ask the seller where the acidity level of the soil is indicated on the label.

Landing video instruction

So, you have prepared the necessary soil, a pot and chosen a good place in an apartment for growing peas. Now it remains to plant peas and wait for the harvest. Growing at home is an extremely useful idea, because a fresh harvest will be all year round!


The peas are watered in moderation. Irrigation is carried out after a dried crust forms on the top of the soil. Since watering compresses the substrate, this crust must be mechanically "destroyed", or rather - loosened after the soil is moistened. Loosening promotes better air penetration to the roots, making them less susceptible to fungal infection. In warm weather, watering the peas every three days is enough. It is helpful to spray the leaves with warm water.

Top dressing

Grow peas at home on a windowsill without timely feeding it won't be easy. The plant quickly depletes the soil and needs additional nutrients. During the growing season, when legumes form ovaries, she needs a potassium and phosphorus-based feeding, as well as complex mineral makeup. So that the planting does not undergo diseases, the soil is treated for preventive purposes with preparations containing copper. This not only contributes to the resistance of the peas, but also destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

When to wait for the harvest grown on the windowsill?

At home in a pot of peas ripens 3 - 3.5 months after sowing but. Late varieties will yield in 4 months. The signal that it is time to harvest the fruits will be given by the formed shoulder blades. They will have to be collected every two to three days, starting from the lower level. The procedure is carried out 9 to 10 days after the end of flowering. If you do not use the scoops and are waiting for the ripening of the peas, you need to wait about 15 days.

After the above dates, harvest should be done immediately. Overripe shoots slow down the growing season of new blades, and the delay will also affect their taste. You can tell if the pod is ready by the white mesh bloom on the skin.

Hand harvesting is done with extreme caution. Hold the stem and break off the spatula so as not to damage the rest of the plant. Moving through the aisles, try not to injure the bushes. Move gradually from one plant to another: some of the pods are hidden in the tops, they are easy to miss.

Plucked peas are washed in clean water and placed in a colander. Let the water drain. Dry the grains on a paper towel and start hulling. Fresh peas are frozen (or thermally processed) or eaten immediately.

Peas are an annual herbaceous crop, the fruits of which have multifunctional purpose, and housewives use it for various purposes. Peas can be eaten fresh, prepared with its participation in various dishes, as well as canned and dried.

It is worth noting that not only juicy little peas can be used as food. The stem and shoulder blades of the plant contain a shock dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin), which makes the vegetable an effective prophylactic agent against colds... But is it possible to eat sprouted peas, does it benefit the body and, in general, why is it sprouted?

Why sprout peas

Before proceeding with the question of how to germinate peas for planting in the open field and how to plant peas at home, you need to find out what they are doing this procedure... If you do not delve into this topic, then the answer sounds simple enough - to accelerate the emergence of sprouts and ensure fast growth plants, in order to obtain an early and high-quality harvest. You can grow a fragrant vegetable on the windowsill of any apartment.

Note! Many novice agronomists are wondering if it is possible to plant peas with seedlings. There is no such practice, initially it is necessary to select high-quality planting material, then germinate it and transplant it into open ground.

Peas are germinated in two cases:

  • for the upcoming planting in open soil;
  • for eating.

More on this in more detail.

Sprouting peas for planting in open ground

Much depends on the conditions in which the peas will grow, but the most important thing is the correct selection and preparation of planting material for the upcoming planting in open soil. Proper selection of seeds will ensure the necessary conditions for a rich and high-quality harvest. In addition, the procedure allows you to speed up and simplify the germination process.

Important! Seed material must be sorted out manually, removing all damaged and not similar to the standard specimens.

Before you start sprouting legumes, you need to figure out how to properly soak the seed. This is extremely important for successful cultivation plants.

Arguments about whether it is necessary to germinate pea seeds before planting in the ground does not make much sense. Despite the existence of an alternative opinion, most experienced gardeners without hesitation, perform this procedure in the spring.

Sprouted peas for food

Of all the representatives of legumes, peas need the most time for germination: 12-13 hours for soaking + at least 20-24 hours, directly, for germination.

The popularity of sprouted peas is due to big amount useful properties, as well as delicate and unusual taste. Sprouted fruits have a nut-like flavor.

Why germinate seeds if peas can be eaten fresh? The fact is that it is in this form that peas have a high protein content, which can be obtained at any time of the year, including in the winter months. Sprouted peas contain about 80 nutrients that have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body.

It doesn't matter which month is on the calendar: December, February or September. With the right approach to this issue, pea sprouts will quickly go up.

Important! Sprouted peas are a valuable source of protein that is comparable to dairy and meat products, without the saturated fat and high calories found in dairy and meat.

How to quickly germinate peas at home

You need to figure out how to germinate peas at home. Further, the main methods of germinating peas, intended for planting in open soil and for eating.

Instructions for sprouting peas for planting

At home, you can grow these types of peas:

  • green lentils;
  • lentils are brown;
  • harmonicate;
  • soy;
  • beans;
  • aduki;
  • Indian Massordal.

The first step is to calibrate the planting material, that is, select high-quality specimens, removing damaged, deformed and small units.

You can easily verify the quality of your work. For this, the selected planting material must be filled saline(for 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l. salt). After 15-20 minutes, low-quality and hollow seeds will float. Accordingly, those that have settled to the bottom can be used for germination.

Next, the seeds must be soaked in warm water approximately 15 hours. You can remove the seeds from the water when it is visually visible that they have swollen. If there is a desire, then to strengthen the planting material and its speedy germination, you can use special growth stimulants.

There is a belief that germinating seeds for planting is a completely pointless thing, but this is not so. In fact, a faster ripening of the crop can be noted, and its quantity, subject to all agrotechnical rules, will increase.

The first way

Pea germination algorithm:

  1. High-quality pea beans are selected and filled with a small amount of warm water. The material of the container used is unimportant. The seeds should remain in the water for at least 12 hours, the room should be warm.
  2. With the onset of morning, the beans must be transferred to any container, with the exception of metal, and covered with a piece of gauze, which must be firmly fixed. The dishes are again put in a warm place for several days.
  3. After a few days, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, and then repeat all the above manipulations again. Repeat until the legumes begin to sprout.

Important! When germinating planting material, it is extremely important to take care of ensuring the optimal temperature level in the room. +15 degrees is the permissible minimum threshold, below which you simply cannot go. Otherwise, the germination process will be long and not very active.

Second way

The next way to sprout peas at home. Take 3 tbsp. l. pea seeds and pour warm water overnight. With the onset of morning, the liquid must be drained, and the grains must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Next, you need to transfer the planting material into a glass container, and close the hole with gauze, firmly fixing it with an elastic band. Place the container in a warm place.

The next day, rinse the planting material with cool water without removing the gauze. The liquid is drained, and the container is again placed in a warm place. The procedure must be repeated daily until the first shoots form. If no changes are observed after two days, it can be assumed that the planting material is of poor quality and it is inappropriate to plant it in open soil.

As soon as the emerging roots become several times longer than the size of the peas, rinse the container and peas thoroughly, drain the liquid and put the container in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Third way

There is an opinion that representatives of legumes germinate well in dark places, therefore, from the second method we take the frequency of washing, but add storage not only in a warm, but also in a dark place. As a rule, the first shoots are formed after two days. If the size of the roots should be larger, it is necessary to rinse the planting material several more times with an interval of 8-10 hours.

Instructions for sprouting peas for food

Growing legumes at home is simple. There are several proven methods that allow you to get high-quality sprouted peas with minimal time and physical costs, which can be safely eaten.

Sprouting peas

To implement our plan, we need:

  • peas;
  • empty clean container;
  • warm water.

Peas must be put in a plate and covered with water. room temperature... The grains will swell within 13-15 hours. Then they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, put on a plate again, covered with gauze and filled with water. They must be in a piece of cloth for at least 48 hours. After this time, the seeds are washed again and placed in clean water... How many peas sprout under such conditions - the first sprouts on the windowsill of the house can be seen in 2-4 days.

Consider the second, no less correct, step by step method sprouting of pea sprouts. It involves the use of already washed peas. They must be put in a clean container, covered with gauze and filled with warm water. Until the sprouts of peas appear, it is necessary to grow fragrant seeds in a warm room, for at least 24 hours.

Planting peas

As soon as the sprouts appear, the seeds must be rinsed well under running water, and then filled with boiling water. After natural cooling, they can already be eaten. Thanks to this method, it is possible to obtain healthy and tasty shoots in a short period of time.

You can do this one at a time. an alternative way... For this, representatives of legumes are placed in a container and covered with a damp cloth. To maintain the optimum moisture level, the piece of cloth used must be regularly moistened in warm water. The sprouts will be ready after 2-3 days.

It is not difficult to grow sprouted peas at home, and neither in summer nor in winter. And given its usefulness, everyone should pay attention to such an easy way to get vitamins.

Sprouted peas: benefits and harms to the body

Any product natural origin possesses, as a rule, not only useful properties... If used irrationally, even the most harmless plants can harm the human body.

Legumes boast a rich chemical composition, which makes them extremely popular in the human diet.

Sprouted peas have the following positive properties:

  • pronounced anti-aging effect;
  • reduces the concentration of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps to cleanse the body by naturally removing toxic substances;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • prevents the development of disorders of the digestive tract;
  • acts as a preventive measure against the development of anemia;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

Growing peas at home has its advantages. The benefits and harms of the food eaten strongly depends on the amount eaten. If you do not exceed the limits of what is permitted, adverse reactions will not follow. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend consuming sprouted or fresh peas as often as possible. Since these products contain a high concentration of macro-, microelements, as well as vitamins and organic acids.

Along with many advantages, culture has a list of contraindications. Legumes are not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grains contribute to the formation and accumulation of gases in the abdominal cavity. Many people are worried about flatulence after eating.

  • Can sprouted peas be given to children? Of course, yes. Except that the child may develop an allergic reaction. The high content of nutrients makes up for their deficiency in a growing body.
  • For women, this representative of legumes is valuable because of the high content of vitamins. Grains contain vitamins groups A, B, C, E, K and D. They have a beneficial effect on appearance and keep the body in good shape.
  • The benefits for men are due to the amino acid content. These include treanine, glycine, lysine, cystine, and alanine. These chemical substances prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, and also regulate the activity of the prostate gland.

The use of peas for a healthy lifestyle

The use of sprouted peas depends on the desired end result. It can be added to main meals or on its own to maintain health. Despite the development of flatulence, legumes have a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system. Beans serve as an effective preventive measure against diseases of the digestive tract.

How to germinate peas for planting

Soluble fiber reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol, and also cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins. Sprouted peas can easily deal with bowel problems and also help relieve itching from scabies. It helps to lower blood pressure, since it has a pronounced diuretic effect.

It should be added that sprouted peas are recommended for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the fact that the chemical composition of sprouted peas promotes the breakdown of body fat. Regular intake can help combat depression and anxiety. Against the background of improved metabolism, sleep is also normalized.

The nutritional value and caloric content of sprouted peas are high enough that they can be consumed by all age groups without any special restrictions. Thanks to a large number useful substances, its demand and popularity is rapidly gaining momentum. But, their use is no longer appropriate in old age. Chemical composition product stimulates the production of uric acid.