Winter garlic flocks. How to store winter garlic? Ways of successful storage of winter garlic at home

The most suitable method of storage of garlic will depend on its type and variety, storage locations and your features. Garlic will be fresh and healthy all winter, even in the apartment, at least in the cellar, if you follow the basic guidelines for its storage in accordance with the terms. Winter garlic is kept much worse than summer, so it is mainly used for landing in late autumn, and they are used to eat first. Cellar, cellars, vegetable stores consider the best places For storage of garlic. But at home, garlic can go all winter intact.

Conditions of storage of garlic

For any storage method, it is important to comply with the main storage conditions of garlic:

  • keeping garlic follows separately from other vegetables, because The storage conditions may not coincide;
  • first of all, it is impossible to use damaged, fry or frozen heads, to store frozen baccinities;
  • be sure to periodically make a revision to detect dry, sick or damaged heads in time.
  • observe all recommendations and storage rules.

How to store garlic

Garlic can be stored cold and warm way. If you keep garlic in a cool room - cellar, basement, vegetable store - it is important to observe the temperature and humidity regime. When stored in the apartment you need to find the most cool and wet place.

The main reason for the poor storage of garlic is drying due to moisture loss.

Maintaining air humidity in the room to 50-70% is a paramount task. If the humidity will be higher than these borders, then the bulbs can either be amazed by infections, or germinate.

Winter garlic, as more capricious and demanding on storage conditions, in the apartment you will be stored bad. But summer varieties will perfectly pee and at home.

How to keep garlic in cellar

The method of storage of garlic in the cellar, basement or in a special storage is called cold. In the cellar, garlic is well stored in any form: and bulk, and in any container, you can hang it in braids and wreaths.

Garlic is laid in cool rooms with a temperature not higher than 3-4 ° C and air humidity of 70-80%. it optimal conditionsin which you can keep well even winter garlic.

How to keep garlic in an apartment

If you have to store garlic in an apartment - this method is called warm - you have to find the most such option so that the vegetable is to keep, and the places do not take a lot.

To store at home it is better to choose the most cool places protected from light: near the balcony, in the corridor, in the storage room. Temperature should be no higher than 20 ° C. It is also important to take care of moisture.

Storage of garlic at home

Each mastic hostess can tell his own secret, how to properly store garlic in the apartment, so that he lying down the whole winter as if just with the bed. I offer 10 proven methods that are somehow found in the arsenal of most gardeners, and allow you to preserve garlic fresh and healthy to the new crop.

Storage of garlic in braids

Heads of spring garlic, woven in braids and suspended in the kitchen, will not only in a convenient way Storage, but also an excellent decoration of your interior. Kosy preferably not to do too long and dense, because The quality of the heads can decrease. It is enough to climb no more than 15 large or 15-20 medium-sized heads. In this form garlic perfectly stored until next year. It is possible for strength to dreamed together with a false stem or twine leaves.

Storage of garlic in baskets

Wicker baskets or mesh mesh type "Avoska" can be a good way out when storing garlics, if anyone has preserved, of course.

Storage of garlic in banks

Enough practical way is the storage of garlic in glass jarspreviously sterilized. It is not necessary to clean the head very much, you only need to go through and dry them well. For reliability, you can mix the bulbs with flour. Sealedness is not required, it is enough to close the cans by kapron covers.

Storage of garlic in salt

Sometimes this method is called dry salting. For such storage use low boxes or boxes with small air access holes. Then the alternation of garlic layers in one row and salt layers must be fully filling in the container. Salt layer is added to the bottom of 3 cm, the top should also be a salt layer. Due to the high antiseptic properties and good hygroscopicity, the salt absorbs excess moisture and destroys all malicious microorganisms.

Storage of garlic in bags

The linen bags need to be pre-soaked in a salt solution, let them dry and put garlic in them. Salt perfectly absorbs excess moisture, preventing the germination of bulbs. In more dry rooms you can use conventional linen bags, pouring into them onion husks. Salt and leek husks will be reliable protection garlic heads from various infections and pests.

Storage of garlic in paraffin

The paraffin enveloping method is quite time consuming. It is necessary to melt the paraffin (1-2 candles) and immerse the garlic heads entirely in turn for a while, then wait for the full pouring of paraffin. Store garlic in this form preferably away from heating batteries. The paraffin film will contribute to the preservation of moisture, prevent the drying of the heads, and the carbon dioxide released and the inside will not allow the development of diseases.

Storage of garlic in the oil in the refrigerator

It will not be difficult to preserve a small amount of garlic with any vegetable oil. To do this, completely purified garlic teeth fold them into a sterile dry jar and fill with oil. So, in addition to the preservation of fresh garlic teeth, you will have flavored garlic oil that can be used for salads or in therapeutic purposes. It is stored in this way garlic for a long time, but necessarily in the refrigerator.

Storage of garlic in the ground

Some daches store garlic right on their summer cottage. Late in autumn A pit is digging on the garden, the dried healthy heads of garlic placed in hermetic plastic bag are put in it. Everything is carefully wrapped up 4-5 layers of newspapers. The earth falls asleep on top and is covered with foliage, tomato tops, so as not to freeze the Earth. In a minor winter, you can insulate this place by heating large number snow. So garlic will continue without loss throughout the winter. The main thing is to mark the place where the garlic was buried to in the spring, it would be accidentally throwing this plot.

Storage of garlic in dry form

The billet of garlic by drying is small, because with such a storage, the content of beneficial substances is significantly reduced. The purified garlic teeth are cut by thin plates and dried until complete drying. You can dry garlic on heating batteries, on the furnace, in the oven or electric dryer, the main thing is that the temperature does not exceed 60 ° C. After that, it is enough to grind the resulting garlic "chips" to the state of the powder in the mortar, blender or coffee grinder and, mixing with salt, stored in a dry glass, closed can.

Storage of garlic in pantyhose

This "grandmother" the way did not lose its relevance - still conveniently and economically store garlic in old kapron stockings or tights.

Garlic refers to those vegetable cultureswho need special conditions storage. Otherwise, he will start germinate and deteriorate. One of the main conditions for its preservation to spring is the correct and timely harvest. It's time to clean the garlic, if the leaves below the leaves and began to dry, and the scales chopped on the sample sample and thin. If the bulbs began to fall apart, then with cleaning you were late. Such garlic is unlikely to "live" to spring.

Ripening time of garlic in middle lane Russia falls in mid-July - the first decade of August. Harvesting is carried out in a warm, dry day. Each bulb is digging carefully, trying not to damage. Stems do not break. The dug garlic on 5 days is laid out under a canopy, and then hang out in a dry ventilated place until it does not dry. Then the garlic crop roots and stem at an altitude of 8-10 cm.

The ideal place for storage of garlic is a dry ventilated basement or a constant temperature cellar from 0 to 5C and air humidity 70-80%. Therefore, for owners of private houses with a cellar or basement, to keep garlic to spring will not be difficult.

But what to do residents of urban apartments?

Often, the mistress is trying to keep garlic on the balcony. I must say it is not the most the best decision. Temperatures are badly affected by garlic bulbs. At temperatures below 0, garlic is simply freezed and, upon subsequent thawing heads. With the warm weather, the garlic begins to germinate. No less demanding garlic and air humidity. The optimal humidity for its safety is 70-80%. With humidity less than 70% garlic will dry, and increased humidity May cause its germination or rotting.

So how to save garlic until spring?

1. Storage in the kitchen

Garlic is placed in the usual grid and hangs on the wall. Previously at the heads of garlic with the help of a candle, roots are mounted. This is done so that it does not germinate in heat. You can store garlic and in the usual kitchen box, putting into a paper bag. But you need to keep in mind that with this method, garlic can be stored for a maximum until the end of winter.

2. Storage in a box with salt

The bottom of the box is falling asleep with a large cook salt. The garlic is stacked at salt. If the box is shallow, garlic should be put in one row. In a deep box, you can put several layers of garlic, moving each layer of salt. The box is put in a dark place. Because the salt is an excellent preservative, and, in addition, it is well kept in moisture, this way can be stored garlic until the summer.

3. Paraffin storage

Paraffin needs to melt on a steam bath and cool a little. In the resulting liquid paraffin, dip each garlic head, holding it for the cropped stem. "Shell" from paraffin will perfectly protect garlic heads from external influences. Processed in this way garlic can be stored in open video Before spring, without fear that he spoiled or loses his taste or fragrance.

4. Storage in vegetable oil

Vegetable oil should be boiled, add to it a few drops of iodine and treat the resulting composition of dry garlic heads. Dried garlic lays in boxes, baskets or other containers from natural raw materials. The film of vegetable oil will protect the head of garlic from drying and damage until spring.

Garlic - mandatory product in any house. It is used not only as seasoning to various dishes, but also as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases. If you have a garden or country cottage areaYou will probably grow garlic "about the supply." However, over time, he begins to shut up, dying, molding, or germinate, without having lived even until the middle of winter. Why garlic flies like this to avoid and save the product?

The need to create certain storage conditions

Like any plant, the fruits of which are subject to long-term storage, garlic requires certain conditions. Their non-compliance significantly reduces the shelf life of the product. You risk losing the entire harvest if you do not provide a suitable temperature, humidity and illumination. Even collect garlic needed by defined rulesso that it does not deteriorate too fast.

High demands on storage conditions are due to a large amount of aromatic oils in garlic.

Compliance with the rules of storage will help you save the harvest of garlic as long as possible

Without keeping storage conditions, you risk faceted with the following problems:

  1. High humidity will damage the fungal diseases - green mold, black rot.
  2. At high temperature and low moisture, the head quickly dried. Such a product comes into disrepair: it does not have a specific taste and aroma, only an unpleasant smell.
  3. Impact direct sun ray Activates the process of photosynthesis, why the garlic will start germinate, getting ready to give life to a new crop. Not very suitable optionIf you planned to save the product at least before spring.

The duration of the storage of garlic directly depends on the proper and timely harvest. When determining the deadlines, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the growing culture of this culture, its growth and development.

Choose for cleaning dry and warm day. But do not tighten, you need to do everything promptly and timely. Any delay can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the product.

How to remove garlic

Storage conditions

There are 2 garlic storage methods:

  1. Cold: Humidity 70-80%, temperature from +2 to + 4 ° C. Under such conditions it is recommended to store winter garlic. These include the following varieties:
    • Hermann;
    • Alkor;
    • Dubkovsky;
    • Lubash;
    • Leak;
    • Bubble;
  2. Warm: Humidity 50-70%, temperature from +16 to + 20 ° C. Used for spring grades.
    • Abrek;
    • Alasky;
    • Gulliver;
    • Elena;
    • Sochi-56.

Do not forget that winter garlic is a little adapted for long storage. Because of the smaller number of lifting scraps of his heads, they begin to dry faster.

Air - Ripe Garlic Seeds

The air is garlic seeds resulting at the top of the arrow after flowering. They are also called bullbags. Storage conditions depend on what type of garlic you grown.

Effective methods

The most common way to store garlic at home, known to our ancestors - brackets in braids. You probably saw such knitters not only in historical films and pictures, but also in the house of your grandmother.

In time, the assembled, well dried garlic is braid on the principle of braid or wreath, after which they are suspended in a cool room

If you decide to keep garlic in such a way, you need to master weaving technology. She is simple, but for the first time you have to try. Remove all the leaves, leaving a false stem and head. Start weave from below, adding new bulbs one after another, up to 15 pieces. At the end of the braid, make a loop so that knitting can be suspended.

This method is good if you live in a private house. For the apartment will be more suitable for other methods.

  1. Pick up shallow baskets, cardboard boxes or boxes. Fold in them well-dried garlic heads. Put the filled container in a cool dry place, away from heating devices. From time to time, move the garlic and delete the touched heads. This method is simple, but not enough effective: you can hardly control the level of humidity and temperature in such conditions. Garlic can dry or covered mold.

    Shallow baskets and boxes are very comfortable, but do not provide a long safety of garlic

  2. For storage of garlic, linen bags and kapron stockings are excellent. Fold in them prepared heads and remove into a dry dark place. If the indoor air humidity is low, you can ship garlic onion husks, if high - bag or stocking you need to handle saturated saline (dip in salty water and dry). This method is the most common, its effectiveness is confirmed by many mistresses.
  3. Storage of garlic in grids in which vegetables and fruits sell. This is a fairly convenient option, correctly dried bulbs, isolated on mesh and suspended in a dark place with a suitable level of temperature and humidity, do not spoil about 3 months.

    Under the conditions of the city apartment, a small amount of garlic can be stored in grids from under vegetables or fruits

  4. Well-dried crude garlic heads fold into sterilized dry jars or other deep dishes. Place them with rows, speaking every flour. Close tightly covers and put in a dark place. However, this method like not to all hostesses, many say that the flour is not enough good enough garlic from drying and mold.

    You can store garlic in deep dishes, speaking every row flour

  5. Effective, although not a particularly common way to store garlic - dry salting. Whole crude heads to fold into any suitable container (banks, boxes), speaking large quantity A large salt, lower and upper layers of which should be at least 2-3 centimeters. Close the tank with a dense cover and put in a cool dark place. Salt will save garlic from moisture, limit the access of oxygen and serve as an excellent antiseptic.

    Garlic is well kept in banks filled with cook salt

  6. You probably know that garlic sold in stores is covered with a layer of paraffin. It provides a product for long storage. You can apply this method at home if you are not very big crop. Melt the paraffin on the water bath and in turn, immerse the heads into it. Wait 2-3 hours, and then fold garlic in cardboard boxes. This method Effective enough, but time consuming.

    If each garlic head is covered with a thin layer of melted paraffin, the bulbs will not dry, the shelf life will increase significantly.

  7. Many prefer to keep garlic in the refrigerator, folding it into plastic bags with holes done in them. it good wayBut only if you have some heads and you plan to use them in the next 3 months.
  8. Garlic can be stored in freezer In the form of whole heads or teeth, not peeled from husk. Mandatory condition - the temperature is not lower than -2 degrees. Otherwise, the product will alrh and lose its taste.

    It is interesting! Try the following storage method: Purified garlic cloves Grind the press, mix with a small amount of salt and spices, spread over the molds for ice. Freeze the mass and keep the resulting cubes in the freezer. They can always fill the first and second dishes.

  9. When preparing garlic to keep the roots, leaving about 10 mm. Rodyshko Heads burn on open fire (for example, on gas stove), After that fold the crop in the boxes and hide into a dark cool place. This method is known for a long time, it provides long-term preservation.
  10. You can wrap each head of garlic in the food film (in 2 layers) and folded into cardboard boxes or glass jars, speaking with small sawdust.

    Tight wrap garlic in the food film and store in the refrigerator

  11. If you have special covers for vacuum canning, then fold clean the dried heads into the sterilized banks, cover with such lids and pump out air. Garlic, canned in this way, can be stored in the refrigerator: it will not lose his taste and healing properties for a long time.

    Devices for vacuum canning will help you save garlic as long as possible.

The methods mentioned above are quite effective, but you may not want to make drawers and banks to occupy a lot of space in the kitchen. There are I. unconventional methodswhich will not only provide long-term safety, but also make a product, always ready to use.

With vegetable oil

You will need:

  • glass jars, pre-sterilized and dried;
  • caps from Capron;
  • garlic slices peeled from husks;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, corn or olive).
  1. Make sure the garlic slices were clean, strong, without traces of damage.
  2. Tightly fold them into banks and pour to the top with vegetable oil.
  3. Close the covers, put in the refrigerator.

Thus, the product will be stored for up to 3 months.

During storage, the oil is impregnated with garlic aroma, which will make it an excellent dressing for salads, second dishes and soups. If you add greens and spices, you will get a full-fledged sauce.

Garlic in vegetable oil with spices will be a full-fledged additive to your dishes.

How to keep garlic in vegetable oil - video

Garlic powder at home

The garlic powder will be stored even better. Prepare it is completely easy.

  1. Clean garlic cloves, cut into thin plates.
  2. Dry them in the electric grid at temperatures up to 60 degrees.
  3. Dry plates grind into a mortar or blender with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Cut garlic on thin plates, dry and grind

Calcular powder can be stored in any tightly closing package. He does not take much space and does not lose its properties throughout the year. In addition, afterwards you will significantly save time when cooking, because garlic does not need to be washed, clean and crushed. True, this method has a significant drawback: the product loses its beneficial features. But if you are interested in taste quality, this is what you need.

What to do if garlic started to deter

The fact that garlic began to disappear, many signs may indicate, in particular:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • wrinkling teeth or integers;
  • falling the slices inside when pressed on her with a finger;
  • drying garlic heads;
  • the appearance of mold.

The most frequently arising problem is drying garlic heads. This is due to the evaporation of moisture. If you do not have the ability to provide a more suitable storage room, paraffination will help you. The frozen paraffin will keep moisture in the cloves, and carbon dioxide that is formed in the head from the breathing of the stem, destroy the harmful microorganisms and thereby protects garlic from diseases.

To avoid the occurrence of mold during the storage period, be sure to dry garlic outdoors after harvesting

In the process of storage in a bulb, mold may form, and in some cases even black mold-like rot. This happens if garlic heads were damaged or frozen. Heat And the humidity significantly accelerates the development of diseases. To avoid this, be sure to dry garlic outdoors after harvesting: ultraviolet is destructive effect on fungus, mold and bacteria.

Another problem is the germination of garlic heads. As soon as green leaves are punctured on the tooth, the bulb begins to give them all the valuables and with time he dries, losing marketable condition and taste. Best way Prevent germination is the firing of the blues of bulbs. If it was not possible to avoid trouble, we advise you to plant sprouted slices on the garden to grow a new harvest.

Storage of garlic in the winter in the refrigerator - video

Last year, I was advised to clean the garlic to put into the jar, pour water and stored in the refrigerator. Made! It turned off the whole garlic, what was! Wandered, all, ungrateful! Do not do it !!!


I and in a cardboard box in the kitchen lay under the wardrobe, and when the box was thrown out, and just in the package "T-shirt" (unbroken, naturally) in the storage room is kept normally. The new garlic lies calmly, and the whole billet is done with almost old garlic. The storage record was - before next November I expected, and we could, and I would have lying, yes we ate it finally. True, I grow it only from the Bullbobs, maybe this is the case.

Garlic - Plant Spicy, useful, popular. It is seasoning for many dishes in cooking. He is considered to be a people's medicinal means of combating cold and tootten pain. Doctors know about his ability to strengthen the immune system, guy and appetite. But a housewife is especially appreciated: for a sharp taste and tart smell, for the ability to destroy harmful bacteria, for its ability to treat many ailments. Garlic good antiseptic. But many owners are tormented by the question: how to organize the storage of garlic at home so that he does not be a victim of various diseases and mold? The answer is ambiguous. In order for it to survived by the end of a long winter, the juiciness and freshness, it is necessary on time ... Remove. For a long time there will be only those heads that were rapidly extracted from under the ground; Right dried and cut.

Garlic is two species. Springs plant spring, and clean in the first half of August. Winter sitting in the fall, and cleaning begin in mid-July. As a rule, there are no problems with storing the heads of a spring grade, they are perfectly waiting to the new crop. This article will consider the question: how to properly store garlic winter to spring?

Spring garlic plant spring

Winter sitting in autumn

Choose a day for cleaning

Time goes fast. Imperceptibly approached the period of cleaning garlic. It is trapped only in warm and dry weather. It is impossible to be late. With each dying day, the quality of garlic will steadily decline. All this will adversely affect its preservation in winter. It demonstrates its overripe of garlic:

  • protective layers of the film scales are cracking;
  • the bulb consists of estimated teeth, ready to separate from the slightest touch to them.

Damaged heads for the winter do not leave, they need to immediately use

The bulb consists of estimated teeth, ready to separate

Important Council: Damaged heads for the winter do not leave. They need to be separated and immediately used.

Nuances of digging and trimming garlic

If the garlic was good care: His polls on time, often loosened the soil, rarely watered during the growing season - the land in the garden should be soft and loose. In this case, it can be carefully trying to pull out for powerful stems with hands. But if the roots come off, you need to pour. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a shovel or forks. The main thing is not to hurry so as not to damage the heads.

Cleaned with hands from soil lumps and straight on the garden

Gently try to pull out for powerful stems with hands

The extracted garlic is shaken from under the ground, cleaned with his hands from the soil lumps and is folded directly on the garden. If the weather allows, it is kept on the garden in the shadow of 5 days. Try to prevent direct sunlight on the day and dew in the morning. Therefore, at night it needs to be removed into a dry warm room. Many gardeners dried garlic within 10-14 days in attics dacha Domikov or other buildings. The conditions for drying onion with any weather there are simply magnificent: dry, twilight, cool, there is always a draft.

Garlic is dried with stems. Trimming the stems are best guided by a secateur or sharp powerful scissors that will easily cope with hard leaves.

Trimming the stems using the machine

Many gardeners dried garlic within 10-14 days in attics of country houses

The head is cut from the bottom at a distance of 3 mm from the body of the bulb, and from above the leaves at a distance of 10 cm from the neck. After that, it is sorted by the size of the heads. Here is such an appeal with garlic during cleaning will serve as a guarantee of ensuring its preservation in winter.

Why garlic flies?

To choose the right strategy and understand how to keep garlic until spring - you need to deal with the cause of its damage. On the preservation of garlic crucial Have three factors:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • resistance to bacteriosis and bulk-garlic nematode.

Spring garlic loves warm in winter

Humidity has crucial importance to drying garlic and disease resistance

Resistance to bacteriosis and bulk-garlic nematode

Different varieties are stored with not same conditions. Yarovar garlic loves "warm" in winter - air temperature from +16 to +20 degrees, and winter grade "cold" is just plus 2-4 degrees. Humidity has decisive importance for drying and resistance to diseases. Too dry atmosphere dries completely tooths, and too wet environments will create conditions for the defeat of the heads of mold and diseases. The optimal humidity is 50-80%.

Using healthy planting material

Avoid growing in one place for several years in a row

The fight against nematodes and bacteriosis begins with the moment of landing and continues during care and cleaning. So that the heads were healthy, and the storage of garlic at home provided them with the saving of all his useful qualities, it is necessary:

  • the use of a healthy planting material;
  • avoiding growing in one place for several years in a row;
  • the destruction of patients and weak plants during growth;
  • disinfection of storage;
  • maintaining the storage places of a moderate positive temperature and humidity of about 70%.

Destruction of patients and weak plants during growth

The best blend is observed at garlic heads having three protective layers of scaly coating.

Gentle Tip: Better Bigness is observed at garlic heads having three protective layers of the scaly coating.

The principle here is one: all heads must be in the same conditions. Need to strive to ensure that they all come into contact with the surrounding atmosphere have not experienced great Pressure Machine on each other, the space was used rationally, in which it is stored.

All heads must be in the same conditions

In suspended state

  1. More Our great-grandmothers knew how to weave the pigtails from garlic. For this case, the stem must be left almost completely, pre-removing all the leaves. For ease of storage, it is recommended to climb a robust beep to make a loop at the end of the pigtails. For the loop, such a construction is comfortable to hang in the storage room, the closet, on the warmed balcony, in the basement or cellar. The main conditions for storage are listed above: coolness, darkness, not too much humidity.
  2. You can go simplified version. Tie the heads with stems in small bundles or brooms and hang under the roof in a warmed attic or winter Garden. In this place, the storage of garlic at home is checked by many gardens, which are satisfied with the result obtained. Conveniently in the process of storage to rebel suspicious heads.
  3. Many dackets lay the dried and briefly cropped heads into kapron stockings, tights or grids. This option is similar to the braid of a simplified design and allows you to rationally use the place in the closet or under the roof, in the storage room or in the basement.

1. Our great-grandmothers knew how to weave the pigtails from garlic

2. bind the heads with stems in small bundles and hang under the roof

3. Put the dried and short cropped heads into kapron stockings, tights or grids

In capacities

  1. Laying well dried heads into sterilized glass tri-liter banks under the drop-down lids are very popular among urban residents. Practice has shown that the bulbs preserved in this way retain their beneficial properties for a very long time, up to the end of the spring.
  2. Many hostesses store heads in low drawers, cardboard boxes, baskets, linen bags, holey bags. The main thing here is the presence of sufficient number of holes for good ventilation in the containers. On the bottom usually put onion husks, some ash or sawdust, which absorb excess moisture. For the winter, the filled containers are placed in dry and cool places. This method is convenient because the bulbs of garlic are easily accessible and you can periodically sort out, rejecting the spoiled heads.

Storage in sterilized glass jars

Storage in low drawers, cardboard boxes

Without air access

  1. Proven method for storing purified teeth in vegetable oil. This method is suitable for a small part of the crop. First prepares the bank. It is sterilized by steam and give to cool. Then they lay cooked slices and poured olive, corn, linen or sunflower oil until full dive. The jar is closed with a polyethylene lid, in which there are holes. This method is good because garlic is immediately ready for use. And on the aromatic oil that has absorbed his smell, you can fry the cutlets, fish or vegetables. It comes up for refueling salads, sauces, cold snacks, vinaigrettes.
  2. TO original way The storage of garlic can be attributed to its injection into the ground. For this, part of healthy, dried heads is selected. They are wrapped in several layers of old newspapers and placed in a plastic bag. Right on the garden dig a hole with a depth of 40-50 cm, packs there and fall asleep the earth. Cut the legs and pounce the tops of potatoes, tomatoes or tops of coarse, carrots. Spring or summer roll. The preservation is very good.
  3. Checked people's recipe Good preservation of garlic - immersion of heads in melted paraffin. His dried film is well protecting the bulbs from evaporation of moisture contained in them.

1. Property storage of purified teeth in vegetable oil

2. The opera of his injection into the ground

3. Drilling heads in melted paraffin

Under the layer of flour or salt

  1. Pour 2 cm salt on the bottom of the plywood box and lay out the head layer. Then again the salts and a layer of garlic heads. And so to the very top. Salt protects the heads from pests and takes into an excess moisture.
  2. Flour falls asleep garlic heads in glass jars. At first, the jar shakes with them so that the heads are settled down, and then pour flour into a slightly cm above the upper bulbs. The goal is to protect the surplus of moisture from pests and imagine.

1.Colt protects the heads from pests and takes into an excess moisture

2.Muchka fall asleep garlic heads in glass jars

In chilled condition

  • A small number of heads are wrapped in several layers food film And placed in the refrigerator. The best way - In the storage capacity of vegetables. Temperature should be maintained from +2 to -3 degrees Celsius.
  • In the cellar, basement in saucepan or in suspended state. Usually in these places increased humidity and garlic can start germinate. You can fight with an excess of moisture with salt, onion husks, flour or sawdust.

Undoubted how to keep garlic until spring in one way or another - choose affordable option. We hope that the whole winter garlic will be used to prepare dishes, and will not be thrown into the trash can. Always remember the rule: garlic is much easier to grow, than to keep it in winter at home.


How to store garlic interests everyone who has already encountered the fact that it is easier to grow it, than to save fresh even before the next harvest, and at least for several months. Here the main thing is to create and maintain certain conditions in winter. That's just garlic grow two types and each has its own storage mode, completely unacceptable for another.

Garlic is divided into spring and winter. Already from the name it is clear that the main difference between these species in the landing time. Yarovoy is spring, and in winter - autumn. In addition, the second species differs from the first thing that he has a higher yield and it is worse.

The appearance of spring and winter garlic is also different. And the ability to distinguish them is very useful when for long-term storage in winter this vegetable will not be taken from its own garden, but in the store or on the market. The venous overwhelming majority of varieties are basic, non-stirring, and the cloves are located around the center of the head in several rows and most often on the helix.

All winter grades grow only with the stem (arrow). The cloves are located around it in 1 row and they are much smaller than that of spring, but they are usually larger. In the core of any zinc of winter garlic, even small, there is a distinctly distinguishable concern of the future stem-arrow. He will be at the Svorov, only if it is a fake grade, and everyone has no other.

Heads garlic

Now you can go to the question how to store garlic properly depending on its type. As noted above, for spring and wintering should be created different conditions. Failure to comply with their and storage of garlic of the first type in a way for the second and vice versa will lead to the fact that this vegetable will not curtail the period last.

Accordingly, the types of garlic exist two main storage methods. The main difference between them in temperature and humidity that must be maintained:

  • for winter - + 2 ... + 4 ° C and 70-80%, respectively;
  • yarovoe - + 16 ... + 20 ° C and 50-70%.

If you comply with these requirements, you do not have to be asked why garlic rotes, germinates or sluggish when it is still stored and stored.

Harvest storage

Immediately it should be noted that for the winter it is better to stock up with a native garlic, and from long-term storage of winter it is completely refused.

This is exactly the most experienced owners come. Winter they laid for long-term storage only if its harvest, whose collection approached, turned out to be more than it was possible to eat garlic fresh or recycle when cooking and vegetable stocks for the winter. No matter how try, but this kind of more than 3-4 months can not save. Winter B. more thanthan spring, exposed to the storage of the manifestation of various garlic diseases and often rotates. It can save him from this and significantly increase the period of leaving in a fresh form, but only with a tangible loss of taste and fragrance of vegetable. For this you need winter.

Yarova can be preserved up to the new yield of winter without a significant loss of the taste, aroma and vitamins. In addition, it is still permissible to contain in conditions intended for winter. True, it will be stored at the same time, it will be much less laid and quickly loses the fragrance, freshness and beneficial properties.

Winter stored in conditions for spring, warm, it is impossible. He very soon begins to grow and dry, or he is amazed and he is rotting.

To preserve garlic, it is also important to prepare it correctly. One of the main components of this is timely harvesting. Otherwise, during storage, some of the vegetables or even more of their quantity can be lost. You should not collect a bonded garlic and the more impossible to harvest for the winter fear. Cleaning term:

  • winter - approximately from mid-July and before the beginning of August;
  • yarovoe - the second half-end of August.

Signs, testifying to the maturation and occurrence of the cleaning time of the first type of garlic - began to crack the wrappers of inflorescences and shut down the lower leaves. At the same time, the covering flashes are dry and all thinner.

Summer must be assembled when the bottom leaves are dried, and the upper will begin to yellow and descend. For both types of garlic, an important evidence of what it is ripe is the characteristic state of the covering head of the scales. They must be thin and durable.

Ripe bulbs

Loading or delaying garlic cleaning will reduce its quality and fitness to storage:

  • curving upper scales crack and fly off;
  • lukovychy disintegrate into separate teeth;
  • on the bottom of the heads, new roots germinate and garlic is rooted, losing the nutrient and useful substances of the teeth.

Such bulbs are no longer subject to a bookmark for long-term storage - they quickly deteriorate. If they are still harvested for the winter, then you should not be perplexed why garlic dries or rot. Teeth are deprived of reliable external protection and internal resources Combating diseases.

Collect garlic must try in dry warm days. During cleaning, you should protect the heads and their roots from shocks and damage. The soil from the roots and the surface of the bulbs must be removed. Do it carefully with hands.

Cleaning garlic

Before storage, garlic must be dried for 3-5 days. In dry warm weather, you can right on the plot. A well-ventilated utility or other room is used in the rainy (veranda, attic, shed, yard under a canopy).

Sew garlic must be dried together with the tops (leaves). If it is immediately removed immediately, then a piece of the bulb will be lost through the fresh cut and an infection can be listed.

When the garlic is driving, it will be possible to understand the touch. Covering flakes will become absolutely dry and rustling. Then the bulbs cut the stalk and root, leaving the neck to 10 cm at the first and 2-3 mm length of the second. Then the garlic must be sorted. For storage in winter, only strong ripe, but not familiar bulbs, healthy, without signs of illness and damage with tightly adjacent to the scales, are selected.

Winter is best stored in the cellar or basement. It is there that can create the most suitable conditions. At the same time, the storage of garlic in the cellar is associated with a number of difficulties. On the one hand, maintain there necessary temperatures And the humidity is very difficult, and on the other hand, it can be fungi, causative agents of diseases and pests, because of which the vegetable will deteriorate. However, it all depends on the degree of preparedness of the cellar. We must take care in advance so that in it:

  1. The temperature did not fall below 0 o C - otherwise, the vegetables may surf - and did not rise, in any case, significantly, above the allowable, so that the bulbs do not start drying or growing.
  2. There was thoughtful ventilation providing the necessary humidity. With high garlic rotates, and in the case of low dry.
  3. There were no mold, fungus and pests.

If at least 1 of these items cannot be executed, then it is better to keep garlic in the refrigerator apartment.

Storage of vegetables at home

How to keep garlic among other billets in the cellar? Its with the help of twine or flexible wire can be 15-20 splash bulbs (tie) in braids. To do this, herbal tails of the heads need to be overwhelmed with a rope, if necessary, making nodules. It is necessary to start a braid below, consistently taking the next bulbs. Either garlic is placed in Kapron tights, stockings or small grids. One such package should not put more than 15-25 bulbs. Then braids or meshes with pantyhose suspended to the ceiling or along the walls. With the last vegetable should not touch.

You can also decompose the bulbs in shallow baskets, cardboard boxes, Wooden or plastic boxes, but not only metal. Condensate will be formed on their walls.

At least once a month it is necessary to check the condition of garlic. Spoiled and beginners rot on the bulbs, as well as, if necessary, adjacent to them should be removed.

It, of course, needs to be stored only in the apartment. In it with maintenance such conditions There are practically no special difficulties. There is, of course, so that he does not dry or not a sprinkle. Still in the apartment there is a significant part of the day light, and the temperature is often higher than necessary. However, for long-term storage of garlic enough to perform several simple conditions. It must be placed in places:

  • dark or shaded dry cool;
  • away from heating devices and heating systems.

Proper crop savings

Methods for storage, as in the cellar: to tie braids, in kapron stockings and grids, which can not only hang, but also put, as well as in baskets, boxes, boxes and banks. In the latter, some recommend to suspend garlic onion husks or salt. For spring, it is not necessarily. He lies so well.

What diseases can hit garlic during storage and how to deal with them

As noted above, the disease is mainly affected by winter garlic, and the spring is subject to a lesser extent. The causative agents of all infections and ailments of this vegetable are usually various mushrooms, as well as bacteria. Perhaps the most common disease is a cervical rot. Its manifestations: teeth soften, become yellowish, watery, and can be mummified at all. It is also of the mold of various colors - green, black, gray. By the way, they spread very quickly by scattering around their disputes, on healthy teeth, and then bulbs. There are other diseases.

Why is it sick and rotes garlic? Only because of its improper preparation and non-compliance required conditions Storage: Not on time collected, underwhelmed, damaged, they were not selected and did not stand the desired temperatures, humidity. All the pathogens of the disease in garlic were already, and up to three or four at the same time, and waited for a suitable moment when the vegetable will relax. In the ones who are low on the storage of bulbs or in suitable, but placed in unacceptable conditions, diseases are provoked earlier.

How to keep garlic to hurt less? Recipe only one: proper preparation, optimal storage conditions and timely removal of suspicious bulbs.