How to plant garlic under the winter for a good yield. All about landing garlic under winter: when in the fall it is to do how to choose a variety, how to close in an open ground

Hello! We are all very loved garlic. Without it, we do not have almost a single dish. So I, like many of you, really want to be good harvest. I think that it's not badly stumbling, if I say that I have a crop every year it is possible to cancel. But not just so he is given to me. As they say, you want to welcome - love and sink. Therefore, it is necessary to work well.

The key to the good harvest of garlic begins with its landing. I prefer to grow winter garlic, sazing it under the winter.
First you need to decide on which depth to plant garlic. I squeeze two depths. And so that all garlic cloves were planted for one depth and the same distance, I made a small device. He took a stalk from the old shovel, from his lower edge noted three heights of the clove of garlic. Why three heights? Because one height is all the same when pulling the cutting of the ground is rushed. Having measured the desired distance on the cutlets, I nailed a restricter straw so as not to overdo it. The length of the nailed one must on the cutken - 23 cm. Of these, 3 cm is the thickness of the shovel, plus 10 cm on each side - the distance for the landing of the teeth. Then landing, I get perfectly even, extinct to centimeter.
I am preparing a bed for landing garlic in advance. This year I will plant garlic under the predecessor - potatoes. This is one of the ideal predecessors for garlic: a lot of manure was made under it in the spring, many organic fertilizers. For the summer, the potatoes are "lifted" and remains nutrition just for garlic.

Help from "economy"
You can not enter under garlic in no case! This is fraught with outbreaks of mushroom diseases.

I am not soaking garlic before landing. On the contrary, it needs to be very good to dry so that with him "Clealed". Saying for two or three weeks before the alleged frosts so that the cloves in the earth manage to strengthen and root.

My advice
Every year I collect bulbo from garlic, which are formed on flowering heads. I do this in order to update your planting material from time to time, as garlic, like many cultures, is used to accumulate diseases and degenerate.

Bullbars are the future planting material, I land between two groceries of garlic, which is sazing by cloth. To do this, with the help of a flat cut, I make a groove in a depth of 5-6 cm. SEW BULBODY NOT ONE (the hand tires to plant one), and just like seeds, - scattering. Nothing terrible if two or three bobbies fall nearby. Single houses will grow out of the bullbits, of which in a year it will be very good planting material.
After planting the bullbars, we start planting the teeth.

Council from "Economy"
In no case can not do as many gardeners do - they literally take the teeth into the soil. So it is possible to damage both the root system's root, and the teeth itself.

With the help of a homemade self-sufficient tool, I do a hole at a distance of 10 cm. When all the wells are ready, I put in them to the cloth of garlic and then checked. All garlic is planted. It is not necessary to water and cover it.
We are waiting for spring and first shoots.
Irina Plishkina

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To date, there are two varieties of garlic: spring and winter. Between themselves, two subspecies differ in landing timing, as well as agrotechnics of cultivation. Our article will tell you how to plant garlic under the winter to get excellent yield in next year.

The main thing distinctive feature Winter grades of garlic is that their landing, in contrast to spring varieties, occurs in the fall. However, the landing of garlic under the winter brought the right effect, you need to know the timing of landing planting material.

Typically, the landing of garlic in the fall is carried out approximately 35-45 days before the start of frost. If you do not have time to invest in the allotted time, then root system It will not have time to develop. To the beginning of the frost, it should grow by 10-12 cm.

Looking out the planting material of winter varieties from September 20. At the same time landing winter garlic lasts until mid-October. Experts recommend waiting for the moment when the earth will be captured by an ice crust, and in the afternoon. Therefore, in order to more accurately determine the settlement time, you should be checked with the weather forecast. You can also use moon calendardetermining the most favorable days To carry out this manipulation.

It is important to know when to plant winter garlic, since a strongly early landing will lead to germination of the planting material. If the gardener was late and did not plan the cloves on time, the planting material would not have time to root and promotes.

Many novice gobblers are often asked by a question "Is it possible to plant winter garlic in the spring." Yes, you can. But only under the condition that no teeth will be used as a planting material, but bullbills. Their sowing is carried out in April. To put a fogging winter garlic in the spring you need to prepare the planting material in advance.

As you can see, for the future harvest it is very important that landing material landing material has passed on the desired time.

After which culture is better to plant

Compliance with crop rotation - very important momentwhich has a direct impact on the quality and amount of harvest at the end of the season. After all, after some crops, garlic grows very badly, forming defective heads. Therefore, the landing of garlic for the winter should be carried out on the place where optimal predecessors have grown up to this.

Best of all, this type is growing when it falls onto the place of growing annual vegetables, which have a short vegetation period (for example, zucchini, pumpkin, pepper, cucumbers, eggplants). Also, the teeth can be planted after berry bushes and grain crops.

It is impossible to plant garlic in the fall after the root crops. This is due to the fact that they have a later date of cleaning and in the process of their growth strongly deplete the soil, which by the next season does not have time to recover.

Selection of soil

To plant garlic under the winter, it is necessary not only to determine the timing of the procedure, but also to choose the place of disembarkation. After all, garlic is a capricious culture that loves fertile light soils.

The plot selected for the cultivation of this culture must meet the following requirements:

  • be a good fertilized. The soil must be nutritious, easy and accessible to penetrate into its air layers;
  • sublime place on which the situation is excluded mavel Water. If there is a staging of moisture on the site, then the risk of rotting plant roots increases. This will lead to the emergence of diseases and pests. In this case, you need to do high Grokes. But such a situation should be avoided;
  • lighting beds for almost the day.

To pick up the optimal section of the spring in the spring, when the snow is tait, you need to carefully follow the garden and reveal all the places where the moisture is accumulated. They definitely impossible to plant teeth. In the fall, the selected place must be covered early in the snow to prevent the seating of the planting material. As a result of observations, the sections should be preferred on which:

  • snow lies long enough;
  • people and animals do not walk;
  • ice crust is formed.

Choosing a plot for landing winter garlic, It is necessary to take into account the fact that at low-speed winter, the landing material can freeze. This is usually happening when there is no snow with severe frosts on the garden.

To prevent the development of such a negative scenario, you need to know how to properly plant garlic in autumn.

A good place will be a plot located near the fence. It is desirable that it is located on the northern side. In this case, the shadow of the fence will allow an ice crust as long as possible to persist on the surface of the Earth. In this case, the fence will protect the beds from blowing snow.

After the area for planting a winter grade of garlic was determined, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Without preparation, it is very difficult to get a really good harvest.

Preparation of the beds is that the site should be easier and focus. Excellent fertilizer for this culture will be humus. You can also use complex feeding. Fertilizers can be made before the direct planting material. In this case, superphosphate (30 g), potash salt (20 g) and humid (5-6 kg) should be used. In addition, the entire area, after making fertilizers, it is recommended to pour a solution with copper sulphate.

The calculation of the amount of fertilizer introduced is carried out on the basis of how fertile the selected area was. With the strong exhaustion of the Earth for 1 sq. M. The area should leave one bucket of humus. Most. the best choice For garlic, this variety will be sandy and non-acid soils.

It follows to the preparation of a land plot in early September. After the preparatory procedures are completed, the beds are covered with a film that is removed in front of the immediate planting.

Landing and care rules

After we have dealt with when planted garlic and in which plot, you need to deal with the rules for holding the landing. It is worth noting that the falling off of winter garlic in spring from the autumn procedure is distinguished by another type of planting material, as well as technology. Garlic, whose landing was spent in the spring, grows from the bullbob, and not from the teeth. With a spring landing, weather conditions should be taken into account.

In the spring for disembodied planting material, furrows are formed. Bullbars sit down to a depth of no more than 3 cm. Between them, a distance of 2 cm is preserved. Between adjacent furrows remains a free space of 10 cm.

To understand how to plant various varieties Garlic in winter, you need to know the following rules:

  • landing material landing is carried out in furrows that have a depth of about 15-20 cm;
  • there is a distance of 20-25 cm between the cloves. Although it includes information that there should be a distance of 12-15 cm between large instances, and between small - 8-10 cm;
  • the bottom of the furrow is saturated with coarse sand. Its layer should be 1.5-3 cm. The sand layer will save the planting material from rotting.

In such prepared grooves and plant winter garlic in autumn. At the same time, the garlicity Sadim in such a way that the don is from below. This will allow the root system to quickly begin to form. After the teeth were placed properly in the furrow, they fall asleep with soil. Now you know how to put garlic. However, to grow a decent crop need not only right landing, but also appropriate care.

After the landing was completed, the land is molded. Over the garden laying the dry peat layer. It can be mixed with sawdust and earth. To protect against cold weather, you can put a ruleroid. Garlic for the winter takes exactly in this form. After that, gardening will be exercised in the spring.

It includes the following actions:

  • removing the runneroid and purification of the soil from mulch;
  • arrows that will appear at the end of June, it is necessary to break. They should not grow above 10 cm. Otherwise, the head will turn out small;
  • with the appearance of the first germs to the soil, nitrogen fertilizers contribute (korovyan, urea, bird litter);
  • the second feeding is held in June / July. Here is used here;
  • abundant irrigation should fall on the stage of active growth of plants and the formation of the head;
  • after each irrigation, the earth and weeds are loosening;

As you can see, landing and care for winter garlic is easy. Therefore, it is grown in many regions of our country.

Popular grade of winter garlic

Currently exists a large number of Varieties of winter garlic. Therefore, for gardens it is often difficult to determine what kind of grade is worth landing on own plot. Consider the most popular varieties of garlic, which is planted for the winter.


it mid-Veter Sortthat forms arrows. Its period of vegetation is about 120 days. But in the southern regions it is reduced to 100 days.

The main advantages of the variety are:

  • frost resistance;
  • acute good taste;
  • simple care;
  • unpretentious;
  • good immunity.

Komsomolets forms large headwhich has a flat-terminated form. For proper care With 1 square meters, you can collect up to 1.2-1.4 kg of harvest.


Fight midverter than a versatile destination. Planting garlicin is carried out in the fall. The plant is formed by heads that have a surrendous form. The head is covered with dirty and white scales, which are permeated with longitudinal purple stripes. On average, one head weighs about 75 grams. It contains 8 teeth. They have a sharp taste and brown color.

Among the advantages of this species, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • stable fruiting;
  • universal appointment garlicin;
  • high quality harvest;
  • good taste;
  • exchange immunity.

Petrovsky today is actively grown in Russia, Moldova, Ukraine.

Mushroom 60.

Another magnificent variety of winter garlic is mushroom 60. His disembarkation is spent on the winter. A variety forms an arrow. The first shoots appear early in spring. Landing well tolerate even very coldy. Taste sharp. One head contains approximately 11 cloves.

To grow a large winter garlic of any variety you just need to adhere to the rules of landing and leaving plants. Even a lover will quite cope with this.

Video "Landing of winter garlic"

From this video you will learn how to proper garlic under the winter.

Kira Tsekolova

In growing technology great importance Has the depth of planting garlic. The desired result of the yield indicator will depend on how correctly the vegetable is planted. Therefore, this issue remains at the level with the main problems that arise when planting this culture.

How to choose a landing depth

The essence of the question to which depth is garlic under the winter is that you need to choose the optimal deepening.

It should be sufficient so that the culture does not extinate in winter And sprout in spring. After all, the small landing of the vegetable leads to a filling of the zubs from the soil because the root beam is growing rapidly. For adverse conditions Teeth will die.

Also, the depth of garlic landing for winter planning should not be too big. To survive the winter period, vegetable enough to put roots, but do not let the green stems. Especially dangerous to reduce the temperature in November and December, when there is no snow. Too deeply, planting seed teeth are not worth it, it will entail a liquefaction of crops, a delay in the growth of the teeth, reducing the crop.

Preparation of garlic

Before the preparation of the seed, it is necessary to approach carefully, because it will largely depend on the result of the whole process of cultivation.

Requirements for seals for sowing:

  • grown in one region;
  • all one varieties;
  • healthy, strong and large.

Preparation of soil

So that the soil has managed to settle, the bed must be prepared in advance, somewhere in 2 weeks. It is picked up, with the help of robbery makes fertilizer - compost or humus. The garden height should be 20-25 cm. Make marking - draw rows at a distance of at least 20 cm. In order for them to be easier to celebrate, the soil must be moistened. If it is possible, it is necessary to plant less often, but it is possible at a distance between the wells at 5-8 cm.

To accurately make the same deepening for planting this vegetable, on the back of the shovel (her handles) make serifs desired size. Remember: deeply plant more large teeth, smaller - small.

Landing of winter garlic

The rules for planting winter garlic define many factors that also have an impact on the deepening of planting.

The maximum depth of garlic landing for the winter is recommended to do somewhere 15 cm. But, depending on the above-mentioned factors, it can be different (varies from 3-5 cm to 10-15 cm). There are cases when garlic is shuffled even up to 20 cm! As a rule, it is done when the vegetable was not planted on time and approach the cooling. But it should be noted that using this method, the risk of crop loss increases.

In order to calculate on what depth to plant garlic, you also need to pay attention to the structure of the soil. Where the soil is dense and heavy plant is not too deepened. And if the winter is cold, then the vegetable should be deeper, otherwise the teeth just get out. Therefore, in the same region, this culture is planted in different ways.

Optimal depth

  • for teeth, the magnitude of the groove becomes 15 cm;
  • for the bulb, the grooves - 3-4 cm.

As a rule, garlic teeth are planted with rows, but you can choose other methods (various figures, semicircles).

Dates of landing

Many gardeners hurry to plant garlic in winter in September. If "India Summer" has not passed, they risk warm it too much. Then the vegetable can put the stroke, which is not useful for him.

To begin to plant a vegetable for the winter follows 3-4 weeks before the possible onset of cold weather. Then culture will have time to put roots. You need to accurately comply with the terms and accuracy of deepening. Depending on the region, it can be from mid-September to the end of October.

Landing of spring garlic

Skivar garlic does not give such indices of yield as winter, but it remains for a long time and does not lose its taste. Therefore, many gardeners choose this variety to disemboditate.

Frosts are not a threat for him because it is planted in the spring. Therefore, the depth of its landing is smaller than wintering. And becomes about 5-7 cm.

Dates of landing

Spring garlic land in early spring when the soil temperature is 5-6 ° C of heat. Culture is not afraid of frosts that can still be in spring. And in order for the summer in order to form a big bulb, sitting should be taken early.

Do not cost to delay the planting of vegetable - this will affect the yield. After all, it begins to form roots at a temperature of 4-10 ° C of heat, which under the conditions of humidity of the soil begin to grow with the sheets. Their growth is stopped when the temperature rises. Then the bulb begins to form. Its value will depend on how powerful roots and sheets rose.

So why the question arises, why squeeze garlic in the autumn period under winter? Although the majority of gardeners are used by winter grade garlic, few people can clearly explain its advantages. The main reasons why plant the winter grade garlic is more convenient as follows:

  • Less than hassle in spring. At a time when most cultures are planted to spend time on garlic is irrational.
  • Lower apegestation. If we compare the time from the emergence of the first germs to cleaning, it is not solid. But winter garlic has an advantage in landing - while the spring will only be planted in the ground and does not even begin to grow, wintering will already throw away the first leaves. Due to this, he gives a yield for 3 - 5 weeks earlier than spring.

Winter garlic can be seagged on cottage plot And reduce the spring troubles, having received a greater harvest.

What is the difference from the Spring Planting?

Despite the fact that winter and spring garlic is almost one culture, there are differences in landing. Winter garlic is deeply sirring, landing in several tiers is allowed. At the same time, the planting scheme of winter grades may be more often the yarre, it practically does not affect the crop.

Less than the requirement to the soil - if the delay in spring due to low temperature can be critical and affect the harvest of garlic, then early or late landing Such an influence does not (?). The clologist in any case is rooted and quickly will rise in spring, minimizing the miscalculation.

About how to plant winter garlic in the spring is written, but from you will learn how to plant spring spring garlic.

Features depending on the climatic zone

Depending on the climatic zone and local local conditions, the method and landing scheme differ. There are no unambiguous recommendations, depending on the current year, local temperature features depth and landing scheme may differ slightly.

In the zone of moderate continental climate - the Moscow region and the middle strip of Russia, the landing scheme should be 20 on 25 or less. Depth should be more than 5 cm so that during frosts after thaws there was no freezing sowing material. Optimal to a depth of 7-9 cm and additional mulching for the winter period.

In the southern part of Russia, it is possible to plant to a smaller depth and more. It is allowed to land under scheme 20 by 20 or 20 to 15 in a checker order. With regular mulching, it is possible to plant at a depth of 3-5 cm, it is desirable to be planted at a depth of 10-15 cm without mulching. So the plants will have enough moisture to form the head.

Choosing winter grade

Before going to the market in search of the planting material, it is necessary to learn how to distinguish the spawn and winter grades. There are no cases when unscrupulous sellers give a spring garlic for winter and vice versa.

The following signs are characteristic of winter garlic.:

  1. The central stem is pronounced.
  2. The shape of the teeth and their location resembles the orange slices. Oven garlic has only one row of teeth.
  3. The sheath of the cloves is rigid and sufficiently dry.

Winter garlic differs in all indicators:

  1. No pronounced stem, It can not be located in the center.
  2. The nominal cloves. Their form is chaotic, they can be located in several rows.
  3. Soft shell of cloves. According to the structure, it is more like a onion husk than a solid shell.

If you look garlic on the garden, then winter varieties are easy to determine the arrow. Yarovar garlic does not throw it, multiplying only to the tooth.

The table shows the varieties suitable for almost any regions of Russia.

It is important to pay attention to the ripening time and relate it to local conditions. If all varieties are suitable for the southern regions, then the north of the region, the less the period of vegetation and the early need to be garlic.

Time selection: When in autumn?

The duration of the landing is directly dependent on the climatic zone of growing winter garlic. The north is located climatic zone, the sooner it is necessary to plant garlic:

  • For middle strip Russia is the end of August - mid-September.
  • For the southern part of Russia, this mid-September is the beginning of October.

In general, it is possible to determine the dates of landing so - 20-25 days before stable low temperatures.

Important! Stable low is less than +5 day and less than 0 night. If the year is cold, it is necessary to plant before, if warm autumn is expected - the landing time can be slightly shifted.

Step-by-step instruction: how to plant a winter grade into an open ground?

Before you begin directly landing, you need to prepare all the tools and materials:

When everything is ready, the soil of the village, the sowing material is ready and the timing allow, you can start landing:

Further care

In the fall of additional care, it is not necessary, garlic is rooted and zoked at the first frost. After melting snow, the remnants of the mulch better remove - so the earth will warm up faster.

With the appearance of the first shootouts of the plant, it is necessary to feed a solution of a cow 1 to 10 at the rate of 3 liters per square meter. After 2 - 3 weeks, the feeding is repeated, you can additionally contribute 1 tbsp. A spoonful of nitroposki on the bucket. This will accelerate the growing green mass and the development of the plant as a whole.

After the appearance of the arrows garlic needs to be filtered wood ash. A glass of water dissolves on 10 liters and 1 liter is made. On sq m. It will accelerate the formation of the heads and increase the harvest.

Important! After the arrows appear, they must be broken. At this time, the plant lays the head and forms seeds for breeding. Therefore, if you do not break the arrows, the power of the plant will spend on both directions. Therefore, it is enough to leave only part of the arrows to form seeds on next year.

Possible problems and difficulties

With a thorough selection of seeds, garlic practically does not ill and gives a good harvest. But there are factors that can destroy landing:

  • Sleepy cold winter. If such a winter is expected, then immediately before the first snow, it is advisable to re-climb the bed. Mulch holds snow and create an additional heat insulating layer.

On the background huge number Garden strawberry varieties highly highlighted ampelm. This strawberry with uncharacteristic plants with pink, very decorative colors are easy to learn about simultaneously fruiting maternal plants and outlets from them. After leaving for her care, having studied the rules of cultivation and looking at the photo you can safely begin to plant this unusual berry culture.

Features of ampel strawberries

If the ordinary strawberry is fruitful once for the season, removable two, then the ampel can be said that it is able to bear fruits within the course of the year.

Thanks to the work of breeders, on the ampel strawberry they grow earlier than the flowerons are formed, the flower kidneys are laid and, accordingly, the additional harvest matures. Next, the mustache themselves continue to form the following. As a result, from one bush can be continuously assembly.

In addition, this kind has excellent decorative qualities and can serve as a wonderful decoration of the balcony, veranda, etc.

Council. For growing in the room it is better to pick up the varieties of a neutral day of which are very long term fruction.

In some sources you can meet it called "Curly", but this is not entirely correct. Charcing anything strawberries in nature. Some gardeners in decorative purposes simply tune the mustache with sockets to the support. At the same time it seems that strawberries herself "climbs" up.

Ampel strawberry continuously gives a crop

If you land some bushes in a vase or suspended pot, the sockets will be very beautiful from the parent plant, creating cascades from leaves, colors and berries.

When considering the fruction of ampel, varieties unambiguously can be declared that this is a repairing variety. On bush at the same time you can see buds, flowers and berries. Due to this, in appropriate conditions, you can observe flowering and collect berries practically round year. Varieties using popularity:

  • Home delicacy;
  • Tempesh;
  • Tarpan;
  • Elan;
  • Novel;
  • Balcony stream;
  • Balcony charm.

Almost all of them are hybrids that are adapted to growing in any conditions, resistant to certain diseases and give a decent harvest. Especially I would like to note the grade Tuscany. Despite the recent appearance, he has already gained world recognition. Differs in satiety pink flowers and quite large fragrant berries.

Growing options

If you show a fantasy and make quite a bit effort, then the bushes of ampel strawberries can become a wonderful decoration of the site.

Ampel strawberry can be grown even in the apartment

  • Growing in pots and vases. In this case, you can use any containers under the landing. For the normal development of the plant, their depth must be at least 30 cm. Mandatory requirement - Watering holes and drainage layer. The seedlings intended for landing should be sprinkled with the Earth and to withstand two weeks in a dark, non-fit. Looking into a pot plant is not too tight and not very deep.

Council. Grown personally B. suspended kashpo Strawberry lush bustard can be a wonderful gift of a novice gardener.

  • Growing on the lattice. You can use as a grid metal grid, braided fence, etc. Buildings are planted in the soil 30 cm from each other. Robust mustache are tied up in the grill.

Council. The height of the lattice should be selected by no more than 1 m. So plants will be able to completely cover it with fruit-and-blooming bushes at the same time.

  • Pyramid landing. For such a landing, it will take 3-4 drawers with a height of 30 cm, without the bottom, different size. The largest put on the ground in the garden and falling asleep with fertile soil. From above is the second, smaller and also filled with the Earth. The is the smallest of them. It also falls asleep soil. It turns out a cascade of boxes in which seedlings are planted. After expanding, this structure looks like a green pyramid, covered with flowers and berries.
  • Vertical beds. Such a method is used to grow ampel strawberries in greenhouses. Make them out of wide plastic pipes (diameter of about 110 cm). In them, after a certain interval, the holes are cut in, in which after filling the pipe, seedlings are planted with a nutrient soil.

How to plant seedlings

Landing ampeline varieties is not particularly different from landing other types of strawberries.

  1. The bottom of the pot or groove on the garden is lined with drainage material.
  2. From above covered with a nutrient soil consisting of a delicate earth, humus, manure and peat.
  3. Good watering. After the soil falls down, the earth shifts.
  4. Shooting pits.
  5. In each well distributed over one plant.
  6. The roots are crimped with wet ground so that the core remains upstairs.

Council. In order for seedlings to be faster, it is preferably every rhizome to suck the cake from clay.

How to care

Planted seedling needs frequent moisture. It should be watering 2 times a day gradually. After 2 weeks, watering is reduced - it will be enough to 1 times in 3 days. The first blooms are removed. So the plant will give all the forces on the development of the root system, which will make the plant strong.

Strawberry needs regular moisture

Usov on each bush should be no more than 5 pcs. All unnecessary jumped. The feeders are carried out regularly with mineral fertilizers.

Change of ampel strawberry must be carried out every 3-4 years. In the spring, the mustache discharges from the strongest bushes and transplanted on a new bed or a new container. In the case of flower, you can completely replace the soil and plants.

For the winter, leave the tanks with strawberries on the street. All of them need to be taken into a warm room. If there is no such possibility, the container is drawn into the ground and is covered with underfloor material.

For the beds protruding above the ground level, special frameworks are constructed, the surface of which is covered with rubberoid, Loutrasil, etc., and then rushing with something insulation, for example, sawdust, straw or hay.