What to add to the water to stand the flowers longer. What to do to the flowers in the vase stand longer

Hello, my dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about the colors, or rather, about cut colors. Agree, as a shame, it happens when a presented beautiful bouquet is pregnant so little time with your beauty. Is it possible to do something to stand the flowers in the vase longer? I want to offer you a few simple recipes For different colors, some general recommendations, as well as give useful tips that you may be useful when buying fresh colors.

What to do to flowers stand longer

So that cut flowers in the vase stand longer, some rules should be followed. Separate rules exist for each type of colors. But there are general recommendations. Just with them I will start.

How often we give beautiful bouquets consisting of different colors. They look very impressive! But, unfortunately, as a rule, do not stand for a long time. Flowers in such prefabricated bouquets are quite quickly starting to wither. Why is it going on? It turns out that not all colors are compatible with each other. Therefore, if you want your flowers to stoke as long as possible, it is desirable not to keep different types of colors in one vase.

How different flowers affect each other

  • Roses, just like carnations, War down much faster if you put them with any other colors. That is, only some roses can stand in one vase, or only one carnations!
  • Many love to make bouquets from narcissov from tulipsBut if you do it, the tulips are very quickly called. Narcissus with tulips are incompatible!
  • To flowers that speed up the fading of other colors belong: lily of the valley, daffodils, chapels, tubular lilies and fragrant polka dots.
  • Extend the lives of many colors can: Tui twig, cypress or gerani.

Flower Vase Selection

Choosing, to which vase to put cut flowers, keep in mind that the colors should be not close in it, but not too loose so that the stems do not fall.

The height of vase Must be up to about the middle of the flower stem.

Water level The vase usually does not greatly affect the safety of colors. But if there are fluff on the stems, then water should be no higher than a third of the stem.

If you gave you a bouquet, then bringing it home you need to trim the tips of the stems per 1-2 cm and preferably to load flowers into the water to the flower itself. And only then put in the vase.

So that the flowers stood longer, from that part of the stem of the colors, which is in the water, you need to remove the leaves.

If a stems in colors solid (like chrysanthemums and peonies), then their ends should be split at 3-4 cm.

Hard ends of shrubs (For example, lilac, jasmine) need to be crushed to a height of 5-10 cm.

If a sweet flowers soft, I just make smooth cuts.

Special care requires dahlia, poppy, chapel, daisies. The tips of the stems of these colors first need to quickly burn on fire, and then put in cold water.

Every day, colors need to be changed water, rinse the stalks with water and cut to 1 cm.

What can be added to the water so that the flowers stoke longer

Some substances dissolved in water can increase the lifespan of cut colors. To flowers for a long time in the water you can dissolve:

  • aspirin (1 tablet per 1 liter)
  • salted salt (0.2 g per 1 l)
  • sugar (floor teaspoon on 1 l), but sugar is useful not to all colors
  • glucose (Make 1 -% solution)
  • glycerol (1-2%)
  • alcohol (10%)

To roses stand longer

In order for roses longer, they must be confused under water, remove the leaves and spikes below. Water in which it is planned to put roses, should be well rescued. This water should add aspirin tablet.

So that the carnations stood longer

In order to stand longer carnations, you need to add boric acid At the rate of 0.1 g per liter of water. Cloves are best suited water room temperature. Note that these colors do not need to change the water too often.

So that lilies stand for a long time

In order for lilies to stand longer, the ends of their stems need to be omitted into the water heated to 60 degrees, and hold them there for two minutes. In addition, lilies will preserve longer if they remove the stamens. Make it comfortably tweezers.

To the gerbera stand for a long time

The gerberas have a hairy stem that cannot be immersed deep into the water. Pour so much fluid in the vase so that there are no more than one third of the stem in the water. It is recommended to immerse them into the water no more than 5 cm. Add salt into the water at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of water. Note that these flowers do not like drafts.

So that Georgians stood longer

Cut dahlias will preserve longer if the water is slightly acidified with vinegar. To do this, add 9-% vinegar to the vase 1 tablespoon. Instead of vinegar, you can use one aspirin tablet.

Take note of these simple ways to preserve cut colors, and let them please you longer.

And now I will give you a few useful Sovietswhich can be useful to you when buying cut colors.

  • At the time of buying rose special attention Pay on the bud - it should be dense and elastic.
  • Lilies It is advisable to buy with remote stamens. Not only is the yellow pollen getting much dirty. If this pollen falls on the pestle, the flower will start to die.
  • Buying chrysanthemum, pay attention to the feet of the flower. The leaves should be juicy, not sluggish and not dry, and the slice is light. Look at the core of the flower. Well, if it is still deprived of color, that is, greenish or white.
  • Choosing tulips, with caution, feel about the flowers whose heads are compressed by rubberbers. Most likely, they have been cut off for a long time, and will prevail very long.
  • Do not buy pre-assembled bouquet. Most likely, he will just justify. Better Ask the seller to make a bouquet right with you.

Well, now you are fully armed, and you can take at least some measures to descend to please you with your beauty flowers, could perform our task as longer.

And further. When you buy someone as a gift flowers, do you know that each color flower means something And a person who knows about the symbolism of flowers can interpret your gift in a completely different sense, not the fact that you have laid it. In order not to make a mistake, I advise you to read.

Since today I have the topic about flowers, I decided to please you with beauty. I made a beautiful slideshow "Flowers in a vase" under very gentle music Michel Pepe. I myself got a great pleasure, working on this gift for you.

Get your portion of positive and you!

Taking flowers as a gift or buying them for decoration festive table., I want to prolong the period of freshness beautiful bouquet. In case of incorrect storage, flowers can lose attractiveness In a few days.

Knowledge uncomplicated rules On the care of flowers allow you to increase their life time up to two weeks in pink bouquets and gerberas, carnations and dahlias. Orchid and chrysanthemums will be able to stand almost three weeks.

The week will delight your eye with your freshness tulips, valley and daffodils.

Proper preparation of colors, the use of various additives and pair-other small tricks will save your bouquet from premature wilting.

Preparation of floral bouquet stems

Before placing plants in a water vase, you need prepare their stems. For trimming, a well-sharpened knife will be required. The use of scissors is undesirable, they can flatten capillaries.

Skit gun on the stem is better to do in water. This will prevent this availability aerial traffic In the capillaries of the plant blocking the access of nutrient fluid or water.

  • The ends of rigid lilac or jasmine branches should be used to a fibrous structure, after which it is to withstand in a weak solution of manganese.
  • Solid stems of roses, peonies and chrysanthemums need to be split. At a depth of at least 4 cm. To fix the split and ensure the absorption of moisture, the pieces of matches are inserted into its upper part.
  • On the soft stems of Call, tulips, daffodils after cutting the tip, you need to make scratches using a sewing needle.
  • If the plants have a hollow stem, water poured into it, after which the hole is closed with a small piece of cotton wool.

From the part of the stem, which will be in the water, cut off all spikes and leaves. If this is not done, the rapid dropping of leaves will lead to an increase in bacteria in the nutrient color environment.

The surface of the cut on callachs and gerberas is treated with salt, and carnations with alcohol solution.

Hardening plants

Vaza fill hot water (up to 44 degrees) And plants are placed there. For 2 hours a bouquet put in a cool place. Hot water accelerates moisture access to the top of the plant, and the air coolness allows the colors to keep the resulting moisture.

This method is not suitable bulbous plants. For them, cold water will be optimal.

Preservatives and additives for flower bouquets

Nutrient solutions and disinfectants from the development of bacteria and microorganisms provide comfortable conditions For cut plants. For the preparation of the solution you need ready-made drugs or traditional home remedies.

To prevent breeding bacteria can be used:

  • Streptocid. It is enough 1/6 of a single tablet on 1 liter. It needs to grind and dissolve.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid. One tablet per liter of water.
  • Alcohol or table vinegar. Half h. Spoons on a liter container.
  • Chlorine-containing bleach. 2 drops on a standard vase.
  • Lemon acid. One gram per liter.
  • Geranium. One twig in a bouquet.

Nutrient colors can be made from a single glucose solution or a 1.5% glycerol solution. Can be put in the vase half teaspoon sugar. For colors in stores use ammonium or crosant.

When using these additives, you need to remember the preferences individual plants. Aspirin is suitable for bouquets of roses and chrysanthemums. Solutions of table vinegar soul to georgins. Astra will apply from alcohol.

Sweet sugar like lilac and tulips, cloves and daffodies, roses and freesies. It is not suitable for bouquets from Cyclamen, Lrangess and Amarillis.

Placing bouquets and frequency of water replacement

Flower bouquets will be comfortable in a light cool room without drafts. Cutting plants react poorly to direct impact sun rays and warm air flow heating devices, due to which the leaves of plants lose elasticity.

Undesirable flowers set. They highlight ethyl, which leads to a rapid fallout of petals.

Daily replacement of water is needed with almost all plants. It is not required by Narcissue, Amarillis and Hyacinth. These plants allocate mucous cell juice. Daily spraying has a beneficial effect on all colors, In addition to carnations.

An interesting feature of Astra and Georginov, they like it when the replacement of water occurs in the evenings. In a bouquet of tulips when changing water, you can put a couple of ice cubes to lower its temperature. But mimose need to be put in hot water, then spray cold water Her inflorescences.

Making the bouquets, do not forget about the compatibility of colors. If you put the daffodils and hyacinths in a separate vase, the remaining flowers will not die from their poisonous mucus.

What should the flowers stand in the vase longer?

Flowers decorate our lives. Vase with Flowers the best way Room decor. It is a pity that a presented bouquet of roses, carnations or tulips quickly fresses. What to do to the flowers longer stood in the water?

Sliced \u200b\u200bcolors are pretty short lifeBut, nevertheless, there are several ways to help extend their life and save fresh little longer.

Choose to choose flowers

The most important condition for long preservation of a bouquet is to choose the right fresh flowers. They will stand in a vase for a long time. Overdue products, especially treated with special means to maintain commodity type, I will not be happy to please what you did not do with her. If you are cutting flowers in your own garden, they will be guaranteed to be fresh. But the flowers will stand longer, cut early in the morning. Use a sharp knife for this and make a cut at an angle.

When buying a bouquet It is useful to look at the stems: the slice should be green, light. If he darkened - choose another flower. Leaves should also be fresh. Furious tips or cropped leaves suggest that the goods were settled.

A presented bouquet can be anyhow. Fairy tale about the fact that "if the flowers are donated from the soul, then they stand for a long time" never believe. Experienced sellers know a lot of tricks to give a fresh view to their goods, any buyer can be mistaken in the choice.

How to save flowers in a vase longer?

The main condition is the presence of fresh and clean water. Anyway, but in a water vase begin to multiply bacteria that accelerate the process of reloading the stem. Worse when the leaves turn out in the water. They lead to the fact that the water in the vase is cruck and acquires an unpleasant reeling smell. In such water, naturally, no flowers will pre last. That is why water in the vase should be changed every day. At the same time, do not forget to wash the vase itself.

Before putting flowers in a vase, you should remove all the lower leaves. The tips of the stalks are cut, roses are cleaved. In no case use scissors, since this tool leads to damage and blocking of vessels. Daily trimming and changing water is needed with almost all colors. This allows you to preserve the freshness and aroma of floral splendor.

Water in the vase should be cold. Especially for tulips, chrysanthemums, roses. We will not be superfluous to add ice cubes in a vase. If at home is hot that roses can be reached on the balcony if it is glazed and there is not a minus temperature.

In any flower shop you can buy a special powder to save colors in a bouquet. It is possible to extend the life of your favorite bouquet using a aspirin or citric acid tablet. On 1 liter of water, add 1 tablet of crushed aspirin or 1 g of citric acid, 1 teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of a cutlery 8% vinegar, a teaspoon of alcohol-containing agents or 1 drop of chlorine-containing means. Paul Streptomycin tablets for three liters of water will give the same effect. This ensures long-lasting freshness of the flower composition. The effect of these substances is almost the same - they do not quickly multiply by putrid bacteria. Actually in this and consists of all their action.

Roses and tulips put deep into the water. Narcissus and daisies can be put as you like, but they quickly "drink" the genus, so it is better to pour more water. The gerberas have a hairy stem that cannot be immersed deep into the water. Pour so much fluid in the vase so that there are no more than one third of the stem in the water. It is recommended to immerse them in the water no more than 5cm.

In order for your flowers longer in a vase with fresh, it takes the right care. And it depends on what kind of flowers you were presented.

Roses Pretty capricious, so they need to constantly monitor them. Do not forget about cut, removing all spikes and lower leaves. Be sure to make a stem cut in water so that the air does not get into the flower vessels. Sometimes it is recommended to dip the tip of the stem in boiling water. Now you can put flowers in the vase. A vase for roses is better to take high, as these flowers love a lot of water. At night, it is recommended to lower roses in the bath with water so that the stems are fully immersed in water. Even already fading roses quickly come to life from such procedures. True, in fresh after such a bathing, they do not look long.

Tulips A short-lived, quickly fall, so they are very difficult to keep them very difficult. Tulips are quickly dissolved and aging, which is why they are sold with elastic bands on buds. These gum do not allow the flowes to open. If they are removed, the flowers in heat will quickly dissolve and fall. Cold water with ice will help. If the tulips are already starting to clone down the head, then on the night put them in a bucket with cold water so that the stems with the leaves are completely immersed in water. Never put tulips in warm water, they need only cold.

Daffodss Stand in a vase for quite a long time. The stems are isolated thick juice, so water should be used cold and regularly change. Narcissus do not put in a vase along with other flowers.

Carnations - Pretty persistent flowers, but their life can be extended. Change water in a vase every day, while watching the water for the carnation to room temperature. Update the cut on the stem, but only in the part where there is thickening. It will also help to extend the life of the carnation a little sugar in water. And in no case do not put carnations with other colors. They do not like "neighbors."

Chrysanthemum, like cloves, are also very resistant flowers. To preserve them, it is enough to change water in a vase in a day and every two days to cut the tip of the stem. Also make a slight splitting on the stem. Contact stems very carefully, as they are very fragile. Bottom leaves be sure to remove.

How nice to get a luxurious bouquet as a gift! Flowers - a symbol of disinterested, sincere love and tenderness of feelings, respect, appreciation or thanks. And so I want to extend the life of cut colors so that they as long as possible please us in a vase. Some subtleties, methods and leakage of flower bouquets We will reveal.

The path of colors from the store to the addressee

Choosing a bouquet in the store, remember that gentle, fragile, charming creatures are afraid of sharp temperature contrasts, for example, when the warm cozy store is dipped in the winter cold or bring the winds to the offseason. If it's cold on the street, then be sure to ask the seller to wrap and pretty package into wrapper paper or film your purchase. To thermo-loving colors, very poorly carrying temperatures below zero marks include anthuriums, shooting, orchids and other aliens from southern edges. If they are for some time in the cold, this is fraught with the appearance of dark specks. But to the frost-resistant, "tempered" flowers, I would attribute tulips - just wrap them well into paper, then even minus 15 degrees are not scary. The opposite moment - the flowers are afraid of strong heat, stuffiness and the scorching sun. If you hold your bouquet for some time under the intense rays of the sultry shine, then he will be able to stand only a couple of hours. And then no "resuscitation" will not save these lifeless creatures. Conclusion is simple: men, in the summer On hot days, do not leave a bouquet in the car before handing it with your beloved. If you have turned on the "stove" in the car in the car to warm the flowers, pay attention to the jet of hot air to get straight to the bouquet.

First actions

And here is a delightful bouquet of frost and was in warm hands Exactly, from her sincere smile around even lighter became. But do not rush to immediately run into the room behind the vase, pour cold water from the water tap into it. Suppose first the flowers will be accustomed to a new decide for them for them. And you still inhale the gentle and thin fragrance. Now you can carefully remove leaves and twigs from the bottom of the stem, which will be in water. The tip of the stem must be cut, and it is desirable to do this under the jet of cool water (or in the pelvis with water), then the conducting vessels will not be purchased by air, so your flowers will be better absorbed by life water. The longer you will be able to make sections, the better. The knife for such a procedure is sharp. If the stem is solid, for example, like a lilac, then approximately 5 cm at the bottom of the split, as a sweater.

If Milky Juice is distinguished from the stems (it happens at the Mokea, poppy, daffodium), then after trimming, they immediately plunge their tips in a very hot water literally for a few seconds. Otherwise, in cold water, Milky Juice will quickly turn over and immediately borders the conductive vessels of the plant. When performing such a procedure, the stalks are kept under the tilt so that the buds and flowers themselves are protected from hot water vapor. Some ask a question - why delete beautiful green bottom leaves? We will explain:

  1. This will prevent the planting of those parts of the plant, which will be under water in a vase.
  2. Significantly reduce the surface of evaporation.

Especially important trimming of the lower parts of the plant in roses, chrysanthemums, lilacs.

At first, the flowers will "drink a lot", so pour the vase almost to the top. After a few hours, check - whether to add it there yet. And only gerberas dip in the water only one third of the entire length. The fact is that the stem from these plants is covered with lumpy hairs, quickly rotating in the water environment, the mucus appeared on this.

It is desirable that the water for flowers is resistant (at least 4 hours). Do not put your bouquet in very cold water, let it be cool or warm. Mokha, Gerbera and Lilac prefer water not lower than plus 18 degrees. But mimosa twigs are allowed to put even in hot water, its inflorescences will like a cooling water spraying.

Do not forget every day to change water to your pets, while cutting them with the stems of the male. In a flower shop you can purchase a bag with a special preservative, the contents of which falls into the water for cut colors. And now we will tackle the peculiarities of the care of different colors.


Before placing luxurious, graceful roses in a vase, the lower parts of small twigs with leaves and spikes dorate with scissors. If your "Queen" belongs to the Grand Prix variety, the first two days the main stem is not cutting with, otherwise the buds will quickly show all their beauty, and the petals will fall early. After you have unpacked a bouquet, put your roses with water, placing them for this in a bath with a pre-typed cool water. If roses of other varieties, immediately cut off a slightly diagonal under the water stems and leave for several hours - water treatments Refresh them. Note that the cuttings are in the aquatic environment, but let the heads remain in the air. Roses will like if you every night will make them such baths. If there is no such possibility, it is enough to change water in a vase in a vase, through a day to trim the stalks, wash their tips under the rods of water. Nouris in roses capricious, they do not get along with other flowers, keep them separate from other plants. For example, a smell by carnations or lilies can affect the roses in depressing. Roses extremely do not like smoky rooms, drafts and straight bright sun rays.

The longest roses are burgundy or red, belonging to Forever Young and Freedom varieties. As a rule, roses with extended buds and large petals of pink or white colors Pleased with your blooming species short term.


Cut (or buy) Tulips need those that have already purchased their painting - their heads are red, pink or yellow. If there are gum on your tulips, it means that they have already overrere. And if you remove the gum, then the tulips can quickly break into the petals. If tulips are long in a horizontal position, then their stems can be twisted or rushing. To avoid this, transport such bouquets in tight paper. Do not immediately remove the paper, just update their cuts and leave the tips for several hours in cold water - let them go and leveled. Then remove the packaging, leave on each plant two sheets, do the rest do the rest. In the water for the vase, add some sugar so that the flowers stoke longer, and immerse the bouquet in it. These flowers even in a vase continue to grow (sometimes up to five centimeters), when they start opening, then be gentle with flowers, the petals have a very weak fastening, they can fly. And one more secret - tulips will stand longer if you add ice cubes every day.


The heads of these plants are heavy, and the stems are thin, so it is necessary to transport them in boxes. It often happens that at the base of the floral head, the stem is twisted. Do not try to correct the situation with your hands, then a fragile flower may break in your hands. Gradual alignment will occur when the flower will go warm water From the vase. Vessel preference high if the stems are long. Sometimes, to impart stability, soft and flexible stems are placed in transparent tubes or surrounded by a thin wire. We remind you that you should not pour a lot of water in a vase, it is enough that the stems are immersed only on 7 centimeters. Water will have to change frequently, when sheltering the mucous stalks, not allowing their posting. You can throw a pinch of salt or citric acid in a vase. For proper care Gerbera will preserve more than two weeks.


In the room where you place orchids should be cool, but do not allow drafts. Put the vase in the illuminated place, but the straight sunlight should not disturb the plant. Spreads are usually sold in capsules. These columns are removed, they are only needed for transportation. Yours

orchids will be better feeling and preserved in ordinary clean water longer. Do not forget to change water and cut your twigs, then their bloom will continue for more than three weeks.


But these autumn beauties do not require special care. Try only timely remove the filled leaflets from the bottom of the solid stem, the tips can be slightly split or crush. They will like chrysanthemums if the air in the room is cool (the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees), if the climate is hotter, then the flowering will, unfortunately, are not so abundant and long. Change the water every other day, carry out tricks, with proper care of chrysanthemums will look fresh four weeks. And if you still droop your chrysanthemums, began to wither, then try to cheer up with this method: first immerse the stalks in a hot water vase for a few minutes, and

then right there - with cold. After such contrasts, cut the stalks, place the bouquet in the vase, into which the water of the room temperature is nanite. There is a high probability that the bouquet comes to life.

  1. Large leaves overlooking the vase, as well as rose petals, freesia, daffodils, cloves, valvesisha, recommended periodically slightly sprayed. But Camellia should not be subject to such procedures so that stains do not appear, the tender petals did not curl.
  2. If the bouquet lied, then place it for a while in the bath, which is pre-fill up to half the cool water.
  3. The best water for cut colors is spring. If it is not, then the one will suit the day in which the shungitis pebbles were followed. If the bouquets are given to you often, then buy a fertilizer in the store, designed specifically for cut colors.
  1. There should be no closely in the vase different species Not very well neighboring each other, it concerns, for example, daffodils and tulips. Incompatible with other plants of roses, valley, chrysanthemums.
  2. In a vase to carnations, you can add lemonic acid (or aspirin tablet).
  3. Irises love cold water, in the vase you can periodically throw ice cubes.
  4. Flowers fade quickly if the water in the vase will have a shaft, reducing the smell.
  5. A bouquet, left in a hot kitchen or near heating radiators, will have a little longer, so place your bouquets in cool places.
  6. If there are several buds on a branch, then remove the bloom flowers, then the rest of the buds will certainly be revealed.
  7. Near a vase with flowers, do not place fruits, especially apples that allocate in the ripening of gas ethylene, is noticed that the plants are very sensitive to it.
  8. If you were presented flower composition In the basket, then, most likely, the flowers are placed there in a floral foam, which, when frozen, looks like a foam brick. Such material keeps water inside. Do not forget to pour water every day.

Let the above-described tips help to extend the lives by your bouquets of roses, chrysanthemums, tulips ... take care of the colors correctly, then they will be happy to please you for a long time.

The choice of a bouquet requires taste and some knowledge.

It is necessary to take into account not only the age and character of the person for whom they choose a bouquet, but also the zodiac sign of this person on the horoscope.
To flowers longer stand, you need to know a few simple rules.

The flower, as well as a person, has a sensitivity and, when it is cut, is experiencing stress, as it is forcibly deprived of nutrition and water. The main reason for fading colors in a vase is the dehydration of the plant, the absence of water and sucrose, which is necessary for the plant.

It is necessary and resistant gerbera and capricious orchids and aestra-star of the garden, a beloved of flowers at the cottage.

Flowers for a bouquet must be cut by a sharp tool, best of all a good garden secateur.

Phased, we retain the life of our bouquet.

First step - adaptation

In order for flowers to recover from stress, make it possible to adapt to the terms of your apartment.

Do not rush to immediately release a bouquet from the packaging, first expand the stems.

Avoid changing sharply temperature modeSince the sudden temperature change is detrimental for plants.

With a cold street, a bouquet can not immediately put in a warm room.

First you need to stand longer to leave them in a cool room - lobby, hallway, bathroom, balcony.
And from the heat, in turn, it is impossible to immediately put under the cold air from the air conditioner.

Gradually, it is necessary to accustom to the temperature of the room where the flowers will be.
Flowers of women not only decorate life, leaves some - dandelion, echinations are used for unusual salads.

The second step is to prepare flowers for installation in a vase

Clean the branches and trunk from extra foliage. If the leaves remain on the trunk and branches to the water level in the vase, then the water in the vase will quickly deteriorate, the leaves and branches will begin to rot. This is especially important for delicate flowers, such as orchid.

The smell of rotting greenery is very unpleasant. And the view too.
In order for flowers longer, cut the plant trunks in a bouquet.

A long oblique slice is produced in deep and spacious tank or under running water.

It is necessary to cut in water so that air bubbles do not border vegetative tissue vessels and did not interfere with the access of water.

The stalks are cut off by only an acute sharpened knife.

If you cut off with scissors, the scissors will shut down the sections of plant fibers and water on the vessels of the stalk fabric will not be able to climb the flower.
But it is too early to put a bouquet in the vase, it is necessary to maintain the flowers in the container with pre-resistant and warm water (without chlorine) for 20-40 minutes.

Make it you need so. This is not only the whole stem in water, but also flower too.

Third Step - Install Flowers in Vase

Before putting flowers in a vase, carefully inspect your bouquet, all the cast and tagged leaves and flowers must be removed.

Steel leaves and flowers will take over a large number of Water, manifolding healthy flowers and, moreover, wagoning greens gives a signal to the entire branch of the end of the life function.

Water for colors is better to use boiled, warm. When using water from under the tap (there are many impurities in it). Be sure! It is necessary to defend water.

Fourth Step - Care and Enjoy

  • Preservatives:
  • aspirin,
  • or sugar
  • or salt
  • and etc
  • For disinfection of water:
  • Manganese (0.5 teaspoon),
  • or alcohol,
  • or vinegar.

In flower shops you can purchase special means, for example: crossed, ammonium.

Constantly in the vase should be fresh and pure water. Muddy water spoiled by rotting leaves leads to the fact that the bouquet will soon have to be thrown away.

  • Constantly change the water. Repeat the procedure with cutting stems.
  • Do not put flowers under the straight sunshine. It is best to choose a cool place away from the heating devices.
  • Do not put flowers on drafts.
  • Do not hind a fruit.
  • From time to time spray a bouquet.

The life of the colors is short and you can make it longer.

Flowers in the office, houses in a bouquet and indoor flowers need our care and care. For flowers lovers, there is a special horoscope colors.