Oats in the garden. Bury oats and rye - you will take a big harvest

Siderata are used to improve the structure of the soil, protect the site from weeds and the scorching sun, as well as replenish the fertile layer of the earth nutrients... When you need to sow oats like green manure, how will it help in the garden? Let us consider in detail the methods of using this culture on a personal plot.

The use of green manure

Siderata are green spaces that are used to restore the fertile layer of land after growing crops. With their help, you can replenish the depleted supply of nutrients that were consumed during the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops. Plants capable of gaining a dense green mass in a short time are used as siderates. One of these plants is oats.

The benefits of green manure in enriching the fertile layer with microelements does not end there: they protect the cultivated area from the spread of weed crops. These plants are rapidly gaining vegetative mass, not giving the weeds a chance to develop. Also, green manures contribute to aeration of the fertile layer, as they create conditions for loosening the soil.

You can sow green manure crops at any time during the growing season:

  • before sowing main crops;
  • after harvest;
  • instead of main crops.

In early spring, gardeners sow green manure, which is then embedded in the soil when digging. After that, seedlings are planted or seeds are sown. Another way to use green manure plantations is to cut the green mass: crops are mowed and lined with them. In this case, oats as green manure are used as mulch in spring.

Oats are mowed like green manure before heading begins.

In the fall, right after harvesting the fruits from the site, you can sow green manure. Before sowing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the site: free the soil from the roots of perennial weeds, remove all the debris. Siderata sow according to the principle lawn grass- in bulk or in rows. The method must be chosen based on the planning of the subsequent cultivation of horticultural crops.

The green mass of plants buried in the soil forms compost in it, which is useful in its composition for cultivated seedlings.

In autumn, sowing is carried out mainly in bulk, having previously mixed the seeds with sand. The sand is necessary so that the seeds are scattered evenly and not in a heap. After sowing, the land is leveled with a rake. In dry seasons, it is recommended to water the sown area with water.

The benefits of green manure

  • do not turn into mineral fertilizer;
  • moisturize the soil and protect it from drying out;
  • nutrient components are not washed out of the fertile layer of the earth by rains;
  • the roots of green manure left in the ground contribute to looseness and aeration of the soil;
  • contribute to the enrichment of the soil with nitrogen and humus;
  • help to increase yields on the site;
  • protect the fertile layer from blowing off during strong winds.

Plow the green manures into the ground before they start to bloom, at which time the green mass has accumulated a sufficient amount of nitrogen.

Oats as green manure

Oats as green manure in autumn and spring are of great value for garden crops and land:

  • contains a useful protein mass;
  • contains an important mineral composition;
  • promotes soil aeration;
  • helps to strengthen the soil;
  • possesses herbicidal properties;
  • increases the yield of the site;
  • disinfects the soil.

Oat stalks are much higher in protein than clover or alfalfa. Therefore, it is much more efficient to grow oats.

The mineral composition is rich in phosphorus and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on crops that need these trace elements. Clay soil, enriched with oat green manure, becomes more favorable for growing agricultural crops.

Oats are distinguished by a branched and powerful root system, which has a beneficial effect on technical characteristics soil: it becomes more moisture and air permeable.

Sturdy root system also favorably affects loose soils, as it strengthens the soil and does not allow it to crumble.

Oats sprout in dense rows, so they can be used instead of chemical herbicides: the weeds have no chance of developing. The green rows of oats do not allow a single weed growth to develop.

Oats are one of the most unpretentious crops to care for. It develops on any type of soil, bringing enormous benefits: it effectively replaces fertilization with manure.

Disadvantages of oats

  • insufficient amount of nitrogen;
  • insufficient amount of vegetative mass;
  • the need for frequent irrigation.

Oats are not rich in nitrogenous substances, this is their big drawback. However, nitrogen deficiency can be compensated for by additional application of this substance into the ground. Plants especially need nitrogen in spring, therefore, during the spring preparation of the site, care should be taken to replenish the fertile layer with nitrogenous compounds.

Note! In regions with a hot arid climate, oats will not take root - they will dry out quickly.

There is another way to replenish the soil with nitrogen: sow alfalfa or clover with oats. These plants will completely restore nitrogen reserves in the soil, and you do not need to buy agrochemicals.

Remember: Oats prefer low temperatures, abundant watering and shade. Therefore, it is often sown in autumn. Spring sowing is also completely suitable for oats: the ground is moist, the air temperature is low, Sun rays not too active.

For what crops is it suitable

When to sow oats as green manure, and for what crops? A beginner gardener should remember the rule: you cannot sow the same crops one after another. That is, cereals are not grown prior to sowing other cereals. However, oats are not suitable for potatoes either, so it is not recommended to sow it for this crop. Oats cannot withstand the wireworm, the most persistent pest in potatoes. Therefore, before planting potatoes, you need to choose a different green manure.

If you are going to sow other crops on the potato plot, then oats are useful more than ever: it eliminates the potato scab in the ground.

For all other agricultural crops, oat green manure will only be beneficial, so feel free to sow seeds and grow oats in spring or autumn.

Sowing rules

Consider the question of how to sow oats like green manure. We already know that this culture loves low temperatures and moisture, but does not tolerate an arid climate and cold. The best time for planting in autumn is October. As soon as the crop is harvested from the site, you need to immediately start sowing seeds: the oats should have time to grow before frost. If forecasters predict early frosts, then sowing should be postponed. Better not to risk it, but sow the seeds in the spring.

Note! Oats take 40-45 days to build up vegetative mass.

Sowing in autumn is very useful for replenishing the fertile layer with food. During the winter, the green mass has time to overheat well and give up valuable substances to the soil.

Oats as green manure are laid in spring when melt water appears under the snow. In regions with a warm climate, this happens at the end of February, in other regions you need to wait for the month of March. In a month with a little, oats will sprinkle to ascend, but will not have time to clump. As soon as the stems are ripe, the green manure is plowed into the ground.

Before sowing, the seeds should be kept in a weak manganese solution for disinfection.

It is not necessary to keep in the solution for too long: twenty minutes is enough. After the seeds are thoroughly washed under running water putting it on the gauze. The fabric will keep the seeds from draining into the sink. Clear the area for sowing from debris and rotten growth, sow the seeds in random order. It is recommended to moisten dry soil well with water from a hose before sowing. A hundred square meters of sown area will take about a couple of kilograms of seeds.

Remember to systematically irrigate the seed area with water in dry weather. If the grains grow poorly, then the soil must be fed with minerals. Superphosphate or saltpeter works well. However, if the soil is not too depleted by the crops being grown, then oat seedlings grow without problems.

Cutting and embedding in soil

As soon as you spot a panicle of pollen-laden flowers, get ready to cut. It is impossible to grow oats longer: tough stems do not die well in the ground. A couple of weeks after mowing and incorporating greenery into the ground, crops can be planted. Before this period, sowing and planting are meaningless: the oat stalks will not have time to rot.

In autumn, it is recommended to mow the greens, but not to embed them in the ground. Just leave the stems on the surface of the ground: this will keep the soil from freezing. You can close up autumn green manure in the soil in spring - in April. If you have too much green mass, put some in the compost heap. If you smell all the oats, it will start to sour, and not rot.

Note! To help cut the crop faster, grind it with a shovel before embedding it in the ground.

Embedding green manure in the soil enriches it with nutrients, and the mowing of green mass serves for mulching and strengthening the sandstones with roots.

If you need to deoxidize the soil or enrich it with agrochemicals, do this before sowing seeds. For deoxidation, add wood ash or slaked lime. On square meter the site leaves a faceted glass of lime and a couple of tablespoons of fertilizers.


A competent approach to working with the site will allow you to grow a rich harvest with a minimum of investment. Organic fertilizers can be of great service if applied to the soil in a timely manner. Oats are a high-quality fertilizer for the soil, enriching it with microelements. It is also suitable for mulching, keeps the fertile layer from freezing in winter and replaces herbicides.

Oats perfectly structure the soil: loosens loam and strengthens sandy soils. This natural fertilizer can completely replace some agricultural chemicals and even compost. Oats are grown in spring and autumn; 40 days are enough for it to gain green mass. Then the shoots are cut off or the site is dug up. On sandstones, it is best to simply mow the undergrowth so that the roots strengthen the soil. On fertile lands it is recommended to plow green manure into the soil, and plant crops on top. Remember that oats are equally hard to tolerate frost and heat, and they are also demanding on moisture.

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Competent farming is a whole science. Buying a large land plot and planting some kind of culture on it does not at all mean getting good harvest and make a lot of money. In the agro-industrial complex, every little detail and detail is important, because agricultural crops require a special approach and care, and the land, which provides them with nutrients for growth and development, needs to be processed no less than live crops.

If you are the proud owner of a land plot, no matter how big or small, and you regularly plant something on it, the following information is for you. needs constant enrichment, because she can be depleted and lose her fertility. There are artificial methods, and there are plants that can relieve upper layer soil from and improve its mineral composition. These plants include oats, which are familiar to all of us. Let's find out in more detail how oats can help, when and how to sow it, how - or, and what to do with the grown plants.

Why sow siderates

They are not grown for food or for sale. These are plants with a special chemical composition that can restore the depleted by other plants and prepare it for the next harvest season. They are not collected or procured.

Such plants are buried in the ground shortly before the beginning of their flowering- when the green stems contain the most other important elements.

Important! A culture such as dries up greatly during growth, so it will not work to use oats as a green manure after sowing - it will either take too much water during or dry out before blooming. But before sowing it is very profitable- the stems of this are juicy, nutritious and retain moisture in the soil.

Their stems quickly gain the so-called green mass, which, after plowing, will turn into, and an extensive root system captures all the upper layers of the soil, preventing germination. Those grasses that manage to germinate do not receive enough light due to the dense green manure and eventually die. In addition, the root system of green manure penetrates well, improving the flow of melt and rainwater, oxygen into it, and also protects the fertile layer from blowing away in those regions where strong winds prevail.

Oats as green manure: what are the values ​​and disadvantages

In addition to crops often grown as green manures, barley and oats are also very popular. Oats belong to one of the most ancient cereal crops; people planted it in the spring and before winter as green manure, when there was still no wheat.

The value of oats is as follows:

  1. Protein mass... Its stems are especially nutritious - they contain a lot of valuable protein, much more than and.
  2. Mineral composition... There is less nitrogen in oats than in rye, but it is also abundant in it. It enriches viscous clay soils.
  3. Aeration... This cereal has a powerful root system - it loosens dense soil with powerful roots and, in addition to enrichment, guarantees enrichment with oxygen.
  4. Strengthening... Loose, unstable soils, this root system, on the contrary, binds, so that this cereal is good for all types of soil.
  5. Herbicidal properties... Growing up, this cereal forms dense plantings, its stems are located close to each other, so none of them can appear between this culture - it simply drowns them out.
  6. Unpretentiousness... To the soil, this cereal is completely undemanding, it grows on loams, black soil, peat bogs, clay and sandy soils. A farmer's dream!
  7. Yield... Based on one hundred square meters, the yield of this crop gives a mass equal to 100 kg of high quality.

Did you know? For the first time, oats were introduced into international classification cereals in 1753, although it was known to farmers for thousands of years. They attributed it to the Myatlikov family because of the beautiful tassels in which flowers appear and grains ripen.

Each farmer attributes his own to the disadvantages of oats:

  1. A small amount of green mass. Perhaps, in the spring, for depleted land, oats alone will not be enough as green manure, but this crop is suitable for maintaining the area on which it is produced and well looked after.
  2. There is little nitrogen in the composition. Due to the fact that there is not very much nitrogen in this cereal, it has to be sown where alfalfa already grows, or, and then plow two crops at once at the same time.
  3. Need in low temperatures and frequent irrigation. Oats are shady, cool and plentiful. For regions with a cold climate and damp spring, it is suitable, but in hot weather, on the contrary, it withers and dries up.

As you can see, the advantages of this green manure outweigh the disadvantages quantitatively.

Growing features

There are several secrets, knowing which, you can grow oats with big green mass and strong root system, without tiring the soil. Planted in different time the cereal will give a different nutritional value, on which the harvest for the next year will depend.

In front of what crops is it better to sow

Let's say right away - cereals should not be sown before cereals... Therefore, if you plan to plant a field, oats or wheat, this green manure will not work for you. It is still not advisable to sow oats in an area where it will later grow. under the name "" affects both crops of oat green manure and planting, and this lack of cereal outweighs all its advantages. To prevent the loss of root crops, use in front of another green manure.

If you grew up in the field last year, and this year you are planning a seeding change, oats, on the contrary, will be useful - it will destroy the residues in the soil. For all other crops, this cereal will feed the soil well, so feel free to plant bushes, sweet of different varieties, as well as rosettes in the enriched land.

When and how to sow green manure

It is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving cereal. Therefore, you need to sow it in a cold, damp time, best of all in october... As soon as the last crop is removed from the fields, and the soil is not yet flooded with autumn rains, the seeds are applied to the soil. This cereal will not tolerate frost, therefore, if winter is planned early, it is better to postpone the sowing to spring. If there are thirty to forty free days before frost, the cereal will have time to gain the necessary green mass and become good - overheat and rot under the snow.

Spring sowing of green manure depends solely on the weather. In warm regions, the laying of seeds begins in February, when melt water... If the winter is cold and long, oats are used as green manure at the end of March, as the frosts recede. Then just a month remains before the stems ripen, the soil is plowed and the crops are planted. It is possible to enrich the soil with this green manure until September inclusive - for early and late crops. Then a monthly break is taken and the autumn sowing is carried out under the snow.
Before adding seeds to the soil, treat them with a weak solution to remove all pathogenic microflora from them and increase germination. Soak the seeds in the solution for twenty minutes and wash them under running water. It is most convenient to use gauze - the seeds will not drain with water and will rinse well. The earth will have to be loosened and cleaned of old tops - it needs peace and a lot of air. Apply seeds in random order, in bulk, do not lay rulers and beds.

You should take about 2 kg of oat seeds per one hundred square meters of land. The main thing is to distribute them evenly so that there are no bald spots in the crops. If the soil is dry, it is recommended to water it from, but always with a spray, so that the earth does not become dense and knocked down.

Did you know? In total, the oat genus includes twenty-two items. Of these, only three- useful and cultivated crops. The other nineteen are considered malicious

Oats with long roots are able to loosen and structure the soil well, its dense plantings inhibit weeds and suppress their growth, root exudates have a deterrent effect on pests, and cold resistance allows sowing a crop as in early spring, and in the fall.

These qualities make it possible to use the cereal for the general improvement of the fertile soil layer in a wide range of time.

When you need to sow oats as green manure in the fall, so that it has time to gain green mass, restore the soil structure and replenish the area with nutrients, information about this is below.

What is the value of oats as green manure?

This cereal is considered the best predecessor: the roots of oats loosen the soil, making it lighter and more breathable. This prevents the development of root rot, from which cucumbers suffer in adverse weather. The loose soil allows the taproots of the cucumber to penetrate deeper into the soil to seek moisture and nutrition.

Oats are also a valuable precursor for other crops that do not belong to the cereal family. The green mass crop sown on 2.5 acres is equal to 500 kg.

Characteristics by which oats can attract the attention of gardeners:

It is important for the gardener to know that oats do not like heat, they should not be planted late spring or in the summer.

Autumn terms of sowing oats without embedding in the soil

When to sow oats as green manure in the fall? Planting can begin immediately after the main crops have been harvested, as long as the soil is not dried out by the wind or clogged with rain. Planted at such a time, the cereal has time to build up a sufficient mass of green shoots.

Before the onset of cold weather, you can do the following:

  • mow oats and lightly embed them in the ground;
  • when mowing, leave greens on the surface like;
  • if there are no ears, the oats remain unmown, gradually rotting over the winter.

Leaving the cut grass on the surface as a soil protection layer, the grower prevents the destruction of the upper soil layer by natural forces (water and wind) and its drying out. In the spring, it remains only to loosen the beds and plant early vegetables or.

It is not worth sowing oats as siderat in autumn too late; unlike rye, it does not like frost and is not suitable for winter planting.

How are oats sowed and cared for?

If the areas are large, it is better to sow in a fan manner; in small areas, we will use the row method. The plot must be loosened and free from weeds. The seeds must be buried in the soil, for this you will have to fence the site.

Oats sprout amicably and grow quickly in a humid environment, so if seasonal rains are not enough, you will need to organize 3-4 waterings.

Oats are less whimsical than, they will grow well in peatlands, clay soils, areas with high acidity.

Spring sowing dates for oats as siderata

When to sow oats as green manure in spring, given its cold resistance and early maturity? As soon as the soil warms up slightly and allows you to go out into the garden, you can start sowing. There is no need to wait for the soil to dry out, given that oats are moisture-loving.

Early spring is the most optimal time for planting oats. If it is necessary to accelerate ripening, experienced gardeners mow the cereal when it reaches 10-15 cm and thus stimulate further active growth and increase the amount of green mass output.

When the heading phase begins, the oats can be cut off; during this period, its greens accumulate the largest number nutrients. After mowing, the mass remains on the soil as a mulch layer. In order for the fermentation to take place at an accelerated rate, green manure is mixed with the ground or treated with preparations of effective microorganisms.

Sowing oats in the spring as a siderat is possible at a later date, but the time must be calculated so that it has time to grow before the onset of heat. It is not necessary to wait for the oats to grow, they can be mowed at a height of 20 cm and slightly plowed into the ground. If the cut greens are buried deeply, due to the lack of oxygen, it will begin to acidify, which will harm the soil.

Between the periods of embedding green manure in the soil and planting a garden crop, it should take 2 to 3 weeks for the stems to start the decomposition process.

VIDEO: about oats as a siderat

Find out more about exactly how oats are used as green manure in the fields:

In those days, when people were just mastering agriculture, oats were considered weed and only after a while this cereal was noticed.

More about culture

Oats are considered a young crop in agriculture... The first mentions of this cereal were noted in the 4th century BC. People sowed oats on large plantations to feed horses, and then they themselves began to eat this healthy grain.

Currently, it is customary to grow 2 types of oats:

  1. Sowing (variety "Avena Sativa").
  2. Byzantine.

The first type of oats is widespread, almost 90% of the fields are sown with this type of cereal.

There are many varieties of oats found in nature. You've probably heard of this type of sand oats. It can also be grown on your own summer cottage, but certain conditions must be met for this. This type of cereal thrives on sandy soils, hence the name. Sandy oats are native to the Mediterranean. This is the most ancient cultivated type of oats.

There are also many varieties of sown oats, but these are more wild crops that can be found in nature. Each type of oat can be distinguished by its external features. If you look closely at ordinary sown oats, you will see that the “tongue” has teeth, but this plant does not have “ears” characteristic of wild crops. The spikelets themselves are not so densely located, and if you thresh them even in a primitive way (manually), they quickly divide into grains.

There are varieties of sowing oats: this is a bare-grain form. The name itself speaks for itself - that the grains easily fall out of their scales.

Let's take a quick look at the characteristics of Mediterranean (or Byzantine oats). This type of cereal is grown more in Central Asia. Spikelets are large, with 3 or 4 flowers. This type of oat is highly resistant to cold and drought, the flowering and ripening period is short.

Oats are a persistent crop, so it's a pleasure to grow this cereal on your own on your site. Seeds germinate already at a temperature of +3 o C, seedlings are not afraid of frost and are able to withstand temperatures up to -5 o C. But this only applies to the appearance of the first shoots, but adult plant extremely negatively withstands high temperatures, in extreme heat (up to +40 o C), the plant dies.

Oats love moisture very much, so moist soils are just right for sowing oats. By the way, any soil is suitable for growing oats, this culture feels good on podzolic and sandy loam soil, peat bogs. High yields can be achieved by fertilizing the soil with nitrogen fertilizers.

Preparation and sowing of oats

Good precursors for growing oats are potatoes, legumes, corn and winter crops. In agriculture, the fields where beets were grown last year are often used for sowing oats. But this is most likely a necessity, because sugar beet greatly dries up the soil, and for this cereal it is necessary high humidity... After growing beets, it is best to plant corn in this place, and after harvesting, sowing oats is allowed.

If we are talking about massive sowing of oats, then it is necessary to plow the land (depth 25 cm). If, before sowing the cereal, beets or corn were grown in this place, then autumn plowing should be done to get rid of the beet aphids and other pests.

Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with phosphate rock in order to reduce its acidity. If the soil is peaty, then it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing manganese, boron and copper.

Only selected seeds are used for sowing oats. If you self-select planting material, pay attention to the size of the upper and lower grains in the spikelet: the first ones will be larger, they germinate faster. Choose seeds that are dense, with no visible signs of damage.

Before planting, the planting material must be kept in a manganese solution for 20 minutes to avoid contamination of the seedlings after sowing.

The timing of sowing oats is the same as planting spring crops - the end of April, while the soil is still wet. If you are going to plant peas, barley and wheat, it’s time to start planting oats. If you are even 10 days late, the yield decreases by 25%. Since oats are a grain crop, it is necessary to sow the cereal in a narrow-row method: there are about 4.5-5.5 million seeds per hectare. The depth of the "wrapping" of the seeds is small, since the seeds of oats are light (when compared to wheat). On average, if the soil is well moistened, then embedding can be done to a depth of 4 cm, light soils - 6 cm, for arid regions - 7 cm.


Growing oats is not a difficult task, since the crop ripens quickly and after about 120 days from the moment of planting, you can start harvesting. As mentioned earlier, it is only important not to miss the timing of sowing seeds in order not to lose productivity.

To ensure normal development, it is necessary to moisten the soil in a timely manner. If this is not done, then the losses will be significant. In order to facilitate the task, it is necessary to install an irrigation system on the site and, in hot weather, constantly monitor the level of soil moisture. If there is time, then it is necessary to loosen the soil.

If you adhere to the technology of growing oats, then in order to accelerate the maturation of the cereal, it is necessary to roll the soil. Thus, you can get rid of not only the crust formed on the surface (harrowing), but also remove the plugs after the first shoots appear (thinning, getting rid of weeds).

Oats are an interesting culture, be prepared for the fact that you will not see a friendly ripening. First, the first upper grains (the upper part of the panicle) will ripen, and then gradually the rest of the grains.

Cleaning must be done after full maturation grains when most of them reach "waxy" maturity. Harvesting at the summer cottage is carried out manually, cutting off the spikelets, which it is then desirable to tie into separate sheaves. You need to store the crop in a well-ventilated area. After final drying, the spikelets can be threshed, and the resulting crop can be used for its intended purpose.

How to grow oats on a windowsill

You can germinate oat seeds at home. This food is rich in nutrients. Back in the Middle Ages, people cooked jelly and porridge from sprouted seeds. Currently, the benefits of young oat sprouts have been proven, but it is almost impossible to buy this product, since fragile sprouts do not tolerate transportation well and quickly deteriorate. The only correct decision is to grow your own oats.

The benefits of sprouted oats are enormous: this is not only an improvement in well-being, but also getting rid of most problems of the digestive system (stomach, intestines), blood-forming organs, and accelerating metabolism.

If you have grown your own oats on your site, then you need to select ripe and clean seeds without signs of rot and fungus. After preparation, you can immediately start germinating oat seeds.

To germinate seeds you will need:

  • water;
  • capacity;
  • gauze.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure good lighting and observe temperature regime... Once again, before placing the seeds in the container, check each grain: if you notice spoiled or damaged seeds, they should be set aside.

Put selected seeds in a container, it can be a glass or porcelain bowl (you can take a cup), enamel dishes are also allowed to be used, but aluminum ones are not.

First, let's prepare the seeds: place a handful of oats in a sieve, put them under running water to rinse the seeds thoroughly. After washing, place the cereals in a prepared clean container and fill with water (2 cm above the seeds). Leave the container for 8 hours. During this time, the seeds will take up to 60% moisture. We drain the water, rinse the seeds again under running cool water. You will see that the seeds have increased, that is, they have swollen.

Now you need to straighten the wet gauze (you can fold it in several layers), put the seeds in 1 layer, and cover them with gauze on top. You can use a regular piece of clean cloth. Place the container in a warm and well-lit place; a warm windowsill will do. The temperature in this place should not be lower than +22 o C. Make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the seeds.

After 8 hours, the first sprouts will appear, they can be washed and eaten. Attention: it is allowed to eat only shoots that have reached a size of 2-6 mm, if the shoots are long and green, that is, they cannot be, since they are poisonous.

The sprouts need to be put in the refrigerator, there they will continue to grow. Though not so fast. Do not pour out the water that has been drained, it can be used for watering indoor crops.

When is the best time to eat sprouted oats? Experts recommend eating oat sprouts in the morning. Since such grains contain a lot of protein, it is undesirable to eat nuts with oats and protein foods(fish, cottage cheese, meat and eggs).

How to grow oats for pets

In the cold season, please your pets (rabbits, dogs, parrots, guinea pigs and cats) with a delicious and healthy treat - young oats. Growing oats at home for pets is easy and even fun.

What you need:

  • selected seeds of unpeeled oats;
  • container with low sides;
  • water;
  • sawdust.

How to grow oats on a windowsill:

  1. Take a suitable container, it must be dry and clean. You can use a plastic seedling tray with low sides.
  2. Pour small sawdust into the tray (no additives). The sawdust layer should not be too thick, taking into account in order to place 2 more layers: oats and sawdust.
  3. Compact the sawdust with your hands.
  4. Now we sow oats, the layer thickness is 1 cm.
  5. We level the grains with our hands, pour a layer of sawdust on top (thickness no more than 1.5 cm).
  6. We level the sawdust with our hands to distribute the chips evenly.
  7. We prepare the water, it should not be hot, but not warm either, optimum temperature+38 o C. If a lot of water has been poured, the excess must be drained.
  8. Tamp the top layer and go over the edges of the container.

Water the oats every day, but not too much to keep mold from growing. The first shoots will appear in a day, and after 2-3 days, green shoots will appear. You can treat animals with healthy grass.

Oats are a grain crop that people knew about and began to cultivate long before wheat. It was this plant that began to be used as a green fertilizer, discovering the yet unknown properties of oats.

Oat grains contain more protein than wheat kernels; they are enriched with a set of vitamins. Oats are grown as cereals, but it is much healthier to sow oats as green manure.

What are the benefits of oats as green manure?

Decomposing in the ground, young green shoots of oats saturate the soil with organic and minerals, potassium, phosphorus. Oats are compared to rotted manure by their ability to feed the soil.

One sown oats is equal to 500 kg of manure, on an area of ​​2.5 ares. If there is a need to saturate the soil with nitrogen, then oats or legumes - vetch-oat mixtures are sown as green manure.

Oats help to loosen, strengthen the top fertile layer of the soil during the growth of the crop. Therefore, you can sow oats on heavy soil, which it loosens, structures and contributes to the filling with moisture, nitrogen and oxygen. On light soils, the oat cover will help strengthen the upper fertile layer, protecting the site from natural weathering and leaching. Enriched with organic matter by growing oats on them, the soils become more moisture-consuming.

Oats as green manure - a great way to get rid of In this regard, not only oats are good, but all cereals in general. Dense crops of grain crops help dampen weed growth by covering the ground with a dense green carpet.

On the site where oats were grown last year, you can plant any garden crop during the fruiting season, expecting a perfect harvest, with the exception of cereal crops.

When planning to sow oats in the country, know that cereals are attractive to wireworms who love to feast on potatoes. Therefore, sowing oats before potatoes is not recommended, but after that it is welcomed, because, like other crops grown on the site, oats have a preventive effect in the fight against potato scab, nematodes, fungal diseases, root rot.

The advantages of oat cultivation include the unpretentiousness of a culture that sprouts on almost all types of soils: chernozems, peat bogs, acidic podzols, clay and sandy soils, loams.

Oats are an irreplaceable grain crop

Both annual and perennial types of oats grow in nature, although the latter are much less common than the former. This representative of cereals, at the beginning of the growing season, forms a loose bush with leafy stems with average height 50-120 cm. Oats are an early crop, they feel great in a temperate climate, therefore they are grown everywhere. It is grown for the purpose of cultivation as a grain crop, as a green fertilizer - green manure. It is insensitive to low positive temperatures, which allows sowing cereals as soon as the soil reaches physiological ripeness.

Oats are a moisture-loving plant, therefore, when it is important to take this fact into account and provide the cereal favorable conditions... Agronomists record the receipt of thinned seedlings when grown in dry conditions and the further absence of the formation of a dense vegetative mass. Oats are a sun-loving crop. Although it is not demanding on the type of soil, but on the "poor" land the coefficient of tillering and stalk is lower than usual. Therefore, if you are going to sow oats in fresh soil, it is recommended to multiply the seeding rate, especially if the oats are grown as fertilizer.

When is the best time to sow oats?

Sowing dates for oats are flexible. V middle lane In Russia, most people who cultivate oats begin sowing as soon as the snow melts and you can get to the garden. Although farmers recommend, wait until the soil warms up and becomes "warmer" closer to mid-April.

If it did not work out with spring sowing, then such a grain crop as oats can be sown until mid-September, even in autumn. Since grains like moisture, be prepared to ensure that crops are properly hydrated in dry weather.

Features of seed dressing

Before sowing oats by hand, do not forget to disinfect and pickle the oat grains with potassium permanganate. This will help protect them from diseases and pests, and provide resistance to adverse weather conditions. Oat seeds are kept for 20 minutes in a 1% solution and washed with running cold water.

Oat seed sowing technology

Siderat is sown in bulk in large areas or in rows on small summer cottages. The soil is preliminarily loosened and cleaned from weeds... Seed consumption rates for sowing:

  • in bulk - 16-22 grams per m2; 165-205 grams - per 1 hundred square meters of land;
  • in rows - 10-11 grams per m2; 1000 grams - for 1 hundred square meters of land.

After sowing, the grains are buried to a depth of 2.5-3.5 cm by raking the area. Now you know how to properly sow oats in your summer cottage or garden with your own hands and without using agricultural technology.

Fertilizers for oat crops

To ensure good shoots and further growth and bushiness of oats, use:

  • granulated fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures regardless of NPK composition;
  • granular potassium chloride;
  • granules or crystals of ammonium sulfate;
  • fertilizers ("Kaligmat" in granules is suitable).

How and when does oat mowing take place?

Early spring terms sowing cereals provide early harvests plant masses. At the same time, the timing of mowing directly depends on the goals of growing crops.

You can start harvesting in 40 days if you decide to plant siderat oats early. When the seedlings reach a height of about 17-23 cm, you can start working.

When starting mowing, be guided by the timing of planting garden crops. If in the spring you are going to plant vegetables on the site after oats, then mowing and embedding of greens in the ground (like other green manure) is carried out no later than 14 days before planting vegetables.

By mowing and embedding seedlings in the soil, you can ensure systematic watering of the site. This accelerates the decomposition of oat greens. To avoid acidification of green manure, it is covered with a thin layer. Leftover green fertilizers are often sent to compost pit, used for mulch or given to pet food. In any case, the greens will not be lost.

Oats are not only a healthy grain crop, but, as it turned out, a high-quality fertilizer natural origin- siderat. Now you know how to fertilize the land without using chemical compositions to get a healthy and rich harvest for the fall. The subtleties of growing and cultivating oat greens, described in the article, will help you understand the intricacies of the soil fertilization process and grow high-quality oats, regardless of how you plan to use it in the future.