Install the door frame with your own hands. Build the door frame with your own hands

When purchasing a new door, the buyer receives a far-down design for installation. She has no places to install loops, locks are not embedded. The buyer has an inevitable question - how to collect

You can use the services of professionals or mount the design yourself. To do this, you need to prepare tools and explore the features of technology.

Doors on the market are sold mainly in a set with a box, but sometimes they need to be selected to each other.

For the most part, new doors are not placed in old boxes, neither size or style. In this regard, it is required to fully change the former design.

Selection of material door box

Now the market is dominated by products with spectacular appearance and a small price, for example, from MDF - composite made of compressed fibers.

How to collect door box from MDF so that it will not be worse wooden design? The benefits of new material have a lot, but it is important to stop at shortcomings. Despite the greater strength, the box can be deformed if heavy. In addition, in the humid environment, the MDF panel can be composed, and also swell, leading to a violation of the geometry of the opening.

Despite the disadvantages, affordable cost, good mechanical properties and a wide range of parts from MDF make them priority even when a premium doors are configured.

Required tools

Before collecting the door frame, first should be prepared:

  • a hammer;
  • a set of chisels;
  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • or with small teeth;
  • level with a plumb;
  • dowels, selflessness, loops;
  • stuslo - a tool for propilov at certain angles;
  • screwdrivers.

The work is greatly facilitated in the presence of power tools: the screwdriver, the electroballs, the electric drill, perforator, the mill.

Preparation of the doorway

It is important to choose the right door in the width of the opening, so that it subsequently was less work on fitting. The minimum clearance must be at least 15 mm on each side.

Before installation, the evenness of the opening is checked. It is measured in several places vertically and horizontally.

How to assemble the door frame of the interior door if the opening is too big? To do this, around the perimeter, the planks of the required width or space are laid bricks.

Other options are the glazing of the opening, the manufacture of a frame of wood or metal and its plasterboard covering.

Composite parts of the door frame

The box is made from the bar and consists of fragments:

  • looper and Plot;
  • podolok (upper timber);
  • threshold.

Thus, to collect the door frame, it is equipped only for heavy cloth used mainly at the entrance to the apartment) it is necessary to properly connect its components.

For interior doors, the thresholds are rarely installed.

Methods for assembling door box

The assembly is made extremely gently so as not to damage the decorative coatings. Even one minor chick or scratch spoil appearance Designs.

To install doors in the box, loops are needed. IN interior structures Two enough, and the third is often installed for the input.

The main difficulty in assembling the box is proper fulfillment Drinks and connecting the horizontal bar with vertical. Their profiled structure creates difficulties for beginners. The installer must fit all the elements exactly in size. Before collecting the door frame, you should select the installation technology. The bar is attached in several ways.

Spike connection

The most durable and reliable, but at the same time the most difficult is spike connection. To do this, in places of the connection of Bruusyev, the grooves and ridges are manufactured in their thickness. Here you need and use the ability to use. The connection is made without fasteners, but many masters make additional reinforcement with galvanized nails.

It is not so important to make a groove or spike. In any case, a rigid connection is provided.

The mill is a tool for professionals and acquire it to install even several doors inexpedient. When collecting the door most affordable way It is docking at an angle of 45 0 or 90 0.

An assembly at a right angle can even make a beginner if it perfect all operations.

How to assemble a box with docking 45 0

In the places of compound horizontal and vertical bar Propylas are produced. Pre-several times are measured in order not to be mistaken in the calculations. Especially exactly you need to fit the horizontal bar to choose the correct gap, which makes up 3-4 mm, and the width of the door. The racks will later be cut off from below after assembling the box, as they are made with a reserve in length. After propil, the connected surfaces are aligned with the chisel.

Bruck bonding is usually produced by self-assembly, at an angle of 45 0. So that the wood is not split, the holes of the drill are made, the diameter of which should be less than that of the core of the self-press. The drilling depth is less than the fastener length so that the connection is reliable. One bog requires two self-press on the one hand. You can add another in the middle, on the other side of the corner.

How to assemble the door frame with docking 90 0

The assembly method is best suited for newcomers. First of all, the door can be measured for compliance with rectangular shape. It is often observed that one side is slightly different in size from another. This deviation must be considered when sawing the racks. Also tested cuts from the ends of the bar, which should be strictly at an angle of 90 0. From the factory, the blanks can come with an uneven saw.

The compound of the horizontal bar with vertical is also made by self-drawing.

Checking the correctness of the connections

The check is performed by placing the box on a flat horizontal surface and overlapping on top of the door canvase. If it is included with a small gap, then the assembly is made correctly.

The lower ends of the racks are squeezed, as they must rest in the floor. Previously checked the horizontal coating of the floor in doorway. Deviations should be considered when scolding racks.

Important! Billets are cut from a veneer to prevent its detachment.

Installation of loops

Before you need to choose the side where it will open. Depending on this, the loops of a certain species - right or left. The linen for fastening the loops is selected more massive, without defects and cracks. The place of their installation is observed at a distance of 15-25 cm from the door end. Sheds are disconnected on the large part for the box and small - for the door canvase. Then the loop is applied to the door to the door and will be burned with a pencil, and after - a knife. Similarly make markup on the box. Wherein door leaf Put to the box and check the coincidence of the marks under the loop.

The edges of the door leaf and loops are combined, not allowing distortion. Hinges must be addressed towards the door opening. When marking, it is unacceptable to confuse the top and bottom of the door. It depends on how it will be installed after fixing the loops. If the door has glass, their location should also be considered.

With the use of the chisels and the hammer cuts the place under the loop to a depth of 3-5 mm so that they are on the same level with wooden surface. Planting Under accessories are performed with special accuracy and accuracy. Then the loops are applied, the screws are placed and screwed. Tags must match the centers of the holes so as not to split the tree when screwing the fastener. To prevent liner tias, the pencil labels are additionally marked with a tire.

With the help of the line, the hinge fit is checked correctly. When drinking the platform under it is deepened, but not more than the required level. If the hinges are installed correctly, the sash should be opened by 180 0. Load on the door should not exceed the installed. It usually is 50 kg.

Installing the box in the doorway

On the moments that describe how to properly assemble the door frame, the work does not end. It still needs to be installed so that the door is well opened and closed. For this, the box is gently installed in the opening and temporarily fixed with pieces of packaging cardboard or foam. In terms of level, the verticality of the looping bar is checked. Then the wooden wedges are cut.

They are installed under loops. IN upper corners These details are also clogged. To prevent the box offset from opposite sides, two wedges are clogged with overlapping acute parts on each other. The positions of the sidewall and the perts are checked by the level, since displacement displays are possible. The box should be located on a par with a room wall. Wedges should not appear out.

Questions, how to collect and install the door frame, as well as the door blasting are solved together, since everything is a single design.

The door frame is attached to the wall on the dowel in the places of landing the loops. There are also wedges to prevent timing of timber. The feigned side is not yet exhibited.

For greater stability of the exhibited elements of the box, they need to be partially used. The surfaces are pre-cleaned and wetted with water, which an order increases the adhesion of foam.

Loops are attached to the door leaf, after which it is installed on the lining in the doorway. Then the door loops are attached to the box of the box: first from above, then - below.

The door closes and a canopy is set up using wedges. When all the gaps are exhibited, you should join the box all over the perimeter. At the same time it is recommended to install the struts to prevent the extinguishing of parts.


In the presence of required tools You can independently install the doors. For this, it is most important to figure out how to collect a door frame. If it is correct and consistently perform all installation operations, everything will turn out.

The correctly installed door box provides 90% of success in the matter as a whole.

Before putting the door frame, you need to carefully examine the basics of this delicate work.

Tools and materials

Tools necessary for work: Roulette, pencil, hammer, square, construction knife, perforator, drill, screwdriver.

Depending on its design, you can using the following tools and materials:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • hacksaw with fine tooth;
  • stuslo;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • bubble level;
  • pencil;
  • a hammer;
  • nail holder;
  • direct suspensions;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • dowels;
  • anchors;
  • nails;
  • mounting foam;
  • glue for MDF;
  • wedges;
  • wooden bars;
  • door box;
  • putty on a tree;
  • dobly elements;
  • ruberoid;
  • building mixture.

Preparatory work

If the door frame is installed at the place of the old, the last one must be pre-removed. The easiest way to do is, simply pinching the side and upper planks in half and pulling out the resulting pieces of the nail. Sometimes you still have to trim around the perimeter fixing nails and anchors. If there are mortgage parts in the opening, it is better to leave them. The mortgages subsequently easier will be installed a new box.

The interior door box in most cases can be purchased in the form of a universal set. Collect and customize it under right size Associate yourself. The box kit must include side and top planks, threshold or bottom plan for interior doors - rarity, but may be present. The entry can make one whole with spacecas or to be overhead. The box itself is wooden or from MDF. The planks included in the kit are designed for use in the composition of the block with a doorless height of 2 m and a width of 60-90 cm.

To accurately place the bar before cutting can be as follows. The detachable PET is installed in the side planks that are laid out. facade surface Top of about the width of the opening. The canvas placed on the focus between the planks. Applied to its place the top plank. With a one-way fit, it can be attached to the upper side of the canvas, it will not affect the measurements. A uniform clearance of 2-3 mm is set to the perimeter of the canvas, for this you can use trimming of cardboard, corners for tiles or just to the eye. We celebrate the location of canopies on the side bar and the canvas.

The loops are crashed before installing the box in the opening or better before its assembly. This allows you to make a job more convenient. The bar is laid out on the horizontal surface, the loop contour is scheduled, the extra material is removed using the chisel. Generally accepted is the location of canopies at a distance of 20 cm from the top and bottom surfaces of the door canvase. For lightweight crafts in these places, amplifiers are made.

Places of cutting plates gently outlined with a pencil. For the door with the threshold, the gap to it from the bottom of the canvas is meant to be 2.5 mm. For the door without a threshold, the clearance under the door is made from 1 to 1.5 cm. On the top and bottom straps with a one-piece, marks are marked opposite the edges of the bridges on the side planks. This will allow you to cut an extra protruding bee at the top and bottom for dusting corners of the box.

Cut the hack all the planks in the desired size. Exactly cut the elements will help the stub. On the upper and bottom straps with the help of a hacksaw and the chisels, we remove an excess point in serifs. We again lay out the box on the floor and put the web into it with the installation of the necessary gaps. All the angles are fixed by two wood-length 75 mm long with a secret head. Under the self-tapping screws, it is necessary to pre-drill the holes of the suitable diameter. If you screw the screws without drilling, you can split the ends of the planks.

When the width of the opening allows, a box of MDF better Strengthen the sides of additional bars. So the design will be tougher. Before trying to insert the door frame in the opening, in its external side surfaces, we screw 3 direct suspensions: 2 along the edges and 1 in the middle. Ruberoid strip is nailed to the lower end of the design with the threshold.

Installation of the door box

Install the box in the opening. It should come in free and never rest. All interferes need to be knocked down. For a variant with the threshold, you may need shtrob in the floor. When installing, it is filled with a solution or polymer building mixture.

To begin with, it is exhibited by level in 2 planes and in the target with the wall side of the box on which there will be canopies. This side can immediately be fixed to the direct suspension. Approximately set to the horizon top plank. It is checked so that it does not hurt anything, it is better to even have a small gap for subsequent adjustment.

To accurately set the upper bar and the response side rack is quite difficult.

Accurate adjustment is performed with a hungable web. Otherwise, the likelihood that the door will not evenly approach the arrival throughout the plane.

The canvas is placed on the canopies, the upper and side response is exhibited with the desired gap around the perimeter and in the appraul. This is done with the help of clins. 3 response direct suspension are screwed.

For models from MDF with a removable entrance, the rigid fixation of the box to the imaging is performed by anchors or long self-stakes through the groove for the gunner. In wooden planks, it is possible to hide the location of the fastener with a suitable putty on the tree. Options from MDF with a solid trim can be fixed through the box only in 3 places: under the canopies and a response plate latch. But this fastener is too close to the edge of the wall and can lead chips. Therefore, it is better to limit the fastening on direct suspension and the mounting foam.

Before filling the clearance, the ends of the opening should be slightly moistened with water. It is desirable to fill out so that the foam does not crawl over the wall plane. Its cut leaves the pores open and reduces the strength and durability of filling.

So that the foam does not squeeze the opening, it needs to be exposed. You can simply leave the cloth in the opening, and in the gaps to put trimming cardboard. If the door opens inside the room, so do it will not work out. We will have to use the trimming of wooden bars and paint them into the opening.

After a day, foam will freeze. Removable PET is fixed on glue. For reliability, you can add small carnations with boiled hats. It remains to issue an opening and embed accessories. When I want to have a platform on both sides of the opening, and the width of the box is less than the thickness of the wall, use the Dobly Planks.

Installing the door frame from MDF is often considered as an alternative to the installation of the product from natural wood. In principle, both of these options have the right to exist: both wood, and composite on the basis of pressed fiber coping quite well with their duties, so that for most MDF designs it is quite suitable.

However, the technology of installation of such boxes has its own characteristics, and in the article I will tell about them, relying not only in the opinions of experts, but also on your own experience.

What is this design?

Features of the product

Door box - this is a design from the profile that is installed in the opening and serves as the basis for fastening door loops, cast plates of the lock and other elements. The main function of the box is to preserve the door shape for the free movement of the door leaf, so it is very important that the product has sufficient rigidity and stability.

Sometimes encouraging doors - structures that have a loop with the help of pins take off right in the opening.
However, such a decision is implemented only in the conditions of a shortage of free space, for example, with the arrangement of toilets and bathrooms in typical apartments.

Standard material for making boxes wooden barHowever, recently it is increasingly replaced by panels from MDF or composite options.

For them, this design is characteristic:

  1. The basis of the product is the planks made of pressed pulp fiber impregnated adhesive composition . For this material, high density and significant homogeneity are characterized, which ensures the necessary strength and density.
  2. In the manufacture of blanks for door frames, the plank is profiled. They are attached to the form required for dense fitting of the door canvase.
  3. On the surface of the material is applied decorative coating which not only provides an attractive appearance product, but also protects the foundation from contact with moisture.

To date, the market contains door boxes with various types Coatings:

Decorative material Features
Melamine paper MDF with paper coating refers to economy segment. In the production of profiled parts, they are covered tight paper With the drawing applied (sometimes with the texture), and then coated with several layers of protective varnish.

Despite the varnishing, paper coating products do not differ in durability: with friction, the paper layer quickly loses the strength, and during wetting - swells and gradually degrades.

PVC film Products laminated by PVC film occupy about 70% of the total market. It is characterized by an attractive appearance in combination with good performance: the film used for decorating is characterized by moisture resistance, and for a long time saves the brightness of the shade.
Veneer Veneer natural tree - The most expensive, but at the same time the most beautiful coating. Externally, such products are almost indistinguishable from the array made from the array, but they serve not so long. The thing is that even a qualitatively glued veneer with regular moisture and temperature drops can be peeling.

It is also worth noting that in addition to door boxes made only from MDF, there are prefabricated options: the basis of them is a wooden bar, which is attached to the stamped profile part.

I used such details several times, and I must admit: they are quite technological, and the composite structure really provides a balance between ease and mechanical strength.

Pros and cons

Installation of the MDF Door Box Provides us whole line Pluses:

  1. The material is somewhat lighter than natural wood, so it's easier to work with it, and the load on bearing structures It has a smaller.

  1. The homogeneous structure provides lack of bundles and cracks, while the fastening elements are kept in the MDF very well.
  2. Using various technologies Allows S. minimal cost Mimic expensive wood species: So, the price of veneered, and even more less laminated version under oak or wenge will be much lower than that of the product from the array.

There is such a solution and disadvantages:

  1. Cheap panels from MDF with long-term contact with moisture will burst, which can lead to a change in the geometry of the doorway.
  2. If you make a mistake and choose too thin door frame, then a hard canvas can provoke its deformation.
  3. As I noted above, the decorative coating can be flawed from the base, therefore it is necessary to exploit the product quite carefully.

Unlike products from MDF, the boxes made of natural wood are fairly easy to restore: an array can always be stamped, returning him the pristine beauty.
Well, almost pristine.

  1. Finally, a minus is a more complex assembly of the door mDF boxes: The assembly of parts using mechanical fasteners should be carried out with a pre-drilling, then nails, and the self-tapping screws will not trigger the cracking of thin panels.

And yet, an extensive range of similar details and their available cost takes its own: even the doors of the premium class can be equipped with boxes from MDF, so we should figure out how to put them correctly.

Montaja technology

Tools and materials

Mounting technology of door frames from MDF is quite simple in order for even a novice master to implement the project with their own hands.

To work, we will need such tools:

  • saw on MDF (hacksaw, saber or disc);
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;

In addition to the billets for the door frame, there will also be needed by other materials:

  • anchor dowels with metal lily plastic sleeves;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • wooden bars for making wedges;
  • self-insulating polyurethane foam.

In addition, to restore the geometry of the outlook itself may be needed cement mortarBut it is necessary to determine in place.

Assembling boxes

So that the design is quite stable, we need to mount yourself without errors. How to assemble the door frame from MDF - I will tell you in this section.

The main requirement for the box in which the canvas will be located is rectangular. That is why we need to perform all operations on an ideally level stable surface - for example, on the floor, a closed tarpaulo or nonwoven material.

Work in this way:

  1. Place the door canvas.
  2. On the sides of the door, we have a blank for vertical stands of the box.
  3. Cut the blank in height, leaving the gap of 2-3 mm at the top and 2-3 mm below the threshold.

If the presence of the threshold is not provided, we make a gap from the floor about 12-13 mm: the slot at the bottom will not only provide ventilation, but will allow us to open the door without clinging the web flooring, carpets, etc.

  1. The top bar of the box is also cut by width, making the side gap is also about 3 mm.

This can be done in three ways:

  1. The first technique - the connection to the thorn. It is the most time consuming, in addition, it requires a milling mill for it, but the strength of the docking increases at times. Before collecting the door frame from the MDF, on the ends of the parts cut the spikes and depressions, allowing you to adjust the planks close to each other. We collect the frame of the future door with glue, additionally enhancing the knot with self-draws, missed through.
  2. The second way of installation is docking at an angle. The connecting MDF panels are put in the stubborn and cut under 450. We apply the parts to each other, we fit, cutting off the thin layers of the material with a dummy knife, after which we fasten the screws, screwing them down also at an angle. You can stick to the joint too, but the glue here plays auxiliary role.

As in the case of a thickened compound, it must be remembered that when attaching a vertical and horizontal part, linear dimensions of the box will be reduced to the thickness of the panel.
Consequently, with primary fit, it is necessary to lay the necessary stock.

  1. The easiest way to docile the details at right angle are easily. To do this, the horizontal bar is located on the ends of the vertical racks (if necessary, you can cut part of the protruding the protector), align and fix with one to two cross-cutting screws. In order to avoid cracking, MDF is to drill several holes using a drill, the diameter of which will be about 2 mm less than the diameter of the fastener.

After assembling the box, it is desirable to check the perpendicularity of its details.

Door hinges

I usually perform an operation according to such a scheme:

  1. First I define the place of fastening the loops, given the direction of opening the door. To do this, either apply a web with already fixed loops and nano markup, or measuring 20 cm on top and bottom, and spend the lines in accordance with the width of the support plates.

For interior doors there are enough two attachment points, while for entrance design Three or even four loops may need.

  1. According to the outlined lines with a sharp knife, I make cuts to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  2. Using an acute chisel and a joiner hammer, make a sample, the depth of which corresponds to the thickness of the loop support plate.
  3. The bottom of the sample thoroughly align the rude skirt.
  4. I apply a loop to the sample and nano on the box tag opposite each mounting hole.
  5. Patterns drill starting nests, and then fix the loop with self-reversals, twisting them with a screwdriver and "reaching" the cross screwdriver.

Sometimes the doors are equipped with unsolved loops. In this case, the parts are installed on the canvas, and the box are attached at the time of hanging. However, I don't really like this design, so I prefer the classic option.

Installation of the box in the opening

The installation process itself takes a minimum of time - in any case, compared to preparatory operations. There are several installation techniques, some of which involves the use of special steel suspensions.

I do something like this:

  1. I clean the doorway from the protruding elements (old fasteners, the remains of plaster, etc.). If necessary, carry out its repair using a cement solution.
  2. Insert the collected box in the opening and align the horizontally, vertical and plane.
  3. Control of the correctness of the expression

    1. Fill the clearance of self-seeping mounting foam, trying not to leave emptiness.
    2. If necessary, then under the supporting plates of the loops and under the retissory plate of the lock, drill holes through which we spin several anchors that are rigidly fixing the box in the opening.

    If the box at the box is made in the form of a removable strip, then in the groove for the roller, the holes with a step of about 40 cm and also perform the fixation.

    1. I inspire the door on the loop, check whether they go freely, and close them to the full polymerization of foam.

    In parallel with the installation of the door frame or after the completion of this operation, the installation of sustained slats is also possible - the so-called kindups. Together with the platbands, these elements will completely block the mounting clearance, disguising the fastener and a layer of heat-insulating material.


    Assembling the door frame from MDF, as well as installing it in the doorway - this is not so much heavy as time-consuming processes. The result largely depends on the accuracy of the wizard and on the accounting of all the nuances, so before being taken for the saw, it is worth examining the video in this article. If the questions remain and after viewing - you can set them in the comments to the material.

Savings in repair is not always good, but if there is a person with hands and brains, he will cope with any task independently. When buying a door block included a supplier, the box is attached in a disassembled form. In order to find out how to properly and gently collect and install the interior door door box with your own hands, you need to get acquainted with the video to which the instructions are attached.

Not in all apartments repairs starts from scratch. Often just replace old door on a new one. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle - removing the old door block, and the preparation of the opening of the new one. Typically, the procedure is produced without saving the old web and the door frame, so it is carried out by coarse hazing. But accuracy does not hurt, if the owner does not want to re-finish the walls and corners of the doorway.

First, remove the door leaf. From card loops, the door can be removed raising it, and the universal must be unscrewed on one side.

Remove the navigate screwdriver (unscrew the screwdriver or screwdriver). If the nails are nailed, let it fit it with a wide chisel and remove the nails with the help of the passage.

Determine the place of attaching it to the way. Usually fastened in the recess for the loops.

Cut the entire mounting foam, with which the door frame is sealing. Removes with a sharp knife.

Council. When the doorway seal the doorway is armed with a chisel: a slight tapping on it is a hammer remove all unnecessary.

Remove the one-piece box out of the doorway. Put on the horizontal plane and disassemble it. If the preservation of the web and the box is optional, then it is possible to remove them with the help of hammer, ax and lomika-novel. There is no special algorithm here - break with all our strength. This method will deliver a lot of fun.

Select block interroom

When choosing the door block, it is worth considering:

    Opening method. The most popular are swing doors. With a lack of space use sliding door coupe. They are mounted in a special way and open on the guide boards, moving into a special recess in the wall. Foldable (in the form of harmonic) and stables are used much less often (which are 2 halves of the canvas that open in both directions). They are selected to the appropriate room design.

    Noise isolation.It affects this quality not only the canvas, but also a box of interior door, as well as detection.

    Weight of the canvas.This factor depends solely on the material from which the door is made. What she is harder, the better the fittings should be.

    Material execution. Made doors from a wood array, plate MDF. and chipboard. Products made of solid wood are most qualitative, the weight of such a door is minus.

Council. When choosing a block of interroom, consult the seller about her class fire safety. So, the door will protect you not only from noise, but also from fire.

Marking and measurements

Before collecting the door frame, it is necessary to produce several accurate measurements and make the markup of materials. The door block is installed after the floors are ready and wall decoration.

Size removal is made in height, width and thickness of the doorway. The readings should be indicated with an accuracy of 0.01 cm. With inaccuracies in the dimension, the door is installed in your own hands, it may be easy to fit, or creak when opening \\ closing.

Of course, there are certain standards for door frames:

    kitchen - 60 x 200 cm;

    residential rooms - 70-80 x 200 cm;

    bathroom - 60 x 190-195 cm.

But taking into account the old buildings, the disorders of the geometry of the opening and the difference in the thickness of the walls, it is better to be renewed and merge everything again. This will give warranty proper work Door block as a whole.

To perform measurements, you need to have the following tools at hand:


    pencil or marker;

  • corolnic;

Go to the measurement:

    Measure the height and width of the opening. To determine the right horizontal, the width is measured by the level of the floor.

    Determine the dimensional dimensions. To do this, it is necessary from the width of the opening to take away the width of the carcass of the door frame, multiplied by 2, and the resulting result is rounded to hundreds. For example, if the measurement of the opening showed 90 cm, and the width of the bars of the box is 25 mm, the dimensions of the web (900 - 25 * 2 \u003d 850) are calculated by the simple formula. On the basis of which the canvas should be 80 cm. The height is determined in the same way.

    Separately measure the openings in the bathroom and bathroom. Here, at the expense of the clad, which prevents water flowing, the height is significantly less.

    Calculate the depth of the door block. To do this, measure the thickness of the wall.

Before installing the door frame, it is also necessary to check the floor level. It is important that the floor is smooth. This measurement is made using building level. The difference between the door frame racks should not exceed 2 mm.

Door Box Assembly Scheme

On sale the door block is found in the assembled state or in parts. In the first case, the canvas is selected under the block, and all parameters are adjacent by the manufacturer. If the acquired door is not included in the opening, then it is expanding. In the second case, you can buy parts of the door frame and the cloth separately and adjust the block under the opening of the door.

To assemble the door frame, you will need:

  • self-tapping screw;

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;

    hoven with a canvas on a tree and metal;

    pencil or marker.

So, proceed to assembling the door frame.

    On a flat horizontal surface (floor or big table) Ellipping the material that will serve as protection against scratches when assembling.

    We lay out 2 vertical bars, disassembled box. They have a bench - special grooves fixing the canvas.

    Insert the door cloth into the beam, leaving the gap of 2-3 mm.

    Align the box racks and apply the top bar.

    We note the length of the top of the box and cut off excess. It is strictly cut into size, but if I missed a little bit - not the trouble, the ladies will hide the platband.

    Screw the upper crossbar to the racks using self-tapping screws or neatly adjusted nails.

    Measure once again the doorway and cut off too much.

    Doors in the bathrooms are equipped with a threshold. Measure another short timber for the threshold like an upper crossbar.

    Door box is ready for installation.

Installation of fittings

After you managed to collect the door frame, you need to install a loop on it. It will look more aesthetically look, the loops are screwed at one height in each of the doors.

Without removing the door block from a horizontal surface, after its assembly, attach accessories to the intended place and circle a dotted line with a sharp pencil. Remove the door leaf and choose the chisel part of the wood, the depth of the corresponding thickness of the canopy map. Attach accessories and pinches twist seats. Screw the canopies with self-draws. Part of it with the checkbox to which the loop will be mounted, is attached at the rack, and the loop on the door canvase.

You can fasten accessories on the door frame and after installing it, but it will have to do it, holding the door leaf on the weight. One to do this operation will definitely fail.

Installing the interroom door box in the opening

After all preparatory stages To install the door frame in the opening are passed, you can start mounting. In order for the P-shaped design, it is necessary to establish auxiliary planks (struts) of two - from the bottom and in the middle of the rack.

In order to check the correctness of the geometry of the frame, you must use a plumb or level. The plumb is easy to construct with a twine and bolt, tiring it for a hat.

By placing the design to the specified location, check the verticality of the racks again. Do not be lazy to do this, in case of irregularity, the door will not close. This procedure It is carried out on both sides of each rack.

Installation of the box is performed by anchor bolts. They fix the door block and prevent his deformation. To do this, you need to drill in the racks of 3 through holes Right in the opening, and after tighten the bolts.

The gaps between the door frame and the opening are eliminated by mounting foam. In order not to stain facial Designs, it is necessary to puncture it with painting scotch. Fill the voids of the foam carefully taking into account the fact that when frozen it increases the volume by 30-40%. In order for the box not to be necessary to install wooden struts. After drying the foam, they are removed.

Finishing stage

The final stage includes the installation of platbands on the door frame. They give door block Aesthetic look and hide small deficiencies in the installation.

First of all, the lamp of the platband is determined. To do this, you can use the size table, or define yourself, measuring at least a box length and width of the structure. For the joint of the platbands, it is necessary to make a side slice at an angle of 45 °. You can use a stub (a special device that allows you to cut wood products according to the predetermined angle parameters) or an electrolovik, pre-measured the necessary angle.

Further, each side of the side cylinders is nailed to the box with two nails (from below and in the middle). Total and washed with an angle of 45 ° top horizontal platband. After that, all 3 planks are finally nailed.

Council. In order for nails to do not look out of the canvas of the platband, they must be drown. Cut the drill, a diameter corresponding to the size of a nail heap, recess 1-1.5 mm.

    When cutting the bars of the door frame, use the cutting of metal or an electrolybiz. Their small cloves will not allow you to make chips.

    When installing solid wood web, use 3 canopies. So the heavy door justs longer, and the loops will not sign. Cut the third loop in the middle of the door frame or shift up.

    Doors for the kitchen and residential rooms Must to defend the floor level by 1-2 cm. This is done to ensure ventilation. also in kitchen door Cuts small ventilation grilles so that when the gas leaks it does not concentrate in the same room.

    If the room has thick walls, and this was not taken into account when choosing a door, it turns out that the width of the box is less than the width of the opening. For the correction of such a defect uses a good. Bruks or boards that completely block the bare wall.

    With the final installation of the door box, so that the foam is better settled, it is necessary to wet the surface with the sprayer.

Now you are exactly ready to install the door frame for the interior door. On the proposed video, some stages of this hard process are described in more detail.

How to install interroom door: video

Unlike fully prepared for installation metal doors Wood analogues are sold in the configuration. Explained simply - many manufacturers (mainly foreign companies) supply models of certain sizes to the market, and not for a specific opening, and do not comply with our standards. In addition, it is unknown, in which direction the door should be swollen at the installation site.

And because the door frame is represented by the bars, from which you need to collect a jamb and prepare it to hang the cloth. Knowing some features of "design" will allow not to resort to the services of hired masters, and fulfill all the work.

Helpful information

  1. It will be useful for those who for any reason will not want to acquire the door in furniture salon, Wait, prefer to make it yourself, in its drawings. This often happens when non-standard opening; It is much easier to collect the box of the necessary dimensions than to extend / narrow the passage. Nuance - in the choice of the width of the bar. It must correspond to the thickness of the wall, and the last (for the buildings erected by typical project) Depends on its material.

Dimensions - in mm. Deviations are permitted within ± 5.

  • Brick masonry 75 - box 108.
  • Credit (log, timber) 100 - Jack 120.
  1. If the import model is purchased, then its box size is somewhat different due to the inconsistency of the standards. Its width varies in the range from 80 to 205. Therefore, it will be necessary to choose a suitable block, focusing on the wall thickness at the location of the opening.

What is it connected with? With a significant difference in the sizes of the problem with the installation of the platbands are provided. Solution options are somewhat - the use of nonsense, the manufacture of a "rough" box; But they all only complicate the installation and increase the final cost of work.

Package box

  • The loop jamb (vertical rack, on which canopies are attached).
  • The adder (the opposite side of the box, which is mounted in the castle, latch, latch).
  • Podolok (horizontal element connecting the racks) it is also called the upper timber.
  • Railings (bottom jumper; optional part of the structure, but some models it is completed). It is used if the door frame assembly is done with their own hands for its installation in rooms such as bathroom, toilet and some other, where possible emergency situationsassociated with breakthrough liquid communications. The task of the threshold is to prevent water spreading on adjacent rooms.

Assembly options

The task is to connect the individual parts of the kit to frame design rectangular shape. Depending on the presence / absence of a threshold, it takes the type of closed / open circuit. In principle, nothing is complicated; The main thing is to produce competent installation. Solving how to collect the door frame, you need to consider what to do this in several ways. What preferably, you will have to determine yourself. In this case, much depends on the practical experience in this area and the tool that is available at hand.

Bagent connection

Plus - relative ease of assembly. The technology lies in the angular pressure (trimming) of the ends of the fastened elements (450). After combining parts, the final fixation is made by screws (self-drawing).

Minus - restriction in application. It is associated with a jamb material. For example, the door frame from the MDF is not recommended to collect this method - it is possible to "grind" edges, the appearance of cracks and chips.

Spike connection

Plus - reliability. This option The assembly ensures the durability of the structure despite the fact that the door is subjected to constant and significant loads. For example, at the entrance to the structure, in places intensive movement of people.

Minus - self-assembly requires not only experience, but also a special tool. With their absence, no, even the most detailed, step-by-step instruction.

Right angle

Plus, it is considered the simplest in self-implementing by the technique, and therefore convenient: a special tool, except for domestic, will not need. It is only necessary to cut down a certain part of the quarter (depends on the size of the elements connected) and cut the parts on the dimension of the opening. Sometimes it is not practiced - the connection is made online. Result Expected - Door box is solid, reliable.

Order assembly

The technique is a straight angle. For self-assembly It is recommended to fully mount the design, and only then put it in the opening.

In some step-by-step instructions A different technology is considered - preparation and installation of individual parts of the frame in the opening, their alignment with lining and a further connection to a single integer. This method is much more complicated, and without proper experience, it is better not to practice.

  1. Preparation of the workplace: to release a certain segment on the floor, to make together several tables of equal height. The task is to provide a flat, solid foundation. IN otherwise Wire a high-quality assembly of the box for the entrance, the interior door will not work.
  2. Measuring dimming dimension. It is performed in the 3rd levels (width) and three points (height: in the center and sides). In accordance with this, the required box sizes are determined; A technological gap should remain between it and the walls (recommended in the range of 4 ± 1 mm).

  1. Cutting samples. It is done if their size in length does not coincide with the opening. To do this, you will need a pencil (conduct lines) and hand saw.
  2. Pre-assembling box. All parts are laid out according to the scheme, taking into account the direction of the opening of the canvas. That is, it is taken into account, which side of the rectangle should be a primer and a loop jamb. After alignment, the "form" is controlled by its geometry, sizes coincidences and labels are applied to sample part of a quarter.
  3. Preparation of connections. On the outlined lines, inscribed, after which, with the help of the chisel, part of the part is removed. To increase the reliability of the joint, the cut decreases to the perfect state - a knife, a file, grinding.
  4. Marking under accessories and sampling of material. It is more expedient to immediately prepare the "nests" under the loop, the retold bar of the latch (castle) than to do this after the door frame is installed in the opening. But putting modern canopies (for example, "butterflies") should not. They are fixed on the box when hanging the canvas. Exception only for the loops of old modifications, collapsible; One half of them is installed on the frame in the process of its assembly.

  1. Connection of box parts. For each "line" - at least two fasteners. The interval between them is chosen so that they are located 5 mm from the edge, at a minimum.

Note. If the threshold is provided, then it is placed in the box with the calculation so that it is not less than 10 mm from it to the canvase. It is necessary to ensure natural circulation Air flows.

It remains only to check the correctness of the geometry, to process the joints in order to eliminate the possible drops in height and install the door frame in the opening.

It turns out, there is nothing superpower in the assembly. In the process of work, there will be no cutters, laser level and other special tools (equipment). All that is necessary for "design" boxes - accuracy, attentiveness and markup accuracy.