Fruits and fruit salad senior group lesson. Short-term educational practice "fruit dessert"

For him to take you
He will not ask for oats.
Feed him gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves.
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ...


"Think - guess"

Tasks: to activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; to clarify the idea of ​​transport and traffic rules; bring up quick-wittedness and resourcefulness.

Rules: it is necessary to give the correct individual answer, and not shout it out in chorus. The winner is the one who received more chips for correct answers.

Children sit in a semicircle.

Educator. I want to know who is the most resourceful and quick-witted in our group. I will ask you questions, whoever knows the correct answer should raise their hand. You cannot answer in chorus. Whoever answers correctly first gets a chip. At the end of the game, we will count the chips and find out the winner. The winner is the one with the most of them.

How many wheels does passenger car? (Four.)

How many people can ride one bike? (One.)

Who is walking on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian.)

Who is driving the car? (Driver.)

What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (Crossroads.)

What is the carriageway for? (For traffic.)

Which side of the carriageway is the traffic on? (On the right.)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident.)

What is the overhead light at a traffic light? (Red.)

At what age are children allowed to ride a bike on the street? (From the age of 14.)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two.)

How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three.)

What animal does a pedestrian crossing look like? (To the zebra.)

How can a pedestrian get into an underpass? (Down the stairs.)

If there is no sidewalk, where can a pedestrian move? (On the side of the left, towards the traffic.)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? Ambulance", Fire and police vehicles.)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Rod.)

What signal does the car give when turning to the right? (Blinks with the right small lamp.)

Where do you need to play in order not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground.)

"We are the drivers"

Tasks: help to learn to understand road symbols and their specifics (for example, road signs), to see its main qualities - imagery, brevity, generalization; to form and develop the ability to independently invent graphic symbols, see and solve problems.

Rules: you need to come up with a road sign that is most similar to the generally accepted one. The most successful sign gets a token - a green circle. The winner is the one who dials large quantity circles.


  1. cards with road signs by series: the road goes to the first-aid post (maintenance point, canteen, gas station, etc. - 6 options); meeting on the way (people, animals, types of transport - 6 options); difficulties on the way, possible dangers (6 options); prohibition signs (6 options);
  2. a piece of chalk if a forked road is drawn, or strips of paper depicting such roads;
  3. small car or bus;
  4. green mugs - 30 pcs.

Children sit around shifted tables, on which a forked paper road is laid out.

The teacher puts the car at the beginning of the road, names the game and, together with the children, discusses the duties of the driver.

Educator. Every driver of a car must know how it works, how to start it, repair it, how to drive it. The driver's job is very difficult. It is necessary not only to quickly transport people and goods. It is very important that no accidents happen on the way. There may be different surprises: either the road forks, and the driver needs to decide where to go, then the path lies past a school or kindergarten, and small children can jump out onto the road, then suddenly the passenger who is driving next to the driver felt bad and his you need to urgently take to the hospital or something suddenly breaks down in the car, or the gasoline runs out. What should the driver do? Maybe ask passers-by where the hospital is, where can you get your car repaired or refueled? And if the road is deserted and there are no passers-by? Or are passersby unable to answer the driver's question? How to be?

Children's answers.

Of course, special signs must be placed along the road so that the driver, even if he is driving very fast, looks at the sign and immediately understands what he is warning or reporting. Therefore, drivers must be aware of all the signs on the roads. When you become adults, you can also learn to drive, but we will get acquainted with road signs today and find out what this or that sign means.

The car quickly rushes along the road and suddenly ...

The following describes a situation when, while driving, you urgently need to find a phone, a canteen, a first-aid post, a car service, a gas station, etc. The car stops, and the children have to guess what the sign looks like, near which the driver stopped his car. They offer their own versions of signs (what, in their opinion, should be drawn there). The teacher reminds that the car usually drives fast, the driver must look and immediately understand the sign, so the sign should be simple, there should be nothing superfluous on it. Then the teacher shows a road sign and puts it on the spot where the car stops, and the children, together with the teacher, evaluate all the options for signs, rewarding the most successful of them with a green circle. Game continues. The teacher focuses his story on the road signs he has.

Today we have learned some road signs that help drivers in their work. And you, when you walk down the street or ride in transport, pay attention to the road signs placed along the road, tell the adults what they mean.

And now we must take stock of our game and find out the winner.

Children count their green circles. The teacher congratulates the winners, notes the most active children, encourages the timid and shy ones.

"Merry Wand"

Tasks: to generalize the idea of ​​the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street; to activate the knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking; foster a desire to comply with traffic rules in life.

Rules: listen carefully to the answers of your comrades and not repeat yourself. The team that names more rules for pedestrians wins. You can only give an answer after receiving the rod.

The teacher divides the children into two competing teams, tells the name of the game and its rules.

Educator. The one to whom I will give the baton in hands will have to name one of the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street. These rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team that will name more rules and will not repeat itself will win.

The rod is transferred alternately from one team to another. Children name the rules.

Children. You can cross the street using a pedestrian underpass or only at a green traffic light. Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks; if there is no sidewalk, you can move along the field shoulder towards the traffic. You cannot play near the road or on the roadway. You can not cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle and cross the street for small children without adults. Before crossing the street, you must first look to the left, then to the right, and, after making sure of safety, cross.

The game "Listen - remember" is carried out in a similar way, only the children list the rules for passengers.

"Laws of Streets and Roads"

Tasks: improve knowledge of the rules of behavior on the streets and roads; develop attention, the ability to solve problem situations, read road signs, independently navigate the street; foster interest in obeying the rules of the road.

Rules: participating in playing out traffic situations, do not violate traffic rules. Tasks must be completed to the end.

Materials: playing field, figures of pedestrians and vehicles, road signs.

1. Acquaintance with the city plan, its buildings and inhabitants. You can name the city, river, streets, etc.

2. It is necessary to help the residents of the city choose a safe route and get to the right place: to the professor - to the store Optics to buy new glasses, to a kiosk for a fresh newspaper, to the post office to send a telegram, to a watch workshop, etc. To a housewife to shop at a bakery, a grocery store, send a parcel, meet a granddaughter from school, etc. e. To a person - to a river or railway station, to a football match, to a hotel, restaurant, etc. To a schoolgirl - to school, to a library, a circus ...

3. You can enter into the game road signs, traffic lights, traffic controller, transport: "ambulance", fire engine, police, taxi, bus, truck "Products". Give an assignment to solve various problem situations, while observing traffic rules. For example, the "Products" truck can load at the bakery and make fresh bread in Kindergarten, school, restaurant, bakery.

4. The teacher conducts the game in the form of a road quiz, asking the children questions.

  • Where can you go rollerblading in town?
  • Show the most dangerous places in the town.
  • What will change on the road with the arrival of winter?
  • What are road markings and what are they for?

At the same time, the teacher simulates the situation - at night a strong hurricane tore off all the signs in the city, in the morning riots began on the roads - and gives the task to fix it.

"Rush hour"

Tasks: help to learn the basic rules of the road on the streets of the city; to clarify knowledge about professions; develop quick wits; foster a friendly understanding, the ability to get along with each other.

Rules: drive from start to finish without breaking traffic rules. Take all passengers to the desired stop. Solve all traffic situations.

Materials: playing field, cube, chips, 32 cards (12 blue - "workers", 12 yellow - "visitors", 7 pink - "situations").

The game has several options with varying difficulty levels.

1. Conducted as a lotto. The teacher acquaints children with objects on the playing field: airport, hospital, police, circus, hairdresser, post office, school, shop, stadium, new building, church, theater. Then together they figure out which "visitors" and "workers" should be there. Children put blue and yellow cards on objects with pictures of those who work there and who visit.

For example, “Theater” is a ballerina and theater audience, “Stadium” is an athlete and a fan, “Hairdresser” is a hairdresser and a client, “Hospital” is a doctor and a patient, etc.

2. Blue and yellow cards are shuffled and distributed equally to all participants in the game. Players alternately roll a die and move across the field in the desired direction, picking up passengers from the starting stop. The driver must take his passengers to the desired stops as soon as possible and, after finishing work, return to the final stop. The winner is the one who is the first to complete his task.

3. Yellow and blue cards are arranged according to objects. Drivers must collect all visitors, then workers and take them to their final stop. The winner is the one who dials the largest number points (i.e. passengers).

"Collect traffic situations"

Tasks: exercise in design, skill from individual elements compose the whole image; to consolidate the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior on the roads; develop perception, thinking; to educate independence, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Rules: as soon as possible to correctly assemble the whole picture from the parts, to tell more fully the traffic situation on it.

Materials: two (or more) sets of cubes with pasted pictures reflecting traffic situations. The number of patterns corresponds to the number of sides of the cube.

The caregiver reminds the children what kind of road situations they have considered.

Educator. We cut pictures with traffic situations into pieces and pasted them on cubes. And now you need to put these situations from parts into a whole picture and tell as fully as possible about it - what is depicted there, who is doing the right thing, and who is not, and why?

Children take turns collecting road situations from blocks and talk about them. The winner is the one who quickly folded the picture and told about it more fully.

With children, you can make similar cubes for didactic games "Collect road signs"(cars, etc.).

"Let's teach Dunno traffic rules"

Tasks: to consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the rules of the road; systematize knowledge on safe behavior on the roads; educate discipline, respect for traffic rules. Develop the ability to formulate your thoughts, listen to each other.

Rules: clearly explain the rules of the road, without repeating or interrupting each other.

The teacher tells the children about Dunno - a boy who does not know how to behave on the street, and constantly finds himself in various unpleasant situations.

Educator. Soon Dunno is going to school in grade 1 and if he does not learn the traffic rules, he will fall into these ridiculous stories every day, be late for lessons, or may even go to the hospital. What to do?

Children offer to help Dunno learn road safety rules.

Dunno. I left the house today and decided to play football, but there was no one in the yard, and I went outside, threw the ball, and he rolled off onto the road. Passers-by started scolding me, but I didn't do anything like that ...

Together with the children, Dunno analyzes the traffic situation. Children explain safety rules to Dunno.

Then I wanted to cross the street, but the brakes of the cars screeched and the drivers started shouting at me. Why they shouted - I don't know ...

Children explain how to cross the street correctly.

And when I got on the bus, they even punished me and put me next to the conductor. For what - I do not know. I didn’t do anything, I just got on the seat and stuck my head out the window to look at the cars.

Children explain to Dunno the rules of behavior in public transport. The teacher gives several more situations that the children help to solve. At the end of the game, Dunno thanks the guys for their help and promises not to violate traffic rules anymore.

The teacher sees Dunno with the words: "If you have any problems, then come in, the guys will help you."

"What if…"

Tasks: find out what the traffic rules are for, why it is important to follow them for both drivers and pedestrians; learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and relationships; develop logical thinking.

Rules: do not interfere with each other, listen and answer. Supplement answers as necessary.

The teacher reads to children the poem by O. Bedarev "If only ..."


Walking down the street alone
Quite a strange citizen.
They give him good advice:
“There is a red light at the traffic light.
There is no path for the pedestrian.
There is no way to go now! "
"I don't give a damn about the red light!" -
The citizen said in response.
He walks across the street
Not where the inscription "Transition" is,
Throwing rough on the go:
"Where I want, I'll go there!"
The driver looks with all eyes:
Razinya ahead!
Hit the brakes quickly -
I will open my eyes! ..
What if the driver would say:
"I don't give a damn about traffic lights!"
And as it happened, I began to ride.
The guard would leave the post.
The tram would go as it wanted.
Everyone would walk as best he could.
Yes ... where the street was,
Where are you used to walking
Incredible deeds
Would happen in an instant!
Signals, screams then and know:
Car straight to the tram
The tram ran into the car,
The car crashed into a shop window ...
But no: standing on the pavement
Hanging three-eyed traffic light
And the chauffeur knows the rules.

The teacher offers to think and answer, why are traffic rules needed, why is it important for all road users to comply with them?

Children's answers.

Now let's play the game "What will happen if ...". I will hand over questions to you, and you will answer them. Only you can't answer in chorus, interrupt each other. You can supplement the answers. So I begin.

What happens if pedestrians start crossing the street wherever they want?

Children. The driver will not have time to brake, and the pedestrian can get under the wheels.

Educator. What happens if all road signs are removed on the road?

Children. The driver will not know what lies ahead and may lose control.

Educator. What happens if the driver does not know the traffic signals?

Children. The driver will go to a red light and hit a pedestrian.

Educator. What happens if the driver drives on the left side of the carriageway?

Children. His car will collide with another car, which is moving correctly - on the right side.

Educator. Now come up with the situations "What will happen if ..." and give the answer yourself.

Children ask questions one by one, others find the answer.

At the end of the game, the teacher sums up the result.

We have found out what traffic rules are for and why it is so important to comply with them. And also what will happen if the driver or pedestrian violates the traffic rules.

Card file of didactic games according to the rules of the Road Traffic


Target: teach to correlate a fairy-tale character and his vehicle,

correctly name, develop memory, thinking, quick wits.

Game progress: Children are invited to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales,

which mention vehicles.

1. On what did Emelya go to the king's palace? (On the stove)

2. Favorite two-wheeled transport of Leopold's cat? (Bike)

3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam)

4. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor make to the postman Pechkin?


5. What did the fairy godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella? (Into the carriage)

6. What did old man Hottabych fly on? (On a flying carpet)

7. Personal transport of Baba Yaga? (Mortar)

8. How did the person scattered from Basseinaya Street go to Leningrad? (On

9. Bears rode a bicycle,

And behind them a cat


And behind him are mosquitoes ...

What were the mosquitoes flying on? (On a balloon.)

10. What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

11. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (On the core)

12. Why did the queen and the baby sail on the sea in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (V

"Driving school"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of how to cross the street; O

the appointment of a traffic light, traffic controller and road signs; exercise in

orientation in space and time; cultivate courage,

resourcefulness, ability to help a friend.

Material: Double sheet of cardboard: pictures with

depicting various traffic situations, on the right sheet are written

Game progress: Children look at pictures depicting various road

situations. They must explain the situation shown in the picture,

assess the behavior of pedestrians, children at traffic lights, the need for the right

road sign.

Safe City

Purpose of the game: to give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive correctly around the city, to develop the ability to perceive the real world of the city, to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules.

Rules of the game: The game is played by children aged 5 and over. Playing up to 3 people. Material: playing field, figures of pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, vehicles and a cube.

Game progress: Before you start, you need to choose a leader. An adult can become one. The presenter places road signs in the "city", determines the places of bus stops; he also controls the traffic light. The rest of the players take the figures of the little men and distribute the vehicles among themselves. Let someone be a bus driver, someone a salesman in a supermarket, someone a park builder, someone a student at a school. Your roles are limited only by your imagination. Further, by throwing a die in turn, we move around the city. Pedestrians on sidewalks, cars on the road. By "walking" we move the chip in any direction as many steps forward as the number of dots on the die. On a car - multiply the number of points by three, on a bicycle - by two. Moreover, the driver of the car can take passengers with him, for example, bring friends. (The driver throws the die in this case). And, leaving the car, say, in the parking lot, the driver turns into a pedestrian. You can also wait for the bus at the bus stop and go with a large company. The green circle (underpass) allows you to quickly (in one turn) and safely cross to the other side of the street. And if you hit the orange circle - this place requires increased attention from you - you need to skip one move. So here we go. From home to school, from the store to the park, from the park to visit friends. On foot, by bike, by bus. Observing all the rules of the road.

"The Great Walk"

Target: To acquaint children with road signs necessary for a motorist.

Material: The playing field, chips, road signs.

Game progress:

Children in chips-cars drive through the streets of the city, observing the rules of the road, collect photos of friends and return to their homes. Who will be the first to return, breaking fewer rules, he won.

"True False"

Target: Reinforce with children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and traffic signs.

Material: Playing field, road signs.

Game progress:

Children distribute the characters in the picture, and each one talks about who does what - right or wrong. The winner is the one who more fully and correctly describes the behavior of the selected character.

"Merry Wand"

Tasks: to generalize the idea of ​​the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street; to activate the knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking; foster a desire to comply with traffic rules in life.

Rules: listen carefully to the answers of your comrades and not repeat yourself. The team that names more rules for pedestrians wins. You can only give an answer after receiving the rod.

The teacher divides the children into two competing teams, tells the name of the game and its rules.

Educator. The one to whom I will give the baton in hands will have to name one of the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street. These rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team that will name more rules and will not repeat itself will win.

The rod is transferred alternately from one team to another. Children name the rules.

Children. You can cross the street using a pedestrian underpass or only at a green traffic light. Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks; if there is no sidewalk, you can move along the field shoulder towards the traffic. You cannot play near the road or on the roadway. You can not cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle and cross the street for small children without adults. Before crossing the street, you must first look to the left, then to the right, and, after making sure of safety, cross.

The game "Listen - remember" is carried out in a similar way, only the children list the rules for passengers.


Goals: Teach children the rules of the road; develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Material: Several playing fields, a car, toys.

Game progress:

Several options for simple playing fields are being prepared in advance. Each field is a drawing of an extensive road system with road signs. This will make it possible to change the traffic situation. For example: “You are a car driver, you need to take the bunny to the hospital, get gasoline and fix the car. The picture of the car indicates the garage from where you left and where you should return. Think and tell me in what order you need to visit all these points so as not to violate traffic rules. And then the two of us will see if you chose the right path. "

"Questions and answers"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street;

develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech.

Material: chips.

Game progress: The teacher divides the children into two teams, asks questions, children

responsible, a chip is awarded for the correct answer. The team wins

with the most chips.

1. What parts does the street consist of? (road, sidewalk)

2. Where can children walk? (in the yard)

3. How should you behave on the bus? (don't scream, be quiet)

4. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

5. Where can you cross the road? (traffic light, crosswalk)

6. What are the traffic lights? (red, yellow, green)

7. What signal can you cross the road to? (on green)

8.Who can you cross the road with? (with adults)

9. What is the name of the person driving the car? (driver)

10. What does the car consist of? (body, cab, wheels)

11. Where do cars go, where do pedestrians go? (on the road, on the sidewalk)

12. What are the road signs? (prohibiting, warning,

service signs, informational, indicative, prescriptive signs)

13. How should you get around the bus? (wait when he leaves)

14. What are the types of transport? (passenger, air, sea,

ground, cargo, animal-drawn, special, etc.)

"Run the order"


a given sequence.


road signs, signs indicating "stations" (canteen, railway crossing, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc.), steering wheels.

Preparing for the game: Construction of the road and the placement of the studied signs.

Game progress: Children from the "dispatcher" (educator) receive an assignment to go,

for example, to a hospital. The child goes and comes back. Then he gets

two tasks at once: "Go to the railway crossing, then eat at

dining room ". The child must complete the tasks in a given sequence.

Gradually, the number of orders given at the same time is increasing.

"Where is my seat?"


attention, memory, speech.

Material: large construction material(cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement on the road

warnings (school, cafeteria, road repairs, etc.), appropriate

the studied road signs.

Game progress: The task of the players is to replace the verbal warnings with the necessary ones

signs. The game can be played in two ways.

1. One player places signs, the rest evaluate the correctness.

2. Two players compete, who will place the signs faster and more correctly.

"Talking road signs"

Target: Teach children to navigate by road signs, follow traffic rules, be attentive to each other.

Material: Each playing field is a drawing of a branched system of roads with road signs. Cars, game characters.

Game progress:

Before each child is a field, each task: having driven across the field, observing all the rules, without missing a single sign, get to the named point.

"Well no"


Game progress: The teacher asks questions, the children in chorus answer “yes” or “no”.

Option I:

Riding fast in the mountain? - Yes.

Do you know the traffic rules? - Yes.

There is a red light in the traffic light

Can I walk across the street? - No.

Well, the green one is burning, that's when

Can I walk across the street? ”“ Yes.

I got on the tram, but did not take the ticket.

Is that supposed to be done? ”“ No.

Old lady, very old,

Will you give her your place on the tram? ”“ Yes.

To the lazy person you suggested the answer

Well, did you help him with that? ”“ No.

Well done, guys, remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”,

And do what you need to do, always try!


Are the traffic lights familiar to all children?

Does everyone in the world know him?

Is he on duty by the road?

Does he have arms, legs?

There are flashlights - three eyes ?!

Does it include all of them at once?

So he turned on the red light

Does this mean there is no move?

Which one should we go to?

Blue - can it be an obstacle?

Are we going to yellow?

On green - singing?

Well, probably then

Let's get up on the green, huh?

Can I run on red?

Well, but if you are careful?

And go in single file then

Then, of course, you can? Yes!

I believe in eyes, ears

The traffic light is familiar to all of you!

And, of course, I'm very happy

I am for literate guys!

"Road signs"

Goals: Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street; remember well-known road signs; to acquaint with new concepts: "railway train without a barrier", "safety island".

Material: Road signs

"Road Lotto"

Target: Strengthen knowledge of the rules of the road in children; learn to find the right road signs depending on the situation on the road; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Material: Cards with traffic situations, road signs.

Game progress:

Each child is given a card showing the traffic situation, children are invited to find desired sign appropriate to the situation on the road.

"Road exam"

Target: teach the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, speech.

Material: large building material (cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement on the road

road signs.

Preparing for the game: Road construction and sign placement.

Game progress: A child - a driver - a student passing an exam for the right to drive a car. He "drives" along the road and, seeing this or that sign, explains what he must do. For example: there is a slippery road ahead. Slowing down, driving carefully, not overtaking other cars.

"The road to grandma"

Goals: Develop attention, memory, observation in children preschool age; help to improve road literacy.

Material: The field, which depicts the path to the grandmother with various road signs; chips; cube.

Game progress:

Two or three children are offered a race to get to their grandmother's house, while observing the rules of the road.

"Laws of Streets and Roads"

Tasks: improve knowledge of the rules of behavior on the streets and roads; develop attention, the ability to solve problem situations, read road signs, independently navigate the street; foster interest in obeying traffic rules.

Rules: participating in playing out traffic situations, do not violate traffic rules. Tasks must be completed to the end.

Materials: playing field, figures of pedestrians and vehicles, road signs.

1. Acquaintance with the city plan, its buildings and inhabitants. You can name the city, river, streets, etc.

2. It is necessary to help the residents of the city choose a safe route and get to the desired place: the professor - to the "Optics" store to buy new glasses, to the kiosk - for a fresh newspaper, to the post office - send a telegram, hour workshop, etc. To the housewife - for shopping at a bakery, a grocery store, sending a parcel, meeting a granddaughter from school, etc. To a person - to a river or railway station, to a football match, to a hotel, a restaurant, etc. A schoolgirl - to school, to a library, a circus ...

3. You can enter into the game road signs, traffic lights, traffic controller, transport: "ambulance", fire engine, police, taxi, bus, truck "Products". Give an assignment to solve various problem situations, while observing traffic rules. For example, the "Products" truck can load the bakery and distribute fresh bread to a kindergarten, school, restaurant, bakery store.

4. The teacher conducts the game in the form of a road quiz, asking the children questions.

Where can you go rollerblading in town?

Show the most dangerous places in the city.

What will change on the road with the arrival of winter?

What are road markings and what are they for?

At the same time, the teacher simulates the situation - at night a strong hurricane tore off all the signs in the city, in the morning riots began on the roads - and gives the task to fix it.

"Know and follow the traffic rules"

Target: Strengthen traffic rules with children; repeat traffic light values.

Material: Illustrations of city streets.

Game progress:

Children are asked a riddle about a traffic light, a discussion of the meaning of traffic light colors, an analysis of situations on the road and the correct behavior of the characters are held.

"Word game"

1. Clap your hands when you hear the word for traffic lights. Explain

selection of each word.

Vocabulary: three eyes, standing on the street, intersection, blue light, one leg,

yellow light, red light, street crossing, pedestrian assistant,

green light, stands at home.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the word referring to the passenger. Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleeping, ticket,

conductor, airplane flight, pedestrian, seat, salon, bed.

3. Compose a story with the words: morning, breakfast, road to school (kindergarten), sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground crossing, traffic light, kindergarten.

"Ball game"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, road

Material: ball.

Game progress: The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to the child, while asking a question. He answers and throws the ball to the teacher. The game is played with all the children in turn.

Educator: Who is walking along the road?

Child: Pedestrian.

Educator: Who is driving the car?

Child: Driver.

Educator: How many "eyes" does a traffic light have?

Child: Three eyes.

Educator: If the red "eye" is on, then what is he talking about?

Child: Wait and wait.

Educator: If the yellow "eye" is on, then what is he talking about?

Child: Wait.

Educator: If the green "eye" is on, then what is he talking about?

Child: You can go.

Educator: Our legs are walking along the pedestrian ...

Child: Track.

Educator: Where are we waiting for the bus?

Child: At the bus stop.

Educator: Where do we play hide and seek?

Child: On the playground.

"Play and dare!"

Tasks: develop mental abilities and visual perception; to learn to correlate the speech form of the description of road signs with their graphic image; educate independence, quick reaction, ingenuity.

Rules: the image of the road sign is closed only after listening to information about it. The winner is the one who is the first to correctly close all the images that sounded in riddles or poems.

The game involves 4-6 children, in front of whom are tables with road signs and blank cards. The principle of the game is lotto. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards.

Hey driver, watch out!

It is impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

Children walk in this place.

(Sign "Children".)

Here the road works -

Neither drive nor pass.

This place is pedestrian

Better to just get around.

(Sign " Road works».)

Will never let you down

Us underground passage:

Pedestrian road

There is always free.

(Sign "Underpass".)

He has two wheels and a saddle on a frame

There are two pedals at the bottom, spinning them with your feet.

He stands in a red circle,

He talks about the ban.

(Sign "Cycling prohibited".)

This zebra on the road

I'm not in the least afraid.

If everything is okay

I'm going along the stripes.

(Sign "Pedestrian crossing".)

Red circle, rectangle

The preschooler is also obliged to know.

This is a very strict sign.

And wherever you are in a hurry

With dad in the car -

You will not get through in any way!

(No entry sign.)

I didn’t wash my hands on the way,

I ate fruits and vegetables.

I got sick and see the point

Medical assistance. (Sign "Point first medical care».)

This sign at the level crossing -

In a difficult place.

There is no barrier here,

The locomotive is smoking with might and main.

He gained speed already,

So be on your guard. (Sign " Railroad crossing

without a barrier ".)

"Red and Green"

Target: Teach children to establish connections between objects and phenomena, to act on a signal.

Materials for the game: Two mugs (green and red), a typewriter.

Game progress: The game is played with one child. The teacher takes two mugs - red and green, - invites the child to take a toy: a car and says:

You, Vasya, the driver, will drive the car yourself. When I show the green circle, the car can move. Like this (shows). When you see the red circle, the car should stop.

"How to get to?"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road, to develop orientation in

space, attention, thinking, memory, the ability to execute a command in

a given sequence.

Material: large building material (cubes, bricks, etc.), signs "Move straight", "Move to the right", "Move to the left.

Preparing for the game: Road Construction Using Signs

"Go straight", "Go right", "Go left". Are noted

points of departure and destination.

Game progress: Children (one to three) must drive correctly to the point

destination. The winner is the one who did it faster, without breaking the rules

road traffic.

"Who will name the road signs more?"

Target: train children in recognizing and correctly naming road signs,

develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Material: road signs.

Game progress: the presenter shows signs, the children answer, observing the order

"Who is the excellent pedestrian?"

Goals: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate perseverance, attention.

Materials: 2 chips and a cube with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. The playing field.

Game progress:

The first pedestrian leaves the house # 1, the second - from the house # 2. The dice are thrown in turn until the first dice has the number 1, the second - the number 2. And the dice are rolled again. In this case, one must carefully look at the multi-colored pictures. In the first picture, a red light is on at a traffic light. This means that a pedestrian cannot jump to the circle that stands after the traffic light. He stands still patiently. The second picture shows a car. You can't cross the road, you have to wait. On the third, there is a green signal at the traffic light. You can move the chip as many circles as the cube shows. The fourth picture shows a motorcyclist. We must skip it, stop. In the sixth picture, a yellow light is on at a traffic light. And the pedestrian can stop right at the picture itself. The seventh picture shows a traffic controller. It's safe with him, you can go straight to your grandmother's house. Whoever is the first to come to grandma without breaking traffic rules won.


Purpose of the game: to form the ability to add an image from the details of a geometric mosaic constructor, combining various figures, changing their position on the plane of the table;

develop the memory, speech of children, educate their creative activity;

develop logical thinking, the ability to compose a whole from parts.

Material: an envelope for each player, where a logical table of machines of geometric figures with one empty cell is indicated; geometric figures different color.

Game progress: The teacher, together with the children, analyzes which machines are shown in the logical table. An example of reasoning: Look, every car consists of a cab, a body, and wheels. First, let's choose a cab. Tell me, do the cars in the first row have the same cabins? And in the second line? What about the first column? This means that in the third line, all cars must have different cabins. But in the third line there are already cars with a rectangular cab and with a cab in the form of an irregular quadrangle. What should be the cabin of our car? That's right, triangular. Now let's find out what the body should be like? Similarly, children find a suitable triangular body. The teacher asks the children to explain their choice, helping them build statements such as reasoning.

"We are passengers"

Goals: Clarify children's knowledge that we are all passengers; fix the rules for boarding and disembarking from transport.

Material: Pictures with traffic situations.

Game progress:

Children take one picture at a time and tell what is drawn on them, explaining how to act in a given situation.

"We are the drivers"

Tasks: help to learn to understand road symbols and their specifics (for example, road signs), to see its main qualities - imagery, brevity, generalization; to form and develop the ability to independently invent graphic symbols, see and solve problems.

Rules: you need to come up with a road sign that is most similar to the generally accepted one. The most successful sign gets a token - a green circle. The winner is the one who gets the most circles.


cards with road signs by series: the road goes to the first-aid post (maintenance point, canteen, gas station, etc. - 6 options); meeting on the way (people, animals, types of transport - 6 options); difficulties on the way, possible dangers (6 options); prohibition signs (6 options);

a piece of chalk if a forked road is drawn, or strips of paper depicting such roads;

small car or bus;

green mugs - 30 pcs.

Children sit around shifted tables, on which a forked paper road is laid out.

The teacher puts the car at the beginning of the road, names the game and, together with the children, discusses the duties of the driver.

Educator. Every driver of a car must know how it works, how to start it, repair it, how to drive it. The driver's job is very difficult. It is necessary not only to quickly transport people and goods. It is very important that no accidents happen on the way. There may be different surprises: either the road forks, and the driver needs to decide where to go, then the path lies past a school or kindergarten, and small children can jump out onto the road, then suddenly the passenger who is driving next to the driver felt bad and his you need to urgently take to the hospital or something suddenly breaks down in the car, or the gasoline runs out. What should the driver do? Maybe ask passers-by where the hospital is, where can you get your car repaired or refueled? And if the road is deserted and there are no passers-by? Or are passersby unable to answer the driver's question? How to be?

Children's answers.

Of course, special signs must be placed along the road so that the driver, even if he is driving very fast, looks at the sign and immediately understands what he is warning or reporting. Therefore, drivers must be aware of all the signs on the roads. When you become adults, you can also learn to drive, but we will get to know the road signs today and find out what this or that sign means.

The car quickly rushes along the road and suddenly ...

The following describes a situation when, while driving, you urgently need to find a phone, a canteen, a first-aid post, a car service, a gas station, etc. The car stops, and the children have to guess what the sign looks like, near which the driver stopped his car. They offer their own versions of signs (what, in their opinion, should be drawn there). The teacher reminds that the car usually drives fast, the driver must look and immediately understand the sign, so the sign should be simple, there should be nothing superfluous on it. Then the teacher shows a road sign and puts it on the spot where the car stops, and the children, together with the teacher, evaluate all the options for signs, rewarding the most successful of them with a green circle. Game continues. The teacher focuses his story on the road signs he has.

Today we have learned some road signs that help drivers in their work. And you, when you walk down the street or ride in transport, pay attention to the road signs placed along the road, tell the adults what they mean.

And now we must take stock of our game and find out the winner.

Children count their green circles. The teacher congratulates the winners, notes the most active children, encourages the timid and shy ones.

"On the island"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of how to bypass different types

transport; to introduce the most typical road transport

situations and related pedestrian code of conduct.

Material: pictures depicting various situations involving

pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights.

Game progress: Children should consider and explain the situation depicted in the picture, evaluate the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; explain the need to install the required road sign.

Find a safe way

Preparing for the game: Depending on the age of the children, the teacher tells

or asks children:

Is it possible to cross the street everywhere?

What signs indicate that it is allowed to cross the street in this area?

Where and why should you look at the beginning of a street crossing?

Where and why you need to look in the middle of the street along which cars go in two

What does a pedestrian crossing sign look like and what does it warn about?

Why did you draw a "zebra" on the road?

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop

thinking, memory, attention, expand vocabulary.

Material: street (road part) layout, road signs, traffic light,

transport (cars, trucks).

Game progress: children act out different situations on the model.

"Find the right sign"

Goals: Strengthen the knowledge of the road alphabet in children; teach to recognize traffic signs necessary for the safety of a pedestrian on the road.

Material: Cardboard sheet with a car in the corner and a man in the other; road signs with Velcro.

Game progress:

The child is offered a field on which, in the corners, machines are depicted, and in another, a person; the child needs to choose from the proposed signs the ones that are necessary for the driver and for the person.

"Let's teach Dunno traffic rules"

Tasks: to consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the rules of the road; systematize knowledge on safe behavior on the roads; educate discipline, respect for traffic rules. Develop the ability to formulate your thoughts, listen to each other.

Rules: clearly explain the rules of the road, without repeating or interrupting each other.

The teacher tells the children about Dunno - a boy who does not know how to behave on the street, and constantly finds himself in various unpleasant situations.

Educator... Soon Dunno is going to school in grade 1 and if he does not learn the traffic rules, he will fall into these ridiculous stories every day, be late for lessons, or may even go to the hospital. What to do?

Children offer to help Dunno learn road safety rules.

Dunno. I left the house today and decided to play football, but there was no one in the yard, and I went outside, threw the ball, and he rolled off onto the road. Passers-by started scolding me, but I didn't do anything like that ...

Together with the children, Dunno analyzes the traffic situation. Children explain safety rules to Dunno.

Then I wanted to cross the street, but the brakes of the cars screeched and the drivers started shouting at me. Why they shouted - I don't know ...

Children explain how to cross the street correctly.

And when I got on the bus, I was generally punished and put next to the conductor. For what - I do not know. I didn’t do anything, I just got on the seat and stuck my head out the window to look at the cars.

Children explain to Dunno the rules of behavior in public transport. The teacher gives several more situations that the children help to solve. At the end of the game, Dunno thanks the guys for their help and promises not to violate traffic rules anymore.

The teacher sees Dunno with the words: "If you have any problems, then come in, the guys will help you."

"Our friend the guard"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the profession of a traffic controller, its functions;

designations of gestures (which gesture corresponds to which traffic light),

develop attention, a friendly attitude towards peers.

Material: cap, traffic controller's baton.

Take a look: sentry

Got up on our pavement

He quickly stretched out his hand,

Deftly waved his wand.

Have you seen? Have you seen?

All the cars stopped at once.

Amicably stood in three rows

And they don't go anywhere.

The people are not worried

Walking across the street.

And stands on the pavement

Like a sentry wizard.

All cars to one

Submit to him.

(Y. Pishumov)

Game progress: Leading guard. Children players are divided into pedestrians and drivers.

At the gesture of the traffic controller, drivers and pedestrians walk (ride) or

stop. Initially, the teacher takes on the role of a guard. Then,

when children have mastered the gestures of the traffic controller, they can perform this role in

"Our street"

Target: to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in

street conditions; to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting,

prescriptive, informational - indicative), intended for

drivers and pedestrians.

Material: street layout with houses, crossroads; cars (toys); dolls - pedestrians; dolls - drivers; traffic light (toy); road signs, trees (models). The game is played on a model.

Game progress: With the help of puppets, children, on the instructions of a teacher, act out various road situations.

"What the traffic controller is signaling"

Goals: To develop observation skills in children (for example, observing the work of a traffic controller); learn to find the right traffic signal depending on the position of the traffic controller; develop memory, attention in children.

Material: Three cards with different images of a traffic controller, which correspond to traffic signals, on the back of each card a traffic light without signals.

Game progress:

The child needs to select a traffic signal from memory for each card with the position of the traffic controller.

"Repair the traffic light"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of traffic signals.

Material: traffic light pattern, circles of red, yellow, green colors.

Game progress: The teacher explains to the children that the traffic light has broken, it is necessary to repair the traffic light (correctly assemble by color). Children overlay circles on a ready-made traffic light template.

"Pass the wand"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about road signs, traffic rules, exercise in

the correct naming of road signs, the wording of traffic rules, to develop

logical thinking, attention, ingenuity, intensify speech.

Material: traffic controller's rod.

Game progress: The players line up in a circle. The traffic controller's rod is passed to the player on the left. Prerequisite: take the wand with the right hand, transfer it to the left and pass it to another participant. The program is broadcast to music. As soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the rod lifts it up and names any rule of the road (or road sign).

A traffic sign that is hesitant or misnamed is eliminated from the game.

The last remaining player wins.

"Pedestrians and Drivers"

Target: teach the rules of the road, behavior on the roads, consolidate

children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, instill a sustainable

motivation to comply with traffic rules, develop attention, thinking, orientation

in space.

Material: road signs, traffic lights, steering wheels, bags with pears, table, coupons,

signboard "Toy Store", toys, strollers, dolls, certificates -

green circle made of cardboard. Children in the form of traffic police inspectors (cap, cloak with letters traffic police inspector or traffic police badge), children - pedestrians, children - drivers, child - seller of toys.

Game progress: Some of the guys represent pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass the chauffeur test and receive the vehicle. Guys - the drivers go to the table where the "traffic police commission" is located and take the exam. Pedestrians head to the toy store to shop. Then, with dolls and carriages, they go to the crossroads. The commission asks questions to drivers:

What kind of light can cars move?

What light cannot be moved?

What is a carriageway?

What is sidewalk?

Name the signs ("pedestrian crossing", "children", etc.)

Those who passed the exam receive certificates (green circle) and coupons;

members of the commission congratulates them. Drivers head to the parking lot

cars, sit in them and go to the regulated intersection. Pedestrians

from the store they also go to this intersection. At the crossroads:

Attention! The movement along the streets will now begin. Watch the traffic light

(a traffic light is connected, cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Signals change.)

the game continues until all the children learn the rules of the movement.

"On the way to"

Goals: Consolidate knowledge about different types of transport; train attention, memory.

Material: Pictures of freight, light transport, chips.

Game progress:

Before the trip, agree with the children who will collect which type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of trucks and cars, you can also take specialized transport: police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to the cars, naming them and getting chips for it. Whoever collects the most won.


Target: develop coordination of hand movements (right, left), visual

attention, thinking, ability to execute a command, according to the sign in the hands


Material: signs: "Drive straight", "Move right", "Move

to the left ”, rudders.

Preparing for the game: Children are lined up facing the teacher. If the game

is carried out by a subgroup of 6 people, then the steering wheels are distributed to the children. The teacher has signs: "Move straight", "Move to the right", "Move to the left".

Game progress: If the teacher shows the sign "Straight ahead", then the children

take one step forward, if the sign "Move to the right" - children, imitating

turn the steering wheel, turn right, if the sign "Move left" - children,

imitating a steering wheel turn, turn left.

"Pick a sign"

Goals: Teach children to compare road signs by meaning; develop observation in children.

Material: Cards showing samples of signs that differ in shape, color; road signs of various meanings and types.

Game progress:

Each child has a card on which a sample of the sign is depicted, the child needs to select other signs for the sample that match in shape, color, then it is necessary to explain the meaning of the signs on the card.

"Think - guess"

Target: clarify ideas about transport and traffic rules;

to activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; bring up

quick wit and resourcefulness.

Material: chips.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children questions. Which of the children knows the correct one

answer, raises his hand. Whoever answers correctly first gets a chip.

The winner is the one who received more chips for correct answers.

How many wheels does a car have? (4)

How many people can ride one bike? (1)

Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (Crossroads)

What is the carriageway for? (For traffic)

Which side of the carriageway is the traffic on? (On the right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver has violated the traffic rules

movement? (Accident or accident)

What is the overhead light at a traffic light? (Red)

How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does a pedestrian crossing look like? (On the zebra)

Which machines are equipped with special sound and light

signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police vehicles)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

Where do you need to play in order not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground).

"Put up a road sign"

Target: teach children to distinguish between the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian crossing", (warning); "Entry prohibited", "Passage closed" (prohibiting); "Straight", "Right", "Left", "" Roundabout "," Footpath"(Prescriptive); "Parking place", "Pedestrian crossing", "Medical aid point", "Gas station", "Telephone", "Food point" (information and guidance); to educate attention, skills of orientation in space.

Material: road signs; street layout depicting roads, pedestrian

passages, buildings, intersections, cars.

Game progress: playing out various road situations.

"Traffic Laws"

Goals: To consolidate the basics of a road sign; to acquaint with the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Game progress:

The educator takes on the role of a traffic police inspector. Participants move around the playing field using a cube. The green color dropped out - movement is allowed, yellow - attention, red - stop - the player misses the move. If a chip stops on a field with a road sign, the participant needs to find a sign from this group in the "common bank". The winner is the one with the most points. 1 card - one point.

"Rules of behavior"

Goals: Strengthen the rules of conduct with children; discuss various dangerous situations that can occur when playing in the yard of the house, on the street; teach the necessary precautions.

Material: Cut pictures.

Game progress:

There are pictures on the board depicting people in different situations. The teacher invites the children to consider them. Children look at these pictures, choose any and tell them, remembering the rules of the road, what should not be done and how to act.


Target: consolidate knowledge of road signs, develop thinking,

attention, memory, speech.

Material: building material (cubes, bricks, prisms, etc.),

road signs, magic hats.

Preparing for the game: The teacher designs the road in advance and places

the signs are incorrect (near the "Zebra" sign "Slippery road", etc.) Then

tells the children a story about how evil "spirits" decided to bring in the city

mess and asks for help to fix the situation.

Game progress: Children, having turned into good wizards, place signs

right. Explain what they are doing.

"Travel by car"

Target: Strengthen knowledge of road signs and rules of conduct on the streets with children.

Material: Playing field, chips.

Game progress:

On the playing field, children begin to play. Passing road signs, they stop talking about each of them. The first to reach the sea wins.

"Cut marks"

Goals: Develop the ability to distinguish between road signs; fix the name of road signs; to develop in children logical thinking, an eye.

Material: Split signs; samples of signs.

Game progress:

The child is first asked to remember what traffic signs he knows, and then asked to assemble the split signs on the basis of the model. If the child copes easily, then he is offered to collect signs from memory.

"Traffic light and traffic controller"

Goals: Clarify the knowledge of children about the work of the traffic police (traffic controller); explain the meaning of his gestures; teach children to correlate traffic controller gestures with traffic light color.

Material: The traffic controller, the traffic controller's wand, traffic light signs.

Game progress:

After the teacher explains, the children take turns acting as a traffic controller, showing his gestures, the rest, depending on the position of the “traffic controller”, show the required traffic signal.

"Traffic lights"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals,

develop attention, visual perception; foster independence,

quick reaction, ingenuity.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green, traffic light.

Game progress: The leader, having distributed mugs of green, yellow, red colors to the children,

switches the traffic light sequentially, and the children show the appropriate

circles and explain what each one means.

"Listen - remember"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road and the behavior of pedestrians on

street, develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: a rod for traffic regulation.

Game progress: The leader, with a rod in his hand, approaches one of the participants in the game,

hands him the baton and asks about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street.

"Name one of the rules of conduct for a pedestrian on the street." - "you can not go

the street in front of nearby traffic. " If the answer is correct, the leader

passes the wand to another participant in the game, etc. it is necessary so that the answers are not

repeated, so everyone should be careful.

"Collect traffic situations"

Tasks: exercise in design, the ability to compose a whole image from individual elements; to consolidate the idea of ​​the rules of safe behavior on the roads; develop perception, thinking; to educate independence, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Rules: as soon as possible to correctly assemble the whole picture from the parts, to tell more fully the traffic situation on it.

Materials: two (or more) sets of cubes with pasted pictures reflecting traffic situations. The number of patterns corresponds to the number of sides of the cube.

The caregiver reminds the children what kind of road situations they have considered.

Educator... We cut pictures with traffic situations into pieces and pasted them onto cubes. And now you need to put these situations from parts into a whole picture and tell as fully as possible about it - what is depicted there, who is doing the right thing, and who is not, and why?

Children take turns collecting road situations from blocks and tell them about them. The winner is the one who quickly folded the picture and told about it more fully.

With children, you can make similar cubes for the didactic game "Collect road signs" (cars, etc.).

"Collect the sign"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; develop logical

thinking, attentiveness; foster a culture of safe behavior for children

on the road and in public places.

Material: in envelopes puzzles - road signs, chips.

Game progress: The teacher seats the children in the carriages and, at the general command (whistle signal), the children open the envelopes and put their signs from the parts (puzzles). After 5 - 7 minutes, the game stops. How many signs are collected correctly, the team gets so many points. You can earn and

extra points if the players answer correctly, what is the name of the sign and

what does it matter. For the correct answer, the teacher gives the crew a token.

"Obey the rules of the road"

Goals: Teach children to navigate by road signs, follow traffic rules, educate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other.

Material: Game canvas, road signs, cars, figures of people.

Game progress:

Children choose cars and figures of people for themselves, guided by the drawn situation, lead their characters across the playing field.

"Arrow, arrow, spin ..."

Target: Teach children to distinguish and correctly name road signs, their

appointment; develop attention, memory; educate moral qualities:

consistency and collaboration.

Material: maps with road signs, yellow circles.

Game progress: From 2 to 10 children can participate in the game. Children sit around

table, everyone receives maps with road signs. The teacher explains

children that they will spin the disc in turn and for the correctly named

the road sign and its purpose will receive a yellow circle from the cashier and cover the same sign on their card, if any. A cashier is appointed, yellow circles are given to him. The teacher distributes cards to the sitting children. The game begins. The presenter spins the disc and, together with the children, pronounces the words:

Arrow, arrow, spin

Show yourself to all the signs

Show us soon

What sign is nicer to you!

The arrow stops, the presenter names the road sign and its purpose.

If the child named the sign correctly, the cashier gives him a yellow circle,

the child closes the same one on the map. If there is no such sign on his card, he asks: "Who has the same sign?" And the cashier gives the circle to the one who has this sign on the card (provided that the sign and its purpose are named correctly). Then the disc is transferred to a neighbor and the game continues. In case of difficulty or error, the child does not receive a yellow circle, but the disc is passed to the next child in turn. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his signs with yellow circles. The game ends when all the children’s cards are covered with yellow circles.


Purpose of the game: 1. Teach children to distinguish between road signs for drivers (cyclists and drivers).

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about warning signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Dangerous turn"; prohibition signs: "Entry prohibited" (for cyclists, drivers), "Bicycles prohibited", "Passage closed"; prescriptive signs: "Mandatory direction of movement", "Straight", "Right", "Left", "Roundabout", " Bicycle lane"; information and direction signs: "Parking place", "Pedestrian crossing"; service signs: "First aid station", "Telephone", "Food point", "Gas station", " Maintenance cars ".

3. To educate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in Everyday life.

Material: cardboard circles with the image of road signs, a paper envelope with a window cut out in it, a stick.

Game progress: The facilitator inserts a circle on which several characters are drawn into the envelope and fixes it with a stick. Then he advances the circle so that different signs... Children name signs and explain their meaning /


Purpose of the game: to generalize and systematize children's ideas about the ways and characteristics of human movement in different environments;

the formation of the ability to navigate according to the plan;

development of logical thinking.

Rules of the game: The game can be played by children aged 4 and over. It can be played by 2 to 4 players.

Material: cardboard canvas, which depicts transport: air, land, water, the game indicates the initial and final destinations, a cube with a different number of points on the sides, "Chips" with the image of a person.

Game progress: At the beginning of the game, all participants put their chips on the "start of the game" circle, then determine the sequence of moves by throwing a die. The player with the most dots on the top of the die moves first. Having received the right to move, the player rolls the dice, after which he moves the counter by the number of circles equal to the number of dots on the top side of the dice. When a player enters the circle with a picture, he must follow the direction of the arrow (green arrow - forward, red arrow - back), and the move is passed on to the next player. When a player hits the red circle, he must skip one move. The winner is the one who first comes to the end of the game circle.

"You are big, I am small"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the rules of behavior on the street, on the road;

instill a sustainable motivation to comply with traffic rules.

Game progress: The preschooler's morning begins with the road. Following to kindergarten or

home, he crosses streets with moving vehicles. Does he know how to do it

right? Can you take the safe path? The main causes of unhappiness

cases with children - this is careless behavior on the street and the roadway

roads, ignorance of the elementary requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations.

There is no need to wait for the child to learn the Rules of the road on

own experience. Sometimes this experience is very expensive. Better if

adults tactfully, unobtrusively instill in the child the habit consciously

obey the rules.

Going out for a walk, invite your child to play “big and

small ". Let him be “big” and lead you across the road.

Monitor his actions. Do this several times and the results will not

slow down to affect.

"Guess the transport"

Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about transport, the ability to describe (riddle) to recognize objects; develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity.

Rules: you can call the transport only after the riddle about it sounds. The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers, that is, who receives more pictures with transport. Children sit in a semicircle.

Educator... We talked about transport, watched its movement along the road, and today we will play a game called "Guess the Transport". Listen to the rules of the game. I will make riddles about transport, you have to think and guess them correctly. Who is the first to guess correctly, about the transport in question, gets a picture with his image. Ukogo at the end of the game will have more pictures, he will win.

Home is a wonderful runner

On his eight legs.

Runs along the alley

Along two steel snakes.


What a miracle a light house?

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.


What is - guess:

No bus, no tram.

Doesn't need gasoline

Although the wheels are rubber.


They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

They move along the street in a fast stream.

They carry various goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelon.


This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and race on it!

Only better drive!


I will turn with a long neck,

I'll pick up the heavy load.

Where ordered - I will put

I serve a man!


A "mole" has climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

He replaces hundreds of hands,

He digs without a shovel.


Here is an iron so an iron!

Oh, how huge!

He passed - the road suddenly

Has become smooth, even!

Rushing like a fiery arrow

A car rushes into the distance.

And any fire will fill

Brave squad.

(Fire engine.)

A canvas, not a track,

A horse is not a horse - a centipede.

Crawling along that path

The whole wagon train is lucky.

Oats are not fed

They don't drive with a whip,

And how he plows -

He drags five plows.


This strong machine

Rides on huge tires.

I immediately removed half a mountain

Seven ton ...

(dump truck).

For him to take you

He will not ask for oats.

Feed him gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves.

And then, raising the dust,

Will run ...


"City street"

Purpose of the game: Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of vehicles.

Material: street layout; trees; cars; pedestrian dolls; traffic lights; road signs.

Game progress: The teacher examines the street layout with the children, asks a number of questions. Children accompany their answers with a demonstration on a model. Questions for children:

What are the houses on our street?

What kind of traffic on our street - one-way or two-way?

Where should pedestrians walk? Where should cars go?

What is an intersection? Where and how should you cross the street?

How is a pedestrian crossing indicated?

How is street traffic regulated?

What traffic light signals do you know?

What road signs are there on our street? What are they for?

What is passenger transport for? Where do people expect him?

How should you behave on the bus?

Can I play outdoors?

Further, the teacher invites the children to "drive" along the street, observing the rules of the road. Then one of the children acts as a pedestrian. The winner is the one who copes well (without mistakes) in the role of a driver or a pedestrian.

"Learning road signs"

Target: Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, traffic lights.

Material: Big and small cards with signs.

Game progress:

The big cards are divided equally between the players. The presenter takes turns showing cards with road signs, the one to whom she fits, picks up the sign, puts it in the upper right corner and tells the name of this sign, in what situations it is used. The winner will be the one who correctly selects the signs for the situations and is able to explain it.

"Road alphabet"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of road signs, the ability to correctly navigate in them, to classify them by type: prohibitive, prescriptive, warning, informational and indicative.

Material: Traffic cards, road signs.

Game progress:

Children choose cards for themselves, the leader has road signs, he shows the signs in turn, the one who has the right card takes the sign and justifies his choice.

"Learn to be a pedestrian"

Goals: Continue to educate children about safe outdoor behavior.

Strengthen knowledge of road signs necessary for pedestrians.

Materials for the game: The cards are large, with different situations on the roads (according to the rules of behavior for children on the road, on the street and in transport). Six situations on each card.

Small cards with road signs and traffic rules on the back and white cards crossed out on the diagonals.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes large cards to the children (one card to one child). Shows a card with a road sign and reads the rule of conduct on the road or in transport. The child examines the standing card, finds the appropriate situation and puts on it a small card with a road sign or a white card (if the situation indicates the child's improper behavior on the road or in transport).

The winner is the one who is the first to cover all six situations on his card.

"Colored cars"

Target: train children in the ability to react to color, develop attention, fix the Rules of the road.

Material: colored rudders, signals (cardboard circles) that correspond to the color of the rudders.

Game progress: Children are placed along the wall or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each is given a different color wheel. The presenter stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the rudders. The presenter raises a signal of a certain color. Children who have rudders of the same color run out. When the presenter lowers the signal, the children stop and go to their garage. Children walk during the game, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. Then the host raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes. The presenter can raise one, two or three signals at the same time, and then all the cars leave their garages. If the children do not notice that the signal is lowered, the visual signal can be supplemented with a verbal signal: “Cars (names a color) have stopped.” The leader can do with one verbal signal: “Blue cars are leaving,” “Blue cars are returning home.”

"Rush hour"

Tasks: help to learn the basic rules of the road on the streets of the city; to clarify knowledge about professions; develop quick wits; foster a friendly understanding, the ability to get along with each other.

Rules: drive from start to finish without breaking traffic rules. Take all passengers to the desired stop. Solve all traffic situations.

Materials: playing field, cube, chips, 32 cards (12 blue - "workers", 12 yellow - "visitors", 7 pink - "situations").

The game has several options with varying difficulty levels.

1. Conducted as a lotto. The teacher acquaints children with the objects on the playing field: airport, hospital, police, circus, hairdresser, post office, school, shop, stadium, new building, church, theater. Then together they figure out which "visitors" and "workers" should be there. Children put blue and yellow cards on objects with pictures of those who work there and who visit.

For example, “Theater” is a ballerina and theater audience, “Stadium” is an athlete and a fan, “Hairdresser” is a hairdresser and a client, “Hospital” is a doctor and a patient, etc.

2. Blue and yellow cards are shuffled and distributed equally to all participants in the game. Players alternately roll a die and move across the field in the desired direction, picking up passengers from the starting stop. The driver must take his passengers to the desired stops as soon as possible and, after finishing work, return to the final stop. The winner is the one who is the first to complete his task.

3. Yellow and blue cards are arranged according to objects. Drivers must collect all visitors, then workers and take them to their final stop. The winner is the one with the most points (i.e. passengers).


Target: Learn to distinguish road signs; reinforce children's knowledge of warning and prohibition signs; to educate attention, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.

Material: a clock model with warning and prohibition signs; cards with explanatory note signs that are shown on the layout.

Game progress: The presenter turns the hand of the clock and points to this or that sign. Children name and explain the meaning of road signs. A card with a road sign is shown for fixing and its meaning is explained.

"The fourth extra"

1. Name the extra road user:

 Truck

 "Ambulance"

Snow blower

2. Name the extra means of transport:

 Passenger car

 Truck

 Bus

 Baby stroller

3. Name a means of transport that does not belong to the public


 Bus

 Tram

 Truck

 Trolleybus

4. Name the extra "eye" of the traffic light:

 Red

 Yellow

 Green

"What if…"

Tasks: find out what the traffic rules are for, why it is important to follow them for both drivers and pedestrians; learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and relationships; develop logical thinking.

Rules: do not interfere with each other, listen and answer. Supplement answers as necessary.

The teacher reads to children the poem by O. Bedarev "If only ..."


Walking down the street alone

Quite a strange citizen.

They give him good advice:

“There is a red light at the traffic light.

There is no path for the pedestrian.

There is no way to go now! "

"I don't give a damn about the red light!" -

The citizen said in response.

He walks across the street

Not where the inscription "Transition" is,

Throwing rough on the go:

"Where I want, I'll go there!"

The driver looks with all eyes:

Razinya ahead!

Hit the brakes quickly -

I will open my eyes! ..

What if the driver would say:

"I don't give a damn about traffic lights!"

And as it happened, I began to ride.

The guard would leave the post.

The tram would go as it wanted.

Everyone would walk as best he could.

Yes ... where the street was,

Where are you used to walking

Incredible deeds

Would happen in an instant!

Signals, screams then and know:

Car straight to the tram

The tram ran into the car,

The car crashed into a shop window ...

But no: standing on the pavement


Hanging three-eyed traffic light

And the chauffeur knows the rules.

The teacher offers to think and answer, why are traffic rules needed, why is it important for all road users to comply with them?

Children's answers.

Now let's play the game "What will happen if ...". I will hand over questions to you, and you will answer them. Only you can't answer in chorus, interrupt each other. You can supplement the answers. So I begin.

What happens if pedestrians start crossing the street wherever they want?

Children. The driver will not have time to brake, and the pedestrian can get under the wheels.

Educator. What happens if all road signs are removed on the road?

Children. The driver will not know what awaits him in front of him, and may get a bad ride.

Educator. What happens if the driver does not know the traffic signals?

Children. The driver will go to a red light and hit a pedestrian.

Educator. What happens if the driver drives on the left side of the carriageway?

Children. His car will collide with another car, which is moving correctly - on the right side.

Educator. Now come up with the situations "What will happen if ..." and give the answer yourself.

Children ask questions one by one, others find the answer.

At the end of the game, the teacher sums up the result.

We have found out what traffic rules are for and why it is so important to comply with them. And also what will happen if the driver or pedestrian violates the traffic rules.

"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road, behavior in transport.

Game progress: The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then they answer in chorus:

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if they do not agree, they are silent.

Which of you, when in a hurry,

Running in front of the transport?

Which one of you is going forward

Only where is the transition? (this is me, this is me ...)

Who knows that the red light - This means there is no move? (this is me, this is me ...)

Who flies ahead so soon

What does not see the traffic light?

Who knows that the light is green

Does this mean the path is open? (this is me, this is me ...)

Who, tell me, from the tram

Runs out onto the road?

Who of you, going home,

Keeping track of the pavement? (this is me, this is me ...)

Which one of you is in a close tram

Is it giving way to adults? (this is me, this is me ...).

"I am a literate pedestrian"

Goals: Teach children to analyze situations on the road; reinforce in children the skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city; develop thinking, attention, observation.

Material: Two sets of cards with situations, road signs.

Game progress:

The child is encouraged to first consider the dangerous situations that may occur on the road; if the child answers correctly, then he is asked to independently find the desired sign in accordance with the situation on the card.


    "Driving school"

    Safe City

    "The Great Walk"

    "True False"

    "Merry Wand"


    "Questions and answers"

    "Run the order"

    "Where is my seat?"

    "Talking road signs"

    "Well no"

    "Road Lotto"

    "Road exam"

    "The road to grandma"

    "Road alphabet"

    "Laws of Streets and Roads"

    "Ball game"

    "Word game"

    "Play and dare!"

    "How to get to?"

    "Red Green"

    "Who will name the road signs more?"

    "Who is the excellent pedestrian?"


    "We are passengers"

    "On the island"

    Find a safe way

    "Find the right sign"

    "Let's teach Dunno traffic rules"

    "Our friend the guard"

    "Our street"

    "What the traffic controller is signaling"

    "Repair the traffic light"

    "Pass the wand"

    "Pedestrians and Drivers"

    "On the way to"


    "Pick a sign"

    "Think - guess"

    "Put up a road sign"

    "Traffic Laws"

    "Rules of behavior"


    "Travel by car"

    "Cut marks"

    "Traffic light and traffic controller"

    "Traffic lights"

    "Listen - remember"

    "Collect traffic situations"

    "Collect the sign"

    "Obey the rules of the road"

    "Arrow, arrow, spin ..."



    "You are big, I am small"

    "Guess the transport"

    "City street"

    "Learning road signs"

    "Learn to be a pedestrian"

    "Colored cars"

    "Rush hour"

  1. "The fourth extra"

    "What if…"

    "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

    "I am a literate pedestrian"

Author details

Pirogova Anna Nikolaevna

Place of work, position:

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Yaroslavl

Yaroslavskaya oblast

Lesson characteristics (lessons)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:


The target audience:

Educator additional education

The target audience:


Item (s):

Speech therapy

The purpose of the lesson:

creation practical conditions for the development of cognitive and speech activity of children in the process of consolidating knowledge about fruits

Lesson type:

Knowledge consolidation lesson

Equipment used:

fruits, yogurt, dishes, aprons, cards "Big-small", "One-many", sheets of paper, pencils

Short description:

final integrated lesson for medium children speech therapy group on the topic "Fruit"

Abstract of the GCD of an integrated lesson on speech development in the middle group for children with OHP

Theme:"Fruit salad" (final lesson on the topic "Fruit")

Target: creation of practical conditions for the development of cognitive and speech activity of children in the process of consolidating knowledge about fruits


Create conditions for consolidating knowledge about fruits

Develop research and productive activities

Create conditions for encouraging speech activity

Develop tactile, gustatory and olfactory sensations

Enrich vocabulary

Differentiation of vegetables and fruits

Teach children inflection and word formation

Provide an environment for curiosity and emotional involvement in activities

Develop an interest in learning culinary intricacies, helping adults with food preparation;

To foster a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results, to continue to develop diligence;

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the kindergarten food unit, conversation on safety rules for using a knife, hygiene rules for cooking.

Working with parents: introducing children to joint cooking; education of hard work and self-service.

GCD on the topic "Fruit"

Equipment: fruits, yoghurt, dishes, aprons, cards "Big-small", "One-many", sheets of paper, pencils.

The course of educational activities:

  1. Introductory part

Teacher: Good afternoon, guys!

Children: Hello!

Teacher: Let's remember with you what is growing in our garden?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Here we have collected fruits, and what should we do with them?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right, we can also make a salad from vegetables…. Fruit salad. Let's try to cook it with you.

2. The main part.

Educator: Each of you saw how mom cooks, or even helped her. Let's think about what kind of fruit can be included in a fruit salad.

Children's answers

Teacher: Do we cook fruit or eat it raw?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, we eat most of the fruits raw. But you can also make other fruit dishes, such as baked apples. What else can you make with fruits?

Children's answers.

Teacher: We give everyone a plate with fruits. Let's try and tell us what are they?

Children taste (optional) fruits and answer what they are.

Teacher: What banana?

Children: Soft, yellow, sweet ...

Teacher: And the orange?

Children: Orange, juicy, sweet, aromatic ...

Teacher: Clever girls, now I want to see how attentive you are. If I say the name of the fruit affectionately, you bring your palms together (show a small one), if the fruit is large, then spread your palms (show a large one).

Kids are playing.

Teacher: Guys, what do we need to make fruit salad?

Children's answers

Educator: Let's help our mothers and grandmothers take those items that they need to prepare the salad (apron, cap, knife, board, saucepan, vegetables).

Children in the process of choosing items for cooking can be confused, add a toy, vegetable, book. The guys explain why we need it - we don't need this or that subject.

Educator: Now that our chefs are ready, let's get started. Guys, but there are many of us in the group, that is, will we need a lot of fruit or a little?

Children: A lot ...

Educator: While our mothers and grandmothers are cutting salad, let's play the game "One is a lot".

I tell you the name of one fruit, and you will tell me how many will be.

Children with a teacher play a game.

Teacher: Well, at the beginning of the lesson you said that you can get juice from fruits. And tell me, what juice from the apple will be?

Teacher: Our fruits are already in the saucepan, what do we need to do now?

That's right, season the yogurt and arrange on plates.

3. The final part

Children taste the prepared fruit salad.

Teacher: Guys, what did we do with you today?

Did you like it? What is the most memorable fruit? Why?

What have we learned new? Each of you can draw a fruit dish that he would like to try.

Children draw. We give the drawings to the parents.

Kondratyeva Maria Kuzminichna
Position: educator
Educational institution: Structural subdivision of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School of Maslennikovo village, kindergarten "Solnyshko"
Locality: p. Maslennikovo, Khvorostyansky district.
Material name: compendium of GCD
Theme: Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: "Cooking fruit salad"
Date of publication: 17.09.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of GCD in the senior group Topic: "Cooking fruit

salad "
Integration of educational areas Cognitive development. Clarify the idea of ​​children about the external and taste qualities of fruits. To consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcooking a cold dish "fruit salad" Speech development. Improve the ability to listen to fairy tales attentively and with interest. Form the ability to answer questions with a complete sentence. Develop logical thinking. Social and communicative development. Clarify safety precautions when working with a knife. To form the ability to perform labor actions in accordance with the scheme. Continue learning how to cut fruit into slices and slices. To develop the desire to work in a team in a friendly manner, helping each other Artistic and aesthetic development. Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it.

Dictionary: yogurt. Equipment: Aprons, kerchiefs - caps, knives, cutting boards according to the number of children. Fruits, saucers, salad bowl, napkins, schemes GCD course Supervisor: Children, do you like to listen to fairy tales? Listen to mine: “Once upon a time there was a king, there was a sovereign and he had a daughter. And her name was Vasilisa the Wise. It's time to marry Vasilisa. Many suitors go to woo, so the tsar then asks his daughter: “Maybe, who do you have in mind? Which count or baron? "And Vasilisa replies:" I don’t need an overseas groom, but Ivan is a peasant’s son to my heart. " Then the king, the father, was angry. Then Vasilisa the Wise says to him: "Yes, my Ivanushka is no worse than the overseas princes, and if you don't believe me, then try him in practice." And then the tsar - the sovereign of suitors from all over the world and Ivan - summoned the peasant son And he says these words: - I will give to him my beloved daughter Vasilisa the Wise, who will prepare an unprecedented salad by tomorrow morning, but not simple, but so that from some fruit he was. And for this, guess the riddles. 1.Self from cam
Red barrel Touch-smoothly, Bite-sweet. (Apple) 2. Guess my riddle The fruit is fragrant, soft, sweet Slightly curved in appearance Covered with yellow rind. A delicacy for monkeys We call him ... (banana) 3. This fruit is oblong, rich in vitamins, It is boiled, it is dried It is called ... (pear) 4. He has orange skin That looks like the sun And under the skin we can count how many slices! (Orange ) Take turns guessing riddles, put the fruit on a dish. Tsar: And fruits, so that they are not simple, but overseas. And all the suitors left, hanging their heads low. Ivan, the peasant's son, goes home, and Vasilisa the Wise met him. - That Ivanushka is not cheerful, or he heard a not affectionate word from his father. Ivanushka answers: “How not to be sad Vasilisushka, if the tsar asked - the father is a task that is not feasible! "- What is such a task? - Yes, by tomorrow it is necessary to prepare a salad hitherto unseen, so that it consisted of only fruits, and the fruits in it were like that. Vos –l: Let's remember what fruits should be in a salad. (Children respond with a full sentence)
And Ivanushka continues: "Whoever makes such a salad, for that the Tsar - the Emperor will give you as your wife." Then Vasilisa the Wise says: “Don't be sad, Ivanushka. Go home, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. " And she herself went to her tower. She waved her left hand and shouted in her sonorous voice: “Hey, skillful cooks, skillful cooks - get ready, get ready. We need to make a wonderful salad by tomorrow morning. ” Skilled chefs from all over the Russian land gathered, and work began. All night he and Vasilisa the Wise thought, cut. And as soon as the sun came up, the miracle salad was ready. And Ivan carried him to the palace. He walks, and he thinks: "Will the Tsar - the priest really like it, will he give Vasilisa the Wise as wife?" By that time, the most persistent suitors remained, and the rest had significantly diminished. And the Tsar began - the Tsar to take a sample from all the salads. And the salads really turned out not seen, And now the turn came to Ivanov's salad. As the king looked at him, he gasped, and as he tried, he gasped. And at that hour he proclaimed a decree: "I command from this day to this day to prepare such a salad on great holidays for me and my guests of honor." And there was nothing left for the tsar, as on the same day he gave his daughter Vasilisa the Wise to wife for Ivan, the peasant's son. Supervisor: Here's a fairy tale, guys. Did you like it? What do you think, what kind of salad is the tale talking about? (If the children have not guessed, bring the ready-made salad into the salad bowl for display). (Children respond with a full sentence) - Right. This salad is called fruit salad. -Very good, do you want to make such a salad? - Today I will teach you how to make a salad. Before you start doing anything, you need to make a plan. Look at the blackboard. This is a diagram of our actions. To prepare a salad, you must perform all the steps in order. What are we going to do first? (wash fruit). I washed them beforehand. -What is the second action? We need to clean them. We'll clean them first.
What is the third action? You need to cut the fruit. What is the fourth action? Put everything in a salad bowl. What is the fifth action? Season with yogurt. What's the last action? To mix everything. - How many of you know what cooks do before they start work? Children's answers with a full sentence. (The cooks wash their hands) - Right. So we will go, wash our hands with soap, put on aprons and kerchiefs - caps. And then let's get to work. (Children wash their hands, put on everything they need and get up to their workplaces). Guys, let's remember how to use a knife correctly? Children's answers (keep the knife in right hand, with the blade down, do not turn around, do not interfere with each other, remember that the knife is very sharp and you need to be careful not to cut yourself) - And now we will start preparing the fruit salad. In order for the salad to turn out beautiful and tasty, the fruit must be cut. How are we going to cut? (In circles and slices) Let's get to work. I turn on the music "Waltz of Fruits" Take a piece of fruit (children are cutting fruit) What action do we do next? Let's put everything in a salad bowl. What to do next? Season with yogurt. What to do next? Mix. Children, what have we prepared today? (Fruit salad). What shall we call it? (Gifts of the sun). Why? (Because these fruits grow where it is warm and there is a lot of sun). It turned out, probably, very tasty, because we did a good job and very friendly. Now you can teach your mom how to make such a salad at home.

Cooking salads. The importance of vegetables for human health

The purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance of students with the methods of preparing salads, their variety.

Show the importance of salads for human health.


1. Didactic - the formation of knowledge about vegetables; a variety of vegetable dishes;
the formation of practical skills to process vegetables, prepare salads;

2. Correctional and developmental - correction of speech, visual activity;
development of skills to produce primary processing of vegetables; correction fine motor skills hands of students in the process of practical work;

3. Educational - nurturing motivation learning activities; continuation of work on aesthetic education in the design of salads; preparing children for independent life.

Lesson methods:- combined lesson

Form of conducting - practical work

Interdisciplinary connections:- Russian language, mathematics (calculation in grams)

Equipment: cutting boards marked CO (raw vegetables), knives, salad bowl, grater, cutting boards marked BO (boiled vegetables)

Products: boiled chicken - 400g, cheese - 200g, potatoes - 300g, carrots - 300g, beets - 300g, onions - 100g, pomegranate - 200g, mayonnaise - 250g.

Visibility: the quote “Vegetables on the table - health for a hundred years”; table "Vegetables and dishes from them", clamshell book " Healthy salad in the preparation of salads ", the manual" Types of decoration and decoration of salads ", an exhibition of books on cooking" Salads ", an exhibition of ready-made salads (2-3 at the teacher's choice), routing cooking salad.

Dictionary: potatoes, beets, carrots, ingredient, porcelain, vegetables, salad.

During the classes

I Organizational moment:

1) attendance control

2) checking the readiness for the lesson

II Repetition of the material learned:

(correction of auditory activity, thinking, memory)

1. Guess riddles:

He never and nobody
I did not offend in the world.
Why do they cry from him
Both adults and children?

They lie in the dugout at random
Legs together and heads apart?

The young lady sat in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We prepare tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

Summer in the garden-
Fresh, green;
And in the winter in a barrel-
Strong, salty.

There is a beauty one-
And blush and slim;
Although he lives in the dugout for centuries,
And great honor from everyone:
Who passes close
Bows low.

Little bitter brother to bow

The cramped house has split
In two halves
And fell into the palm of your hand
Beads - pellets

The cheeks are red, the legs are white,
I sit in the dark for the whole day.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.

2.2. You have guessed riddles, how can you call all this in one word? (Vegetables). What can be prepared from vegetables? (Working with the table "Vegetables and dishes from them")

III. Presentation of new material:

1. Announce the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition. They contain almost everything the body needs nutrients... Therefore, people have learned to make salads from vegetables.

Salads are not only the smell of summer and warmth, they are a source of vitamins that people need, especially in winter, so no dinner should be complete without a salad.

What is a salad?

A salad is a cold dish made from one or more types of vegetables (without beets), which includes a dressing with sour cream or mayonnaise. Beets are included in a variety of salad - vinaigrette.

What else can be found in salads besides vegetables?

Meat and fish products.

What are salads served with?

In vases or special porcelain or glass dishes - salad bowls, as well as on small plates.

Porcelain is the highest grade of ceramics.

What are the ingredients in salads?

Component - a set of vegetable products. (Onions, cabbage, potatoes, garlic, cucumber, radishes, peas. More ... salad, parsley, dill).

2. Physics

3. - Today we will prepare a salad.

What are salads useful for?

Take a look at the salad show.

Tell us about the main properties of the ingredients in salads. (Telling children about the process of viewing books on cooking, salads)

Carrot... It will help get rid of anemia and loss of strength, strengthen the body. The benefits of carrots have been known for more than 4 thousand years. back. There was a legend that carrots were a delicacy of the gnomes, who in return gave the lucky man an ingot of gold. Carrots are usually consumed with sour cream or vegetable oil. Carrots are used in dietary nutrition.

Onion... Also in Ancient rome believed that food with onions adds strength, energy, courage, so they tried to give it to troops on military campaigns. Even the ancient Slavs treated many diseases with onions. "Bow for seven ailments"

V. Nikolsky wrote in 1924: "Onions give health, give freshness to the complexion and preserve teeth."

Fresh and sweet salads and side dishes onions tasty and aromatic. Working with a bow requires caution.

Tears like hail - I cut onions
Circle by circle, circle by circle
There is a ball in a ball, a ring in a ring,
There will be rain on your face.

What do you know about cabbage? How is it useful?

Cabbage... Cabbage contains a lot of nutrients. It is rich in minerals that improve bowel function. Cabbage helps to maintain vigor and good mood.

Cabbage on a leg grows alone,
Potatoes are a friendly family.
Cabbage with potatoes in the kitchen is always -
The most essential vegetables.

Cucumber. Cucumber is the earliest vegetable and is harvested in greenhouses. all year round... Cucumbers have high taste, increase appetite, fresh cucumbers have a laxative effect. Cucumber juice is used in perfumery. Cucumbers are also used in dietary meals.

Potato. Potatoes are called the second bread. Indeed, it is tasty, healthy, nutritious. There are 500 potato dishes. There are technical and fodder potatoes. These are “shoes” for cars, medicines. The potato was born in the subtropics, then crossed the seas and countries, but more often took root on the plains. He changed his names and nicknames: gulen, gulba, drum, bulba, potato, and finally potatoes.

4. Relaxation pause

IV Introductory briefing.

Let's remember the safety rules.

1. Ventilate the premises during cooking.

2. Cut vegetables only on the board, without lifting the knife high from it.

3. Pass knives and forks only with the handle forward.

4. Cutting tools hold only during work with the blade down, do not walk around the room with a knife in hand.

5. At the end of the work, place the tools in certain places.

Sanitation rules.

    Monitor personal hygiene, be always neat and tidy. When starting work, put on an apron and a kerchief, roll up your sleeves

    Fingernails should be cut short, hands washed with soap and a brush, and wiped dry with a towel. Always keep your hands clean when preparing food.

    Monitor the cleanliness of dishes and equipment, the cleanliness of the workplace and premises.

    To enjoy separate boards for raw and cooked products.

    Taste food with a separate spoon, not the one that is prepared.

    Before processing foodstuffs, check their quality in terms of appearance, color, smell and taste.

V. Practical work

1. Conversation

Look at the salads, at their appearance... Why are we trying to decorate them? What kinds of jewelry do you know? (Heart, twine, fan, barrier, fungus, etc.)

Working with the manual "Types of decoration and decoration of salads"

What forms of simple slicing do you know? (Circles, straws, sticks, cubes, slices, wedges, rings, half rings)

2. Physics

3. Viewing a clamshell book " Useful Tips when preparing salads ”.

White cabbage salad will turn out to be much tastier if it is prepared from small heads of cabbage, and cut into small strips.

Salads look good when they are stacked in a slide; the higher it is, the more elegant the salad.

4. Technology of salad preparation.

1. Rinse, boil and chop the food.

2. Stir the prepared foods and season with a sauce drink: mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil.

3. Place the salad in a salad bowl and decorate it.

It is enough to rub the salad bowl with garlic so that the whole dish acquires an appetizing garlic smell.

5. Cooking Pomegranate Bracelet salad

Reading a recipe:

    Peel the boiled vegetables, grate on a coarse grater.

    Crumble the chicken into small pieces.

    Put a clean 250g jar in the middle of the salad bowl (flat).

    Lay layers of food around the edges of the dish, around the jar.

1st layer - grated potatoes, salt
2nd layer - mayonnaise
3rd layer - chicken
4th layer - cheese
5th layer - mayonnaise
6th layer - grated carrots
7th layer - mayonnaise
8th layer - grated beets
9th layer - mayonnaise
10th layer - decorate with pomegranate seeds

(at the request of the students, you can divide into groups and cook a few more white cabbage salads: "Russian", "Korean"

Vi. Current briefing during practical work:

1st round - checking compliance with safe working practices

2nd round - checking the correctness of the implementation of labor techniques and the sequence of work

3rd round - checking the correctness of students' self-control, helping lagging children

Vii. Final briefing

    Analysis of cooking technology and ready-made salads

    Note the active participation of students in the preparation of the salad, grading each

    Note the correct observance of safety, sanitation and hygiene during work

    Cleaning of workplaces, overalls

VIII. Lesson summary

So, salads are an easy, tasty and nutritious dish. Salads are served with meat and fish dishes. Nature has generously endowed them with valuable useful substances and a wealth of colors.

How do you understand the quote "Vegetables on the table - health for a hundred years"?

Will this knowledge be useful to you for an independent life in the future?