Woman - Fish: Who is she and what kind of man is needed? ♓ Zodiac sign fish.

Fish is a zodiac sign relating to the element of water and under the auspices of the planet Neptune. Women born under this constellation love a beautiful and carefree life. They always have a lot of workers who often suffer due to lack of attention. And also female fish generous, kind, sensitive and romantic.

General characteristics of behavior

The characteristic of female fish is basically positive. They are charming, charming, sophisticated nature, whose behavior depends on the moon phase. With a young month, a woman is full of optimism, rejoices of life, loves every passerby. But for the new moon, the behavior changes dramatically and female fish often flows into a depressive state, which will spoil the attitude even with close people.

Astrological characteristic Notes such positive features:

The woman has in behavior and shortcomingswhich she carefully hides. It may unexpectedly cry with the slightest troubles, at some point to become pessimistic and see only black paints around, in unnecessary time shows others the following qualities:

  • defenseless;
  • slowness;
  • wastefulness;
  • jealousy;
  • closedness.

With its shortcomings, they manage to find a common language with all the signs of the zodiac, and she perfectly gets to get along with people, but at the same time its own interests may suffer. As you can see, this is the whole sign of the woman's fish. Characteristic of behavior Not only positive, but there are negative features that often affect relationships with others.

The owner of this sign is trying not to conflict and all unpleasant moments are easily translated into humor, sometimes smoothed the situation with the help of compromises.

They do not like noise, so they feel not in their plates in large companies and bored. Nobody gets to cheer it up until it leaves a quiet, quieter place. If a noisy company or party can not be avoided, it may pretend to be a patient, just not to go there, where I do not want.

That's all that concerns overall characteristics Sign of zodiac fish women. They do not hide their positive traitsMoreover, be proud of their kindness, as they understand that they are so unique.

Love and sex

Even in his youth, girls become romantic. If they meet with a guy, they do everything so that love always sparkled. However, too fortune guys are rapidly bored with her, and then she ends with them without a slowdown.

The older the girl becomes, the more he wants her a guy, and the prince on a white horse, who would drive her around the restaurants, gave dear gifts and did not forget about romantic relationships.

With all its mercantility, married is exclusively in love. No matter how belong to your beloved, if only between them everything was on summit. Of course, the girl dreams not only about a man, but also a reliable shoulder, for which you can always rely.

Girls adore sex. They are emotional and bright personaland. Therefore, with intimate relationships, a man from her delighted, the girl will do everything so that his beloved person never wanted to go to another.

home and family

Not everyone knows the woman fish. What is she mother, wife or housewife? After all, the family in which the fish is present is closed behind the seven castles from prying eyes. But the husband knows what she loves her, and loves her for all the advantages and disadvantages.

This woman - wonderful wife who loves the apartment comfort and comfort. To the arrival of her husband will always cover the table, talk to him, hears him, and herself will share his joys and sorrows.

The owner of this constellation is a wonderful mother. She will never give up his children offense in life. It will stand for them to the mountain and argue that she has the best children, although he knows that it is not. As for different sections and circles, it will drive children everywhere, the main thing is that the funds are enough. Best schools, kindergartens and others educational establishments Provided its kids.

Work and career

It all depends here from concrete person . One female fish will be happy to sit at home, the stove of the pies and feel comfortable to feel comfortable, and the other, on the contrary, will try to build her career at the maximum professional activity. Such a person will not be able to sit without a case, will give all the forces to work. Perhaps it will stop her a little born child on which it is necessary to spend more time.

The zodiac horoscope suggests that women fish find themselves in those professions where you need to communicate with people and help others. For example, with pleasure will go to work by a nurse, nurse, nurse in kindergarten. Also may be social workers.

However, there is another fish category who go to work on the scene and become actors, Writers, poets, singers. Ideally work as accountants, economists, financiers, bank employees. They are comfortable in this area, since it is possible to climb the career ladder. And the fish love to mess with numbers, which is not given to every person.

What fish in friendship

Fish - friendly personalities. Always come to the rescue even to a unconscious person. Woman always listens to give useful advice And straight will say what he thinks about this. She will never gossip behind his back, no matter how they tried to bring it to clean water.

Pisces are almost always looking for support for friends. If they do not get it, then they can safely buy goodbye to such an unreliable friend. After all friendship for fish in second place after family.

Most often, the girl's fish whose characteristic is positive, may not be an unexpected way. If a person has repeatedly betrayed it, it can also take it over time, but only a comfortable moment will be rained.

Appearance and Health

Fish is not only romantic nature, but also feminine. They love to dress beautifully, do not forget to visit the beauty salon, as they want to always look gorgeous among others. It is difficult for them to understand why some individuals do not care for themselves, as the fish themselves are convinced that there are no ugly women, it is only necessary to present themselves. Thanks to this point of view, it is always a way to eclipse others even in those days when there is no money for good cosmetics or salon.

The fish are hardly tolerated even a minor disease like ORVI, and therefore doctors in difficulty, as they cannot determine the diagnosis. After all, a woman at such moments complains absolutely to everything. She is sure that her legs, hands, belly, teeth, head and even internal organs hurt. Because of this, doctors often write a full medical examination to fish, which include all sorts of analyzes.

They need to receive negative emotions as little as possible. They must avoid their depressive state at the maximum and try to keep themselves in their hands. To do this, they need to be distracted by sports or ordinary morning charging. Also, fish are needed water treatments in winter timeAnd in the summer it is advisable to ride the sea at least than for two weeks.

What men like a woman

As a rule, many women do not greatly worry the appearance of a man, but this statement is not about fish. Before meeting, they describe in thoughts young man And represent what it should be. Representatives of this sign need to be loved beautiful appearance. It should be elegant, gallant, with his point of view. They are waiting that the young man will suit the girl's description.

Woman should be near a strong, authoritative and fashionable young man. The main thing is that a lady needs, - sincerity. She will immediately feel false notes and throw a young man without thinking about the consequences.

What gifts love female fish

Fish is mysterious personality, and therefore it is difficult to decide on the gift. However, this is possible. First you need to understand that it is impossible to give fishes. If they are presented to practical, business and household items, they will be very upset. Even if the gift is very expensive. For example, it would be possible to give the washing vacuum cleaner of the last model, but the girl will not understand it. Since this gift is practical, you need everyday life and does not bring personal moral satisfaction.

Therefore, it is worth considering very serious about choosing a gift. Since they are romantic personality, the ideal option Write congratulations right in front of the windows. Here is such a surprise, she will never forget and will always remember him with tenderness.

Fish is very loved by souvenirs with a hint of love, greeting cards, bright envelopes and different trinkets in the form of soft toys. Also, they are very appreciated by surprises who are preparing own hands: It may be a cake, crawling quilling or origami.

If you give some picture that represents the artistic value, the fish such a gift will hang in the place where they are most often to admire the work of art.

If finance is allowed, you can give a gold product, but must avoid stripping. The jewel should be elegant, sophisticated, tender. And the decoration should represent any artistic value.

Gifts are preferably presenting blue, light green and light purple. For owner of this sign, talisman stones are suitable: amethyst, emerald, lunar stone, pearls, aquamarine, sapphire and all shiny, iridescent.

Compatible with other signs

Fish perfectly turn not only in love, but also in friendship with zodiacal sign Cancer. It is these two signs that understand each other with a half-clow and can sail all their life on the same wave. Fish often find mutual understanding with calm and practical tales. Virgin is a reliable and stable option for fish. A woman with them will not know material problems.

Fishes are very difficult with Aries, Capricorn and Gemini, as these signs know how to suppress the partner, which a woman will never tolerate.

It is absolutely impossible to relationship with weights and firing. These two signs will lead the family, and the fish will resist. After all, the owner of this sign takes only equality between partners.

Psychology ratingth - sophisticated science. After all, compatibility depends not only on the sign of the zodiac, but also from the upbringing of a person, his behavior, character.

Who from celebrities was born under the sign of the fish

Under this sign of the zodiac were born many famous peoplewho were able to overcome some sense of debt in front of the family. They became actors, writers, singers, artists, etc. That is, they chose a profession associated with creativity.

So, women celebrities who were born under the zodiac sign of the zodiac fish:

  1. Natalia Vodyanova - Russian top model.
  2. Anna Semenovich - Figurek, actress and singer of Russia.
  3. Olga Budina - Russian actress.
  4. Tatyana Bulanova - Pop singer of Russia.
  5. Sheron Stone - Actress Hollywood, Producer and Model.
  6. Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman who flew into space.
  7. Elena Yakovlev - Russian actress.
  8. Nadezhda Babkin - People's Artist of Russia.
  9. Irina Alferova is an actress of Russia.
  10. Linda Fiorentino - American actress.

All these famous women Steel successful and outstanding people. And if they are asked today, as they achieved it, no one will not answer. Everything happened by itself only because these people were born under successful sign Zodiac fish.

ATTENTION, only today!

Fish women - zodiac sign very mysterious. They always cause others around the surrounding questions than answers. Despite the fragility, grace and refinement, these ladies can shake people to the depths of the soul of their unpredictability. Neither thoughts nor the deed of fish can never be explained from the point of view of logic or mind. Yes, of course, most often it is very smart, sometimes even logical, but from time to time the fish can throw out something that does not expect anything from her: for example, throw everything, the years has been built, and start new life from scratch.

The explanations here simply cannot, because the fish is never guided by understandable and visible surrounding reasons, and sometimes herself cannot explain why he did so, and not otherwise. That is why (the zodiac sign is extremely interesting) perceived by people as a person mysterious and slightly strange. As bright and characteristic feature is their extreme sincerity and honesty. (A woman in particular, although it applies to men) will always come to the rescue, and also free. It is necessary to potate the fish very much so that the one plays a person in the discharge of complete chauffers and did not respond to a cry for help.

Fish are quite sensitive and caring natures, loving life And the world around them. Fish women, zodiac sign Talented and multifaceted, - fond of nature capable of thinking of reality and immerse yourself in her head. Sometimes it leads to nightmares, because thanks to natural sacrifice, vulnerability, softness and tenderness, these ladies often come to the detriment of their own interests, remembering only about the needs of others.

Fish - the creation of weak, freeware and inclined to extremes. Golden middle for them, as a rule, simply does not exist. Moreover, congenital weakness and softness are often hidden under the mask "Iron Lady". In the end, the mountains can really roll if they kill themselves what it is necessary. Fish women, the zodiac sign is the last in like an excellent mirror, in which the most unpredictable ways can affect the features and the characters of any of the preceding signs. They can be vain, like lions, windy, like Sagittarius, or solidobo-stubborn, like Aries or Tales. In addition, they are the slopes to absorb the influence of others, but it is very easy to get free from it and quickly, if the learned is contrary to their own essence.

So, the subject of our today's research is the zodiac sign Fish: a woman whose compatibility with other signs is a very interesting question. In no case cannot be converged with selfish and hard creatures. This is, first of all, scorpions capable of just destroying moral and emotionally vane and sensitive fish. The novel with cancer can be just as unfavorable: the insecurity and the slowness of the latter will annoy fish, and their own fish windiness and care in fantasy will not find a response from a partner. Fish needs reliable signs capable of supporting them and encouraging, tie to reality at the moment when they lose touch with it. These are Tales, Virgo. It may not always be a union with Lvom, however, everything is possible. In response to understanding and care, a female fish, the creature is extremely feminine and responsive, fill the life of the wealth and beauty of its own inner world, spiritual warmth and joy.

She is a girl who came from the pages of a classic novel. Soft, sensitive, artistic and infinitely tender. Fish is a dream of any man. After all, it is with her every representative of a strong sex with pleasure pulls away to the Gentleman's plank. Just with fish, any man wants to be a knight, a cavalier, charming worker. But who will suit her according to the stars - about it right now.

Fish (lat. "Pisces") - the last, 12 zodiac sign that takes the relay in Aquarius and transmits it already a random starting a new cycle. Symbol of sign - Two fish connected by its tails and looking in opposite sides. Such a sign speaks by no means about windy. In fact, fish is a symbol of wisdom. One side, where they look, is familiar with all the earth: this is the voice of the mind. But the other is intuition, the overseas perception of the world, due to which many people surrounding are sincerely understand.

Element of fish - water. Mysterious, mystical emotions, sensual perception of the world. Fish always put intuition higher than a common calculation. And the most interesting thing is that their approach is fully triggered. Colors of luck - Blue, green, purple and silver. Stones talismans - Pearls, Tourmaline, Lazurit, Serafinit, eye of the Tiger. Fish sign managers Neptune - Planet, which personifies, perhaps, the greatest creative strength - a person's faith. Yes, for Fish, faith is always more priority to knowledge.

It is no coincidence that all the famous ladies who were born under the sign of the fish are directly related to creativity. And they differ not only with their bright talents, but also deep, really interesting personalities that you want to talk again and again. This is Sharon Stone and Cindy Crawford, Elena Yakovleva and Tatiana Bulanova, Valentina Tereshkova and Nadezhdina Babkin, Natalya Vodyanova and Anna Semenovich, Drew Barimore and Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Fish woman: what stars see it

Fish - the girl is mysterious, she seemed not from this world. The image that has developed in the sights of the environment, and the one that is in her head, differ very significantly. For friends and colleagues, she seems rather strange, contradictory, but at the same time very cute and soft. Fish itself does not see any quiet. She considers himself a harmonious, who has established a person who never comes against his heart. But how stars see her.

Rounding instead of corners

If the girl is offered to choose to choose between a circle and square, it does not think to choose the first option. This simple test I would not say anything truthful if the behavior of our heroine was not. Yes, she does not like acute corners, I can not tolerate rudeness and aggression. Fishes sincerely do not understand why some people love to rude and scandaling when any question can be solved by the world - for this it is enough just to calm down a person and feel his mood.

For this reason, we will simply do not meet among the fish of daring, narcissistic people who adore conflicts and sow discord. On the contrary, fish is a peacemaker who can discharge the situation in the family and the team. Yes, it is difficult for her to organize people, difficult to command them. But she is a real gross, because this is her earthly mission.

Cindy Crawford

Fine arts

Creative, creativity for the sake of creativity, the constant search for perfect forms is all the style of our heroine. Perhaps she never learned how to cook well, but napkins in her house are always wicker, attractive, possibly stylized under the vintage motifs. And the kitchen necessarily hangs a pleasant picture. Yes, and on the shelf there are graceful figurines next to the volumes of classical literature. Yes, fish can not live without art. They themselves creators themselves, and they surround their creations.

Life without feelings is not life

These ladies perceive our world with feelings. And without them do not live. Fish have nothing against logic, but will know the world otherwise - by the slave way. Perhaps they do nothing without inspiration. And if the muse is not attended for a long time, they begin to Handing. It is at such moments that they need kind support. And the one who can give her will certainly become the main challenger on hand and heart.

Attitude to work and money

For this girl, the main thing in life is not money and quarry, but your family. At first, parents, then - husband and children. Therefore, fish rarely put some career plates and do not seek to become a commander in the skirt. Our heroine manifests itself great in the work of a creative nature. Just fish - Creative people, they feel the heart, so in any form of art, it is properly used by their talent.

Another interesting sphere for this girl is working with small children. Just fish - mother from nature. She likes to raise, admire the kids and literally inspired by his work. At this point, the stars are simply obliged to warn our heroine - as for their own children, you should get along with the idea that you will once have to let them go to big world Exactly for the reason that they have already grown and stopped being children. The fact is that the fish love to take care of their children, and they always have to always see children in them, despite age.

As for Finance, the fish somehow manage to live well and do not refuse themselves. They can purely intuitively make a purchase, which was not planned, and indeed at first glance it is not an advantage. But our heroine chooses a heart: if some thing literally chained her eyes, she would definitely replenish the home collection. However, thanks to the same intuition, this lady always manage to stay afloat. Yes, and fans will never refuse their support - she is so happy.

What a man needs a woman's fish

It is difficult to answer this question according to some scheme, because the stars once again remind - our heroine chooses a heart. Nevertheless, there are several important comments that can help potential chosenses to understand the nature of the most mysterious representative of the horoscope:

  1. First of all, fish are conservative ladies that appreciate the good traditions of the family. They are confident that the chapter in their house will certainly be a man. And I am pleased to anticipate happy family days. Fish would like to see in a man really strong man. A person who can close his eyes on her little weaknesses, sometimes to indulge its modest whims. And in some situations even give to her. On the other hand, she will answer considerable. Fish - sacrificial people who give all themselves if they are confident that they love them.
  2. Ideal fish is a stable, predictable man. Yes, our heroine does not like to risk. She approaches the satellite choice is incredibly serious and responsible. And the family and children gives themselves no residue. It can be said that the ideal of her life is the ministry close. But for the ministry you need to choose the most reliable partner.
  3. Finally, the fish very much appreciate the men of good, soft. But only in relation to them and close. In all the rest of her ideal, a person is strict rules that can defend the interests of others. Yes, this is a complex combination. But quite real.

How not to behave with fish

Stars warn in advance - to offend the fish is easier than the lung. And at the same time, a true gentleman always feels the zone of the permitted and risk area. However, he should pay attention to some star tips:

  1. First of all, never rude fish. Not a joke, neither seriously. This girl can appreciate humor. But not rudeness and not vulgarity. Yes, she is a supporter of a truly beautiful manner, a knighthood to the lady. And the fish fairly believe that the male power is to protect the girl, and not use his weapon against her.
  2. Do not return fish to sinful land. Even if she didn't quitehe the dish or she made another financial miscalculation, should not read it as a small girl. She will make conclusions herself, everything will understand, because he always thinks of his failures, perhaps, even more than victories. If the satellite of the fish tries to constantly demonstrate its flaws, our heroine will simply close and starts to conceive the escape.
  3. Do not criticize the views of the fish, no matter how strange they did not look. Very many representatives of this sign of religious or believe in something. Among them, you can often meet fatalists - people who believe in fate and manifestation of her signs. Whatever it was, but our heroine is quite serious about their views. As well as someone else's worldview.
  4. Finally, do not increase your voice. Yes, the soul of the fish is very thin, wounded. She can make a bunch of mistakes, but always with pleasure recognizes her if to say it is delicately. One must understand one thing: only a soft-hearted approach can be a soft-hearted person.

Who fits a woman's fish, and who is not very

Soft, sophisticated fish should look for a real prince - a man in which the traditional quality of strong gender is combined with infinite tenderness and kind. Yes, these ladies sometimes require compatibility of incompatible. But after all, they themselves carry such a multifaceted nature, which may well count on such a generous award of fate.

And so that you feel easier to navigate in the manifold of men's types, the stars are already in a hurry to the rescue:

  1. The most optimal satellites of life for such a sensual girl should be considered representatives of their own water element. A man is a man who surrong fish is so concerned that they literally melt in his caresses and will be able to close their eyes to many shortcomings. If fish wants to feel like stone wallThey should pay their attention to a strong, balanced man of scorpion. It will be a good emotional and sexual contact. As for the representative of his sign of the zodiac, it is a bohemian family of two actors who work around at night in the role of favorites. Yes, mutual understanding in such a pair is higher than any expectations. But the material side of life can cause significant difficulties.
  2. Representatives of the earthly element quite correspond to the image of a strong man who can take a lady under its patronage. From this point of view, the star recommend the girl of the fish to pay attention to a persistent, balanced man. This person will be able to give you the stability and the long-awaited sense of security. Hardworking will relieve you from material concerns. But as for - this is rather stubborn, but at the same time strong man. If you initially be able to understand each other and not disturb the recognized borders, the tandem will be incredibly successful.
  3. Quite interesting, although the risky union of sophisticated fish with activity, energetic and powerful fiery men. In this regard, our heroin can pay their attention to, which loves to patronize the lady of the heart, remove it to the status of a real queen. - A pretty energetic man who can fairly appear to the fish are not in moderate and unrestrained. And who is constantly looking for adventures, carries a threat to family stability in the understanding of our heroine.
  4. As for the representatives of the element of air, the fish will have a deep human contact with them, which, however, does not guarantee a truly strong relationship. Changeable will pay much more attention to its buddies. Windy can start walking to the right and left. But the aristocratic can attract the attention of fish by their bohemity, but this is not exactly her type of man. Just the scales are indecisive, somewhat cool. Often they tend to shift responsibility to the companion in which they wish to see like-minded. In this sense, their representation is strongly diverted with fish.

Elena Yakovlev

Fish in bed

Fish is an eternal artist. Even if this girl is engaged in routine, monotonous activities, it certainly is fond of something beautiful - draws, knits at night or simply writes poems during the lunar light. Romantic nature Our heroine will not be able to conquer nor time nor difficult life circumstances. Is it necessary to say that intimate proximity for such an unusual lady is excellent opportunity To manifest your true creative potential.

Interestingly, fish will never reward even a kiss of that man who is not trusted yet. Moreover, there are no nights - here our heroine is very important to feel like a beloved, gentle and desired. Then she is revealed with might and main. And I must say that a man who conquered her heart can only be envied: fish has a completely unusual sexual energy. This lady literally fascinates. She does not make any direct offers, does not violate the permitted, but with all his appearance as if he encourages a man to plunge into the world of passion. Her water passions.

Fish woman is a classic lady, a true mother and a real conscience of mankind. If a man wants to discover the true natural qualities, - he undoubtedly should pay attention to it.

Even without astrology, an opinion was spread and enough rumors about the charm of this woman. She has, of course, negative features, but at first glance, this is a woman who can dream of every man. It must be said that modern emancipated women who produce the impression of strong nature even more increased the value of female female. She rarely tries to overshadow a man, being married or not, she has no mild secret desire to dominate him. He can calmly serve her chair, lit a cigarette, but talking about how he is beautiful. All that she needs is to protect her, cared for her, she gladly lean against his wide shoulder and will give him to understand how strong he is and how she needs it in this world. She will listen to all his trouble. She believes that any man can turn the world. And this confidence is transferred to men, and they feel as they would like. And you still surprise, why is it so popular?

Fish is a cozy, calm woman for a proud man. It seems that it has nothing to do with the noise of transport, neon lamps, its own light soft and smoky. She is surprisingly feminine. Men pulls to her like bees on nectar. A sufficiently small conversation with her and the man is instantly relaxing. She will never blame for nothing, it will always be wines anyone else, but not a man. She will force him to move forward, but only with his own speed that suits it quite. Do you need to explain to you that this woman is the most dangerous for their rivals?

After marriage, she can start nominate their demands. Speaking frankly it will require a lot. In the end, so you need for what you allowed her charm to overcome you. It will often be stinging and sarcastic, but each, after all, a woman has such a mood. As for fish, it will more often be gentle than scandalous. It will be annoyed by stiffness and laziness of her husband, and who says that such men do not deserve such a relationship? In addition, her femininity covers its shortcomings and most often it is soft, dreamed and feminine. Since the fish floats in different areasThere are situations that can withdraw any other woman, but of course, from time to time, the rude word and irritable character can take it out of themselves. It is difficult to understand in which direction it moves.

It is said that the fish loves the depth, so you need to know her some secret motifs. What makes her sail? First of all, it is secretive and even sometimes deceptive when she practices the power of her charm. This woman can be strong enough inside and at the same time save appearance Defenselessness and tenderness. She always has a somewhat thoughtful and duplicated appearance. She is absolutely not understood in the economy, but it is well leading the economy, manages to dress well, cook dinner of 7 dishes, to pay for an apartment in time, buy expensive gifts and all this for the same salary as we have with you. She always openly expresses her love and attachment to all: butcher, seller, yard cats. She can have only one enemy - the man whom she left when he met her future husband. It is possible that he is stupid with grief, and she probably does not remember him.

Heartless women These fish, secret and deceptive. But do not try to inspire this to her neighbors. Like Martov Winds, she will have many sentiments. She is terribly sentimental. When her feelings are affected, she can shed crocodile tears. She will be with secret reprocess to look at you, as if you killed a little crocodile. Sometimes it comes to mind that it is absolutely not created to stand the cruel the world And it covers depression. At such moments, you must tell her that admire her deep wisdom, her understanding of everyone who met her. This is usually true.

The most difficult for her is to overcome his timidity and doubt. If her fears come far away, it is removed from everyone, and then wondering why she is alone. She is often afraid to impose herself, put pressure on someone too much, although such thoughts do not occur to anyone, except for her. From time to time, the fish covers its timidity and vulnerability to acuters and wise. But this is only a curtain to hide the uncertainty of the eyes of gross people who can hurt her heart if she rents it. But with all his artificial independence, she provides a man to light her cigarette.

She can fool men, saying: "Who needs husbands? They only spoil life!" And imagine it says the fish, which you need to rely on you, more than anyone. She gives her heart to children without looking at the place that you occupy, she better than others understand their fears and uncertainty, maybe too much to allow them to allow them to practically cannot establish discipline, its disadvantage is the lack of hardness and misunderstanding that it spoils children , raising them with permanent care. She will be happy to allow you to contain yourself and the whole family, it may be a transgrika, but if necessary, refuses champagne. Do not forget about her birthday, the anniversary of the wedding, because She does not forget about it. Will she be a monastery in the monastery or singer in the cabaret, she will always remain a 100 percent woman.

Horoscope women fish

Female Fish: Exterior

The representative of the beautiful sex was born during this period - a sample of femininity and romanticism. Her seductiveness does not scream about himself, and manit special charm. Beautiful taste Fish female helps strengthen this impression.

Fish-Woman - Characteristics

Elegant, sophisticated fish very much like to shine in society, but it must be under it to become respectable, bohemian, refined. Even if the female fish has strong character and endowed with a considerable inner force, it will still have the appearance of a charming person in need of protection. Nevertheless, most of these women really need male support and moral support. These ladies are inherent in special sentimentality, dreaminess and, alas, a plasticity. The moon has a great influence on their behavior. If it is complete, it makes fish cheerful and fun, while the new moon period is accompanied by apatine, a decrease in activity, and sometimes by the depressive state.

Society of female fish is very pleased, because they are not accustomed to scream and quarrel, and in the case of the brewing conflict prefer, smiling cute, to remove away. The point is not only in their humility and kindness: the fish are afraid of loud sounds, troubles and problems, they love peace and silence. Often are not confident in yourself, and cover this uncertainty with deliberate cheerfulness and jokes. They know how to masterfully avoid any trouble, for which they can skillfully simulate a disease or something like that. As the horoscope assures, the woman's fish is soft and tactfully achieves more than representatives of other signs defend through a fierce struggle.

Fish zodiac sign - Woman in work and career

In women of this zodiacal constellation There are special relationships with work. Pisces prefer the role of "just a woman", hoping that life satellites will help them survive without serious daily labor. There is also the opposite category of women-fish, which may not only be very able-bodied, but also ambiguous. And there are among them, and those that, by virtue of their natural compassion, are taken for work, which for many representatives of the beautiful floor seems too heavy and unacceptable, for example, to become careless nurses. In general, the fish are often seriously configured to help people. The main thing is that the work is to do them. People of this sign are sufficiently artistic, so they can seek impressive success on theatrical stage and in other types of creative activities.

Female Fish in Love

An incredibly sentimental, sensual female fish, nevertheless, is not in love - she is ready to wait for her prince for years. But if the love of her nuts, then she will get full power over the soul of this woman. And it will not matter how much the partner chosen by it is - he will be an ideal in her eyes. Nevertheless, in love, female fish is capable of treason, while she herself can hardly explain what pushed her on a similar step.

Female Fish in Sex

These charming and sophisticated women have their own idea about erotica. For them, intimate life is, first of all, beautiful words, beautiful gestures, mutual adoration and admiration, and all this together is a thin game. If a man dislikes female sentimentality and frightens excessive enthusiasm, his union with fish will be short. Most often in the sex of fish-women are looking for brutal, strong and volitional partners for themselves, but the other way around, when they prefer unaffectionative and psychologically weak men for whom they become kind of guardianship. It is noteworthy that the first love partners most often become romantic and gentle young men.

Female Fish Marriage

For marriage, these women choose soft in nature and not too sexually attractive outwardly men - so it is easier for them to provide themselves to them the sense of security. However, in the Gresses, they are worried about a completely different image - a man in which romanticism and nobility are combined with outstanding physical advantages, moderate external negligence and deliberately rudeness of the manner. Their fantasy often draws a romantic picture of escape with such an ardent fan, nevertheless, the fish continue to live their usual former life, demonstrating all the necessary qualities to meet the status of an exemplary wife. But still wedding ring On the finger, nothing can do with the obviously pronounced sexual instincts of these women who are able to provoke fish on the extramarital relationship even with quite a happy and harmonious family life.

Zodiac signs: Fish-Woman - Household House

Fish know how to create home, rejoicing with warmth and comfort. At the same time, they can not be called too large accurers: such women will sleep peacefully at the time when they are not crammed in the mountain laundry or a thick layer is dust. The nature of the Fish Woman is such that she will be invited with great pleasure and feed guests, rather than send all their economic and culinary fervor solely on households. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac adore a luxurious life, but the decision financial issues They prefer to shift on other people's shoulders. They are not able to save and completely able to give the last money for something unnecessary.

Feature Fish Women - Mother

A special object of care of such mom will be a guardian of the inner world of the child, his spiritual development. Fishes do not forced their children, often providing them with complete freedom, which they do not know how to use. Strict, fundamental teacher who knows how to seek obedience and disciplines is not about fish, but these women are able to significantly enrich the inner world of the child, develop the multifaceted sides of his personality. Children madly love mom of this sign of the zodiac, it becomes a trustee and good friend.

Who fits a woman's fish on a horoscope to create a family

If a woman is fish, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such signs of the zodiac, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn.

What to give fish women

Choosing a gift to women-fish, you need to keep in mind that good option For her, decorations are, but they will have to pick them up very scrupulously. If the product is not elegant and does not have artistic value, it is unlikely to ever decorate the appearance of the conviction of the celebration. The refinement should be present in any offer, whether it is a piece of decor, perfume or home slippers. These representatives of the beautiful floor adore romantic inexplication, veiled messages, and if a gift for fish women will carry a similar background, will almost certainly make an indelible impression.