Old Slavic names and their meaning. Older Women's names and their meanings

The origin is today the most popular among young parents. It is no coincidence. Slavs were not given to children of random names, but gave their babies.

The times have passed, and the force laid in words, not anywhere. If you expect a baby, choosing her name, pay attention to the Russians (Slavic) women's names.

Girl in the family - happiness in the house

The birth of a child is a great happiness, and especially if God, fate or nature (depending on your faith) presents you with a girl. After all, the "girl" is a dimensional word from the "Virgin", that is, the Holy Praid man of the genus of human.

How to call the baby so that the name brings her happiness and good luck? Today in fashion women's names slavic originAnd it is not by chance. Slavs - the people whose name happened from the word "to put". These people possessed natural and natural wisdom. The names they gave the children were not a simple set of sounds. Each name carried the semantic load, possessed practically magic power.

If you do not know, learn beautiful Slavic women's names. Melodic combinations of letters will decorate the baby, like an elegant necklace.

Slavic women's names

The list of names, if they are present in this way, it would be quite extensive. The fact is that in Russia, when the kids were born, they could give them completely unique, the only kind of names. These combinations of letters were picking up the lead, which, barely looked at the child, could see his fate. The name, how was the child gone, strengthened his will, spirit, health. Some names were so beautiful or so successful, which was repeated in many times. For example, words with part of "glory".

In this article, we list those names that reached our time, explain their meaning.

Slavic and today

The female names of Slavic origin in the greater part were lost in the centuries. We also reached the most popular of them.

Vladislav - owning glory. Vladislav may not have strong health, hurt. But at the same time, the girl will have a very strong spirit, rod. May show humility, especially a favorite man, but still remain with her opinion.

Polina - captive. Polina does not know equal in the excellent sense of humor and the ability to see positive even in completely unpleasant situations.

Miloslav - cute and glorious. Calm, even a little meek, Miloslava has an influence on others. With it, everything stabilizes, people feel harmony and calm.

Yaroslav - bright, sunny, nice. Girls Yaroslav Big, active, restless. As a child, there will be other guys on all sorts of adventures, in more mature age they can lead people. Yaroslav loves children, and therefore will become a caring and wise mother.

"Nice" names

Boleslav - this name means "more glorious than anyone else." The girl who will be spoiled by this name will be enough superstitious, reading religion. Boleslav will be finely concerned, with its own worldview for everything.

Presbywa is very nice. Girl, if you call it with this name, will be calm and stable in your affairs and sentiments. The name is bright, and therefore will provide its owner good and calm temper.

Berislava is the one that is approved in his glory. According to the name of the name, Berislava will be active strong personality. She will not be afraid sophisticated situations, novelty or risk. Girl, if you give her a name, breaks through all my life the fire of Azart in the shower, courage and desire to know. The name is very strong and has a great influence on the owner.

Branislav is the one that protects fame. Despite the fact that the owner of the name owns the glory, which she, as it were, to save, Branislava will have an unstable, restless character. At the same time, the girl will not participate in quarrels, clarifying relationships, disputes.

Velislav - commanding. Strong namewhich will make its owner of a calm balanced, sensible. Velislava in life will feel the queen sitting on the throne.

Gorislav - bright. Girl, if you give her a name, will be interested in mathematics, physics or other accurate science. It can become a serious scientist and get a "bright" glory in life.

Knislavlav - loud, ringing glory. Girl Svalislav will become a real businesswoman, as it will be able to negotiate. At all strong side Knislavva - Communication, the ability to build relationships, to establish links.

Names that have become popular among men

Mstislava - defending, rearing. If you call the girl Mstislav, then she will always see her way, to know where she strives and why. Strong name that charges energy.

Rostislav - the one that gives glory. It can be capricious, to flirt, but will be lucky and luck. Good namewhich will make your carrier happy and successful.

Svyatoslav - the one that has a holy and good force. The girl with the same name will have the ability to earn a lot and easily, will also easily dispose of the funds received. Svyatoslavu will good friendBut the married life may not be able to work out due to the fact that not every man will suffer a strong character.

It should be noted that with caution to choose women's options with part of "Glory" not so we are distributed. More often you can meet Yaroslav, Mstislava and Rostislav - guys than girls with similar names.

"Peaceful" names

Many women's names of Slavic origin also have the word "world" in their foundation. These names will make a girl peaceful and bright. Here are the most popular:

Vladimir is the one that rules over the world. Vladimir will be a girl with a subtle taste and love of creativity. It can become an artist, writer or composer.

Dragomir is the one that the most precious in the world. Dragomir will be distorted with strong health and big powers Will.

Mirra is the one that fragrances. As is known, Mirra is incense, which possesses magical properties. Mirra girl will be persistent, demanding and decisive. However, it will be easily treated for money and other values.

The world is very peaceful, peaceful. Despite the meaning of the name, the girl of the world will be brave, brave and bold. May take leaders, as it becomes a good manager.

Stanimira is the one that establishes the world. Stanimira will not be afraid to be a "white crow", because it is most important for her - the ability to prove the truth and be fair.

We need to recall again that before our time "survived" not all Slavic women's names. The list, if they managed to "restore", would have turned out very impressive. Meanwhile, these names remained distributed in the men's version of the sound - the name Vladimir remains the most popular.

Unusual names

And what rare Slavic women's names can be adopted? Pay attention to these:

Bela (not Bal) - from the word "white". Girl Bela will have a leaning householdmay become an excellent cook, head of the business service.

Bazhen - desirable, beloved. Good name, which gives the girl with a meek and bright temper.

Rogneda is the one that is equal to everyone (in particular, it was about men). The girl with the same name will set up global goals, not wanting little victories.

Mlada - young or young. Fantasizing, dreaming Mlada will be an excellent storytellor, and therefore can safely associate his life with teaching or writing activities.

Milada is cute and kind. Openness and responsiveness will allow Milad to be a good friend and a person who surrounds will trust.

And here are some more options: Zlata, Snezhana, Svetzara, Probula, Lyubava, Slavyan, Goluba, Rada, Milica, Milan, Cheslava.

And finally

Do you know many customs, rites, traditions are women's names that were distributed in Ancient Russiabelong to such good traditions. Let many forgot to be completely unusual sound, but some remained, as they sound melodious and pleasant for modern man. Choose a name from a rich historical "arsenal" of our ancestors - beautiful Slavic women's names are back into fashion.

In ancient times, when the parents of his daughter wanted to impart it by some name, always watched first on the manifestations of her character qualities, the ability, craving for something specific. Slavic names for girls must reflect not only the purpose of the future mother and wife, but also some of their personal features. If today you choose the names of foreign origin or from the Orthodox nameslov, then the Slavs rely on the ritualness and even religious traditions. Beautiful Slavic names for girls were given in accordance with the person. In the rite of name, the key role was played by the Mascis, conducted by the rite. Subsequently, the tradition has changed, the Slavic Russian names for girls began to be assigned at birth. Perhaps now has the time when we can use rare Slavic names for girls?

According to cultural scientists, the Slavs previously never gave names to their children from infancy. In addition, they were in the habit of always to impose several names of children or an adult already man. Until now, we have folk custom Give the nickname to a person who already has a name, patronymic and generic surname.

Beautiful Slavic names for girls were assigned in adolescence. Purpose for every girl played a special role. It could be both personal and childbirth having a family or community value.

The first features include the personal qualities of the child who will remain with him for life. And to the second - the social role of the future mother, his wife, the continuity of the kind. There are also the third meaning - this is the identification of a girl with a given goddess slavic Pantheon gods. Then the girl could involuntically attract the divine power to himself one by one of her name.

Features of Slavic names for girls

The original Slavic name for the girl today is considered a rare phenomenon. People have become accustomed to the names of Greek, German, Roman and even English origin. Also popular today is called children from church Orthodox nameslov. But there mostly enter Jewish names, mixing with Greek options.

Women's names of Slavs could have been difficult or simple, depending on the generic defendance, traditions and personal features, birthday, circumstances. In Russian fairy tales and today you can meet names consisting of additional nicknames: Elena Revindering, Marya Skinnik, a tiny havel chief, Varvara Krasa is a long braid, a fire-shakkushka and others. In addition to fairy tales, in the life of the Slavs there were names: Zarina Bright, Dobronrava Sunny, Yasun Kras, Dobryan Kurtnica, Vedana Thunderstorm and others.

In addition to the double names, who talked about the special qualities of the child, or a special time and hour, when he was born, the children of the Slavs also gave the secret names. About this name knew only the priest, conducted ritual, native gods, blessing the child and the girl herself. This name should not speak anyone, because there is a belief that with his help evil forces can fully master the man wearing a secret name. The function of this name is to protect against various failures, attacks unclean power, from the evil eye and other negative.

If the girl wanted to celebrate by the power of any goddess, then her name was assigned either with the root name of the Goddess, or calling the child with a solid divine name. Such a relationship with the native gods allowed the future girl to come out successfully married, the future mother - to conceive, give birth to and raise good children, the future spouse - to be a true friend, companion and her husband.

Slavic name

What kind of Slavic name could have you if you live in those distant times?


The following names associated with Pantheon are found. slavic goddesses: Lada, Zara (derived from the dawn of the charge), Maria (derived from Mary, Moraine), Dana. Women's names derived from the gods: Yaril, Wellery, Peruznuts.

How do Slavic names for girls choose

Rare Slavic names for girls (Vedagora, Gorislav and Others) or common, such as Lada, for example, were chosen according to a special principle. He consisted in the following:

  1. A temporary name was given. From the moment of birth and until a certain age, girls did not make any specific name, but simply called "Choo", "Child", "Girl", and even at all the number - "second", "third".
  2. Name. After observations, what kind of deposit the girl showed what the parents could help choose a name.
  3. Honor the ancestors. Could call the girl with the name of any outstanding person in the family. For example, Prababki-needlewomen, grandmothers-valve and so on.
  4. To honor the birth of God. When in the Slavic clan they worshiped to a certain God or deities, their names could also be transferred to people at the request of parents or adolescent children.

The name was performed for the girl so that first wash off in the lake, where there is no fluid water (for boys in the river with fluid water) temporary name. Then they already "attached" a new name through a special ritual. Conducted the community of Muck on the Kapshche. It all is done when the girl reaches a certain age:

  • if the qualities of the future Volshbbitsy manifest themselves, priestess, lead, then named the girl at 9 years old;
  • when a child shows all the qualities of the warriper, or she was prince - in 12 years;
  • children showing the qualities of other classes - at 16 years old.

Slavic mythology describes a number of conditions in the traditions of the ancient Slavs, when they could rename children either adults. It usually happened if the new name "from the language of the people" was already entrenched in a girl or a woman, given the passage of this or that stage of life, where she showed himself in a special way. We could conduct new rites of the name, when for some reason the previous name was not suitable. It rarely happens when the temporary name is fixed for the child for a lifetime.

The name of the girl, girls, women must necessarily sound! Our ancestors of Slavs believed that they had spoken words magic power, Including it concerned and names that repeated out loud more often than other words. Future mother, the wife must be able to get the power of nature, elements, gods to safely create virtuous offspring. The Slavic culture of the Russian North in many ways now the most fully maintained these traditions, especially in the villages.

Slavic women's names

Agnia - Fire, Enlightened
Alla - high-processing
Bazhen - welcome
Bela - white, clean
Beloyar - Svetloyaray.
Borislava - struggling for glory
Boyana - Combat, courageous
Bratislava - taking glory
Beloslav - famous purity
Belyan - Enlightened, spiritualized
Bogolyuba - Loving His Gods
Misa - long-haired
Velen - Maine
Spring - Spring
Vlada - Sleepy, Slim
Velmir (Volmeir) - the commanding world (people)
Vedan (Vedenoe, Vedeno) -
Velimira - very peaceful, balanced
Faith - Emirates RA (Sun, Primary Light)
All Slavs - all famous
Gala - mental
Galina - feminine, earthly
Dana (Danuta) - this
Daryan (Daria) - courageous
Dragomir (Daromil) - Dear, Cute Mire (society)
Zlata (Zlatan) - Golden, Zolotovo
Zvenislav - calling glory
Zilatora - Yaraya, strong, like the sun
Inna (Inga) - feminine
Karina - Karglazaya, Rassenka
Lyubava (Luba, Love, Lubusha) - Favorite
Luda - Human
Radiant - radiant, illuminating light
Lyuboyar - Loving Yaril
Lyudmila - Pretty People, Human
Mila (Mlav, Militsa) - Cute
Mira (Mirais, Mirana, Miron, Mirreta) - Peaceful, reconciling
Olesya - Forestry
Olga (Ogolan) - Playful
Aughouse - famous fire
Polada - appeal
Pereyaslav - who ended the glory of the ancestors
Rusya - Rusaya
Rita - Born in accordance with the law
Sveta (light, light) - light
Snezhana (snowflake) - snowy, white
Svetlana (Svetna) - Bright, Pure Soul
Colorful - blooming, gentle
Jadigig - Kormilitsa
Yana - courageous
Yaroslav - Slavs Yaril-Sun

Photos from Kikabol.com

In older names, a whole layer of the history of ancient Russia is laid. It is a rich heritage to which modern parents are increasingly addressed, in the hope of finding an unusual, beautiful name for the child. Choose suitable name For the girl - the task is doubly difficult. And Slavic names for girls sound very melodious, therefore they become popular.

Ethnologists do not stop the work to clarify the origin and the exact value of the names, because this is an inexhaustible source of material on the history of the well-disappeared peoples, their mythology, the peculiarities of their family and public relations. The same source of valuable material is older names for girls.

Conduct research related to the etymology of Slavic names is difficult, because older Slavonic names For girls, sometimes there are several regional values \u200b\u200band are not unambiguous. Therefore, today the values \u200b\u200bof some names are condensed, and cause among specialists and simply enthusiastic ones (by section of linguistics whose specialization is the study of any own names) hot discussions.

The origin of the ancient Russian women's names

Babies prior to the baptism of Russia, they gone through the Old Russian custom names that showed the characteristics of the character and the lave. It could be old Russian names for girl: Loaming, silence, Krasava, Kudryan. Many nations assigned names for such a principle, for example, the usual Indian girls names are: Ayasha - small, miniature, EVENI - Great, Litonya - fluttering hummingbirds, fox. They had the meaning to assign the name of the main generic activity, the sequence when the child appears (the first, lesser). Similar ancient Russian names of girls reflecting the order of birth is Lidia - the first Aza..

Photos from Pravda-tv.ru

After making Christianity, the names began to bring into church calendars. Since the XIV century, children called Christian names, but various kinds of nicknames existed in parallel. Together with the baptized names, they later formed Russian surnames (Petya - Petrov, Wolves).

Gradually, the Old Russian women's names are fully displaced by the church names that came from Byzantium. And K. XVII century Greek and Byzantine names spread so much that the ancient Russian women's names go out of use, and instead, girls are called Greek, Ancient Roman, Egyptian, and even Syrian names. Very often it was not names, as such, but the name of certain phenomena, elements. Pleasant on ear names began after they were modified, adapting to the peculiarities slavic languages (Avdotea Stated Evdokia, Name Anfus Transformed B. Anfisu.).

There were only those of the old Russian Slavic names that the saints were identified (the names that were applied during baptism) remained unchanged. Buses were widely applied: called one name, and the baptismal name (Greek origin) was used only in the church.

Common Star Russian Women's Names, their types:

  1. two-mine: Dobrognev, Lyubomil, SvetozaraAt the same time, the root of "Slav" was very common: Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Miroslav;
  2. names that occurred from the communities: Bazhen, Zhdan;
  3. names taken from the world of animals and plants ( Azaleablooming bush., Akilin or Akulin - Orlina, Aphrodite - who climbed to the ground from sea foam), Pike;
  4. reflecting a birth;
  5. names, reflecting the characteristics of the girl: Arina - calm, Arsenia - courageous, Varvara - wild;
  6. who occurred from the names of the gods ( Aurora - Goddess Morning Dawn, Apollinary - the goddess of the sun);
  7. special names called children of prince (Vyacheslav).

Photos from Women.uol.ua

Older Slavonic women named, who did not have anything in common with Slavic names. But they had the root of the Slavic name. Thus, the names repeated the Hellenistic version. For example, popular names among Russians Faith Hope Love are the prototypes of Greek names Masteries, Alpis, Agap.

Paired Old Women's Women's Names were widely used, because it was believed that the female name, like the person's name, is in general, serves as a secret key, like that can affect the formation of the inner world. Therefore, the first name for foreign people was chosen, and the second, which is stored secretly and which only native people know. It was believed that such an uncompute way of ancient Russian women's names can protect the girl from the influence of the unclean, unkind people. The first name of the girl or false, as a rule, was deliberately ugly (malice), which became the double protection of the carrier of such a unguardous name.

The second and main name, the girl was called only to achieve a certain age. It was believed that the teenager already pronounced the main character traits, and therefore it was easy to decide on the name. The tradition of calling the girl with two names quickly sued no, because in terms of her character, it was more often a non-cucually nickname, which was called every day. And the second name did not reflect the true gear, since not being used, it lost its symbolic meaning.

Appeated beautiful Slavic names for the girl reflect the best female qualities:

  • Darina - one that gives;
  • Probula - good;
  • Elena - Favorites;
  • Eugera - A woman who performs only good deeds;
  • Inessa - serene.

Clause beautiful Slavic women's names, a short list and their meaning

  • August - born in summer;
  • Agnes- storing chastity;
  • Agnia - immaterial;
  • Ad - decoration;
  • Alexandra - the carrier of this name is the protector of all people;
  • Ariadne - always sleeping;
  • Beatrice - one that blesses;
  • Bela. - Beauty;
  • Bogdana - given by God;
  • Vasilisa - the reigning virgin;
  • Vesta - Custodian of the hearth.

Find more information as well full list Olderous female names can always be on the Internet. A dictionary of such names amounted to N.M. Deadlock. In addition, there are not only calendar ancient Russian women's names full list, but also the Slavonic. True Russian names, of which the extensive list of Slavic female names is, not so much. Most of the names presented in the nameslors occur from ancient languages, such as Greek, German, Egyptian.

Church calendar and Slavic Women's names for months

Photos from Pravchelny.ru

In the church calendar or namedron, there is an extensive list of Slavic women's names, from which parents are both believers and those who do not adhere to Christian traditions take names for girls. The list of saints includes women's Slavic names for months, most of which are considered an anachronism. Nevertheless, many young parents prefer such a long forgotten, rare names. The sacraticles are that inexhaustible source of ideas that gives a child unusual name.

What does it mean to call a child in the sacnesses?

Choosing names across the sacnesses, take into account the date of birth and the name of the saint that comes to this day. But another option is possible when the child is called the name of the saint, which comes in the eighth day. In the event that the name of the child is not suitable on the birthday, then the name of the saint, which falls on a fortieth day from the date of birth. On this day, usually a child and baptized.

Men's names for women's way

Old Russian women's names in men's variations are not a rare phenomenon. For girls, it is allowed to choose the names of men, since there are few women among the sodes. Male names easily change to the ancient Russian women's names (Eugene - Evgenia, Alexander - Alexander).
The difference between the ancient Russian Slavic names from Old Slavic.

Old Russian names are just the names that are found in the ancient Russian sources, chronicles, grams. These names served as the basis for modern surnames, toponyms (geographical names). Therefore, you can only guess how much there existed twisted names, and how many of them are forgotten. The list of general Slavic names is represented by fewer.

Unlike male, female names in such sources a bit. It is not difficult to guess why. At that time, women did not take active participation in public LifeTherefore, the documents did not fit. But this is not the only reason for a small number of female names. Most of the female names have formed from the existing male. Also, they often called girls a changed family name.

Undoubtedly, the full list of Old Slavic female names is not just a set of beautiful names. This is a reflection of the culture of the people and a particle from the Great Heritage Kievan Rus. Periodically, the wave rolling the fashion for the old Russian names, and the same thing passes. But now people are trying to return to their native sources, and therefore children are increasingly called not Angela, Suzanne, and Jeannes, and Slavic names, sometimes a little embellish them or even inventing new ones.

IN last years It became fashionable to give children rare names. Sometimes, of course, parents are very fond of: the rich fantasy is good, but the main thing is not to harm. After all, in addition to the fact that the name carries some sense, it should still correspond to the terrain, be frantic and so on. It is important that the child who bears him does not become the object of ridicule at school.

Whatever it was, the popularity of rare names is growing (some become not so rare), and therefore older names are returned. Parents more and more pay attention to them. In this article we will tell about Slavic women's names and help you choose to choose a beautiful and rare name for the girl.

Olderous names

It is quite difficult to study older names, because they did not always have one value, it all depended on the region, from family traditions and the general way of life. Women's Slavic names are not just beautiful and unusual, it's also a part of our history with you, our heritage.

Choose the name of the child is difficult, especially if you want to somehow stand out, put in it some sense and hidden strength. It is worth noting that the Slavs have a name, among other things, was also a faith. Therefore, it is even more difficult to choose a beautiful Slavic name for a girl, because a woman is a keeper homemade focus And the continuer of the genus.

The present women's Slavic name is now rare. First, many traditions of name were lost in centuries, and secondly, we were already accustomed to giving Greek, Germanic or Roman names to children. However, you can still remember something. And in order to choose the right name, primarily ancient Slavic tradition should be refreed in memory.

How the Slavs chose the name of the child

First of all, it is worth noting that the Slavs did not give names for babies, and if they were given, then it was something like a temporary nickname. Usually at this age, the kids were called - "Child" or "Choo", sometimes at all - the "first", "second" and so on.

And the foundation itself was carried out when children were executed from 9 to 16 years. Up to the same time, it was usually observed for a child, mixed up its quality and character. And they did not always give one name, this tradition, to some extent, alive still in the habit to invent nicknames.

Each girl had its own purpose, it strongly affected the choice of ancient Russian name. All accounted for:

    personal qualities of a child;

    the role of a girl, as a future woman, wife, mother and continuer;

    annunciation with one or another goddess.

The time of the ceremony itself, also chose it is no coincidence. For example:

    if the kids began to manifest themselves the qualities of the future lead, the name was given at 9;

    if signs of princess or warriors were noticed - in 12 years;

    in all other cases, the rite was conducted when the girl was 16 years old.

In general, the names were given on the following principle:

  1. Name based on the nature of the girl;
  2. In honor of the ancestors, for example, grandmothers-leading or prags-needlewomen;
  3. In honor of the generic deity (in this case it was possible to rely on the protection and patronage of the goddess).

Features of female old Slavonic names

Older community names are very beautiful, they are melodious and harmonious. All women's Slavic names can be divided into several species, the most common of which were:

    Binary. In such names, we can very often see the root -slav Miroslav, Yaroslav. But he did not always have attended, for example, there are biennial names of the Svetosar and loved.

    Based on the communions - waiting.

    Taken from the surrounding world of plants and animals.

    Reflecting personal qualities man.

    The gods that occurred from the names.

    Special names, so they usually magazed princely children.

The commander of the name of the name was carried out on the Kapshche, did this MOWF. During the ritual from the child, as it were, the former name-nickname was washed, and then they already gave a new one. It is noteworthy that for boys and girls rituals were different: so, the name from the boy was "washed" in the river, and from the girl in the lake. That is, it was needed standing or current water.

Under some circumstances, the name could be changed. Most often it happened when a new name was enshrined at the people, the new name was fixed. The situation is approximately the same as we happen with nicknames.

How to choose a Slavic name for a girl

Always want to give the child a beautiful name. But it must also be pleasant for hearing. This is especially true of female names.

Important moment: our ancestors believed that the name possesses magical strength, especially if it is used out loud. And a girl like future mother And the custodian of the hearth should receive power from the very nature and gods.

By the way, a beautiful name based on the ancient Slavic traditions, you can simply compose. There were such cases. But it is important to take into account all what we talked about in this article, and not get involved in too much non-social synthetics. Plus, "Novodel" is, nevertheless, not an old Russian name.

Slavic women's names: meaning

Not so many female names came to us, and there are many lists in RuNet, in which you can see their hundreds. This is not entirely true, often in such lists get too controversial names, or at all, Greek or Roman.

Below we serve a list of beautiful Slavic names for the girl. Format: Name - value.

Bazhena - From male bar, which means "favorite" or "desired."

Belora - enlightened.

Beloslav - From male Beloslav, in the meaning of "good glory."

Berislava - From male Berislav, that is, "glorifying".

Bleslav (Bless), the name is the same as Beloslav.

Bogdana - From the male Bogdan, which means "desired child" or "given granted by God"

Bogumila - In the meaning of "cute gods."

Boleslav - From Boleslav, that is, "the famous" or "special"

Borislav - On behalf of Borislav, consists of "fighting" and "glory". Literally - "fighting for glory."

Boyana - "Warrior". There is a male analogue of the name - Boyan.

Bratislava - Pair Bratislav, "Nice with its roasted feats."

Bronislav (Bronislav) - "Nice in defense".

Vedan (Vedenoe, Vedeno) - "Knowing". Pair male name Vedan.

Vedovolav - It can be designated as "famous knowledge."

Veliable - "polite."

Velizara - From Velizar, which means "illuminated" or "enlightened".

Velimira - From male Velimir. This name can be translated as a "big world".

Velislav - from Velislav, by analogy with the name Velimir, we translate as "Great Glory."

Vencesslav - On behalf of Vezeslav, that is, "crowned with glory."

Veselina (Merry) - "fun." Pair name - Veselin.

Vladimir - From Vladimir, "owning the world."

Vladislav - Pair Vladislav (Volodislav), that is, "nice, famous".

WISIALA (Vislav), in the meaning "fighting for glory."

Ovuge - "Smart", and if literally, then "Essay".

Heated - From the male videos, literally "cute for everyone."

Vslav - From male Vseslav, "the most nice".

Gorislav - You can literally translate as "flaming in glory." There is a male analogue of the name.

Gradislav - Gradislav. Accurate translation - "City Glory".

Darren (Darina, Dara) - Pair - Daren ("DONATED").

Dzvestislava - Literally "ringing glory", the literary translation is "recreated".

Dobrovlad. - From the male voluntary, which means "owning kindness."

Goodwill - From Dogorn, that is, a "elevator good".

Dobrolyuba (Dobrolyube) - by analogy with the name above, "Loving Good".

Dobromila - On behalf, Dobroil, which means "kind and cute."

Dobromir (Dobromir), the literal translation of "kind and peaceful". Sometimes they translate as "noble".

Dobroslava - From the male Dobros, that is, "good glory."

Dragomir - From Dragomir, which means "the current world."

Zhdan (Waiting) - "The one he is waiting."

Leader - The literal translation is "living for the kind."

Zvenislav - Literally, the name can be translated as "ringing glory", artistic translation - "leading glory" or "glorifying".

Spark - "Sincere". There is a male form name - Sold.

Casimir (Casimir) - "Preaching World" or "Peacemaker".

Krasimyra - On behalf of Krasimir, which is often translated as "beautiful and peaceful".

Lada - "Favorite", "Honey". Lada is the goddess of love.

Ladomila - "Cute Goddess of Lada" can be translated as "merciful".

Ladoslav - "The glorifying Goddess of Lada."

Radlezar - "radiant".

Lyubava (Love) - "Favorite".

Lyomila - "Favorite" or "Cute."

Lyubomir - From male love. The name can be translated as a "favorite world."

Lyudmila (Lyudmil) - "Cute People".

Lyudomira - "reconciling people."

Milada - Sometimes the name is translated as a "sweet goddess of Lada", and sometimes as "young", "cute and okay".

Milan (Milena) - from Men's Milan, which means "gentle".

Miloslava (Miloslav), that is, "the one who loves glory."

Miroslava - On behalf of Miroslav, which means "famous peaceful".

Mstislav (Mstislav) - "Nice Defender".

Hope - Hope.

Nekras. (Nekras) - a fraudulent name in the meaning "ugly".

Ogneslava - From the male rod, that is, the "nice fire".

Ognayar (Fireyar) - "Fire Yaril".

RESET - On behalf of Peresvet, that is, "light."

Radmila - "Cute, caring."

Radmire (Radimir) - "rejoice in the world" or the "joy of the world", often translate as a "fighter for peace".

Radislav (Radislav) - "Radiant / Careful Glory."

Radosveta - "Carrier joy and light" or "sanctifying joy."

Joy (Rada) - "Joy", "Happiness".

Rostislav "On behalf of Rostislav, that is," the one whose glory grows. "

Siberian (Svyatogor) - "Unstable Holiness".

Snezhana - "Snow".

Stanislav (Stanislav) - "Glory Range".

Tikhomira - On behalf of Tikhomir, that is, "peaceful".

Challava (Cheslava) - from male name Chawl. It is translated as "honest glory", "nice honor", but there is a version that it happened from the word "vanity".

Chernava - "Dark-haired", "dim".

Yaroslav (Yaroslav) - "possessing bright glory."

The list fell, of course, not all names, but the most famous and used. You can read more familiar with Slavic names in Labor M. Moroshkina "Slavic nameslas or a meeting of Slavic personal names".

With the adoption of Russia, the Slavic names were gradually supplanted by the names that had the Byzantine origin: we carry these names and in modern times and consider them the most as ordinary, Russians: Olga, Elena, Konstantin, Alexander. However, fashion for names has changed, and, as a result of constant thrust to the ancient Russian culture, today rare, Slavic names for children again gain their relevance. After all, in the names there is a significant part of culture, traditions, customs and history of the entire people.

The main thing in the article

Name popularity for children

So, fashion for Slavic names is returned, and today this process is gaining all the big turns, since the names that came from Western countries begin to arrive, people want something exotic, new, but still native, having Slavic origins. At the same time, parents and girls give parents not only old-Russian names: those who have Bulgarian, Serbian or Polish origin are actively used.

How to explain the increased demand for rare male and female names, the tendency of which is observed in recent years in our country? It is not easy to feel special, if in addition to you in the class four more Dima or three Aleshi, and before that, there was no one to surprise anyone, the newborn babies were called Lena or Katya.

Mare son or daughter an unusual, exotic name Parents, first of all, seek to highlight the child, to provide him with increased attention to others, rid of possible complexes, make it that he felt individuality and was confident.

How to choose a child's name?

Choosing a name for a child, moms and dads often face serious dilemmas and disagreements. Young parents, before choosing one-sole name to their son or daughter, take tens and even hundreds of men's and female names. Today, rare names for children are increasingly found even in the most common families, because each parent wants to highlight his child from total mass. Therefore, options for how to infant the child are selected not only from modern and known in society, but also from vintage, even ancient names.

A few decades ago, such harmonious and courageous names, as Matvey, Yaroslav, Egor, Fyodor or David, and so beautiful and feminine how Milan, Zlata or Glafira. Today, such names are no longer surprised, and from the discharge of unusual they moved into the category of well-known and widely used. But such names like Vedagor, Ovid, Orest or Evsei And today they can cause bewilderment and surprise.

However, giving the baby a rare, unusual name, it is necessary to take care and that it is harmoniously combined with very ordinary and ordinary patrols and the same ordinary Russian surname: the inconsistency of exotic and "commonplace" can spoil the impression even from the most beautiful and extravagant name "with highlight.

Traditions associated with Slavic names

Before adopting Christianity, the Slavs used the names consisting of two parts. Often the second name was given a child when he reached adolescenceThe main features of his character have already managed to form. It was based on them that the name duplicating the main one was chosen. Then the girl could call Chernoy (black, dimly), Bywood (that, what is getting with everyone), Malusha (younger in the family), Veselina (cheerful), Envy (Slender) and other names that reveal the features of a person.

Such names are used in our time, but most of them are mentioned only in the ancient chronicles. The tradition of giving children composite names is preserved today, and manifests that at the birth of a child, they are numbered by one name, and when baptized - another, which is selected by church calendar. Thus, parents protect the child, because it should protect it from damage or evil eye.

With the adoption of Christianity, part of the name was banned by the Church, because many of them were formed from the names of the ancient pagan gods, which contradicts the canons of Christianity.

There are names that do not belong to Slavic, but are considered as such and are widely used in modern days. They are formed from the Slavic roots, but in fact they have a Greek origin. These names include Faith, love and Hope. But such a name is a girl like Gorislavmay cause bewilderment of relatives and acquaintances: why didn't the child named the usual Russian name - Ira, Lena or Katya? In fact, such names like Gorislav, Radoslav or Tsvetna They are invalid Russians, but long-failed names for the names.

Rare names and society

It is worth thinking about the fact that the baby with a very rare name does not have discomfort in society and communicating with other children, which, as you know, are very cruel and can give offensive and unfair nicknames, deliberately freaking even the most beautiful and rare name.

It is important that the child does not hesitate his name, and being adults who have already experienced more serious problems (for example, constant mistakes in documents due to incorrect writing name others).

A person who has a rare name, but not sharpening on this feature and some "chosenness" of unnecessary attention, causes respect from the surrounding. He acquires the fame of a strong spirit, a special, extraordinary person, walking in life with proudly raised head and, thanks to this, often reaches great heights on his life path.

If the parents taught the baby rare, the original name, they need to repeat it more often, tell the child the story of his origin, tell about the reasons why it was precisely it, to reveal its meaning. It is necessary to help the child be proud of his name and love it. It is important to take care of and despite all the rare name for the child was not too bizarre. It will be very disappointing if it causes ridicule of classmates, forcing a small person to complex and feel "White Voronene", understating his self-esteem.

Beautiful Ancient Russian Names of Girls

Thanks to its own fellowship and good importance, newborn girls today are often given such Slavic names as:

  • Milan or Milena (Pretty);
  • Zlata (golden);
  • Darina (cute gift);
  • Zarina (fiery, hot);
  • Lada (beautiful, ok);
  • Snezhana (snow, cool);
  • Mira (peaceful);
  • pleased (the one that gives joy);
  • Rostislav (giving glory);
  • Yanina (river);
  • Evention (Clear);
  • Mayan (the one was born in May);
  • Yarina (sunny).

How to choose a name for a girl for the church calendar for months, see photo:

What is the rare name to choose for a boy?

You need to choose rare names for boys with the mind: such a name may sound both elegant and cute, so and ridiculously, ridiculous and even ridiculous. Pick up the baby name will help the statistics of the names of children over the past years: having familiarized yourself with it, you can not get to see, choosing the crumbs too banal or too fierce name.

If such names like Alfred, Askold, Heinrich, Dionysius, Ismail, Yerast, Agafon, Osip, Leopold, Camil, waiting or Lavrentin It seems too unusual and ancient, you can give preference to the following rare, but very harmful names that are already adapted to modern society and have not managed to become ordinary. These names include:

  • Archup
  • Luke,
  • Kuzma,
  • Demid
  • Zakhar
  • Plato,
  • Ostap
  • Lukyan
  • Mitrofan,
  • Borislav,
  • Makar
  • Martin;
  • Savely,
  • Efim,
  • Elisha,
  • Klima
  • Gregory
  • Tikhon
  • Illarion
  • Zinovy
  • Yakov,
  • Gabriel.

You can choose for a baby and a more exotic name, calling it Ratmir, Camille, Robert, Oscar, Samvel, Elmir, Milan, Marat, Rustam or ErnestHowever, the surname in a child in this case should be appropriate.

How to choose a name for a boy for the church calendar for months, see photo:

Values \u200b\u200bof Slavic Names Girls

Often, parents give their children names, proceeding not only from his sound, but also considering his semantic characteristics, that is, they pay special attention On behalf of the name, for example:

  • If the daughter was very long-awaited and born after many years of appeals to the Lord, she numbered her Bogdayan, Bazhenoy or Bleslavor as an option Waiting (long-awaited).
  • If the baby was born at the dawn, it gives her beautiful Vine Slavic name Zeeslav.
  • If they want the girl to be fun to the cheerful temper - it is called it Fun.
  • If you want it to grow a cute, kind, ok, peaceful girl - put on her Ladomily, Miroslav, Temple, Tikhomira or Moldova.
  • If parents want their daughter to always and all be loved, she gives names with the corresponding values \u200b\u200b- Lyubava, love, loved or Lyudmila.
  • If the baby wanted to glorify or she was born on the eve an important event, she was given name Radonitsa, Radoslav, Slavina, Dobroslava or Zvenislav.

When parents want their daughter to always be in the spotlight and enjoyed success in men, it was attractive and good, they numbered her name, which embodies their wishes:

  • Belyan (bright, clear),
  • VERE (attracting, attractive),
  • Glafira (Important, Home),
  • Goluba (loving),
  • Dina (light),
  • Dobrina (kind, earthly),
  • Successful (desirable),
  • Krasava or Krasimyra (beautiful),
  • Ladomila (cute beauty),
  • Litiza (giving tenderness),
  • Medea (pleasant),
  • Svetrug (having a light face),
  • Prelstant (cute, beautiful),
  • Vasilisa (having power).

Select the name for the girl can be according to any characteristics important according to parents.

Values \u200b\u200bof Slavic names boys

Sculpt son version Slavic nameParents want to give it the features of the character inherent in the heroes of the ancient military or biblical legends. Basically, it is the power of the spirit and will, power, a sharp mind and charisma, perseverance, kindness, the desire for glory and leadership, nobility and greatness. The values \u200b\u200bof some of the ancient names we will tell you, will help you make the right choice:

  • Bazhen - desired, long-awaited;
  • Belosar - White dawn;
  • Belogor - enlightened;
  • Berislav. - the one that takes care of glory;
  • Bleslav - glorifying kindness.
  • Bogolyub - Honor God.
  • Veligor - Great.
  • Vezseyslav - crowned with glory.
  • Gorislav. - Flame, high.
  • Darimil - merciful.
  • Dobroslav. - Glorifying, giving kindness.
  • Lyubomir - Loving world.
  • Miloslav - Pretty mercy.
  • Radimir (Radomir) - Booter world.
  • Lights - turning;
  • Svezar - illuminating light.
  • Yaropolk - Commander of the sunny army.

What are the names of choosing and why?

Nevertheless, not many parents are extremes and consider it possible to impose a child too unusual Slavic name. Such original Slavic names of girls like Alatka, Amelf, Valkyrie, Dastament, Dragan or Ragosna Not used in modern use of names.

In addition, the name for the boy should not sound too pretentious or pathetic, cause unpleasant associations like parents and other family members. For instance, Adolf, Caesar, King or Friedrich can cause society ambiguous reaction: Do not create a child problems from birth.

Statistics of ancient Russian names for children in Russia

Since the demand for rare names is steadily growing, giving such a name today, the child's parents are not insured at all from the fact that in a few years the chosen it will not be as popular as today Daniel and Nikita. Also the story happened and with such incredible beautiful names, as Kirill, Timofey, Nazar, Gleb, Matvey, Ilya or Arseny - Despite its external rarity, unusualness and oldity, they are quite widely used today without being amicable or rare.

And yet while the most popular name for boys remains Alexander. In the top ten most popular Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Maxim, Ivan, Artem, Daniel and Nikita. Girls are most often called Sofya, Maryami, Barbars, Miroslavami and Grats. Do not give way to popularity such names like Anastasia, Eva, Alice, Alexander, Daria.

Today in our country, the original Slavic names receive about 7% of newborn babies, but this trend from year to year is becoming increasingly distributed.

With peculiar tops of the names of boys and girls in recent years you can familiarize yourself with the video presented below.