Yesenia is a Slavic name. The origin and history of the name Yesenia


The name Yesenia is of Slavic origin according to the main version. It could have come from the male name Yesienia (Yesseny in modern times), which in turn came from the worldly word "Esen". The translation sounds like "autumn". The literal interpretation can mean "born in the fall."

The female name Yesenia today is one of the rarest Russian names. But on the other hand, this name has a very strong energy, promises many good things for the carriers, has good compatibility and is considered one of the oldest Russian names of our time ...

Popularity: Today, the name Yesenia ranks from 65 to 67 in the ranking of Russian female names and, according to statistics, accounts for 2-4 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Yenya, Esya, Esenka

Modern English counterparts: Hesenia, Essenia, Hessenia

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Yesenia promises the bearer a lot good qualities and extremely unusual character. According to the main version, the bearer of this name will be a kind and balanced representative of the gentle half of humanity. She will have an amazingly beautiful character, will become a persistent, calm, wise and reliable woman, and will be endowed with huge number merits.

Regardless of which season she belongs to, she will be sociable, and therefore will not lack in terms of communication or friends. Will be surrounded by the care of others.

Advantages and positive features: the main advantage of all the girls named after Yesenia is their sociability, eloquence, the ability to make friends even there, it would seem impossible. Plus, these girls always radiate positive and warmth ...

Yesenia has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those who use own strength for the sake of domination over the weak, and to those people who do not respect other people's opinions.

In fact, there are many versions of the origin female name Yesenia. There is even an opinion that this name came to us from Ancient Greece.

The nature of the name Yesenia

The nature of the name is one of the most mysterious factors in existence. But the nature of the name Yesenia is completely complicated, because as a parameter, it was investigated by too few specialists. Nevertheless, there are still several points known to everyone, and one of them testifies to the fact that Yesenia's character is always distinguished by tolerance, benevolence, sociability, unscrupulousness, non-conflict, cheerfulness, kindness, optimism, positive attitude and perseverance. The character of the girl named so allows her not only to be popular, but also to reach incredible heights in her career. Yes, of course, you can't be such a boss, but she may well become a leader, at least an unofficial one. However, all this is just a theory ...

The nature of the name-form itself is a theoretical factor, and for the named variation of Yesenia the girl it does depend on many of the most different factors, including the sign of the zodiac, and the initial upbringing, and the influence of various astrological symbols, and even the time of the year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Yesenia is the very period when parents really have a lot of reasons for pride. The girl, over whom the meaning of the name Yesenia patronizes, has a completely tolerant nature, especially in early childhood - she is kind, benevolent, attentive, eloquent, knows how to communicate and dispose people to herself, easily makes contact and gladly diversifies her life with various games and undertakings ...

The only thing that the so-named baby lacks is a sense of responsibility and prudence - often, even at such a small age, she commits rash acts, she does not know how to be responsible, she always does what she should not. At the same time, it should be noted that all her rash actions inherently do not bring harm to anyone - she is not capable of anything bad. The meaning also endows her with incredible curiosity - she cannot sit still, she needs everything around her, everything is interesting, there is never even a minute. So that another idea does not come to her mind.

In general, the meaning plus everything in childhood endows the character of a girl named Yesenia and a bunch of other important advantages, but more importantly, it is that they all go well with each other in her difficult nature. Parents will have to constantly be on their guard - every new day a new Yesenia will appear before them, and each time in a new guise, she is so unpredictable, unstable ...


For a teenage girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the female name Yesenia, her nature is even more unpredictable and unstable. She is a changeable nature, a girl with an excellent sense of humor, optimistic and benevolent, cheerful and positive, bold and decisive, but too unplanned. It is almost impossible to guess what her next step will be, because she constantly has a bunch of ideas in her head, and it is impossible to guess which of them she will once again want to translate into reality. Efficient, active, energetic, restless, intricate, ideological, cheerful - these are the traits for which she will be a respected and desirable person in society, but they will also play a negative role, in particular, in her studies. The fact is that all these traits give rise to a complete lack of concentration, which has an extremely negative effect on learning and, as such, relations with teachers.

On the other hand, the value can, plus everything, endow with excellent organizational potential - Yesenia is respected in society, desirable, and people listen to her opinion, and this will certainly play into the hands. Of course, it will not bring success in studies, but it will definitely add respect of peers, self-confidence, and determination. True, in the future everything can change, in particular, upon reaching maturity ...

Adult woman

If a girl with such a name has an excellent, cheerful and optimistic, but very unpredictable character, then a girl who has reached maturity, a woman, can also be endowed with prudence and responsibility, which was clearly not enough at a young age. The adult Yesenia, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is already a more responsible, executive, obligatory and constant person.

In addition, such a person can also become the owner of such qualities as kindness, sincerity, ambition, love of freedom, friendliness, benevolence, integrity, self-will, honesty, eloquence and charm - all this together turns the bearer of the name Yesenia into a woman unique in all respects. As for relationships with people, she easily makes contact, is always ready for new acquaintances, never rejects the attention and care of a person, even if she does not like him or in some way repels her. In other words, she is a sociable and friendly woman, always surrounded by attention and friends. True, there will probably be few like-minded people among them.

Professional activity - everything is much more complicated here. Meaning endows the adult Yesenia with all the data for a successful and rapid career growth, but does not endow the most important thing - leadership qualities, without which it is almost impossible to rise to the top of Olympus.

The interaction of Yesenia's character with the seasons

Summer - if we call a girl born under the influence of summer by the name of Yesenia, she will grow up to be the owner of a fragile nature. This is a vulnerable woman, reaching out for only one thing - the goal, to make the world more beautiful in every sense of the word. Envy and negative thinking are not to the face, not hypocritical, not deceitful, true and kind.

Winter - she will be brought up hot-tempered and impulsive, self-confident and self-sufficient. With great pleasure, she will start to scandalize in order to prove the correctness of her own point of view - she will be deprived of communication with friends. He will easily win the authority and love of others, but will rarely need them.

Spring - the girl will grow up purposeful, cheerful, friendly and independent in origin of soul and mind, treasure the concepts of friendship and love, fragile and light personality, the future highlight of any company. She is lucky in everything that concerns human feelings and relationships, and will never offend a person, even who deserves it.

Autumn - the newborn will be demanding and moral, principled and harsh, responsible and honest. Any cunning on the part of a person can be regarded by her as a betrayal, and family life will become the goal towards which the whole life will go - such is its nature.

The fate of the name Yesenia

The fate of the name Yesenia in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is as follows. Which implies the later marriage of a woman named in this way. The fate in this case, according to the facts provided by the researchers, is such that it will not allow the girl named by this name to build her personal life early, and there are many reasons for this.

One of the reasons is her desire to initially get on her feet, get her favorite job, provide herself with everything you need and achieve material well-being, so as not to depend on anyone, and even more so on her husband. Only by becoming a full-fledged person, a successful lady, will she be able to devote herself to relationships, and then only if her fate clashes with a man who is ready to take the first step and meets all her requirements, of which, by the way, there are also many.

But fate also presupposes the formation of this woman as a real, true, ideal mother, caring, responsible, attentive. Yes, and such a wife will turn out to be a good one, but only the man who is ready to go to a meeting, give in, and show in every possible way how to appreciate Yesenia will be able to appreciate this. V otherwise Yesenia will quickly break off relations even with that one. Who he really loves.

Love and marriage

Yesenia does not exchange for fleeting relationships and feelings, she lives in anticipation of great and bright love. She loves truly, sincerely, anxiously, tenderly, to a pain in her chest. Having found her soul mate, she will not hesitate to create a happy family with her beloved. However, not every man can receive her love. Yesenia's chosen one will be a well-mannered, intelligent, reliable, honest and sincere young man with no less strong feelings towards her. Due to the long wait for her ideal, she gets married rather late.

However, a man can be scared off by such features of her character as her desire to be a leader in a relationship or a woman's inability to correctly show the strength of her feelings. Only the most sensitive man will understand that Yesenia's modesty is not at all a sign of coldness and indifference. Only with such a man can she really build harmonious relationship... For Yesenia, spiritual kinship with a spouse is extremely important, but his financial position, the level of his income are not important for her. She firmly believes that the main thing in a family is LOVE, and everything else can be achieved together. However, even with a wealthy spouse, she does not want to depend on her husband's finances; her personal freedom and independence are extremely important for her.

Gentle, faithful, caring and loving Yesenia will not only be a wonderful wife, but also an understanding, devoted friend. For her, loyalty, respect, devotion, attention and patience of her husband are also important and valuable. Yesenia is always confident in the correctness of her choice when looking for a husband, so a divorce is unlikely.

Yesenia as Mother

The name of a person has a huge influence on his fate, but his character, life principles and positions depend on a variety of factors. It cannot be guaranteed that people with the same name in all important points will behave the same. However, the general character traits of a woman named Yesenia and her responsible approach to life allow us to make the assumption that she will definitely not be a bad or bad mother.

There is so much affection and warmth in Yesenia's soul that the children will simply bathe in her love. As a good housewife and a clean woman, she will carefully make sure that her children always look neat and tidy, they eat only homemade and fresh food. Ksyusha keeps order and cleanliness in the house, but she has a weakness, which later will be very pleasant for children. As a rule, she keeps her own toys and dolls, so that children will have a chance to play with rare toys and learn more about their mother's childhood.

She easily finds an individual approach to raising her children. But she already has clearly established moral and moral principles by which she herself was brought up. It is very important for her that the children are polite, intelligent, highly moral, kind, honest and responsible people. For educational purposes, she often uses rigor and motivation as the main weapons in the struggle to gain knowledge.

Male name compatibility

It is believed that best pair in terms of feelings, it can be created with Dinasiy, Sergei, Georgy, Maximilian, Mikhail.

A strong and happy marriage can only be built with the likes of Timur, Demyan, Danila, Yaroslav, Timofey.

And there is no combination and generally any connection with such as Luka, Svyatoslav, Denis, Arsen, Mark.

Yesenia is a very beautiful and harmonious name with a rich history. In Russia, this name became known thanks to the Mexican melodrama of the same name, which tells about the fate of a young girl. The film became the absolute leader of the film distribution in 1975, and since then the name Yesenia began to slowly but surely gain popularity in our country.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Yesenia. According to Dahl's dictionary, the word "Esen" means "autumn", thus, Esenia could be called girls who were born in the fall. The second version is fundamentally the opposite of the first: according to it, the name comes from the female name Vesna, which is common among the Slavs. Probably, girls with this name were called "spring", which is consonant with the name Yesenia.

According to historians, Yesenia is a modified form of the Arabic male name Hasan, which means “beautiful”. According to another version, the name is a phonetic version of the ancient Turkic name Isania, meaning "healthy, unharmed." And, finally, the most daring and unusual version of the origin of the name is associated with the popular Soviet poet Sergei Yesenin, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed.

Among the celebrities who bear this gentle and affectionate female name are the famous Latvian athlete Yesenia Volzhankina and the young Russian rhythmic gymnast Yesenia Butorina.

Name days and patron saints

In the Orthodox Christian calendar, there is no name Yesenia, but there is a rare and very beautiful baptismal name that is in tune with it.

Unfortunately, little is known about the life of this saint; the only reliable fact is that she was a disciple of the Hieromartyr Pankratius, Bishop of Taurus, a disciple of the Apostle Peter.

Name characteristic

Yesenia, despite the softness and euphony of the name, is an extremely independent and purposeful person. It is difficult to lead her off the intended path and impose her interests, she is a very solid and integral nature.

Sometimes people around can abuse Yesenia's kindness and condescension - she is one of those people who are always ready to help, even to the detriment of her own interests. This is partly due to the fact that most often women named Yesenia are believers, churched people who live according to the Laws of God.

Yesenia is not alien to adventurism, she is very attracted by novelty and uncertainty. She has an amazing ability to drag people along with her, however, her actions are always motivated and justified, and criminal inclinations are completely absent. Yesenia is distinguished by a system of high moral and ethical principles, she is always fair and honest both to those around her and to herself. Most people consider Yesenia a sweet and sincere woman, not suspecting what reserve of strength and stamina is hidden in her character.

In life, Yesenia makes few mistakes, all her actions and goals are balanced and decisive at the same time, spontaneity and thoughtlessness are alien to her. The name Yesenia has tremendous energy, therefore, even if nature has deprived a woman of external beauty, no one will notice, she is so attractive internally. She is capable of science, art, leading household and a lot more to what. Yesenia knows how not only to use her talents, but also constantly develops and improves them.


Little Yesenia is a big dreamer and fidget, who stands out sharply from the bulk of children. She attracts attention with her uniqueness and warmth, felt in her even in such early age and which will only intensify over the years.

The wisdom of young Yesenia's judgments surprises not only parents, but also teachers. Her peers are drawn to the girl, over time she becomes the class leader and everyone's favorite. She is an excellent student and actively participates in all school activities.


Sober calculation and pragmatism contribute to the good health of a woman named Yesenia. She will never neglect the first symptoms of the disease, but will take her health seriously, will carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors. An active lifestyle and positive thinking will enable Yesenia to keep her youthfulness and attractive figure for many years.


Easy, non-binding novels do not seduce Yesenia, she strives for a serious and stable relationship. She attracts men with mystery and charm, as well as kind energy, which is felt by both men and women.

Yesenia does not belong to the type of women who can plunge headlong into a pool of love, regardless of the consequences. A woman will open her rich inner world only to her beloved man.

By nature, Yesenia is a very affectionate and gentle nature, and in men she values ​​these very qualities. She does not even admit to herself that she needs a strong and domineering partner who can subdue her. Such an attitude in sex turns a woman on, and she gladly agrees to the role of a victim. But this can only be a person whom Yesenia can fully trust.

Marriage and family compatibility

Yesenia approaches the issue of marriage very carefully, therefore, early marriage is uncharacteristic for her. Divorce in her family is a rarity, as a rule, a woman lives in marriage with her husband to a ripe old age.

In the family, Yesenia shows herself from the best side, giving her loved ones all her spiritual strength and warmth. Relationship with her husband is built on trust and respect, although Yesenia prefers to be a leader. Her chosen one can be sure of the sincerity of his wife, she will not cheat on him even in her thoughts.

However, Yesenia's husband will have to put up with her independent and strong character, and also with the fact that career aspirations for her will also not be in last place.

The most successful marriage is possible with men named Andrei, Victor, Philip, Edward, Pavel, Vsevolod, Sergei and Peter. Relationships with Alexander, Fedor, Konstantin, Ivan, Oleg and Yuri should be avoided.

Business and career

Yesenia is a careerist in the best sense of the word. She understands the value from her youth higher education, and a girl enters into adulthood, as a rule, with clear goals and a good profession.

A woman with this name is responsible, conscientious and very efficient, so she can handle any profession. She can take a leadership position early and will definitely cope with it. In the team, Yesenia is appreciated for her sincerity, non-conflict and competence.

An analytical mindset, foresight and enterprise allow Yesenia to become a good businessman, especially since the material side of life has always been very important to her. Partners will always trust her, because honesty and high moral principles will never allow a woman to make a profit in dishonest ways.

Talismans for Yesenia

  • The patron planet is Saturn and Mercury.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Virgo and Gemini.
  • The most successful time of the year is spring, the most successful day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Lucky colors are red and black.
  • The totem animal is a monkey and a lark. The monkey symbolizes depravity, greed, lack of moral principles, debauchery. In the Chinese and Indian religions, the monkey is considered a sacred animal, symbolizing material wealth, longevity and wisdom. The lark in the Christian religion is a symbol of humility and modesty. This bird is considered divine, its singing personifies prayer, and therefore, the lark has always been inviolable. Catching, let alone killing a bird has always been considered a bad omen.
  • The totem plant is celery. In the old days, this plant was used to decorate the heads of victorious warriors, so it symbolizes valor, courage, and nobility.
  • The talisman stone is agate and emerald. Agate has always been considered a stone that brings health, happiness and good luck. It helps to win victories in sports, protects from adversity, saves from insomnia, improves mood. Emerald gives the gift of clairvoyance, relieves depression, protects against the evil eye and negative effects. This pure stone does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, so it cannot be used as a talisman when committing bad deeds.


Aries- her life motto "I am!" The ambitious and vain Yesenia-Aries knows how to set goals and achieve results, but sometimes she still lacks patience and perseverance. The main traits of her character are initiative and activity, rough pressure, but her tactfulness, diplomacy, cunning, and the ability to patiently wait for the result were cheated by nature. Yesenia-Aries has a talent for leadership, she knows how to infect everyone around her with enthusiasm and optimism. An increased sense of justice and truthfulness can become manic, and the inability to listen to other people's opinions sometimes leads to conflicts with others. In spite of a strong character Yesenia-Aries is a very gullible person, in some ways even naive - she simply does not know how to see the bad in people, so many disappointments await her in life. Yesenia-Aries easily masters male professions and sincerely believes that she herself can cope with any work better than others. In love, she is a terrible owner, but for the sake of a loved one she is ready to sacrifice a lot, including her career. As a wife and hostess, she is great, but she definitely needs passion and romance, otherwise the woman will feel left out.

Taurus- her life motto "I can!" This is a disposing, open and sociable woman, whose charm and charm cannot be resisted. Despite her ambitiousness and leadership qualities, she has no desire to be “ahead of the rest of the planet”; by nature, she is more of a “gray cardinal” who prefers not to show authority, but to show her inherent feminine wisdom. She loves material goods, but can be wasteful, strives for comfort, but can be sloppy. Yesenia-Taurus is capricious, sometimes stubborn about trifles, but, in general, has a pliable, non-conflict, calm and patient character. She is a conservative at heart, everything new scares and repels her. Striving to stick to earlier established order and the rules makes her a reliable, stable person. Passion for hoarding and the desire to have a solid life platform in the form of a family and material capital are the main life priorities of Yesenia-Taurus. For a loving spouse, Yesenia-Taurus will be a real find, it is difficult to find a woman more devoted, gentle and caring.

Twins- her life motto "I create!". This is an erudite and enthusiastic person with a lot of talents. She is curious, easy-going, open to everything new, easily adapts to circumstances. At the same time, a certain nervousness and irritability is always felt in the character of Yesenia-Gemini, sometimes she is characterized by attacks of acute self-doubt, which can develop into neurasthenia. The serious shortcomings of this woman include superficiality, inability to assimilate a large flow of information, which can greatly complicate her career growth. With an apparent erudition and well-read, she does not have deep knowledge, since a woman is inclined to scatter in different directions, seeks to embrace the immensity in the mental and intellectual terms. Yesenia-Gemini is almost incapable of sincere love, but she has a great need to be loved, needed, to feel affection and care. The fear of being alone is the biggest fear in her life. She is unlikely to make an exemplary hostess and stay-at-home - the need for communication and new impressions is too great. But the spouse will never be bored with his sociable wife, and she, in turn, can become a wonderful companion and like-minded person for him.

Cancer- her life motto "I feel!". This is a hot-tempered, temperamental, emotional nature with a subtle mental organization. She has a secretive character, and her intuition is so great that it can become a compass in a woman's life. Yesenia-Cancer lives according to her own laws, understandable only to her, logic is alien to her. What is a trifle for others can become a real tragedy for her or an insurmountable obstacle. With such an unusual character, Yesenia-Cancer sometimes irritates others, although in the work collective she is distinguished by conscientiousness, hard work, attention to detail, decency. First of all, she herself suffers from her isolation from the real world, so this woman desperately needs a strong life partner who will betray her confidence. As a wife, Yesenia-Rak is truly devoted to her family, caring, quiet and diligent. The family in the hierarchy of values ​​for Yesenia-Cancer is in the first place, it is very attached to the house, to the past, to memories. If she can overcome her natural shyness, she will be able to make a great career, but she will always need a quiet place where a woman could hide from others and be alone, indulging in her dreams. She needs to try to build up a kind of shell that would protect Yesenia-Cancer from increased vulnerability, resentment and emotionality, which nature generously rewarded her with.

a lion- her life motto "I rule!" Self-centered and arrogant nature, with a powerful energy, loves to receive compliments. She is temperamental, impulsive, sometimes vain, but still the main trait of her character is kindness, cordiality and nobility. Yesenia the Lioness can suffer a lot from lack of attention, she feeds on the veneration that comes from those around her. The lack of psychological instinct makes Yesenia-Lev commit many mistakes in life, but no matter how tight she is, she rarely falls into despair and loses her composure. Her weak point is pride, and the fastest way to her heart is flattery and admiration. Yesenia-Leo is generous, sometimes wasteful, loves luxury, wealth and an idle lifestyle, which can lead a woman to numerous debts. In love, she is completely sincere, however, as in everything else. Cheating does not forgive, he makes compromises with great reluctance, by nature a leader, including family relationships... As a wife and mistress, Yesenia-Lev is impeccable, however, her husband will have to provide her with the standard of living that she deserves.

Virgo- her life motto “I think and analyze”. This is a distrustful, withdrawn, vulnerable woman who lives in her own world. She is kind and compassionate, but she may have trouble expressing her true feelings... By nature, Yesenia-Virgo is a perfectionist, striving for perfection in everything. She demands from herself and others order in everything, a clear line of behavior, accuracy. In her life, logic and reality prevail, and everything mystical and incomprehensible causes irritation and distrust. Gifted with a clear mind, Yesenia-Virgo can be an excellent worker who can always be relied on. She is obsessed with a thirst for knowledge, so she never stops at what has been achieved, tries to move and develop. Practicality and common sense is felt in all her actions and words, while she is a modest, thoughtful and even shy person. Love, as a rule, is given to Yesenia-Virgo with great difficulty, it is difficult for her to openly express her feelings. But she does not suffer from loneliness, on the contrary, she can enjoy it without knowing happiness. family life... But if she is still lucky enough to get married, then she will be able to bestow her husband with love, care and understanding.

scales- her life motto "I balance". She is hardworking and responsible, but she lacks responsibility and independence to build a successful career and implement her life plans. Yesenia-Libra has an easy, non-conflict character, a clear mind, an innate sense of beauty. She strives with all her might to peace of mind, hates quarrels, troubles, all kinds of complications. More than anything, Yesenia-Libra dear to her own peace, she is not capable of heroism and sacrifice. In some cases, if circumstances force her, a woman can take the path of lies and betrayal. Yesenia-Libra's most cherished dream is to love and be loved. She hates reproaches, scenes of jealousy, showdown, loves compliments and flattery, easily jumps from hobby to hobby. A woman will try to bring peace and harmony to her family, but her husband, perhaps, will get a little of her warmth.

Scorpion- her life motto "Die, but be!". Ambitious, ambitious and decisive, Yesenia-Scorpio longs for love and respect, but she herself is in no hurry to show these qualities in relation to others. The life of this woman with a difficult character is full of difficulties that only temper her iron will. It seems to her that everyone around her is criticizing and discussing, although, by and large, she does not care about the opinions of others. She is a born fighter, accustomed to attacking first, rather than waiting to be attacked. In relations with people, Yesenia-Scorpio shows honesty and decency, but rarely really becomes attached to anyone. She is very perceptive, she sees through people, it is almost impossible to deceive and impose her opinion on her. At work, she is a real workaholic and careerist, but for development she needs constant shake-ups: if everything is calm, Yesenia-Scorpio becomes bored and uninteresting. In marriage, this woman manifests herself as a good housewife and a devoted spouse, but only a very balanced and self-confident man can get along with her.

Sagittarius- her life motto "I see!". This is a woman with a light character and a cheerful disposition, with a great sense of humor and enviable optimism. She is dreamy and in love, often idealizing people too much, which leads to disappointment. Yesenia-Sagittarius knows how to get along with people, accepting them for who they are. Her character is characterized by generosity and openness, independence and gambling, but not frivolity. Yesenia-Sagittarius knows how to plan his life, shows great scrupulousness in defending his interests. She, like no one else, has an innate need to develop her own, unique philosophy of life. For a marriage to be happy, her spouse must approve of her need for travel and personal freedom that has nothing to do with promiscuity. She will be the perfect companion for a man who lives by the principle "the day has passed, and thank God."

Capricorn- her life motto "I use!". An analytical mind, ingenuity, prudence and pragmatism distinguish this woman from the rest of the fair sex. She is attracted male professions at attraction, therefore, among her friends, men predominate. She is stubborn, ambitious, overcomes all obstacles with incredible tenacity. Yesenia-Capricorn is an excellent worker in all industries, respected among colleagues. Some isolation can cause difficulty in communication, it is quite difficult to get close to this woman. But her arrogance is only apparent, in fact, she is a very vulnerable and sensitive person, shy and modest. Taking care of Yesenia-Capricorn is not easy, she, without knowing it, erects barriers between herself and the man. But if this barrier is broken, she will turn out to be a demanding wife and mother who does not forgive insults and betrayals. Feeling dignity is very important for this woman.

Aquarius- her life motto "I hope!". She is independent, human, dreamy, sensitive and inquisitive. Pedantry is alien to her, and criticism is destructive for her. Yesenia-Aquarius has periods of laziness and inaction, but in general she is an active nature, not afraid of any work. The life of this woman can be miserable, never gray and monotonous. She changes all the time, she is very attracted by everything new, unusual, mystical. She easily comes into contact with people, often has extravagant, original thinking and behavior. Yesenia-Aquarius is a true friend who gives himself to others, compassionately delves into people's lives. Sometimes he gives advice to those who do not need it at all. Due to a deep need for love and communication, Yesenia-Aquarius finds the opposite sex very attractive. But he is looking for an impeccable companion, and therefore has great difficulties in choosing. Unsurprisingly, she is prone to late marriage. And when he does make a choice, he often surprises his friends.

Fishes- her life motto "I cleanse!" She prefers solitude and silence to noisy companies, and she prefers comfort to career growth. hearth... Yesenia-Pisces is distrustful, withdrawn and secretive, it is difficult for her to make friends with strangers or to be in the center of attention. She has spiritual subtlety and sensitivity, compassion and love for people. Easily gives in to someone else's influence and is very afraid of offending someone inadvertently. Yesenia-Pisces makes decisions with difficulty and is forced to constantly overcome her impracticality and self-doubt. By nature, she is usually passive, gentle and sentimental. This woman is very dependent on love, she needs it like she needs air. The family for her is the center of the universe, she, like no one else, needs constant confirmation that she is loved. In return, this very sensitive nature will repay her partner generously. Yesenia-Pisces can become a great wife and mother, as she owns the amazing art of bringing happiness to those who are with her.

The name Yesenia became widespread in Russia after the appearance on television screens of a Mexican film of the same name, which in the second half of the 70s. of the last century became the leader of film distribution. Today, when future parents choose the name of the main character of the film for their daughter, they often associate it with a gentle, caring, well-mannered person. They forget that the meaning of the name Yesenia, which will leave an imprint on the formation of character in the future, may be completely different.

The history of the origin of the female name Yesenia

The origin of the name Yesenia has several versions:

  1. According to Lalya's dictionary, "esen" is interpreted as "autumn", which suggests that girls born in the autumn period were given a similar name.
  2. According to other sources, it is necessary to delve into the history of the Slavs, among whom the name Vesna, consonant with Yesenia, was very popular.
  3. From the point of view of historians, the appearance of the name is associated with a modification of the male name-form Hasan, which in translation from Arabic means "beautiful".
  4. Another interpretation says that Yesenia is a phonetic variation of the ancient Turkic name Isania.
  5. By the most daring and original version the formation of the name-form Yesenia is directly related to the surname of the Russian poet Yesenin.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl

According to the interpretation of the meaning of the name form, it is believed that the girl named in this way will become kind and balanced, wise and reliable.

Early childhood

The baby under the auspices of the name Yesenia is tolerant and kind. Distinguished by curiosity, eloquence, mobility and sociability, she often gives parents a reason to be proud. However, the girl named Yesenia lacks prudence. This often leads to rash actions that do not become the reason negative consequences only by virtue of the good nature of the child and the absence of malicious intent.


With the achievement school age Yesenia becomes fickle and changeable. The girl is distinguished by an excellent sense of humor, optimism, benevolence, courage and decisiveness, qualities that, combined with irregularity, do not allow her to predict her next step. Overflowing energy, activity and infinity of ideas make it impossible to predict which of the ideas Yesenia decided to implement into reality today. In studies, such qualities will not bring success due to poor ability to concentrate. However, among her peers, the girl will achieve recognition and love thanks to unbridled fun, positive thinking and organizational skills.


In adulthood, always energetic, cheerful and kind Yesenia acquires qualities that were so lacking in the past - prudence and responsibility. A woman is distinguished by her diligence, commitment and constancy. The combination of these characteristics makes her unique in nature. She perfectly knows how to get along with people, easily adapting to any environment. She takes care even from those around her who are not quite pleasant to her. It will be more and more difficult with the professional sphere, since the meaning of the name will not endow the fair sex with leadership abilities, without which it is almost impossible to reach the greatest peaks.

When the name day is celebrated

There is no such name in Orthodox Christmastide. The child named Yesenia receives Holy Baptism under the consonant name Yesia, who was a disciple of the Holy Martyr Pankraty. Yesiah Memorial Day is celebrated on June 20.

The character and fate associated with the name

Due to the rarity beautiful name the character formed under the influence of its meaning has been investigated by few scientists. The indisputable characteristics that all researchers agreed on are tolerance, benevolence, sociability, lack of principle, cheerfulness, optimism and positiveness. The combination of these qualities makes Yesenia popular in society and helps build a good career. Otherwise, the character is determined not only by the name, but also by the sign of the zodiac, astrological symbols, upbringing at an early age and the environment afterwards.

Yesenia enters marriage quite late, which is associated with the desire to achieve a position in society, and then acquire a family. Only after becoming a full-fledged, financially independent person will Yesenia look towards serious relationships, which she cannot create with everyone. Future husband must meet all her requirements and take the first step towards a meeting. In a happy marriage, Yesenia will become an excellent wife, mistress and ideal mother, full of warmth and affection. If the man turns out to be not the person she was looking for, then Yesenia will quickly break the marriage bond.

Middle name compatibility

Among the most suitable names of the fathers of girls, whom it is planned to call a beautiful name form, are Arkady, Victor, Pavel, Mycentius, Albert, Adolf, Igor, Dmitry. In combination with the above middle names, the meaning of a female name will most and best influence the formation of character. Before naming your daughter Yesenia, you should also pay attention to the consonance of the name with the patronymic, as well as the surname.

What male names will a happy family life be?

The girl, under the patronage of the name Yesenia, has a rather complicated relationship with the male half of humanity. Despite their benevolence, responsiveness, ability to make contact, the fair sex is in no hurry to bind themselves in relationships, giving preference to career growth.

The female name Yesenia is best combined for marriage with such male names as:

  • Matvey;
  • Sergey;
  • Novel;
  • Arseny;
  • Denis;
  • Gregory;
  • Evgeniy;
  • Artemy;
  • Igor;
  • Makar;
  • Anton;
  • Victor.

Talismans for the name Yesenia

The name Yesenia has a number of talismans that help form character and protect the wearer from negative influences.


The stones that attract prosperity to the life of the bearer of the name Yesenia are:

  • Agate - a stone brings prosperity, longevity, good health to the owner, enriches spiritually, enhances eloquence, gives strength and helps to quickly overcome material hardships.
  • Emerald - acting as a talisman, a talisman stone drives away nightmares, and also helps to cope with insomnia, eliminates depression, protects against the evil eye and other adversity.


Iron, being a symbol of the name, personifies the strength, firmness and courage inherent in Yesenia.


Of the plant flora, the name-form of Yesenia corresponds to celery, the heads of the victorious warriors were crowned with wreaths of leaves in Ancient Greece. A symbol of nobility, valor and celebration.


The most fruitful period for achieving the set tasks and making serious decisions is in the spring.

So, the meaning of the beautiful and rather rare name Yesenia promises its bearer a lot positive features character, the development of which largely depends on many external factors and the temperament of the child himself.

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Rare in Russia, but very beautiful and melodic, soft and melodious, the name Yesenia is widespread in Spain. In this country, this is the name for an unusually graceful, enchanting flower.

Origin and meaning of the name

Literal translation from the Turkic name Yesenia - jasmine flower, beautiful, from Greek - foreigner, distant. Presumably, the origin of the name originates from the Turkic name Isania (unharmed, healthy) or the male name Hasan (handsome).

In Russia, according to the interpretation from Dahl's dictionary, the meaning of the name Yesenia is consonant with "autumn", presumably the name of Yesenia - autumn, they called girls born during this period of the year. Until today, the secret of the name Yesenia has not been solved, some philologists argue that the phonetics of the name is consonant with spring - the time of flowering and renewal of the forces of nature.

Owner characteristics and fate

The soft pronunciation of the name Yesenia does not at all combine with the firm, purposeful character of the owners of this name. A firm will and the desire to achieve what was conceived are characteristic of these seemingly calm and balanced women.

In order to soften a little the harsh nature of the energy of this name, it is given to a girl with a soft energetic middle name (Nikolai, Ilya, Alexey).

The female name Yesenia gives its owner a great demand for her actions and thoughts, does not give descent to the close people around her. It should be noted that a woman with this name is more strict with herself than with others. Therefore, from childhood, there is no need to point out to the child his mistakes and mistakes, the girl herself perfectly analyzes the events and understands how to correct the situation.

Yesenia's character can be described in one word - Winner. For this woman, there are no barriers in her career. Not in love - she always achieves what she wants.

Career and profession

This child knows what profession he will choose at school, has an intellect developed beyond his years and a seriousness of aspirations unusual for children. The name Yesenia for a girl is a guarantee of success in any profession.

There is practically no specialty in which Yesenia does not become a recognized leader and, over time, a boss. She has excellent analytical skills and can calculate any situation seven moves ahead.

Family and love

Yesenia has the best relations in marriage with men who can recognize her indisputable leadership and authority. Such a woman knows how to love selflessly and selflessly, they never forgive betrayal or betrayal. Yesenia's family is created late, as they try to find an ideal that corresponds to all ideal ideas about the subject of love, they choose men much older than themselves, and are usually happy in a marriage where there are no more than three children.

It is not easy with them, since Yesenia does not like to demonstrate her feelings, it is difficult for her chosen one to understand whether she is sincerely disposed towards him. Girls with the name Yesenia need to be taught from childhood to demonstrate emotionality, since in their personal lives, precisely because of their closeness, these women can have many problems.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

V Orthodox calendar there is no such name. Consonant with the name Yesenia, beautiful and sonorous church name Yesiya, a disciple of the martyr Pancratius.

Name day dates in 2018

Yesia's (Yesenia's) name days are celebrated June 20... But, if you follow the historical meaning of the name, then this is gentle, unusual name can be given to girls born in spring and autumn.