Controller for controlling heating. Controllers for heating, air conditioning, ventilation and DHW

Controllers of heating systems and DHW TRM132M in a complex with primary transducers, and the actuators are designed to control and control the temperature in the heating circuits and the DHW, mapping the measured temperature and operating modes on the built-in indicator and generating control signals of the built-in output elements and the output elements of the MR1 module.

Opportunities of the TRM132M controller

  • Built-in real-time clock
  • Automatic setting PID regulators
  • Automatic mode selection (heating / reverse / summer)
  • The possibility of changing the firmware (with the kit for flashing TRM133M)

Functionality Aries TRM132M

  • Automatic temperature control in the DHW circuit according to the specified setpoint
  • Automatic temperature control in the heating circuit according to graphics from T-outer air and T-direct water
  • Development of temperature graphics reverse water Depending on T-outer air and T-direct water (protection against overestimation and improving the temperature of the reverse water)
  • Management of the main and backup pump in both circuits
  • Protection against excess temperature in the DHW circuit
  • Control pump feeding in heating circuit
  • Ability to use the third pump in each circuit (emergency)
  • Formation of signaling signals by external actuating mechanisms and devices in the DHW circuit: a shut-off valve, basic and backup pumps, a plum valve (optional); Alarm devices
  • Formation of signaling signals by external actuating mechanisms and devices in the heating circuit: a shut-off valve, basic and backup pumps, feed pump, alarm devices
  • Diagnostics emergency situations (Open temperature sensors and position sensors, pump malfunction)
  • Set the values \u200b\u200bof programmable operating parameters using the built-in control keyboard, as well as from PC on the RS-485 and RS-232 network
  • Exchange protocols support: Aries, Modbus-RTU and MODBUS-ASCI

Comparison of devices for controlling heating systems and DHW

For heating and DHW systems with 3-confidential control valves (220 V 50 Hz) control.

  • Temperature sensors - 50m, 100m, 50p, 100p, PT100

For heating and DHW systems with 3-configuration control valves (220 V 50 Hz) or analog (0 ... 10 V, 4 ... 20 mA) control.

  • Universal inputs.
  • Valve control of the feed circuit.

For single-circuit (one heating system / one DHW system / one circuit "Warm floors") or two-circuit (two CO, or two GVS, or CO and DHW, etc.) systems.

  • For regulating valves with a 3-configuration (220 V 50 Hz) or analog (0 ... 10 V, 4 ... 20 mA) control.
  • Universal inputs.
  • Control circulating pumps.
  • Managing Hydhum Pumps
  • Control Pump Contact Contour
  • "Quick Start" for Model Systems

Controllers for Heating Systems Tech Controllers

TECH ST-407N, 408N and 409N controllers - one of the most complex and multifunctional models of devices from Tesh Controllers, characterized modern design And allowing to remotely manage the system via the Internet or from the GSM smartphone. An important feature Systems " Smart House"In addition to these opportunities, it is weather-dependent control of the heating system - controllers increase in advance or reduce the temperature of the coolant in different circuits, depending on the changes. street temperatures, ensuring the comfort of living and saving fuel costs.

Models differ in their functionality:
ST-407N. serves 3 mixing valves + solar installation pump
ST-408N. serves 2 mixing valves
ST-409N. serves 3 mixing valves
ST-431N. For smooth control of a three-way or four-way mixing valve with the possibility of connecting an additional valve pump.


On the photo from above for mounting used:
1. TECH ST-409N controller - Multifunctional device designed to control the central heating system, providing:
Interaction with three wired room regulators
Interaction with wireless room thermostat
Smooth control in three mixing valves
Managing the pump of GVS.
Protection of refund temperature
Weather-dependent management and weekly programming
The ability to connect the ST-65 GSM module for remote control Heating with GSM smartphone
The ability to connect the ST-505 module, which allows remote control of the boiler over the Internet.
The ability to control two additional valves with additional modules ST-61V4 or ST-431 N
The ability to control additional equipment, for example garage gate, lighting or irrigator, etc.

2. TECH ST-431N mixing valve controller, Designed for controlling a three-and four-way mixing valve, with the possibility of connecting two additional, which allows you to control three mixture valves. Supports:
Weather management function,
weekly programming
interaction with indoor thermostat,
Protection of refund temperature

3. Tech Wi-Fi RS Module allowing:
remotely control the work of the boiler via the Internet
View the parameters of all the devices of the heating system
Edit all the parameters of the main controller
View the history of the alarm and changes in parameters
Assign an unlimited number of passwords (for different levels of access - menu, events, statistics)
change the specified temperature on room regulator
Notify the Owner of Email Alarms

The capabilities of TECH controllers are largely dependent on additional components that are used to expand the main controller functionality depending on the specific needs of the consumer. Below is a TECH compatibility table with various main controllers.

Advantages of using Tech Controllers Controllers

Devices Multifunctional and provide support and interaction:

  • with 2 sources of heat (heating boilers)
  • with 3 (maximum) built-in drives of mixing valves
  • with 2 (maximum) additional drives of mixing valves. The ability to connect two additional modules of control valves (for example, EU-61 or EU-431N) makes it possible to maintain two additional valves
  • with heating systems using solar heat
  • provide the ability to remote control heating through gSM phone. You must additionally buy an Internet module ST-65 GSM. Using the module, you can control the temperature, receive information about emergency situations, as well as change the parameters of the heating system.
  • provides the possibility of remote control of heating via the Internet. You must additionally buy an Internet module Tech ST-505 or Tech WiFi RS, which are connected to the controller on one side and to the router (router) on the other. After installing the Internet - module, you must register on site.. Through the Internet, you can control and control the following functions: the temperature of the coolant, the work of the DHW and the mixing valves.
  • weather-dependent heating control. It is necessary to install the desired heating curve of four points on temperature graph - The controller automatically calculates all other necessary parameters.
  • Equipped with additional analog outputs 0 - 10 V. In addition to the outputs for pumps and sensors, 4 additional outputs are provided: two exits are under voltage, while others are two - without voltage ("dry contacts"). Used at your discretion, depending on the specific task.
  • The anti-stop function is provided, which prevents the appearance of deposits and jamming the pumps in case of their long downtime. When this option is turned on, the valve pump will be turned on every 10 days a 2-minute.

Of deficiencies using Tech Controllers It can be noted that they are quite complex in the installation and configuration. Therefore, we recommend, if necessary, to apply to our qualified specialists who have passed special training courses and have extensive experience in setting up and adjusting this equipment.

Controller control screen using ST-409N example

The owner can configure the various brightness of the controller screen during the day and night. When you click the "Night" icon, the panel is shown to configure the screen view at night: as day, hours or off. This screen is activated at night after 20 seconds from the last click on the screen. To return to the main menu, it is sufficient to touch the screen. The user can determine the time to which the controller goes to the night mode (night from an hour) and in which returns to the daytime mode (day from the hour).

Controllers provide the possibility of remote control of heating via the Internet using an additional Internet TECH ST-505 module or Tech WiFi RS.
The Internet module is a device that allows remotely control the operation of the boiler via the Internet and the Wi-Fi local network. The user controls the condition of all the boiler devices on the computer screen, the operation of each device is presented as an animation. In addition to the possibility of viewing the temperature of each sensor, the owner has the ability to change the specified pump temperatures and mixing valves. The Including Internet Module and Select DHCP option, the controller automatically configures the parameters of the local network, such as the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, DNS address. If there are problems with downloading network parameters, you can be installed manually.

In the absence of Wi-Fi in the country, you can remotely control heating using the Tech and GSM controller of the TECH ST-65 module.
GSM module is additional devicewhich works with the boiler controller. The owner is informed about all the alarms via SMS messages, and sending the corresponding SMS message, receives an answer with information about the current temperature of all sensors. It is also possible to remote change in temperatures after the introduction of the appropriate code. GSM module can also act independently of the boiler controller. It consists of two inputs with temperature sensors, one docking input for use in any configuration (closing and opening contact) and one control output (for example, with the possibility of connecting an additional contactor to control any electrical chain). Camping or discontinuing contacts can be used, for example, for simple property protection.

TECH ST-409N, 408N, 407N Controllers Connection Terminals

Controllers are equipped with the following defenses:
1. Temperature protection - stops the valve temperature adjustment and installs the valve in the most secure position. For an outdoor valve, this is a closed position, and for the Tso valve - open.
2. Alarm - Sensor C1-4 - denotes an incorrectly connected sensor, no connected sensor or its damage.

Controller Connection Scheme on TECH ST-409N Example

The specialists of the company "TERMOGOG" Moscow will help you correctly pick up to buy,as well as Mount the heating controller,will find an acceptable solution for the price. Ask any questions you are interested in, advice on the phone is absolutely free, or use the form "Feedback"
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Fig. 1. SMILE controller

Changes in the parameters of the work allow you to achieve a certain level of flexibility in the management of heating systems. Although these controllers have rigid work algorithms, they can be adapted to a specific scheme. Suppose the controller controls the mixing circuit consisting of a valve, pump and two sensors on the feed and return pipelines. When changing certain parameters responsible for the mixing valve, you can connect the hot water system circulation pump to the controller, the temperature sensors are placed in the heat exchanger - and the controller does not control the contour of the heating system, but fully monitors the operation of the DHW system. That is, the same output can be used for various components of the scheme. Such flexibility is renovated with the reconstruction of the premises with the equipment of additional heating circuits, for example, a partial replacement of radiator heating to the "warm floor" or expansion of the DHW system. In this case, one controller will be controlled and the "Warm floor" system, radiator heating, boiler and hot water system.

It is possible to connect remote modules with indoor air temperature sensors. Connected modules have a setting knob and a "Economical / Scheduled" mode switch, digital display, and duplicate the controller settings buttons, providing full access and remote control mode. It is possible to individual control of the individual contour of the heating system from one room. To do this, it is necessary to embed the wall module of a suitable model into the heating system.

SMILE SPECIFICATIONS: Electricity consumption - 5.8 VA, operate from the AC domestic network. Degree of protection IP 30. Dimensions (sh × in × g) - 144 × 96 × 75 mm. The housing is made of ABS plastic with antistatic coating. The maximum tire length is 100 m. The device is mounted on the wall using terminal boxes.

Modern controllers are suitable for creating weather-dependent fluid temperature control systems (for example, radiator, convectors) and systems where it is necessary to maintain a constant coolant temperature (for example, a "warm floor" type system, or for swimming pools) by mixing circuits, including Heliosystems.

Applying several "Stand Alone" controllers, you can create a fairly large and complex control system, suitable even for a large public building.

In individual construction, controllers allow you to organize systems in which various heat generators can be used, including use alternative sources Energy.

Without controllers, creating such systems is almost impossible. After all, all their components have various algorithms and modes of operation. The electric boiler is advisable to include at night, when cheaper electricity tariff (with multi-tariff accounting). Either simultaneously use the heat pump. In the daytime, the Heliosystem collectors are turned on, and during peak loads on DHW in the morning and in the evening can not do without gas boiler. Accordingly, it is possible to turn off the electric boiler during the daytime. At the same time, all heat sources operate on a bakkukkumulator, the temperature in which it is also necessary to control and, according to it, to balance the operation of the entire system. At the same time, the schedule of work on the time of day and days of the week is laid.

Combined schemes

One of the relevant is to use in one system of joint gas and electric boilers or a gas boiler and a hard fuel boiler (first - as the main, second - optional) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Scheme with the sharing of electrical and gas boilers:
AF, WF1, WF2, VF1, RLF1, SF - temperature sensors (outdoor air, boilers, coolant on the supply and return pipelines, a GVS battery tank); MK1 - three-way mixing valve with electrical drive; Tmax - overhead thermostat; P1, SLP, ZKP - Pumps

At the same time, in the first case, since the electric boiler is advisable to include at night when the electricity tariff is less, a timer with a daily, weekly schedule and a weekend program is used. In the second case, in the absence of gas, the solid fuel boiler will ensure the maintenance of the operation of heating and DHW systems at the required level. Also heat sources on different types Fuels allow us to ensure the reliability of the system with other specific force majeure circumstances.

In this case, the controller provides boilers, limiting the maximum temperature at the outlet of boilers, stepless (smooth) control of the gas boiler with an optimal load on it. It is possible to organize management of work, taking into account air temperature in the room and weather correction. Freezing protection functions are available, automatic protection from Legionell, as well as hot water priority.

Connection thermal pump Allows you to create systems in which alternative energy It is the base for heating water in the buffer tank (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Using a gas boiler, heat pump and buffer tank:
AF, WF, VF1, KSPF, VE1, SF - Outdoor air temperature sensors, boiler, coolant on the supply pipe, at the inlet and outlet of water from buffer tank, GVS battery reservoir; KVLF - water temperature sensor; MK1, VA1- three-way valves with electrical drive; P1 - Pump of the mixing circuit of the heating system; VA2.
- Pump loading buffer tank from the thermal pump

In this case, the automation will ensure control of the water temperature at the outlet of the heat pump and the optimization of the equipment processes. In this scheme, the base heat source is a heat pump, and the gas boiler covers the peak loads of the system. Greater freedom to choose fuel can provide a scheme using solid fuel boiler and a heliacollector (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Scheme with the use of a solid fuel boiler, solar collector and buffer tank:
AF, WF1, VF1, VE1, SF, VE2, KSPF, KRLF, KVLF - Outdoor air temperature sensors, boiler, coolant on the supply pipeline, at the outlet of water from buffer capacity, GVS battery tank, inlet water to the GVS Battery from the solar collector, at the inlet of water into the buffer container, at the inlet of water in solar collector, water in a sun collector; MK1, MK2, U1 - three-way mixing valves with electrical drive (the contour of the heating system, to maintain the set temperature at the inlet to the solid fuel boiler, the valve between buffer container and solar collector); P1 - Pump of the mixing circuit of the heating system

It provides maintenance of a given temperature at the inlet and outlet of the boiler, water temperature control in the solar collector, switching water flows entering the solar collector from the GVS tank and buffer tank. Possible parallel weather-dependent work with a mixing circuit of heating.

To create large heating systems Often it is necessary to connect boilers in the cascade, with which controllers also cope (Fig. 5). At the same time, optimal parameters and accounting hours of each heat generator are ensured.

Fig. 5. Connecting gas boilers in the cascade:
AF, WF1, WF2, VF1, VF2, VF3, SF, RLF1, RLF2 - Outdoor air temperature sensors, boiler, coolant on the supply pipe, GVS battery tank, water on the return pipe; MK1, MK2, MK3, R1, R2 - three-way mixing valves with electrical drive

In any case, for specific conditions, you can choose the most appropriate scheme, which manufacturers of control devices offer dozens.

Perspective - Universal Controller

Currently, the trend towards the complication of systems for climation of buildings is noticeable. The developers of controllers are also appropriate for this trend.

These devices already allow you to send data on the operation of systems mobile communications or through the Internet. For example, in the US, a wide distribution was obtained by touchscreenmen with the possibility of integration with operating systems Android smartphones. Thus, it is possible to remotely control the parameters of the work of climatic systems that may include not only heating, A and ventilation systems, air conditioning, security and fire systems.

Insofar as different manufacturers Protected their products by various data transfer protocols, currently there are controllers that allow you to use all existing protocols (for example, Centraline (Honeywell)). This is especially true if regulators are installed on the modernized objects.

However, with an increasing complication of systems, a question arises to create a kind of universal controller. This is currently the main prospect and task for developers. Unified controller, depending on it software can be used to control various engineering systems building. This is a kind of small computer for which you only need to install "Soft" to specific tasks and directly under a specific object to program.

The complexity of the implementation of freely programmable controllers is primarily in the high cost of the software. In addition, the question of compliance with the level of user preparation level is relevant, the presence of a qualified service personnel and exclusion of unauthorized interference with the work of control devices.

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Aries controllers are high-tech devices for managing engineering systems of buildings. Found wide application in the field of housing and communal services and industrial production. Also are distributed in block individual-thermal items and systems with dispatching.

The advantages of Aries controllers for ventilation systems, heating and DHW include versatility, flexibility, ease of operation and long service life. The equipment automatically selects the desired mode, conducts the diagnosis of emergency situations, sets up the PID controllers, updates the firmware, etc. When choosing devices, pay attention to the specifications:

  • nominal supply voltage,
  • type of input sensors,
  • number of output relays,
  • survey cycle time,
  • communication interface,
  • cost protection
  • permissible load current,
  • operating temperature range,
  • dimensions.

To order Aries controllers for ventilation systems, heating and DHW, add positions to the basket and leave the contact details. After a short time, the manager will call back to clarify the details of the order. Detailed information For models, see the documentation posted on the site.

KTR-121.01 Boiler regulator KTR-121.01 is designed to manage the work of one hot water boiler with an automated gas or liquid fuel burner. The boiler regulator is recommended to be used to upgrade or replace outdated boiler cabinets.

KTR-121.02 Cascade Boilers Regulators KTR-121.02 are designed to control the cascade of boilers. Used on heating and industrial boilers with automated gas and liquid fuel burners. Cascade controller - a solution for automation of the boiler room in order to optimize its operation and reduce the cost of maintenance of equipment.

TRM1033 controller for ventilation with heating and cooling TRM1033 is a specialized controller with ready-made algorithms for automation supply ventilation. The controller allows you to control standard ventilation nodes to achieve the most comfortable temperature of the supplies for the premises:

  • Supply ventilation with water heating water calorior
  • Supply ventilation with electrical heating. (up to 3-steps)
  • Supply ventilation with water heating and water cooling
  • Supply ventilation with water heating and freon cooling
  • Supply ventilation with electric heating and freon cooling

TRM33 Aries - controller of heating systems with supply ventilation

  • Maintain the predetermined temperature of the PID-law
  • Control inlet fan, Blinds and KZR serving coolant in the canorior
  • Work in various modes:
    - Wipening the Calrifer when starting the system;
    - protection of the system from exceeding the temperature of the reverse water;
    - protection of the water carrier from freezing;
    - on duty with a fan turned off and closed blinds;
    - Automatic transition to summer mode.
  • Registration of data on the PC on the RS-485 interface (commissioned)

TRM133M Aries - ventilation and air conditioning controller

Controllers for supply ventilation systems TRM133M allow control and regulation of air temperature in rooms equipped with a supply system or support and exhaust ventilation. This device Comes complete with an Aries MR1 \u200b\u200bexpansion module.

There are two implementations of the TRM133M controller:

  • TRM133M-02. - for supply ventilation systems with water calorifer and freon or water cooler
  • TRM133M-04. - for supply ventilation systems with electric calorifer and freon or water cooler

TRM232M controller for heating and DHW with pump control Aries TRM232M - controller for temperature control in heating systems, DHW and pumping groups. Designed to control ITP and CTP residential and production buildings. Complete with the sensors and actuators of Aries TRM232M ensures control and regulation of temperature and pressure, controls circulation pumps of contours, pumps of the weld and contour contours.