Foam tubes. Smoking pipe Pipe care

meerschaum tubes(Meerschaum pipes), according to some reports, appeared in 1723 year. Word Meerschaum of German origin and is translated very romantically - "sea foam". And this perfectly conveys such characteristics of the mineral as its lightness and whiteness. Foam, one of the most porous minerals in nature (Hydrous Magnesium Silicate or "Aphrodite", "sepiolite"), according to chemical composition these are magnesium oxide, silica, carbon and water. Heat resistance and ease of processing make the foam extremely suitable material for the manufacture of smoking pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to the high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and tar, which, of course, adds to the pleasure of smoking. Because of these same qualities, meerschaum tubes develop rich honey-brown tones over time, making the surface more beautiful while improving taste qualities. Foam pipes, "aristocrats" among all smoking pipes. Smokers know and appreciate the incomparable pleasure they get from smoking.


There is a belief that foam is petrified white wave crests. In fact, these are just petrified shells of the smallest sea ​​creatures that fell to the bottom many millions of years ago. Today, top-quality foam deposits cannot be found near the sea. Foam is mined in only one place - in Turkey, in the vicinity of the city of Eskisehir, located in 200 kilometers from Istanbul. Sea foam is extracted from depth to 120 meters. The lower the mineral deposits, the denser, more homogeneous in composition, the better it can be processed and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Therefore, often a large piece of a mineral, but with large inclusions and looser, costs less than that extracted with great depth small block. Mining meerschaum is a difficult trade, and only a few families have been doing it for several generations. The average size of a extracted block is approximately the size of a grapefruit. The extracted raw materials are washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of the 5 categories is further divided into 12 grades depending on color, porosity and uniformity. In the 80s stuff kindred" meerschaum"was found in South Africa- it was called Manx Meerschaum, it is heavier, but less dense and less porous than Turkish foam. Unlike foam from Turkey, which simply dries, Manx Meerschaum requires heat-setting in oil, which makes the pipes look like they've been smoked for a long time.


Sea foam is an excellent "smoking" material: it certainly heats up, but not as much as clay and porcelain (and it is not as fragile), and unlike pipes made from plant materials, it does not burn. In addition, it has good hygroscopicity, perfectly absorbing moisture and resins. The first meerschaum pipe was carved about 300 years ago. V 1723 the year of the Austrian count Andrassi In Turkey, he was presented with a piece of a mineral that seemed to him similar to the clay from which his pipe was made, and he ordered a new copy from this material from the Austrian master Karl Kovat. But the master saved money and made a second pipe for himself. Some time after smoking his pipe all the time, it's like " tanned"- nicotine juices gave the sea foam a completely unique deep color. They began to pay attention to a beautiful and interesting pipe, and they gained a certain popularity. Now many "meerschaums" are artificially aged, passing them off as old ones. In Austria, Germany and England, they quickly acquired a huge popularity - the craftsmen carved the most incredible ancient scenes, portraits of rulers and historical figures on the pipe.The better and larger the piece of foam and the more complex the carving, the more valued the pipe.However, it is these criteria that determine the cost of pipes in our time.Today , like many years ago, meerschaum pipes are unique and unrepeatable works of art, because they are carved exclusively by hand.The first step of the master (carver) is the selection best block mineral. It is selected based on block size, density, color and saturation. Then the carver, having carefully studied each piece of the mineral, must calculate and feel all the necessary, optimal split lines. The blanks split in this way are immersed in water for 15 -30 minutes to reach the consistency of the cheese. Working with soft material, the cutter selects the approximate, draft shape of the tube itself and the opening of the cup and shank. When the foam is well moistened (it can only be processed when soaked, then it can be easily processed), the material is so soft that the rough shape of the tube appears from a piece of foam literally within a couple of minutes. If you need a simple classically shaped tube, it can be made in ten minutes. But pipes with carvings on antique scenes, either freehands or with other ornaments, are usually valued. The final finishing of the pipe is a long business, and the quality depends on the skill of the carver. After thorough polishing with the finest abrasive, the foam is ready for waxing. Although there are many various kinds artificial wax, only with natural beeswax the color of the most beautiful collectible pipes is associated. For polishing, melted discolored wax is used. The very subtle nuances of color and tone of the new pipe are achieved by applying and polishing varying numbers of layers of wax, the way they are applied, etc. In addition to pipes, whose cup is completely made of meerschaum, there are classic model- Calabash, so beloved by Mark Twain and the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. Calabash - a pipe made from a stone gourd with an insert in the cup of a cartridge made of meerschaum, which, in fact, is a chamber for tobacco. Today, many manufacturers also use meerschaum trims for their cheap models. This is very reasonable: the foam chamber is quite stylish, and besides, it does not need to be smoked. In the last century, meerschaum pipes were cut not only in Turkey, but also in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France and other countries. Now well-known European firms place orders for the production of pipes in Turkey and sell them under their own name, only changing mouthpieces. This is due to the fact that the export of raw foam is prohibited, since it is a national treasure of Turkey. Most of the Turkish pipe makers who make decent pipes work almost exclusively for export. The main markets for meerschaum products are Germany, Japan, USA.


Due to the natural porosity of the mineral, when smoked, the pipe quickly changes its color from white to golden, cherry red or brown. And since each piece of the mineral is unique in itself, then each tube is painted for different time and in different, unpredictable shades. It is impossible to predict the coloring time in advance. It could be 2 month and 12 months. Staining is also influenced by factors such as the frequency and intensity of smoking, the type of tobacco. But in more yet precisely the frequency of smoking than tobacco.

It should be noted that there are three types of foam:
- natural, block foam;
- pressed, molded, made by pressing foam crumb;
- and artificial foam, made of polymeric materials.
One should not expect the same qualities from tubes made of artificial or pressed foam as from natural block foam. This applies both to the color and to the absorbent properties of the material and, accordingly, to the taste of the pipe when smoking. Actually, the last two types, that is, pressed and artificial foams, are, in fact, fakes. Artificial, polymer foam has a smoother, almost mirror-like surface. This is a very homogeneous mass, not as porous and brittle as natural block foam. Most likely, you can distinguish them if you just scrape the surface slightly with your fingernail, try to remove thin chips. Natural foam scratches more easily and its chips are fragile, crumble under the nail. Artificial, on the other hand, is more like plastic - elastic, denser, it is more difficult to scratch and the chips practically do not crumble. The pressed foam is much more granular than natural and due to the heterogeneity and lower viscosity of the structure when smoking, that is, rather sharp heating, it often crumbles and breaks in the hands. In short, try not to take a pipe made of artificial, pressed foam, regardless of the sometimes significant difference in prices. Natural foam tubes are now cut ONLY in Turkey. Some firms buy ready-made pipes there, and change the mouthpieces to their own. Usually, these pipes are stamped Block meerschaum. But also not always.


There are many misconceptions about meerschaum pipes. Remember that no two pipes are the same, no two smokers are the same. Do not be afraid to once again pick up a pipe, smoke it. This does not harm her at all. A meerschaum pipe, in addition to the usual pleasure of smoking, also gives additional pleasure with its color, shape, carving, and pattern. Having bought a meerschaum pipe, remember that your new purchase is very delicate and fragile. You can't drop it, you can't beat the ashes out of it. Ashes must be removed with a spatula from your trample, and very carefully so as not to injure inner surface cameras. Then the pipe will "grow old" beautifully, acquire a noble appearance and will bring joy to its owner for a long time to come. There is an erroneous opinion that Meerschaum pipes are not smoked and that they "do not acquire taste". Smoking meerschaum pipes in the sense that you smoke heather pipes is not really necessary - you can completely fill your cup the first time and enjoy your pipe without going through the painful (for some) procedure of smoking. A meerschaum pipe develops carbon deposits over time, in which it heats up less and due to which it acquires taste. Unlike briar pipes, which must be dried after each use, meerschaum pipes can be smoked many times a day due to the material's high absorption rate.


For the cleaning smoke channel pipes use cotton cloth wrapped around a metal rod that runs through the entire pipe inside the stem and mouthpiece. Cleaners are very inexpensive and come in two main types: soft and fluffy to remove moisture, and thin and flexible to remove solid sediment inside the smoke channel. If the pipe gets dirty, take a cotton or any other soft tissue, drop a liquid containing a small amount of alcohol on it and gently wipe the tube until the contamination is removed. Just remember that this must be done without fail after the tube has completely cooled down. And it is desirable that the liquid does not have a pronounced odor. Therefore, lotions, toilet water and other perfumes are not suitable categorically. However, if you like Mac Baren with the refreshing Eau Sauvage fragrance from Dior, then the bottle is in your hands and full speed ahead. Freshener Liquid pipe cleaner, removes bad smell and resins accumulated in the smoke channel also give a pleasant and fresh smell to the pipe as a whole. Never wash your pipe in hot water and don't scrape it outer surface. It should be noted that I read the following on one handbook for measles pipe smokers: "You should not boil your pipe, especially with cleaners and bleaches." It's strange that they didn't mention washing machine and an abrasive machine with Pobedite brushes for cleaning rocket nozzles from soot. Never bang the pipe against a hard surface to dislodge the ash. In the case of a meerschaum pipe, you will simply break it; in the case of a heather pipe, you will be considered a barbarian and a savage. Except when special pipe ashtrays with a cork "bit" are used. A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon inside the cup, like, say, a briar pipe. Therefore, as necessary, clean the cup of carbon deposits that have appeared. This should be done with a non-sharp, rounded tool. Be extremely careful when you clean the bottom of the cup at the exit of the smoke channel, because immediately after smoking, the foam in these places is moist and soft. Be careful when removing the mouthpiece from the tube. Be sure to hold the pipe with your fingers by the chubuk, and the mouthpiece itself is easy, without tension, pull towards you, while turning clockwise. Do the same when you insert it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that over hundreds of years, meerschaum pipes have gained a reputation as the most pleasant, comfortable to smoke. Also because each pipe is not only an ordinary smoking device, but also a unique work of art. self made, made according to the traditions passed down by masters from generation to generation. Of course, this cannot but give the owner of such a pipe some additional pride and satisfaction from the mere consciousness of owning such a thing.

According to history, the first meerschaum pipe appeared in 1723. In those days, such a device was called a “meerschaum tube”. Meerschaum - sea foam, a mineral and a "building" material from which smoking devices are made.

The foam just seems fragile. The formation of the mineral takes hundreds of years. It turns out raw materials that are resistant to heat and humidity. At the same time, the foam tube is relatively strong, characterized by porosity and ease of processing.

You can recognize an exclusive pipe not only by design. These are antique expensive accessories. This is due to the difficulty of extracting the material. Today, pipe foam is mined mainly in central Turkey and Africa, but Turkish legislation limits the export of rare raw materials, and the development of deposits on the African continent is a laborious task.

How are foam tubes made?

The experience and accuracy of the master is a key aspect. Professional workshops exclude automated processing materials in the preparation of a meerschaum pipe.

The first stage is the preparation of raw materials. The foam is cut into square blanks, washed and sorted. The material has up to 12 varieties or so-called varieties, differing in uniformity, color, porosity.

When the variety is selected, the foam tenderloin is immersed in water for 30-60 minutes. The material becomes like hard cheese.

This is done to soften, so that it is more convenient for the master to cut fancy patterns and the shape itself. smoking device. First, the contour of the bowl and the chibouk is cut out, then a hole in the smoke channel is drilled, a recess for fixing the mouthpiece.

Foam tubes are designer products. A separate stage is the creation of a pattern, reliefs, and other decorations. After that, the workpiece is dried in an oven for several hours.

The final stage is polishing and waxing. This gives the tube a shine, preserves the natural color, protects against fading, dirt, scratches and scuffs.

How is a meerschaum pipe different from a briar pipe?

The mineral base of the tubes does not give an extra aftertaste. Briar pipes can be smoked in different ways: the “own” taste of the pipe is mixed into the tobacco mixture, which makes it impossible to feel the entire palette of tobacco composition.

Another difference is the color Mineral is a non-uniform material that absorbs resins. Over time, the foam tube turns yellow and becomes covered with spots that impregnate the heterogeneous coating in different places.

Choosing a foam pipe for smoking is beneficial for the following reasons:

The disadvantage of meerschaum tubes is fragility. When dropped from a height, the product will probably crack. Repair and straightening is difficult: it is almost impossible to restore a device made by hand.

In briar and wooden options there is no need to monitor the soot. In the foam, the layer of smoke should not be too thick. V otherwise the old pipe will crack at the base of the stem or bowl.

The most vulnerable part of meerschaum pipes is the mouthpiece, or rather, the part of the connection between the drip-type and the stem. Parts are detached carefully and carefully: breaking a thin chubuk is easy.

Care and additional information

Three types of products are presented on the windows of tobacco shops. In addition to natural foam, pipes made of artificial polymer and pressed are common. Artificial raw materials give off plastic and are unlikely to make smoking comfortable. Pressed is made from the remnants of natural raw materials, foam dust, so over time it begins to crumble.

(Meerschaum pipes), according to some sources, appeared in 1723. The word Meerschaum is of German origin and is translated very romantically - "sea foam". And this perfectly conveys such characteristics of the mineral as its lightness and whiteness. Foam, one of the most porous minerals in nature (Hydrous Magnesium Silicate or "Aphrodite", "sepiolite"), in chemical composition it is magnesium oxide, silica, carbon and water.

Heat resistance and ease of processing make foam an extremely suitable material for making pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to the high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and tar, which, of course, adds to the pleasure of smoking. Because of these same qualities, over time meerschaum tubes are painted in rich honey-brown tones, making the surface more beautiful and at the same time improving taste. Foam pipes, "aristocrats" among all smoking pipes. Smokers know and appreciate the incomparable pleasure they get from smoking.


There is a belief that the foam is the petrified white crests of the waves. In fact, these are just fossilized shells of the smallest sea creatures that fell to the bottom many millions of years ago. Today, top-quality foam deposits cannot be found near the sea. Foam is mined in only one place - in Turkey, in the vicinity of the city of Eskisehir, located 200 kilometers from Istanbul.

Sea foam is extracted from a depth of up to 120 meters. The lower the mineral deposits, the denser, more homogeneous in composition, the better it can be processed and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Therefore, often a large piece of a mineral, but with large inclusions and looser, costs less than a small block extracted from a great depth. The extraction of meerschaum is a difficult trade, and only a few families have been engaged in this for several generations.

The average size of a extracted block is approximately the size of a grapefruit. The extracted raw materials are washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of the 5 categories is further divided into 12 grades based on color, porosity and uniformity. In the 80s, a material related to "meerschaum" was discovered in South Africa - it was called Manx Meerschaum, it is heavier, but less dense and less porous than Turkish foam. Unlike foam from Turkey, which simply dries, Manx Meerschaum requires heat-setting in oil, which makes the pipes look like they've been smoked for a long time.


Sea foam is an excellent "smoking" material: it certainly heats up, but not as much as clay and porcelain (and it is not as fragile), and unlike pipes made from plant materials, it does not burn. In addition, it has good hygroscopicity, perfectly absorbing moisture and resins.

First meerschaum was carved about 300 years ago. In 1723, the Austrian Count Andrassi was presented in Turkey with a piece of a mineral that seemed to him similar to the clay from which his pipe was made, and he ordered a new copy from this material from the Austrian master Karl Kovat. But the master saved money and made a second pipe for himself. Some time later, after constant smoking, his pipe seemed to “tan” - nicotine juices gave the sea foam a completely unique deep color. Attention began to be paid to a beautiful and interesting pipe, and they gained a certain popularity.

Now many "meerschaums" are artificially aged, passing them off as old ones. In Austria, Germany and England, they quickly gained immense popularity - the craftsmen carved the most incredible ancient scenes, portraits of rulers and historical figures on the pipe. The better and larger the piece of foam was, and the more complex the carving, the more the pipe was valued. However, it is these criteria that determine the cost of tubes in our time. Today, like many years ago, meerschaum pipes are unique and unrepeatable works of art. cut exclusively by hand.

The first step of the master (carver) is the selection of the best block of the mineral. It is selected based on block size, density, color and saturation. Then the carver, having carefully studied each piece of the mineral, must calculate and feel all the necessary, optimal split lines. The blanks split in this way are immersed in water for 15-30 minutes to achieve the consistency of the cheese. Working with soft material, the cutter selects the approximate, draft shape of the tube itself and the opening of the cup and shank. When the foam is well moistened (it can only be processed when soaked, then it can be easily processed), the material is so soft that the rough shape of the tube appears from a piece of foam literally within a couple of minutes.

If you need a simple classic-shaped meerschaum pipe, it can be made in about ten minutes. But pipes with carvings on antique scenes, either freehands or with other ornaments, are usually valued. The final finishing of the pipe is a long process, and the quality depends on the skill of the carver. After thorough polishing with the finest abrasive, the foam is ready for waxing. Although there are many different types of artificial wax, only natural beeswax is associated with the color of the most beautiful collectible pipes. For polishing, melted discolored wax is used. The very subtle nuances of color and tone of the new pipe are achieved by applying and polishing varying numbers of layers of wax, the way they are applied, etc.

In addition to pipes, whose cup is entirely made of sea foam, there is a classic model - calabash, so beloved by Mark Twain and the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. Calabash is a pipe made from a stone gourd with a meerschaum cartridge inserted into the cup, which, in fact, is a chamber for tobacco. Today, many manufacturers also use meerschaum trims for their cheap models. This is very reasonable: the foam chamber is quite stylish, and besides, it does not need to be smoked. In the last century, meerschaum pipes were cut not only in Turkey, but also in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France and other countries.

Now well-known European firms place orders for the production of pipes in Turkey and sell them under their own name, only changing mouthpieces. This is due to the fact that the export of raw foam is prohibited, since it is a national treasure of Turkey. Most of the Turkish pipe makers who make decent pipes work almost exclusively for export. The main markets for products from meerschaum are Germany, Japan, USA.


Due to the natural porosity of the mineral, when smoked, the pipe quickly changes its color from white to golden, cherry red or brown. And since each piece of the mineral is unique in itself, each tube is painted at different times and in different, unpredictable shades. It is impossible to predict the coloring time in advance. It can be 2 months or 12 months. Staining is also influenced by factors such as the frequency and intensity of smoking, the type of tobacco. But to a greater extent, it is the frequency of smoking than tobacco.

It should be noted that there are three types of foam: - natural, blocky foam; - pressed, molded, made by pressing foam crumbs; - and artificial foam, made of polymeric materials. One should not expect the same qualities from tubes made of artificial or pressed foam as from natural block foam. This applies both to the color and to the absorbent properties of the material and, accordingly, to the taste of the pipe when smoking. Actually, the last two types, that is, pressed and artificial foams, are, in fact, fakes.

Artificial, polymer foam has a smoother, almost mirror-like surface. This is a very homogeneous mass, not as porous and brittle as natural block foam. Most likely, you can distinguish them if you just scrape the surface slightly with your fingernail, try to remove thin chips. Natural foam scratches more easily and its chips are fragile, crumble under the nail. Artificial, on the other hand, is more like plastic - elastic, denser, it is more difficult to scratch and the chips practically do not crumble. The pressed foam is much more granular than natural and due to the heterogeneity and lower viscosity of the structure when smoking, that is, rather sharp heating, it often crumbles and breaks in the hands.

In short, try not to take a pipe made of artificial, pressed foam, regardless of the sometimes significant difference in prices. Natural foam tubes are now cut ONLY in Turkey. Some firms buy ready-made pipes there, and change the mouthpieces to their own. Usually, these pipes are stamped Block meerschaum. But also not always.


In a relationship meerschaum pipes there are many different misconceptions. Remember that no two pipes are the same, no two smokers are the same. Do not be afraid to once again pick up a pipe, smoke it. This does not harm her at all. A meerschaum pipe, in addition to the usual pleasure of smoking, also gives additional pleasure with its color, shape, carving, and pattern.

Having bought meerschaum pipe, remember that your new acquisition is very delicate and fragile. You can't drop it, you can't beat the ashes out of it. Ash must be removed with a spatula from your stompbox, and very carefully so as not to injure the inner surface of the chamber. Then the pipe will “grow old” beautifully, acquire a noble appearance and will bring joy to its owner for a long time to come.

There is an erroneous opinion that Meerschaum pipes are not smoked and that they "do not acquire taste." Smoking meerschaum pipes in the sense that you smoke heather pipes is not really necessary - the first time you can completely fill the cup and enjoy your pipe without going through the painful (for some) procedure of smoking. At meerschaum tube over time, soot forms, in which it heats up less and due to which it acquires taste. Unlike briar pipes, which must be dried after each use, meerschaum pipes can be smoked many times a day due to the material's high absorption rate.


To clean the smoke channel in pipes, a cotton cloth is used, wound around a metal rod that runs through the entire pipe inside the stem and mouthpiece. Cleaners are quite inexpensive and are divided into two main types: soft and fluffy to remove moisture, and thin and flexible to remove solid sediment inside the smoke channel. If the pipe becomes dirty, take a cotton or any other soft cloth, drop a liquid containing a small amount of alcohol on it and gently wipe the tube until the contamination is removed. Just remember that this must be done without fail after the tube has completely cooled down. And it is desirable that the liquid does not have a pronounced odor. Therefore, lotions, toilet water and other perfumes are not suitable categorically.

However, if you like Mac Baren with the refreshing Eau Sauvage fragrance from Dior, then the bottle is in your hands and full speed ahead. Freshener A liquid pipe cleaner that removes unpleasant odors and tar accumulated in the smoke channel, and also gives a pleasant and fresh smell to the pipe as a whole. Never wash the tube in hot water or scrub the outside of the tube.

It should be noted that I read the following on one handout for measles pipe smokers: "You should not boil your pipe, especially with cleaners and bleaches." It is also strange that they did not mention a washing machine and an abrasive machine with pobedite brushes for cleaning rocket nozzles from carbon deposits. Never bang the pipe against a hard surface to dislodge the ash. In the case of a meerschaum pipe, you will simply break it; in the case of a heather pipe, you will be considered a barbarian and a savage. Except when using special tube ashtrays with a cork “bit”.

A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon inside the cup, like, say, a briar pipe. Therefore, as necessary, clean the cup of carbon deposits that have appeared. This should be done with a non-sharp, rounded tool. Be extremely careful when you clean the bottom of the cup at the exit of the smoke channel, because immediately after smoking, the foam in these places is moist and soft. Be careful when removing the mouthpiece from the tube. Be sure to hold the pipe with your fingers by the chubuk, and the mouthpiece itself is easy, without tension, pull towards you, while turning clockwise. Do the same when you insert it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that over hundreds of years, meerschaum pipes have gained a reputation as the most pleasant, comfortable to smoke. Also because each meerschaum pipe is not only an ordinary smoking device, but also a unique handmade work of art, made according to traditions passed down by craftsmen from generation to generation. Of course, this cannot but give the owner of such a pipe some additional pride and satisfaction from the mere consciousness of owning such a thing.

Meerschaum pipes are a rare ideal.

Now it's hard to believe, but such an "exotic" as a meerschaum pipe appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, i.e. about a hundred years earlier than briar. And although the latter are the most common type of smoking pipes in our time, meerschaum (from German Meerschaum) is the material that true connoisseurs of tobacco must definitely get acquainted with. Not because it is better than briar (it simply makes no sense to compare it with other materials), but because it has a number of fundamental and very interesting differences.

There is no dispute about the tastes of tobacco, as well as about all other varieties of tastes. But for those who like to experiment and find new taste sensations, it is recommended to smoke the same tobacco in a briar and meerschaum pipe. In the first case, the tobacco gets an extra touch from the burnt briar. The meerschaum pipe does not burn (and, by the way, does not burn through), in principle, and gives an absolutely clean, rich, slightly cooler and drier tobacco smoke than briar.

The fact is that meerschaum is a mineral that cannot burn by its nature. The unique combination of all the same properties that briar possesses makes it ideal for making pipes: high porosity and, accordingly, hygroscopicity, heat resistance, low thermal conductivity and ease of processing. The only drawback of foam is that, unlike briar, it cannot be grown in 30-40 years. Meerschaum is a sepiolite, the fossilized remains of marine organisms that died many tens of millions of years ago. It is impossible to artificially reproduce this material, although such a thing as "polymer meerschaum" exists, but would you buy, say, "polymer briar"?

Sepiolite is the rarest mineral that is found in several countries of the world, but its variety suitable for smoking pipes is mined only in the north-west of Turkey, near the city of Eskisehir. The situation is approximately the same as with heather: it grows in many places, but only the Mediterranean briar is ideal for smoking pipes.

Those who want to buy a real, high-quality meerschaum pipe need to know one more important detail. It must be made from a single or as they call it a “block” meerschaum. And the export of this material from Turkey has been banned since the 1970s. Therefore, if we are not talking about "antiques" - a meerschaum pipe with a half-century history, then it cannot be produced anywhere except in Turkey. Or, it is not Turkish, but, most likely, African meerschaum with other properties.

Apart from taste differences, the possession of a foam pipe gives the smoker one more aesthetic pleasure inaccessible to any other material. Over time, the initially snow-white meerschaum begins to turn golden and brown. Shades and play of colors are impossible to predict. It depends not only on the individual structure of the material of this particular pipe, but even more so on what kind of tobacco and how often its owner smokes.

Therefore, if you want to buy something absolutely perfect for yourself or make a gift to a person who knows a lot about pipes, there is no more interesting and original thing than the author’s “mesh” made by the author.

(about tea and elephant pipes)

A bit of mineralogy… “Sea foam” or “Merschaum” are more everyday terms. Let's talk about sepiolite. Look at the ubiquitous Wikipedia.
Sepiolite (from sepia and stone), sea foam, mershaum - a mineral that belongs to the group of talc and serpentine in its properties, complex magnesium silicate in chemical composition, a typical formula for which Mg4 (Si6O15) (OH) 2. 6H2O. Named because of the similarity with the porous calcareous skeleton of cuttlefish - sepia.
This mineral became sepiolite in 1847, when the German mineralogy professor Ernst Friedrich Glocker described it as a complex magnesium silicate, giving it the name sepiolite (Greek: "sepia" - (cuttlefish) and "lithos" - (stone ).

Sepiolite is mined not in the sea, but in mines, since the deposits of the mineral are located deep underground in layers that were once the bottom of the ocean.

According to unverified data, the appearance of meerschaum pipes dates back to 1723. The meerschaum tubes are light and white, which gave them vernacular name. Sepiolite (and this is already a scientific name) is one of the most porous minerals in nature, perfectly workable and highly heat resistant, extremely suitable for the manufacture of smoking pipes. Properties that allow good absorption of moisture, and sepiolite can absorb up to 130% of its own weight, and resins add value to the material, and the ability to smoke dry and perceive the taste of tobacco in pure form are highly valued by pipe smokers.

If we move away from the formula given above and return to the everyday language, then the foam is nothing but the fossilized shells of all kinds of sea creatures that lived in the oceans. It is logical to assume that it can be found in various and sometimes exotic places, but it is believed that the main "deposits" are located in Turkey, and not somewhere on the coast, but in the central part of the country, near the city of Eskisehir. The word “deposit” is not in quotation marks by chance: the entire territory is several square kilometers. Several families are engaged in mining, passing the “business” from generation to generation.

Foam is mined both in the Mediterranean countries and in Africa, to which we will return a little later. In Greece, sepiolite was mined 1500 years ago. Then they didn’t hear about pipes, of course. It was needed for other purposes: for the manufacture, as it is now fashionable to say, art objects.

Pieces of the mineral "blocks" are washed and sorted into five categories. Subsequently, each of the categories is divided into another 12 varieties, taking into account color, uniformity, porosity, etc.

Pipe business was swallowed up by mechanization. Is this good or bad? – We’ll talk about this some other time, although it’s worth noting that there are no completely hand-made pipes, just as there are no completely machine-made ones.

Foam pipes are made only by hand. And although some work is done on machines, these machines are also “manual / foot operated”. Such is the material with which you have to work.

At the first stage, everything is approximately the same as with briar: selection of the best block, taking into account its size, color, density; finding the optimal block split line. Then the material is soaked for 15-30 minutes, and in this form, rough processing is carried out, determining the general shape, the shape of the smoking chamber and drilling a hole in the shank.

Then masterful work begins, the fruit of which may turn out to be an ordinary ordinary meerschaum pipe, or maybe a work of art, smoking which “you won’t raise your hand.”

The already finished pipe is not ready yet. It is fired in a kiln high temperature to completely remove moisture, they are polished using various abrasives, up to the finest, and treated with wax. Wax, as you know, is not only beeswax, but it is believed that it is he who is needed for meerschaum pipes. And not in a “native” (a word from beekeeping jargon) form, but discolored, which is achieved by holding the planed wax at sunlight with occasional stirring.

The nuances of color and tone are achieved different ways wax application, the number of layers and other methods. If anyone has come across light chocolate meerschaum tubes, you should know that henna was used in its final processing.

Over time, when smoking, the meerschaum pipe changes color due to the porosity of the material. It can be slightly yellowish or golden, reddish-cherry or brown. Each mineral block has its own unique properties, and each tube changes color randomly and unpredictably. Whether the color changes faster or slower depends on the frequency of smoking and, to a much lesser extent, on the type or type of tobacco.

Excluding five categories and twelve varieties, there are three types of foam: natural or block; pressed from foam crumbs and artificial, made of polymeric materials. It is naive to expect high qualities from the second and third types: they are what, again in the language of beekeepers, is called a fake. Artificial foam has a very smooth, almost mirror-like surface, since it is essentially a homogeneous mass. It is elastic, dense and hardly scratched, without giving crumbs. Pressed foam is more granular than natural, often crumbles and breaks, especially when heated strongly.
Pipes made of natural sepiolite are not branded by craftsmen as “Block meerschaum”. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes with a stigma... Well, you understand...

The fastidious reader has probably already noticed that we are talking about anything, but not about elephants. So it's time for them...

Older people remember “tea with an elephant” well. Sometimes this image appears on modern tea packs, but they are rare, and the tea in them ... so ... pah, not tea.

Very few people know about elephant pipes. This is understandable: there are few pipe smokers in Russia, and even fewer meerschaum pipe smokers. Considering that the majority of meerschaum pipes "came" to us from Turkey, then there are almost "nothing" of smokers of such pipes from Tanzania. It is on Tanzanian pipes that you can see the image of an elephant. Well, not only an elephant, of course, but an elephant is somehow more noticeable ...

I remember there was this song: In Africa, big and many-sided... there is a country called Tanganyika, in that country there is a sacred mountain. This mountain is Kilimanjaro, the highest in Africa. And Tanganyika (then a colony of England, and before that of Germany) is a country that, having united after obtaining sovereignty with Zanzibar (also a former colony), became known as Tanzania.

Even under the Germans, that is, before 1918, sepiolite was supplied to Europe, although these supplies were probably small. The British put more pressure on Agriculture. One way or another, but unlike Turkey, Tanzania did not have and still does not have a ban on the export of meerschaum.

In the early 50s of the last century, large deposits of meerschaum were discovered in the Amboseli National Park, located on the border of Kenya and Tanganyika, as well as at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Amboseli Pipes and its subsidiary Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation began using it to make meerschaum pipes. Not by yourself, of course. For this, the Tanganyika the Kilimanjaro Pipe Company Ltd. was established.

The names are long and sonorous, but behind these names were firms with a staff of several people, which, however, did not prevent pipe smokers from all over the world from learning about their business.

They were made both from a solid block "GENUINE BLOCK MEERSCHAUM" and from foam powder pressed in a special way. Sometimes these pipes were sheathed with leather, but more often they did this with pipes made of wood with foam inserts.

The company produced seventeen brands and sub-brands: Twiga, Kiko, Kilimajaro, Arcon, Tembo, Kudu, Makonde, Merlin and others.
Distinguishing sign of these pipes is the logo on the mouthpiece in the form of an elephant, a rhinoceros, a giraffe, an antelope, a flying bird…

Besides own production, the company extracts sepiolite for export to Austria, Belgium, England. From Tanzanian mershaum they make (or at least did) pipes such famous companies, like "Peterson" and "Barling" s. "In the old days, or rather: at the end of the 19th century, the English company Laxey Pipes Ltd." cooperated with "Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation" and supplied the pipes themselves (without mouthpieces) to these well-known brands.

If in Turkey and Greece meerschaum has been known for a very long time, then in Tanzania it is relatively “young”. The foam is denser and darker than Turkish, inferior to the latter in the purity of the material. Of course, there are no comrades for taste and color (we are talking about it), but many pipe smokers like that the Tanzanian foam is not so easily soiled, it does not require gloves. As for the density of the material, the Tanzanian one allows you to behave much more freely and not think that you can deprive yourself of the “device” with a careless movement.

Many Turkish-made meerschaum pipes are works of art. The white soft meerschaum gives space for a flight of fancy. Foam from Tanzania is much easier in this regard. But if the first ones (with the exception of unpretentious privates) are good for connoisseurs of the elegant and collectors, then the second ones, judging by the reviews of connoisseurs, are tastier, and this is the main thing for a smoker.

Now about brands in more detail.
caveman. In fact - a piece of foam with a mouthpiece, but each pipe is unique.
countryman. Block foam with a rusticated surface. Elephant on the mouthpiece.
Huntsman. Rusticated block foam, dyed yellow or black. Hillibilly. Block foam "in the style" of corn tubes.
Kiko Rough. Rusticated briar pipe with meerschaum inlay and elephant motif on the mouthpiece.
Kiko Plain. A smooth briar pipe with a meerschaum inlay and an elephant motif on the mouthpiece.
Kikob. Also "in the style" of corn with an elephant, but from briar with a meerschaum insert.
Kilimanjaro. Black smooth or rusticated briar with meerschaum inlay and rhinoceros motif on the mouthpiece.
Kilimanjaro Giant. The same as the previous one. It was produced in three shapes: sweat with an oval bowl, billiards and curved billiards.
Kudu. The image of a giraffe on the mouthpieces.
Makonde. Rhinoceros on the mouthpiece.
Merlin. A series of pipes produced in collaboration with Oppenheimer's company. A flying bird or antelope on the mouthpiece.
sportsman. Block foam lined with leather with an image of an elephant on the mouthpiece.
Townsman. Block foam dyed yellow, with a glossy finish.
Twiga. The pipe is sheathed in leather with the image of a giraffe on the mouthpiece.
white elephant.

There have always been misconceptions about meerschaum. Even in ancient times, it was considered frozen sea ​​foam, and it was for what. Later, meerschaum pipes appeared - there were also misconceptions associated with them. I will not list them. I will write only what I know myself or know from people I trust.

Just as no two briar pipes are the same, so there are no two meerschaum pipes. And besides, no two smokers are the same. Don't take the word of others. Each pipe is individual and it has a potential owner. The pipe is waiting, so don't be afraid to pick it up and taste it. The pipe will not get any worse from this, and you, I believe, too. If the meerschaum pipe also gives aesthetic pleasure with its color, shape, carving, then it is better both for the pipe and for its owner.

Remember above I wrote about the amazing absorption of foam? Do not be afraid to smoke foam several times a day. You will not be able to get so much moisture from smoking in a day that the pipe cannot cope with it. Just let her rest a little longer.

Don't think that washing your pipe in hot water or scrubbing it is a good idea.
If the tube becomes dirty, gently wipe it with a soft cotton or flannel cloth moistened with a little alcohol until the dirt is removed. The only condition: the tube must be completely cooled down. However, there is a second condition: do not consider any alcohol as alcohol. toilet water and other rubbish with a pronounced perfume smell.

Everyone knows that even a briar pipe should not be knocked out on a hard surface, so as not to be branded as a savage. Penkovuyu is categorically contraindicated. In special pipe ashtrays there is a cork "knocker", but it is not even desirable to knock it out, although it is possible. It is much more unreliable to carefully scrape a tee with a spatula, for example.

Meerschaum pipes do not need soot: they are smoked in the usual way from the very beginning. Moreover, carbon deposits in the meerschaum pipe must be removed, and preferably, if not after each smoking, then as this carbon deposits appear. The tool should not be sharp and rounded. Be especially careful when cleaning the outlet of the smoke channel into the bowl.

IMPORTANT. Never clean your meerschaum immediately after smoking. The foam at this time is wet and very soft, damage is nowhere easier.

Be careful when taking out the mouthpiece. Let the tube cool down. Hold the stem by the chibouk, and turn the mouthpiece clockwise easily and without tension and at the same time pull it towards you. This applies to meerschaum pipes with tenon. But threaded tubes should never be unscrewed “hot”. Sooner or later soft material stop holding tight.

Once upon a time, only wealthy people could afford a meerschaum pipe. Times have changed and now such tubes (albeit not all) are available to many. But at all times, both before and now, the meerschaum pipe has been and remains not only a smoking device, but also a handmade product, a unique thing that gives the owner both satisfaction from smoking and pride from possession.