Water drilling technology in high depth of water. Features of drilling technologies for water

For autonomous water supply country plot It is necessary to perform a complex of water drilling work on water and the installation of pumping equipment.

The process of creating a well for a single country has always has its own characteristics. In this article, we will analyze the technology of drilling wells for water in the Moscow region.

Major terms

Drilling - This is the process of a well construction for the destruction of rock.

Well - These are cylindrical mining, built using special tools for which a large length and small diameter are characteristic. The main parts of the well is the mouth - 1, trunk - 2 and the bottom - 3 (Figure 1).

Debit of wells (not to be confused with an accounting debit) - the volume of water that can be produced from the well per unit of time. It is measured in l / s or m 3 / h. The most important parameter for selection of water supply equipment and uninterrupted source operation.

The water well brings directly to the aquifer and, depending on the depth and flow, is an excellent source of water, both for household and industrial purposes.

Figure 1. Well scheme

The water well, like any other, is a complex technical structure and on compliance with drilling technology, as well as the correctness of the selection of the well design, its productivity depends on the service life and water quality.

Determining factors, when choosing a water drilling technology, the depth of groundwater is depth, as well as rock rocks, the sloping incision at the drilling site. The correctly selected technology will allow the well to be dried in the minimum time, exclude accidents and complications in the drilling process, and most importantly, to obtain a maximum flow rate corresponding to these geological conditions.

Types of wells

Water wells can be divided into three main types, depending on the target aquifer (Figure 2):

  • shallow sand;
  • deep sand;
  • limestone (artesian aquifer).

Figure 2. Location of aquifer

In the Moscow region, the location of aquifer ranges in the following intervals:

  • the first (shallow sand) - 10 - 30 m;
  • second (deep sand) - 40 - 90 m;
  • third (limestone) - reaches a 220 m mark.

The wells for limestone - aquifer complex of Paleozoic coal deposits, which nourishes the Moscow region and is divided into several horizons:

  • serpukhovsky (Lower Carbon);
  • podolsko-mechkovsky (medium carbon);
  • kashirsky (medium carbon);
  • casimovsky layer (upper carbon);
  • gzhelsky (Upper Carbon).

The Moscow region is divided into the following aquifers:

  • south - water level is at a depth of 10 - 70 m, the depth of wells from 40 to 120 m;
  • southwest - has a small flow rate, the depth of wells on average 50-70 m;
  • the central region is the largest in size, water mainly carbonate, carbonate sulfate;
  • eastern - the depth of occurrence of aquifer - 20 - 50 m, water is very mineralized.

Assessment of the state of groundwater of the Moscow region is significantly complicated by the large intensity of their use on a relatively limited territory.

Although the population of Moscow is almost 100% provided by surface waters, then in the region, on the contrary, most water consumption objects use groundwater. At the same time, every year the number of autonomous consumers is growing - these are new cottage villages, industrial enterprises and holiday homes.

According to 2011, the potential of water resources of the Moscow region is 11.3 million m 3 / day. The largest production density of the water treatment (up to 2 l / s per km 2) is located in the central part of the region.

As a result of a high intensity of underground water resources consumption in the region, an extensive depression funnel was formed, which unevenly covers various aquifers, and its center is located in Moscow.

Sunflower Drilling Technology

In the Moscow region, the aquifers are locked at a depth of 10 - 30 m, the flow rate of such wells will be up to 1 m 3 / h, which is quite enough to provide a small country site. Although, with the right engineering solution, such a well is fully capable of providing a small vacation home. To do this, it is necessary to use a cumulative container in which borehole pump will pump water from the well, and another one surface pump deliver water directly to the consumer.

Drilling on a shallow sand is possible in Volokolamsk, Voskresensky, Yegoryevsky, Mytishchinsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Podolsky, Ramenskoye, Ruza, Solnechnogorsky districts, more - drilling wells for water. The first aquifer in these areas is located at a depth of 10 - 30 m, the flow of wells from 0.5 to 1 m 3 / h. However, due to the high density of industrial facilities in many areas, the quality of the water of the upper aquifers is not high.

The advantages of wells for the first aquifer is:

  • small cost;
  • fast drilling process;
  • the possibility of operation using an inexpensive vibration pump.

Disadvantages of the well on the shallow sand:

  • relatively short service life;
  • small flow rate;
  • unstable water quality;
  • the dependence of the water level of seasonal oscillations and neighboring watersters.

It should also be noted that the filter of the sandy well is necessary to periodically rinse due to its grain. Replacement such a filter is not subject to replacement, therefore, when it fails, it will have to drill a new well. Despite the presence of the filter, it is difficult to secure the water supply system of a sandy well from the sandage of sand, which can significantly reduce the life of the well pump.

For drilling shallow wells in loose rocks, the most popular auger drilling. The auger is a pipe with spiral blades (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Drilling Auger

The rig for its design resembles a corkscrew, due to which the drilling occurs due to the rotational process with immersion in the soil and the recess of the selected rock on the reverse move (Figure 4).

Drilling a screw is performed using installations on cargo and passenger cars. You can screw the auger to the ground and manually, as well as using an electric drive or a motorible. Manual drilling allows you to get water on the site yourself, however, drilling with an electric drive, although the cost, but allows you to greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

Drilling with auger is possible only by soft rocks. If rock rocks are emerging on the way, further drilling will be impossible. You can increase the length of the auger using docks with additional screws or rods.

1 - wellbore, 2 - auger, 3 - chosen breed.

Figure 4. Rotary drilling diagram with auger

At the end of the drilling wall of the well are strengthened by a casing. The design of the well on the shallow sand is one casing with a perforated filter part.

For plants of water wells, pipes of two types are used on sand:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

The classic solution for plating a water well is tubes of black steel. Having a 4.5 mm wall thickness, the steel pipe will retain the integrity of 10-30 years, withstanding any movement of soils, and at the same time will not add anything except rust. However, the presence of rust (trivalent iron) in water is not a big problem, it is easily removed using an ordinary household filter. The only harm that can cause rust is the harm of the pump, provided that it is only calculated on clean water.

The main disadvantage of steel pipes is the high cost, so to cover wells on a shallow sand with a relatively low service life, the use of steel pipes is not always appropriate.

An alternative to the chucks of shallow wells are plastic pipes - NSLH, PND.

The main pluses of plastic pipes are the impetition of corrosion and the absence of any additives into water, as well as low price, relative to steel pipes.

The disadvantage is their low strength.

In the wellbones in the sand necessarily use the filter. The filter zone, however,, like the production pipe itself, is not subject to replacement, so actually time well service devices depends on the service life of the filter. Also, the quality and design of the filter play a decisive role, in which water will give the well.

Sand well design

The classic well construction on the deep and shallow sand is the same and is a casing with a filter. The filter can be installed "Way" (Fig. 5) or made on the casing tube (Fig. 6).

Figure 5. The design of the sand well with the filter "Woven". Figure 6. Conventional well design on sand.

The design of the filter for the sand in the sand is quite simple, therefore the quality of the material from which it is made is made in choosing the filter.

The filter is made of the following elements (Figure 7):

  • perforated base - 1;
  • frame filter layer - 2;
  • directly filter layer - 3.

Figure 7. Filter for a well on sand

The main advantage of the design of the well with the conductor and the "Way" filter installed (Figure 5) is a reliable insulation in the water well from surface pollutionthat is impossible with a conventional one-tube design.

Although, due to technological complexity, this filter is more expensive, but it provides better water quality, and the main thing is to replace, which is significantly more profitable than to bury the new well.

The main disadvantage of such technology is the complexity of the installation of a reliable gland intended to prevent the sand penetration into the well and insulation of the interval between the working and filter column.

The restriction for installing the filter "Woven" is the presence of small dusty sands in the aquifer due to the impossibility of creating gravel sinking filter, and therefore a slight decrease in the debit of well due to the use of small grids.

However, in the layers of coarse sand and alert this technology It is possible, among other things in the Moscow region.

The most common design of the well on sand in the Moscow region is presented in Figure 6.

By type of filter layer, filters of three types are used:

  • frame-rod;
  • mesh;
  • combined.

The most effective are stainless steel frame-rod filters, but these filters have a high cost. Quite good operating characteristic There are mesh filters from stainless steel, while having a much lower cost than frame-rod. In addition net filter Can be installed on PVC pipes. Due to this, this filter is optimal for wells to a shallow sand.

Filters with a polymer mesh are also used, but they are technologically inferior metal gridbecause the external loads are kept worse.

PVD filter (polyethylene high pressure) It is a perforated tube with a special fiber-porous material placed on it.

This coating perfectly protects the well from the penetration of solid particles from the aquifer, including dusty sands. In this case, this filter is capable of providing good permeability on the flooded sands, due to the porosity of the material.

PVD spraying consists of three layers:

  • supportive - largest;
  • worker - average character;
  • protective - finely protected.

The advantage of this filter is its versatility: it works evenly in an alkaline and acidic environment, is environmentally safe and not toxic, does not highlight into water chemical elementsis protected from hardness salts. Thanks to the fibrous and porous barrier, it perfectly protects the borehole pump from any mechanical impurities.

To increase the flow rate, an increase in the duration of the filter, a decrease in the coaching process (casing) is performed by gravel filter sulfium (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Gravel filter sprinkle

The gravel sprinkle can be performed only with rotary drilling with flushing. In some cases, instead of gravel it is possible to use coarse sand. The gravel layer between the filter and aquifers increases the filter area, prevents dusty sands from entering, reduces the abrasive effect of sand on the grid and extends the filter period several times.

Performance feasible under the observance of the above technology and the use of highly qualified personnel.

Deep Drilling Technology for Deep Sand

In some areas of the Moscow region, the nearest aquifer is located at a depth of more than 30 m.

For example, in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region not everywhere there is a shallow shut-off aquifer. At the same time, wells drilled on deep sand (from 40 m) give a flow rate up to 2 m 3 / h. Also, the wells on the deep sand of Buryat in Istra, Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrovsky, Pushkinsky and Sergiev Posad regions.

For example, in the Yaroslavl and Belgorod region, there are almost no wells for limestone, due to the fact that the aquifer limestones occur quite deeply, 150-250 m. Accordingly, such wells require more complex design, Applications of two or three casing columns different diameter, as well as more powerful borehole equipment.

The wells for deep sand have a number of advantages over shallow, as well as artesian wells:

  • debit of wells on deep sand is higher than in a shallow (1.5 - 2.5 m 3 / h);
  • water quality is better (stable) than in shallow wells;
  • drilling time and cost lower than for artesian;
  • in contrast to the drilling of deep artesian wells, no license for subsoil use is required.

However, problems using the filter for the sandy well remain the same as for shallow sandy wells.

The most optimal method for the beads of the well on deep sand is rotary drilling.

Drilling with a rotary way is performed using a frame rig, on which lifting equipment is mounted, which is allowed to raise and lower the drill string. The installation of rotary drilling can be performed on the basis of the car (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Installation of rotary drilling

With a rotary drilling method, the rock is destroyed by the rotating bit, to which the axial load from the rotor is supplied using a drill string, which consists of drill pipes interconnected by couplings. The top shaft of the column through the swivel, providing free cargo rotation, is suspended to the melting system. This system Provides the flow of the drilling pipe of the drill pipes into the chisel. As a result, the coiled breed (sludge) rises to the surface along with the drilling fluid.

The rotary drilling scheme is presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Rotary drilling scheme.
1 - Chisel, 2 - Drilling column, 3 - Drill pipe, 4 - Floor equipment, 5 - Rotor, 6 - winch, 7 - leading drill pipe, 8 - Vertilug, 9 - Hook, 10 - Talem block, 11 - krangelock .

Well drilling technology on limestone

Within the Moscow region, aquifered limestones occur extremely uneven, from 20 m in the south, up to 200 m in the north, but the spread of the Artesian horizon is most common at a depth of over 100 m.

Due to the high depth of the arms of artesian waters and, accordingly, highly reservoir pressure water well on limestone can be pressure, sometimes self-deployed.

Advantages of the Artesian Well:

  • the possibility of drilling anywhere;
  • stable water quality;
  • long service life;
  • high performance.

Disadvantages of the Artesian Well:

  • technological complexity of drilling;
  • high cost of drilling;
  • possible high mineralization of water;
  • legal entities need a license for the use of subsoil.

Due to the widespread of the spread of water-saturated limestones, as well as a high flow rate of artesian wells, such a well is an optimal solution for monumental structures, housing cooperatives, as well as industrial purposes.

The drilling of artesian wells is a rather complicated process due to the depth and hardness of rocks. Depending on the geological conditions in different parts of the Moscow region, these or other problems arise in the drilling process.

In the Volokolamsky district, difficulties can create granite deposits found near Sychevo and Cherezovo. Although in a number of settlements, water limestones are located not deep, from 30 to 50 meters. Also do not deeply flow aquiferous limestones near the river-river bed in the Voskresensk district. In Kashirsky district, the first limestones are located at a depth of about 40 m, but they do not have sufficient water studies and only complicate further drilling to water-saturated carbonate rocks located at a depth of 70 - 140 m. In addition, there are unstable breeds in the context, which leads to an increase in flow Drilling scenes. It is necessary to choose casing tubeslarge diameter for overlapping these breeds. In the lotoshin, Ruz and Odintsovo districts, drilling is complicated by boulders falling into the breed. In the context of the breeds of the Chekhovsky district there are crumbling breeds of limestone, requiring a reliable metal chip.

The optimal solution for drilling artesian wells is rotary drilling. Due to the simultaneous impact on a rock-reserving tool of the axial load and torque, the drilling performance increases significantly.

Hide drilling is suitable for breed V-XII category. The waterproof is installed between the column set and the drill pipes. For the means of drill pipes, a drilling fluid and rotation are fed into the chisel. The flushing fluid removes the sludge from the face, cools the chisel, as well as the drive of the shock machine. With an increase in the flow rate of the drilling fluid, the energy of a single strike increases, which leads to an increase in the intensity of breed destruction.

In relatively soft rocks, an increase in the velocity of the axial load increases the drilling rate, and in solid abrasive rocks, with an increase in the axial load, the wear of a rock separating tool increases.

In solid rocks, it is advisable to use a pneumatic bar. Pneumoral drilling is a type of shock-rotational, using a submersible drill hammer - a pneumatic room operating on the energy of compressed air. Piston-bats of a pneumatic diabetes progressively return movements on the shank, which is part of the bit that rotates with the pneumatic bar. Cleaning the face from the chuck occurs with the help of a well purge. As the well deepends, the drilling projectile is increasing.

The diagram of pneumatic drilling is presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Scheme of pneumatic drilling
1 - chisel, 2 - Pneumatic bar, 3 - Drilling tools, 4 - rotator with electric motor, 5 - Feed mechanism, 6 - Compressed air supply hose, 7 - compressor, 8 - control panel.

Design of wells on limestone

The design of the well on limestone can be four types:

  • classical - includes a casing, reaching water limestone, and then an open barrel of smaller diameter (suitable for strong limestone);
  • with a double casing - consists of casing pipes of two diameters: more at the top to the aquifer and smaller in the aquifer (Figure 12);
  • with a conductor - it is used when you need to cut off quaternary deposits of a casing of a larger diameter;
  • telescopic - the design consists of three or more casing columns of different diameters, where each subsequent column with a diameter of less than the previous one is used in areas with a complex geology to cut off unstable and aquifers.

Depending on the geological section of the drilling area, the depth of the aquifer is preferable to one or another well design or a combination of several structures.

Let's look at a few examples.

Example 1: Classic two-pipe design with plastic.

Figure 12. Body design with double shock

Drilling technology can be described as follows:

  • Sulking the vegetable layer, the thickness of the sand with the inclusions of gravel, the thickness of the clay, we reach limestone (see Fig. No. 12). According to the nature of drilling, the velocity of the peak, visual control of the storage breed, raised (washed with drilling fluid) to the surface, determine the lithological cut.
  • A little caress the limestone, raise the tool.
  • We produce a tip of the metal pipe on the roof of limestone.
  • We change the chisel, we wash the wellbore from the drilling fluid. Use for further drilling is clean water (without bentonite).
  • We continue drilling in limestone inside the metal pipe.
  • Passing a layer of dry limestone, we reveal to the fractured, aquiferous limestone. Cracks in limestone can be determined by the absorption (failure) of the circulating water into the opening crack. The drilling tool can also fall at 10-15 cm.
  • We raise the drilling tool, change the bit to a smaller diameter.
  • We continue drilling, we open the fractured limestone, carefully control the process to determine the presence in the limestone of Mergel, clay, sand, if any.
  • Turning out 5.10 or 20 meters of water limestone, a plastic pipe is closed. Limestone opening depth Determines the drilling master indirect signsDepending on the power, the thickness, aquifer, the required amount of water and lithological features.

Because clay and sand becks in limestone there are no, the limestone is difficult to use, the non-destructive, plastic pipe attached to the aquiferous limestone, the cracks open the open barrel.

Example 2: Single-tube design with complications.

Figure 13. Single-tube well design

The drilling process to limestone is described in Example No. 1. When drilling in limestone and the construction of the water treatment part there are differences. Let's look at them.

If you do not block the clay and sand in limestone and collect the design as in the 1st example, we will get muddy water with sand.

It can go constantly or arise after a distance (lack of water discharging from the well).

The drilling master, which does not carefully track the drilling process, may not notice the layer of clay and sand, collecting the design as in Example No. 1. After completing an experienced pumping and finding a torment and sand, it will be forced to dismantle the plastic, install a smaller diameter metal pipe to overlap the sand layer. Be sure to seal the transition between the pipes with a packer to eliminate the possibility of the flow of muddy water with sand along the transition between the pipes.

Figure 14. Design of well with complications in the drilling process.

The clay layer can be blocked by a plastic pipe, the sand layer of the plastic tube is problematic. Therefore, a lesy diameter metal pipe is used. If the initial pipe is Ø133 mm, then the pipe Ø114 mm is installed inside. The pipe Ø114 mm closes the PND tube with a diameter of 94 or 90 mm, in 94 pipes can be installed a well pump with a diameter of 3 inches (76 mm). In the PND Ø90mm - the pump with normal pressure characteristics will not be able to install.

Figure 15. Design "Telescope".

When the water level is generated above the transition 133-114 (no less than 15-20 meters, it is possible to build a design with a plastic - 90 (94) of the Metal and 117 inside 133 (see Figure No. 14. ).

Let's look at the technology of drilling well taking into account the presence of unstable breeds in the context. The situation considered below is typical for deep wells (150-200 m), cuts with boulders and wells with intermediate aquifers. In order to interval reinforcement of the formation, the design "Telescope" is used (Figure No. 15).

The customer to put the task is to drill a well to the limestone and collect the design 133/117.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. We begin to drill a well under the 133 metal pipe with chisel 146 or 155 (161) mm. But, without reaching limestone, we meet in the context of boulders together with aquifer.
  2. When drilling below, the boulders begin the taps of the instrument - stones fall on the guide with chisels and bought it, interfere with continuing further drilling, block, do not raise the tool from the wellbore.
  3. When trying to harmonize the installation of the conductor with the customer, it does not allow permission to increase the cost of the well and is ready for the result without plastic. We make a solution to isolate unstable breeds by setting a pipe with a diameter of 133 mm in a stubborn trunk.
  4. Further drilling continue inside the pipe by a bit of 124 mm.
  5. Having reached limestone, install a metal pipe of 114 mm. Seal the transition between the pipes with a packer, to exclude the dirt and water flow in the slot between the pipes.
  6. We wash the wellbore from the drilling fluid. We bring further incision in limestone with a bit of 76 mm on clean water.
  7. When opening limestone, we detect the glilateral layer in it, the upper part of the aquosity limestone is destroyed.
  8. We are taking decisions to isolate the layers of clay deaf metal pipe Ø89 mm, and destroyed limestone to equip a perforated pipe.
  9. To do this, we boar the open limestone with a bit of 98 mm - to strong limestone. We raise the drill column and plug 89 pipes.
  10. In a strong limestone, the water-receiving part is left open with an open barrel Ø76 mm.

In such a situation, the design with plastic is not possible to assemble. Since the water was formed at 114 pipes, the metal Ø89 mm is below. In 89, the pipe does not fit the PND tube to which you can install the pump. The customer will be delivered before the fact that it was not possible to implement the planned design of 133/117. The cost of the well will be recalculated. The term of work, the resulting wells, will be significantly less than planned 40-50 years.

That is why we recommend using the Ø159 mm initial pipe or use the conductor in areas with a complex geology. This is more efficiently and durable, it allows you to collect a design with a plastic liner inside the pipe with almost any complication - see Figure No. 16.

Figure №16. Body design with conductor.

Addressing the drilling company, it is necessary to clearly set the problem on the flow rate, the diameter of the planned pump, its power.

Experts begin to plan a well design with a filter and an approprical zone depending on the lithological cut and the power of the aquifer. That is, they begin to plan the design from the bottom up, and not the opposite.

If we talk about the initial diameters and averaged well parameters with good geology, then approximately the following values \u200b\u200bcan be called:

  • Pipe Ø133 mm - will provide a flow rate of up to 3 m 3 / h, suitable to provide water with one or two cottages;
  • Pipe Ø 159 mm - will provide a flow rate of up to 8 m 3 / h, an option for a large house with additional buildings or for several households;
  • Pipe Ø 219 mm - will provide a flow rate up to 15-40 m 3 / h, such wells are industrial and are able to provide water industrial object or a small settlement.

For those who want to explore this question more tightly we advise you to use additional literature - Bashkatov D.N., Rogova V.L., Drilling wells for water. We recommend this book as a desk allowance for beginner boring. Unfortunately, she was written in 1976 and does not take into account some modern materials and technology.

Conclusions: The process of drilling well is a complex technological process. Drilling will be successful, and the well will retain its performance for several decades, provided:

  1. Ownership of the drilling organization with comprehensive information on the geological features of the site, where work will be performed. We have experience experience in this place.
  2. The presence in the state of professional drillings, capable of responsibly, chevetally refers to the drilling process and to the construction of the correct design of the well.
  3. The conscientiousness and responsibility of the organization. Today, in pursuit of maximum benefits, many lose these important human qualities, inventing different schemes Cheating customers.
  4. The conscientiousness and responsibility of the drilling brigade. The desire to quickly prove often leads to the deception of the employer and the customer at the same time. Sale on the side of the underworked pipes in the well, drilling instruments. Credit with the customer in the depths of the well (let's drink 30, and we will make 50, 20 meters in half ...) Shiving the customer's guarantee.
  5. The organization should own the material and technical base. Carry out the repair of equipment, to make parts for wells for wells (pull out the transition, make a packer, cut the thread), storage required tool and equipment. Have a qualified staff able to ensure the functioning of the base and provide a continuous workflow of drilling and assembly brigades.

The combination of all these criteria is the key to the construction of the well using technology and producing a reliable well on your site. This criteria corresponds to the company "Water Assistance".

The well for water production is a rather complicated structure. Many today are interested in drilling wells for water: process technology, tools and equipment for work. The quality of water from a well or well depends on their design. The quality of work performed depends on the service life.

How to drill a water well

Before drilling a well to water, you must choose a place for it. It should be a plot of land with approximate dimensions of 4x12 m. If the house is not yet built, it is better to choose a place in the future basement. If the house is already delivered, then drilling better closer to the foundation. To the place of work it is necessary to ensure the travel of a drill plant and a car-water carrier. At a distance of about 2 m from the location of the bora, there should be no electrical wires. Such measures require general rules for drilling wells for water.

There are several drilling methods. But with any of them the following operations must be performed:

  • grinding breed;
  • garbage of crushed land outwards;
  • strengthening the walls of the well.

How does breed grinding? This is done with the help of special rocking devices. It may be explosive energy, electrical or thermal. But all these types are used quite rarely. Much more often use others: screws, glasses, manual boots.

Remove the soil outward in the following ways:

  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • combined.

The hydraulic method is made with water, clay solution or other technical fluid. Mechanical - using special drills, screws, ulutes. With a pneumatic method, the crushed breed is removed by a strong jet of compressed air. In the combined method, use several of these methods.

Fastening the water wells for water technology recommends carrying out metal casing tubes. Most often these are solidized pipes on the threaded or welded joint. Occasionally and other options are used. But it is not recommended to use stainless steel (Very expensive!) And galvanized metal.

When drilling a well to water, flushing is often used. This is a method in which water is supplied to the well using pumps. It then climbs together with a crushed rock and defends in a special sump. In the area, the drillers determine the incision of the site. Water then makes a new circle. The rising clay solution strengthens the walls and does not give them to collapse.

The process of drilling the well implies its consistent tip pipes. The drilling of wells on the water of them by pumping, which is conducted until a completely transparent liquid goes.

Water drilling methods

The drilling technology of the well under water allows you to work in several ways:

  • screw;
  • rotary;
  • shock-cable;
  • manual.

Consider each of them in more detail.

The screw drilling of wells is the most common and affordable way. A screw in the form of a screw enters the soil and breaks it. You can only drill dry and soft soil. The augers are not at all suitable for swimming. This tool destroys the breed and raises it into a downhill. The augers are diameter from 60 to 800 mm. It is possible to drill them to a depth of 60 m, sometimes up to 100 m. The screw drilling of wells is impossible on rocking soils.

The rotary method is the continuous action of the tool called the rotor. He is constantly rotating. The breed is washed with clay mortar. This method is relatively cheap and fast enough. But in cold weather, it requires the insulation of the system, on which water circulates. Drilling is carried out using cars:

  • URB-2A2;
  • MBU-2M;
  • URB-2.5;
  • URB-3AM.

URB-2A2 is capable of drilling the soil to a depth of 55 m, URB-2.5 - up to 300 m, and URB-3AM - up to 500 m.

Shock-rope method is the most time consuming. But it is not necessary to forget, since he is the highest quality. The breed is destroyed after the impact of a heavy item. This is a special form pointed glass of steel pipe. It falls from the height, hits the soil, takes the ruined ground and rises. Upstairs a glass is clean and thrown down again.

The drill unit itself can be made with their own hands from pipes or from logs in the form of a triangular cone. This cone is equipped with a winch with a cable. Water well drilling technology does not require the use of a clay solution. But the installation of casing should be carried out in a timely manner. Such a setting can be drilled with a diameter of 10-30 cm. But the depth cannot exceed 10 m. For drilling, you can apply the installations of UKS-22M2, UGB-50, UGB-1VS.

Manual method is used quite often. It uses clogging pipes or auch. Pipes are cut into pieces of about 2-3 m long. At the ends, the outer thread is cut. A tip is welded to the bottom end of the pipe. It has the form of a cone, the diameter of which is 1 cm more diameter Pipes. Above the tip 60-100 cm pipe is drilled after 5 cm with a diameter of 6 mm. It will be a kind of filter. As the pipe blends, it is lengthened by couplings. But it is easier to enter by another way. You need to cook for work:

  • various borants;
  • rods;
  • pipes for chuck;
  • winch;
  • drill tower.

If the well is not very deep, the need for a tower disappears. The work process is quite simple. You need to dig a hole with a depth of about 50 cm, install the boring and start rotating it. Work is better together. Every 50 cm borrow is removed from the ground and clean it. This method is cheaper than the rest, but has a depth limitations.


Water well drilling technology implies breed destruction, cleaning of the trunk, wall strengthening and final well equipment pipes, filters, pumps and cranes for the fence drinking water. The process of drilling a well may be different. Deep shuffers are performed using the rotational technology of drilling wells. Often use screw drilling: its technology is quite simple and applied on personal sites. At the speed of rotation of the screws 250 revolutions per minute, the entire process occurs quite quickly.

With any drilling technologies, a cuddle of special pipes is used to protect the walls from the collapse and on the penetration of dirty water from the upper aquifers.

Shallow wells can be obtained by a shock-channel way. The manual method works well. Any drilling ends with the closure of the vertex of aquifer with a special headband. The necessary wires, hoses and pipes for delivering water to the house are passed through it.

Most reliable way Supporting country household water consists in the device of its own source. But for this you need to drill soil layers to contact with aquifer. Exist different methods Drilling wells for water, some of which are quite realistic to embody with their own hands using a special tool. Drill technologies used for wells for water production will become the topic of the article. Separately consider effective methods Self-deepening in soil, which are not difficult, because they are used by many homeowners who do not have experience in drill work.

The location of the aquifers relative to the surface of the soil depends not only from the region and hydrological characteristics. Plays a role, water of what quality is the purpose of drilling. Experts distinguish three key aquifers of various water quality, moisture reserves, ground depth.

Not far from the surface (3-10 m) there is a first water reservoir, called the Ripper. It is just that water, to which you can do without much difficulties if you drill with your own hands. On the path of drilling, solid rocks are extremely rare, therefore, having a small experience and a simple tool, there is an opportunity to arrange an Abyssinian well (the so-called a well for the production of moisture from the rover). The power of surface water layers is small, so the debit above 0.5 m3 per hour should not count. Water quality in most cases is low, which is enough only to ensure technical needs.

The occurrence of sandy aquifers is at a depth of 10-35 m. Here is a satisfactory water in quality, more considerable power of the inflow (debit to 1 m3). It is unlikely to be equipped with her hands to the sandy waterproof, although experience shows that some diligent water "prospectors" could have been able if the horizon was at a small depth (up to 15 m). In most cases, mechanized drilling methods are used for the device "on the sand".

Limestone waterpons (30-250 m) are located deeper, to which drilling with their own hands is not accustomed to the very surface location relative to the surface of the soil. In order to get a loose limestone, carrying the highest quality artesian water, sometimes not any drill technique will suit. The inflow of water here is much higher (3-5 m3) and depends on the power of the reservoir and the perfection of the well. Now consider the methods of drilling wells to water into the water, including those professionable with their own hands.

Well drilling methods?

The choice of a method that would help get to the desired waterproof depends, first of all, from the depth of the ground and the features of the soils. You will have to choose among such drilling methods:

  • screw;
  • rotor;
  • shock-rope;
  • manual.

Each of the listed methods has advantages, but not everyone will help get to deep reservoirs of water reserves. Which depth of drilling can be rejected using the designated types of drilling wells, talk further.

Drilling Snack

The wells of the well is the simplest of the mechanized technologies used. Drilling occurs with the rotation of the screw-like device, which first breaks the ground, crashes into it, and then raises it to the mouth of the well. It is possible to drill in this way to a depth of 80 m with a width of the well from 10 to 60 cm.

Advantage auger drilling In the simplicity of technology and its relatively low cost. In the regions with dry and not solid soils, such a way of drilling wells is preferable to others, if you boot up to the rigor or "on the sand". It is possible to get a screw to limestone if it lies not deeply.

The lack of the method is that it is not suitable in the saturation of soils by scaling rocks or the presence of floats. Often the screw method is complemented by others, which helps to go through the drilling fragments of rock deposits.

Rotary drill plants

The robot of the rotary bora can be compared with the action of the construction perforator. The breed is broken down due to the rotation of the working part and the impact, which provides the hydraulic mechanism. The destroyed soil is removed on the surface due to the continuous washing of the trunk with clay mortar. Distinguish these types of washing:

  • straight;
  • reverse.

Straight flushing is easier to be carried out technically. In this case, the solution is supplied to the barrel and goes to the mouth of the bonding space (between the casing and the edge of the bored barrel).

Reverse flushing is more difficult technologically, but it gives the best autopsy of the aquifer and a greater debit of well during subsequent operation. The washing liquid is poured into the burglar space, after which it pumped out pumping equipment Together with the breed destroyed during drilling.

Rotary drilling is the most technically complex and expensive of the methods used, but it is indispensable if desired to achieve deep artesian aquifers, especially on complex soils. The depth of drilling by the rotor reaches 300m, which allows to open any deep-resolved artesian layers. Another advantage of the method is the high velocity of the trunk.

The lack of rotary technology in the use of large volumes of the clay solution used for washing, as a result of which clay pollutes aquifer around the well. In order to evaluate the quality of water and its influx, it is necessary to wash the trunk for a long time until pure water becomes approaching.

Shock-rope drilling

The shock-cable method will not attribute to new methods of penetration of the trunk, as it is one of the first, which was used to be mechanized at the beginning of the last century. Despite the fact that the technology is largely perfect, it is still applicable due to its simplicity and good quality of the well-made well.

Breaking the soil in such a method for a long time. The essence of the trunk's penetration is that heavy, the cylindrical subject (glass) is falling from the height (glass), and due to this, smashes. The sample of the destroyed rock occurs the same glass, arranged so that the soil enters its cavity and rises upstairs along with the projectile. A glass lifting occurs with the help of a cable and winch, which is installed on a tripod, or another reliable frame, towering above the soil level.

To destroy solid rocks found on the trunk running path, a shock rod is used, which beats the glass from above, multiplying the force. Often, for the same purposes, the tip performs the function of chisels is additionally used.

Despite the complexity of the drilling drilling method, the technology has a number of advantages, most importantly of which is a high-quality opening of aquifer with minimal pollution. The second undoubted plus is a technological simplicity, thanks to which this method of drilling wells, many homeowners, as experience shows, are successfully used with the device shallow wells with their own hands.

If the goal of drilling in such a method is deeper than the upper aquifers, it is necessary to take care of improving the trunk pipes to cut off the floats and underlying water layers.

How most of all BURATE do it yourself?

Considering that manual drilling It is very laborious, it is not necessary to calculate the deep well. Experience suggests that it is even physically physically physically physically, and it takes too much time.

For self-penetration, the trunk is usually applied by manual drill, which, in fact, is a shortened screw (the principle of impact on the soil is the same). Rotation of the borax occurs due to the gate that is above the surface. When releasing the screw and the gate, connective rods are used.

After the penetration of 15-30 cm, the entire design is removed on the surface and cleaned from the nagwed soil. The greater the depth, the process of notching and reverse room manual Bura The well becomes more difficult, which slows down the drilling rate strongly and limits the rational depth of the trunk penetration.


Modern methods of drilling wells allow you to get high-quality water from large depths. However, this process is not for everyone by pocket, so it will be long-owned with your own hands with the use of this methods, especially in the regions where waterproofs are close to the surface with good quality water.

Oil and gas well construction Develop and clarify in accordance with specific geological conditions of drilling in a given area. It should ensure the fulfillment of the task, i.e. Achieving project depth, opening of oil and gas deposits and carrying out the entire planned complex of research and work in the well, including its use in the field development system.

The design of the well depends on the complexity of the geological section, the drilling method, the purpose of the well, the method of opening the productive horizon and other factors.

The source data for the design of the well design includes the following information:

    purpose and depth of the well;

    project horizon and characteristics of the collector breed;

    geological section at the location of the well with zones possible complications and indication of reservoir pressures and pressure of hydraulic rocks at intervals;

    the diameter of the operational column or the final diameter of the well, if the descent of the operational column is not provided.

Procedure design oil and gas construction following.

    Selects construction of the wellbore . The design of the well in the interval of the productive formation should provide best conditions Receipts of oil and gas in the well and the most efficient use of plastic energy oil and gas deposits.

    Justified the required the number of casing and depths of their descent. To this end, a graph of the change in the anomalcy of the reservoir pressure k, and the index of the pressure of the absorption of KPogl is being built.

    The choice is justified diameter of the operational column and coordinate the diameters of the casing and chisels. The calculation of the diameters is lowered upwards.

    Cementing intervals are selected. From the shoe of the casing to the mouth to the mouth of cement: conductors in all wells; intermediate and operational columns in exploration, search, parametric, reference and gas wells; Intermediate columns in oil wells in a depth of over 3000 m; On a plot with a length of at least 500 meters from the intermediate column shoe in oil wells to 3004) M (under the condition of the ceiling solution with a tamponium solution of all permeable and unstable rocks).

The interval of cementing of operational columns in oil wells can be limited to a section from the shoe to section, located at least 100 m above the lower end of the previous intermediate column.

All casing columns in wells built in the waters are cemented along the entire length.

    Stages of design of the hydraulic well flushing program with drilling fluids.

Under the hydraulic program is understood as a set of regulated parameters of the well flushing process. The nomenclature of adjustable parameters is as follows: Indicators of the properties of the drilling fluid, the supply of drilling pumps, the diameter and the number of hydromonitorial chisel nozzles.

When compiling a hydraulic program, it is assumed:

Eliminate fluid formations from the reservoir and the absorption of the drilling fluids;

Prevent blurring of well walls and mechanical dispersion of the transported sludge in order to eliminate the drilling fluid operation;

Ensure the removal of the selected rock from the annular space of the well;

Create conditions for maximum use of the hydromonitorial effect;

Rationally use the hydraulic power of the pumping unit;

Exclude emergency situations When stopping, circulating and start drilling pumps.

The listed requirements for the hydraulic program are satisfied under the condition of formalization and solving a multifactorical optimization problem. Famous schemes Designing the flushing process of roaming wells is based on the calculations of hydraulic resistances in the system along a given supply of pumps and indicators of the properties of drilling solutions.

Such hydraulic calculations are carried out according to the following scheme. At first, based on the empirical recommendations, the speed of movement of the drilling fluid in the annular space and calculate the required flow of drilling pumps. According to the passport characteristic of drilling pumps, the diameter of the sleeves capable of ensuring the required flow is selected. Then, according to the respective formulas, hydraulic losses in the system excluding the loss of pressure in the bit. The area of \u200b\u200bnozzles of hydromonitorial chisels is selected based on the difference between the maximum discharge pressure pressure (corresponding to the selected bushings) and the calculated pressure loss on hydraulic resistance.

    Principles of the choice of drilling method: the main selection criteria, consideration of the depth of the well, temperature in the trunk, complication of drilling, design profile, etc. factors.

The choice of method of drilling, the development of more efficient methods for the destruction of rocks to the bottom of the well and the solution of many issues related to the construction of the well, are impossible without studying the properties of the rocks themselves, the conditions for their occurrence and the influence of these conditions on the properties of rocks.

The choice of drilling method depends on the structure of the formation, its collector properties, the composition of the liquids and / or gas contained in it, the number of productive pro-layers and the coefficients of the anomalcy of the reservoir pressures.

The choice of drilling method is based on a comparative estimate of its effectiveness, which is determined by the set of factors, each of which, depending on the geological and methodological requirements (GMT), assignments and drilling conditions may be crucial.

The choice of a method of drilling a well has an impact also the target purpose of drilling work.

When choosing a drilling method, the intended purpose of the well, the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer and its depth of its occurrence, the scope of work on the development of the formation.

The combination of PBCK parameters.

When choosing a drilling method, in addition to technical and economic factors, it should be borne in mind that, compared to the CNBK, the rotary CNBK is significantly technological on the basis of a bottomhole engine and more reliable in operation, steady on the project trajectory.

The dependence of the deflecting force on the whot of well curvature for the stabilizing CNBCs with two centrasters.

When choosing a drilling method, in addition to feasibility factories, it should be borne in mind that, compared with the CNBK, on \u200b\u200bthe basis of a bottomhole engine, rotary CNBK is significantly technologically and more reliable in operation, stable on the project trajectory.

To justify the choice of the method of drilling in exhaust sediments and confirmation of the above conclusion about the rational method of drilling, technical indicators of turbine and rotary drilling of SD were analyzed.

In the case of a selection of a drilling method with downhole hydraulic engines, after calculating the axial load on the chisel, it is necessary to select the type of the outflow engine. This choice is carried out taking into account the specific moment on the rotation of the bit, the axial load on the chisel and the density of the drilling fluid. The technical characteristics of the selected bottomhole engine are taken into account when designing the frequency of turns and the hydraulic fracture program of the well.

Question about Choosing a drilling method It should be solved on the basis of a feasibility study. The main indicator for selecting the drilling method is the profitability - the cost of 1 m of the peaks. [ 1 ]

Before proceeding to Selecting a drilling method To deepen the trunk using gaseous agents, it should be borne in mind that their physicomechanical properties make well-defined limitations, since some types of gaseous agents are not applicable for a number of drilling methods. In fig. 46 Possible combinations different types Gaseous agents with modern drilling methods. As can be seen from the scheme, the most versatile from the point of view of the use of gaseous agents are methods of drilling with a rotor and an electrical traveler, less universal - a turbine method, which is used only when using aerated liquids. [ 2 ]

PBU energy reduction is less affected by Selection of drilling methods And their varieties than the energy transportation of the installation for drilling on land, so - as in addition to directly drilling equipment, PBU is equipped with auxiliary, necessary for its operation and hold on the drilling point. Practically drilling and accessories work alternately. The minimum necessary power supply of PBU is determined by the energy consumed by the auxiliary equipment, which is more necessary for the drilling drive. [ 3 ]

The eighth section of the technical project is dedicated Selecting a drilling method, sizes of non-ferrous engines and drilling rolling, developing drilling modes. [ 4 ]

In other words, the selection of a well-profile well determines to a large extent. Choosing a drilling method5 ]

The transportability of PBU does not depend on the metal consumption and energy-related equipment and does not affect Choosing a drilling methodSince it is towed without dismantling the equipment. [ 6 ]

In other words, the choice of one or another type of well profile determines to a large extent. choosing a drilling method, type of bit, hydraulic drilling program, drilling mode parameters and vice versa. [ 7 ]

The floating base pitch parameters should be determined by the calculation by the initial stages of the body design, since the working range of the sea's unrest depends on this, in which normal and safe work is possible, as well as Choosing a drilling method, systems and devices to reduce the effect of pitching on the workflow. Reducing the pitch can be achieved by the rational selection of the size of the housings, their mutual location and the use of passive and active means of combating swing. [ 8 ]

The most common method of intelligence and exploitation of groundwater remains drilling wells and wells. Choosing a drilling method Determine: the degree of hydrogeological survey of the area, the purpose of the work, the required accuracy of the obtained geological and hydrogeological information, the technical and economic indicators of the drilling method under consideration, the cost of 1 m3 of the produced water, the length of the existence of the well. The choice of drilling technologies are influenced by the temperature of the groundwater, the degree of their mineralization and aggressiveness in relation to concrete (cement) and the gland. [ 9 ]

When drilling ultra-deep wells, the warning of the branches is very important due to the negative consequences of the curvature of the well during its recess. Therefore, when Selection of drilling methods for supergaloft wells, and especially their upper intervals, attention should be paid to the preservation of the verticality and straightforward wellbore. [ 10 ]

The question of choosing a drilling method should be solved on the basis of a feasibility study. The main indicator for Choosing a drilling method It is profitability - the cost of 1 m of the penetration. [ 11 ]

Thus, the speed of rotary drilling with washing with clay solution exceeds the speed of shock-rope drilling at 3 - 5 times. Therefore, the decisive factor at Choosing a drilling method There must be an economic analysis. [ 12 ]

Technical and economic efficiency of the project for the construction of oil and gas wells largely depends on the validity of the recess and flushing process. Design of technology of these processes includes Choosing a drilling method, such as a breed-destroying tool and drilling modes, the design of the drill column and the layout of its Niza, the hydraulic program of the deepening and indicators of the properties of the drilling fluid, types of drilling solutions and necessary quantities Chemical reagents and materials to maintain their properties. The adoption of project decisions determine the choice of the type of drilling rig, depending, in addition, from the design of the casing columns of geographic drilling conditions. [ 13 ]

The application of the results of solutions of the problem creates a wide possibility of holding a deep, extensive analysis of the development of chisels in a large number of objects with the most diverse conditions of drilling. It is also possible to prepare recommendations for Selecting drilling methods, downhole engines, drilling pumps and flushing fluid. [ 14 ]

In the practice of constructions of well wells, the following drilling methods were distributed: rotational with straight washing, rotating with reverse wash, rotating with blowing air and shock-rope. Terms of application different ways Drilling are determined by the technical and technological features of drilling plants, as well as the quality of work on the construction of wells. It should be noted that Choice of Well Drilling Fashion It is necessary to take into account not only the speed of the wells of the wells and the manufacturability of the method, but also to ensure such parameters of the opening of aquifer, in which the deformation of rocks in the bottomhole zone is observed in a minimum degree and its permeability is not reduced in comparison with the plastic. [ 1 ]

It is much more difficult to choose a drilling method to deepen the vertical wellbore. If, when bulging the interval selected on the basis of drilling practices using drilling solutions, one can expect the curvature of the vertical barrel, then, as a rule, pneumatic replacements are used with the corresponding type of bit. If the curvature is not observed, then Choosing a drilling method It is carried out as follows. For soft breeds (soft shale, plaster, chalk, anhydrites, salt and soft limestone) it is advisable to use drilling with an electric robe with frequencies of rotation of the bit to 325 rpm. As the hardness of rocks increases, drilling methods are located in the following sequence: the bulk engine, rotary drilling and shock-rotational drilling. [ 2 ]

From the point of view of speeding and reducing the cost of the construction of wells with PBUs, a way of drilling with a core hydrotransport is interesting. This method, with the exclusion of the above-mentioned limitations of its application, can be used in the exploration of placers with PBU on the search and search and evaluation stages of geological exploration. The cost of drilling equipment, regardless of the methods of drilling, does not exceed 10% of the total cost of PBUs. Therefore, the change in the value of only drilling equipment does not have a significant impact on the cost of manufacturing and maintenance of PBU and on Choosing a drilling method. The increase in the cost of the PBU is justified only if it improves the working conditions, improves safety and drilling speed, reduces the number of downtime due to meteo conditions, expands the season of drilling work. [ 3 ]

    Choosing a type of bit and drilling mode: selection criteria, methods for obtaining information and processing to establish optimal modes, regulating the value of parameters .

The choice of bits is based on the knowledge of rocks (g / p) of the components of this interval, i.e. in the category of hardness and in the category of abrasiveness g / p.

In the process of drilling the exploration, and sometimes the production well periodically selected rocks in the form of untouched whole (cores) to compile a stratigissal cut, studying the lithological characteristics of the preassed rocks, detecting oil, gas in the pores of rocks, etc.

For the extraction on the surface of the core apply column chisels (Fig. 2.7). It consists of a chisel from the drill head 1 and a column set attached to the burying head housing with thread.

Fig. 2.7. Scheme of the device of the column chit: 1 - a drill head; 2 - Kern; 3 - Ground Course; 4 - core dialing case; 5 - Ball valve

Depending on the properties of the rock, in which drilling with the selection of core is carried out, agrogenous, diamond and carbide drilling heads are used.

Drilling mode - a combination of such parameters that significantly affect the latter performance that the drill can change from its remote.

PD [KN] - load on chisel, n [rpm] - the rotational speed, q [l / s] - flow rate (feed) prom. Ji, H [m] - the penetration on the chisel, Vm [m / h] - fur. sweep speed, VSR \u003d H / TB - average,

Vm (T) \u003d DH / DTB is an instantaneous, VR [m / h] - Reynx drilling rate, VR \u003d H / (TB + TSPO + TB), C [RUB / M] - Operational costs for 1M penetration, C \u003d ( CD + MF (TB + TSPO + TB)) / H, CD - bit cost; CC - the cost of 1 hours of work of the Boer. Obra

Stages of finding the optimal mode - at the design stage - operational optimization of the drilling mode is the correction of the project mode, taking into account inf. Obtained during the drilling process.

In the design process, we use inf. obtained at drilling SD. in this

region, analogue. Sl., Data on Goelog. Silch of SD., Recommendations of the factory of the manufacturer. Instrase, workers Har-to dreamy engines.

2 ways to choose bit things for slaughter: graphic and analytical.

Sharps in the drill head are mounted in such a way that the breed in the center of the bottom of the well when drilling is not destroyed. This creates conditions for the formation of core 2. There are four-, six and further eight-grained drill heads designed to drill with core selection in various breeds. The location of the rock separating elements in diamond and carbide drill heads also allows you to destroy the rock only on the periphery of the wellbore.

The resulting breed column enters when the well is deepened into the column set consisting of the housing 4 and the core tube (ground-axis) 3. The core dialing case is used to connect the drill head with a drill string, the placement of the primer and protection of it from mechanical damage, as well as for skipping the flushing fluid between it and the primer. The primer is designed for receiving core, preserving it during drilling and when lifting on the surface. To perform these functions in the bottom of the ground, the cersonors and kernelians are installed, and at the top - the ball valve 5, which transplanted the liquid displaced from the ground pump when filling it with core.

According to the method of installation of primer in the core dialing case and in the drill head, there are column chistes with removable and intimidated primer.

Core chins with removable primer allow you to lift the ground with a core without lifting the drill column. To do this, the catcher is descended to the drill string, with which it is removed from the core dialing ground and raise it to the surface. Then, using the same catcher, it is descended and installed in the core dialing case, generate the primer, and drilling with the selection of the core continues.

Core chins with removable primer are used in turbine drilling, and with non-removable - with rotary.

    Schematic diagram of testing of the productive horizon using a plasto reserve on pipes.

Plastoistrators are very widely used in drilling and allow you to obtain the greatest amount of information about the object being tested. The modern domestic plastical reserve consists of the following main nodes: filter, packer, actually an derivative with equalizing and main intake valves, shut-off valve and circulating valve.

    Single-stage cementing scheme. Change pressure in cementing pumps involved in this process.

Single-stage well cementing is most common. In this case, a taponight solution for one reception is supplied to a given interval.

The final stage of drilling work is accompanied by a process that implies well cementing. From how qualitatively these works will be carried out, the viability of the entire structure depends. The main goal, pursued in the process of conducting this procedure, is to replace the drilling mortar of cement, which has another name - a taponight solution. Well cementing involves the introduction of the composition, which should harden, turning into a stone. To date, there are several ways to implement the process of cementing wells, most frequently used of them more than 100 years. It is a single-stage cementing of the casing, a manifold world in 1905 and used today with some modifications.

Cementing scheme with one plug.

Cementing process

The technology of exercising cementing of wells involves carrying out 5 main types of work: the first - kneading of the tampon-free solution, the second - pumping the composition in the well, the third is the supply of the mixture by the selected method into the annular space, the fourth - solidification of the tampon-air mixture, the fifth - the quality of the work carried out.

Before the start of the work, the cementing scheme must be compiled, which is based on technical calculations of the process. It will be important to take into account the mining and geological conditions; the length of the interval that needs to be strengthened; Characteristics of the structure of the wellbore, as well as its condition. It should be used in the process of holding the calculations and experience in carrying out such works in a certain area.

    Figure 1. Scheme of single-stage cementing process.

In fig. 1 You can see the image of the single-stage cementing process schemes. "I" - the start of the filing of the mixture into the barrel. "II" is the supply of a mixture injected into the well when the solution moves down along the casing, "III" is the start of the jurisdiction of the tampon-made composition into the annular space, "IV" is the final stage of the mixture. In Scheme 1 - a pressure gauge that is responsible for controlling the level of pressure; 2 - cement head; 3 - a plug located on top; 4 - lower plug; 5 - casing; 6 - well walls; 7 - Stop ring; 8 - a liquid intended for pouring the teponom mixture; 9 - drilling scene; 10 - cement mixture.

    Principal diagram of two-stage cementing with a rupture in time. Advantages and disadvantages.

Stage cementing with a rupture in time. The interval of cementing is divided into two parts, and in ok at the boundary of the section set the special cementing coupling. Outside the column over the coupling and under do not place centering lights. First, we are the bottom of the column. To do this, the column pumped 1 portion of the CR in the amount required to fill the KP from the column shoe to the cementing clutch, then the sealing fluid. For cementing 1, the volume of the sealing fluid should be equal to the internal volume of the column. By downloading the PJ, the ball is discarded into the column. Under the strength of gravity, the ball is lowered down the column and sits on the lower sleeve of the cementing coupling. Then again begin to download the PJ into the column: the pressure in it is growing above the plug, the sleeve is shifted down to the stop, and the PJ through the opening openings goes out for the column. Through these holes, the well was washed until cement mortar harms (from a few hours to days). After 2 portion of the CP, freeing the upper tube and displaces the solution 2 of the PJ portion. The plug, reaching the sleeve, is strengthened with the help of pins in the cementing coupling housing, shifts it down; At the same time, the sleeve closes the holes of the coupling and dismisses the cavity of the column from the KP. After hardening, the plug is bursting. The location of the clutch is chosen depending on the reasons that prompted to resort to cementing. In the gas wells, the cementing coupling is installed on 200-250m above the roof of the productive horizon. If there is a risk of absorption in the well cementing, the installation site of the clutch is calculated so that the sum of hydrodynamial pressures and the static pressure of the solution of solutions in the encunion space was less than the pressure of the weak layer break. Always a cementing coupling should be placed against stable non-permeable rocks and centered with lanterns. Apply: a) if the absorption of the solution is inevitably absorbing the solution in the one-stage cementing; b) if the reservoir with AVD is opened and during the decay period of the RG after one-stage cementing, flows and gas may occur; c) if for single-stage cementing requires simultaneous participation in the operation of a large number of cement pumps and mixing machines. Disadvantages:large time break between the end of cementing of the lower section and the beginning of the top cementing. This disadvantage can be mainly eliminated by setting on OK, below the cementing coupling, the outer packer. If at the end of cementing the lower level, the borehole is sealed with a packer, then you can immediately begin the cementing of the upper portion.

    Principles of calculating the casing for strength with axial stretching for vertical wells. The specifics of the calculation of columns for inclined and twisted wells.

Calculation of the casing Start with determining excessive outdoor pressures. [ 1 ]

Calculation of casing Conducted when designing in order to select the thicknesses of the walls and the strength groups of casing material, as well as to test the compliance of the strength of the strength of the strength that are expected, taking into account the prevailing geological, technological, conjunctural conditions of production. [ 2 ]

Calculation of casing With trapezoidal threads on stretching are carried out, based on the permissible load. On the descent of casing columns, sections for the length of the column take the length of the section. [ 3 ]

Calculation of the casing Includes the definition of factors affecting damage to casing and the choice of the most acceptable steel grades for each specific operation in terms of reliability and efficiency. The design of the casing must meet the requirements for the column when expanding and operating well. [ 4 ]

Calculation of casing For oblique-directional wells differs from the selection of tensile strength taken for vertical wells, depending on the intensity of the curvature of the wellbore, as well as the determination of the outer and internal pressure, in which the position of the points characteristic for the inclined well is determined by its vertical projection.

Calculation of casing They produce at maximum values \u200b\u200bof excessive outer and internal pressures, as well as axial loads (during drilling, testing, operation, well repair), while taking into account separate and joint action.

The main difference calculation of casing columns For obliquely directed wells on the calculation for vertical wells consists in determining the stock of tensile strength, which is produced depending on the intensity of the curvature of the wellbore, as well as the calculation of the outer and internal pressures, taking into account the lengthening of the wellbore

Selection of casing and calculation of casing The strength is carried out taking into account the maximum expected external outer and internal pressure in full replacement of the solution with the reservoir fluid, as well as axial loads on the pipes and the aggressiveness of the fluid at the stages of the construction and operation of the well based on the existing structures.

The main loads in the calculation of the column for strength are axial stretching loads from their own weight, as well as external and internal excess pressure during cementing and well operation. In addition, other loads operate on the column:

· Axial dynamic loads in the period of unsteady movement of the column;

· Axial loads from the grinding strength column on the wall of the well in the process of its descent;

· Compressive loads from part of their own weight when unloading the column on the bottom;

· Bending loads arising in twisted wells.

Calculation of the operational column for the oil well

Legend adopted in the formulas:

Distance from the mouth of the well to the shoe column, m l

Distance from the mouth of the well to the tamponju solution, M H

Distance from the mouth of the well to the level of fluid in the column, M n

The density of therapy fluid, g / cm 3 r coolant

Density of drilling fluid per column, g / cm 3 r BR

Liquid density in the column R in

The density of the tponight cement mortar for the column R CP

Pressure excess internal at the depth of z, MPa r vz

Excessive outdoor pressure at the depth of Z R niz

Pressure excessive critical outer, in which the voltage

Pressure pressure pipe reaches the yield strength r

Pressure reservoir at the depth of z P pl

Pressure crimping

The total weight of the column of selected sections, N (MN) Q

Cement Ring Unloading Coefficient

The reserve coefficient of strength when calculating the external overpressure of N cr

The reserve factor when calculating tension N page

Figure 69. The well cementing scheme

For h\u003e N.We determine excessive external pressure (at the end stage) for the following characteristic points.

1: z \u003d 0; R N.IZ \u003d 0.01ρ B.R * Z; (86)

2: z \u003d h; R n. and z \u003d 0.01ρ b. P * H, (MPa); (87)

3: Z \u003d H; R n. and z \u003d (0.01 [ρ bp h - ρ in (h - n)]), (MPa); (88)

4: z \u003d L; R N.I Z \u003d (0.01 [(ρ c.r - ρ c) L - (ρ c. P - ρ b. P) H + ρ in H)] (1 - K), (MPa). (89)

Build Epleru Abcd.(Figure 70). To do this, in the horizontal direction in the accepted scale, we postpone the values ρ n.I Z. at points 1 -4 (see the scheme) and these points consistently connect with rectilinear segments

Figure 70. Epures of external and internal

excessive pressure

We determine excess internal pressure from the testing condition of the casing on the tightness of one reception without a packer.

Pressure at the mouth: p y \u003d P pl - 0.01 ρ in L (MPa). (90)

    The main factors affecting the quality of well cementing and the nature of their influence.

The quality of disunity of permeable formations by cementing depends on the following groups of factors: a) the composition of the tampony mixture; b) the composition and properties of the tamponium solution; c) method of cementing; d) the completeness of replacement of the vendible fluid with a tampon solution in the borehole of the well; e) the strength and tightness of the clutch of the tampon stone with the casing and the walls of the well; e) the use of additional means to prevent the appearance of filtering and the formation of suffosic channels in the teponad solution during the thickening period and grasp; g) the rest of the well in the period of thickening and setting the tampon-like solution.

    Principles of calculation of the required amounts of teponadny materials, mixing machines and cementing units for the preparation and injection of a tamponium solution into a casing. Cementing scheme of cementing equipment.

It is necessary to calculate cementing for the following conditions:

- the coefficient of the reserve at the height of the cement mortar lifting introduced to compensate for the factors that cannot be recorded (determined by the statistical method according to the cementing of previous wells); and, respectively, the average diameter of the well and outside diameter The operational column, M; - the length of the cementing section, M; - the average internal diameter of the operational column, m; - the height (length) of the cement glass, left in the column, m.; - the reserve coefficient of the sealing fluid, which takes into account its compressibility - \u003d 1, 03; - - the coefficient that takes into account the loss of cement during loading and unloading works and the preparation of the solution; - - - the density of the cement mortar, kg / m3; - the density of the drilling fluid, kg / m3; N-relative water content; - water density, kg / m3; - bulk density of cement, kg / m3;

Volume of the tampon-free solution required for cementing of a specified well interval (M3): Vc.p. \u003d 0.785 * KP * [(2-DN2) * LC + D02 * HC]

The volume of sealing fluid: VPr \u003d 0.785 * - * d2 * (LC-);

The volume of buffer fluid: Vb \u003d 0.785 * (2-DN2) * LB;

Mass of the tampon-in portland cement: MC \u003d - ** VCR / (1 + N);

The volume of water for the preparation of a tamponium solution, m3: vv \u003d MC * N / (KC * PV);

Dry tiponight material before cementing is loaded into mixing machines bins, the required number of which is: NC \u003d MC / Vcm, where Vcm is the volume of the mixing machine hopper.

    Methods of equipment of the lower section of the well in the zone of productive reservoir. Conditions under which the use of each of these methods is possible.

1. The productive deposit is drilled without overlapping the pre-overlying rocks of a special column casing, then descend the casing and cementing. For the message of the inner cavity of the casing with productive deposit, it will be perforated, i.e. A large number of holes are shot in the column. The method has the following advantages: easy to implement; allows you to selectively report a well with any plider of productive deposits; The cost of actually drilling works may be less than with other methods of entry.

2. Previously before the roof, the productive deposits are descended and cemented by the casing, isolating the overlying rocks. Then the productive deposit is drilled by smaller diameter groups and leave the wellbore below the casing shoe open. The method is applicable only if the productive deposit is composed of resistant rocks and is saturated with only one liquid; It does not allow to selectively exploit any regodest.

3. It differs from the previous one that the wellbore in the productive deposit is overlapped with a filter, which is suspended in the casing; The space between the filter and the column is often isolated with a packer. The method has the same advantages and limitations as the previous one. In contrast to the previous one, it can be taken in cases where the productive deposit is made by rocks, not sustainable during operation.

4. The well crease the pipe column to the roof of the productive deposit, then swell the latter and overlap the shank. The shank is cemented along the entire length, and then perforated against the specified interval. With this method, it is possible to avoid substantial pollution of the collector, choosing a washing liquid only taking into account the situation in the deposit itself. It admits the selective operation of various propellars and allows you to quickly and with minimal costs of means to master the well.

5. Differs from the first method only in that the casing of the casing, the lower part of which is designed in advance, is descended from the pipes with slit holes in advance, and the fact that it is cement only above the roof of the productive deposit. Perforated plot of columns are placed against productive deposits. In this method, it is impossible to ensure the selective operation of one or another propeller.

    Factors taken into account when choosing a tampon material for cementing a specific well interval.

The selection of tampon-made materials for cementing of casing columns is due to the lithofacial characteristic of the incision, and the main factors determining the composition of the tampon solution are the temperature, reservoir pressure, pressure of the hydraulic, the presence of salt sediments, the type of fluid, etc. In the general case, the taponight solution consists of tampon-proof cement, medium Shutters, accelerator reactants and moderators of setting time, reagents of filtering indicator and special additives. The tiponight cement is chosen as follows: at a temperature range, on the interval of the density of the teponad solution, by type of fluid and sediments, the cement brand is specified in the cement interval. The indoor medium is chosen depending on the presence of salt sediments in the section of the well or the degree of mineralization of reservoir waters. To prevent the premature thickening of the teponad solution and the flooding of productive horizons, it is necessary to reduce the filtration indicator of the tamponium solution. As lowlands of this indicator, NTF, Hip, CMC, PVS-Tr. To increase the heat resistance of chemical additives, structuring dispersion systems and removal side Effects When using some reagents, clay, caustic soda, calcium chloride and chromas are used.

    Select a core kit to obtain a high-quality core.

The kerprying tool is a tool that provides reception, separating from the massif G / P and preserving the core in the drilling process and during transportation by SC. Up to the extraction of it on the pity for the research. Varieties: - P1 - for rotary drilling with a cigarette (extractable) kerpollipid, - P2 - unsaveable kerpollipid, - T1 - for turbine drilling with a cervous core, - T2 - with a unreasonable kerpollipid. Types: - To select a core from an array of dense g / n (double column projectile with a kerpural machine, isol. From PJ ducts and rotating with the shell of the projectile), - for the selection of core in r / n fascular, ripped, or intermitted by density and hardness (Neils. Kerprishene, suspended on one or more. Bearings and reliable cores and kernelians), - for the selection of core in bulk g / n, is easily solid. and blurred. PZ (should provide complete sealing of core and overlapping the kernel-opening hole at the end of drilling)

    Design features and scope of drill pipes.

Drill pipes leaders serve to transmit rotation from the rotor to the drill column. Drill pipes typically have a square or hex section. They are performed in two versions: prefabricated and solid. Drilling pipes with seeded ends come out with outside and inside. Drilling pipes with welded connecting ends are manufactured by two types: TBPB - with welded connecting ends according to the outside of the part and TBP - with welded connecting ends for united outward parts. The tubing pipes with blocking belts of TBB differ from standard pipes with the seasons landed by the presence of blocking belts at the ends of the pipe, cylindrical thread With a pitch of 4 mm, a stubborn pipe connection with a lock, tight pairing with a lock. The drilling pipes with stabilizing belts differ from standard pipes by the presence of smooth pipes of the pipe directly behind the screws of the lock and stabilizing sealing belts on the locks, conical (1:32) of the trapezoidal thread with a step of 5.08 mm with a pairing in the inner diameter ..........

    Principles of calculating the drill column when drilling a bottom engine .

Calculation of the BC when drilling a rectilinear-oblique section of oblique-directional SC

Qpshod \u003d qcosα; Qnorm \u003d qsinα; FTR \u003d μQH \u003d μqsinα; (μ ~ 0.3);

PPhod \u003d Qps + FTR \u003d Q (SINα + μSINα)

Li\u003e \u003d Ltz + Lubt + LNN + LI1 + ... + L1N If not, then LINY \u003d LI- (LD + LIND + LNN + LI1 + ... + L1 (N - 1))

Calculation of the BC when drilling a tweeted section of oblique-directional SC.


PI \u003d FITR + QiiProeks QiiProeks \u003d | GOR (SINαK-SINαN) |

PD \u003d μ | ± 2gor2 (SINαK-SINαN) -Gor2Sinαkδα ± Pnδα | + | GOR2 (SINαK-SINαN) |

Δα \u003d - if\u003e, TCOS “+”

"-Pn" - when set of curvature "+ PN" - when discharged curvature

it is believed that on the site of the BC consists of one section \u003d πα / 180 \u003d 0.1745α

    Principles for calculating the drill column when drilling with a rotary manner.

Static calculation, when the alternate cyclic voltages are not taken into account, and constant bending and twisting voltages are taken into account

On sufficient strength or endurance

Static calculation for vertical SLE:


KZ \u003d 1.4 - with norms. Sl. KZ \u003d 1.45 - with complicated. Sl.

for oblique areas



    Drilling mode. Technique of its optimization

Drilling mode is a combination of such parameters that significantly affect the work indicators and which the drillings can change from its console.

PD [KN] - load on chisel, n [rpm] - the rotational speed, q [l / s] - flow rate (feed) prom. Ji, H [m] - the penetration on the chisel, Vm [m / h] - fur. Speed \u200b\u200brate, VSR \u003d H / TB - average, Vm (T) \u003d DH / DTB - Instant, VR [m / h] - Reynx drilling rate, VR \u003d H / (TB + TSPO + TB), C [RUB / M ] - operational costs for 1M penetration, C \u003d (CD + MF (TB + TSPO + TB)) / H, CD - bit symbistosity; CC - the cost of 1 hours of work of the Boer. Obra Optimization of drilling mode: MAXVP - Resear. SLE., MINC - expl. SLE ..

(PD, N, Q) Wholesale \u003d Minc, MaxVR

C \u003d F1 (PD, N, Q); VP \u003d F2 (PD, N, Q)

Stages of finding the optimal mode - at the design stage - operational optimization of the drilling mode - adjustment of the project mode, taking into account inf. Obtained during the drilling process

In the design process, we use inf. obtained at drilling SD. In this region, in analogue. Sl., Data on Goelog. Silch of SD., Recommendations of the factory of the manufacturer. Instrase, workers Har-to dreamy engines.

2 ways to choose Tope bit on a slaughter:

- graphic TGα \u003d DH / DT \u003d VM (T) \u003d H (T) / (Tope + TSP + TB) - analytical

    Classification of tributary excitation methods when developing wells.

Under the development implies a complex of work on calling the influx of fluid from the productive reservoir, cleaning the priority zone from pollution and the provision of conditions for obtaining possibly higher well productivity.

To get a flow from the productive horizon, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in the well significantly below the reservoir. There are different methods for reducing pressure, based either on the replacement of severe flushing fluid into lighter, or on a smooth or sharp decrease in the level of fluid in the operational column. To call the tributary of the reservoir, folded by weakly resistant rocks, use methods for a smooth pressure reduction or with a small amplitude of pressure fluctuations in order to prevent the collector's destruction. If the productive reservoir is composed of a very solid rock, then often the greatest effect is obtained with a sharp creation of large depression. When choosing a way to call the tributary, the values \u200b\u200band nature of the creation of depression, it is necessary to take into account the stability and structure of the collector breed, the composition and properties of the saturated liquids, the degree of contamination during the autopsy, the presence of nearby and below the permeable horizons, the strength of the casing and the strength of the borehole. With a very sharp creation of a large depression, a breakdown of the strength and tightness of the attitudes is possible, and with a short-term, but strong increase in the pressure in the well - the absorption of the liquid into the productive reservoir.

Replacing heavy liquid into easier. The VKT column is descended almost to a slaughter if the productive reservoir is composed of a well-stable breed, or about the upper holes of the perforation, if the breed is not sufficiently stable. The fluid replacement is usually carried out by the method of reverse circulation: the mobile piston pump in the intercoupled space is injected with a liquid, the density of which is less than the density of the washing fluid in the operational column. As the lighter fluid fills the part-tube space and displaces a heavier fluid in the tubing, the pressure in the pump increases. It reaches a maximum at the moment when light liquid approaches the NKT shoe. p UMT \u003d (p pr -r ож ож) qz NKT + P NKT + P MT, where p pr and p coolances of severe and lightweight fluids, kg / m; z NKT -Glubin descent of the column of the NKT, m; P NKT and P MT -hydraulic losses in the column of the NKT and in the intercoux space, Pa. This pressure should not exceed the pressure pressure of the operational column p UMT< p оп.

If the rock is weakly resistant, the amount of density reduction per one cycle of circulation is reduced even more, sometimes to p -p \u003d 150-200 kg / m3. When planning the challenge work, it is necessary to take into account this and in order to prepare containers with the reserve of liquids of the corresponding densities, as well as equipment for density control.

When downloading, a lighter fluid is monitored for the state of the well according to the testimony of pressure gauges and according to the ratio of expenditures with an intercoupled space and flowing from the tubing fluids. If the flow rate of the leaving fluid increases, this is a sign of the bilge of the reservoir. In the event of a rapid increase in the flow rate of the NKT and the pressure drop in the outside space, the outgoing stream is directed through a line with the fitting.

If the replacement of severe flushing fluid on clean water or degassed oil is not enough to obtain a stable inflow from the reservoir, resort to other methods of increasing depression or stimulating effects.

When the collector is composed of a weakly resistant breed, a further decrease in pressure is possible to replace water or oil with a gas-liquid mixture. To do this, a piston pump and a mobile compressor are connected to the intercoupled well. After washing the well to clean water, the pump is adjusted so that the pressure in it is significantly lower than the compressor permissible for the compressor, and the speed of the downstream was at about 0.8-1 m / s level, and include the compressor. The flow of air injected by the compressor is mixed in the aerator with the flow of water supplied by the pump, and the gas-liquid mixture comes into the intercoupled space; The pressure in the compressor and the pump will start increasing and reach the maximum at the time when the mixture is suitable for the NKT shoe. As the gas-liquid mixture is moving along the TPC column and the displacement of non-carbonated pressure in the compressor and the pump will decrease. The degree of aeration and reduction of static pressure in the well increase in small steps after the completion of one to two cycles of circulation so that the pressure in the interlock space in the mouth does not exceed the allowable for the compressor.

A significant drawback of this method is the need to maintain sufficiently large air and water expenditures. Significantly reduce air and water consumption and ensure an effective reduction in pressure in the well when used instead of a water-air mixture of two-phase foam. Such foam prepare on the basis of mineralized water, air and suitable foaming surfactant.

Reducing the pressure in the well with the compressor. To call a tributary of the reservoirs folded by durable, resistant rocks are widely used by a compressor method for reducing the level of fluid in the well. The essence of one of the varieties of this method is as follows. The mobile compressor is injected into the airborne space with such a calculation, so that it is possible to deeper the fluid level in it, to aerate the fluid in the tubing and create depression necessary to obtain the inflow from the productive reservoir. If the static fluid level in the well before the start of the operation is at the mouth, depth, to which it is possible to push the level in the intercoupled space in the injection of air.

If Z CH\u003e z NKT, then the air compressor is broken into the tubing and starts to aerate the fluid in them, as soon as the level in the intercoupled space drops to the NKT shoe.

If Z CH\u003e z NKT, then, on the descent of the VKT in the wells, special start valves are installed in them. The upper starting valve is set at the depth of Z "Start \u003d Z" CH - 20M. When the air is injected with the compressor, the starting valve will open at the moment when the pressure in the NKT and in the intercoupled space at the depth of its installation comes with; In this case, the air will begin to go through the valve in the tubing and aiming the liquid, and the pressure in the intercoupled space and the NKT will decrease. If, after a decrease in the pressure in the well, the inflow of the reservoir will not begin and almost all the liquid from the NKT above the valve will be ousted by air, the valve will close, the pressure in the intercoupled space will again increase, and the fluid level is descended until the next valve. The depth Z "" Installation of the next valve can be found from the equation if you put in it z \u003d z "" + 20 and z st \u003d z "CH.

If before starting operation, the static fluid level in the well is located significantly lower than the mouth, then when the air is injected into the intercoupled space and the poverty of the liquid level to the depth of Z CH, the pressure on the productive reservoir increases, which can cause absorption of the fluid part into it. It is possible to prevent the absorption of fluid into the reservoir, if at the bottom end of the VKT column to install a packer, and inside the NKT - a special valve and using these devices to separate the zone of the productive reservoir from the rest of the well. In this case, when the air is injected into the intercoupled space, the pressure on the reservoir will remain unchanged until the pressure in the VKT column above the valve will not drop below the reservoir. As soon as the depression turns out to be sufficient for the inflow of the plastic fluid, the valve is raised and the plastic fluid will start climbing the NKT.

After receiving the flow of oil or gas, the well must work for some time with a large flow rate for some time so that the washing liquid can be removed there from the rich zone and its filtrate, as well as other or other particles; The flow rate is regulated so that the destruction of the collector does not begin. Periodically select the samples from the well of the fluid to study the composition and properties of it and control the content of solid particles in it. By reducing the content of solid particles, they judge the progress of the purification of the priority zone from pollution.

If, despite the creation of a large depression, the well flow rate turns out to be low, then usually resort to different methods of stimulating effect on the reservoir.

    Classification of the intensification methods of the inflow during the development of the well.

Based on the analysis of managed factors, it is possible to build a classification of artificial impact methods both on the formation as a whole and on the bottomroom zone of each specific well. On the principle of action, all methods of artificial impact are divided into the following groups:

1. Hydroogazodynamic.

2. Physical and chemical.

3. Thermal.

4. Combined.

Among the methods of artificial impact on the reservoir, hydroganasodynamic methods related to the control of the amount of reservoir pressure by injection into the deposit of various fluids were obtained. Today, more than 90% of oil produced in Russia is associated with the methods of regulating the reservoir pressure by injection into the deposit of water, called the methods of maintaining the reservoir pressure (PPD) by the factory. On a number of deposits, the PDA is carried out by pumping gas.

Analysis of the development of deposits shows that if the reservoir pressure is low, the power circuit is sufficiently removed from the wells or the drainage mode is not active, the rate of extraction of oil may be sufficiently low; Low referred to the coefficient of oil recovery. In all these cases, the use of a particular PPD system is necessary.

Thus, the main problems of controlling the process of reserving reserves through artificial impact on the reservoir are related to the study of flooding.

Essentially more wide spectrum Opportunities possess the methods of artificial impact on the wellbore zones of the well. The impact on the CCD is carried out already at the stage of primary opening of the productive horizon during the construction of a well, which, as a rule, leads to a deterioration in the properties of the bottomhole zone. Methods of exposure to the bottomhole zone during the operation of wells, which, in turn, are divided into methods of intensifying the inflow or pickup and the methods of limiting or isolation of water flow (repair and insulating operation - RIR).

The classification of the methods of impact on the CCD in order to intensify the influx or pickup presented in table. one, and to limit or insulation waterfronts - in table. 2.. It is quite obvious that the tables given are quite complete, contain only the most approved methods of artificial impact on the CCD. They are not excluded, but on the contrary, suggest the need for additions to both the methods of impact and used materials.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the methods of controlling the process of reserving reserves, we note that the object of study is a complex system consisting of a deposit (oil-saturated zone and food area) with its collector properties and saturating fluids and a certain number of wells, systemically placed on deposits. This system is a single hydrodynamic relation, whence it follows that any change in any element automatically leads to an appropriate change in the operation of the entire system, i.e. This system is autofulating.

    Describe the technical tools for the operational information during the drilling process.

Information support of the process of drilling oil and gas wells It is the most important link in the construction of wells, especially with the introduction of new oil and gas fields to the development and development of new oil and gas deposits.

The requirements for information support for the construction of oil and gas wells in this situation are to translate information technologies into the category of information and information and influential, in which information support, along with obtaining the necessary amount of information, would give an additional economic, technological, or other effect. These technologies include the following comprehensive work:

    control of ground technological parameters and the selection of the most optimal drilling modes (for example, the choice of optimal loads on the chisel, providing high feed speed);

    outcasting measurements and logging in the drilling process (MWD and LWD system);

    measurements and collecting information accompanied by simultaneous control of the drilling process (control of the horizontal well trajectory using controlled bottom orientators according to the data of the bottomhole telemodest system).

In the information support of the well construction process, a particularly important role is played geological and technological research (GTI). The main task of the GTI service is the study of the geological structure of the reduction of wells, identifying and evaluating productive reservoirs and improving the quality of construction of wells based on the drilling process of geological and geochemical, geophysical and technological information. The operational information obtained by the GTI service is of great importance when drilling exploration wells in poorly studied regions with complex mining and geological conditions, as well as when wiring obliquely directed and horizontal wells.

However, due to the new requirements for the information support of the process of drilling the task, solved by the GTI service, can be significantly expanded. Highly qualified operator composition of the GTI batch, working on the drill, throughout the entire cycle of the well construction in the presence of appropriate hardware and methodological means and software is able to solve practically full range of informational support for drilling process:

    geological and geochemical and technological research;

    maintenance and working with tele-measuring systems (MWD and LWD systems);

    maintenance of autonomous measurement and logging systems descended on pipes;

    control of drilling fluid parameters;

    quality control of the well fixing;

    research of the reservoir fluid when testing and testing wells;

    logging on cable;

    supervising services, etc.

In some cases, the combination of these works in the lots of GTI is more economically more profitable and allows you to save on non-productive costs for the content of specialized, narrow geophysical parties, minimize transportation costs.

However, technical and software and methodological means allowing to combine the listed works in a single technological chain in the GTI station, currently not.

Therefore, it was necessary to develop a more advanced state of GTI of the new generation, which will expand the functionality of the GTI station. Consider the main directions of work at the same time.

Basic requirements K. modern station GTI - This is reliability, multifunctionality, modularity and informativeness.

Structure station shown in Fig. 1. It is built on the principle of distributed remote collection systems that are combined with each other using a standard serial interface. The main low-level collection systems are hubs designed to join a serial interface and connecting separate component parts of the station: a gas logging module, a module of geological instruments, digital or analog sensors, information scoreboard. Through the same hubs to the collection system (on the operator registering computer), other autonomous modules and systems are connected - a module for monitoring the quality of wells (manifold unit), ground modules of bottomheasted tele-measuring systems, geophysical data registration systems such as "Hector" or "Volcano" and etc.

Fig. 1. Simplified structural scheme of station GTI

Hubs simultaneously must provide electroplating communication and nutrition circuits. Depending on the problems assigned to the station, the number of hubs can be different - from several units to several tens of pieces. The software of the GTI station provides full compatibility and coordinated operation in a single programmatic environment of all technical means.

Technological parameter sensors

The technological parameter sensors used in GTI stations are one of the most important component parts of the station. The accuracy of the readings and reliability of the sensor operation largely depends on the efficiency of the GTI, when solving tasks for controlling and operational management of the drilling process. However, due to severe operating conditions (a wide range of temperatures from -50 to +50 ºС, an aggressive environment, strong vibrations, etc.), sensors remain the weak and most unreliable link in the composition of technical means GTI.

The sensors used in the production parties were mostly developed in the early 90s using the domestic element base and primary measuring elements of domestic production. Moreover, due to the lack of choice, publicly available primary transducers were used, which did not always meet the strict requirements of work in the drilling conditions. This explains not enough high reliability of the sensors used.

The principles of measurement of sensors and their design solutions are chosen in relation to domestic drilling rigs of the old sample, and therefore on modern drilling rigs and even more so on the drilling rigs of foreign production are difficult to assemble.

It follows from the foregoing that the development of a new generation of sensors is extremely relevant and timely.

When developing GTI sensors, one of the requirements is their adaptation to all existing drilling sets on the Russian market.

The presence of a wide selection of high precision primary converters and highly integrated small microprocessors allows you to develop high-precision, programmable sensors with large functionality. Sensors have a unipolar supply voltage and at the same time digital and analog outputs. Calibration and sensor configuration are made programmatically from the computer from the station, the possibility of software compensation for the temperature error and the linearization of sensor characteristics is provided. The digital part of the electronic board for all types of sensors is the same type and differs only by setting up the internal program, which makes it a unified and interchangeable during repair work. Appearance Sensors are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Technological parameter sensors

Load sensor on hook It has a number of features (Fig. 3). The principle of operation of the sensor is based on measuring the tension force of thalet rope on the "dead" end using a strain gauge force sensor. The sensor has a built-in processor and non-volatile memory. All information is registered and stored in this memory. The amount of memory allows you to save the monthly amount of information. The sensor can be completed with an autonomous power source that provides the operation of the sensor when the external power source is disconnected.

Fig. 3. Weight Sensor on Hook

Bookwicker information board Designed to display and visualize information obtained from sensors. The appearance of the scoreboard is presented in Fig. four.

On the front panel of the drillers, there are six linear scales with additional digital display to display the parameters: torque on the rotor, the pressure of the PJ at the inlet, the density of the PJ at the entrance, the level of the PJ in the container, the consumption of the PJ at the inlet, the exit consumption. Weight Parameters on the hook, load on the chisel by analogy with GIV are displayed on two circular scales with additional duplication in digital form. At the bottom of the scoreboard there are one linear scale to display the drilling speed, three digital indicators to display the parameters - the depth of the bottom, the position above the caution, gas content. The alphanumeric indicator is designed to output text messages and warnings.

Fig. 4. Appearance of the information board

Geochemical module

The geochemical station module includes a gas chromatograph, a total gas content analyzer, a gas-air line and a degasser of the drilling fluid.

The most important part of the geochemical module is a gas chromatograph. For an errorless, clear allocation of productive intervals during their opening, a very reliable, accurate, highly sensitive device is needed to determine the concentration and composition of limit hydrocarbon gases in the range from 110 -5 to 100%. For this purpose for configuration of the GTI station developed gas chromatograph "Rubin" (Fig. 5) (see the article of the present release of NTV).

Fig. 5. Field chromatograph "Rubin"

The sensitivity of the geochemical module of the GTI station can also be increased by increasing the degassing coefficient of the drilling fluid.

To isolate a bottomhole gas dissolved in drilling fluids, used degasters of two types (Fig. 6):

      float degassers of passive action;

      degasters are active with forced flux crushing.

Float degassers Simple and reliable in operation, however, the degassing coefficient is not more than 1-2%. Degasters with forced flux crushingthere may be a degassing coefficient up to 80-90%, but less reliable and require constant control.

Fig. 6. Degasters of drilling fluids

a) float degasser passive action; b) active action degasser

Continuous analysis of total gas content is made using external gas sensor. The advantage of this sensor in front of traditional total gas analyzers placed in the station is the efficiency of the information obtained, since the sensor is placed directly on the drill and the delay time for gas transportation from the drill to the station is excluded. In addition, the stations are designed for configuration gas sensors To measure the concentrations of the inconspicuous components of the analyzed gas mixture: hydrogen H 2, carbon monoxide CO, hydrogen sulfide H 2 S (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Gas content sensors

Geological module

The geological station of the station provides a study of drilling sludge, core and reservoir fluid in the process of drilling well, registration and processing of the obtained data.

Studies performed by operators of the GTI station allow us to solve the following main geological tasks:

    lithological dismemberment of the cut;

    selection of collectors;

    assessment of the nature of the saturation of collectors.

For the operational and qualitative solution of these tasks, the most optimal list of devices and equipment is determined and based on this complex of geological devices (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Equipment and instruments of the geological station station

Microprocessor Kombonatomer KM-1A Designed to determine the mineral composition of rocks in carbonate cuts on the sludge and core. This device Allows you to determine the percentage of calcite, dolomite and an insoluble residue in the studied sample rock. The instrument has a built-in microprocessor, which calculates the percentage of calcite and dolomite, the values \u200b\u200bof which are displayed on the digital scoreboard or on the monitor screen. A modification of a carbonatomer has been developed, which allows to determine the content in the mineral of the seerite mineral (density of 3.94 g / cm 3), which affects the density of carbonate rocks and cement of terrigenic rocks, which can significantly reduce the porosity values.

Fuchemer sludge PSH-1 Designed for express measurement of density and assessment of the total porosity of rocks on the sludge and core. The principle of measurement of the device is aareometric, based on the weighing of the studied sample of the sludge in the air and in water. Using the PSH-1 densector, it is possible to measure the density of rocks with a density of 1.1-3 g / cm³ .

Installation PP-3 designed to highlight collector breeds and research of collector properties of rocks. This instrument allows you to determine the bulk, mineralogical density and general porosity. The principle of measurement of the device is thermogravimetric, based on a high-precision measurement of the weight of the studied sample of rock, pre-rich water, and continuous control over the change in the weight of this sample as moisture evaporates when heated. By the time of evaporation of moisture, one can judge the magnitude of the permeability of the studied breed.

Installation of liquid distillation UDZ-2 intended for estimates of the nature of the saturation of collectors of rocks along the sludge and core, filter-density properties, and also allows you to determine the residual oil-containing saturation on the core and the drilling sludge directly on the drill through the use of a new approach in the distillate cooling system. The installation used the condensate cooling system based on the thermoelectric element of Peltier instead of the water heat exchangers used in such devices. This allows you to reduce condensate loss by providing adjustable cooling. The principle of operation of the installation is based on the displacement of the reservoir fluids from the pores of rock samples due to excess pressure arising from a thermostated adjustable heating from 90 to 200 ºС ( 3 ºС), the condensation of vapors in the heat exchanger and the separation of the condensate formed during the distillation process Oil and water.

Installation of thermo addorption and pyrolysis Allows you to determine the presence of free and sorbed hydrocarbons, as well as assess the presence and degree of organic substance convertibility, and on the basis of the interpretation of the data obtained, to highlight the reservoirs of reservoirs, processing sediments, and estimate the character Collector saturation.

IR spectrometer created for definitions of the presence and quantitative estimate of the present hydrocarbon in the studied breed (gas condensate, light oil, severe oil, bitumen, etc.) in order to assess the nature of collector saturation.

Liminoscope Lou-1m With a remote UV illuminator and a photographing device, it is intended for the study of drilling sludge and core samples under ultraviolet lighting in order to determine the presence in the breed of bituminous substances, as well as for their quantitative assessment. The principle of measurement of the device is based on the property of bitumen by irradiation with ultraviolet rays emit a "cold" glow, the intensity and color of which allow you to visually determine the presence, qualitative and quantitative composition of the bitumoid in the studied breed in order to assess the nature of the saturation of collectors. The exhaust photographing device is designed to document the results of fluorescent analysis and contributes to the exception of the subjective factor in assessing the analysis results. The remote illuminator allows preliminary inspection of a large-sized core on the drill to identify the presence of bitumoids.

Osh-1 sludge designed for express samples of samples of sludge under the influence heat flux. The desiccant has a built-in adjustable timer and several adjustment modes of the intensity and air flow temperature.

The technical and information capabilities of the described Station of GTI meet modern requirements and allow you to implement new technologies for the construction of oil and gas wells.

    Mining and geological characteristics of the cut affecting the emergence, prevention and liquidation of complications.

Complications in the drilling process arise for the following reasons: complex mining and geological conditions; Bad awareness of them; low speed Drilling, for example, due to long downtime, bad technological solutions laid down in a technical project for the construction of a well.

With complicated drilling, accidents occur more often.

Mining and geological characteristics need to know to properly draw up a project for the construction of a well, warn and fight complications during the project implementation.

Reservoir pressure (RPL) - fluid pressure in rocks with open porosity. So called rocks in which empties communicate with each other. In this case, the plastic fluid can flow under the laws of hydromechanics. Such rocks include tiponight breeds, sandstones, collectors of productive horizons.

Pallowing pressure (RPP) is a pressure in closed voids, even the fluid pressure in the pore space in which the pores are not communicated to each other. Clay, salt breeds, collector tires have such properties.

Mountain pressure (RG) - hydrostatic (geostatic) pressure in the depth under consideration from the above-mentioned thickness of the GP.

The static level of the plastic fluid in the well, determined by the equality of pressure of this column with reservoir pressure. The level may be lower than the surface of the Earth (the well will be absorbed), coincide with the surface (there is equilibrium) or be above the surface (the well fountains) RPL \u003d RGZ.

The dynamic level of fluid in the well is set above the static level during the top of the well in the well and below it - when the fluid is selected, for example, when pumping the submersible pump.

DepressionP \u003d PSKV-RPL<0 – давление в скважине меньше пластового. Наличие депрессии – необходимое условие для притока пластового флюида.

RepressionP \u003d RSKV-RPL\u003e 0 - Pressure in the well no more reservoir. There is absorption.

The coefficient of anomalcy of the reservoir pressure ka \u003d RPL / RVGZPL (1), where Zpl -Glube roofs of the formation under consideration, RV is the density of water, G is an acceleration of free fall. Ka<1=>ANPD; Ka\u003e 1 \u003d\u003e AvPD.

The absorption pressure or hydraulic radiation is the pressure at which the absorption of all phases of washing or tmponight fluid occur. The value of the RP is determined by the experimental way according to observations in the drilling process, or with the help of special studies in the well. The data obtained are used when wiring other similar wells.

    Combined press graph at complication. The choice of the first design of the wells.

Combined pressure graph. The choice of the first design of the wells.

In order to properly compile a technical project for the construction of wells, it is necessary to accurately know the distribution of reservoir (pore) pressures and pressure of the absorption (hydraulic) at a depth or, which is the same, the distribution of ka and KP (in a dimensionless form). The distribution of ka and kp are on a combined pressure graph.

The distribution of ka and KP in the depth of Z.

· Well construction (1st option), which is then specified.

From this schedule it can be seen that we have three depth intervals with compatible drilling conditions, that is, those in which liquid can be used with the same density.

Especially hard to drill when ka \u003d kp. Supervised drilling becomes with a value of ka \u003d kp<1. В этих случаях обычно бурят на поглощение или применяют промывку аэрированной жидкостью.

After opening the absorbing interval, insulation works are produced, thanks to which the KP increases (artificially), having the opportunity to carry out, for example, cementing the column.

    Circulation System System Wells

The circuit of the circulating system of wells and the plot of pressure distribution in it.

Scheme: 1. Chisel, 2. Rocky engine, 3. UBT, 4. BT, 5. Castle compound, 6. Square, 7. Verlutug, 8. Drilling Sleeve, 9. Stand, 10. Pipeline (Manifold), 11 . Pump, 12. Suction pipe, 13. Gobody system, 14. Vibrosito.

1. Hydrostatic pressure distribution.

2. Hydraulic pressure distribution in KP.

3. Hydraulic pressure distribution in BT.

The pressure of the flushing fluid on the reservoir should always be inside the shaded area between the RPL and RP.

Through each threaded connection of the BC, the liquid tries to flow from the pipe into the annulus space (during circulation). This trend is caused by the pressure drop in pipes and KP. When leakage, the threaded connection is destroyed. All other things being equal in an organic disadvantage of drilling with a hydraulic outcrubble engine, an elevated pressure drop on each threaded connection, as in a lock engine

The circulation system is used to supply the drilling fluid from the mouth of the well to the receiving tanks, cleaning from the churred rock and degassing.

The figure shows a simplified diagram of the CA100E circulation system: 1 - the plot pipeline; 2 - Mortar; 3 - cleaning unit; 4 - receiving block; 5 - electrical equipment control cabinet.

The simplified design of the circulating system is a rigorous system that consists of a gutter for the movement of the solution, the flooring near the gutter for walking and cleaning the grooves, railings and bases.

The gutter can be wooden from a 40 mm boards and metal sheets of 3-4 mm. Width - 700-800 mm, height - 400-500 mm. Apply a gutter of a rectangular profile and semicircular. In order to reduce the flow rate of the solution and falling out of it, the slobs in the gutters are set by partitions and drops with a height of 15-18 cm. At the bottom of the gutter in these places, the hatches with valves are installed through which the tempered rock is removed. The total length of the gutter system depends on the parameters of the solutions used, the conditions and technology of drilling, as well as on the mechanisms used for cleaning and degassing solutions. Length, as a rule, can be within 20-50 m.

When using sets of cleaning and degassing mechanisms (vibrositis, sand separators, ilo separators, degassers, centrifuges), the gutter system is used only for supplying a well solution to the mechanism and receiving containers. In this case, the length of the gobrel system depends only on the location of the mechanisms and tanks in relation to the well.

In most cases, the guttle system is mounted on metal bases in sections having a length of 8-10 m and a height of up to 1 m. Such sections are installed on steel telescopic racks that control the height of the chute installation, it facilitates the dismantling of the rigine system in winter. Thus, when clustering and freezing under the chutes of the cramped breed, the gutter together with the bases can be removed from the racks. Mount the gobalone system with a slope towards the movement of the solution; With the mouth of the wells, the guttle system is connected by a smaller pipe or a chute and with a large bias to increase the speed of the solution and reduce the sludge in this place.

In modern technology drilling wells, there are special requirements for drilling solutions, according to which equipment for cleaning the solution should provide high-quality cleaning of the solid from the solid phase, mix and stop it, and remove it from the GZ solution from the gas saturated formation during drilling. In connection with these requirements, modern drilling rigs are equipped with circulating systems with a certain set of unified mechanisms - containers, devices for cleaning and preparation of drilling fluids.

The mechanisms of circulation systems provide three-step cleaning of the drilling fluid. From the well, the solution enters the vibrating place in the first stage of coarse cleaning and is assembled in the sump of the tank where the coarse sand is deposited. From the sump, the solution passes into the compartment of the circulation system and is supplied by the centrifugal slot pump into the degasser, if necessary, degassing the solution, and then into the sand-separator, where the second stage of purification from the breed is up to 0.074-0.08 mm. After that, the solution is supplied to the alto separator - the third stage of purification, where the particles of the rock are removed to 0.03 mm. Sand and silt are discharged into the container from where it is served in a centrifuge for an additional separation of the solution from the rock. The purified solution from the third stage enters the receiving tanks - into the receiving unit of drilling pumps for feeding it into the well.

Equipment of circulation systems is compiled by the factory in the following blocks:

solution cleaning unit;

intermediate block (one or two);

reception unit.

Bases for blocking blocks are rectangular tanks installed on sled bases.

    Hydraulic pressure of clay and cement solutions after stopping circulation.

    Absorption. Causes of their occurrence.

Bythe absorption of drilling or tampon-free solutions is the type of complications, which is the leaving of the liquid from the well in the layer of rocks. In contrast to filtration, the absorption is characteristic of the fact that the GP receives all phases of the fluid. And when filtering is only some. In practice, the absorption practices are also defined as the daily care of the drilling fluid into the reservoir in a volume greater than natural decline due to filtration and with sludge. For each district adopted its normal. It is usually allowed several m3 per day. The absorption is the most common type of complications, especially in the districts of the Ural-Volga region East and Southeast Siberia. Absorption are found in the cuts in which there are usually the fractured GP, the greatest deformations of the rocks are located and their erosion is due to tectonic processes. For example, 14% calendar time spend on the tatar for the fight against the absorption annually, which exceeds the time spent on the fur. drilling. As a result of the absorption, the wiring conditions deteriorate:

1. Enhancement of the instrument, because The speed of the ascending flow of the washing fluid is sharply reduced. The probability of grabbing tool is especially increasing, after stopping the pumps (circulation).

2. Stip out the collaps in unstable breeds. SnBPs can arise from the existing fluid-containing horizons. The reason is a decrease in the pressure of the fluid column. If there are two or more at the same time revealed reservoirs with various coefficients. CA and the CP between them can arise a flow, impellent insulation work and subsequent well cementing.

There is a lot of time and material means (inert fillers, tampon-entertainment materials) for insulation, downtime and accidents that cause absorption.

Causes of absorption

The qualitative role of the factor determining the magnitude of the solution to the absorption can be traced, considering the flow of viscous fluid in a circular porous layer or circular slit. The formula for calculating the consumption of the absorbed liquid in the porous circular layer we obtain, solving the system of equations:

1. Motion escape (in the form of Darcy)

V \u003d K / M * (DP / DR): (1) where V, P, R, M-, respectively, the flow rate, current pressure, reservoir radius, viscosity.

2. Mass conservation equation (continuity)

V \u003d Q / F (2) where Q, F \u003d 2πRH, H is, respectively, the consumption of the absorption of the liquid, the variable along the radius area, the thickness of the absorption zone.

3. State equation

ρ \u003d const (3) solving this system of equations: 2 and 3 in 1 we get:

Q \u003d (k / m) * 2π rH (DP / DR)

Q \u003d (2π HK (P.from-P.pL)) / MLN (RK / RC) (4)formula Dupies

A similar formula (4) busussenso can also be obtained for M circular cracks (cracks) of the same opened and equal to each other.

Q \u003d [(πδ3 (PC-PLL)) / 6MLN (RK / RC)] * M (5)

Δ- Disclosure (height) of the slot;

m- the number of cracks (cracks);

M- Effective viscosity.

It is clear that to reduce the consumption of the absorbed liquid according to formula (4) and (5), it is necessary to increase the parameters in the denominators and reduce them in the numerator.

According to (4) and (5)

Q \u003d £ (h (or m), ppl, rk, pc, rc, m, k, (orδ)) (6)

The parameters included in the function (6) by origin at the time of opening the absorption zone can be divided into 3 groups.

1.Group - geological parameters;

2.Group - technological parameters;

3.Group - funny.

This division is conditional, because during operation, i.e. technological impact (selection of fluid, flooding, etc.) Also varies PLL, RK

    Absorption in rocks with closed cracks. Feature of indicator curves. Hydraulic and warning it.

Feature of indicator curves.

We will further consider direct 2.

Approximately indicator curve for rocks with artificially discovered closed cracks can be described by the following formula: PC \u003d RB + RPL + 1 / A * Q + BQ2 (1)

For breeds with naturally open cracks, the indicator curve is a special case of formula (1)

RS-RPL \u003d ΔР \u003d 1 / A * Q \u003d A * ΔP

Thus, in the breeds with open cracks, the absorption will begin at any values \u200b\u200bof repression, and in rocks with closed cracks - only after creating pressure in the well, an equal pressure of the hydraulic pressure of the PC *. The main measure of the fight against the absorption in rocks with closed cracks (clay, salt) is not allowed to hydraulic.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of work to eliminate the absorption.

The effectiveness of insulation works is characterized by the pickup (a) of the absorption zone, which can be achieved during insulation work. If, with the resulting pickup Ah, it turns out to be lower than some technologically permissible value of AQ pickup, characterized for each area, then insulating work can be considered successful. Thus, the insulation condition can be written as a≤Aq (1) a \u003d Q / PC-P * (2) for rocks with artificially opened cracks P * \u003d RB + RPL + RR (3) where RB-side pressure of rock, PP - tensile tensile tensile In particular cases of RB and RR \u003d 0 for breeds with natural open cracks A \u003d Q / PC - RPL (4), if not allowed the slightest absorption, then q \u003d 0 and a → 0,

rS then<Р* (5) Для зоны с открытыми трещинами формула (5) заменяется Рс=Рпл= Рпогл (6). Если давление в скважине определяется гидростатикой Рс = ρqL то (5 и 6) в привычных обозначениях примет вид: ρо≤Кп (7) и ρо= Ка=Кп (8). На практике трудно определить давление поглощения Р* , поэтому в ряде районов, например в Татарии оценка эффективности изоляционных работ проводят не по индексу давления поглощения Кп а по дополнительной приемистости Аq. В Татарии допустимые приемистости по тех. воде принято Аq≤ 4 м3/ч*МПа. Значение Аq свое для каждого района и различных поглощаемых жидкостей. Для воды оно принимается обычно более, а при растворе с наполнителем Аq берется меньше. Согласно 2 и 4 А=f (Q; Рс) (9). Т.е все способы борьбы с поглощениями основаны на воздействии на две управляемые величины (2 и 4) , т.е. на Q и Рс.

    Methods of combating absorption in the process of opening the absorption zone.

Traditional methods of preventing absorption are based on a decrease in pressure drops on the absorbing formation or a / t change) of the filter fluid. If, instead of a decrease in the pressure drop on the reservoir, increase the viscosity by adding bubbling materials, bentonite, or other substances, the absorption intensity will change inversely proportionate to the viscosity increases, as follows from formula (2.86). Practically, if you adjust the parameters of the solution, viscosity can be changed only in a relatively narrow limits. Preventing the absorption by transhiping with a solution with an increased viscosity with a solution with an increased viscosity is possible only subject to the development of scientifically based requirements for these fluids that take into account the features of their flow in the formation. Improving the methods of preventing absorption based on the decline in pressure drops on absorbing layers is inextricably linked to the deep study and development of methods for wiring wells in equilibrium in the well system - reservoir. The drilling scene, penetrating the absorbing layer on a certain depth and thickening in the absorption channels, creates an additional obstacle to the movement of the drilling fluid from the wellbore in the reservoir. The solution of the solution to create resistance to the movement of fluid inside the reservoir is used during preventive measures to prevent absorption. The power of such resistance depends on the structural and mechanical properties of the solution, sizes and shape of the channels, as well as from the depth of the solution of the solution into the formation.

In order to formulate requirements for the rheological properties of drilling fluids during the passing of absorbing layers, we consider curves (Fig. 2.16), reflecting the dependence of the shift voltage and the deformation rate of the DE / DF for some models of Nengeton fluid. Direct 1 corresponds to the model of the viscous plastic medium for which the limit stress of the shear T0 is characteristic. Curve 2 characterizes the behavior of pseudoplastic fluids, which, with increasing shear speed, slow down the growth rate of voltage, and the curves are paid. Direct 3 reflects the rheological properties of a viscous fluid (Newtonian). Curve 4 characterizes the behavior of viscoelastic and dilant liquids, in which the shear voltage increases sharply with increasing deformation rate. The viscoelastic fluids, in particular, relate to weak solutions of some polymers (polyethylene oxide, guar resin, poly-acrylamide, etc.) in water, which detect the property sharply reduce (by 2-3 times) hydrodynamic resistance during fluids with large Reynolds numbers (Tommas effect). At the same time, the viscosity of these liquids when they move them by absorbing channels will be high due to the high shift rates in the channels. Drilling with washing aerial drilling rigs is one of the radical measures in the complex of measures and methods intended to prevent and eliminate the absorption during deep wells. The aeration of the drilling fluid reduces the hydrostatic pressure, thereby returns it in sufficient quantity on the surface and, accordingly, normal cleaning of the wellbore, as well as the selection of representative samples of the flowable rocks and reservoir fluids. Technical and economic indicators when drilling wells with a wash washing with an aerated solution above compared with the indicators, when water or other washing fluids are used as a drilling fluid. The quality of the opening of productive reservoirs is also significantly improved, especially at fields where these layers have abnormally low pressure.

An effective measure to prevent the absorption of the drilling fluid is the introduction of fillers to the circulating drilling rig. The purpose of their use is to create tampons in the absorption channels. These tampons serve as the basis for depositing the filtering (clay) crust and insulation of absorbing layers. V.F. Rogers believes that there can be almost any material that consists of particles of sufficiently small sizes and when entering the drilling rig, it can be powered by drilling pumps. In the United States, more than one hundred types of fillers and their combinations are used to clog the absorbing channels. As a closure agents, wood chips or rolled, fish, hay, rubber waste, gutta-reader, cotton, cotton boxes, sugar cane fibers, nut shell, granulated plastics, perlite, ceramzite, textile fibers, bitumen, mica, asbestos, rugged paper, moss, rugged hemp, cellulose flakes, skin, wheat bran, beans, peas, rice, chicken feathers, clay lumps, sponge, coke, stone, etc. These materials can be applied separately and in combinations manufactured by industry or compiled before use . Determine the suitability of each clogging material in the laboratory is very difficult due to ignorance of the size of the holes that should be clogged.

In foreign practice, special attention is paid to ensuring the "dense" packaging of fillers. Fernas's opinions are adhered to, according to which the most dense packaging of particles meets the conditions for the distribution of them in size under the law of geometric progression; In the elimination of absorption, the greatest effect can be obtained at the maximum compacted plug, especially in the case of the instantaneous leaving of the drilling fluid.

Fillers for high-quality characteristics are divided into fibrous, lamellar and grainy. Fibrous materials have vegetable, animal, mineral origin. This includes synthetic materials. The type and size of the fibers significantly affect the quality of work. The stability of the fibers when circulating them in the drilling solution is important. Materials give good results when clogging sand and gravel plars with grains with a diameter of up to 25 mm, as well as when clogging cracks in coarse-grained (up to 3 mm) and fine-grained (up to 0.5 mm) rocks.

Plastic materials are suitable for blockage of coarse gravel and cracks of up to 2.5 mm. These include: cellophane, mica, husk, cotton seeds, etc.

Grainy materials: Perlite, crushed tires, plastic pieces, nut shell, etc. Most of them effectively block gravel layers with grains with a diameter up to 25 mm. Perlite gives good results in gravel formations with a grain diameter of up to 9-12 mm. The nutty shell is 2.5 mm in size and less clogs cracks up to 3 mm in size, and a larger (up to 5 mm) and grinding rubber clocked cracks up to 6 mm in size, i.e. They can be closed cracks 2 times more than when using fibrous or lamellar materials.

In the absence of data on the size of grains and cracks of the absorbing horizon, mixtures of fibrous with lamellar or granular materials, cellophane with mica, fibrous with scaly and granular materials, as well as when mixing granular materials are mixed: perlite with rubber or walnut shell. The best mixture to eliminate the absorption at low pressures is the high-colored clay solution with the addition of fibrous materials and sheets of mica. Fibrous materials, laying on the wall of the well, form a grid. Shells of mica strengthen this grid and clog the larger channels in the breed, and on top of all this is formed fine and dense clay crust.

    Gasodonephthette production. Their reasons. Signs of receipt of reservoir fluids. Classification and recognition of species of manifestations.

When absorbing the liquid (washing or tmponight) flows from the well to the reservoir, and when the opposite is disperse, from the reservoir in the well. Causes of receipt: 1) Admission to the well in the place from the selected breed of fluid containing layers. In this case, it is not necessarily higher and below the pressure in the well compared with the reservoir; 2) If the pressure in the well is lower than the reservoir, i.e, there is a dipression on the reservoir. The main causes of dipresses, tau a reduction in the pressure on the reservoir in the well: 1) without topping the well washing fluid during the tool lifting. Mandatory device for autodolivation in the well is necessary; 2) reduce the density of flushing fluid due to its foaming (hydrogen) when contacting the liquid with air on the surface in the rigor system, as well as because of the processing of PV Pav. DEGAZINE (mechanical, chemical) is necessary; 3) drilling well in incompatible conditions. On the diagram two layers. For the first formation, CA1 and KP1 are characterized; For second Ca2 and KP2. First layer must be drilled on the solution ρ0.1 (between ka1 and kp1), second reservoir ρ0,2 (Fig.)

It is impossible to open the second reservoir on a solution with a density for the first formation, since it will absorb its in the second layer; 4) sharp fluctuations in hydrodynamic pressure when the pump is stopped, and other works exacerbated by the increase in static shear stress and the presence of the gauge on the column;

5) The affected density of P.G. adopted in a technical project due to poor knowledge of the actual distribution of reservoir pressure (ka), that is, the geology of the area. These reasons are more related to exploratory wells; 6) Low level of operational refinement of reservoir pressure by predicting them during the recess of the well. Not to use methods of forecasting D-exponent, σ (sigma) - Exponent I.T.D; 7) loss of weight loss from drilling fluid and reduction of hydraulic pressure. Signs of receipt of the reservoir fluid are: 1) increasing the level of circulating fluid in the receiving capacity of the pump. Need a level gauge; 2) gas released from the well from the well at the mouth, the boiling of the solution is observed; 3) after stopping circulation, the solution continues to flow from the well (the well transfers); 4) The pressure is sharply risen at an unexpected opening of the reservoir with the AVAP. When oil flows from the layers, its film remains on the walls of the grooves or flows over the solution in the gutters. When reducing plastic water, the properties of P.Zh. Its density usually drops, viscosity may decrease, and may increase (after the receipt of salt water). Water spending usually increases, the pH varies, the electrical resistance is usually reduced.

Classification of fluids. It is made by the complexity of the activities necessary for their liquidation. Are divided into three groups: 1) the manifestation of the non-hazardous flow of reservoir fluids, which do not violate the drilling process and the accepted technology of work; 2) emissions - the flow of fluids that can be eliminated only by special purposeful change in drilling technology available on rig and equipment; 3) Fountain - fluid entry, the elimination of which requires the use of additional tools and equipment (except on the bu) and which is associated with the occurrence of the well-reservoir pressure, threatening the integrity of OK , wellhead equipment and layers in the loose of the well.

    Installation of cement bridges. Features of the choice of recipe and preparation of a tampon solution for installing bridges.

One of the serious varieties of cementing technology is the installation of cement bridges for various purposes. Improving the quality of cement bridges and the effectiveness of their work is an integral part of improving the processes of drilling, completion and operation of wells. Quality of bridges, their durability is also determined by the reliability of the protection of the depths of the environment. At the same time, commercial evidence suggests that cases of installing low-strength and leakage bridges, premature grasp cement mortar, grabbing column pipes, etc. These complications are due not only and not so many properties of the used tampon materials, how many specific works by the installation of bridges.

In deep high-temperature wells, accidents associated with intensive thickening and the mixture of clay and cement solutions are quite often occurring during these works. In some cases, bridges turn out to be notchive or durable. Successful installation of bridges depends on many natural and technical factors resulting in the features of the formation of cement stone, as well as contact and "grip" it with rocks and metal pipes. Therefore, the assessment of the bearing capacity of the bridge as an engineering structure and the study of the conditions existing in the well are mandatory when conducting these works.

The purpose of the installation of bridges is to obtain a sustainable water-tight-tonflower glass of a certain strength of a certain strength for transition to the overlying horizon, forging a new trunk, strengthening the unstable and cavernous part of the wellbore, testing the horizon using the tests of the reservoirs, overhaul and conservation or liquidation of wells.

By the nature of the existing loads, two categories of bridges can be distinguished:

1) experiencing fluid or gas pressure and 2) experiencing a load on the weight of the tool during the forcing of the second trunk, the use of the test of the reservoirs or in other cases (bridges, of this category, should be in addition to gasOver-resistant to have very high mechanical strength).

Analysis of commercial data shows that pressures of up to 85 MPa can be created on bridges, axial loads up to 2100 kN and a shear stress arise by 1 m length of the bridge to 30 MPa. Such significant loads occur when testing wells using tests of reservoirs and with other types of work.

The carrying capacity of cement bridges largely depends on their height, the presence (or absence) and the state of the clay crust or the residues of the drilling fluid on the column. When removing the loose part of the clay peel, the shift voltage is 0.15-0.2 MPa. In this case, even in the occurrence of maximum loads, the height of the bridge 18-25 m is sufficient. The presence on the walls of the column layer of the drilling (clay) solution with a thickness of 1-2 mm leads to a decrease in shift voltage and to an increase in the required height of up to180-250 m. In connection with this The height of the bridge should be calculated by the formula Nm ≥ but - QM / Pdc [τm] (1) where H0 is the depth of installing the bottom of the bridge; Qm - axial load on the bridge, caused by the pressure drop and unloading of the column of pipes or the tests of the formation; DC - the diameter of the well; [τm] - the specific carrying capacity of the bridge, the values \u200b\u200bof which are defined both by the adhesive properties of the tampon material, and the method of installing the bridge. The tightness of the bridge also depends on its height and state of the contact surface, as the pressure at which the water breakthrough occurs is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the thickness of the crust. In the presence between the casing column and cement stone, the clay crust with a shear voltage of 6.8-4.6 MPa, a thickness of 3-12 mM, the water breakage pressure gradient is respectively 1.8 and 0.6 MPa per 1 m. In the absence of peeling breakthrough It occurs at a pressure gradient of more than 7.0 MPa per 1 m.

Consequently, the tightness of the bridge largely depends on the conditions and method of its installation. In connection with this, the height of the cement bridge should also be determined from the expression

Nm ≥ but - PM / [ΔP] (2) where RM is the maximum value of the pressure drop in effect on the bridge during operation; [Δp] is a permissible pressure gradient of a fluid breakthrough along a bridge contact zone with a well wall; This value is also determined mainly depending on the method of installing the bridge, from the used tampon materials. From the values \u200b\u200bof the height of cement bridges, determined by formulas (1) and (2), are chosen more.

Installing the bridge has a lot in common with the process of cementing the columns and has the features that are reduced to the following:

1) the small number of tampon-made materials is used;

2) the lower part of the filling pipes is not equipped with anything, the stop-ring is not installed;

3) do not apply rubber separation corks;

4) In many cases, the reverse fissing of wells for the "cutting" of the roof of the bridge is produced;

5) The bridge is not limited to below and can be spread under the action of the density differences of cement and drilling solutions.

The installation of the bridge is a simple intention and method of conducting an operation that in deep wells is significantly complicated by the action of such factors as temperature, pressure, gasodonephtheyment, etc. The length, diameter and configuration of the casting pipes, the rheological properties of cement and drilling fluids also have an important meaning. The cleanliness of the wellbore and the modes of downward and upward flows. At the installation of the bridge in a non-plated part of the well, the corenosis of the trunk has a significant impact.

Cement bridges must be strong enough. The practice of work shows that if the bridge is not destroyed when creating a specific axial load of 3.0-6.0 MPa and simultaneous flushing on it, its strength properties satisfy the conditions of both the feeding of the new barrel and loading from the weight of the pipe column or tests of layers.

When installing bridges for feeding a new trunk, an additional requirement is presented in height. This is due to the fact that the strength of the upper part (H1) of the bridge should ensure the possibility of feeding a new barrel with a permissible curvature intensity, and the lower part (H0) is a reliable insulation of the old barrel. Nm \u003d n1 + but \u003d (2ds * rc) 0.5+ but (3)

where RC is the bench curvature radius.

Analysis of the available data shows that obtaining reliable bridges in deep wells depends on the complex at the same time acting factors that can be divided into three groups.

First Group - Natural Factors: Temperature, pressure and geological conditions (caverno, fracture, action of aggressive water, water and gas production and absorption).

Second group - Technological factors: The speed of movement of cement and drilling fluids in pipes and ring space, rheological properties of solutions, chemical and mineralogical composition of the binder material, the physicomechanical properties of cement mortar and stone, the contractive effect of the cement cement, the squeezability of the drilling fluid, the heterogeneity of the densities Coagulation of the drilling fluid when it is mixed with cement (the formation of highly viscous pastes), the magnitude of the ring gap and the eccentricity of the pipe location in the well, the contact time of the buffer liquid and cement mortar with a clay crust.

Third Group - Subjective Factors: The use of unacceptable for these conditions of tampon-made materials; irregular selection of the recipe of the solution in the laboratory; insufficient preparation of the wellbore and the use of drilling fluids with high viscosity, SNS and water reproductive values; Errors in determining the amount of sealing fluid, the location of the casting tool, dosage of reagents for the location of the cement mortar on the well; the use of insufficient number of cementing units; application of an insufficient amount of cement; Low degree of organization of the installation process of the bridge.

An increase in temperature and pressure contributes to the intensive acceleration of all chemical reactions, causing rapid thickening (loss of pouring) and setting the tampon-free solutions, which, after short circulation stops, it is sometimes impossible to be sold.

To date, the main method of installing cement bridges is to pin in the cement mortar into the design interval of the depths in the pipe column, descended to the level of the bottom of the bridge, followed by the rise of this column above the cementing zone. As a rule, work is carried out without dividing traffic jams and controls for their movement. The process is monitored by the volume of sealing fluid, calculated from the condition of equality of the cement mortar levels in the pipe column and the annular space, and the volume of the cement solution is taken equal to the volume of the well in the interval of the bridge setting. The efficiency of the method is low.

First of all, it should be noted that the binding materials used for cementing of casing columns are suitable for the installation of durable and sealed bridges. The poor-quality installation of bridges or in general their absence, premature grapplation of the binding solutions and other factors are determined to a certain extent due to the incorrect selection of recipes for binding solutions in terms of thickening (setting) or deviations from the formulation of the formulation made in the preparation of the binders in the laboratory.

It has been established that in order to reduce the likelihood of complications, the timing of the setting, and at high temperatures and pressures, the time of thickening should exceed the duration of the work on the installation of bridges at least by 25%. In some cases, during the selection of recipes for binders, the specifics of the work on the installation of bridges, which consist in the circulation stop for lifting the column of the casting pipes and the sealing of the mouth.

Under conditions of high temperatures and pressure, the resistance of the cement mortar shift even after short stops (10-20 minutes) circulation may increase dramatically. Therefore, the circulation is not restored and in most cases the column of the casting pipes turns out to be grasp. As a consequence, when selecting a cement solution formulation, it is necessary to investigate the dynamics of its thickening on the consistometer (CC) under the program simulating the process of installing the bridge. Time of thickening of cement mortar TzAG comply with the condition

Tzag\u003e T1 + T2 + T3 + 1.5 (T4 + T5 + T6) + 1.2T7 where T1, T2, T3 is the cost of time, respectively, to prepare, pump and maintain the cement mortar into the well; T4, T5, T6 - time spent on the rise of the columns of the filling pipes to the site of the bridge cutting, on the sealing of the mouth and the production of preparatory work on the cutting of the bridge; TT - time spent on the cutting of the bridge.

By a similar program, it is necessary to investigate the mixtures of the cement mortar with drilling fluids in the ratio of 3: 1.1: 1 and 1: 3 when installing cement bridges in wells with high temperatures and pressure. The success of the cement bridge is largely depends on the exact compliance with the formulation of the formulation in the laboratory in the preparation of cement mortar. Here the main conditions are the maintenance of the selected content of the chemical reagents of the identity of the indion and a water-cement relationship. It should be prepared using a more homogeneous tponight solution to obtain a more homogeneous tampon-enabled solution.

    Complications and accidents during drilling of oil and gas wells in the conditions of many years of milling and measures of their warning .

When drilling in the intervals of the distribution of MMP as a result of joint physicochemical effects and erosion on the walls of the well, sand-clay deposits are destroyed and easily blurred by the flow of drilling fluids. This leads to intense caution and associated collaps and cripples of rocks.

The most intensively destroyed rocks with a low indicator of ice-protection and low-blank breeds. The heat capacity of such rocks is low, and therefore their destruction occurs significantly faster than rocks with high ice ski.

Among the frozen rocks there are precipulates of thawed rocks, many of which are prone to the absorption of the drilling fluid at pressures, slightly exceeding the hydrostatic pressure of the water column in the well. Absorption to such layers are very intense and require special events for their prevention or liquidation.

In CMP cuts, the most unstable quaternary breed is usually the most unstable in the range of 0 - 200 m. With traditional drilling technology, the actual volume of the trunk in them can exceed a nominal value of 3-4 times. As a result of strong caution. Which is accompanied by the advent of ledges, sludgeing the sludge and ribs of breed conductors in many wells were not descended to the design depth.

As a result of the destruction of MMP, in some cases, the sedimentation of the conductor and directions was observed, and sometimes whole craters were formed around the mouth, which do not allow drilling work.

In the interval of MMP spread, it is difficult to ensure cementing and fastening of the trunk due to the creation of congestion zones of the drilling fluid in large cavities, from where it cannot be squeezed out with a tampon solution. Cementing is often one-sided, and the cement ring is unpaid. This generates favorable conditions for inter-reservoir flows and the formation of griffins, d \\ I crumpled columns during reverse breed freezing in the case of long-term "interlayers" of well.

The processes of the destruction of MMP are quite complex and few studied. 1 Circulating in the well, the drilling rig of thermo- and hydrodynamically interacts both with rock and ice, and this interaction can be significantly increased by physicochemical processes (for example, dissolution, which do not stop even at negative temperatures.

Currently, it can be considered proven by the presence of osmotic processes in the breed system (ice) - the crust on the wall of the well - flushing fluid in the wellbore. These processes are spontaneous and directed towards the opposite potential gradient (temperature, pressure, concentration), those. They strive for aligning concentrations, temperatures, pressures. The role of a semi-permeable partition can be performed as a filtration crust and a progressary racing layer of the rock itself. And in the composition of a frozen breed, in addition to ice as a cementing substance, non-freezing pore water with varying degrees of mineralization can be. The amount of non-freezing water in MMG1 depends on temperature, real composition, salinity and can be estimated according to the empirical formula

w. \u003d At ~ b .

1Pa \u003d 0.2618 + 0.55191ns;

1P (- Kommersant) \u003d 0.3711 + 0.264s:

S is the specific surface of the breed. M a / p - the temperature of the breed, "S.

Due to the presence in the open borehole of the washing drilling rig, and in MMP - pore fluid with a certain degree of mineralization, the process of spontaneous alignment of the concentrations of the iodine by the action of osmotic pressure is occurring. As a result, the destruction of the frozen breed may occur. If the drilling solution will have a concentration of any dissolved salt compared with pore water, then phase transformations associated with a decrease in ice melting temperature, i.e. The process of its destruction begins. And since the stability of the well wall depends mainly from ice, as the cementing breed of a substance, then under these conditions, the stability of the MMP, with the latter the wall of the well, will be lost, which may be caused by the scales, collaps, the formation of cavern and sludge plugs, landings and tighteners With squeaking operations, stops descended into the well casing, absorption of drilling rig and tamponium solutions.

If the degree of mineralization of the drilling fluid and pore water of the MMP is the same, then the well system - the breed will be in isotonic equilibrium, and the destruction of MMP under physicochemical exposure is unlikely.

With an increase in the degree of mineralization of the washing agent, conditions arise in which lone water with less mineralization will move from the rock in the well. Due to the losses of immobilized water, the mechanical strength of ice will decrease, the ice can collapse, which will lead to the formation of a cavern in the trunk of the roasting well. This process is intensified by the erosion effect of the circulating washing agent.

The destruction of ice salted flushing fluid is marked in the works of many researchers. Experiments conducted in the Leningrad Mountain Institute showed that with an increase in salt concentration in the washing ice fluid, ice destruction is intensified. So. When the content in circulating water 23 and 100 kg / m 'NaCl, the intensity of ice destruction at minus 1 "C was 0.0163 and 0.0882 kg / h, respectively.

The process of ice destruction is influenced by the length, "the faint of the salty flushing fluid. So, when exposed to ice with a 3% NaCl solution, the weight loss of the ice sample with a temperature of minus 1 'with amounted to: after 0.5 h 0.62 n through 1.0 h 0.96 g: after 1.5 hours 1.96

As the routine zone is placed, part of its narrowing space is released, where the washing fluid or its dispersion medium can also be filtered. This process may turn out to be another physicism \u003d an imicing factor contributing to the destruction of MMP. It can be accompanied by an osmotic flow of fluid from wells in the breed, if the concentration of some soluble salt in the MMP liquid is greater than in the liquid. Fill borehole.

Consequently, to minimize the negative effect of physicochemical processes on the condition of the trunk of the roaming well, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure an equilibrium concentration on the wall of the well components of the drilling rig and intra-form liquid in MMP.

Unfortunately, this requirement is not always adopted in practice. Therefore, it is often resorted to the protection of the cementing MMP ice from the physico-chemical effects of the drilling fluids with drilling fluids, which cover not only the naked well surface of the ice, but also partially adjacent to the well intraoral space. Thereby breaking the direct contact of the mineralized CO, Ice liquid.

According to AV Maramzin and A A A Ryazanov, when moving from flushing wells with salt water to washing with a more viscous clay solution, the intensity of ice destruction decreased by 3.5 - 4 times at the same concentration of NACI in them. It decreased even more when the drilling fluid was treated with protective colloids (CMC, PRS |. The positive role of additives to the drilling fluid of the high-oral bentonite GLNPOrOSE and Gipan is also confirmed.

Thus, to prevent the cavity formation, the destruction of the wellhead zone, the scales and collaps when drilling wells in MMP. Drilling rig must meet the following basic requirements:

have a low filtering indicator:

have the ability to create on the surface of ice in MMP dense, impenetrable film:

have a low erosion ability; have a low specific heat;

form a filtrate that does not create a liquid of the breed of true solutions;

hydrophobic to ice surface.

The presence of a well on the country site is often a prerequisite for creating comfort. Many prefer to have an independent source even with centralized water supply. The absence of such causes the need to produce water from the subsoil. The level of modern technology has significantly expanded drilling capabilities. But the well on the water with his own hands remains a reality and inexpensive way to provide it.

Water provision is a paramount task with the arrangement of any residential premises. To date, there are several ways to produce water:

  • well;
  • abyssinian Well:
  • sand well;

  • artesian well.

The arrangement of the well is the process of time consuming, so expensive.

The disadvantage of it is also the fact that water is drawn from the upper layers, which creates a greater chance of contamination of both external and entering the upper layers of the soil. The amount of water is limited, the average flow rate is 0.5 cube per hour. Well requires constant cleaning and repair, all these processes are carried out manually.

The well is a more modern, reliable, durable and affordable way of producing water. You can drill the well on the water on any land plot. Depending on the depth of finding aquifer, a design type is selected: Abyssinian Well, sandy or artesian well. If the aquifer is located at a depth of 12 m, the Abyssinian Well was closed. If this indicator is 50 m, water can be produced using a sand well. Artesian is needed if water is at a depth of 200 m.

Abyssinian well has a small diameter, it does not fall into it surface dirt and dust. Cheap and reliable option with a moderate amount of water use. The sandy well has a flow rate of 1.5 cube per hour. This is a filter species, i.e. The aquifers are placed from polymers or stainless metal. Artesian well Filterboat, water is pure, without impurities. The flow rate ranges from 5 to 100 cubes per hour.

The scheme of the principle of operation of the well on water (sandy view) gives a visual idea of \u200b\u200bits internal device.

The choice of the type of well is the process is extremely important and responsible.

Helpful advice! If there are no information about the depth of the water reservoir, without preliminary intelligence, it is not worth identifying a well. This can lead to unplanned additional costs and an unexpectedly low flow rate.

Main ways drilling wells for water

Kesson's appointment. Prices and features of the most popular models.

Tools used whendrilling wells on the water with their own hands

With the arrangement of the well on the water with their own hands, the correct selection of tools has a great value. It determines the speed and quality of work.

The drilling tool must be made of durable and wear-resistant material, the best steel. It can be bought in the store, but can be made independently and be confident in his quality. Basic tools used in self-drilling well:

  • the spoon. It consists of a steel hollow cylinder, which in the upper part there is a threaded head for connecting with rods, and in the bottom - cutting edge. The housing has a longitudinal break with a fitted inside with one edge, and the second is sharpened and can work when rotating as a blade. Drilling spoon can be made in the workshop, where there is a lathe and forge. These devices have a diameter of 70,140 and 198 mm. This size of the spoon should be 10 mm to exceed the diameter of the pipes descended after drilling;
  • chisel chisel. The wellbore is rounded by turning the bit at an angle of 15-20 degrees after each impact. The tool is made by the forging from one piece of viscous steel. The angle of its pointing is 90 degrees. Chisels have a diameter of 74, 108, 147 mm. Small sizes can be made in workshops, where there is at least a small forge, as well as turning and planing machines;

  • bailer. Its case consists of an iron or steel pipe, to the upper part of which a fork with conical carving for hanging to a rope or attachment to working rods is attached. At the bottom of the pipe is equipped with a steel cutting shoe with a valve. The casing of the venture can be made of a casing or gas pipe with a length of 1-2 m;
  • screw. It has flat spirals with a rapid step. At the end of the instrument there is a risk, which destroys the rock, and the flat spirals take it to the surface. The effectiveness of the auger can be increased if used for rotation a small engine, for example, from saw, motorcoat, etc.;
  • glass. It is a conventional pipe with pointed lower ends. Working with it lies in the rise and dropping it from a height of 2-3 m at the bottomway. Sharp ends cut the rock and tear it off from the bottom;
  • barbell. It is used for shock and rotational drilling. It is lowered to the bottom of the tool, during its rotation, drilling is carried out, it is removed from its help to the surface of the destroyed breed. The rods are tested for compression, stretching, bending and twisting. As a given tool, you can use rods made of steel square or round profile, as well as plumbing pipes with a reinforced wall.

Price well on turnkey water

The cost of a turnkey well, the price for the drilling meter is a comprehensive value that a number of circumstances affect. First of all, it depends on the location of the object and the specifics of the terrain. Geological cuts on the territory of the same region are inhomogeneous, the distribution of aquifer is varied. As a result, drilling wells for water in each area is in different ways. In addition, the composition of the soil and landscape are important.

  • development area;
  • used methodology;
  • fare;
  • depth of the occurrence of aquifer;
  • installation of equipment;
  • direct work on the drilling and splitting of water well;
  • type of well, features of its technical arrangement.

First, a qualified study of the soil is carried out, as a result of which they select technology and equipment. Since all the work on the drilling of the water well is carried out by one company, you can save an effort and time by getting water as soon as possible.

Water supply of a private house from a well: scheme for placing the main elements

The device of water wells in a private house and connecting the difficulties water supply will not cause it if you correctly compile the scheme and purchase high-quality equipment. The water supply scheme of the private house from the well contains 3 main components:

  • source (well);
  • pumping station;
  • pipeline.

These main components are equipped with additional:

  • caisson for well;
  • automation;
  • cleaning filters;

  • water heater.

To connect the water supply to the house, it is necessary to pave pipes. If it is not planned to arrange insulation in the form of a cement tunnel (which is troublesome and laborious), you need to dug the trench, which will lower them below the freezing point. Another isolation option can be foil fiberglass materials.

Raw materials for pipes are used different: there are several types of metal and even greater variety of non-metallic, polymeric products.

Helpful advice! When replacing or laying water pipes, it should be remembered that contact with water and condensate formation will necessarily lead to corrosion on metal products. Not subject to corrosion pipes from plastic.

Pumps for wells: Main characteristics

When arranging a pumping station, one of the main mechanisms is the pump. The choice of this unit is extremely important.

By a method of operation, pumps are divided into 2 types:

  • superficial;
  • submersible (deep).

Surface pumps roll out water from wells whose depth does not exceed 8 m. They are installed on the surface, the installation method is quite simple.

For large depths, you should choose submersible pumps. They are a few species:

  • centrifugal. Working at the expense of the centrifugal force, which is created by the blades of rowing wheels during the rotation of the shaft;
  • screw (or screw). Pumping fluid occurs due to moving it along the screw axis in the chamber formed by the screw grooves and the surface of the case;

  • vortex. The basis of the structure is a wheel with blades placed in the housing and attached to the shaft. Is driven by centrifugal-vortex strength;
  • vibration. They work due to the vibrations of the membrane, from which there is a pressure difference, and the liquid is pumped into the water supply system.

The basic parameters that should be taken into account when choosing a pump for a well:

  • performance;
  • power;
  • depth, flow rate and well diameter;
  • cost.

The price of immersion pumps for water well is significantly higher than superficial. This is due to their greater power, productivity, design features and installation. Among the submersible most productive and expensive are centrifugal pumps, among which are popular screw species. They have high technical characteristics, good performance and reasonable price.

If necessary, to give a small amount of water in a short time it is better to give preference to the vortex pump. The vibration device is more often used with target orientation - to dig a well. Prolonged impact of vibration can damage the parts of the well structure closest to the pump.

Helpful advice! When removing the well parameters, some indicators are relative values. Therefore, when buying a pump, it is worth choosing a suitable model with a reserve of performance.

You can buy a manual water pump from a well. It requires attachment of physical effort, but much more reliable, much cheaper, easier to repair and is more durable in operation. Hand pumps are several types:

  • worched. Principle of operation: under the influence of a manual lever rotates a wing, resulting in the suction element;
  • piston. Pressure is created at the output;
  • rod. They act on the same principle as piston. The piston is significantly stretched, resembles a bar, hence the name;
  • membrane. The basis of functioning is the reciprocating movements of the membrane.

Choosing a manual water pump from a well, you must first take into account the depth of the water reservoir. The in-depth of manual pumps is piston (up to 30 m), membrane is effective up to 8-10 m. All types of manual pumps can fully replace the surface.

Basics of proper operation of wells

The price of repairs for water is always high, since this process is complex and labor. It is not always done to make it yourself. In order for a well for a long time and fully equipped with water, it is necessary when it starts to perform the following rules:

  1. Include the pump for the first time it is necessary smoothly. Turn the valve on the ledge, starting from the minimum value of the water treatment, and bring to the optimal value.
  2. The duration of the first water treatment should be at least two hours.
  3. In the course of operation, it is necessary to avoid excessively short-term inclusions of the pumping station.
  4. Systematic and significant water treatment in the first months of operation will provide a permanent flow of water and the full functioning of the well.

Helpful advice! At the beginning of using water from the well, it is necessary to attribute a sample for chemical analysis of the composition. This will allow you to be confident in the beneficial properties of water used as a drinking, and will also provide an opportunity to properly exploit the water supply system as a whole.

Well on the water with their own hands: possible problems and solutions

Even with the payment of the required cost of the well to turn a turnkey water, when the work was performed by professionals, it is not always possible to avoid trouble in the process of use. The most frequent problems during the operation of the well:

  • cheating:
  • contaminated water;
  • weak stream.

If the well is used not systematically, but only in the summer, the casing is almost inevitable. Wash the design in such a situation is not necessary, but intensive pumping is needed.

Polluted water can be due to soil, intermediate waters. Most often, the reason is the depressurization of casing. It is necessary to repair, it can be significant if you need to replace the chip, and not just close the individual sections.

Helpful advice! When purchasing materials for the arrangement of casing pipes for the water well, the price of which refers to the budget, not worth choosing: the efficiency of the work of the most expensive pumping station can be reduced to zero due to the problems of depressurization. Reliable and convenient when mounting plastic rings.

The weak flow may be the cause of the filter clog. The removal of this problem will be cleaning or replacing the filter as a whole.

To disassemble how to make a well for water with your own hands, or order turnkey, adopting the conditions and cost of the well on the water already in the finished version - each decides itself. The price cannot be a priority, like the manufacturer of technology. The main thing is that the output is the quality and amount of water, which is necessary for daily consumption and life support.