Unique trading offer (ITP). How to create a unique trading offer

On the modern market Goods and services will not be surprised by the fact that you are the best. To make decent competition to other firms, you need to be not just the best, but unique. Only then can we talk about increasing the number of customers. Unique trade offer - This is what the marketers of many firms and companies break the heads. Today we will look at this concept and learn how to create antels on your own.

The main thing all

In each business, ITP (or a unique trading offer) is the most important thing. No ITP, no sales, no profit, no business. It may be a little exaggerated, but in general it is.

A unique trading offer (also called offper, UTP and USP) is a distinctive description of the business. At the same time, it does not matter exactly what a person is industrial, the distinctive characteristic should be. Under this term implies such a difference that there is no competitors. Special offer gives the client a certain benefit and solves the problem. If the ITP does not solve the client's problem, then this is just an extravagant name - remembered, it sounds beautifully, but it does not affect the conversion level.

A unique trading proposal should be kept on the two most important words - "benefits" and "different". This proposal should be so radically different from competitive that whatever the client would neither take, he will choose exactly the firm that has a decent UTP.

UTP and Russia

Before proceeding with the main dish, I want to focus on domestic marketing. In Russia, the problem is visible immediately - everyone wants to be the best, but no one wants to be unique in its kind. This comes the main problem - companies refuse to create unique trading proposals. When they are trying to promote a competitor who created the ITP, then they have something average between the intricate phrase and characteristic of the product or service.

Take, for example, a unique trading offer, which is in portfolio of some copyrights:

  • The best author.
  • Ideal texts.
  • Master of Feather and Words, etc.

This is not at all the Utel, but rather an example of how to advertise itself cannot be. The concept of perfect text for each of its own, the word "best" can be used if it is confirmed by numerical data and actual characteristics, and the "master of the pen and the word" seems to be alone, at Bulgakov. Working UTPs look quite different:

  • Quick copywriting - any text 3 hours after payment.
  • Each client is a free advice on improving (fit fit).
  • Free pictures of the article with commercial photo sets, etc.

Here, for each proposal is the benefit that the client acquires with the author. The customer is focused on the fact that he needs even in addition to the article: images, consultation or high-quality and fast execution. But from the "best author" is unknown to wait. Everything works in business in the same way.


For the first time on the creation of a unique trading proposal spoke American advertiser Rosser Rivz. He introduced the concept of the MTP into everyday life and noted this concept as more efficient than advertising OD, where there were no specifics.

He said that a strong trading offer helps:

  • To burn out competitors.
  • Stand out among such services and goods.
  • Conquer loyalty to the target audience.
  • Increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by forming effective messages.

It is customary to distinguish between 2 types of trading proposals: true and false. The first is based on the actual characteristics of the product that competitors cannot boast. False trading offer is invented uniqueness. For example, the client tells about the product of unusual information or pose from a different angle obvious advantages. This is a kind of word game.

Today, it is difficult to put the product with some unique characteristics, so false Utel is still used more and more often.

Quality trading offer. Main criteria

According to the concept of R. Rivza, the criteria of high-quality trading proposal are considered:

  • A message about the specific benefit that a person will receive, acquiring the product of the company.
  • The offer is different from all available in this market segment.
  • The message is convincing, and the representatives of the target audience can easily remember it.

Advertising a unique trading offer is the basis, so it must fully respond to customer needs. In each message there should be a benefit, value and benefit, but, in addition, you need a clear argument so that the client clearly understood why he should buy his goods you are interested in here, and not somewhere else.


So how to create a unique trading offer? If you are not very thoughtful, then this task seems to be creative and breathtaking, moreover, quite easy. But as ITP practices showed, this is an example of exclusively rational and analytical work. Invent something intricate and give it for a unique offer - I don't care what to look for a black cat in a dark room. It is impossible to guess what concept will work.

In order for a worthy example of a unique trading supply, it is necessary to carry out a lot of research: in addition to the market, a niche and competitors occurred by the goods itself - ranging from production technology and ending with a watermark on the package. Development consists of several stages:

  1. Smash target audience on subgroups according to certain parameters.
  2. Determine the needs of each of these groups.
  3. Select the positioning attributes, that is, it is possible to solve the problems of CA in the promotable product.
  4. Describe the benefits of the goods. What will the consumer get if he bought it?
  5. Based on the enclosed input data to create antelp.


As you can see, it is enough painstaking processwhere you need to use all analytical skills. Only after complete analysis is completed, you can start looking for a key idea and after that start creating a trading offer.

This task can be simplified if you use the time proven and scenario experience:

  1. Focus on a unique characteristic.
  2. New solution, innovation.
  3. Additional services.
  4. Turn the shortcomings.
  5. Solve the problem of

Uniqueness + innovation

Now a little more about scenarios. As for the first Scenario "Uniqueness", it will only suit those products or services that they are really the only one in their kind and they have no competitors. In extreme cases, this feature can be created artificially. A variant of a unique trading offer (ITP) can be completely unexpected. For example, the company producing stockings and socks, entered the market with an interesting offer - they sold a set of three socks, and the ITP promised to solve eternal problem Missing sock.

As for innovation, it is worth deciding to solve the problem with a new way. For example, "the innovative formula of the freshener will destroy 99% of microbes and fill the room with fresh aroma."

"Buns" and disadvantages

In the third scenarios, focus on additional privileges. If all products are the same on the market and have almost identical characteristics, then you need to pay attention to additional bonuses that will attract visitors. For example, pet store can offer buyers to take kittens or puppies for 2 days to make sure they come down in the family.

In its favor, you can draw the disadvantages of the product. If the milk is stored only 3 days, then from a practical point of view it is not profitable, and the buyer is unlikely to pay attention to it. Given this, it can be reported that it is stored so little due to 100% of naturalness. The influx of customers is guaranteed.

Solution to the problem

But the easiest option is to solve problems of potential consumers. This can be done by the formula (yes, as in mathematics):

  1. The need for the target audience + result + warranty. In advertising, an example of a unique trading proposal may sound like this: "3000 subscribers for 1 month or we will refund money."
  2. CAC + problem + solution. "We help novice copywriters to search for customers using proven marketing strategies."
  3. Unique characteristic + need. "Exclusive jewelry will emphasize the exclusivity of the style."
  4. Product + target audience + problem + benefit. "You will be able to learn any language at the Polyglot with audioogs at a conversational level after a month and no doubt to go to the country of your dreams."

Unrelated moments

In order for the ITP to work, you need to pay attention to a few more nuances during its creation. First, the problem that the product solves must be realized by the client and he should want to solve it. Of course, you can offer a spray from "Bragoshmagov" (what is not a problem?!), But the buyer will spend much more active on the usual cream from mosquitoes and ticks.

Secondly, the proposed solution should be better than thatthat CA used before. And, thirdly, each client must measure, feel and evaluate the result.

When creating the ITP, it is rational to use the Council of Ogilvi. For many years he worked in advertising and knows exactly how to look for a street. In his book "On advertising", he mentioned as follows: Great ideas come from the subconscious, so it should be filled with information. Score the brain to the limit to all that can touch the product and turn off for a while. The brilliant idea will come to the most unexpected moment.

Of course, the article has already mentioned the analyst, but this Council does not contradict the already proposed. It often happens that by spending a hundred analytical processes, a marketer cannot find a single and unique link, which will promote the goods in the market. It is at such moments when the brain processes information, you need to move away from reality. As practice shows, very soon a person will see, then the elusive ITP, which was on the surface itself.

It is also very important to pay attention to those small nuances that are missing competitors. At one time, Claude Hopkins noticed that toothpaste Not only cleans your teeth, but also removes the flare. So the first slogan appeared in the advertising community, that the toothpaste removes the flare.

And do not yet be afraid to accept non-standard approaches to solving the problem. Marketers TM "Twiks" simply divided the chocolate bar for two sticks and, as they say, suffered.

Protection idea

A unique trading offer does not appear in the heads of marketers from nowhere. This is the result of a long, focused and hard work, which, by the way, can use competitors.

A few decades ago intellectual property It was inextricably linked with its carrier. That is, if one company introduced a successful ITP, the other did not even look towards this advertisement. Today, everything has changed somewhat: managers can simply use the idea of \u200b\u200bcompetitors for their own purposes.

Therefore, there was a need to create patents. These are documents that confirm the right of the owner on the exclusive use of the results of their activities. Under the inventions here understand products or methods to solve a certain task. In turn, the "unique trading offer" in itself is a powerful incentive for innovation. The subject of advertising here becomes unnoticed by competitors, but aware of customers an advantage. Patent protection of unique trading offers in our country is practically not developed, but in more developed societies, each advertising campaign is protected from plagiarism.

Thus, to achieve success, you need to be unique, the only one-of-aest supplier in demand products, which is in every store, but the best thing in this company.

UTP (unique selling Proposition, USP.) - A unique trading offer, one of the key marketing concepts.

ITP - Concept developed by Ross Rivz, one of the founders of the advertising agency Ted Bates, which claims that advertising should offer logical justifications to the consumer to acquire goods, explicitly different from the goods of competitors.

The purpose of the formulation of the UTP.. In accordance with the concept of UTP R. Riesz, all successful advertising campaigns were based on the uniqueness of the offer for the client. In addition, the ITP concept is important for each employee of the company, which should clearly understand what they work, where their efforts are directed, as the company's business develops.

Concept of a unique trading offer (ITP) Based on three basic principles:

  • each advertising must offer a certain benefit to the consumer;
  • this benefit should be unique to advertised products;
  • this benefit should be considerable enough to force the consumer to refer to this product.

ITP in Marketing. In marketing, STP strategy is considered one of the main rationalistic communication strategies with potential buyers, strategy to advertise goods.

Definition of ITP testifiesR. Rivs emphasized the creative marketing strategy that cannot be outrage.

  1. ITP is determined not only by the fact that it is laid in the product itself;
  2. The ITP is determined by what it is stated about this product in advertising.

In order to skillfully use the UTP strategy in modern conditionsmarketers It is important to understand what statements about the product are perceived as unique, and be able to predict the features of perception of such advertising.

The task of the marketer, as applied to the UTPis needed:

  • estimates of the compliance of marketing proposals established by the consumer ideas about the complex capacity of the goods.
  • anticipate unwanted reactions of potential consumers and try to neutralize them;
  • evaluate the uniqueness of the proposal of competitors and use counter-offer in communications or to reveal other uniqueness;

The proposed concept of UTP R. RIVZ contrasted the traditional "display-end" advertising, in which the upholstery of beautifully formulated phrases do not lies with an even account no basis, nothing that could separate and exalt the advertised brand from a number of similar and goods with similar consumer properties.

I will try to give your own interpretation of the ideas of R. Rivis: Uniqueness is not the same as the statement that one product is better than the other. A marketer that develops the ITP-based goods strategy should be able to tell about the product so as to cause consumer surprise to look at him in a new way - as it is not used to looking at the goods of the same category. The marketer should find out if the consumer will take this property as an important and useful. The marketer, formulating the strategy, must ensure recognition, remember and confidence in the formulated distinguishing properties of the proposal.

The American advertising researcher Alfred Politz, the founder of Alfred Politz Research, formulated: "An advertising campaign, emphasizing the microscopic difference between the goods, which the consumer is not able to catch, speeds up the failure of the goods." In other words, if the utility of a unique property is not obvious, the main advertising efforts should be aimed at clarifying its importance, otherwise the failure of marketing communication and the goods itself is inevitable.

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Marketer Andrei Zinkevich - on how to effectively relocate from competitors

If you open any good book on marketing or visit the appropriate training, then with a 99% probability will come across the term "unique trading offer". Why are all marketers talk about the importance of the ITP? It would seem that the answer is obvious: show the potential customer with the differences in the product and the benefits of its use, and it will make a purchase. But here is the main underwater stone: how to identify the most unique differences and how to present them in the form of benefits? What if your product or service does not differ from competitors? The famous marketer Andrei Zinkevich told about how to formulate the UTP.

Andrei Zinkevich, Entrepreneur, Marketing Consultant. Founder of the project . The geography of customers has 9 countries of the world. More than eight years of experience in sales and marketing in Kimberly Clark and "Biosphere Corporation". The author of the book "Conveyor customers », « Secrets of customer focus "And" Profitable Internet projects ».

History of the question

Reeves was one of the most striking students of the famous Claude Hopkins and was an adherent of "selling" style. He believed that advertising could have only one destination - sales. Not loyalty, not recognizable, not popularization and other than those beloved by advertisers terms, but sales!

In his book, Reeves focused on the attention of advertising (read, sales) depends on the same factor: advertising should instantly seize the attention of a potential client with one, but very strong proposal that competitors cannot do; Suggestions that will encourage the advertising recipient to perform a target action.

This idea and went to the concept that Rivz called a "unique trading offer." True, today the concept of Rivza covered untreated myths; One of them - now competition is much stronger and find differences between competitive products are almost unrealistic.

Is it really? Of course not. Look at most of the well-known brands or companies, they all have a unique trading offer and stand out at the expense of it.

Let's try to figure out how to highlight the distinctive quality of your products and services and turn them into the MTP.

Step-by-step instructions, create a unique trading offer

The first step is determined in our products the most important characteristics for customers.

The first step in preparing a unique trading offer is the selection of the characteristics of the product or criteria that affect the decision-making by the client.

This step is the most important (although it is often just skipped), since the fate of the ITP depends on the selected characteristics: it will really show the benefits of your product or compares you "with the rest."

Therefore, our task in the first stage - to analyze its products or services and determine the ten most important characteristics for customers from each of them. The best way This is to be to poll the existing customers, what product characteristics are most important and what criteria / factors affect their purchase decision.

If the client base is too big, then it is advisable to make a sample from the most loyal or most profitable customers and polling them.

If you bring a new product and customers yet, you can make a brainstorming and independently determine the most important characteristics for the client. Or polling those who most likely could become a buyer of your product.

After real clients appear, you can repeat the analysis, and choose the characteristics already on the basis of real data.

All received answers from respondents You need to put in a separate file.

Step second - Filter and rank the data obtained.

After feedback from customers received or carried out by brainstorming, our task is to select the 10 most important characteristics for the client and run them according to the degree of importance.

Make it is not difficult. Among all the answers received, we need to choose repeating more often than others. Characteristic S. the greatest number Repeat will be headed by your list, the rest will be located under it by the same principle. As a result, we should get approximately such a table (for example, we keep in mind the hypothetical online store):

Why do I recommend to restrict 10 characteristics? Large quantity Maybe just confuse you and make it difficult to analyze. In most cases, you will notice that the most important characteristics for the client will be no more than 5-7.

Step Three - comparing yourself with three main competitors.

The next step is a comparison of the characteristics of its product with three competitive. Conducting a similar analysis, you must be as objective as possible: if you give way to something competitors, be sure to mark this.

I recommend to evaluate the 10-point scale every selected characteristic or criteria for your product, and for each of the competitors. For example, in the previous table we determined that the most important factor For the client - delivery during the day. If we can deliver the product within a few hours after order, we can raise 10, if not, we reduce the rating. Next, we analyze competitors and celebrate how quickly they are able to arrange delivery. The more shipping time, the worse there will be an assessment of this criterion.

Step 4 - choose the criteria for the UTP: What are we stronger.

After conducting a similar analysis, we get a visual picture: for what important characteristics or criteria for the client are superior to competitors, and what objectively inferior. The criteria for which we dominate and must lay the maintenance of our ITP.

The key rule: for each service, product or company as a whole, a separate unique trading offer is created!

Auxiliary formulas for creating UTP

Now let's figure it out how to formulate a unique trading offer on the basis of selected characteristics. I propose to use one of the three formulas.

Formula One: Need + result + warranty.Using this formula, we guarantee a potential customer that we can best meet its need. Here is an example of the UTP based on this formula for our hypothetical online store: "We deliver your order during the day or return the money!"

This formula uses my partner Ilya Rabcrok, cEO Smopro Studio, to create antelier to its services. Here's what a unique trading offer looks like to the "Attachment of subscribers to a group in Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki: "Guaranteed by attracting 1000 target followers during the first month of the parameters you specify or return the money!"

Formula Second: an important criterion / characteristic + need.The second formula is based on a combination of the characteristics important to the potential client and its needs. Good example For such antels use some banks:

"We will issue a loan in 5 minutes without income certificate." Credit registration is the need for the target audience. The lack of the need to provide a certificate of income and the rate of issuing a loan - important criteria for a potential client that affect its solution.

Formula Third: CA + need + solution. This formula likes to use the famous business coach Alex Levitas. For yourself, for yourself, it uses the following unique trading offer for consultant: "I am Alexander Levitas - helping the owners of small and medium-sized businesses to increase their net profit with the help of low-budget and free marketing moves» . In the UTP Alex, the target audience is the owners of small and medium-sized businesses. Their need is an increase in net profit. The decision offered by Alex is the use of low-budget and free marketing tools (read, using partisan marketing tools).

False unique trading offers

Separately I want to mention false UTP. This, unfortunately, sin with many entrepreneurs and marketers.

What is false ITP? This proposal based on the translations of the facts or the use of criteria in the ITP, which the potential client expects the default.

For example, a dental clinic cannot be used as antel's "Professionalism of Doctors". Why? Because, the potential client is waiting for your professional doctors by default. Otherwise, why should he contact you?

The second example: use as anterior warranty guarantee for 14 days. According to the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer and so has the full right to return the product within 14 days from the date of its purchase. Therefore, the facts are passing here.

Control Questions for ITP Check

After you spend work with a template comparative characteristics and amounted to a unique trading offer, one question remains: how much is it "working"? Is it wrong?

You can check yourself with the help of a question (your ITP must respond to it): "Why should I choose your product or service among all offers to me?"

The second option is to formulate your ITP in the form of a phrase: "Unlike others, we ...".

If on both control Questions There were good answers, then you really created a unique trading offer.

Lack of UTP - Big Mountain for Business. Look at these sites:

In addition to design, they are practically no different from each other - everywhere low prices, high quality and fast installation. Sorry for people who want to order stretch ceiling - We'll have one hour to wade through the jungle of the clones through the jungle to find the standing option.

Therefore, there must be something highlighting a business from total mass - unique selling proposition. It is it who will make competitors fear you like fire, and potential customers More often make a choice in your favor.

By the way, the prices with him can be slightly higher than from other companies: if you offer the buyer a product that will solve his problems - he will be ready to pay more expensive for him.

Only there are three "but" - ITP works if it:

  • unique - the competitors do not offer this;
  • concrete - the user is immediately clear what it is about;
  • valuable - A potential client sees its benefit.

In 2014, we gave a general scenario in which you can create antelp. Today we share new formulas and examples from the practice to come up with or allocate the offer has become even easier.

Where to begin?

    Analyze CA. What is good for an avid fisherman, then not suitable for a young woman in maternity leave. Therefore, the development of the UTP should begin with acquaintance with the target audience - what cares your potential customers, what problems do they have and interests?

    Example: Suppose you need to come up with antelier for the online store of goods for home. Most often shopping household chemicals, dishes, decor and other women are engaged. Order all this online will be those who have no time - it means that your main audience is working women aged 25 to 45 years. What can they be interested in? Surely you will like if you quickly deliver goods. Therefore, good UTP - "Free shipping by Irkutsk for 2 hours."

    Pretty good offer. But it can be strengthened - write how quickly the order will bring or indicate that delivery is 24-hour.

    Underwater rocks

    Remember: Target audience is not just gender, age, income level and other parameters. You need to realize that and to whom you sell, what problems of people help to decide: ideally there should be a clear portrait of the buyer in the head.

    We think about business features. Perhaps the readyth is at your nose, you just need to notice it. To do this, honestly answer some simple questions:

    • What is your products?
    • How exactly is the goods?
    • What equipment do you use?
    • What are the unique properties of goods?
    • How do you interact with customers?
    • How to build work on order?

    There is a chance that you will see important advantagewhich will allow you to break down from competitors. By the way, sometimes you can make antelier from a shortage: "Homemade baking with for a short time Storage is only natural ingredients. "

    Example: Suppose you are engaged in laser cutting metal. Terms, prices and delivery conditions are the same as other companies. But you use a modern fiber optic laser - it allows you to achieve maximum accuracy, up to 0.1 mm. Is it not a street? "Accuracy laser cutting up to 0.1 mm - use fiberboard installation RuchServomotor Lasercut 3015.

    And this offer can be strengthened - to finish how accurate the result is.

    Underwater rocks

    No one knows the features of the business better than his owner - so think and honestly answer the question why you are cooler. Marketer or copywriter will help pull out a chip out of the advantages.

    We look at competitors. Spend a detailed and objective analysis - compare your business and suggestions of the main competitors. Here is an exemplary list of parameters for comparison:

    • prices;
    • availability of loyalty program;
    • delivery speed;
    • personnel politeness;
    • establishment of the order;
    • regularity of shares;
    • guarantee period;
    • the ability to delay pay.

    You will get a visual picture - will be visible, by what parameters you lose, and for what exceeding competitors. Winning criteria can be taken as the site of the site.

    Example: Imagine that you are the owner of the tires store. Delivery takes from 1 to 7 days, because part of the positions from the catalog are selling under the order. There are no loyalty programs yet, prices are identical with competitors. But all the guarantee of 1-3 years, and you are ready to give an indefinite - "Sale of tires with an indefinite guarantee: free replacement with random damage."

    Favorable offer, agree? The only thing, you can work on its design - try to fit the title in 1 line, remove exclamation marks.

    Underwater rocks

    It is important not to want "like competitors, only better" - if another company has a similar ITP, which will prevent her to make it steeper yours? For example, to offer delivery in 30 minutes, and not in 1 hour. Be objective and try to find something yours.

    We ask customers. If you have already had orders, ask why people have chosen your company. Sometimes customers can give a valuable tip.

    By the way, it is worth spending such polls from time to time: this will help improve the service and will have a positive effect on the company's reputation.

    Example: Suppose you open a beauty salon a week ago. You can ask for employees to ask customers why you chose you. If customers say that you have a convenient time of work - do it with your chief. Let the interior be opened from 12:00 to 22:00, and not from 09:00 to 19:00 as everyone else is nearby. ITP: "Beauty salon with a convenient work schedule: We are waiting for you daily from 12:00 to 22:00."

    Very good Utel - Little beauty salon can offer such.

    Underwater rocks

    It is difficult to follow this advice if you have no orders at all. But there is nothing impossible - last the thematic forums, social networksTalk to potential customers. Your goal is to find out what attracts buyers.

    After all this time-working work, you will have at least a strong advantage on your hands, as a maximum of almost ready-made UTP.

Ice in the apple: 5 formulas for creating antelp

Even good advantage It is easy to spoil if the thought is defined incorrectly. Compare two offers: "Free shipping by Irkutsk for 2 hours" and "We are guaranteed to deliver your order within 2 hours. Delivery throughout Irkutsk. " The meaning is one, but the first is read and perceived much easier.

To formulate a clear and beautiful Utel, you can safely use one of the templates:

Similarly, the templates are not necessary. You can safely change any formula or come up with something completely new - it all depends on the specifics of the business. It is important to remember the benefit of the client: the main task is to show what it will get, and not what a white and fluffy company you have.

We look at the ITD with the client's eyes: 6 fatal errors

    False statement. Turning facts or used criteria that should be default. For example, ITP "Professional doctors with experience from 3 years old" is not suitable for dentistry - this is waiting for the clinic.

    How to fix: Look at the offer as a potential client. What are you waiting for professional doctors? Surely the right and painless treatment. Try to make this idea in the UTP. "Painless teeth treatment with a guarantee of 3 years - we have professionals work" - is it better, isn't it?

    No benefit. Used dubious advantages. The online store of bed linen is needed to brag an assortment: "Online store of bed linen" Sweet Dreams"- We have 1,000 products." There is always a company that has even more products.

    But if the range is really unique, it can be emphasized: for example, 10,000 porridge handmade from masters from around the world. Just be careful - make sure that the competitors do not suggest this, and they will not be able to offer in the near future.

    How to fix: Find another advantage. Suppose you sell cotton bedding. So emphasize it - "Bed linen for people with sensitive skin: hypoallergenic sets of organic cotton."

    Stamped. We chose the coined wording - "fast delivery", "real professionals", "highly qualified specialists", "low prices", etc. Listed can be infinite. Similar phrases are found on hundreds of sites and people are accustomed to them that they simply do not perceive.

    How to fix: Add specifics - "Bouquets with delivery in 60 minutes", "Porcelain stoneware from 450 rubles. For 1 m² - we are an official dealer of 5 brands. " Prove the advantage of the facts and work, and if it does not work, choose another UTP.

    Wrong accent. They told only one group of goods, while they are ten.

    For example: "Fast-drying nail polish: Update the manicure in 60 seconds." Poor, if in addition to varnishes, you sell lipstick, shadow and carcasses - they risk staying unnoticed. If it is nail polishes that make you 80% of profits, then focus on them is permissible. When it is interesting for the sale of all cosmetics, you need to change the MTP.

    How to fix: Formulate ATP for the online store as a whole. If groups of goods are too much, focus on the service: "Decorative cosmetics with home delivery: We work around the clock."

    Bruep with volume. We tried and wrote antelpiece in size from paragraph: "Tables made of array from 3,895 rubles: low prices, because we produce furniture from our materials - there is a sawmill and a joiner in the north of the Irkutsk region. Find cheaper - make a discount and return the difference in price. "

    How to fix: To ruthlessly cut. For the UTP enough of one sentence - "Tables made of array from 3,895 rubles: We will return the difference if you find cheaper." The rest of the information should be taken out in the paragraph below - it is important to explain why you have such available prices.

    Repeat for competitors. Saved time on the analysis of competitors and received a clone - an identical or very similar offer. Bad, because all the work is done in vain.

    How to fix: Alas, Ideally, you need to start everything again - to analyze the Central Asia, think about the features of the business and compare your online store with similar. If the time does not wait, try to expand the unsuccessful Utel: Replace the "Online Shoe Shoe Shop" to the "Online Shoe Shop with free shipping within 2 hours."

The error is not detected in the ITP? To rejoice until early - the offer may be ineffective, even if it seems very attractive to you.

How to find out if ITP will work

Answer a couple of questions for checking the viability of the offper:

  • The offer looks realistic? For example, a very doubtful statement "Language School" Contact "- learn English in 1 hour." But this UTP can already be believed: "Language School" Contact "- English for relaxing abroad for 5 hours."
  • ITP answers the question why from all similar offers it is worth choosing that? If yes - everything is in order.

You can also test the ITP on the clients - to make a newsletter with different options And choose the one that the most people responded. With this option, sometimes we use - by the way, are you signed on our newsletter? If not, I miss a lot of utilities.

Do not comprehend the time to draw up a unique trading offer - once spent a few hours on the search for the ideal, you will forever get the key to the hearts of potential customers. If you need help, contact - create an effective offer.

Want to make a slaughter ITP and give acceleration to your business?

For 2013, about 10 billion brands were registered in the world. And each of them wants you to be their client. Everyone is trying to sell something. How to remember them, how to distinguish between yourself?

Each of your potential customers faces such a problem. In each niche, whatever: the sale of automotive spare parts; production of building materials; Beauty salons and hairdressers; private hospitals and other, other works a lot of different companies. And each offers identical or almost identical goods or services. How to choose? How to distinguish? Who to contact? How to remember if almost defined?

Each company, it does not matter large or small (even more so!) It is necessary to stand out among competitors. Logo and - it is only half. It is necessary to come up with some kind of unique, special offer that will allocate you on a general background, and will help finish the client in general noise.

Here is how to come up with and make up your unique trading offer, or the ITP, and will be speech in this article.

What is the ITP and how used in marketing and sales

UTP is a unique trading offer. It implies some special characteristics of the brand or product that is presented as an advantage or additional benefit for the client. Utpa is used by marketers when working out an advertising campaign - often it is based on this feature to highlight the company among themselves similar on the market.

Introduced this concept as such an American advertising specialist Rosser Rivz. He developed this concept as an alternative to laudatory speeches in advertising, which was simply stopped believing ordinary consumers. According to his concept, the UTP should:

  • broadcast real benefit for the client;
  • increase the loyalty of CA K;
  • be a unique, special, unique in kind of market.

If you see a feature from a competitor and present it under your sauce - it will not be a strong Utel. It will be just a stolen idea, imitation.

Here it seems there is a unique trading offer, but the same 9 out of 10 competitors

UTP is the reason why consumers should choose you. And it is necessary for each company. Only the one who launches a new, innovative, revolutionary product, analogs that simply is simply not not, can do without a street. In this case, this very product and acts as a unique proposal.

In all other cases - deflated or die, paraphrasing the classics.

What is the ITP business for?

  • to distinguish between competitors;
  • to conquer appreciation to the target audience;
  • to create strong advertising materials () and work out a marketing strategy;
  • to highlight your product among the many similar.

Distinguish true and false UTP. True - these are real unique characteristics The product, which is no longer anyone in the market in this niche. This is what is laid in the product. False are the fictional benefits, for the lack of true differences. This is what and what is said about this product. And in most cases, entrepreneurs resort to such antel. And what to do if you offer the same product and service as the rest? If you have not invented something unique, some exclusive product, you have to turn on the head and think well than you can hook customers.

Definition from competitors is the key to the success of the advertising company. A unique proposal should clearly indicate benefits for customers on which a message will be built, which will continue to broadcast in advertising, on, social networks and other promotional materials.

How to create a unique trading offer

Many business owners think that Mortar is easier than simple. Two obvious paths for which they go, it is:

"We have the lowest prices!"

Race prices - a dubious advantage for two reasons. The first - there is always the one who has cheaper. The second - low prices you attract the appropriate contingent of customers - insolvent and too economical in order to do not actually say.

"We have a quality service!"

In fact, the concept of quality is completely different. And you can not always guarantee this very service - a lot of human factor plays a lot. But even if, and so, you really work for conscience, it is this phrase "high-quality services", "the best service" was nubbed asking so that they simply fly past the ears.

If you are just starting - yes, for quick sales, you can still somehow beat these two trumps as part of a promotion. For example, the most low price. But if you want to build a strong brand for a long time - you need to take a time for working out seriously.

In general, any unique trading offer is built on three fundamental principles.

1. Advertising message Must translate specific benefits for the consumer. That is how it is necessary to serve the UTP in the light of your advantages, namely the benefits for the client. He is not so interesting italian wallpaper By yourself, as the appearance of his room, placed by these wallpaper. So sell him beautiful renovation, light care for wallpaper, which wash and do not fade, and not wallpapers themselves. But this is all the above, it can get only by purchasing these very wallpapers.

Only if you have to cooperate with you, customers will choose your company.

2. The benefit of the client There must be unique on the background of another, similar to your products. Here everything is clear - this principle is laid in the definition itself. Want to be different? Come up with something that is not your competitors. Only differing, only offering something that no one else offers, you can be not like that. As a result, your product will be chosen (if the benefit is well described) and remember.

3. Benefit must be meaningful, That is, quite attractive for the client to make a choice in favor of your products without unnecessary thought. The benefit should be argued, and not fictional or supened out of the finger. That is why you should greatly explore your target audience, know your customers, their pain and on the basis of this.

When you know what problems your customers are worried, you will be able to offer them a decision in the form of such a unique benefit.

Examples of ATP

Often you can meet the ITP, which are absolutely not playing your hand to business: they are too general and not attracting attention.

How to make such a proposal that will become a heart and engine of the success of your business?

1. Tell something that your competitors are silent.

If such businesses like yours are hundreds, it is very difficult to find something really unique. But maybe there is something about what your customers are simply silent?

Such a case was in my practice. The company is engaged in the production of granite monuments. For customers, the "Default" service is offered - the development of a 3D layout of the future product, and for free. Such a service is provided by other firms, but modestly silent about it. We did not be silent. Benefit - see a full-fledged three-terrible image of the future monument - works well on many customers of the company.

And chewing gum, "orbits", which without sugar? Read the composition of other similar rubber bands - it is identical. And without sugar too. But the "orbit" presents it as antel.

2. Indicate novelty or innovation

If you invented new way Solve the problem of the client, or updated their product, or added some kind of new ingredient to it - do not be silent. It is necessary to make your MTP, and quickly, until someone did it before you.

Remember the advertisement of any new shampoo or cream. They came up with a new formula, then keratin added, then some L-lipids, about which no one heard anything, but if you believe advertising - shampoo makes hair stronger. And the cream just once or two smoothes wrinkles. All thanks to the innovative formula. Take into service.

3. Formula John Carlton

According to this formula, it is very easy to make up, especially if you provide services. The formula is built by type:

Product ___ Helps ___ T. ___ Solve the problem ___ Indicate the benefit.

For example:

The new cream will help women to overcome the first wrinkles and look younger.