How to cover the lining inside the house: We protect and decorate the wooden trim. What you need to know about how and the better to cover the lining inside the house at the cottage coating lining by the Morilka

To protect the inner upholstery of the house made of lining, various compositions should be applied. Often, in order to protect against mechanical and other damage and moisture, we use the coating of the lacquer lacquer, which will allow to extend the panels, improving them appearance. The advantage of such a coating is that the composition can be selected by the appropriate shade, which will allow to transmit a certain depth of coating and shine.

Protection procedure

Usually for upholstery inland walls The premises are used panels of their coniferous and hardwood, which are exposed to the aging process. Even if the tree is chosen, depending on the load planned to the room. However, such an unwanted aging process can be significantly slowed down.

Speaking about a list of negative factors that destructively affect the lining, the following should be highlighted:

  • Factor 1: Increased radiation of sun rays.
  • Factor 2: Increased air humidity, especially destructively affects the contact of the tree with water.
  • Factor 3: Pest beetles.
  • Factor 4: Mechanical damage.
  • Factor 5: The growth of microorganisms on the surface of the lining.

With help of different types impregnations and compositions can be achieved by the appearance of a protective layer that will allow to protect the wood from negative influence Environment. These include temperature differences, mechanical effects, increased moisture formation, etc.

The use of varnishes with water base

Features of such compositions

Most often to protect wood, such compositions are used as varnishes for liquefying, which are usually used indoors.

The aqueous compositions used to handle the inner cladding from the clap are manufactured on an acrylic basis, as well as on polyurethane.

In their composition, they are divided into:

  • Consisting of one component. They differ in minimal strength, do not serve too long, but easy to handle;
  • Consisting of two components. These components are the basis and a hardener. Such a composition is positioned as a lacquer for Eurovantia, since its protection is maximum.

The coatings are not provided by the solvent, which makes it possible to consider them highly ecological products. As for the composition of the composition, and how to cover the lacquer lacquer, it depends on the brand, as well as from which thickness is applied.

Below are represented approximate calculations Quantities:

  • For planed wood - Approximately 1 kg of varnish on 16 square meters;
  • For wood sawn - Approximately 1 kilogram of the composition of 6 square meters.

Positive aspects of water-based varnishes

Speaking about varnishes for wooden lining water based, it is necessary to highlight them positive sides:

  • Plus 1: Safety from a fire pointSince the water base is not able to maintain burning.
  • Plus 2: High ecology. This is connected with the lack of any toxic substances. This allows them to use them indoors without harm to health.
  • Plus 3: Easy to use. Help instructions from the manufacturer. Moreover, you can do it with your own hands without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • Plus 4: Resistance to the appearance of yellow Subject to exposure ultraviolet rays on the coating.

An additional plus of such a varnish is a large transport area. This is especially important if it is applied by spraying, since within spray equipment there will be nothing left.

Negative sides

Choosing, what varnish is better for the lining, learn not only the advantages, but also the cons of such coatings. Also requires a weighted approach.

Among the shortcomings are important:

  • Minus 1: Long expectation of drying (up to day).
  • Minus 2: The price is high.
  • Minus 3: At the moment of drying, the humidity and change in temperature affect;
  • Minus 4: During storage of the composition, you should pay attention to the storage conditions: do not freeze.

It is important! In principle, if the lacquer is dear and high-quality, it can be frozen or dropped several times. However, it is better to do without experiments.

In fact, lacquer for wooden water-based lining is one of the most successful options. After all, the flaws described above are not.

How to apply water-based lacquer

Process preparation

Pre-prepare panels to staining.

Accordingly, before covering the lining, we:

  • STEP 1: We carry out the process of cleaning the lining from dust, it is necessary that there are no mud, fungal formations, microorganisms of another type on the surface of the lining.
  • Step 2: We carry out the grinding of the walls of the room, you can use a simple sandpaper. It is not necessary to apply grinding machines at all. Grinding is necessary in order to obtain the perfectly smooth surface as a result, applying the finish coating on which the effect of the mirror glitter will give.

If you want to get the effect of a mirror surface (similar to the photo), you should use the so-called wet grinding, before which the lining should be moistened, and after processing it is possible to dry.

  • Step 3: Before applying a varnish, the surface of the primer should be treated, this will reduce the consumption of too much material. Apply the lacquer should only after the primer dries.

Water varnishing

It is possible to apply lacquer for lining inside the house using a roller, tassels, sprayers or tampon, depending on the availability of places. Accordingly, the less available place, the smaller the brush is needed not to enter the edges. Application of varnish with a brush

  • Tip 4: In order to impart the depth of the surface, you should handle the lining of the dark shade pre-lacquer, and after transparent, to which the addition of 5 to 10% toning is allowed.
  • Tip 5: It is preferable to several thin layers than one thick.

In conclusion

Now you know what varnish for the lining is better. Pay attention to the tips, data in this article. The use of water-based varnishes is a very convenient coating option for wooden panels.

The internal finish of the country house should be durable, safe and durable. And if it is empty in winter and does not heated, then also moisture-proof, since the risk of condensate is very large in this case.

Not every material can cope with such tasks, however, if you correctly process and decorate the lining of natural ...

Color the lining at the cottage: types of coating, interesting ideas, technology

The internal finish of the country house should be durable, safe and durable. And if it is empty in winter and does not heated, then also moisture-proof, since the risk of condensate is very large in this case. Not every material can cope with such tasks, however, if you proceed and decorate the lining from natural woodShe will serve dozens of years.

Depending on how to paint the lining inside the house at the cottage, it will have a different appearance: will save natural drawing and shade or acquire a new one. And protective compositions for impregnation of wood improve its operational characteristics.

Lining in the design of the country house

Why treat and paint lining

Any material from wood must be covered by protective compositions. Without them, the finish will quickly lose appearance and will be unusable. Paints, varnishes and impregnations perform several functions:

  • Improve the appearance of the facial surface of the lining;
  • Prevent natural darkening of wood;
  • Protect from mold, fungus and rot;
  • Reduce the release of resin from coniferous rocks;
  • Improve water-repellent properties, thereby prevent swelling and deformation;
  • Reduce the ability to fire and spread fire.

Coatings different species solve one or more problems. Therefore, for the best protection you have to choose several compositions at once. How to paint the lining inside the house depends on which functions are assigned to the coating and what appearance finish would like to get in the end.

Types of compositions for lining

All means for wood processing are conditionally divided into protective and decorative. Some of them need to be combined, others can be used independently. Ideally, the primary processing should be carried out before installing wooden lining, so products will be protected from adverse factors from all sides. If the trim is already installed and has a coating, it will be necessary to remove it or sand.

Note! Evrovagona, if it is made according to the standard, are already covered with protective or protective and decorative compositions.

Protective funds

The priority tasks of these compositions are the protection of the wood from pests, mold, fungus, moisture, temperature range and extension of the lifestyle of the lining and the finish coating.

Covering lining with protective composition before mounting

Common tools for processing wooden surfaces:

  1. Primer. Popular base for decorative decoration. It improves adhesion, prevents the absorption of moisture and isolating the resin, fills the pores and hides small irregularities. Compositions with an antiseptic additive are manufactured, they protect the tree from the damage to mold and fungus.
  2. Oil wax. Creates a surface of a dense film that perfectly repels water. Such processing is necessary for room with high humidity.
  3. Linseed oil. Deeply impresses wood, with time hard. Protects from moisture and gives the lining a pronounced structure.
  4. Olife The once popular processing means. Today, it is displaced by more advanced compositions. Improves the hydrophobicity of the tree, but the coating quickly changes the color and lipnet.
  5. Bleach. The material is more often used locally, where there are defects such as blue spots, natural darkening.
  6. Antiseptics. Protect the surface from pests, fungus and mold. Used and already on the affected areas of finishes.
  7. Antipirens. Reduce wood ability to fire and spread fire.

Oil-wax and linseed oil do not require additional processing, as they give the surface a pronounced pattern, and the color can be smoked. Olif is also not allowed, but it will have to update often. Primer and antiseptics are used as a base for finish finish.

Olife-covered lining

Decorative coatings

Choose these formulations are necessary taking into account the state of the finish. There are funds that retain and emphasize natural View Woods, make more pronounced annual rings, give a shade. Others on the contrary - hide the drawing under a dense colored layer. The first should be applied if the lining does not have defects (Extra varieties, A and AB) and old paint.. The second, for products with numerous damage (variety in and c) and coatings that cannot be removed.

Transparent compositions for finishing wooden lining: varnishes, veil, some paints. Oparatic: acrylic and oil paint, water-emulsion.


For internal work The most acrylic, alkyd and water-based varnishes are most suitable. Fully retain the natural type of wood. You can add a pigment that will give the shade lining. Laco covered with a glossy or matte texture. Additionally, protect the finish from the impact of moisture, changes in color and small mechanical damage. May contain antiseptic additives.


Decorative azure

Gives wood a pronounced structure and any color. Does not forms a film on the surface, but penetrates deep into. The material is transparent, so the lining under it must be without significant defects. In addition to decorative, performs a protective function.

Options for shades of decorative lazuries


It has almost the same effect as a decorative azure. Paints wood in a rich brown color different shades. The veils are often used for artificial making lining. It is important to take into account that it does not protect enough of moisture.

Shades of Morlogs

Acrylic Water Emulsion Translucent Paint

Forms a thin layer on the surface of the tree, through which the texture and natural shade of wood can be seen. Such paints hide minor finish defects.

Translucent paint on the lining

Oil paint

Dense opaque coating. Forms a film on the surface. May have any shade. Long retains color and integrity. This folding paint requires upgrades to approximately every 5 years. It has a caustic smell.

Covering lining oil paint

Acrylic paint

A more durable opaque coating than oil paint. Practically does not smell, dries in a short time. Can create a matte and glossy coating. The only drawback is a high cost.

Matte coating acrylic paint


The paints are odorless, quickly dry. Form a matte or half-one texture. Suitable only for dry premises.

Water-emulsion paint for decorating a country house

On the video example of a competent combination of protective and decorative coatings For lining, applied at home, without the use of special tools.

A wide selection of coatings allows you to choose a completely any color and texture for the lining. In the conditions of the country house, it is better to give preference to the most persistent and unpretentious compositions that do not have to update.

If there are many defects on the panels or an old coating, then without dense, opaque paint can not do. Improve exterior view base surface It is possible by removing the top layer of wood, but it is too time-consuming and long process.

Unusual combination of shades of paint for lining

Colors and shades of lining can be combined in the finish of one room. This technique allows you to divide the spacious room to the zone. Decorate or diversify the design, expand the accents.

Color accents in trunk finish

Due to the color of the finish, some visual effects can be achieved. Light shades expand the space, dark, on the contrary, do less. White ceiling looks higher than brown.

The color solution for the lining can coincide with the palette of the shades used in the interior or contrast.

Harmonious combination color palette Textiles and walls

Technology processing clapboard

Protection and painting of the lining is performed in several stages. The first one is preparation. If the finish is new, then it is enough to cover its surface to clean it from dust with a solution of 5 liters of water and 150 gr. soda. After drying, you can apply the first layer.

If there are old coatings, grinding with pimples or sandpaper. Better to perform it grinding machine. The task of this procedure is to create a rough invoice that is easily closed with coatings.

Cleaning the walls from the old paint grinding

If tight paints are applied on the lining, then it is possible to consider them a mechanical method (construction hairdryer and spatula, grinding) or special chemical solutions. Both ways do not guarantee perfect resultbut try to try. This option is better than painting the lining inside the house right on top of the old finish finish.

The coating can not be removed, but then it should be deguted. In mandatory, remove areas with sprinkting paint, air cavities and clean up to smoothness.

If there are serious defects, such as dropped bitch, you need to sharpen the hole and clean it up to smoothness.


If the coating failed to be applied to an unidentified lining, then the joints should be carefully missed to handle as large area as possible. The composition must be applied fine and uniform layers. To do this, you can use both brush and roller and mechanical tools. If the defense is applied in several layers, then each of them is important to dry carefully before painting the lining on the next composition.


The method of applying the finish coating depends on its type. General rules Work:

  • Use two brushes (wide for the main part, narrow - for joints) or the paint;
  • Painting begins on top so that random drops do not spoil the finished surface;
  • One time to take place once, continuous line;
  • Some varnishes and paints are applied in two or three layers, each of them must dry natural way within a few days;
  • It is better to do somewhat thin than one thick layer;
  • Only painted finish can not be exposed to UV rays and sharp drops Temperatures.

In hard-to-reach places for staining, you can use a foam sponge. It is best to apply the composition for the entire area in a short time. If you want to take a break, then the junction must be placed on an invisible area.

Collapse paint paint

For the interior decoration of the country house, the lining is one of better options. It does not require complex care, and restored the surface just once every 7-10 years (depending on the type of coating). If you process it in all the rules and taking into account the features of operation, the material will last at least 25 years.

What to treat lining inside the house - Quick Start Guide

Both internal and the exterior cladding of the walls with lining is an excellent solution for the owner who takes care of the state of its dwelling. The interior decoration will create a cozy and wellness atmosphere indoors. The external will protect the facade of the structure from unnecessary damage.

In this article, we will discuss in detail on that why to process the lining, which protective makeup is better to do, what is the technology of applying paints and varnishes, as well as how to count on painting.

How to effectively protect the tree

What to handle the lining inside the house? This question is often asked by the owners who used wood in the interior decoration.

Today, the processing of lining inside the house is not a problem. It is only necessary to choose the right protective coating, which will be suitable for one or another room.

Some are more suitable for premises with high humidity, others perfectly protect the boards from ultraviolet rays, and some generally increase the strength of the wood and warn the risk of its premature abrasion.

But also an important factor in processing is that protection must look at the boards. It should not induct the natural structure of the tree. On the contrary, its task is to emphasize the naturalness of the material used and harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior.

Most often to protect wood, such substances apply:

  • Antiseptic
  • Bio Oil
  • Primer

Types of varnishes for wood

If we speak specifically than to process the lining in the house, the choice of protective mixtures is quite large.

1. Soil

This mixture is not only a full-fledged primer, but also an excellent bio protective agent. Primer - antiseptic is suitable for processing both indoors and out.

Moreover, the use of primer is appropriate even on the affected tree. Soil along with a texture coating that is intended for protection will extend the durability of the board and make it neat and laid.

2. Protective-decorative

One of the main qualities of the mixture - it gives the desired color of the wooden surface. By the way, protective and decorative coatings are an innovation in the ward of paints and varnishes.

But it is very important that even when processing such a composition, the structure of the tree still remains visible..

They are very convenient to use, as it is pre-using the primer for them, because there are already antiseptics in their composition. Moreover, they are not amenable to fading and temperature drop.

Some types are suitable for use on wet wood. They are great for internal and external work.

The final coating is distinguished by a soft half-panel tone. According to the manufacturers of these funds, the warranty is 8 years.

3. Aqualaki.

Continuing to argue on the topic, than to treat the surface inside the house, it is necessary to pay attention to water based facilities. For work inside the house, professionals are recommended - aqualak.

Pluses of using aqualak:

  1. No smell
  2. Fast interlayer drying
  3. It does not have organic solvents.

For external work, products with hydrophobic additives are suitable, which protect wood from dirt and moisture. Of course, it is not from the class of budget, but the owner provides durability, simplicity in care.

4. Oils

Quite often, the surface of the tree is treated with oils or their combined mixtures.

Oil coating provides pollution protection, moisture and dust, due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the structure of the tree.

An important advantage when using varnish is also there is that there is no aroma of the solvent, and you can only feel the smell of that plant, on the basis of which oil was created. Moreover, this composition is very simply meant, with what you can get the desired shade

Tools for painting operations

On the question of how to handle the lining, we answered, but one more thing remained: how to handle the lining inside the house?

Its importance is that all compositions are different on consistency, the poet should be especially careful about the selection selection to apply the protective layer to be convenient and efficient.

An exemplary list of necessary when applied with paint mixes:

  • Slippet.
  • Scotch construction
  • Scotch Bryt.
  • Sandy Paper (№240)
  • Paint tray or varnish
  • Roller
  • Pussy


This process is the first step in painting by any composition.

It is the cleansing of boards from any contamination.

If there are difficulties with the selection of a bleach, it is best to use a special sampling.

After the bleaching process is finished and the lining will become a clean web, you can begin to the second stage - priming. The third stage is paint.

We need tools for bleaching:

  • Roller
  • Tassels
  • Morilka (bleach)
  • Solvent
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection glasses

Video - Fasteling of wooden surfaces:

Krasim according to the rules

If the wooden surface has repeatedly stained, then before applying the fresh layer of varnish, it is necessary to evaluate the quality.

If it is even good, you can wipe it with 2% soda solution.

To prepare this solution, 10 liters of heated water and 300 grams of soda are needed.

After treatment with soda mortar, working surface It is necessary to swell and treat the oil. After such a procedure, all wooden surfaces in the house will be significantly transformed.

If the painting of the lining inside the house takes place for the first time, professionals advise adhere to a certain technology in this matter to avoid inclusive and irregularities.

Paintworks need to be applied with bristle tips. It is very important that it is thin. Otherwise a large number of Paints can acquire an unsuitable look. So that the pile does not leave the trace on the treated walls and the ceiling, before starting painting, it is better to be treated with soap solution.

Also examine the article - how to wash the ceiling with clapboard.

Video - how to handle the walls inside the house:

Special accuracy should be shown when applying the final layer. So that the coating was smooth, applying protective composition It is best to start with the top. Inexpensive places, for example, frames, plinth, space near batteries is best to cross the brush, which has a diameter not more than 5 cm.

Painting the doors are best started with a panel side.

Dry brush will help prevent the lactium compositions. Motion brush up to get rid of the surface from unnecessary flaws.

Video - Coloring at home inside:

Cost of work

The price of painting lining in one square meter is approximately 280 rubles.

One square meter of the lining itself will cost the buyer about 320 rubles. But the cost of the board has a significant impact of wood, from which they are made, and its backstage.

Varnish to handle wood, you can buy approximately 260 rubles per liter.

We hope that this stall will help each owner to paint the lining high quality, as well as pick up right materials. Good luck in work.

Tools for covering lining inside the house

One of the popular surface finishing options wooden house Or cottages - lining with thin planks, known as the lining. As a result, the room acquire a cozy view that allows you to relax in a healthy, environmentally friendly environment.

Ensure the safety of the interior is unchanged for a long time, impregnation for lining inside the house, which can be purchased in specialized stores and apply in accordance with the directions of manufacturers. There are other means that you can cover the tree.

Why use impregnation?

Some owners have doubts about the need for impregnation of wood wall tank inside a country structure. If the plank is not covered, after some time changes will be noticeable. With weak ventilation on the lining, Sineva will appear, as a result of intensive sunlight She can become dark gray.

Syneva is explained by the action of microorganisms, from which it is possible to get rid of active oxidizers, such as chlorine. The procedure is not very easy to do and is accompanied by excretion. unpleasant odor.

Slowing from the sun, the flight can be removed with the mechanical grinding of the lining, but the positive effect is enough for a while. It is more expedient to carry out processing immediately after the finish end, so that you do not have problems.

In addition, the coating transforms wood, makes the interior special. The lining, covered with waterproof impregnation, can lastly serve even in irregularly heated, raw room.

Types of compositions

Than covering the lining inside the house - easily solved question, because there are many means for different climatic zones and types of buildings.

Composite impregnations are designed to perform several functions, the main of which are the following:

  • decrease in flammability
  • microbial protection
  • improving appearance
  • increase mechanical strength.

There are means intended primarily to protect the lining, and the compositions created for the decorative effect. Many drugs equally successfully perform several functions.

What is better to process?

There is a large amount of processing tools. wood materials. Information about the most popular drugs will help you choose the purchase to potential buyers.


The lining, located inside the house next to the heating devices, needs to be protected from possible ignition. For this purpose, anti-view impregnations are used, which are not easy to apply.

It is much more convenient to buy lining for giving, pre-impregnated with fires. In rooms with a moisture concentration not exceeding 70%, the lining can be coated with mild resistance solutions. Inside the house, the applied composition will continue for a long time, it costs much less than the weather-resistant solution.


A strong risk factor for wood damage is microbiological impact. It is getting rid of it with the help of antiseptics. Antimicrobial solutions that can be soaked in wood, copier with biological pollution, prevent the appearance of new foci of mold and rotting. Antiseptic has a sharp smell that does not destroy for a long time, and it is necessary to pay attention to when buying, having studied product reviews.

Preparations with a greater value than ordinary disinfectants can not only protect against microorganisms, but at the same time improve aesthetic impression, increase the ability to repulse water molecules.


Special fluids based on water, alcohol or organic solvents that penetrate into wood deep, create a specific color or shade, called verses. The term has a foreign synonym - Bez. Solutions are not protected, but only toned wood, although there are special types of expensive veils with a pronounced protective effect.

Note! In any case, after applying on the lining inside the cottage of the veil, it needs to be covered with varnish. Otherwise, the tree will not retain the primordial appearance.

Sometimes there are dark spots on wood planks, the appearance of which remains a mystery. You can handle such places by a bleach, well selecting the concentration and exposure time. It is possible to practice on the waste of the clapboard, to look at how many tones there is a clarification of the wood base, and make the appropriate conclusions.


A good protective effect in relation to the liking inside the cottage or residential house is varnishes. They can also cover the lining to achieve a decorative effect. The lacquer compositions based on acrylics are well decorated with a biological barrier on it.

Due to the minimum allergenity indoors, it makes sense to use aqualak. It dries longer than solutions in organic fluids, but has greater health safety. Aqualaks can be created completely or slightly matte, as well as a glossy surface.

If you add a keler solution to solutions, it turns out a painted means with the desired tint. Outside, such a composition will not hold for a long time, therefore it is not recommended for street use. Water-based varnishes create a barrier to the penetration of steam, excluding the contamination of the open pores.

Note! In some modifications, an antimicrobial aqualak is present, which significantly improves the safety of the lining inside the house.

The other compositions introduced substances that levery the effect of UV rays. This composition makes sense to cover the walls illuminated by the Sun for most of the day.

Alkyd varnish solutions have tremendous resistance, after drying which the coating can be maintained for 10 years. Usually inside a wooden house, cottages are recommended to cover the floors. Lovers of permanent color solutions can be applied alkyd varnishes on the walls. If the desire to change the interior occurs earlier, you can extract another color varnish.


A huge group of various colors for wood can be used to cover the lining inside the cottage.

The "veteran" of the market are oil paints of all colors and shades that are kept on a dry surface for more than 7 years. Upon expiration, the colorful layer can be discolored and peeling, then painting will have to repeat. Improves the fixing of pigments on wood Pre-processing of the base of the Olife. Drying vegetable oils cover all the pores polymer filmwhich worsens vapor permeability, but improves the quality of the coating.

Note! Oil paints - the most cheap Material For covering lining, having drawbacks.

Due to the closure of natural pore wood, the microclimate indoors deteriorates. When painting, an active evaporation of the solvent having an unpleasant smell occurs. A pairs of organic fluid are harmful to health, so painting can be carried out only in summer with open windows and doors.

Acrylate paints are also made on a sharply smelling basis, painting need to be carried out carefully, with careful ventilation of the rooms. Acrylate paint is applied faster and easier than oil compositions, forms an elastic, elastic coating that holds for a long time and firmly. Walls inside cottages painted by acrylate well tolerate winter cold even in the absence of heating for a long time.

Oils and waxes

In addition to the olifa, which is made of drying oils, other oil compounds are used to cover the lining inside the cottage, well-absorbed wood. They form a matte or brilliant surface with careful rubbing and subsequent polishing. Such a chemical structure has waxes, the difference is to replace the glycerol of the ester to the highest monohydric alcohol.

Waxes have very large resistance, form a brilliant smooth surface with proper distribution and application on the lining. Wax coatings can be maintained with decades in cases of lack of large mechanical loads. Waxed azure is sold in a state, ready to use. Solid waxes before applying must be softened by melting on a water bath. So that the wax is uniformly distributed, the lining should be pre-primed.

A good result will turn out if you cover the boards with a mixture of wax with oils that combine the advantages of both components.

Features of impregnation

There are several types of lining, they differ in the amount and shape of the joints on the surface formed. Depending on this, it will take a different amount of effort to prepare it.

In any case, before covering the lining with any means, you need to carefully view all the boys. In the presence of dark spots Conduct local clarification by bleach. Then the entire surface can be slightly rinsed with a diluted solution of soda, wait for the full evaporation of water. Only then you can process the tree with soil and the main composition or immediately impregnated.

Cracks are smeared with putty for wood, everyone is carefully cleaned with sandpaper.

To more efficiently fix the decorative layer, wood is subjected to primer. Very carefully need to distribute the primer mass in the seams. To apply soil along the main part of the area, you can use the splashing, in the joints of the joint it is better to grind with a brush.

Each tool has its own characteristics that are necessarily described in the manufacturer's recommendations. The accompanying documents need to be well explored, prepare the compositions in accordance with the instructions. All means are applied in several stages; Each next stage can only be performed after drying the surface, while the final layer must be the thinnest. The execution of these rules will help get a reliable and beautiful coating.

The better to handle the lining indoors

How to treat lining inside the house - such a question worries many who use this product to finish different rooms. Of course, the material can be left primarily, but then it is necessary to take into account that the service life will be only 5-6 years. Such a prospect seems not quite appropriate.

Why do you need it?

Processing material is necessary in order to increase its operational properties and save an attractive appearance (strengthen the visual impression). It should be noted that work with the clap consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, the processing of the lining is necessary to increase the following characteristics:

  1. Resistance to fire. This feature Allows you to increase the distribution period of the flame on the surface, the time of ignition or completely prevent the emergence of the fire.
  2. Protection of products from mold and fungi, which lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places high humidity.
  3. Increase resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those sites that are constantly exposed.
  4. Immunity to ultraviolet. It allows you to reduce to a minimum fading and drying.

Claband processing allows you to extend the service life of the material

It is impossible not to mark the decorative factor. It lies in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material, which improves its decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface may remain as it was originally or completely transformed.

Different types of compositions for processing

The modern construction and finishing materials market offers wide selection different compositionswhich can be used for this type of work. Processing lining inside the house is made independently, without the use of special equipment.

Molding processing must be carried out by special compositions.

On a note! To obtain a good result, it is necessary to acquire products that have the necessary certificates, and is also available by proven manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market, which are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used to protect the wood from the occurrence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). Processing material by this preparation is carried out to the cladding, due to the fact that it is necessary to apply it to the entire surface of the product. Such a procedure is particularly indispensable when it is planned to apply the lining at objects with high levels humidity.

Application Antiseptic allows you to protect wood from mold, microbes and fungus

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics pay attention to the place of use. The label should indicate that the products are designed for indoor work.

Works are performed as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment is only on one side will not bring due effect.
  • The tool uses a brush and roller.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface with a thin and uniform layer. It is advisable to process all areas - recesses, angles.
  • Each element is left for a while - until complete burden. It is necessary to avoid the material during drying in contact with each other.


Thus, wood is obtained, which will be resistant to various microorganisms that breed in a humid environment.


These compositions are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. Apply this material pretty hard. The impregnation of lining with antipirens will be much more efficient if it was produced in the enterprise. Although it is impossible to exclude self-applying substance.

The composition is divided into two groups that differ in the method of action:

  1. Antipirens that impede burning by highlighting non-combustible gases.
  2. Substances forming on the surface of the product protective film.

Impregnation with antipiren reduces the likelihood of material fire

It should be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it is necessary to heat the processed elements.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of the antiseptic and antipyrin. This is a combined composition with a combination of their positive properties.

Primer compounds

The primer is applied before applying decorative substances on the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as reduce their consumption.

Before applying a varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with primer

External parts of the product are subjected to processing. It must be borne in mind that the priming can be single-layer and two-layer. It depends on whether the processing of other compositions was performed, as well as how the tree of wood is used.

On a note! Currently, primers combine a lot of positive qualities. They not only reduce the flow rate of subsequent materials, but also serve to protect against fungus and mold.


The simulator is used as impregnation if it is planned to use a colorless varnish or wax. It lines the color of the tree and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has another protective property. It turns on the functions of the antiseptic.

Morilka allows you to improve wood color, as well as used as an antiseptic

Before working, it is necessary to determine the choice of solution that can be on a different basis (alcohol, aqueous and oil). The composition is produced in finished or dry. But the method of applying is completely the same.


The main task of wax is the protection of the surface from damage, as well as the elimination of the likelihood of the appearance of poisoning vapors. The last factor applies to cases when the lining is used to facing the sauna and bath. That is, it is necessary to prevent the discharge of poisoning substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Impregnation with wax need to do with a soft rag

It is impossible to exclude purely decorative effect. The treated surface acquires a deep and smooth color.

Works are performed according to the following principle:

  • Some material is applied to the surface.
  • A soft cloth is rubbed to complete penetration.
  • Multiple layers should be applied.

Some manufacturers indicate additional conditions that are necessary to apply wax.


Varnish is needed in order to give the surface a beautiful view and protect it from damage. The internal perimeter of premises is better to process acrylic compositions on a water basis. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be painted by adding a kel.

Laco coating allows you to make a lining more spectacular look and protect it from damage

The following application technology looks very beautiful:

  1. Initially, the first layer falls - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer serves a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to maintain a natural texture of the tree.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, as they completely hide the natural surface of the material.

Luck for lining inside the house improves the appearance of the finish and prolongs the service life. What goals are prosecuted when creating comfortable living conditions?

The house is a fortress, a place of peaceful rest after a bift day, a cozy, reliable rear. Comfort and peace can be provided in the house only correctly selected finishing materials and the creation of the interior corresponding to the mental state of the interior. The tree never came out of fashion, just products from it were improved, external processing improved.

To determine which lining is better for home, we turn for information to specialists.

Internal and external decoration of buildings

What and why it is necessary to sneak premises? If you spend a survey of residents apartment houses For their desires, many want to live closer towards nature, outside the city in their house, work at home on the Internet remotely and in the free time from the road to dig in beds.

Others never exchange urban apartment, but create a special, cozy atmosphere in the house, as close as possible to nature, using wooden lining for decoration. For the manufacture of lining, trees growing both in places and abroad. Pine, aspen, birch, linden, larch, oak, cedar (see) - a very small list of trees suitable for the production of lining.

What determines the choice of lining

First of all, the choice of lining depends on the room where the surfaces will be shifted:

  • In rooms with high humidity to which the balcony includes (see), bathroom, kitchen and toilet are preferable to use plastic lining (PVC).
  • Walls in the hallway, bedroom, office, living room must "breathe", so wooden products are important. The choice of wood breed is also not in the second plan. Pine in the steam room - nonsense. When heated before high temperatures Begins to release a resin capable of burning the skin.
  • Plastic lining in the interior country house Has the right to life. It has a huge color spectrum, allows you to receive interesting color solutions. It is easy to care for it and simply dismantle during the repair, since plastic is subject to mechanical impact and its service life is not very large.
  • The advantages of wooden lining can be attributed to high sound insulation, the ability to keep heat, favorable effect on human health, long term Services due to high resistance to rot after appropriate processing and staining.

ATTENTION: Only wooden products are divided into "Extra" classes, and, B, C, where Extra has the highest cost and quality.

  • The finishing of the clapboard surfaces is not performed for one year, the masters are recommended not to save on materials and acquire high-quality facing panels. Especially this statement concerns the bedroom, living room, cabinet. Even more can be said if they use the coniferous panels of the appropriate quality in them, the rooms are filled with a clean smell of the forest, giving an atmosphere of constant unity with nature.
  • Next must be solved, and in different rooms. The goals of the owners agree, and every owner wants to get both outside and inside:
  1. Sheaving, resistant to moisture, even with direct contact of water and wood.
  2. To the strong influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Sustainable finish to mechanical damage.
  4. Processing the lining inside the house should provide protection of wood from insects that can harm. This is especially true for suburban buildings and cottages.
  5. Beach of wooden products - fungus and mold, from them too protective funds and formulations.

Unfortunately, all these Wishlists cannot be solved by one tool, because there is no possibility to connect the components. Instructions and specialists offer ways to solve individual problems in order to obtain a single picture of protective properties.

What is interesting in the market


  • Single-component varnishes Water based is characterized by small strength and durability, but it is much easier to work with them.
  • Two-component varnish It has a basis and hardener. Video in this article presents data on its use. Most often, it is used for Eurovantia, making it protection much more efficient.

ATTENTION: Lacquer consumption is determined by the brand and the thickness of the applied layer. For processing plane products and lining, 1kg varnish on 17m² is needed, for sawn, raw wood - 1 kg per 7 m².

  • Regardless of the type of varnish, it is distinguished by the fact that there is no solvent and should not be conceived than to cover the lining in the house to remain an environmentally clean atmosphere. Its use guarantees complete safety.
  • Some may argue and speak in favor of the lining at all without covering. Such an option also has its positive arguments. What is the lining without coating? To say that this is a miserable spectacle, it is impossible. From the time it just darkens and many do not confuse this fact, they simply update it in 5-7 years.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bhow to handle the lining inside the house gives the simplest analysis of their purpose.
  1. Olife refers to the outdated type of coating used in economic premises. It can be noted that it copes with protection, but it keeps it short on the surface.
  2. Antipiren allow you to increase fire safety, reducing flammability finished products. When choosing the wallboard, you must pay attention to this fact of processing in the industrial version. Manually at home can not get the desired effect due to the impossibility of providing the desired pressure to the surface.
  3. Bactericidal compounds Possess antibacterial properties and protect the tree from rotation processes. Buying such mixes, it is necessary to find a special mark on the packaging "for internal works", meaning the water base.
  4. Water base acrylic varnishes Allows you to apply them at the final processing stage. Acrylic varnish performs two functions at once - protects the tree and decorates it. When there is a desire to keep the texture on the lining, these are these varnishes that are applied in two receptions. Transparent first, then a varnish with a mixture of the desired flaker is used.
  5. What to cover the lining inside the house and is it possible to use synthetic varnishes, because they are more toxic, if they are compared with acrylic. It turns out, they are also used, because it turns out a very smooth surface with a rich glitter, but more often for external work due to toxicity. Toluene and xylene have the ability to concentrate indoors and have a harmful effect on the health of the inhabitants of the house.
  6. Instead of varnish for internal works, wax-based compositions are perfect. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that they are difficult to apply to the surface, but their excellent protection and the delightful semi-milk glitter pays for all costs and difficulties. The main thing is that the selected composition is combined with the finishing coating.

Separately about water-based varnishes

These compositions need to highlight a separate section, because they have a number of advantages.

  • What covered the lining inside the house, if not these mixtures? They do not have toxic substances, silent solvents, they are recommended to use in the children's room, and this indicates a lot.
  • The water base does not give the treated surface to burn.
  • The initial shade remains for a long time unchanged when other materials under the influence of sun rays are yellowing.
  • Under it is long retained the color of the wooden plating.
  • When complying with the recommendations from the packaging, it is easy to use, and working with it can deliver pleasure.
  • It does not roll from the surface of the lining due to high-quality adhesion with it, which makes the varnishing simple and affordable for beginners.
  • Large areas are quickly processed by a sprayer, and the water base does not allow the lacquer to remain in the equipment, without polluting it and without creating difficulties of its service.
  • It is impossible to leave aside and disadvantages of the aquatic basis acrylic.
  1. High cost of compositions.
  2. Long period of drying layers.
  3. Negative effect of temperature and moisture.
  4. When working in the room there should be a plus temperature, otherwise the varnish will be unusable due to the water basic fruit.
  5. Despite the fact that very high-quality varnishes (because expensive) withstand up to 5 cycles of freezing and defrosting, but why these experiments in their own home.
  • It is impossible to argue that all negative properties are fatal and inherent in all varnishes. Subject to recommendations for their application, these compositions will become the perfect choice For wooden products.

Decorative Paints for Lining

Decorative paints Continue the topic than to cover the lining inside the house and ensure reliable protection.

  • Oil paints quickly penetrate the structure of the tree, but slowly dry, losing color saturation over time. They are not recommended for covering all surfaces in the room, as the tree ceases to "breathe."
  • Acrylate paints glisten and retain an attractive appearance of much longer oil paints. They exceed them and by other indicators. For example, significant temperature changes do not lead to their cracking. The high price that can be attributed to a major lack of this product, does not stop the connoisseurs of beautiful and high-quality.
  • The most best option for processing the lining is acrylic aqualak. The absence of toxicity, heavy metals, in the inhabitants of the house he does not cause allergies, all these qualities led to its popularity.
  • From the manifold of the proposed mixtures and means it is clear that there are many options than to handle the lining outside the house and inside. Prevent the selection error will help the marking of the products offered and the place of use.
  • The photo presents decent work, carefully prepared.
  1. The surface is cleared and there are no contamination.
  2. The surface grinding is performed. A good result is obtained when wet grinding, when the lining is wetted, processed and sucked well.
  3. The coating of the wooden panel of the primer leads to a decrease in the flow of varnish.
  • Indoors are allowed to work with a varnish tassel, roller, sprayer, observing the following recommendations.
  • Colorless varnish is applied along the fibers of a tree.
  • Polish for decorating is sprayed, and if there is no sprayer, the tampon is used.

ATTENTION: Toning varnish must have a homogeneous shade and structure, so it should be thoroughly mixed.

  • Any varnishes can be diluted with plain water, except for olifa and other organics.
  • Uniform layers are obtained when applying thin smears, not thick.

The surfaces will have a deep, high-quality processing, if you first go through a tinting varnish with a darker shade, and then enhance the impression with a transparent lacquer with toning, but not more than 10%. Each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

If, after drying, the layer additionally processes the "zero" to the coating the following layer of the dye, then the surface will be able to please even the masters with its deep and uniform color.

Than to treat the lining inside the house - this question worries many who use this product for finishing various rooms. Of course, the material can be left primarily, but then it is necessary to take into account that the service life will be only 5-6 years. Such a prospect seems not quite appropriate.

Processing material is necessary in order to increase its operational properties and save an attractive appearance (strengthen the visual impression). It should be noted that work with the clap consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, the processing of the lining is necessary to increase the following characteristics:

  1. Resistance to fire. This characteristic allows you to increase the distribution period of the flame on the surface, the time of ignition, or completely prevent the emergence of the fire.
  2. Protection of products from mold and fungi, which lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places of high humidity.
  3. Increase resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those sites that are constantly exposed.
  4. Immunity to ultraviolet. It allows you to reduce to a minimum fading and drying.

Claband processing allows you to extend the service life of the material

It is impossible not to mark the decorative factor. It lies in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material, which improves its decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface may remain as it was originally or completely transformed.

Different types of compositions for processing

The modern construction and finishing materials market offers a wide selection of various compositions that can be used for this type of work. Processing lining inside the house is made independently, without the use of special equipment.

Molding processing must be carried out by special compositions.

On a note! To obtain a good result, it is necessary to acquire products that have the necessary certificates, and is also available by proven manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market, which are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used to protect the wood from the occurrence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). Processing material by this preparation is carried out to the cladding, due to the fact that it is necessary to apply it to the entire surface of the product. Such a procedure is particularly indispensable when it is planned to use lining on objects with high humidity.

Application Antiseptic allows you to protect wood from mold, microbes and fungus

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics pay attention to the place of use. The label should indicate that the products are designed for indoor work.

Works are performed as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment is only on one side will not bring due effect.
  • The tool uses a brush and roller.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface with a thin and uniform layer. It is advisable to process all areas - recesses, angles.
  • Each element is left for a while - until complete burden. It is necessary to avoid the material during drying in contact with each other.


Thus, wood is obtained, which will be resistant to various microorganisms that breed in a humid environment.


These compositions are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. It is quite difficult to apply this material. The impregnation of lining with antipirens will be much more efficient if it was produced in the enterprise. Although it is impossible to exclude self-applying substance.

The composition is divided into two groups that differ in the method of action:

  1. Antipirens that impede burning by highlighting non-combustible gases.
  2. Substances forming on the surface of the product protective film.

Impregnation with antipiren reduces the likelihood of material fire

It should be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it is necessary to heat the processed elements.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of the antiseptic and antipyrin. This is a combined composition with a combination of their positive properties.

Primer compounds

The primer is applied before applying decorative substances on the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as reduce their consumption.

Before applying a varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with primer

External parts of the product are subjected to processing. It must be borne in mind that the priming can be single-layer and two-layer. It depends on whether the processing of other compositions was performed, as well as how the tree of wood is used.

On a note! Currently combines a lot of positive qualities. It will not only reduce the flow rate of subsequent materials, but also will serve to protect against fungus and mold.


The simulator is used as impregnation if it is planned to use a colorless varnish or wax. It lines the color of the tree and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has another protective property. It turns on the functions of the antiseptic.

Morilka allows you to improve wood color, as well as used as an antiseptic

Before working, it is necessary to determine the choice of solution that can be on a different basis (alcohol, aqueous and oil). The composition is produced in finished or dry. But the method of applying is completely the same.


The main task of wax is the protection of the surface from damage, as well as the elimination of the likelihood of the appearance of poisoning vapors. The last factor applies to cases when the lining is used to facing the sauna and bath. That is, it is necessary to prevent the discharge of poisoning substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Impregnation with wax need to do with a soft rag

It is impossible to exclude a purely decorative effect. The treated surface acquires a deep and smooth color.

Works are performed according to the following principle:

  • Some material is applied to the surface.
  • A soft cloth is rubbed to complete penetration.
  • Multiple layers should be applied.

Some manufacturers indicate additional conditions that are necessary to apply wax.


Varnish is needed in order to give the surface a beautiful view and protect it from damage. The internal perimeter of premises is better to process acrylic compositions on a water basis. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be painted by adding a kel.

Laco coating allows you to make a lining more spectacular look and protect it from damage

The following application technology looks very beautiful:

  1. Initially, the first layer falls - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer serves a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to maintain a natural texture of the tree.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, as they completely hide the natural surface of the material.

An increasing number of homeowners, choosing a finishing coating for the inner walls, prefer natural material - wood. Such a choice is not surprising, because the wood combines a lot useful properties: Environmental friendliness, health benefits, beautiful appearance. Excellent exploitation quality is added to these qualities: low weight, good sound and thermal insulation. The easiest and most affordable wooden finishing material Cleaning is considered a thin shearing panel with a spike-groove compound. Painting the lining inside the house is the necessary stage of the finishing of the housing, allowing the interior to the interior of the final appearance and solve several additional tasks.

Lining in the interior: Stylish Country House Living Room

About the need to process lining

Many sincerely believe that the walls, covered with wooden panels, are beautiful with their natural look and do not need additional processing. People have several reasonable objections on it; They indicate the need to protect the sheltered walls from the following factors:

    Ultraviolet actions. If on the wall covered with clapboard, regularly falls sunlightWith time, the wood darkens, and the walls in the room begin to look different.

    Color changes. If in the house is an unimportant ventilation system, the air begins to be stated. In places of high humidity, microorganisms are developing and wooden lining can occasion.

    Pulling structure. Indoor with excessive moisture in the wood, insect pests are becoming ease, mold will settle; This causes rotting and destruction of the finishing layer.

    Mechanical damage. A layer of paintwork will take scratches and blows and will not give to spoil the beauty of the walls.

    From fire. The defense of wooden surfaces from the rapid spread of the flame is considered reasonable and prudent.

Unprotected Lining - Light Target for Destructive Factors

Sometimes the hosts think about changing the interior. The lining is easily updated - there are dozens of coating options and hundreds of shades, allowing to be made unrecognizable accustomed premises.

An unambiguous answer to the question than painting the wooden panels inside the country house does not exist. The choice is determined by the goals - whether the owners want to protect the wooden walls, refresh the sweat surface or radically change the color. Materials suitable for handling clap can be conditionally divided into two varieties: protective and decorative.

Protective compounds

There is a lot of ways to protect wooden surface from the destructive impact of external factors. In the number of means capable of protecting the panel coating include substances:

    Antipiren. This group of compositions is recommended for indoor use with wooden walls or coatings. Anti-view impregnation is not able to stop burning, but can significantly delay the spread of fire. This time will be enough to leave the room and cause firefighters, and maybe it can easily cope with the hearth.

Collapsed lining protected from solar ultraviolet

Antipirens practically do not change the appearance of a wooden surface, and during operation do not distinguish harmful substances.

    Antiseptics. Tankers with bactericidal properties are used in the fight against biowgrozza - they are used as a preventive measure, but they are also effective if the infection of the fungus has already begun. The inconvenience of antiseptic processing is that it must be repeated periodically, as the compositions have the property evaporate. Recently, complex impregnations have emerged, which not only cope with mold and vertoon beetles, but also perform the functions of varnish and veil. Such antiseptics "Three in one" create a film on the surface, cost more, but additionally protect the lining from moisture and give it a spectacular appearance.

Processing lining Morilka

    Linseed oil. It is used both for the manufacture of quick-drying varnishes and olifa, as well as independent impregnation with valuable qualities. The oil is a natural tool that gives the water-repellent properties and makes it insensitive to microorganisms. The oil penetrates deep into the material, without creating a film on the surface and allowing wood to breathe. The surface impregnated with linseed oil, clearly manifests the texture and acquires a light shade. Impregnation with linseed oil, albeit relatively inexpensive, it will cost more than processing by a verse or varnish.

    Olife. There are natural, synthetic and combined oils. Every year they are applied less and less - not the most attractive set of qualities affects: over time, the surface impregnated with oil, yellowing and becomes sticky.

    Primer. Before using varnish or paint, the wooden surface is treated with primer. Such a base protects wood from moisture and reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes. The decorative layer is obtained more even and attractive in appearance.

Using primer improves the quality of the main coating

On our site you can find contact with building companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

    Bleach. A group of funds allowing to get rid of spots appearing on a wooden surface of various nature. The bleach is applied to the problem space, and then washed off with water.

    Varnish. Varnish has not only protective, but also decorative functions, which is often selected for the processing of the walls and the ceiling of the wall paneling. One of the best options for use in the premises is an acrylic varnish. Usually it is applied in two layers - the first transparent, and the second can be toned. Water-based lacquer (Aqualak) can create different effects - walls after its use become glossy, matte or semi-wave. Aqualak creates a vapor-permeable film on the lining, often with protection against ultraviolet and microorganisms.

    Wax. Wax mixtures are a classic tool with efficient protection. They give the wood semi-wax and serve as a good alternative to varnishes. Manufacturers offer solid Wax (before work he is heated), as well as liquid and water-based (ready for use). The wax composition is hard to distribute evenly, but the preliminary application of the primer markedly facilitates this process.

Waxing lining, always in fashion

Decorative (shelter) funds

Decorative is considered tools that make invisible color and texture wooden finish. Sometimes they are used to hide the wooden surface darkened from time to time. Decorative options Painting lining inside the house are distinguished by a pleasant variety; These include the following varieties of paintwork products:

    Oil paint. The old, tested way to protect and refresh the wall is to cover it with oil paint that creates a dense moistureproof layer. The disadvantage is a long drying of paint and its sharp smell. Because of this, the work is recommended to perform in the warm season, when the walls are dried, and the smell will deteriorate as quickly as possible.

    Acrylic (acrylate) paint. In many respects, this is a better quality material in the work than an oil-based paint. It does not lose color and glitter, creates a waterproof elastic film on the surface, which does not disrupt the integrity at temperature fluctuations. The paint is convenient in operation - quickly dries and weathering.

Cases covered with acrylic paint in the interior of the living room

Opening your choice on painting lining inside the house of acrylic paint, it will correctly use it for the design of walls in the bedroom and children's - it is absolutely harmless. The only thing that spoils the impression of acrylic paint - Her high price.

    Acrylic Aqualak. Making the popularity of the environmentally friendly remedy can simultaneously decorate and protect the walls of the lining. The tool has a high degree of protection against microorganisms, does not have an unpleasant smell after drying, when applied, it lies exactly, without traces and divorces. Painting lining inside the house acrylic aqualak has its own separate plus - a wide palette of colors, which allows you to create an original interior.

    Alkyd Lac.. This type of paintwork is used mainly in rooms that need regular wet cleaning (Kitchen, entrance hall, living room). Color varnish is resistant to abrasion, colorless - also to water. Minus: Alkyd varnishes will dry for a long time and are expensive.

    Decorative glaze. Used as an independent decorative composition. May be transparent or color; In both cases, it advantageously emphasizes the texture of wooden panels and protects them from moisture.

Video Description

On the protection of wooden panels in the following video:

    Opaque enamel. It is profitable to use it if you need to hide defects on the lining; The layer is obtained dense and good.

Painting: features and nuances

By choosing how to paint the wooden lining inside the house, proceed to the painting process. In order for the result to be high-quality and pleased the hosts for many years, you need to fulfill the following preparatory work:

    Stock up tool. You will need painter brushes and tray, selected paintwork, roller with replaceable nozzles, bucket, fine-grained sandpaper and protective gloves.

    Clear surface. The lining is cleaned of dust, contaminants, an old coating with a rigid brush or pumice, then treated with sandpaper.

    Degrease wood. Surface treatment alkali detergent It will improve adhesion (grip) paint with wood.

    Carry grinding. You can align the surface with pumice, emery paper or grinding grid. Pre-defects are close to a putty, the resin is removed by the solvent.

Minimum set for painting wooden panels

    Pre-handle the lining. Primer, after drying it - antiseptic impregnation. The process can be accelerated if you purchase a combined composition combining both means.

    Paint the walls. After waiting for the drying of the primer and the antiseptic, proceed to painting. Paint for lining inside the house is applied in two or three layers. The number of layers depends on the material selected and is indicated in the instructions. It is possible to qualityly paint the wooden panels before they are mounted on the walls, but it is not always possible (a large awning or canopy is required for the procedure).

Video Description

About painting lining in different colors in the following video:

Some subtleties of the workflow will help make painting better. When processing wooden panels take into account such moments:

    Reduce the cost of paint It will help the use of paint compositions with a comprehensive action. Varnish with tinting or oil-wax costs more, but the effect of its use will be higher.

    Preliminary impregnation Logging should be produced from all sidesThis will significantly strengthen the protective effect.

    When working with oil paint It should be taken into account its tendency to change the color (burnout). In order to change the color over time, it did not get into the eyes and did not spoil the interior, it is worth choose darker, saturated shades.

    Painting is better not to spend on a hot daySince the coating will dry too quickly, and fall unevenly (there can be stains of different saturation).

    To cover it uniform in bloom, the mixture during operation is necessary stir periodically.

The coating is applied along the fiber lining

    To the color of the walls was uniform, In the primer, you can add the color of the finish material (paint).

    When choosing a paint composition given the total costs: Not only its cost, but also the recommended number of layers, as well as paint consumption per 1 m².

Color selection for painting lining

The wrapped walls are background to create an interior of a country house, so the choice of a suitable shade is not less important than the choice of optimal paintwork. To choose color for wooden panels did not break the harmony of design, are guided by the following rules:

    For walls choose a shade, different no more than a few tones From the color of the ceiling and floor. Contrast transitions will hurt a common style (only if the interior is not sustained in any of the avant-garde styles).

    White color - Classic way to expand the space and make it lighter. He adds elegance interior, well combined with other shades And it is not bad to hide the surface defects.

Warm color gamut is welcome in the design of the bedroom

    In decoration living room and kitchen on the walls decorated with clapboard, it is best to look light and warm shades: cream, peach, brown.

    Children's interior Adjusts use bright flowers (for which high-quality and safe acrylate colors are ideal). IN bedroom Walls trimmed with wooden panels try to cover natural shades or calm colors - lilac, beige, honey. For decoration of walls cabinet Suitable gray-blue or brown-green gamma.


Walls trimmed - spectacular and practical way Interior design of a country house. So that the coating is long-term, careful preliminary preparation Wooden panels. A qualitatively treated and painted lining will emphasize the interior design and will relieve you from too frequent repairs.