The bath has clogged how to clean at home. Solution of the eternal problem: how to easily clean the bedroom in the bathroom and sink

Each of us faced not once with such a situation when water does not go into the sewer. The reason, as always, banal - the bath has scored. What to do? How to clean it at home, especially if water is worth? The main thing is not to panic. There are several ways self-decide Problems, we will talk about them in detail today.

What happened and how to deal with it?

The reason for the occurrence of the zero is the accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the sewage, soap and powder flare are added here, as well as hair and fibers of various fabrics. You ask, where did it all come from? The fact is that the inner surface of the pipes is not perfectly smooth, it is especially characteristic of old cast iron structures.

So the reasons for why drained

Plastic is also subject to similar contamination, albeit at least. Here, the formation of plaque begins at the joints of pipes and sealing rings. In such conditions, it is enough to appear in one place to appear, and the remaining particles will be clinging for it, reducing the inner section of the pipe until it is blocking it at all. This is the reason that the pipes are clogged in the bathroom. What to do in this case?

There are three ways to solve the problem:

  • with overpressure;
  • chemical method;
  • mechanical method.

Let us dwell on each way.


With the seeming complexity of the wording, we are talking about the use of an ordinary rubber vehicle. This simple tool consists of a rubber bowl and a handle that the bowl is whatever.

Vanatuz and Metal Cable

Install Vanutuz on drainer So that the handle is located in the center of the latter, then with force pressed and dramatically release several times. As a result of such cyclic actions in the pipe, an overpressure is created, capable of selling a cork formed and thereby ensure at least minimal liquid drain.

We look for details in the roller below.

If the first method did not help, go to the second - chemical.

About the chemical method

Attention! When using different chemicals sewage cleaning is recommended to work in rubber gloves and avoid compositions on open areas Skin. Also there will be no more than a gauze mask in order to avoid toxic vapors in the respiratory tract.

Before using the cleaning tools, you will have to extract water from the bathroom with the help of girlfriend - pelvis, buckets, pans. Then in the drain hole pour the corresponding liquid. It can be the compositions of "Mole", "Fairy", "Tiret Turbo" or something similar.

Chemical tool "Mole" perfectly eliminates stools in the bathroom

The amount of liquid fill in the sewer is individually and indicated on the label of each means. After that you need to wait some time to start chemical reaction. When the cleaner is a conclusion so clean - fatty plates, water will leave. In addition to liquid tools, there are many powders of the same action. As "grandmother's recipes" you can apply lemonic acid Or food soda with vinegar.

How it is carried out in practice, we look at the video below.

When it was hampered in the bathroom so much that neither the first nor the second methods help, proceed to the third - method of mechanical cleaning.

Mechanical cleansing - disassemble the design

Immediately warned that this method is the most dirty, since:

  1. drain will be partially disassembled;
  2. it is necessary to climb into it, more precisely, not quite hands, but a special cable that we will hold in your hands.

Do not be lazy to wear rubber gloves, or otherwise the smell of sewage drain you will be laundered for a long time.

But do not hurry to disassemble the system in the first place. First, it is troublesome, secondly, it is not a fact that you can again collect it without assistance. Make everything competently and without hurrying.

The most convenient dismantling destination is a siphon connecting the sink with general sewage. It enters the pipe tee and is fixed using a rubber seal or (in earlier versions) with the help of cabling.

Clearance Clearance

Neither the one nor another variant will deliver the trouble, because from the rubber sealing the pipe can be carefully removed, pre-disconnecting from the sink and turning a little around its axis to the right - left. Bag can be carefully removed using a small hook. Rubber, if it is not damaged, you can use again when installed, but the bang has a new one.

After the siphon is removed, we introduce a metal cable into the hole of the tee, at the end of which either a spring or a row can be. Cable Introduces until it is widden in a blockage. Then the forward movement, as far as possible, the plug and rotate the ERS or the spring with the help of the handle located on the other end.

It is better to do this operation together - one punches, the second rotates, although it is quite possible to make it one. In this case, the cable must be periodically removed and cleaned from dirt.

We carry out the action until you feel that the cable goes into the void. We repeat on each side of the tee.

In some cases, a flexible cable allows you to break the blockage directly through the drain hole of the bathroom.

In more detail with the process can be found here.

Small remark - The so-called "dead" water level remains in the siphon and, when dismantling, all this disgrace rushes out, that is, on the floor. Therefore, before starting disassembling the node, undress the veil, the newspaper, polyethylene film- In general, all that is not sorry to throw out.

The siphon is made, as a rule, in the form of an S-shaped pipe, one end of which is connected through the flange and a cape coil with a drain hole of the bathroom or sink, the other, as mentioned above, is included in the tee of the sewer tube. Under the cap nut also is located rubber sealing ring.

Although there are a little more complex designs, such as, for example, here:

Approximate scheme of siphon

After completion of the work we collect the system, check its tightness by opening the crane of cold or hot water for a short time. All listed methods can be used in different sequences and combination.

As you can see this procedure - Not the most pleasant, so let's give some tips, how to avoid it for a certain time:

  • Periodically, open the crane of cold or hot water, so to speak, "in idle", giving the sewage to clean energy with its energy.
  • Once a week or two pour a fat solvent in the siphon and also rinse, but
    desirable hot water. So there will be more benefit.
  • Do not use in such operations. washing powdersince he does not have time
    Fully dissolve in water and contributes to the deterioration of the situation.

Here, in fact, all that we wanted to tell you. We hope that the material was useful to you and helped eliminate the problem. If not difficult - share the article in social networks with your friends - they will probably be useful. The editors will be very grateful to you :)

Bashes in the bathroom are one of the most global problems in any apartment. And not only in the apartment, in our age of modernization for comfort, the setting of bathrooms in private houses and in cottages has become common. If the sewage has stopped functioning normally, all kinds of problems immediately begin - this is the appearance unpleasant odor, and overflow from the drain of dirty water. Even when complying with all rules of operation, the blocking will still fail to avoid. The article will talk about what to do if a blockage was formed in the bathroom.

The sewer system of the bathroom starts to clog from the very moment they began to be used. From the first days of operation, organic and inorganic sediments settle on it. Therefore, the reasons for the bathing of the pipes in the bathroom are diverse.

  • Most often to it leads to hair clusters, pet wool, soap solutions and deposit household chemicalswhich over time is pressed and compacted. All this begins to rot, mold and fungus may appear. Such breakdowns are simple and medium types in their complexity. TO complex typesSo-called deaf clouds include draining water after construction.
  • They are also divided into local - this is when the blockage occurred only in the same apartment, and the total - when the plot was subjected central system sewage.

What is formed zoor in sewage

First we will understand what is still a sewer system of plum.

Usually, the sewage takes its origin from the kitchen and passes into the shared riser through the bathroom and the toilet.

  • IN modern construction Plastic counterparts came to replace the old cast-iron pipes. They have a number of advantages:
    1. less subject to the formation of contaminants;
    2. due to the properties of the material on such a pipe there is no condensate;
    3. pipes made of plastic are not subjected to rust and do not rot.
  • Sleeping sewage cast-iron pipesFirst of all, it depends not on their predisposition to rust, but from the location. They are mounted under a slight bias relative to the place of the junction of the riser.
  • The sewer system on each floor has auxiliary window, intended for additional cleaning, as a rule, it is located above the level of the bath or sink by 15 cm.

Tip: In order to prevent, then not to resort to the labor-intensive cleaning of the bath in the bath, it is recommended to shed sewage pipes in the bathroom with boiling water with the addition of soda or bleach. To prevent a block, it is recommended to do this every time in seven days.

Tip: There is another way using calcinated Soda. One cup of soda is falling asleep into the drain hole and a cup of vinegar is thrown out. At that moment, when the reaction goes, it should be flushed with boiling water.

Tip: As prevention of blockages, it is quite action to use an elementary tube filter, which prevents hair from entering and all the garbage into the sewer system.

How to eliminate zoom in the bathroom

Selling siphon

Before applying chemistry and other cleaners, you can try to disassemble the siphon. In this case, the likelihood increases to quickly eliminate the blockage and the ability to clean the siphon himself from the precipitate formed (it does not harm the drain system, but it is from the bathroom that comes from the bathroom nasty smell And the bacteria are bred in it).

When disassembly, it is necessary to take into account that the plastic siphon is removed easier than metallic, as the metal is subject to corrosion, and the parts are firmly connected to each other. Therefore, in an old house, where the drain system is installed metallic, without the help of a plumbing specialist will not cope.

For work it will be necessary:

  • rag;
  • basin;
  • technical gloves.

Stages of work

  • It is necessary that the bath is without water, so if it is clogged and water is worth it, it needs to be deleted.
  • Before removing the protracted nut and the flask, you need to substitute a basin or bucket.

  • After examination, the sewer pipe is cleared mechanical method. To do this, it is enough to wash the drain of boiling water.

Tip: Usually in bathroom pollution accumulate at the base of the drain, so it is not difficult to clean it, just removing the protective grille.

With hot water

First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of blockage, that is, to check where pollution occurred - local or the central pipe has been hampered.

  • It is necessary to fill in the drain of boiling water, you can with soda. This method should help, especially when clustering soap or chemical deposits.
  • Make this procedure should be carefully so as not to scream with boiling water.

Application Vanuza

The most common and simple device for cleaning sewage systems - Vanutuz.

  • The rubber bowl of the canuza should be more drained holes and tightly lay down to plum in the bathroom to create a vacuum.
  • Holding a tube handle, a few sudden jolts are made to pierce the blockage in drain pipe. After that, Vanutuz needs to cut off the bath.
  • If the first cleaning did not bring the expected results, then the same procedure is repeated several times.

Cleaning chemicals

Today on the shelves of stores a very diverse choice chemical preparations For cleaning a cloth. Of course, with their help there will be an immediate result, but do not forget that such chemistry contains acids and alkali and it is necessary to use it with extreme caution.

Tip: If the common sewer system is completely clogged, then you should not be cleaned with chemicals, since the caustic substance can go back to the bathroom and harm enamel. Also, with frequent use, the sewer pipes themselves can quickly fail.

There are some rules when using chemicals:

  • the evaporation of chemicals is very harmful to health and therefore cleaning should be carried out in a well-ventilated room in a protective mask and in rubber gloves;
  • it is recommended to use drugs made only by industrial. Self-made means for cleaning, such as acid concentrates or kerosene can lead the sewer system to unsuitability;
  • in no case cannot be used several funds at once, it can lead to reverse action. There is a risk of reaction, in rare cases with consequences;
  • when applied chemical compositions, It is necessary to strictly follow the appiled instructions:
    1. in required quantity The remedy is poured into the drain;
    2. the following time is waiting;
    3. drain is washed with a jet of water.

Application of sanitary cable

Also, steel cable is widely used to clean the drain systems, which has a diameter of 4 mm, one end is equipped with a handle to simplify operation, and the other has a rash or brush with rigid bristles. It is not difficult to buy it, as it is sold at any economic store. At the time of buying steel cable It is necessary to take into account its length.

Tip: In the practice of specialists, the use of an electric spiral cable is distributed, but it will not be possible to apply it.

Stages of work

  • When using the cable, you need direct access to the sewer pipe itself, for this disassemble and remove drain hose or siphon.
  • The cable is slowly entered into the sewer hole, simultaneously rotate movements clockwise. Rotation must be slow to eliminate the cable bend.
  • If possible, during cleaning the cable at the same time, it is necessary to pour water to facilitate the work and softening of seals in the pipe. Promotion of the cable continues until it stumble upon a blockage.
  • After the plot in the pipe is found to be divided by all the same rotations of the cable. This method It takes a lot more time than the rest.

Cleaner pipes vacuum cleaner

At home, you can apply the ordinary household vacuum cleaner to clean the drain, which has a blowing hole.

But before using the vacuum cleaner, it needs to be prepared:

  • to work, you will need a small rubber ball;
  • it is cut into two parts, which should be one more, and the other smaller;
  • the small part of the ball is placed inside the large and in the center there is an opening equal to the diameter of the vacuum cleaner tube;
  • the vacuum cleaner hose is fixed in the hole in the ball and is fixed with a tape or clamp. But before attaching the hose to the blowing hole of the vacuum cleaner, you need to remove the bag from the dust collector;
  • the resulting bowl is attached to the plum and the vacuum cleaner turns on.

This simple and primitive way is very well removed blocks.

Hydrodynamic method

It happens that the blockage cannot be removed by any of the above methods. Then more efficient equipment should be used.

  • Hydrodynamic removal of the blockage is carried out with a jet of water under high pressure. Thus, all sediments, which accumulated over the years, washed out very carefully.
  • It is used mainly for flushing pipes in hard to reach placesSince it does not disturb the tightness in the joints.

Thermal method

Cleaning a blockage in a jet of hot water under pressure is called a thermal way.

  • This method is perfect for the fight against solid fat traffic jams.
  • If, in aggregate with hot water, the chemicals that destroy organic sediments and bacteria are also used, then disinfection is also carried out in this case.

Preventive policies

In order not to have the question, how to eliminate the zoom in the bathroom, you need to periodically carry out the prevention of sewer pipes, which allows you to contain a drain system clean.

  • To prevent fat deposits, twice a week, for 10 minutes, wash the sewer system with boiling water;
  • install protective lattices protecting pipes from various kinds of garbage and dirt enter them;
  • do not leave rags and all kinds of waste near the drain, hitting the sewer system, it is they form an impassable tube in a pipe;

Only as proper care and compliance with the rules of the bathroom, there is an opportunity to extend the service life drain system. After all, with a frequent use of cleaning media, the sewer system is subjected to rapid wear.

Sewer systems are able to clog not only in apartment buildings, but also in private houses. Inner side Pipe accumulates fat deposits, soapfile and other rubbers, which serves as an obstacle to water passage. There are many ways how to clean the blockage in the bathroom or in the kitchen, as well as minimize the likelihood of such a problem in the future.

Causes of formation of blockages

Pipes are capable of clogging by next reasons:

Effective cleaning methods

To eliminate a blockage in the bathroom, you can use one of the existing methods:

  • Cleaning pressure - in this case, classic vanatuz is used.
  • Mechanical - the garbage is eliminated by disassembling the siphon or with the help of a plumbing cable.
  • Chemical - plugs dissolve with industrial Fundswhich includes aggressive chemicals.
  • Thermal is to eliminate the blockage by head of hot water.

The choice of method depends on the material from which the pipes are made.. Plastic products can be damaged by boiling water or cable, and the use of chemicals can be carried out only with strict accordance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

Cleaning vests

Vanutuz remains easy to use, affordable and popular tool when it comes to resolve the issue of how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom, toilet or sink. This is a device in the form of a handle (plastic or wooden), one side of which has a rubber nozzle. Under the influence of its pressure, the garbage accumulated in the pipes starts to move on them and collapse. With the help of vague, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of blockages, they are freely output and removed.

But to clean the pipes such simple device, it is necessary to use it correctly:

During the use of Vatuza it is extremely important that the water level in the sink or bathroom does not exceed the rubber valve. Remove the remains of the blocks and achieve best result Repeated procedure will allow.

Household chemicals

There are many ways to read the drain in the bath and sink, but one of the most popular is the use of household chemicals. With it, it is possible to effectively break through all blockages without replacing parts. The advantage of these funds is that they themselves perform all the work, human has no need to make physical efforts.

These means are characterized by various consistency: foam, gel, powder and liquid, they can also cost differently. The principle of their use is simple: the required amount of cleaning agent is falling asleep or poured into the drain and leave for a certain time, which must be indicated on the label. After this time, it is necessary to include water, which will ensure proper washing of pipes.

The use of any chemicals requires attention. It is unacceptable for their skin entry or mucous membranes (all work should be carried out in protective gloves). In addition, it is not recommended to allow contact with chrome-plated surfaces.

In order not to remove breaks, prophylactic procedures should be carried out regularly using household chemicals: a small amount of chemical liquid or gel is poured into a drain hole, after which includes hot waterso that it was washed with pipes.

Cleaning siphon

Replace parts are an extreme measure, in most cases, a sufficient measure is to clean the siphon. The algorithm of action should be as follows:

Such a cleaning method is recommended to be carried out regularly for prophylaxis. Flushing of the siphon with a frequency once in 2-3 months will minimize education on its internal surface Silver raids that serve as an unpleasant smell indoors.

Use boiling water

If the zoom in the sink found surprise, then you can use simple and often effective way Cleaning pipes - boiling water. The effectiveness of the method is to under the influence of high temperatures Dissolve fat, which causes most blocks.

First of all, it is necessary to assume the scale of the problem: If the water accumulated in one place, then a local character is peculiar, and when water is worth in all plums, then the blockage is considered to be global. The solution to this problem is to clean the entire sewage system, and with local enough to clean one pipe.

It is possible to use boiling water if the plumbing system is made of metal pipes. The principle of operation is very simple: it is necessary to heat up to 4 liters of water, after which it is to send it into the draining. If necessary, cleaning is repeated. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use Vanatuz or Yershik.

It should be abstained from boiling water if the water accumulates on the surface of the bath or shell. It should be taken into account that boiling water simply will not be able to influence the problem space. In addition, it is worth being neat so as not to scream. For plastic pipes, you can use hot but not boiling water.

Metal cable

Accumulated deep in the pipes garbage is unlikely to be eliminated using household chemicals, boiling water or vanza. In this case, it is recommended to resort to the use of a plumbing cable. This cable is peculiar to the type of thick twisted wire, one side of which is equipped with a brown, and the other - handle. The length of the cable reaches no more than 10 meters, which is enough to eliminate the blockage. It should be borne in mind that this device is suitable for combating pollution of exclusively metal pipes.

To successfully clean, you should use the following recommendations:

The use of folk remedies

Remove breakdowns in sewage pipes will help tested folk remedies. Similar procedures for eliminating blockages are easy to perform, environmentally friendly and do not require large financial costs, since the active existing substance is the usual soda. Why not make effective money on your own experience if the bath has been hampered.

Consider in more detail how to clear it at home:

  • Table vinegar and soda must be prepared in proportions 1: 1, but not more than one full glass of each component.
  • In the drain hole, you first need to fall asleep soda, and then flooding with acetic solution.
  • The drain is closed with a plug and leave at no less than 3 hours.
  • After this time, the pipes should be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water.

What to do if the pipe in the bathroom clogged, many sources will be prompted. Based on household reviews, effective folk remedy is an aromatic lemon. To eliminate the break, you will need to purchase several large citrus and squeeze juice from them into the drain hole (it is important that bones do not get there). Leave at no less than 1 hour at rest, after which you can start using the bathroom or sink.

If the water is poorly in stock and indoors appears an unpleasant smell, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate the blockage in the sewage hole. Alternatively, you can use the services of a specialist or solve the problem yourself. Want to save money and do everything on your own? Not a question, after all, after reading our article, you will learn how to eliminate the blockage in the bathroom and to cope with the task as quickly as possible.

The main "culprits" of blocks

First you need to figure it out, for what reasons there is a plot of the pipe in the bathroom? Most often, this problem arises as a result of the vital activity of people. The bottom line is that a person cannot keep track of what falls into the draining, because it is about long hair, animal wool, lifts of a vet. All this garbage is compactly packaged in sewage and forms a lump, blocking the water passage.

Then there is a stagnation of water with which you need to start the struggle on time without postponing this process.

Tube blocking is better to warn than looking for a way out of the situation.

By the way, B. multi-storey house Vomor can be local, that is, in the same apartment, or common if the central sewage system has clogged. To determine the type of clogging, you should turn on the water in the kitchen and in the bathroom: if the problem is only in one place, the locale's zoom and can be eliminated own forces.

Speaking about the causes of the occurrence of the break, it is impossible not to mention such factors: fatty raid in pipes, worniness sewer system. In short, there are several reasons, so the question is how to clean the blockage in the bathroom is extremely relevant.

Vatuza application - traditional method

It is much more difficult to pierce the blocking of the VATUZ in the bathroom than in the sink, because the water drains complicates this process. The problem is that when the water begins to shift over the edge, the air falls into the opening, and a vacuum is necessary for working with vehicles.

Vantuz need to be required taking into account the size of the drain hole

How to clean the block in the bathroom with a vehicle? First, the aforementioned hole for overflowing the water is tightly closed with a plug, and then the pre-lubricated vaseline Vanatuz is tightly pressed against the plum and 10 sharp reciprocating movements are produced.

It is important to know: instead of a traffic jam for creating the greatest tightness, you can use the second vessel, but then you will need help another person.

If there is no result, you can try to push the block not by air, but water. To do this, pour hot water to the bathroom (approximately half of the rubber bowl) and immerse the vanatus to the water at an angle. With the last swing, Vatuz should be dramatically pulled out of the water. In the case when the first time is not liquidated, the procedure is repeated several times.

Sanitary cable - a more serious way to clean

Everyone perfectly understood that with the help of a vehicle, you can only clear small blockages, so other methods of combating this trouble should be considered.

Plumbing cable during cloud cleaning should be in a stretched state

If the blockage is far in the pipe or it is strongly pressed, resort to cleaning with the use of the cable. The essence of this method is that the plumbing cable need to hook the garbage, pulling it out or pushing it into a wider highway.

This procedure occurs as follows:

  • the cable is introduced into the drain hole;
  • one person pushes a cable, and the other carries its rotation;
  • after passing a clogged place, you need to make a couple of sharp jerks back and forth, then open the crane of hot water and carefully pulling out the cable, wash off the dirt formed in the sewer tube.

It is worth paying attention to: the rotation of the cable contributes to better breakdown of the blockage.

Plumbing cable is sold in a business store, but it can be made independently. To do this, you need to take a piece of a fairly flexible metal cable, bend it and flick a tip. Thanks to such manipulation, the cable will move well on the bends of the pipe and will not be wounded in the knee.

It is important to know: For the convenience of capturing the cable should be wrapped with something tough so that a peculiar handle turned out.

You also need to mention the fact that santechnic cable It is categorically impossible to use for cleaning plastic, chrome pipes - then you can damage their inner surface.

Chemicals - loyal assistants

And how to remove the blockage in the bathroom using the tooling tools and what drug to give preference? As for the first moment, there is nothing complicated here: I bought a cleaning agent in a specialized store, read the instructions carefully and did everything in accordance with the written information.

It is important to know: the remedy is poured either in the sewer hole, it is left there for a while, and then thoroughly washed off flowing water.

In addition, we want to emphasize your attention on the fact that chemicals need to be properly used, since even the safest drugs with prolonged use cause the deformation of the material from which the pipes are made.

Chemicals - effective substances, but too often their use destroys the pipes

I solve the question than to break in the bathroom, modern man It is faced with one problem, because the market presents a wide range of cleaning agents. Therefore, the most popular drugs should be called to facilitate the choice of our readers:

  • "Mole" - effective toolwhich cannot be applied to plastic pipes;
  • "Mr. Muskul" is a means suitable for all types of pipes. It is produced in the form of a gel or foam. "Mr. Muskul" cleans pipes from dirt, penetrating all the catches. He also kills bacteria, thereby contributing to the elimination of the smell;
  • "Tiret" - eliminates the blockage quickly and efficiently. He has no smell of ammonia and user reviews perfectly copes with its task;
  • "Potechan" is a substance, quickly and without a residue dissolving a variety of pollution. It has a sharp chemical smell, but even the strongest breakdowns.

Using the tool cleaning agents, you need to remember the safety technique, that is, working with alkalis and acids, should be equipped properly.

This means that you need to wear rubber gloves, goggles and adhesive apron.

Better to warn the problem than fighting with it

Yes, if a person will regularly carry out the prevention of blockages, it will avoid many troubles. What should I do for this? First, it is necessary to install a protective mesh on the water drain hole: it protects the pipes from the dirt, animal wool, hair in them. Secondly, good to a tool Prevention Chemicals are considered - the main thing is to use them in accordance with the instructions so as not to damage the pipes. Generally, proper operation And spent on time preventive actions Prolong the service life of communications, ensure their reliability and prevent the occurrence of blockages.

We hope that the information presented in this publication will help you solve the problem, how to remove the blockage in the bathroom. And remember that the most best way Vacor elimination are preventive measures. Performing them, you can be sure that an extra discomfort will not be created in the bathroom. And you don't have to use Vatuz and Plumbing Cable.

The drain hole in the bathroom can happen in every home, regardless of the accuracy of the hosts. And since the bathroom is main element Comfort in the apartment, this situation creates discomfort and the desire to resolve the problem to solve. For selection optimal method sewage cleaning, you need to analyze possible reasons And try to determine which part of the plum clogged.

Causes of Vorab

Most often, the reason for the violation of the normal operation of the sewage in the bathroom is to fall into the drainage of foreign objects. But there are still a number of reasons that lead to the formation of a cloth in the bathroom:

  • Fit into the drain hole of the small garbage: hair, animal wool, thread, rollers from clothes.
  • A large foreign subject hit the sewer. Such a block can be eliminated, disassemble and cleaned the siphon. If the garbage stuck in the pipe, you will have to use other methods.
  • The formation of bodybaque on the inside of the drain, which narrows the hole and prevents the normal passage of water. More often concerns cast iron pipes, as they have a rough inner surface.
  • Wearing sewage.
  • Incorrect installation of sewage pipes (an angle of inclination is not sustained).
  • The central sewage was clogged.

If the work of the drain deteriorated gradually, it means that he clogged with small garbage. If the problem has arisen sharply, it means that something large or the central sewage zoom occurred in the hole.

To eliminate problems with the overall drain, you must simultaneously open water in the kitchen, bathroom and wash off the toilet. If the water is badly coming off everywhere, then this is the problem of all at home and it will not be possible to solve it on our own forces.

The problem of worn sewage or improper installation can be completely solved only by converting sewer pipe. Before overhaul It will be done to constantly carry out preventive measures and regularly implement.

How to clean the plum pipe

There are several ways to purify drain:

  • Mechanical - use of vanza or cable, cleaning the siphon.
  • Chemical - the use of potent solvent or can be used by folk remedies.
  • Thermal - based on the use of hot water.

When applying any of the above methods, it is necessary to use protective equipment, such as gloves and mask (in case of a sharp, unpleasant smell).

Vanatuz and nonsense

It is possible to clean the drain vehicle with air or water. But in any case, before carrying out the work, it is necessary to close the upper overflow of the plug, another vanatoux or cloth (although it is less efficient), you can take a tape. If this does not do all efforts will be useless, as the air will go out through the top hole, and not push the pan in the pipe.

If the cleaning is carried out by air, the surface of the bath must be dry, and a part of the vehicle, which will come into contact with the surface, must be lubricated with vaseline (for better tightness). After carrying out preparatory work, the work part of the vehicle to put over the drain and press to the surface. Make a few sharp movements up-down, without taking off the rubber part from the bath. So it creates a pressure that pushes the blockage. If the manipulation did not give the result, the procedure should be repeated using water.

Screw water in the bath (better than hot) to 1/2 height of the rubber part of the vehicle. Make some sharp movements, with the last, sharply pull out the water from the water. At the same time, water pressure will promote the accumulated garbage to the riser or pull it back to the bath (if it is close to the hole).

Bath and sink are interconnected, so before the procedure you need to close the drain in the sink to avoid the waterproof.

In the absence of a vehicle, you can use your own palms or cloth. The principle of operation is the same: close the hole tightly and pull sharply. Repeat the procedure several times. This method can be eliminated by a slight blockage.


If the described method did not give the result, then the plug is in the depths of the pipes and will have to apply a sanitary cable. It is a flexible robust coravoid-shaped wire with a handle.

Remove the plastic tube of a small diameter should be extremely careful, as you can damage the integrity.

Operating procedure:

  1. The end of the cable insert into the drain.
  2. Promote the cable forward slowly rotating. For this work, you will need a partner, as you will not rotate and push at the same time.
  3. The cable must constantly be in the stretched state, otherwise it will not pass the turns of the pipes and may be damaged.
  4. Feeling that the cable was harmed, you need to push it forward-back.
  5. Get the cable from the drain and wash thoroughly.
  6. Rinse the sewer hot water well.
  7. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.


If there are no special devices (vanza, cable), you can use what is in every home.

  • The vacuum cleaner with the function of the revelation will help to quickly cope with the bathroom cloud. To do this, connect the hose to the blowing hole. The end of the hose is tightly inserted into the drain hole. To do this, you can use the rubber bowl from the tub, or simply wrap the junction with rags and turn on the vacuum cleaner. No need to include a vacuum cleaner at full capacity, as you can damage the sewage fasteners. It is necessary to strictly observe the safety technique, as the combination of water and electrical devices Potentially dangerous.
  • Cut off plastic bottle bottom and tighten the plug. Dial into the bath water, put a bottle with a hole to the plum and make some sharp movements, like a vest. Helps with small stamps.
  • To twist a watering can, insert the end of the hose into the drain hole and open hot water under the high pressure. Boiling water will wash fat deposits on the walls of the pipes. Similarly, any flexible hose with a suitable diameter can be used. One end to wear on the crane, the second to flush into the drain.

Special means of household chemicals

Chemicals will help to quickly cope with a blockage. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to pig-iron or plastic pipes. It is intended and which blockages dissolve (fat deposits or organic trash). Available tools for household chemicals in the form of a gel, powder or liquid.

In most cases, the principle of operation is the same:

  • The substance needs to be carefully filled or pour into the draining.
  • Powder pour water.
  • Wait a certain time (indicated in the instructions).
  • Rinse large quantity hot or cold water (also according to the instructions).

Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions and put on protective gloves.

Common and efficient substances:

  • Mole is quite effective, but is prohibited for use in plastic pipes. On the shelves can be found in the form of liquid, powder, gel.
  • Mr. Muskul - well eliminates pollution and smell. Suitable for all types of pipes.
  • Tiret - the tool quickly dissolves any blockage, without having an ammonia smell.

Frequent use of chemical means leads to gradual destruction and wear of pipes.

It is impossible to use household chemicals to clean the drain of shower cabins, as they contain acids that destroy the components of the sewerage and the acrylic surface.

Eliminate blockage in the cabins is better than people's or mechanical ways.

Folk remedies at home

Without resorting to chemistry with stamps, you can cope with soda, acid and boiling water. Fall asleep a glass of soda, pour a glass of 9% of the table vinegar on top and quickly close the cork. To withstand 30 minutes. - During this time, the block will dissolve. Rinse with boiling water well. This method is well suited for cast iron pipes, on plastic you need to use with caution.

You can also mix for 200 grams. Soda and salts with 300 ml of water. The resulting composition is poured into the sewer and withstand 10 minutes. Then create a vacuum with vanatoux or cloth and dramatically moving up and down to try to push the blockage.

How to Clean Drain in the Bath or Shower Cab people's methods

The most common ways to clean drain

How to Clean Siphon

If there is free access to the siphon, then you need to start the cleaning of the blockage from the siphon. If it is difficult to get to him, but no ways did not give the result, it will come to him to get and clean.

The siphon always contains water, so before carrying out work, you need to put a rag and prepare the tank for dirty water from the siphon. Unscrew the nut and remove the flask. Drain the water, pour out the accumulated garbage and thoroughly wash the flask from soap and fat deposits. Collect siphon and check its tightness.

Video: How to Clean Siphon

How to remove the smell of plum

  • Check the tightness of the sewer system and in case of detection to eliminate leaks.
  • Clean the siphon and replace sealing elements if necessary.
  • Take advantage of purchased tools for household chemicals to remove raids from the inner surface of the pipes.
  • To prevent the occurrence of odor with a long lack, it is necessary to pour some vegetable oil into drain. This will prevent the evaporation of water from the hydraulic assembly and the emergence of an unpleasant odor. If it was not done, it is enough to disassemble and thoroughly wash the siphon.

How to clean the crane / mixer - if I worked

Bad water pressure from the crane may be due to:

  • Mixer breakdowns. It will be necessary to replace component parts or complete replacement details.
  • Accumulation of deposits lime Hall on the inside of the mixer and aerator.

Cleaning the wave will not be difficult if you can use the pliers and the adjustable key.

Aerator is a metal nozzle with a shallow meshe to the tip of the tap. It is intended for saturation of water with oxygen and filtering of small garbage contained in tap water.

To clean up, you must carefully disassemble the mixer and remove the aerator so as not to damage the chrome coating. All parts rinse with running water and put in a capacity with 9% vinegar. Exposure time depends on the degree of pollution (from 1 to 12 hours). Get it, well wash and collect back. Also, for cleaning, you can use the toilet to clean the toilet and shells that are well erupted by lime raids.

How to clean the troubled aerator in the crane - video

Prevention of shower or bath breaks

Regular preventive events will get rid of the need to deal with serious seasalization stamps.

  • Use a protective mesh that will prevent small garbage from getting into the drain.
  • Wash the sewage hot water once a week contributes to the dissolution of soap and bodybuilding on the pipes.
  • Periodically carry out preventive purification by folk remedies.
  • Clean the siphon once a month.
  • Periodically use Vatuz.

Among the presented methods, at least one will be effective in specific situation And help clean the plums in the bathroom. Even if the case turns out to be special or too launched, you should not despair. There are services that will provide qualified assistance in a short time using professional equipment and specialized funds.