Instructions for the construction of a simple shala. Double tissue chalash

Shalas and live gazebos in the country are capable not only to change the exterior, adding to the landscape of some raisin, but also create a pleasant place to rest on the basis natural materials. How to make a shala or live gazebo in the country area with your own hands, read it now.

Today we decided to move away a little away from more capital construction and engage in affairs that are directly related to nature. We will create high-quality and very pretty chaolars from branches and living plants, as well as build a living gazebo, braided with curly plants or trees and shrubs. To work that makes fun and benefit, you will need only a desire and some knowledge.

The advantages of salars and living gazebo

Naturally, this is not a capital construction, the objects of which are based on serious foundations and frames, so we cannot call this kind of product too stable and reliable. They will not protect against strong wind Or torrential rain, but perhaps these are the only weighty shortcomings.

Now I would like to pay attention to the advantages of which much more.

  • Immediately it is worth noting that any living gazebo or artificially created slash - an environmentally friendly structure in which will always be present fresh air And the aroma of plants. Here you can easily keep the shadow from zhugochi Sun.And you can also spend time for an interesting conversation, tea party, dinner in a family circle.
  • Such a structure can be created by growing plants or fixing special materials even with their own hands. You do not use the experience welding workMounting heavy designs or woodworking. It is enough to want and build, act on the elementary technology and create a project that is harmonizing with the natural component of your cottage plot.
  • You will not spend a lot of money on the construction of a living gazebo or shala. It is quite realistic that all your costs will be only the basic materials for a light frame (if you are as follows), as well as plants that will be the basis for the formation of living walls and roofs-dome.

Repulsted from beauty and environmental friendly, you can find more benefits, but is it worth proving yourself positive sides The future project, if you have already decided.

How to build a chalash in the country do it yourself

To build a chalash, you must first define priorities. First, decide for what needs it will be used. Most often, the construction is used as a children's building, for games and fun kids. Chalas on the playground, like a house on a tree, we have already discussed earlier, and therefore the source for a detailed acquaintance is already available.

If the slas are built for other needs, let's say, will perform the role of the arbor, then we are ready to tell about it now.

Shalash base - soil and special ditch for installation frame materials. There is no fill or foundation here, it is enough to use a shovel and pull out the trench around the perimeter of the future facilities. Next, it is enough to install two reference elements for the design using a bar or log. Crossed between the supporting elements will be the base of the roof and the upper base of the walls. Now the veins can be laid on the simplest frame, of which there will be a slush, fixing the upper part of them on the ground, and the bottom - in the Republic of River, which we have prepared.

Elementary slags can be built in the day, and further use it for storing collected vegetables or fruits in the remote zone from economic buildings, for children's games, if the slut is in the yard, as well as to relax in the country.

You can always make a salash in the country and much faster if using frame method And, for example, a camouflage network. Just a few hours, and everything is ready!

How to build a living gazebo in the country

It seems to us that there are much more interesting with living arbors, because it is not only a design for recreation, but also a wonderful small architectural form that will become an indispensable decoration of the country's territory when placing a landscape.

What is needed for construction? Let's start with the main one.

Green Live Arbors (Video)

Choice of place for living gazebo

The landmark is kept not only to the place that we like the most and is suitable, but it is obviously evaluating your own capabilities, the future design of the site and the requirements of the plants that will be directly involved in the organization. It will be more correct to place a gazebo in the backyard, near the main buildings to cover one side of it from the winds. Of course, if a region with a temperate climate and you can make a truly reliable framework, then you can not pay any attention to atmospheric phenomena. Relieve only the plants and the opportunity to grow in the place where you set the gazebo.

Choosing materials

We advise working with simple materials And so to speak, do not invent a bicycle again. Already a long time, such structures are erected from wood or metal - materials of the average price niche, with which just work. If you want to bring the arbor to the wildlife, choose a tree, but if the metal can be harmoniously pour into the surrounding environment - there are no problems.

Specialists advise strong and inexpensive types of materials - wooden bar and profile pipe.

Installing a Frame Live Arbor

You can start with the foundation or concreting grounds, but since we agreed to move away from capital construction, but still we want to get a steady design, the main parts will concrete. During conversations about the fences, fences and even vertical beds and gutters for cottages, we mentioned how the pillars are strengthened. We act a classic method and set the stable base of the arbor.

The frame can be combined with each other around the perimeter of the structure, make the upper base so that the plants be more convenient to braid the roof. Since the roof in this element of the exterior is not assumed, we would need to create only a light shape that will hold on yourself branches and stems. It can be metallic or wooden doomMounted on the top of the frame of a lively gazebo, and maybe just a piece of chain mesh, which is screwed to a wire frame.

Decorating living gazebo

We suggest your internal content. It can be a table and benches, and maybe just a set of ordinary cottage furniture, Say, out of plastic. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

The painting of the frame is also on its own discretion, but it is required, since varnish or paint perform not only aesthetic function, but also protective.

The main part of the decor is the choice, planting and formation of plants for a living gazebo. It is a little difficult at first, but when the plants are planted, and their agricultural equipment has been studied and accepted by you, everything becomes much easier.

Choose curly plants, form from them the bases of a living gazebo, carefully and not injured, fix the branches on the frame, lay them on the roof, throw through the top base. As the plants are growing, be sure to form a crown, pruning as it grows, remove the dry and interfering parts, let the stalks in the desired direction.

You can install the gazebo within just one day, but to grow plants for the formation will be a bit more complicated and longer in terms. Although, if you well navigate decorative plants For such arbor, after a month and a half you can get the result.

What plants choose for live gazebo

Many plants are suitable for registration, but again we will recall that it is worth choosing them not only by name, but also according to the requirements for Agrotechnology. In addition, be sure to determine the possibility right Development with your climate, soil composition, temperature regimes, humidity, average annual temperature and so on.

The simplest living gazebo at the cottage (video)

Build a slush or a pretty living gazebo in the country with your own hands I would like to each of us. But remember that only the experience and effort regulate the end result, and therefore be careful to the details, but never stop at original design Garden or other zone of the country area.

All children love secluded corners. Only in privacy can be given to his fantasy and go to a fascinating journey through the imaginary worlds. That is why children often build homemade houses from pillows, plaid and other remedies. But if you want your child to feel like a brave traveler or hero of his beloved fairy tale, give him a slash. Moreover, it is easy to make a slut for children with their own hands, but the child will be able to fill his leisure fascinating games. Today, the "Dream House" will share with their readers the ideas of the construction of children's salars, which can be installed both in the nursery and on the street.

Making slashes for children yourself - a few interesting ideas

1. Sheet and rope

To make a slush, it is enough to stretch the rope between the trees, throw it out through it sheets and fasten its edges with wooden pegs or other suitable means. For the child to be comfortable, laying soft, blankets or. And even in such a "building" there is nothing supernatural, but children's fantasy will be able to fill it with an exciting story. Homemade Shalas for children on the street will give a lot interesting games And, moreover, she will save the kids from solar overheating.

Choosing a place for a hut, give preference to darkened and smooth sites.

2. Gymnastic hoolas and fabrics

An ordinary gymnastic hoop can be a great basis for a children's chaolash. It is enough to sew a long tissue to the hoop and hang it in a horizontal position, for example, to a tree branch at such a height, so that the edges of the fabric get to the ground. Alternatively, you can simply throw a large cut of tight fabric on the hoop, to build a cone-shaped roof and secure the frame at a convenient level. Then, only reliable strap or ribbon will be required to hang a hut.

3. Chaolars from branches

Probably every child dreams of around the world journey, dangerous adventures and exciting wanders. You can help the child to carry out his cherished dream, without going beyond the aisle of your own country area. Since brave travelers prefer to sleep not in a warm bed, but in a halate of wood branches made by hand, the baby will surely get ready to give such a gift.

But how to make a children's chaolars from the branches? There are some interesting options:

  • First, you can build a chalash from flexible and long branches left after trimming trees and. To begin with, collect as many branches as possible and select the largest instances. At the place of the future slag, draw the circle and inscribe on its circumference of the branch, tilting them in such a way that they create a cone-shaped frame. Only two branches install on a fairly wide distance from each other, because They will serve as an entrance to the future slash. Make sure the branches are installed firmly and add them to the remaining material. Nothing terrible if the walls of the shala will "shift" - being in such a house, the baby will still feel at least Robinson Cruzo.
  • Secondly, you can make a "alive" slag, decorating it with foliage and plants. If you are not in a hurry to build a miracle house, fall around the perimeter of the curly plant, for example, grapes, binders, etc., which, as it grows beautifully collapse the walls of the shala. If you want to give a child a holiday "here and now", just cover the skeleton frame with branches with greens.

4. Shalash Vigvam in the nursery and on the street

Shalash Vigvam - this traditional house Indians. This construction has a cone shape and a strong design. Previously, the Indians built their dwellings using thick branches, which were then covered with a dense draincloth. We can also make a children's chaolars on the principle of Wigvam. To do this, it is necessary to select 5-7 flexible, but durable twist, and then install them in the form of a polyhedron or semicircle. The tops of the twist should be connected in such a way that they are combined like colors in a bouquet, overweight each other. In place of the junction of twigs, you need to fix with a solid rope or cutting fabric.

If you install Wigwam on the street, some dump the base of the plates into the ground. If the Vigvam will be indoors, tie the transverse rods in the bottom of the construction, which will be fixed.

After that, decorate the Vigvam cloth. Most often, triangles are forming triangles between the jacket twigs, therefore it is enough just to cut pieces of fabric in this form and put them around the frame. However, it is much more beautiful if Shalash Wigwam will decorate a specially cross-linked cover, to create which it will be necessary to carefully measure the height of the frame and the width of each part of it.

5. Double slush

Making simple design From several wooden Reques, you can create a beautiful double slush or shala tent. The most important thing in this building is to choose a suitable tissue. If you install chalas in the yard, it is best to use a tent cloth that does not fade from the sun and is not deformed due to high humidity. If the construction will be in the child's room, cotton or any other natural material is suitable.

Rooms Chalashi.

If you are not sure about your abilities or simply do not want to spend time on the manufacture of a self-made slag, you can purchase ready design. For example, beautiful and convenient for the game of the chalashi produces a Swedish brand IKEA. Such structures are suitable not only for games, but also for. In addition, the corporate chalash will certainly become the main decoration of the children's room.

As a slag, you can also use a stylized awning or roof on the bed. This accessory will not only give the baby the world of exciting games, but will provide him with a strong and calm bed.

For lovers of outdoor activities in nature, knowledge and practical ability to build a hut is extremely necessary, because one day this skill may literally sleep the word. We are talking about those who like distant tourist expeditions in the forests and mountains, riding in kayaks on rivers or skiing on snow slopes, fishing, hiking, berries and mushrooms.

In order to build a slash , It will not be necessary to apply great efforts. Having an understanding of the principle of the construction of temporary designs, depending on the locality and the nature of the weather, it will be erected in a matter of hours.

Types of salashes and choice

Exists three types Possible structures:

  1. Standing separately - Classic Type of Chaolash in the forest or outdoor area.
  2. Pottal - Live trees, shrubs, steep slopes are used as a support.
  3. In-depth - A peculiar blend of a hood with dugout.

In survival conditions it may be necessary to make chalash for:

  • arrangement of the place of bed;
  • shelters from strong wind or exhausting sun;
  • conservation of heat and dryness of things during rain, hail or snow;
  • protection against predators and insects;
  • warehouse for temporary storage of things.

If a person got lost and stayed for the night alone, then without the construction of a temporary slag in the forest he could not do. It offers a place to relax from foliage, dry moss or clothes. If necessary, inside it can even dilute the fire.

Where is it better to build a slash?Erect similar temporary structures is preferable to smooth wooded areas among dense plantations - lush shrubs and spreading trees. They will protect against drafts and excessive attention from the country's inhabitants and other tourists.

Places where shala do do not do it:

  • open Polyany;
  • under sandy or rocky slopes;
  • near mountain rivers or other stormy reservoirs;
  • near single standing trees.

After selecting the most suitable place, it is necessary to clear it from fallen leaves, branches, stones, barns and other things. This will ensure greater comfort of finding inside the chaolash in the forest. As well as security, if the fire will be sought inside the structure.

What you need to build a shala

Such a simple temporary housing is easy to build at any time of the year. Going on a trip away from civilization, it is useful to have a folding saw, a paint, a knife and a rope with it. BUT B. extreme situation They can not be at hand. In any case, to make a chalash, the main thing is to get a certain amount of building material.

For example, in the snow-covered steppes, it would be snow and branches of shrubs if they would be found. And in the forest of material a lot: fallen trees, broken bruises, broken branches, troops, stones, bark, fallen leaves, moss, grass, bumps, sweets coniferous plants, etc. Unfortunately, in modern forests there is a lot of garbage, such as plastic, pieces of fittings, polyethylene film, fabric - all this, too, can be used to be used to build a slag in the forest.

In search of building materials for asylum, first of all, attention should be paid to the legs. It is not worth the sowing head to break and twist all living things: young trees, healthy branches and foliage of trees and bushes. It is necessary to respect the forest to respect, and such a good attitude will return with a hundredfold: the predatory animals will bypass the side, the plants will tap from the cold, winds and precipitation, and the fire will warm up and does not burn.

Types of salas and their arrangement

All the most ingenious ideas in the construction of humanity gives the nature itself. Stunning durability and modifications of dwellings are built by beavers, wasps, ants, weaver, red-chucky whistles (or in a different "Bird-shade") and many others. People remain just carefully climbed and try to catch the essence of the construction method.

The most common 3 types of slashes are most common: single-sided, duplex and circular. Each of them have functional featuresIt should be distinguished in order to build the most appropriate shelter in each case. For example, in the winter it is better to make a shala in the form of a pyramid or semicircle, in conditions of strong winds it will serve good protection. Among other things, the type of construction depends on the terrain and the number of people for which it will be erected.

Single chalas

This is a shelter, which has one inclined wall, simultaneously performing the role of the roof, that is, a peculiar canopy. Cuts from the sun, stratum rain or wind, which blows in one direction. From the cold, this kind of shag is not protected, because one side is completely or partially open. You can spend the night in warm weather, but there will be no comfort to differ comfort.

How to make a single chaolash with your own hands:

  1. Find 2 trees standing near each other. Or drive into the ground 2 rods with ramifications at the desired distance.
  2. For the development from above to lay the crossbar. If necessary, you can strengthen the compounds, linking the crossbar with trees or jerles of the vine.
  3. Lean it under sharp angle Several long poles with a pitch of about 25 cm (so that a triangle is turned out when looking at the side).
  4. Using the branches of leaning sixteen, horizontally put thin bars on them - it will evenly distribute the weight of the future flooring.
  5. Stop on the finished frame of coniferous or deciduous branches, fern, leaves, straw or other material.
  6. Cover the skate and side sides by branches, clothing or something else.

For such a design, the gealash type is most often used.

Two-tight shala

More cozy shelter compared to one-sided. It can protect against rain, hail, snow, wind, soaring sun or cold. You can use for overnight stay or storage of things. Make a two-tie slash with your own hands. Few is more complicated than a single one.

It is also built as a single one, only long rods are installed under an acute angle to the upper beam on both sides. The "rear" part should be completely closed with rods, branches, sweetheart or leaves. The "front" part will serve as an entrance, it can be covered partially for greater comfort and better heat conservation inside the chaolash in the forest.

For sheltering from the rain, the thickness of the flooring should be at least 20 cm (non-flashred hardware or coniferous branches) so that the moisture is not leaked through them. And it is better to build a chalash from rain using a tent or plastic film.

In rainy weather along the side walls, it is better to dig a small groove to divert water flowing away from the structure.

Circular Chalash

The design resembles Vigvam or Chum in a simpler variation. Such a building effectively protects against bad weather, as well as from the cold. Inside the shelter, a fire can be organized, but in this case it is necessary to build a chalash with a hole in the roof so that the smoke could freely leave it. For the construction of such asylum as a support, a tree can be used, having previously convinced that it is durable and there is no, for example, ants. But then the fire inside will not be possible - only at the entrance.

Children in the country must have a place for games and entertainment. Excellent option Maybe the slash, which you are. For this you do not need to spend a lot of time and money, it is enough to show fantasy. An unusual shala is obtained from materials that are always on hand. We offer to familiarize yourself with some options for designing a children's chaolash.

Fabric Chaolash

To perform chalas from the fabric, you must prepare:
a large and dense piece of fabric of 2 4 meters;
2 support racks (trees), which should be placed on each other by 2 meters;
2.5 meter rope;
Set of hooks for fastening a shala to the soil.

Initially, we stretch the rope necessarily in a horizontal position between 2 racks and it is thoroughly fixed. Then symmetrically hang a piece of fabric over the rope. The next stage is the fixation of the shag by the floor. It is necessary to sew metal chalises on the edges of the fabric or make a loop that are also sewn along the edge. After that, through the loops, the hooks do and fix them in the soil.

This version of the creation of a shala to issue a little difficult, but there is nothing no possible.

Prepare in advance:
PVC pipes or branches of the required length;
Curving vegetation or post seeds;
Durable rope.

It is worth noting that such a shala can be used only after a few months. Proceeding with the construction of the design recommended after winter period with the beginning of spring. To begin with, install the pipes or branches of the trees in the form of a triangle. Then brush them with each other at the top of the rope.

After assembling the slag, you can start seeding seeds. In a circle of construction, it is necessary to plant plants that are beautifully crowned. They will grow, and then you must send them up the stracks of the slash. In the midst of summer, the children's chaolars will probably be ready.

This option provides for the construction of their design. pVC pipeswhich must be covered with a durable cloth. The construction method is identical to the second idea described above. The racks are exhibited from pipes and firmly tightened on top of the rope. Then they must be fixed in the ground. Shalas for children are covered with cloth, and it is ready to use.

This method is the most original. To work, you need to have:

Aluminum hoop or metal pipetwisted in the ring;
Durable rope and fabric.

Build such a shala does not represent difficulties. Cover the hoop to the cloth, sew the ends. The remaining cloth must be sewed throughout the hoop and attach the rope in the center to it. Then the design is fixed on a tree or in another suitable for children's games.

In this case simple stepping Will perform a shala function. It will only be necessary to put a stepladder at a convenient place for games and hang cloth on it. This embodiment is distinguished by mobility, as the stepladder can be transferred both to the courtyard and to the house.

This is an unusual design of the tubes from newspapers, which are covered with cloth. But remember that in rainy weather such a shala must be removed so that it is not a wet and did not deteriorate. To build a design, prepare:

The cloth;
Scotch large width and stapler.

First, turn the newspapers into the tubes, secure their edges in the stapler. Then make the design in the form of a triangle and also lock it. Put the cloth on top of the slag.

Children in the country must have a place for games and entertainment. An excellent option can be a chalash that you make with your own hands. For this you do not need to spend a lot of time and money, it is enough to show fantasy. An unusual shala is obtained from materials that are always on hand. We offer to familiarize yourself with some options for designing a children's chaolash.

Fabric Chaolash

To perform chalas from the fabric, you must prepare:
a large and dense piece of fabric of 2 4 meters;
2 support racks (trees), which should be placed on each other by 2 meters;
2.5 meter rope;
Set of hooks for fastening a shala to the soil.

Initially, we stretch the rope necessarily in a horizontal position between 2 racks and it is thoroughly fixed. Then symmetrically hang a piece of fabric over the rope. The next stage is the fixation of the shag by the floor. It is necessary to sew metal chalises on the edges of the fabric or make a loop that are also sewn along the edge. After that, through the loops, the hooks do and fix them in the soil.

Salla from branches of plants

This version of the creation of a shala to issue a little difficult, but there is nothing no possible.

Prepare in advance:
PVC pipes or branches of the required length;
Curving vegetation or post seeds;

Durable rope.

It is worth noting that such a shala can be used only after a few months. Bring out the construction of the design recommended after the winter period with the beginning of spring. To begin with, install the pipes or branches of the trees in the form of a triangle. Then brush them with each other at the top of the rope.

After assembling the slag, you can start seeding seeds. In a circle of construction, it is necessary to plant plants that are beautifully crowned. They will grow, and then you must send them up the stracks of the slash. In the midst of summer, the children's chaolars will probably be ready.

PVC and Fabric Pipe Chalas

This option provides for the construction of the design of their PVC pipes, which should be covered with a durable tissue from above. The construction method is identical to the second idea described above. The racks are exhibited from pipes and firmly tightened on top of the rope. Then they must be fixed in the ground. Shalas for children are covered with cloth, and it is ready to use.

Chaolars of hoop and fabric

This method is the most original. To work, you need to have:

Aluminum wrap or metal pipe twisted in the ring;
Durable rope and fabric.

Build such a shala does not represent difficulties. Cover the hoop to the cloth, sew the ends. The remaining cloth must be sewed throughout the hoop and attach the rope in the center to it. Then the design is fixed on a tree or in another suitable for children's games.

Using the stepladder

In this case, a simple stepladder will perform a shala function. It will only be necessary to put a stepladder at a convenient place for games and hang cloth on it. This embodiment is distinguished by mobility, as the stepladder can be transferred both to the courtyard and to the house.

Chaolars of newspaper and fabric

This is an unusual design of the tubes from newspapers, which are covered with cloth. But remember that in rainy weather such a shala must be removed so that it is not a wet and did not deteriorate. To build a design, prepare:

The cloth;
Scotch large width and stapler.

First, turn the newspapers into the tubes, secure their edges in the stapler. Then make the design in the form of a triangle and also lock it. Put the cloth on top of the slag.