How to start providing legal services. How to open a law firm: from registration to recruiting

Many citizens more than once found themselves in situations where ignorance of the intricacies of the law became the cause of major troubles associated with the loss of property or infringement of moral rights. Therefore, today few people rely on their own knowledge and strength in this area. When it comes to protecting interests from unlawful encroachments, people are looking for lawyers who are able to competently solve the problem for adequate payment. This is the main base for such a business as the provision of legal services.

How to start making money on legal services

Many lawyers who have specialized education and work experience in their specialty periodically come up with the idea of ​​creating their own legal business. Three main points are stopped: lack of start-up capital, fear of competition, disbelief in own strength... But is it really that scary?

Judging by the reviews of successful representatives of the legal business, then no. The main thing is to start competently and work tirelessly for the company's reputation.

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Who can start doing legal business

In fact, today anyone can create their own legal business from scratch in the format of a legal services company. To organize such activities, you do not need to have a legal education yourself. It is enough to be a good organizer and administrator, have business connections in this area of ​​activity and have a start-up capital of at least 200 thousand rubles. By the way, an aspiring entrepreneur can qualify for.

In this format of work, the founder of the company attracts hired lawyers and pays them an agreed percentage of the amounts that clients contribute as payment for services rendered. Several specialized lawyers may work in the company on such contractual terms.

One lawyer can organize an agency for the provision of legal services independently. To do this, you do not need to be a lawyer or obtain a special license, it will be enough:

  • register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the corresponding code for the type of main activity according to OKVED (69.10 - "Activities in the field of law");
  • rent an office;
  • conduct an advertising campaign;
  • efficiently solve the assigned tasks.

A law office can only be organized by a specialist who has a certificate for the right to practice law. If a novice entrepreneur has such a certificate, then he only needs a room for an office and advertising in the local media.

If you plan to work as an individual entrepreneur, this will come in handy. The sequence of actions of a businessman when legalizing a business.

Would you like to establish a limited liability company? Then read on.

Start-up costs

You can start in the legal business with the most minimal investment: about 50 thousand rubles - the first installment for renting the premises. But such a start is suitable for lawyers who can independently provide services and agree to go through a transitional stage while the young company gains its own clients and reaches positive profit margins. This period can last from three months to six months.

Those entrepreneurs who want to enter the market and immediately make a loud statement about themselves should plan for a bigger start. It must necessarily include:

  • conclusion of a contract with one or more reputable lawyers who are already cooperating with clients;
  • a large-scale PR campaign in the local business community and in the press;
  • own site.

The implementation of the above measures will require at least 300 thousand rubles. Separately should be taken into account the costs of the office (purchase or rent, renovation and furniture). If you lack your own funds to start your own business, you can take.

Necessary material and technical base for legal business

When planning where to start a legal business, do not forget about a lawyer's office. There are no regulatory requirements for the premises in which legal services are provided, but practice has shown that both the office environment and its functional content... Basic requirements from practice:

  • business comfort, calm colors and lighting;
  • the presence in the interior of details that will help clients to relieve emotional stress;
  • high-quality and multifunctional office equipment, as well as privacy tools (safes, eavesdropping protection, etc.).

The equipment of one such office costs from 200 thousand rubles. If the company has several such offices plus a reception, then the cost of the arrangement will cost at least 500 thousand rubles.

If the law firm has lawyers working full-time, then the right solution would be to provide employees with laptops. This step will increase the responsiveness of the lawyer to the problems encountered by the client.

Promotion of legal services on the market

Today, the question of how to develop a legal business is one of the main issues on the agenda in the legal business community. There are several problems: unfair advertising, lack of reliable mechanisms control over the activities of a lawyer, which causes mistrust on the part of clients, the complexity of the transition of legal services to a digital format.

Those entrepreneurs who can effectively solve these problems automatically generate trust and interest among customers. With such lawyers, you can quickly and competently solve all arising problems, and, accordingly, these are the main directions of the policy of promoting legal services on the market.

Reliable guarantees for clients are a stumbling block that can only be circumvented in a comprehensive manner: at the first stage, formulate tasks as clearly as possible and inform the client in detail about the likely results of solving the problem, as well as provide for the financial liability of a lawyer for poor-quality performance of the assigned tasks, and at the second stage, conscientiously observe the initial agreements.

Establishing digital communication with a client is a promising direction in the development of legal services as a business. Today in the market in all areas of activity a large number of young entrepreneurs who do not want to waste their time on trips to the office of a law firm, but are willing to work online with an agreed payment. For law firm, which will develop this direction, a large-scale market will open, going far beyond the city where the office is registered.

Legal services can be not only an independent business, but also one of the activities of an outsourcing firm. Read on and why this format is interesting.

Real estate activity opens up good opportunities for earning money. Consider an example. Opening such a company does not require large investments.

Opening your own company is the desire of many experienced lawyers. But they ask questions: "How to start a law firm from scratch?" or "How to attract customers?" Despite the higher legal education and great zeal, for this you still need to have a certain knowledge of the fundamental rules, the observance of which will help you achieve your goal. How to start your legal business from scratch?

Opening own business in the legal sphere entails many advantages, but, as in any case, unfortunately, one cannot do without cons.

Having your own business, the following advantages should be noted:

    • The absence of a boss. You are the head of your own company, which means that you are free to make your own decisions.
    • Profitability will depend on you - an entrepreneur, earnings can be impressive or quite low.
    • Flexible schedule. In the future, having hired staff, you will not be able to work at all, but only manage your employees.
    • As a founder of a company, you will receive the most profit, as opposed to an ordinary employee.

Having your own business is prestigious.


  • Risk. If you choose the wrong business strategy, then your business may fail, in which case financial problems cannot be avoided. Take this issue seriously.
  • At the initial stage, it will take a lot of investment, effort and time.
  • No matter how trite it may sound, but business is always stressful, be prepared for the fact that most likely you will not succeed in everything with ease.

If the waste of energy and risk did not scare you, then you can go to those aspects that will reveal in detail the topic of how to open a legal consultation.

How to open a law firm from scratch - instructions

Registration, permits, documents

Let's take a closer look at the question of how to open a law firm from scratch. In order to open your own law firm, you do not need to receive an appropriate education, it can be opened by an individual or legal entity.

However, you need to register with the proper state tax authority and select the form of taxation in order to function legally.

The company can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC for several individuals.

It is better to arrange the taxation system according to the scheme “take away expenses from income”. A convenient option is the simplified tax system with a 15% rate - this is more profitable.

How to open a law firm with the required permissions? The answer is pretty simple. It turns out, as the current legislation says, that special permits and a license are not required to open a private law firm.

Such documents will be required as:

  • Passport, its photocopies.
  • Confirmation of payment of the state fee.
  • Application for registration of an Individual Entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Selection of the type of activity according to OKVED codes.

Important! As soon as you receive a certificate of registration, immediately start developing a business strategy and promoting your company.

Selection of premises and equipment

An important task when opening a law firm is the choice of premises. The best option for the location of your office will be the city center, because there is a better infrastructure, it will be more convenient for the client to reach and find you.

It's not bad if your office is located on the ground floor and from the street side, for the same reason mentioned above.

You also need to take care of the availability of the necessary equipment.

The design of the premises is best done in the form of an office. To do this, you will need to purchase special furniture (chairs, tables, comfortable lockers, etc.) and computer equipment (computer or laptop, printer, scanner, etc.), and you also need to take care of office supplies (paper, pencils, pens, etc.) .).

Prepare for the fact that several clients may come to you at once, arrange objects in the space for them as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Employee recruitment

For the first time, the activity of a law firm, it is better to start with a partner and not hire employees.

After the lapse of time, when the business will rise and develop, you can think about hiring additional staff.

It is necessary to hire: three skilled workers who will work with all kinds of services; courier. Financial questions can be solved with the help of a visiting accountant.

Attention! When recruiting your professional staff, you need to use labor exchanges, submit advertisements to newspapers, and relevant Internet resources.

There will be many candidates, they can be both yesterday's students and experienced professionals, of course, it would be preferable to use the services of the latter, but it's up to you.

As your business expands, you may need staff.

Approximate composition of a mid-level law firm:

  1. highly qualified lawyer;
  2. legal consultant;
  3. lawyer for work with individuals;
  4. lawyer for working with legal entities;
  5. legal assistant;
  6. secretary assistant;
  7. accountant.

Business process organization

How to promote a law firm? First of all, you need to decide on the specialization of a law firm, as well as take care of the quality of the services provided.

To do this, you need to create your own corporate identity, an appropriate image, and maintain a good reputation. All this will further determine the success of your business.

It is necessary to start with providing a small number of legal services, and as your business expands, increase the range of services provided.

After all, it will be very difficult how to open a law firm from scratch and control it.

It is also necessary to identify the main audience of the clientele, and based on this, organize the work process.

For example, if you are going to provide services in solving business problems, then the best option would be to organize work activities from 8: 00-19: 00, so that the client can easily establish contact with you during his working day.

A good option would be if one employee from your staff begins to work on duty on weekends at least until noon.

Business strategy

Organizing a business plan for a law firm, as well as starting a law firm from scratch, is not an easy task.

Research the market in detail in this area, approach with attention to the study of your competitors, identify their advantages and disadvantages. This will help you make fewer mistakes in organizing your business plan.

Develop an acceptable pricing policy, this is especially important at the initial stage.

Promising directions at the moment:

  • Legal support in the field of real estate and construction.
  • Support for migrants. For example, assistance with a device, obtaining citizenship, etc.
  • Control over the financial and economic activities of companies.
  • Protests related to illegal activities of law enforcement agencies.

Client search

Aspects in finding clients:

  1. Use the internet. First of all, take care of creating the company's website, it is advisable to hire a specialist, since there are enough of them on the Internet, so there should be no problems with this.
    Ads can be placed on various sites, in mobile applications.
  2. Traditional methods of information dissemination. These are: leaflets, word of mouth, organization of exhibitions, seminars and conferences.
    It would not be superfluous to place an ad in the newspaper, where to briefly tell about the services you provide, the location of the company, prices.
    Placement of signs on the streets will also be effective, you can fork out for advertising on television.

Attention! For better result in search of clients, it is necessary to use the services of a qualified specialist - a PR manager.

How to get guaranteed clients for a lawyer?

The most difficult stage for all organizations is a start-up and a law firm is no exception. Not always the money invested in advertising and marketing can return as ready-made customers. Thus, money can be wasted. And when there are so few of them, then this creates additional problems and increases the expenditure side of the company.

However, there is one solution that will ensure that the money invested will generate ready customers. Currently, due to the globalization of the Internet, clients are looking for lawyers there. But how can you get clients without spending extra money? It's very simple - for this there are special intermediary firms who can provide you with clients.

Attention! If you only want to pay for customers and don't want to waste money, then you can start partnering with lead generation firms. This is by no means the main source of customers, but it is a constant one. Especially useful in the beginning. Click on the banner above and read the terms and conditions.

Costs and Benefits

Approximate initial costs:

Expenses When to pay Amount, thousand rubles
Registration and acquisition of a legal address Initially 30,0
Furniture and equipment Initially 50-60
Communication and software costs Monthly 40,0
Office rental, renovation (10-15 sq. M.) Monthly 130,0
Salary per person Monthly 30-40
Transport Monthly 10,0
Chancery Initially 5,0

The profit will depend primarily on the number of clients and the quality of your services.

The average cost of providing legal services in Moscow is:

  • oral consultation - 1000-2000 thousand rubles / hour;
  • written one-time legal advice - 3000 rubles;
  • registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur not including state. duties - 4500 rubles;
  • registration of an LLC without state duty - 1100 rubles;
  • writing a statement with a claim - 9,000 rubles;
  • liquidation of a legal entity - 60,000 rubles;
  • representation of interests in court - 40,000 rubles.

Let's say that in 30 days four of your employees served 20 clients, the approximate price of the service is 10 thousand rubles, if everything is organized correctly, then with the previously assigned range of services, we get the following numbers:

4 * 20 * 10,000 = 800,000 rubles

The tax amount is 20%, which means:

800,000 * 0.2 = 116,000 rubles

Through simple calculations, we find out the net profit:

800,000.0 - 119,000.0 - 315,000.0 = 369,000.0 rubles.

At the first stage, getting a large number of customers is a rare occurrence, but with the right approach after a few months it becomes quite achievable.

As a result, in a successful scenario, payback is achieved in 1-3 months.

Opening your own law office is a rather risky business that requires a lot of effort, but with a skillful approach, it can bring significant profits.

  • Legal orientation of the company
  • Most demanded services
  • Financial costs of the organization
  • Registration features
  • Business payback

A law firm is an attractive business despite great amount private offices and large companies providing legal support. If flower shop business plan or real estate agencies can be found on the Internet without any problems, the organizational chart of such an office requires a paid download. You can also buy a franchise costing from 180,000 rubles, but in reality there is nothing tricky in this matter. Below we will provide a ready-made business plan of a law firm with calculations for 2019.

Legal orientation of the company

To open a legal business, it is important to decide what services the firm will provide. The trend in this area today is a narrow specialization, for example, representing the interests of the military, sailors, providing advice and conducting business in the field of property relations. Not the least profitable is the protection of clients in criminal cases.

To determine the most profitable area of ​​activity, a business plan requires taking into account the peculiarities of the economic development of a region, a settlement, and the professions prevailing in it. It is also advisable to monitor competitors, to determine what legal offices in the city are doing. This is necessary to quickly, without extra costs time and money to find their niche in the legal services market.

Despite the huge number of law firms and agencies, it is quite difficult to find really high-quality legal support. Many specialists strive to open a luxurious office, not realizing that it will not in any way affect the professional level and will work only in a representative plane, and this is only 20% of success.

Most demanded services

According to statistics, the list of the most demanded legal services is as follows:

  • court and arbitration;
  • consulting in the field of tax law;
  • corporate law;
  • due diligence;
  • development of shareholder agreements, contracts;
  • support of equity transactions;
  • registration and liquidation of business entities;
  • support of bankruptcy processes;
  • consultations and legal support in the field of economic activity.

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All of the above is in the greatest demand and you can earn impressive money on these services if competently draw up a business plan.

Financial costs of the organization

A law firm does not require significant costs. The start-up capital will go to the following needs:

  • Office rent for 8,000-30,000 per month. It all depends on the area of ​​the room and its location.
  • Renovation of the premises, but it is advisable to rent a ready-to-use office - 20,000-30,000 rubles.
  • Furniture purchase - 40,000-50,000.
  • Office equipment 60,000–70,000.
  • Advertising campaign - 10,000-100,000. In principle, there can be no restrictions, since a start-up law firm needs an active, powerful start. An excellent PR move will be the organization of a call center, where 2-3 specialists will provide free consultations to the callers, turning them into potential clients.
  • Website development - 50,000 rubles. This is a weighted average price, and more can be invested in this powerful business engine.

In total, the organization of a legal agency will require 188,000–330,000 rubles. At the same time, you can save on renting premises by visiting clients or renting conference rooms or offices for short periods of time. The main value companies in this case are specialists. It is they who ensure the success of the enterprise with excellent business conduct.

Some resources provide business plans where the amount of start-up investments exceeds 1,000,000 rubles. It all depends on the region where the law firm operates, staffing table, legal orientation.

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Registration features

Registration of the company here can be done by yourself or you can attract a specialized organization for this. The cost of its services is in the range of 10,000-15,000 rubles.

The optimal design scheme for a law firm looks like this:

  • The organizational form of ownership of the LLC.
  • The taxation system is simplified with a tax rate of 15%. Which is calculated according to the "income minus expenses" scheme.
  • OKVED - 74.1 - activities in the field of law, services in the field of accounting and audit. Providing advice on commercial activities and enterprise management.

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A sample application to the tax authorities for the assignment of the status of a legal entity and a list required documents is located on the official website of the fiscal authorities.

Business payback

A powerful advertising campaign, brilliant work of specialists promise to recoup the business plan within 6 months after the start of activities. In this case, payment from one client should be equal to 45,000 rubles and the number of contracts from 5 monthly.

It is important to remember that high-quality work of lawyers is quite expensive, so you should not skimp and infringe on employees in part wages... V otherwise motivated specialists will leave, and mediocre performers will come in their place. It doesn't hurt to motivate staff with bonuses. Therefore, there is no need to chase profit and the desire to quickly recoup a business plan, because a law firm lives mainly on authority, which money cannot buy.

For successful hiring, indeed good specialists We recommend reading an article on the topic “ Algorithm correct conduct interviews».

The following indicators can serve as a goal for business development:

  • Office in a prestigious area of ​​the city - 40 m 2.
  • A staff of 9 specialists, including secretaries, paralegals.
  • The annual turnover of funds is 14,000,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 6,000,000 rubles.

This can be achieved if the organizational chart is correctly implemented, after 4 years of activity with minimal start-up investments.

In this material:

How to open a legal consultation from scratch? This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can start in this business without any investment, from scratch. This explains the presence of a large number of small businesses that provide the population with legal services on a paid basis. Let's consider how to do this and what difficulties you will have to face.

Starting a business

It is possible to open a legal business from scratch in the absence of the appropriate education. There is no need to have a diploma from any university that prepares lawyers in order to provide the population with legal services on a paid basis. If you are literate in the field of law, you have come across this more than once, you had to conduct your own practice, then you can easily do it for money and without a diploma.

It so happens that people who have encountered some life situations, go to court for solving complex issues. Taking an active part in trial delving into the intricacies of the current legislation, such people may come to the conclusion that they understand it no worse than qualified lawyers.

For example, if a person, alone or with a lawyer, went through a difficult divorce process, used the acquired skills to help friends and acquaintances in a similar situation, then he can help others in this matter. It is practice that makes a real qualified lawyer, not diplomas different colors and forms.

And if there is no such experience, then this is not a reason to put an end to this project. There will always be those people who have both diplomas and some kind of experience. Moreover, they are ready to work honestly and conscientiously for hire. Not everyone believes that individual entrepreneurship is simple and accessible to everyone. Oddly enough it sounds, but among legal scholars there are many for whom the idea of ​​starting their own business does not even lie in the plane of their dreams.

You must choose a specialization. The legal services market is saturated precisely because of the availability of this project. It is difficult to compete successfully in all areas of law. Choose one or more directions. If you have experience, as stated above, in divorce proceedings, you need to specialize in it.

The only thing that will not work without a diploma and a lawyer's certificate is criminal cases. Only a criminal procedure requires appropriate education and qualifications.

What needs to be done to open

How to open a legal consultation? The process of starting a legal consultation business is facilitated not only by the absence of the need to have an education. Everything you need for it is in any office that is easy to rent. Is it written or computer desk, office chairs and armchairs. It is enough to bring your computer or laptop, a cell phone, a printer combined with a scanner, and paper with office supplies. After that, it remains to order a plate on the office door with the inscription "Legal advice".

But before opening such an office, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you do not work anywhere, register as unemployed at the Employment Center and go through a simple procedure for applying for a subsidy to open your business, prepare a business plan. The state supports the unemployed who start their business. Minimum size subsidies are from 25 thousand rubles. That's enough to buy a laptop and a printer.

If you are going to hire staff, then you can provide that each employee already has his own laptop. It is rare to see a lawyer or university graduate who does not have their own laptop. Otherwise, it will be necessary to include expenses in the business plan and increase the amount of the required subsidy. You can see a sample of how to prepare a business plan in Appendix # 1.

Refusal to receive a subsidy is not a reason for frustration. Buy several devices on credit or by installments. If you have any funds to get started, buy used laptops. They will cost 8 thousand rubles each. Thus, to open an office for 3-4 jobs, you will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles.

This is a minimal set, but there are also small businesses of legal advice that work without an office at all, using rooms in business centers for meetings with clients. This approach requires good self-confidence and professional capabilities. This makes some sense.

A company located in an office with a sign at the entrance is capable of attracting a part of customers by itself. But the rent of such offices is high, and all such places have already been taken. Renting premises in a multi-storey business center does not provide such advantages. All the same, you will have to get involved in the active promotion of the services provided, encouraging potential customers to make at least one call. But where to receive this call - at home or in the office - makes no difference. Just make sure that when answering the call, the background for the client is not a child's cry or crying, dog barking or cat meow.

What difficulties await

The main difficulties that you will definitely have to face when opening a legal business are as follows:

  • very high competition;
  • it is very difficult to provide the company with a constant and solvent clientele;
  • dishonesty of staff.

Many citizens consider themselves unsurpassed lawyers, therefore they consider it necessary to work in this niche. And since you cannot find legal offices for everyone, the remaining applicants open their own consultations. Add to this a very low start in this business, and here comes the formula of high competition, which does not diminish.

This leads to the following difficulty - clients are very difficult to find. Those that come across either offer to take up hopeless cases that other lawyers have refused, or do not have enough money to pay the due cost in such cases. Do not rush to give up such cases. Perhaps they are the pass to the Olympus of the legal business. If a rumor spreads in the city that a new office has opened, which provides services to the poor at half price and takes on hopeless cases, wins them with success, there will be no end of clients and it will be necessary to increase the staff. Take note of this.

They find out about the dishonesty of employees when they leave the office, taking with them a dozen good regular customers.

To prevent such a development of events, the business owner needs to independently search for clientele, to establish relations with them.

The client must understand that he is turning to the manager, and his employee only helps in this matter, performing routine work.

But the employee must also understand that clients do not come to him by themselves, that this process is complicated, time-consuming, and requires certain investments and developments. And if their office leaves, he will have to independently resolve this issue, which will be more difficult than the process of providing services itself.

How best to promote services

Having a sign does not mean a flood of customers, and a newspaper ad will not improve the situation. It worked badly 10 years ago, but now it is completely ineffective. Focus your efforts on the following:

  • creation of a website for legal advice;
  • regular publication of valuable legal advice on it;
  • duplication of publications on the company's page in the social network;
  • recruiting subscribers through contextual and targeted advertising;
  • creating a legal literacy mailing list for subscribers;
  • conducting online seminars and consultations;
  • cold calls to potential customers.

Such promotion should contain a business plan for the project, and they will have to deal with before opening a legal consultation in order to start successfully.

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The Stop Credit company is engaged in the protection of the rights of borrowers, including the service Bankruptcy of individuals, Bankruptcy of legal entities, Refinancing of citizens, today one of the most relevant areas of business in a crisis and in an unstable economic situation in the country. Average annual income of 4,100,000 rubles. The Stop Credit franchise is the founder of this type of service for citizens who have ...

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

Mustache appeared four years ago, in 2014. More precisely, then the first mustache appeared, today there are already 10 of them, and each is constantly growing and developing. Therefore, we decided to look for those who are ready to invest in the men's business while the direction is developing. Even according to overestimated estimates, the market is occupied by only 30%. In fact, today it is as promising as investing a year like this ...

Those who have a legal education and experience in the field of law, over time, it becomes cramped at the enterprise. Growing to a certain level of qualification, a lawyer thinks about how to open a law firm from scratch and work for himself. This is prestige, freedom of action, more income, but also a great responsibility.

The success of such a business idea directly depends on the experience of the staff, and the owner of the firm does not have to be a lawyer. A law firm is not subject to licensing, so there is no difficulty in registering.

The legal business must combine legal professionalism and a commercial streak. These can be the qualities of one or two people: a manager of a businessman and an experienced lawyer. The task of the manager is to find and attract a clientele, as well as to select personnel.

Choosing a field of activity

There are many areas for the activities of a law firm, the most popular is services for the registration and liquidation of legal entities. it simplest option to start, does not require special qualifications from employees. But there is a lot of competition in this area and big players who offer low prices.

List of promising branches for a law firm:

  1. Counseling and assistance individuals on all legal issues: civil, administrative, and banking, which arise quite often. To defend yourself in criminal proceedings, you need a lawyer's status.
  2. Advising small businesses on legal disputes and other issues. Large enterprises, as a rule, use the services of foreign agencies.
  3. Registration and liquidation of legal entities is assistance in opening, re-registration and liquidation. Registrar services are low threshold market entry, ease of use, constant clientele.
  4. Outsourcing or subscription services for legal entities, which involves the conclusion of an agreement on servicing corporate clients on legal issues, contractual relations, document management, personnel registration, contact with government agencies, representation in court, etc. The advantages of such work are a stable income, however, a wide range of issues needs to be addressed.

The smart choice is to provide a wide range of services to maximize your target audience.

Registration of a law firm

State registration for a law firm is not only legal activity, but also prestige. Step by step description opening a law firm from scratch:

  • registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • registration with the tax office, OKVED code 74.11;
  • choice of taxation system - 6% of income or 15% of income minus expenses;
  • opening a bank account;
  • registration with the Pension Fund.

The cost of registration of an LLC includes 10-15 thousand rubles for registering a legal address, as well as authorized capital from 10 thousand rubles in the form of money for bank account(one of the options). However, this form of ownership is preferable if you are going to work with reputable clients. The entire registration process will require 25 thousand rubles.

For a law office, according to the law, you need to obtain a special status, and the person who creates such an organization must pass an exam and take the oath.


A law firm needs an office that does not have to be located in the city center. It all depends on your capabilities and the scale of future activities. For a small company, you need a room of 25 square meters with good repair... An office center or a residential building that rents out the first floors for offices is suitable. It is better to start with an inexpensive room for rent (7-8 thousand rubles), and then change the place with development.


The main task of the aspiring entrepreneur is to attract clients who will become regular or bring other clients. How to promote a law firm from scratch? In addition to standard methods such as online advertising and outdoor advertising, face-to-face meetings are needed. This is a hard work of communicating with the owners of the companies - potential clients.

Think of a firm name that inspires respect, trust, and a sense of stability. The use of the names of the founders is also practiced. Name options: "Adviser", "Guarantor", "Fomin and Govorov Agency", etc.

The most successful promotion methods:

  • Contextual advertising on Google and Yandex.
  • Providing your services on free online consulting services. This allows you to answer people's questions, thereby showing your abilities and providing contract data.
  • Sending offers for cooperation in the form of a complete package with an indication of the cost and service options.
  • Calls, personal meetings with managers and heads of companies.
  • Conducting trainings and seminars as a way to earn extra money and make yourself known.

To give the impression of a solid office, you need to take care of business cards, as well as creating your own website. The minimum cost of such a business kit is 15,000 rubles.

Furniture and equipment

The main costs go to the equipment of the office of the law firm. To do this, you need to purchase:

  • Furniture - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Computer, printer, fax, telephone, etc. - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Air conditioner - 15 thousand rubles;

Total: 75 thousand rubles.


A legal business from scratch can be started with one professional who is also the owner, but perfect option Is a partnership of two lawyers. A company must gain momentum and clientele before it allows itself to hire professionals.

The agency will need an assistant secretary. His tasks: receive calls, do routine work, send email, print and sort documents (salary from 14 thousand rubles).

The accounting department of a law firm on a simplified taxation system has simple accounting. The easiest way is to contact a freelance accountant (outsourcing), paying 3 thousand rubles a month for his services.

Law Firm Business Plan: Investment, Profitability and Return on Investment

Opening a law firm will not require significant capital investments

How much does it cost to open a law firm from scratch (capital investment):

  • registration of LLC - 25 thousand rubles;
  • office renovation - 30 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and equipment - 75 thousand rubles
  • website creation, business card printing - 15 thousand rubles;
  • advertising costs - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Software, internet, security - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of office supplies - 5 thousand rubles.

Total: 180 thousand rubles

The income of a law firm is the payment for its services, which is the monthly revenue.

Table. Cost and income received from services rendered

Table. Calculation of the company's profitability

Table. Calculation of investment attractiveness

Obviously, the payback will not be 4 months, but more than half a year, since the first 2-3 months are spent on reaching the break-even point.

Choosing a strategy

The answer to the question of how to open a law firm is multifaceted, as well as the possible range of services. A successful strategy is to enter into partnerships with lawyers, auditors and similar agencies in the process. At the same time, there is no need for a staff of expensive specialists, a large office and the cost of its maintenance. You focus on your specialization while benefiting from partnerships.