How to open YUR firm. How to open a law firm

and to bring it to prosperity, many entrepreneurs are dreaming, but it is possible to be a little. The success of the business depends not only on the professional level of employees, but also from the organizational talent of the company's head, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and the ability to work with customers.

Below we will consider the specifics of the activities of legal companies, we estimate the development prospects in this segment of the market, as well as give a detailed answer to the question: "What you need to open law firm?».

Main activities

Legal companies operate in several directions:

  1. Consulting individuals. Individuals need both in counseling and in the presentation of their interests in the courts and other government agencies.
  2. Irregular counseling of legal entities. Any company operates in the legal field of the state, so at all stages of development, it needs legal support. Consultation may concern both registration questions and permits, business relationship with partners, interaction with government agencies and institutions.
  3. Permanent service on the terms of contracts. The law firm regularly provides assistance in solving personnel issues, interaction with partners and government agencies.
  4. Regular maintenance of individuals and enterprises in individual contracts. Legal support of VIP clients with special needs brings the greatest income.

Before opening the company, it is also necessary to define a list of sought-after services. Most often, legal companies are carried out:

  • consulting of private clients;
  • legal advice on registration issues;
  • representation of individuals and legal entities in government agencies;
  • drawing up contracts;
  • expertise and assistance in the preparation of various documents;
  • consultations on all legal aspects of the Company's activities;
  • protection of the interests of the client in court cases.

Business registration

The law does not prohibit the entrepreneur to freely choose an organizational and legal form, but IP for a law firm is unsuitable. Therefore, the optimal option will be the registration of LLC. Registration of a limited liability company is related to the following expenses:

  • authorized capital (from 10,000 rubles);
  • registration of a legal address (if it is impossible to rent a separate room (from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles);
  • certification of documents by notary (about 1,300 rubles);
  • state duty (4 000 rubles);
  • printing (1 000 rubles);
  • opening an account in a bank (up to 2 000 rubles).

The name of the enterprise should be in brief form to contain information on the organizational and legal form and in some cases on the direction of activity.

You can get a legal address using one of three options:

  • rent, or purchase of the premises;
  • buy a legal address from another company that provides such services to LLC;
  • registration LLC to the home address of the founder.

After that, you must specify the codes of the OKEVD enterprise. For a law firm, this is 74.1 Activities in the field of law, accounting report and audit. Then, we solve the issue with the authorized capital. Authorized capital according to paragraph 2 of Art. 66.2 of the Civil Code of September 2014 may be made only money.

After that, it is necessary to hold a meeting of founders and prepare the Dashima of the Create LLC, or prepare the solution of the only founder. After that, the Company's charter should be drawn up directly to the following regimen stages:

  • make a statement of registration in the form of P11001;
  • we pay state duty;
  • we choose the tax system (the optimal version will be USN with a rate of 15%);
  • apply the collected documents.

Premises and equipment

Despite the fact that you can open a legal company without renting a premises, the availability of the office is undoubtedly affecting the prestige of the enterprise. Since provision legal services Not related to any material and technological processes, a small room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 50-100 square meters. m will be enough.

Since the company's office becomes her face, it is necessary to seriously deal with his interior. Beautiful office furnitureThe elegant table for negotiations and a comfortable place to expect a queue for a consultation - all these seemingly insignificant little things together will create positive impressions of visitors. The location should also be carefully chosen. The presence of near the office of transport junctions and nodes can play a decisive role in choosing a law firm. To start work, several sets of office furniture and full repair.

Company employees

If the company's founders have legal education, at first they can provide services independently, but as the work should need to complete the staff of the staff in the following posts:

  • high Qualifications Lawyer;
  • lawyer working with individuals;
  • lawyer working with legal entities;
  • secretary;
  • lawyer consultant;
  • courier;
  • accountant.

The post of courier does not require complete employment, so you can hire students.

To maintain notarial and advocacy, it is necessary to hire employees with the relevant status and licenses (part 3 of the Federal Law "On Notary", FZ "On Advocacy and Advocacy in the Russian Federation" and FZ "On Licensing separate species activity ").

How to establish a company

In such cases, would not prevent step-by-step instruction, but since the success of legal activity depends on the set of specific circumstances, it can only be given general recommendations. There are many promising areas in the world of legal services, but in the current socio-political situation, only individuals acquire particular relevance.

Today the following services are of particular interest:

  1. consultation and maintenance of enforcement proceedings;
  2. consultations and assistance in the field of organization and design construction work;
  3. coherent to debt payment by legal methods;
  4. advising foreign citizens;
  5. legal assistance in registration of work permit, residence permit and obtaining citizenship;
  6. assistance in appealing law enforcement decisions.

The company needs to develop the company gradually. Initially, determine the circle potential customerswhich will allow to gain momentum and exit an acceptable income level of the enterprise. Most entrepreneurs would like to immediately go to the level of cooperation with VIP clients, but, as a rule, this niche is already occupied, and it is very difficult to make it easy. Therefore, it is better to start working with legal services to individuals, and already with business development, increase staff and diversify the range of services. In any case, success will require a thorough study of the legal services market and the experience of competitors.

Opening hours are best established, focusing on the schedule of other companies. The comfort of visitors is no less important than the professionalism of the company's employees, so it is necessary to ensure that visitors do not bored during the waiting for their turn.

Customer search and advertising campaign

After resolving the main issues related to registration, equipment office space, recruitment staff and organization of the company, you need to search for customers. The formation of a client base in high competition conditions is one of the most complex tasks that arises in front of the novice entrepreneur. In such cases, it is advised to begin with an active offer of their own services to potential customers among legal entities, as well as to distribute information among familiar.

Early, or later an understanding comes that without a thoughtful advertising campaign, it is almost impossible to achieve success in this business. Therefore, answering the issue of the cost of opening a law firm, it is necessary to take into account the cost of advertising, which can sometimes significantly exceed all other initial costs.

In the development of information technologies, an extremely important component of all business activities is a well-thought-out presentation of the company in the Internet space. A pleasant and functional site will be a key link to promotion on the Internet. Promotion uses such tools such as SEO-optimization of the site and contextual advertising.

SEO-optimization of the site allows you to increase its position in the issuance rating by increasing the degree of compliance of the materials of the site search queries, as well as improved site functionality. After these works, the site will be easier to find potential customers.

Google AdWords contextual advertising services and Yandex Direct allow you to conduct effective advertising campaigns in affiliate networks. The undoubted advantage of contextual advertising - the ability to demonstrate the announcement only target audienceAnd also to pay is not a process, but the result of the campaign. A noticeable increase in the flow of new customers can be noticed at the end of the first month.

Another way to attract new customers - Participation in the work of free legal advice services. Specialists involved in the service can leave their contact details to users who later can become customers a company.

A good result brings the organization of trainings and seminars for legal entities. The leaders and chiefs of departments willingly take part in various promotions that help to improve the qualification level. Professional feed and favorable presentation of their services allows you to gain regular customers.

To expand the client base also use the tactics of "cold calls". The dimensions of many companies do not allow to open their own legal department, but the need for counseling during the activity does not disappear from this. It is possible to provide this type of service according to the contract, or in exchange for advertising among business partners. At the beginning of the activity, such methods allow you to quickly gain a new clientele.

Well, of course, a significant factor in the company's promotion is the high quality of the services provided. Satisfied customers will make free advertising among acquaintances.

Business plan

Beginners businessmen most often ask the question: « how much is it worth opening a law firm from scratch? " Actual business plan can be foreseen financial costs and income in the first months of the company's activities.

So, starting costs will consist of three components:

  • registration costs (about 20 000 rubles);
  • the cost of renting equipment and office (10,000-70,000 rubles);
  • the wage fund (depends on the level of qualifications and the number of employees and is about 300,000-400,000 rubles, and 0 - if you start working alone);
  • the cost of the advertising campaign (from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles and higher, and 200-1000 rubles - if you start working through the affiliate program).

Thus, the starting costs for the implementation of this business project are within 30,000-100,000 rubles. Profit will depend on the number of customers, the size of the salaries of employees, as well as the cost of services.

Let's sum up

Is it profitable to open a law firm? Answer this question will definitely be difficult. The success of all business depends on the ability of the company's head to assess the market situation and adequately respond to the emergence of new opportunities. The development of the Internet market has created many new niches to create and promote their business. In this regard, many situations arise that require legal assessment, as well as help qualified specialists. The company's ability to act in promising areas ensures its prosperity.

Many are sometimes thinking - how to open a law firm.

The provision of legal assistance to citizens and legal entities is noble and at the same time profitable. If there is an appropriate level of education, the experience and abilities of the head, to create a decent law firm will not be difficult.

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An important criterion of "natural selection" of the future head of the company is a hot love of the right and understanding of the patterns of its use. After all prerequisite The development of a law firm is the possibility of initiating the entire time and strength to develop customers and the prestige of the company, as well as the development of the company.

Before opening your work, you should make sure of your own competence and willingness to provide legal assistance. It is easy to do when working in someone else's company. Having worked in the already created structure, you can determine how much you like, and most importantly - it turns out - to work as a lawyer, in addition, you will acquire valuable experience and practical skills. Work as a lawyer of the company will also help you learn business building details, such as document management in the company, customer work algorithms, etc.

So, experience and knowledge are obtained, you are determined to open own business in legal spheres. Let you not scare a large number of competitors, since the demand for high-quality legal services is always high. In addition, there are a number of niches, some of which are practically unoccupied and experiences the need for highly specialized specialists (tax law, medical law, intellectual rights, state-h A ast partnership, etc.), and the other part of which, due to the colossal demand, also welcome will take a new figure in the market (registration and elimination of legal entities, the protection of consumer rights, etc.).

If you are a highly specializiro specialist in the in-demand industry or are going to attract such, it will become an indisputable plus of the company. After all, in addition to the widespread profile, your company will be able to solve complex single tasks, the successful solution of which will lead to new customers to you and will have a favorably on the company's image.

When forming a team to first initial stage Remember the Alma Mater Comrades, since the trust relationship between colleagues in the legal environment is extremely important. Perhaps you will become co-founders of the company. At the start of the operation of two or three highly labor-proceeding lawyers will be enough. If you need to search and hiring assistants, pay attention to the students of senior courses of legal universities or their graduates: as a rule, they responsibly relate to the commissioned work, are suitable for solving tasks with enthusiasm, and it is not addicted to the size of earnings.

Commentary from the editor: At the initial stage there is one method of gradually and without major investments attract customers to a law firm: You can create a group in social networks And to give people free legal advice on uncomplicated issues, thereby developing the clientele and reputation. The people you helped must necessarily ask for a review about the consultation provided - this will also play your favor. There is a significant number of such VKontakte groups, but they still lack them in order to answer everyone. Thus, you can easily lear people from other communities. You can also buy ready-made applications for advice on the Internet - they are inexpensive. But there is a risk to turn into a firm described in

Now consider the estimated costs of opening a law firm.

It is paramount to register a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Accordingly, it includes expenses for the payment of state duty, notary services, the search for the legal address and other registration costs. In more detail we described this procedure

Then you need to place the company's office somewhere. However, you should not think that without an office you can not work, and that the office should be located only in the central part of the city. Because for renting an office in the center, the fee is usually higher than 2-5 times, extra charge at the opening stage. The main array of customers - individuals - will live in the sleeping areas remote from the center, and corporate clients will not be difficult to get to any area. In addition, the city center is traffic jams and lack of parking spaces, which will also negatively affect the overall impression of cooperation.

Currently, more and more companies are at all refuse to rent offices, working at home or in the Coworking Center X, and meetings are appointed at neutral territory.

The next category of spending threatens you only if the office accommodation is selected. This is the office equipment and stationery. In addition, if the rent does not imply furniture, you will need to buy the required number of tables, tables, cabinets and safes.

At the opening stage, it is possible to pose advertising: making business cards, advertising in printed and Internet media, site development, etc.

Let's summarize in the form of the estimate:

  • Fee for issuing documents related to the legal address (from 15 thousand rubles);
  • Rent a small office for office (from 15 thousand rubles);
  • Order an advertising campaign for promoting the company (from 10 thousand rubles);
  • Buying office equipment (telephone, laptop, fax and MFP), all this will require (from 65 thousand rubles);
  • Constant costs this: payment communal services, communication services and the Internet (about 5 thousand rubles).

As you can see, the cost of launching the work of a law firm is not critical, and with high-quality services will quickly pay off thanks to the "Sarafan Radio". If you feel capable of giveing \u200b\u200b24 hours in the days of law and solving other people's legal problems - dare!

Legal services are relevant today for individuals, and for individual entrepreneurs, and for large companies. The legislative framework Changing constantly, and existing norms Often cause many questions. Help is needed when registering and maintaining business, protection of interests in court, bankruptcy design, etc. Someone needs a consultation to conclude a major transaction, and someone does not know. With a competent strategy and tactics of promotion, you can open a law firm and build a highly profitable and quick-reaching business.

Selecting direction

To open a law firm from scratch, it is necessary at the initial stage to decide on the format and list of services provided. There are several relevant directions.

Decision of legal disputes

This industry is in demand among owners of large and small businesses. Today, government structures periodically interfere with the affairs of enterprises with checks, identifying various offenses and imposing large penalties. The work of professional lawyers helps to defend the point of view and protect the business, preventing major penalties.

Registration services

In order to open an IP or LLC, a long-term collection of documents is required, the choice of the OKVED code, the passage of registration. Not every novice or even an experienced entrepreneur understands the subtleties and underwater stones of this procedure, others simply do not have time for charges of the documentation package.

Collector services

Such directions of law firms opened from scratch are focused on communicating with defaulters of debts. At the same time, their activities are not based on intimidation, rudeness or use of force (with which most Russians are associated with the word "collector"), but to establish contacts with such people, finding out the causes of non-payment, legal assistance in the restructuring of debt.

Registration of intellectual property

During technological and informational development, it is difficult to prove authorship into a particular invention, textual information, name or trademark. Services of registration intellectual property Enjoy relatively low demand, but such a source of finance is stable and brings high income to those who wish to open a business.

Open a law firm from scratch - organizational moments

A competently developed business plan when opening a law firm from scratch will make it possible to develop a strategic line aimed at effective activities that short time Start profit.

Business registration

To open a law firm from scratch, the founder of the business does not need to have a special education, anyone can organize it. For further work It is necessary to register in state structures and decide on the form of taxation. Optimal form - LLC, although some lawyers work as individual entrepreneurs.

Council: In order to open a private law firm from scratch, a license or special permissions are required. But such a criterion does not apply to the activities of lawyers and notaries, which are obliged to acquire status and issue a license.

Personnel policy

With a small budget, many firms that open from scratch are starting business together with a partner without taking into the staff of other employees. They provide a narrow spectrum of services, earning a reputation and expanding the client base. After development, you can think about hiring employees. As a rule, 3-4 lawyers work in such minor firms. For the role of an assistant and courier, you can hire a student, and financial reporting will independently or transfer to outsourcing.

State of the Central Law Firm:

  1. high Qualifications Lawyer;
  2. consultant;
  3. specialist in working with individuals;
  4. specialist in working with legal entities;
  5. assistant;
  6. courier;
  7. secretary-referent;
  8. accountant.

Select room

Office - the face of your business. Failure to comply with cleanliness, an unsuccessful interior, a remote location can deprive you customers. The office should indicate the severity and professionalism of the company open from scratch. For this, rent a room in the central part of the city, in the business district, next to banks and leading agencies.

The design of the office should talk about the competence of employees, respectability and integrity. To do this, spend repair workby choosing a strict design and business style Registration. Modern comfortable office furniture, new office equipment - an indispensable attribute. Also take care of O. small roomin which customers will expect a meeting. Cabinets must have a reliable partition to provide good soundproof.

Formation of customer base

Opening a law firm from scratch, you already need to take care of the search for customers. To do this, it is recommended to conduct a marketing campaign, distribute your business cards to potential customers - contact various companies and entrepreneurs, leave business cards in the waiting rooms of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the tax, various kinds of businessmen associations. When conclusted deals, ask customers to recommend a company to your colleagues or friends.

Also, the following methods are effective for promoting business:

  • distribution of advertising brochures;
  • promotion on the network, creating your site, groups in social networks;
  • order souvenir products with company logo.

To form a wide client base will be able only when providing quality services. As a rule, pleased customers independently send their acquaintances to the firm, and better advertisingthan the saraded radio until there is.

Financial plan

To create a law firm from scratch, you need to make a good impression immediately after opening and organize a decent business atmosphere. Therefore, experts do not recommend save on office and buying furniture.

Consider the primary costs that are needed in order to open a law firm from scratch:

  • registration of business, paperwork - 25-30 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of furniture and repair and construction work - 200-220 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of office equipment and communications - 120-180 thousand;
  • development of the concept and corporate identity - 20-25 thousand.

The costs that need to pay monthly:

  • rental - 80-100 thousand rubles;
  • internet, communication services - 10 thousand rubles;
  • marketing events - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • sales Fund - 250-300 thousand rubles.

To open a law firm from scratch, you need to have additional money for strategic planning and further development. It is also necessary to highlight the stock for unforeseen costs.

If legal business does not cause you increased interest and you want to work on drastically new projects, try.

Council: Composing the financial plan, to the resulting amount that is needed to open, add 20% for unforeseen expenses - in the process of work they will necessarily arise.

Features of legal business

When answering a question, specialists call the scope of legal services. To open your company from scratch, in the early years, get ready to work on your reputation. But then, as in other types of business, it will work for you. First you have to take for any (even the most complicated) business and prove the competence of your company. The legal market appreciates credibility, sometimes this factor has crucial.

The main resource of any company - qualified personnel, so do not save on wages, you need to try to keep the team of professionals in your business.

In the domestic legal market there are quite rigid competition, so when choosing a format and activities, carefully examine the services provided in the city and try to choose empty niches. Do not save on advertising, get ready to fight for each client and prove your professional level.

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The legal services market, despite the high competition, is quite promising. When developing a competent development strategy, the choice of services that are in demand in the company's activity region and hiring qualified employees can already recoup the starting attachments and to reach the break-even point.

In contact with

Question how to open a law firm Typically, lawyers are asked to work on hiring. Although in order to open this firm, it is not necessary to be a lawyer. This activity is not licensed and any person can register a firm. The exception is to protect the criminal proceedings - for this you need a lawyer status.

For stable work of a law firm, the manager must be primarily a successful merchant, and a lawyer may not be. The manager must be able to attract customers and pick up qualified lawyers personnel.

Organizations engaged in the provision of legal services have the right to apply a simplified tax system (USN). Let me remind you, with such a taxation system, there may be two bets:

6%, if the object of taxation is income,

15% if the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Most law firms in our country specialize in providing services for registration, re-registration and liquidation of legal entities. This explains not only by the fact that it is one of the most sought-after services, but also low market entry thresholds. This work does not require legal qualifications and, accordingly, the costs of personnel are minimal. For the work of such a company there are enough two people, not even having higher education. But this type of activity becomes increasingly cost-effective due to mad competition and dumping by large players like "registrar".

Narrow specialization gives some advantages, but also imposes serious limitations. In my opinion, more competent legal business should be built on a wide list of services, where the registration of firms would be only one of the types of services. The most interesting in terms of income field of activity - B2B (Business to Business) - service of legal entities. Here competition is already lower, especially in the field of small business. Large business prefers to use the services of foreign consulting companies.

Therefore, before opening a law firm, you need to have a plan for the future, decide on the strategy. If you focus on the growth and expansion of the List of Legal Services, then there are already qualified lawyers. Many firms on registration of legal entities realized that they had reached the ceiling in a narrow specialization and expand the list of services. It is easier to implement than start from scratch, immediately offering a wide range of legal services, which requires significant investments

The lawyer in this regard is easier. It has the opportunity to start a legal business from scratch and without investments. As I did with partners, while working around the client base, in parallel, working on hiring, and only then opened the official office and registered the company. But I started with the provision of services only for individuals and individual entrepreneurs. And only after the official discovery began to focus on legal entities.

What expenses are required for the start? I will cut the numbers by your office, although this is not an indicator.

The initial costs were the following (prices in Moscow):

Registered LLC was already, therefore there were no costs for this article. And so registration of LLC will cost an average of 20-30 thousand rubles, of which 10,000 - 15,000 rubles is a legal address. If you register yourself, you can save about 10,000 rubles.

Furniture and office equipment - 50-60 thousand rubles.

Rent and repair - 60 thousand rubles.

Other expenses (telephone, Internet, software) - 30-40 thousand rubles.

In our case, lawyers did not have necessity, since the experts themselves. And so it should be relying that the minimum level of a lawyer's salary in Moscow is 30-40 thousand rubles (the level of qualifications is a separate question).

We still need a secretary, but we did not bother the first couple of months. And then hired a man who worked at home: she took calls and led to the reception. When they were in the office, sometimes switched the phone on themselves and received calls themselves. Technically, it is easy to organize it. You can, of course, rent a professional call center, but it is necessary when it is really a flurry of calls, and so an independently organized virtual secretary for quality is not inferior if everyone is competent. The price of the question is 7,000 rubles per month. Call-center services - 11,000 rubles at a time and 9,000 rubles per month, i.e. All the same two or three times cheaper than hiring the secretary to the office and organize a workplace.

About the accountant and not worth talking - definitely outsourcing (coming accountant). We have a simplified tax system and, accordingly, easy accounting. Services cost 2500-5000 rubles per quarter depending on the amount of work.

In total, about 200 thousand rubles spent at the first month. The break-even point was released on the second month, but this is due to the already available customer database and current orders.

It should be borne in mind that we applied not the classical scheme of the company's organization, which allows us to significantly reduce the costs, which will be discussed below. Therefore, when calculating the usual business plan, the specified figures must be multiplied by three times, and when the company comes to payback depends on the art of the manager.

Our work scheme is as follows. Originally orders performed completely. Over time, expanded the list of services at the expense of an affiliate network. This is a criminal lawyer, realtor, auditor, registrar and others. The most difficult thing to find a conscientious specialist, which qualitatively serves customers, otherwise your reputation may suffer. And to agree on partnership can always be, since it is mutually beneficial cooperation.

Of course, this is one possible options Implementation of the execution of orders. I just describe my personal experience And your own way of organization of the office.

This version of the organization gives the following advantages:

Minimum costs (rent, salary, etc.);

High quality services, control over which is not required, since each partner takes care of its reputation;

Incomes are proportional to expenses, resistance to seasonal secular;

Mobility and flexibility in choosing the room.

The main advantage of this approach is that it is established best ratio Price / Service price.

The classic version of the work of a law firm involves the rental of solid premises and the staff of lawyers with assistants. In this version I see a serious cons:

Significant rental costs (in Moscow are especially relevant);

More stringent conditions in the choice of premises;

Constant high salary costs, regardless of seasonality;

The remaining costs also grow significantly (organization and maintenance of jobs, more complex accounting,

It is more difficult to choose the staff than the partner, since the hired employee is a dark horse, and a private specialist or a firm has a developed reputation. In addition, changing the employee is more difficult than the partner;

Less stability in work due to frames of frames;

The quality of services is worse, regular lawyers do not care about reputation;

The costs of time and effort to control the execution and to work with staff.

We still come to this option with time. But in order to maintain the level of quality at such costs, it will be necessary to significantly increase prices, which means to enter into more rigid competition. Or necessary great amount orders, which will allow you to reduce the price / quality level by reducing marginality.

Provision of legal services today is more generally relevant, and law companies often addate both individuals and legal entities. How to open a law firm and earn consultation and legal services?

Business specifics

Today, the help of a lawyer is needed by almost every citizen, since often changing laws and not too clear legislation in many situations cause issues. And this means that there is a need for clarification that only professional lawyers can give.

At the same time, legal assistance is required by people on many issues, including on the legal support of business, assistance in registering companies, design bankruptcy, the protection of the interests of legal entities and individuals in court, representing the interests of the parties at the conclusion of transactions, etc.

Someone needs a consultation to commit a major transaction (buying real estate, partnerships, etc.), and someone needs the permanent service of a lawyer and is ready to conclude a cooperation agreement with a law firm.


Deciding to open a law firm, it is worth first to determine the range of services that you plan to provide customers. Of course, the wider there will be your range of services, the better. But when choosing it is to be guided by the demand for one or another type of legal services. This means that in a small town it makes no sense to count on great demand from legal entities, but it is better to focus on legal assistance to individuals. In general, a law firm may offer customers:

  • protection of the interests of individuals and legal entities in court, as well as representation in state bodies;
  • legal consulting of individuals;
  • assistance in registration actions;
  • legal support of companies;
  • legal expertise and drawing up documents;
  • preparation and preparation of contracts, applications, contracts, complaints;
  • information support for organizations and counseling specialists in the legal field;
  • counseling and accounting support;
  • notary Services.

It should be remembered that it is possible to provide legal services without a license (the exception is notary), although many areas require additional permits, and the activities of a law firm will be governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law "On Bar and Advocacy".

Registration of a law firm

  • After you have decided to create a law firm and have been identified with the services provided, you can proceed to business registration.
  • First you need to find a premises for office and conclude a lease agreement, and also to make a business plan for the future law firm.
  • After that, you need to go through state registration in the tax authority. Preferably (limited liability company). It will show that you are planning to conduct serious activities and are ready for long-term cooperation.
  • Select the tax system. Optimal option - (according to the "income minus" scheme - it is beneficial for large quantities Employees and substantial rent for the office space).
  • Select codes: 74.1 Activities in the field of law, accounting and auditing; Consulting on commercial activities and enterprise management.
  • Make repairs in the office, staffing its furniture and necessary equipment.
  • Hire employees and organize an advertising company.

Office - Face Firm

Everyone understands that customers will not go into a lawyer that does not inspire confidence. This means that the office of your law firm must say that your business is reliable, your employees are competent and can solve any legal problems. How to achieve this? Rent a premises for office in the city center, in a crowded place, in a prestigious building. Not bad if there is a transport junction, a business center and convenient parking.

In addition to the successful location for the legal company office, the design is important, which will demonstrate the integrity and respectability of the organization. So you need to do good repairby choosing a strict design for design, equip the office convenient and modern furniturewhich will create a positive impression from customers, as well as install computers in the office and provide high-quality communication and high-speed Internet.

In the office, you also need to equip a comfortable place for customers who are waiting for their turn, negotiation, specialistan offices (this may be one office, but with partitions guaranteeing good soundproof), room for technical personnel, as well as bathroom.

Customer search

So, you opened a law firm and started working, but customers do not rush to your office. What to do? Conduct an advertising campaign, offer your services to various companies and individual entrepreneurs. Ask your regular customers to recommend your company to your business partners and business colleagues.

You can negotiate with potential customers (it's about legal entities) and offer profitable terms cooperation, as well as expand the range of services offered. It works great, especially if customers, at least once paid for help, are satisfied with the level of service in your company. So, by completing a one-time order, you have every chance to get a contract for permanent legal services to a specific organization.


As for personnel, the law firm must have in the state of qualified lawyers with higher education, experience and licenses for advocacy practice. If you plan to provide wide spectrum services, then better if you have every direction separate specialist a narrow profile, for example, on family, criminal, financial or land law. This will help streamline business leading, and once again demonstrates to customers a serious approach to work in your company.

But it is clear that containing a large staff of highly qualified workers not all under power, especially at the beginning of the company's activities. So it will be appropriate to hire several lawyers in help to help basic employees. You can also invite students of legal universities to internship (concluding an agreement with the educational institution).

The administrator secretary who will also receive calls and translate them to necessary specialist, to ensure the life of the office, register documents and engage in archival activities (a lawyer can also be taken to the post of secretaria from the correspondence department of the university).

In addition to the specialists of the legal staff will have to hire also technical staff - the customer cleaner and the janitor to guid the order on the territory adjacent to the office (if it, of course, is).

Initial investments

For a legal company, it is very important immediately after opening to produce a good impression on potential customers and create an atmosphere of respectability around them. Therefore, it is not necessary to save on the office, furniture and equipment. How much should you open a law firm? Consider exemplary costs of opening a law firm, when taking into account that the area of \u200b\u200bthe office is 200 square meters, and the cost of renting one square meter 3 000 rubles per month.

As for the profitability of legal business and its payback, it all depends on the specific case. If we talk about the averages, then this is about a year or a half (subject to active activity). During this time, your company will demonstrate its capabilities, acquire regular customers and can already be summarized.

Starting business, you will have to work on credibility, and only then it will work for you. So the first time will have to be taken for any cases, and every time you prove that you are competent, competent and able to solve any question in favor of your client. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but the authority in the legal services market is crucial, so it will have to earn it.

Qualified specialists are the main resource of any law firm. So you need to try to attract and keep in the company of leading experts in the field of law. This will add your weight weight in the eyes of competitors and potential customers.

Another features of the domestic market of legal services are high competition. Therefore, you always need to be aware of the market situation, so as not to become easy prey for another major law firm. And also do not regret funds for advertising of their services and pay for qualified specialists (in otherwise They simply chat competitors). Well, and, of course, you need to constantly fight for customers, every time proving your high professional level.