Production of ceramic facing tiles and its features. Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles

Decorative ceramic tile, probably, will still soon lose its relevance - and this despite great amount All sorts of finishing materials on the shelves of construction stores. And since there is no saving demand for products (and this is, as you know, practically half of success), then why not create an appropriate offer? And it would be mistaken to believe that any production enterprise in the construction segment will require large investments. For example, mini manufacturing plant ceramic tile In Russia, it can pay off in less than a year. What details will have to think about a person who has paid attention to this market niche.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 2500,000 rubles.

Market Saturation - Low.

The complexity of the opening of the business is 6/10.

Why is the manufacture of ceramic tiles - profitable?

Of course, in the case of large-scale production, a small workshop will bring much smaller profits. But advantages here are also eliminated, most importantly of which is affordable price equipment. In addition, it is necessary to work in this case with individuals, and such clients find much easier than wholesalers.

The mini-shop for the production of ceramic tiles can produce high-quality products for quite acceptable for consumers of value. Judge for yourself - many major market players are only dealers of major European brands, and raising currency exchange rates made by them products quite expensive. Such high prices for finished goods "Small" manufacturers will not adhere to the raw materials inexpensive.

Basic competitive advantageWith the help of which a novice entrepreneur will be able to attract the attention of buyers to manufactured products - design of ceramic tiles. Large businesses are unlikely to boast a variety of product linebones - the quantity is more important here. But a small workshop can create truly unique products.

The main difficulties faced by the "young" enterprise - the development of formulations and original collections.

Assortment of products

So that production, albeit a little, brought maximum profitYou need to expand the range if possible. Then each client can choose what he needs.

From what type of products are planned for launch, all subsequent actions will depend on the selection of recipes, the purchase of raw materials and equipment.

All ceramics tiles can be divided into several large groups.

And products differ not only in the method of production, but also in its intended purpose:

  • porcelain stoneware (high-strength product obtained by sintering mixture 2 clays, quartz, spat and pigments),
  • double bog tile (product that in the manufacturing process is doubled),
  • single-bunk tile (product that in the manufacturing process is burned 1 time),
  • clinker (single-bounted glazed or unlawed product with a compacted basis, with extrusion method),
  • cotto (porous single-bunch of red clay, obtained by extrusion method).

According to the "applications", you can highlight the tile: for the floor, for walls, mosaic, for inner cladding, for external work. Practice shows that a big profit to the entrepreneur brings the manufacture of ceramic tiles for walls and floor, since among consumers is the most running goods.

Working on the range, it is important to correctly calculate your capabilities - some types of products will require additional expensive equipment.

The main stages of the manufacturing technology of ceramic tiles

Technological scheme of manufacturing ceramic tile

It may seem that the production technology of ceramic tiles is complex in implementation, because this is a process within industrial enterprise. In fact, it is not that even a person far from the manufacturing industry will be able to understand.

In general, several methods of making a tile can be distinguished. But the easiest of implementation is a pressing method. It does not require cumbersome devices, rental of large areas, hiring highly qualified specialists, and therefore - for a mini shop is the best option.

And whatever products are made, technology system The pressing method looks like this:

  • dosing components
  • mixing raw materials
  • pressing the raw material
  • drying,
  • burning.

To accommodate a client base, the manufacture of finished products should be debugged - no marriage!

What raw material will need?

Required raw materials for the release of ceramic tiles can be reached in any region. Hurry with the choice of the supplier is not worth it because each of them offers different conditions cooperation. Therefore, it will be better to prejudice this market.

The list of main components includes the following components:

  • Clay and kaolin.
  • Sand.
  • Ploves, slags, nepheline.
  • Various additives (seals, dilutes).

Even if the manufacture of ceramic tiles is planned with their own hands, deliveries of only high-quality raw materials are important. Cheap components of the bad composition will negatively affect and on the quality of finished products.

Equipment of mini shop

Line for the production of ceramic tiles

To start the production of products, you need to buy equipment for the production of ceramic tiles. Proposals in the market industrial equipment Mass - Starting manual machines And ending with high-performance lines.

To organize a mini-shop, low-power devices will be required, and accordingly, the cost of them will be quite accessible only to the entrepreneur falling on his feet. Basic line set consists of the following machines:

  • Concrete mixer. Price - from 30000 rubles.
  • Vibropress (forms - separately). Price - from 70,000 rubles.
  • Furnace for drying and firing. Price - from 1500000 rubles.

If the recipe is planned to glaze ready-made products, it will take another special chamber, the cost of which is 80,000-100000 rubles. The line can also be supplemented with an extruder (≈150000 rubles) and a tile cutting machine (≈80000 rubles) to implement other production methods.

The final price of the equipment will depend on the degree of automation and power. And if the production of products at home can be equipped with a workshop for 2000,000 rubles, then the cost of industrial lines is sometimes higher than 10,000,000 rubles.

Sales Market and Business Payback

The sale of ceramic tiles can be carried out both wholesale and retail parties. Customer look among:

  • construction stores and markets,
  • construction and repair companies,
  • individuals.

It has been proven in practice that mini production of floor ceramic tiles can fully download themselves over a year after launch. And costs here can reach 2500,000 rubles. (Buying the line, rental of the premises, purchase of raw materials). But such a fast payback is the perfect case when the sales channels are debugged from the first to functioning the line. Most of the beginners of entrepreneurs in the first year of work workshop face a seasonality problem when winter-autumn period The line is idle. And so that this does not happen all the strength, we throw on advertising of products.

Ceramic tile - popular construction materialused when finishing the wet zone in the dwelling (kitchen and bathrooms) and industrial premises. The Russian market presents a wide range of products of domestic and foreign production, but the goods available on sale does not satisfy all demand. More and more tiles are required to construction companies and private clients. According to research, the Russians love to make repairs in their homes and apartments. Over the past 5 years, 83% of the country's citizens were engaged in this.

The business scope is open to new participants - entrepreneurs have good chances to occupy a market niche and establish constant production. In this article we will give a business plan to open a mini plant, the main task of which will be the manufacture of ceramic tiles. We will also imagine an exemplary calculation of the payback period of the project, we will tell about important nuances of the case.

Brief analysis of the market in Russia

Per last years The production of ceramic tiles increased markedly: from 2012 to 2016. This indicator rose from 156.1 million square meters. m to 167.6 million square meters. m. Faster production increased in 2013 - by 6.1%.

In 2017, 163.8 million square meters were made. M - there is a noticeable drop. This is due to a decrease in demand from the end buyers. The decline in purchasing activity is due to crisis phenomena in the Russian economy. Production has most increased wall tile - by 7.8% (74.7 million square meters. m). Production outdoor tile fell by 2.9% (89.1 million square meters. m).

Economists predict that in the period 2018-2021. Production of this material will grow by 1-3.7% annually. In the 2021th issues of release they will reach 181.7 million square meters. M.

Types of ceramic tile

Ceramic tile is classified in several criteria:

  • raw materials: Cotto, porcelain stoneware, clinker, brooms;
  • production technology: the amount of firing, surface glazing;
  • method of forming: manually, method of casting, pressing, extrusion;
  • type of texture: porosity, presence of mosaic, inserting stone, effect of artificial aging;
  • purpose: for kitchen and floor, bathroom, pool, fireplace.

You can make a tile of several species at once. Products should be made more attractive to buyers - apply unique drawings, use high-quality patterns, molds.

You also need to select the product size. The most sought-after (in cm): 20x20, 20x30, 20x40, 33x33, 40x40.

How to open tile production

The main article of the cost of organizing business is equipment. The basis of monthly expenses is raw materials.

Table 1. The size of the initial expenses for business for the production of ceramic tiles.

Calculations are relevant for the city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional costs are taken into account the costs of utility payments, advertising, redecorating premises.

Business documentation and registration

First you need to choose the organizational form of business. If there is a further expansion of the range and production volumes, it is better to choose LLC ( entity). This form is more complicated in design and accounting, however, it will work to cooperate with large construction companies, federal retail networks. Otherwise, you can work as an IP (individual entrepreneur).

When registering a business, the OKVED code 26.3 "Production of ceramic tiles and plates" is indicated.

The requirements of guests are presented to the goods:

  • GOST 27180-2001 - Ceramic tile;
  • GOST 6887-90 - floor tile;
  • GOST 6141-91 - Facing tile for inner walls;
  • GOST 13996-93 - Facade ceramic tile.

Therefore, to start production it will be necessary to receive certificates of conformity.

Ceramic Tile Production Technology

  1. Raw materials is kneaded. Clay, sand and other materials in powdered form in the desired proportions are added to the concrete mixer, diluted with water and mixed into a homogeneous mass.
  2. The mixture is poured into the forms and is then processed depending on the specific method:
    • pressing Method assumes molding with high pressure (about 400 kg / cm2);
    • when casting, a wet mass is distributed by molds;
    • with the extrusion method on the tape of the machine, a mass is supplied having a dough consistency. The machine cuts the tile of the specified sizes.
  3. Glazing. A thin vitreous mixture of minerals is applied to the surface, which gives the desired color and significantly increases the strength.
  4. Cuts on the tape are passed through the furnace. There is a decrease in the temperature of 900-1300 ° C.
  5. The finished product is checked, the marriage is cleaned (with cracks, chips, deformations).


A small ceramic tile manufacturing plant should consist of a workshop, warehouse For storage of raw materials and finished products, premises for staff, bathroom, administrative room.

Taking into account the gabarites modern equipment Need to pick up production room The size of at least 100 square meters. m with all the necessary communications: electric and water supply, sewage, ventilation, heating.

In the working workshop, where equipment is installed, it is necessary to maintain the temperature and humidity of the air on the optimal marks. The room should be spacious, with ceilings not lower than 5 m.

To begin work, you need to get permission from the fire inspection on the compliance with the necessary requirements.

The mini-plant is the best way to organize in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe city or on the outskirts of the settlement.


Allocate 2 groups of materials required to create ceramic tiles.

First group - raw materials for the basis of the product. This is a refractive clay and kaolin. Kaolin is differently called white clay, consists of a mineral of kaolinitis, gives the product high strength. Also used quartz sands - they are needed for the effect of shrinkage, creating a frame. Another material is the so-called floats (field spat, slags, etc.)

The second group includes additional raw materials: glaze, seals, plasticizers, dilutes needed to impart viscosity, dense vitreous structure.

Source materials can be bought as domestic and imported. Russian raw materials are cheaper, but worse in quality in comparison with the raw materials of European manufacturers.

Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles

For the production of goods on an industrial scale, such equipment will be required:

  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrostanok;
  • tunnel oven;
  • camera for drawing.

All components of the composition are mixed in the concrete mixer. The mixture is homogeneous and high quality. Then it enters the vibrostank, which removes air bubbles from the mixture - it increases the strength of the finished product. In the furnace, the mixture molded in templates is processed at high temperature, all extra moisture. After the product, they fall into a special chamber, where the machine is on the surface programmed patterns. Modern machines when painting use various techniques - On the surface you can apply drawings of any complexity.


For business for the production of tiles from ceramics, the large state of workers is required. The equipment has a high degree of automation. An employee remains only to control.

There will be 2 employees who follow the supply of raw materials and the smoothness of the manufacturing process. The shop also requires 1 master technologist who will be elder in production. His tasks - control of the state of equipment, organization technological process, quality check and acceptance of the finished product.

Another plant needed 1 handyman (minimum). It will be engaged in loading and unloading works, work in warehouses.

We will also need a logistics driver (take with your car), sales manager and accountant (hire outsourcing).

Sales and Promotion

You can sell ceramic tiles wholesale and retail:

  • construction and repair and construction companies;
  • on the building markets, on wholesale and retail network stores;
  • directly private buyers (through the opening of their store).

Companies need to enter into long-term contracts for supply, which will allow stabilizing production and financial indicators of business.

It is useful to create your own website, with a description of products and a commercial offer, use the methods of promotion on the Internet. Order advertisements in newspapers and specialized magazines, distribute leaflets near the place of sale of goods. It is useful to visit various exhibitions where you can find potential consumers and enter into large contracts.

If the initial funds are enough, open your store so that buyers can see "live", which specifically you offer.

Calculations of profitability and payback made of tile

The size of the initial investment is 3.47 million rubles.

The standard mode is standard - 22 days per month at 8 o'clock in shift. During this time, you can make about 5 thousand square meters. m tiles.

At a price of 1 square. m at 400 rubles. A month can be reset 2 million rubles.

The cost of the monthly party is 1.3 million rubles. Accordingly, the amount of pure revenue per month will be 700 thousand rubles. In this case, the business will pay off and will be released in zero for 5 months.

It must be remembered that these are ideal conditions - if the entire goods manufactured will be sold in a month. At the initial stage of business development, you need to be prepared for the fact that a large number of Tiles will remain in warehouses. But if at least half of the products produced will be sold, payback period will be 10 months.

Table 2. Economic rationale for business ideas.

If we proceed from economic calculations, the business for the production of ceramic tiles can paint oneself within a reasonable time, freeing additional means for reinvestment and expansion.

Of course, this is possible only with a competent organization of the case. Sales networks are recommended to be financially stimulated so that the goods are on the best positions and attracted the "look" of the buyer. It is also necessary to think about demand stimulating measures - promotions and other suggestions. Consider that the tile is a seasonal product. He "goes out" in the warm season - plan the production of ceramic tiles with a loan to it.

Ceramic tile is a very common material for finishing surfaces. Tile is distinguished by practicality and long time service, provided proper laying and use. Ceramic tile handmade It also also also originality and unique design. Make such a tile maybe each. Who is willing to deepen into the issue of its production technology. Perhaps the first time the product will not work, but experienced master, the better product. Unique tiles samples can be used to finish their own housing, and you can put it on sale.

In order to make ceramic tiles yourself, it is necessary to deal as best as possible in its views. The use of non-volatile clay can lead to cracking and fast breakdown of the product. So that the clay is not a refractory, it can be diluted with sand or pimples.

It is important to remember that one of the main properties that the facing tile should have - power.

In order to thoroughly reinforce the tile, use the reinforcing grid. So that the tile acquire additional shades, mineral oxides are added to it, which are natural pigments. In some types of clay, these pigments are present initially.

Types of breeds:

  • Kaolin. It has white color. From it make faience and porcelain, paper and cosmetic products.
  • Cement. Use for the preparation of mixtures.
  • Brick. Easy melting. Used for the production of brick products.
  • Refractory. He is a representative of the refractory variety. It withstands the impacts of such high temperatureslike 1580 degrees.
  • Acidoral. S. does not interact large quantity chemical compounds. It is made of cheemptomed dishes and forms for the chemical industry.
  • Forming. A representative of a plastic refractory variety.
  • Bentonite. Possesses whitening properties.

Decide with the composition you need before the production of the product. Everything should be carefully thought out. All components are important to mix in the correct proportions. The choice of clay will depend on what type of tile is needed: paving or to decorate the room from the inside.

Ceramic Tile Production Technology

When deciding to do independent production Ceramic tile, it is necessary to study in detail the technology of its manufacture. Almost all types of ceramics are manufactured using one method. The most important thing in the production of tiles is to have the necessary materials and fixtures.

Tile is made of plastic clay mass. It is from her that the tile of that form, which she decided to give.

After the shape of the tile is formed, clay is subjected to subsequent processing. In order to make high-quality ceramics, It is necessary to choose the raw material. It is important to accommodately approach the choice of clay, an additional charge, as well as properly withstand the wet mass.

Plate manufacturing technology:

  • First, the crude clay is harvested. To go to the next procedure, the raw seems to succify.
  • This occurs the biscuit roasting procedure. Primary processing involves the use of high temperature so that the particle packets are rushed with each other. It is this alloy that contributes to the creation of a solid ceramic product. It is called terracotta.
  • The surface of the product is proper and applied to it lacquer, enamel or glaze, so that after again burn.

To do good tile At home is not so easy. For this, each stage of work must be performed perfectly. From the very beginning it is necessary to correctly pick up the raw materials - clay varieties there are a lot of lot. Choosing a clay for making a tile, you need to correctly determine its plasticity. The most plastic is fatty clay, but the default clay is called skinny. For the manufacture of tiles, it is best to use an average type.

Production Stages: Ceramic Tile do it yourself

Clay tile, made with your own hands, looks very beautiful. The clay is very plastic, which is why it is pleasant and convenient to work with it. So that the file is high-quality, it is necessary to prepare well for its manufacture of clay.

The ability of clay to take any shape and maintain it during drying, is called plasticity.

To prepare clay additionally need sand, gear or hammer pumice. For independent manufacture Tiles will need material, form for future ceramics, cliche, blades, scoops, trowels. You should also take care of the presence of a grid to reinforce the product.

Tile manufacturing steps:

  • Prepare clay, better average plasticity. Clay needed in water within a few days.
  • Using the grid, you need to grind the clay.
  • Share material on newspapers or fabric. Wait until the clay thickens.
  • Put clay into the shape and compact.
  • Pre-dry clay.
  • Start the firing process.

The firing process is complex, so it will be necessary for it special equipment. For firing tile at home, a muffle furnace is suitable. In the process of firing, the tile hardens and becomes strong.

Glass tile manufacturing options with their own hands

The use of glass tiles is also common as finishing surfaces with tiles. Such tiled often decorate metro stations, medical institutions, factories and plants. Recently, decoking glass tiles has gained popularity in residential premises.

There are three main methods of manufacturing glass tiles: cutting of a delayed glass, firing and hardening.

From the production method will depend on the quality of the tile and the ability to decorate it by one or another room. There are many types of glass-based tiles. Some of them can be made independently.

Types of glass tiles:

  • Enameled. For its manufacture use the firing method.
  • Marbits. For the manufacture use rolling or matte glass.
  • Stemal. Use the hardening method.
  • Fitter. Covered with fiberglass film.
  • Tile with pattern. Instead of enamel, the drawing is applied.

Beautifully on the wall and semi look at a glass mosaic card. Decoration with glass tiles has a lot of advantages. They are strong and durable. Over time, the tile is not deformed and does not fade. The glass tile is easy and easy to care - it can always be kept clean. Glass tile is perfectly combined with other finishing materials.

Manufacture of tile (video)

Many do not want to use porcelain stoneware to decorate the room. Laying a porcelain stoneware is popular, but all more people inclined K. original option Decor of residential premises - laying tiles from clay made by hand. Make a tile independently not very simple, especially for firing. So that the tile is high-quality, it must be necessarily burnt. To do this, you can use a cement or muffle furnace.

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There was a period in the history of our country, when to make any item with her own hands, forced harsh reality, namely the lack of the necessary product in the trading network, and the only opportunity to become the owner of a particular subject, it was made from anything at home.

The main component for ceramic tiles is clay

Now the modern industry and trade provides consumers of any nomenclature of goods, including and satisfies customer requests in the finishing materials market. Ceramic tile is represented in all imaginable and not conceivable species, sizes and colors.

It would seem that it's easier: come, choose, buy, lay, but this option is arranged not all, in our rapid eyelids and standardization and typical solutions, I want to highlight your individuality at least in the finishing of a room. And hence the question arises, and whether it is possible to make ceramic tiles at home with their own hands, implementing your own ideas, design indoor space Bathroom or kitchen. Tomorrow will not. We answer. Yes, it is possible, but when complying with some simple conditions, which are lower.

What is needed to organize ceramics

First of all, it is necessary to possess great desire, patience and confidence in the positive result, and also have in stock necessary materials, Tools, devices and equipment. Perhaps not everything will succeed at once, but the efforts have extended in the end will be able to proud of themselves, demonstrating both friends and acquaintances, a rather technological product, like a ceramic tile, made of clay with their own hands.

Handmade clay ceramic tile

Selection of raw materials

What makes any ceramics make, they probably know everything, the main component is clay. But about what kind of clay, their properties and the possibility of use for the manufacture of ceramic tiles do it yourself. In terms of composition, properties and field of clay application are divided into four groups:

  1. Rough-meal. Contain a large number of impurities in the form of pebbles and sand, as well as plaster and lime inclusions. Used for the manufacture of bricks, tiles, dishes and clay.
  2. Fireproof and refractory. Have a high alumina content, possess good plasticity and high degree of refractory. Applied in the manufacture fireproof bricks and various ceramics.
  3. Kaolin. Maloplastic clays are used in paper and rubber production and as an additive for the manufacture of faience products.
  4. Montmorlonite. The main feature It is high plasticity, it is used as a drill solution, in metallurgy and food industry.

Plasticity is the ability of clay to acquire any shape, and maintain it as drying.

Also, clays are divided into "fatty" and "skinny." The first are plastic and products of them can be given any form, but to make ceramics with your own hands at home, it is necessary to prepare clay, for which the starting material is diluted to the required sand, shamot or hammer pumice.

Do not take too "fatty" clay, it is better than average glistening

Selection of tools and materials

Deciding to make a tile, or the usual ceramic tile do you need: you will need:

  • raw materials: clay, dilution filler, in case clay fat, water;
  • form for the production of future tiles;
  • cliché for the formation of a pattern of drawing or bas-relief on the front side of the product;
  • shovel, scoop, trowel;
  • grid for reinforcement of the product.

Stages of manufacture of ceramics

The production technology of ceramic tiles with their own hands consists of the following steps:

  • The clay of the middle plasticity is taken, falling asleep into the container and poured with water. After several days of soaking, the clay is mixed and warm up. Then through fine sieve, the material is shaking into another container and after which the mass is distributed to old newspapers or a layer rag of 10-15 mm. Upon reaching the glue of the necessary density, it is stirred and removed into the plastic bag.
  • The material prepared in this way is stacked in the form and compacted, it is necessary to make it so that the level of the molding mass coincides with the edges of the form, for which the excess material is cut into a knife or cutter.

The most high-quality forms are made of polyurethane, products are obtained fairly smooth with the same parameters.

  • Next, the technology of making ceramic tiles with their own hands, goes into the pre-dry stage. It lasts before purchasing a lot of lighter shade and depends on the temperature on temperature. ambient and humidity. The result is a raw tile. If something went wrong with you, then at this stage you can still correct the situation, for which the spoiled semi-finished product is soaked with water, and the formation procedure starts first.
  • The firing process of the raw tile is the most technological stage, because the semi-finished product must be exposed to a high temperature of about 1000-1200 degrees, for which special equipment will be required. To make a ceramic tile with your own hands, you can limit the temperature and in 850-900 degrees, which is achieved in the electrical muffle furnace. The production technology allows this, provided that there is a pumice in the composition of the clay mass, which sins at the specified temperature. Such primary firing is called biscuit for some similarity in the obtained small-pouring structure of the workpiece, after evaporation of water. Ceramic blank at the same time has already acquired the necessary hardness and durability. It is called such a product with terracotta.

Stages of technology: making raw, firing ceramics and decorative layer

  • If you want to make Maitolika do it yourself, that is, burned ceramics, with front faceThe glaze covered with icing, and simply put, tile, then the production technology does not end. It is necessary to take another firing, but already with icing, for which a multicomponent mixture is prepared, the main components of which are glass, kaolin and tripolefuse in the form of a powder. All components are mixed and bred by water. The resulting mixture, brush, or method of pouring the workpiece is distributed by the product, and make the second root.

Special attention should be paid to control over the temperature of the process, it should not be higher than the temperature of the primary firing. Otherwise, the glazed surface can be corrupted or the terracotta blank will occur.

Such a manufacturing technology tile tile Allows you to create unique compositions on the glossy surface of the product, which use different compositions of the glaze. In the case when the execution of glazing with the firing is not suitable for any reason, it is an attractive, smooth and brilliant surface, you can process the workpiece enamel or varnish.

And so if the article is read to the end, and the difficulties of production from clay ceramic tile do it yourself, reflected in this manual, you were not frightened, then the honor of you and praise. Because knowing from what and how to make so unique finishing material, originality and individuality of the facing, as well as the enthusiasm of your friends and acquaintances, are provided.

The method of manufacturing ceramic facing tiles depends on their type, material and used equipment. There are a lot of videos and photos on this topic. But many are interested in knowing what the difference between the tile from the production method and what is better to buy.

Let's just say, it can be done with your own hands, but it will not be a profitable process. Considered considerable costs for the production of quality products.

In today's article, we present ways to manufacture ceramic facing tiles most common in our time.

The method of manufacturing facing is quite different. Production of facing ceramic tiles time-consuming and complex process requiring experience, professionalism and compliance important nuances and features.
After all, only then can you really make high-quality and original productthat you and necessary.

ATTENTION: It is important to know that the bicotura, monocotture and porcelain stoneware is considered to be the most common and popular materials. modern MiraSo you must definitely take into account this.

In general, the bicoture is a ceramic enamel tile, today it enjoys a special success, because it is increasingly and more often used to fabricated walls indoors. Thus, the room becomes elegant, luxurious and magnificent, and after all this dreams of every owner.


  • Enamel is able to give tiles not only shine, but will allow you to display a drawing of a style, and it does not matter whether it will be a tile that is designed for the kitchen (see) or a tile for the bathroom.
  • Speaking generally about the production of this type of tile, then know that it is mainly by firing, real professionals work, who know the subtleties and features of this work.

ATTENTION: It is necessary to take into account that enamel, which is customized to cover the tile can be both glossy and matte, and therefore you decide what exactly you need to purchase to enjoy the product.

  • Enamel is famous for showing its resistance to the effects of household detergents, and even more and more often they are applied to the surface of the tile in the bathrooms (see).
  • This tile can be easily found, because, as a rule, it has a minor thickness, weight, and a glossy shiny surface.

ATTENTION: Few people know that the bicoture today is mainly manufactured by the parties, they, in turn, may differ in flowers. It all depends on the buyer's desire, which means you can purchase those products that you need.

It also impossible not to add that the method of manufacturing facing ceramic tiles this type can be performed and with double firing - this is one of the common and traditional ways Production of ceramic tiles, if you remember the story, it has decades.

This enameled ceramic tile, which today enjoys no less success and popularity. It is customary to use for wall cladding, for laying tiles on the floor, etc.

  • By purchasing some types of such a tile, you will evaluate frost resistance, which means that it is always possible to use products and outside and indoors, which is important.
  • Speaking about the production cycle of this type of tile, then know that everything happens in one roasting process. That mixture that is carefully prepared, is usually from various varieties Clay, of course, it is necessary to add other natural components into it, after which it all is thoroughly mixed in specially provided contained tanks.

How to distinguish bicoture from monocottia

Indeed, this question interests many people, but in fact, it should be noted that there are some differences that make it possible to understand that indeed these types of tiles are seriously different from each other.


  • First of all, a large hardness of the material;
  • Do not forget about a thicker tile;
  • Also here you can add and solid, wear-resistant enamel.

Enamel in tiles of this type is famous for it is able to really show high resistance to one or another domestic detergent. You can find on sale and those tiles of this species that are distinguished by increased resistance to aggressive chemical environments.

Decors for monocottia

You should know that monocottia decors are usually represented in two types: outdoor and wall:

  • Speaking of production outdoor decors, I would like to note that the process of their manufacture is similar to the production of the main material, the only difference is that on the workpiece desired size It is necessarily applied a drawing of a particular design, in the future it is customary to burn.
  • You can purchase a monocotture that is represented as an outdoor product, it will have the color and size that interests you. It can also be offered by independent parties. In any case, you need to understand that if you wish, you can always choose the type of tiles that interests you.
  • During the production of traditional tiles that are durable, it is customary to use mandatory clay with a high content of iron oxide, as this is the most important conditionwhich must be taken into account in mandatory.
  • This technology is known and distributed in that it is possible to fill the plates of various formats with ease and high quality, after which it is possible to lay products without significant gaps. Of course, every consumer dreams about it, so you will appreciate it.

Attention: as soon as the production of bikotture begins, then know that it is necessary to use red clay as the basis, and as for light enamel, then in any case it should be thick enough, only the product will not lose color, so you must remember this .

Gres. Ceramic granite

I would like to immediately note that ceramic granite itself looks attractive, elegant and great, and therefore wanting to purchase such a product, you instantly appreciate it, as it should.

In general, this is a ceramic tile on which there is no enamel, it is not only beautiful and original, but also durable, moreover, you can find various shades and colors of such tiles.


The main advantage of such a product in low water absorption, which, of course, is important. Moreover, it is impossible not to add that the product is distinguished by high resistance to exposure chemical substancesthat no less important advantage.

  • You will also appreciate the depth of color, drawing, as well as impact strength, can be attributed here and high resistance to one or another mechanical loads, and you must understand that these are really important advantages.
  • Speaking in general about the basic parameters of production this material, I would like to note that they are similar to the parameters that are taken to observe during the production of monocottia, but still, some significant differences are available, and you need to know about them.
  • For example, that mixture, of which it is customary to make porcelain tiles usually consists of two grades clay. Such products result from not only original and luxurious, but, accordingly, durable, practical and reliable.
  • Also, you should understand that it is a porcelain stoneware (see) refers to a safe man's health, and therefore purchasing it, you will know exactly what it is.

ATTENTION: Speaking about the range of manufacturing such material, I would like to note that it is presented in a wide variety. This means that you can always buy the option of ceramic granite that will satisfy your wishes and ideas, and this is the main thing.

Can be purchased different type Surfaces, for example, matte or polished, it all depends solely on your taste and financial capabilities.

Matte coating

This surface indicates some of the characteristics of the material:

  • In the event that you decide to purchase a product with a matte surface, then know that it has a natural untreated view, it turns out as a result of an exit of the furnace, and the product does not need further machining, be sure to remember this.
  • The polished surface is characterized by beauty, because the material sparkles, it acquires an unusual and interesting effect, thereby allowing to get only a great mood from it.
  • But it is necessary to know that such a tile is obtained by slippery, if you pour water on it, which means that if you wish to buy such a product, then you need to take into account in advance.
  • Moreover, it is impossible not to add that it is hard to care for such a tile, which means you need to remember this, it is necessary to clean it and can be solely special meansThis is especially true of the first time after laying.

Treated with wax surface

Such a tile looks luxurious and great, worthy of seeing one to see her to make sure that. So it looks due to the fact that there is a transparent mineral crystals on its surface, which have different melting temperatures.

As a result, the surface is obtained shiny, moreover, it is famous for them and the fact that not slippery, comparing for example, with a polished tile, which is of course its main advantage.

Smalled ceramic granite

Speaking about the technology of manufacturing this material, then know that it is similar to the technology and production of monocottia. That enamel that is applied to the surface of the product and will determine the color, surface texture.

  • But it is impossible not to add that today the most popular tiles are especially popular if you are used to apply them, you can create a single, original and attractive surface that will be distinguished by the fact that the seams will not be visible on it, and it pleases.
  • As a result, you can enjoy the fact that the surface is created that is lined natural stoneOf course, you will appreciate it, because the surface will look unusual and interesting, and this is the main thing.

Realization is an additional mechanical restorationAs a rule, we are talking about the finished material. Here the tile is cut off the side edges, this work is performed on special machines so that you can give the originality and elegance.

  • Moreover, it is impossible not to take into account that the equipment is configured carefully, as a result, you can process various formats in one batch, while observing the specified template.
  • Naturally, it is necessary to understand that these machines work real professionals who know their work, only so you can get high-quality and durable products that will serve as a real decoration for a long time.
  • It is important to say that it is due to the presence of such equipment that can be laying tiles of certain sizes, which, of course, cannot but rejoice. Moreover, there is always the opportunity to make a clear combination of matte and polished tiles of one series.

As a result, you can get a surface that will not only be worthy, look, but it will not have any seams that, of course, will have a positive effect on your mood, and this is the main thing.

In general, the production of any of the listed tile types is distinguished by difficulties and important featuresthat must be complied with mandatory. After all, only then it will be possible to achieve the result, getting high-quality and reliable products that are also original.


The manufacture of facing ceramic tiles today is actively developing, moreover, each consumer will be able to acquire without any problems and difficulties the items that he dreams of what, of course, cannot but rejoice.

But it is unlikely to produce it yourself, meaning serially. It is easier to buy it. After all, the price of production is high enough.

  • After all, it is well known that at the moment the production of such products is developing. If you wish, for example, to purchase ceramic granite, then you can do it without any problems, remember that you can choose the surface that will decorate your housing, as it should.
  • You can purchase a product with the texture of the "old stone", naturally, it will look unusual, decorating any accommodation, so it is worth thinking about to acquire such products.
  • Today you can buy a tile that is designed specifically for the pools, it looks at all unusually and interesting, and therefore you can always enjoy it, as it should.
  • In addition to the attractive appearance of such products, they are distinguished by durability, practicality and reliability, which means that it is necessary to give preference, it is necessary, assessing the products as follows.
  • Many consumers choose matte surfaces for products of this type, as they look unusual, interesting and luxuriously.

ATTENTION: If you wish to purchase outdoor ceramic tiles, you will be offered a wide variety of sizes and colors of such products, which will allow you to purchase what you need.

  • You can always make a clear combination of such products, thereby making it so that the room will look unusual, cozy and comfortable, naturally your family and guests will definitely appreciate it.
  • You can find a special subtype of monocottia, it in turn is made by the format of 10x10. If you decide to buy tiles of such a format, then know that designers advise it. Only when purchasing the instruction should be studied, because it is necessary to know its parameters.
  • After all, products are distinguished unusual external speciesSo if you wish to beautifully bind the "apron" in the kitchen, you can buy exactly such products, thereby getting a wonderful mood from it.
  • Summing up, I want to add that today the tile is made very diverse, but it pleases that you can find various types of it, and therefore, if you wish, you can purchase a product that will differ not only for attractiveness, but also durability, practicality, and it is most important.

Therefore, as soon as you decide on the purchase of such products, you need to carefully analyze, choosing a valid for the tile, which is ideally and optimally suitable for one or another room. All in your hands, we hope that our tips and recommendations will allow you to do right choice Tiles that you dreamed so long.