How to cover the table with a polyester resin with their own hands. Wooden table with epoxy resin

The furnishings in the house reflect the taste and artistic ingenuity of the owners. A man draws up the interior of his house so that in him he was cozy, comfortable. The one who pays great attention to this uses the most original and modern furniture manufacturing techniques, surface design. Serial furniture from the store of many does not satisfy in the art plan. The owners of apartments who want their housing is unique, original and comfortable, looking for piece designer things. Wooden furniture and everyday items made by modern technologiesThey will certainly surprise guests and delight the owners. Such an exquisite and unusual subject of the interior can be tables of wood and epoxy resinaffecting with their magnificence and originality.

Table of epoxy resin and wood with their own hands

Such a product will decorate the kitchen, living room country house, garden gazebo. Epoxy resin is a simple material in the work. Some skill and can make an exclusive epoxy and tree table with your own hands.

The mixture for fill is good because after the rejection, it retains the form, resistant to moisture, does not chop and scratching. The surface is not deformed, does not change the color. Kilogram of components costs about 200 rubles.

Epoxy resin

Under the transparent layer of fillings, you can accommodate any designer billet. Pouring is a mixture of resin and hardener. The proportions should be observed strictly, since the process of frosting can be unpredictable. After mixing the components, epoxy resin should be allowed to stand for some time. For different products require an unequal fill consistency. The liquid composition fill out for shapes with clear angles and small recesses, so that all the smallest gaps filled. The thickness of the "Liquid Honey" stage creates picturesque drops, implications, lenses. Epoxy resin is used as an adhesive composition, bizarre forms can be formed from the more thick mass. Resin can be stained.

Nuances of the product manufacturing process:

  • resin hard hard at high humidity - Condensate can get from the air and get fine bubbles in the resin. In order to avoid such troubles during the rejection of the material, it is necessary to make a canopy from the film over the tabletop;
  • the composition will quickly become solid if the product put on warm battery. It is not recommended to warm on top, as the surface can become uneven.

Features of the use of epoxy resin objects:

  • from ultraviolet rays Or the proximity of the heat source, the countertop can be yellowed. For such products it is recommended to take the composition with protection against heat and sunlight;
  • from the cold of the resin can smear and change the inner structure. Return to her the primordial view can be heated to 50 s;
  • it is impossible to put hot metal teapots and pots on the surface of the countertop, traces of deformation may remain;
  • toxic resin - if the table is made for the kitchen, it is necessary to cover it with a protective varnish so that the toxins are not released into the air when heating.

For the manufacture of a table from a tree to order according to your project, contact the Joinery Workshop "Imperial Forest". Professionals of their case will prove your order into reality and you will be satisfied.

Variety of table top surfaces

For creating original furniture You can use any tree - cutting skimming, round sleeves different diameter, just a beautiful chip. It looks good in epoxy pouring an old tree, rudely split chumbachk.

Instead of a tree for decor, you can take beautiful river pebbles, shells, cones, old coins and other attachments. Mixing fluorescent powder with epoxy resin, you can make the shelves or the table glow.

Solid Board Table

Unusually looks a tree, eaten by fungus or cores. Natural holes, "tracks" filled with colored resin make an unreal cosmic pattern. Flaws in wood it is possible to make artificially. Any breed of wood is suitable. If taken whole boards Or a tabletop of several glued bands, on the reverse side of the hole close to the assembly tape so that the epoxy resin does not flow. The holes and cracks are filled with a prepared fill with a powder for highlighting with a spatula or brush.

After the substance hardens, excess it must be cleaned grinding machine. The resin should remain only in the flaws of the tree. Then the worktop must be covered with protective varnish. It will make a drawing bright, the wooden table will be invulnerable to moisture.

Method of bay table

There is another way of making countertops from resin and wood. This method Production is more laborious. It requires accuracy, cleanliness. In resinous mass should not fall unauthorized items, sorties, hair.

If light attachments are used, they should be fixed to the base so that they do not pop up in the resin. These are chips, chips, bark, bark.

The base for applying the decor may be thick glass or plywood. The contour of the tabletop is cut out of it. For holding the fill is made a side. TO wooden base You can kill furniture cloves of plastic strips.

The base should be dry. To make the mixture not absorbed in the pores of the base, it must be rebounded by a resin, give it to dry. Attachments should also be dry, clean. If moisture gets into epoxy resin, it becomes whites, loses transparency. The prepared decor lay out in the "box".

If the fill thickness does not exceed 0.5 cm, then you can make the entire operation at a time. If volumetric items are used as decorative filling, stones, small figurines, keys, the resin are applied to several layers so that it evenly filled all the depressions and bulges. Each next stage to spend with a break of 48 hours.

We prepare the mixture according to the instructions. Fill the shape of a smooth layer, following the attachments not shifted. If air bubbles are distinguished during the process, the surface must be heated with a hairdryer, the air will be released. To reduce air release, it is necessary every object of the decor to handle the resin.

Full rejection of the countertops after applying the last layer in room temperature is completed after 7 days. If you heat the room up to +25 s, then time is shrinking. Frames after drying are removed. The countertop is treated with grinding machine, removing upper layer resin. When the whole drawing is completely viewed, the surface is cleaned of dust, then covered with varnish. The edges also need to span.

We prepare the countertop At the countertops must be a side
Ready carcass
Table assembly Preparation of epoxy resin
Gently pour the surface of the table top
Heat the surface to remove air bubbles

Idea update

Old wooden table can be used as a base for a fashionable countertop. To do this, it is necessary to clean the surface, remove the layer of paint or varnish. You can paint fresh paint, and you can leave the purified tree untouched.

On the edges of the table, you should fill the low sides, and on its surface decompose the harvested decorative pieces - coins, beads, badges.

Dilute nonsense a large number of Liquid fill and cove your decor. Wait the time laid for rejection and process the worktop, as described above. Fashionable exclusive furniture can be made with their own hands.

Video on the creation of a table of wood and epoxy resin

The video shows how to give an epoxy resin as possible. original view Wooden table.

It often happens that still strong table. The surface has acquired an unsightly look. Or you want to make some kind of highlights in standard factory furniture after the repairs made. For masters preferring creative solutions, There is a wonderful way out: an epoxy resin countertop made by hand. At the same time, such a countertop perfectly fit into the interior of any room: the main thing is to choose the right decorative details and arrange accents.

Advantages and disadvantages of camegrounds from epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is unique materialUsing the properties of which, you can create real masterpieces, from miniature decorations to the finishing of large surfaces, such as countertops and even the floors.

Pouring from epoxy is a two-component material consisting of a resin and hardener. One of the most remarkable properties of the fill is the preservation of the original volume after drying. It covers the surfaces with a uniform transparent layer without forming cracks or bulges. Therefore, using epoxy resin, you can any surface, whatever complex configuration, it is neither, to transform into a real work of art.

It can be covered with surfaces with a pre-pattern or ornament, as well as with small-dimensional decorative elements spread over surfaces. At the same time, the table surface will be an interesting 3D image made by an individual project.

The countertop covered with epoxy resin, in addition to spectacular species, acquires a number of advantages in operation in front of a regular wooden or plastic surface:

  • The coating during drying does not give a shrinkage and acquires a perfectly smooth surface;
  • It has good resistance to mechanical damage - dents from shocks, cuts or chips;
  • Excellent moisture resistance, which is important for kitchen surfaces;
  • It is not afraid of the aggressive impact of most cleaning chemicals;
  • Not subject to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • Does not need expensive means household chemicals For care.

The main disadvantages that have epoxy resin for filling countertops include:

  • With a sharp decrease in temperature appearance in the depths of the "white flakes";
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, it may be isolated during evaporation toxin;
  • When cooking, the fill need accuracy in proportions to obtain the desired result;
  • The need for strict compliance with precautions during operation.

In order to remove the flakes that appeared during the hypudition from the table surface, it is possible to warm it up to 50-60 degrees. And avoid evaporation harmful substances With epoxy surface, it is possible if you cover it with a layer of protective transparent varnish, for example - yacht.

Types Coppers from epoxy resin

Epoxy resin countertops can be several types:
  • Fully from epoxy, without a reference surface;
  • Coated epoxy resin bases of wood, chipboard or other material;
  • Combined - alternating wooden fragments and resin.

Countertop without a reference surface, only from epoxy resin, can be performed for an elegant magazine or coffee table, which is not expected to give a large load. It will look original if they pour the epoxy resin beautifully laid out in the form of an ornament from dried flowers or any other materials. You can also add multi-colored or monochrome glitter to transparent fill.

In the second case, epoxy resin for pouring countertops serves as a decorating and protective layer for the base from another material. As the basis, an old table top can be used, a wooden array or a panel surface, a multiplex.

The base can be of any form - a rounded or flattened lines and with angles. The main thing is to create for the base of the sides necessary for the pouring of the height, so that after frozen the table top had smooth and smooth side surfaces.

As a wooden basis, you can take an array with a natural structure, or artificially decorated with its carvings, milling, marketer. In addition, the old countertop can after careful cleaning from the old paint and polish, paint and decorate with small pebbles, coins, drunks, even buttons.

An example of how the tabletop coverage looks like, after filling with epoxy

We make yourself a countertop

Since the cameground from epoxy can be done with the basis of or without it, then consider both options - everyone has its own characteristics.

The countertop performed only from epoxy resin without the base, looks very effectively due to its transparency and inclusions decorative elements. With certain skills, such a countertop can be made with the most intricate outlines and the original 3D pattern in the array of frozen resin.

Make a transparent worktop using glass as a shape:

  • the desired size and shape of the glass is thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased with acetone;
  • before the fill, the surface of the glass is rubbed with wax mastic, which is polished after frosting;
  • as a framework for shapes use polished aluminum corners, the inner surface of which is treated with a paraffin-turpentine mixture - it will make it possible to remove the frozen countertop from the form without any problems;
  • corners are attached to the bottom surface of the glass with the help of window dressing.

Another option is also possible when the table top is completely made from epoxy resin, then inserted into the frame from the material that is suitable for the style of the material.

In order for the fill to froze properly, there should be 2-3 days. Prior to that, you can not remove the tabletop from the form.

In order not to drill holes in the frozen resin for fastening the legs, refer to it in advance, by running out the place of future mounts and strengthening small cuts into the form of a diameter of the required diameter. After frozen, the segments are removed, and the attachments for the legs are screwed into their place.

Countertop on wooden based It is easier to do because the resin for tabletops is poured on the already prepared surface. At the same time, as in the case of a glass form, sides are made along the edges of the table top - they may be subsequently removed. And you can apply the option when wooden sides are part of the table top, and the resulting "bath" is poured by a resin.

The process of fill with epoxy resin is not so complex, but requires accuracy when working

Table tops look very beautiful, where wooden pieces alternate with transparent inserts. To do this, you can also use glass as the basis on which wooden fragments are laid out, and the distances between them are poured with epoxy fill.

If planned to be used as a basis old boardThe work should be done in two stages: first in the board, already existing cavities and cracks are deeply deepened, which are then poured with a tinted liquid epoxy resin. After the first layer is frozen, the entire table-top is poured, while the recesses covered earlier are beautifully highlighted on the transparent surface.

After the work on the pouring is over, it is necessary to protect the surface at the time of frozen from moisture, dust and insects - they can significantly spoil all the work. To do this, over the tabletop should be pulled by polyethylene, reinforced on a pre-prepared framework.

After complete crystallization of the material, the surface is polished and covered with a protective varnish.

Rules for operation with epoxy resin

There are several rules that need to be strictly observed when working with epoxy resin:

  • old surfaces before the fill required to carefully clean from old paint, varnish, degrease and polish;
  • if this is a new board, it is necessary before work thoroughly dry and polish emery paper;
  • when cooking epoxy fill with the hardener must first measure required amount resins and then add a hardener into it, strictly observing the proportion and the order of mixing components;
  • it is necessary to stir the fill very carefully, but without sharp movements, avoiding the formation of air bubbles;
  • all work must be carried out in a ventilated room;
  • since the resin is difficult to be removed from the surfaces, the floor is better noted with polyethylene or paper;
  • to work with epoxy, you should remove the hair under the cap and wear a cotton costume - any vile or hair that fell on a flooded surface will spoil it;
  • you should not work on the fill of the countertops in a room with high humidity or not breathing, the air temperature should be at least + 22 ° C;
  • it is impossible to accelerate the process of crystallization of epoxy with the help of a constructional hair dryer - it boils at temperatures above 60 ° C, forming numerous bubbles.

The fill of the tree should be uniform and neat


Not even having experience in carpentry art, a person is completely able to make a countertop from epoxy resin.

The main condition for success is a clear adherence of the instructions for the preparation of fill, compliance with the safety rules and the procedure for performing work. Fantasize, create - and enjoy the results of your work!

EPOXYMAX - one of best manufacturers Resins and hardeners. Optimal option is the "ED-20" of the highest grade with a capacity of 5 kg

Video: Creating an epoxy resin countertops

Photo examples

Any space can be done truly attractive with the help of original interior items. This is the table decorated with epoxy resin. It will cost you much cheaper than the ready-made shop, but his appearance It will be much more spectacular. Next you know how to make a table of wood and epoxy resin, to decorate your interior.

Table top made of array and epoxy resin.

Features of the material

Epoxy resin is synthetic material Based on oligomeric compounds. Thanks to the versatility and the uniqueness of the properties, the epoxy is used in many areas of industry and is widely used in everyday life, however, it is necessary to mix with hardeners to manifest its characteristics. These are special substances based on phenols, which launch an irreversible polymerization process, i.e. rejection.

Advantages of epoxy:

  1. Very minor shrinkage.
  2. Stability K. chemicals, in particular, acids and alkalis.
  3. Huge design possibilities (including the use of a wide variety of materials for the decor, color palette, forms and species).
  4. Resistance to mechanical impacts and deformation.
  5. Stability K. high humidity Due to high waterproof.
  6. Working with the material is relatively simple - you need to clearly follow the instructions.

The cost of finished furniture decorated with epoxy is from 10 thousand rubles, and some design models can cost six-digit amounts. Therefore, much larger to make an exclusive interior thing personally.

Basis and hardener.

Types of tables

There are many options for tables decorated with epoxy. They differ in both the design and constructive features. Read the main varieties:

In the tables with the base, you can spend another classification:

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of countertops, you need to choose the right epoxy resin. Denote that the rejection of the mixture occurs within a very wide temperature range (-10 ... + 200 C), because the mixtures are divided into cold and hot curing. Usually in domestic conditions, cold curing mixtures are used.

We will use the following materials and tools in work:

  • plywood sheets 15 mm and 6 mm (for the casting table and covers);
  • sleb of the desired size (you can use any breed of wood);
  • epoxy resin and hardener (quantity depends on the desired product size);
  • spacious packaging (2 pcs.) for mixing resin;
  • drill, saw, grinding, cutter;
  • construction level, spatula.

Various arrays.

Important! Before buying a resin and hardener, a consultant must necessarily ask about the purpose of the composition - whether it can be mixed in large quantities.

The fact is that the technology of preparing a few kilograms of the mixture and a small amount of differences. When mixing two components, a large amount of heat is formed, and if the compositions are not intended for large volumes, in the worst case it can lead to the formation of poisonous smoke and even self-burning. Therefore, the compositions must be intended to mix in large quantities.

Before buying a large amount of resin, purchase small containers and make test probes - you will understand how to work with the composition (and how it is not worth it), its properties, the final shade.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the manufacture of original countertops, it is worth preparing work clothes:

  • paint paper suit;
  • protective gloves;
  • protective headdress;
  • protective glasses at the grinding stage.

Important! These precautionary measures are needed to prevent hair resin, garbage and dust particles, since they will be removed from the composition almost impossible.

Means of protection.

Also before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself and strictly comply with safety techniques:

  1. To mix the compositions, use only the container that you do not apply for food.
  2. If the solution got on the skin, it should be removed by water and soap, wipe the place with alcohol.
  3. The room in which you work should be thoroughly ventilated or have forced ventilation.

Remember that in an uncured epoxy resin is unsafe for health, in particular the respiratory system and skin cover (can cause burns and irritation).

Regardless of the material of the base, its preparation is reduced to two main points that correspond good adhesion (the grip of the composition with the surface):

  1. Degreasing. To do this, you can use detergents.
  2. Delete gloss. This can be made with grinding or simply sandpaper, if the surface of the product is small. After that, it is necessary to carefully remove dust and garbage with a vacuum cleaner!

Video: Epoxy resin staining.

Phased manufacture

  1. We prepare the fill table (simply speaking - formwork). Its parameters must be equal to the final product. To do this, make a simple design of plywood (15 mm). So that the epoxy does not stick to it, the walls can be lubricated by technical vaseline or any other technical fat.
  2. Making the filling table.

  3. Sleb (or other wood used) need to be aligned, pollut. Wood can be covered with mourn and varnish.
  4. A very important point is the leveling of the table top in the level - if this is not done, the final product will be uneven, asymmetrical, with the influx of the resin.
  5. Alignment with a level.

  6. Place the wood on the filling table according to the planned form. If, in addition to the wood, you use any decor, it must be pre-glued, otherwise it will pop up when pouring.
  7. Prepare a solution for fill. Use scales for accurate number of quantity. In one container, measure the resin, in the second - hardener. Then slowly and gently pour a hardener into the resin (not the opposite!), Constantly mixing the composition of the mixer for a drill (on small revolutions). For complete mixing, it is desirable to overflow the composition from one container several times to another, reaching the residues by the construction spatula. The minimum time for mixing is 10 minutes. If desired, a pigment is also added at this stage.

    Important! Strictly observe the proportions of the resin and the hardener indicated on the package! Different manufacturers have these ratios differ. Do not add a hardener more recommended - it will not increase the curing rate, but it can provoke the boiling of the mixture and make it unsuitable for use!

  8. Preparation of the mixture.

  9. Pouring the first layer. The resin needs to pour evenly throughout the area, neatly zigzag movements - the composition itself should be easily spread throughout the area. But you can also distribute it rubber spatula. Control the layer thickness (the recommended value is indicated on the packaging of the resin) - if you make a layer larger, the resin can boil or deform at the edges.
  10. The fill process.

  11. When mixing the resin and the hardener, bubbles are formed (the thick of the composition, the more they are). With a thorough stirring, they go to the surface. If the bubbles were formed in the thickness of the mixture during the pouring, and it is necessary to remove with screwdriver materials: needle, fork, etc.

    Tip: To accelerate bubbles going out, the bubble layer can be warm up 2-3 minutes construction phenomenon at an average temperature.

  12. Control of layer thickness.

  13. Remove all dustpins, villi and close the product with a lid for curing. The sheet of plywood, which is used as a cover, can be additionally covered with varnish innerTo protect the countertop from dust.
  14. To fill the next layer, you do not need to wait for a complete rejection - enough so that the layer stops sticking. All subsequent layers are flooded in the same way as the first. When emptiness in Slabe is filled with wood, wood can be covered with a thin layer of epoxy with brushes. Next, the table top is covered with a lid to curing.
  15. Pouring the last layer.


After soaring the last layer, the final processing of the product is to be. To this stage, it is advisable to start not earlier than 7 days from the moment of fill.

  1. Pull out the product from the casting table.
  2. Spill extra pieces of slab to give the table top correct geometric shape. The epoxy layer can also be cut, but carefully - with coarse processing, chips and cracks may form. Use a circular to dipping.
  3. The product must be styled with grinding, cutters, etc.
  4. In completion, the product can be covered with transparent varnish with UV protection to prevent the yellowing of the epoxy.

Now it remains only to attach a tabletop to the base from metal or wood.

Table with metallic base.

Caring for a product

At the end, we will give several councils to care for the original worktop, so that it retains the attractive look for a long time:

  • place the table in the shaded place;
  • for care, use a soft cloth (flannel);
  • do not use products containing acetone and alcohol to remove contaminants;
  • hot pots and cups put on the stand;
  • do not allow drops of heavy items.

So, now you know how with your own hands to make a distinctive piece of furniture - a table of wood and epoxy resin. Such a thing will probably become a highlight of your interior and an object of enthusiastic reviews of all guests at home!

Transparent epoxy resin - universal Materialallowing to do original table, jewelry, 3D floors. Look, how to create it with your own hands.

Transparent resin: types and their characteristics

Epoxy is most often used for domestic creativity. But in addition to the manufacture of jewelry, souvenir products from it, this material is used to create polymer floors with a fashionable 3D effect. Due to which the lower part of the room resembles the ocean with its underwater inhabitants, blooming fields and everything that can be wished.

The bulk floor is multi-level, one of the layers is a special canvas that the drawing is applied in color printing technique. What plot there is captured, so will be on bulk polits. Their surface consists of a transparent resin, so the image on the canvas is clearly visible.

Products made of epoxy resin are distinguished by strength, resistance to water, the sun. One of the most popular epoxy resins of Magic Crystal-3D. It is used to create jewelry, ornamental products, for pouring 3D and glossy coatings.

Also, Epoxy CR 100 epoxy resin is used to create polymer floors, which is characterized by antistatic, wear resistance, good chemical resistance.

Epoxy resin is sold together with solvent. Typically, these two substances are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio immediately before use.

The second type of resin is acrylic. It is also used to create a bulk sex, souvenirs. Acrylic resin is used for the manufacture of baths, waterfalls and artificial reservoirs, Forms for casting products. From this material make fake diamond, including artificial marble.

Perhaps you heard about transparent designer sinks, baths. For them, this kind of resin is used.

Also, a transparent polyester resin is used to create plumbing products. But this type of polymers is most often used in industrial production, not in your home. The transparent polymer resin is used in the automotive industry, the shipbuilding industry, in auto-tuning. Almost all fiberglass produced from polymer resins.

The most popular for homemade creativity is epoxy resin, as it is cheaper than acrylic. But to produce small objects of jewelry, it is better to take an acrylic, which does not gain air bubbles as epoxy. However, there are subtleties that will help prevent this trouble when working with a cheaper material. You will soon learn about them.

How to make a countertop from epoxy resin?

If you need to upgrade the old one, then take an interesting idea for weapon. For her incarnation, you will need:
  • coins;
  • epoxy resin with thickener;
  • pliers;
  • ticks;
  • water-based lacquer;
  • autogen;
  • wooden rails;
  • glue.
If you decorate wooden surfaceWash it away, let's dry, scribble and paint. If you have an old tabletop with a coating, you need to remove it, then cover it with paint.

The most difficult thing is to flexing coins, cut them. You will be helped by ticks and pliers, as well as men's power. But if something out of this is not, do not do side ends On the tabletop, position the coins only at the top, it will still work beautifully.

Coins will need to wash. For this there are several ways:

  1. Pour the stake in the saucepan, lower the coins, put on fire. The solution will boil and clean your money. You can just pour the coins with this drink, do not heat, and leave for the night. By morning they will be clean.
  2. Put a saucepan with coins and water on fire. When the liquid boils, add some vinegar and soda. The solution will foam, so pour water so much so that it filled out the pan is nothing more than half.
  3. Take advantage of a special tool for cleansing, which is called Tarn. It is bred in water according to the instructions, not in food dishes, lower coins there. Capacity needs to be carefully twisted over the sink to evenly moisten the money and thus launder them.
After applying any of these methods, it is necessary to rinse coins well in running water And put them dry on towels. But you can buy new coins in the bank.
  1. That's how to make the tabletop itself. Spread the coin on its surface, after which they need to pour them with a mixture of epoxy resin with a thickener. But before this it is necessary to prepare.
  2. If you do not want to mess around for a long time, beds under the treated surface of the cellophan, and you can pour a resin. But after mixing with the thickener, it is necessary to leave a lot for a while so that it hardly hardened, was not too liquid.
  3. In any case, it will flock down a little, so in order to save the solution, it is necessary to periodically collect these drops with a spatula, to apply where few resin. But even if this is not done, the loss of resin will be on cellophane, which, at the end of the work, you just need to throw out.
  4. You can first make from wooden Reques Or brucks edging for table tops, then place coins, pour epoxy resin.
  5. Do not disappoint if you see on created surface Air bubbles. They are expelled by the flame of autogen.
  6. Now you need to give a product to dry completely, it will take a couple of days. At this time, the main thing that nobody touched the surface does not settle dust, animal hair.
  7. After complete drying of the resin, cover the surface with varnish on a water basis, after drying it, the new product is ready for operation.

If you are interested in this process and there is a whole piggy bank coin, and there may be metal money of the old nominal, then make a bulk sex, for example, in a bathroom or in the kitchen.

Epoxy ornaments: Bracelet and Brooch

See how to make a stylish bracelet from this material.

For him, take:
  • a set consisting of epoxy resin with a thickener;
  • silicone mold for the bracelet;
  • plastic cup;
  • toothpick;
  • wand (from ice cream);
  • scissors;
  • drunks;
  • disposable syringes.

Pour into a glass of 2 parts of the resin and one thickener.

To measure the exact amount of thickener and epoxy resin, use one-time syringes. To form as few air bubbles, mix these compositions slowly.

If air bubbles still stayed, let's stand the mixture to stand a little so that they disappear. But do not bring it to a strong thickening.

Fill the bracelet shape of the bracelet. In addition, put the drywheels cut by scissors, helping the toothpick. They can also punch air bubbles so that it goes out.

Leave the bracelet to harden for a day, then carefully get it out of the form and try on a new fashion accessory.

Instead of dried flowers, you can decorate the bracelet buttons of beautiful color.

If you wish to make a brooch in the shape of a butterfly, then look at the next master class.

For her you will need:
  • dry butterfly purchased in the store;
  • scissors;
  • epoxy resin with solvent;
  • two toothpicks;
  • gloves;
  • aqua varnish;
  • mechanism for brooches.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. Cut the butterfly on 5 parts: separating the wings and body. Cover these parts of aqua lacquer first on the reverse side.
  2. Put the blanks on the shining film surface. For this suitable tileon which the package will come and secured.
  3. Lubricate lacquer I. facial Butterflies. While he dries out, spread the epoxy resin with the solvent, slowly stirring.
  4. Put the container into a warm place so that the solution thicker slightly and when the pouring does not glare with blanks. Cover them with a small layer, smear it on the surface of the toothpick.
  5. We are waiting until the parts are dried, then cover them with an epoxy mixture on the reverse side. We are also waiting for the drying of this layer, after which we divor into the third portion of the solution, we assign it to the side so that it thus thickens, but was plastic. So it will be easy to glue the body of the wings that you will do. In this case, give the wings the right position.
  6. The remaining solution is attached to the back of the brooches metal mechanism. Remove the decoration, covering it from dust so that the solution is completely dry.
That's how you have a beautiful new brooch.

How to make a pendant: 2 master class

See what other remarkable resin ornaments can be made it with your own hands.

You will need:
  • epoxy resin with hardener;
  • metal shape;
  • disposable cups and spoons;
  • small scissors;
  • mandarin;
  • stained in paint;
  • varnish for fixing Fimo Vernis Brillante;
  • stained in paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • mount for brooches;
  • silicone compound Alcor.

Clean Mandarin. Take the most beautiful lolk, carefully, clinging the skin with scissors, remove it on the one hand. On the other hand, the pin will be attached, not to the slicing, but to the workpiece from it.

Tracing 2 slices, put them in the form. Check the silicone compound, pour it into the prepared container. Give silicone to frozen.

Now you can remove the slices from the tank, throw them away, and rinse the form itself in cold water. If the edges of the recesses are uneven, cut them with scissors.

After a day, silicone will completely freeze, then you can pour into the form prepared epoxy solution. When the workpiece is driving, slightly polish its shallow emery paper or engraver. Attach the closure for brooches to the back of the blank, paint the mandaring orange stained glass paint. First apply 1 layer, then the second. After their drying, go through the surface with varnish.

These are the wonderful decorations from epoxy resin in the form of mandaring can be done if you show zeal.

If you want to know how to make a round-shaped pendant, then read another master class. For him you will need:
  • drunks;
  • molda for pouring round shape;
  • epoxy resin;
  • thickener;
  • disposable plastic cups;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • polishing paste;
  • felt nozzle;
  • accessories for the coast.

If you do not have a round molding, then take a plastic ball. It is necessary to cut in pressure, lubricate inside with a vaseline. After pouring the resin, we pin the cut plasticine so that it does not flow.

For the absence of purchased dried flowers, make them yourself from a presented bouquet. Volumetric flowers, such as roses, dry, tied for stems, lowering down buds. If you want to put separate petals, then put them between the pages of the old book. Fragile bulk flowers are dried in a container in which the semolina is poured.

It is important to dry well these billets, since if the process is performed not qualitatively, the flower or part of it will eventually be installed, being in a pendant. To the plant as long as possible retained its color, take the epoxy resin that protects against ultraviolet.

Collect a mini-bouquet, bonding flowers, petals, leafs with a mixed with a thickener of epoxy resin.

When it freezes, carefully put this small bouquet in the moldes of a round shape or half a plastic ball. Freshly prepared solution of epoxy mixture must be left for 2-3 minutes, so that the air is released, and its bubbles did not spoil the appearance of the product. Now you can pour the resin into the form, wait until it thirsty.

While it turns out such a ball, it will not be quite smooth. To fix it, first walk on the surface of the skin with a large grain, then with small. It is better to do it in water so that there is no dust, and the process was faster.

The next stage is polishing. For this, the plastic polyrolol is well suited or for headlights purchased in the store for motorists. Apply it on the felt nozzle, go from all sides by the workpiece.

That's how to make a pendant further. To attach a chain to the ball, take a hat and pin.

On the cap, put on PIN, with the help of the roundheads roll it with a loop. Stick this workpiece to the pendant epoxy resin.

It will be left to attach a chain and we are glad to wear such an unusual pendant.

And now we suggest you convenient to get in the chair, see the cognitive plot on how to make a ring of wood and epoxy resin.

These two material are the main characters of the next video. From it you will learn how to make a table in a similar technique.

The epoxy resin table is the crown of the modern furniture industry. Already that year, similar tables are the subject of luxury capable of truly to decorate. The editorial board worked in this direction by collecting detailed information The fact that the table is made of epoxy, which species happens, and how you can make it yourself from the girlfriend.

Looking at this or that building material, Always ask for a question as far as he is good, and whether his advantages really outweigh all the disadvantages. Positive traits Epoxy resin are as follows:

  • increased strength to mechanical damage and moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • the possibility of incarnation of various design solutions;
  • availability for independent work - only a little snarling and knowledge of a certain technology is required;
  • low cost - epoxy resin for pouring table tops relatively inexpensive, if we consider it in one row with, solid wood or. And according to quality characteristics, they do not infer at least.

Epoxy resin is not ideal in all sense material. Products from it have disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to processing by any abrasive compositions - remain unpleasant;
  • incorrectly cooked resin may subsequently disrupt the quality of the final product;
  • some types of epoxy resins are not a rack to ultraviolet and eventually begin to give yellow;
  • selection of toxins. They begin to stand out into the atmosphere only with long-term contact with high temperaturesTherefore, it is not necessary to be afraid to put a hot dish or a cup on the epoxy table. But to solder on such countertops or burn them is extremely recommended.

Note! Epoxy resin is not ignited and does not melt even when opening with open fire. But it poison the air is pretty.

Types of epoxy resin tables and their features

Looking close to the purchase of a table of epoxy resin and considering prices, you come to the conclusion: in fact, they are all alike. And it is possible to divide such products into several groups.

Table tops from epoxy resin without reference surface

An epoxy countertop is a separately manufactured element that can be both part of the table and in.

You can just just buy a tabletop from epoxy resin and install it on your reference basis. It remains only to pick up right size and favorable design.

Countertops from epoxy resin, wood and other supporting elements

Epoxy resin countertops are also made on any reference structures. Most often it is the basis of, metal, plastic or solid wood. Someone manages to adapt the foundations from old stools and as a support for tabletops.

As a rule, the masters for greater reliability make support elements and a tabletop in a single whole, pouring epoxy directly to them in the pre-installed formwork.

Wooden table with additional filling and epoxy resin

Tables are wooden elements And epoxy today is incredible popular. At the same time, in many design models there is nothing extraordinary - just beautiful (sometimes the ugly beautiful) rusties, whole wooden arrayspoured by resin. For example, like tables made of wood and epoxy resin in the photo below.

Other decoration elements can be added to such interesting tables: phosphorus for night glow, marine pebbles, glass, sparkles, seashells - only fantasy creators will be restricted here.

Note! Easy items must be adopted to base, otherwise they will pop up when pouring!

Table of Sleba and Epoxy Resin - Style and Incredible Beauty

Production of tables from wood, or rather from the slab and epoxy resin - the trend of the season. First of all, because Slab is a drink of wood - has a unique texture, shape and drawing. It's like fingerprints: there are no identical sleep, each in its own way is unique. Therefore, products from them are very highly appreciated as aesthetes and manufacturers.

1 of 5.

Make an independently such a table or countertop is not so difficult. It is only necessary to choose the right SLEB and pour into a transparent or painted epoxy resin.

River-river based on epoxy resin

Special attention deserves a table from liquid glass And the tree, the so-called "river". In essence, these are two slabs, between which epoxy is flooded blue color, perfectly imitating water pure river. Some models have also completely covering the entire surface. Here, as they say, taste and color.

Some masters are added to phosphorus epoxy, which turns such a table in a kind of night light. Parties with the so-called multistage slab, giving mysteriousness and depths, are particularly interesting. You can also buy tables with fish, reefs and whole marine colonies inside the epoxy filler. But such products are rare. It's easier to make such beauty.

Article on the topic:

: properties, composition, characteristics, selection of the right components and options for using different solvents and plasticizers, instructions for use and overview of relevant prices - read in publication.

If it is decided to buy a table from a tree and epoxy resin: focus on price review and basic quality criteria

Eh, love - so the queen, steal - so Million, buy a table - so from epoxy! If you are a supporter of such views, then pay attention to the small nuances when choosing such furniture, then not to complain about leaving masters.

Immediately it should be noted that any epoxy furniture is handmade. Therefore, a great risk of marriage. Still, the human factor in the manufacture of such furniture plays a crucial role. What should be a high-quality app of epoxy resin:

  • no chips, cracks, scuffs and other defects are even the smallest. Do not hesitate and look under the worktop;
  • we look at the thickness of the countertop - it should be the same on all sides. No slopes and distortions;
  • carefully look at the epoxy - no bubbles, as if the seller nor explained that it is all so necessary for greater decorativeness. Air bubbles in frozen epoxy resin - a sign of incorrect technology of working with it, this sharply reduces the quality of the final product;
  • you need glass on the surface or not - to solve you. Keep in mind that the glass on the table top is the most short-lived element, in contrast to epoxy resin and wood.

As already noted, epoxy resin tables are handmade. So it will cost such an exclusive a lot. For example, small coffee tables You can buy in the price range from 11,000 to 30,000 rubles - or more expensive. Dining and office tables stand from 50,000 rubles - it all depends on the model and rates of the wizard. Present prices are relevant for September 2018.

Epoxy Table Production Technology

For those who have hands to make their own to independently make a table from epoxy resin, tell me how to do it correctly and inexpensive.

How to choose an epoxy resin for the table - reviews and recommendations

Revising a bunch of video about how easy and easy to work with epoxy resin, so I want to make a tabletop with your own hands. That's just what? A beginner in this area the choice of epoxy can put in a dead end. What kinds and marks do not exist!

"ED-20" - One of the popular and inexpensive resins used both for filling furniture and for decorations. Popularity has deserved its low cost. This plus is equalized by minus - yellow products. Of course, the yellowness is not immediately acquired, but over time, and only if the poured resin fell under the action of direct sun ray. It is also characterized by increased drig, which is not good when working with a resin, especially for beginners. To solve such problems, you can purchase a plasticizer for epoxy resin - for example, DBF EPOXYMAX.

Review of the plasticizer for epoxy resin DBF EPOXYMAX:

Read more for Otzovik:

"Art Eco" - crystal clear and transparent resin, designed to work with small thickness products, including with countertops. When working, it is recommended to use hardeners. Of negative moments It is noted yellow on transparent products under direct sunlight. This disadvantage is eliminated by the use of dyes, which can also be purchased from this manufacturer.

«QTP-1130»perfect option For pouring tables and countertops, provided that the thickness of the epoxy layer will be no more than 3 mm. It is easy to work with it - no additional plasticizers and hardeners do not need. It has self-leveling, which is very convenient for beginners.

"EP-SM-PRO" - inexpensive composite epoxy resin. It is good for work with a tree. It is uniformly mixed, the bubbles practically does not appear, the transparency is good, freezes to the end and relatively quickly. It has a liquid consistency, which must be taken into account when forming formwork - can leak even through small slots.

Feedback on working with epoxy resin Composite project EP-SM-PRO:

Read more for Otzovik:

"PEO-610KE", "EPOXIASTER 2.0", "EPOXACAST 690". Products from these resins are not afraid and possess crystal transparency. Working with similar compositions is nice - not viscous, quickly and fully frozen, have a small tendency to self-leveling.

"ArtLine Crystal Epoxy" - Suitable for working with jewelry, and for fills there is a small thickness. Liquid, transparent, well aligned with a spatula. Products are obtained transparent and without distortion. Bubbles are practically not formed and easily removed. It has a not very good reaction with some types of dried flowers. If you work with such a filling, determine in advance whether there is a conflict between epoxy and herbarium. Feedback on the use of similar epoxy resin is lower.

Feedback on the use of the ARTLINE Crystal Epoxy Empoxy resin:

Read more for Ozzovik:

"MG-EPOX-STRONG" - Epoxy resin universal destination, more recommended for filling precisely countertops and tables. Has excellent quality and operational characteristics. It is nice to work with it. A large thickness is suitable for filling with various fillers - from weightless phosphorus to heavy pebbles and coins. In this case, no yellowness, high mechanical strength and impotence of high temperatures.

  1. A drawing is done, according to which the supporting structure, formwork and fillers are being worked out in detail, if any.
  2. Depending on the type of epoxy resin, a consistency is selected and the corresponding breeding proportions for further work.

Note! Some formulations are not bred, you can work almost immediately - and this leads to the rise in the cost of the final product.

Production of supporting design

In our small master class, consider how you can make a simple one of the most affordable materials, having received designer furniture as a result.

Illustration Description of action

Will be required: two circles from the tree, which will perform the role of the rack, glue, better on epoxy based, thick furniture kaym, epoxy resin itself and filler - beer covers. In our workshop used purchased design.

We collect the reference design. Carefully degrease the surface and soil.

Preparation of formwork and filling

We make the first fitting - lay out the filler around the perimeter of the table top to understand what thickness to glue the furniture tape.

Illustration Description of action

It all depends on the thickness of the decor, it is necessary that it can be drifting in an epoxy at least half.

Gently glue the tape on the worktop, as it is not just a formwork, but part of our table.

We post the decor on the table top just as it will look in the final edition. I remember the location and remove everything.

Take glue and apply on back side Covers.

We glue all the covers to the tabletop. We do it carefully, as each subtext of the adhesive will be visible on the transparent surface.

Preparation of epoxy

How to prepare an epoxy resin - prompts the instruction on the package. In our case, we used Epoxy Master 2.0. This is a two-component composition. If you need to add colors, add the kel only to the "A" component before getting the desired shade. Mix thoroughly.

Note! So that the pigment is better dissolved, put it for some time to the battery or on a water bath, the temperature of which will not be more than 40 ° C, but not less than 30 ° C. If the resin is overheated, it can be thrown out.

Add a component "b" - hardener, in a 100: 35 ratio, as indicated in the instructions. Mix thoroughly. If suddenly bubbles were formed, then the resin can be heated with a hairdryer, while stirring until they disappear. The shelf life of the resulting solution is approximately 7 hours.

How to fill with an epoxy resin countertop

The most important stage of work is pouring resin. The most important thing here is to accurately follow the instructions. The diluted composition gently poured from the middle. Under the weight of his gravity, he will start align. If the table top is large, then expand the fill radius. When the entire volume to the edges of the formwork will be filled, as accurately smash the epoxy resin smoking. If the surface has not been lifted with a formwork thickness - most accurately add missing grams and align again. Leave to stick our worktop to the end.

In principle, we received the final product that can be used in your pleasure. Using "Epoxy Master 2.0" does not imply the final grinding of the product. But if she is still needed, we recommend to take a look at the video, how do the epoxy resin table do it yourself.

Epoxy resin, though harmless in the frozen state, but the working can cause skin irritation and mucous membranes. Therefore, we work with it only in rubber gloves good quality - Without the risk of sudden shash. Such gloves will need to be thrown immediately after a single fill session.

We also do not forget about glasses, respirator. The latter can not wear - everything depends on the type of epoxy used. Carefully read the instructions before buying. We also close all parts of the body of clothing - no open skin. We definitely work with epoxy only in well-ventilated premises, where you and your households do not sleep and are not in a row more than 5 hours. If the time of frozen resin is more than 3 days, it is necessary to acquire dust and organic filters.

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