How to fill a bick bick gas from a canister. The product from the company "Cricket": Gas lighter

It would seem that such a simple item is a plastic lighter, and how facilitates the life of a person. Since they appeared on store shelves, popularity wooden matches He began to fall sharply. And no wonder, they stand in an inexpensive fuel fuel enough for a long time, plus they do not spoil at high humidity.

However, sometimes fuel in the lighter ends. If it is a simple bauble, purchased for 10 rubles in the nearest kiosk, it can be thrown out and do not bother the question of how to fill a lighter. But if this is a collectible model or it is just a road as a memory, you have to work a little bit. Before refueling the lighter, you need to determine on what fuel it works. Options here are only two or gas, or gasoline.

Determine that the lighter needs to be refueling quite simply: the transparent case of most models allows you to see how much gas remains. In addition, when the fuel is on the outcome, it is necessary to chire a "frightened" several times, each time it is lit worse, and the flame, even tuned to the maximum, becomes barely noticeable.

Before refueling the lighter, you need to buy special gas in the cylinder. Most often it is sold in kiosks, housekeeping stores or departments household chemicals. To the one who is going to refuel it for the first time, you should make sure that there are several nozzles for holes different diameter. It is better not to save on gas and take dear and high-quality.

For security purposes, the procedure is best to spend near the open window and away from any sources of fire. The suitable nozzle is dressed on the pin of the spray. The lighters produce excess air, slightly by pressing the valve of the refueling hole with the handle, match, or any suitable object. Excess air should come out with hiss. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the refueling. The plane can be inserted into the hole with the valve on the lighter and pressed with force. In the case when the forces are missing, you can put the can be put on the table and press the lighter on it from above. When everything is done correctly, gas begins to flow into the inner capacity. Seconds after 7, the spray can sharply separate and remove it until the next refueling. Depending on the volume, one may be enough for 25-30 operations.

Type Sarome or Zippo most often can be found in people secured. Due to the high price, they have become not only a device for cigarette, but also a symbol of prestigidity and success.

With gasoline models, in principle, everything is also quite simple. Before you fill the lighter, you need to stock fuel in special fuel. In order to avoid excesses, it is better not to wise and not drain gasoline from the car, but to use the brand. Of course, gasoline is gasoline, and a lighter will work at least 72, at least 95. Another thing is that it will be mercilessly, it will also give a specific taste to cigarettes. Filling the lighters on gasoline is simple - you first need to remove it from the decorative case, then off the corner to hook the valve, lift it, insert the canine and gently soak the petrol. When the container is filled, the valve is returned to the place, and the lighter in the reverse sequence is installed in the housing. If you wish, you can immediately replace silicon. Before filling the lighter, you need to make sure there are no sources of fire. And after refueling, before checking the performance, it is necessary to remove gasoline, wash your hands with soap, as you carefully wipe the lighter itself and place of work (in order to eliminate the likelihood of ignition by randomly falling droplets). When everything is cleaned, you can check the result of your work.

It turns out this when starting refueling. If you only replenished the ranks of the happy owners of Zippo gas lighters, when buying a fuel, consult the seller.

W. different models The intake valve type may differ. Also, the manufacturers of gas can be equipped with different nozzles. By purchasing fuel, watch the nozzle approached the valve of your model. This simplifies the refueling process, guarantees its quality and safety of the process for you and others. You can search the bottles with universal caps.

Algorithm of action

How to fill a lighter with a canister correctly:

    Select the plaque for the canister, install it. Watch for reliable fixation.

    Prepare the inlet valve lighters - clean it from dust (it is possible to do this with a napkin or a regular cotton wand).

    Insert the plane cave into the valve of the product refueling.

    Press the bottle several times until hear hiss - it says that the tank is full.


Important: When you first a test drive, after refueling, the flames may behave aggressively and unpredictably - do not hold the accessory just filled with a flammable. After a couple of seconds, the pressure is normalized and the fire will take standard dimensions.

Get rid of the air that can get into the tank lighters when it is refueling, you can two ways:

    helping air with toothpicks (you need to turn over the product upside down and click on the inlet valve with a toothpick or screwdriver);

    adjusting the level of fire - it must be minimized (the product in such a mode can not give fire at once, since instead of gas, air will first come out of it).

Gaza Callery is enough about 30 littering (consumption depends on the volume of the tank lighter and the capacity of the fuel bottle itself).

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Do not try to fill the lighter from the household cylinder with gas, it is dangerous for life.

Do not fill the product with fuel indoors with open sources Fire (marked cigarettes, cigars, matches and candles are also included in their number), working electrical appliances and poor ventilability.

The invention of reusable lighters is a real discovery, and not only for lovers of tobacco smoke cigarettes or Cuban cigars. Tourists, travelers these portable incendiary devices are also needed. But how to fix a lighter if she unexpectedly stopped working? First look at the brand and the frying agent on which it works. The main varieties are gas and gasoline models. For expensive stamps, special cylinders with gas or gasoline are sold. They pass up to 3 degrees of cleaning and do not destroy small parts branded incendiary devices. Independent refueling will require attention and skill.

How to fill a gas lighter from the canister?

First acquire a balloon with butane gas. It has 5-6 adapters, among which there are and suitable for a particular lighter model. But before refueling, you need to make sure that all the gas inside the lighter is consumed.

  1. You need to push the valve with a match, handle, pencil to release extra oxygen. The device is cooled to room temperature For safety.
  2. Regulate the flame, you can translate its position to the minimum height. Pick up the desired valve, fixed, turn the cylinder down the filling part.
  3. Thoroughly holding the transition valve, refuel the lighter continuously for 5 seconds. After refueling, the device does not use about 5 minutes so that the pressure is leveled, and the porous rod managed to be impregnated with gas.

How to fix a lighter: we comply with the instructions.

Also remember the safety technique. Near the fire, the incendiary device is not refilled if the gas accidentally falls on the mucous membranes or the skin, it is immediately washed away.

How to fix a gasoline lighter?

The gas station of the gasoline is almost no different from refueling the gas lighter. Also for branded accessories can produce special cylinders with purified gasoline, you need to ask at the points of sale of branded incendiary devices.

  • Before refueling, removed from the core case. Turn the lighter and look at the bottom. There is an input for a refueling device.
  • Transfix gasoline, but carefully follow the filtleness. Spilled fuel is immediately removed.
  • After completing the refueling, the input chamber is closed, only after that the core is inserted back.

It is important that refueling incendiary devices are better away from fire and fabric items of furniture. The gasoline overturned on the sofa can easily ignite in careless use of the accessory.

Many use disposable gas lighters, many will ask why refuel the gas lighter? It ended, threw, bought a new one and no problem! But now let's not talk about the usual gas lighter bought in the stall for five kopecks, but about a good expensive gas lighter, or about a gas lighter that you have presented a person close to you, perhaps your idol, there is an option that this is a gas lighter way to you As a memory or that, everything that remained from a friend who moved very far or God, died.

I have such a gas lighter. This gas lighter, first of all, was a birthday gift. Secondly, a friend who gave it to me, moved to live to another country and since he left, I never saw him and this is the gazed lighter to me the road as a memory. Thirdly, this gas lighter is executed in the form of an exact copy of Mauser, looks cool, solid, even a bit frightening. Very often if I go with her on the street you have to demonstrate to law enforcement agencies that this is a gas lighter, and not a combat gun. It burns well "turbine", you can regulate the gas, a minimum of the fire is red on a maximum of a saturated blue, but there is a small minus very quickly ends with gas and it is necessary to refuel it very often. With this problem, I encountered literally at the first hour of using a gas lighter, as it was fucked and shot from his "Mauser" throughout. And then in front of me the question arose where to take gas cylinderchick?

Gas canister

Nooted my birthday well, the next day with a sick head I went in search of a gas canister for a gas lighter. Going to the nearest store, where not only products were sold, but also any non-food products, I was told that they had no gas cans and I had to go to the nearest supermarket. Having like half an hour on a supermarket, like a Ukrainian in search of gas, and there is nothing to find, maybe I was looking for badly, I decided to go home, and here at the exit from the supermarket with a cry "Stand! DO NOT MOVE! HANDS BEHIND HEAD!" Two brave patrols thrown on me.

Satisfied in "Bobika" minutes twenty, explaining that this is a gas lighter, and not a combat gun then for the first time in his life, I was released, and about a miracle on the way home, right at the stop near my entrance in the stall I discovered gas canister. And not one, but three, all different. Without thinking for a long time, I bought all three just in case, the benefit of them is inexpensive and satisfied went home to refuel the gift. What are the differences you ask? Initially, the volume of gas springs was taken into the eyes, the smallest was fifty milliliters, the average one hundred milliliters, and was the biggest one for two hundred milliliters. But the differences did not end with them complete with them went nozzle, the number of nozzles for each gas can be different. According to the result, I had twenty-seven nozzles not repetitive and eighteen nozzles of repeated also three gas springs with a total volume of three hundred fifty milliliters and an empty gas gun. Well, the thing is in the hat - I thought, it remained to fill, and you can walk everywhere with my cool lighter.

Attempts, samples, failures and decision

So, sitting in the center of the room, I poured a bunch of nozzles in front of myself, put the gas cans picked up a gun to the lighter and began the process of picking up the nozzles to the gun. My surprise was huge, when from the whole set of nozzles, namely twenty-seven different none approached. And in the process of selection of the nozzle I
i noticed an even difference in gas cans. The fact is that the gas from each spray had a different smell and as it turned out in the future he had different properties of burning, for example, one was very much smolel, the second he wondered from the first time, the smallest balloon turned out to be normal. And I want to give you advice: refuel lighters on the street, well, in the extreme case - on the balcony, on an open-ventilated balcony, because in the apartment after refueling stinking hard with gas.

After I broke a couple of nozzles, which were almost fit and passed a little gas and dried the entire apartment with gas I went outside to continue experiments there. Going out on the street and coming safely, I discovered to the nearest shop that I took with myself only a pistol lighter and gas cans, and all the nozzles stayed at home. What was the happiness and relief when, because of the laziness, go back home, I decided to try to fill the lighter just directly, without the nozzles I knew the cylinder into the lighter. In the gas cylinder, bubbles went and about thirty seconds a lighter was filled and ready to delight me with his flame. We take a gas can, the lighter that can be filled, do not wear any nozzles and shaking a balloon slightly, press it for thirty seconds to the lighter, that's all!

Time passed disposable lighters For a couple of rubles. Now gas lighters have become popular in fashion with the probability of secondary refueling. Prices for excellent models of lighters are from several dozen bucks, investigately continuously acquire such luxury items become unprofitable.

You will need

  • Botan gas triple cleaning and lighter.


1. As a matter of luxury, lighters require a special attentive relationship. They need to be kept in excellent conditions. The main factor in the purchase of the lighter is to maintain fire, the likelihood of setting up the necessary item. Cigarettes, cigarettes and Sigarilla are the main goal of the use of gas lighters. Sensery harness is gas refueling. Because when refueling you need to learn several main nuances: the gas lighter will not work, if it is not necessary to freeze oxygen in front of it, the one that accumulates inside the lighter.

2. It is necessary to apply a lighter to the end, i.e. Wait when gas in the lighter will finally end. Later, you should close the lighter and adjust the gas supply valve, the one that needs to be minimized. Then handle or other sharp item push or move the valve of gas refueling. So you will make sure there is no gas surplus in the lighter. Now try neat extract the fire from the lighter. This will allow you to get rid of unnecessary air in a lighter. Getting a refueling.

3. Filling a lighter you will make triple cleaning gas. Why exactly the triple cleaning? All dozen is easy. Three degrees of cleaning - the tug of the slightest pollution lighters during operation of this gas. Insert a gas cylinder with a nozzle to a valve for refueling lighters. You will hear a classic hissing sound. As soon as the lighter is filled with compressed gas, the cylinder from the lighter valve should be disconnected. If you have never done this, then you still feel that there is much more gas. Some models of cylinders work on the thesis of dosage refueling, i.e. You will make several refueling sessions. This is economical in the price of a cylinder.

In order to be correctly charged with a gas lighter, you should execute several universal recommendations.

  • First, each gas is used in the lighter.
  • In order to reset the remaining pressure inside the lighter, press the filling valve with a match.
  • The lighter is cooled to room temperature.
  • In the presence of a flame height regulator, it is necessary to translate it to the lowest location.
  • A suitable adapter should be detected to the refueling valve.
  • The aerosol cylinder with gas before refueling turns over the rod down.
  • The filling valve lighter turns up.
  • The rod of the aerosol cylinder with gas is connected to the filling valve lighter.
  • Pressing an aerosol cylinder is held for five seconds. The connection of the valve and rod should be keenly kept. With full refueling lighter, the gas pressure in it should be consistent with pressure in the aerosol cylinder.
  • Before using a lighter later, the refueling procedure should be made at least five minutes at room temperature. This requirement is necessary to normalize the temperature of the gas and complete impregnation of the gearbox (porous rod in the lighter) gas.
  • To fix the lighter, you must first cool the room at first. If the refueling is made on the street, then the temperature should be not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to exclude any finding near the permissible sources of ignition - an open flame, sparkling wiring of electrical equipment, etc. Support the filling of the lighter should follow, observing all security measures: to store eyes from random gas ingress, not to inhale gas - permissible irritation or poisoning.

    In order to fill a lighter with a gasoline, it is necessary to execute the following recommendations:

  • The lighter is removed from the housing.
  • Valve angle turns up. After that, filling the lighter with gasoline. The procedure should be performed neat, in order not to overfill.
  • Gasoline should not fall into hand in order not to cause irritation in case of emotional skin. If gasoline fell on the skin of the hands, you should immediately wash them in warm water With soap.
  • Lighter is inserted back into the housing. Before using a gasoline lighter, it is necessary to check it out for the subject of the flow, in order not happened to random ignition.
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    If the flame of your favorite gas lighter stopped happily shine in the night and you have nothing to see a cigarette - it means that fuel in it, that is, gas.

    You will need

    • Lighter, Gas Caller for Lighters, Against Smellies


    1. If the design of your gas lighter provides for refueling, then look into a specialized store or a kiosk, taking a lighter with you. When choosing a challenge, it is more classical to pay attention to the special canopy, equipped with a cap, under which the set of nozzles must be different types Valves lighters. Under the cap can be up to 10 nozzles, which guarantees you a good refueling. Looking at the nozzle and comparing them with the design of the valve lighters, you aware what exactly you are suitable.

    2. It comes out, preferring a suitable nozzle, to break it away from the bottom of the cap, after that, to put on the valve of the canister. Clean the transition valve lighters from allowable clogging (easier to make it a clean stick to clean the ears). After that, inserting the nozzle in the transition valve lighters, with the power to press the canister. If gas leak occurs, check whether the nozzle and valve lighter coincide. If so - replace the nozzle. While matching - repeat the attempt.

    3. How to determine whether the lighter is charged? It should become cold, ice, because Liquefied pressure under pressure reacts with environmental And it cools the items. If the lighter is transparent, you will be able to make sure of its fullness of visually. If not - then for complete charging, 20-30 seconds of injection are enough.

    When refueling lighters, only a special gas can apply.

    Helpful advice
    Getting started to refuel lighters, follow the rules fire safety! No way smoke, do not stay near open fire, remove children and animal! Remember: Gas is a flammable substance, and negligent attitude towards it can lead to tragic results.

    There are several methods of making lighters from sleeves We share with you today. It would seem, for what if different lighters are sold? The fact is that it does not invariably be at hand. But the skills of making a homemade lighter will never interfere. Following our instructions, you will be able to boast an independently made lighter.


    1. Method 1st. Prepare the sleeve, a new zippa (or detect the dilapidation), burner and copper-silver solder. Stop flint from the zippa and get a disc from there, the one that is chirks on it. Further, get all the contents of the zippes: a fastener of the disk, filter and packing. All contents arrange and smear. All roughness are removed with a file, giving a faithful form. Drink the roaming contents of the spikes in the sleeve, insert the wick and fill the gasoline on top. Lighter is ready.

    2. Method 2nd. Prepare a metal tight tube. Do it hole for the wheel. In a wheel hole, place a special flint for a lighter with a spring. Flint should be with a small rubber band. Make from a strong metal or alloy cap with a wick. Collect the whole design. Take an empty sleeve. Prepared metal tube solder to the sleeve. Fill gasoline. Lighter is ready.

    3. Method 3rd. Cook the sleeve and cotton cord. Cut a small slice of a cotton cord and lower it in a sleeve, inhabited in a gasoline in advance in order to protect against moisture. Outdoor End of Fitila Leave to look out in order to ensure interaction with the Silicon. Flint make from a file. To do this, solder a small slice of a file, about 5 cm. Fill in a gasoline sleeve. Lighter is ready.

    Video on the topic

    Quite often appears need to have at hand lighter . For such purposes, it is comfortable to hold lighter , working on gasoline: they give a good flame, comfortable in operation and storage and do not go out in the wind. However, over time, a question appears how to fix such lighter . Several suitable recommendations will help to understand this business and correctly fill lighter gasoline .


    1. Lighters working on gasoline fuel consist of a gasoline container in which the wick is impregnated gasoline . The flame is made due to the friction of the gear wheel of the flint. Gasoline lighters Durable and true. IN expensive models The evaporation of gasoline is minimized, as indication of the lack of smell of gasoline when applying. However, we turn to the issue of refueling.

    2. Previously, everyone is needed to develop every gasoline, the one that is more closely in the lighter. Further remove the insert from the housing of the lighter, lift the felt gasket on the bottom of the insert. Welcome all work in rubber gloves, exclusively if you charge lighter gasoline in the 1st time. Such a method is allowed to protect your hands from the random shedding of gasoline.

    3. Now slowly imprete insert material gasoline , not allowing overflows. Insert the fuel chamber back into the housing of the lighter.

    4. Make sure that no gasoline drops were praised. Scrupulously wipe the housing of the lighters and hands before use. Fuel is explosive!

    5. Later, we carry the first refueling lighter Cover up in vertical arrangement. Lighter refuel extraordinary special gasoline For lighters. Remember that inhalation of car gasoline vapors can be unsafe for health.

    Conduct the refueling in perfectly ventilated areas away from the sources of ignition and do not allow the gasoline strait.

    The first gas lighter appeared in Paris in 1947. Ordinary wick was replaced by a non-standard valve, gasoline on gas. Lovers of cigars were delighted by such innovation, having ceased to feel a sharp smell of gasoline. Gas lighters Reusable use are different as a gift option, as well as comfortable in use, but have some features of refueling.

    You will need

    • gas spray cylinder lighters, adapters.


    1. In order to compile a reusable gas lighter, first should take care of the security of this event. Make sure there is no open fire nearby, let's say gas stove; no hot objects such as heating devices With incandescent thread, electrical tile included. In no case do not smoke at this time and do not refuel the lighter next to the other smokers at the moment by people.

    2. Good method The refueling is in the future: when the lighter stopped out the flame at all, open the exhaust valve to the maximum, hold it down 3-5 minutes by pressing the inlet valve with the writing end of the ballpoint handle. Gas residues would come out before, but not entirely - heating the lighter in the hand gives the best result. Wrap the intake valve again, as far as it is permissible and leave the lighter to cool for 10-15 minutes.

    3. While the lighter cools to room temperature, hold the gas spray point in the hands with the same purpose. It is commonly included with a balloon a set of six adapters, one of which is selected to the valve of the lighter with an experimental way: it is tightly included in the valve receiver and does not let gas out. Put on the appropriate adapter on the plane of the canister and actively shake several times.

    4. Take a lighter up in the inlet valve; Check if the gas supply key is pressed; If there is no lid, insert the can be inserted from the top to the gas station slot. For 10-15 seconds click top hand Two or three times, without pulling the adapter from the valve to the end. Repeat this operation several times.

    5. After that, leave a lighter for a few minutes until the gas is heated in it. Later, discover the supply of gas to rock, lit a fire for a few seconds (be careful - the flame will turn out to be high) - this action is blown out nozzle from Nagara. Discover the gas supply to more harmless. Now the lighter is allowed to use.

    A pen Parker - The thing is unique. When George. Parker I knew my creation, he decided: "Make more cool than others." And he managed to fulfill the conceived: they had a thing that became a sign of a special culture, a high genre and a luxurious taste. Owners of the handle Parker - People who have reached the life of Furrora. Deliberately for such a unique handle made unique ink, which are allowed to refuel the handle, in order to use it again and again.


    1. Feather handles Parker have a reversible refueling system with bubble ink, or a capsule Parker . PARKER QUINK capsules have an additional ink reserve or reserved capacity. Later, approximately complete emptying of the capsule, click on the end of the capsule. At the same time, the spare share of ink will be released.

    2. The number that is contained in the backup capacity will be pretty for the page of an ordinary letter. This indicatorOf course, varies depending on the scope of the handwriting and the width of the pen. Ink numbers in one capsule will be enough on holding a line of 800 m. In pen handles Parker Use only Parker capsules, from the fact that the ink of the worst quality you can spoil the handle.

    3. To refill the handle, remove the capsule capsule. From the top of the case, unscrew the sleeve. Remove the filler with a blank capsule. Insert a new capsule to a wide end. Carefully, but quite firmly push the capsule with your hand. When you feel that she punctured and, permissible, hear the classic sound, stop pushing. Now tighten the sleeve back.

    4. For refueling handles from the bubble, two variants of the filler are used: typical piston and swivel in an exclusive version. In order to fix the handle with a fog of the rotary filler, you need to unscrew the sleeve. In order to make a vacuum, squeeze the air from the ink tank by turning the piston towards downward.

    5. Pen down to the bubble. Watch, so that it was entirely immersed in ink and did not get there. In no case do not descend the filler in the ink, only the pen. Piston Wrap back to the limit. Remove the pen from the bubble, and, tugging the piston, drip three drops ink. Re-wrap the piston to the limit. It is required in order to ensure that the reservoir was drawn a little air, which would not be imposed. Pen clean.

    6. To refill the handle with the support of the piston slider filler, stop the lever, the one that is placed on the side. So you move the piston. Fully immerse the pen into the bubble. In order to make a vacuum, press the lever towards down, and for ink suction - up. After that, remove the ink pen. Removing three drops, lift the lever to failure. Clean the pen.

    In most cases, when gas ends in the gas cylinder, it is easier to acquire a gas cylinder than to try to fix it. However, as traditionally, people want to save money and discover the method, how to fix the gas cylinder in order to avoid buying. In fact, do it is not so difficult. Easy follow a specific instruction and follow safety.


    1. It turns out, take an ordinary household gas cylinder with a valve (from 5 to 300 liters). Set it upside down, in order to ensure that there is a liquid gas. To do this, you can make a special stand or hang it on the rope. You can also primitively put it into a huge dilapidated chair. Options Mass, the main, in order to the position of the cylinder was stable and correct.

    2. Continue to collect the filling system, which consists of 2 hoses, adapter, crane and threaded head. Crane, hoses, adapters and cuffs are excellent gas equipment, desirable for liquid nitrogen. This will ensure the durability of the system. If you take ordinary water taps and tubes, the system will break rapidly. We collect all and secure the couplings. Reducer Do not use, it will only slow down the refueling process.

    3. Adapter screw on the gas cylinder carving. Crane will need to adjust the gas supply. The valve of the balloon is not to apply, from the fact that it will quickly fail. Take the head on the gas thread from the dilapidated cutter or burner. In the case of a cutter, everything is more closely ready for fastening to the hose, and with a burner, permissible, you will have to tinker it longer, from the fact that its diameter is unsatisfactory huge for the hose. Cangu can make metal, do not use plastic. If you do this to the finish and understand in all parts, the creation of a system for filling the gas will not take you more than one day.

    4. Now let's proceed to refueling. The gas flows regarding slowly, in effect on the refueling of one cylinder will leave 3 to fifteen minutes, depending on the assembled system and the volume of the cylinder. On any cylinder, the weight of the gas is specified, to investigrately control the refueling is allowed with imaginary weights. Either to the eye: later filling the half of the cylinder, hover gas and fill the balloon to the top.

    5. If the refueling is tidy and according to each rules, then allowed to fill the balloon from 3 to ten times. Basic, remember that if any external damage arose on the cylinder, it is great not to risk and acquire a newest one.

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    Gas for lighters. 300 ml liquefied gas cylinders are intended to fill portable gas devices, let's say heaters, soldering lamps, lamps, gas tiles. Six adapters allow the use of gas for lighters with different equipment.

    Helpful advice
    What gas fueling DuPont lighters to refill DuPont lighters need to use precisely genuine gas S T DuPont, in order to avoid drying rubber gaskets inside the DuPont lighter, because of which the lighter can start passing gas. Gas for DuPont lighters has as many as 4 varieties.