Refueling a gas canister. Where to fix gas cylinders for giving

Accidents at AGZS, despite the high safety of modern gas equipmentUnfortunately, happen. And I am even not even the negligent attitude of the car owner to the refueling process, or violation of the safety regulations of the gas refueling officer. The reason for PE on gas gas stations is most often becoming banal awareness, people simply do not know how to behave correctly on gas gas stations. No, I do not want to say that it doesn't happen on ordinary gas stations, just gas fuel Differs from classic gasoline and dt. We are talking about a completely different technology of refueling and absolutely different state of these types of fuel, I'm not talking about flammability ...

In this article, I want to talk about safety rules for AGZS, as well as how to refuel auto gas Alone, in the event of such a need.

To begin with, it is impossible to do on the AGZS

On gas gas stations prohibited:

  1. Well, first of all, of course, smoke or use open sources Fire. I think it's not necessary to explain here, we all know what gas is and what happens if you need to set chasing a large number of Gas. There is an explosion of unprecedented scale, so in no case, under any circumstances, do not violate, this is the rule "№1".
  2. Filling a car with a running engine. When the motor runs the fuel line functions, therefore there is a high probability of a sharp increase in pressure in the fuel line, which is fraught with damage to the valves and many other no less important nodes of gas equipment.
  3. Perform refueling faulty HBO. Before refueling your car with gas, make sure the valves, waving, in order. It does not have damage, and the gas equipment itself regularly and has no leaks.
  4. Start refueling without permission of the AGZS operator.
  5. Perform refueling with incorrectly installed "pistol".

How to refuel the gas cylinder on the car with HBO?

First of all, you must remember one thing - refuel your car if there is an operator or refiner on the AGZS - forbid! For such a violation, the employee can be punished or even dismissed, and you, at least, get a warning or perhaps even a fine! All you need to do is report the placement location of the remote refueling device.

There are true exceptions when there is no refueling or the refueling itself provides for the possibility of self-refueling, in this case, the following tips will help you correctly refuel gas to agz.

Of personal experience. For example, I once witnessed just a scinting case of violation of the rules of TB by an employee of a gas refueling. AGZS operator in a strong state alcoholic intoxication I tried to connect a gun and could not not connect it with a wah, he barely stood on his feet. The worst thing was that a few minutes after his unsuccessful attempts, the refill decided to smoke with grief, while holding the gun in his hands. I will say to you honestly, I have never seen people so quickly in the cars and drove around who ... 🙂 Laugh laughter, but everything could have been afraid ...

1. The first thing you need to do is drive up to the column and drown out the engine.

2. Perform a visual inspection for health, although it is better to make it up to the refill.

3. Connect the adapter if it is provided with the design of your HBO and install the gun in the waist.

4. Turn on the gas supply and control the filling of the gas cylinder. It must be remembered that only the amount of gas can fit into the cylinder, which is physically placed in it, do not shake the car, flashes with a view to get gas into your balloon. In more detail about this, I wrote in my previous article :.

5. After the cylinder is filled, the automation of the AGZS will block the gas supply. You will notice this for the fact that the numbers in the fields "liters" and "rubles" will stop. Although if you do not need a full cylinder, you can stop the gas station at any time.

6. All that you have left is to disconnect the "gun" and remove the adapter if you installed it.

After completing the refueling, do not forget to pay the bill. Here is the whole procedure, as you can see anything complicated, most importantly - try it several times on your own.

Finally, video about how to independently refuel the car:

Thank you all for your attention, I hope the article was useful for you!?

In many country houses are used gas cylindersthat need to be regularly filled. Although they are used in production. The refueling is much cheaper than the purchase of a new cylinder. They are used for heating and household needs. For accommodation, the question of where the gas cylinder is becoming natural. This is told in the article.

Pros and cons of gas cylinders

The autonomous tank is convenient to operate a thing. To its advantages include:

  1. Mobility. It can be rearranged, transport.
  2. Unlimited shelf life. It can be used later.
  3. Big choice. You can purchase a capacity of any size, destination made from various materials.

From minuses allocate:

  1. Fire hazard. If the reservoir is located in the field of fire or sharp drop Temperatures, it may lead to a threat to life and health, as well as damage to property.
  2. The presence of precipitate in old tanks during long-term use. They need to be cleaned for future use.
  3. Gas leakage, if the equipment is used for a long time. You need to regularly change the loaf to prevent this.
  4. Danger from sharp turning. There is a risk of a pressure jump and sharp flame emissions. And everything is almost impossible to pay off.
  5. The risk of inhalation of matter. If the equipment is faulty, then people living in the house can choose carbon monoxide gas.

Where to contact?

Household gas cylinders sell in specialized points. Usually there is a cargo delivery to the house. Where to fill the gas cylinder if it became empty? In these specialized centers and contains tanks. As a rule, these items are on stationary automotive gas gas stations.

Other points

Where else is propane? There are several options:

  1. Factory. But this option is not very convenient, besides, it is not cheap.
  2. Companies that have been entitled to Gostekhnadzor. These include the exchange of cylinders.

At the factories and in companies there must be special premises that meet the requirements, as well as equipment that needs for similar works. Where to fix the gas This work is performed by the same specialized items.

Where should not handle?

Although you can perform this procedure almost at each gas station, where there are no special balloon items, it is not worth buying a liquefied gas there. This is quite risky, because:

  1. After this procedure, there is no check for gas leakage.
  2. There is no control of the tankers, which is why the use of such gas equipment will be unsafe.
  3. Due to the filling column format, the balloon will not be filled with high quality.

According to the standards, the filling volume should not be above 85%. It creates a "steam cap" in the balloon, which protects against the risk of a balloon explosion due to high temperatures. In car cylinders, compared to domestic, there is a plug-on, which allows you to prevent gas overflow. Therefore, the equipment must be checked on scales. Where to fill the gas cylinder better? You can contact both car refills, if only there is special equipment and license.

The process of refueling

Centers performing refueling are called gas-filled stations. They may have different equipment equipment. Typically, the procedure is performed in 3 ways:

  1. Pump: Used Pump.
  2. Pump-compression: gas is selected with a pump and under high pressure compressor enters the cylinder.
  3. Supply-evaporated: in the gas supply system there is an evaporator heater, providing increased pressure.

All methods of refueling are safe if norms and rules of procedure are followed.

Requirements for station

If you are interested in where you can fill the gas cylinder, you should check the station for:

  1. Exhaust and pumping installations.
  2. Gas tanks.
  3. Technical tools for transportation.
  4. Additional devices - dispensers, density measurement devices.

Where are household gas cylinders in cities? Usually, gas services are engaged in this that perform connection and maintenance of this equipment. They deliver containers with a substance on a specific schedule. In the village also deliver gas equipment, delivering it to special machines.

The procedure is performed by standard requirements. They must be observed because there is a risk of explosion hazard. For example, the procedure is not performed if there is one of the disadvantages:

  • equipment is faulty;
  • the cylinder does not have the necessary pressure;
  • there are deficiencies of valves or valve;
  • on the surface is noticeable rust;
  • paint peeling;
  • there is damage.

Therefore, it is necessary to verify compliance with these norms regarding where the gas cylinder can be fed. They should be inscriptions "Compressed gas". Also attached a sticker indicating the explosion hazard. Only in this case everything complies with safety standards, so you can perform refueling in such a company.

Rules of refueling

Before the procedure, the ballon is freed from condensate and remaining gas. Filling is carried out based on the characteristics marked in the serviceport, making the equipment safely. During the procedure, there should be no fire, sparks, coal and other hazardous substances. Work can be performed in 2 ways:

  1. Exchange. A person gives his tanks, and he is provided with filled. This saves time. But the lack of obtaining other equipment, which may not be completely high-quality parameters.
  2. Own cylinders. A person leaves his tanks for refueling, and after a while takes them. Then only your equipment will be used. But you have to spend money and wait for a while.

After refueling, the equipment needs to be properly operated. There should be no precipitation on it, sunlight. Cylinders should be stored in a vertical position. It is necessary to regularly check the equipment for good condition. Any defects are better eliminated immediately, without waiting for adverse consequences.

What does the price depend on?

It is important to know not only where to fill the gas cylinder, but also the price of these services. The cost depends on:

  • service level;
  • availability of transport services;
  • electricity costs;
  • gas prices.

If the procedures are violated, firming is attracted to responsibility. If they do not comply with the standards and rules, then for these cases it is used therefore, if the gas cylinder is required (50 liters or other volume), you should contact specialized companies that work on the basis of legally issued permission. Then the procedures for filling the cylinders are performed correctly, which is safe for the life and health of people.

Recommended to produce their refueling on specialized points. Here it will not cause difficulties, so all certified refills are equipped with necessary equipment. But a private owner who uses household gas in cylinders does not always have the opportunity to take capacity to a specialist.

Is there an independent gas station of a gas cylinder dangerous?

An independent gas station of gas cylinders is prohibited, but if necessary, you can violate this rule. The main thing is to comply with the recommended security measures. Factors due to which the manufacturer of cylinders prohibits the refueling of non-specialists - flammability and explosion hazardous gas.

How to fix the gas cylinder?

The one who decided on this step should be known the design of the cylinder. The loading of the gas and its consumption provides a multi-flap mounted on a neck of a metal container. To refill, you need to assemble the filling system consisting of two gas hoses, gas ball crane, adapter with seals, cylinder with gas. It is important to combine all the design elements. To do this, use suitable coupling. All equipment can be bought on the market.

Gas cylinder needs to install down the valve. To do this, you can build a design from wooden bars, or install it in a chair and securely fix it in a vertical position. Those who have the experience of independent refueling prefer to welcome a metal "skirt" to it, which, when turning the container, serves as a stable support. Gas remnants need to be laid.

The adapter is screwed into a cylinder thread. To supply gas you need to use ball crane The bay system, not the valve of the cylinder. The gearbox is not required, as it will slow down the refueling. Believe the reliability of the bay system and open the supply of gas.

The process of filling the cylinder is unprecedented: it will be necessary from 5 to 15 minutes. During the flow of gas, the transition system is strongly cooled, so it is necessary to check the level of refueling in gloves. Unacceptable use of open fire near the working bay system. It is recommended to exclude even sparks. Refuel the cylinder only on open air.

With the help of a similar system, you can refuel small tourist gas cylinders. It will take an adapter, scales, an empty cylinder, a household cylinder with gas. Weigh empty container. Alternately screw the adapter to cylinders, open the crane and begin to fill the gas.

Gas fuel reliably went into modern man. So, gas cylinder It is a pretty primitive device, but it has a number of specific nuances. Next, you can read about the fact that gas cylinders are represented, but as long as we try to determine the appointment of the gas itself.

There is an erroneous opinion that the gas, "locked" into the balloon, and the gas in the pipeline is the same thing. The fact is that centralized gas supply involves methane, which is a natural gaseous substance, it is also called a marsh. But the gas cylinders are already filled with a mixture of propane and butane, which is still officially referred to as SPB. The mixture of propagano-tube technical is a by-product obtained during refining. In the future, it will use the wording of SPBT or simply "gas" for it.

Propane-buttane mixture is completely universal. It is widely used in the petrochemical industry for the manufacture of polymers, as well as mechanical engineering and metalworking - for welding work and cutting metal surfaces. In addition, SPBT can act in rollergasomotor fuel.

Full gas cylinder connection scheme to plate

In everyday life gas mix Used to implement autonomous gasification housing and communal services. It is refilled by Gazgolders and various gas cylinders in which the gas is burned by the forces of domestic boilers, kitchen stoves and other household gas equipment. Carbon dioxide and water are treated as combustion products, for this reason such burning is considered as safe as possible for the ecology of residential space.

In the transverse section, the gas standard cylinder is similar to the design of a transparent gas lighter. As a liquid, gas mixture is in liquefied state, and the free space above it is a steam cap, which enters the boiler or kitchen stove. The equilibrium between these media is maintained due to the pressure inside the special capacity.

Connecting a cylinder to consumption devices

Connecting the device must be carried out through the gearbox. Inside the gas conventional cylinder, the pressure is inconsistent and and depends on the temperature of the environment. It may vary from 4 to 6 atm. Reducer is able to lower and level the pressure to the optimal working level. kitchen Plate.

A hose is connected to the gearbox, and to it - plate. The location of the fixation is fixed with the help of clamps, after which it is necessary to check the tightness of the compound of soap foam. Suitable any foam. Fixation sites need to be covered soapy solution: If bubbles are formed on the surface, then the connection is notch.

Eliminate leakage: you should still tighten the nut at the junction of the fitting with the gearbox. If the leakage is detected in the field of the sleeve, then we reach the clamps. After adjustment, you must once again check with a soap foam to finally verify the absence of leakage. Such a check is always carried out when connecting gas cylinder - this is golden Rule safe use.

Proper connection of gas cylinders on the street, Figure 1

Proper connection of polymer composite gas cylinders, Figure 2

IMPORTANT! Do not come as some particular "experienced" masters-gas workers: in no case check the tightness with the help of grilled paper. The result is small flame tongues in leakage places. This is categorically prohibited by security standards. In addition, such flames are very small and in daylight may remain unnoticed and lead to sad consequences.

Installation and operation of gas cylinders

The most important criterion safe operation Such devices are control over possible leaks and overheating. Violation of sealing can be found in a characteristic odor. Gas in principle does not possess neither color or smell, but in SPBT add a special marker - hydrocarbon-mercaptan. Due to this, a person can smell when the gas stove column is turned on or during leakage.

So, if you felt this smell, we can conclude that the concentration of SPBT is 20 percent of dangerous. There is no reason for panic, that is, the reason for checking the connection location according to the scheme described above.

Operation of gas cylinders presented in the form of a table

When the gas cylinder is located in the indoors itself, it should be placed at a distance of 1 meter from the plate, which is active in the source of heat. Also nearly, it is impossible to place any other heating devices: heating radiators and autonomous heaters.

An acceptable option will be the "country" method of installation - with the external northern side of the structure, which eliminates the possibility of overheating the cylinder with the rays of the sun. In such a situation, the sleeve needs to skip through the hole in the wall, the pre-"processed" metal sleeve. The balloon is located in a special metal cabinet equipped with ventilation holes At the bottom of the walls. Since the gas is somewhat heavier than air, it will be in the case of leakage to accumulate from the bottom, where there will be ventilation holes, so the light wind will be able to eliminate unwanted accumulation.

Why are the cylinders covered in the hell?

Here you can also debunk one of the most frequent misconceptions. It is accepted to believe that if such a device "freezes", then covered in the other. Some even claim that it is necessary to warm up such equipment with blankets, old coats and other primary fixtures. So, the other will disappear faster if the gas container is left as it is, without helping it to "utter" with warm things.

Bottom gas cylinder, which is covered with

The appearance of the Inea can be explained by a number of physical processes that occur inside the design when it is connected to the furnaces or burners. At such moments, active fuel consumption is observed, therefore, large volumes of the gas fluid turn into a vapor fraction. And such a phenomenon is always accompanied by greater heat consumption, it is for this reason that the surface of the balloon becomes much colder than the temperature in the surrounding space. The moisture in airspace begins to manifest themselves in the form of condensate on the walls of the installation, subsequently turning into the Octa. This is an absolutely natural phenomenon with which nothing needs to be done.

Moreover, all attempts to take advantage of artificial "insulation" violate the safety standards during operation, and also affect the deterioration of the heat transfer device with environmental and affect gas supply conditions. If your burner did not please the grand flame, then after your "maneuvers" with a blanket, it may stop working at all.

Do not insulate any gas cylinders!

In general, when connected gas devices With high power, it is necessary to realize that the gas cylinder has restrictions on the speed of return. This means that liquid fuel turns into a steam stage gradually. For example, a balloon for 50 liters can provide about 500 grams of gas in 60 minutes. This is equivalent to power at 6-7 kW. In the cold season, this figure decreases twice, if the equipment is located on the street. In the summer, the situation is reverse: the maximum flow rate increases.

In any case, it can be concluded that the Inay is evidence that the cylinder cannot cope with high fuel consumption. This may cause a temporary drop in gas pressure and the failure of the equipment. If this happened, it is better to stop consumption and wait until a sufficient steam hat appears.

Why is the "splash" of water in the tank?

This is possible to hear in winter. Know, it is not water, but the butanic component of SPBT. At the slightest frosts, Bhutan ceases to be converted into a vapor fraction. It is she "splash" in the form of a liquid inside.

Butanova component of SPBT in the gas cylinder

In the warm season, such a problem does not arise: the propagano-buttane mixture is involved almost all. In order to avoid this in the frost, it is recommended, fueling the container, to ask the refueling about the presence of a passport on the SPBT used. This document should contain information that in the mixture at least 80 percent of the propane, moving from the liquid in steam in the cold time. If you use such a refueling, then there should be no problems.

How long is gas?

Here you can take advantage of primitive mathematical rules. If you repel from the power of the kitchen plate, where 4 burners work at once, then 8 kWh energy is used in 60 minutes. If you burn 1 kg of gas, then you can get 12.8 kWh of energy. The first result must be divided into the second digit, as a result, as a result, the amount of "liquid" fuel required for the full operation of the kitchen plate for an hour. This figure is 0.625 kilograms of gas. Therefore, a capacity of 50 liters with 21 kilograms of gas will be used to operate the kitchen plate for 33.6 hours. If the passport of your equipment is the power in kg of combustion fuel, then the calculations are greatly simplified.

In the future, everything is much dependent on the intensity of the installation of the plate. If you often boil the cold, then the degree of consumption will be one if you can only with cooking morning coffee, then the other. Based on practical experience, it can be said that the 12-liters of gas that will be used by a small family on weekends in the country, enough for all summer. More information about the offline gasification can be found in this section.

How to fill the gas cylinder?

Place such devices on the territory of special items that can be located autonomously and enter the gas station. Under the conditions of the latter, there is the possibility of refueling gas stuffing.

The most important nuance in this process is the fact that refueling is not in volume, but by weight. If you guide the safety technique, the gas containers should be filled with a maximum of 85 percent of the total volume, in order to avoid excessive pressure.

In order to follow the safety technique and its standards, a similar device with any volume is marked with a digit with the maximum allowable mass corresponding to the maximum allowable 85 percent. Capacities are located on scales, including fuel injection. The process stops after achieving the required mass.

But even when refueling relative to the mass of overflows, it is not excluded, which is especially relevant for low-volume tanks - by 5 or 12. They must refuel at 2 and 6 kilograms, respectively. The high speed of refueling sometimes does not allow to see the achievement of the limit norm. If this happened to you, be sure to be leaked to excess gas. Subsequently, it is better to choose another place to refuel.

In general, the basic criterion for choosing a refueling is the presence of licensed documents on the use of fire hazardous and explosive objects. If the documents are present, we can conclude that you are serviced by qualified specialists, every year passing special certification.

In other cases, you take responsibility for the work of the refueling capacity for yourself. And you risk not only your money, but also the safety of your housing and life. In addition, not a licensed refueling is a violation of legislation and may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability regarding an article on illegal entrepreneurial activity.

The proposed information in the review does not pretend to accuracy encyclopedic data and is dictated by a large account of our experience. But we are confident that she will be able to help you significantly save time and money.

Despite the significant increase in energy prices, gas is still the most common type of fuel. It is used for different purposes, including for refueling cars. Installation of gas equipment on the machine allows to reduce the cost of purchasing fuel.

You can buy suitable cylinders and other equipment on the site

Necessary equipment

Gas served in residential buildings is much cheaper than liquefied gas on specialized gas stations. Therefore, filling the cylinders from the kitchen plate is much more profitable. But in order to independently implement this process will need special equipment.

To date, there are two available options:

  • mobile gas stations industrial production. Such equipment in our country is not produced. Therefore, you will have to refer to foreign manufacturers. Installations for refueling Cylinders household gas produced in France, Austria, Germany and many other countries;
  • homemade installations. In order to make such equipment you need to have certain skills. It is important to understand that in the leakage of household gas accidents are possible.

The feature of the equipment that allows you to refuel the basements of household gas is the use of several compressors united in different contours. This allows the gradual increase in gas pressure.

Principle of operation of the gas station

Since gas pressure in the gas pipeline is approximately 0.05 atm., Before refueling it, it is necessary to compress up to 200 atm. This task and solves the installation of cylinders. It may include from 3 to 5 contours, while the principle of operation will be unchanged:

  1. The gas passes the filter installed at the entrance to the system and enters the contour cylinder.
  2. The compressor is inserted pressure, and the compressed gas is fed to the cooling radiator.
  3. In the pipeline, the gas is served in the next circuit, where even greater compression occurs.

All processes are repeated in each contour. Before refueling into a balloon high pressure, Gas is passed through a molecular filter.

The refill process lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. If you use backup cylinders in which the gas will be charged in advance, then the time can be reduced to 10-15 minutes.

Using homemade gas stations need to be extremely careful. Gas leakage can cause various accidents.