How to properly refuel a gasoline lighter. How to refuel a lighter with gas from a can

Many people use disposable gas lighters, many will ask why refuel a gas lighter? Ended up, threw it out, bought a new one and no problem! But now we are not talking about an ordinary gas lighter bought in a stall for five kopecks, but about a good expensive gas lighter, or about a gas lighter that a person close to you gave you, perhaps your idol, there is an option that this gas lighter is dear to you as a memory or is it all that remains of a friend who moved very far or God forbid, died.

I have such a gas lighter. This gas lighter was, firstly, a birthday present. Secondly, the friend who gave it to me moved to live in another country and since he left I have never seen him and this gas lighter is dear to me as a memory. Thirdly, this gas lighter is made in the form of an exact copy of the "Mauser", it looks cool, solid, even a little intimidating. Very often, if I go with her on the street, I have to demonstrate to law enforcement agencies that this is a gas lighter, and not a combat pistol. It burns well "turbine", you can regulate the gas, at the minimum the fire is red at the maximum deep blue, but there is also a small minus the gas runs out very quickly and you have to refuel very often. I faced this problem literally in the very first hour of using the gas lighter, as I got carried away and fired from my "Mauser" all over the place. And then the question arose before me where to get gas spray?

Gas canister

Having well celebrated my birthday, the next day with a headache, I went in search of a gas cartridge for a gas lighter. Going to the nearest store, where they sold not only groceries, but also all kinds of non-food items, I was told that they did not have gas cartridges and I had to go to the nearest supermarket. After walking around the supermarket for half an hour, like a Ukrainian looking for gas, and having found nothing, maybe I was looking badly, I decided to go home, and then at the exit from the supermarket I shouted “STOP! DO NOT MOVE! HANDS BEHIND HEAD!" I was attacked by two brave patrolmen who were called by the store's security.

After sitting in the "bobby" for about twenty minutes, explaining that it was a gas lighter, and not a combat pistol for the first time in my life, they let me go, and lo and behold, on the way home, right at the bus stop near my entrance in a stall, I found a gas canister. And not one, but three, all different. Without thinking for a long time, I bought all three just in case, since they are inexpensive and happy I went home to fill up the gift. What are the differences, you ask? Initially, the volume of gas cartridges was striking, the smallest was fifty milliliters, the average one hundred milliliters, and the largest was two hundred milliliters. But the differences did not end there, they came with nozzles, the number of nozzles for each gas cartridge was different. As a result, I had twenty-seven non-repeating nozzles and eighteen repeated nozzles, as well as three gas cartridges with a total volume of three hundred and fifty milliliters and an empty gas pistol. Well, the trick is in the bag - I thought, it remains to fill, and you can go everywhere with my cool lighter.

Attempts, trials, failures and solutions

So, sitting down in the center of the room, I poured out a bunch of nozzles in front of me, put the gas canisters, took the lighter in my hands and began the process of picking up the nozzles for the pistol. My surprise was enormous when out of all the multitude of nozzles, namely twenty-seven different ones, none came up. And in the process of selecting a nozzle, I
noticed another difference in the gas cartridges. The fact is that the gas from each cartridge had a different smell and, as it turned out later, had different combustion properties, for example, one smoked very much, the second did not ignite the first time, the smallest cartridge turned out to be normal. And I want to give you some advice: refuel lighters on the street, well, in extreme cases, on the balcony, on the open ventilated balcony, because after refueling, the apartment smelled strongly of gas.

After I broke a couple of nozzles that almost came up and let the gas through a little and smelled the whole apartment of gas, I went outside to continue experiments there. Going out into the street and safely reaching, to the nearest shop, I found that I took only a pistol, a lighter and gas cans with me, and all the nozzles remained at home. What happiness and relief was when, out of laziness to go back home, I decided to try to refuel the lighter just directly, without nozzles poking the can into the lighter. There were bubbles in the gas cylinder and after about thirty seconds the lighter was refueled and ready to delight me with its flame. Conclusion we take a gas canister, a lighter that can be refueled, do not put on any nozzles, and after shaking the bottle a little, press it for thirty seconds to the lighter, that's all!

It would seem that such a simple object is a plastic lighter, but how does it make life easier for a person. Ever since they hit store shelves, the popularity of wooden matches began to fall sharply. And no wonder, they are inexpensive, filled with fuel lasts for a long time, plus they do not deteriorate in high humidity.

However, sometimes the fuel in the lighter runs out. If this is a simple trinket, bought for 10 rubles at the nearest kiosk, you can throw it away and not bother with the question of how to refuel the lighter. But if this is a collectible model or it is just dear as a memory, you will have to work a little. Before refueling a lighter, you need to determine on what fuel it works. There are only two options - either gas or petrol.

Determining that a lighter needs refueling is quite simple: the transparent case of most models allows you to see how much gas is left. In addition, when the fuel is running out, it is necessary to strike "idle" several times, each time it ignites worse and worse, and the flame, even set to maximum, becomes barely noticeable.

Before refueling a lighter, you need to buy a special gas in a cylinder. Most often it is sold in kiosks, hardware stores or departments. household chemicals... Anyone who is going to refuel it for the first time should make sure that the kit includes several nozzles for the holes. different diameters... It is better not to save on gas and take an expensive and high-quality one.

For safety reasons, the procedure is best carried out near an open window and away from any sources of ignition. A suitable nozzle is put on the tip of the can. Excess air is released from the lighter by lightly pressing the filling valve with a handle, a match, or any suitable object. Excess air should come out with a hiss. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to refueling. A can with a nozzle is inserted into a hole with a valve on the lighter and pressed with force. In the event that there is not enough strength, you can put the can on the table and press down on it with a lighter from above. When everything is done correctly, gas begins to flow into the internal container. After 7 seconds, the can is pulled back sharply and removed until the next refueling. Depending on the volume, one can be enough for 25-30 operations.

The Sarome or Zippo type is most often found in wealthy people. Due to their high price, they have become not only a lighting device, but also a symbol of prestige and success.

WITH petrol models in principle, too, everything is quite simple. Before refueling a lighter, you need to stock up on special fuel. In order to avoid excesses, it is better not to be smart and not to drain the gasoline from the car, but to use a branded one. Of course, gasoline is gasoline, and a lighter in any case will work at least 72, at least 95. Another thing is that it will smoke mercilessly, besides, it will give the cigarettes a specific flavor. Refueling lighters on gasoline is a simple matter - first you need to remove it from the decorative case, then hook the valve from the corner, lift it, insert the can and carefully soak the cotton wool with gasoline. When the container is full, the valve is returned to its place, and the lighter is installed in the housing in reverse order. Silicon can be replaced immediately if desired. Before refueling the lighter, you need to make sure that there are no sources of ignition. And after refueling, before checking the performance, it is necessary to remove the gasoline, wash your hands with soap, and wipe the lighter itself and the place of work as thoroughly as possible (in order to exclude the possibility of ignition of accidentally falling drops). When everything is cleaned up, you can check the result of your work.

Few people know that lighters were born much earlier than safety matches. Leonardo da Vinci experimented with the first inconvenient and cumbersome models, but his invention remained invaluable by his contemporaries.

Then, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Dobereiner lighter (named after its creator) was designed - a hydrogen-fueled device that explodes from careless handling. It was only by the middle of the 19th century that the gasoline lighter was invented. Over time, it has undergone minor design changes, but the principle of operation has remained the same.

Today there are lighters in every home. These useful things are needed not only for smokers: they are used on hikes, on summer vacation and are used for various household needs.

Types of lighters

By the type of fuel, the devices can be divided into:

  • gasoline;
  • gas;
  • USB lighters (spiral) - like a car cigarette lighter, where electricity is used as a heating source for the spiral.

By ignition device:

  • silicon;
  • piezo lighters;
  • with a wiring diagram for ignition.

Gasoline lighters are made only with a silicon mechanism. Gas engines are produced with different ignition mechanisms, there are also turbocharged models.

In order to better understand all the pros and cons of gasoline lighters, let's compare them with gas lighters.

Pros and cons of gas models

For the purity of the experiment, we will compare silicon devices on gasoline and on a mixture of propane and butane:

  1. Price. Varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, appearance, brand awareness and quality. It can cost 10 rubles, or 50, or 1000. Gas lighter from Dunhill can cost several thousand dollars.
  2. Reliability. If we talk about silicon gas devices then they are not very reliable. The flame goes out in the wind, ignites poorly and burns in sub-zero temperature... Cheap plastic models often fall apart right in the hands.
  3. Durability. Expensive products are durable, can survive a lot of refueling and save a working resource. Life span budget options very short.
  4. Ease of refueling. It is very easy to refuel the device with fresh isopropane or a mixture of butane and propane. Gas bottle insert into the hole, press slightly and that's it: the device is ready for use.
  5. Service cost. Even a very active smoker will have enough fuel for a week, while the price of one refueling will be low. One bottle is enough for several fillings.

Pros and cons of gasoline lighters

  1. Price. There are no cheap models on the market. There are relatively inexpensive copies of well-known world brands, usually made in China. Gasoline lighters today are not easy useful thing, but a stylish accessory of a recognizable brand. Therefore, the price is appropriate.
  2. Reliability. The mechanism is super reliable, since there is simply nothing to break there. Fuel tank, wick, flint - everything works for years and without failures, and in any weather.
  3. Durability. May outlive you. Expensive products can be inherited as valuable property.
  4. Ease of refueling. Despite the fact that the device of gas and gasoline lighters is almost the same, refueling the latter requires more care.
  5. Service cost. Good branded lighter gasoline costs more than a gas cartridge.

It is also worth mentioning that gasoline tends to evaporate, and the lighter can suddenly be empty after not using it for a while.

Which one should you choose - gas or petrol? If you need a simple, functional, inexpensive thing, then you should take a gas one. And if you need a status stylish accessory or a knick-knack for throwing dust in your eyes, then you should buy a good gasoline lighter from one of the world's famous brands.

The best in the world

In a world where many things have become disposable, including lighters because of their disgusting quality, I want to feel a little nostalgic and return to the Soviet past, where everything was made with a threefold safety factor. Gasoline lighters in the USSR were made similar to small pistols with the inscriptions "Baku", "Tbilisi", "Exactly". There were other models, gift ones - in the form of cameras and table knick-knacks. But the best were "military", army lighters. They were also called commanders. Later, products appeared that imitated the original Zippo.

They also made gasoline lighters with their own hands - from brass and steel pipes, coins and other scrap metal. There were more craftsmen in those days, almost everyone knew how to make something from scrap materials. Today, there are also people who love to do everything with their own hands, including gasoline lighters. But this must be done carefully, with the full understanding that in the event of improper soldering of the elements, the lighter can flare up in the hands.

Today the world's best gasoline lighters are produced under the brands Cartier, Givenchy, BIC, Dunhill. But the market leader is the Zippo brand.

Zippo brand

Zippo petrol lighters were born when the enterprising American George Blaisdell brought home a trial batch of Austrian IMCO lighters. But I could not sell a single device, and began to improve them. This is how the legendary Zippo was born, working in any weather.

The drawings on the case of these products can be traced to the entire history of America - all achievements in the military, scientific or sports field were reflected in the engravings on the case.

The Zippo company has always produced, and still produces only gasoline lighters. 45,000 items are produced daily. Most of them are relatively inexpensive mass-produced items. But there is also exclusive models, with a case in gold, silver and titanium.

How to refuel

How to refuel gas lighter? To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Buy "correct" gasoline - for lighters, best of all is the original Zippo.
  2. Ventilate the room - there should be no extreme heat in the room.
  3. Remove all flammable items.
  4. Check that all fuel in the lighter is used up.
  5. Remove the lighter from the housing.
  6. Find the valve and turn it up.
  7. Fill up with fuel: be careful not to spill gasoline on the edges and to overfill the container.
  8. Close the valve, if necessary, wipe the lighter from gasoline with a damp cloth.
  9. Collect.
  10. Check for leaks before use to avoid ignition.

How to refuel a lighter?

The advantages of plastic lighters over regular matches are obvious. They do not deteriorate from high humidity, are inexpensive, and they have enough fuel for a long time, but nevertheless, sooner or later, it runs out. But this problem can be solved, because the lighter can be refueled by yourself. How to refuel a lighter? The lighter can run on gas or gasoline, the refueling method depends on its type.

Refueling a gas lighter

Most often, its body is made of a transparent material, which allows you to see the amount of remaining gas. If you strike several times to light the flame, which gradually becomes smaller, then the lighter definitely needs to be refueled.

To fill the lighter with gas, buy a special can of gas in the store, it is better if it is expensive and high-quality fuel. The set must include nozzles of various diameters. Choose a safe place (away from sources of fire), preferably by a window. Then follow these steps:

  1. Slide the appropriate tip onto the tip of the can.
  2. Press on the lighter filler valve (with a match or a pen) to release excess air.
  3. Insert the nozzle into the valve opening and push firmly.
  4. After about 7 seconds, pull back the can sharply.

Refueling a gasoline lighter

Refueling a Zippo or Sarome lighter is also easy. For these purposes, use branded gasoline. It will smoke heavily from low-quality fuel, and the cigarettes will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

Refuel in a location away from any sources of ignition. The procedure will be as follows:

Silicon can be changed at the same time. When you are finished refueling, remove the gasoline, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, wipe the lighter and the surface of the table on which you worked. Only then can the lighter work properly.

Remove the lighter from the body. Make sure the lighter is filled with fuel. Insert interior into the body of the lighter, wipe the entire surface of the lighter so that there is no fuel left on it. Refuel the lighter away from sources of fire and flame. Remove the inside of the lighter from the body. If you store your Zippo lighter in your pocket, we recommend that you carry it upright, bottom down, especially after the first refueling.

Zippo / ka ... ZIppo lighters differ long term service and extremely unpretentious, it accompanies you everywhere: at work, on vacation, on a hike. The Zippo lighter is not easy fashion accessory... Start by purchasing lighter fluid.

However, only Genuine Zippo fuel will give you an accurate guarantee that the lighter will last and not bad smell... After assembling, set the lighter aside for a few minutes so that it is sufficiently saturated.

In order to find out if the lighter was filled correctly, you need to check it (preferably indoors). It must be borne in mind that refueling Zippo has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which will help you to avoid mistakes that can lead to a breakdown of the lighter.

How to refuel a Zippo lighter: gasoline

It is very important that after refueling the Zippo, thoroughly wipe the lighter with a dry cloth in case you accidentally drip gasoline on the Zippo. The cost of a mistake can be high! For your own safety, do not fill your lighter alone and have fire-fighting items ready, such as a clean and damp cloth.

Lighters of this class are very delicate and require special treatment. By the way, since you have disassembled your lighter for refueling, you can also clean it from dirt at the same time. If your favorite Zippo lighter runs out of gas, don't rush to throw it away.

Windproof lighters

Be sure to inspect the lighter from all sides and the place where the refueling process took place. Avoid eye contact. To do this, try not to touch or wipe them while refueling the lighter. It is recommended to use closed clothing and gloves during the refueling process.

Why does Zippo lighter fuel evaporate so quickly?

Zippo fuel fluid is completely natural, so it tends to evaporate relatively quickly, which continues even when the lighter is not in use. When going on a long trip, it is recommended, just in case, to refuel the product before leaving.

The gas cylinder can be used several times, but after each refueling, the pressure inside it will decrease. Therefore, before proceeding directly to this process, the lighter needs to be held for some time in freezer, which will make it possible to fill it in a larger volume.

Zippo lighters are renowned for their quality and durability. You can use any liquid for lighters, but not liquid for charcoal, making fires and barbecues. Pour liquid from a container onto cotton wool. If you bought a large container of lighter fluid, first pour a small amount into a smaller squeeze bottle. To do this, we naturally need a lighter in good condition and a can of gas for refueling lighters.

The room in which you are going to refuel your lighter should be ventilated, there should not be any sources of ignition nearby. Do not fill the lighter to the end. Gas enters the lighter under pressure and in case of overflow, the lighter may explode. Included with a can for refueling lighters are adapters for different valves.

While refueling, it is best to hold the bottle in your left hand and the lighter in your right, but if you are left-handed, then the opposite is true. In order to fill the lighter more completely, put it in the freezer for a few minutes before refueling.

Before moving on to the issue of refueling, you need to talk a little about how you can refuel the lighter. It is best to fill the lighter with specialized gasoline, although you can also use a regular machine or cuirassier.

To understand how to refuel a gasoline lighter, we will consider refueling a Zippo lighter (zippo), since there are many varieties of gasoline lighters, but the principle of their refueling is the same. Taking out the lighter from the case, we see a felt pad, bend its corner so that the cotton balls are visible. Now put the felt back in place and assemble the lighter with the body. Fold back its edge, under it you will see the filler of the lighter.

Then light your lighter. This is especially important for those who are used to carrying their lighter in their pocket. Evaporation continues even when the Zippo lighter is not in use. The famous Lifetime Warranty applies to all gasoline lighters by default.

How do I change the wick in my windproof Zippo lighter?

We make engraving on lighters purchased in our store. Signature fuel Zippo Premium Lighter Fluid is gasoline, purified from oily additives. On it, the Zippo lighter works flawlessly: it lights up from the first click, gives a steady flame. Disadvantage: high volatility, in a few weeks it completely evaporates even from a closed lighter.

A regular zippo holds about 10 ml of fuel. On average, a lighter needs to be refueled once a week. You may have to use force. If the insert in a new lighter is a little frayed, this is normal. 5. Pour fuel into the insert. Do not rush: cotton wool does not absorb liquid immediately. When you see that the balls are completely saturated with fuel and it rises to the edges of the insert, finish refueling.

To avoid this, the manufacturer recommends wearing the lighter upside down for the first time after refueling. For which either a branded case or a narrow jeans pocket will come in handy. During this time, we advise you to wash your hands and wipe the outside of the lighter, even if they appear dry.

Buy lighter fluid. Ronson Lighter Fuel Not surprisingly, your favorite lighter can run out of gas. You can buy fuel for refueling Zippo Lighter Fluid lighters in the online store