How to store beets in winter. How to store beets at home

Store beets in winter period simple enough. This is the mildest vegetable, it is stored until the next harvest. Even some storage errors are not so dangerous for the root crop.

What varieties are most suitable for storage

After digging, the root crops fall into the winter dormant period. Its duration depends on the conditions created. If they correspond, then the beets are stored in winter for a very long time. The length of the period is slightly different for different varieties.

Early varieties characterized by a fairly short winter rest time. As soon as the temperature in the storage room rises to + 7-8 ° C, they germinate. Associated with this is the difficulty of storing them after harvesting. Early varieties ripen in mid-late July; it is very difficult to ensure proper storage conditions during this period. But if it is possible to create the necessary microclimate at least to a minimum, then it will lie for 3-4 months. If not, then the roots are used within 2-3 months, otherwise they will wither and become unusable.

Beet medium and late varieties stored perfectly. Even at home, they are able to last until February-March, and in the cellar the roots are stored until the next harvest. However, as the temperature rises, the beets begin to sprout. Mid-season varieties germinate faster than late ones.

Harvest preparation for storage

Storage preparation includes:

  • drying root crops;
  • removal of tops;
  • pruning roots;
  • sorting.

Drying. Immediately after digging, the beets are left in the garden for 3-5 hours to dry and ventilate. If the day is rainy, then for drying, the roots are removed under a canopy, where they are laid out in one layer and left for 2-3 days, regularly turning them over.

It is not necessary to ventilate the beets for too long, otherwise they will begin to lose moisture, become flabby and tasteless.

Removing the tops... If the beets have been ventilated in the air, then the leaves are removed before harvesting under the canopy. If the vegetables were in the barn, then the tops are cut off after 1-2 days.

The leaves are cut with a knife or twisted. It is preferable to twist the tops, since it breaks off just at the right height, the apical bud remains intact.

If the leaves do not break off well, then they are cut with a knife, leaving a 1 cm tail. It is important not to damage the apical bud, otherwise the beets will rot during storage.

Root pruning... After trimming the leaves, remove all roots. Root crops are carefully cleaned from the ground and the side roots are cut off or carefully cut with a knife.

The main root is cut to 1/3 of the length. If it is not trimmed, then in winter the root tip dries up, becomes rotten and decays. Usually rot spreads from here (if the apical kidney is not damaged). A very long root is cut in half.

Sorting... Next, the roots are sorted by size. Small beets are lower in fiber and store better. Large - more fibrous it is stored somewhat worse, by the middle of winter it already withers and dries up or germinates. Therefore, small and large vegetables are stored separately from each other, or large beets put on top for early use.

Damaged vegetables are not stored for storage, but used immediately. Root crops injured during digging are not stored. Beets are more difficult to form cork tissue at the site of injury than, for example, carrots or potatoes. Water gradually accumulates in the wound and the beets rot.

Storage conditions for beets in winter at home

For the best preservation in winter, a vegetable needs:

  1. Dark place. They germinate quickly in the light.
  2. Free air circulation. If there is insufficient air flow, the crop will rot.
  3. Temperature 1-4 ° C. When the temperature rises, the respiration of root crops increases, they intensively lose moisture and become flabby. They germinate at a temperature of 7-8 ° C. In the first 2 months, the temperature should be maintained no higher than 4 ° C, otherwise the crop will germinate. After this period, all winter until spring, root crops are in a state of deep dormancy and do not germinate even when the temperature rises by 1-2 degrees.
  4. Humidity 90-95%. With its decrease, the beets gradually dry out, shrivel, become flabby and unsuitable for food.

However, even with a slight deviation of indicators in winter, the preservation of root crops is high, although their keeping quality somewhat decreases. At home, in the absence of balconies, it is more difficult to store beets, its keeping quality decreases to 3-5 months.

Root crops are sorted out once a month. They remove rotten, lost elasticity, specimens damaged by pests.

Root storage

Beets can be stored in boxes, plastic bags (without tying them), next to potatoes and carrots, in dry sand, ash, in bulk, in the refrigerator. Fodder roots and beets grown on an industrial scale are stored in piles.

How to store beets in cellars and basements

The cellar is the most the best place for beets in winter. Here vegetables are stored until the next harvest.

  1. Root crops are placed in bulk on dry sand with a layer of no more than 5 cm. If the floor is concrete or wood, then the crop is poured onto pallets 10-15 cm high. This is done for better air circulation.
  2. If stored in the cellar potato, then sprinkle the beets on top of it. Potatoes in winter need 75-80% moisture for good keeping quality. When the tubers breathe, a significant amount of moisture is released, and the beets are excellent at absorbing it. Under these conditions, both potatoes and beets are stored perfectly.
  3. The harvest is folded into boxes and place them on the floor and shelves, without covering anything.
  4. How to store beets in sand or sawdust... The bottom of the box is covered with sand and the roots are laid out. Each layer is sprinkled with sand. Sand (and sawdust) impedes the flow of moisture to the crop, and also inhibits the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the vegetables.

Can store beets in the basement apartment buildings if in winter there is not too much heat... Root crops are placed in boxes and baskets, you can sprinkle them with sand. It is not recommended to store beets in bags in the basement, since air circulation there is still limited, and the bag makes it even more difficult, and the crop can rot.

How to keep beets in an apartment

It is rather difficult to store a vegetable in a city apartment in winter if there is neither a basement nor a balcony. It will not be possible to create here necessary conditions... In winter, the air in the apartment is rather dry and warm. Therefore, the coldest place is chosen for the harvest (corridor, pantry). Styrofoam is placed on the bottom of the box, beets are laid out and sand is sprinkled over it. From above, the boxes are closed with a second sheet of foam. Styrofoam prevents moisture evaporation and heat exchange between root crops and environment... This results in a relatively constant temperature and humidity inside the box. In such conditions, the crop is stored for 3-5 months, depending on the temperature in the room.

Beets are stored in bags in the same way.

If there are few beets, then prepare a dressing for borscht. This preservative can be stored for up to 1.5 years. You can grate the root vegetables and freeze them in the freezer. But after defrosting, re-freezing is impossible, otherwise the vegetable will lose its taste and shape.

If the harvest is large and it is impossible to preserve it all in a processed form, then the root crops are dipped in a clay solution and dried. In this form, they can be stored even in relatively warm conditions(temperature 10-12 ° C) within 4-6 months.

Storing beets on the balcony

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, then the harvest can be stored there all winter. It is put into boxes, sprinkling the beets with sand. You can put it in plastic bags that do not need to be tied, otherwise the crop will rot. Root crops are left on the balcony and, depending on the weather in winter, they are covered with rags, blankets, foam rubber, foam. If the winter is very cold, then on the coldest days (temperatures below -28 ° C), the root crops are brought into the room. A few days in warm conditions will not have any effect on the safety of the crop.

Storing root vegetables in the refrigerator

The keeping quality of the vegetable in the refrigerator is low. Beets can be stored under these conditions for no more than 2-3 weeks, then the roots begin to get wet and rot. The reason for this is insufficient air exchange. There is almost no fresh air flow in the refrigerator and the moisture released by the root crops again settles on them, condensation forms. The crop is moistened and rotted.

Therefore, if the refrigerator is the only place preservation of the harvest, every 2 weeks the beets are removed and dried for 18-24 hours, then harvested again. This technique somewhat increases the keeping quality of the root crop in the refrigerator.

Shelter vegetables in piles

The piles store table beets grown on an industrial scale, as well as fodder beets. The preservation of the crop in the piles is very good. Despite the fact that vegetables are stored on the ground (or in a small depression) in winter they do not freeze and lie almost until summer.

Burts are arranged at the highest and driest place with a groundwater not less than 1 m.If the place is flat, then a ditch is dug around the perimeter of the future storage facility for the drainage of rain and melt water... The collar must have ventilation, the simplest form is supply and exhaust ventilation... The width of the storage directly depends on the climate: in middle lane 2-2.2 m, in Siberia at least 3 m, in the south 1-1.3 m. Vegetables are placed in bulk with a ridge, and the storage is covered. Burts can be buried 15-30 cm into the ground.

The bottom of the pile is lined with a layer of spruce branches or hay. All material must be completely dry.

The covering material and the thickness of the covering layer directly depend on the weather in winter. The colder the winters in the region, the thicker and more layers should be in storage. Root crops are first covered with spruce branches to protect against rodents, then covered with a layer of hay or straw and covered with earth on top. On the ridge of the shoulder, the covering layer should be less than on the sides, since it is through the ridge that excessive heat is removed. If there are heavy rains in the fall, then the ridge is covered with a film so that water does not penetrate into the storage, otherwise the crop will rot. Before the onset of stable cold weather, the pile is not completely closed.

To measure the temperature inside the storage, thermometers are installed: one on the ridge, the second on the north side of the pile. At a temperature of + 2-4 degrees inside the store, it is completely closed for the winter. If the temperature inside in winter has dropped to + 1 ° C, then the pile is additionally insulated by throwing snow on it.

Burts are a way out for those who have absolutely no place to store their crops. Other vegetables can be kept in these storage facilities.

Beets, like other root vegetables, are well stored in a cellar or basement. In such premises, ideal conditions are created for her. Its storage does not pose any particular problems, since its keeping quality is much better than that of potatoes or carrots. If the beets are properly stored and not allowed to total mass harvest, specimens affected by infectious diseases got, then in the spring they get strong healthy roots from the cellar, which have not lost their taste.

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    Harvest preparation for long-term storage

    If harvested crop improperly processed, then the keeping quality of root crops is significantly reduced. Damage with a knife or careless blow can provoke infection, which after a while leads to decay, the development of diseases and a complete loss of crops.

    It should be borne in mind that different varieties beets are stored in different ways. Some should be consumed immediately, while others can lie for months and not lose their qualities. The following varieties of root crops are suitable for long-term storage:

    • Late winter;
    • Mulatto;
    • Detroit;
    • Salad;
    • Bordeaux 237.

    These vegetables have a dense skin, and they have a strong immunity to bacteria that provoke the appearance of rot.

    Collection technology

    Most often, beets are simply pulled out of the soil by the tops. But at the same time, it is easy to damage the skin - cut or scratch. Any damage, even the smallest, will shorten the shelf life of vegetables. It is necessary to correctly collect the root crops as follows: with the help of a pitchfork and a shovel, carefully dig in the beets, lift them together with an earthen lump and pull them out by the tops.

    A warm and dry day is chosen for harvesting, as this helps to extend the shelf life of root crops. It is important to remove the beets before the first frost, otherwise they will not be suitable for storage.


    Before storing the crop, it must be dried. If the weather is sunny and dry, then the roots can be left in the garden for 3-4 hours. Too long stay on fresh air dries vegetables.

    If the crop has to be harvested in rainy weather, then it is recommended to dry the beets in a well-ventilated area. Moreover, it is scattered on the floor in one layer. Drying takes 3–7 days.


    It is carried out immediately after drying the root crops. First, the fruits are cleaned of clay and earth. This should be done very carefully. You cannot hit them against each other and clean off the dirt with any sharp object. Through damage and cracks, pathogens can penetrate into a healthy root crop, and it will not work to save it.

    When cutting off the tops, you need to leave a tail no more than 1 cm long. It is forbidden to twist it with your hands, but it is better to use scissors or a sharp knife. The side roots are also cut with these items. The main root is cut, leaving a tail of about 7 cm. If it is short and branched, then it is advisable not to touch it.

    Beets intended for storage should not only be washed, but also wetted, because a thin layer of soil on the root vegetable protects it and promotes long-term storage.

    How to store beets properly in a cellar or basement?

    It is best to send the beets for the winter to the cellar or basement, observing following conditions storage:

    • good ventilation;
    • lack of light;
    • humidity level 90%;
    • minimum elevation (10-15 cm) above floor level;
    • air temperature from 0 to +2 degrees.

    If the temperature drops below 0 degrees, then the root crops may freeze, and its rise to +4 degrees leads to the fact that their tops begin to sprout.

    Beets can be stored in plastic or wooden containers, bags, covered with sand, sawdust or laid out on shelves. You can make a wooden grate, lay it on the floor, and sprinkle vegetables on it. Thanks to this method, air masses circulate better, having a beneficial effect on the harvest.

    In sand and salt

    You can store beets in a cellar or basement in river sand, and it must be clean and calcined. To do this, use scorching Sun rays or an oven. It is important to sanitize the sand well, and by the time the vegetables are buried, it should have completely cooled down. Root crops are buried in such a way that they do not touch the sides, and sand is poured on top with a layer of 2-3 cm.

    To keep the beets in the cellar as long as possible, you can sprinkle them with salt, which has antimicrobial qualities and prevents rotting. Roots sprinkled with salt tolerate winter well. Vegetables can be treated with thick brine. After drying, they are stored for a very long time.

    On potatoes and in plastic bags

    The neighborhood of these vegetables is often practiced by gardeners. The beets are laid out on top of the potato tubers. This creates the necessary level of moisture, since potatoes are able to actively release it during storage. For maximum efficiency, onion or garlic heads can be placed on top of the root crops. These vegetables release disinfectants that purify the indoor environment and neutralize harmful bacteria.

    Storing beets on potatoes

    You can store beets in the cellar in plastic bags. The bags are not tied to allow air to enter the vegetables.

    In ash or sawdust

    Root crops can be sprinkled with ordinary ash, which is pre-sieved through a fine sieve. It prevents the decay process.

    Storing beets in sawdust

    It is very effective to sprinkle vegetables with chalk powder, sawdust, sauerkraut or peat, which are products of natural origin that do not emit harmful substances and does not contain chemicals. You can shift the beets with horseradish leaves, ferns, walnut or branches of wormwood.

    In clay

    You can store beets in the cellar in clay. This method is harmless and quite effective. Clay collected in an ecologically clean place is sieved through a coarse sieve and diluted with water to form a consistency similar to sour cream.

    Roots should be lowered into this mass in turn. When the clay dries on them, the vegetables are sent for further storage. The clay layer prevents rotting and diseases from developing.

    How to store beets in an apartment?

    You can store beets without a cellar. If the gardener lives in an apartment, and he does not have basement, then you can store vegetables at home on the balcony or loggia. It is desirable that they are glazed, and in winter the temperature does not drop below zero. For root vegetables, a plastic or wooden container filled with sand is best. It must be clean, sifted and calcined.

    A layer is poured into the box river sand, lay the vegetables so that they do not come into contact with each other, pour sand on top again, and then lay out the beets again. Top vegetables are covered with another layer of sand. This method helps them to be stored for several months.

    If the balcony is not glazed, then a voluminous and tightly knit wooden box can be used. Inside it is insulated with expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam, and a small lamp is installed, which will slightly heat the container. The main thing is that the beets do not freeze with the onset of cold weather, as they will lose their beneficial features and will be unfit for food.

    If the apartment does not even have a balcony, then vegetables can be stored in dark places:

    • under tables;
    • wardrobes;
    • beds.

    The main thing is that there are no heating devices or radiators nearby. Boxes are needed here again. Root crops are sprinkled with chalk, sand or sawdust. You can also use a clay solution. In such conditions, beets overwinter perfectly, do not lose their appearance and nutritional value long time. It is only necessary to sort it out from time to time, removing spoiled roots.

The main purpose of the cellars and basements is to store vegetables in the winter. Third most popular after potatoes and carrots garden vegetable- beet. It grows well even in harsh climates and does not require particularly difficult maintenance. For canning, beets are practically not used, but fresh and boiled are added to many dishes of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine... A lot has already been said about how to store beets in a cellar in winter. I propose to systematize this knowledge and sort it out on the shelves.

Correct collection and preparation of root crops for laying

A dry and sunny day is best for digging up beets. Since an impressive part of the "body" of beets is above the ground, it does not tolerate night frosts. If the vegetable freezes, then it will be bad to lie in the winter. The frozen part will quickly deteriorate and rot. Therefore, choose the right time for harvesting. In the middle lane, beets are harvested in October, and in the southern latitudes - at the end of October - November.

Beets are afraid of frost, since most of the root crop is located above the ground.

If the beets are dug out in rainy weather, the roots will need to be dried. Humidity promotes the active reproduction of pathogens and fungi that damage vegetables, cause rot and mold.

Root crops must be carefully dug in with a shovel or pitchfork and pulled out by the tops. Perform all actions carefully, trying not to damage the skin. Any crack or scratch on the surface of the vegetable will make it difficult to store, as this “ opened door"For bacteria.

After the harvest is harvested, it is worth carrying out a number of simple manipulations:

  1. We clean up. Gently shake off and clean off the stuck earth from the root crops. We clean the dirt with our hands in gardening gloves or with a rag. It is better not to use a knife or spatula for this, as it is very easy to damage vegetables with sharp objects. Also, do not hit the root crops on hard surfaces or against each other in order to knock off the stuck earth.
  2. We cut off the roots. We remove the thin side roots completely, shorten the central root to 6-7 centimeters. We also perform these actions by hand. If the center root is too thick, you can trim it with pruning shears or scissors.
  3. We remove the tops. Collect the beet leaves in a bunch and cut them to a height of half a centimeter. We do not cut the tops off too short, so as not to affect the root crop itself.
  4. We dry it. For drying, the beets can be laid out on a mat on outdoors if the weather permits. Or sprinkle it in a single vegetable in a dry and well-ventilated area. If the crop was harvested in the rain, vegetables should be dried for at least a week.
  5. We disassemble by size. Clean and dried root vegetables should be sorted by size. Ideal for storing medium-sized vegetables, round and firm. Too large (as well as too small) roots are stored worse. Separate spoiled or damaged vegetables immediately. It is better to put them in the refrigerator in order to use them first or to recycle them.

The harvest is ready for laying in the cellar. It remains in the cellar itself to create necessary conditions for storage, properly prepare the place and carry out some preventive measures.

Cellar temperature and humidity

Storing beets in a cellar is easy. It is enough to follow the rules typical for the storage of most root crops. In a well-built basement or cellar, protected from cold and moisture, these conditions are easily met. However, in order for the crop losses to be minimal and burgundy vegetables to last until the next season, it is worth paying additional attention to several points.

Burgundy roots are well stored if the conditions necessary for them are observed.

The main factors affecting the safety of root crops in winter in a cellar or underground are air temperature and humidity in the room.

Store beets correctly at temperatures from 0 to +2 degrees. If the cellar is warm, vegetables will quickly begin to wither. A slight increase in temperature (up to +4 degrees) leads to the germination of beets. The vegetable also does not tolerate freezing. Therefore, if the weather forecast promises early frosts, cover the boxes with beets with felt, burlap or straw.

The moisture required for better preservation of burgundy roots is 90%. This is enough high rate, in comparison with other vegetables.

Good ventilation in the room is also important. The air in the cellar must circulate and not stagnate. V otherwise rot will quickly form on the fruit.

Before lowering the harvest into the cellar, it is advisable to equip the room - to make shelves or racks inside. It is not recommended to place boxes with beets on a clay or concrete floor. Also, do not lean them against the walls of the room, as condensation often forms on them. As a last resort, you can simply build a flooring with planks. The distance from boxes or bags of vegetables to the floor should be at least 15 centimeters.

Beet storage boxes must have ventilation holes... If you are storing root vegetables in trellised vegetable containers, please note that the open spaces should not be more than 5 cm in size. Otherwise, the smallest representatives of root crops will fall out. You can make special bins for beets, about 1 meter high, like for potatoes.

Before planting the crop, clean the cellar, dry the room and process the walls with lime. This will help keep the crop free from mold and microorganisms. If rodents are found in your basement, take care of their timely eviction from your territory.

Inspect the root vegetable crates from time to time. Vegetables that have begun to deteriorate should be removed immediately.

Methods for storing beets in the cellar

Each vegetable has its own (favorable for it) storage conditions. However, in general, the same rules are typical for the maturation of most root crops. Beets are even easier to store than carrots or potatoes.

Storing beets is easy - they are less whimsical than other vegetables.

How to store beets properly:

  • With potatoes. Sprinkle the beets in an even layer on top of the potatoes in a potato box. In doing so, we create optimal conditions for both vegetables. Potatoes love dryness and spoil quickly during humid room... But beets need a little more moisture than most vegetables. In such conditions, the beets will not only feel good, but also take away excess moisture from the potatoes, thereby protecting them from decay.
  • In small boxes with holes. The beets are poured into small wooden or plastic boxes. There is no need to cover the boxes. They must have openings for air in.
  • Pyramids on the shelves. Burgundy roots can be stored directly on the shelves and collected in pyramids. The shelves are pre-covered with burlap or straw. The pyramids should not touch the basement walls and upper shelves.
  • Ash or sand . We put the beets in wooden boxes and pour wood ash or sand. As for the sand, you can completely bury the beets in it. The main thing is to pre-ignite it in order to disinfect it. For storing crops, it is best to take river sand.
  • Sprinkle with salt. This method is similar to the previous one, only table salt is used as an adsorbent. Salt the vegetables generously in drawers, or dip each root vegetable in a strong saline solution and pat dry. Then put it away for storage.
  • Mixed with leaves. Shuffle the roots with rowan, wormwood, or fern leaves. These plants prevent the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora, as they emit volatile substances of phytoncides.
  • Immersion of roots in clay. Dilute the greasy clay solution with water. The density of a properly diluted clay mass should resemble sour cream. You can add a little chalk to the clay. Dip each root vegetable separately in the solution and let dry. Repeat the procedure. After re-drying, you can store the beets.
  • In large plastic bags. This method can be used for small basements where you want to save space. The bags are not placed on the cellar floor, but on wooden coasters or bricks. Try not to put more than 40 kilograms of root vegetables in one bag.

The best way to store beets is to sprinkle them on top of the potatoes.

By choosing any of these methods and maintaining the required microclimate in the cellar, you can preserve the beet crop until the next season. Mid- and late-ripening beet varieties are best. For example:

  • Bordeaux 237.
  • Late winter A-474.
  • Egyptian flat.
  • Red ball.
  • Libero.

Knowing how to properly store beets, you can significantly reduce the yield losses of this root crop in the winter.

Growing good large beets is not enough. The main thing is to keep the harvest as long as possible. In winter, vegetables are much more expensive. It makes sense to stock up on your own, if possible. For owners of private plots, the question of where to place root crops after harvesting is not worth it. All crops grown in the garden are sent to the cellar. it perfect place for storage, provided that it is properly equipped. How to store beets in the cellar in winter so that they do not germinate and wither? We'll share with you some secrets to help you keep your family fresh for the season ahead.

Cooking beets for the "descent" into the cellar correctly

Long-term storage guarantee - correct preparation fruits after harvest. It is better to dig up beets in dry, sunny weather. Then it will be possible to leave it to dry under the sun for a couple of hours. After the crop should be carefully sorted out. For winter storage it is necessary to select only absolutely healthy and whole fruits. They should not show signs of decay. Damaged during digging should be used first. She will not lie for a long time. Leave the sorted beets to dry for a week under a canopy, in the shade.

It is better to cut the tops with scissors or a knife. If you tear with your hands, there is a risk of damaging the fetus itself. The tails are left completely.

Storage conditions

In order for all vegetables, including beets, to lie longer, the basement must also be "correct". Optimum temperature indicators should not exceed 2 ° C heat, and humidity - 90%. The more dampness and the warmer in the cellar, the faster the fruits will germinate and deteriorate.

The presence of ventilation is one of the important conditions for maintaining the desired microclimate in the cellar.

How to store beets in the cellar in winter: methods

Most gardeners simply dump the fruit onto the floor. It is quite possible, but it would be better to build a separate compartment. It must be above floor level to allow air to flow from below.

You can extend the shelf life of beets using some tricks, namely:

  1. Place the fruits on top of the potato tubers.
  2. Pour sand in a box.
  3. Dip each beetroot in ash or chopped chalk.
  4. Treat with strong saline solution before storing.

Some summer residents also cover the root crops with fern foliage. It is said to inhibit the development of disease.

Having dried the beets well and sorted them out, it is quite possible to preserve them practically until the next harvest. And if you open the doors to the cellar in good weather, then it will not germinate.

How to keep the beet crop until spring? Beets are characterized by good keeping quality and relative resistance to cold temperatures, therefore, with proper storage, the beet harvest can persist until spring. How to preserve and store red beets, storage conditions for red beets for the winter, read on.

  • Temperature regime is the main condition for proper storage of beets..

    How best to store beets for the winter. When storing beets with any of possible ways storage temperature should not exceed 2-3 ◦С and not fall below 0 ◦С. Low temperatures (below 0 ◦С) contribute to the freezing of the root crop, complete or partial, which negatively affects the nutritional and nutritional qualities of the vegetable. But a temperature above 4-5 ◦C can provoke the germination of tops (leaves) and, as a result, such beets will not last long, after a couple of weeks they will be unsuitable for long-term storage. Therefore, such temperature regime(from 0 to 3 ◦С) it is extremely important to maintain at least the first couple of months. With the right temperature, the beet harvest can last throughout the winter.

  • Beet varieties for winter storage.

    How to preserve beets properly? It has long been noticed that some beets last longer, while others deteriorate or germinate after a couple of months, although all storage conditions are observed. With what it can be connected? Of course with a variety of beets. When choosing beets, you should pay attention to the size of the vegetable, there are varieties in which the beets grow small, and this negatively affects the shelf life. You should not give preference to too large fruits, they are stored better than small ones, but they are inferior in taste. Large beets are often fibrous and not so sweet.

    Pay attention to the following varieties of beets: Salad, Cold-resistant, Egyptian, Mulatto, Bordeaux and Libero. These beet varieties have excellent taste, the fruit is medium in size, and it is stored for a long time and without loss.

  • Crop storage periods.

    The storage period of the crop depends on the conditions and method of storage of the beets. If the beets are stored correctly, if the fruit itself is not damaged, then the harvested crop can be stored without loss throughout the winter and spring. If the storage conditions are not respected, and the fruits were damaged, then the crop may deteriorate and disappear after 1 - 2 months.

  • Harvest storage conditions.

    How best to store beets in winter time? The beet crop must be stored in proper conditions. What does it mean? In the place where the beets are stored, the temperature regime must be maintained in order to avoid germination and freezing of the beets, which leads to losses in the amount of the crop. Humidity should be at least 90%, otherwise the beets will dry out, and this will adversely affect the quality of the product. The place where the beet crop is stored must be dark, the air must circulate, stagnation and musty air lead to spoilage.

  • Where and what to store the beet crop?

    How to properly preserve beets for the winter? The main storage sites for crops are divided into two options: outdoor and indoor. Outside the premises, vegetables can be stored in pits and trenches. But the storage rooms for beets can be different: basement, cellar, apartment, balcony or any dark and cool room with high humidity... The most good place for storing beets is a cellar or basement. It is always dark in these rooms, humidity and temperature are within the required ranges for storing this product, there is natural circulation air.

Beets are most often stored on the floor (on the ground), in wooden boxes, on the shelves and sprinkled with sand. How to store red beets in winter, how best to keep beets for the winter further.

Storage methods

You can choose any method for storing beets for the winter, but none of them will be reliable if you prepare the beets incorrectly. Correct storage beets for the winter and how to properly store beets for the winter you will learn in this section. Harvesting before storing beets must be done before the first frost. Even minor frosts can damage the root crop. Harvesting is necessary in dry autumn weather.

How to keep beets fresh for the winter? After harvesting the beets, you need to prepare them. Preparation of beets before storage for the winter is carried out immediately after harvest... First of all, the beets must be dried. You can dry in the garden (in dry weather) or indoors.

After drying, it is necessary to clean the vegetables from the ground, in no case do we beat them together. Then we cut off the tops with a knife, but not at the very root. You cannot break it and twist it, such manipulations can damage vegetables.

It is more difficult to store beets at home, because you need to allocate a special room for it or create certain conditions. You can store it on the balcony in a dark box or bag... When stored in bags, beets sometimes need to be ventilated and sorted to avoid mold. You can also store beets in the refrigerator, only sometimes you need to check their condition so that they do not sprout and deteriorate.

How to keep red beets fresh for the winter? Storing beets in a cellar is one of the safest and most common methods. It can be stored on the floor or on shelves, it is usually laid out in the form of a pyramid, this ensures normal air circulation between vegetables.

Many housewives store already boiled beets. This method has some disadvantages, namely the shelf life. Boiled beets can be stored for up to 15 - 20 days in the refrigerator, and up to 30 - 45 days in the freezer.

How to save table beets for the winter? Recently, housewives have learned to dry and dry beets. Dry or dried beets can be stored for quite a long time (up to 6 months) at home. It can be used for both first and second courses. Storing beetroot for the winter will help you stay healthy at this time of year.

How to save beets for the winter. There is another popular way to store beets - freezing.... Freezing beets can be done at home using freezer... Both boiled and raw beets are frozen. The shelf life of beets using this method ranges from 1 to 2 months. Storing beets for the winter requires special care.

How to preserve the tops?

Beet greens are also a valuable product... It contains a lot of vitamin C and fiber. It can be used for making salads and used as bait for animals, so the tops are not thrown away. You can keep it fresh, freeze or pickle.

When storing it fresh, all the rules for temperature and humidity are observed as for beets. If the tops are frozen or pickled, then they must be prepared.... The tops are washed and cleaned of all excess, cut into pieces (about 5 cm). Place in portions in containers or bags with fasteners and freeze.

The tops are stored in the freezer for about 3 months. Pickled tops can be stored for up to 6 months.

Storage of fodder beets

Fodder beets are stored in the same way. The main indicators are the temperature and humidity of the room in which the beets are stored. Do not wash the beets before storing.