Cinquefoil shrub propagation by cuttings in water. Cinquefoil: planting, breeding methods

This plant is a gardener's real dream, because caring for cinquefoil is so simple that even a beginner can handle it, and a variety of varieties and colors allow the shrub to be used in various garden compositions.

Deciduous shrub cinquefoil, native to mountainous regions far east, Altai, Siberia, Central Asia, Europe, China, Japan and North America. The plant has several historical names, each of which reveals its essence:

  • Potentilla - for the similarity of leaves with the paws of birds;
  • Kuril tea - due to its medicinal properties, the broth is often consumed in the form of tea;
  • dasiphora- from description appearance a bush, the leaves and stems of which are densely covered with fine hairs, "dasys" - "thick-haired", "phoros" - "bearing";
  • five-leafed flower - originally a cinquefoil flower has five petals.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, decorative varieties of Kuril tea abound in a variety of shapes and colors that will bring bright notes to any garden area.

Potential use of Potentilla

Five-leafed shrub is an almost universal shrub that is easy to form and retains decorative view from early spring to late autumn.

Low-growing varieties of Potentilla look great in. Dwarf bush covered from June to October bright colors, will become the center of composition and an excellent company for decorative leafy creeping perennials.

For a rock garden, it is better to choose a dwarf shrub cinquefoil, which will not cause problems in care, while a creeping type of shrub will have to be cut more often due to its aggressive growth.

Tall varieties, reaching 1.5 m, are best suited for use in creation. Such a "live" fence will delight the eye until winter. So that the hedge does not lose its decorative effect in the cold season, it is good to combine the five-leafed plant with evergreen conifers, moreover, they are very favorable to such a neighborhood.

Caring for cinquefoil

The shrub is a real find for busy summer residents who nevertheless want to enjoy the view of their plot. It is especially pleasing that Kuril tea is practically not susceptible to diseases, foliar processing will help to cope with this. boric acid or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Basic plant care consists of 3 elementary parts:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pruning.

The plant is unpretentious, but responds gratefully to watering, especially in hot summer. For good growth, it is advisable to water Kuril tea twice a week. The water temperature does not play a special role, and the optimal amount is about 5 liters for each bush.

For feeding Potentilla, it is better to use combined ones. You can use both ready-made mixtures and make them yourself. To do this, dissolve 20-30 g of phosphates and 10-15 g of potassium fertilizers in 10 liters of water. This amount is sufficient for one adult plant. The first feeding of Potentilla is best done in the spring, after the buds have awakened.

Spring care for Potentilla plays the greatest role in plant development. As soon as the snow melts, you can carry out the first pruning of Potentilla shrub. At this time, last year's flower stalks are removed. If there was no time for the first pruning, then the main pruning of Potentilla shrub is carried out when the buds awaken and it will be seen how well the plant overwintered.

If the winter was harsh, bush cinquefoil can come out of hibernation for a long time, so do not rush to pruning.

In autumn, the five-leafed plant is pruned, preparing the plant for wintering. At this time, remove all overgrown shoots. Give the shrub the desired shape. With the first frosts, you can remove the remaining Potentilla peduncles, then they will not need to be cut in the spring.

Reproduction and planting of shrubs

The plant is unpretentious to soils, light-requiring, although it tolerates partial shade. If you want to get the most positive result, then do not be too lazy to observe a few rules when planting and then Potentilla will thank you rapid growth and abundant flowering.

It is best to plant Potentilla shrub in the spring, if in the spring you did not have time to decorate the site with this plant, then it is better to postpone planting until autumn. The optimum depth of the pit for planting shrubs is 50-60 cm. A drainage layer, about 15 cm, is poured onto the bottom. Further, the pit is filled with a soil mixture of sand, humus and sod land. Regardless of the season, planting a five-leaf plant is best done in warm, cloudy weather.

The top layer of the soil must be mulched, this will help to avoid excessive drying out of the soil. For mulching, you can use sawdust, pine needles or peat.

Shrub cinquefoil can be propagated in several ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.


The most popular is the propagation of Potentilla by shrub cuttings. In summer, cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut from one-year-old twigs. The lower leaves and buds are carefully removed. Prepared cuttings are placed in a loose, well-moistened substrate in boxes, or in a shady part of the garden. To accelerate the formation of the root system, the top is covered with plastic bags or cans. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with a layer of sawdust or needles to protect them from frost.

Reproduction by layering

By layering, you can propagate low-growing, spreading varieties of Potentilla, which have branches growing parallel to the ground. For rooting, a small incision is made on the bark of a plant, near the bud, it is placed in moist soil and pressed. Layers can be separated from the parent bush by next year, in the spring.

Dividing the bush

The strongest planting material is obtained by propagating Kuril tea by dividing the bush. Plants aged 4 years and older are suitable for this. Adult plant dug out, a part of the root with growth buds is separated from it. The cuttings are placed in a rooting agent (Bioglobin, Gumix, or whatever you are accustomed to using) for 12 hours. After that, the plants are planted in previously prepared pits so that the growth bud is 5 cm deep. Potentilla transplant by dividing the bush can be carried out in autumn or spring.

Growing from seeds

Seed propagation is the most time-consuming method, but thanks to it, the most decorative and rare varieties of Potentilla shrub can be grown. For planting, seeds are suitable that have been stored for no more than 3 years. If the seeds are too dry, then they should be soaked in water for a day to awaken. The seeds are placed in fertile soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.Water and cover with foil or plastic bottle.

The first shoots appear in three weeks, after another month they can be planted. A plant grown from seeds will delight with flowering in the third year after planting.

The medicinal properties of Potentilla shrub

There are legends about the healing power of Potentilla shrub. According to legend, Ilya Muromets used it to restore strength and drive out evil spirits. And these are not just fairy tales, the medicinal properties of Kuril tea are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine... Cinquefoil will become not only a garden decoration, but also a real living first-aid kit for the whole family.

A decoction of leaves and stems helps fight hypertension, thyroid diseases. Copes with diarrhea, colitis, is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The use of Kuril tea for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases has also proven itself well.

Rhizomes of Potentilla shrubs in the form of a decoction are used to remove radiation from the body, reduce cholesterol levels, in rheumatism and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The ability of Potentilla shrub to fight many is by no means magical properties, as it was believed in the old days, but unique chemical composition, which can be the envy of many pharmacological drugs. So, this bright shrub is rich in substances such as: iron, iodine, zinc, nickel, silver, etc.

All varieties of Potentilla have medicinal properties, however, they are most pronounced in White-flowered Potentilla.

Kuril tea, due to its ability to lower blood pressure, should be used with caution if hypotonic.

Autumn garden decoration shrub cinquefoil - video

Cinquefoil - the northern hemisphere is considered the birthplace of the plant. Cinquefoil has more than half a thousand varieties, they are represented by both shrubs and herbaceous species. The plant has medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat various diseases. The plant is used to create decorations in the garden, for landscaping, for decorating green hedges.

Cinquefoil can be an annual, perennial plant. Stems are erect, widened, and also creeping. Leaves are green.

Shrub representatives can reach a height of one and a half meters, grow by a meter in width. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, but there are also single specimens. Flowers can be of different colors: red, golden, orange, pink, beige, white. The fruit contains 10 to 80 seeds.

This article helped many gardeners to stop working hard on their site and still get a generous harvest.

I never thought that in order to get best harvest on his personal plot Throughout my "summer cottage" career, I just need to stop pushing hard in the beds and trust nature. As far back as I can remember, I spent every summer at the dacha. First on the parental, and then my husband and I bought ours. From early spring to late autumn, everything free time it took to planting, weeding, garter, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, to conservation and attempts to preserve the crop until next year. And so in a circle ...

Planting Potentilla white bush

The plant does not require specific conditions for growing, apart from some species. For example, white cinquefoil, it is better to grow in a shady area; Shiny Potentilla grows on dry ground. The rest of the varieties prefer a lighted area, loose, well-fertilized soil.

Reproduction of white cinquefoil shrub

There are several ways to propagate a plant.

1. Seed. Seeds are often sown in the soil in the fall for further hardening. When they come up, you can plant them. This method is risky, seed germination is unlikely.

A more reliable way is to plant seedlings. To do this, seeds need to start germinating in February under plastic wrap... When the first leaves appear in the plant, they need to be seated in separate pots. Saplings grow very slowly, but by the end of summer it is already possible to plant them in open ground for continuous development. In the winter season, Potentilla needs insulation. Flowering occurs only in the second year.

2. Reproduction by self-seeding. In the spring, when the snow has already melted and the earth has warmed up, the seedlings are to be planted in pits. The planting hole must be prepared large, it must exceed the earthen lump two times. Gravel, humus, leaf earth, sand, complex mineral fertilizer are poured onto the bottom of the pit.

After placing the seedling in the pit, the earth is filled up, tamped down and irrigated. For several weeks, you need to make sure that the plant does not need moisture. Around the trunk, you need to mulch with straw, bark or sawdust. This process will help trap moisture in the soil.

3. Vegetative reproduction. It provides for the following processes: dividing the bush, grafting, layering. Cuttings and cuttings are carried out in the middle of summer, and the division of the bush is carried out in the spring, or closer to September.

To separate the bush, you need to pick up a four-year-old plant, dig it up, rinse and cut the roots. Several buds must be present on each of the parts.

The roots of the seedlings are treated with a growth stimulant and the plant can be planted in the soil. The distance between the seedlings should be 30 centimeters.

Cutting takes place as follows. Cuttings are prepared in the size of 10 centimeters. The cuttings should take root indoors for several months. Rooting can also be carried out in the garden, in a shady place, the seedlings should be covered with a plastic bottle. When buds appear, they must be removed. When winter comes, the plant needs to be covered with spruce branches.

Most the usual way reproduction of Potentilla - layering. Low-growing shoots are selected, incised and placed in a trench. The shoot is attached and covered with earth on top. Should be formed by autumn root system at the layering, and the plant can be separated and transplanted into a separate place.

White cinquefoil in the photo

Shrub cinquefoil, or Kuril tea, is propagated by cuttings - green or lignified, as well as by dividing the bush and layering. All these methods make it possible to easily obtain a plant similar in properties to the parent plant. What is especially important for the preservation and reproduction of especially valuable and decorative varieties and types of Potentilla.

Reproduction by layering

This method is used in the summer. On the strengthened, lignified, but flexible shoots, incisions are made at the point of contact with the ground, and they are buried in a shallow hole, after which they are pressed with a stone or pinned with a wire pin. Roots will appear in 10 days, but separate young plant it does not follow from the parent yet - let it grow stronger. During this period, the layers are watered and fed independently, simultaneously with the main bush.

It is better to separate and plant the layers in another place next year - in the spring, in the same way as a young seedling.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method is used in spring or autumn. Spring operations are carried out in areas with any climate, autumn - only in warm regions.

The Potentilla bush is dug in on one side, the roots are cut with a shovel or a hatchet, some of the roots are carefully removed, and the rest are covered with earth again. The separated fragment is cut to a height of 20-30 cm, leaving 2-3 buds, and planted in a previously dug hole.


Young green shoots, or adults who have time to woody, are suitable for reproduction of Potentilla shrub.

Young green cuttings are cut along with the leaves, it is in them that the process of photosynthesis takes place, and the substances necessary for rooting and further development are produced.

Cuttings are cut from a healthy, well-developed bush of the variety you like, and immersed in a growth stimulator. This procedure will improve the quality planting material... On a sunny day, cuttings are cut before sunrise, and on a cloudy day, throughout the day.

Cuttings cannot be cut from flowering shoots; they will be weak, painful and may not take root at all. It is best to pay attention to the medium-sized shoots without flowers. The cuttings should have 2-4 internodes, so the cuttings themselves are up to 12 cm long. At the bottom, the cut line runs within 5-10 mm from the kidney, and at the top, it is made directly above the kidney.

The planting material should be planted in the ground immediately, in extreme cases - no later than two days later, otherwise the leaves will simply wither and they can be thrown away.

To protect against infectious diseases and pests, cuttings are treated with disinfectants before planting in soil mixture.

Lignified cuttings take root faster, this propagation method is even easier and simpler. They are cut from spring to late autumn, and if they are not planted immediately in open ground, they are added dropwise into a substrate of sand and garden land until spring.

Cuttings cut in the spring are treated with growth stimulants, disinfected, and then deepened into the ground almost completely, only 1-1.5 cm of cuttings rise above the ground. In this case, one can hope that they will quickly take root and begin to grow and develop on their own.

The substrate in which the cuttings take root must be constantly moistened; if it dries, the cuttings may disappear, and it will be impossible to revive them. Although in general high humidity indoors, such cuttings are not needed, and even harmful. What can not be said about green cuttings - they need high humidity because they do not yet have roots, and they absorb moisture from the air with the help of leaves. Lignified cuttings extract it from the substrate.

Both green and lignified cuttings are added dropwise in clay or plastic pots with a drainage hole and a drainage layer.

Both those and other cuttings must be kept in a shaded place. If it is a greenhouse, cover it with an awning or paint the glass with lime. In direct sunlight, the cuttings dry out, wither and die.

The substrate for the cuttings is made in advance, from humus, lime peat, vermiculite or coarse sand. To enrich the substrate, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are added to it - they will contribute to the development of the root system and the entire plant as a whole.

Cuttings of shrub cinquefoil take root in 6-8 weeks, the root system during this time becomes strong, viable, and the cutting turns into a completely stable and independent plant.

Cuttings ready for planting in open ground are hardened - they are taken out into the street, or the cover is removed in a greenhouse, the temperature is reduced by "artificial fog", by opening windows and vents. Hardening is carried out within 2-3 weeks before disembarkation.

It is best to plant rooted cuttings in cloudy or rainy weather, before standard sizes in a permanent place at proper care, they grow in 1-2 years.

When planning to grow and propagate new crops in your garden, think about cinquefoil. Abundant and long-lasting flowering, easy care are the main advantages of this perennial. The article will tell you about the varieties of Potentilla and its planting in the open field.

Description of Potentilla: varieties and varieties

If in ancient times healers wanted to stop the blood from the wound, to anesthetize or cure poisoning, the cinquefoil came to the rescue. Care and cultivation of a crop does not cause trouble for gardeners. Now the perennial is more cultivated as ornamental plant... There are at least 500 species of Potentilla shrub (five-leafed). Here are just some varieties:

  1. Annette - up to 0.5 m, flowers are orange with a reddish tinge.
  2. Longacre - with yellow flowers.
  3. Pink Queen - with creeping shoots and pink flowers, up to 60 cm in height.
  4. Princess is a perennial cultivar with pale pink flowers.

Anyone who has been growing and breeding Potentilla for several years knows that it makes an excellent drink rich in vitamin C. For this plant is called Kuril tea. In Siberia and the Kuriles, it is most common as a remedy for colds and flu. For those who have already used Potentilla in landscape design on your site, you probably liked the ease of its cultivation and unpretentious care.

Planting a plant

The best option for a place is partial shade. When planting in a sunny area, you risk not admiring the bright bloom of the five-leafed plant. Some varieties burn out under hot rays. In absolute shade, the plant will not develop well.

Advice. Cinquefoil tolerates planting not only in open ground, but also in large flowerpots on balconies or loggias.

The soil should be rich in humus, well-drained, loam is preferred. The most demanding in this regard are pink varieties. Plant Potentilla in spring or fall. The depth of the holes is about 50 cm, the distance between them is about 60-80 cm. Lay the drainage in a layer up to 20 cm. It is best to use lime gravel: it contains calcium.

Pour soil with sand and humus on top. Place the seedling in the hole, making sure that the root collar does not go deep into the ground. Cover it with soil in combination with a complex mineral fertilizer. The final stages of planting are abundant watering and mulching with sawdust.

Advice. In addition to compost and sand, 100 g of lime or ash can be added to the pits for nutrition and maintenance.

Potentilla care

For good open field growth and flowering, the five-leafed plant needs moist soil. Therefore, the main rule of care is watering. Often only rainwater is enough for Potentilla, besides, it is considered a drought-resistant plant. However, make sure that the soil does not dry out anyway.

For young seedlings in the first 3 weeks after planting, pour half a bucket 1 time in 7-8 days. In hot summer, water it 2-3 times a week. A bucket of water will be enough for each bush, but not ice. Finish with loosening (5-10 cm deep) and mulching.

The appearance of Potentilla needs regular maintenance. Remove weeds and trim bushes. Pruning is best done in the spring or fall. Trim the twigs about 1/3 every 3 years, or a little more if your landscape design requires it.

Fertilization and feeding

In addition to mineral fertilizer, introduced during planting, Potentilla needs the following dressings:

Potassium sulfate and phosphate fertilizer:

  • 25-30 g of both per bucket of water;
  • 1 bucket is enough for 1 bush;
  • application time - spring.

Phosphorus and potash feeding:

  • use any, in accordance with the instructions;
  • application time - before flowering.

Reproduction of Potentilla

When growing Potentilla, 4 breeding methods are used:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

When propagating by layering, the incised shoot is bent to the ground. The place of the incision is fixed with a hairpin and sprinkled with soil. When the cuttings acquire their roots, they are planted in a new place. This is the easiest method.

Cuttings are cut in the summer from those twigs that appeared last year, removing the lower leaves. They are planted in moist soil in the shade of the garden, covered with a jar or bottle. Water during the day. The buds are removed so that they do not weaken the plant.

If the cinquefoil is already 4 years old, it can be divided and planted. The selected shoot with growth buds is separated from the main bush and rooted in the open field. They do this both in the spring and in the fall. The main condition is warm weather.

Seeds for subsequent reproduction are harvested either at the end of summer or in September-October. They can be dried and stored for several years, or planted immediately. Spread them over the surface of the soil and press down lightly. Self-seeding is also used, which is characteristic of Potentilla. Young shoots from seeds are planted in temporary beds, and after a couple of years - in a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

And here there is a reason to rejoice for gardeners who grow Potentilla. Planting and caring for it is also simple in that pest control is not needed. They are this perennial practically do not touch. Almost the only attack is rust.

Yellow-brown spots with a purple tint appear on the leaves. If the bush is severely affected, the foliage on it curls and dries up, spraying with a solution of manganese and boron or sulfur will be needed. Rust develops well on pine branches, avoid the neighborhood with this ephedra.

Shrub cinquefoil: combination with other plants

Good five-leaf partners:

  • geycher;
  • junipers;
  • barberry;
  • cotoneaster;

The combination of yellow Potentilla looks bright with:

  • catnip;
  • hyssop.

Plants with white, blue and blue flowers are a good addition to the five-leafed plant.

Shrub cinquefoil in landscape design

This plant keeps its shape well. Curbs and hedges are beautiful. A single Potentilla bush on the lawn looks harmonious. Often in landscape design, this perennial is used for:

  • flower beds-mixborders;

Shrub cinquefoil can grow in open ground for up to 20-30 years. Set aside a place for it and it will decorate your garden all year round.

Cinquefoil: video

Types of Potentilla shrub: photo

Cinquefoil is a large genus of the Pink family. Translated from Latin, the name of this flower is associated with the words "mighty" and "strong", which clearly characterizes the strength medicinal properties some species of this genus.

There are perennial and annual varieties presented as herbaceous plants or small shrubs.

Types and varieties

- a perennial plant, reaches a height of 10-25 cm, having an unusual palmate-lobed shape of leaves. Inflorescences up to three centimeters in diameter are located on tall leafless stems up to 25 cm high.

- perennial, up to 50 cm tall, with straight, branched purple stems. There are large (up to 30 cm) dark green leafy leaves.

Flowers (up to 3 cm in diameter) come in red and pink shades, with dark pink veins gathered in panicles.

Most famous varieties:

  • Roxanne ,

  • Potentilla variety Miss Wilmont ,

  • Floris .

(goose foot ) - has a basal rosette of pinnately compound leaves (about 20 cm high). Distinctive feature is the presence of pubescence on the lower part of the leaf. Yellow flowers, 2 cm in diameter, are located on long stems, which are completely devoid of leaves.

Or straight (galangal ) Is a perennial species, which is straight stems that grow up to 20 cm in height, branching closer to the top. The leaves are trifoliate. Inflorescences are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, are located on long legs.

- a perennial with a large tuberous rhizome. Stems in beautiful arcs rise up to a height of 30 cm with five to seven separate basal and lower stem leaves. Inflorescences are collected in neat shield-shaped panicles. Flowers 1-1.2 cm in diameter.

- this species combines many hybrid forms experimentally bred by flower growers. In representatives of this species, the rhizome is oblique or vertical, pubescent erect stems up to 90-100 cm high, with leaves collected in a basal rosette.

In this case, the lower leaves are trifoliate or fingerlike with sharp notches, on long petioles, and the stem leaves are trifoliate and sessile.

Some of the varieties:

  • - long-blooming cinquefoil with simple yellow large flowers,

  • Potentilla variety Yellow Queen -yellow shiny inflorescences,

  • - Cinquefoil with bright red double flowers.

Cinquefoil shrub care and cultivation

The cultivation of shrub and grassy Potentilla is no different and it is not too laborious a task.

The main thing is to weed, water, feed the plant in time, and also not to forget about mulching, loosening the soil around and removing withered flowers, leaves and weeds.

Watering Potentilla

Watering is carried out every two weeks, provided there is no rain. If a bush is mulched in the spring, for example, with peat (or sawdust), then the need for weeding and loosening is sharply reduced or disappears altogether, the main thing is to periodically add mulch to the site.

Fertilizer for Potentilla

Top dressing is carried out three times a year (May, July and September) with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

An additional, but not mandatory, condition is spraying (moistening) Potentilla at the end of a stuffy summer day, after completing which, you can be sure of abundant flowering.

Pruning Potentilla shrub

Pruning is done in early spring, before new buds appear and in the fall after flowering ends. If you do not prune, then Potentilla can lose its decorative effect and turn into an untidy shrub.

During pruning, broken and dry branches, dried leaves and flowers are removed, and the bush is formed - the desired shape is given (most often - the shape of a ball).

In autumn, annual varieties of Potentilla are removed, the site is dug up, and fertilizers are applied. Shrub types of Potentilla are pruned by a third. As preventive control with diseases, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

Cinquefoil in winter

As for preparing for winter, there are no difficulties. Due to the fact that Potentilla is frost-resistant, it does not require shelter in winter, with the exception of young seedlings and rooted cuttings.

Cinquefoil cultivation from seeds

Herbaceous cinquefoil reproduces different ways... For example, seed propagation. Some gardeners advise sowing a plot of open ground with seeds in the fall, then by spring they will undergo natural stratification and young seedlings will appear, which will only have to be planted.

But seedlings are still considered a more reliable method. For this, pre-prepared boxes with a substrate are sown with seeds in February or March. Then create greenhouse conditions, covering it with polyethylene, and maintain the air temperature within 15-18 ° C.

After the young shoots have leaves, they need to be dived into separate cups. Seedlings grow very slowly. In August-September, the plants are planted in open ground in a permanent place. Cinquefoil, sprouted from seeds, begins to bloom only in the second year.

Reproduction of cinquefoil shrub

Reproduction of Potentilla shrub type is carried out in early spring, when all the snow has thawed and the earth warms up. For this, holes are dug twice as large as an earthen lump (the size of the pot in which the bush had taken root before).

The distance between each bush should be at least 30-40 cm. A drainage layer (limestone gravel) is laid on the bottom of the pit. Then fill the hole in half with a mixture consisting of two parts of humus, two parts of leafy earth and one part of sand. After which it will not hurt good feeding as a complex mineral fertilizer (150 g).

When the seedling is immersed in the hole, it is necessary to ensure that the root collar of the plant is just above the ground level after it is covered with the rest of the soil.

Immediately after planting, it is necessary to ensure abundant watering, and over the next couple of weeks, monitor the timely moisture of the soil, preventing it from drying out. You can also mulch the bushes with straw or sawdust to keep the ground moist longer.

Cinquefoil propagation by cuttings

Potentilla cuttings are carried out in early August. Cuttings, about 10 cm long, are cut from the ends of the shoots (while removing the flowers). Rooting is carried out in moist perlite for 1-1.5 months in a warm room.

Can also be planted in open ground, in the shade of a garden, covering glass jar or a cut-off plastic bottle. Spraying should be carried out several times a day and if buds begin to appear, then cut off, they can weaken the growth of the cutting. For the winter, be sure to cover the cinquefoil with spruce branches.

Reproduction of Potentilla by layering

The easiest way to propagate by layering, for this in the spring, the strongest and healthiest, low-growing shoot is selected, cut along outside and fits into the dug groove. If it does not fit well, it must be fixed with something and sprinkled with earth.

Closer to autumn, this layer develops its own root system and it can be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction of Potentilla by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is done at the end of April or in the fall (in the first half of September). To do this, choose a bush that is at least four years old, dig up the rhizome, carefully clean it from the ground so that the roots are clearly visible, and cut it into pieces, so that each piece has two or three buds.

The sections are treated with a growth stimulant and planted in the ground, making sure that the buds do not sink deep into the ground. Do not forget about maintaining a distance between plots of 30-40 cm.

Diseases and pests

Pests and diseases rarely affect this plant, if you adhere to simple recommendations on his leaving. Sometimes cinquefoil is affected by rust, powdery mildew and spotting.

If this happened with an annual variety, then there is nothing wrong with that, it will not lose its decorative effect, and at the end of the season it must still be disposed of.

Perennial varieties and species must be treated with a fungicide. Among the pests are known - scoops, which are destroyed by treatment with insecticides.

White cinquefoil useful properties and contraindications

The leaves and flowers of Potentilla white contain a large number of ascorbic acid - several times more than in lemons! They also contain carotene, organic acids and many other useful substances.

One-year flowering tops of Potentilla shoots, ten to fifteen centimeters long, are used as medicinal raw materials.

Potentilla white has no contraindications, except for severe hypotension.

Potentilla decoction

Brewed at the rate of one tablespoon of crushed raw materials for two hundred and fifty grams of boiling water. In this form, cinquefoil is used to treat intestinal infections, dysbiosis in children, normalize metabolism, treat wounds, burns, and boils.

For rinsing the mouth and throat with angina, stomatitis, it is also a diuretic, but at the same time heals bedwetting, and also relieves constipation and soothes under stress.