Ways to grow watermelon at home. Watermelon on the balcony ?! - Nothing could be easier

Thanks to modern technologies growing berries and vegetables is no longer a fantasy. To understand how to grow a watermelon at home, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with some of the nuances that will allow you to collect an ecological and tasty harvest over time.

Not every variety of watermelon can be grown at home. The seeds of the delicious watermelon from the market or store are not suitable for this purpose, because this variety is grown in open areas in spring and summer. For the same reasons, varieties that are grown in summer cottages will not yet be suitable.

But there are hybrids that are resistant to lack of light, early maturing, they do not require special care. The following varieties are considered excellent: Ogonyok, Kaho, Sibiryak, Volgar, Gift of the Sun. They sprout very well, are tenacious, the fruits have a sweet taste.

After purchasing planting material it is required to select before growing a watermelon at home. Small and damaged seeds are eliminated immediately. Large seeds are dipped into a glass container containing a solution of sodium chloride. It is done like this: 5 g of salt per 0.1 l of water. Seeds that have sunk to the bottom must be removed, rinsed in water, and dried. It is these seeds that are needed for planting.

Then they are soaked in a solution of humate (0.5 g per 1 liter of water). This is done as follows: gauze is moistened, in which the seeds are left for a day. This will increase germination and reduce stress. You can also leave the seeds moist plain water gauze until they begin to hatch.
Then the seeds need to be planted in small plastic cups, 4-5 seeds each, the earth should be a little tamped in them.

Watering should be done in such a way that the soil is always moist. For seedlings to appear, the temperature must be about 25 ° C. Then the seedlings will appear after 1 week. If the temperature is below 13 ° C, then you can not wait for seedlings.

Cups should be in a well-lit and warm place. No need to allow drafts. After 2-3 weeks, 1 seedling should be left in each glass.

Watermelon care

As soon as 3 leaves appear, the plants are moved into containers, the volume of which is from 5 to 15 liters. They should contain a mixture of seedling soil and perlite in a 2: 1 ratio. You need to water the plant often, but not too much so that the water does not stagnate. The soil must be fertilized every 2 weeks. Fit here liquid fertilizers for vegetables. You need to add 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. fertilizers. This solution can only be used for 1 watering.

When 6 leaves grow, the plant is pinched over 4 leaves. The plant needs enough light. If there is not enough lighting, then additional LED or energy-saving lamps will be required.

Pollination of the plant and the appearance of fruits

In most cases, watermelons begin to bloom 30-50 days after germination.

To obtain an ovary, flowers require pollination.

To do this, you first need to find male flowers that have a thin stalk. Such flowers will need to be carefully picked, they need to pollinate the female flowers by touching the pistils with the stamens.

After a certain period of time, there will be noticeable wilting of the petals and an increase in the stalk, which over time will become a fruit. As the lashes grow, they will need to be pinched to stop their growth.

A few weeks before full maturation fruits need to be minimized watering, stimulating the appearance of sugar in the berry. When the grown fruits are ripe, you can harvest them.

How to grow watermelons in the country (video)

About the beneficial properties of watermelon

This berry contains a lot of sugar (about 12%). It is easily absorbed by the body and, unlike refined sugar, is beneficial.

Watermelon juice has a diuretic effect, so it is able to flush the kidneys and ureters well. Thanks to him, salts are dissolved and washed out of the body. Watermelon juice is considered beneficial for people with kidney disease. Watermelon juice is also useful for people who have diabetes mellitus, cystitis, atherosclerosis.

Now you know about growing watermelon at home. We wish you a good harvest!

Among many summer residents and owners of personal plots, planting vegetables, fruits and berries for their own needs is quite an everyday activity.

Especially popular in last years melons, but by no means everyone knows how to grow watermelons correctly, so that they are juicy, tasty, and the harvest pleases with abundance. There are many rules and recommendations regarding melons that should be followed in order to get a good harvest.

The rules for growing berries are quite simple: you need to choose suitable grade, prepare the soil, seeds or seedlings, plant and grow them according to the rules.

Let's consider each of the points in detail.

Choosing a variety of watermelons

Currently, more than 50 varieties of watermelons are grown in Russia, and their number is regularly increasing. All varieties are subdivided geographically into the following types:

  • Transcaucasian;
  • Western European;
  • Russians;
  • Central Asian;
  • Indian.

The list is by no means complete, since there are a dozen more types of these berries. All watermelons grown in our country belong to the Russian variety. Sometimes Transcaucasian and Central Asian species are also grown.

Attention! When choosing a watermelon for planting, pay attention to its ripening period, to the resistance of watermelons to drought and frost, especially if you live in middle lane.

Watermelons with a medium and late ripening period are relevant for regions with a warm climate. Early varieties grow well in central Russia.

The most popular varieties of watermelons in our country include the following varieties.

  1. Watermelon "Spark"- an early ripening variety that feels great in the non-black earth. Ripening period from 70 to 90 days. Fruits are small in size, round in shape with a thin skin, dark green... The weight of the berries is about 3 kilograms. The fruits are juicy, tender, sweet, bright red in color.
    Seeds are planted from late April to early May. The ideal time for planting seedlings is from late May to early June.
  2. Watermelon "Crimson Smith"- ideal for regions with short, sultry summers. Ripening time is approximately 60-70 days. Small watermelon, weighing up to 3 kilograms. The pulp is tasty, juicy, deep red.
    The variety is resistant to various diseases. In particular, anthracnose and powdery mildew.
  3. Watermelon "Producer"- relatively new variety suitable for regions with warm climates. Has a first-class taste. Able to be stored for a long time, resistant to transportation over long distances.

All varieties of watermelons belonging to the Russian varieties are grown in almost all regions of our country. When choosing a watermelon for growing, pay attention to the recommendations for each specific variety, adhere to all the rules and recommendations for growing them.

Preparing the soil for growing watermelons

Before planting seeds or seedlings, we prepare the soil in advance. It is recommended to do this in the fall, using mineral and organic fertilizers... Scatter them evenly over the area of ​​the intended sowing of berries, then carefully dig up the soil.

We loosen the soil in the spring, to the sowing depth, pour 1 tbsp into each hole. spoon of ammophoska or nitrophoska, thoroughly mixing the fertilizer with the ground.

To minimize the acidity of the soil and improve the growth of watermelons, we use magnesium, calcium, potassium. These elements are included in eggshell and wood ash... It is recommended to prepare them in advance.

Watermelons can be planted as seeds or seedlings. In any case, it is necessary to stratify seeds in order to select the most quality material for planting.

  • To identify the strongest seeds, dip them in salt water. Those watermelon seeds that have risen to the surface are safely thrown away, and those that have sunk to the bottom are used for planting.
  • To disinfect the seeds, before sowing, we leave them in the sun for a week or warm them up at a temperature of +55 degrees for 3-4 hours.
  • To strengthen future sprouts and accelerate the germination process, we soak the seeds for a day in warm water and only then do we plant it in the ground.

Preparation and planting of watermelon seeds

Sowing watermelon seeds

When planting watermelon seeds, be sure to take into account the features climatic zone... The soil temperature at a depth of 10 centimeters should be + 12- + 14 ° С.

  • In the western and northern regions of the country, seeds are planted from May 15.
  • In the southern part of the forest-steppe from May 6.
  • In the steppe regions from April 28.

Previously, you should not plant watermelon seeds, as they will simply rot in cool soil. Before planting, we must warm up the ground.

We put no more than 5 watermelon seeds in the hole and sprinkle them with earth. The distance between the holes is not less than 0.7 -1.0 meters, and between the rows is about 1.5 meters. It is recommended to cover the sowing before emergence with a film or agrofibre.

When weeds appear, weed them immediately.

When tying leaves on seedlings, one strongest plant is left in each hole.

Wanting to get an early harvest or living in the northern regions, we plant not seeds, but seedlings of watermelons. To grow it, we use pots or cut plastic bottles.

Seedling soil - a mixture consisting of humus, sod soil and river sand... It is recommended to add some wood ash to the mixture.

Having planted the seeds, we leave them for 10 days in a dark place with a temperature of at least + 25 ° C. After this time, we rearrange the pots with seedlings for 20 days in a place with good lighting.

Final stage- hardening. It takes 5 days and implies a daily decrease in the temperature for seedlings by several hours. If the watermelon variety is cold-resistant, hardening is not necessary. Plant seedlings in open ground after the end of the frost.

One of critical factors receiving bountiful harvest watermelons - right choice places of planting seeds or seedlings. The site must be protected from the wind and located in the sun.

Tomatoes, potatoes, beans, radishes, or cabbage are good precursors for watermelons.

The soil for watermelons is fertile, loose and light. We fertilize sandy loam or sandy soil in advance with rotted organic matter or humus.

In pre-moistened wells, we plant no more than 2 plants. Their leaves must remain above the ground. The distance between the holes is from 1.0 to 1.5 meters. Cover the seedlings with foil and water them with warm water for a week.

Good watering and timely feeding watermelons - the key to a good harvest. Water is responsible for the juiciness of the fruit, but remember that it should be in moderation. Watering the seedlings abundantly and often, it is difficult to achieve the desired taste of the fruit.


Stick to the following scheme for watering the berries:

  • Before the flowering of watermelons, we water them moderately, and then more abundantly.
  • In extreme heat, we water the watermelons infrequently, but abundantly. Soil moisture - at least 85%.
  • With sandy soil that does not retain moisture well, the plant is watered more often than with clay or black earth.
  • When the fruits ripen, we reduce the number of watering, and gradually stop altogether.

Top dressing

Plant feeding is carried out in 3 stages. Each requires about 2 liters of liquid fertilizer.

  1. The first feeding of seedlings is carried out a week after planting. Add ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, and potassium salt to a 10 liter container of water.
  2. The second feeding is carried out during the active growth of watermelons. The solution is used the same as in the first procedure, but the amount of fertilizer is reduced.
  3. The last feeding procedure is carried out at the time of the formation of the ovaries. The solution is poured into prepared furrows, at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the plants.

Watermelon Care and Harvesting

Care for watermelon seedlings includes the following procedures:

  • Loosening the soil;
  • Top dressing and watering;
  • Disease and pest control;
  • Weed removal;
  • Frost protection for ovaries.

It is necessary to loosen the soil after planting seedlings, after rains and watering to a depth of 7 centimeters. With frequent winds, sprinkle the stems with soil or fix them with wire pins.

Growing watermelons by the melon method, after 3-6 ties we attach the shoots. If there is a chance of frost, we protect the plants with a special covering material or cardboard.

The watermelon harvest season starts at the end of August. Finding out that the fruit is ripe is quite simple: the tail will dry out, and the skin will become shiny. The drawing on the berry will take on distinct outlines. It is recommended to lightly tap the fruit. If the sound is dull, feel free to cut the berries.

As you can see, growing a watermelon is quite simple, the procedure does not require much time and effort. Following all the recommendations and advice, the harvest of watermelons will delight you with abundance, and the taste of the fruit will be at its best.

Getting a watermelon at home in May can be no more difficult than getting a cucumber green in March or red tomato in April. And dry indoor air will even be conducive to this.
You can not do the cultivation of seedlings, but sow directly to a permanent place. Based on the fact that the plant needs to have a powerful and branched root system for a better nutritional regimen, you can choose a plastic bucket up to 10 liters as a container. The soil needs highly fertile, with humus and all mineral elements, including a set of trace elements. The soil must be prepared a month before sowing, having calcified to an acidity of 6.0-6.5 pH.
Sowing is done in the middle of the container, to a depth of 3 cm, with two or even three seeds. After germination, you can leave one (larger) plant. For initial testing of the culture in indoor conditions you need to grow no more than two plants. You can place them on a wide windowsill or in front of a window. The frame should be tight to keep cold air out of the plants. At the bucket, you need to perforate the bottom and put it on a tray to drain excess water if this happens from watering. The light-permeable walls of the vessel must be wrapped with something black, avoiding greening of the roots that fit the walls.
In greenhouse conditions, it takes about 3 months to get the first fruits of a watermelon. Half of this period is spent on the growth of the vegetative mass of the plant, the second half - on the growth and maturation of the fruit from the moment of setting. This period can be adhered to in the room.
Before the day is 12 hours long, the watermelon needs additional lighting. For this, fluorescent lamps are used, mounted to the window, and reflectors for volumetric illumination. By nature, watermelon has a thin stem and even thinner shoots, as well as small leaves. Eating with full abundance and balance of the elements can slightly increase these organs. At first, plants need equally nitrogen and phosphorus, and for fruits - a lot of potassium and little nitrogen. In accordance with this pattern, feedings are given. Potassium and phosphorus increase the sugar content of fruits, nitrogen - reduces.
On any support, the stem can be grown 1 m or slightly higher, then pinched. Lateral shoots are pinched, leaving a few leaves above the flower with an ovary. Do not leave more than two fruits on the plant. Manual pollination is carried out using at least three barren flowers.
When the fruit reaches the size of an orange, it is placed in a net that is tied to a frame. The fruit of a greenhouse watermelon is usually thin-skinned, but small - 600-800 g.
Of the old and well-proven varieties, one can name Ogonyok, Sibiryak, Volgar, Stokes, Kaho.
E. Feofilov,
honored agronomist of Russia
Newspaper "SADOVOD" No. 49, 2009

A long liana, with carved leaves and hanging, huge fruits by household standards - this is how a watermelon might look at home . It is usually grown in summer, when there is plenty of light and warmth. And today, growing a watermelon at home on a windowsill is not at all a fantasy, because with proper care you can get a decent harvest. How to grow a watermelon at home - read the article.

Conditions for growing watermelon

How the watermelon will grow and whether it will give edible fruits depends on the choice of soil, top dressing, watering, the temperature and light regime and the choice of place.

A place

It is preferable to grow watermelon on the south side. The more sun the better. Direct Sun rays are only good for him.

An ideal place at home would be a warm, sunny loggia or balcony. You can plant plants on the southern, western and eastern windows, the northern ones are absolutely not suitable for them.

In fact, growing a watermelon on a balcony is not so difficult, you just need to comply with the necessary conditions.


Daylight hours for successful cultivation watermelon is 12-14 hours. In the evenings, they turn on LED, fluorescent lighting or phytolamps. On cloudy days, the lamps are left on for the whole day.


Watermelons are grown at high temperatures 25-30 ° C during the day and not lower than 18 ° C at night. It is especially necessary to monitor the thermometer during the formation of the ovary.


Plant breeders differ greatly on watering. Some prefer regular, and even plentiful watering, others talk about its strong limitation and its complete cessation during ripening, arguing that water is not needed to increase the sugar content. In any case, the seedlings are watered the usual way, and watering a plant in the second stage of its life depends on a number of conditions, including experience.

Plant soil and fertilizers

The soil is prepared loose and fertile with a neutral reaction: 1 part of sod land, sand, humus, plus one tenth of ground wood ash. For disinfection, the soil is steamed in a water bath for 1.5-2 hours, kept in microwave oven 10-20 minutes, spill with boiling water.

Top dressing begins when the plant has 3 true leaves. Plants are watered and then complex mineral fertilizers(Kemira and others), divorced according to the instructions. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in them at this stage may well be shifted towards nitrogen, but it is better that they are equal. At the stage of ovary formation, they are fed again - there should be more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. After 2-3 weeks - the third time.

Planting watermelon seeds

Not all outdoor watermelons are suitable for home cultivation. There are varieties that bear fruit indoors, such as Ogonyok, Crimson Sweet, Ultra Early, Sugar baby, Sibiryak, Gift of the Sun, Kai F1, Cinderella, Gift to the North F1. They have good taste, do not need abundant light, early ripening, disease resistant.

The seeds of these varieties are distinguished by good germination, and if they are purchased from trusted suppliers and the brand is reliable, then almost everything germinates. Before planting, they are kept for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 50-55 ° C. Then they are placed in a damp cloth (sand, etc.) until they bite, after which they are planted in 2 cups for seedlings, burying 2 cm in the ground. You can plant them directly in cups.

An interesting, but optional, technique of stratification when germinating seeds in a humid environment, stimulates the processes in the seed: they are kept for 12 hours on the lower shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of + 6 ° C, then another 12 hours at room temperature. The process is repeated 2-3 times.

Growing watermelon seedlings

2 weeks after the emergence of shoots, weak seedlings are discarded and left in each glass, one of the strongest.

It is undesirable to plant watermelon seeds immediately in large containers: large mass undeveloped soil sour easily, and seedlings may die. They are transplanted after a month, the plants are moved to a permanent place along with a lump of earth, in order not to injure the roots.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground and get good harvest in the garden. Pre-hardening: during the week, take out the seedlings for a short time every day in the open air.

The process of growing watermelon

After transferring the seedlings into pots, the root begins to grow rapidly. It grows long, with well-developed lateral roots, so large containers are selected - 5-15 liters.

The pinching is performed over 3-4 leaves, the lateral branches are directed vertically or allowed horizontally. It is also grown in one lash, in this case flowers and fruits will appear faster.

Flowering (after 30-50 days) and fruiting of a watermelon depends on the variety, which are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. It is interesting that, depending on the timing of flowering, flowers appear in different leaf axils: in early maturing - in 4–11 leaf axils, with an average period - at 15–18, late - at 20–25. Any variety can be grown in the house, but given the thermophilicity and photophilousness, they give preference to early varieties.

To obtain fruit, the flowers are artificially pollinated. Watermelon has 2 types of flowers - male and female, which appear on both the main and lateral shoots. Male flowers (developed stamens, thin peduncle) pollinate female flowers (developed pistil, thick peduncle) and await fruit set. The enlargement of the stalk of the female flower means that the little watermelon has begun to grow. With the vertical arrangement of the lashes, it becomes necessary to attach it to prevent breakage.

Do not leave more than 2 watermelon on the branches in the house if you want to enjoy the delicious pulp. The shoots are pinched after the formation of the fruit so that the forces go to ripening, and not to growth.

From planting to the end of the growing season, an average of 3 months pass. It is difficult to grow a fruit over 1 kg at home. Wait until the watermelon ripens and it may taste better than the purchased ones. Recall that in a mature fruit, the bark is glossy, the stalk is dry, without hairs. when knocking, a ringing sound is heard.

But, even observing all the rules of care, there is no guarantee that you can get a large-sized watermelon on a windowsill or balcony. And yet, the cultivation of such exotic plant will bring a lot of pleasure and new skills in growing unique plants at home.

In recent years, the cultivation of melons at home on the windowsill is especially popular. The crop grown in this way is able to delight with a juicy taste. all year round, and in the cold season it becomes a pleasant surprise to festive table... Watermelon is one of the most beloved berries, reminiscent of the sunny summer. How to grow a watermelon at home, we will consider in more detail in the article.

Where to begin

This culture is advised to grow in two ways, through sowing seeds and planting seedlings. There are many arguments in favor of each. Since it is not planned to plant the plant in open ground, and the young shoots will not be threatened by bad weather, many advise to plant a watermelon at home from a stone. Others argue that for the first shoots, a limited earthen lump is needed; in a large "non-working" mass of land, soil acidification occurs and the plant may die.
First you need to stock up on a container, it can be a bucket or a tub with a volume of 10-15 liters, no less. Since the watermelon is powerful root system going deep, small containers are not suitable for him. Transparent dishes are also undesirable, watermelon roots are very sensitive and prone to drying out. A "pot" for culture and land is harvested in advance, preferably 1–1.5 days before planting.
In addition, it is necessary to prepare a solid support, which is inserted into the tub or installed side by side. A stem and vines with an ovary are attached to it.

Which varieties to choose

Watermelon is a plant of the southern regions, for full growth it needs a sufficient amount of heat and light, if the former is easy to provide, then a short daylight hours is a problem. When growing watermelons at home, it is better to give preference to breeding species that are tolerant of low light.
The second point worth paying attention to is early maturity. The stone turns into a flowering, well-developed plant in a month, until the fruits are fully ripe, it should take about two more months. The following varieties are well suited for cultivating watermelon at home:

  • Gift of the sun;
  • Siberian;
  • Light;
  • Ultra early;
  • Sugar baby.

For planting, large, even, undamaged seeds are selected, potentially capable of giving strong shoots.

Growing stages

How to grow a watermelon on the balcony of an ordinary high-rise building and enjoy its fruits at any time? It is necessary to create conditions for the plant as close as possible to natural, it depends on light, heat, availability mineral substances in the soil, watering, pollination. Basic rules for a good harvest:


Before planting a watermelon at home, it is recommended to lower the seeds in 5% saline solution, while empty seeds float up and are removed, the rest are used for planting. In the selected buckets or tub, 3-4 seeds are sown at once, after germination, weak shoots are removed.

Lighting and warmth

Ideally, it is better to place watermelon sprouts on the southern windows, the scorching rays of the sun will not harm it. But it is possible to grow a culture on both the western and eastern sides, but the northern one does not fit categorically. A watermelon needs 12-hour access to light, so on cloudy days, they turn on additional lighting: phytolamps, fluorescent or LED lighting.
Watermelon is a thermophilic culture, it does not tolerate drafts and cold weather. A place on the windowsill above the radiator is well suited for him, but is it possible to grow a watermelon on the balcony? It is possible, if you create additional heating, hypothermia is especially dangerous during the period of ovary formation. Ideal temperature regime for a watermelon, which should be checked regularly, 25–30 ° C during the day, 18 ° C at night.

Soil and nutrition

It is necessary to plant a watermelon in loose soil, prepared in advance. For its composition, it is used in equal proportions: turf, humus, sand, you can add a little wood ash. Before planting, the soil is disinfected by spilling it with boiling water.
Homemade watermelon grows quickly, the first feeding may be needed already in the phase of three true leaves. It is better to use liquid complex fertilizers that are used to water the plant after regular watering. The next feeding is needed at the stage of development of the ovary, here it is better to give preference to potassium and phosphorus preparations. The third time fertilization is applied after harvest.


Watering when growing watermelons should be moderate. This culture does not like waterlogging of the soil and air, which leads to a decrease in taste. Many growers recommend strongly reducing watering during fruit ripening, believing that this increases the sugar content.


It is not enough to know how to plant a watermelon correctly; for the formation of an ovary, the plant must be pollinated. In natural conditions, bees are engaged in this, but what about a plant that is grown in "captivity"? Watermelon flowers are divided into male and female, both developing on the same lashes. But female flowers have a more rounded stalk, which, after pollination, forms a fruit.
At home, a soft-bristled watercolor brush is used to cross-carry pollen, and the entire process is done by hand.

Planting seedlings

Growing watermelons with seedlings is a more laborious process, but this method guarantees efficiency. How to grow a watermelon at home using seedlings:

  • The selected seeds are disinfected by keeping them in a weakly borne manganese solution at a water temperature of 50 ° C for 15 minutes.
  • Then the seeds are kept in a damp cloth until they swell and hatch.
  • Seeds are planted in cups or special cassettes for seedlings 2-3 pieces in order to remove weak shoots after germination.
  • The first shoots appear in about two weeks, and the transplant is carried out in a month.
  • Seedlings, like adult plant, does not like waterlogging of the soil, but also insufficient watering can kill sprouts.


After planting the seedlings in a pot, an enhanced development of the root system begins. The main stem is able to go a meter deep, and the lateral roots are also developed and branched. As it grows, weak lashes are removed, and the rest are tied to trellises.
The flowering rate depends on the selected variety, on average, it occurs in a month and a half. Some time after fertilization of flowers, you can notice a thickening of the stalk on females - these are future watermelons. To improve ripening and taste, no more than 2-3 berries are left on the branches, and a pinch is carried out on the shoots themselves, so that all the strength of the plant does not go into growth.
To prevent the fruit from breaking off under its own weight, it is placed in a net and tied to a support. It is recommended to put small pieces of plywood under the watermelon, this will prevent contact with the ground and the possibility of rotting. It is very important to observe the watering regime during the fruiting period, as waterlogging can lead to root rot.
From the moment of planting to the opportunity to enjoy the fragrant fruits, it takes about 3 months. The weight of a watermelon grown at home rarely exceeds 1 kg, but in terms of taste it is not inferior to its large counterparts. In addition, the skin of the domestic fruit is thinner.

How to check the maturity of a watermelon, and determine when it is harvested? In a ripe fruit, the stalk dries out, the hairs fall off. The bark of an unripe watermelon is dull, ripe - shiny and smooth. You can check the watermelon by lightly clicking on it with your fingers; a dull deep sound indicates the readiness of the fruit.
Growing watermelons on the balcony is a feasible task, it is only important to approach the matter with love and try to create optimal conditions... Not everyone succeeds in growing fastidious the first time melons and gourds... But, perhaps, having worked on the mistakes, you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones with the fragrant taste of summer.