Non-woven wallpaper peels off at the joints of the ceiling. How to glue wallpaper - practical advice? The choice of glue for the restoration of wallpaper

It's annoying when, after a recent renovation, a room is spoiled by peeling wallpaper at the joints or a detached large section of the canvas. In this article, we will figure out why this happens and tell you how to glue the wallpaper at the joints without the help of a master.

Reasons for peeling wallpaper at the joints

The most common reason for peeling wallpaper is a violation of the rules for preparing walls, errors in the process itself, and the wrong combination of consumables.

Washable wallpaper peels off at the junction front door to the room.

Poor wall preparation

In order to save time and money resources, mistakes are often made in the preparation of the foundation, its important stages are skipped:

  • Defects and irregularities of the walls are not eliminated;
  • Glue the tapestries directly onto the previous layer or whitewash;
  • The surface is not puttied and / or primed, or it is done incorrectly;
  • There is not enough time between processes - the base does not have time to dry.

Poor quality adhesives

Incorrectly selected adhesive is another likely cause of wallpaper peeling. It is necessary to use a consumable designed for the selected type of coating. A solution for a vinyl sheet will not “work” on non-woven wallpaper. It is necessary to adhere to the proportions of water and paste specified by the manufacturer. Too thick or thin mixture is ineffective.

If, following all the instructions, the wallpaper peels off, the problem is in the adhesive itself. Buy the emulsion in specialized stores, pay attention to the expiration date.

Wrong sticker and drying

If the sheets peeled off at the joints or fell off completely the next day after the repair, then there were mistakes in applying the adhesive and subsequent drying of the walls:

  • The composition was distributed in an uneven layer;
  • The joints of the sheets were not sufficiently impregnated with glue, only their center;
  • The mixture was applied to the wrong surface, or it was poorly prepared.
  • Not respected temperature regime wallpapering and drying (heaters, air conditioners, humidifiers are prohibited).
  • Windows and doors were not closed, there was a draft.

Drying wallpaper with open doors, but at closed windows in all rooms with glued wallpaper. The window can only be opened in one room where the wallpaper has already been hung or has not yet been hung.

Tools and Consumables

In order to glue the wallpaper coating, you need to prepare:

  • Special glue;
  • Fine brush;
  • Painting, stationery knife.
  • Rubber roller (can be replaced plastic bottle filled with water);
  • Clean rags (vinyl wallpaper is smoothed with a damp cloth, and paper wallpaper is dry);
  • Plastic spatula;
  • Hot air dryer.

Can PVA glue be used?

Stationery PVA for wallpapering on the wall is not suitable: it leaves yellowish spots and makes it difficult to replace the coating later, as it does not dissolve in water. To glue minor scratches, torn off parts, delaminations at the joints on the vinyl sheet, use building PVA, less concentrated.

To glue lagging seams, use a special emulsion for joints in a tube with a thin nose. It will not leave streaks and will provide a strong grip. To replace a large fragment of the wall covering, use a wallpaper paste recommended by the manufacturer.

How to glue wallpaper without glue

If you do not want to completely spoil the design of the walls, it is better not to follow the "folk" advice and do not experiment with artisanal adhesive mixtures. Use special remedy, given the material of manufacture of wallpaper.

For gluing wallpaper, PVA glue is used, after drying, the glue can give yellowish spots, which will ruin appearance walls.

Glue peeled off wallpaper

Before applying glue to the canvas, prepare the work surfaces - remove dirt, old putty or plaster. It is useful to vacuum the wall to remove dust and avoid peeling.

We glue the joints of the wallpaper

Gluing the joints of the trellis occurs as follows:

  • The edges of the material are bent, dirt is removed;
  • Treat wallpaper with glue for joints;
  • The joint area is pressed with a rubberized roller;
  • After gluing the wallpaper with a dry cloth, remove excess glue.
  • For quick drying and polymerization, the treated areas are heated with a hot air stream using a household hair dryer.

Gluing wallpaper joints on the ceiling with a narrow rubberized roller.

Advice: For a more secure fixation of the sheets, paper tape is additionally used. This method will prevent peeling, but it is only suitable for a dense, embossed canvas, since the tape will be noticeable under a thin one.

Pasting wallpaper after a cat

For gluing wallpaper damaged by the claws of a pet, there are several ways, depending on the condition of the coating.

  1. Minor flaws close up like this:
  • Bend back the lagging piece of canvas;
  • The wallpaper is impregnated with glue from the inside with a thin brush;
  • Carefully return the material to its place, starting from the bottom;
  • Excess wallpaper paste is removed from the bottom up with a dry cloth or cotton swab;
  • The restored surface is dried with a hairdryer and pressed again with a rag.

Pasting wallpaper torn by a cat using a cut of similar wallpaper.
  1. In places of thin scratches adhesive solution easier to apply with a toothpick.
  2. If a fragment of the canvas is destroyed, it will have to be replaced. Cut out a section of damaged wallpaper and attach a new piece in its place right size. Process the wall, wallpaper and joints according to the instructions.

Re-glue a large area

If you need to glue a solid strip or a large piece of wallpaper, proceed as follows:

  1. Close doors and windows to avoid drafts;
  2. Clean surfaces from debris and dust;
  3. Impregnate the wallpaper sheet with adhesive, apply it to the wall;
  4. After 5 minutes, the strip is straightened and pressed, removing excess air with a roller;
  5. It is necessary to carefully glue the joints;
  6. Re-roll with a roller, remove excess paste with a rag.

Pasting non-woven wallpaper

To glue lagging non-woven wallpaper, work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Clean surfaces from dust and dirt.
  2. The trellises are carefully bent in the departed places.
  3. Coat the wall and joints with a spatula with a special paste, but not the wallpaper sheet itself.
  4. Wait for impregnation for 10 minutes, then press the material tightly with a rubber roller, pushing out the air.
  5. You can speed up drying with a hot dryer.

Doors and windows should be closed to prevent drafts, otherwise the work will be wasted and the non-woven sheet will have to be glued again.

If you have not had to glue wallpaper yourself before, you will definitely cope with their restoration. So you can delay the timing of cosmetic repairs and save on the services of a professional master.

Ceiling wallpaper - great a budget option for finishing. They are only slightly more expensive than whitewash, but at the same time they allow you to show your imagination and give the room an original and stylish look. But what if the wallpaper on the ceiling peels off?

First of all, consider the reasons why this trouble can occur.

Like any unpleasant consequences of repairs, wallpaper peeling is most likely associated with a violation of the technology of the work being done or with the choice of low-quality materials for work.

1. Incorrect preparation of the ceiling surface before wallpapering.

Poor preparation of the ceiling surface before applying glue and wallpapering is one of the most common mistakes, which leads to a deplorable result of the repair.

If you don’t want to get fallen off trellis canvases as a result of all the efforts expended, remember once and for all: you can’t glue wallpaper on whitewash! And this is not because the wallpaper "does not hold" on the whitewash. To whitewash, they stick superbly. The problem is that the whitewash itself, under the weight of the wallpaper, safely falls off the ceiling and guarantees you the same sad result.

Stores may offer you special impregnation for whitewash. You should not be fooled by this offer: in most cases, impregnation will give you yellow streaks on the wallpaper, since it enters with whitewash into chemical reaction. Which is worse - peeled off wallpaper or streaked wallpaper? You decide.

In order to avoid this, before sticking the wallpaper, the whitewash must be cleaned off, the ceiling must be freed from small particles of peeling plaster and thoroughly primed. After the primer has dried, wallpaper can be glued.

2. The enemy of wallpaper is a draft.

Another common cause of trouble with wallpaper is a draft. When gluing and further drying the trellises, drafts should not be allowed in any case, since they lead to too rapid and uneven drying of the glue. As a result of this process, the force of adhesion of the wallpaper to the surface is sharply weakened, and the force of gravity, as you know, remains unchanged - that's the deplorable result.

3. Incorrectly selected or low-quality glue.

When purchasing everything you need for wallpapering, do not be too lazy to pay attention to the combination of wallpaper and glue. As a rule, the wallpaper manufacturer indicates which type of glue is best suited for each particular type of wallpaper. For example, if you chose vinyl wallpaper, do not try to use standard KCM or Economy Glue for them - it will not withstand the load, and your vinyl beauty will soon begin to lag behind the ceiling. You should also not trust "universal wallpaper glue" - as a rule, it leads to a similar sad result.

Even if you are sure that the selected adhesive is suitable for this species wallpaper, you must also make sure that it is not expired or damaged. Be sure to check the expiration date and integrity of the purchased packaging.

4. Not all wallpapers are ceiling.

Finally, it should be remembered that for the ceiling there are special varieties wallpaper, and using wallpaper that is designed for walls for this means risking a normal result of the repair. A striking example is bamboo or "stone" wallpaper. They are not suitable for being on the ceiling.

5. Violation of wallpapering technology.

Finally, observance of wallpapering technology plays an important role. The wallpaper will inevitably begin to fall off if, in the process of gluing it, you were careless, did not make sure that you tightly press the panel to the ceiling and expel all air bubbles, and also poorly missed and pressed the edges of the trellis, did not glue the joints properly.

6. Main question: what to do?

It is clear that all the above recommendations are good if you are just going to get started. If everything that could happen has already happened, and you are faced with the need to somehow correct the unpleasant situation that has arisen, you can try to save the peeling wallpaper and return the ceiling to a presentable appearance.

There are two ways to correct the situation: glue the lagging strip in place, or replace a piece of wallpaper or even a couple of strips.

It is clear that the second solution can only be implemented if you have wallpaper of the same color and quality. First, you will also need to assess whether the already pasted wallpaper has burned out - in this situation, new unburned fragments will bring dissonance into the overall picture of the interior, it is better to re-paste everything. However, there is also a creative way out - to diversify the ceiling with stripes of harmonizing colors.

It is easiest to tear off strips of wallpaper that have already begun to lag behind, using the usual warm water. After wetting the strip, wait a quarter of an hour and try to separate it. If the wallpaper does not give in, repeat wetting. In the case of vinyl wallpapers, you first need to separate them. upper layer, and then moisten and separate the remaining base.

After the wallpaper is removed, carefully clean the surface. If potholes form on the ceiling during the removal of wallpaper, they will have to be puttied. The cleaned flat surface must be primed without fail, and only after the primer has completely dried can a new strip of trellises be glued.

If your plans do not include the replacement of fragments, but there is a need to glue back the edges of the wallpaper that have moved back, we act differently.

As a rule, wallpaper peels off at the joints. The detached fragments can be tried to be glued back. To begin with, separate the piece that has begun to peel off from the surface as much as possible. Gently pull on the wallpaper, separating it from the ceiling until you feel that the remaining part is holding securely, and it is easier to tear off than to separate. Carefully clean the separated part of debris, glue and soil residues. It is convenient to do this with a small spatula or palette knife. The fragment of the ceiling freed from wallpaper should also be cleaned of debris, if necessary, fill in the potholes. Prime the surface and wait for it to dry completely.

It is best to return the separated fragment of wallpaper to its place with the help of PVA glue, diluted in half with a primer, in extreme cases - with water. If there is any remaining glue at the joint, carefully remove it. Wait for drying, avoiding drafts in the room.

Sometimes there are times when the wallpaper peels off the walls. This can happen for completely different reasons. In this article we will tell you how to glue the lagged canvas, what can be used for this, and how to do it correctly.

Reasons for peeling wallpaper

Basically, if the wallpaper moves away from the wall, it means that the surface was poorly prepared. After all, many people forget that the wall must be puttied and treated with a primer, otherwise the result can be very deplorable. It can also be affected by improperly selected glue, which may be of poor quality, so be sure to check the expiration date before buying. Let's take a closer look at the causes of peeling:

How to glue peeled off wallpaper

What tools are suitable

If you notice that the wallpaper has peeled off, try to glue it as soon as possible. For gluing you will need:

We glue the joints

If the wallpaper has come apart at the seams, don't worry, it's easy to fix. It is necessary to carefully move the edge of the canvas with a spatula and remove debris. Next, apply wallpaper paste along the joint and press the edge with a rubber roller. Remove the rest with a dry cloth.

If the canvas has moved away from the wall near the floor or ceiling, then take wallpaper glue. It must first be diluted with water and only then the canvas should be well lubricated. Wait about five minutes and then gently reattach the peeled off strip. Remember that the joints must be carefully treated with glue, as they play a big role in wallpapering.

Pasting wallpaper after a cat

In case your animal likes to peel off the coating, we advise you to use more durable non-woven wallpaper or even use paint for decoration.

If the cat messed up small plot wallpaper, it can always be glued or re-glued. To do this, measure the damaged area that will have to be redone, and cut off the necessary part from the roll. Then remove the damaged coating from the wall and glue the prepared piece again.

How to re-glue a large area

If a large area or a whole strip has peeled off, proceed as follows:

Bonding non-woven fabrics

A common reason for peeling non-woven material is non-compliance with the rules of gluing. An instruction is always attached to the product, which says how you can and should glue such wallpapers, so always read it. Remember that when gluing such a coating, only walls should be treated with glue, the wallpaper itself is not smeared with glue.

To glue such material, you can use glue and a spatula. Apply glue to the joints and the wall and let it soak in, wait about ten minutes. For better adhesion, it is recommended to roll over the surface with a roller.

Can PVA glue be used?

Although PVA glue is very popular, its use for gluing wallpaper is undesirable. PVA after drying is very poorly soluble in water and therefore remove the coating before next repair will be extremely difficult. Also, due to such a solution, yellow spots may appear. In construction stores, you can buy special PVA wallpaper glue, which is less concentrated than its universal counterpart, which does not leave unwanted stains, but it is not suitable for large pieces of wallpaper, as it does not prevent the canvas from slipping. It can be used for gluing corners, however, if the walls are not made of drywall. PVA glue and GKL are incompatible things.

How to glue wallpaper without glue

We recommend not to experiment, but still buy a special glue. As we have already seen, PVA is not suitable for gluing. Many advise using flour to restore small areas, first diluting it with warm water. But we would not advise taking risks, because such a solution can only worsen the problem.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that you should not panic if your wallpaper has peeled off. The main thing is to try to identify and immediately fix the problem by applying special glue. Folk methods and PVA is better not to use, as you risk ruining the surface and the repair will have to be redone. Watch the following video, which shows in practice how to properly glue peeled wallpapers and joints:

Repair in any room sooner or later loses its appeal. Most often, this manifests itself in the form of lagging wallpaper joints or even entire canvases, a swelling surface, scratches, etc. However, this is not yet a reason to new renovation, because by gluing the wallpaper, you can return it.

I must say that gluing lagging canvases is a rather responsible job. The fact is that if you do not glue the corner or joint in time, then after some time you will have to completely re-paste the wallpaper sheet. And this, you see, is a much more complex and expensive work.

How to glue wallpaper

Before proceeding with the restoration of the coating, you should choose an adhesive for gluing wallpaper. After all, a poor-quality composition will lead to the fact that all the work will be done in vain, as the material will again begin to lag behind.

Therefore, it is best to purchase special glue in the store, preferably from well-known manufacturer. In this case, you can not worry about the quality of the work performed. True, you will have to spend a certain amount on this, and the price of some types of glue can be quite high.

Another option is to use ordinary PVA glue, which is available in almost every home. In this case, you will not incur additional costs, however, it may not be able to cope with its task when gluing heavy canvases, for example, vinyl.

And when working with a thin paper coating, the formation of yellow spots on the surface of the wallpaper is not excluded. As a result, it may no longer be necessary to glue, but to completely replace the canvases. Therefore, when deciding how to glue the wallpaper at the joints, it is better to give preference to branded adhesives.

Advice! For non-woven fabrics, you should use a special glue, because how to glue non-woven wallpaper adhesive composition for paper wallpaper will not work well.

Wallpaper restoration


Before gluing lagging wallpaper, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Tube with glue. It is desirable that he has a long nose.
  • A small roller to roll out the wallpaper.
  • Sponge or rag to remove excess glue.
  • Household hair dryer with hot air mode.
  • Brush.
  • A vacuum cleaner.

In the photo - repair of joints

Gluing joints

I must say that there are several reasons why coverage may lag behind:

  • The wall was badly primed.
  • In the process of wallpapering, the window was ajar.
  • Bad quality.

But, in any case, the instructions for gluing the joints are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to carefully unscrew the dispersed sheets.
  • If pieces of putty remain on the back of the canvases, then they must be carefully removed.
  • Then the wall and canvases should be well vacuumed. This will prevent pieces of debris from getting under the cover, as a result of which tubercles form.
  • If a large piece of putty has fallen behind with the wallpaper, then the wall should be puttied, wait for the material to dry and primed.

  • After the primer dries, the walls and wallpaper must be smeared with glue. To do this, you can use a brush. If the area is small, then it is convenient to fill it with glue using a tube with a long spout.
  • Then the sheet is rolled from the glued part to the joint with a roller to remove bubbles.. If work is being done with vinyl wallpaper the procedure is best done with a damp cloth. Excess adhesive must be removed with a sponge or cloth. After that, the rag should be rinsed well in cold water for future use.
  • If PVA was used for gluing, then the seams need to be heated with a hairdryer, as a result of which the glue polymerizes and sets well. I must say that even heavy and dense canvases can be reliably glued in this way.
  • After that, you need to once again walk with a rag or roller along the seams.

Advice! If there is no hair dryer available, then the joints can be heated with an iron through a rag. True, this operation should be performed carefully so as not to spoil the coating.

This completes the gluing of the joints, now you need to let the canvases dry, preventing the occurrence of drafts.

Removing scratches and other minor damage

Minor scratches and other flaws can be removed with your own hands according to the same principle. The most important thing is that all the torn off pieces of wallpaper are located in their place.

Restoration work is carried out in the following order:

  • Glue is applied to the damaged area. The scratch must be well smeared, bending the edges.
  • Excess adhesive should be wiped off with a cloth or sponge.
  • The damaged area should be warmed up with a hair dryer.
  • After that, the area must be pressed again with a rag.

Advice! To fill small scratches on the wallpaper with glue, you can use a toothpick.

As a result, scratches and defects will completely disappear. I must say that even a heavily damaged coating can be restored in this way. The only thing you need to correctly combine all the torn off parts of the coating.

Advice! If part of the wallpaper cannot be restored, then the damaged area must be carefully cut out and a new one glued on. Therefore, when repairing, do not throw away the remnants of the material.

With careful work, there will not even be traces of damage on the walls.


Pasting wallpaper eliminates the need for cosmetic repairs. Especially if the decoration of the room was completed recently and, in general, the coating is in good condition ().

The only thing is that the work must be done very carefully so as not to spoil the surface even more. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

When the joints diverge, a fragment or a whole canvas peels off, the first question that arises in the head is how to glue the wallpaper quickly and efficiently. We will help you choose the right adhesive, tell you about alternatives, and also discuss the main points that affect the adhesion strength of the finishing material to the wall.

Why the wallpaper peels off - an analysis of the main reasons

It seems to you that during the repair you did everything right, but for some unknown reason, you observe fragments of lagging wallpaper or entire rolls? Is everything perfect with your walls, let's figure it out.

One of the reasons is the defects on the walls. Irregularities can be observed not only in old houses, but also in new buildings. Before the beginning finishing works carefully inspect the surface, check it for cracks and deep grooves. If there are any, they must be sealed with cement, removed old plaster. Uneven joints are often observed with improper installation drywall walls, which also need to be sealed before gluing.

A common reason that is allowed in a hurry or carrying out cosmetic repairs is poor surface preparation for wallpapering. Here we observe poor-quality cleaning of the walls from old paint, stuck pieces of wallpaper, and worst of all - the lack of a primer, and without it it is impossible to achieve good adhesion of surfaces. In the old "Khrushchev" on the walls there is a large number of whitewash, which also interferes quality repairs. If you are the owner of such walls, we recommend that you carefully sand the surface before finishing. It is easy to check the quality of preparation. Take a piece of electrical tape, stick it on the wall and immediately tear it off. If there are large particles of finish on the sticky part, continue to prepare the surface until it becomes absolutely smooth. This is especially important when, where the smallest grain of sand can ruin the picture.

Technique repair workimportant point. Often, professionals and amateurs forget to read the instructions for using glue, plaster, primer, and also follow the rules for sticking a certain type of wallpaper, thinking that they have done finishing work 1000 times and it is not necessary to read the recommendations. Remember every finishing material has its own specific application. Therefore, in order not to have to once again resort to gluing, always follow the instructions.

Do not spare glue, always coat the roll and walls evenly. Use a wide roller, not a brush. This will reduce the time of work and increase the accuracy of applying the adhesive. Pay attention to the expiration date of the glue. The purchase of an expired product also affects the quality of the docking of the wallpaper with the surface. As for the quality of the glue, I would like to say a few more words. Purchase only a specialized composition for your type of wallpaper. Leave flour or starch paste in the past, for modern wallpaper it will be of little use if you don't want to see the peeled rolls.

Follow a few more important rules:

  • close doors and windows to completely eliminate drafts during the finishing work, and do not open them for a few more days after it is completed so that the glue has time to harden and bond to the surface;
  • if the room where the repair is being carried out is located on the south side, we cover the windows with curtains, excluding direct sunlight;
  • carry out wallpapering unheated room at low humidity and temperature, it is not recommended that the wallpaper does not peel off from dampness.

Emergency measures - what to do if there are gaps and bubbles?

If the problem could not be avoided and the wallpaper peeled off, proceed according to the following scheme. First, let's look at the gaps. The easiest way to correct the situation is if the joints have moved away. We take a brush and the remaining glue after the repair, make a solution, only more liquid, and carefully coat the peeling places. If the repair was carried out a long time ago and you do not have any adhesive for wallpaper left, you can use the usual construction or stationery glue PVA. Yes, fixation with such glue is strong, but remember that it leaves yellow marks. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it separately. Better mix with wallpaper glue in a ratio of 1:10, then there will be no such problem.

How to glue new wallpaper that has peeled off along with the plaster? We carefully treat the surface of the wall with a moistened sponge, remove the remains of the plaster, remove the roll and stick a new one. This option is suitable if a little time has passed after the repair and you have an extra running meter wallpaper. However, if there is no extra roll, then we recommend that you carefully clean a piece of the lagging roll and coat it liberally with glue. Always buy wallpaper with a spare for an emergency.

Large bubbles that remain after poor expulsion of air from under the wallpaper also cause loose adhesion to the surface and the appearance of gaps. The advice is to cut the bubble with a sharp blade crosswise - do not the best way. It will be quite difficult for an amateur to dock a drawing, and not all professionals can do it. What to do in this case? Take a medical syringe and gently pierce the bubble, and when air comes out of it, fill the space formed inside with glue. Wait 5 minutes for the glue to soften the wallpaper, and smooth the surface with a rubber roller, dry the place with a hairdryer. We remove the sticky protrusions with a dry rag, if necessary, coat the crack.

Special adhesive for joints - how effective is it?

Lagging joints are a problem for many repairmen. If such embarrassment happened to you, let's talk about special glue for joints. What is its advantage? This glue is universal, it is suitable for absolutely all types of wallpaper (vinyl, non-woven, paper), it fixes faster and forms a strong connection. The most popular on the market are three foreign manufacturers - Quelyd, Metylan, Kleo.

Glue for joints is sold in tubes with a thin tip, which facilitates the process of its application. It is completely ready for use, does not require the preparation of a solution or the additional use of brushes. We apply glue to the wall and the peeled joint, after which we press the gap with a dry cloth. The working temperature of the adhesive is from 10 to 25 °C.

To keep the joints better, we advise you to pre-glue a special paper tape, which is sold in hardware stores. It is preferable to use it on thick vinyl wallpaper, but on thin non-woven and paper surfaces the tape may stand out.

If the joint width is 2–3 mm, use a universal pigment concentrate, choosing the appropriate color per ton of wallpaper, for example, from the Colorex series from Sniezka. Such a pigment is applied to the joint between the wallpaper with a spatula, the remnants are wiped with a cloth. Correction of defects is successful, after drying, a smooth, uniform surface is obtained.

The canvas has peeled off - a brief instruction for elimination

After the repair, the band completely departed? We comply with the following important rules. Close windows and doors to completely eliminate drafts. We completely clean the peeled off strip from plaster and other particles. We do the same with the wall. We make the surface even, get rid of the gaps.

How to glue lagging wallpaper? Use the glue left after the repair, we recommend Metylan or Quelyd. Thoroughly coat the strip with a roller and leave to soak for 5-7 minutes. We straighten the strip and apply it to the wall, here you will need an assistant, otherwise creases and bubbles cannot be avoided. Next, walk over the entire surface with a rubber roller, treat the canvas with a dry rag.

Remember if you stick paper wallpaper, then additionally coat the walls with adhesive for better adhesion to the surface. But with non-woven vinyl wallpaper, this is not necessary, we apply glue only to the roll.