Repair of gas wall boilers with hands. Save - you can, only carefully: instructions for repairing the gas boiler do it yourself

Gas boilers today enjoyed in demand, they differ high levels Functionality. But at the same time, over time, their performance decreases greatly, and such problems of many users are at a dead end. To avoid unexpected repairs, it is necessary to conduct in a timely manner maintenance These devices. If you really have difficulties, then you can repair the gas boilers with your own hands. In this article we give ways to eliminate the characteristic faults of such devices.

Gas boiler device

Broke, in fact, can any part of the boiler, because there are plenty of reasons for this. Most often, this is due to the poor-quality assembly of nodes, improper operation and ingestion of extended tanks of foreign objects. Whatever it was, before repairing the gas boiler, disperse in its device. Special attention It is recommended to pay a security group that is responsible for the proper operation of the instruments.

These elements can be attributed to:

  • The thrust sensor with a plate, which is designed for 75 degrees. This device follows the work of the chimney of the boiler, it reacts to any failures in the output of combustion products into the chimney and their outlet of the smoke trap.

Important! In the event of faults, the device is heated, begins to work, so many equip it with an additional signaling device of gaspace.

  • Protective monostat. It protects boilers from incomplete removal of smoke due to a chimney or heat exchanger.
  • Limit thermostat. Responsible for water control in the boiler - as soon as it boats the overheating sensor, immediately turns off the device.
  • Electrode ionization. This element controls the presence of a flame. Repair of many models of boilers begins precisely from checking the electrodes, because if the device starts working without flame, it can explode.
  • Pressure control valve. The system makes the device drop dangerous surplus when the pressure exceeds the mark of 3 bar.

Important! If some of the listed sensors fail, then the tenants of the house can impass carnant gas, missed system. As a result of improper operation of the electrode, an explosion may happen.

What should be taken into account when repairing a gas boiler?

Modern boilers relate to quite complex household devices. As we have previously clarified, even a minor malfunction can lead to an explosive situation. Therefore, if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better not to take for repair on your own.

When repaired gas boiler The following factors must be taken into account:

  • If the room filled with smoke or a clear smell of gas appeared, then you should immediately turn off the device, open all windows and doors.
  • To repair the device is quite real, if, for example, it is necessary to replace the broken combustion sensor. It is enough to turn it off from gas supply, then give it to completely cool, check for the presence of thrust, restart.

Important! If you plan to check for thrust, then make sure that it does not stink in the room. Then bring a sheet of paper to the chimney if it won't move, it means there is no traction. In no case do not turn on the boiler, immediately call the master.

  • Basically, such devices fail due to heat exchanger clogging. It is easy to solve this problem: to repair the gas boiler heat exchanger with their own hands, you just need to clean it.

Important! If the automation broke, then without a professional there is no need to do.

  • When the pipe supplying fuel is clogged, it is enough to disconnect it from the system, clean and rinse it well, then dry and return to the place.
  • If the flame is suddenly fading, constantly burning in the standby mode, then you should use the instruction and check the condition of the unit.

Elimination of typical faults in gas boilers

Of course, it is not worth repairing the control board of the gas boiler control, because, as we found out, it consists of large number Elements responsible for the safe operation of the device. If problems turned out to be typical, then beware of the case.

Troubleshoot problems according to the instructions:

  1. Heat exchanger. It is the weakest and problematic part of the boilers, which is made of copper or of stainless steel. It should be brushed from accumulated soot once a year with an ordinary metal brush. Ideal for this, a metal sponge for washing dishes is suitable, as it is more gentle and gentle.
  2. Plug fan. Even despite the fact that the fans work on the lowest revs and constant current, they rarely, but break. The most distant places are bearings. If you find that the fan stopped developing the right amount revolutions, then the first thing to disassemble the boiler, remove it back, then pull out the stator and lubricate the bearings with machine oil.
  3. Chimney. Often precisely coaxial chimney It clogs, and the device stops working normally. To resolve the problem, you need to remove it from the system, to carefully clean each detail, then return everything to your place.
  4. Valve. Repair of the gas valve of the gas boiler does with their own hands takes place even easier - just buy enough new detail And replacing it from the element failed.

Important! The gas boiler is potentially dangerous equipment, which, with incorrect operation and late elimination of problems, may not behave unpredictable.

Copper "Immergaz" failed? Work is blocked, and errors are displayed on the display? Do not worry, so the security system reports the resulting problem. What to do? Look into the instructions and learn code designation. If the instruction is lost or you do not understand the technical language, contact our publication. We have described the errors of Immergaz boilers.

IMMERGAS boiler operation and device

The Italian manufacturer of heating equipment "Immergaz" is focused on all segments of the population. From a wide range you can choose the models of the Economy class or high-tech devices at a high price.

Equipment adapted for use with unstable pressure in the gas highway - up to 3 mbar. The design is equipped with the following nodes and details:

  • Gas burner with electric ignition;
  • Circulating pump from the company "Grandfos". The technique has proven itself as reliable and quiet;
  • Bypass with the regulation system protects the heat exchanger from overheating;
  • The generic sensor measures the temperature of the coolant stream;
  • Mode "Anti-massation". If the temperature decreases to 4 degrees, the boiler is automatically launched. After that, constant heating is maintained at 40 degrees;
  • In stock Outdoor thermostat. It can be connected at will.

The range includes conventional convection models, as well as condensation. The latter are different increased efficiency more than 100%. According to the design there are single-circuit and double-circuit units. Combustion chambers - open and closed type.

Protection against scale. Upon completion of heating, the pump does not stop. About 3 minutes, he pumps cold water through the system, removing the heat load.

Errors and malfunctions

Technique is not insured against breakdowns. If you saw the error code, you can find its value in the table below and the removal path. First of all, it is recommended to restart the boiler to eliminate the system failure. If the characters will be launched again - proceed to repair.

Codes Errors for IMMERGAS EOLO STAR / MINI What do you mean How to repair do it yourself
01 No ignition. The boiler is blocked. The burner is lit automatically. If the ignition does not occur after 10 seconds, remove the lock. To do this, press the RESET key. This happens after long standing equipment. Follow the excess air from the system and run the re-ignition.
02/12 Overheating happened. The thermostat disables the operation. Problems with ignition. Wait for a decrease in temperature, restart the unit. Spend diagnostics:
  • Thermostat;
  • The flame sensor, ionization, their contacts and location;
  • Replace faulty parts.
03 Received a signal from the combustion product removal sensor. Look at:
  • Fan, its motor. To do this, dismantle the body of the device. Make sure the fan wiring integrity. Clean the blades from soot and dust;
  • Look at the chimney hole. Spend the mine's cleaning for your side and from the street.
04 Electromechanical contacts are under great resistance. Make sure that the protective thermostat and pressure sensor are working. Circling the contacts of both elements. If this does not give results, contact a service center to diagnose the electronic board.
05 The NTC temperature sensor in the heating circuit does not function. Check sensor, wiring, contact suspension.
06 Thermistor NTC hot water fails.
08 Defective unlock key. Inspect the contacts of the board. Replace the item.
09 Activated setting mode. Cancel mode if it is not needed.
10 The contour fell pressure to level less than 0.9 bar. How to fix the problem:
  • Inspect the circuit, all connections and nodes for the presence of leaks. When detecting, seal this place;
  • Turn on the feed, adjust the pump speed. Wait for the pressure gauge testimony to reach 1.3.
Error 11. Worked the smoke pressure sensor.

Wall-mounted gas boiler can be blocked with insufficient thrust. After that, the restart is automatically turned on. After three shutdowns, the code is issued and the red indicator lights up.

Make sure you have thrust. If it is not, clean the smoking mine. Its arrangement must be conducted strictly according to standards.

15 Incorrect configuration (relevant for EOLO STAR / MINI models). Contact the service center.
16 The fan does not turn on. The chain is torn off. Fan diagnostics. Repair of the chain, contact suspension, reconnect.
20 Flame problems.

The control module is tested.

27 The circulation of the coolant is broken, as a result the device overheats. Check:
  • Cranes. Open them until you stop;
  • Encourage system. Fix the excess air;
  • Circulating pump. Unlock its work, clean the impeller from pollution;
  • Filters. Clean them from dirt. When rusting, we overst the filters in citric acid solution;
  • Heat exchanger. Remove the clusters of scale in its tubes. To avoid plaque, install low temperature and water filters.
28 Flow in the DHW circuit. Simultaneous increase in temperature in the heating system and hot water supply. How to proceed:
  • Make sure that the faucet cranes are correct;
  • Check for pipe leakage and connections.
31 The electronic board is incompatible with the boiler. Perhaps the name of the model was incorrectly entered.
37 Racing voltage in the network. Fall until 197-175 V. Connect voltage stabilizer.
Malfunctions Immergas Eolo Mythos
E00 The work is stopped. No flame in the burner. Inspect the flame electrode and the control board, as well as their wiring. Install the new items when malfunction.
E02. No ignition.
  • Open the fuel supply valve;
  • Look, whether the gas valve opens;
  • Diagnostics of the module, its connections.
E04 The boiler is blocked for a long time. Check all nodes and parts.
E12 The signal of the overheating thermostat. Diagnostics:
  • Thermostat contacts;
  • Fuse on the electronic module.
E18 The temperature is exceeded on the feed line.
  • Turn on the feed;
  • Inspect the power pump.
E19 High degree heating on the reverse line.
E28 / E29. Fallen fan or Hall sensor. Make sure about:
  • Fan and its connections;
  • Fusher F3;
  • The main module.
E31 / E36 Short circuit (KZ) or sensor breaking on the feed line. Replacing the temperature sensor.
E32 / E37 KZ sensor or break on the return.
E65 The fan does not hit the air. Replace the Motor of the node if reduced work is observed (less than 900 rpm).

Immergaz problems with automatic unlocking

As soon as you eliminate the cause of the fault, the fee will automatically resume work and heating.

What codes meet:

  • b 18 - disruption of the heating of the feed circuit (over 95 ° C). Eliminate the causes of poor coolant circulation (filters, heat exchanger, pump lock);
  • b 19 - The level of heating on the return exceeded the mark 90 ° C. See the solution for B 18;
  • b 24 / B 30 - Thermistors of feed and returns give different readings. The difference is 10 ° C. Diagnosis of heat exchanger. Cleansing from scale;
  • b 25 - rapid increase in degree on the feed line. Fit the contour with water;
  • b 26 - pressure decreased. Measure the readings, add the coolant to the contour, adjust the pump operation;
  • b 28 / B 29 - Fan does not function. Replace the node when breakdown;
  • b 33 / B 38 - KZ, cluster of the thermistor of the DHW. Connect a new part;
  • b 65 - the fan is not started for a long time. Diagnosis and replacement.

Another common malfunction is a yellow uneven flame. In this case, clean the burner from soot and dust. Also remove the dirt from the chimney mine - it breaks the craving.

Not all models are equipped with a display. Some give the damage code with the luminescence of indicators. For example, Immergas Nike Star / Mini.

If you fail to remove the breakdown yourself and the symbols are re-displayed on the screen, it is better to call the wizard.

A gas boiler complex mechanism. It can be divided into 3 Main parts: Electronics, Gas Pipes and Burners, Heat Exchange Node (Pump, Tank, Fan). You can only repair only the last part.

Attempts to restore the first two parts, without due skills, lead to the final breakdown Boiler, gas leakage and other negative consequences.

Causes of the breakdown of a wall or floor gas boiler

Gas boilers rarely break. This happens as a result natural wear equipment or because factory marriage. Other cases of breakdowns are necessarily related to the following factors.

Contaminated water in dual-circuit

The boiler may break due to water. In the risk group, first of all, there are two-circuit devices used not only for heating, but also for hot water.

The fact is that rust From the pipeline, other fractions, thin heat exchanger tubes are littered for the year.

Avoid troubles related to water quality will help filter rough cleaning. It is installed when installing on the feed pipe liquids. For more security, you can add to the system small-grained filter, or establish a full-fledged cleaning system.

Electricity - Source Problem

Appliances Sustainable K. voltage and disconnect electricity. But the gas boiler is a thinner equipment. Voltage jump will turn off the boiler or breakage of electronics. The malfunction of the device or turning off the electricity will damage the heating pipes.

In order to avoid sad consequences set at least one of the additional devices.

  • Stabilizer - The device that will solve the problem of voltage jumps. Its size is small, installed both in the apartment and in a private house.

Photo 1. Electronic resanta voltage voltage stabilizer for heating boiler. The device is attached to the wall.

  • Uninterruptible power system. There will be an input voltage. Let the boiler work for some time in the absence of electricity. It is appropriate to use in the apartment and in the house.
  • Benzogenerator.It does not affect the stability of the network, but can save when the current is prolonged. Used only in the private sector.

Attention! When buying a generator, check if it really single-phase.

Violations Installation Instructions

Installation of complex equipment nonprofessional He will entail hard consequences. In frequent cases, the following problems arise:

  • In the process of mounting neglected grounding. This leads to static static accumulation on the device case. In case electric Dougie. Often, automatics of the boiler comes out.
  • After mounting did not release air from the system. The formed plug will lead to the rupture of the pipes of the coolant and breakage of the pump.
  • Violations in the strapping Gas boiler systems, with a cast iron heat exchanger, will cause a split of an important part of the device.

Operating conditions

If the installation of the gas boiler is performed correctly, operational problems occur only because of weather conditions. Cold in winter, a desire to warm up pushing people to use the boiler in the maximum mode. Equipment Such conditions withstands, but gas system - not. Reducing the fuel pressure leads to interruptions of the device. Automation starts off the boiler. The problem is that it is It is impossible to call breakdown And it will not be possible to eliminate it.

Possible malfunctions and ways to repair with your own hands

A specialist should fight with any malfunction of the gas boiler. However, the ability to use the services of the master is not always, and breakdowns are empty. Consider problems that are solved on their own.

Smells gas in the house

Usually the smell of gas appears When it leaks from a threaded connection of the feed hose. If indoors where the boiler is installed, the smell appeared, you need open the window and turn off the boiler. Next, act according to the instructions:

  1. Prepare the necessary things: soap mortar, Fuma tape, horny or adjustable key.
  2. Nan solution on everything threaded connections. If bubbles begin to inflate - the leakage place is detected.
  3. Relap the gas valve.
  4. Key expand connection.Hur over on the outdoor thread FUM-TENTU. And collect everything back.
  5. Re-apply the solution and resume gas supply.
  6. If the leakage is eliminated, and the smell of gas disappeared, remove residue Solid.

Attention! When the place of leakage could not be detected, overlap gas, call a specialist.

You will also be interested:

Fan does not work

If during the boiler disappeared or decreased sound published turbine - indicates a malfunction of the fan blowing. For repair it will be necessary: Shipping, new bearing, rag, thick lubricant.

  1. Necessary turn off Boiler I. overlap gas.
  2. Remove the turbine.
  3. Cloth clearwith turbine blades Dust and Nagar.
  4. Inspect the electric coilfan for blazing. If everything is in order to go further or replace the fan.
  5. Disassemble the fan body. Inside the shaft of the turbine installed bearing, his it is necessary to replace. In some fans installed sleeve instead of bearing. In this case, her need to lubricate.

The turbine may also not work because reduced voltage network or control board faults.The first is eliminated using the stabilizer, but the second only by calling a specialist.

Wallowed chimney outdoor boiler

Chimney problems arise only uboilers outdoor type . This is due to its size and vertical position. Attachments do not need to clean the chimney.

Chimney, consisting metal partsCleans with a metal brush. It is necessary to disassemble and mechanically remove the accumulated soot. Whole Chimney is clean with special vacuum cleaners or chemicals. But for this you need to call a professional.

Photo 2. Three ways to improve the chimney for an outdoor gas boiler. The first option is to clean the most difficult.

High temperatures

Overheating boiler is associated with contamination of heat exchanger. To clean the device, you will need: special soloic acid solution, adjustable key, fum-tape, metal brush.Next, act according to the instructions:

  1. Turn off the boiler overlap gas and water.
  2. Remove heat exchangerusing an adjustable key.
  3. Clear Its with a brush.
  4. Through the pipe Pour in heat exchanger solution of acid. If the foam appeared - it means there is a lot of scale.
  5. Poursolution and repeat procedure.
  6. Rinse.
  7. Setback, pre- watching all the threaded fum-ribbon compounds.

Modern gas boilers are quite complex technological equipment. With proper care and proper circulation, the gas boiler will serve for a long time without any failures. However, even the most expensive and functional equipment has its own resource, after which the exhaustion of which begin to appear of different kind Fault.

Knowing the main causes of troubleshooting and the order of their elimination, you can repair your gas boiler own hands. This is a very painstaking, responsible, but in most cases a relatively simple work.

First of all, it is necessary to establish, because of which the operation of gas heating boilers can arise any malfunctions. A number of different factors can lead to the emergence of problems.


Modern gas boilers are equipped with various automation tools. These funds, in turn, work from electricity. And, despite the fact that there are already 21 centuries on the courtyard and all over the world are actively developed alternative sources Energy, the problem of stability of the power grid remains relevant for very many regions, especially for remote villages and all sorts of country villages.

A sudden disconnection or a strong leap of electricity is one of the main enemies of any modern gas boiler.

To avoid all accompanying troubles, buy a high-quality stabilizer in advance. Do not regret money to buy this device - from cheap models a bit of a bit, so it is better to immediately allocate funds for the purchase of a good stabilizer from famous manufacturer. Be sure, in the event of a breakdown of automation on its repair and replacement you will spend much more money.


At home, wall-mounted models of gas boilers are often used. Such devices simultaneously respond and for heating rooms, and for the preparation hot water.

The design of wall boilers includes a flow heat exchanger in its own composition. Low-quality rigid water with a variety of inclusions - chief enemy heat exchanger gas boiler. In this case, under the influence of low-quality water, the heat exchanger may fail in just one season.

To prevent such a breakdown, install special filters. The best way - Full water purification system. With her your boiler will work as long as possible, and it is much safer to use purified water.

Mounting errors

Any knowing man You will say: the installation and strapping of the gas heating equipment Exceptionally qualified specialists should be engaged.

Even the slightest errors at the installation stages and equipment connectivity are able to lead to irreversible consequences. For example, the incorrectly made blockage in the case of a cast-iron gas boiler more powerful 50 kW will lead to the fact that low temperatures The unit simply splits.

Therefore, if you are not an experienced gas engineer, instruct the installation of the boiler professionals - so you will save yourself from many problems in the future.


Adverse atmospheric phenomena are also able to lead to the emergence of many different problems. Frosty winter people include heating almost completely power. This leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the gas pipeline system. As a result, the boilers cannot fully realize their potential.

You will not be able to solve this problem on your own - your neighbors still do not explain that they only aggravate the situation. As an option to solve the problem, you can install an additional boiler operating on another fuel.

Is it worth repairing the boiler yourself?

A modern gas boiler is a complex and potentially dangerous system. The main danger of such aggregates is the risk of gas explosion in the event of incorrect handling of equipment or late elimination of various problems.

For maintaining the operation of the gas boiler at the optimal level, various kinds of automation meets the optimal level. It is often not able to understand its device in an inexperienced user. Therefore, to eliminate serious problems, it is better to immediately invite specialists.

Alone, you can try to eliminate unless visible damage and a variety of contamination that led to the failure of the nozzle, chimney and other parts of the boiler.

There are a number of typical problems, with the elimination of which in most cases you can cope with your own hands. Problems will also be listed, when the appearance of which you can only protect yourself to the arrival of a specialist.

If there is a clear smell of gas in the room or a smoke, immediately turn off the boiler and leave the room by opening it on the ventilation.

Immediately invite a specialist. Trying to solve the problem of gas leakage independently without the presence of the necessary skills is extremely dangerous and unreasonable.

Breakdown sensor combustion

If the combustion sensor broke or the gas supply nozzle is broken, turn off the boiler, break all the gas valves and allow the unit to be fully cooled.

After some time, go back to the room for its check for the presence of gas smell. If everything is in order with the burden, try to turn on the boiler. If the traction is absent, immediately call the repairman.

Overheating boiler

Overheating is one of the most common problems of modern gas boilers. The reason for this may be in malfunction of automation tools or clogging the heat exchanger.

With the repair of automation, you can not cope without the appropriate knowledge.

Clean the same heat exchanger can and with your own hands. The most common materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers are copper and stainless steel. With their cleaning, it usually does not arise any problems, but still be extremely careful.

To clean the heat exchanger, it is enough to remove it and carefully cleaned with a metal brush. In the case of a copper heat exchanger, it is better to replace the brush with a metal sponge used for washing dishes.

Fault fan boost

The problem venue of the fans are their bearings. If the fan of your boiler has ceased to develop a set speed of revolutions, try to fix the fault that has arisen as soon as possible.

To do this, remove the back of the fan, get the stator and lubricate the bearings. Machine oil is perfect for lubrication, but if possible, it is better to use a better carbon composition with heat-resistant properties.

Also to the emergence of problems with the fan can bring an intersless closure. Only a specialist can cope with the elimination of this malfunction. Rent a stator to repair to replace the winding or immediately replace the defective unit with a new device.

Chimney problems

Often, the appearance of various problems in the operation of the gas heating boiler leads excessive clogs of coaxial chimney.

Remove the chimney and thoroughly clean all its components from soot. So you will not only return the former level of efficiency of the unit, but also significantly increase the coefficient useful action boiler.

Gas boilers Immergaz
Models Eolo Star, Eolo Mini, Nike Star, Nike Mini, Mitos. Repair and adjustment. Installation, Installation and Connection. Settings operating modes and additional equipment.
Boilers Kentatsu Furst.
Wall-mounted models Nobby Smart. Condensation SMART CONDENS. Outdoor Sigma, Kobold. Solid fuel Elegant, Vulkan. Faults and error codes. Description and characteristics.


Need help. IMmergas Eolo Star 24 Copper Change pipes heatingTherefore, in the pressure heating circuit no (Error 10), is it possible to somehow use the hot water circuit?

You can, if you create a pressure in the heating circuit. For example, put the cranes on the supply and reverse of the boiler, overlapping them and through the feeding to create a pressure of 1 bar in it, along the heating contour. And that's it. There will be an aggregate to work on the DHW.

Boiler EOLO MYTHOS 24. Montage did himself. Gorgaz arrived, turned on in a socket and that's it. The coefficients himself set up. There is no questions about the work. But in the kit there was a few washers for ventilation. Gorgaz said that it is not necessary to put them, only I have doubts. When working on a boiler on the street, a resistant gas smell. It seems that without a washer, part of the gas does not have time to burn and flies out. The coefficients put at a minimum. So need to put a puck or not? And what? There is just a washer, there is a cross over the middle.

The puck needed to be placed during installation, depending on the length and type of chimney according to the installation instructions for the boiler. The unit must be configured by a manometer specialist.

SALUS IT500 See, it works via the Internet. There is also a Teplocom GSM heat simulator, it monitors and control the heating system from a phone or smartphone via GSM. Control of air temperature, coolant, leakage sensor, the presence of 220V network, control and configuration via SMS.

In the spring I plan to carry out gas. Has got a choice of a gas boiler. The boiler will stand in the kitchen, hinged turbocharged. In Local Gorghaz recommended the boilers from Immergas as it is immediately (in the same city) there is an official service center. The question arose between the two models of EOLO STAR 24 and EOLO MYTHOS 24. In the second two heat exchanger on the DHW, separate unlike the first, where everything in one is concluded. Is it important that heat exchangers are divided into the boiler?

Yes, the second is better.

There was a question of the transition to the summer mode, and for one I want to twist the heated towel rail.
Tell me how to correct the heating circuit? Boiler Eolo Mythos 24.

What taps are more - this is heating (3/4), what is smaller (1/2) - DHW.

Cotele Imergaz Etho Mitos 24 clutches when using DHW, pressure in the water supply system 1.5-2 atmospheres. By reducing the minimum power of the burner to a minimum, the situation has become a little better, but under the condition that the temperature is set to 48-50 degrees. The unit does not clock and modulates the burner at minimum power. I tried the watersten from the crane (ball), without a mixer - everything is fine, even 40 degrees it does not clutch. It turns out weak water treatment at the mixer. Someone knows, mixtures with great bandwidth are, or are they standard?

And you check the mixer itself, its mesh and eyeliner.

Boiler Eolo Star 24 3e. When an additional pump is working on a warm floor, hot water in the crane does not gain a given temperature (I put 50, and gives 38). I disable an additional pump, the device is perfectly heated. How to solve this problem?

I suspect not a correctly assembled heating system. When heating a DHW, a three-way valve overlaps heating and drives the coolant inside the boiler, which heats the water through the heat exchanger. And here it turns out that the heat pump pump continues to operate and open the 3-way. You can do, here are options: set, as it should be and is recommended by all manufacturers, hydraulic hydraulics and pumps. Install the one-speed valve (normally closed). Connect the heat panel pump to the control board.

Tell me, we have an immergaz boiler, the thermostat (thermostat) SALUS T102. Two days ago, we noticed that the thermostat was set to the temperature 19, the unit works without a break and the temperature shows 23. Replaced the batteries in the thermostat, it also works, restarted it, it seems to be disconnected and maintained the temperature specified by the thermostat. Today, again, the same story, on the thermostat 18, and it works, with testimony 20. The temperature of the coolant 60. What can it be? Can the thermostat malfunction?

Check carefully contacts and the wire itself. Perhaps somewhere else grips.

Installed and connected to the EOLO MINI boiler system 28. When turning on the DHW - warm water It flows only with strong water pressure, the secondary heat exchanger cleared.

Remove the duct limiter installed in the upper part of the DWW system duct sensor or at the bottom of the sensor plastic coarse filter, or replace the flow heat exchanger.

The boiler gives an error 12, what to do?

Check the set parameters (P9) in the boiler and install them according to the factory values.

Nike Star 24-3 Boiler Fault 24. Problems began with the expiration of the warranty. Now it often gives an error 10. What is the problem and how to solve?

Insufficient installation pressure. There is no sufficient measurement of water pressure in the heating system, (Error 10) to guarantee the correct operation. Check that the installation pressure is in the range of 1-1.2 bar.

Copper Immergaz Eto Star Turbo, a problem with the DHW circuit. I exhibit the temperature of the water 40, the water heats up to 40 and the boiler is turned off (error 02 is displayed). Then gives an error 11. After that, when the water temperature decreases, the device is turned on again.

It is necessary to clean the fan and tube on the air relay. And desirable, rinse the DHW contour for the prevention.

Immergas Eolo Mythos - 24, gives an error 06, tell me how to eliminate the problem?

Check the temperature sensor.

Pressure rises, the fuel faucet is closed. what better to do, Change the crane or can only rubber risks on it?

Check pressure B. expansion tank. But it is possible to replace the crane or even a heat exchanger.

Error 01, gas turned off for one day. When turned on, the beginning is shone red. Does not read the burner ignition, what to do?

Press RESET and set the temperature.

In the operation of the Copper Immergaz Nike Mini. It does not circulate water. In summer, he cleared the combustion chamber, removed the asking accumulated for 2 years and closed back. Started heating season, there are several batteries. Disassembled, merged, poured a new liquid - no circulation. Lost air in one battery, water under pressure flowed in the rest. The result is the same - no heat. The device shows a dialed temperature. What is the reason? If the expansion tank is low, this can affect the circulation in the system?

Have you cleaned a filter on the return? If not, then you must clean it, but it will not be any sense.

Installed and connected to the EOLO STAR 23 KW boiler system. For a month, a large gas consumption - up to 500 with heating. How to make faster gained temperatures when heating at home? You put 45 gr., Dials the temperature for 5 minutes. Can I make faster?

Can. The "P8" parameter (see the instruction) is set at the factory to "10". This means that after turning on the boiler will be released at maximum power, if it is necessary, after 10 minutes. Set another value - and enjoy!

The pump does not start, it gives an error 27, checking the voltage, but it is not, etho old 24.

It seems that the relay does not work on the board, it became - change the board.

Malfunction of the Nike Mythos 24 2e boiler. Gives an error with code 02. Tell me what could be?.

Error 02 is either overheating of the boiler (the contacts of the protective thermostat configured to 100 degrees are opened.) Or problems with the flame control chain. You'll simply check the first option: Look, how the temperature shows the device when an error occurs 02 and if the temperature is far from 100, close the thermostat of spit and see if the error will no longer appear. If you stop - change the thermostat. But if when an error occurs, the temperature of the boiler is close to 100 grams. (More precisely, to 90 grams., above it does not have the right, the burner is automatically turned off), then you have real overheating. Ladst thermostat and do not try. The second option is more complicated, I recommend calling the service user.

Tell me, the pressure pressure on the pressure gauge should there be? Installed under the boiler a pressure gauge and shows 18 mbar, and in working condition 13 mbar.

Pressure is normal. The SIT 845 Sigma valve, standing on most boilers, can be supplied with a pressure of 13 - 14 to 60 mbar and it will give it to which it was configured.

Immergas nike mini 24 3 E is installed and connected 24 3 E. boiler. It turns on for 3 seconds and immediately turns off and so constantly. The boiler does not turn on at all, the errors are not displayed, what could be?

It looks like symptoms of error 04. It is best to contact the service, but if it is problematic, do the following: Close the contacts of the limit thermostat; did not help - close the contacts of the minimum pressure relay; It did not help - after turning on the fan, close the contacts of the press length of smoke removal (or it is also called the "Monostat smoke" or "air relay"). Determined the defective element - change. Most often is the press service of smoke removal.

Error 10 and nothing is pressed, flashes. Tried and turn on and off from the network, does not help.

Or the minimum pressure relay is damaged, or a little in the water system (the pressure is less than 0.8 bar). Loop the contacts relays, the error will disappear. Or you do not dial pressure. Look at the pressure gauge.

Immergaz Etho Mitos 24, in operation for two years, the fan witnessed.

Try to lubricate the fan bearing. Or change the fan.

Copper Imergaz, error is burning 10, pressure 0, how to raise pressure?

There is a screw - this is a feeding faucet. Turn it counterclockwise (open) and from the DHW system (hot water supply) water begins to enter the heating system (unless, of course, in gVS system There is some kind of pressure). Next - look at the pressure gauge and when the pressure reaches 1.2 - 1.5, close the crane.

Malfunction of the immergas mini Nike 24 boiler. Error 27. Insufficient circulation. How to eliminate yourself? We have a hard water. I assume that somewhere, something beat.

Perhaps the mud filter was clogged, which installers should have been installed on the "return" pipes in front of the device. Clean. Perhaps the heating system was clogged. Rinse. And that and the other does not hurt. Possible problems with the pump. It is more difficult here, the pump will have to be changed.

Immergaz Echo Star 24 3 is installed and connected 24 3e. Why is the release of a small flow of water?

Most likely, the boiler is already 1.5 - 2 years, and the water is rigid; At first everything was fine, and then less and less. If so, then the water circuit in the heat exchanger is scored. Need to rinse, should help. Perhaps the pipes of the water supply system itself were clogged.

Performed installation, installation and launch of the immergaz boiler, worked for 3 years. Water pressure on pressure gauge 0.5, set temperature 40 degrees. The boiler goes to heating and immediately rises in the water system to 3 and higher, it is necessary to merge water. If you turn off the heating, then when cooling the water in the system, the pressure drops below the mark and the boiler is no longer started, it is necessary to add water. But earlier it worked not so, and the water constantly drips from the valve, and more than 40 degrees can no longer put - it is necessary to merge water.

These are obvious symptoms of the expansion tank fault. On the expansion tank match, press Nipple. Possible options: Went the air, it means that the tank is working; Water went to the replacement tank. In the first case, to the nipple of the expansion tank, connect the car pump and pumped the pressure of 1 atm. (on both pressure gauges, pump and boiler). In the second, overceracted the heating taps suitable to the boiler (2 pcs), open the drain tap of the boiler heating contour (below, plastic, next to the fuel faucet) - flow some amount of water; Connect the car pump to nippel and, without closing the feeding tap, start to swing. From the tap of the drain will begin to flow water again. Let all follow. How to flow stopped, close the drain crane and pumped the tank to 1 atm. (by pump pressure gauge), remove the pump and open the apparatus fuel faucet. Bring the pressure (on the boiler pressure gauge) to 1.2. After that, open the taps of the heating system
Under the boiler and tap feed, bring up to 1.2 already throughout the system. What you now have: You have eliminated a malfunction at least temporarily - it seems, nipple does not hold if the defect will repeat, it will have to change nipple; In the second case, the expansion tank should be changed or duplicated (embed to the heating system in any convenient place an additional tank of the same capacity). By the way, on the installation of a new tank you have about a week; After you pumped it, it will work normally about a week, and then the air will dissolve in water - and everything will happen again.



The boiler is disabled - the indicator does not burn.
The unit is in standby mode - the yellow LED sometimes flashes.
The presence of the flame is the yellow indicator burns.
The device is blocked with a failed flame ignition - a red diode is lit.
The device is blocked due to overheating - a red signal flashes.
Thermostat traction turned on - indicators flash together
Lack of water B. heating system - LEDs flas out in turn.
The NIKE Star / Mini boiler NTC probe is faulty, or the NTC Hot Water Supply Probe - Yellow Flashing.
Heating has a small water circulation - red shines, yellow blinks.
The DHW system has water leakage - the red indicator periodically flashes.
Work in the pipeline mode - the red LED is constantly flashing.
Ignition Lock - Red Indicator Lamp Enabled. Each time heating or hot water production is required, the unit is automatically turned on. If this does not happen within 10 seconds, the Eolo Star / Mini boiler includes "ignition blocking" (the red indicator lamp is turned on). To remove the lock, turn the main switch temporarily to the "Reset" position.

When initial ignition or after a long period of downtime, it may be necessary to disconnect the ignition blocking, as the blocking can work due to the availability of air in gas pipes. If the boiler is blocked often, please contact a qualified technique. Blocking the boiler due to exceeding its temperature - the red indicator lamp flashes. During operation, temperature overload occurs, the unit is turned off. Reasons may be as follows: lack of water in the heating circuit; Check that the pressure is between 1 and 1.2 bar; low circulation; Check that no valves are closed in the heating circuit and so that there are no bubbles in the system.
air; Blocked circulation pump; Free it.

To launch the Immergaz Nike Star / Mini boiler after blocking, set the main switch temporarily to the "Reset" position. Air pressure switch failure - a red indicator lamp and a yellow indicator lamp flashing. This refusal occurs if the air intake or exhaust pipes are blocked or the fan does not work. If normal conditions are restored, the boiler renews the action without the need to reset. NTC sensor failure - yellow indicator lamp flashes. When igniting, if the control unit detects the NTC sensor failure, the boiler does not start.

I have a boiler Imergaz Eolo Star 24 3 E works the third year, sometimes there is sometimes such a problem - when the DHW is turned on, the pressure is dropped in the heating system and blinks the error10. What can I see?

Close Tightweight Heating System Crane. Call service, it is necessary to replace the heat exchanger (this may be only, with the annual flushing of the heat exchanger).

IMmergas Eolo Star 23kw boiler. In operation for about 6 years. Recently, pressure drops 0, and often after using hot water for 10 and more minutes. A day several times falls on zero. I checked the Republic of Belarus, there was a pressure of 0. I bought a pump with a manometer, pumped 1 bar. Filled the system to 1.2 bar, in the morning error 10, pressure 0. 3 day experiment, looking for a problem. The feeding tap is spinning, does not miss, the reset valve checked, screwed the Maevsky crane to check. Over the night of the heating circuit and DHW from the boiler to understand where the leakage is in the system or in the device itself - overnight the pressure dropped from 1.2 to 0.5, error 10. So the problem is in the bolet itself. Checked the pressure in the expansion tank - 1 bar. For the experiment added to 1.7. It did not help, falls. A day later, that is, today, he lowered all the air from the Republic of Belarus, he downloaded to 1 bar again. At the moment, after 4 hours of observation, the pressure holds, 1.8 on the pressure gauge at the moment. I hope everything came to normal. The question is, and yet if the pressure falls again, where to look next, considering that I already checked everywhere. The last idea that the problem can be in the sample wall of the heat exchanger, when water from the heating circuit seeps into the circuit of the DHW and the pressure drops accordingly when using the DHW. What thoughts from whom?

Clean the filter on the heating system. If the filter cleansing does not help, call the service and pump repair.

I am connected to Immergaz boiler, 10 pressure flashes on the scoreboard 0.5 Checking the leakage nowhere. Pressure regulator - nothing. Pressure does not rise. What to do?

It means low pressure in the water pipeline of cold water, and you can not download the heating system. Swing the pressure in the heating system and try to zoom to 0.5 atm back. That if it turned out, it is necessary then by pumping the heating system with the help of the pump. A pressure gauge can be broken, but if you drain the water from the heating system, and it will show the pressure is the same, then only replacement.

When the hot water is turned on, Eool mini boiler begins to vibrate, the higher the temperature, the greater the vibration, and with the simultaneous turning on the water and heating does not work at all! What could be?

Please make annual maintenance. Fan cleaning. If it does not help, we have to watch balancing rings. Or replacing the entire fan. It is impossible in boilers (any manufacturer) to include at the same time heating and hot water. The priority is always hot water.

We have a double-circuit gas boiler Immergaz Eolo Star 24 3 E. It goes out and turns on periodically only in the heating season, can somehow be corrected?

If this happens once a day, then this is a system of self-testing. There's nothing terrible here (in all boilers). If this happens more often, there may be a problem in the control board.

Mural Copper Immergaz Etoe Mini, it works 3 years, there were no problems. Suddenly the water stopped to warm, and the heating works as usual. What is the reason and how to fix?

If the water from the hot crane runs cold, then this is a sensor for a duct to be cleaned or change. And if the crane does not run, then it is very bad. Rather, the heat exchanger will have to change.

The boiler is working for the second year, the model of Immergas Eolo Star 24-3e. Last year (2012) specialists service Center Conducted that which was cleaning it from dust with a vacuum cleaner. This (2013) did not cause. Recent problems began. It is a room programmer. The unit is heated to 80 grams. It turns off, pump pumps water, and when the temperature drops to 40 gr. It turns on again. Connected three batteries. But the furthest cold. Blocked the two neighbor, earned long. Previously, this was not. Who can tell what is the matter?

The filter under the boiler or in the boiler is contaminated (heating water), or a heat exchanger is scored - i.e. Small duct of heating water, hence overheating.

I can not remove the code 05, does not turn on the EOLO STAR 24-3 k boiler what to do?

Error 05: NTC heating sensor malfunction. Appears when the boiler appears in any mode, including in the Stand-BY mode. The reason for the appearance is a break or short circuit of the NTC sensor circuit of the heating circuit. When an error appears "05": the gas valve is closed, the pump - makes the fan, the fan - makes the element. Restart - automatically after troubleshooting. Try replacing the sensor.

The EOLO STAR gas boiler is installed and connected, one year works. Periodically, a single "hike" cracking is distributed from the boiler. I do not understand where it comes from and for what reason. Secondly, heating contour is strange. I exhibit 50 degrees on the boiler, it starts to coat, the temperature in 30 seconds reaches 50, it turns off the heating, then in 10 seconds the temperature becomes 40 degrees and after three minutes again the heating of the heating contour is again. In fact, it is at the exhibited 50 warms 40. Can the coolant circulation in the boiler itself be impaired?

Violated circulation, boiler boils. Either he or the system.

Wall-mounted dual-circuit boiler IMMERGAS EOLO STAR 24-3E. It works 1 year (from 2011). The heating system (pipes, batteries) is new. After launching heating, it began to beat the E27 error. Specific patterns will not catch - sometimes several times a day, but they are, it seems, and days without this mistake. It seems that when it is cold outside and, accordingly, it works intensively, it gives an error less often. Checked the valves for the release of air on batteries and the connection of warm floors - delusions did not find. What can still be done on your own? By the way, if you put hot water from the crane, it starts to warm the water, sometimes some kind of bouffaging / knocks are heard, and ceases to give an E27 error.

Error code 27 means insufficient circulation in the heating circuit, but this error typically flies after the opening of the hot water crane in the bathroom (the distance from the boiler by pipes is somewhere 10-12m). At the same time, the opening of a hot crane in the kitchen (next to the boiler) does not cause such problems. Several times noticed that in the bathroom sometimes it does not run hot water, and so that it goes, you need to close the water and open it again.

I have a connected gas boiler IMmergas Eolo Mini 24, he is the third year, constantly some problems, this time there is such a problem: the heating is working fine, but when the hot water is turned on, there is no hot water, it turns cold, and it begins to gain temperature, And such a sound is heard, as if he would now take off. Help correctly defect.

A DRP sensor is faulty (most likely the float is riveted from dirt). You can rinse or replace if it does not help.

We have installed the immergas mini Nike 24 3 E. Wall boiler. He worked two winters without any problems, only heard small cotton during the ignition. But suddenly, when the hot water is turned on, it goes crazy and begins to dramatically gain the temperature. All three torches are burning on the display. The numbers are running for a hundred, cracking and overheating are heard, an E27 error appears. And if you do not turn on again the water will flash for a long time. How to fix it?

You have a very bad thrust, because of this and cotton. If overheating goes after turning off hot water, then you need to clean the duct relay. If during use knocks out, then it seems that the boiler is scored. In any case, we turn first with the smoke removal and the air fence is primary (by the way, because of this, there may be a problem with hot water, especially if the cells of the heat exchanger are clogged with soot).

Made the installation and connection of the IMMERGAS EOLO STAR 23KW boiler. It periodically begins to crack and jumps the temperature on the display, the error 27 appeared a couple of times, restart, and re-starts working. What could it be and how to deal with it?

It seems that the heat exchanger is scored. The heating circuit is practically not cleaned. Check the filter at the entrance, maybe a poor quality heating system.

Tell me, what could be the problem, the boiler stopped warm more than 32 degrees. Model Immergaz mini 28 kW, new 2-3 months as installed.

Little flame. Small gas pressure at the entrance, clogged mesh on gas valve. No gas modulation. Valve (you need to watch currents on the coils). If currents bol. 200mA, it means that management from the board goes. Watch the pressure at the exit of the valve.

Copper Gas Imergaz Nike Star 23kw. Works the eighth year. From the battle - 6 years in general, he did not look at it. In the seventh year - the valve replacement to fill the system (began to leak), and this year it constantly issues an error 01 "Lock on the absence of ignition". According to the instructions, click "Reset". I do. It behaves unpredictable - can earn, and maybe again continue to flash 01. Per day - once 20. What to do?

First of all, it was necessary to serve on time. It is necessary to cause an explanatory serviceman. In your case 1. There may be no ionization current on the central electrode (the current is very small and not every device can be measured). 2 Faulty fee. 3 The gas valve does not work correctly.

An error flashes in the boiler 28. Checked the entire system, there are no leakage anywhere. And it still turns off. When it is new to restart it seems to be working, but not long. And again error 28.

Error 28 - leakage in the DHW system. You have a hot water crane somewhere. The system sees that the boiler works on heating, and the temperature in the DHW is also growing, although it must be permanent. Eliminate leakage.

I have connected after installing the IMMERGAS EOLO STAR 24 KW boiler. 3 years. The problem is this - yesterday morning turned off the light, the unit stopped working, and I turned it off from the network. After half an hour, the light turned on, I turned it on, and he began to flash and issued an E10 error (insufficient pressure in the system). I scored the system, it seemed to work, then after a few hours again error E10. I again scored the system almost 2. The next morning the same. I checked every pipe, everything climbed, I thought somewhere the leakage, but no, everything is fine. Tell me what to do?

In the boiler, the pressure can only in two cases: the problem in the expansion (native or additional one is not so important) - most often, or a breakdown in the heat exchanger is one case per million, provided that the heating system is 100% tight.

The apartment has a gas wall boiler Immergaz Eolo Star. Tell me, what does the error code 03? First turned off, burned 11, and then 03?

Error 03 - Fan is faulty. 11 - "No exhaust" no pressure of combustion products. The problem was solved like this: for a start, I took off the casing and opened the camera, there is an engine that pulls air from the combustion chamber, the size of 15x15 cm in the form of a snail, he diluted with 3 screws, cleaned the blade from the dust on the blades with a tasteful, the main thing is not to bring balancing (on Some blades are clips). Bearings smeared and put in place. I turn on - the same problem. And I became clean, because 1 day before issuing an error 11 I had extra noise from this engine. After cleaning, he disappeared. I looked in the instructions indicates a "pressure relay of combustion products" this relay is at the right at the top. The capillary tube is connected to it. The principle of the relay is the following: on the tube, the one that suits the fan chamber when this fan is turned on, a small air pressure is supplied, which closes the relay. A closed relay gives a signal to the control unit, and the burner is lit (well, it is probably complied with another number of any conditions, but for me it was not important). In general, the problem is that the fan engine worked, and the burner was not lit. I pulled this transparent capillary tube from the fan chamber and blew in it (i.e. in the sensor). The result - the relay closed, the burner caught fire. As a result, I realized that either the sensor was reconstructed for greater air pressure, or dirt in capillary tubes, or in the fitting attached to the fan chamber. Pulled out the fitting (from which he pulled the cap. The tube on the fan chamber) cleaned it and squeezed at an angle internal tube, which is in the fan chamber for a better passage of air. I put everything in place, connected. And the boiler earned, as before. But after a few hours I saw a picture of the tightly - Error 11. Then I turned off the "Framing of Products of Combustion" (by the way, after that I caught a mistake 03, so it is quite likely bad contact, and this sensor is in place where it is very warm, I would say the heat). In general, I pulled out some yellow plug on this relay saw two screws, I tried to twist them and realize that one of them was responsible for adjusting the air flow at which the relay is triggered. Adjusted to the smallest stream. I connected everything back to the boiler, started while it works.

The IMmergas Nike Star boiler has already worked for 10 years. It was different, but with such a refusal I encountered for the first time - when the heating (hot water) is turned on (hot water), it goes to lock (alternately flashing and red LEDs "not enough water in the heating system"), while on the pressure gauge 1.2, raised to three bar, the picture is not Changes. When using the DHW, the boiler immediately goes to blocking, and when using heating 1-2 seconds, the pump operates, the relay works (which, which is not yet determined). The candle does not work, and the boiler goes to block. Manipulation of the Regulation of Reset does not give proper result. Next - after the Water Strait along the DHW within 10-15 minutes, he started.

Check the heating system pressure sensor. Maybe thrust mud.

Installed gas boiler Imergaz Nike Star 24 KW, the water pressure sensor was restored by the jumper. Is it possible to use so much or better install a new sensor?