Letter-request: Samples and examples, rules of compilation. Language designs of business letters: letter request

An integral and important part of the modern business correspondence is a request letter. Samples and examples of the wording presented in the article, as well as the designated rules for writing it will help you competently make the necessary text and arrange it in accordance with the customs of office work. We are offering to you phased guide By writing this type of appeals.


The letter of request is relevant in cases where its author must be obtained from other persons any information, documents, make a deal or other actions of a business character. It can be directed as a specific person (head, director, head of the department, etc.) and the address of the whole organization as a whole. Your request for help must comply with the rules generally accepted in business correspondence.

The letter is the company's face, even little things have meaning. Print it on a branded form by signing an authorized person and with printing (if available). Take advantage of the selection of the font, its size and layout of the text on the page. Do not neglect the fields, a red string and paragraphs. Often, the first impression is formed precisely when only look at the document.

Step 1: Address Specify

If you write an impersonal letter to a specific company, then most likely it will fall into the reception or office, then to the head and in the end to the immediate performer. Specify in the "cap" of the text the correct full name of the organization, it is best to add a legal address.

As mentioned above, an option is considered to be the option with a specific addressee, that is, a personal addressed request for help. Always try to contact by name and patronymic. For example, "Dear Alexander Viktorovich!" or "Dear Mr. Schwartz!". Thus, first-first, express your respect to the person, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes certain obligations to him, responsibility for its consideration and execution.

In some situations, it will be logical to use as a addressee a group of persons, a certain team or part of it. This is true in cases where the letter of request is sent to several addresses. Use such wording as: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear Accountant!" etc.

Stage 2: Compliment

Well, if the service letter request will contain a compliment relative to its addressee. Making it, you seem to answer his legitarious question: "Why do you contact with this question?". It is possible to note the former merits and personal qualities of a person, the company's status, etc. Use in particular the following wording: "Your firm is a leading supplier ...", "You helped many in solving the complex question of this area ...", "Your organization is a leading expert in the market in the field ..." etc. Do not forget that relevant The compliment will be when the letter of request (samples and examples in the text) has a non-standard character and addressee need to be placed. Pay attention to the qualities and merits that are relevant to fulfill your request. However, we do not recommend that a very thin line between the good and the right compliment and coarse flattery are not recommended.

Stage 3: justify the request

Any request must be argued, because the addressee should know why you appeal to it. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce it to the essence of the case. At this stage, we recommend that you choose the three most convincing arguments, which should be built in the text of the letter according to the scheme: medium power, weak, strongest.

A request may have a different level of difficulty, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the addressee will not always be interested in execution. In this regard, it must be convinced that its implementation carries potential benefits to him. Ingrim the addressee so that it takes your document with full seriousness.

A request letter may contain a proposal to implement a certain opportunity attractive opportunity.

Examples of wording

  • "At all times, enterprising and business people sought not only to material success, but also to personal growth, to remember people for themselves forever good deeds, conquer their respect. "
  • "Of course, your main goal is to increase the standard of living of citizens of the city." In particular, this wording can be used when the letter is compiled by a deputy, for example, the provision of premises for kindergarten, arrangement of the playground, etc.

You can also voice the relevant problem to the addressee, show him how your request can help him in her decision or in the implementation of certain features.

It happens that you have nothing to offer to the other side, or it is inappropriate in this context. In this case, the most optimal output is a story about the significance of your request. Describe the situation as much as possible and fully, so that it takes what is called, for the soul. If there is no shifting moment in your history a priori, give the facts and focus on causal relationships. Tell us about what will happen if you refuse or, on the contrary, will agree to help.

Stage 4: We set out a request

When the addressee is morally prepared for the perception of your request, it can be expressed. Make a brief text, avoiding long and intricate proposals, as well as ambiguity or inactiveness. Letter request (samples and examples of wording in text) should be concise and clear in meaning. So, if you ask for some kind of equipment for the company, then specify the completeness, price and quantity:

"To equip an ambulance department, a new car requires a new car, the cost of which is 3.5 million rubles. We ask you to help us in his acquisition. "

Or, for example, a request to reduce the rent must be specified: "We ask you to reduce the rental fee to 500 rubles. per sq. M to stabilize the economic situation. "

Stage 5: Summarize

At the end of the letter, your request must be summarized. Repeat it again and make an emphasis on the fact that you receive the addressee in case you will have the requested help. However, the text of the request should be slightly modified. Returning all to the same example of reducing the rent, we offer the following wording:

"In the event of your consent, reduce rent to 500 rubles. For sq. M. At the time of stabilization of the current economic situation, you can contribute to the preservation of more than 20 jobs, and not incur damages due to the complete absence of payment. "

Remember, it is important to repeat not only the request, but also the benefit that can be obtained from its execution, and it does not have to be material. Many large companies willingly act as sponsors, investors and are engaged in charity.

We think that now, after studying the process, the stages, you will not arise about how to make a letter of a request. It is enough to consider all the rules of business correspondence and some nuances. We also offer you also to explore another example.


Dear Felix Petrovich!

Your enterprise has been organizing the production practice of students in the enterprise, helping them to realize their knowledge gained at the University in practice.

You as the head of the personnel department are a person interested in attracting new employees, young and promising engineers, highly qualified specialists. To date, this profession is one of the most sought-after. Many students would like to learn about its capabilities, subtleties and significance.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer with applicants and students of 1-2 courses on April 25 at 17:00 on the basis of your company.

Talking about the advantages and secrets of the profession today, you lay reliable foundation To prepare specialists and professionals tomorrow. Perhaps a few years later, it is one of them to bring your enterprise to new level development.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the University I.Z.Bychkov

Having studied the information on what the requirements of the letter, samples and examples of the wording, you can easily cope with his writing in practice.

Letter request

Letter request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. The number of situations causing the need to request the name of the legal or individual, DOES NOT CANCE. This is obtaining information, product samples, coordination of actions, prompting to any action, etc.

The composition and structure of the request letter is not much different from the standard (see Business Letters. Regulation Rules. Letter structure). Usually, letter text consists of two parts:

1. The introductory part, where the essence of the case is set out in the narrative form, the motives are explained, the reasons for handling request. The following standard expressions are often used here:

  • the reason for petition
    • In connection with the non-treatment ...
    • Given the social significance ...
    • Taking into account (our many years of cooperation) ...
    • Considering (long-term and fruitful nature of our business connections) ...
    • In view of the inconsistencies of your actions for previously accepted agreements ...
    • In view of the delay in getting the cargo ...
    • Based on the results of negotiations on the issue of ...
  • goal of request
    • In order to fulfill the order ...
    • In order to resolve the issue ...
    • To coordinate issues ...
    • In order to ensure the safety of cargo passage ...
    • To avoid conflict situations ...
  • references to the basis for circulation
    • In accordance with the agreement achieved earlier ...
    • In connection with the appeal to our address ...
    • Based on the oral agreement ...
    • Based on our telephone conversation ...
    • According to the Government Decision ...
    • According to the protocol on mutual supplies ...

All listed expressions must be used with the context and speech situation.

Almost all standard expressions begin with a derivative of the pretext or from a proposed combination. It should be paid to the correctness of the use of these predictions with the names of nouns, preserving mainly in the parent and duty case.

2. Actually request. Here in the key phrase, letters include words formed from the verb ask. Its use is explained by the etiquette requirements for business texts and psychological laws. business communication - A person is more good agreement to fulfill the action, expressed in the form of a request, rather than in the form of a requirement.

In some cases, the request expressed descriptively may not contain this verb, for example: We hope you consider it possible to consider our offer within the specified period..

A request can be made from the first person of the singular (" Ask..."), on the first person of the plural (" Please ..."), from a third party of the singular (in this case, nouns are used with a collective value:" The Directorate asks ... ", "The administration asks ... ", "The Board of Labor Asks ... ", etc.), from the third person of the plural, if several nouns are used with a collective value ( Administration and the Council of the Labor Group are asked ... ).

If a letter of request is a multidimal, then the composition of the second part of such a letter may look like this (parts of the composition must comply with paragraphic text parties):

Please ... (ask ...)
At the same time I ask ... (Also ask ...)
And also ask ... ( And also ask ...)

When drawing up a request letter should be taken into account such recommendations:

1. Leaving the request, emphasize your interest or interest of your organization in its execution.
2. Under any conditions, do not start a letter from the word "I ask ..." - we first explain the motives of your appeal to tactfully (even when all the details are already agreed with the addressee).
3. Do not rush to thank the addressee in advance. By this you put yourself, and the addressee in an awkward position. Try to thank when you find out that your request is satisfied.

When formulating a request, the following standard expressions are often used:

  • We appeal (appeal) to you (you) with a request ...
    ... about sending to our address ...
    ... about the direction in my address ...
    ... about expulsion to our organization ...
    ... about granting me ...
  • We ask (please) you (you) ...
    ... report (us) ...
    ... send (me) ...
    ... Immediately imagine ...
    ... immediately report ...
    ... notify (enterprise management) about ...
    ... inform me about ...
  • I ask your (your) consent to ...
    ... sending to the address ...
    ... giving us ...
    ...familiarization with...
    ... transfer ... next equipment ...
  • We ask your (your) assistance in ...
    ... getting ...
    ... a speedy send ...
    ... provision for more information relatively ...
    ... holding ...
  • I ask your (your) instructions ...
    ... at the conclusion of the contract ...
    ... to issue from a warehouse of the enterprise ... representative ...
    ... to design documents about ...
    ... to revise ...
  • We ask you not to refuse to courtesy and ....

We all asked for someone in our time. Do not be surprised. They also requested those who persist now denies the fact of any petition.

Remember how in my childhood we asked for money for ice cream from the parents, then put out a good assessment from teachers, when a little bit was not reached, and later the extra day off at work ...

However, household and everyday questions are not the only "comrades" requests.

The business life of a modern man is also tightly connected with the petitions. And the letter of request has long been considered a powerful tool to achieve the sender of a given goal.

This is an integral and very important part of the business correspondence. Accordingly, on how the letter is drawn up, the final result depends - whether the petition will be satisfied or you will get polite refusal:

Dear director of the company ____!

We urgently need money to achieve ____. Do you want to participate?

Yours faithfully, ____.

Do you think such a letter may have a positive response? It can be assumed that even the refusal will not be completely polite.

It is important to be able to properly compile a letter of a request to get closer as possible to a given purpose. IN otherwise - You will be ignored, and you will spend your time in vain.

№1. Personal appeal

There is no extraordinary here. This technique knows everything well. But many about him forget. It's a shame! Because the personal appeal "works" is much better fabric.

Who likes when they are treated "generalized"?! It is like a street "hey ...". Agree, you will rather react to your name than the call in the style of "Hey, dear!".

So in a letter of request. You appeal to a particular person, so try to find out the name of the recipient's letter.

Of course, there are situations in which such an approach is impossible. In any case, try to customize the appeal.

Can:« Ladies and gentlemen!" But better: " Dear comrades Pedagogues and teachers!».

Can: « Dear children!" But better: " Dear our boys and girls!».

We think the main idea you caught.

№2. Why he is he?

Explain the recipient of a request letter, why did you send your petition to him. A person must understand that he is unique for you and the success of this or that event depends on it.

  • You are a specialist in the field ____.
  • Your company occupies a leading position in the segment ____.
  • Only your department works without ____.

Try to position the addressee - Adjust compliments accurately (within reasonable):

  • You at one time brilliantly completed ____.
  • You are an unsurpassed Master ____ in our city.
  • Your projects had an invaluable service ____.

Remember! Compliments must be deserved ( real qualities, deeds, regalia), and not "attracted behind the ears."

Number 3. And again, the benefits

Benefits. Yes, you can not get anywhere. Everyone is looking for their benefits, and not always in the "Monetary Equivalent".

Create the main arguments and arguments according to which the recipient of the request letter is beneficial to satisfy your petition. "Play" on human weaknesses.

What will it be? It all depends on specific situation.

Confession. You, as well-deserved ____, will be nice to watch specially equipped and fenced children's playgrounds in your hometown ...

Ambition. Specialists with whom you have to work tomorrow must be formed today. Therefore, you can invest in the younger generation ____ your knowledge, experience and ...

Sympathy. Unfortunately, the problem of street children is particularly relevant today. The number of babies living on the streets of our city is already approaching ____. The guys needs to participate, help, empathy. Without us, they can not cope ...

№4. Your successes

The addressee must clearly understand that it deals with a serious person who is not the first day "in his work" (not many agree to cooperate with the "untested" beginners).

Therefore, if there are any successes and achievements in your "all-service list" - it is better to specify them in a letter of request. Thus, you will safely overcome the barrier from distrust and doubt.

Do not forget about "achievements" in the project, on which you address to the addressee. The nature of man is such that we are very difficult to start from scratch. But to continue (or finish) begun - this is another matter.

  • Construction ____ has already been carried out by 87%. But without your help, it will not be able to end in time. We offer you
  • We already have ____ at our disposal. To achieve a given goal, we lack only ____.

№5. Specific request

Do not go around, yes about. Do not veiled your request with a pinch of unnecessary and blurred words. Clearly set the essence of the question.

What should this be expressed?

First, the addressee, opening the letter, should understand what they want from him, and not to solve the rebuses on the topic "I am asked or give me." Secondly, your request should be expressed in exact numbers and actions.

Do you want to get a specific help? Then ask about the recipient of a letter of specific actions.

  • Before the completion of the project ____ We need $ 3250 to ____.
  • We are waiting for you to ____. The event to collect ____ will be held on November 17 at 14.30 at ____.
  • We ask you to reduce rent per car up to $ 10 per day.

№6. Loud names

Another interesting technique that increases the efficiency of the request letter. It consists in illumination of persons (companies), which have already given their consent to participate in the project.

By this you encourage the addressee to the acceptance of a positive result (" Yeah, if ____ agreed, what am I worse?!»).

  • In our ____ already take an active part of ____.
  • In the professional "marathon" announced by us, on the topic ____ already registered____.

№7. Important results

Everything is simple here. Be sure at the end of the letter, summarize (significant moments and main accents).

  • From your decision, the successful completion and further well-being ____.
  • You have our hopes of ____ young professionals.
  • Young mothers and their kids are waiting to appear in our city ____.

№8. Contacts

« And so understandable!"," You say. " It is clear, but not everyone. Contact information should be provided in full.

However, you do not need to "exaggerate" and specify all possible feedback forms or vice versa - sending an email to email, it is naive to believe that the return address is quite enough.

Invite the recipient of the request letter 2-3 of the contact data option. This is quite enough.



Be the most frank and sincere, making up a request letter.

This is the first rule of result.

Have a nice day and always good mood!

Most people B. certain moment Faced with the need to write a letter with a requirement or request. This may be a charity fee, please write a missed exam, a request for a meeting with an expert in a particular area or the requirement for the issuance of the required document. Whatever your goal, writing style will be the same. Follow the instructions specified in the article so that your letter looks more professional and convincing.


Preparation in the letter

    Sketch the main ideas. To write a clear and efficient letter, it is very important to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour goals and tasks of demand / request.

    • A good way to make sure that you have a clear concept relative to the topic - it is to take three clean sheet of paper and entitled: "Why am I writing a letter", "Purpose of writing" and "other thoughts".
    • Without going into detailed details, write down your thoughts within a few minutes on each sheet of paper. Make lists and sketch the main ideas about the situation that will be mentioned in the letter. Also mention that you want to achieve this letter and what other information you need to add.
  1. Think to whom the letter is intended. Awareness target audience It is necessary in order to set the correct tone of the letter. After you discharged the main ideas, write to separate sheet Paper is all you know about the recipient of the letter.

    • For example, what position does this person take and how does he / she help you? Will this man make a final decision on your request or he / she decides whether it is worth sending a letter to higher instances
    • It is also not bad to take into account the recipient's awareness relative to the topic of the letter. If he / she is not very well oriented in your question, the writing style should be different (for example, use simple vocabulary and add more clarifying information) than if you write an expert in this matter.
  2. Write a plan. Finally, before making the text of the letter, come up with a plan to organize thoughts in a logical and associated manner.

    • Determine the main points and auxiliary. Make sure your thoughts are organized so that they will understand the reader.

    Writing Chernovika

    1. Use the appropriate format. Adhering to the professional format of business letters, you will initially make a positive impression.

      • In the upper left corner, specify your full address, then the date, and after the recipient's address. Do not forget to retreat the line between each item.
      • You can also specify the subject of the letter through the line after the recipient's address. But this is at will.
    2. Start with greeting. The main text of the letter must begin with respectful and right greeting.

      • If you know a person who is written, you can use his name ("Dear Alexey!"). Otherwise, you must use the surname of a person and the title ("Dear Mr. Ivanov!")
      • If you do not know the name of a person who will read the letter, you can simply write: "Hello!".
    3. Write an entrance paragraph. In the first paragraph of any letter asking or requirement, you need to introduce yourself and clearly, but briefly formulate the main goal of your appeal. For example, "I am writing to you in the hope that you consider the opportunity to donate to our charitable foundation for the protection of animals."

      • If you have previously communicated with the recipient of the letter, in the first paragraph you can mention when and under what circumstances you already had contacts in the past.
      • For example: "I am a student of your dramatic mug" or "I am the president of the animal protection fund, in which you generously make donations for 10 years," or "I contacted you last month about the possibility to organize a school walk to the amusement park ".
      • Communication is not only useful for the recipient, but can also cause a feeling of closeness to you, which will increase the chances of a positive answer.
    4. Write the main paragraph. In the main text, you should provide additional and more detailed information about your request. This is your opportunity to clarify what exactly you would like to get and why your request must be satisfied.

      • Write in detail, but briefly. You should clearly state the essence of your request and the reasons why it needs to be considered. However, the reader does not need to read the entire history of your life.
      • Be honest and straightforwardly your relative request. The recipient should not have doubts about what you want. For example: "I hope you will continue to make your generous donations this year," or "I would like to be able to recall this exam."
      • Be polite and use the appropriate tone in contacting the recipient.
      • Stick the facts and hold back emotions. If you are forced to mention your feelings regarding this issue, do not be too emotional. For example: "I was very disappointed with my estimates," but not "I literally got crazy, seeing my estimates!"
    5. Write a conclusion. In conclusion, you must mention all the timing and time constraints, as well as express your appreciation for considering your application.

      • For example, if you write a request for information or a meeting with someone, and this request must be completed before the expiration of a certain date, you must politely, but clearly designate it in conclusion.
      • Even if the recipient ultimately does not satisfy your request, already that he has spent time on the study of your question and make a decision on it, it is grateful.
    6. Stop goodbiness. Your letter must be completed with relevant and polite farewell. Good options: "Sincerely", "sincerely yours" or "Best Wishes", and then your name.

      • If you send a letter written by hand, step up 4 lines from farewell and your name and leave your signature with a handle.
      • If you are making any materials to the letter, this information should follow after farewell. For example: "Applications: 2."

    Registration of letters

    1. Calm down. Having writes the first draft, set it aside for a couple of days, if time allows. This will help you look at him with a new look by return.

  • Details of the addressee, the head of the head in the upper right corner;

In the content it is better to write real facts and confirm them documented in applications. Deception and exaggeration of circumstances can lead to negative consequences. For confidence, it is important to indicate all contact details of the author. It is necessary to adhere to the shortness of the presentation of the case, saving the reader's time. Be sure to apply words of respect, and courtesy. It will not be superfluous to clarify the reasons that prompted to write a petition.

Letter-request: samples and examples, rules of compilation

An integral and important part of the modern business correspondence is a request letter. Samples and examples of the wording presented in the article, as well as the designated rules for writing it will help you competently make the necessary text and arrange it in accordance with the customs of office work. We offer you a phased manual for writing this type of appeals.


The letter of request is relevant in cases where its author must be obtained from other persons any information, documents, make a deal or other actions of a business character. It can be directed as a specific person (head, director, head of the department, etc.) and the address of the whole organization as a whole. Your request for help must comply with the rules generally accepted in business correspondence.

The letter is the company's face, even little things have meaning. Print it on a branded form by signing an authorized person and with printing (if available). Take advantage of the selection of the font, its size and layout of the text on the page. Do not neglect the fields, a red string and paragraphs. Often, the first impression is formed precisely when only look at the document.

Step 1: Address Specify

If you write an impersonal letter to a specific company, then most likely it will fall into the reception or office, then to the head and in the end to the immediate performer. Specify in the "cap" of the text the correct full name of the organization, it is best to add a legal address.

As mentioned above, an option is considered to be the option with a specific addressee, that is, a personal addressed request for help. Always try to contact by name and patronymic. For example, "Dear Alexander Viktorovich!" or "Dear Mr. Schwartz!". Thus, first-first, express your respect to the person, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes certain obligations to him, responsibility for its consideration and execution.

In some situations, it will be logical to use as a addressee a group of persons, a certain team or part of it. This is true in cases where the letter of request is sent to several addresses. Use such wording as: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear Accountant!" etc.

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Stage 2: Compliment

Well, if the service letter request will contain a compliment relative to its addressee. Making it, you seem to answer his legitarious question: "Why do you contact with this question?". It is possible to note the former merits and personal qualities of a person, the company's status, etc. Use in particular the following wording: "Your firm is a leading supplier ...", "You helped many in solving the complex question of this area ...", "Your organization is a leading expert in the market in the field ..." etc. Do not forget that relevant The compliment will be when the letter of request (samples and examples in the text) has a non-standard character and addressee need to be placed. Pay attention to the qualities and merits that are relevant to fulfill your request. However, we do not recommend that a very thin line between the good and the right compliment and coarse flattery are not recommended.

Stage 3: justify the request

Any request must be argued, because the addressee should know why you appeal to it. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce it to the essence of the case. At this stage, we recommend that you choose the three most convincing arguments, which should be built in the text of the letter according to the scheme: medium power, weak, strongest.

A request may have a different level of difficulty, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the addressee will not always be interested in execution. In this regard, it must be convinced that its implementation carries potential benefits to him. Ingrim the addressee so that it takes your document with full seriousness.

A request letter may contain a proposal to implement a certain opportunity attractive opportunity.

Examples of wording

  • "At all times, enterprising and business people sought not only to material success, but also to personal growth, in order to forever remember to people with their good deeds, conquer their respect."
  • "Of course, your main goal is to increase the standard of living of citizens of the city." In particular, this wording can be used when a letter is compiled by a deputy, for example, on the provision of premises for kindergarten, the arrangement of the playground, etc.

You can also voice the relevant problem to the addressee, show him how your request can help him in her decision or in the implementation of certain features.

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It happens that you have nothing to offer to the other side, or it is inappropriate in this context. In this case, the most optimal output is a story about the significance of your request. Describe the situation as much as possible and fully, so that it takes what is called, for the soul. If there is no shifting moment in your history a priori, give the facts and focus on causal relationships. Tell us about what will happen if you refuse or, on the contrary, will agree to help.

Stage 4: We set out a request

When the addressee is morally prepared for the perception of your request, it can be expressed. Make a brief text, avoiding long and intricate proposals, as well as ambiguity or inactiveness. Letter request (samples and examples of wording in text) should be concise and clear in meaning. So, if you ask for some kind of equipment for the company, then specify the completeness, price and quantity:

"To equip an ambulance department, a new car requires a new car, the cost of which is 3.5 million rubles. We ask you to help us in his acquisition. "

Or, for example, a request to reduce the rent must be specified: "We ask you to reduce the rental fee to 500 rubles. per sq. M to stabilize the economic situation. "

Stage 5: Summarize

At the end of the letter, your request must be summarized. Repeat it again and make an emphasis on the fact that you receive the addressee in case you will have the requested help. However, the text of the request should be slightly modified. Returning all to the same example of reducing the rent, we offer the following wording:

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"In the event of your consent, reduce rent to 500 rubles. For sq. M. At the time of stabilization of the current economic situation, you can contribute to the preservation of more than 20 jobs, and not incur damages due to the complete absence of payment. "

Remember, it is important to repeat not only the request, but also the benefit that can be obtained from its execution, and it does not have to be material. Many large companies willingly act as sponsors, investors and are engaged in charity.

We think that now, after studying the process, the stages, you will not arise about how to make a letter of a request. It is enough to consider all the rules of business correspondence and some nuances. We also offer you also to explore another example.


Dear Felix Petrovich!

Your enterprise has been organizing the production practice of students in the enterprise, helping them to realize their knowledge gained at the University in practice.

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You as the head of the personnel department are a person interested in attracting new employees, young and promising engineers, highly qualified specialists. To date, this profession is one of the most sought-after. Many students would like to learn about its capabilities, subtleties and significance.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer with applicants and students of 1-2 courses on April 25 at 17:00 on the basis of your company.

Talking about the advantages and secrets of the profession today, you will lay a reliable foundation for training specialists and professionals tomorrow. Perhaps, a few years later, it is one of them that will bring your enterprise to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the University I.Z.Bychkov

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Having studied the information on what the requirements of the letter, samples and examples of the wording, you can easily cope with his writing in practice.

Sample request letter

The letter request is compiled in order to obtain information, documents or perform any actions necessary to the author. He is sent to a specific person or to the address of the organization. On the this species Letters are required to answer.

To write a letter request, you need to follow general rules Business correspondence and business letters. In the practice of conducting office proceedings of any organization, a letter is quite often used, the sample in this article will serve as an example for you.

The letter is as much as possible. simple words And in brief form, but indicating the specific details relating to the requests directly. Typical examples of presentation - "ask you ..." to make something, "ask your assistance ...", "We hope to get ..." and others.

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The request itself may prevail justification - the reasons for writing the letter you. It is allowed in one letter to express a few requests ("We also ask you ...", "simultaneously ask ...").

You can report in a letter of desire to receive an answer to a certain period to stimulate the addressee to quickly give an answer. But only if it looks correctly and politely. Think how you themselves would react in a similar case.

Request letters

Now the turn has reached specific examples. Letter request - a sample design can be viewed or downloaded in DOC format.

Here is another example of a request letter to the tax inspectorate on the extension of the provision of documents. The external design of the letter is similar to the above sample, therefore only the text of the letter itself is given.

IFTS № ... In our address sent the requirement of 10/29/2014 No. 8562 on the provision of documents for conducting an inspection against LLC "... Partner Name". The total amount of requested documents is more than a thousand sheets. In connection with the temporary absence of an accountant due to illness, the Company does not have time to prepare the required set of documents for the specified period.

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In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 93.1 NK RF ask to extend the preparation of the specified documents for ten working days.

Examples of letters request are given with a detailed substantiation of the reason for writing a request. Since letters are compiled in arbitrary form, then you have a lot of scope for the manifestation of fantasy in the presentation of your own convincing request.

Here is another sample request of the request - this time without the extension of prompted the reasons for his writing.

We ask to identify funds in the amount of 108 thousand rubles. In the first quarter of 2014, the scientific and technical processing of documents of the archive of the Division of such a Karapets OJSC according to the previously submitted application for financing from 00.00.2014.

Another example of a request letter

In connection with the opening planning of the network of fitness centers in your city, please inform you about readiness for us for additional research on the local market of sports and health services for the price and assortment policies of clubs.

I think based on the above samples you received an idea how to make a letter request. And now you will write your own version of the letter will not be much difficulty.

Help, please draw up a letter of a request to the state agency for receiving and issuing documents at the same time. The department moves to another part of the city, and it is more convenient for us in an old place. Thank you!

Hello! You can write, for example, as follows: "In connection with the movement of the social protection department of the population at another address, we convincingly ask you to leave the reception and issuance of documents at the same place, since the new location of the department is inactive for most of the city's population, especially for disabled people and retirees "

Hello. Help, please draw up a letter to the administration of the head of the city of Vladivostok. What would help me get accommodation in the Chuguevsky district. From the number of orphans, and children remaining without parental care. I stand next to the apartment since 2013. Served to court and all to no avail. And I have two small children and we have nowhere to live.

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Hello! The Chuguevsky district of the Primorsky Territory is not included in the structure of the city of Vladivostok. Obviously, you need to contact the governor of the Primorsky Territory, or to the administration of the Primorsky Territory. For example: "Dear Andrey Vladimirovich! I appeal to you asking for assistance in getting housing. I am an orphan and stand on the queue on receiving an apartment in the Chuguevsky district from 2013. In violation of the Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ and the decisions of the Chuguevsky district court from ... I still did not receive an apartment. I have two young children, no housing, we live on removable apartment. I hope very much for your help. Yours faithfully…".

Make a letter on the removal of the instrument, if you do not work at this enterprise

Hello! Write, for example, like this: "I ask you to organize export of inventory and tools from the territory of the enterprise Korund LLC, on which the works are discontinued from 01.12.2016."

Is it possible to write this way: in order to execute the instructions of the leadership, we ask you to make you and provide for the choice of updated samples of business cards, a booklet in the amount of several pieces (samples are attached).

Basic requirements: Manufacturing strictly according to the sample provided, as well as high-quality and dense paper.

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Hello! A completely acceptable option.

Good day. Help, please write a letter-address director in order to send graduates educational institution To work for me. Thanks in advance.

Effective letter request for 5 steps

Request letters are an integral, important and necessary part of the business correspondence. On the one hand, these are tactful and diplomatic requests for current issues, on the other, the tool to achieve certain targets of the addressee. The purpose of any request is to encourage the addressee to certain actionsnecessary to author letters. How to make a letter request to as much as possible to a positive answer?

Any letter with a request should consist of a well-thought out justification and a clear setting of a request. In addition, you can use techniques that increase the efficiency of the letter.

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Step 1. To whom do you appeal to?

Contact the addressee personally, better - by name:

"Dear Ivan Ivanovich!", "Dear Mr. Ivanov!"

First, you express your respect to the addressee, secondly, the request addressed to a particular person is imposing responsibility for its implementation. There are situations where request is addressed to the team or group of persons. In this case, it is also desirable to customize the appeal.

"Dear colleagues!", "Dear managers!", "Dear junior employees!", "Dear employees of the personnel service!"

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Step 2. Why do you contact me?

Make a compliment addressee. By making a compliment to the addressee, you answer his question: "Why do you contact this question to me?" Mark his past merits or personal qualities.

"You are ready to always listen and find the best way to solve the problem of almost everyone who appealed to you. And, you need to give you due, you helped many. "

"You are a leading expert in the field ...".

"You have helped to solve many questions in the field of ...".

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This reception will allow the addressee to take a look at the request and try to find the opportunity to satisfy it.

The compliment is appropriate when it comes to non-standard requests when the addressee needs to be placed when you need to pay attention to some merits and qualities that are needed and important to fulfill your request.

It is very important not to cross the face between the compliment and coarse flattery. Be sincere.

Step 3. Reason for request

Any request you need to justify why you appeal exactly with this request. Enter the addressee in the context of your problem.

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At this stage, you need to pick up three most weighty for the addressee of the argument. It is best to build arguments according to the scheme: strong - the middle is the strongest.

Requests are of different levels of complexity, so the addressee is not always interested in performing someone's request. It must be convinced that the execution of a request carries potential benefits:

Offer to implement some attractive opportunity for it related to the fulfillment of your request:

"At all times, business, enterprising people sought not only to achieve material success, but also leave their mark in the history of the Motherland, remember to communicate with good deeds, conquer respect."

« The successful activity of any professional community is, above all, understanding and support from friendly unions, participation in joint events and projects».

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« Of course, your big goal is a pure and comfortable city for people.».

Or voice the problem that is very relevant for your destination:

"You, like the wise owner of the city, are surely concerned about the random walks of children of different ages In unsuitable places for this, which leads to the frequent accident and an increase in child crime. "

"Your department has become frequent to appeal to non-core issues, which takes out a lot of invaluable working hours."

Show how your request can help realize the possibility:

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« And today, when our country makes a bet on youth, it is difficult to find more necessary, the Holy Case than the help of young men and girls from disadvantaged families. In our city there are those who already provide such assistance - under the auspices of the city hall for donations of citizens there are our charitable center "Heritage", training hard teenagers by popular crafts. "

"Equipment of specialized places for the pastime of children of different age will help reduce the level of child crime and minimize the accident involving children."

Describe the importance of request

When there is nothing to offer a destination or in the context of this request, it is inappropriate, it is better to enter the destination to the case. Here you need to describe the situation so fully as needed to understand the relevance of the request and the importance of its implementation. The importance of requests should be described so that "for the soul took." If a request does not apply to the category of "duch-bag", then you need to show the reconelion of causal relationships, which will give the execution of a request to the request.

"C (date), according to the lease agreement No. X, the rental fee for 1 m 2 is 20 USD. in a day. Over the past three months, there is a decline in trade activity due to economic instability and social riots. The average profit from trade is 10 cu On the day, which is not enough even for renting. If not take action, then private entrepreneurs will be forced to close their outletsthat can negatively affect your income. "

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Thus, you must understand the addressee that the execution of a request carries the prospect of obtaining material or intangible benefits.

Step 4. Presentation of the request

When the addressee is prepared, you can actually impose a request. The text of the request must be quite concise and extremely clear. In no case in it should not be ambiguous or inexpensive. For example, if we are talking about reducing the rent, then it is important to specify to what level:

"We ask you to reduce the rental level before stabilizing the position of up to 5 USD. For m 2 per day. "

If we are talking about providing services, then specify the request as much as possible, indicating the desired dates, the price issue, etc.:

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"For the equipment of the pottery workshop, you need an oven for firing ceramics - we ask you to help us in acquiring it. The cost of the furnace with the installation is 998 thousand rubles. "

In this example, it is not entirely clear what kind of help is required from the addressee. Better as a request Formulate more specifically: "We ask you to help in purchasing a ceramics kiln, transferring to the settlement account of the company for the production and installation of furnaces of 333 thousand cu."

What you were asking for, the addressee should know exactly when, what, how much and at what price you want to get. Generalized request is more exposed to risk of failure, because The addressee does not always have time and desire to deal with the details. In addition, you risk getting not what you want by passing the initiative to the addressee.

For example, private entrepreneurs wrote a letter with a request to reduce rent, but did not indicate how much they want to reduce the fee:

"We ask you to reduce the rental level before stabilizing the situation."

As a result, they obtained a decrease in the rent, but minor (by 1% of the existing). Thus, their request was satisfied, but little changed in the position of the letter initiators.

In some cases, the text of the request can be highlighted in bold to stand out in the text, but do not abuse this technique.

Step 5. Abstract your request.

Repeat your request and accentuate what benefit will receive a destination in the event of a request. The request should be somewhat modified. Best is suitable for building a sentence according to the scheme: "If you are a request, then you will be happy."

"If you meet us to meet and reduce the rent for a while, while the situation in the region is stabilized, you can not only save more than 150 jobs, but also do not incur global damages due to the complete lack of rent."

But there may be other options:

"You can be sure that every ruble of your charitable donations will go for a good deed and will help you in complex situation The guys grow decent citizens. "

"You can be sure that every children's smile will give you moral satisfaction from your difficult work, and your efforts and efforts are an investment in decent and happy citizens of the closest future."

The main thing is to repeat the meaning of the request and benefit from its implementation. The benefit does not have to be material. Remember that the addressee is a person, and he is not alien to feelings.

"I kindly ask you, I.I. Ivanov, to organize an appointment of applicants with the chief manager of your company. We will be appreciated for the assistance provided.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of Employment Center

"Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Your company is no longer the first year participates in the program on the vocational guidance of applicants, helping them to decide on the choice of profession.

You as a personnel manager are interested in preparing professionals, and we are ready to help start schoolchildren to prepare masters of our business. To date, the profession of the manager is one of the most common, but many applicants do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits sense.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the Main Manager with applicants on March 23 at 15.00 on the basis of your company.

By telling the guys about the secrets of the profession today, you are laying the foundation for the preparation of real professionals tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years one of them will bring out your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of Employment Center

And do not forget about the design of the letter - this is the "face" of the organization. If the initiator of the letter of request is an organization, then such a letter is made on a branded letterhead with the signature of the head or an authorized person. If a private person is sufficient compliance with the main norms in the location of the elements of the letter. These details are legally and psychologically very important for the addressee and the formation of the right image of the sender.

Thank you! Very prechily! I hope for resulativity!

Thank you for the excellent article. Everything is very professionally and understandable

Thank you for adorable help in writing a letter! You helped me a lot.

Thank! Very good article!

In my opinion, the better the better.

Thank you very much, taught you to live in the field of writing letters!

Well. Very relevant! Thank you.

Well, very relevant! Thank you.

Thank you, very affordable written

Thanks, the information helped.

Karina, unfortunately, we do not have a similar sample.

Thank you. Very good article. And I need to write a request to a measure of the city with a request to establish a sculpture (Machina, the height of somewhere and a half meters) of the decorative genre of the financing and establish from our administrative building The Ministry of Finance of the region is approaching the anniversary from the day of Education -100 years. How would it be beautiful to beat in the request? Thank you.

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© Mental Skills when using materials

How to competently write a letter about sponsorship? Can a sample?

There is a fund that is engaged in the help of persons with disabilities: helps them to work out, teach them, engaged in the purchase of funds to simplify their lives, etc. And there is a new project, but to implement the project, as you understand, the necessary considerable amounts. You need to contact the company asking for a project. How correctly write a letter? Help!

I am not a specialist in letters about sponsorship. But usually in our organization are guided by the fact that people who have money do not like big letters with tears, they need concrete. As they say, the "brief sister of talent".

The approximate sample of the fismas looks like this.

Foundation (I call it a), which is there - at your discretion, is engaged in organizing assistance to disabled: employment, rehabilitation, etc. Currently, the Fund A implements a project for which. Here you need to write about the project in a nutshell. To implement this project, the amount is necessary. 0 rub.

We ask you to provide sponsorship assistance to implement this project.

At the end of the letter, specify the details of your foundation.

I will be glad if I can help you a little.

Good luck with your good business!

In arbitrary form. In my city, let's say, there is an ADRO company. I already gave me plasterboard, cement, starting putty. The main company is found, and there, how to competently make a "petition" will prompt. And if the Commission approves, then the materials will receive.

To be honest, I didn't want it all in any way. Thank you for help, but it would be better to live as before.

To advise something defined here is difficult, it all depends on the specific situation, IMHO. The only thing that can be said is to quietly need what benefit the company will bring this project, which you are going to ask for help, but not right in the forehead, but veiled. For example, tell in the letter where this sponsorship is planned (what printed publications / Internet / Radio), how many people will find out about it, perhaps - what events can be held with the involvement of employees of the company and others.

On the other hand, if you ask for help, then, probably, a rich company that has money. And here is the problem - so that your request reaches a person who can take the decision on it, and did not go to the basket at the secretary level. Perhaps it will be better to place proposals for the project in the form of a bright booklet, and transfer it to a personal meeting right one of the company's managers, immediately answering possible questions. That is, in the letter you need to ask for a meeting, only indicating what we are talking about.

Another nuance - in large companies usually several people / directors that can "pull" such a project, and you need to choose specific point Applications of effort, for example, a directorate for public relations. The chief leader is unlikely to solve your question personally, he will "lower" a letter there, but the impression will be spoiled by the appeal "through the head".

I will be glad if these tips will help you a little.

A letter with a request to provide sponsorship should begin with the appeal to a person (Chairman, head of the company). Therefore, it is desirable to know his full name and accurate title of office.

Next, begin to describe the situation and the goal for which you and you will ask (ask for) to provide you with this help. It is in detail. A person / organization / company must / should know where and what will list large amounts.

After that, write: "I ask you to give sponsorship in size." And write how much you need. At the end, do not forget to thank and "decomplicate" (with respect and hope, such something).

At the very end, indicate the details of the accounts / accounts, where in the case of a positive response, will list money.

Here are some samples:

As far as I understood, you are a novice employee of this fund or volunteer.

In order to be provided with sponsorship, you need to clearly clearly, reasonably indicate what it is necessary for what purpose funds are needed. Calculate cost estimates (at least pre-). You can invite to an event dedicated to your project manager to whom you apply. Integet to the media coverage on the sponsorship of this company to your charitable project (thanks from the target audience, from your Fund or Public Organization), etc. The main thing is that the company you add to see the sincerity and transparency of your intention to implement a charity project with clearly represented, reasonable argument of the waste of requested funds, followed by a report for their spending. I am afraid that experienced grants are unlikely to share with you samples of their successful letters. Although, general samples can be found on the Internet. Honesty and sincerity of intent to help people - the main adviser in this case!

I think that it is best to contact this fund, which "sponsor", and take it from their special forms (which they certainly have), and fill out, answering all the questions in the most detail. Because such forms contain exactly questions.

This thing is usually "bid for a grant" - here and apply, referring to it, if necessary, the available documents, photographs and other evidence of the usefulness of your project. If necessary, I can find similar shapes (together with the content), which was submitted to the Prokhorov Foundation to support the child's trip to America with an astronomical expedition of schoolchildren. And received, by the way, Grant.

But I do not think that these forms you need, you'd better take them in your fund. But if you consider what you need - let me know, I dig out of the archives or on the site Prokhorov I will find a link to them).

Below is a sample of a sponsorship letter, with which you can find a donor to get the inflow of investment. This letter is written on behalf of the organization "Thoughtful Family". The letter presents details for communication, the purpose of obtaining sponsorship and the motivating part so that you want:

In essence, you need to sell your idea or problem so that others want to help you and take up the sponsorship.

Sponsors There are different and sums they have different, you need not what to write correctly and competently writing, but also to understand that the sponsor should understand what money will go and is it worth investing your finance, not so long ago I wrote about it . The sponsor must understand everything from A to Z, what to give you the Suma you need to have. For example, there is an example of writing

To competently write a letter about sponsorship. It is important to understand that it is not necessary to stretch too much this letter. You need to try concisely convey your request, while you need to emphasize with what respect and hope you feel about your opponent.

Here are examples of letters:

I have a relative, or rather my sister's husband, wrote such an appeal when they needed help for a serious treatment of the Son.

He was suggested how it was done.

I think that it is necessary to write in arbitrary form, but so that it does not arise extra questions, that is, specifically describe the difficult life situation and apply copies of documents confirming what makes you ask for help.

How to make a letter request

In business document flow, the format of the request letter is used very often when the need to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Ready samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for the preparation of such letters you will find in this article.

Sample letter and registration instructions

The tradition and rules for compiling a request letter have developed exclusively in practical document flow - i.e. At the legislative level, any forms or instructions are not approved. Nevertheless, in general, such a structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the "cap" is first filled in, which indicates the full name of the sender organization with the corresponding contact information, as well as the name of a particular employee (usually director of the company) and the name of the recipient's organization.
  2. Next, the text itself follows, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale of the request. The text should be possible whether 1-2 paragraphs are usually enough. It is important to specifically and unequivocally state your request so that the interlocutor well understood the essence of your appeal.
  3. Then follows the signature, the decoding of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard option for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used on the example of this.

NOTE. Solution to specify or not specify the name of the document (i.e., to register in the middle "Letter-request") takes the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appointed to emphasize the nature of the document and the goal that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Since in this case we are talking about the fact that one company expects a certain service or even a concession from his partner, of course, to writing a letter, its design and even to send it very seriously. An impression can produce any detail, so it is better to take into account the nuances that are even ill-known at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it with the help of physical mail - ordinary mail of Russia or even better a private organization that delivers correspondence from the door to the door and much faster. Message B. in electronic format Or the more frequently transmitted by fax is often perceived more without spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way of registration of the document (i.e., as ordinary postal postal) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, envelope, brand and other means of registration.
  3. To write text, the corporate form is always selected - it allows you to give a request more than the official.
  4. In the text it is better to avoid explicit offseleamism - i.e. sustainable words and expressions that are customary in the business environment. They literally "dried" the narration and produce a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace more original options - For example, "I ask you to consider" on "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is as a whole to adhere to the traditions of business correspondence, i.e. The text is preferably written in an official business style. Lyrical deviations, too complex syntactic structures, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. It should be taken care of the interlocutor to be very easy to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

Council. If you can write text from hand, it is better to use exactly in this way. The handwritten letter allows you to highlight it against the background of everyone else. However, it is better to entrust the writing by a specialist who owns the receptions of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are empty options. Mostly requests relate financial issues - For example, providing a discount, decline in payment for the service or delay. A smaller part of letters requests is devoted to promoting any other issues in solving any other issues. The most common cases and ready examples Letters are considered below.

On the allocation of money

The request for money allocation even for charity goals is a rather serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to specifically describe the situation and it is also clear to indicate what money is required, and for what reason they are impossible to take from another source.

When compiling, you can take the basis of such a sample.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly

st. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! You are welcomed by the director of the non-profit organization of the Rainbow. " Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years is continuously engaged in the provision of financial assistance to children suffering from sharp form of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of relevant medicines and carrying out complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing our activity was the enterprise LLC "...". However, in April of the current 2017, financing volumes declined sharply, and at the moment we cannot carry out charitable shares in the same amount.

According to our data, the annual budget of the Fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We hope for your assistance, as finding sponsors in currently does not seem possible.

Sincerely, Cvetozar V.K.

About the delivery of goods

General Director of LLC "..."

From the director of the company "..."

Greetings to you, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional exhibition on agriculture, which took place in May of this year, our company is interested in samples of equipment and equipment that were offered on your part.

We would like to start cooperation with you with the delivery of a trial lot of goods ( full list Apply a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payment of payments for goods and services. We express hope for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

On the provision of discount

Currently, this is a fairly common type, since economic conditions have deteriorated in many terms. As experience shows, to convince the counterparty in the provision of discounts is especially good in such cases:

  • if companies collaborate for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if purchased immediately a large number of goods.

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We appreciate your appreciation for the consistently high quality of your services, as well as for assisting in solving a number of current issues.

We believe it is not a secret for you that over the past year the economic situation in our market niche deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we experience a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, we hope for your understanding and agreement in the provision of a discount of 10% for services that will be rendered next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial conditions in the event of stabilizing the economic situation.

Regards, Alexandrov K.N.

About reducing rent

In this case, the rationale for his request will be approximately the same as considered in the previous example.

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the fiscal year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded the expected 10%. It is forced to state that our company touched the financial crisis. This is expressed in reducing the client flow by 15-20% of the owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. Please note that we are quite large tenants and at the same time, for all the time of our five-year cooperation, not a single payment delay, and also filled out all other terms of the contract. We proceed from that measure temporary, so they are ready to continue to make a fee in full, as soon as the market situation is stabilized.

Regards, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to recognize that you really did not make payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately indicate the maturity of the entire amount.

Director LLC "Svetodar"

From the director of Parabolia

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not make the next for your services to Summelaub. On the impossibility of making a payment, we officially notified you for the month. At the moment, explain that the company found funds for payment. We ask you to provide installments for two months: October and November (claw).

We do not evade your financial obligations and debt and pay your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never broken the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company will take over the fulfillment of financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use such a pattern.

IP thanks to A.K.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have indebted to me in the summelaub. For expired fiscal year I also had a debt to 3 companies in Summelaub. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, we guarantee the provision of installments for the rest of your debt for a period of 6 months.

With respect, Alin A.A.

About promoting in resolving the issue

Finally, if you need to solve some particular question, you can write this text:

IP Nikanorov V.R.

From the director of "Good decisions"

Dear Vladimir Romanovich, I head a charitable organization that is engaged in New Year's holidays for children from poor families. How we became known from open sourcesYou implement confectionery products. We ask you to organize the delivery of New Year's gifts in the amount of 1000 pieces for 20 events.

For our part, we guarantee to express you written and oral gratitude and leave positive reviews In all organizations, in your wish.

With respect, Abdulova V.M.