What does the name Arseny mean for a boy. The meaning of the name Arseny for a boy: we grow a submissive, but exalted person

The name Arseny means "courageous", "sublime", "masculine".

Origin of the name

Arseny - Russian male name of Greek origin. According to research, the origin of the name Arseny is associated with Greek name Arsenios, which means "mature", "masculine", "man".

Name characteristic


Little Arseny is usually an obedient and shy child. He studies well, does not give his parents any trouble. He communicates with many children, but he takes the choice of a friend very seriously. Although the boy is friendly, in friendship he is rarely disinterested. From early childhood, Arseny has shown attention to plants, dogs, cats. Likes to play with pets, but at the same time is lazy to take care of them. In general, Arseny prefers to do what he wants. Because of this, it can lie, not tell the whole truth. Therefore, he often finds himself in unpleasant, ridiculous situations, which he creates for himself.

Personal qualities

A man with this name is not always able to fend for himself. For this he lacks determination. Therefore, he tries to stay as far away from the hectic life as possible.

Gentle, sincere Arseny is always surrounded by friends and acquaintances. Only among friends does he become cheerful and self-confident. In all other respects, he often leaves things to chance, which sometimes leads to a complete lack of understanding of the real state of things.

But many men with the name Arseny achieve a lot in life. They just need to understand in their youth that they should develop firmness and determination in themselves. Having acquired these qualities, and supplementing them with their soulfulness, they can achieve significant success.

Arseny is neat, sociable, hardworking. The main thing that can prevent him from moving forward is stubbornness.

Personal life

For family life, Arseny is looking for a simple, unassuming woman. He is not an example of a perfect husband. If Arseny does not want to do something, go somewhere, he will come up with the most fantastic reason to avoid it.

By season

The characteristic of the name Arseny also depends on the time at which he was born.

"Spring" by Arsenia are distinguished by their accuracy, diligence, prudence, and cunning.

Born in summer are not very talkative, if they make a career, it is usually with the help of their parents.

Arsenias, born in autumn, often repeat the fate of their parents.

"Winter" Arsenias are stubborn, brave in their actions, resourceful.

Name compatibility

The name Arseny is successfully combined with the middle names Kirillovich, Arkadievich.

Good compatibility of the name Arseny with such female names - Lyudmila, Lada, Zinaida, Dina, Alla, Ada.


Arseny's Orthodox name days:

  • February - 1.19, 28;
  • March - 13, 15;
  • May - 12, 21;
  • June - 25;
  • July - 15, 25;
  • August - 13;
  • September - 6, 10, 12;
  • November - 10, 19;
  • December - 3, 26.

Famous people

Famous people bearing the name Arseny are Arseny Meshchersky, Arseny Tarkovsky, Count Arseny Zakrevsky, Arseny Larionov, Metropolitan Arseny.

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the name Arseny means "courageous, mature, masculine." The name praises the courage, valor and physical strength of a man, bestowed on him by nature. Derivatives of this name have been popular for many centuries in many other countries, for example, in Serbia and Bulgaria it sounds like Arsen, in Ukraine and Belarus - like Arsenti, in Spain and Italy - like Arsenio, in Poland - Arseniusz.

Some time ago, the name Arseny was rarely used, but now, with the return of fashion to old Russian names, it has firmly entered the twenty most popular male names. This name can rightfully be considered international, since it is included in the Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim names and has a large number of national forms.

Among the bearers of the name Arseny there are such famous personalities as poets Arseny Tarkovsky and Arseny Nesmelov, artist Arseny Meshchersky, philosopher and historian Arseny Chernyshev, Russian admiral Arseny Golovko and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The main patron saint of the name Arseny in Orthodoxy is considered to be the Monk Arseny of Komelsky, who lived in Moscow in the 15th century. He was born into a noble and wealthy family, but he was not interested in honors or titles, since with early years the young man decided to devote himself to the service of the Lord.

Arseny was tonsured at the monastery of the Holy Trinity, where a life full of hardships and hard work awaited him. The young monk earned respect for his righteous life, for which he was later elected abbot of the monastery, but this honorary position greatly weighed him down. Arseny decided to hide from people and continue his life in a secluded cell in the Shilegon forest. But even there people constantly went to the good old man for advice and help.

The Monk Arseny passed away on 24 August 1550. After death, miracles of healing of the sick and the weak began to take place at the elder's grave.

All Orthodox owners of the name Arseny can celebrate their name days on January 15 and 19; February 1, 18, 19 and 28; March 13, 15 and 21; May 12 and 21; June 25; July 15, 19 and 25; August 13 and 24; September 6, 10 and 12; October 4 and 28; November 10, 16 and 19; December 3, 13 and 26.

Name characteristic

Contrary to his "courageous" name, Arseny is a rather gentle and modest person who does not like to be in the spotlight. He has a balanced and romantic character, a very delicate mental organization. He is easily offended and withdraws into himself, remembers the offense for a long time, is going through hard. Arseny does not at all perceive criticism and jokes in his address, most often they end in deep resentment.

Another notable character trait of Arseny is stubbornness, which helps him achieve a lot in life. But sometimes stubbornness plays a cruel joke with him, and leads in a completely different way, where success awaits him.

Arseny does not have pronounced leadership qualities, sometimes he lacks determination and healthy ambition in order to loudly declare himself. Arseny goes slowly towards the intended goal, and achieves everything solely thanks to his mind and diligence. He is curious, loves to study, accumulate and synthesize the knowledge gained, knows how to correctly apply it. Arseny is honest, fair, responsible, he can be entrusted with any business. But he often lacks initiative, since by nature he is a modest person.

In the life of Arseny there is a place for despondency and blues, to which he will be subject all his life. He can in no way be called a fierce optimist, by the type of character he is melancholic. There is a danger that Arseny will plunge too deeply into his dreams and completely break away from real life... Having acquired such qualities as firmness and perseverance, a man can achieve a lot in life without losing his inherent soulfulness and sensitivity.


Little Senya is a sensitive, touchy and very smart boy. He is my mother's assistant, executive and obedient. He has a special relationship with his mother - he loves her very much and the adult Arseny will carry his tender affection throughout his life.

Usually, parents do not have problems with Arseny's upbringing - he is obedient, diligent, very diligent. Adolescence steps over easily, without getting involved in any "dirty" stories. There are also no problems with studies, especially with the humanities, teachers praise the boy for his diligence and diligence. Senya skillfully knows how to win over the people he needs, can manipulate their feelings and mood without shyness.

Arseny gets along well with his classmates, but he always has his own opinion, which he does not consider necessary to hide. Seni's only drawbacks that he will bring into adulthood are resentment and stubbornness. Parents need to teach the boy to control his emotions, and try to direct the child's stubbornness in the right direction. It is necessary to praise Senya more often and show him your support, thereby instilling confidence in the boy.


Arseny has not had very good health since childhood - frequent colds can give complications to the tonsils, ears and even vision. The adult Arseny is prone to frequent nervous breakdowns, the result of which is insomnia, increased anxiety. Perhaps early baldness, various heart diseases, metabolic disorders.

Arseny rarely develops bad habits, as he tries to lead healthy image life. But he needs to learn to relax, to release the accumulated tension, not to take criticism to heart.


Arseny is a shy person, and it is quite difficult for him to meet girls. He definitely needs to get used to his chosen one before he decides on any action.

In Arseny, women immediately feel his soulfulness, his special, gentle and reverent attitude. In sex, he is of the opinion that pleasure should be mutual, so he will try to do everything to make the partner happy. Given his attentive attitude and sensitivity, as well as a bright erotic personality, which at first glance is imperceptible, Arseny will always be popular with the women he chooses.

Sexual life for him is built, first of all, on love and mutual feelings, and not on physical attraction. He needs a partner as sensitive and delicate as he does.

Marriage and family compatibility

Arseny approaches marriage extremely seriously, so an early or thoughtless marriage is uncharacteristic for him. Before making an offer, he will look closely and closely at his chosen one - not only her physical, but also her spiritual beauty is important to him. He will never stop his choice on a woman who is not intelligent or rude. Divorce in Arseny's family rarely happens, but if it does happen, then the second marriage will not be concluded soon.

Arseny can easily give way to his wife as the head of the family, without requiring great economic zeal from her. He will willingly help her in raising children with whom he has an excellent relationship. Arseny cannot be called a particularly attentive and caring spouse - he prefers to spend more time in dreams and meditation. Work, life and money are far from the most important things in Arseny's life.

Even if the marriage is successful, Arseny will not stop paying attention to other women, although he will try to hide his campaigns “to the left” from his wife. Arseny needs female attention for self-affirmation, in order to once again be convinced of his attractiveness.

The most successful marriage of Arseny with women named Alexandra, Anastasia, Galina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria, Olga, Sofia and Lyubov. Relationships with Veronica, Ulyana, Inna, Lydia, Elena, Xenia and Veronica should be avoided.

Business and career

Arseny does not have a clearly expressed business acumen, so he can achieve success in his career solely thanks to diligence and diligence. Holders of the name rarely occupy leadership positions, and it is rather difficult to climb the career ladder. More often than not, it remains an inconspicuous link in a strong chain.

Best for Arseny work will do, requiring attentiveness, meticulousness, accuracy of actions. For example, the profession of a doctor, lawyer, scientist, financier, engineer. A man can become a sensitive psychologist, teacher, educator or clergyman. Arseny is too lazy for physical labor, but for organization own business he may lack assertiveness and ambition.

Arseny has a rich imagination, he is a creative person. Since childhood, he has a good imagination, so it will suit him perfectly creative professions such as an architect, constructor, journalist or designer.

Talismans for Arseny

  • The patron planet is Mercury and the Moon.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Pisces and Gemini.
  • The most successful time of the year is spring, the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - red, brown, blue.
  • The totem animal is a swallow and a loon. The swallow symbolizes repentance, renewal and rebirth. In the Christian tradition, this bird is a symbol of resurrection and boundless parental love. The loon totem awakens the imagination and reminds that dreams and hopes are never given to a person without the possibility of their realization. A loon can return hope and optimism to a man.
  • The totem plant is iris and ash. In the Christian religion, iris is the personification of the Virgin Mary, her sorrow for her son. The flower symbolizes purity of thoughts and innocence. Ash is a symbol of fertility and longevity. The talisman made of ash wood will add courage and strength to its owner, instill in him self-confidence.
  • The talisman stone is amethyst and jasper. Amethyst will teach its owner to subdue and eradicate evil intentions and intentions, direct his thoughts in a positive direction, save him from mental pain and anxiety. Jasper will protect the home from evil spirits and ill-wishers, will feed a person with positive healing energy, and will also become a faithful assistant in amorous affairs.


Aries- a determined, energetic man, sincere and ingenuous. He is constantly in motion, his head is full of plans and ideas, but he is not at all inclined to indulge in empty dreams. He not only dreams, he acts and achieves the set goal. Arseny-Aries does not like routine, does not tolerate boredom and inaction, loves to be in the spotlight. All his life he is characterized by a certain childishness, optimism and belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. A man easily agrees to all sorts of adventures, likes to take risks, to feel an adrenaline rush. Only with age does he become more balanced and sane. At heart, Arseny-Aries is a great romantic, inclined to sublime and passionate feelings. In his family, he will be the undisputed leader, so it is the wife who will have to give in and compromise. If she has enough patience and tact, as well as the ability to wisely direct her husband's overflowing energy in the right direction, then she will never regret choosing this man as her husband.

Taurus- a slow, reasonable and cautious person who strives for stability in everything. At heart he is a conservative, therefore he is afraid and does not like changes, he needs to be surrounded by a measured and familiar everyday life. Arseny-Taurus can be called the embodiment of calmness, down-to-earthness and pragmatism. From the outside, he may seem a little slow and even lazy, but in fact, a man is distinguished by amazing endurance and efficiency, excellent business acumen, and also the ability to achieve his goal. Arseny-Taurus strives for wealth, and in most cases he manages to achieve high level welfare. In relations with women, he is distinguished by ease and pleasantness of character, but he himself is most often a monogamous person. A family union with this man will be distinguished by strength and longevity, but this does not mean that life with him will be easy and cloudless. For his children, Arseny-Taurus will spare no time, money, or energy, but he will educate them in severity.

Cancer- sensitive, emotional, secretive personality, with a very subtle mental organization. His character is distinguished by benevolence, compliance and politeness, he tries with all his might to demonstrate his good relationship to people. But his friendliness can very quickly turn into irritability and harshness and picky. Frequent and abrupt mood swings are what will greatly complicate your relationship with this person. In addition, he tends to exaggerate the size of his own problems. This is due to his rich imagination, because of which he cannot perceive the world the way other people perceive it. Arseny-Cancer is very vulnerable, reacts very hard to criticism, is easily offended and departs for a long time. At the same time, he is very practical, inclined to hoarding, and he usually has no problems making money. In his family, Arseny-Cancer must necessarily feel like the head, otherwise he will feel discomfort and anxiety. The wife should always be with her husband, constantly reassure him and listen to complaints, instill confidence and optimism.

a lion- an imposing, self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants from life. The main traits of his character are generosity, kindness, openness. He has pronounced leadership qualities and outrageous ambition, but at the same time people do not perceive him as a tyrant. A man loves money, but even more loves to spend it. He adores a luxurious life, expensive things, but if his deeds do not keep up with his capabilities, this can lead a person into debt. It is surprising that most often Arseny-Lev always finds a way to make money for his pleasures, although he does not differ in great diligence and hard work. On the contrary, he is rather lazy, besides, he adores all kinds of feasts and celebrations. In his family, he will try to take the position of a leader, moreover, he will be distinguished by increased suspicion and jealousy. He may be jealous of his spouse even of his own children, believing that attention should be paid, first of all, to him, and then to everyone else. At the same time, he himself will never stop paying attention to other women, since he simply needs constant confirmation of his irresistibility.

Virgo- a secretive, self-confident person, calm and reasonable. He has a clear mind and well-developed logic that helps him achieve a lot in life. All his entourage knows that this man can always be relied upon, he never breaks his promises and is always accurate in fulfilling them. Work and career take a big place in his life, which sometimes prevents a man from building personal happiness. He pays little attention to the romantic side of life, because for him, above all, its material component. By nature, Arseny-Virgo is not a conqueror, on the contrary, he prefers that women themselves achieve him. But his wife can be calm - he will never give rise to jealousy, and will be a real symbol of financial stability. However, he is not at all stingy, especially when it comes to comfort and prestige. If a woman is not so important about manifestations of romance and passion, if she appreciates an equal partnership, then she will be happy with this man for many years.

scales- a calm, well-mannered person, an excellent conversationalist. He strives to please everyone and does a lot for this. He does not like scandals very much, avoids them in every possible way, tries to maintain equal relations with everyone. In life, he is guided exclusively by logic and rationalism, and he really does not like it when money is wasted idle. At the same time, he is very generous, especially in relation to his loved ones or when it comes to his own pleasures. The doors of a man's house are always open to numerous relatives and friends, he himself, too, is never averse to spending time with fun company... Arseny-Libra takes marriage extremely seriously, and makes the decision to marry with difficulty. But, even after getting married, he will never give up his many girlfriends, who will always be drawn to his easy character. But the family, and especially the children, will always be the most important thing for him, so he will carefully hide his amorous adventures. And she also needs to be prepared for the fact that she will most likely have to solve all everyday problems herself.

Scorpion- an independent, freedom-loving man who knows how to keep his feelings and passions under control. He hates lies and always speaks the truth in the eyes, he never wears "pink glasses" either. He walks through life, relying solely on his own convictions, and the opinion of those around him is of little interest. He is struggling to pave his way to independence and make tremendous efforts to achieve his goal. The will of this person is so strong that it is almost impossible to break it. He usually earns a lot, but also spends a lot on his vices and pleasures. And his pleasures are most often physical: alcohol, women, delicious food. Arseny-Scorpio always comes out victorious from love battles, since he does not retreat until he gets what he wants. In marriage, this is a rather difficult partner, as it is difficult to find a more demanding and jealous man. He will always be the head of the family and it shouldn't even be discussed.

Sagittarius- a bright and benevolent person who evokes extremely positive emotions. He has a well-developed imagination, romantic, spontaneous, always young at heart. He has an increased emotionality, he takes up any business with great enthusiasm, and usually luck favors him. The incredible luck of this person is difficult to explain, but it is a fact. The generosity of Arseny-Sagittarius knows no bounds, so he often lives from paycheck to paycheck. It is almost impossible to save up for a comfortable life with such an approach to finance. A marriage union for Arseny-Sagittarius is absolutely not attractive, family ties mean nothing to him. He is ready to run away from his family at any time, and one must be ready for this. In order for the marriage to be successful, his wife will have to come to terms with the fact that her husband will have many interests on the side, however, this does not mean at all that he will cheat on her. Arseny-Sagittarius will not work very well good husband but a wonderful friend.

Capricorn- a calm, unperturbed man, a careerist in the good sense of the word. If a problem arises in his life, he looks for ways to solve it, and not the guilty ones. Make specific and useful actions- this is the credo of his life, from which he never deviates. But besides practicality and realism, there is another unexpected feature in his character - romanticism. In relation to women, Arseny-Capricorn is surprisingly gentle and correct, and most importantly - extremely decent. Despite the external equanimity, this man really needs strong feelings, he just needs to love and be loved. A woman who has connected life with him may be calm about the future of her children, but she will have to come to terms with the fact that her husband will be stingy with emotions and constantly disappears at work. Family values ​​for Arseny-Capricorn are not an empty phrase, but the meaning of life.

Aquarius- sociable, sociable, charming man, characterized by maximum naturalness. He is a great friend, always ready to help and resolve conflicts. But the paradox is that by nature he is a loner, and with many acquaintances he has no real friends. This person lives by his own rules, and does not consider it necessary to make excuses to anyone. Love in his understanding is an abstract concept, so he is not jealous or selfish. Next to Arseny - Aquarius can only be a woman friend who understands and shares his interests, free from any conventions. In addition, he is unlikely to be able to ensure a comfortable existence for his family, since material values ​​are not a priority for him. Family life and even the birth of children will never change Arseny-Aquarius, he will always remain what he is - he will not pay attention to the claims and reproaches of his wife, and tears, scandals and tantrums will not cause anything in his soul except the desire to divorce. The foundation happy marriage with this man, not love, but friendship.

Fishes- a dreamy, romantic man, devoid of practical vein. Nature has generously endowed him with great potential, he is able to achieve a lot in science and business, but more often than not he does practically nothing for this. Arseny-Ryba prefers to go with the flow in the hope that everything will somehow turn out by itself. A man is very sensitive, vulnerable and touchy, and he remembers offenses for a long time, and on occasion he will take revenge. As for finances, Arseny-Pisces absolutely does not know how to plan and calculate anything, it is very difficult for him to make his dreams come true. He lives for today and does not save money for a rainy day. The meaning of life for this man is love and family, and he thinks about money and career last. The wife will have to come to terms with the role of the head of the family, as well as with the numerous betrayals of her husband and his impracticality. But he will be a wonderful father to his children, who will be able to convey to them such values ​​as kindness, attention and mercy.

The meaning of the name Arseny: the name for a boy means "courageous", "decisive", "mature". This affects the character and fate of Arseny.

The origin of the name Arseny: ancient greek.

The diminutive form of the name: Arsenya, Arsenyushka, Arsyuta, Arsyusha, Senya, Arsya.

What does the name Arseny mean: the name Arsenius comes from the ancient Greek name Arsenios, which, in turn, comes from "Arsen". The name translates as "mature". Another meaning of the name Arseny is "courageous". A man tries to succeed in everything: he has friends everywhere, and from the abundance of ideas there is no time for rest. Highly creative person, respects a woman, therefore, he marries once and for life. At times closed and silent.

middle name: Arsenievich, Arsentievich, Arsenovich, Arsenievna, Arsentievna, Arsenovna.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Arseny celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • May 21 (8) - The Monk Arsenius the Great (5th century) was at first an educator of the royal children, then he retired to the Egyptian wilderness, took monastic vows and lived there, performing miracles through prayers, for fifty years.
  • 25 (12) nurse - the Monk Arseny Konevsky enlightened Karelia with the faith of Christ.

Signs: If in the morning on Arseny, May 21, big dew is a harbinger of good weather; no dew - to rain. Clear day May 21 - expect an abundance of cucumbers this year.


  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - iris
  • Patron saint - swallow
  • Talisman stone - amethyst

Characteristics of the name Arseny

Positive features: What character traits does the meaning of the name Arseny determine? The name Arseniy gives honesty, sociability, responsibility, firmness and perseverance. A man with this name knows how to win over people. He loves jokes, practical jokes. Even in the most severe conditions of life, he knows how to preserve his soulfulness.

Negative traits: The name Arseny brings hot temper, sarcasm, vulnerability, bravado. It is difficult for Senya's name to contain his strong emotions. A man named Arseny is naively trying to restore justice and because of this he is deprived of a prestigious job, well-deserved awards and prizes.

The nature of the name Arseny: He loves music, but he would hardly have made it his profession if his parents had not insisted. That's where his trouble lies - he cannot always resist circumstances, and therefore very often does the wrong thing in life, marries the wrong woman, brings up children in the wrong way ...

In a word, lack of firmness of character is Senya's misfortune. A guy with this name is vulnerable and sensitive, by nature he is not even a leader at all. He achieves success more often in his imagination, which is so violently developed that at times it replaces reality. And yet it happens that, even in his mature years, a guy can turn his life around and confirm the meaning of the name Arseny! However, he will not take revenge on those who subordinated him to their will, for his generosity is enormous. In general, this is a property of all people with creative imagination - even if they are failed creators.

He is sociable, but Senya chooses his friends very carefully. To the wounded, sensitive, impulsive, can lie and therefore often finds himself in ridiculous or ambiguous situations. Born in the summer, Senya is not talkative, prefers to listen to others. He does not strive for leadership.

Since childhood, Senya has been a vulnerable and sensitive boy. He is very kind, he feels sorry for everyone, he tries to help everyone. A man with this name loves animals, feeds the homeless. He likes to read poetry, performs them well from the school stage.

An adult Arseny often withdraws into himself, is rather selfish, touchy. He lacks firmness and decisiveness, it is difficult for him to stand up for himself. He is not a leader and it is difficult to move up the career ladder. Gives great value goodwill towards people, but is not capable of a feat for the sake of a neighbor. There are few friends, but he is loyal to them and next to them vigor and optimism awaken in him. If he quarrels, he will not take the first step towards reconciliation, but he does not remember the offense for a long time, generously forgiving the offender.

Arseny is a creative person, he has a rich imagination. Even in his school years, he writes essays best of all. He can be a writer, but also a designer, architect, veterinarian, lawyer, chauffeur, clergyman.

Arseny and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Aida, Bella, Eugenia, Irma, Christina, Leila, Maya, Ninel is favorable. The name Arseny is also combined with Polina. The complex relationship of the name is likely with Aglaya, Inna, Lydia, Mavra, Elsa.

Love and marriage: Does happiness in love promise the meaning of the name Arseny? Senya is more of a good father than a caring husband. He is overly demanding of his wife.

He Arseny has great respect for a woman. With his wife, in addition to the sensual, intellectual relationship is important for him. For him, the stability of the marriage is of particular importance. Arseny must completely trust his wife, have common affections with her: to animals, music, books, poetry. If this does not happen, the marriage quickly falls apart. A guy with this name can be married twice. The second time, a man named Arseny marries more discreetly, and a lasting friendly alliance arises. Senya loves children very much, especially daughters.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A subtle nature disposes to creative work. The ability to organize people around you contributes to success in leadership positions. This is an excellent teacher, coach, prestigious tutor.

Business and career: He Arseny does not seek to make a lot of money. A man named Arseny lives with the future, new projects, not really caring about everyday needs.

A man makes his career with the help of his parents and their high-ranking friends; "winter" - resourceful, brave, but stubborn and thus complicates his life; born in the fall - cunning, calculating, hardworking and accurate, appreciates friendship, but because of resentment and exorbitant pride, he will never take the first step towards reconciliation.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Arseny: Arseny may suffer from diseases of the digestive and excretory system. Metabolic disorder is possible.

Arseny's fate in history

What does the name Arseny mean for male destiny?

  1. Arseny Sukhanov - hieromonk, builder of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery of the Epiphany and the cellarer of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He was sent by the king and patriarch in early 1649 to the East to study the rites of the canonical church. When he returned, the monk wrote a work "Discussion on Faith", in which he noted with gloating that faith, he said, had deteriorated not in our country, but in the East. Arseny managed to take out seven hundred of the most precious manuscripts from Athos and other places, which are still considered the adornment of our national libraries.
  2. Arseny Arseny Tarkovsky (1907-1980), author of collections of poems "Earth - earthly", "Before the snow", "Bulletin", "Magic mountains", etc. In 1980, Arseny Tarkovsky became a laureate of the State Prize THE USSR. His poetry is just that: strict, high and serious. At the end of his life, Arseny Tarkovsky published the book From Youth to Old Age, for which he was awarded the State Prize. She turned out to be posthumous - the poet did not live to see her for several months.
  3. Arsenio Martinez-Campos Anton - (1831 - 1900) Spanish statesman and military leader, general.
  4. Arsenie Todirash - (born 1983) Moldavian pop singer, member of the O-Zone group.
  5. Arsenio Campos - (born 1946) a famous Mexican film and TV actor.
  6. Count Arseny Zakrevsky - (1783 - 1865) Russian military and statesman from the Zakrevsky family, Moscow governor-general (1848-1859).
  7. Arseny Zverev - (1900 - 1969) Soviet statesman. People's Commissar, then Minister of Finance of the USSR in 1938-1960 with a break in 1948, candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1952-1953), General State Counselor of the Financial Service (1948)) Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a Ukrainian politician, economist and lawyer.
  8. Arseniy Trudilubivy - (late XIII - XIV century) monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. Holy Russian Church, venerated among the saints.
  9. Arseny Naydenov (Rozman) - (1941 - 2010) Soviet footballer, midfielder, Honored Coach of the RSFSR (1991). Coached more than a dozen teams from the lower divisions of the USSR. He gained the greatest fame by coaching the Sochi football club "Pearl". The author of the aphorism: “The judge broke our game. The fifth and seventh goals were scored from offside. "
  10. Arseny Zhakov - (born 1950) Russian, Soviet, classical guitarist, composer, teacher.
  11. Arseny of Elassonsky - (1550 - 1625) in the world - Apostolis; Archbishop of Suzdal and Tarusa.
  12. Arseny Tishkov - (1909 - 1979) Soviet state security figure and diplomat. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1947), Major General (1965).
  13. Arseny Bibikov - (1873 - 1927) Russian theater and silent film actor, author of poems and stories published in the magazines "Young Russia", "Our Journal", member of the Moscow literary and artistic circle
  14. Metropolitan Arseny - (1704 - 1770) in the world - Alexei Mogilyansky; Metropolitan of Kiev and Galician, preacher of the court of Elizabeth Petrovna.

Arseny in different languages ​​of the world

Name translation into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Italian it translates as Arsenio, in Polish: Arseniusz, in Latin: Arsenius, in Spanish: Arsenio, in Ukrainian: Arsen, on Czech: Arsen.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Arseny.

What does the name Arseny mean?

The name Arseny means - courageous (Greek)

The meaning of the name Arseny - character and fate

A man named Arseny is sociable, but not everyone will be called a friend. Injured and sensitive. Is engaged in music, in childhood - under pressure from parents. He loves animals, can keep a dog in the house, but is lazy to take care of it. Wants to do only what he likes. For the sake of achieving his goal, he can lie. He often finds himself in ridiculous or ambiguous situations, which he himself creates. Arseny most of all values ​​mutual understanding between himself and his girlfriend. For a man named Arseny, who was born in December, it is not difficult to captivate any woman he likes. Parting with his girlfriends, he always remains on friendly terms with them. "November" Arseny does not like to run after women, is capable of long-term relationships with one partner. "Summer" Arseny is not very talkative, he prefers to listen to what others are saying. Not a leader by nature. It is difficult for him to move up the career ladder. If he makes a career, it is mainly thanks to his parents. "Winter" is resourceful, courageous in actions, but very stubborn, which greatly complicates his life. An excellent conversationalist and storyteller. A man named Arseny goes in for sports, but without visible results. "Autumn" is cunning, calculating, hardworking and accurate. Appreciates friendship, but will not do anything disinterestedly. Makes plans, often very far from reality. Acceptable, but if he quarrels with someone, he remembers the insult for a long time and will never take the first step towards reconciliation. It is not uncommon for a man named Arseny to marry twice.

The meaning of the name Arseny for sex

Arseny believes that sex for a man is an integral part of life. He is sure that sexual intercourse should bring maximum pleasure not only to him, but also to his partner. Arseny knows female psychology very well, has a bright erotic personality, is attentive to his partner. During foreplay is passionate, capable of recklessness. A man named Arseny is very offended if he does not feel the reciprocity of his partner, it is hard for her to be indifferent. The words of his beloved strongly affect him, he needs to know that he is loved, that he is considered an unsurpassed lover.

The nature and fate of the name Arseny, taking into account the middle name

Arseny's name and patronymic ...

Arseny Alekseevich, Arseny Valentinovich, Arseny Vasilievich, Arseny Viktorovich, Arseny Vitalievich, Arseny Vladimirovich, Arseny Evgenievich, Arseny Ivanovich, Arseny Ilyich, Arseny Mikhailovich, Arseny Petrovich, Arseny Sergeevich, Arseny Yurievich life-loving, energetic, eternal fighter for his place in life. She is looking for a way to self-actualize, to take a leading position among colleagues and friends. "December" - strong-willed, not influenced. Arseny is very close to his heart accepts failures, needs the support of friends and loved ones. A man named Arseny has an excellent memory, a good psychologist, has a developed intuition. Able to notice the slightest insincerity in the words of people, but still very gullible. Moving towards a life goal slowly but stubbornly. Prefers leisure time with relatives to communication with friends. Arseny Ivanovich is very stubborn, it is difficult to convince him of anything, Mikhailovich is complaisant, but jealous and squeamish. Good host, knows what to do around the house and doesn't need to be reminded of anything. But he should not be rushed, he is thorough, he thinks over each action, what and in what sequence needs to be done. If rushed, he becomes irritable and cannot concentrate for a long time. He marries a calm and economical woman, willingly helps her around the house, but does not allow her to interfere in men's affairs. A caring husband and father, attentive to children, devotes a lot of time to their upbringing. Boys are born.

Arseny's name and patronymic ...

Arseny Alexandrovich, Arseny Andreevich, Arseny Artemovich, Arseny Borisovich, Arseny Vadimovich, Arseny Grigorievich, Arseny Kirillovich, Arseny Maksimovich, Arseny Pavlovich, Arseny Fedorovich, Arseny Eduardovich friendly, sociable, unobtrusive, objective and endlessly devoted to friends. Purposeful, hardworking. Not a careerist, usually the business he is engaged in fascinates him more than the material benefits that could be derived from the current situation. "December" - has a contradictory character, distrustful, suspicious. A man named Arseny is not engaged in housekeeping, his spouse must cope with everything, so he takes an impeccable mistress as his wife, who will not demand help from him. He himself is neat, loves order and willingly maintains it. Every thing has its place, and woe to the one who puts it somewhere else. Pedantic, obligatory, which is required from the family. He is strict with children, monitors their progress in school, helps them acquire a good profession. More often girls are born, the gift of fate is the appearance of a boy, which is rare.

Arseny's name and patronymic ...

Arseny Bogdanovich, Arseny Vladislavovich, Arseny Vyacheslavovich, Arseny Gennadievich, Arseny Georgievich, Arseny Danilovich, Arseny Egorovich, Arseny Konstantinovich, Arseny Robertovich, Arseny Svyatoslavovich, Arseny Yaroslavovich, Arseny Yanovich somewhat sentimental, often plunges into his inner world, falls into apathy. His interests are strictly selective, his circle of friends is narrow. Delving into the little things, he often passes by really significant events. A man named Arseny is not too self-confident, indecisive, and influenced. Faithful to his affections, impeccable in matters of morality, but does not recognize too harsh rules. His actions rarely cause criticism from others, but if this happens, he is very upset by what is happening. Does not tolerate remarks, moralizing. "December" - with an unbalanced psyche, nervous and irritable. He marries an agile, courageous and self-confident woman who is capable of taking care of her home and family on her shoulders. She willingly helps her around the house, but never takes the initiative. They need to be led, told what needs to be done, where is the breakdown, what is the malfunction. He knows how to do everything with his own hands, but he never notices such little things in life. He is affectionate with children, attentive. He loves them very much and is proud of his successes, but does little for this. Children of different sexes are born, the daughter is closer to the father by the spirit world.

Arseny's name and patronymic ...

Arseny Anatolyevich, Arseny Antonovich, Arseny Arturovich, Arseny Valerievich, Arseny Denisovich, Arseny Germanovich, Arseny Glebovich, Arseny Igorevich, Arseny Iosifovich, Arseny Leonidovich, Arseny Lvovich, Arseny Olegovich, Arseny Semyonovich- an extraordinary nature: he is talented in any field of activity, inventive, original in the ways of solving various issues. Good promotion. Neat, fastidious. Has many friends, loyal to friends. He is very hospitable, he loves to receive not only friends, but also unfamiliar people - he drags everyone to his home. "December" - has a strong character, strong-willed, decisive. He does not grovel in front of anyone, often goes ahead, which may not like the leadership. "March" - loves himself very much, carefully monitors his appearance, he is highly disgusted, for this reason he does not even visit everyone. A man named Arseny is not only not engaged in housekeeping in the house, but is not interested either. She trusts her spouse, never controls her if the house is perfectly clean and tidy. Therefore, he takes an economic, clean, independent woman as his wife. Unassuming in food, can be content with sandwiches. The main thing is cleanliness in the house. She can help her spouse when guests are waiting in the house, but she will never go into the kitchen of her own free will and will not offer help. He loves children, pampers them with various expensive purchases, but does not educate them. Children of different sexes are born.

Arseny's name and patronymic ...

Arseny Alanovich, Arseny Albertovich, Arseny Veniaminovich, Arseny Vladlenovich, Arseny Dmitrievich, Arseny Nikolaevich, Arseny Rostislavovich, Arseny Stanislavovich, Arseny Stepanovich, Arseny Feliksovich persistent and assertive. Friendly, sociable, but overly emotional. Not always unselfish, he can derive personal benefit from everything. He is generous with advice, he will always help his neighbor to comply with his interests. Prudent, practical. The nature is carried away, has a developed imagination, clever and inventive. Hot-tempered, but, when necessary, knows how to control himself. He carefully monitors his appearance, knows how to dress fashionably and beautifully. A man named Arseny without special efforts attracts the attention of women. Heather, adventurous. Knows how to adapt to different situations. Strives for leadership, is respected by others. He marries a simple, modest, outwardly dull woman, so as not to get lost in her background. Requires increased attention. He wants to see her as a good mistress, loving wife and mother. Most often, she insists that the spouse does not work, takes care of the house and family. He simply adores children, pampers, takes part in their games, but, according to his wife, only interferes with raising them. Boys are born, although the girl always remains Arseny's secret dream.

From this article you will find out what are the similarities and differences between the names of Semyon and Senya.

It often happens that in an official setting, a person is called by his full name, and friends are abbreviated. Let's learn more about the names Semyon and Senya.

The name Semyon and Senya: are these names different or not, their similarities and differences?

Semyon and Senya can be different names and the same

Semyon - full name for boy. In fact, the abbreviated name should sound Syoma, but the Russian language is very rich and diverse, and in Russia Semyonov is called: Senya, Senyusha, Senyukha, Syoma, Semyonka, Sim, Sima, Simi, Simonya, Simanya, Simon.

But the male name Arseny in an abbreviated form also sounds Senya. So, Semyon is one name, and Semyon and Arseny can be called Senya.

The name Semyon and Senya: the origin of the names

Semyon is a caring father and husband

The name Semyon is Russian. It comes from the Hebrew name Simeon or Shimon. These names have one meaning "heard by God." The names Samuel, Samvel, Samuel, Simon have the same meaning when translated into Russian.

By nature, Semyon is a leader, quickly finds friends, works with enthusiasm and passion, approaches work creatively. On the career ladder, he can reach the head.

With friends, Semyon is sincere and reliable, he will always help in trouble.

With women, Semyon is gentle, meek and merciful. Many women dream of such a man.

In the family, Semyon has a caring husband and father, an attentive son, a good boss in the house.

Semyon has excellent intuition, is rather secretive, and rarely shares his plans with friends.

In the 20th century, Seeds were rare. The peak of popularity of the name was before the revolution, as they were called peasant children. With the advent of Soviet power, the name ceased to be in the everyday life of people. Now again, in Russian families, the boys began to be given the names of Semyon.

There are 2 days in the year when it is celebrated day of the angel Semyon:

  • February, 15- the day of St. Simeon the God-Receiver, the righteous old man from Jerusalem, who took the baby Christ into his arms in the temple. Now - the religious holiday Presentation of the Lord. By folk signs on this day, pregnant women need to pray that childbirth will be easy.
  • 14 september- the day of the Monk Simeon the Stylite, who lived in the 5th century AD, at a young age who suffered a lot for Christian asceticism. An old man, and he died at 103, he prayed a lot, and his prayers performed miracles. According to folk signs, on Semyonov's day, they guess the weather: if the day is warm, then the whole winter will be warm.

Famous people named Semyon:

  • Polar navigator - Semyon Dezhnev, who lived in the 17th century
  • Arctic Explorer - Semyon Chelyuskin, who lived in the 18th century
  • Prominent figure during the reign of Catherine II - Semyon Naryshkin
  • Artist - Semyon Shchedrin
  • Marshal Soviet Union- Semyon Budyonny
  • Soviet radio engineer - Semyon Aizenstein
  • Soviet aircraft designers - Semyon Kosberg and Semyon Lavochkin
  • Actor - Semyon Farada

Semyon and Senya: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

Full name Semyon

Semyon's passport will be written like that. This is the full name. But if you baptize the child Semyon in the church, then the Orthodox church name will sound Simeon or Simon.

Full and abbreviated name, how will it be on behalf of Semyon and Senya?

We have already figured out the full name of Semyon. Now it's time to find out how the full name of a boy or a man Senya might sound:

  1. Seni's full name can be Arseny.
  2. Senya's abbreviated name can be Xenophon... It is an ancient Greek name meaning "foreign speaker."
  3. Seni's full name can be Sennis, translated from Greek "old".
  4. Senya may be Maxentiem, which in translation from Greek sounds like "majestic".
  5. The abbreviated name Senya is and Auxentius, meaning "growing" in Greek.
  6. Yesenia can also be called Senya. YeseniyOld Slavic name meaning "clear sky".
  7. Senya is and Evseny, of Greek origin, which translated into Russian means "pious."

Can Seeds be called Senya and vice versa?

Great commander Semyon Budyonny

The boy Semyon can be called by the abbreviated name Senya, but let's not forget that Arseny is also called Senya, and this is a different name. Arseny is a Greek name, translated into Russian it means “courageous”.