Diagnostic program for computer. Diagnostics of a computer for malfunction

Many modern users do not know that at one moment absolutely suddenly the computer can turn off for them forever, and it can occur with absolutely any PC. It is worth noting the fact that quite often different problems arise related to the fact that even a completely new computer ceases to function normally.

It is worse than just when such problems arise absolutely unexpected for the user. In such situations, it is important first of all to determine the problem correctly, because it is quite often possible to solve everything on their own, without the need for physical repairs. It is in this case that it is imperative that the user knows how to make a computer diagnostics. For ordinary person This problem is solved using specialized utilities that are selected depending on the type of diagnostics you need.

In this article, we will try to consider several utilities so that the user can independently determine which one is suitable for a computer diagnostic program for malfunction. It should be immediately to say that if necessary, you can choose several programs.

Why do you need diagnostics?

Nowadays, not all users correctly understand that in fact, not in any case, it is necessary to refer to qualified specialists who will conduct physical repairs of the drive. In most situations, problems really solve independently using programs that are freely available. However, unauthorized actions in some cases can only bring harm, and therefore, to understand whether it is possible to "treat" the computer independently, initially a computer diagnostics should be carried out on malfunction.

As you know, if the computer is operated in adverse conditions Or in a dusting room, then over time, it begins to work more slowly and slower, as the state of certain elements in its design deteriorates. Thus, among the most common causes of a malfunction of modern computers, the following is selected:

  • Dusting all sorts of connectors or chip and, as a result, their overheating.
  • Excessive contact of contacts.
  • Overheating of components due to strong cooling.
  • The burnout of the contacts or components due to a strong voltage jump.
  • Unstable work installed block Nutrition.
  • Incorrect grounding.

Why do programs need and what do they do?

Highly useful thing - A program for diagnosing a computer, obtaining full information about its condition and characteristics of the entire installed equipment. PC diagnostics, as well as the definition of emerging faults is extreme important element The operation of any PC, because it depends on how efficiently and in a timely manner will be able to respond to various problems arising in the process of working in its iron.

Consider situations when a program for diagnosing a computer can be useful.

Update / Sale

If you need to upgrade your own personal computer in the near future, spend it overhaul, update certain components or, on the contrary, sell the device, you will need to know about your computer, everything and make sure that there are no malfunctions in it.

Checking performance

The diagnostics of the computer allows you to determine all sorts of problems, failures in the operation of the system, and more importantly - the cause of the problem. Definition of everything possible causes Malfunctions in most cases is quite complex, the only output in such a situation may be the use of diagnostic utilities.

If you initially take care that the program for diagnosing a computer is separately recorded on a special disk, even if your rollback operating system You will independently determine the malfunction of which particular component led to such faults.

It is worth noting that quite often a program that will be diagnosed with a computer will not only be able to inform the user about which components are used in its PC and in what condition they are, but also check separate elements At the presence of possible causes of future faults. Among other things, some utilities are not only the diagnostics of the computer, but also have certain tips on working with it.

In this regard, in order not to suffer from the fact that the "iron friend" suddenly began to work too slowly, to suddenly turn off, unstable to function or show any other whims, should necessarily carry out timely diagnostics and repair of computers.


In certain utilities, the characteristics of reference systems were initially laid, so the user, if necessary, can compare whether the results of testing the performance of its personal computer converge perfect results. After the diagnostics of the on-board computer or the PC, the user has already decides independently, whether to further upgrade certain components, buy any new equipment, update the software or perform other actions.

Helpful information

Many people who do not know how to draw a computer diagnostics, passes a large number of necessary and useful informationuseful for him efficient work. In particular, quite often utilities for diagnostics are notified by the PC owner that, for example, certain drivers installed on its computer are outdated, since the developer has produced a more modern version.

In this regard, it is best to carefully study the functionality of the programs you download, since from your chosen utility will directly depend on how effective and useful to diagnose the computer for malfunction.

Programs for diagnosis

Below we will provide a list of necessary utilities, each of which has its own functionality and purpose:

What to use?

As mentioned above, if necessary, not one program can be used. Diagnostics of a computer on a malfunction is an extensive procedure, it is not enough for only some kind of a certain action, After all, the computer consists of a variety of components.

As you can notice, different programs have absolutely different, not similar to each other. It should be said that in most cases it is better to establish several utilities specializing in the monitoring of a certain item of your computer, than simply installing some kind of universal software that will simultaneously follow everything. Not only the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnosis depends on this, but also your awareness.

It is for this reason that in the predominant majority of cases, qualified specialists simultaneously use several programs, one of which monitors the video card, the second - for the processor, etc. Special attention should be paid to the selection of a program that will monitor the activities of your hard disk.

Why is the hard drive?

Few people know that the Winchester is the most complex and fragile component of the personal computer. Despite the fact that various components like the processor or video card look like an ordinary thin board, and the hard disk is externally seemed to be a large and protected from the outside block, in fact it is a fragile element within which miniature magnetic heads are located. In this case, the drive is subject to both software and physical malfunctions. And even if the computer will vibrate during operation, the hard disk can be completely broken.

To the diagnosis of the computer today becomes one of the most necessary processes in servicing not only internal filling, but also operating systems in general, and the software components installed in the system. The utilities for the diagnosis of the computer, as a rule, are distributed completely free, and download free software for the diagnostics of the computer can be on the unrestrained worldwide web. Actually, the question of downloading the program for diagnosing a computer may not be put. This is primarily due to the fact that on the Internet you can find many online utilities for the diagnosis of the computer, which you do not need to download.

However, while talking about stationary and portable versions of utilities for the diagnosis of a computer, which are tools, with which the computer is diagnosed and which can be downloaded for free in the appropriate section of our site. You understand that portable releases of programs for diagnosing a computer installation do not require and can run from any removable media like ordinary flash drives, they are simply necessary to download them. Moreover, absolutely all portable versions can be downloaded for free on our website. By the way, we have best programs To diagnose a computer you can download for free.

A fundamentally, the entire spectrum of utilities for the diagnosis of a computer can be divided into several main directions. This includes anti-virus programs for diagnosing a computer, applications for tracking status and problems in the operating system (most often in the registry) when diagnosing a computer, utilities for full information about internal fillings and software in the process of diagnosing a computer, which are more used overwarls, specialized Software packages for diagnostics random access memory computer, hard drives or graphic maps, Applications for tracking the behavior of background services and processes, various testers for monitors and much more. By and large, you should simply go to a specialized section on our website and download the utility you need. Immediately it is worth noting that some software products, which can be downloaded from us, in many cases combine the capabilities of the computer diagnostic systems and special tools to optimize the system. However, optimizers are based on their own on its software, and not on the hardware level. However, the diagnostics of the computer for malfunctions in almost all cases allows you to get detailed information About the system and eliminate the problem arisen, or by programmatically, or the replacement or repair of the "iron" component. In order to find the software product you need and later download it, in the Internet browser search field, many users enter "Download a computer diagnostic program", "Diagnostics of a computer download for free", "Program for diagnosing a computer for free" or " Free programs for diagnosing a computer. " This is how to like. However, in any case, you can find a huge number of results, and then just download the necessary program for free.

No less interesting is the use of testing software for overloining, since there is even control temperature mode processor, video cards, fans, etc. For lovers of overclocking processors or the release of RAM, such applications are just a find. Moreover, many of them will not allow to exceed the critical parameters of the normal operation of a "iron" component.

In general, each case can be found and download free of charge specialized products for diagnosing a computer. On our site you can download a fairly large number of free computers to diagnose a computer that will help you during computer testing. In addition, most of the applications presented here for the diagnostics of the computer, which can be downloaded for free, works automatically and allows you to get the most detailed reports on the "iron" state and software part of your computer or laptop. Diagnose your computer with our software that can be downloaded for free, on a professional level! After all, on time, the diagnostics of the computer will help optimize and significantly speed up the system, the diagnosis of the computer and timely troubleshooting measures will significantly extend the life of your electronic friend! Choose from this section of the application and decide what exactly you want to download.

Hello everyone. In today's article, it will be about the full diagnosis of all devices in your computer. I will show and tell you how to independently diagnose the computer and all its components:

  • HDD.
  • RAM.
  • Video card.
  • Motherboard.
  • CPU.
  • Power Supply.

All this we will check in this article and for each of the computer devices, I will make a video in which I will clearly show how to make a diagnosis of a device.

In addition, by diagnostics, you can determine whether you have to fully change the device or you can repair it, we also analyze the main sores of the devices that can be defined without diagnostics. Well, let's start with the most important you are interested in all the issue - Diagnostics of the HDD / SSD disk.

Diagnostics of HDD and SSD disk.

Disk diagnostics make in two directions check the smart system of the hard or solid-state disk and check the disk directly on batches or slow sectors to check the SMART HDD and SSD, we will use the program. You can download it from our site in the Download section.

Well, now let's go directly in the diagnostics of the disks, after downloading the program, we start the file of the desired visibility and look at the main window if you see the icon of blue color The signature is good or in English Good Means with your Smart disk everything is in order and further diagnostics can not be carried out.

If you will see a yellow or red icon with inscriptions carefully, bad, it means that there are any problems with your disk. You can learn about the exact problem below in the list of the main diagnostic elements SMART. Everywhere where will be yellow and red icons opposite the inscription, will say that your disk suffered in this part.

If you have already exhausted the resource of the disk, then it is not worth repairing it. If you have found several broken sectors, then there is still the possibility of repair. I will tell about the repair of broken sectors further. If there are many broken sectors on the disk, more than 10 or many very slow sectors, then it is not worth restoring such a disk. After some time, he will still fall further, it will need to constantly restore / repair.

Disk software repair.

Under repair, I mean the relaxation of broken and slow sectors on the disk. This instruction is suitable for HDD disks, that is, only hard drive. For SSD, this operation will not help anything, but will only worsen the state of the solid-state disk.

Repair will help some more extend the life of your hard disk. To restore broken sectors, we will use the HDD Regenerator program. Download and run this program, wait until the program will collect data about your drives after the data will be collected. You will see the window in which you will need to click on the inscription - click here to Bad Sectors on Demaget Drive Surfase Directly Under Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. Click on the inscription you need to quickly in OS 8 and 10, so the window quickly disappears, in 7 everything is fine. Next, click NO. Then you choose your disk in the list. Press the Start Process button. A window appears in the form of a command line in which you will need to press 2, ENTER, 1, ENTER.

After the operations done, the system will begin to scan the system for the presence of broken sectors and moving them for not reading sections disk. In fact, broken sectors do not disappear but in the future they do not interfere with the operation of the system and you can continue to use the disk further. The process of checking and recovering a disc can take a long time depends on the volume of your disk. After completing the program, press the 5 and ENTER button. If you have any errors during testing and fixing broken sectors, it means that your disk cannot be restored. If you have been found more than 10 blades - broken sectors, then restores such a disk does not make sense, there will be constantly problems with it.

The main signs of failure of the disks is:

  • departures to blue screen.
  • windows interface hang.
  • there may be other problems, but it is not possible to tell about all.
  • Video about how to make HDD / SSD diagnostics:

    Diagnostics of RAM

    This time we will conduct diagnostics of RAM. There are several options in which you can check the RAM, this is when you have a computer still turn on and something works and when you can not turn on the computer, only the BIOS is loaded.
    The main signs that the RAM does not work:

    • When booting resource-intensive applications, the computer freezes or reboots.
    • With long-term use of a computer, more than 2 hours, Windows begins to slow down, with an increase in time, the slowdown in operation increases.
    • When installing any programs, you cannot install them, the installation is completed with errors.
    • Sound and form.

    The first thing we will analyze is how to check the RAM if your Windows is loaded. Everything is very simple, in any of the operating systems starting with Windows Vista you can dial the Windows Memory Checking Tool. The newly appeared label on behalf of the administrator and see a message that you can reboot and start checking right now or assign the check when you turn on the computer. Select the value you need. After your computer is rebooted, you will immediately automatically start the RAM test. It will be held in standard mode, wait for the end of the test and you will find out if everything is in order with your RAM. In addition, after Windows already downloads, in the event viewer, you can open Windows logs, select System and on the right in the list Find Memory Diagnostic Event. In this event you will see all the information about the diagnostics. Based on this information, you can find out whether RAM works.
    The following variant of the RAM diagnostic in case you cannot download Windows. To do this, write to the disk or on the boot flash drive program and run it from the bios. In the window that appears, the operational memory test check (RAM) will be automatically launched. Wait for the end of the check and if with your memory there are any problems of the dough window will change with blue on red. It will talk about defects or breakdown of RAM. That's all, you found out - how to diagnose RAM.

    Video about how to check RAM:

    Diagnostics of the video card

    Basic signs of a video card defect:

    • The computer knocks out the blue screen of death.
    • Artifacts appear on the screen - multicolored strip points or rectangles.
    • When loading games, the computer freezes or reboots.
    • With prolonged use of a computer in the game, the performance is reduced, the game begins to lag.
    • Showering video, refusal to play video, problems with flash player.
    • Lack of smoothing in the text and when rewinding documents or web pages.
    • Change color gamut.

    All these are signs of any video card defects. Testing the video card must be divided into two stages: checking the graphics chip and checking the video card memory.

    Check Graphic Card Video Carts (GPU)

    To verify a graphic chip, you can use various programs Which give a load on this chip and detect failures during critical load. We will use the program, and FurMark.
    Run Aida at the bottom of the clock with the right button next to the clock and select the system stability test. In the window that appears, we put a tank opposite the GPU Stress Test. The test will be launched at the bottom you will see a chart of temperature change, the speed of rotation of the fans, and the current consumed. For checking enough 20 minutes of test, if at this time the bottom field with the schedule will become red or the computer will reboot means with your video card there are problems.
    Run OCCT. Go to the GPU 3D tab, do not change the settings and click the ON button. Next, a window with a shaggy bagel will appear, which is a visual test. For the test it will be necessary for 15-20 minutes. I recommend to monitor the temperature and follow the power readings, if multicolored points, strips or rectangles appear on the screen, it will say that with a video card problem. If the computer spontaneously turns off, it will also say about the video card defect.
    Now we have disassembled the diagnosis of the video card processor, but sometimes there are problems with the memory of the video card.

    Diagnostics of the video card memory

    For this diagnostics, we will use the program. Unpack the program and run it on behalf of the administrator. In the window that appears, we put a check mark opposite the inscription signal if there are errors and press the start button. Verification of the video card RAM will be launched if any memory errors are detected, the program will have a characteristic beep, on some computers the signal will be systemic.
    That's all, now you can do the diagnosis of the video card yourself. Check GPU and video card memory.

    Video on checking Vijarta:

    Diagnosis of motherboard

    Basic signs of motherboard malfunction:

    • The computer knocks out the blue screen of death, restarts and turns off.
    • The computer freezes without rebooting.
    • Hences the cursor, music and video (friezes).
    • Connected devices are disappeared - HDD / SSD, drive, USB drives.
    • Ports, USB and network connectors do not work.
    • The computer does not turn on, does not start, not loaded.
    • The computer works slowly, often slows down or hangs.
    • The motherboard publishes various sounds.

    Visual inspection of motherboard

    The first thing to do to diagnose the motherboard is a visual inspection of the motherboard. What to pay attention to:

    • Chips and cracks - in the presence of such damage, the motherboard will not turn on at all or will be included in times.
    • Swimmed capacitors - due to swollen capacitors, the computer can turn on with 3, 5, 10 attempts or after a certain time, can also be shine without reasons and slow down.
    • Oxidation - the computer can be turned on in times, slow down. May not turn on at all if the tracks oxidized completely.
    • The heated chips, on the microchips there will be small gary points or holes - because of this, the computer may not turn on or ports, northward cards, sound or USB will not work.
    • Scratches on the tracks - the same as under the chips of cracks.
    • Gare around chips and ports - leads to the complete inoperability of the motherboard or its individual parts.

    Motherboard software diagnostics

    If your computer is turned on and loaded Windows, but there are incomprehensible glitches and braking, it is worth making a programmatic diagnosis of a motherboard using the program. Download and install the program, run it downstairs in the tray near the clock at its icon, press the right button and select "SERVICE" - "System Stability Test. We put the ticks opposite the Stress CPU, Stress FPU, Stress Cache, do the remaining ticks. Press the "Start" button, the computer will move, the passage of the test will begin. During the test, monitor the temperature of the processor and motherboard as well as the power. Test take at least 20 minutes Max 45 minutes. If during the test the lower field will become red or the computer will go out, then the motherboard is faulty. Also shutdown can be due to the processor, remove a tickStress CPU and check again. If you detect overheating, then you need to check the motherboard cooling system and processor. When fluctuations in nutrition, problems are possible both with the motherboard and with BP.

    If the computer starts, but Windows is not loaded, you can check the mainland through the boot test. It must be recorded on the disk or flash drive. In more detail how to use it, I will show in the video.

    Diagnostics of the power supply (BP)

    The main features of the power supply fault:

    • The computer does not turn on at all.
    • The computer starts for 2-3 seconds and stops work.
    • The computer turns on from 5-10-25 times.
    • When the computer is loaded, it reboots or throws the blue screen of death.
    • With load, the computer slows down.
    • The devices connected to the computer are spontaneously disconnected and connected (screws, drives, USB devices).
    • Sisk (whistling) when working on a computer.
    • Unnatal noise from the Fan BP.

    Visual inspection of BP

    The first thing to do with the power supply malfunction is to make a visual inspection. Disconnect the BP from the case and disassemble the BP itself. Check on:

    • GARS, glowing elements of BP - see that all the elements would be integer if they found in or obviously something melted, carrying PBS into repairs or change to a new one.
    • Swim capacitors - replace swollen capacitors to new ones. Because of them, the computer can be turned on not from the first time or shine under load.
    • Dust - If the dust has been scored in the fan and radiators, it must be cleaned, because of this, the power supply in the load may turn off overheating.
    • Burnt fuse - when the voltage drops, the fuse is often lit, it must be replaced.

    Checked everything but the power supply behaves badly, look.

    Software diagnostics BP

    The software diagnostics of the power supply can be carried out using any test program that gives the maximum load on the BP. Before making such a check, it is necessary to determine if all the elements of your power supply power PC are enough. You can check it like this: Run the AIDA 64 program link above and go to the calculation site required power BP. On the site to transfer data from AIDA to the right fields and press the Calculate button. So we will be sure exactly what power supply power is enough for a computer.

    We proceed to the diagnosis of BP. Swing the program. Install and launch it. Go to the tab Power Supply. We put a tank to use all logical kernels (not on all computers) and press the ON button. The test lasts an hour and if the computer turns off at that time, it restarts, knocks out the blue screen, there are problems with BP (before checking the BP you need to pre-check the video card and processor, to avoid infernity of the test).

    I will not show how to make diagnostics of the BP multimeter, because this information is in the shaft in the network, and it is better to make such a diagnosis of professionals. Bole in detail Testing BP I will show in the video below:

    Computer testing is necessary to quickly identify any problems in the operation of the system both on the software and hardware level.

    If the test program shows the result that differs from normal, this indicates that one or more devices work incorrectly.

    To obtain a more accurate diagnostic result, you should check the computer with several different programs.

    Diagnostics using the AIDA64 utility

    This program is able to provide a report on the results of the work of all components of the system (iron and programs). The utility is the most popular program for testing personal computers and laptops.

    The application interface is very simple, so each user will be able to test the test components or the entire system as a whole.

    The application interface is represented in Russian.

    We carry out the overall scanning of the computer to performance and possible problems with this application.

    To start the testing process, follow the instructions:

    • Open the program and click on the Test tab, which is in the lower left corner of the program, as shown in the figure;
    • On the Test tab, all possible options Scanning such components as memory. You can also diagnose the recording process in memory and delay in memory.
      To test one of the elements, select it on it, and then click on the "Start" button at the top on the toolbar;
    • Further, the program will show the power of the processor in comparison with other popular models and the main characteristics of the system, as well as possible malfunctions;

    Follow the instructions below to get a detailed system report:

    • Go to the main program window and click on the "Report" key, which is located on the main toolbar;
    • The reports wizard will open. Press the Next key for more detailed settings of the outgoing report;
    • Select the Direction Direction. It can be based on software or hardware components. In this case, the hardware report will consist of the results of diagnostics of hardware partitions;
    • Then select the report format convenient for you and wait for the formation of the final document;
    • An example of a text format of the source report on hardware sections is shown in the figure below.

    Testing processor. CPU TESTER program

    Processor testing can show its detailed parameters. Also, using such a test, you can identify existing CPU problems that brake the work of the computer.

    Tip! If you recently purchased a computer, it is advisable to test the processor and other hardware components to make sure that all the hardware characteristics provided by the manufacturer.

    You can carry out testing processor using the CPU TESTER program.

    This utility has a powerful functionality for testing the device processor and determining its basic parameters. Also, the program is able to identify malfunctions and malfunctions and indicate their nature. The utility is also available online.

    During testing, it is necessary to close all running programs and games, because they will additionally load the processor and the final test result will not correspond to reality.

    After closing all running programs, click on the "Run Test" button to start the process of conducting and generating the testing of the central processor.

    After the testing process is completed, the program will open a new user window in which all the diagnostic results and processor parameters will be specified, as shown in the figure below. If desired, the report can be printed.

    In this example, the test is shown that the processor works stably, without any failures.

    Testing the power supply

    If your personal computer is heated too quickly, while all the fans are cleaned and work stably, it is necessary to check the power supply service. It is necessary to check the voltage supply to the power supply.

    • Open the computer cover and disconnect the power supply from the housing;

    Computer power supply

    Tip! To then fasten the power supply to the previous place, you can take a picture of its original position.

    • Connect the power supply to your network and test the switch.

    To test the power supply unit at the program level, you can use the Speedfan program, which is able to adjust the operation of the unit and manage the modes of the computer fans.

    Testing RAM. MEMTEST program

    To test the RAM, it is best to use the MemTest utility that is intended to adjust the operation and determine the fault in the computer's memory.

    Testing is carried out as follows:

    1. Downloads and installed software for testing on the developer website www.memtest.org;
    2. Then you need to create a boot disk or flash media. The testing of the disk will be carried out in RAM, so it will be possible to determine its performance;
    3. You must download the computer from the newly created disc. You can configure device loading order in the computer BIOS.
      If the testing process lasts for a very long time and does not stop, this suggests that the system works normally and the computer's RAM is missing.
      If any problems are found, the testing process will be stopped and the user will be notified of the errors found. Then the process of starting the operating system of your personal computer or laptop will begin.

    Monitor testing. IsMylcdok program

    Monitor testing is carried out to find non-working or as they are also called "broken" pixels. Such pixels are unable to transmit color or information, because they will be visible on the screens with a small resolution.

    A large number of Such pixels suggests that the monitor is poor quality or defective.

    The best utility for checking the image of the monitor is ismylcdok. This application Allows the user to quickly determine the number of broken display pixels.

    The testing process is as follows: the screen is completely painted in a specific color, the user must be pressing the mouse to any place in order for the crane to be turned into a new color.

    Such a change in colors helps the naked eye to determine the non-working pixels.

    Testing Your Computer Performance in Maxon Cinebench R15

    Computer Testing - Detailed Guide

    Check (diagnostics) of a computer or laptop - Mandatory operation when overclocking their components. Outows that do not use overclocking, a computer test may be required when buying a new system. This is especially true when "iron" takes "from hand", i.e. Without a special guarantee. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose processor, video cards, memory etc. To make sure B. computer Stability or Laptop under load.

    Computer test for stability Usually performed by a long-term load of its components. For each of the audited nodes, they usually use their diagnostic program. It would seem - you can run one-demanding game to the resources and automatically check and the processor, and the video card and memory, but this is not the case. Usually games create a large load on the graphics system, and the central processor can be involved not at full capacity. As a result, the CPU remained without testing under the maximum load. That is why there are independent diagnostic programs.

    Please note that testing (any component) should pass as long as possible: the pairs of minutes are usually not enough even in order to simply warm Up to the maximum temperature, the diagnosed "gland". You can be more or less confident in stability Only after 10-15 minutes of the unit operation at the maximum temperature. Those. after running diagnostic programIt is necessary to monitor the temperature of the checked component, and after its temperature ceased to grow - it is necessary at least 10-15 minutes of its operation without failures. Usually it takes up to 5 minutes.

    How to check the processor.

    Earlier, information about the site has already been placed on the site that creates the maximum load on the CPU and it warms it well. This is one of the best utilities in his own way. In principle, there are many similar programs that, in addition to the test stability test, are also utilities from the "Benchmark" section to estimate the CPU performance.

    It is quite suitable for checks and modern archiver WinRarwhich has built-in performance evaluation function of computer computing capabilities and lack of errors At the same time ("Tools" - "Benchmark" or "Alt + B"). In addition, it loads well and memory well, so in the case of an unstable operation, the error counters will be different from zero. Now many archivers have a similar function of benchmarks - including popular and pretty good archiver "7-ZIP".

    Monitoring processor temperature Under the maximum load can reveal such a problem as its insufficient cooling. In rare cases, the maximum permissible temperature Reaching 95 degrees. Usually slightly lower. So if you saw the readings of the corresponding sensors close to these values \u200b\u200b- you follow replace the cooling system CPU (B. best case - Stop replacement Thermal paste under the radiator).

    Check video card.

    Check video card - the most spectacular stage computer diagnostics or laptop. Unlike boring tables in the Utilities for the CPU test, at this stage the monitor will delight the eye to lovers computer games all sorts of fantastic characters, landscapes or just beautiful abstract figures, for the rendering of which will be required all power of the video card.

    One of the most popular programs for checking the video card - "FURMARK". In addition, the utility perfectly copes with its tasks, it occupies a very few disk space. Those who are unable to remember the name of this program - can always find it in search engine upon request " hairy Bublik", Since it is on him and a similar picture on the monitor during the passage of diagnostics. By the way, to monitor the temperature of the graphic chip, the memory frequencies and the GPU itself, there is no need for third-party utilities - "" displays this data on the screen over the "Bublik". It is this software product that we used when evaluating temperature mode of the video card "" from asus. Undoubted plus is that Furmark is free program which can be downloaded from the official site.

    « 3Dmark."This is another extremely popular program, the main function of which is. The history of this utility leaves the distant past, which is happening on the monitor captures the Spirit, and the look can not break away from the excellent graphics of the highest quality in recent versions This software for the most modern and rapid graphics adapters. Some versions include not only GPU check, but also stress testing processorso with a categorical shortage of time on checking, you can limit the full run of all tests from the proposed utility "3DMark" set (bypassing separate CPU testing [ but at least 3-5 minutes in Linx is still desirable]). The disadvantages of "3DMark" can be attributed to the impressive volume occupied on the disk, and the need pay Some amount to forgive additional tests, and not just basic. Besides free "3DMark Basic Edition" The developer offers the version of the "3DMark Advanced Edition" for $ 25, and "3DMark Professional Edition" for the fabulous $ 1000.

    How to check the RAM.

    If there are failures in the operation of modules random access memory Problems usually manifest themselves when testing other components, but there are also specialized check Programs. We have repeatedly mentioned the articles about which there are suitable utilities. One of them is ". If you choose this item in BootMenu, then verification of RAM Start automatically after a few seconds. Immediately after downloading the program will offer to choose safe mode (F1) or multi-threaded (F2).

    During the process, the upper right area of \u200b\u200bthe screen will display progress, the number of full passages and the meter of errors found. When you find failed blocks at the bottom of the screen, their list will be displayed. After successfully completing the full passage of the entire accessible memory area, the test will automatically begin first, and the message will be issued at the bottom. Pass Complete, No Errors Found, Press Esc To EXIT" Pressing "ESC" will lead to a reboot of the computer.

    Can to diagnose and the tools of the operating system. In Windows 7 there is a built-in " Windows Memory Check" Find it through the built-in search on the menu " Start"Or manually:" Start "-" Control Panel "-" System and Security "-" Administration "-" Windows inspection tool ". When this item is selected, the system will offer a reboot. After rebooting, the built-in testing mechanism will automatically be launched. After completing the test, the computer will automatically reboot in Windows, and in the notification area you can see a message from diagnostic results.

    How to check the hard disk.

    Unlike other components of your computer storage System It may have a value several times higher than the rest of the "iron". More precisely - not the drives themselves are very expensive, and the data that is stored on them. In view of this, it is recommended to check not only the drive installed in the system, but also to regularly monitor the state. hard disk at least browsing the values \u200b\u200bfrom S.M.A.R.T. Most about the reliability of the disk number "Removable" sectorsReallocation Sector Count") - These are failed sectors that were substituted by reserve from the backup area. View Smart. You can most of the programs for checking the disk.