Where you can relax in the Crimea. Summer holidays in Crimea: where to go and what to see

Crimea is amazing and unique that in terms of climate and landscape, which in terms of history. This little slice of land has become a crossroads of significant historical eventsHe was loved and sick by many outstanding people, and his nature still serves the magnet that thousands of people acting here at any time of the year. To find out the Crimea, it is necessary to live here. But even a short vacation, spent on this blessed land, will not give to forget the Crimean shores, the noise of the surf, the palaces, embankments and the mighty mountains along the southern shore.

When it is better to come

In any season! Crimea is always good: in summer it is a warm sea, fruit abundance, all kinds of water entertainment and a unique smell of sneakers of cedars, pines and herbs; In the fall - gardens, fantastically diverse and delicious grapes, mountains covered with multi-colored forests; in winter - sanatoriums, evergreen parks, gray-hay-Petri with his ski slopes, the sea, decided to remind of her strength, and suddenly bloomed almonds; In the spring - the rustling of odors and paints of the wokeered sea and nature.

Of course, the Crimea is visited with different goals: someone wants to relax by the sea, someone - admire the nature or local attractions, someone to health. With whatever purpose you go to the peninsula, you will always find!

"Wild" rest

If hotels with their measured life have been tired for a long time, if at night you want to swim and fry mussels on the fire, then the question of where it is better to rest in the Crimea "Dickarem", will not be idle for you. There are spontaneously emerged parking, where food and water will have to be produced by themselves, but also with some amenities (bring water, there is a shower, cafe):

  • Quiet bay: Tenting parking is half an hour walk from Koktebel. You can eat in a cafe;
  • Where is it better to rest in the Crimea in an informal setting? In the fox bay located between the villages of the coastal and spa, under the mountain of the echo-Doug. The place has long been torn by informals (nudists, hippies). Freshwater You can take in sources, and food - in neighboring villages;
  • Laspi Bay: Located between Carych and Ayia capes on the south coast of Crimea. Mountains, juniper thickets, the purest sea - everything is fine, except not very convenient descent to the sea. Water and food can be purchased in the village of Sarych. This will be remembered for a long time.
  • Orlovka: The village on the coast. The tent can be put right on the beach;
  • If you are looking for a place where it is better to rest in the Crimea alone, then visit Bellaius's tract, it is in the West of Crimea, 20 km from the village of Black Sea. Belyaus Spit - 10 km of a deserted sandy beach. The place is still little known to tourists, and therefore environmentally friendly. Buy food and water can be in neighboring villages;
  • Loved: The beach and the village of the same name are located near Sevastopol. Tents can be put near the sea, closer to the cliffs. In the village there is a cafe, shops.

These are the most famous places, but no one forbates to stop at the Capes of Fiolent, Meganom, and on any lucky the secluded beach at the village of New World, which is near Sudak.

Perhaps you visited the thought and about where it is better to rest in the Crimea so as to stay "savage", but the savage lazy and carefree. This holiday is possible:

  • Autocamping in Evpatoria. Beach sandy, sea warm. Parking paid, but there is a hot shower, toilet, electricity, Wi-Fi;
  • If you are looking for a place where it is better to rest in the Crimea with the possibility of fishing fishing or diving, then go to a reindeer fellow. Located at Cape Tarkhankut, the village is called the center of "wild" rest. There is an autocamping with amenities. Many prefer to put tents. The place is open, there are no greens, but there are sandy beaches, excellent fishing and good diving places.

Where is it better to relax in the Crimea to improve health

It will not be an exaggeration to say that the climate and the air of Crimea are a great medicine, because the air is saturated with iodine and coniferous phytoncides. But the sanatorium treatment is better not to spend in the summer when the sun is very active. Better time There will be an early autumn - affectionate sun, and the sea is still warm. Even if you have everything in order with health, the sea breeze will only benefit, because it is essentially inhalation. A campaign on the mountain Crimea will bring not only a mass of emotions, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system. For people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract The flowering period of conifers will be favorable. The air of the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe Crimea is saturated with pollen, it penetrates into the lungs, cleaning them.

But if you want to know where it is better to rest in the Crimea in the sanatorium, then there are many such places. The choice of a sanatorium depends on the profile disease, and many diseases treat in Crimea:

  • diseases of the respiratory and nervous system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin;
  • cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • nestological and urological;
  • digestive organs;

Those who are looking for, where it is better to relax in the Crimea and simply well, we advise you to go to the healing lakes, located between the city of Saki and the Bay Donuzlav: Sakskoe Lake (in Saka), Aji and Ourburt (in the village Storm). Dirt these lakes remove various inflammatory processes, are the strongest antiseptics, improve the metabolism of the entire body, differ only in the concentration of therapeutic substances (the most concentrated dirt in the Saki lake). Even if you have no skin problems and a musculoskeletal system, visit this lake. It will be curious and children, because on its surface you can lie on the sofa - it is so salty.

Beach rest

Going on vacation, you are probably looking for, where it is better to rest in the Crimea, so that the beach is good, and the sea was clean and warm. There is our beaches in each city and the village of the coast, moreover, there are our beaches and every coastal sanatorium and the boarding house. But where is it better to rest in the Crimea so as to enjoy the sea and not to be in the pinch of bathing, you need to know:

  1. Beach in the village of Olenevka, that at Cape Tarkhankut: the beaches are not equipped, sand-andracked, always clean sea. You can only get by car.
  2. If there is a place where it is better to rest in the Crimea so that the rest becomes more and informative, so it's on the Yashmey Beach of the Fiolent (in Sevastopol): almost the cleanest beach in the Crimea with very clean water and stony bottom. It is better to get to him from the balaclava on the boat, because to go through the stairs to the beach from the side of the shore at all. The beach is just under the Holy George monastery, this place is legendary. You can learn his story in the church in the monastery.
  3. If you think, where it is better to rest in the Crimea, so that the beach is good, and civilization was near, but in order to be a little, then you will be a holiday in Balaclava. Its gold and silver beaches, though equipped partially, but the water there is very clean, the bottom is sandy.
  4. Where it will be better to rest in the Crimea on a comfortable beach. You will tell you any: this is the beach of Massandra (in Yalta) and the beach "Mermaid" (in Mishore). Pebble beaches, well-equipped, water is always warm and clean. In the high season of holidaymakers a lot.
  5. Probably someone will be curious, where it is better to rest in the Crimea to visit that beach where once rested famous people. There are places in the Crimea and such places: the royal beach in the new light, a small village near Sudak. The last Russian emperor and Fyodor Shalyapin bathed on this beach. The beach is located in the Blue Bay, the bottom of sandy, the water is very clean. Getting better than a boat.
  6. And, of course, there will be those who want to know where it is better to relax in the Crimea on the beach, which preserves the original beauty. The beach on Cape Ayia is surrounded by huge cliffs, it is extremely difficult to get there, but it is about him that romantics remember.

Excursion rest

Vacation will end, but you can bring home memories of the most famous places of Crimea. Do you ask where it is better to rest in the Crimea to see the most interesting? You can stay at the recreation center, in the boarding house or rent accommodation in private, and the sights of historical, architectural, natural in the Crimea so much that you just do not have enough vacation to explore them all.

Having visited the sights, do not forget about your children's leisure. Any city of Crimea will be able to deliver the child a pleasure. Where is the best in the Crimea to show dolphins and fish close-close? Dolphinariums are in Sevastopol (immediately aquarium), Evpatoria, Yalta and Alushta. Water parks have Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Alushta and Yalta. And the most real Grozny Lviv and Tigers can be considered in the park of Lviv Tagan. Bakhchisaray inviteses to the farm of donks and a miniature in the park, and Yalta - to the Zoo "Fairy Tale" and to the glade of fairy tales.

Where is it better to relax in the Crimea to get acquainted with the architecture of the Crimea? Of course, on the southern shore of the peninsula. The narrow strip of the earth between the sea and the mountains is so picturesque that almost all the palaces were built there.

If you want to get acquainted with the history of the peninsula, then where it will be better in the Crimea, as not in Sevastopol, because the prince of Vladimir was baptized in Chersonese, it was this land who became invincible to the sea fortress of Russia.

The literary history of the Crimea is rich in the names of great poets and writers, seeing the Crimea, they did not ask themselves, where it is better to rest - in the Crimea, in the Caucasus or in Nice, they stayed here to live, loving the Crimea with all his heart.


But the sightseeing holiday will not be complete, if not to see the most important thing - the natural beauty of the Crimea. These are deep caves (divorced more than 70, several), canyons, ancient cave cities, lakes and waterfalls, cliffs of fancy shape, parking of ancient people, parks are open to visits. You will be left to choose just a view of the tour and route:

  • Hiking routes are different in difficulty: from a one-day "Polyana Fairy Tales" (Yalta) - Ai-Petri, allowing you to get to the top to see the neighborhood, to the extremal multi-day "Simferopol-Alushta", designed for professionals who know how to climb the mountains And descend from them.
  • Unique hiking routes for the cave cities of Crimea have been developed. Tourists cross all three ridges of the Crimean Mountains, which makes it possible to compare the waist landscapes during the day, and at sunset enjoy the look of velvet-blue mountains. And previously unknown names of Kachi Calon, Chufut-Kale, Calamite, Mangup turn history for them. If you then ask the participants of these campaigns, where it is better to rest in the Crimea, they will definitely answer that in the campaign.
  • Automotive routes also differ in difficulty: the easiest, but long "Kerch - Sevastopol", the most difficult - "Yalta - Ai-Petri is Simferopol," a newcomer can not cope with a mountain serpentine.
  • Velomarshrutes will allow you to scholat the whole Crimea, and for experienced cycles, we will come to the cave and mountain Crimea.
  • Where is it better to learn about the caves in the Crimea? Of course in the campaign. The Crimea is famous for its caves, one of them are open to a comfortable inspection by sightseers (Emine-Bair-Khosar, Red and Marble), others are not equipped, and there will have to hope for their dexterity (Skeil, Serpentine, Crecer).
  • Family routes provide easy and short transitions, often such routes are made by combined - part of the walk, part of transport.
  • Almost in any city of Crimea can horseback walks and even hiking. This is a special joy and for beginners, and for those who have long been familiar with this beautiful, smart animals. The campaign or walk will be held in picturesque places, you can enjoy the smell of mountain herbs and juniper and probably feel yourself with the discoverer of this beautiful edge.
  • Where is it better to relax in the Crimea to enjoy diving? The most popular diving centers in Crimea are located near reindeer events, Sudak, Balaklava, Sevastopol, New World, Yalta and Evpatoria. All these places are interesting for dives: in Yalta, underwater grots can be explored in the area of \u200b\u200bthe swallow socket; In Evpatoria, you can see the remnants of the ancient Greek settlements; Olenevka is famous for the underwater alleys of leaders and grottoes, to get into which only from under the water; In Sevastopol and Balaclava, you can see underwater caves, the remains of the ancient Greek settlements (in the Chersonese region), the remains of sunken ships.

Vacation with children

Of course, parents are of course, where it is better to rest in the Crimea, if they take a child with them. Crimea is the place where children can perfectly well and have fun. Especially good for this is suitable for the Western coast of Crimea - from the village of Black Sea to Sevastopol, including reindeer shooting, Evpatoria, Saki and Balaklava. The beaches of the sandy, the sea is petty and clean, it is in this part of the peninsula so many sources of mineral water and mud lakes. Evpatoria is famous for children's sanatoriums and hospitals, and they may not miss the children here: Dolphinarium, water park, city attractions are always waiting for little excursions.

Often parents with children are interested, where it is better to relax in the Crimea. Chernomorskoe village is located aside from widely known resorts, so housing prices and meals are much lower here than in Evpatoria. The village is adapted for a children's holiday, with attractions, water entertainment, cutlery. As adults, it will be interesting to visit the Natural Park "Beautiful Harbor". If you go along the coast, then you are closer to Sevastopol there are two coastal villages - Nikolaevka and Sandy. The beaches there are sandy and pebble, there are no special entertainment, but the rest is quite low-budget.

Of course, someone wants to know where it is better to rest in the Crimea with all the amenities so that everything is turned on, the beaches were equipped with everything necessary for parents to do themselves. There are places for recreation with children:

Pension "Demerji" in Alushta. For children, there is a playground, swimming pool, animator.
Hotel "Attelka Tavrida" in Alushta. There is even the youngest children, there is a swimming pool, a private beach, an animator.
Hotel "Majestik" next to the Bear Mountain. Works on the "All Inclusive" system, accepts parents with children. It has an indoor and outdoor pool with hydromassage, a beautiful kitchen with a children's menu.
The resort complex "Almond Grove" in Alushta. Located in a cozy corner of the city, far from urban noise. It has its own water park with attractions, beautiful cuisine.
Sanatorium Chernomorets in the village of Sandy. If the baby needs to be healing, then parents will be boring, where it is better to rest in the Crimea inexpensively and with treatment. Sanatorium "Chernomorets" will fit perfectly. The climate of this place is especially useful for children with respiratory diseases. The sanatorium accepts children and their parents, working on the "All Inclusive" system. On the territory there is a heated pool, a park, a playground and a water park.

Of course, in Crimea there are still many places where it will be comfortable and children, and parents. On how to choose them, as well as the brightest sights of the Peninsula and the most comfortable sanatoriums, hotels, guesthouses, you will find information on our website!

Come on holiday in Crimea in 2019 - You will not regret!

Crimea is diverse, cheap (relatively) and will not leave any tourist indifferent!

  • Some ride on vacation in the Crimea for the sake of amazing nature, clean sea.
  • Others want to see the variety of sights of this area.
  • Thirdly bribes the opportunity to get to its move by car.

As for the sights, then, for example, Yalta will be remembered by many not only by the sea and the identity of nature, but also with their historical monuments. In addition, the Crimea is not at all difficult to get. According to statistics, only over 6 million people rested on the peninsula, which is more than the population of Denmark or Finland! Want to save time on the trip - fly by plane. Of course, airfare prices are high, but also to get so faster. An alternative way to get to Crimea is the Crimean Bridge. In 2019, it is expected to start railwayThen the opportunity will be comfortable to reach by train.

Housing in the private sector of Crimea

Resting in the Crimea in 2019, it is better to remove housing in the private sector:

  • First, it is profitable: even a luxury apartment is cheaper than a separate apartment or a whole house.
  • Secondly, private sector predominantly located near the sea, the owners offer a number additional services and provide everything necessary for a comfortable stay.
  • In addition, suddenly among your neighbors will be the connoisseur of the Crimea, which will tell the curious legends of the peninsula or tell you where it is worth relaxing, and what is better not to waste time? If you appreciate new dating and at the same time the opportunity to stay in solitude with you, then cozy private hotels - for you.

The private sector is a comfortable modern studio in mini-hotels or small hotels at 15-30 rooms. Rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, shower and toilet. Even budget options We assume the presence of ironing facilities, a hair dryer, split system and television systems. The owners care that your holidays do not dare domestic troubles.

Prices for the private sector for holidays in Crimea

  • Rent here economy-room in a private hotel can be from 300 rubles per day per person. The cost of suites varies from 500 to 1,000, this amount often includes a shuttle service and guide services.
  • The eastern coast of the Crimea is not fundamentally distinguished by the prices of the daily rent: the semi-suite in the private sector will cost within 400 - 1500 rubles, depending on the beach season.
  • The most expensive rental of housing in the southern coast, but she does not hurt a wallet: the daily cost of the economy comes from 600 rubles per day per person, and elegant apartments with panoramic views of the sea can be removed from two thousand.

Entertainment and attractions of Crimea

The popularity of the resort is growing from year to year. In the Crimea, children are brought to the sea for vacation, here youth and thematic festivals are held here:

  • all-Russian Taurid Forum;
  • jazz Festival Koktebel Jazz in Blue Bay;
  • bike show "Russian reactor-2019";
  • meeting extremal Extreme-Crimea.

The southern Crimean shores are notable for resting fortress Alouston and medieval fancy fun. History lovers can go to the southwestern corners of the Crimea, there they are waiting for the remains of Chersonesos - an ancient city located in Sevastopol. In the south-east, on Mount Mridat, there are tombs of the Bosporus rulers.

Crimea is an excellent peninsula, where everything has to a serene rest. By visiting it, even the most spoiled tourist will not remain indifferent. Even just looking at the photo, you can understand what a wonderful place. It is not surprising that every year hundreds of thousands of people from different countries Conduct your vacation here.

Crimea: Best Places for Recreation

New World

This is the pearl of the peninsula, and it is certainly worth visiting. Landscapes of this small village are distinguished by painting, juniper groves are peacefully adjacent to the mountains and beaches. Here is a unique microclimate, many rare plants are growing, which are listed in the Red Book. it a good place For outdoor activities.

In the new world there is a champagne manufacturing plant, where exciting excursions are organized. Sea lovers will find here the purest beaches with white sand. They are located in three bays: green, blue and blue. All three bays received their names in accordance with the color of water.

The city is in the heart of the mountains, respectively, the views are opened simply stunning. From the main attractions you can allocate an attractive embankment and the Genoese Fortress. Of the disadvantages, only the absence of sandy beaches, they are pebble on the entire length of the city. As for prices, they are quite adequate.


Very popular resort, whose name is always on hearing. From ancient times, this city loved and melted writers and poets in their works. Clean air, fabulous mountains, stunning landscapes - all this every year attracts a huge number of people who wish to relax fully and beautifully.

Yalta's location is very successful, easy and quickly can be reached by a botanical garden or visit the swirl nest and the famous Mount Ai-Petri. The Embankment of Yalta is simply teeming with entertainment: from Dolphinarium to the theater with marine animals. Small children can ride here on pony and donkeys.


This is a small village, successfully located between Yalta and Alushta. He is famous for his sanatoriums and health resorts. Not very suitable option For noisy rest, it is quiet and calm here. In the evening, only individual restaurants work. For many people, this is a favorite place of rest, where you can make your health in parallel.

The main attraction of Partenit is a powerful and majestic Bear Mountain. In general, this is a city with a rich history, you can visit mosques and other historical monuments. Here you will find a lot of attractive clean white white beaches, dolphinarium, water park.


This city has a long history. In addition to beauty and greatness, Evpatoria also has a very cozy place. There are many large sandy beaches. You can also walk through the spacious and luxurious promenade, visit the sights located in the center. In addition to the sea, here is the famous Moinka Lake. Near him there is a mudhead, which uses healing dirt extracted from this lake. Therefore, every year there are many people who want to improve health.


Here is an excellent embankment, beautiful nature and a large number of Entertainment for every taste. In Alushta, you can visit the zoo, the fortress of Alouston and various vintage estate. Not far is the famous Valley of Ghosts and Jur-Jur Waterfall.


This village is located near the volcanic massif Karadag and is famous for the fact that there is an unsurpassed brandy. Lovers of a secluded rest here can find wild beaches and unknown bays. Interesting attractions - House Museum of the Poet Voloshina and the Karadagsky Reserve.

Koktebel is the most suitable resort for youth leisure. There are many clubs and night discos, restaurants with live music, foam parties and the like.

The peak of the season is July, when life in the city literally boils. Clubs and restaurants work until the morning. In the afternoon, I also do not have to miss. Interesting leisure versions: to go on horseback walk around the local surroundings, flying to Paraglider or Deltaplane, to do diving, ride quad bikes.


This town is saturated with an eastern atmosphere. Here are the mosques, hammams and even the palace, in which Khan once lived. On the eastern bazaar, located in the center, you can find wonderful products and seasonings.


The city is located in the south-east of the Crimean Peninsula. It has a lot interesting places: Gallery Aivazovsky, Museum of Alexander Green. Ilyinsky lighthouse.

Feodosia - Mecca deltaplanenism. Therefore, for extreme leisure lovers, this city is ideal for unforgettable leave.

Where is it better to rest in the Crown in the summer?

You need to choose a rest resort based on the fact that for you in priority: sand or pebble beach, entertainment, attractions, and so on. Also for many great importance It has the price.

The most expensive will be vacation in Alupka, Gurzuf, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit.

Medium for money option - East Coast of the Peninsula (Ordzhonikidze, Koktebel, New Light). There are a large number of comfortable hotels available for the price.

Self available options - These are cities on the western coast of Crimea, away from the promoted resorts: a reindeer egg, Black Sea, fishing, sandy, closed, Saki, Nikolaevka.

This is a very beautiful place located near Yalta. Here, many creative personalities (bitter, Kuprin, Czechs) loved relax. Here you can walk through the old park with relict trees and visit the local attraction - Vorontsov Palace.

This is a good choice for recreation with children, as the sanatorium has its pure beach, and in general, calmly and serene. It features a gym, swimming pool, parking.

Tourists are pleased to visit this place, comfortably located between the villages, attracted and fishermen. In the evening, here you can walk along a beautiful promenade, and in the afternoon to visit the local market. Beaches here are pebble, and pure sea water.

In this former military town, you can relax very well with your family and children. There are restaurants, cafes, shops. But at the same time, here is quite quiet and calm. The beaches here are sandy, and near the village there is an artificial bay Donuzlav (former lake), where water is warmer than in two or three degrees.

In Crimea with children

For holidays with children, the western part of the peninsula is well suited - places that pass from the town of Chernomorskoe to Sevastopol along the Kamitsky and carcinite bays (Saki, Evpatoria, Olenevka, Nikolaevka, Inkerman, Zaozernoy, sandy, corner, balaclava). There are many shallow coves with clean water, gentle entrance and white sand.

If you want to introduce your children with the history of the Great Patriotic War, then you can choose the city of Hero Sevastopol for your holiday. It has a mass of excursions in places of military glory, where you can learn about the heroes of the war and the defense of the city. From the attractions that must be visited by the Museum of submarines in Balaclava, the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet.

If your sweet tooth children, they will probably want to go to the Museum of Marmalade and the ice cream museum. The Ecopark "Lukomorye", aquarium, dolphinarium, aquapark "Zurbagan" can also be of interest.

In Evpatoria, too, will also do both adults and children. You can pass a wellness course in the sanatorium, visit Dolphinarium, stroll through the Frunze Park.

A large number of entertainment will not give small seekers adventure to bother. Here is the Museum "Pirates of the Black Sea", the Water Park "Banana Republic" (photo below). In addition, you can find attractions for every taste, ride around the city on the "desire tram".

It is worth visiting the "Dinopark". This is a large-scale entertainment complex, which presents the figures of dinosaurs in full size. Thanks to modern light and sound effects, they look like alive.

In Yalta, you can visit the "Polyana Fairy Tales" - a museum with sculptures located in the open sky. The surrounding landscape is the mountain ranges, the Waterfall of Study-Su, the Rock of Stavri-Kaya.

The relatively new landmark of Yalta is "home upside down". In this unusual building, all items are arranged contrary to the laws of physics. Once here, feel the unreality of what is happening.

A good place for family holidays is Alushta. Here are beautiful climatic conditionsMany beaches, hotels, profilators. Children will be interested to visit the dendrose-aircraft, water park in the entertainment complex "Almond Grove".

Alushta is the park "Crimea in Miniature", which presents the sights of the peninsula in a reduced form. For children, there is a corner where they will meet the heroes of favorite cartoons.

For lovers of rolling rest, the Rope Park "Treasure Island" is opened here. It is located right by the sea and made in the form of a pirate ship with three decks. There are several trails that are designed for people with different preparation.
Sanatorium "Alushta" is located near the city. He has its own pebble beach and many buildings to accommodate guests.

Where to relax in the Crimea inexpensive?

The most budget resorts for recreation are Kerch, Feodosia, Evpatoria and Sudak. The price tag on housing will be different depending on the hotel's distance or private housing from the beach.


Ancient Greeks lived in the ancient times in this city, so there are many historical and archaeological relics. For holidaymakers, there are a lot of sandy shallow beaches. The edge is famous for mineral sources, healing mud. As entertainment, you can choose beach attractions, boats on yachts. Cognitive bus tours of the beautiful places are provided.

This is an environmentally friendly area for relaxation, as it is significantly removed from the city. Here is a good place for those who love the story and Middle Ages.

The Genoese Fortress is the venue of knightly tournaments, where you can not only take a look at the battle, but also to take part in them.


In Evpatoria, to save, you need to choose suburban villages. Good option Will, for example, storms and nikolayevets. Here clean beaches And the warm sea. Of course, B. summer time There are a lot of holidaymakers, so if you do not want fuss, then it is preferable to visit September.

From entertainment in Nikolaevka, you can ride aquatic bike, diving or fishing, and also ride on the yacht. Children here will also be mischievously, since daily animation programs are held for them. In addition, there are many attractions.

Another good place is the village of Zavochny. Here is the mass of low-cost pensions with our own fenced beaches. There are regularly removed, so they are clean and cozy. Lovers of the private sector, too, easily find apartments to taste.

Budget holidays in Crimea (video)

In the next video, it is described in what places you can relax on the peninsula at affordable prices.

Beaches of Crimea for recreation with children and without them

According to statistics, the most successful month for rest in Crimea is considered to be June. Water in the sea to this period of time is good and suitable for swimming. There is no exhausting heat yet, so you can stay in the sun longer. On the entire Peninsula there are many hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses for family holidays with children of different ages.

The most popular cities for such a rest are considered by Alushta and Evpatoria. Their value in the developed infrastructure and good beaches.
  • Beach quiet bay In Koktebel is a long arc with large sand. It is easy to get from the city, by car or public transport it will take 10 minutes. The water is clean here, and shallow water is stretched for a long distance. Nearby there is a place where you can find healing dirt. Tourists flock there.
  • Beaches Feodosia They are distinguished by the thick sand of a golden shade and transparent azure water. These places are very popular among family pairs with children, since here you can find a gentle entrance to the sea here, and it itself is quite petty at the entrance. The beaches of Feodosia are considered to be among the best in the Crimea. In the photo: Golden Beach Feodosia.
  • In Evpatoria Many gentle sandy beaches, where when entering the sea, the smooth bottom and the depth is growing slowly. Even kids can go into the water without fear, as there is no pebbles and sharp stones. It is very convenient, so such a number of tourists with young children flock here. On the beaches, a sufficient amount of water entertainment.

As you can see, there are many good and interesting places to relax on the Crimean Peninsula. Therefore, it is suitable for both youth and families with children. Beautiful nature, warm sea, exciting excursions and entertainment - all this fascinates and makes returning to come back here again.

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Inexpensive holiday in Crimea. Prices 2019.

A little unusual list of proposals will begin not from the SPK, but from the Western and Eastern Crimea. Once we are talking about inexpensive holiday - then the cheapest accommodation in housing can be found exactly in western Parts of the Crimea, and South Beach is always somewhat more expensive, so they put it at the end of the queue.

Cheap accommodation in West Crimea

Light light, clouded.All new and beautiful. Adults I. children's pools, playground, can be prepared by yourself Kuitka, Saki.Medium-budget, near the beach, and just an insanely beautiful mini-hotel Tarpants, Okunevka.Private pension at Cape Tarkhankut. Right near the sea. Beautiful green area, swimming pool and moderate prices.
Diamond, Zaozernoye.Very budget guest house, self-catering rooms. Chernomorskoye, Aidera.Very cheap integrated offer accommodation + meals. Voyage-surf, Saki.Modest, but budget rooms with all amenities 100 steps from a gorgeous sandy beach
Sun Beach, Popovka.New hotel at reasonable prices 2 minutes from the gorgeous beach. Diana, Zaozernoye.Budget, but a good private sector with all amenities in a 7-minute walk from the sandy beach. Likko Gold, inter-water.Inexpensive hotel in 1 minute from gorgeous sandy beach
Voyage Novof-ka, SakiNew mini hotel with swimming pool 10 minutes from the sea. Moderate prices and comfortable rooms. Captain Storm, Storm.Cheap guest house in the village with a chic beach. Elite, Saki.Cool luxury hotel, near the beach. The price is not low, but quite moderate.
Pearl, inter-water.Not bad option for budget recreation. Rooms with all amenities, beautiful courtyard. Sonata, Olenevka.Good rooms with self-catering at reasonable prices.

A small remark about what is considered inexpensive housing. Immediately I will say that inexpensive - does not mean bad. Firstly in all the options submitted, their bathroom bathrooms and quite comfortable accommodation conditions.Those. I do not offer the options with the "killed" repair or toilet in the yard in principle. The reasons for low prices can be a lot. Perhaps it is somewhat remotely from the sea. And maybe a small village - in these you can stay right on the beach for a penny. Maybe the owners have such a policy so that prices are lowering, and the occupancy is better.

The second point is the concept of "inexpensive" - \u200b\u200brelative. What is inexpensive for Yalta, then for the Black Sea - the top plank price. Inexpensive right on the beach will always be more expensive than the same inexpensive away from the sea. And also prices can change even during the season. Therefore, you need more detail on these options "climb" - and you will probably find what is suitable for you.

Cheap accommodation in East Crimea

Radiant, fisherman. Aphultine, acting.Inexpensive beautiful numbers In a wooden eco-style. All new and right near the beach, very cool option. Karagol, Koktebel.Large green area, 5 minutes to sea and park, swimming pool, kitchen, moderate price - all components comfortably relaxing together.
Koktebel,Family roomswith kitchens I. washing machine. 200 meters to the beach, new renovation and low price. Be Happy, Fisherman.The new and beautiful ministery with the Basiny, very close to the beach, although a few "high" located. Koktebel, 2-room Elling,for accommodation up to 5-6 people. Kitchen, washing, 10 steps to the sea and all this at a very humane price.
Family cottages, Sun-SK.Family option - 2-room rooms with kitchens for 4-5 people. Large green area. Svetlana, Maltrack.Inexpensive private sector 30 steps from the beach Ruzanne, pike perch.New hotel, with affordable rooms.
On ship, Feodosia.Very inexpensive and at the same time a good ministery. Close to the sea, there is a kitchen and even the pool. White Swan, Ord Dze.New hotel, close to the waterfront, comfortable rooms, can be prepared by yourself. Megan, Sudak.Guest house at Cape Megan. Budget version with good conditions.
"Hotel by the sea", acting.A new country hotel right on the endless beach. Three heroes, Sun-SK.New hotel in wooden "fabulous" design. Close to the beach, chic species. Private Sector, SunVery inexpensive, but a good version on average distance from the sea.
On admiralsk. Sudak. Beautiful mini hotel in a wooden eco-style, a 7-minute walk from the sea.

Cheap accommodation in the south coast of Crimea

Gaspra, House of Voronin.Guest house in a wooden eco-style, surrounded by Crimean oak and coniferous. Fiesta, Alushta.Cheap hotel with new spacious rooms in the center of Alushta, 10 minutes to the sea.

From the south and the West of the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, and from East - Azov. On the entire Crimean coast, the climate is similar to Mediterranean. The bathing season begins in mid-May and ends in mid-October, and at this time the water is rarely colder than + 21 + 23ºС. In the summer there is always sunny here, and the air, compared with the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus, is much less humid. Therefore, resting on the peninsula is very useful to people who have problems with respiratory authorities, as well as children.

In West Crimea, in the area of \u200b\u200bEvpatoria and the city of Saki Climate Primorsko-Steppe. Very warm, winds from Crimean steppes are often blowing here. Local sanatoriums and boarding houses are very in demand and used for the treatment of dirt and the ramp of Saki lake and healing mineral waters.

The eastern part of the peninsula tourists love for secluded bays, excellent pebble and sandy beaches and picturesque foothills. Excursions are popular for the famous Genoese Fortress and the reserve at the foot of the ancient volcano Kara-Dag, the ancient city of Acre and the Maximilian Voloshin House Museum. Small villages lying between Feodosia and Kerch, guarantee a more secluded vacation in the Crimea. Without intermediaries in them it is possible to remove cozy cottages, apartments and hotel rooms.

The picturesque South Coast stretches for the grocery of the Crimean Mountains. Here are built the most fashionable hotels in Crimea. Compared in other parts of the peninsula, the most expensive housing in the south shore. Vacationers in Yalta, Alushta, Gaspre and Foros are happy to make excursions to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, get acquainted with the beautiful Crimean Palaces, and travel to the top of Ai-Petri, the Chatyr-Doug Plateau, to the bizarre rocks of Demerji and the Big Canyon of Crimea.

Housing in the private sector of Crimea

You can rent accommodation in Crimea in any part of the peninsula. Compared with large hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums, the private sector in Crimea offers a greater selection of options and democratic prices. Private traders always respond flexibly to change demand, spend annually required repair And try to ensure their accommodation with the modern requirements of vacationers.

In the summer season, Crimean is happy to rent a room to tourists and separate homesIn which there is everything you need for a comfortable stay - comfortable furniture, refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions and Internet access. In addition, modern guest houses and private mini-hotels are built at all resorts of the peninsula. Their hosts are always ready to offer their guests an inexpensive transfer from Simferopol Airport and help in organizing excursions.

Crimean accommodation prices in the private sector in 2019 are slightly different from the previous tourist season. On the south coast, housing is traditionally more expensive, but in other resort places you can find quite budget options. For rent costly, it is necessary to remove housing without intermediaries, as well as book it at least 3 months before the trip. Economy housing is usually handed over in small resort villages and not on the first line from the sea.

Booking Rooms in the Hotels of Crimea

Crimea hotels are located in populated areas with good resort infrastructure. Rest in such places has a number of advantages - the system of public transport and nutrition is well developed here, there is medical institutions and shops. Almost all Crimean hotels offer their guests full service, food, parking and shuttle service. It is also convenient that vacationers can take advantage of the hotel laundry, hairdressers, beauty salons, sports halls and playgrounds.

Prices for 2019 in Crimea are beneficial from expensive resorts. At the same time, private guest houses and mini-hotels are usually cheaper. Many hotels offer discounts on the rooms if their booking is made in a few months.

Without intermediaries in Crimea, tourists can rent comfortable economy-class apartments or cheap Helling, located on the sea shore, right next to the beaches of Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze, Yalta, Alushta, Partenit, Nikolayevka and Schelkovo. All such a housing is built on the peninsula in recent years, that is, it is modern and convenient.

For a leisure of a large family, several married couples, companies of friends or colleagues are perfectly suitable for villas. They are located in the picturesque green zones of the Crimea and have closed areas. Removing the villa for a whole summer, you can agree on significant discounts.

How to relax in the Crimea

Many tourists are not limited to marine bathing, but love to visit modern water parks. It is also interesting to be on spectacular shows in which Black Sea Dolphins-Aphlegnes takes part.

Diving is very popular in Crimea. The most interesting diving Points are located near the coast of Sevastopol, Sudak, New World and Koktebel. Fans of outdoor activities can do climbing, equestrian tourism and speleology.

Beach vacation in Crimea is well diversified by excursions, where you can see archaeological monuments of ancient Taurida, cave citys, beautiful mansions and beautiful waterfalls. In addition, in the summer, several colorful festivals are held in Crimea - the Feodosia festival "Genoese Helmet", Crimean Aviation Games, Wine Festival in Koktebel and the holiday of fishers of the worm "Barabulka".