What is the first land plant. The most ancient plants on earth: the variety of flora of the past

400 million years ago, the sea and oceans occupied a huge part of the earth's surface of our planet. The first living organisms arose in an aquatic environment. They were mucus particles. After several millions of years, these primitive microorganisms have a green color. In appearance, they began to resemble algae.

Plants in the coal period

Climatic conditions have favorably affected the growth and reproduction of algae. Over time, the surface of the Earth and the bottom of the oceans was subjected to changes. There were new main students, the old were disappeared under water. The earth is actively changed. These processes led to the fact that water appeared on the site of the earth's surface.

Departing, marine water fell into crevices, depressions. They sworn, they were filled again with water. As a result, those algae who were on sea Dn., gradually moved to the earth's surface. But since the process of the drainage took place very slowly, during this time they adapted to new habitat on earth. This process took place throughout a million years.

The climate at that time was very wet and warm. He contributed to the transition of plants from marine life to ground. Evolution led to the complication of the structure of various plants, algae also changed. They gave rise to the development of new earth plants - plyphitis. In appearance, they resembled small plants that were placed near the shores of lakes rivers. They possessed the stem, which was covered with small bristles. But, like by algae, the pylofs had no root system.

Plants in a new climate

Ferns occurred from psulifitis. The psiliefs themselves 300 million years ago ceased to exist.

Wet climate I. a large number of Water led to a rapid spread of different plants - ferns, horsages, plane. The end of the coal period was marked by changing the climate: it became more dry and cold. Huge ferns began to dy up. The remains of dead plants rotted and turned into a stone coal, which people then heated their homes.

Ferns on the leaves lay seeds that were called the vote plants. From gigantic ferns, modern pines, ate, fir, which are called gone plants occurred.

Ancient ferns disappeared with climate change. Cold climate ruined their gentle sprouts. They were replaced by seed ferns, which are called the first viced plants. These plants perfectly adapted to the new conditions of dry and cold climate. This type of plant has the reproduction process did not depend on the water, which is in the external environment.

130 million years ago various shrubs and herbs arose on Earth, whose seeds were in the surface of the fruit. They were called coated plants. For 60 million years covenate plants Live on our planet. These plants have practically not changed since then to the present day.

Our planet was not always green. Long ago, when life was only born, the dry was empty and lifeless - the first forms were chosen by the wrestling area of \u200b\u200bthe world ocean. But gradually the earth's surface also began to master the various creatures. The first plants on Earth are also the earliest inhabitants of sushi. What were the ancestors of modern representatives of the Flora?

Photo: Pikabu.ru.

So imagine land 420 million years ago, in the era, called the Silurian period. This date is not chosen by chance - precisely at this time, scientists, plants, finally, began to conquer the land.

For the first time, the remnants of Cumony were found in Scotland (the first representative of the ground flora was named by the name of Isabella Kukson - the famous paleobotanist). But scientists suggest that it was spread throughout the globe.

It was not so easy to get out of the waters of the world's ocean and start exploring the sushi was not so easy. For this, plants had to rebuild literally the entire body: to acquire a shell resembling a drying cuticle, and acquire a special dust, with the help of which the evaporation could be adjusted and absorb the substance necessary for the life.

Cuxony, which is thin green stems, not exceeding five centimeters high, was considered one of the most developed plants. But the atmosphere of the Earth and its inhabitants were rapidly changed, and the oldest representative of the flora became more and more. At the moment, the plant is considered extinct.

Photo: Stihi.ru.

The remnants of NaatoTalus are even remotely similar to the plants - they look more like shapeless black spots. But despite the strange appearance, on the development of this plant went far ahead from his comrades at the habitat. The fact is that the cuticle of NematoTalus is already more similar to the existing plants that have existing plants - it consisted of formations resembling modern cells, because of which it was called pseudo-cell. It is worth noting that in other species, this shell looked just like a solid film.

NematoTalus gave a lot of food to reflect the scientific world. Some scientists belonged it to red algae, others were inclined to the fact that the licinc. And until now, the mystery of this ancient organism is not solved.

Photo: amgpgu.ru.

And almost all other ancient plants having a vascular structure belong to the class of rhinofitis. Representatives of this group have long been tracting on Earth for a long time. However, this fact does not prevent scientists to study the data of living beings that once dominated land - many fossils found in many corners of the planet, allow you to judge as about appearanceand about the structure of such plants.

Rynofitis have several important featureswhich suggest: these living beings are completely different on their descendants. First, their stem was not covered with soft bark: it was grew by scraps-shaped processes. Secondly, rhinofitis multiplied exclusively with the help of disputes that were formed in special organs called sporangies.

But the most important difference lies in the fact that these plants were absent as such root system. Instead, there were rooted formations covered with "hairs" - rhizoids, with the help of which the Water was absorbed and necessary for the life of the substance.

Photo: Bio.1September.ru.

This plant was recently considered a representative of the animal world. The fact is that his remnants are small, rounded shapes - were originally taken for eggs of frogs or fish, algae or even eggs for long-dimensional cancer. The end of the delusions put the spores of the park found in 1891.

The plant in our planet lived about 400 million years ago. This time refers to the beginning of the Devonian period.

Photo: Bio.1September.ru.

Pahitea residues are also like found fossils Parks - these are small balls (the largest of the detected 7 millimeters). This plant knows quite a little: scientists managed to establish only the fact that it consisted of tubes located radially and converged in the center where the kernel was located.

This plant is a dead-end branch of the development of flora, actually, as well as parks and Rini. Did not manage to establish that it was the impetus to their occurrence, and why they died out. The only reason, according to scientists, is the development of vascular plants, which simply supplanted their less developed relatives.

The plant elected to the land was chosen a completely different way of development. It is thanks to them an animal world originated and, accordingly, a reasonable form of life appeared - a man. And who knows how our planet looks like now, if Rini, parks and Cukonony did not decide to master the land? ..

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Without plants, our planet would be a lifeless desert. And the leaves of trees are small factories or chemical laboratories, where substances converts substances under the influence of sunlight and heat. Trees not only improve the composition of the air and soften its temperature. The forest is of therapeutic importance, it also provides most of our food needs, as well as in materials such as wood and cotton; They are raw materials for the production of drugs.

I. What were the most first plants on earth?

Life on Earth began at sea. And the first on our planet appeared plants. Many of them got on land and became completely different. But those that remained at sea almost did not change. They are the most ancient, it all started with them. Without plants, life on Earth would be no possible. Only plants are able to absorb carbon dioxide and allocate oxygen. For this they use sun rays. Some of the first plants on the ground were algae.

More than 20,000 species of algae are known. They can be fixed on the rocks or on the seabed with a similar to the foot of the "brackets", which goes into a branch with sheets. Brown algae grow in cold waters and achieve huge sizes. Red algae is characteristic of warm seas. Green and blue - green algae can be found both in warm and cold waters. Of the brown algae, many useful substances used in the production of plastics, varnishes, paints, paper and even explosives are obtained. Of them make medicines, fertilizer, feeding for livestock. The peoples of Southeast Asia, algae are the basis of a variety of dishes.

Algae "floating forest".

In the old days there were legends about Sargasso Sea, where ships gibbles, stuck in algae. But nevertheless, the thickets of the algae thick are so much that they can delay the light boat. These are brown algae-Sargass, in honor of which the sea itself is called. Sargasss are similar to the bushes of dyed "berries" - air bubbles allowing the plant to keep on the surface of the water. Unlike other major algae, Sargasss are not attached to the bottom and huge clusters are traveled through the waves and forming a floating forest. The inconspicuous amount of mollusks, worms, msnok are attached to the leaves of Sargass, the crabs, shrimps and fish are hidden in its thickets. Almost all the "residents" of brownish yellow color, in the tone of Sargass, and their bodies often copy the forms of "leaves" of this algae. Some are hidden to keep them with a sacrifice. So floats all this community, never sticking to the shore.

II. Feed, dress, please.

1. Trees that give food.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Who and how did this wonderful drink gave us? If you believe the ancient Arab legend, we owe the cost of coffee. goat. One Ethiopian shepherd, says legend, noticed that his goats, sowing some berries with bush, continued to graze all night, and without thinking to rest. The shepherd spoke about this to the Mudroma Starta, and the one who tasted these berries, opened their wonderful strength and invented the drink of coffee.

The coffee was so liked by Ethios, which later one of the tribes, moved to the Arabian Pn, captured with his grains. So it was the beginning of the first coffee plantations. A happened, as is known from ancient manuscripts, in the 9th century. Coffee was known for quite a long time to be known to the Arabs, but the Turks who won in the XV-XVI centuries. Part of the Arab territories also estimated the taste and wonderful properties of the beverage. So there was a famous way to prepare coffee in Turkish: coffee is boiled on hot sand in special copper vessels with handle - "Turks".

For the first time, the Europeans introduced a certain Italian, who returned from Turkey. The doctor in the specialty, he recommended his patients to drink coffee for medical purposes. Venice of the first began to import coffee to Europe. And in 1652 the first coffee shop and in England was opened. Turkey's monopoly supplier in Europe was Turkey, but the sly Dutch, having spared coffee trees seedlings, transported them to Indonesia, where the climate was completely suitable for growing coffee. Now Brazil has become the world leader in the production of coffee.

Coffee came to Russia thanks to Peter 1.

Coffee drink is boiled from treated coffee tree seeds. it evergreen From the Marines family. White lush inflorescences of a coffee tree, located in the sinuses of the leaves, after pollination insects turn into the fruit - the red berries with them remove the flesh, the seeds are polished in special drums and pack in bags. Before brewing coffee beans roasted.

Motherland coffee - Africa. The highest quality and tasty is the Arabian view. Brazilian coffee (this is not a view, but only the place of cultivation of coffee), which are filled with all the markets of the world, in quality is much worse than coffee grown in other countries.

2. Noble friends.

Cedras are real cedar. Phenicia, Egypt, Assyrias were mighty powers of antiquity. But the territories they occupied the deserted, forests there were almost no. And wood is needed for the construction of housing, and for ships. Wood strong, non-burning. Cedar, which fell in love with ancient, is not the cedar that grows in the taiga and is famous for its delicious nuts. Siberian pines "Single-Famils" of real cedars - cedars.

The Phoenicians cut the cedars on the ships, the Egyptians - on sarcophages for the funeral ceremonies of their nobles, the Greeks and Romans used cedar for the construction of temples and the manufacture of furniture. Later, crusaders began to cut the cedges. And during the First World War, the most valuable samples with their pink wood, for the absence of other fuels, burned in steaming furnaces. That remains only 4 groves of Lebanese cedars. True, other types of cedars - Atlas, Cyprus and Himalayan, although very rare trees, but unlike the Lebanese cedar, not disappearing.

Lebanese cedar - magnificent trees with horizontal powerful branches. They have a bluish, collected in brush. Corses with fist the size, dense, almost smooth, like barrels. When the seeds ripen in them, the bumps are not disclosed, but they crumble, and the earth is covered with a layer of scales. The wind blows the winged seeds with them and spread around the district. If the goats, who are abundant by local residents, do not eat young shoots, can grow a new generation of handsome ceders. Glory about the beauty of Lebanese cedar reached Russia. Therefore, when Russian pioneers saw Siberian pines, high, majestic, with large bumps, they called them cedars.

Siberian cedar - pine amazing. The main wealth of cedar is his nuts. They contain fats, proteins, starch, vitamins B and D and in needles contain many healing substances. Nuts contain more than 60% of oil, which in many qualities exceeds animal fats and is not inferior in nutrition to meat and eggs. With Ivan Grozny, these nuts were exported abroad, and in Peter I, the healing and strengthening agent began to prepare in Russia - walnut milk.

The cedar nuts in the life of animals play a huge role. "Where there is no cedar," the hunters say, "there is no sable". Nuts eating bears and chipmunks, squirrels and various birds.

Celex and cedar resin - Zhivitsa. During the Great Patriotic War Cedar balm saved in injuries and burns. Zhivitsa is the necessary raw materials to obtain such a valuable medicine as camphor. We need a savage and optical equipment.

Cedar's valuable and wood - pencil sticks are produced from it, musical instrumentsFurniture manufactures. Skipidar and other useful products are obtained from sawdust.

III. Study of tree bark.

Maple sharply

Maple for whom I watched, young. He has a woody trunk, which is thickened with each year, the side branches forming the crown, which consists of smaller branches, leaves. The tree is held in the soil roots that absorb moisture and mineral substances dissolved in it. Therefore, at the bottom of the tree trunk is wider.

If you smell a bark, then the smell is bitter, binding. In the spring the smell of the cortex is enhanced and becomes sweet.

B my vapla tree is not. But I met the trees with a hollow. B Hungry is arranged by dwellings various birds.

On a cool for which I observe neither lichens, mosses and mushrooms. Sometimes mushrooms form mbocornia on the roots, supplying trees with nitrogen and minerals.

On the crust of my tree there are traces left by a person: an encouraged bark and scratches from the knife, which over time it could heal.

IV. Why my friend is the best.

Klelen Ostolish - branch with fruits

Maple one of the most elegant trees growing in our forests. In the spring, when the branches of the trees were not yet covered with leaves, maple blooms. Its yellow-green flowers collected in the inflorescence, please the eye. No less nailed by Klen in the summer, when his crown becomes a "curly". Autumnal outfit will not give up a beauty to a single plant. The tree is like burning, hitting the richness of the shades of crimson and green, orange and yellow. Each sheet has its own color, and each sheet is beautiful in its own way. And all one form is one: rounded with 5-7 sharp protrusions, hence the name of the maple is sharply. Maple good honey. From one tree get up to 10 kg of honey. Juicy maple juice is very tasty. In Russia, Kvass prepared from it, various soft drinks.

On the flag of Canada there is a sheet of sugar maple. Of his sweet juice, maple syrups, a molasses and even maple beer were made, a very popular 19th century. The leader in the production of products from juice was Canada. Maple leaf has become a national symbol of this country.

Maple wood - durable and easy made musical instruments. Sports inventory are also made of maple. Pharmacists and chemists use leaves and bark. Maple has another interesting property: he can predict the weather. From the pets of the leaves, at the twig itself, sometimes the droplet behind the droplet flow "tears" - the maple seems to be crying. This property of maple get rid of excess moisture. And the "tears" of maple depends on, dry or is dominated. Than the air land, the stronger evaporation and vice versa. Wet air becomes rain. If appeared on maple leaves "Tears, it means, after a few hours it will rain.

V. Fossil trees that remained on Earth.

Ancient-ancient Ginkgo tree! It appeared on Earth at the time of dinosaurs-125 million years ago. And since then, this plant has almost changed. Ginkgo - beautiful tree up to 30 m high, with large fan-like leaves. The appearance of Ginkgo reminds our ordinary Osin. But it was not there! Ginkgo - a gamotered plant, closer to ate than to a flowering plant is aspen. Spring on the branches together with the foliage appear "Earrings". By autumn on the branches hang large seeds resembling plums. The flesh of seed, looks like a fruit, in fact only seed shell. She is edible and the taste of saltwate. One trouble - smells with rotten meat. This is a way to attract animal distributors of seeds. Ginkgo, although survived dinosaurs, not survived in the wild. This tree has become a garden. In Japan and China, it is considered sacred - it is grown near the temples. Now Ginkgo appear on the streets of European cities. Ginkgo is easily opposed and contamination of the atmosphere, and diseases, and insects. In the leaves and wood ginkgo contain substances that scare insects. Bookmarks made of dried ginkgo leaves will be removed by ancient manuscript from book worms. And the walls covered with duch ginkgo will not be allowed into the house neither cockroaches nor bugs.


What can I do for all trees?

Coming into the forest, I will not give fires. This can lead to fires.

I will not ruin the bird nests. Birds eat insects who harm trees. I will not break the branches in trees and shrubs. In the courtyard I will plant new seedlings and to care for them in the future.

Acid rains also apply irreparable damage: the death of crops, flora and fauna, the destruction of buildings.

What were the most first plants on earth?

1 version:In the fall of 1912, near the village of Rain in Scotland, a rural doctor of W. Makki, who for his own pleasure and geology, made a cut in the breed and suddenly saw perfectly preserved herbal residues. On the bare, thin stem sat a few elongated balls with thick walls. As it turned out later, it was ancient plant on earth. It lived about 415 million years ago. He was called Cumonia.

Later, the remains of Cuxony and similar plants (Chlorineophyte, Raine, Psulifitis) found in the Czech Republic, in the USA, in Western Siberia. They were all named by rhinofitis, named by the Scottish village of Reinie.

Suggest that the first higher plants dwell in wet, swampy places and rather resembled algae than on modern plants. They did not have roots and leaves, many had no solid stem with supporting tissues. Balls with disputes were with thick walls, up to 4 mm thick. In the stem detected asst.

The largest of the world. Its height is up to 50 cm, and the thickness of the stem is about 5 mm. Apparently, the swamps were whole thickets.

Stalle Urine completed the dome where they were disputes. These "tanks" for the dispute reached the length of 12 mm.

Refielditis occurred from Rini. They already had a smooth, straight stem. Psulifitis was several times above. Branched side branches left the naked stem. In the skin of the stems were styrels, and its surface was covered with spikes with a length of 2-2.5 mm. Side branches ended with "capacities" in the form of an ellipse, where they were disputes.

2 version:The genome of the first plants that won the land of half a billion years ago
The international team of researchers has established the genetic nature of plants, which were the first to go to the land of approximately 500 million years ago and predetermined the current appearance of ground flora.
Photo by: enn.com

Specialists from several dozen research centers of the world have deciphered the genome of this plant with a 5-millimeter stem and pale-green leaves growing along the banks of rivers and lakes in various districts - from North America and Russia to Iraq and Australia.

According to the results obtained, the hereditary material of this moss consists of about 30 thousand genes. This, by the way, is 8 thousand more than a person. The number of minimum units of genome - sequences of nucleotide grounds - reaches about 500 million (a person is six times more).

The object of research was the type of MKA Fiscomitrela (PhysComitrel Patens). It is believed that by its structure he is closest to the first sushi conquerors,reports ITAR-TASS.

Most of the modern scientists believe that the Planet Earth has formed a little earlier than four and a half billion years ago. The earliest remnants of extinct organisms were found in breeds with age of 3.8 billion years. The first inhabitants of the Earth were bacteria - anaerobes, that is, they did not use oxygen to breathe, which was not yet in the atmosphere.

It is believed that for the first time the process of photosynthesis began to go in bacteria. Photosynthesis is the most important natural process when the interaction of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide are formed organic substances and free oxygen.

The first simple single-celled algae and mushrooms appeared about 2 billion years ago. Their remnants were found in the sediments of the Proterozoic era on the territory of Greenland and Canada. At the same time, the first multicellular plants appeared. The development of life on Earth, the appearance and plants, and animals were closely related to the photosynthesis process.

Scientists believe that Xireselen algae (this is their name, and not just the designation of color) and mushrooms - the first representatives vegetable world on the ground. These are lower plants.

More than 2 billion years ago, the first terrestrial plants resembled Mosses that we can see now in raw shaded places.

About 400,000,000 years ago there were more complex plants. They resembled modern ferns. Ferns were the first to have roots, stem and leaves. These are signs of higher plants.

By the time of the appearance of dinosaurs, the Earth was already covered with forests. These plants multiplied by seeds.

Pines and others coniferous trees appeared later, 300,000,000 years ago. This group of trees includes numerous representatives, such as pine, spruce, canadian fir, cedar, larch. All these trees hide their seeds in the cones.

First flowering plants Appeared 150,000,000 years ago. Their well-protected seeds gave them a big advantage compared to plants whose seeds are not protected so good. Therefore, they have become more in quantity, and by types. Nowadays, flowering plants are distributed everywhere.

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This plant settles the arid coast of the seas and salted lakes. Tamarisk is growing in North-West France, Mediterranean, Iran, Turkey, West Asia, Tibet, in Northeast China, as well as in the south-west of Africa. These shrubs have small bread-shaped or loose leaves, dense and fleshy. Small flowers Collected in brushes or ears. Buckets of Tamarisk, composed of a variety of small ...