Popular glass wool insulation. The choice between glass wool and mineral wool, what's the difference? Important material characteristics

Without a doubt, glass wool today is a material that is not only used for thermal insulation, but also occupies a leading position in this field. He was very popular in Soviet times, and with the arrival modern equipment acquired new unique qualities and became irreplaceable! What is the secret of such demand?

Everything you need to know about glass wool

The varieties and properties of this material make it possible to use it as a heater in various fields: insulation of a loggia, walls, floor, roof, baths, saunas, gas pipelines, water pipes and much, much more. Let's take a closer look at the features of a fiberglass heat insulator (see also the article).

Manufacturing technology

Fiberglass wool is a noise and heat insulation fibrous material made from glass industry waste with the addition of dolomite, borax, soda, limestone and sand.

How is the glass wool production process going?

All the main components are poured into a special hopper and melted using a furnace until a temperature of 1400ºC is reached. After this stage, the mixture has all the necessary mechanical properties for further production of the finest threads from it. The filaments are formed by steam blowing molten glass ejected from the centrifuge.

The previous process is also accompanied by treatment with polymer aerosols and binders aqueous solutions... Already impregnated yarns fall on the rolls, where they are leveled several times, formed into a homogeneous fiberglass "carpet".

This is followed by polymerization in a chamber at a temperature of 250ºC, which is necessary for the formation of polymer bonds. At the same time, the remaining moisture that was obtained with the aerosol evaporates from the material. After this stage, the glass wool acquires a solid structure and an amber-yellow color.

Now it's time to chill and cut the material. The endless belt is cut into rolls and slabs using rip saws and cross saws. And since the resulting insulation is very voluminous (it is all permeated with air), it is pressed.

This measure allows you to significantly save space when storing and transporting material. In addition, its elastic properties are sufficient to fully restore the original forms.

Note! Glass wool is considered a subtype mineral wool, however, in its characteristics and qualities it differs from it. Glass wool fibers have a large thickness and length, which endows products made from them with increased strength, elasticity, thermal conductivity and vibration resistance.

Types of fiberglass insulation

First of all, it must be said that glass wool differs depending on the scope of application.

Today there is fiberglass insulation:

  • for exterior walls;
  • for internal thermal insulation;
  • for inclined and horizontal surfaces;
  • to close cracks and cracks.

Each of these types of glass wool also differs in properties: one has increased thermal insulation characteristics, the other has soundproofing, and the third has a high chemical and biological resistance... In addition, this insulation is sold in the form of slabs, rolls and mats, which allows it to be used for thermal insulation of small, medium and large areas.

For information! In specialized stores, you can find foil glass wool, which, in addition to thermal insulation, also provides vapor barrier. True, the price for it will be slightly higher than for conventional fiberglass insulation.

Unique properties of glass wool

So we got to the most important thing.

So, what qualities make this product a favorite with a consumer who wants to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in his own home?

  • First, they are excellent thermal insulation properties... Due to its structure, glass wool perfectly retains heat and prevents cold air from entering the room.
  • The high strength of the fiber allows insulation with glass wool in places with high mechanical stress.
  • Lightness, flexibility and resilience of this material facilitates transportation and installation process. It should also be noted here that glass wool is pressed 6-10 times during packing. But, despite this, it does not lose any qualities and does not change its shape. That is, after you take it out of the package, it will quickly return to its original form.

  • In addition, flexibility and elasticity guarantee the most tight fit of the material to the insulated surface. This means that there will be no gaps between the plates and, as a result, there will be no heat loss.
  • Since glass wool is very resistant to deformation, it does not shrink over time, does not lose its shape during temperature extremes, prolonged shock and vibration.
  • Glass wool will insulate any structure, as well as eliminate external noise. After all, it perfectly absorbs sound.

  • It should also be noted its frost resistance. A layer of cotton wool insulation 50 mm thick equates to thermal resistance brick wall 100 cm thick.
  • Excellent vapor permeability (unless, of course, it is foil-clad glass wool) and water-repellent properties.
  • Due to the composition and manufacturing technology, the fiberglass heat insulator does not ignite by itself. Well, if it does catch fire, it does not emit substances harmful to health, which is very important.
  • High chemical and biological resistance.
  • Modern glass wool is soft to the touch and does not cause irritation on the body (however, this quality applies to the products of not all manufacturers).
  • Glass wool can be used in areas that are completely different in temperature. All this is due to its structure: glass fibers can hold still air. At the same time, the indoor temperature remains stable both in winter and in summer.

In order to avoid the above problems, when installing glass wool with your own hands, you need to be dressed in tight clothing that does not leave open areas of the body, tarpaulin gloves, goggles and a respirator. And, of course, you must read the instructions, which are usually attached to any fiberglass product.


As you can see, fiberglass insulation meets all the stated requirements and gives stable guarantees of all its properties (Read also the article

Unlike many other heaters, glass wool has a minimum weight due to its low density, high protective properties and a fairly simple installation technique. Fiberglass insulation can be produced in the form of compressed slabs consisting of numerous thinnest strands made from recycled glass, dolomite, sand and limestone.

Glass wool insulation

It is classified as a mineral building material and has a reasonable price and high-quality internal structure. Due to its high elasticity, the component can be used without problems in the most different conditions, including relative to the floor and in inclined structures.

Fiberglass insulation options

As already mentioned, environmentally friendly and safe components on a natural basis are used as a raw material for the production of glass wool, which, after heat treatment, take the form of fibers. Their high-quality fixation to each other is carried out by special phenol-aldehyde solutions of polymers, thanks to which the component can be used for a long time.

Each manufacturer produces material on its own technological process however, its basis is almost always and everywhere identical. The differences relate to the size of the threads, impregnation, density of the composition. Thus, it is customary to divide glass wool according to the flammability class G1 and NG. On average, it can withstand temperatures up to 250 degrees, and in some cases up to 450 degrees, depending on its composition and direction of application. Perfect aerosols allow a low percentage of binders to be achieved.

Video # 1. Glass wool Ursa after 8 years

Today, glass wool-based insulation for outdoor and interior decoration premises and floor construction. It is easy for them to close up all kinds of cracks and crevices, insulate pipelines and other communications. It goes on sale in the form of slabs and rolls. It should be noted that the last presentation is the most convenient for thermal insulation of large areas, including suitable for floor insulation.

The existing elastic, semi-rigid and rigid fibers differ from each other only in their looseness or density. So, for example, a material with maximum flexibility necessarily has an insignificant density, with long threads it has excellent sound absorption, compressed - shows excellent properties in terms of heat retention.

Glass wool technical parameters

  • operating temperature -60 .. + 250 degrees;
  • thermal conductivity 0.039..0.047W / (m · K);
  • fiber length 15..50mm;
  • fiber thickness 5..15 microns;
  • vapor permeability 0.001..0.6mg / mh · Pa;
  • sound absorption coefficient 35..40 dB;
  • water absorption coefficient up to 15%;
  • sorption daily moisture up to 1.7%.

Distinctive features of the material

  1. Cotton wool shows excellent vibration resistance and excellent acoustic effect, which allows it to be used qualitatively for soundproofing walls and floors of buildings.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation performance allows it to be used for floor finishing. This is due to the structure of the material, its long threads at the base, which have a twisted appearance with a slight interior space filled with air. In view of the above features, the thermal conductivity of the insulation is limited. Moreover, it itself becomes an excellent wind barrier and protection from external influences.
  3. The pressed cotton wool has ideal elasticity and strength characteristics. It is excellent for protecting surfaces subject to significant mechanical stress, including roofs. Moreover, glass wool will adhere well to the surface of a building from any composition.
  4. Flame resistant. Contrary to the fact that for the bundle of the internal structure are used different kinds resins, insulation does not belong to the class of spontaneously combustible materials.
  5. Increased resistance to deformation, biological and chemical influences. Glass wool in the form of slabs, as during installation works, and after them, retains its size and shape. A feature should be considered antifungal effect and low attractiveness of the component for small rodents.
  6. Vata has a minimum mass, while it can be compressed more than 6 times of the available volume. Thanks to this, the material is very easy and profitable to transport, mount on all types of surfaces. After unpacking and laying, due to the elasticity of the threads and the "memory" effect, it takes on its original appearance.

Application area

Glass wool has been successfully used for a very long time to protect:

  • floor;
  • roofs;
  • facade;
  • interfloor spaces and ceilings.

It is easy for her to eliminate cracks and spaces that have difficult or limited access. Despite the fact that the material is not produced in a cylindrical form, using rolls will not make up a pipe to insulate all types of pipelines. The only limitation concerns communications with a coolant with a very high temperature. Cotton wool is an advantageous offer for soundproofing internal and external partitions of the house, with the obligatory subsequent plastering of the walls or ceiling.

Comparison of stone and glass wool

Ordinary glass wool differs little in its features, characteristics and properties from basalt-based mineral wool. The structure of the material is usually identical. At the same time, the price of fiberglass is often three times more profitable than a composition made from molten rocks. This is due to the availability of raw materials obtained, as a rule, by the method of secondary processing.

In addition, stone wool is significantly inferior in sound insulation parameters, since the length of its fibers is, on average, four times less than fiberglass fibers. At the same time, glass wool in terms of resistance to impact high temperatures inferior to mineral wool, as, in fact, in its hygroscopicity. In view of the regulatory construction requirements the scope of application of fiberglass components is limited.

Glass wool significantly outperforms stone wool by the level of rigidity, resilience and elasticity. We also note that it is much easier to give it the necessary shape than in any other case. The material will be able to repeat the bends of the selected surface, it will fit without gaps, while the amount of waste at the end of the work will be insignificant.

At the same time, the installation of glass wool must be carried out much more carefully, because it is quite possible to get irritation of the mucous membrane and skin.

The biggest plus, in comparison with basalt wool, is that glass wool is not attacked by rodents.

Of course, rodents are capable of gnawing a nest in glass wool and then settling in it. But it is worthwhile to understand that rock wool can be eaten by rodents, in contrast to fiberglass, which does not cause them any interest in this regard.

Video number 2. Roof insulation with glass wool

Safety features

The material in the form of pressed cotton wool is very often used for interior decoration of premises, in particular the floor, so you should know the basic safety principles for working with it.

It is recommended to take into account that the insulation is made of glass, very thin and long fibers, rather fragile and brittle. Small particles of cotton wool can cause significant irritation to the skin, respiratory system and mucous membranes of the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to always use personal protective equipment such as special clothing, respirator, gloves and goggles.

If microparticles come into contact with the skin, do not wipe them with your hands, since it is easy to drive glass microelements deep into the tissue. Here it is better to rinse the affected area with running water.

When you have finished laying the floor or walls, try to shower without delay without using hard sponges and detergents... First, you need to shake off dust from your hair and body as much as possible. As a rule, clothes are disposed of after the first use, since it is almost impossible to remove all fragments from it.

If cotton wool is chosen for floor insulation, then it is imperative to additionally lay an interlayer, film, etc., excluding the likelihood of the penetration of the abrasive composition and dust into the room.

At the right approach, glass wool is absolutely safe and harmless. It should be borne in mind that the component is not very resistant to moisture, therefore, in open form it is practically not used, or requires special, solid protection. However, there are also options made using a special technology with stretching of the threads, due to which, in the finished version, the material is able to withstand moisture, although the price for them is significantly different.

Video number 3. Glass wool Isover


Experienced builders have noticed, regardless of whether it is a product for floor, roof or wall insulation, that the more expensive it is, the better quality, harmless and easy to install.

Glass wool is fibrous insulation material, belonging to the class of mineral wool. It is considered one of the most popular heat insulators.

In this article, we will consider the properties, manufacture and use of glass wool.

Glass wool production technology and its characteristics

Fiberglass is made from waste from the glass industry and natural sand. As a result, the material is made up of the finest fibers bound together by a substance.

Thermal insulation products based on glass wool are mats or rolls:

Due to the pressing of the material several times, it takes up a small volume. Expanded - more or less rigid slabs.

Features of working with glass wool

It should be remembered that during any work with glass wool, it turns into fine dust, which irritates the skin, mucous membranes or gets into the lungs, from where it is never removed. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses, respirator.

To increase the strength, fiberglass materials are reinforced by sewing:

Another disadvantage (apart from fragility) is thermal conductivity, which is greater than, for example, polyurethane foam or penoizol. That is, glass wool, as a heater, is worse than the named materials. But cheaper.

Advantages of glass wool

  • High noise insulation (this is what the sellers say, but I did not notice this in my frame extension, although there are four layers of glass wool - 20 cm);
  • low density and light weight;
  • high strength (again, at the request of sellers, who, probably, just have tongues without bones and heads without brains - what is the strength of glass wool if it delaminates in their hands?);
  • ease of installation;
  • elasticity and flexibility;
  • low cost;
  • takes a small volume when packed;
  • ease of transportation;
  • not susceptible to mold and rodent attack;
  • modern vata is relatively safe (the main word here is "relative").

I would like to add a comment.

The expression regarding the safety of glass wool is completely untrustworthy.

It should be reminded once again about safety precautions:

In case of contact with the skin, try to rinse off with water, without scratching the skin; otherwise, the fibers will enter deeply under the skin.

If the fibers get on the mucous membrane - see a doctor immediately! (in a sense, this is what doctors advise, but in reality, depending on which mucous membranes: you yourself will rinse your eyes with a large amount running water, a doctor is not needed for this; and from respiratory tract fiberglass dust is not removed by any doctor, so why? For a wallet ...).

1). The use of tight work clothing is mandatory.

2). During installation, the cotton wool layer should be covered with another material to prevent dust from entering the room where people are.

3). If the insulation is inside the room, then it is good to vacuum the room after work.

The main disadvantages of glass wool

Actually, the above is said exhaustively about them, we will not pound the water.

My review of Knauf glass wool

I would like to leave a review in this article dedicated to such material as Knauf brand fiberglass.

Packed in rolls:

Or mats:

I used cotton wool from the mats. It is called "ThermoPlita 037" and represents light series glass wool.


Mat dimensions 5 x 60 x 125 cm,

Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.037.

There are 24 mats in the package, the total area of ​​the mats in the package is 18 m2 (and you need to buy with a margin, if you want to insulate in two or three layers. With what margin? It is believed that cutting any material takes 5 ... 10%, of these numbers and estimate).

Material manufacturer: LLC "KNAUF Insulation", Stupino, Moscow region.

Insulation was for the walls frame extension To home. I put glass wool between the uprights and the ceiling joists:

My feedback on stuff in action:

  1. It is great to cut sheets, cut with both a sharp knife and scissors (large, tailor's, not manicure ones :)).
  2. I confirm that rodents will definitely not settle in the glass wool (the packaging was in a room accessible to gray animals, but there was no settling in the insulation itself).
  3. The density of this type of Knauf is low, therefore the material is not fully adapted for thermal insulation of vertical structures. Unfortunately, the density is not indicated on the package. It is better to inquire about the density of glass wool in advance on the Internet or other sources, so as not to get a "pig in a poke" (this is not a cat that will disperse mice :)).
  4. Despite the manufacturer's assurances that formaldehyde-free cotton wool does not have a pungent smell, in reality there is a smell. Therefore, it is better to work with a respirator, and interior walls, again, make it airtight.

I note that the use of roll Knauf is much more convenient for horizontal slabs. First, the ease of rolling over the surface. Secondly, with multilayer insulation, the layers will be without joints, and, therefore, without the cold getting into the room insulated with such a material.

The general assessment of the material is good enough, and in the absence of a better alternative, I would use it in the future. But there is an alternative, which I will talk about someday ...

Glass wool application

Due to its efficiency and versatility, this thermal insulation material has a wide range of applications in construction. Glass wool is more suitable for insulating attic, interfloor, that is, horizontal ceilings. Of course, it is also possible to insulate vertical structures (see photo above; the fact is that cotton wool does not crawl on unplaned boards, you only need to make the distance between the boards less by 1.5 ... 2 cm of the width of the insulation).

Which insulation is better: glass wool or mineral wool?

If I had to choose between glass wool and mineral wool, then I would still stop at our building material - glass wool. One of the most important advantages, which especially attracted me is that mice and other animals did not start in it.

Yet. With the same thickness of glass wool, it is 10 ... 15% warmer than basalt wool and cheaper. Glass wool has longer fibers than basalt wool, so less glue is used in the manufacture of glass wool, which means less formaldehyde.

Mineral wool should be used only where a reliable layer can be placed against the penetration of formaldehydes into the living space. In general, it is necessary to use it wisely for insulating facades, because health (its absence) is even more costly than building a house.

I made my choice, I hope that my review will be useful to you, and you will also make the right choice.

glass wool specifications

Thermal insulation materials are used very often in construction. Each of them has individual technical characteristics, among which the dimensions of these products occupy not the last place. It is known that only 5 cm of insulation will be successfully replaced by 20 cm concrete base... Having examined the insulation, the dimensions of which correspond design features buildings, you can build warm and comfortable housing, erect a roof, foundation and walls.

There is enough a large number of thermal insulation samples. The most popular is basalt insulation, the size of its plates corresponds standard norms, during the installation process, it practically does not deform. Extruded polystyrene foam is an incredibly shrink-resistant raw material capable of transferring high pressure, does not absorb dust and moisture. With a thickness of 2-3 mm, it surpasses other samples in quality indicators. Mineral wool insulation is achieved due to air pores located in the space between the fibers.

Insulation with a solid base most often has a slab configuration. Their thickness can be different: the minimum value corresponds to 20 mm. Standard sizes slabs are equal to 1250x600. Some models have some differences in dimensions: 1000x600x50, 1000x500x30. Flexible versions of these sources are available in rolls different lengths, accordingly, the insignificant height of the product indicates its greater volume in such a bundle. Therefore, the dimensions can have the following coefficients: 9000x1220x50, 3900x1200x150.

Varieties of mineral insulation

  1. Fiberglass.

Such an insulator has a small mass, has soft cover and is absolutely safe for humans. It is made by melting glass, has elongated, massive fibers. Such insulation is produced in the form of rolls and slabs. Even under the influence of unfavorable external factors, glass fibers do not change their properties, dimensions and configurations.

Plates from this raw material are produced by gluing with synthetic resins. Rigid and semi-rigid bases differ in the following dimensions: 1000X1500X50-70 mm. Fiberglass strips and mats are in the form of bags, treated on both sides with glass wool and stitched with cotton threads. Such bases are most often used for pipeline insulation. The dimensions of the mats correspond to the following parameters: length - 1400, width - 500; 900; 1000 and 1500, thickness - 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 and 80 mm.

  1. Basalt heaters.

These insulators are made by melting basalt and similar minerals. Their outward signs are similar to fiberglass raw materials. The structure of basalt threads allows to reduce mechanical loads. The use of such samples in practice contributes to high-quality insulation of facades, walls, ceilings, pitched roofs... Basalt insulator does not allow moisture to penetrate into the room, does not allow extraneous sounds to pass through. Therefore, the premises are free of dampness and mold.

Taking into account the average values ​​of the heat-insulating material, their dimensions correspond to: 1200x600x100; 1000x600x100; 1200x600x50; 1000x600x50 mm. The difference in such indicators is determined by the dissimilarity of the requirements of each of the manufacturers, the standards of which may differ slightly.

  1. Mineral wool.

Mineral wool insulators are produced in the following variants: some are in the form of slabs, others are produced in the form of rolls.

Both tiles perform the same function, determined by the conditions of installation work. Insulation in the form of rolls is convenient for rooms with large areas.

To ensure convenience during the installation of thermal insulators, dimensions are set for each brand of product. The dimensions of mineral wool slabs are 1000-1200 mm in length and 500-600 mm in width.

Back to the table of contents

Polymer based materials

Heat insulators of this type are actively used in damp rooms. The lack of insulation from the category of polymers is the low degree of fire resistance.

  1. Expanded polystyrene foam.

Such insulators are composed of granules, the size of which corresponds to 2-8 mm and a fire retardant blowing agent. The weight of this type of insulation slabs is practically absent: lightweight blocks are freely cut to the required values. During the heating process, the granules expand in volume. A layer of this material laid on the surface with a height of 5 cm will provide high-quality insulation premises, hydro and sound insulation. Finished blocks of expanded polystyrene have a length of 800 cm to 6000 cm.The average width is 1200 mm.

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam.

Such material is produced in the form of slabs, their traditional sizes are: 1250x600. They are very easy to cut, easy to fit. Another name for this insulator is penoplex. Wanting to achieve high thermal insulation and absorption rates in your home extraneous noise, it is recommended to use thicker material. You can find out these values ​​from the markings on each of the packages: 15, 25 and 100.

A wonderful advantage of such plates is self-installation these samples. For indoor installation, sheets are often used, the thickness of which is 15 mm. A taller insulator contributes to a smaller room area. For this reason, its values ​​are determined by the dimensions of the insulated object.

The indicators of length and width for such slabs are standard: 60 cm and a length of 120-240 cm.

  1. Foamed polyethylene foam.

It is a heat-insulating material from the category of polymers, produced by foaming with chemical and physical blowing agents. When installing it, there is no need to use a vapor barrier layer. It is produced in the form of rolls, the width of which is equal to 0.5-1.5 meters, the thickness is from 2 to 15 mm.

  1. Polyurethane foam.

It looks like a non-melting plastic with a mesh base. It is used as insulation for windows, doors, roofs and external walls.

To insulate a house, special heat-insulating materials in the form of cotton wool are very often used (for example). Cotton wool for insulation is a soft and easy-to-process material that is easy to fit and perfectly fulfills its functions.

The most popular insulation materials with a similar structure are mineral wool and glass wool. However, although they have a similar design and scope of application, the very qualities of this type of insulation are slightly different from each other.

We will now deal with the consideration of the characteristics of mineral wool and glass wool.

1 General information

Cotton wool insulation is extremely useful and convenient in quality building materials... With their help, you can insulate structures of any type. This is especially true load-bearing structures small buildings. Here, materials like this are the best solution.

However, do not be fooled by comparing ordinary household cotton wool and wool insulation.

They are called so only because of the similar consistency with ordinary cotton wool, in fact, such heaters have an extremely high rates reliability. They are durable, almost impossible to break or damage. Such materials also cannot burn. This is due to their chemical formula.

If mineral wool is considered, then it is of two main types:

  • Stone;
  • Slag.

Stone wool is made from rocks. Basalt is used most often. This stone is crushed, remelted, and then saturated with special additives.

The result is a material that is quite interesting in its properties. Being quite light and airy, stone wool nevertheless perfectly resists loads, practically does not burn in a fire and has an extremely high durability.

Slag wool is in many ways similar to the previous type. But only if stone wool is created from basalt rocks, then slag is made from industrial slags. Therefore, it is slightly different from the standard stone one.

If we compare these two samples of mineral wool, then the unconditional leadership will be with the first option. Stone wool is better in all its characteristics, but it is also more expensive. By the way, it is practically not harmful.

However, the popularity of stone wool is difficult to overestimate, because it is from it that household insulation is most often made.

Glass wool is already a material of a slightly different order. It uses fiberglass, which stands out from broken glass. It is ground, then remelted and in conjunction with special chemical materials and fillers, it turns into a pretty good building material.

However, glass wool has its own characteristics, which we will consider below. Only after fully evaluating them can you make a decision about which material is best for you.

1.1 Properties of glass wool

So, let's turn to the specific properties of glass wool. As we have already said, it is produced from broken glass and small crystalline materials, similarly, which can no longer be used anywhere else.

Due to the rather long production process at the exit, manufacturers are able to produce fiberglass, which forms the basis of fiberglass insulation.

Fiberglass has a fairly strong structure and is usually 2-3 times longer than basalt wool fiber. This affects the strength of the roll or plate, because the longer the fibers, the closer they are intertwined.

Glass wool has excellent thermal conductivity, in this regard, it is even ahead of many other, simpler heaters.

At the same time, cotton wool is relatively easy to install, it can be cut at will, used for insulation of both civil and industrial buildings.

1.2 Disadvantages and features of working with glass wool

As for the shortcomings, here first of all it is necessary to take into account that it is possible to work with rolls of glass wool only in personal protection. This parameter is required.

The fact is that fiberglass retains its fragile crystal structure... Under strong pressure, it can collapse, releasing microscopic glass particles into the air. They settle on the skin, mucous membranes of a person, and can even get into the lungs.

Therefore, it is possible to work with glass wool only in full protection. It can be either gloves or goggles, plus you need a respirator. Ideally, a full protective suit or at least normal work clothing is needed.

Moreover, microscopic particles are almost impossible to notice without looking closely. At the same time, they cause allergies on the human skin, and getting into the lungs in large quantities, can cause various diseases.

Nothing really terrible will happen to you, but this is still a serious inconvenience, and this parameter should be taken into account.

It is also important to understand that fiberglass is inferior in durability to fibers, so it shrinks over time. And this already has a bad effect on the entire structure.

Glass wool is also capable of collecting water. It does this in extremely small quantities, but it is almost impossible to remove water from it, and when solidified, it only aggravates the performance of the already seriously crystallized fiberglass, which leads to its even greater fragility.

1.3 Pros and cons of glass wool

So, let's bring together all the above points in order to draw several conclusions on the subject under consideration.

Main pluses:

  • Low price;
  • The ability to cut cotton wool at will and lay it anywhere;
  • Does not burn in fire, reacts poorly to high temperatures;
  • Decent durability;
  • Easily bought at any store;
  • Low weight.

The main cons:

  • Takes up water;
  • Shrinks over time;
  • You can interact with cotton wool only in full protection, while observing clear safety rules.

As you can see, in addition to many advantages, glass wool also has many disadvantages. Moreover, the disadvantages are quite significant, especially if you personally have to carry out the insulation work. It is noticed that it has practically no effect.

2 Properties of mineral wool

We figured out the properties of glass wool, now we will consider the features of mineral wool. It is not for nothing that it is so often used in construction.

Minwata is probably the most popular building insulation the last decades. However, they have been using it for so long that it is difficult to remember.

Previously, mineral wool had many advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages could include weak density, the ability to insignificant shrinkage, the inability to withstand direct loads, etc.

She also did not experience contact with water in the best way. Plates or rolls, just like fiberglass, absorbed moisture, accumulating it inside. Only here the moisture had a different effect.

Because of it, the insulation became cold and damp, and then completely began to rot or mold. Fortunately, almost all of these shortcomings have been eliminated through the invention of new production technologies.

2.1 Advantages and disadvantages

Modern basalt wool is an extremely reliable thermal insulation material. In terms of thermal conductivity, it is even better than fiberglass. Basalt wool also weighs less than its glass wool counterpart, but here the difference is not so significant.

And modern manufacturers produce various samples of basalt wool. Occur as heavy slabs for thermal insulation flat roof or walls, and light, air slabs that can be easily mounted in slopes and practically do not weigh anything.

Therefore, you can easily choose an option for yourself that will be better suited for a given situation. Moreover, the variety of heaters on the market is so significant that you may even get confused when buying.

Modern samples of basalt wool are not afraid of water. Their absorption coefficient is 1-2%, which is a very good indicator. In fact, the part of the insulation immersed in water will not absorb a drop of liquid. It will simply drain from the material as soon as you take it out of the water.

Basalt mineral wool also does not burn in the fire. This is already its unique feature. Moreover, studies by builders have shown that basalt wool can be burned without fear. gas burner... And it will burn only in the place of direct contact with fire.

No damage from exposure to high temperatures is observed at all. You can put your hands on the other side of the stove without feeling the temperature rise at all.

Also note that the basalt insulation is not eaten by rodents or insects. It is much easier to work with it too. Roughly speaking, cotton wool is completely safe for humans, and you can lay it with your own hands.

As for the disadvantages, only the high price can be noted here. Indeed, the price of basalt wool is at a very decent level. In fact, it is considered the highest of all competitors.

The second point is unwanted use mineral wool boards for thermal insulation of baths, bathrooms, etc. Of course, the water absorption of modern cotton wool is at a very low level, but the situation is different with wet steam.

Here it is already better not to risk it, because in the aggressive conditions of the bath, cotton wool will nevertheless be prone to a gradual accumulation of liquid.

Let us now bring together all these pros and cons, forming a complete list of parameters.

Main pluses:

  • Convenience and ease of installation;
  • Light weight;
  • Environmental friendliness, safety for health;
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Vapor permeable;
  • Has a high density;
  • Does not burn in fire;
  • Excellent thermal conductivity.

The main cons:

  • High price;
  • It is not advisable to use it for bath insulation.

2.2 So what is the best buy?

As you can see, glass wool differs from basalt wool, although their standard indicators are almost the same.

But if you start a dense comparison, then mineral wool is still better in terms of thermal conductivity and density. It does not shrink, does not take in water so much and, which is extremely important, is absolutely safe for humans.

On the side of her glass wool low price and optimal properties.

If we talk about specific solutions, then we recommend taking basalt wool. In almost everything it is better than fiberglass insulation. And the price, although higher, fully justifies the money spent.

If you don't have enough money, then you can turn to glass wool, but here you need to be careful.

2.3 Glass wool production process (video)