Thermal insulation of houses with polystyrene plastics pros and cons. Construction: Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) .Pros, cons of polystyrene and permanent formwork from it

A lot has been written about insulation with polystyrene and expanded polystyrene. There is a lot of information on specialized forums, heated debates are often observed, smoothly turning into harsh expressions. Opponents and admirers of polystyrene find the pros and cons of this material, they are ready to break anyone who does not agree with their opinion.

And in this moment, one curious tendency is noticed: if someone gives a specific negative example, then there will certainly be someone who, under similar conditions, did not notice negative consequences... For example, the effect of a thermos is imputed to foam, when the wall does not "breathe". And this high humidity in a house or apartment, mold, fungus, suffocation, etc. But there will always be someone who will write on the same forum that he does not have all this, although the house is insulated in the same way, with the same material, and enough years have passed to draw conclusions and comments.

It turns out that the foam itself chooses whom to give a plus, and to whom to hang a disadvantage? Of course not. It's just that each case is purely individual. For example, the presence high-quality ventilation in the house solves the problem of humidity. The tightness of windows, doors, roofs is also important. Many have noticed that already in the first season after installation plastic windows the humidity rises - the tightness has become much higher than with the old wooden windows... The situation is similar with foam insulation: the house turns into a thermos, where the heat really stays longer, but several negative consequences can also take place.

Pros of Styrofoam

  • Ease of installation. Indeed, there are no special problems during installation. Apply an adhesive mixture to the surface, stick the board to the wall and fix it with a dowel, plaster a new wall surface - it's not so difficult. Spatula, tape measure, carpentry knife and drill - that's the whole list the necessary tool... Do-it-yourself foam insulation is often considered if the installation needs to be carried out for a one-story building.
  • Installation speed. Based on the simplicity of the work performed, the speed for all actions is very decent. For example, 20 m 2 walls can be completely insulated in an average of 1.5 days. This is taking into account all necessary work: from the installation of foam boards to plastering and painting.
  • A light weight and convenient dimensions. The dimensions are large enough, which pleases. Most often they use 1000 * 1000 mm, but there are other forms: 1000 * 1200, 1000 * 2000 mm. The advantage of size can be shown by comparing foam blocks with ordinary bricks: installing just one block takes little time, while several bricks will have to be laid in the volume of one block and much more time. Lightweight is also important indicator- the walls and foundation of a house or apartment will not feel the load.
  • Long service life. Styrofoam is often accused of rapid destruction. To some extent, this is true, but we are talking about insulation, which ends with external finishing. Foam boards do not come into direct contact with ultraviolet light and moisture, therefore, they can last a long time.
  • If you believe the reviews on the network, then the insulation can be of high quality. We put an emphasis - maybe. Because many do not like this option and many did not feel a noticeable difference before and after installing the plates.

Cons of material

  • Polyfoam is flammable. In one of the articles we conducted an experiment - we set fire to the foam. Yes, it's hard to do it with one match. But if, God forbid, there is a fire in the house, the foam insulation can completely disappear. Moreover, during combustion, poisonous pungent smoke is emitted, which is unpleasant and dangerous for people.
  • The mechanical strength is extremely low. If desired and possible, try with your hand to lightly press on the insulation - even under a layer of plaster, it will bend inward. If, in the conditions of an apartment, you need to purposefully try to spoil appearance, then in a private house there are plenty of situations that will lead to damage.
  • Styrofoam is a godsend for rodents. Well, that pulls them to use granules of material for their nests and that's it. If this is not always relevant for an apartment, then in private houses it is possible that rodents will not find out about gratuitous material for their needs.

Instead of a conclusion

It is obvious that attempts to find the perfect insulation that would not have flaws have not been crowned with success to date. Each type of insulation, including foam, has pros and cons. Also, a lot depends on the sum of additional factors: the material from which the walls of a house or apartment are built, the presence or absence of high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation, installation method and exterior decoration after warming. Perhaps among you, dear readers, there are those who cannot get enough of the foam insulation of their home. But these lines can also be read by those who already regret that at one time they decided to insulate themselves with foam. It is difficult to advise anything, as you can run into an accusation of subjectivity. The house where the author of the article lives was only recently insulated and, as you understand, no pros or cons were noticed. Time will show..

After the construction of a house, many developers are faced with the issue of thermal insulation, in order to minimize heat loss, they increasingly began to use such facade insulation like expanded polystyrene. It is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of using this building material in order to decide for yourself whether you need to use it in the insulation of your home.

Pros of expanded polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene is used in different areas life: both as a heater, and as a packaging material, and in the production of disposable tableware and in many other areas. In construction, expanded polystyrene is more often used as insulation, which is an intermediate layer in building structures... Expanded polystyrene plates are glued to the material of structures, which can be concrete, from the outside of the building, and from above they are covered with a layer ordinary plaster... In European countries, this insulation is very common, according to Western builders, expanded polystyrene cuts heat loss by three times.

Expanded polystyrene is also increasingly used as a permanent formwork in the construction of foundations. In this capacity, it is both formwork and insulation. When using expanded polystyrene as formwork, it is possible to construct a building of a very complex architecture, since there is a variety of ready-made expanded polystyrene blocks on the market different forms and sizes. On the formwork made of expanded polystyrene, a protective layer of plaster or brick must be applied. For gluing the blocks, glue is used, the basis of which is cement.

This material does not collapse upon contact with gypsum or cement, but drying oil, varnishes, oil products, organic solvents severely damage and even dissolve the structure of expanded polystyrene. It is strongly influenced by atmospheric phenomena: rains, direct Sun rays... Insulation polystyrene foam has average sound insulation, fungi and mold do not grow on its surface.

Cons of expanded polystyrene.

But there are also downsides to using this material. Firstly, expanded polystyrene is flammable, no matter how the manufacturers of this material claim. It consists entirely of chemical substances and during combustion it releases harmful toxins, even when heated above 30 degrees, the oxidation process begins. The case of human poisoning during the combustion of expanded polystyrene is known to everyone: in 2009, the Lame Horse club suffocated a large number of people, although it was not extruded polystyrene foam that was used there, but packaging foam of a much poorer quality.

High-quality and protected polystyrene foam has a service life of more than 30 years. For facade insulation the best choice there will be PSB-S - self-extinguishing expanded polystyrene not lower than grade 40. Despite all the disadvantages, this is a very effective and inexpensive insulation, but, no matter how the manufacturers assure us, insulate them indoor spaces not worth it.


Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is a product obtained from polystyrene and other components.

The most basic advantage of this material is that it is very cheap. From thermal insulation materials it is by far the cheapest.

Other benefits of foam:

  • It can be used both for insulation inside buildings and outside.
  • Perfectly insulates foundations.
  • Not afraid of moisture, has a low specific gravity.
  • An excellent thermal insulator, for example 1 cm of foam replaces 23 cm of brickwork.
  • Interacts well with other materials.
  • Most cheap stuff from heaters.

Polyfoam is also the thinnest insulation, and only penoizol, which is sprayed on the surface, can be a competitor to it. However, only professional builders, while foam can be installed as a finish by anyone on their own.

In addition, the material is very light, which will not affect the severity of the building as a whole and will help save on the foundation. Also in construction, sheet polystyrene is more often used, but sometimes balls and chips are used.

Where can you use

A versatile material that can be used to insulate any surfaces:

  1. Roofs and walls.
  2. Floor and basement.
  3. Industrial buildings and residential buildings.

it one of the most simple ways insulation, so many people use foam. The house will become comfortable and warm, and the insulation itself is very reliable. The installation work itself and the material are inexpensive, so if you wish, you can hire a team of workers for these purposes.

For wall insulation, foam sheets are often used, and chips or balls are taken for the roof. The floor and basement are often insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.

Other Foam Conveniences

  • The lightest material for independent work with it.
  • It can be cut with a hacksaw, knife.
  • It lends itself to curly cutting and you can make a hole in it, if there is such a need. Most often this is required if windows with cornices or decorative views are insulated.
  • Styrofoam is glued to any surface and is perfectly subject to additional processing, such as painting or plastering.

Negative qualities

One of the negative qualities so far lies in environmental friendliness of the product... The thing is that heated foam produces styrene, which not only affects the functioning of internal organs, but also changes the composition of the blood. And when burning, foam generally becomes dangerous. As a result of combustion, it produces phosgene gas, which is considered a weapon of mass destruction. That is why, where the risk of fire is high, experts do not recommend using foam as insulation.

It is especially important to know this when insulating ventilated facades, since voids will intensify combustion, which means that due to the draft of air, the fire will disperse more. Moreover, expanded polystyrene after a while can emit bad smell... The material ages, so the effect of aging of the material may appear in the house. It is best to use Styrofoam for external insulation building or foundation.

When insulating a bath, do not forget about the ability of polystyrene to change the smell from heating, therefore it is better to use it as a heater outside or prefer mineral wool.

Also, mice start in the foam, so wooden building may suffer. Also, it is not advised to use it on walls that need to breathe, and structures that have not been subjected to chamber drying. The vapor permeability of the material is poor.

What you need to know when insulating a house outside and inside

To insulate a house inside, you need to know several features, for example:

  • Sheets should be no more than 30 mm in thickness.
  • Better to make the sheet perforated so that it sticks to the surface. To do this, you can roll it with a needle roller;
  • The glue must be applied to the entire sheet without voids.
  • To level the walls, use moisture-proof mixtures.
  • For safety reasons, it is better to prefer a material with a fireproof coating.

When insulating external facades, it also has its own characteristics, so carefully study the rules before starting work.

There are also nuances for exterior decoration, they consist of successive stages:

  1. For correct installation install the profile.
  2. Apply glue to the foam.
  3. Glued to the surface with dowels.
  4. Reinforcing corner pieces are being installed.
  5. Reinforce and apply a decorative protective layer.

Installation of this insulation is quick and does not require the use of additional equipment. Unlike mineral wool does not settle in the lungs and on the skin. In addition, it has a low cost. Be sure to entrust the work to professionals if you do not have the skills to install insulation.

Failure to comply with the standards can lead to dampness and the appearance of mold. To prevent mice from living, you can use a small metal mesh... There are a lot of opportunities on how to improve polystyrene and make it a high-quality insulation. The main thing is that even the installation of this material will be cheaper, like it itself, in contrast to the installation of other heat-insulating materials.

All the pros and cons of the material as insulation were considered, and it is up to the buyer to purchase it or another product.

Expanded polystyrene is one of the most common heat-insulating materials, which has a gas-filled structure and is produced from polystyrene and its components.

To date, this insulation, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, has managed to gain universal recognition. It is used to insulate houses, loggias, garages and much more. This is explained by the fact that expanded polystyrene has many advantages. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Advantages of expanded polystyrene

Indeed, expanded polystyrene against the background of many others insulation materials looks pretty good. Let's explain why this happens.

Poor heat transfer. This allows it to be left indoors.

Not afraid of moisture. Even if the polystyrene foam is exposed to rain for several days, it will remain completely dry.

Despite the artificial origin, it allows the insulated structure or structure to breathe;
It is not subject to decay and is not affected by fungus.

It can serve as an excellent sound insulator, as it muffles the sound well, over time the material retains its former appearance: not deformed or destroyed, not radioactive.

Of course, like anyone else building material Styrofoam has some disadvantages. Fortunately, there are not so many of them.

Disadvantages of expanded polystyrene. What you need to pay attention to

Afraid of some solvents. These include benzene or dichloroethane.

The porous material can be damaged by rodents. In it, they can make small holes and build passages.

Combustible. However, today the producers of expanded polystyrene have solved this problem as well. They treat it with special anti-flammable solutions. Such copies are easily distinguished from ordinary ones: they have special markings on them.

These are the main disadvantages and nuances that you should pay or focus on. As you can see, there are not so many shortcomings. It should be noted that expanded polystyrene is also in demand due to its low selling price.

Another important plus, it is quite simple to insulate the floor or walls with this material. This does not require special knowledge or skills. It turns out that you can save a lot on the services of the construction team.

We add that expanded polystyrene is produced in the form of sheets. Their size can be different, for example, 60: 120 or 50: 100.

Many people use polystyrene foam as insulation for building facades. Today, foam insulation is one of the most popular types of insulation, which is widely used both in mass construction and in individual construction.

In our today's material, we will find out what are the pros and cons of this type of insulation, how effective the foam is and how you can insulate the facade with foam yourself.

Features of foam

The structure of the foam is a foamed mass, where the bulk of the mass of the board is air. Thereby the density of this material is much lower than the density of the raw material from which it is produced. Great amount air in the structure of the material is its undoubted plus, in addition:

The material has a different density depending on the raw material, it also affects the level mechanical strength... The higher the density of the structure, the less air inside the material, respectively, heat insulating properties will be worse, but at the same time the material will withstand more mechanical stress.

When insulating foam boards depending on the level of strength, they are applied in this way:

  • plates with a minimum strength indicator should be combined with insulation with a maximum level of protection against mechanical damage;
  • plates with low strength are best installed for insulation when frame method installation of supporting structures;
  • if the boards are of greater strength, protection against mechanical damage will be provided without a frame, but it must still be installed in addition to the insulation.

Where and how can foam be used for insulation?

The areas of application of foam for insulation are as follows:

However, it is worth noting that one of the disadvantages of such a heater is that even if it has high level density, it is not strong enough. That's why it is not recommended to use it for internal insulation walls that go out into the street, except for the cases when they will be insulated with it from the outside.

When insulating the foundation with foam, the slabs must be protected from soil pressure and other loads that may occur during frost heaving. If you equip the walls with polystyrene and in that case you can limit yourself to installing a reinforcing mesh and a layer of plaster, then when equipping the basement, you need to additionally provide a brick tub or wooden formwork for protection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Styrofoam

Like other types of insulation, polystyrene has both its pros and cons. There are more advantages, let's find out what they are:

Also, the material has the following disadvantages:

  • limited mechanical strength;
  • the need to install additional protection against damage;
  • does not allow air to pass through;
  • easily destroyed due to exposure to a variety of dyes.

Features of insulation with foam

If you plan to insulate the outer walls with foam, they become multi-layered. When constructing a multilayer-type wall, such points should be taken into account so that later you do not have operational problems:

How to insulate the roof with foam plastic?

The roof is perhaps the only place in a house where foam insulation will be the best in comparison with other types. The advantages of such a roof solution are:

Also, if you have chosen this type of insulation, remember that non-residential premises should be insulated on both sides. In addition, foam will be indispensable for roof insulation, especially based on materials such as:

  • professional sheet;
  • ondulin;
  • metal tile.

Features of warming the facade of the building with the help of foam plastic do it yourself

Residents of large cities prefer to call a team of specialists for this purpose, especially those who live on the upper floors and work is supported by the height. However, if you live on the ground floor or outside the city, you can also insulate the facade with your own hands.

Remember that severe delays in work should not be allowed otherwise, the foam may get wet or bad weather will negatively affect the quality of the material.

The list of tools for work will be as follows:

  • hammer;
  • even and notched trowels;
  • knife for cutting slabs;
  • disc dowels;
  • foam plates (expanded polystyrene);
  • reinforced mesh;
  • primer;
  • basement profile;
  • facade putty;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • for expanded polystyrene - special glue.

The sequence of actions will look like this:

  • we prepare the surface of the walls, remove the protrusions and seal the cracks;
  • we create a basement profile;
  • we lay the plates;
  • close up the seams;
  • we will plaster the facade.

Now let's look at all the stages of work in more detail.

Preparatory work and installation of the basement profile

Make sure the wall is perfectly level. Slight differences are allowed no more than 2 cm.When the wall area is cleaned, it needs prime or process using a concrete contact. If you use polystyrene boards instead of foam, they need to be processed. On the one hand, they need to be made slightly rough with a special roller.

In order for the installation of slabs along the entire facade to be even, you need beat off zero level round so that the first row of slabs lies in a horizontal position. In addition, the basement profile serves as protection and does not allow all kinds of rodents to get to the slabs. Do not neglect the installation of a basement profile.

It should be installed using a level. Mark the zero point on the facade around the entire perimeter of the profile attachment. Then all the points are tied into one with a chopping cord.

We lay the slabs on the walls

Now you can start gluing the slabs to the façade and reinforce them with disc dowels. Use special glue on styrofoam boards. It should be applied in even layers with a notched trowel on the slab or on the wall itself.

Laying should start with door or window slopes, then installs the first row, the position of which is guaranteed by the plinth profile. Later the plates are staggered, pay attention to the density of their fixation. After finishing work expanded polystyrene plates fastened with dowels.

Styrofoam is also attached with dowels, this is done like this:

  • wait at least a day until the glue dries;
  • drive the dowels into the corners, at the joints of several plates, one dowel will be enough to fix three sheets;
  • the first dowel must be driven into the center of the slab, and the rest at their corners.

It is imperative to seal the seams, thanks to this you will avoid the ingress of cold air in the gaps between the foam plates. If the gaps are too large, they are closed. polyurethane foam, and small ones can simply be covered with plaster.

Moving on to the plaster. If applied to a surface without a reinforced mesh, it will not adhere to the foam. The grid needs to be leveled without a long break because the glue sets almost instantly. In order for the mesh to be completely covered with plaster, the insulation must be covered.

The final coat should be applied after the first coat is completely dry. A smooth trowel is used for application. Take any paint that is intended for outdoor structures. It is best to apply it to the facade with a foam roller.

To sum up, the foam, of course, has more advantages than disadvantages as a heater. It perfectly keeps warm inside the room, does not create loads on the foundation, does not get wet, has good thermal conductivity and is affordable for everyone.

But remember that when internal use such insulation it can give off an unpleasant odor, also polystyrene refers to materials that are unstable in terms of fire, and in terms of environmental friendliness, this material is not the best.

Therefore, the most the best option the use of such material is foam insulation of facades, roofs and non-residential buildings on both sides.