Homemade viper flowers how to care for. What should be the external environment for violet? Size pot and material

Violets - one of the most charming and beautiful indoor plantswho have long used well-deserved popularity in home flower growing. Botanical name of indoor violets - Senpolia in honor of the name of the discoverer. Back in the XIX century, Baron Walter von Saint-Paul, which at that time was the governor of East Africa, for a walk accidentally found unknowns very beautiful flowers. Thanks to him, the seeds were sent to Germany, where they were successfully grouped. After the exhibition of colors about the unearthly beauty and perfection of violet, he learned the whole world.

In 1893, for the first time, the room violet was demonstrated at a flower exhibition of an international scale in Ghent, where the plant caused great interest and was recognized as the best novelty.

Biological Description

SENPOLIA vi-colored, widely known as the violet Uzambarskaya (room), belongs to the genus Senpairia of the Gesnery family. In natural conditions, plants grow along rivers and near the waterfalls in the area of \u200b\u200bUzambar Mountains, which are located on the border of the two East African states of Tanzania and Kenya.

Homemade violet is described as a perennial evergreenhaving:

  • surface root system;
  • shortened juicy stem;
  • the root rosette of the leaves;
  • long stuffs;
  • covered with versinkami, leathery, wide-oval shape with a slightly pointed top plate plates up to 8 cm;
  • numerous small flowers collected in inflorescences-brushes;
  • a cup, folded from 5 cups;
  • fruit in the form of a box with small seeds.

Homemade violets relate to long-term indoor crops. If you provide a flower suitable lighting and proper care, it will bloom at least 9-10 months a year.

Varietal variety

In the middle of the 20th century, about a hundred varieties of these room plants were derived, and today they are already more than 30 thousand, with domestic - about 2 thousand. And every year, due to the careful work of breeders, the varietality is growing rapidly.

For convenience, the variety is classified into groups, so when describing the varietal violet, the type, color, flower shape, type and color of leaves, and the size of the plants are noted.


Flowers with a diameter of 3 to 8 cm - simple, semi-grade or terry, and the petals themselves both in size and different sizes can be corrugated, wavy, fringe.

Coloring petals can be like a monophonic snow-white, soft pink, pale blue and saturated-blue, red, burgundy, purple and two and multicolor. Flowers of many varieties have a border of another color or stripes, stains, splashing various shades. On one plant can bloom from several tens to hundreds of flowers.


Most plants have a sheet of leaf from light to dark green, although there are other variations such as pure white, with border or motley with different patterns. Inner side The sheet may differ from the external, sometimes radically, for example, to have a purple color.

The edge of the leaf plate is solid or with jar, wavy or corrugated. The surface is smooth or with pronounced in-depth residents, and according to the destruction of the lowland, the smooth, rarely or densely-handed.

By type of sheet plates, "boys" and "girls" are distinguished. The main difference between the "floors" in color: Boy has a uniform green color, and the GIRL is distinguished by the presence of a light spot at the base of the sheet.

The size

On average, the violet with the diameter of the rosette of the leaves varies from 20 to 40 cm, although there are miniature varieties of only 5-6 cm, as well as giants - 40-60 cm. Ampelnaya species having a magnificent foliage, which falls through the edge of the pot.

With age, some varietal violets may appear on the petals, which was not at first flowering.

Chimera violets

Chimera violets are considered the most unusual, fantasy and expensive, the result of the painstaking work of experienced breeders. Experts receive grades by experimental way, multiplying and planting up to 1 thousand copies, and after selecting flowers that are suitable for a description of Himer.

The chimera is easy to learn on the petals with beautiful patterns. The abundance of color just fascinates. Such exclusive plants do not multiply in a vegetative way, since subsequent generations completely lose signs of varieties.

In addition, chimeras are characterized by increased exposure to various diseases and damage to pests. Such varieties require increased attention and careful care. Although to admire such beauty to keep all the rules for their cultivation. Exclusive homemade chimer violets are real treasures for collectors.

Today, breeders work on the aroma of indoor violets, as their wild relatives, unfortunately, do not exude almost no smell.

Features of care

Caring for violets is quite bright, but multiple lighting. The duration of the daytime should be 11-13 hours, so in winter Plants are usually shoved by artificial lighting (phytolambamps, daylight lamps). Flowers are not transferred direct exposure Sun rays, and also do not like drafts.

The optimal temperature regime is about 20 ° C, the humidity is not lower than 50-60%. Watering is needed regular, but moderate, and it is necessary to ensure that the moisture is not stored. The mooring can lead to root rotting. Watered only with estate water room temperature or a little warmer.

Feed violets by universal fertilizers 1-2 times a month, especially in the period of growth and flowering. Every year the plants transplant, usually in spring.

The blurred buds and damaged leaves are removed if necessary. Flowers also need prophylactic inspections, as sufficiently susceptible to various diseases of fungal etiology (gray rot, black leg, etc.). From pests are most common mealybug and TLL.

At home, the flowers are successfully multiplied with sheet cuttings, part of the sheet plate or child sockets.

Room Filieca - This decoration of any house, which gives its owner the joy and the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions.

Room violet is so beautiful and a gentle plant that even prejudices about threatening loneliness will not interfere with it. For some reason, the opinion was found that the flower had excessive female energy, and it would not allow its owner to find a couple.

Fortunately, most of the lovers of home plants do not pay attention to the conspiracle and enjoy the violet on the windowsill. In gratitude those bloom round year, glading eyes bright inflorescences All shades of rainbow.

Phials, or Saintpolia, from the Filk family decorate the interior of houses around the world, but their homeland is Africa. There, flowers grow along the river bed and near the waterfalls, as they like high humidity.

Straight sunlight Doodle for fleshy leaves of the plant, so it is low to be able to hide under the branches of trees and shrubs. The flower grows in the shape of a socket. Its diameter ranges from 6 to 60 cm.

The bathroom is best feels on the window emerging to the East or North when bright sun Does not burn leaves and inflorescences.

In nature, the plant breeds with the help of rhizomes and fruits filled with seeds. At home, the cut sheet is placed in a jar with water and after he gave roots, transplanted it into a moistened land.

The velvety leaves of the plant have an oval shape with smooth or served edges. Currently, breeders brought several tens of thousands of violets with a variety of colors.

Popular varieties and types of domestic violets

Choosing a room plant, many pay attention primarily on the beauty and shade of inflorescence. Classic laid laid flower or blue-violent. Warranty varieties are distinguished by small flowers with five petals and a yellow core. Fashionable derived species of sensipolines are characteristic of terry, carbon black and tricolor petals.

Indoor violets are divided into varieties in the form and color of leaves and flowers, size of sockets and flowers and the degree of their terrain.

To the most famous species The following varieties are related.

  1. Star.It has a symmetrical layout of flower petals with a cut and a light middle.
  2. Pansies.With a gear edging of terry petals and a contrasting car for their edge.
  3. Bell. Different to the base of the petals that create an elevated terrain effect are distinguished.
  4. Bowl. With unreleased petals of various shapes and shades, it was named thanks to the end of the dissolved oblong flowers.

Once in a flower shop and seeing the variety of violets, it will not work out on one plant. It is good, since violets love to grow surrounded by the fellow.

If the plant takes the windowsill on the right side of the light, its pot is filled suitable soiland watering regular and matches the established mode, it will grow well and delight the owner lush blossom. The violet does not require complex care at home.

Location Torch

If the windows of the apartment go to the south or west side, then for the cultivation of violet on them it is necessary to hang blinds. Drafts and sharp change of temperature flower also does not tolerate, so it is impossible to place a pot on the contrary.

Gentle violet will die if the conditions of content are rudely broken.

Air humidity

In the homeland, violets grow well not far from the waterfalls, as they like moisture. When water splashes are dissipated in the air, the perfect habitat is created for them.

The leaves of violets will become juicy, and the flower will be strong and healthy, if put in the room or mini-fountain. The last element of the interior, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, brings harmony and prosperity to the house. It is true for violet.


The flower should stand on the windowsill to get the light needed for growth. Morning sun - best option For violet, so the eastern side is fine. For uniform growth of the outlet, the pot needs to be moved, as the leaflets from the side closest to the window will begin to appear much faster than the rest.

It is not necessary to organize a flower with a special backlight, because in nature the violets are hiding in the shade of trees and they are satisfied with scattered light.

To understand that the location of the pot is chosen correctly, will help monitor the growth and flowering of the plant. In case of error, the flowers will rarely appear.

Water violet, like the rest of the home plants, follows a well-defined room temperature. Due to the fact that water flows into water pipes after filtration and purification, it contains various chemical additives. The main part of them evaporates after 8-10 hours, but it is better to use water for watering plants in a day after filling the jug.

Through pallet

This method is common among the flower water. Watering through the pallet is suitable for violet, as water is guaranteed not to fall on her leaves. Any drops that fall on the flower should be blocked immediately.

Water is poorly evaporated with velvety leaves, and even its insignificant amount will lead to the appearance dark spots and plant disease. In addition, malicious fungi and pests are becoming in humid soil.

Pour into the pallet water should be waited to make it absorb. If the top of the Earth in the pot has not darkened, you should repeat the procedure. As soon as the moisture ceases to be absorbed, its residues from the pallet pour.


Watering from above should be carried out with a fine trickle so that the splashes do not fall on the leaves and the trunk of the flower. It is necessary to pour water to the drying soil until it is absorbed from the drain holes. Having waited when the excess moisture is in the pallet, water from it should be merged.

Many flower products prefer this method for watering violets. It allows you to evenly moisten the earth, which is important for a tropical plant.

By diving

Another way of watering through the pallet lies in the premises a pot with a flower in the water until the Earth dars from moisture. This method is dangerous in that plants infected with pests, immersed in the same water capacity, will be exchanged by the disputes of malicious fungi.


It should be noted immediately noted that not all varieties of violets perceive a wick watering method. It does not fit for plants in pots, more than 8 cm high.

The technique of a wrapal watering is to accommodate a water container with water that does not concern the bottom of the pot. It puts the end of a rolled piece of pieces of matter in it, and its second part is inserted through the drainage hole in the pot. The violet regulates moisture consumption and is always in sufficiently moistened soil.

Choosing soil

Specialized departments sell packages with land intended for different species Plants. There is such a substrate for violets. It contains at least 50% humus, moss or peat and sand. Such a composition will allow the flower to develop normally and form buds.

The violet completely depletes the soil in 2 years, so after this period of time it must be transferred to the fresh soil, gently blocking the roots of the remnants of the Earth.

All the big pot is not needed a plant, otherwise it will be in growth and will not bloom. Popular flower is compact, it has a neat root system. Since it grows over the surface, the container should not be deep. Pests are breeding in surplus land, so the choice is worth stopping in a potted with a diameter of 2-3 times less than the fatket socket.

Cute pots from ceramics and clays are well suited for planting plants. The drawing on them can be chosen in color gammaclose to the inflorescence of SENPOLIA.

In light plastic pots, the plant also takes on, if you do drainage holes in them for the root system air exchange. They are put in ceramic kashpo or wrapping paper with a bright ornament.

Fertilizers and feeding

If the violet ceases to bloom and looks downward, adding to water for watering fertilizers containing nitrogen, instantly changes the situation. In the spring, these additives are necessary, since because of a short luminous day, the plant weakens and needs feeding.

You can use complex fertilizers or organics. It is impossible to make them in dry soil so as not to burn the roots of the flower. If the ground is dry, the violet is first watered ordinary waterand then containing useful substances.

Also, the plant will gratefully perceive additives in the form of phosphorus-potash feeding. Carefully calculated the dose of their addition, it will be possible to avoid the accelerated growth of the outlet to the damage to flowering. Violets are enough unpretentious plantsTherefore, the lack of fertilizers in the ground is better than their excess.

Replant viqu better spring or in the fall. In the summer, he will be interfered with increased temperature, and in winter - lack of light.

There are several reasons why the plant should be transferred to another pot.

  1. Soil infection by pests or the appearance of white plaque on it.
  2. The growth of the flower and the formation of additional formed sockets.
  3. Soil depletion.
  4. Obediently sealing root system and cessation of plant growth, despite the feeding.
  5. The transplant of the newly acquired plant from the temporary pot into the clay.

First of all, it is necessary to moisten the soil of the transplant plant so that it is easily removed from the previous capacity. On the bottom of the new pot, it is necessary to pour a layer of claympsite for drainage, and on top of it the soil for violets. It should also be poured so as not to damage the flower root transplant.

Carefully drove the flower and clearing it from the lumps of the earth, it must be placed in another pot and add the missing land on top. After that, the plant is watered so that it quickly gothes.

For a month after the transplant, the violet is not worth stepping, as it gets used to changing the soil and can be reacted to feed. The flowering plant is also undesirable to transfer to a new pot, as it spends all the strength to form buds and colors.

Rules trimming

Removal of leaves is usually associated with the formation of a symmetrical outlet and a flower rejuvenation. Lower layer of leaves is always removed. It is more convenient to make a sharp knife or razor, gently cutting off the leaves at the base.

When the trunk of the plant begins to resemble palm, the violet is required to rejuvenate. It is better to do the procedure with a flavored violet. Otherwise, at first it should be removed all the blooms, and then the scalpel or razor cut off the top of the plant and clean the rest of the trunk. Putting it into a jar with water, wait until the flower gives the roots and move it into the fresh soil.

Violets with all unpretentiousness need attention and care at home due to the possible advent of pests and diseases.

When watering irrigated and excessive soil moisture, the violet is often striking brown or root rot. It is caused by fungi, developing in the ground. Brown rot is more dangerous, as ungiven plants standing on nearby nearby.

Root rotes strikes the roots of violets, because of which it should be immediately removed from the pot, clean the injured areas of the root system and move to another soil. If the pot remains the same, it is necessary to hide it and rinse with disinfecting agents. As prophylactic measures, the flowers are treated with antifungal drugs and reduce irrigation frequency.

Puffy dew also often affects violets. Spore fungus falls on the leaves of soil and cause the formation of tiny white lumps. They are removed to the toothpick, and especially affected leaves are cut off.

The most dangerous disease is fuzariosis. It negatively affects both the roots and the leaves of the plant. Root system softens, and stalks become watery and soon die away.

If one flower got sick, it is necessary to isolate it immediately from the rest. Treatment and prevention lies in watering violets once a month with phytosporin solution.

Dark spots on the leaves cause bronze and phytoofluorosis virus. In both cases, the affected leaves should be removed, and the plant is treated with antifungal drug.

Such pests of violets, as trips and mushrooms of SCIARID, are applied tangible harm to plants. They can be struggling with special means and regulating the irrigation mode.

How to care for violets in winter

In the cold season, the growth of violets is inhibited, so it is necessary to water it less often. Adding feeding should also be reduced to once a month. In winter, the light day is very short, and the flower requires lighting at least 11 hours a day. Installation over the pots with violets of several lamps will help them successfully overreim and meet the spring healthy and strong.

If the window, near which the violets are, it is supposed to be discovered for airing, the flowers are better removed from it. Frosty air burns leaves, like straight sun rays.

Motherland violets - Tropics, because of which it does not tolerate drafts and temperatures below 20 ° C.


Rooming violet was so loved by people, which turned almost into the mandatory element of the decor of the house. The photo of flowering plants causes joy and pleasure, and the small room of the greenhouse on the windowsill will create comfort and comfort. Grow violets, learn the names of new varieties and add them to existing colors often becomes a real hobby.

In many countries, it is believed that the violet allows you to create atmosphere atmosphere of love and harmony. Gentle flower With bright inflorescences actually looks joyful. Tropical plant brings to the house a particle of heat and well-being, demanding instead only proper care.

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The violet belongs to the genus (Violaceae). This is a small plant with velvet, round leaves, with a low growth point. Flowers of classical violet also have velvet texture, the color is diverse: from white, to bright purple. This plant grows mainly in the northern hemisphere, in the mountains. The violet prefers a moderate climate. In modern flower growing, this plant took one of the first places.

This is not by chance, because few people can stay indifferent to a small, velvet, cute flower. There are more than 500 species of violets in the world. Follow the window with abundantly blooming films with flowers - an almost impossible to an amateur. The violet is an extraordinarily romantic, touching flower suitable for exquisite, thin nature.

Violet: care

When choosing a place of position for violets, you must give preference to well sanctified windows, but, in no case can you get direct rays. It is detrimental to the plant, from direct rays the leaves can get burns.

Well suited northwest windows. If there is no choice, and you have all the southern windows, you need to cover violets during the midday solstice.

The optimal temperature for the content of violets is +20, +24 degrees.

The plant is blooming throughout the year, and the breaks in flowering in violet practically does not happen. With proper care, it will delight you abundant blossom all year round The blurred flowers must be removed so that they do not take the nutrients from the plant and did not spoil decorative View violets.

Violet: watering

When leaving for violets, it is necessary to pay special attention. This process occurs far from many other indoor plants. It is very important that watering violets be carried out from below.

Water from above, like ordinary flowers, this plant is impossible. Otherwise, the violet simply starts rot. Water should be warm, 28-30 degrees, and well-defined.

If water is room temperature, it must be heated a bit, for example, with the help of a microwave. In a deep bowl or pallet, water is poured, and the pot with violet falls into it on 2/3, but, in no case, water should not be blocked through the edges of the pot.

When the flower is saturated with water, the earth will become wet, pull the pallet violet.

Such manipulations need to be carried out more than once a week and after the earthen comes.

Violet: transplant

The transplant must be carried out from the choice of pot. The violet loves small, low tanks, but in too small pots the leaves of violets will be very small.

The optimal size of the tank is 10-12 cm. In diameter, and 10 cm. Height. For violets, good drainage is needed, it should take no less than 1/3 pot. The land can be used both special for sensipoly and violet, as well as the usual with the addition of a small amount of charcoal.

The violet requires an annual transplant. It is necessary to change the land once a year, but you can plant in the same pots, where she grew earlier.

The transplant is better to carry out when the plant is in the period of rest, without flowers.

But a good strong plant will survive the transplant and in a blooming form.

Violet: fertilizer

So, so the violet blooms almost all year round, fertilizers must be made every 2 weeks. If the plant is still at rest, fertilize enough every 4 weeks. Fertilizer is added to watering water. You can take universal fertilizer For flowering plants.

Violet: reproduction

Mostly violets are breeding with leaf. This happens just enough.
It is necessary to choose healthy strong sheet, Crop it with a sharp knife, so that the stem was 2-3 cm., To put it in a separate pot.

The leaf of violet can sit in the ground long enough, perhaps even the sheet will be filled, but it is not scary.

Some do not sit down in the ground immediately, and first hold it in a jar with water until the appearance of the roots. And the first and second way is quite effective.

For a beginner flower, a wonderful choice will be violet, landing and care at home for them should not cause any difficulties. Violets (SENPOLIA) were previously grown as garden plants. In room conditions, they began to grow only in the past century. They look beautifully in a pot, do not need time consuming care, and if you create for them suitable conditions, then blossoms will bloom and long.

What should be the external environment for violet?

Often you can hear from beginners, they say, grow flowers in all the rules, and they do not want to bloom. It happens if you miss something in creating the external environment suitable for violet. First, these flowers love good lighting. Light day for them should last at least 10 hours. But these flowers do not like direct sunlight, and therefore they act. Light needed scattered. In winter, when the duration of the light day is less than the violet needs, use additional lighting - daylight lamps.

The violet is sensitive to air humidity. It is necessary to put a cup with water next to floral pots.

Rooming violet - a heat-loving plant. From spring and before the beginning of autumn it is necessary that the room temperature in the room is + 20 ... + 22 ° C. In winter, the temperature should be not lower than + 18 ... + 20 ° C. Drafts of this plant are contraindicated. At the same time, violets need fresh airSo it is necessary to check in the room regularly, but the pots with flowers will have to be transferred to another room.

Watering: choice of method

Care for violets is also right watering. If he is too abundant, the plant may get sick, besides, the root is starting. Soil B. flower pot It should not disperse and become a hardened apartment, so on average you need to water 2-3 times a week. it general rule, and in each case, the frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room, the time of year and the material from which the pot is made.

There are 3 main irrigation options:

  • normal,
  • pallet
  • fityl.

The last method is convenient because correct settings The violet can be watered 1 time per week or less.

The wick method involves the use of a cord that absorbs moisture from water tank and provides its admission to a pot with a substrate. This allows you to maintain a proper level of humidity and at the same time prevents the roots. The wick method allows you to smooth out changes in conditions of detention, for example, late springWhen the sudden heat begins.

The wick method has many advantages. It provides good conditions For the growth and development of violets - plants used to bloom and bloom abundantly. This method allows to provide plants not only with water, but also with nutrients, while the fertilizer dosage is calculated and the appropriate aqueous solution is made. The method ensures uniform receipt by the violet of all nutrients and moisture.

Such watering has its drawbacks. If the diameter of the cord and the material from which it is made will be chosen incorrectly, and the wick will absorb more water than necessary, this will lead to the overalling of the substrate and reinforce the roots. During the period of cold, if the violet is just left on the windowsill, the water through the wick will flow very cold, which can also negatively affect the state of the roots of the plant, so you have to rearrange the pots with violets where it will be warmer.

The breeding of violets at home in the watery irrigation can be associated with some difficulties. When using this method, the socket is enlarged. If the flower grow grows only a few sockets, it does not matter. But if he grows many varieties at once, the consolidation of the outlet reduces its capabilities - there is no place for all varieties. In addition, if the violets are not grown on the windowsill, but on racks, then difficulties may occur with an additional load, which will create a container with water. It is necessary to find a place for it and pick it up so that there are gaps between the container and pots.

Due to the difficulties that arise with a fitful way in the cold time, many experienced flowers for the winter are transferred to another watering method, most often the pallet, since it is much easier.

The pallet watering assumes that water will not fall on the above-ground part of the violet. Direct contact here is generally excluded. Warm water poured into the pallet, which put pots with violets. When it seems that the soil is soaked in moisture (but no later than 15 minutes from the beginning of the procedure), water from the pallet can be drained.

Care for violets at home also implies the choice of a method of watering after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Some flowers choose the palpal watering as the easiest way.

How to care for violets? This flower, like other plants, you need to clean the dust regularly, literally on the leaflet. This is done about 1 time per month. But after this procedure, leaflets need to dry - for this, paper napkins are used.

The violet is very sensitive to the water temperature and its quality, therefore for watering, and it is better to use water for the shower, which previously defended over 2 days, then boiled and cooled to a temperature of B + 18 ... 22 ° C.

Falker Plants

In order for SENPOLIA beautifully bloom, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers. Do it just 2 times a year. In the spring, the violet is fed during the period of active growth. The second time it is done already after it is wondering, that is, in the fall. In winter, the plant, when it is alone, do not need to feed. Used for this complex mineral fertilizers.

During the transplantation of plants, a small amount of humus or humus is used for feeding. It should also be noted that only adult plants need to feed.

How to transplant violet?

This flower needs to be replanting more than 1 time in 3 years. The plant periodically needs fresh soil. You can buy a special substrate for violet in the store, you can take garden land that has passed special treatment from pests. At the bottom, the pot must be a layer of drainage. The pot itself is selected so that its diameter is 2-3 times less than the diameter of the plant. In too much container, the violet simply will not bloom.

For transplantation, the Earth must be wet, but it does not stick to the hands. For transplant, you can use only new pots so that the plant is not infected. Unlike widespread, it is better to use plastic pots than glossy ceramic.

For transplanting requires loose soil with an admixture of sand or peat. For the drainage layer, clamzite is used. When transplanting, the violet is planted so that its lower leaves barely relate to the surface of the Earth. For some time after that the plant needs to be covered polyethylene filmBy creating it greenhouse conditions. You can only watered for the next day after a transplant. But you need to venture regularly, so that the condensate is not going under the captive.

Reproduction of violet Chenkah

The most popular option is the reproduction of violet with cuttings. It is best to choose a leaf from the middle of the outlet, that is, neither too young nor old. It can be adopted or carefully cut off with a small sharp knife so as not to damage the plant and do not leave the high pennies after that. Cut the cutlets you need as close as possible to the soil.

It is desirable that the line is not less than 47 cm. It is necessary to cut it with a neglection, at an angle of 45 °. If the cutting surface is 2-4 cm in length, it will be quite enough to ensure that the leaflet is well rooted and gives more sockets.

Not all leaves are rooted, so it is desirable to take 2-3 sheets at once from the variety you like, if there is such an opportunity. Buying a pot is not necessarily for rooting such a leaflet. You can do with disposable plastic cups or tara from yogurt. It is best to take a shallow cups. If there is a shallow packaging big diameterIn one container, several sheets can be planted at once. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm so that they are then comfortable to dig.

Not all violets are equally well multiplied with cuttings. There are so-called chimerca - these are varietal flowers of unusual colors. Their leaves are well rooted, but they do not retain the features of the colors or beautiful shape of the leaves.

How to grow a violet from the leaf, in the ground or in water, interests many novice flowerflowers. In fact, both ways are equivalent. And in that, in another case, this medium need to be disinfected, for example, using activated carbon. If the cuttings put into the water, you need to ensure that it does not fail. Water should be taken warm, but not hot. The roots at the leaves will appear approximately 1-2 weeks, and then it can be perched in the ground. Some flower products are waiting longer - before the emergence of new sprouts, and this happens in about 1-2 months of staying in water. The shoots appear from the location of the cut. If the flower descend decided to wait for their appearance, then you need to still give them enough to have grown enough so that when planting them does not pour out soil. It is impossible to pull the stalk too deeply, otherwise the sprouts will appear not soon. The maximum depth is 1.5 cm.

Some believe that the violet germed in the water will bloom faster. In fact, this is a controversial question. Surface flower, who know how to care for violets at all stages of development of this plant, will certainly say that when growing in water, there is always a risk that the cuttings begin to refine. Not always water quality complies with the requirements of this plant.


The rooting of violets in Earth has its advantages. But here, too, there is a nuance: you need to choose a super-light substrate, more loose than the one is usually used for "adult" violets. The soil mixture will have to prepare independently based on a special soil for SENPOLIA, to which is added clean river sand (pre-calcined). It can also be used for this moss sfagnum, it is also sold in flower shops. Moss, even if it is fresh, you need to slightly roll into the oven for disinfection. So that he does not have a burnt, it needs to be decomposed on food Foil..

The substrate should be regularly watered with warm water so that it does not stop. The rooting in the ground is slower than in water, but the risk of filled roots is expelled. The seedling needs to be left away from the draft. The straight sun rays are contraindicated. It is recommended to make greenhouse for it, covering for this with a plastic film. Approximately 2 months after rooting, when the growing sprouts will be visible, the plant must be transplanted into a constant capacity, previously processed and its, and the plant itself special means against pests and fungi.

In our climate, violets are home plants. The violet also has another name of Senpolia.

They attract them lovers of blooming houseplants with their bright colors and fluffy leaves. In addition home flower Not a source of allergies. But the violet is not easy to care, it is enough capricious to conditions, and so that it blooms, the flower is to try.

Most frequent questiondefined by novice flowes, why not blooms violet?

This can be happening for various reasons:

  • shortage or oversupply of nutrient elements;
  • too large for a plant pot;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • violation of watering mode;
  • inappropriate climate;
  • insufficient light level.

On a note! Some varieties of violets bloom for a long time, others need rest after flowering, while the flowering period may be much shorter than the recovery period.

Growing and care

Landing viok

Violets or sensipolia are very capricious and demanding on growing conditions.

Firstly, You need to choose the plant right pot. The roots of violets grow on the surface of the soil, and not to the depth, so the pots for violets are selected quite compact. The dimensions of the pots vary from 5 to 5 cm for small varieties or children of violets up to 9 9 cm for born plants. At the same time, if you decide to transplant the plant, then you should not change the size of the pot in the direction of magnification.

Landing violets in a pot size exceeding 9 by 9 cm leads to a negative effect, which is expressed as follows:

  • the flower may not bloom for two years due to the fact that all the power will go to the formation of leaves to the detriment of the formation of inflorescences.
  • in those places where the soil is not braided by plant roots, fungal diseases may develop and subsequently harm the plant.

The material from which the pot is made for violet is also important. If you choose a light pot from plastic, it will not be superfluous to make holes on the sides of the pot so that the air penetrates the soil and ventilated the roots of violets. It will also save the land from zaksania. If the choice of flower feet fell on a ceramic pot, you need to choose the pots without glazes, as the pots without glazes pass the air and allow the roots of the plant to breathe.

Secondly, Need to choose for violet soil.

Violets love the weakness of the soil. If the soil acidity is strongly deviated from the pH 6-6.5, the violet can stop normally grow: the buds will fail even without blossoming. This may occur due to the fact that the plant ceases to absorb useful substances from the soil and comes nitrogen-phosphoric hunger. According to plants experienced flowerflower Find out what a soil at the moment at violet. If the young leaves are twisted, the soil is sour, if the leaves are pale and the tips become brown, then the ground is alkaline.

Now many manufacturers produce special soil for different species Plants. Violets are no exception. But even the purchase of the soil is not always ideal - it happens that it is so light that when watering water is seeping into the slot between the soil mixture and the walls of the pot, without heating the soil. Therefore, it is better to prepare the soil yourself, taking two parts garden land And connecting it with one part of the sand. Next, you need to be cooked independently ground to me in order to destroy pests and painful bacteria. Now you can pour a soil in a pot and plant violets. After landing, it is better to pour the ceramzite to the surface of the Earth, which will hold moisture and remove the soil from drying out.

Care for domestic violets

The violet to achieve maximum decorativeness is needed very bright place, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, most often flowering violets You can see in the houses of flower water on the windowsill with the North, North-Western, northeastern side. If the window in the apartment flower window goes only to the south side, then there will have pots with violets with something to shade in order to avoid receiving the leaves and flowers of sensipolia of solar burns. So that the sunlight become soft and scattered, you can close the window with light curtains or sheets of white paper. During the day, violets require 10-12 hours of light. In winter, when natural lighting is not enough, you can highlight the plant by phytolampa.

On a note! So that the chops of violets grow evenly and did not twist from what is covered only on the one hand, from time to time turn the pot with a plant with different sides to the window, so Satpolia's sockets will be symmetrical and neat.

It must be said that those violets, who have dark green leaves, lighting need more than plants with light green curcaneous leaves.

Important! How to determine will the light of your violet? Observe the plant: if the leaves are omitted down, then the light is enough, if stretched upstairs, then SENPOLIA suffers from its lack of.

High-quality care for domestic violets is ensured by maintaining a comfortable house. temperature mode. The ideal temperature for growing violets is 20-22 degrees, in this comfortable climate the violet is plentifully flowers and the greens looks brightly. If the plant blooms in hot summer period, and in the house the air temperature rises above 28 degrees, then the flowers of violets become small, pale, in varieties with a bright border on the edge of the flowers - this feature disappears. Such a temperature can destroy the plant, you can only help reduce the temperature by installing the air conditioner, split system, fan, or by venting.

No less destructive supercooling of sensipoly, the result of which can be rooting the roots. If this happened, the plant can only be repaid it. Draft is also contraindicated by violets, it is not only dangerous for external view Plants (light spots on the leaves), but can also cause significant harm to their state and even lead to death.

In winter, if the windowsill in the apartment or house is cold, the violet needs to protect from the supercooling of the root system. There are two solutions to the problem:

  • you can put a pot with a flower thick wooden or foam stand
  • you can rearrange the plant from the window sill to the table or stand with the window, but then you need to not forget to highlight the plant phytolamma, since it is usually in winter the plants suffer from lack of light.

Capricional violet loves moderation and in watering. She will not like a very abundant irrigation, but also his absence is also negatively reflected on the plant. One of the conditions for the correct care of violets is watering the plants of the indulged water temperature. Once a month, you can water the violet with a bodied water. To do this, add acetic acid to the water (one teaspoon per liter of water) or lemonic acid (5 crystals per liter of water).

Attention! Pihalka is contraindicated spraying. Her shaggy leaves are delayed and moisture, which is why the plant can develop a fungal disease.

It is possible to moisture by pouring into the pallet of water and the placement in it is a pot with a plant for thirty minutes. If the house is very warm (above 22 degrees), watering violets are carried out on top, but you need to ensure that the water does not get into the outlet. Well, another solution to the problem is to install a humidifier in the room, which will be useful and plants and man.

Attention! If you water the violet by dipping into the pallet pot and you have a big pallet where you immediately place several pots with plants, be careful to the state of the plants. As in this case through the water is very easy to infect healthy plant From the patient.

Fertilizer and feeding of violets

In the period of growth, young plants are fed by additives with nitrogen. On a note! Caprizuli-violets will not bloom if overlooking fertilizers with nitrogen. Violets and this time they tell us that they need moderation in everything. Vassed I. flowering plant It is necessary to fertilize potassium and phosphorus that are necessary for the formation of buds and flowering.

How to care for violets in winter

The basic rules for maintaining life and the good state of SENPOLY in winter are in four main points:

  • Providing prolonged (10-12 hours) of the day with a shower;
  • Providing temperature indoors not less than 20 degrees;
  • Watering three times a week with water temperature;
  • Ensuring high humidity indoors with flower.

Note! During flowering, you need to remove the filled buds from the violet, so the plant will have more to ensure the current flowering. After the flowering period is over for the restoration of the forces, the violet remove the lower sheets and transplant in the fresh soil or the fertilizer in the ground.

Reproduction of violets

The violet blooms only at a young age. If the plant is more than three years old, then most likely it will not bloom. Time to think about the reproduction of SENPOLIA.

The easiest I. an effective way Phalok reproduction - pacification or leaf reproduction. To do this, the plant needs to take a good sheet with a cutlets and put in a glass with water. After some time, the root is formed on the cutlets, then it is planted in a pot with a soil.

Another way is the branch of the children of violets. In the process of growth of adult plants they have formed children. In order for children and the parent plant to interfere with each other, they need to be seeded. It is better to do this in the summer, as an adult plant after the branch of the kids needs strength to recover by winter.

For breeding the violet kids, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • Gently dig a baby and a sharp knife to disconnect from the parent plant. With it, it is very important not to damage the outlet.
  • If there are a lot of leaflets on the baby, and there are few roots, some of the leaves need to be removed that the plant does not spend strength to maintain leaves, but allowed them to develop the root system.
  • Next, the baby needs to be planted in a separate pot, pour and place in place where heat and light, but there are no straight sun rays.

Diseases and pests of violets

  • Violets are amazed by phytoofluorosis. On violet appear brown spots. There is no point in the case of this fungal disease, there is no point in the case of violets, so in order to avoid infection of other plants, the sick sensipoly is disposed of, as well as the ground from under it. For the prevention of this disease, the soil for violets is better to buy in stores or self-cooked primer to rush in the oven.
  • Violet may hit mildew. With this disease, SENPOLIA trunks covers white flag. This disease appears in following conditions: dusty room, air temperature below 18 degrees of heat, lack of light. For the treatment of the plant, it is necessary to wipe with a wet clean cloth stems, to air the room and treat the flower with the preparation of "Benle".
  • Gray Gnil It is manifested in the form of a gray fluffy plaque on the leaves and purple stiffs. The cause of the occurrence is that the plant is watered not in the water temperature, as it should be, and cold water And very often. It is necessary to deal with this ailment followed by processing drugs 2tir "," phytosparin "," agate "and others, as well as the establishment of a normal irrigation regimen.
  • Fusariosis fungus Amazes the roots of violets - they begin to rot. This is due to frequent watering with cold water and gives this disease gray fallen foliage and lack of flowering. For treatment, the plant is processed by a solution of Fundosol and benomila.

On a note! Not more than once a month, you can water the violet phytosporin or a pale manganese solution. This is a good prevention against fungal diseases.

Violet is a very capricious plant, but if the flower breed is pleased and provide her high-quality care, she will delight him beautiful flowers On the windowsill most of the year.