Ideal compatibility of signs Table. The combination of zodiac signs

Representatives of this sign, after all the failures of last year, falls out a unique opportunity to cool change their lives for the better - says the horoscope for 2016. Fish Woman should try not to miss such a chance. To do this, it is recommended to carefully look at the surrounding and learn to adapt to life circumstances.

If you hover the tolders of the stars, you can implement our most bold plans and fully realize yourself.

In the year of the fiery monkey women, women need to relax more often, regularly play sports and eat right. Although in general, their health does not threaten anything, all the same, there is a chance of developing viral diseases.

Beware of drafts and do not overcoat the body. This is fraught with deterioration of health, in particular the emergence of problems with the back (lumbar). As for nutrition, it is better not to overeat, otherwise you risk tying overweight.

What advises Paul Globa? More than a satisfactory state of health of female fish in the first half of the year will not allow any diseases to hit the body. However, at the end of the summer, due to the possible hobbies, the opposite sex on the side may be necessary to appeal to the venereologist.

Horoscope Health for fish for 2016 advises, even with insignificant ailments, immediately apply for the competent medical help. A specialist will be able to quickly carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and accurately determine the state of health.

If women of this sign are negligent to their health, chronic pathologies may appear. To avoid these problems it follows:

  • do not overload the body;
  • warmly dressed in the cold season;
  • follow nutrition;
  • do sport;
  • avoid stressful situations.

And the rest of the health status will not create special problems.

Love and relations

Love horoscope for women's fish for 2016 says that lonely representatives of this sign expects a lot of love adventures. Workers will be somewhat. And you most likely have to make a choice in favor of one of them. By decision this issue It is necessary to approach with full responsibility.

Stars advises, first of all, look at the moral qualities of the partner, and only later - to his external appeal, financial Regulationsstatus in society, etc. If the choice is made correctly, there is a good chance to enter into marriage and get a strong friendly family.

Family ladies the love front will be calm throughout the year. No significant changes are foreseen. The only thing you can be unhappy is insufficient attention and care from the second half. But one should not be offended and the more "pay the same coin." Your chosen one is most likely tired at work. He tries to provide a family materially, perhaps, therefore, it cannot pay due attention.

Forecast Paul Globa. At the beginning of the year, all the ladies of fish, regardless of their marital status, will begin to overcome the annoying thoughts of love, and even lustful desires. But in the second half of the year, such thoughts will gradually disappear. Women's fish will be reassessing values. They will understand what is more expensive and better than the beloved, no one, and that they want all their lives to live with him.

There is a risk that by the time there will be awareness of the significance of the beloved, it will not be nearby. And women of this sign will have to make a lot of effort to re-conquer the love of their partner. If the feelings are really sincere, you will be able to return the one and tie the life of marriage with him.

For family women who wish to conceive a child, it is recommended to choose the autumn period of the year. This time is the most favorable for pregnancy planning. The baby will be born strong and healthy.

Career and work

In the work of women, the fish for almost the entire year will have to show creative talents. It is thanks to this that will appear an additional financial source. Stars do not advise the ladies born under this constellation, solve problems and arrange their career at the expense of influential acquaintances. This line of behavior will not lead to anything good - if it does not deliver trouble, then help will not be able to help.

At the end of the year, tempting proposals may be received relative to the new interesting work. Maybe it will be an increase in office or at all the direction in professional activity. In any case, accepting for new jobYou will have to strictly observe all the agreed conditions. Even the slightest mistakes should not be.

What predicts Pavel Globa? In general, 2016 for women fish in the career will be pretty good. But it will be possible to achieve outstanding success, subject to hard work, which will take a considerable amount of forces and time. Sometimes they will have to sacrifice the time allotted for recreation with family members.

Long business trips to other countries or a change of work, most likely, will not bring the expected results. This can only postpone financial success. Especially successful will be the implementation of creative talents. Therefore, those ladies who are in painting, theater, cinema or possess good vocal data will be able to fully show themselves.

Business and finance

The year of the fiery monkey for the wards of the constellation of fish will be a period of unexpected discoveries, improving the material situation and long-awaited good luck. Already in January, management can offer a new interesting position. And if you handle your duties, you can create a solid material base for the future.

Financial horoscope for women of fish for 2016 warns of the need to relax more often, otherwise you can immerse yourself with your head, which will lead to emotional exhaustion. Expose purposefulness, initiative and perseverance, believe in yourself, and you will definitely come financial success.

Astrologer Pavel Globa assures - the revenues of the business woman of this sign will increase with each month. The danger lies in the fact that not all ladies will be able to suppress the desire to acquire "all and all." Refrain from unnecessary purchases, do not waste money in vain, because Fortune may turn away from you.

The fiery monkey will require you to manifest professional skills, business grip and intelligence. Already by the middle of the summer, money, due to unreasonable spending, can end. Therefore, before committing serious purchases, it is recommended to consult with close people who will help take reasonable solutions.

Business horoscope

Special changes in women of fish in business sphere Not foreseen. On the increase can be calculated only if there are certain bases. If you decide to organize own business, Carefully think over all the nuances, as there is a big risk of deception by business partners.

In the autumn period, they may have to participate in the event that has an international level. From this will largely depend on their career.

  • So that the health of health gives problems, experts recommend that it is easy to eat, more often to be on fresh air, visit the gym. In general, you will feel good. But with an unfavorable coincidence of circumstances may have a viral colds and spinal pathology.
  • A love forecast warns about the upcoming serious choice. The woman of this sign will have to determine how much of the numerous fans it should continue the relationship, and with what of them - part. Making right choice, by the end of the year, the potential spouse will make you a sentence of the hand of the heart.
  • New features, the sale of talents, unexpected surprises - all this expects the wards of the constellation of fish in the field of career. Those who are an ordinary employee may wait for the service. And those who have their own business - building a reliable financial "foundation", which will be the basis for future success.

2016 - energetic year. Most of what you are doing will occur in sight of everyone and, probably, in collaboration or with the help of other people.

Starting from January and February will grow a circle of your friends, acquaintances and partners. In 2016, you will not feel lonely.

At the beginning of spring, you will feel more courage and keenness in terms of money, property and your body. Listen to your intuition and instincts before accepting responsible decisions, but act by brave.

Later, in April, May and June, due to the location of Mars, your mental and physical state will be less susceptible to a stranger than that of representatives of other signs. Enjoy the emotional rest period.

Solar eclipse in March can activate some events related to you, but you will be ready for it. In September, Moon eclipse Make you respond to increasingly emotionally.

Mercury and Venus help you in 2016, giving you intelligence, perseverance and sensuality throughout the year.

The horoscope of relations for couples

2016 is rich at the same time both for change and opportunities for deeper happiness. But you will need to formulate what you want to change, and then start acting to push the changes.

Mercury in the Union with Venus during 2016 will help you and your partner feel confident. You will be united by common dreams about large purchases or rest, or even thoughts about generous donations for charity. However, it is likely that for this year these dreams will remain just dreams.

Starting from the middle of the summer, your partner will be especially emotional, support each other and treat love and care. Talk, do not "close" from it, do not exert complaints. The knowledge of the weakness of each other will bring you closer every day more and more.

IN autumn-winter period Do not regret the time to agree, with what people you like to communicate and in what events to participate, and focus on them. Be sure to spend leisure together, then this time will be remembered as very pleasant and cheerful.

Horoscope relations for those who are in their own

In 2016, fish, you can attract a lot of attention and dating. Fortunately, you have sufficient charm and mind, so that it is necessary to choose which of the relationship is worth it, and which are not.

In February and March, you may find that your standards have increased and now you want to communicate (and possibly build relationships) with more reliable and advanced people in life. Adhere to this reference and expectations, and do not agree anything less.

July and August is the most likely time to get acquainted with some very special person who will meet all your requirements. Just still make sure that the new familiar / acquaintance belongs to you as you wanted.

Throughout the year you will be popular, you will have little free time, especially in November and December. New meetings in your life will bring pleasant communication, so develop and deepen it!

Horoscope Finance and Career Development Horoscope

Fishes, in 2016, think large, feel large, plan a large and act in large! Throughout the year, but especially in October, at first glance, minor things can be made with a serious approach, and then highlight your life with success and feeling perfection.

The most important thing is confidence in yourself. Most of what you want to do and make, you do not so much for yourself as for a common good, so do not run through the trifles. Martov Solar Eclipse can open career opportunities for you, as well as the ability to make things this year, inaccessible to representatives of all other zodiac signs.

In July, if business partners or colleagues behave emotionally with you, best way Smooth the situation - empathize with them. Keep some emotional distance and you will avoid getting into the confusing situation. On the contrary, you manifest yourself as a hero, as you deserve.

October, November and December, when Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will be supported together, the most highly powerful time. Use this period to the full coil!

Fish horoscope for 2016 for women and men.

2016th year of fish will consist of two halves. And, as you know, two halves consist of ... opa, brain and heart and even Oreo cookies. Therefore, the main task of fish in 2016 is properly connecting the necessary halves so that it does not work out ... opa. The fact is that the 2016 fish will have a rather dual year. On the one hand, the horoscope indicates that the 2016 can become one of the most successful for fish, and on the other hand, the horoscope indicates that next year You will often wait for exams and trials on the way to success. So the 2016th year of fish will most like a test or game when the next level of success, you can go out, just successfully passing the previous "Level".

That is why the fish is waiting for a rather dual year. This is especially true of the first half of 2016, when many fish will be waiting for not only tests, but also proceedings, confrontation, disputes and quarrels. At this time, there may be a lot of intrigue around you, and even if you do not exit home and from the Internet. React to it calmly, perceive complex situations as the exams that you need to pass. Moreover, from many complex situations, in the 2016 fish can even benefit! Especially fish-women. Not in vain they say that if you got dirt in you, then make yourself a mask. And for the skin well, and good does not disappear!

The horoscope for 2016 indicates that this year the fish will need to demonstrate the ability to obey. But, in the good sense of the word. No one will demand from you complete submission, just an understanding of adequacy no more. Full submission, it's when, just waking up, you are not going to the toilet, and do not even wash, but cook to sink a cat ... And in the 2016 from fish will require much less especially in the relationship.

Fish - no one will demand from you complete submission, just an understanding of adequacy no more. Complete submission, it's when, just waking up, you are not going to the toilet, and do not even wash, but cook to sink a cat ...

Many years have 2016th year will be the year of transformation of personal life. Even already very adults and the fish, will change their lifestyle, submitting to modern Ukrainians and requirements. The main thing is not to be scared, nothing terrible in this generation NEXT is not! After all, the generation of Next, this is when you tell you how your three-year-old daughter called the Skype grandmother and even put the phone herself, and everyone is surprised at "oo oh, your mom Skype can use how to enjoy !!" So do not scare fish if in 2016 will make you learn something new and modern - and does not matter where, at work or in personal life.

In the first half of 2016, the most important month will April. As we have already spoken, in our monthly horoscopes, in April 2016 Fish need to do general cleaning! Fishes are familiar to you such a situation when you go to your room, and you look at the mess on you? This is the same as the same situation will be among the first two week of April, so fish already in early April - put the sleeves, grab the vacuum cleaner, broom and start cleaning in your life. Especially if you have long been waiting for positive life changes. And so that they occur need to be removed and released the place for them, well, or at least show the stars that you are ready for them.

After that, from April 27 and July 12, 2016, many fish will fall into a complex binding of unpredictable situations. At this time, you are better not planning anything serious and grand, since the Red Fiery Monkey will play with you in Zhmurki and Surprises. This is especially true for fish women. And since you really do not like surprises, if it is certainly not naked Johnny Depp tied to your bed, then your main task is not lost, and in complex situations call for help with loved ones and friends. Yes, and in general, at this time, the fish are better to give the initiative in other people's hands, then there will be smaller surprises, and you always play the role of a second plan, while deftly driving and manipulating how you can.

The second half of 2016 in the fish promises to be much brighter and better. Many fish will be able to fully or partially transform their personal life. At the same time, people who have not seen 5 years old may appear in your life, or vice versa, 5 new acquaintances will appear. In the second half of 2016 the main problem Fish will be your natural pessimism. Usually, when the fish hear from familiar words that the world is beautiful, they immediately look into their eyes to see the pupils narrowed or extended. But, in the second half of 2016, you will need to say more often - that the world is beautiful, and then it will become really beautiful for you. This is especially true of the fall of 2016, when you will very much optimistic attitude, and the desire to make wonderful if not the world, your own life. So even if your natural habit of "turning," is suddenly smeared, right there, as in the situation: "Oh God, why peace is so cruel, why are the wonderful creatures of this world so hurt so hurt?! What are you talking about? Oh, roasted pancakes (las) !!! "

In general, as we have already said, the 2016 can become one of the most successful fish, and on the other hand, you will have reasons to burn not only with "pancakes". The main thing is not nervous, and do not screw yourself, otherwise it will be even worse, and the tests will be even harder. You know, as in the situation, when you are in a decent place and in a decent company, and barely barely restrain the ... Sorry, do not push, .. and at this very moment, suddenly understand what is about to be unreal and sneeze! In this situation, you need to instantly relax, otherwise you can do both at the same time! And even if it happened, the best thing you can do after that is innocently smile! After all, it is life, and it is ridiculous situations that make it alive and unprobracted!

Neptune, your main planet, will be in your sign all year, and it will still help you help feel yourself with the best and with wild Party. You have a rich imagination, but you can get lost in it, you have excellent compassion, but it can exhaust you. Those who were born from February 26 to March 1, to the maximum degree to the influence of Neptune in 2016. Solar eclipse will occur in your march in March, and the lunar - in September, so that something is important to start in March, which will bring their fruits to the fall along with the lunar eclipse. Mars will also be in your sign in the second half of December, so you can finish the year full of energy and drive, anticipating the new 2016 and readily opening the new chapter of your life.

Pluto Whole 2016 will be in your horoscope sector hopes for the future and dreams, so you will be faithful to your big dream, you will change the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you would like and try to bring big change in your life. Mars will be in this sector of the horoscope from October to November, so that at this time you will have a drive to focus on your dreams, wanting to realize them. Retrograde Mercury will be here from November to the second half of December, so you can start doubting your dreams, but you should keep hardness.

Pluto is in Capricorn under a favorable angle for your sign (it is called sextile), it will help it easier to change and change his life. Born on March 4-7, the influence of Pluto is most experienced. Saturn in Streltsy in 2016 is under an unfavorable angle to your sign with a direct name, and you can experience difficulties in order to be realistic and responsible. You will have to work hard to work on what needs to be done. Born on March 1-14, the influence of Saturn. Jupiter in the Virgin is opposite your sign, and you can feel more indulgent and lazy, but if you still make yourself act, you can do even more than you could imagine. Born after March 2, the effect of Jupiter will experience as much as possible.

Love Horoscope for 2016 Fish

Jupiter will be located in the horoscope sector of your relationship until September, and this will help you to establish relationships with people around you, even with those who you do not like. You help other people find connections and notice in people their better. It may also be a good period for the start of a new relationship, and if you already have a relationship - to strengthen devotion. Lonely it will be difficult to transfer their position. Sunny eclipse on September 1 in this horoscope sector will be an excellent time for accomplishments. Retrograde Mercury will be in this horoscope sector in September, and you can experience difficulties in dealing with your loved ones. You will need to work hard to be more open and listen carefully.

Jupiter will appear in your sector of intimate horoscope in September, and you can work on the strengthening of links with loved ones, wishing full proximity and better understanding with them. The lunar eclipse will occur in this sector of the horoscope in March, and you can let go of the problems associated with the proximity and finally find it in fact.

Career Horoscope for 2016 Fish

All 2016 in your money sector of the horoscope will be uranium, and money will come and go unevenly. You can have a lot of them, then quite a little bit, and then a lot again. You need to work on a more responsible attitude towards your finances and do not make reckless expenses. it good time For work in the technique, science or the Internet.

Saturn will be all 2016 to be in your sector of the career horoscope and life path, and this is the traditional time for you the greatest professional remuneration, which will come for a stubborn and reasonable work that you have done at least the past decade. You will achieve a high position in your life that can be supported long enough. If you are not particularly worked, this 2016 can become alarm, and you will understand what you need to change, and you need to do it right now, without postponing in a long box. Mars will be in this sector of the horoscope in March, and make you more motivated, ambitious and focused on what you want. But he will return in mid-April in a retrograde position and will stay here until the end of May, so you may have problems with bringing things to the end, in order to adhere to commitments or to do everything as best. Mars will return to this sector in August and September and you will again gain your ambitions.

Family Horoscope for 2016 Fish

Saturn in this horoscope sector all 2016 manages relationships with parents, and you can work on relationships with them. If you have bad relationships, then you can discuss problems together and try to change the relationship for the better, otherwise you can notice that they have become even more intense. If you have close connections, they can even increase. Mars in this sector of the horoscope will be in May, and you will be able to pay more attention to parents, but with a retrograde Mars from mid-April to the end of May, problems can be aggravated. Mars will return in August and September, so you can help them or solve your own problems.

Retrograde Mercury will be in the Sector sector of relationships with brothers and sisters, so if you have them, communication with them can become difficult. You will not have enough mutual understanding, you will seem that they do not understand you, so you need to be very open and understanding. It may be a good time to establish connections with them.

Mental Horoscope for 2016 Fish

Retrograde Mercury will rule your thoughts in May, and you will probably be subject to doubt your ideas, and new will hardly come to mind, will be much misunderstanding, and you will be very difficult to control your mental energy. You will need to show a lot of patience to your thoughts and mistakes at this time.

Mars in this horoscope sector will manage higher education in January and February, traditionally good period time to learn something new, go through courses and expand the boundaries of your knowledge. Retrograde Mars will appear in this sector of the horoscope in June, and together with him there may be new problems immediately after retrograde Mercury. But Mars will again be in the usual position in July, and you can return everything to your place.

Jupiter is in the hard sector of the horoscope, starting in September, and you will deepen inside yourself. You want to know yourself better and go there, where they did not dare to walk before. The lunar eclipse will be in this sector of the horoscope on March 23, and you can sum up the results of some significant spiritual changes and transformations that follow the last couple of years.

Mars will be in the horoscope sector, manageing your subconscious since November to mid-December, and you can better understand your subconscious motivation if you do this, let go of the problem of the past and bring secrets to the surface.

Horoscope Tarot for fish for 2016

Source, mind, exhaustion

You created a routine in your life, and it seemed to you that everything works well, but in 2016 you can see that it is no longer so effective. You can feel that they are stuck in the trap, and begin more and more dive into your own thoughts, closing the world and from your own soul. It can be tedious - continue to adhere to the usual routine and dive into your thoughts. You need to switch your head and break out of the routine, and give yourself another chance. You may seem that you have no power or energy to do this, but we all have internal energy sources from which we can draw if necessary. Use this energy for another chance.

Horoscope for every month 2016 for fish

Horoscope for January 2016 Fish

The future may seem unclear in January, and you can be unsure about what you should build plans. You have ideas, but now you will feel that they are not those. You do not need to immediately break your plans or refuse ideas. Be flexible and work on what seems important now. You can return to other ideas some time later.

Horoscope for February 2016 Fish

You want to push the boundaries of your life this month, go to the adventure and experience new experience. You are optimistic and want to go into the world, studying how other people live. This is a good month for you for traveling, studying something new, visiting classes and immersion in new cultures.

Horoscope for March 2016 fish

You concentrated on something very important for the last few years, and brought out something that was difficult, but you need to show. Now, when everything moves to an end and complete completion, you will be more optimistic about your life and opportunities in it. You will be able to go on a new journey, which will last more than one year.

You can "get up with proper leg"In early April, but discover that by the end of the month you are no longer so confident about the selected direction. You want to stay on this road, and you want to go away, so you will continuously break between these two impulses, not knowing what to do. Just continue while moving, avoiding big changes until you have confidence.

Horoscope for April 2016 fish

You need to be careful with statements this month, so that I don't have to regret it. This may relate to any of your words, and the same with the understanding of other people. Think before saying something, and think carefully and long enough every time. Let's another presumption of innocence, and do not consider that they are configured against you.

Horoscope for June 2016 Fish

You can fully relate yourself to your beliefs this month, and you will need to work on the adoption of the faith of other people. It is perfect to feel the relationship with what you believe, but not at the expense of other people. You do not need to win all the time, and you do not need to be right per 100% all the time. Be open, be flexible and listen to other people with open ears.

Horoscope for July 2016 Fish

You can better understand yourself in July, and you will become much better to get along with people. You will no longer insist on victory, and people will be easier to stay next to you. You will feel it and you can discover new opportunities for yourself, thanks to the presence of people around you. You want to take more participation in their lives and see the return on your relationship.

Horoscope for August 2016 fish

You are at a point that can be a significant top of your life, if you did everything right, worked hard, wisely behaved, were engaged in current affairs, they were invested and responsible. If you did all this, you can get significant advantages now, especially this month. So, keep up the good work.

Horoscope for September 2016 fish

Other people can be very difficult to understand you this month, or vice versa. You are trying to communicate, but it seems that there are no general connections, and no one understands whose fault. You will need to make sure that you are open and show understanding towards your favorite people, so you can cope with any misunderstanding.

Horoscope for October 2016 fish

Your friends can help carry out the main changes in your life, especially this month, and you change yourself or some aspect of your life. They will inspire you to change through which they have already passed. And they will help you understand what you need to change. As a result, you will feel stronger.

Horoscope for November 2016 fish

This month you can have a shortage of energy, and you want more personal time to relax and recharging. This year you have plenty of hard work, and you burned out, so you need a small charge rate. Make a little break, allow yourself to leave very few requirements and responsibilities, and try to perceive the spirit.

Horoscope for December 2016 Fish

At the beginning of the month you will still have little energy, but in the second half of December Mars will come to you and bring a whole outbreak of energy. You will feel more motivated, energetic and charged about what you are doing. With your dreams for the future, a second chance may introduce a second chance, and you are ready to ensure that this time everything has happened.

Fisies, from amazement and stress grabbed the air all last year, in 2016, waiting for the long-awaited tide - forces, energy, desires and opportunities. You have every chance to wave a tail and finally get what you dreamed about. Or win the tail - and cool change your life. Do not miss this chance.

The desire to immediately proceed to transformations in life will overtake you already in January. But so far for global transformations is early. Your task for this winter is to make a revision of affairs and mistakes committed in the past, to establish significant relationships for you, strengthen your position at the existing workplace and in existing connections.

But in the spring, the changes will begin to overtake you. And first of all, they will affect the circle of communicating and personal life. In March, several new people will appear next to you, but the old and seemingly proven kinds will suddenly open in front of you with an unexpected, perhaps not the best side. By the way, therefore astrologers recommend to "fasten" the gullibility and not to rely too much on friends and acquaintances.

But there is I. good news: Single fish Already in April can endure a couple, next to which the fish in the water will feel like, and family fish will find new ways to support the purity and freshness of established relationships. Strengthen old connections, as well as new, astrologers are recommended closer to the water - more often walk along the embankments and the fountains or sign a pair into the pool. May will bring liberation to your life. Most likely, putting quite a few strength, you can pay with old debts - both monetary and moral. It will bring you relief and accelerates swimming in a stormy vitality.

Together with June, Creative will come to you, and with him new horizons will be revealed. What you planned and what you have dreamed of, has a huge chance of incarnation to life now - attach at least a little effort! Take care of health - if somewhere "collee", be sure to visit the doctor to avoid possible complications. Compared to the violence of June July, it will seem a swamp, why you can fall into some sadness. Floating from it - either with your head to work, or what is more relevant, in a romantic or family vacation! And then, with new forces, return to August - the time of expectations and preparation for significant changes.

At the end of summer, your main task is to plan and work out the details of how you will reach the goal set. September will cover you a wave of work and new projects, which even some euphoria will be wanted in you. For labor enthusiasm, many fish can "forget" that their loved person and family are waiting at home. In order not to suffer personal life, enter the obligatory items to "go with your loved ones, to bring children to the park ..."

In October, contacts with colleagues and business partners will be particularly significant. This is the time to establish extremely important links, which will be very useful to you in the future, so smile, communicate, be a diplomat. November - time to continue to act and lead in the work plan, but to give the initiative in person: from the ability to get along with a partner, to give up and look for compromises your future joint life depends.

By December, you, quite satisfied with his fruitful activities, come up with an impressive list of what you managed to implement. But a lot of plans will remain unrealized. As much as possible, formulate them - and in 2016 they will definitely be performed.

Love Horoscope for 2016 Fish

Remember: not all of the gold, which glitters, - choose a life satellite, appreciating its moral and mental quality.

Fish 1 decade (20.02-28.02). In the personal relations of fish of the first decade, Spring will come - they will plunge into romance, love and warm spiritual relationship. They will radiate charm, will be destroyed and enterprising. Fish, who already have a second half, will want more attention from the beloved person - and they will achieve their own. And the lonely representatives of the sign will definitely find love and arrange a personal life. And they may not appear alone, but immediately several suitable options - We'll have to choose.

Fish 2 decades (1.03-10.03). Lonely fish of the second decade of the star advise in the spring to look at their surrounding in the working team. Flirts are waiting for you and unforgettable sexual impressions, but you shouldn't believe promises yet. The second half of the year will be the most important period in the personal life of this sign for last years. Fish women can get a hand and heart offer. But for men-fish, it is better to postpone their confessions with far-reaching plans for December - such an alliance will be strong and mines.

Fish 3 decades (11.03-20.03). Fish born in the third decade will be active in the search for their half from the very beginning of the new year. Where to go their timidity and shyness. They will be so attractive, original and persistent that their efforts will not remain unnoticed. But do not be excessive trusting and do not open the soul to the unfamiliar person. Family fish will be more calm, but they will delight their partner recognition in love.

Business horoscope for fish for 2016

Year of the monkey - time for jerking, unexpected discoveries, long-awaited success and ambitious possibilities.

Fish 1 decade (20.02-28.02). Fish of the first decade will be occupied by work and career. Stars are favorable - you will definitely find a job or at the beginning of the year you can count on an increase. And if you cope with the increased amount of responsibilities, then lay a good material base for the future and enjoy the results of your work. But do not forget about the rest, take care of health, otherwise they burn at work.

Fish 2 decades (1.03-10.03). Fishes born in the second decade, the stars promise their career success and material well-beingIf they believe in themselves. Brilliant perspectives will open before you - be persistent and purposeful, the chance falls only once. Creative people Can be glorified, embody an extraordinary idea. The leaders will cope with competitors, and with checks.

Fish 3 decades (11.03-20.03). Representatives of the sign born in the third decade can lead the team and quite successfully led them. They will be able to interest their project management, establish relationships with partners, achieve profitable orders. Over the past decade, this is the most successful year in the career plan, do not stop halfway - you will succeed. On the other hand, responsible work can lead to a deterioration in health - competently distribute your strength, do not forget about the family.

Family horoscope for fish for 2016

Workingolism threatens you overwork and loneliness.

Fish 1 decade (20.02-28.02). Family FishBorn in the first decade, this year nothing threatens. Small quarrels will not conclude in family nest. You will gladly come back home after work, to participate with interest in solving household problems. Common goals will bring together all family members. You will make sure that your half loves you and supports in all endeavors.

Fish 2 decades (1.03-10.03). Despite the workload at work, the fishes of the second decade should schedule rest with the family. You look at your household with new eyes, relax in the circle of loved ones, you can pay attention to children. The second half of the year is more conflict, but everything is resolved by a calm conversation. Belt your half.

Fish 3 decades (11.03-20.03). Fish of the third decade will be unusually generous - they will prove their love through expensive gifts, trips, surprises. Free signs of the sign will find their half and will make everything to arrange a personal life. Fish consisting in relationships will be able to strengthen their union and think about children.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Fish

"In a healthy body a healthy mind" - the motto of fish in the coming year.

Fish 1 decade (20.02-28.02). There will be no problems with the health of the health of the first decade. But they, as always, will be able to find the problem themselves - extra kilograms. In the struggle for a slim figure, the fish will begin to act persistently and tirelessly using all sorts of funds. Stars are favorable - efforts are crowned with success, many fish are uncomfortable.

Fish 2 decades (1.03-10.03). Fishes of the second decade will threaten viral infections. Overwork at work and avitaminosis can seriously undermine health. Try in the spring in the spring to take a vacation and to get into the sanatorium. Hiking, spa treatments, herbal teas And meditation will help relieve tension.

Fish 3 decades (11.03-20.03). Fish born in the third decade, no health problems will not be experienced. But it is still worth strengthening the body. Cut the leisure actively, do sports - it will not only go to the benefit of the body, but also will raise the mood, add confidence. May be disturbed by the bottom of the spine - avoid drafts, do not overcoat and do not lift gravity.

Horoscope for fish for 2016 year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Rat

Reade set Go! The race for the warm place on the career staircase and high incomes begins! Red Monkey assures that you will accept participation in it with delight, and warns: despite the fact that events in business life will develop rapidly, leave yourself the opportunity to earn it to carefully think about each other and ask for advice from friends or more experienced colleagues .

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Tiger

"You go quiet - you will be further" - the old saying in the coming year will become relevant for you, more than ever. Stars advise not to hurry with any decisions, nor with the fulfillment of cases ("Hurry - Money" - this is also for you), nor in matters relating to family and personal life: before going to the registry office, start repairing to initiate the purchase of an apartment or institution Children, weigh everything for and against.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Dragon

You are a creative nature, and 2016 gives you a chance to show all your talents in full power. All that is needed for this is to stop shyly to hide your abilities. You can walk the report by Bariton - plucked! You can prove to the authorities the effectiveness of the relax room in the office - prove! You can confess love from the television screen during the popular show - forward! Monkey will reward you for it.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Horse

If the thought will fly into your head, about which you yourself think: "Wow, what idea!" - Grab up for it immediately and tenacious and begin to prove the possibility of its practical implementation. The fiery monkey assures that one of such thoughts can be an insight from which you will create a project causing envy, even the creator of Facebook brand Zuckerberg. Well, after the idea, the money will come.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Monkey

The year of the Red Monkey promises to keep you in a tone, then the matter is set to a complex choice: agree to this work offer or other; choose this course or other; Preferring that fan or this ... Note: Your happiness depends on the correct choice in the next few years. Therefore, despite the speed of events, do not make decisions from the skill - bypowering, consult with those who trust.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Dog

"It's time to heal in a new way," at the beginning of the year you will think about the search for classes, which will help you to adequately provide yourself, and loved ones. In these search, a monkey recommends relying on the advice and support of old friends - some of them may be very influential in their circle by persons. Do not be afraid of change: even if you are offered to change the scope of activities, the new business will be satisfactory and profitable.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Bull

You will spend the coming year in captivity of feelings and experiences: one of you falls in love with that I will forget about work, and about friends, someone, on the contrary, to check the strength of the old communication, someone will damage the experiences associated with Close people ... It is still very important to emerge from time to time to emerge from the emotional pool and dive into workers and domestic issues: in them and salvation, and solving problems.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Rabbit (cat)

Your happiness is 2016 - in self-realization. The most satisfied life will feel themselves those fish rabbits that will be able to turn the hobby into making money and get into this process with your head - for example, we will venture from the hired workers in your own business: they are promised stable profits and good growth. Well, if you surrogate attention and "half", then everything will be glad on the family front.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Snake

All losses that caused you the outgoing year the coming promises to compensate, and compensated - to increase. Watch the future with optimism: you have a real chance of being about to find the work of your dreams, meet a person who will understand you and will support, and solve the exacerbated housing issue. Well, some fog-snakes the fire monkey will send a stork - get ready for replenishment in the family.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Goat (Sheep)

It seems that everything is fine - the work is done, the chef does not hurt, finances please - if it were not for your exacerbated in 2016 the symptoms ... In each word around you will begin to seek the second, offensive for you; In each glance of "halves" to the side - a cooling certificate; In every trouble - someone's harmful idea. Try to return the harmony and joy in the soul - only then they will enter real life.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Rooster

You have a cheerful, saturated with a variety of events year. You can enjoy life and at work, where the harmony comes between the chief, subordinate and finance, and in a friendly circle, where you will be appointed to the soul of the company, and in the sphere of personal - here, fighting off the crowd of fans, you can meet "half" and lead it in the registry office Or survive the second honeymoonIf you have been married for a long time.

Horoscope for 2016 Fish - Caban

The main accomplishments are coming on the personal front: many unhealthy fish bugs stole love and fast hike in the registry office, after which you are rapidly folding, will become more responsible and decisive. The family representatives of the sign shines the chance to become parents (perhaps - again) or the beginning of the global repair / construction house, which your grandchildren will be called "family hearth".

Learn horoscope for 2016 by zodiac signs