Infrared electric stove board on the street. Choose infrared stove

Budget model with infrared heating

On the pages of the "Comfortable House" section we have repeatedly considered various tiles - both traditional, with a heating element in the form of a spiral and modern - with induction heating. The hero of our today's review - Ricci RIC-3106 - uses an infrared method of heating of dishes. The main issues that are faced with us remain the same: Will this method of heating will be faster and more efficient? Is it convenient to control the temperature during the preparation of various dishes? And in general - how comfortable will use tiles in everyday mode?


A typedesktop infrared single-mounted tile
Country of OriginChina
Guarantee1 year
Stated power1200 W.
Materials housingmetal, glass ceramics
Diameter of Konfork180 mm
Coating Konforkstrained glass
Indicatorsinclusion (heating)
overheat protectionthere is
Dimensions packaging27.5 × 30 × 10.5 cm
Weight2 kg
Length of cord1m
average priceT-12518135
Retail offersL-12518135-10


The tile comes in a cardboard box, decorated in a contrast, somewhat alay-style: The designer clearly does not happen with standard filters built into Photoshop, due to what the design looks somewhat "collective farm". However, what else to expect from the device with such a price? In addition to the photo of the tile itself, you can find the main on the box. technical information About the device: power, diameter of the heating element, the presence of an indicator of inclusion and overheating indicator.

Opening the box, inside you can detect the tile itself (protected from shocks using foam tabs) and instructions.

At first sight

Visually tile produces a positive impression. Despite the use of clearly inexpensive materials, the manufacturer clearly thought out the design of the device. "Control panel" consisting of a patch-of-theostat and heating sensor is painted in bright red color and, thus, it is contrastingly highlighted on a black background matte paints Metal housing, and in the hardware burner, you can even look like in the mirror.

From the bottom side of the case you can see ventilation holes And legs with rubber overlays that prevent slipping. From above, in addition to the burner, control knobs and heating indicator, the RICCI logo is located (with reference to the site), as well as a warning that the surface can be hot.

Despite such minimalism, we would say that the tile looks more expensive than it really is. At least it is true for a new device "straight out of the box."

The quality of the assembly, at first glance, does not cause any complaints. The tile is collected simply (with bolts and nuts, which manufacturer does not consider it necessary to hide), but reliably.


Instructions for tile is a 9-page A5 format brochure, printed on high-quality glossy paper. The manufacturer did not even save on color printing that for goods from this price category is a rarity.

The contents of the instructions are pretty standard - safety instructions, tile device and features of use, principle of operation Protection against overheating, operation, care and storage, warranty obligations.

Interesting and really useful information here is a bit, but there is: we were curious to know that the tile is equipped with two types of protection and turn off or when the temperature of the panel is 580 degrees, or when heated inside the housing is up to 100 degrees.


Tile control is very simple. It is carried out with a single single handle that regulates the power of the device (and therefore - and the power of heating). When turning from the minimum position, the retainer knob quietly clicks - apparently, it is combined with a switch.

In the process of operation, the light indicator turns off periodically. This means that the thermostat has worked and the tile temporarily suspends the heating. When you resume operation, the indicator lights up again.



Before the first use of the user does not require any special actions: it is enough to unpack the tile, connect it into the outlet and turn the knob to the regulator from position 0 to the "Min" position. The indicator lights up, the heating will begin.

As stated in the instructions, when you first turn on, smoke is possible - this burns the protective grease applied at the factory. In case you fear that it can affect the smell of dishes - it is better to give a tile to work for 10 minutes, but only then go to cooking.


After completion of the work, the tile remains hot for some time, so before removing it from the table, you need to give the device to cool.

For working with tiles, any utensils are suitable. The only condition - the bottom of the frying pan or the pans should be flat and not exceed 20 centimeters in diameter.


Tile care is also easy: it is enough to delete pollution in a glass-ceramic panel and clean the housing soft cloth Without the use of abrasive agents. To care for the tile, a dishwashing detergent or special cleaners for glass ceramics should be used.


Objective tests

In the process of testing, we prepared several dishes on the tile, the energy consumption level was measured and appreciated the convenience when working with the device. We started with the simplest - with measurements of the level of power consumption. To do this, we consistently turned on the tile at different levels of power. The wattmeter showed that the tile performs a constant heating at the power of 1120-1140 W. The ability to reduce this value is not provided (the tile is either heats, or temporarily turns off).

Boiling 1 liter of water at maximum power

We took the usual metal casserole with a lid (DNA diameter of 15 cm), poured a liter of water with a temperature of 20 ° C and installed the maximum heating power.

Water boiling happened in 10 minutes and 6 seconds.

The power consumption of the tile, according to the testimony of the wattmeter, was 1100 W, and the electricity consumption was 0.187 kWh.

Preliminary heating took quite a long time: at first the temperature increased slowly: from 20 to 50 degrees 1 liter of water heated in 5 minutes. Later, when the tile warmed up, the process went faster.

What do these results tell us? Is there a lot or a little, fast or slow? Let's compare the effectiveness of infrared tiles with tiles that use other methods of heating.

For example, a previously tested conventional electric tile HOME Element He-HP702 with an open spiral and a working capacity of 915 watts coped with the boiling of liter of water in 10 minutes and 30 seconds, spending 0.17 kWh. Thus, obviously, it is impossible to talk about the unconditional advantage of infrared tiles before "traditional". Our experimental sample (even taking into account the fact that the power of the device is 1100 watts) coped with the boiling of water about the same time, and the electricity spent a little more.

And what about induction tiles? Kitfort KT-106 tile, operating at a capacity of 1680 W, boiled the same amount of water in 4 minutes and 40 seconds, spending only 0.1 kWh - almost two times less than RICCI RIC-3106! So in terms of heating speed, our infrared tile Demonstrated average results.

Result: Medium .

Scrambled eggs

The first dish that we decided to cook on our tile, of course, was the scrambled eggs. We took a small thin-walled frying pan (to minimize the time to heat the dishes), turned on the tile to the maximum power and broke two eggs.

The glazing eggs prepared five minutes after the tile is turned on. Electricity consumption during this time amounted to 0.1 kWh.

The scrambled eggs makes it possible to quite accurately control the uniformity of heating (it is no secret that some tiles heat the frying pan is stronger than the other). Ricci Ric-3106 did not find any problems with this: the scrambled eggs was rooted evenly.

Result: Excellent .


The second standard test is cheese cheese cheese. For their preparation, we took 500 g of cottage cheese, 3 tbsp. l. Sugar, 3 tbsp. l. Flour, 2 eggs, as well as bread flour and vegetable oil for frying. Sourkers we got roasted on a large thick-walled frying pan, for the heating of which it took about 5 minutes.

The tile power turned out to be quite enough to maintain the desired temperature. Cheesers prepared without problems.

Result: Excellent .

"Pie" from chicken liver with sour cream

In this test, we previously roasted onions, then added a grated carrot, then added a kilogram of chopped chicken liver and prepared everything together until readiness. Then I cried all the products with a blender and roasted "pancakes", which became the basis of our "puff cake".

How much time did all these procedures occupy? A total of 32 minutes. 10 minutes and 0.18 kWh was required on the jaw jaw, another 4 minutes and 0.065 kWh - on the roast of carrots. The chicken liver was roasted for 6 minutes, and another 12 went to the preparation of "pancakes". The total consumption of electricity amounted to 0.375 kWh.

Result: Excellent .

Roasted chicken hearts (Quick Heating Test and High Temperature Maintenance)

All previous tasks did not require the tile of high load. We decided to check how our experimental cope with the preparation of dishes that require high temperature. To do this, we took frying pan-wok, warm it up to a high temperature and posted about 500-600 grams of chicken hearts into it.

With this task, the tile coped badly: the power of the device was not enough to evaporate the liquid in a reasonable time, which began to stand out during the roasting process. As a result, instead of "roasting" it turned out "quenching." Products, of course, were not spoiled, but we came to the conclusion that for the preparation of dishes that require fast processing of products at high temperaturesah, Ricci RIC-3106 is not suitable.

Result: bad .

Chicken cutlets

After an unsuccessful dough with a quick roast, we decided to check what happens if you fry small products. To do this, we blinded small cutlets from chicken minceda And they roasted them in a small pan four pieces at a time.

This time the result was pleased: no complaints of the tile work was found.

Result: Good .


Our impressions of using RICCI RIC-3106 tiles were generally predictable: tile with dignity withstood all the tests in which a uniform and not too large heating was required. But for cases when it is required to quickly heat the products to a large temperature (for example, fry in a wok) This device will not fit: the speed of the temperature set was too small, and the "roast" turned into "extinguishing". However, taking into account the stated power of 1200 W, this result is not amazing.


  • adequate price
  • cute design
  • behind the glass-ceramic panel is easier to care

Catalog of materials

With all the variety of models of electrical stoves and embedded hob surfacesThat today offers the market, they use only two types of heating. One of them is based on the so-called Joule effect, which consists in heating the conductor with electric shock. Bright (literally) an example of such heating - a thread of incandescent of the light bulb. Once in the stoves used tubular heating elements (Tanes), then they came to replace cast-iron "pancakes", but now the models with such devices are rare. The burners of most modern electric stoves are a ceramic foundation, into the winding grooves of which is laid a thin wire spiral or a corrugated metal ribbon with a high electrical resistance. The fact that this conductor "resists" flowing current leads to its strong heating. But since the task of the plate is to warm, and not shine, the burner does not shine like a light bulb, but radiates in a thermal (infrared) range.

KonforkHi-Light with a ribbon heating element

The burner with a ribbon heating element is a special name - Hi-Light (he invented it for its products the German company Ego, which produces this equipment). The wire heats up for 6 to 10 seconds after turning on the burner, the tape is faster - only for 3 - 5 seconds. So that the burner warms up even faster, in just one second, it is sometimes embedded with a halogen lamp: it works immediately after turning on the burner, and then turns off.

James Prescott Joule (James Prescott Joule, 1818 - 1889) - the English physicist who made a significant contribution to the formation of thermodynamics. Substantized on the experiments the law of energy conservation. Established a law determining the thermal action electric current.

Induction Konfork

The second type of electric stove uses the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, opened by Michael Faraday. The burners of these plates are called induction. Under the glass surface plate is a copper coil, which flows high-frequency electric current (20 - 60 kHz). In full accordance with the Faraday law, the magnetic field of this current, permeating the bottom of the dishes, leads electrical currents in it. These vortex electric currents warmer the bottom, and with it and food, which is in the dishes. As for the glass (more precisely, the glass ceramics), then if it is heated, then only from the bottom of the pan (which, for efficient work The burners must have ferromagnetic properties). Perhaps many readers are familiar with a spectacular experience when the demonstrator paves a sheet of paper between glass and dishes: water in a saucepan boils, and the paper does not light up.

Michael Faraday, 1791 - 1867) - English Experimentator Physicist. Opened electromagnetic induction underlying the modern industrial production electricity and many applications.

So, Faradays or Joule? Induction or ... non-induction? We need to somehow decide on the terminology. The fact is that the compilers of directories (both paper and electronic) are rather tonasked in the description of this alternative. Sometimes we read: "induction and electric" - which is incorrect, since induction plates are also electrical. "Induction and glass-ceramic" - this is found quite often, but no better, because in both cases, glass-ceramic is used as the desktop coating the slab. When there were no induction burners, the electric stoves were indeed subdivided into "ordinary" (with enameled table coating) and "glass-ceramic", but in this case the glass-ceramic is not a difference criterion. "Induction and traditional electric" is good, but a little cumbersome. "Induction and Hi-Light" - short and clearly, but it should be borne in mind that not all the burners of traditional plates belong to the type Hi-Light. Perhaps the most correct will be like this: "induction and infrared." On that and damaged.

Electric stove. Figure from the patent of Australia № 4699/05, 1905

Contrunations with resistive heating elements appeared earlier than induction. Back in September 1859, American George Simpson received Patent No. 255532 to the surface heated by a spiral of platinum wire, through which the current from the battery was passed.

Rather close in design to modern models There was a stove that Australian David Kerl Smith (Patent Australia No. 4699/05, 1905): On top of the oven there was an electric hill of the desktop, and between them - an electric grill. That's just an adjusting thermostat in this stove has not yet been - to achieve the desired degree of heating, it was necessary to include nine sections of the heating element. Smith's slab turned out to be one of the first to be serial production. Interestingly, in order to promote a new household appliance, the wife of the inventor, Nora Kerl Smith, published in 1907 a book called "Prepare on thermoelectricity is simple." This collection of 161 dishes became the first book in the world. culinary recipes For electric stove.

Induction electric stove (Figure from US Patient, 1909). InductorS suits the field in the magnetic core m, and this field generates vortex currents in the bottom of the vessel A.

It is curious that the idea induction plate It was proposed for the same years (see Figure from US Patient 1909). However, before practical application This idea did not come soon: only in the mid-1950s, the FRIGIDAIRE division of General Motors created the first demonstration sample. It is when it demonstrations during the trips of GM representatives in America was invented a spectacular trick with a newspaper lined under a saucepan to demonstrate the full safety of the new device.

In April 1961, the Soviet magazine "Technique of Youth" in a short note under the title "Cooking on a cold plate" said: "NEFF plants have developed a new, covered with beautiful plastic induction stove, in the center of which an ordinary frying pan with meat is placed on three legs. A few minutes after the stove is turned on, the Schnitzel is already ready. You can cover your hand between the frying pan and the slab of the hearth and do not get a burn. Magnetic field created by the current generator high frequency, induces vortex currents in metal dishes, quickly heating it. Tree, plastic and organic substances are not heated. The legs of a frying pan prevent heat transmission plate. "

Induction cooking surfaceWestinghouse.ElectricCT2 (1973)

However, time for mass production of the plate using induction heating has not yet come. The construction was "brought to mind" the company Westinghouse Electric, demonstrating a prototype with a burner in 1971, in the winding of which a current with a frequency of 25 kHz was fed. The first serial sample called ST2 was produced from 1973 to 1975 and was discontinued in connection with the sale of the manufacturer of White Consolidated Industries Inc. The age of the model was a short-natal, but the main thing - in it, glass-ceramic of Pyroceram company Corning Glass has already been used as a desktop covering. The stove did not have the usual handle of power control - magnetic sliders were used instead. Therefore, there were no holes on the glass where liquid shed from dishes could get. In addition, the model could determine the presence of dishes on the burner using a magnetic detector. It was necessary not to fail the high-frequency generator, but the function turned out to be so comfortable as this day is used in all induction plates.

It is curious that by demonstrating the work of the Plate on the air of the television channel of the Air Force, the popular showman Raymond Baxter placed between the glass and dishes not paper, and ... a piece of ice!

Undoubted pluses of induction burners are quick heating (according to this indicator they are close to gas), high, about 90% coefficient useful action (versus 60-70% in plates with resistive heating elements and 30-60% of gas). Induction burners are not included while they are not worth the dishes, and automatically disconnect as soon as you remove the dishes from the stove. The glass-ceramic surface of the induction plates is only a bit heats up from the dishes, and after the shutdown, it cools quickly - as a result, nothing burns to it. At the same time, the temperature near the burner remains almost unchanged, which is explained by the "directional thermal conductivity" of the glass ceramics: it is well carried out heat vertically and badly - along the surface.

If induction is minuses? There are few of them: first, special requirements for dishes (the presence of ferromagnetic properties). A, secondly, the price. In our consolidated table, seven induction and seven infrared models, as usual, ranked at the price. If you mentally divide this table in half, then only two induction models will be in the upper part, and in the bottom, more "dear" - on the contrary, only two infrared.

Beko HIC 64101 x

The glass-ceramic desktop of the Beko HIC 64101 x cooking surface is edged with stainless steel frame. The mirror smooth surface of the glass simplifies the cleaning process, and it is not easy to scratch it at all.

Front left hardware - double-circuit: The diameter of the heating zone here may increase from 120 mm to 180 mm, and the power is from 700 W to 1700 W. When the burner is turned on, the inner zone of heating is activated, and then the power controller can be expanded by turning the heating zone. By the way, this is an interesting feature of this model: it uses classic turning power regulators. As for the indication of the residual heat of the burners, then without this function, it is difficult to imagine a cooking surface with zones without this function. infrared heating.

ElectronicsDeluxe 595204.01 EVS.

The circular expansion burner is equipped with a cooking surface ElectronicsDeluxe 595204.01 ECU. But in this model it is located on the right from behind, and its power increases from 700 to 2100 W. The cooking surface is covered with Neoceram glass-ceramic having a high heat resistance and exceptional mechanical strength. There is a shutdown timer and blocking the touch control panel - this security system eliminates the inclusion of konforok children.

Hotpoint-Ariston KIO 632 CP C

And here is the first induction model in our review - the cooking surface of HotPoint-Ariston KIO 632 CP C series LUCE. A feature of this collection is the use of Flexy Zone's innovative technology, which makes "flexible" working area hob. A rectangular area has been added to two ordinary round burners here, on which, thanks to the absence of boundaries, you can place the pots of any shape and size. Flexy Zone technology allows you to put two frying pan or pan on the same heating zone by choosing two different temperatures or set the same power and temperature over the entire surface under the utensil big diameter - For example, a hussy or counterfeit. Flexy Zone itself "adjusts" under the utensils, automatically determining the size and position of each individual pan and activating only the heating zone that is necessary.

In this regard, there is a small confusion in specifications This model is if it "google", then on some sites it will be indicated that the surface has three burners, and on others - that four. The fact is that the heating zone Flexipower can work as two separate burners or as one large. We liked the formulation most of all on the manufacturer's website - "The number of induction zones: yes." As they say, "I have them."

It's time to get acquainted with such a function as quick heating (Booster) - it will meet in almost every induction model that entered our review. With the function of rapid heating, booster can be quickly, in just four minutes, heat the hardware to the maximum, for the time "swing" the power in the neighboring.

And of course, it is impossible to go around the attention characteristic of most modern cooking surfaces. Convenient touch control Touch Control, which provides accurate and independent control of each cooking zone, allowing you to set the temperature and function by simply touch.

Gorenje Ecs620bc.

And again infrared burners, all four - Hi-Light. We are talking about the Gorenje ECS620BC model with Slidertouch sensory regulators, allowing you to smoothly set the power of the heating zones. Two burners have the ability to expand: this is anterior left hardware with round zones of heating (120 mm / 210 mm) and the rear right, where the circle with a diameter of 170 mm is expanding to an oval 265 mm long. Each of the burners has its own timer and the residual heat indicator. In addition to the automatic shutdown to the time specified by the timer, there is also a cooking automatics - it will be useful to you for such dishes, which first need to heat at the very high level Power, and then leave to boil for a long time, while not controlling the process of cooking (for example, boiled meat). But for roasting or extinguishing, when the dish is often swallowing, mixing or adding water to it, the "Creating Automation" mode will not fit.

Hansa BHC63503.

Sensory control, an individual timer for each hi-light hi-light and boiling automatics is equipped with Hansa BHC63503 cooking surface. The model has two round expandable heating zones - in front of the left (120/210 mm) and to the right (120/180 mm). There are also elements such as a four-segment indicator of residual heat, blocking from children and a heat maintenance function, in general, often found in the models of this price category. But the design of the model is completely unique: this model with Antique drawing belongs to the exclusive series, which also includes cooking hansa panels Vintage BHC63500, Hansa Wood BHC63501 and Hansa Orient BHC63502. Not so often in these kitchen devices, a waste from stereotypical black glass is allowed, and the Hansa models are just as a pleasant exception that is pleasing to the eyes.

Candy Cie 4630 B3

Buyers will be nice to take a look at the model Candy Cie 4630 B3, more precisely on its price tag, since it is one of the few induction models of the budget category (then we will meet with induction in the second half of our review and a summary table). Meanwhile, despite the democratic price, there are all in this cooking surface. necessary attributes: Touch power control (nine heating steps), BOOOSTER function on all hardware, hardware trip timer up to 99 minutes, control lock, residual heat indicators, automatic shutdown of hub with sound signal (buzzer).

WhirlpoolAKT 8700 /IX

Model Whirlpool AKT 8700 / IX with four Hi-Light burners - a great solution for the kitchen. The system of expanding zones of heating of the rear row Manufacturer calls Combi Cook: it turns on the ring burner located on the right, and oval - on the left. Heated control - sensory (nine power levels), there is a timer with an acoustic signal (from 1 min to 99 min), blocking of access of children and the display of residual heat. Among the special functions - "melting" (low-temperature regime intended for melting oil, chocolate or cheese) and "pause", which allows you to immediately suspend the current cooking to prevent it from burning or pouring liquids from a saucepan as a result of long or excessive boiling. When the "pause" function is turned on, the temperature of all the working zones of heating decreases and the burner simply supports heat, and after it is turned off, the power levels set up to the inclusion of this function are restored.

Körting HK6205RI

Körting has presented a nice gift to fans of a noble classic, adding the range of its built-in equipment by the hob of HK 6205 R in the style of "Retro" - it will become an excellent pair of brass wardrobes of the retro-series. Model that is offered in two color options (Classic "black" and "ivory"), distinguishes the elegant metal frame of bronze, which not only protects the edge of the panel from chips, but also is its spectacular decoration. The heating zones are equipped with modern Hi-Light heating elements, which are characterized by a high heating rate (5-7 seconds), energy efficiency and reliability.

The model has two expanding heating zones - round in front of the left and oval rear on the right. The maximum control is provided by the touch control system: just one touch to activate the panel, select the power level or heating zone. The "Protection of Children" features the entire panel and takes care that the little fidget cannot turn on the slab on their own. Avoiding unwanted randomilities will help the automatic shutdown function: it deactivates the burners or the entire cooking panel after a certain time if any other commands are received from you.

AEG HK563402XB.

It seems that the boiler surface AEG HK563402XB focuses on all the "beams", which can be at the model with Hi-Light burners. Electronic sensory controls provide the speed and accuracy of the response, providing full control over all zones of heating - and in their number two round dual zones (the leftmost 120/210 mm and the right long-distance 120 / 180mm). An adjustable timer for 99 minutes with an acoustic signal resembles the time of preparation, and can also be used as a normal timer when the cooking surface is not used.

It is rational to use the time you will help the AUTOMAX function: it quickly heats the cooking surface, and you can immediately start cooking. The function "Protection of children" ensures that the cooking surface will not be included, whether it is an accident or someone's mischief. Another function - STOP & GO - provides even greater control over preparation. When it is activated, all the burners switches to the "Saving heat" mode until you are ready to continue the cooking process.

Finally, the Universal XL Frame Optifit Frame ™ allows you to install a cooking surface in various niches for embedding, and OptiFix ™ technology is to do it with just one movement. The Probox ™ special accessory makes it possible to install a cooking surface directly above the box in kitchen furniture.

Electrolux EHL96740FK.

Parting (but not forever) with infrared heating burners, go to the induction models of the upper price segment. An example of such devices are induction cooking surfaces of Platinum from Electrolux, in which the purity and laconicity of the design are complemented by wide functionality. First of all, it is instantaneous and accurate control of heating. In Infinite models, this is done with one touch: each cooking area is controlled by an individual circular slider, the levels of heating are clearly marked around the control - everything is clear at first glance, and adjustment is simple and convenient. Professional chefs often use instantaneous heating feature, which is necessary for cooking sauces and gravity. The Infinite booster booster feature provides an additional power gain that provides instant heating to high temperature.

But, perhaps, the main advantage of this induction surface is that it allows you to arbitrarily choose a place to prepare a dish. You need to simply put the dishes on the cross of any of the burners: the surface automatically adapts to the shape of a pan and a saucepan and quickly heats up without losing energy to heating empty areas. You can also combine two heating zones into one large using the Bridge function to use frying pan any shape. For example, the elongated cookware for fish will be perfectly located immediately on two cooking areas.

It happens that you need to leave the kitchen during the preparation. The STOP + GO function allows you to pause in cooking with one click of the button and later resume work with the same settings.

Like all other new devices model Row Electrolux Platinum, the intinite cooking surface has an attractive classic design that meets modern trend. In black or white execution, she harmoniously fits into the interior of any kitchen. At the same time, the heating zones and controls remain invisible until you decide to use them.

Gorenje IQ641AC.

The induction cooking surface of Gorenje IQ641AC is curious not only the presence of smooth touch control Slidertouch, Stop & GO and PowerBoost functions on each hardcover, boilControl cooking and protecting the SMARTSENSE. In addition, there is a function of thawing frozen products Softmelt: it supports a constant temperature of 42 ° C, and due to the uniform heat distribution, suitable for the interpretation of honey, oil and chocolate, as well as for thawing a small amount of frozen vegetables.

The most interesting thing in this model is an IQCook innovative system developed by Gorenje. Smart IQ Sensors sensors automatically regulate the work of the cooking panel, which eliminates the need to manually cooking. IQCook system offers several automatic programs (preparation with large quantity water, steamed, slow cooking, fryer, grill), at the same time leaving the opportunity to cook traditional way. At the same time, you will not need any special dishes: a cooking panel is compatible with any dishes for induction, and special IQ Cook sensors that are included in the kit are easily attached to any cover of the dishes.

S.Meg Si644do.

The SMEG SI644DO Model of the NEWSON series draws attention to its design: Golden Seriography, Straight Edge of Glass, Touch Control Touch Control. However, both the functionality here at the height: all four induction burners - with 15 power levels, the BOOOSTER function, and at the same time all - expandable! Each burner has its own independent timer with automatic shutdown and an acoustic cooking signal.

The ECO-LOGIC function using an electronic device limits energy consumption of 3 kW, which allows you to safely use multiple devices in the house. Security elements also include automatic shutdown of the device, overheating protection, control lock from children, as well as a cooling fan.


In the new Siemens FlexInduction models, the width of the heating zones is increased to 24 cm, which allows you to freely choose the size of the dishes for cooking. Zones are expanded due to the shift of oval inductors for 2 cm left and right, so the heating is uniform even when cooking on the contrary. The presence sensors selectively include the necessary inductors, providing equally efficient and fast heating of both a miniature turkey for coffee and a spacious brazier for Tepañaki. The fry sensor selects the optimal heating intensity and fully controls the cooking process in automatic mode, providing uniform roasting and rich taste of dishes. The heating power of each zone is set using TouchSlider touch regulators with 17 possible power steps. In combination with high thermal efficiency and rapidly reaction of inducers, it allows you to accurately adjust the temperature and easily cope with the preparation of the most complex dishes.

For example, a Siemens EH975SZ17E cooking panel is 90 cm wide - these are five independent burners: four induction zones combined into two zones FlexInduction 24 x 40 cm and a round hardware in the center with a diameter of 32 cm.

Siemens FlexInduction cooking panels have whole line Functions that provide security and comfort, among which the shutdown timer, short-term locking for surface cleaning, protective lock from children, main switch and residual heat indicators. The function of accelerated heating POWERBOOST increases the power of a separate zone to 3.7 kW, and the new features "Quick Start" and "Restart" allow you to instantly start cooking.

For additional control And the protection of a home power grid from overloads New induction panels are equipped with an email display display that helps optimize energy consumption and the PowerManagement function that limits the full power consumption of the panel, if necessary.

Miele.KM 6347.

The induction cooking surface MIELE KM 6347, made in the LightPrint decor, has four separate induction hardware with a variable diameter and a Powerflex zone consisting of two combined PowerFlex-burners. All burners - with booster function, automatics of boiling and recognition of dishes and its size, and some - also with the TwinBooster function and the heat conservation function. If the Booster function increases the power of the burner by 50%, then twinbooster doubles it shortly.

The sensor control panel with digital illuminated power indication allows you to enter individual settings (for example, sound confirmation of keystrokes). There are four simultaneously used timer for 99 minutes to set the cooking time with automatic disconnection and a separate STOP & GO feature button. The quality of Made in Germany speaks for itself: the life of the device is at least 4000 hours.


So, we met with the most interesting models Wratch surfaces with infrared heating hobs and induction burners. And completes our review model in which two burners of both types are installed: this is a Bosch Pic645F17E electric cooking surface. And, of course, there is a touch control panel with the ability to lock, and the timer, and the protective shutdown.

As readers have already understood, infrared and induction burners do not conflict with each other at all. However, there were no conflicts and in relationship between Joule and Faraday. Joule's work relative to warmth, electricity and mechanical work Not given great importance until 1847, while her enthusiastically approved Michael Faraday. This was discovered for Joule the door to the Royal Scientific Society, where in 1849, on the initiative of Faraday, he read his work "On the mechanical equivalent of warmth".

So and we stand with equal attention to consider the cooking surfaces of both types for your kitchen.

Care glass ceramic surface

Clean the glass-ceramic surface each time after it is used (wait until it cools out!), Otherwise, even the slightest pollution will be signed to the heated surface. Each time before use, wipe the dust and dirt and dirt that can scratch the surface from the glass ceramics.

Small pollution can be eliminated by a soft damp cloth. Then wipe the clean surface of dry. Strong contaminants are removed using special Tools To care for glass-ceramic surfaces.

Check that there is no traces of the cleaning agent on the glass-ceramic surface, since it can acquire aggressive properties when heated and lead to changes in the structure of the glass-ceramic surface.

After any cleaning, wipe the glass-ceramic surface with a soft cloth. To clean the cooking surface, metal sponges cannot be used, abrasive cleaning products, as they can scratch the glass-ceramic surface. The decorative pattern on the cooking surface can be erected due to the use of aggressive and coarse cleaning agents, as well as dishes with a damaged or rude bottom.

Water stains can be removed using a weak vinegar solution. This solution cannot be wiped with a frame of the device (in some models), as it will lose shine.

The table plate is an easy and compact device, it is an excellent assistant in small kitchens, at dachas and other houses in the countryside.

Not so long ago the main assistant hosts in the zones not provided with gas were only electric tiles. Today, infrared desktop plates (IR) are used in considerable demand.

The warming up in it occurs with the help of the Tan, which generate infrared radiation, and the heating is based on the fact that the water in the products is absorbs. At the same time, large volumes of heat are formed. Such a principle of work - pledge fast cooking Food. And it turns out with excellent taste characteristics and does not lose useful qualities.

Many modifications of IR boards for household purposes are equipped with a glass-ceramic surface. They form: hull, heating component, cooking and control unit.

The heating component is glowing, and then incandes the dishes. These actions provide electrical shots.

The surface of the glass ceramics has resistance to pressure and temperature jumps. On it, it is possible to place massive dishes and assign maximum heating parameters.

However, dotted blows are dangerous for such a surface. It is not allowed to fall on it heavy items. It can seriously damage, for example, a metal corkscrew or a pan of a saucepan cover.

This surface has excellent thermal conductivity. Therefore, the stove heats up to high performance very quickly. In household versions, the temperature limit is usually 300ºС. In professional - twice as much.

Thanks to the glass-ceramic panel, you can:

  1. Reduce the absorbable power of the plate and the duration of its heating.
  2. Develop efficiency.
  3. Quick change temperatures.

IR models allow you to prepare a variety of dishes: from soups to pancakes. You can purchase their desktop and outdoor versions. Seconds can be arranged wind cabinets. Models are usually equipped with a minimum of one burner, a maximum of four.

Also today more preferences have become given to infrared grills. There are modifications of small dimensions. They are often involved on loggias, verandas and for giving. There are professional variations that are usually found in catering establishments.

They significantly accelerate and develop the quality of service.

Weak and strengths of IR tiles

Her advantages are as follows:

  1. Efficiency. Thanks to the use of this unit, electricity costs are significantly reduced. Also radically reduces the duration of the culinary process.
  2. There is an option for a sharp decrease in temperature.
  3. The working panel is easy to launder.
  4. Many modifications have several power steps (maximum - 10). When dishes are warmed under conditions of not more than 60 degrees, there is almost no waste of electricity.
  5. Inquiry there are timers and convenient monitors for control. An option is often found - a block from children.
  6. For such models, any dishes can be used (exceptions: paper, plastics and plastic). No need to acquire a special office.
  7. There is a glowing sensor "hot". It is protection against random burns until the device cools after use.
  8. Defense from voltage drops and jumps is arranged.
  9. There is no open flame, soot and carbon monoxide.
  1. Considering that the glass-ceramic surface is pretty vulnerable, to transport and operate the tile is required extremely gently. If the coating is damaged, it will take its complete replacement.
  2. The device cannot be poured with water. Of course, no one will do this specifically. But it happens that water can flow from the pan. And water can disrupt the functionality of the device. And when water turns out to be on a working technique, a nasty cracking is heard.

These minuses are pretty conditional. And they do not negatively reflect on the impression of such tiles.

Dilemma: Induction or IR?

Today, the question of the advantages of an induction or infrared plate is very relevant. Better short: the first warms only the dishes placed on it. And the dishes are required to be defined here. Such models work more economical. The second is all that is placed on it. And if nothing is worth it, she can warm up air.

Therefore, if you need a good economical option And you are ready to solve questions with the presence of certain types of dishes, then you need an induction unit.

If you are important for you the dynamics of warming up and cooking, purchase desktop IR plates. It is important when buying to follow certain criteria.

Criterias of choice

The priority criterion is the choice of brand. It is better to focus on the famous manufacturer. And choose one or another modification taking into account your needs.

Other key criteria:

  1. The number of burners.
  2. Maximum heating rate.
  3. Is there a timer and additional options.

The price indicators of IR tiles are due to the following factors:

  1. Case manufacturing material.
  2. The quality of the heating component.
  3. Existing options and functionality.

The most impressive price tags are observed in stainless steel apparatus. The cost of this technique may develop when additional options are present in it, for example:

  • electronic type timer;
  • sensor reflecting residual heat;
  • energy absorption programmers Category A;
  • self-cleaning technology.

The serious cost of IR tiles later pays off, since electrical resources will significantly save.

Principles of care for this technique

Exploiting IR tiles, do not forget that this is still an electric unit. And it applies to it certain rules security.

Before carrying out the cleaning of the plate, be sure to disconnect it from the electrical system. For this procedure, use only a soft sponge or cloth. Here you should also use a liquid dishwasher or a special cleaning preparation. this material - glass ceramics. It is prohibited to use abrasive methods. They adversely affect the appearance and quality of the surface.

Do not forget to periodically eliminate dust focusing in the ventilation lattices of the device. You can act manually, but you can use a vacuum cleaner. In no case do not arrange the tile cleansing, completely lowering it into the water.

When an IR model is operated carefully and comply with all recommendations for using it and care for it, it will work for a very long time.

Examples of top models

Today in the assortment you can find many different desktop IR plates. To make a competent choice, you need to know which brands are leading and which models use a good reputation among users. The following is a list of five popular modifications.

  • Protection against overheating internal components (when heating the case above 1000С, the device turns off)
  • Protection against overheating panels (triggers when the surface of the discs exceeds 5800C)
  • Simple mechanical management
  • The surface is easily clean and cleaned
  • Infrared burners provide fast heating
  • You can use any dishes (except for plastic and paper)
  • Original design

  • When the instrument is output, it is difficult to find components for replacement

Compact desktop plate consists of a metal case, infrared heating elements and control board. The model is produced in two color versions - black (RIIS-3206) and silver (RIIS-3206i). Management is very simple - two mechanical heating power regulators, each under its burner. The surface of the glass ceramics is durable, withstands a lot of weight, however, it is afraid of point blows. The diameter of the burner is 18 and 15 cm, respectively. The stove is completed with 4 legs-supports. The control panel contains 2 indicators of operation that light up when the appropriate burner is turned on.

  • Due to the high power of 1200 W, the burner is quickly heated
  • Economy energy consumption
  • Several types of protection (from overheating internal design and overheating surfaces)
  • Non-slip rubber legs increase the resistance of the device
  • Simple and understandable mechanical control
  • The glass-ceramic surface is easily cleaned and washed
  • High price

The infrared stove in the stainless steel housing is equipped with a single burner with a diameter of 18 cm. The manufacturer produces two types of models that differ from each other appearance. Ricci RIC-3106I goes silver color, black control panel, Ricci RIC-3106 is made in black color with a contrasting red insert and shiny silver handle. The model is quite light, weigh 2 kg, it can be easily moved from place to place. The control panel consists of an indicator that lights up when the hook and the heating knobs are turned on.

  • The control panel displays error codes that help to diagnose malfunction.
  • Three types of protective shutdown
  • Heating temperature is adjustable in the range of 60-2400C
  • The control panel is blocked
  • Automatic shutdown timer for 180 minutes
  • The residual heat indicator suggests when the surface has cooled
  • Maximum Corner Capacity 2 kW

The infrared stove is a modern miracle of technology, which is used not only in public institutions, but also on ordinary kitchens. It represents heat equipmentwhich heats up at the expense of special Tannes with infrared radiation. The latter is transmitted to the working surface of the glass ceramics.

Plates of this type are suitable for the preparation of the first and second dishes. Baking, cooked on the infrared plate, it turns out more delicious. In view of this, it is worth a more detailed to talk about what is generally such a kitchen technique, in which its advantages and whether it has drawbacks.

Principle of operation and advantages

So, the working surface warming is carried out by means of the Tan generating infrared radiation, which is absorbed by water contained in the products. This creates a significant amount of heat. Due to this, cooking is faster. In addition, it turns out more delicious and does not lose its useful properties.

Most IR-Plate models have a glass-ceramic surface. The principle of the device is pretty simple. It is based on the fact that the first TEN is heated, and only then heat is transferred to the dishes installed on the stove. In any case, electric shocks are responsible for providing these actions.

Main advantages

The glass-ceramic surface is well tolerated the temperature differences and pressure drops. Therefore, on the slab with such a surface can be installed the overall dishes and use the highest temperature limits for heating. However, point blows for glass ceramics are very dangerous. Therefore, it is impossible to allow hard items to fall on it. For example, if a metal corkscrew or the cover falls on such a surface, it will hit it with an edge, it can cause damage.

In this case, the infrared stove with a glass-ceramic surface is very quickly heated to high temperatures. And she has excellent thermal conductivity. Naturally, it became possible through the use of glass ceramics. Therefore, even a very large saucepan with water heats up in just a few minutes.

In addition, water is also contained in all products that are commonly used for cooking. It absorbs infrared radiation in large quantities. Due to this taste quality, dishes are simply excellent. This was already mentioned at the beginning of our article.

Of course, the most important advantage of the infrared plate is that the speed of cooking is significantly increased. This is important not only because the hostess does not have to stand longer at the slab. It follows from this that the efficiency of the equipment increases, and electricity costs decrease. At the same time, the sanitary treatment of the plates will not be much difficulty.

About equipment types, regulations of choice and cost

Infrared plates can act as independent equipment. They can also be part of the heat line in the kitchen. In any case, they are divided into two types by way:

  • desktop;
  • outdoor.

But by the number of zones of heating or simply - burners - the plates are two or fourkone. Also such a device may have an oven, and maybe without it.

How to choose

As for the characteristics of the choice of infrared slabs, then they are as follows. First of all, you should consider the size of the room and the power of the power grid to which the device will be connected. In addition, the purpose of use has great importance. After all, for use on ordinary household kitchen One type of equipment is selected, and for production purposes, the household stove is not suitable.

If the stove is selected for the restaurant kitchen or for the dining room, then it is more appropriate to purchase a whole heat line. If the infrared stove is installed in a small pancake, for example, it will be enough to choose a desktop cooking surface with two horses. Such equipment is characterized by compact sizes and has an acceptable cost. Naturally, when choosing such a plate for ordinary cuisine, also should be taken into account their nuances.

What affects the cost

It should be understood that the infrared stove is not at all cheap pleasure. Its price directly depends on the quality of the Tan, as well as from what material the housing of the plate will be made. The most expensive are the models, the body of which is made of stainless steel.

Also at the cost of such kitchen equipment The number of additional functions affects. These are:

  • electronic timer;
  • the residual heat indicator;
  • class A power consumption programmers;
  • system of self-cleaning.

Of course, this list is far from complete. However, the smaller the additional functions will be, the lower the price. However, their presence makes the use of infrared slabs more convenient and secure. But it is worth noting that the high cost of such equipment very quickly pays off due to the high degree of economy of electrical energy consumption.

The use of infrared slabs, like any electric device With heating elements, implies caution. Therefore, the user must strictly follow the safety rules. In this case, infrared radiation has not yet been studied to the end. And some scientists still argue that it can negatively affect human health.

Therefore, in order to reduce the possible harmful effects, try to fully load the working surface of the device. When the cooking process is completed, the slab must be turned off. In addition, it is forbidden to shed liquid to the working surface. This will prevent the likelihood of burning burns.

It is worth adding that to extend the life of the infrared plate, it is impossible to use pots that are covered with chrome. The thing is that their bottom does not absorb thermal energy, but pushes her back - on Ten. Therefore, Ideally, it is better to use the dishes that the bottom is black.

As for the repair of infrared plates, then, as a rule, implies the replacement of the glass-ceramic surface. After all, if it is damaged, it will be impossible to restore it the original look. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe all the rules of operation of the glass-ceramics, which, albeit, can withstand considerable temperatures and pressure, but poorly tolerates point blows.

If the problem is the malfunction of the Tan, they should be changed either in service centerOr with a qualified specialist. Repair the device independently can not be in any case.

Video. Ricci infrared cooking plate. Touch in cooking

Three most important elements, without which it is impossible to imagine modern kitchenEven a schoolboy will be easily called - this is a refrigerator, sink and stove or cookbar. Let's talk about the latter. Various options Warp panels are represented today in stores in the wide range of assortment. First, they are joint - with wind wardrobes and independent - no oven. They can be standard - on 4 burners and compact or mobile - for two or even single-mounted variation. By the method of heating, all surfaces are divided into gas (with a burner), electrical (desktop model) and combined.

If the house is supplied gas pipe - Most often installed a gas or combined panel, it is also clear - gas is much cheaper than electricity, and the surface itself will cost you cheaper. The standard combination surface includes usually 3 gas points and one electrical. Frankly, gas access points have a number of shortcomings.

  • Fire hazard - open fire can lead to the smallest consequences;
  • The problem with the rearrangement of the plate to another place, you will need agreement with gas services;
  • Difficulty of repair - repair gas plates Only specialized gas services are entitled.

In view of this, electric cooking panels are becoming increasingly popular and good. They have in the list of advantages of greater functionality and ease of use. If you choose on them, you should decide on the surface material: enamel coating, aluminum, stainless steel or glass-ceramic.

The first three coating options are inexpensive materials that have mostly low cost and a number of flaws. However, they can still be found in the kitchen in many homes.

The glass-ceramic is gaining increasing popularity in view of its beauty and universal style. It is easy enough to clean, but at the same time it will have to be always on the check. You can not use abrasive substances, as well as use the tough side of the sponge to eliminate scratches. The glass ceramics is the most expensive type of material for the cooking surface, however, sales of such a panel exceed the implementation of all other options. There are 2 main types of plates with glass ceramics: electrical and induction.

The difference between the induction cooking panel from the electrical: comparison

In essence, induction and electrical cooking panels are electrical. The induction stove is a more advanced model of the base electric stove, which has a number of features. So, induction plates, unlike electrical, have the following important differences.


  • The surface of the plate does not heat up, which is very important in the presence of children in the house, they will not be able to burn;
  • Safety - If there is no special dishes on the stove - the stove will not turn on, it heats the dishes placed on it without heating itself;
  • Accordingly, less electricity is consumed, saving on person;
  • Very quick heating of food, many times faster than on a conventional electric stove - water boats for 2-3 minutes.

Negative differences of the induction plate from electrical: when working is heard a small fan noise located inside the panel, high price. You can not use with ordinary dishes - you need to purchase dishes (pans, frying pan) with a special magnetic coating at the bottom.

What is better: induction or electric cookbar

We looked at what important distinctive features of the two panels. The principle of operation of the electric stove is understood - the electric current interacts with heating elements located under a glass-ceramic coating and heats up the correspondingly standing dishes. Heating elements in this case use a spiral of a special metal. Management can be carried out both mechanically and using the sensor.

What is the secret of the induction hob? Her principle of operation is absolutely different from the work of basic electric stoves. It does not have heating elements in the form of metal plates, electromagnetic coils are used in such panels, which when the electricity is received, creates a magnetic field around itself.

If there will be dishes with a special magnetic bottom on the surface - it will warm very quickly.

On the usual dishes, such a heating system will not even pay attention. At the same time, during the rapid heating of the dishes - there will be no surface of the slab. In view of the fact that the plate begins to consume electricity only when the dishes standing and only on the size of the bottom of the dishes - and not for the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe cooking zone - the electricity savings are quite significant - consumption 1.5 times lower than that of the usual electric plate. At the same time, it is worth noting that the price of the induction surface significantly exceeds the bar that holds the electric stove. Therefore, if you do not plan to prepare a lot - savings from reducing electricity consumption is doubtful. Choose that better - induction or electric cooking surfaces, it is worth each owner independently, based on what it is necessary.

Induction or electric cooking panel: difference between them

Regardless of which of the surfaces under consideration above, you will choose - it is worth knowing that both of them most often have a glass-ceramic coating. Such a coating looks very stylish and beautiful, does not spoil the interior even in the kitchen-studio. But it is important to properly exploit such a surface.

It can not be cleaned by powder means - glass ceramics can scatter.

You need to be careful when operating - do not throw appliances, do not knock on it. With an electric stove, it is necessary to try to avoid burning food on the surface - as the laundering process is a rather time-consuming occupation. In this case, there are no such problems with induction plates, since the surface is always cold and any food or liquid falls on it easily wipped with a wet sponge.

Both plates have a large number of Programs: Protection against children (blocking buttons), heating adjustment, resizing the heating area in the case of an electric stove. The noise level during the operation of the induction plate is higher than when using the usual electrical. Rather, there is no noise at the electrical cooking surface at all. The induction is equipped with a fan, cooling plate and the sound of its operation is a bit heard.

Unique infrared cooking tile

Perhaps the third common type of electric stove is an infrared plate. Such plates are also equipped with a glass-ceramic surface. Heating occurs by means of electric current heating the beans, which in turn create infrared radiation.

Water, which is part of all products, absorbs this radiation and thereby highlights the heat from which the stove is heated.

Due to the good thermal conductivity, such a stove is quickly heated to the desired temperature. Cooking on such surfaces you can absolutely any food - from cheese to the boors. For this slab it is possible to use any dishes - with the exception of paper or plastic.

Criteria: What is the difference between the induction cooking surface from electrical (video)

In this article, we reviewed the basic variants of cooking surfaces, helped compare and choose. However, what exactly the model preferred is always for the buyer. Each of the models has a set of both the advantages and disadvantages.