How is the insertion in the gas pipe - step by step guide. How to carry out the insert in the gas pipe whether to connect to the gauge of the neighbor

Replacing gas pipes in the apartment, like any other pipelines, is required after their long-term operation. Therefore, if you plan to do the repair, pay attention to the service life of gas pipes, since leakage may occur in old pipes and, changing them, the repair will have to redo the minimum partially.

The segment of old pipes is performed by the grinder, and the products of such work, for sure, will not remain unnoticed on the walls and other elements of the interior.

Replacing the gas pipeline in the apartment

As you know, the replacement of gas pipes is prohibited with their own hands, so only experts serving gas companies.

Therefore, if necessary, the replacement will need to contact the appropriate institution and wait for the arrival of the Master.

Most likely, with the first visit of the gas service employee, the pipe will not be replaced with you, since the master will need to inspect the gas system, measure the length of the gas pipes, make a estimate for work, as well as the cost of new pipes for the household gas pipeline.

Gas pipe replacement work

Arriving in place of installation, the master should be removed from the area of \u200b\u200bunauthorized persons, take care of the absence of smokers and sources of open fire.

Before entering the place, the warning sign "Caution! Gas! "," Smoking is prohibited! "," The passage is prohibited! " etc.

Before cutting gas pipe and proceed to the installation work new, the gasman should block gas access to gas pipelineTo which a new pipe will be welded, and remove (blow out) from it the remains of the gas. Blow the gas inside the room ( ventilation channels etc.) is strictly prohibited.

After all security measures were taken, a gas pipe trimming can be performed. As mentioned, it is usually produced using ordinary grinder. Next to the place of the old pipe is welded new.

Check the integrity of the household gas pipeline and gas start rules

The gas start to the pipe is prohibited until the inspection method and the corresponding tests (soap emulsion) will not be confirmed by its integrity, the presence of all required plugs and the serviceability of the connected gas equipment.

When the gas starts, the gas pipeline is to be purged until all the air is out of it. The duration of the purge is determined by the analysis of the parameters of the gas samples.

The content in oxygen gas should not be more than 1%, the combustion of the last sample should pass calmly, without cotton. Blowing through the gas pipeline, after the gas pipe was replaced, the release of the gas-air mixture is prohibited inward, ventilation output, staircase etc. When starting the gas, the room in which is held mounting workmust be provided by constant ventilation.

During and after starting the gas to the newly connected gas supply system, it is necessary to ensure increased observation of the operation of the gas system.

In the gas pipeline

Apartment buildings are often often equipped until the accommodation is equipped with a gas pipeline system. But what if required in the gas pipe of the newly built home? We describe how the procedure of gasification of the house looks like.

Preparation of necessary documents

The list of documents required to connect to the house of the Gaza, the following:

  • those. passport to the house or certified copy;
  • snapshot of topographic shooting site on a scale of 1: 500, certified in the gas service, with gas pipeline and other communications (,);
  • permission to connect to the gas pipeline of the architectural and planning institution;

  • documents on the equipment planned for installation in the house to which gas will be connected - certificate of conformity, the contract for maintenance of equipment, the conclusion that it is subject to use in house-building;
  • an act of examination (VDPO), obtained after contacting Gorgaz.

How to get permission to the insert in the gas pipeline

In Gorgaz, it will be necessary to find out which project organization for the gasification of the house they are recommended, as it will be the key to lack of problems in the future. With a designer engineer, the project of placement and brand of gas equipment will be coordinated and heating devicesAfter which the specialist will independently be obliged to coordinate the project in the technode of Gorgaz.

Carefully learn the contract. You should be interested in items with clearly prescribed guarantees from the Contractor.

Installation of the household gas system and connecting to the gas pipeline

After mounting the eyeliner from the gas pipeline and equipment, the project organization is a package of executive and technical documentation. The work is made by a special commission consisting of a representative of Gorghaz, contractor and the customer.

It will also be necessary to pay the receipt of technical supervision and provide it with a copy of the assembly company. In the near future, representatives of the Counter will be performed by the Counter, and the Customer has concluded a gas supply contract for the supply of the gas system belonging to it.

Do not know how to crash into the gas pipe? To do this, you will need to hire special servicecarrying inserts.

By connecting you to the mains of the gas pipeline, the specialists will open the gas valve and produce a trial gas start, thereby checking the entire system for leaks.

After making sure that everything is in order, you will only have to conduct commissioning of the equipment, which, however, can conduct a seller's organization, naturally, if you have a relevant contract for technical and warranty service.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a residential building - private or multi-apartment - which would not be connected to Gas. Thanks to this wonderful substance, we can cook food and not at all freeze. However, the gas itself can not act in itself, and thank God, for him you need a special way - a gas pipeline. And in order for it to be, you need to crash into the gas pipe.

In our country, the self-combat process in the gas pipe is prohibited categorically, but the number of people willing to do everything with their own hands and does not decrease against the law. Meanwhile, it is dangerous and often ends with a fatal outcome, which is why, and not because the state is greedy, unauthorized cutting and prohibited. Home masters and non-conformists coming against the system, we offer some theory.

The gas pipeline is a gas transportation and storage facilities. Depending on the mission of the gas pipeline, the design may be different: for example, powerful networks are equipped for long distances to transport gas, and the gas in them goes under high pressure. This is not exactly necessary to experiment with him - a very big hole can be on the spot not only the home-grown craftsman, but also the most connected home. It is better to contact special services that can work with such systems.

From any powerful network, smaller distribution pipes are bred, the pressure in which is lower than in the trunk. However, it still can be varied - from low to high. You can also crash in such a pipe, but still it is better to apply to special services, if there is no understanding of what needs to be done, and knowledge of safety.

Read more about the gearbox mechanism

In the professional language, the insertion is called joining a new pipe pipe transporting gas. Such a connection can even go without turning off the gas, however, in this process there is a lot of nuances that need to be considered that, as if pathetic it does not sound, do not give your life for connecting the house to the gas highway.

There are two types of inserts:

  • cold: It is in this case that the main pipeline works without any changes - the volume and pressure of the feed remain at the same working level;
  • traditional way - welding: This method is tested by time and is highly reliable, however, a certain qualification and special access to the performer is required.

Traditionally, the pipes are metallic, therefore, welding is used - because only it can give the most sealed and durable connection. However, currently for connecting houses to the gas pipeline and installation engineering networks Polyethylene pipes are often used low pressure. For the insertion into such pipes, the factory, corresponding GOST, fittings are needed - connecting elements. Of course, when installing branches without heating, it is not necessary to do without heating, so this process remains high danger in any case.

Exist general rules To carry out work on the insertion in the gas pipe under pressure.

First, the insertion into the network with low pressure should occur with indicators not higher than 80 mm water., But not lower than 20.

Secondly, when working with high or medium pressure networks, the pressure must first be reduced to permissible level. If it is impossible, then you need to find special equipmentallowing to work with non-standard circumstances.

Thirdly, work without reducing pressure according to the law can only carry out organizations that have permission to keep such a type of activity (often even a special discharge).

Fourth, welding and cutting gas should be carried out on areas with a pressure of 40 to 150 kg / cm - and this corridor must be respected during the entire workflow.

Well, the most important thing - it will be better if all work you trust professional organizations that have the necessary experience, qualifications and, if necessary, discharge. Yes, you will have to give certain money, but it is not more expensive life. Yes, and even if you manage to crash yourself and stay alive, the first check will reveal an illegal compound. What's next? Payment of stolen gas, fine, date of testimony, imposition of criminal liability up to the term - depending on how much you hurt the illegal insertion. And the pipe will be cut, so all the works will go to the pump.

Below you enclose a few videos about how you should not do insert into the gas pipe \u003d)

Natural gas provides man with warmth and hot food. However, to implement these functions it must be brought to the dwelling - to equip the pipeline connected to the central network, heating equipment and household appliances.

At the design stage of the highway, it is necessary to figure out what permits It is necessary to arrange how to crash into the gas pipeline and to entrust such a responsible work. Answers to these questions are detailed in the article.

In addition, we described different methods Connections to the central highway, and also designated the features of the connection to the plastic and metal pipeline.

The gas pipeline is a specialized pipeline, the purpose of which is to transport and storing some of the volumes of blue fuel. He can have different construction features, differing depending on the tasks assigned to the highway.

For example, the network of international importance deliver huge amounts of gas over long distances, because in them constant pressure is maintained on high level. That is why any experiments with gas supply systems are inappropriate and can be dangerous not only for you, but also for others.

And therefore optimal option For work with the system will be the challenge of relevant services specializing in working with gas communications, which meets the requirements of legislation.

The insertion in the gas pipeline should carry out a gas service specialist who has the necessary level of admission and observing all security measures

Gas pipelines are arranged like a blood system of the human body. Their role can be compared with coronary vessels. And already from the central waste pipes of regional significance, distributing blue fuel between consumers.

They are less trunk, and therefore the pressure in them is much lower. However, even in such gas networks, its jumps are possible both towards the decline and in the increasing direction.

Connection to gas communications occurs if the organization has a special tolerance. And the wiring inside your home can be tried to carry out my own. For this, it is enough just to know a clear sequence of actions and adhere to the necessary security measures.

Rules for calculating bandwidth

The main factor responsible for the continuous supply of blue fuel to consumers is the value of the capacity of the gas pipeline. The calculation of this parameter is carried out according to a special algorithm. Moreover, it is done regardless of the type of pipes used.

The maximum bandwidth can be treated according to the following formula:

Q Max. \u003d 196,386 × d² × p / z × t,

  • R - operating pressure supported in the gas pipeline, plus 0.1 MPa or absolute gas pressure;
  • D. - the inner diameter of the pipe;
  • T. - temperature of the pumped blue fuel measured on the Kelvin scale;
  • Z. - compressibility coefficient.

This formula sets the following pattern: the higher the value of the indicator T, the greater should be the network bandwidth.

IN otherwise There will be depressurization of the gas transmission line, which will inevitably lead to an explosion of this hazardous substance.

Making a choice of type of pipes for a gas pipeline, it is important to correctly determine the method of the insert

There is a formula more complicated. However, the algorithm above is quite enough to perform the necessary calculations preceding the insertion in the gas pipeline.

How to connect to the gas pipeline?

The insertion into the main network cannot be carried out personally - only with the help of specialists of gas companies that have permits and admission to such work. Regardless of the selected company, a large-scale preparation step will have before connecting to communications.


If you decide to entrust the joining process to the gas network by specialists of the relevant company, then you need to contact the permits. Here, in addition to submitting the application of the established sample, you will need to provide a package of documents provided for at the legislative level.

On the eve of the insertion in the gas transmission highway, it is necessary not only to make faithful calculations, but also to obtain the resolution of the gas workers

When it comes to the insertion in the gas pipeline of the new-differed building, the owner should first provide a passport, identification code and approved.

In addition, a set of documents should be prepared:

  • statement, certified by the head of the territorial branch of the gas economy;
  • connection permission to the gas transmission highway issued by the Architectural Planning Department;
  • photo, made in the process of topographic shooting of the site, which will be carried out insert;
  • tEM.Pasport on a private house , or his copy, certified by a notary.

The snapshot must be certified by the authorized employees of the gas service. It will be captured with all engineering infrastructure, which includes not only gas communications, but also water pipes, pipes of the heating system, as well as sewage.

If the house is under construction, then the appropriate architectural project should be provided, the permit for its construction and the package.

And if its total area exceeds 300 sq. M., It is necessary to submit a thermal calculation of the structure, the situational plan of the site on the scale of 1: 5000, the consent of the neighbors to joining the gas network, decorated in writing.

The last document will be needed in the case when it is planned to put part of the gas pipeline under the ground according to the sites belonging to them.

On the eve of the work on laying a pipe for the cutting into a gas pipeline, it is necessary to obtain a documented resolution of the established sample

In most cases, permits of this kind are issued by the urban gas management department, since they are the full owners of gas transmission highways.

In addition, it will be necessary to provide technical passports or other documents attached to gas devices that are planned to be installed in the building - permission to use equipment at the place of residence, certificates of conformity, as well as a service contract.

You still need an act of surveys of smoke-ventilation channels and other documents provided for by law. Only having all permits and acts in the hands, you can proceed to the implementation of work on the cutting, that is, exclusively on the legitimate basis.

It must be remembered that the unauthorized connection to the trunk gas pipeline, without registration in accordance with the procedure established by law, appropriate documents and approval with relevant services is fraught with administrative measures. And if the damage to the gas pipeline still occurred, then criminal punishment.

Features of the insertion process

The inserting process in the gas pipeline is the attachment of the new pipe, by which the substance from the central highway will be transported by the consumer. As a rule, the connection of this kind is made, without overlapping the gas supply in the main network.

An example of a piece of junction in a gas pipeline in a video:

Having general view about specifications And the order of work on joining the gas network will be easier to navigate in all nuances, as well as to control the work of the company with which the contract for the connection is concluded, it will be easier.

In addition, an absurd desire will disappear to the gas pipeline independently, inviting the wizard for all hands in order to save.

Share with readers your experience in coordination of documents and connecting to the central gas pipeline. Please leave comments on the article and ask your questions. Feedback form is below.

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Two ways to connect your home to gas

Can I independently connect to gas? How is the insertion in the gas pipe?

These questions are the most "terrible" for residents of private sectors, cottages and the "Old Fund". This process is complex, multi-step and expensive. Is it possible to simplify or reduce it?

The scheme of connecting the gas pipeline to the house using gas cylinders.

There are two ways to crash into the gas highway. One of them is legal, the second often leads to that light. No, we do not intimidate. Just the gas is a dangerous thing, and absolutely no wonder the state so strives to complicate the process of issuing it. However, they still are "craftsmen" coming against the system. Sometimes it ends with success and people even "negotiate" with a gas company so that they are "creativity" to be sealing and put the counters. This can be called luck, because often such experiments are tragically. We especially do not recommend to engage in independently gas problems in apartment buildings.

We understand that our exhortations will not raise the power for those who already have the intention to conduct an experiment on their lives. So let's give a few practical recommendations Risk comrades.

Remember that, crashing into the pipe, you should comply with at least safety technique.

Method for "bad guys"

Tightening Box B. gas system At the moment is prohibited, as it is extremely dangerous.

Brave men! If you are so harsh that you are ready to take on the risk on the insertion into the gas pipe without participating in this complex matter, learn at least the safety rules.

For a start, such "secret" information. Any pipe has a valve. This valve in the case of the gas pipe is responsible for the supply of gas. So, it should be blocked so that the gas supply is not carried out while you are inserted. At the same time, you should try to make so that no one else by chance does not open the same valve.

Check the gas workers to leak the old unchivery way - match. If the gas does not go, then everything is fine. If it goes, everything is bad and you can get at least a burn. Prepare fire extinguisher.

If you have long thought about the routing process, then probably stuck in advance pipes, a welder and additional details: tees, valve, etc. Most likely, you are an experienced welder and know how to crash. Yes, the distance between the pipes should be at least 50 cm. Usually, the spike places check the "Dedovsky" way - soap. Any foaming tool will suit. After you have brewed the connection location, apply a rich layer of foam: if bubbles after turning on the gas will show signs of "life", that is, to burst and swell, you have brewed very poorly. Disconnect the valve and boil once again.

What threatens for a high-aligned knock in the gas system, except for a possible sudden death?

It all depends on when it detects. If you listen to news, you know that one such guy is already treated forcibly. He crashed into a pressure pipe and cut off the Bulgarian valve. The neighbors were horrified "where follows" ... More Caution Gas Things Live Nadaychi indefinitely, but sooner or later, they still are "good" neighbors who necessarily "knock" on you "where necessary"

What happens then? Strong guys from Gazprom or other gas and police service will arrive. And then problems will begin. Will ask different unpleasant questions like: "What is this pipe? And where? Do you have permission? ". You can answer or be silent, but will issue you, as it should be: you will have to pay for the grown gas, then the penalty, then drive to the cottage testimony not so distant. The next stage will be the imposition of criminal liability until the term. It already depends on who and how bad you did with your illegal insertion into the pipe. Yes, by the way, the pipe will certainly cut off, so that it is no strong ...

In general, if you like unjustified risk and extreme, then please connect to the gas "pirate" methods. If you do not like, bring patience and make money. Big money.

Comparatively honest way to connect gas

So, you live in the XXI century and at the same time you have no gas in the house. What to do? Check if there are gas from the neighbors ... If they do not have it, then look at the presence of a gas pipe near their neighbors. If anyone has no gas, do you confident that you do not live in the XVII century ??? Jokes jokes, but in our country, it turns out, there are a lot of towns and villages, which are still not connected to the gas highway.

Scheme-example of autonomous gasification at home.

To legally hold gas to the entire settlement, you need to start with the creation of a constituent organization. The same should be made to horticultural cooperatives. The organization must be not commercial and based on the needs of the owners of the houses of this settlement or the partnership. Then, the technical department of the district gas farm serve the statements of a prescribed sample and a package of documents that are required in such cases. The list of documents will be provided to you in the office of the Technical Department. Let it be used by the authorized representative of the created legal entity. Where to apply, you will be prompted in the gas service. If we are talking about the Moscow region, this is headed by GUP MO "Mosoblgaz". You can also contact an intermediary firm, but for such services will have to pay ... Documents are often considered long, therefore it should be continuously "reminding themselves" through telephone calls and additional applications.

If you live in a place where gas is and the pipe is literally near, everything is much easier. However, not as much as you may seem. When buying a house, people are often perceived with a great hope of information that, they say, "gas on the plot" or, even worse, "gas in the neighboring plot." Believe it, it is a bluff sellers. Be sure to check whether the neighbors will agree on your cutting or that you will pull the gas pipe through their legal area. Ask, whose tube with gas and who is her owner. Talk to him. Often the neighbors do not quite adequately react to the joyful intention to break the entire courtyard.

As practice shows, evil neighbors are capable of everything: crop pipes, burst the pits, put the dogs and so on. Only one thing - the amount of money, "appetite" can be reconciled with your insert, "appetite" to which they can have different: from 20,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles. This is quite normal, because the neighbor spent to bring the pipe to himself. But in any case, the amount should be based on reasonable figures and not exceed the cost of direct gasification. You can try to let the pipe "bypass" from the main pipe, but it costs more. In addition, you will lay a pipe through other sites, and this requires the consent of those neighbors. Yes, by the way, the price of the insert in the gas pipe, which is "underground", is significantly higher than similar inserts into the "air" pipe. It is understandable: different labor costs.

Regardless of whether you agreed with a neighbor or not, you will have to go to Gores first and find out who is the owner in the house. That is, who is the owner of the pipe. After that, it is necessary to begin to seek solutions for gasification from the owner (in this place of the article it would be logical to insert a sound effect with the rustling of bills). After the permission is received, you should go to the project organization and order a project (the rustle of the bill is again). After that, an assembly organization dealing with gasification issues will begin a business. You, of course, pay for the work of gas workers and buy pipes and all other necessary building materials. It is best to contact the gas organization in the area.

Documents that you need

  1. Passport, code.
  2. Statement certified by the head of gas economy.
  3. A document confirming the right of private ownership of home ownership or an apartment (a copy of the PCTPP in a private house).
  4. If there is still no home, then the corresponding architectural project and building permit.
  5. Full-story plan at home in the presence of a house. If the house is more than 300 sq. M, the thermal calculation of the building will be required.
  6. Permission to gasify a private house or apartment in APU (architectural and planning control).
  7. Geodesic and topographic survey of a plot with binding gasified structures and a private house on the site. It is performed with the application of the gas pipeline project line, certified in the local gas service.
  8. Situation plan of the site on scale - 1: 5000.
  9. The written consent of the neighbors to connect to the gas pipeline in the case of its location on their sites (as a rule, such permission issues Gorgaz, since it is most often it is the owner of the gas pipeline).
  10. Documents on gas equipment, installed in the house (permission to apply equipment in the accommodation area, certificate of compliance of equipment, as well as a contract for its maintenance).
  11. Act of chimney examinations.
  12. All these documents should be in hand. Full list You will receive in that organization that is engaged in these processes. It can be complemented by several more pieces.

However, do not think that on it all! You will need a lot. So, for example, you will need to provide fire safety When installing, all "turning" moments of pipes will be examined, their connections, and so on.

In every area can be their additional requirements. Certificates, technical documents, documents for payment different services And duties - all this you will need to collect.

Still a couple of very, very valuable and important tips. When you connect gas, select the largest pipe. So you will avoid problems with the further gasification of your site. Also carefully choose the place of the future location gas devices. Sometimes it happens that after repair you will want to move the slab to another place. It is impossible to do this: come and fly away!

Although, if you do everything correctly, the gasification process will not be so excessively tightened!


Any engineering structures, including gas supply pipes, have their own service life, after which they need to be dismantled and replaced. If you planned repairs in the house, then you should remember these parameters so that all cosmetic work can be performed after servicing the home gas pipe.

IN this material Let's tell about how to make the insert in the gas pipe to replace it, and what subtleties should be taken into account in this process.


Uninterrupted gas supplies to the consumer homes directly depend on the bandwidth of gas pipes. In this regard, the calculation of this parameter is made particularly carefully. Moreover, this process is mandatory, regardless of the material of the products used - polymers or steel.

To determine the maximum bandwidth of each specific pipe, this formula is used:

Q max \u003d 196,386 t × (p / z) × (d y / 2),

where P is the value of constant working pressure in the gas pipe, increased by 0.1 MPa; D y - size conditional passage pipes; T - the temperature of the gas passing through the pipe in degrees on Kelvin; Z - compression ratio.

Based on the formula, it can be concluded that the higher the temperature of the gas transported through pipes, the greater should be their throughput to prevent leaks, loss of tightness or even explosions.

Although B. professional activity The masters often enjoy more complex formulas for capacity calculations, still the above calculation method is more than enough for self-selection of the pipes of the desired diameter.

However, to facilitate the task, you can take ready-made data from a special table, where there is a bandwidth of pipes depending on the gas pressure in the system.

Preparation for the replacement of gas pipes

Thanks to complex design The gas supply system performs two functions at once - gas transportation and storage. Depending on the main purpose, various systems may have their own features. In particular, main gas pipelines, the main task of which is the supply of energy to considerable distances, is characterized high rates Pressure in the system.

Therefore, the insertion in the gas pipe under pressure is a greater danger to the untrained person. Such actions can be dangerous not only for the employee itself, but also for the life, health and property of others. Consequently, the illegal cut in the gas pipe, without the involvement of specialists with the proper level of admission and professional skills, is strictly prohibited.

If you do not know how to connect to the gas pipe, or a high pressure high pressure runs next to your house, to replace communications in the house should contact a special service, and in no case do such works on your own.

At the same time, your pipes are unlikely to be replaced by the first coming of a gas economy. Usually it first produces the length of the length of the individual components of the system, conducts visual diagnostics of the state of the pipes, after which within a few days is building estimates. In it, he cites everything specifications Required pipe products, describes the cost of materials and work.

Safety Standards in Gas Pipes

Before crashing into the gas pipe, you need to take care of compliance with the safety technique at the facility. Near gas pipes should not be open sources Fire, so the place of work should be isolated from smokers, and even outsiders.

In addition, on the approach to the scene in the gas pipeline, prevent warning signs with inscriptions "Caution, Gas!", "Passage is prohibited!", "Smoking is prohibited!" And others with similar content. Such requirements are mandatory for execution, to avoid accidents.

After performing the insertion into the gas pipe, it is also necessary to follow certain standards for working with them.

The most significant norms are:

  • when connecting to a low-pressure gas pipeline, it is necessary to trace the value to its value above 80 mm Hg, but also did not fall below 20 mm Hg.;
  • if work is planned in high or medium pressure networks, then before starting the insert, this indicator need to omit to the level of acceptable;
  • gas cutting or welding of pipes can only be carried out on those segments of the highway, where pressure ranges from 40-150 MPa. Moreover, it is important to trace that this indicator is in permissible framework for the entire time of work.

The legislatively enshrined the standard according to which the insertion into gas pipelines, without reducing the pressure level in them, can only enterprises that have received a special permit or even outfit.

Please note that those cases when there is no way to reduce pressure, are rather exceptions, non-standard situations. Under such circumstances repair work Special equipment is needed.

Varieties of inserts and preliminary actions

Stage pre-training is mandatory in any case, whether you are new or an experienced master. If you yourself do not know how to crash into a gas pipe without welding or otherwise, contact the office specializing in such works.

Turning to the contracting organization, when making an application for the execution of the insertion, you may be asked to present a whole package of documents provided for by law for such cases.

When conducting the initial junction in the gas highway of communications of the newly built home, these documents will be required:

  • cutting permission to the gas highway from the architectural and planning institution;
  • topographic snapshot of a particular area certified gas farm. In addition to gas pipes, it must be marked by all communications, supplied to the building: water supply and sewage, heating;
  • technical certificate Or its copy, certified notarized, a number of other documents.

But those owners who understand the subtleties of work on the knocking in the main gas pipelines, as well as are quite sure that they can cope with their own, should only purchase necessary materials. However, be careful, as it is not entirely safe to crash into the gas pipe. In the event of a violation of technology, you can provoke a damage of the main line, which can be threatened not only for harm to life and health, but also administrative and criminal liability.

Docile a working gas pipeline with a new branch in two ways.

Cold clip

In this case, the main pipe continues to work in normal mode without changes in the volume and pressure of the transported gas. This method is preferred to use with the primary ripping of new subscribers.

Those who prefer to carry into the pipe under pressure on their own, most often prefer exactly such technology, as it is performed easier.

Welding method

But the method of connecting gas pipes to the main lines can be coil or taving. With the coil connection, the ends of the pipes and the operating system are joined, and in the taving method, the axes of pipelines are intersected.

Connecting a system to a gas pipeline main

For the inserts to the general highway will need to be implemented such activities:

  • Clean the connection site from garbage, rust or paint.
  • Perform markup, mark the place of the insert.
  • Make holes that will be two - in the case of a brand method, and one - with the coil.
  • Close clay slots. Processing should be started at the time of the beginning of the surface dissection. This will reduce the risk of gas ignition. The holes made immediately close the plug from clay and asbestos, at the end of the work, cool the surface.
  • Making the disconnecting device after the final cooling of the metal. To do this, pull out the plug and remove the part of the cut pipe. After that, insert a disconnecting device into the resulting slit - it looks like a tip of viscous clay and several rubber and wooden disks. In the case of applying the tagne method, the slots will be two.
  • Now you need to mount the nozzle through which the gas pipe with the trunk is connected. But first check the correspondence of diameters. If you do not need to adjust anything, then make a hole and mock the nozzle, then make the joint and close the valve installed on the pipe.
  • We close the holes and weld a new pipe. To begin with, get rid of all metal residues formed during the creation of the main slot. After that, connect the pipe with a nozzle, process clay and brew. The quality of the weld is checked with soap solution.

It is worth noting that welds And their types have strict designations, and the corresponding gtostas. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out work only taking into account all the requirements and norms that correspond to the characteristics of our gas pipeline.

If the leaks were not detected, then you can go to finish work - That is, the backfill of the trench. Despite the fact that work may seem very simple, they must also be followed by regulatory documents.

As a rule, in such documents the following information is indicated:

  • Around the mortise knot, pipes and cranes fall asleep soft soil with a thickness of no more than 20 cm with subsequent seal.
  • At the very end of the sweeping of the soil into the trench, it is impossible to attract heavy equipment on pipes, mortise knots and a ball crane.

Upon completion construction work It will be necessary to sign the contract with the local gas service to start the delivery of blue fuel. In addition, the gas service must implement technical and emergency dispatching services. The same organization will be engaged in the reception of the finished gas pipeline system. After work on launch and configuration, it is necessary to make an act, as well as partitioning the gas control system.