How to solder copper pipes - materials and tools, rules for performing work. Soldering copper pipes in water pipe systems with their own hands braking copper pipe at home

Decided to use copper pipes in the arrangement of the water supply system? Want to create an interesting style of Steampunk in the bathroom, but do not know how to solder copper pipes? Guide to perform work for beginners is proposed in the material below.

Copper, although it has a high cost, in contrast to polymers, still represents qualitative material For water supply communication device. The advantages of copper include high strength, aesthetic attractiveness, corrosion, inconsistency, high pressure and excellent thermal conductivity. The copper pipeline will work faithfully for more than a dozen years.

Copper is a soft metal alloy, which in ancient times gladly used chasters for their work. Today copper is no less in demand. Pipes from such an alloy - an integral part of heating and air conditioning systems. The water supply can also be arranged using copper elements.

For the installation of the highway, the soldering method is used, in the process of which the components are connected to the solder. This material from mild metals is melted under the influence of certain temperatures and forms a single hermetic compound.

Important: soldering copper pipes Do with your own hands - the task is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the solder and determine the temperature of the soldering. It should be known that at its high cost copper pipes do not require additional connecting elements. That is, copper can be combined into a single highway and at the same time save on the purchase of fittings, couplings, etc.

About how to solder copper pipes, and how to do it correctly at home, in our material below with a detailed video instruction.

Methods for soldering pipes from copper

  • Low-saved way. The most commonly used at home. Here the soldering occurs using a soft solder of tin, lead or their alloys with the addition of silver. The soldering temperature can reach a maximum of 450 degrees when performing work.
  • High temperature method. It is also called the brand of copper pipes solid. In this case, in order to melt the solder and achieve the connection of the highway elements, it is necessary to achieve the heating temperature of the burner in the range of 600-900 degrees.

Tools necessary for work

  • Truborez. We are necessary for perfectly even cutting pipes before soldering. Thanks to this tool, the inner lumen of the pipe and its circle during cutting are not violated.
  • Fatheck. Used to stripping the edge of the cut and its roundabouts inward pipes for high-quality docking plumbing highway Of several pieces of pipe.
  • True Sewer. It is used if the wiping of the copper pipes of the water supply will be carried out without the use of fittings and couplings. The tube lifter expands one end of the pipe to the desired diameter in such a way that it is tightly included with the cut of another tube.
  • Brush and HERS for high-quality stripping speeded pipes from oxide.
  • Reflector. The working element that is attached to the burner nozzle so that the flame does not damage other nearby items.
  • Gas-burner . It is she who serves a flame on a plot of soldered tubes.

About what exactly the burner must be prepared, disassemble below.

Gas stove

In order to correctly solder water pipes From copper, you need to pack the appropriate type of burner. They are divided into several types:

  • Device with a disposable cylinder for domestic use;
  • Burner with installed stationary cylinder;
  • Acetylene-oxygen burner suitable for soldering pipes from copper. It is her who needs to be found to perform work.

In turn, the burner for melting solder and braid copper may differ in power. You need to choose depending on what kind of solder you will work (soft or hard).

  • For soldering, we can take a low-power semi-professional burner with a thermofine. Such a tool develops temperatures up to 650 degrees when burning flames. Distinctive feature Such an adaptation is that here you can adjust the flame supply temperature, and it will remain specified.
  • The soldering of copper pipes of the water pipeline solid solder can be carried out only by professional burners.


To perform reliable soldering, you must purchase solder. It happens two species - solid and soft.

  • Solid solder is produced in the form of long rods. Such a solder can be used to solder pipes of hot water supply, gas supply, air conditioning or for a high-pressure trunk. The soldering temperature of such solder reaches 900 degrees. The most common types of solid solder are the copper-phosphoric self-fuzzy alloy CU94 P6 and the Cu92 P6 AG2 alloy with the addition of silver from phosphorus and copper.

Important: Such a solid solder has a 6% phosphorus additive, which reduces the soldering temperature to 750 degrees.

  • Solder soft produce in the form of a thin wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Such a solder is used when soldering the water pipes with their own hands in everyday life.
  • There is also a special paste, called flux. Produced in banks. It must be used for high-quality cleaning of the joints of pipes, removal of oxide from the seam after soldering and improve the characteristics of the melting of the solder. At the same time, the flux happens both for soldering at high temperatures (over 450 degrees) and soldering when low temperatures (up to 450 degrees).

Important: Flux contributes to the best grip grip with copper.

In addition to all tools, solder and flux, it is also necessary to prepare fittings if there is a need to carry out turns and bends of the plumbing line. All fittings have a regulated diameter and correspond to GOST. The cost of fittings and adapters is quite democratic.

We perform soldering tubes

The brand technology of the copper highway looks like this:

  • Truboresis cut off the desired pipes and cleaner the edges of the facecreaker.
  • If the fitting will be used, then its edges, and the edges of the tube are qualitatively degreased. If the fitting is not used, the edge of one pipe is expanding the tube.
  • We try out the details for the survey of the butt.
  • Now the edges of the tube are processed by a thin layer of flux on the side of the joints.

Important: If there is a high-temperature soldering with the use of self-fueling solder, then the flux is not needed.

  • Now we turn on the gas burner and warm up the pipe in the joints of the joints to the specified temperature.
  • After that, in the place of the gaps put the solder. It should be ensured that the solder melted strictly from the heated tube, and not from the flame burner. The edges of the tube are carefully pressed.
  • After the tubes are cooled, remove the remains of the flux and oxide with a copper surface with a cloth.

Important: It is worth knowing that the warming of the tube and the melting of the solder occur within 5 minutes. Therefore, it is important not to overheat pipes.

Tip: If the pipe close to each other are soldered, the already processed part of the highway must be cooled in moistened in cold water Rifle. Otherwise, there is a risk that the paved connection when heating the next section of the pipe will be divided under the influence of high temperature.

Avoid mistakes

When soldering copper tube, newcomers often allow a number of common errors. These are:

  • Weak heating of the elements of the highway, as a result of which solder melting occurs with incompleteness. Such a connection collapses with any load.
  • Excessive overheating of the copper alloy, on the contrary, leads to the destruction of the flux layer. This, in turn, will lead to the formation of oxide and scale on the surface of the metal. Such an effect will also lead to the destruction of the compound.
  • Ignoring security measures. Since work is conducted with chemical elements And at high temperatures, you should wear protective gloves and a mask.
  • When going to check the connection, you should make sure that the tuba in the site of the soldering has cooled.
  • When the soldering procedure should provide good ventilation premises. This requires technology to perform work, since the soldering is performed using aggressive acid substances.
  • Protective clothing made of coarse fabric will also not be superfluous, because there is a risk of sparks of flames and solder particles, which can lead to a burn.

Tip: If you doubt the correctness of the heating of pipes to the desired temperature, invite an experienced wizard for practice. Professional knows exactly how time copper warms up to certain temperatures.

Video: Copper Tube Swift Technology

Copper communications are rare today, but exclusively reliable option For water supply and heating of a private house. The earliest opinion on the difficulties of installing copper pipelines is not in practice absolutely. Self-soldering copper pipes is available for non-professional, if he knows the process technology and owns tools. Slide the subtleties of the connection of copper pipes, collect your personal plumbing and you will no longer have to ever do communications.

Copper pipes are good because they are not subject to corrosion, have a service life for more than half a century, soft enough, so as not to be afraid of moving the water in them. Copper - the material is perfectly smooth, it prevents education in the pipes in the pipes, moreover, the material has bactericidal properties.

Note! The composition of the copper tubular material for home communications should be 99% pure copper. Alloys with "additives" form poorly soluble oxides on the surface, which prevents high-quality soldering.

Distinguish two varieties of copper pipes, depending on the method of their manufacture:

  • rejected;
  • non-raised.

These pipes may have the same composition, but they differ sharply in physical properties.

The hot tubes are an elastic pipe material. The degree of flexibility can be judged by the fact that they sell them in bays, wound like a hose. The flexibility of the flexible pipes is a big plus when mounting. Of these, you can form different configurations without using additional details. This gives material savings on fittings and consumables. Reduces labor costs, a smaller number of connections are used.

And although these pipes are considered less strong than unnecessary, their safety stock is quite enough for communications in individual houses.

Non-raised pipes are not subject to additional processing - they remain harsh. You can purchase such material with straight runs as familiar steel. The wiring of unnecessary communications is carried out using fittings.

Copper pipe soldering is not a great difficulty. The need for this occurs during repairs or installation system Water or air conditioning. Solder pipes can be made independently if available necessary knowledge in this region. For confidence as a procedure and subsequent operation of copper products, contact specialists.

Method of soldering pipes from copper

Copper pipes are often used in the heating and plumbing system. Although copper is an expensive material, its qualitative characteristics do not doubt the reliability of products made of it. Metal is easily soldered and does not respond at high temperatures on external conditions. In the process, copper is easily connected to the solders of many types of metals. No expensive fluxes are required for it.

Solder pipes have been carried out for quite a long time. Since all the nuances of the work have already been studied, in the process of connecting elements, it usually does not arise any problems. The essence of this method is to fill the junction between the details special toolcalled solder. Solder for soldering copper pipes is melted at high temperatures, and then the liquid mass is poured into the joint, filling the entire space between the elements, and it is waiting for its full pouring. This species The compounds are reliable, hermetic and durable.

The convenience of this method is also the fact that the connected details can be easily separated if the need for it. To separate the pipe parts, the connection site is heated so that the solder becomes soft and supple.

Among the advantages The process should be noted:

High strength and productivity of the future product will extend its operation. Working according to the instructions for work, the soldering of metal parts will be able to fulfill even a beginner.

Tools and materials

For self-connecting tubes from copper, some expensive equipment or special materials are required. Everything required tools And funds can be found in any specialized store. To properly implement the process will be necessary:

Of additional tools We will need a roulette, building level, hard brushes, hammer and felt-tip pen (or marker). Work is performed in working clothes and dense rubber gloves. When selecting solder and flux, the type of planned soldering should be taken into account.

Types of solder

The species of soldiers with which the reliable connection of copper tubes is guaranteed using soldering, many. Typically, experts use low-temperature element variants. Low heating material compounds are created without copper deformation. The disadvantage of such a choice protrude poor-quality seams that reduced mechanical qualities.

For getting maximum strong connections High temperature solders should be used (over 450 ° C). But can only work with them experienced masters. With thermal impact on the metal, there is a high probability of making a burning if a person does not have the necessary skills in such work. The soldering of air conditioners and refrigeration units perform only with high-temperature solder.

If low-temperature method is used (up to 450 ° C), then specialists use lead-free solders for soldering copper, with which it is possible to create sufficiently resistant to mechanical loads of compounds. Typically, such solders are produced on the basis of tin with the addition of a small amount of bismuth, selenium, silver or antimony. Cheaper elements are made of tin with lead. But this option It is impossible to use when arranged the water supply, through which comes drinking waterbecause lead is toxic material.

Flux for soldering

At low-temperature soldering, the flux performed on the basis of chloride with zinc is most often used. But you can also purchase any other means intended for the same goals. One of them is a caniforous vaseline paste.

Sometimes soldering tubes are made without the use of flux. But the durable connection of the elements is possible only with high-temperature soldering, which uses the highest quality solders from tin and silver.

How to solder copper pipes

The high-temperature solder tubes is carried out at temperatures of 650 ° C -750 ° C, low-temperature - at 210 ° C -240 ° C.

Soldering pipes from copper Not so complicated performed. The process should be carried out at good ventilation of the room. Work is recommended in protective clothing and gloves. To perform a high-quality connection of all parts, you must adhere to the following algorithm of action:

  1. The copper tube is cut to the instrument on the required number of pieces. Truborez have perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, then the cut will turn out the most smooth.
  2. Then the metal segments are cleaned with a metal brush, and the ends are eliminated from sowing and metal dust Special Jershik. Emery paper in this case will not suit, because it remains copper sand on the surface of the metal, which lowers the quality of the solder clutch with the pipe.
  3. The diameter of the edge of one of the pipe segments is increased by the tube. Then in such a segment from copper can easily enter the pipe with a conventional size.
  4. Advanced tube end is also cleaned with a metal brush.
  5. A flux for soldering copper pipes is evenly applied to the end of the pipe of the smallest section. The procedure should be done carefully, otherwise the excess means can get into the pipe and form frozen drops in it, due to which the water movement is clearly heard.
  6. The treated ends of the tubes are inserted into each other. This removes the flux residues with a wet cloth.
  7. The connection site warms the burner. When the flux on one of the tubes will acquire a silver shade, the metal heating is stopped.
  8. To the location of the connection is made by solder, which melts due to the high temperature and fills the joint cavity. When the seam area is fully filled with the solder, the soldering process stop.

The connection site is left to cool, it should be protected from any types of mechanical damage. When the seam cools, it is wiped with a damp cloth, removing the remaining flux and solder. If you ignore the flux residues on the surface of the pipes from copper, then in the future it will lead to corrosion in the compound.

The beginners in this matter are advised first to practice with unnecessary consumables, in order to subsequently make the right and high-quality soldering of pipes. The trial procedure will help to understand the nuances of the process.

When the joints are heated with a burner, you should look so that the flame is not worried at one point. Insofar as temperature usually reaches 1000 ° C, the connection area is evenly warming up for 20-25 seconds.

At the end of the soldering process, the pipeline system should be thoroughly rinsed with a significant water pressure. It is so possible to completely deliver the tube from excess flux and solder, which remained in the frozen form inside the compound.

If it is responsible to approach work, the soldering of pipes from copper can be performed without difficulties. Knowledge of technology and pre-training with the material will help qualitatively implement the task.

The use of pipes from copper and its alloys has long been no longer as unusual at the arrangement of modern heating systems: Thus, the highways for the transportation of water and gas are increasingly equipped, modern systems Air conditioning I. refrigeration plants of different types. Conducting mounting workIt is important to know how to solder copper pipes.

How to connect copper pipes

When forming all-in-block connections from this type of product, the soldering is mainly used. This long-known method of docking copper products is implemented due to the saturation of the contact area with a special molten adhesive solution - solder.

Studying how to solder copper pipes, it is important to remember that for reliable welding contact, the melting point of the solder should only give up a similar parameter of the connected tubes. Conducting an independent soldering copper pipelineIt is important to comply with special accuracy. It is best to study the technology to be well in front of it how to weld copper pipes.

Advantages of the welded method of connecting copper pipes

Copper welded connections have many positive feedback Regarding its reliability, which makes them even more popular.

Among the most significant positive qualities Copper soldering can be selected as follows:

  • Welded copper products are obtained very durable and durable.
  • Copper refers to the most simple in processing and affordable materials.
  • Welding contact has a very significant space when choosing the most suitable conditions - so-called "Adjusting the welding mode".
  • Camping by the soldering method, there is no need for standard adapters and fittings. Thus achieved noticeable savings Finance when organizing a heating system.

What is the soldering, and which tool is necessary

Conducting special operations for welding pipes of different sections, such temperature modes are used mainly:

  • High temperature. Provides thermal heating of the melting area up to +900 degrees. Typically, the blanks are under constant loads.
  • Low-temperature. This mode is especially suitable for domestic use. The operating temperature over the contact line usually does not exceed +450 degrees in this case.

To make the process of connecting the tubes by the soldering method as comfortable as possible, for this you will need the presence of the following tool:

  1. Special capture-cargo, to obtain a smooth cutting of the pipe at the place of its future docking.
  2. Equipment for the removal of the champers and removal of the burr.
  3. A special expansion device, with the help of the preparation of the place of docking the desired depth. This indicator is usually correlated with the diameter of the jammed pipes.
  4. Welding machine or gas burner. They serve as a tool for soldering pipes from copper.
  5. Thermal hair dryer, which quickly warms up the connecting plots to +650 degrees. It is applied in cases where work is carried out with a low-melting point. This welding-warming machine makes it possible to achieve a simple compliance with the required temperature mode At the place of the soldering, with the ability to support it in the required limits. As a rule, the device includes replaceable nozzles, giving the opportunity to direct hot air strictly to the desired section of the pipeline.

Soldering soldering at home

This name is used to designate soldiers with high levels Tug smelting. Externally, they have the form of long rods with an arbitrary profile, which is very convenient if the metal is heated directly in the soldering area to a temperature of +900 degrees.

As for the so-called. "Soft" solders, then with their help there is a low-temperature processing of copper products at home. Most often, they look like very thin wires made on the basis of tin, lead, zinc and their alloys. Such a shape of the solder is very convenient when solving the question, how to solder copper tubes at home.

How to solder, using flux

To solder copper tubes to independently, it is important to simplify this process as much as possible. Especially for this, the use of special pasty or liquid substances called fluxes is practiced.

With the help of these chemical reagents, the following objectives can be achieved:

  • Before cooking copper tubeFrom the soldering zone, harmful oxides are removed and other obstructions of a qualitative compound of the substance.
  • Work zone Gets additional protection against oxygen exposure, which is usually rich environment. This substance used for soldering is preserved from entry into unnecessary chemical reactions in this case.
  • Fluses are very convenient for the formation of the most appropriate conditions that allow the solder to the most uniformly distributed across the entire area of \u200b\u200bdocking. As a result, copper connection It obtains the necessary resistance to thermal and vibrational effects, which protects it from the appearance of skips and leaks.
  • The degree of adhesion of the copper pipe and solder, due to the components contained in the flux, reaches the required level of quality. This is especially important if the highway is experiencing exposure to the gap.

Compliance with the desired temperature during operation allows the preheated solder to evenly cover all parts of the combined billets, which ensures the connection with the desired degree of reliability. When the soldering area cools, it is cleaned of all surplus solder.

Each view building material Requires an individual approach when processing. Often the services of professionals who are not suiced are required. But if you have certain skills and master the basics, then a lot can be done yourself. For example, a brand of copper pipes with its own hands is not such a difficult task as it may seem first. This article will tell about required tools and nuances of this type of work.

Why copper

Soldering is one of the most reliable ways to connect pipes. It is this option that will be acceptable if you are going to hide the wiring in the wall, without experiencing that once something can flow and have to do expensive repairs. Here are some advantages of using copper:

  • Universality. There are practically no restrictions on application. It can be a water supply system in the house. With their help, you can organize a high-quality system of heating. Among other things, such material is used in refrigeration equipment, air conditioners and medical devices.
  • Chlorine resistance. Periodic disinfection of water leads to the destruction of the usual metal, which you can not say about copper pipes.
  • Antiseptic properties. Due to its composition, copper prevents the development of bacteria, the livelihood of which does not affect human health.
  • Long service life. Service life without any intervention can reach 100 years with a guarantee that no emergencies will arise.
  • High plasticity. When installing, the material can be given any desired form. To do this, it is best to use special pipe bending, which prevent the climbing.
  • The availability of material and fittings for the connection.
  • Resistance to temperature drops. The scatter can be in the range from -100 ° C to + 250 ° C. In this case, the metal does not lose its properties and strength.
  • Resistance to the emergence of growths and blockages. The inner walls are very smooth, so the solid particles simply nothing to catch.
  • Resistance to oxidation. When interacting with oxygen on the surface of the copper formed protective filmwhich hinders the flow of further chemical reactions.

It usually can not be perfect, so the choice is to approach the two sides of the coin. There are disadvantages:

  • Relatively high cost. It is true that in cash costs such material cannot be called cheap, but the resulting result will surpass many times and with interest compensates for all costs.
  • Copper is a good conductor. This means that the entire contour must be grounded. The slightest leakage in the power grid will lead to a shock of consumers.
  • The impossibility of use in steam heating. This applies only to the species where the soldering method is used at low temperatures.
  • Some complexity of editing. In order to do everything qualitatively, it will be necessary to attribute and spend a large number of time.
  • The need to apply a protective sleeve. This is rather a feature than a flaw. Such a solution will be required in cases where there is a need to make a hidden layout. The fact is that some construction mixes May contain substances that well interact with copper, leading to the thinning of the pipe walls.
  • When connecting to other metals, for example, steel, the use of brass adapters will be required. It is necessary to prevent the formation of a galvanic pair, which would lead to the destruction of the place of articulation.

Note! Recently, a copper pipe with chromium is gaining great popularity. It is used in the furniture industry. From it you can make various intricate stands and holders.

Types of copper pipes

Depending on the specific purpose, the copper pipes can be endowed. unique properties. According to the method of production, it is distinguished:

  • Annealed. This option was designed for projects with the need for high plasticity. For example, they are used when laying freon highways. Most often, such products are supplied in the bays. Working with them in a sense is easier.
  • Non-raised. They have greater strength and rigidity. This is just necessary in order to withstand the system pressure and not subject to deformation.

There are also various products in shape. Most often, it is round, but there are also profile - square and rectangular. The second subspecies has specific use for some refrigeration and split systems. The wall thickness may be from 0.8 to 3 mm.

Among other things, finned pipes have been developed. Their destination is rapid temperature dissipation, whether it is for cooling or heating. Designs of enlarged size. Can be used instead of steel and cast iron radiators. Design production can occur in several ways:

  • Rolling method. A copper pipe of the required diameter is taken as the basis, the aluminum ribbon is pressed on top. With the help of special machines, the ribs are extruded on the material.
  • Method of liquor. Directly on the pipe during rolling is the formation of small rifrance. The next step is to induce the profile aluminum ribbon, which forms the ribs.
  • Induction method. Two components are heated by current impact high frequency. Next, their compound is performed, which leads to their fusion.

Note! When buying a soft copper pipe, be sure to check the ends to be closed with special plugs. If this is not, then the garbage can freely get inside. For air conditioning systems, this may be fatal fact.

Temperature modes

As mentioned above, there are two main types of pipes and for each of them there is a soldering method:

  • At high temperature. This method is suitable for organization various systems Heating, including steam. Solder in this case acquires the necessary consistency when 900 ° C is reached. The articulations are sufficiently rigid and resistant to different impacts.
  • At low temperature. In this case, the process occurs at a temperature of 400 ° or a little less. Most often applies when installing household systems.

In each case, the relevant components and compliance with certain requirements will be required.

Required tool

In order to successfully complete the operation on the brassing of copper pipes, you will need tools and materials.

There are several varieties. Everything will depend on how specifically the soldering method is needed. Some products can be with a small removable cylinder, others are equipped with large tanks. For a solid or high temperature compound, gas flame variations (acetylene-oxygen, oxygen-propane, air-acetylene) are used. For soft - acetylene-air, propane air. In some situations, it is not possible to use the devices listed above, therefore, special electrical devices were also developed. Some types of soldiers allow the usual construction hairdryer processing.

For different species Solders are selected different solders. For those systems where the presence is planned great Pressure Or other loads, it is necessary to use a refractory material. It is usually produced in the form of rods. Its processing temperature is 650-900 °. Most often in its role there are compounds of copper and phosphorus. Also, they add additional impurities in order for the flux process. For low-temperature soldering consumables Usually produced in the form of a soft wire.

it special compositionwhich is designed to facilitate the soldering process. They also differ depending on how the temperature regime is intended. Can be released both in liquid consistency and in pasty. Their task is to clean the place of the future compound from various pollution, preventing oxygen penetration for the successful reaction flow, improving the solder fluidity, improve the adhesion of materials among themselves. Usually on the packages it is indicated, for what purposes one or another product is applied.

Truborez. For copper products apply roller products. Their accuracy is much higher than when processing the metal with the metal. In the second case, the chips will be formed, which will subsequently become big problem For the whole mechanism (this is critical for air conditioning and refrigerator systems).

It is necessary to give the end of the pipe conical shape, as well as remove burrs. It makes it many times easier for docking the main pipe and fitting.

Calibrator. This is a special device that allows you to increase the diameter of the pipe to such sizes so that the second nozzle can easily fit inside. It should be remembered that the length of the sting should not exceed the diameter.

Ordinary brush. It is used to apply flux to soldering.

Metal brush. It will take for stripping the place of the pipe adjoining to fitting.

Fire-resistant. Allows you to protect the wall or other items when performing welding at the place.

Copper pipe and fittings.

Safety technique

The soldering process is associated with a high temperature, as well as the release of various substances during the melting process.

To prevent accidents and harmful effects on the human body, it is necessary to observe several simple rules Security:

  • Good air access. The room must be intensively ventilated. Neglect of this condition can lead to gases and evaporation poisoning.
  • Individual protection means. In the process of installation it is very important to have gloves that are not solidifying with thermal exposure and will not light up, which could lead to serious burns. Be sure to use points that prevent small particles in the eye in the process of cutting or when spraying, due to heating items. It is also desirable to apply respiratory tractFor example, respirators. They will prevent rapid copper dust.
  • Proper handling of the burner. Passage must be produced at a safe distance from flammable substances. If separate large capacity cylinders apply, they should be placed in consent with the requirements that the manufacturer indicates. It is important to exclude the impact on them direct sun ray or other sources of heat.

Soft soldering process

This method is simple enough and easily mastered by newbies. It is important to observe only the following steps:

  • There is a segment marking, which is necessary for a particular site. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account which part will go into the connecting fitting. This moment is very important, because the recessed part should not be too small, since it will not give the material well to dock, but it should not be too big to not create a voltage that will reduce the service life.
  • With help manual Truborza Pruning is carried out.
  • The edge is carefully processed to remove burrs and give the facek form cone.
  • A part of the pipe that will enter the fitting is preparing sandpaper.
  • With the help of a metal brush-rash or emery paper The inner surface of the fitting is preparing.
  • After such processing, you must insert the pipe into the connector and check whether it comes to the required level
  • With the help of a conventional brush to the stripped place of the pipe, as well as interior surface Fitting is applied flux.
  • The pipe is inserted inside until the stop is designed for this purpose. The nozzle must be checked a bit so that the flux is uniformly distributed.
  • With the help of a cloth, excess flux is removed, which spoke to the surface.
  • The next step will be the extension. It is necessary to start it from the pipe and smoothly move to the place of transition, where the spike will be produced.
  • When a certain level is reached, it is necessary to take the solder and touch the connection site. In the event that it has not started instantly pester, it is necessary to continue the heating.
  • It is important to avoid overheating. This will lead to blown fruit and poor contact with the solder.
  • When the solder begins to melt, it must be pressed to the neck so that it can go inside the connection. The flame of the burner should be a little ahead of him so that he just did not paint on the surface from a strong heat.
  • For horizontal seam It is necessary to move the movement from the bottom up, first on the one hand, then on the other. For vertical - as it is convenient in a particular case.
  • After cooling, it is necessary to remove the net with a damp cloth, as well as the flux residues.

Note! In no case do not speed up the cooler process. It should proceed with natural duration. If you do not observe this, then microcracks may appear in the seam, which will disturb the tightness.

Process soldering with a solid solder

This type of soldering is suitable for pipes with a diameter of more than 22 mm, as well as where the operating temperature will be higher 175 ° C. The steps to prepare the pipe and fitting will be the same as described above.

  • Using a vice or other fixture, the connected node must be firmly fixed. It should be fixed throughout the operation.
  • Warming starts with a pipe. It is necessary to do it in 2-3 cm from the point of contact. It should move around the nozzle and towards the spike place. It is impossible to keep the burner in one place for a long time, it may damage the source material.
  • When using copper-phosphor solder, it is not necessary to use a flux flux. But he can act as an indicator. They can deceive the place of docking and warming. When it becomes transparent - it's time to start acting.
  • When the temperature reaches the required level, the solder will be strained at the prepared place without effort. You should not direct the flame directly on it, it is necessary to lead it with a slight advance.
  • The rules for maintaining solder for horizontal and vertical joints are the same as described for the previous case.
  • After the cooling process is completed, the processing place is wiping with a damp cloth to remove nagar and flux residues.
Note! If the diameter of the pipe 1 "and more, then it can create problems when heating the place of the soldering. In this case, it is necessary to warm up the fitting itself, and then the pipe and the neck can be used. Additionally, you can use the second burner, which will maintain a constant trimming value.

Some errors

Before starting the assembly of the whole system, it is better to take several pipe segments and connectors to work out. In the process there may be some defects, their reasons are as follows:

  • Crack in the seam. The reason is rapid cooling, as described above.
  • Deformation of a pipe or fitting. The reason is too long warming up. It usually grabs about 20 seconds to make the material to come to the condition.
  • Poor gripping solder. The reason is insufficient preprocessing. It is very important to remove a small layer so that the gap between the pipe and the fitting amounted to several hundredths of the millimeter. It will enable the connector to go inside.
  • Flexion at the place of the junction. The reason is insufficiently recessed the pipe in the fitting.

Some actions will require a certain skill. But after good training in battle will be easier. Now, knowing how to solder, and adhering to the basic rules, you will definitely succeed in your work.


The brake process is clearly shown in the following video.