How to choose a ribbon machine. Best Ribbon Saws Rating: Photo, Features, Prices, Reviews Ribbon Machine Which Choose

How and what to choose - a ribbon saw for work.

When choosing equipment for a joinery or furniture enterprise among existing saws, preference is given to the tape type. This is due to high operational characteristics and a low percentage of waste obtained as a result of wood processing. However, with a wide range of assortment, it is difficult to make a useful and high-quality acquisition. In this article you can learn useful informationwhich defines the criteria for selecting a ribbon saw.


The ribbon type saws presented on the market are divided into 3 classes, differing, above all, technical characteristics.

  • Household - compact unit of the table type of installation with the possibility of using cloths up to 60 mm, recorded with screws on a stand or workbench. A regular 220V electrical network is used to connect. Power is limited by an indicator of 350 W, but this is quite enough to cut the blanks and their further processing in order to assemble small furniture items. Performance - up to 5 cubic meters. m. Disadvantages: Unsuitability for working with solid wood and stuffed material.
  • The semi-professional units are installed in small workshops due to high performance (up to 10 m3) and power (up to 1500 W). The saws are installed directly to the floor, connected to the 220V network. The thickness of the used webs has a wider range, in contrast to the household class (up to 100 mm).
  • Professional equipment is installed mainly at large enterprises. Their power exceeds an indicator of 1500 W, and 380V network is required to connect. Performance for shift - up to 15 cubic meters. m., the range of used cavers is expanded to 300 mm. The processing is easily solid solid wood and stuffed material.


Ribbon type saws have the following advantages:

  • cut parts do not require additional processing (trimming, trimming), which saves time and money;
  • low waste percentage;
  • high performance exceeding other types of equipment by 30%;
  • the unit has reliable deviceensuring the durability of the machine ( asynchronous engineleading in motion of belt transmission);
  • the equipment is suitable for performing curly sections;
  • high security.

Popular models

Bison model ZPL-350-190

The equipment is intended for processing billets, the thickness of which does not exceed 8 cm. Compact size of the unit is ideal for a domestic workshop. The engine power is 350 W, the speed of the tape is 147 m / min.

Benefits of saw:

The ability to change the angle of inclination of the table (up to 45 °);

Adjustable supports that allow accuracy to comply with the specified size;

Connection of the vacuum cleaner;

Overload resistance.

Dion model PL-0.6

The semi-professional machine is designed for sawing non-rigid wood and glued plywood. The capacity is 750 W, the parameters of the working canvas - 2234x12.5x0.5 mm. The table is regulated, which makes it possible to do not only straight cuts, but also figured.

Advantages of the aggregate:

2 speeds (6.3 m / s and 13.2 m / s);

Operating temperature range from + 35 ° to -15 °;

The maximum parameters of the workpiece - width 305 mm, height 130 mm.

McIta model LB1200F.

Universal unit with which you can work with different types of materials, including wood and metal. The capacity of the equipment is 900 W, the speed of the tape is 1000 rpm. Due to the presence of 3 blades, the works of any complexity are performed.

Benefits of saw:

Mobile rack;

Neon lights;

The possibility of connecting the vacuum cleaner;

Changing the angle of tilt of the table;

The presence of container for waste.

Metabo model BAS 318 Precision DNB

Two-speed equipment is intended for intensive industrial use. Power - 900 W, connection to the network 380 W. Regardless of the load, the saw works smoothly without jerks. The engine is reliable, which does not require frequent maintenance.

Advantages of the aggregate:

The tension indicator of the tension allows you to control the degree of tension of the web;

Adjustable table, changing the angle of inclination;

Automation, ensuring the safety of work;

Table extends that allow processing long blanks;

The rack is equipped with wheels, which makes it possible to change the place of installation in the workshop.

  • When choosing a ribbon type saw, the depth and the width of the propyl are taken into account. These indicators determine the parameters of the blanks that will be able to receive during operation on the machine.
  • The power of the unit not only reflects the belonging to the class, but also expands the functionality. When familiarizing with technical specifications it is worth paying attention to additional equipment, for example, the presence of a millimeter scale and stops, thanks to which you can more accurately process the workpiece. Several speeds on the machine allow you to cut the material of different hardness.
  • Preferably, the ribbon saw is equipped with backlight. This eliminates the consumption of money and time to install additional backlight indoors.
  • When performing curly cuts, good maneuverability is required. It will ensure the tilt and turn of the table.

Acquire ribbon saws Need to specialized stores or official representatives. A good seller always provides a certificate that is the main guarantor of quality. The fake gives itself an uneven cut, which is explained by the poor sharpening cutting part.

The principle of operation of band sawing machines was mastered in the nineteenth century and today continues to be relevant. Sure, modern models Such aggregates in the structural plan have little common with the first versions, but the basic technological features remain the same. These include a saw having a rings form with which you can perform straight and curvilinear cuts. Apply ribbonsOther machine In different fields, but the main ones are woodworking factories and furniture enterprises. The device with the same quality carries out draft processing and produces high-precision saws in carpentry.

Machine design

Much in the processing of wood depends on the parameters of the machine itself, so its design should be considered the most carefully, as well as individual components. The composition of the unit includes a C-shaped bed, upper and lower pulleys, elements, saw, and a working platform, electric motor, protective flaps. Also, for instantaneous heating stops, special brake mechanisms are used, and to delay the tape in case of its rupture, a fixing device is provided. In order for the user to have the ability to adjust the width of the cut, the guide ruler is applied.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the location of the idle part relative to the direction of the blanks - it can be left or right. Differ in the structural design of the bed. There are welded and cast bases. However, this criterion is more significant for models intended for processing metals.

Vertical or horizontal?

This classification occurs from the type of line of the ribbon saw - respectively, it happens vertical and horizontal. There are also modifications with the inclined layout of the saw, but these are rare instances for specific or complex operations. In large models with a vertical location of the saw, the movement is allowed only for the console with a working element. A small-sized machine Lentoopyl vertical has a different principle of operation - only a saw frame is fixed in it, and the blank can move. Such models can be used for different species Works - and for pieces of wood structures, and for the production of furniture.

Horizontal representatives of band sawing units are considered the most powerful. Separate representatives of this category are capable of cutting with frozen wood and solid rocks. It is noteworthy that the horizontal band saw in Soviet times was designed exclusively for wood treatment, although it construction features in more than Suitable for metal.

Automatic machines

The manual versions of band sawing machines were also popular, but modern actuators were practically crowded out, so the question is only in choosing the degree of automation. Automatic woodcuts on wood are more often used in enterprises that serially produce wood products. In such mechanisms, the feed is carried out automatically - with the help of the engine and feeding of vice. In the event that the scaled element in length will exceed the progress parameters, then its transmission will be executed in two approaches with interception. The choice of full automation, as a rule, justifies ourselves if there is a mass processing of blanks of small length.

Semi-automatic models

Versions with semi-automatic control are often used in the procurement among the advantages that the linkeropyl semiautomatic machine has the possibility of making manipulations with a saw frame and visets in the same auto mode. In the process of working on the workpiece, double pressure (from frame and hydraulic cylinder) is, which allows to cut solid blanks without third-party effort.

Characteristics of saws

The main element of the machine, on which almost all qualitative parameters depend finished product. The machine itself is greater affecting functionality And the convenience of work. The width of the band saw blades can be from 2.5 to 5 cm, and the thickness varies from 0.9 to 1.1 mm. In some modifications, the belt-saw machine provides for combining with other characteristics of the saw, but for standard operations it is better to stay on one of the listed sizes. Regarding the material, it is recommended to choose models from which, however, are considered the most common. In addition, in choosing a ribbon saw, it is important to take into account the type of manufacture, which will eventually determine the hardness. In particular, there are canvas with a uniform dressing, with a flexible and tempered back.

Feed and sawing rate

Not always this indicator becomes decisive, but if the machine is selected for production tasks, It is worth paying attention to it. The speed on which crucifers is performed determines the efficiency of the use of aggregates if it is not coordinated with the flow rate and the interdental spots of the saw. As a rule, a belt-saw machine provides operation at a speed of 700-900 meters per minute, which corresponds to most of the canvases having a typical interdental distance. Changing the feed rate, as a rule, aims to increase the efficiency of sawing.

Operating Rules

When performing cutting operations is always important to remember the security, but at the same time do not forget that the main goal is to obtain an even and accurate saw. Initially, it is necessary to fix the wood blank to maximize the vibration of the working path. This will affect not only the convenience of work, but also increase the productivity of the entire process.

Straight cutting is carried out along the guide line or by movable stop, and if curved sawing is performed - in accordance with the applied markup or with the help of special mechanisms for fixing and supplying the workpiece. In automatic mode, straight cutting with a tape sawing machine is facilitated by the removable feeder. This automatic feeder for the design resembles a bracket with its complementary rollers. Manipulating this device can be easily controlled by the process, but if you plan to create a curly cut, then the mechanism of auto-production is removed. Obviously, the mass production in such a work format is impossible or requires other auxiliary mechanisms.


The market of band sawing machines has one feature, which is a sharply pronounced segmentation by producers, each of which occupies its sector. In other words, there is no serious competition between similar models. For example, the initial level is represented by the Russian Enterprise "ZUBR", which produces quite solubular machines with basic possibilities and costs of 20-30 thousand rubles. Oddly enough, the Japanese brand Makita is in this class and is generally represented quite modestly - mostly budget versions of average performance.

Those who plan to acquire a truly efficient and multifunctional device, immediately access Metabo products. The assortment of this brand contains copies with a capacity of up to 1,900 W and a maximum depth of 28 cm. To the leaders of the segment rightly, a ribbon-saw jet can be attributed, which is suitable for small carpentry, and for a large scale factory. The most powerful machines are capable of providing up to 5,500 W, and their depth reaches 45.5 cm.


Equipment for the completion of complex wood processing operations is expensive, but it allows you to cope with the work as safe as possible and efficiently. Line sawing machines in this regard are optimal decisionSince several important parameters are combined at once: reliability, mobility, ease of operation and the possibility of replacing responsible mechanisms.

It is impossible to be foreseen in advance how much the specific belting machine will be effective in certain working conditions. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of the characteristics, among which the depth of the cut, the speed, saw parameters, the configuration of the feed elements will allow the correct solution as much as possible. The rest already depends on the quality of equipment operation. It requires regular cleaning, checking all fasteners and clamps, as well as preventive treatment External functional elements.

We have collected photos, features, prices and reviews on the best Ribbon saws rating.

  • band-saw
  • power 710 W.
  • smooth speed adjustment
  • weight 5.7 kg


from 42930 rubles. up to 52110 rubles.

Reviews of Makita 2107fw


Easy, powerful, compared to the "Monkey" ( mounting Pila) Consumables are free. 1 canvas are enough to dissolve 2-3 tons of metal. The accuracy of crucified all silence!


The bed is very lacking the clamp with the possibility of cutting the blank at an angle.


It is worth the money for a small workshop perfectly.

  • band-saw
  • power 350 W.
  • weight of 17 kg


from 10976 rubles. up to 13390 rubles.

Reviews about bison ZPL-350-190



the guides are very weak enough for a couple of times unscrew the saws, the saws themselves are also very quickly stupidly stupid on the canvases and the normal falls across 1 out of 3 and it is enough to the first bitch.


On the working surface It was glued to be a sticker, I suffered to score it. And in the store they said it was necessary to heat the hairdryer. Am I what spas stickers? On the canvases, I just say good enough of the 7th one was the Super Other so-so, the two immediately burst on the installation and on the spa seam you can see the breadth. All my expectations crashed on the first day of work.

  • band-saw
  • power 900 W.
  • weight 81.2 kg


from 45680 rubles. up to 51300 rubles.

Reviews of Makita LB1200F


1) build quality (better than all in their price category)
2) Complete set (4 high-quality saws complete, and not weak demo saws like others, bearing guides)
3) quality materials and attention to detail
4) an excellent, smooth, pig-iron table (who worked on cheaper - he understands how important it is)
5) soft work (on 4+, noise mainly from the tree and not from the machine)
6) Good parallel emphasis. (aluminum, but attached from 2 sides, so the move is always smooth)
7) Excellent smooth sleeve at all speeds (despite the vibration)
8) the ability to increase the height of the height of up to 230 mm.
9) Value for money - 5+


1) Vibration at high speed (treated on the advice of owners from specials. Forum)
2) pulleys require refinement (although it is peccionism, does not interfere with work)
3) the transportation dangles and requires a "file", but it is heal
4) Bearing guides (yes, this is in virtues, and in disadvantages because it can create difficulties when working with a resinous or unreasonable tree - sawdusts stick to bearings) But if you wish, simply replace them with "SUKHARI"
5) weight. One of the most (if not the longest) heavy semi-professional belt saws. For someone this is a dignity.

Low quality of the sawn board certainly grieves homemade Masters. And in business, such boards will turn into a whole chapter problem. This is a loss of money, and the gap of contracts with the consumer, and the return of the goods. So that such problems have not become your personal, you just need to know the answer to the question of how to choose good quality.
Ribbon saw - closed in the circle metal strip with teeth on one side installed on the pulleys. Equipped with a massive bed. A tape saw for wood has a vertical layout of the saw. The saw blade is stretched between the upper and lower pulley.Tape saws on a tree are used for direct, curly and oblique saws. Feature Vertical saw - high speed of the canvas due to the rotation of the pulleys. It allows you to high quality soft materials. There are in mind the wood of all breeds, plastic, plywood, wood chipboard.
Purchase a ribbon machine on a tree - the first task of any drivers. And of the one who is engaged in minor repairs and construction sites, and that whose business is established and the volume of production is already large enough.
A high-quality band saw should give a smooth and flat board at the exit. No "waves", "yoke" and curvature. Ideally, she will cut long and more productively. It will be all life cycle Without breakdowns and breaks. To sharpen such a saw is rarely. If there is a need for sharpening, then this process should occur easily and simply using an automatic device.
We will tell you how to choose a ribbon saw on a tree so that it corresponds to the above criteria.

Benefits of a ribbon saw

Why the ribbon saw is better than the junk, circular Saw Or chain saw?

  • The design of the wood saw blade is such that all the power of the motor goes on the saw. Resistance and friction is absent. Therefore, its capacity is 30% higher than in another cutting technology.
  • Saw tape durable. It is less likely stupid and bursts than a chain or disk.
  • Forking and trimming after working with a tree saw on a tree are not needed. It saves time and money.
  • Band saws are equipped with asynchronous motors. They lead a belt transmission. This is established and the most reliable design.
  • Tape saw on wood better Lobzika. It is not capable of "worsicles" and a deviation from the cut line.
  • A ribbon-saw wood machine is one of the safest tools. The workpiece does not need to hold your hands. It is enough to send it to the hard. If the chain saw can break, the ribbon is fixed very securely.

The advantages of a ribbon wood with a tree are understandable. Now consider which criteria are important when choosing a ribbon saw.


Power The ribbon saw defines the class of technology: household, semi-professional and professional. The higher the power, the better performance. But it should be noted that the high-power engine consumes a lot of electricity.
In order not to make a mistake with power, determine the volume of planned work. Based on them, you can choose a ribbon saw from such classes:
Small ribbon saws - for household use. Power from 350 W to 1 kW. Work from the usual network 220V. They are often desktop (portable). You can fasten with screws on the table or workbench. Low noise. With the help of such drank, billets are cut or make furniture with their own hands. Low power ribbon saw compact, economy. But the solid rocks of the tree (oak, rhine, walnut) is not separated.
Semi-professional Ribbon saws are designed for small enterprises and in workshops. Calculated for long-term use. They are larger in size, withstand high loads. Pilyat solid rocks. Processing overall blanks. Their power ranging from 1 kW to 3kW. Productivity is the most optimal. Maximum reaches 10 m3 per shift. This saw blade can be used at home.
ProfessionalribbonsOther machines are installed on industrial enterprises. Basically, they require a three-phase electrical network 380W. Can saw thick and long bars. They "on the teeth" tree of any hardness, even frozen logs.

Parameters cut

In the ribbon saws, the depth of the cut is an important indicator. It shows which thickness item will cut the tool. This parameter in different ribbon saws can be from 8 to 50 cm. Depends directly from engine power. It is clear that household saws saw not as deep as professional.
There is still a parameter of the width of the propyl. Its value affects the maximum allowable width of the board for cutting. The tape saws for private use of the width was cut from 190 to 300-400 mm. Professional band sawing machines can cut the half-meter board and even a blank of 610mm wide.

Saw blade: material, sizes and teeth
Key point of choice of tape saw - proper selection saw blades.

  • Material . Best cloth For ribbon saws - carbon steel. It passes heat treatment and becomes very solid and straight. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to American ribbon saws. They are considered the best in production.
  • Length and width . Reza parameters depend on them. The longer and wider, the more overall blanks can be cutting. And the greater the speed of work. But for homework, especially for figured and oblique saws, it is better to choose the average length parameters.
  • Teeth saw . Quality and sharpening them must be perfect. After all, they affect the smoothness of the cut. The more teeth in the ribbon saw, the greater will be cut. An important nuance When choosing - a step of the tooth. For good work of the ribbon saw, the number of teeth should be multiple. There is an alternate wiring of teeth: right, left, right. Optimal option It is considered 210 teeth with increments ¾ "or 180 teeth with a step 7/8.

If there is not a multiple of the 3rd teeth in the ribbon saw, then defects are possible during propylene.

Speed \u200b\u200bof the saw blade

Tape saws on a tree can be installed gearbox. The possibility of selecting speeds is better than a tape saw at one speed. Several speeds allow high-quality cut wood cuts of different hardness. Than softer treeThe higher the speed of cutting is set. Mainly this function is installed on semi-professional and professional belt saws.


To improve comfort when working with a ribbon saw, many manufacturers set additional options. Their presence increases the price of the instrument. But in return, you get convenience and comfort. Various additional functions are a priority when choosing which tape saw is better. These include:

  • The function of the fast web stretching. Saves time and strength. Does not require additional tools.
  • The presence of a millimeter scale. Increases the accuracy of the propyl.
  • The number of stops. Several stops makes it possible to process the blanks much more accurately.
  • The tilt and turn of the table. Very important in oblique (per 45 degrees) and curly saws.
  • Backlight working area. Conveniently. No need to install additional lighting.

Choose and purchase a ribbon saw for wood more convenient in our online store with a bargaining. Here you can read all the characteristics, customer feedback on tape saws. different manufacturers. Our experts will give seld advice On the selection of a ribbon wood on a tree. And information, as you know, does not happen much. It is needed to select a ribbon saw with optimal parameters and functions.

Each ribbon saw on the tree is distinguished by an alloy, width, as well as the size, shape and frequency of teeth. Low cutting quality is often due to a bad web, but an incorrect choice of blades. In this case, there are many characteristics to which you need to navigate when buying. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with how to choose a ribbon saw.

The most important criteria when choosing a saw are:

  • scope and frequency of their conduct;
  • characteristics of wood (thickness, breed, humidity);
  • shape, sizes, frequency of teeth;
  • sharpening quality;
  • manufacturing firm.

All these parameters affect the main characteristics of the cut:

  • his evenness;
  • thickness;
  • the presence of cracks and chips;
  • vibration in the process.

Scope of work

The simplest criterion is the volume of the material you want to cut. For one-time use, it is better to choose a cheap cloth with standard hardness. For constant use, it is necessary to purchase the highest quality ribbon wood saw. The tool from durable steel will serve much longer, so the attachments will pay off.

Blade width

You need to choose the width on the basis of the working conditions. First of all, it is necessary to navigate the type of machine, the recommendations for the choice of saws must be viewed in the operating instructions.

The width of the canvas varies in the range of 14-80 mm, 38-41 mm is considered to be the standard value.

Also when buying, consider the following nuances:

  • thin canvas are quickly twisted when working with coarse wood;
  • wide blades give a more even slice;
  • thick saws easily deform thin and plastic bars due to severe heating;
  • sometimes it is required to make a cut at an angle, and this greatly affects the depth of the cut.

What kind of teeth are needed

Before you choose a ribbon saw, you need to decide on the type of teeth that will be optimal for work.

First you need to decide on the density of the dentition:

  • the more often the teeth are, the better enough, this is especially important when performing decorative works;
  • than they are less likely, the higher the pressure on each separate teeth, it is suitable for solid wood;
  • the more often the teeth, the evenly distributed the tension on the canvas, it is less deformed;
  • the more often the teeth, the lower the pressure on each and the longer they serve.

The next parameter is the magnitude of the teeth:

  • large sizes are needed for coarse cutting, for example, for sawing large logs;
  • small dimensions are suitable for thin plywood and decorative work.

Be sure to take into account the pitch of the teeth, there are 2 recommendations here:

  • a wide rhythmic step is needed for thin plywood;
  • the narrow step is necessary for thick bars.

In order for the blade not clogged, the soft rock sawing is selected with variable steps.

The tape saw on the tree, the teeth are not exactly, but at an angle to each other. This design is called wiring, it is necessary in order to reduce the level of vibration, and this has a beneficial effect on the wear resistance and the duration of the tool.

The standard wiring is a top three with alternately inclined to the left and right to the briefs and another direct tooth that stands between them. This type is used for most works, can be used with contour sawing. The group layout is characterized by the fact that straight and teeth, tend to the left or right, are in pairs. This form makes the sawing more efficient, but also the canvas is more expensive.

It should also be taken into account the shape of the teeth. The profile is better to select to the type of wood, which you want to cut:

Sharpening level

Complex, but very important parameter for evaluation. It is necessary to check the severity of the teeth to make it manually, the experience is required. It is also necessary to make sure in the homogeneity of the material, this can be estimated by the uniform of the color and texture of the metal. If possible, buy blades where the cloth reuse services are provided. If you want a ribbon saw on a tree with your own hands to sharpen, then do not forget to clarify how many cycles are allowed for the blade.

Pil manufacturers

Mostly high-quality tools produce European and American companies. When choosing a saw special attention It should be paid to the manufacturer:

Make a drink do it yourself

If you have skills and special tools, you can make the blade personally. The mechanism of the machine itself is extremely simple, it resembles a bicycle with a wheel and pedals, but between them is not a chain, but the blade of the saw. The first wheel is attached to any rotational engine (you can use a drill). The second wheel is only necessary for fixing the saw.

It is made by a ribbon saw on a tree with their own hands in accordance with several rules:

  1. Special attention should be paid to the frame of the machine and fastening the wheels. The design should withstand a strong vibration, and the wheels must easily rotate and sit firmly on the machine.
  2. Saw is obliged to be reliably fixed, it should not fly and hurt someone during work. This is the main security requirement.
  3. The blade itself needs to be purchased in the store, as it is made from special steel, and it is very difficult to make teeth right.

Making a ribbon saw with your own hands - video