Nymphi (water lily, water lily). Nymphi - landing and care in the pond, the peculiarities of growing water lily

Sweets, or water lilies, or nymphia (Nymphaea) call "queens of water" for their beautiful tender flowersFloating on the surface of the reservoir surrounded by rounded-heart-shaped shiny leaves.

About the nifes and other plants used to decorate a garden pond, many articles are written. But lovers of these plants are interested in the most main question: Will they be able to winter in their pond? And if there is no, how to keep these plants in winter?

Options for wintering Namfei

In the conditions of the North-West region of Russia there are several variants of wintering nymphi. So, my plants are successfully winter in the conditions of a film garden pond, at a depth of 50-60 cm from the surface of the water. In winter, only one "trick" is practiced in their defense: during arrival at the cottage we sneak the snow from the garden paths and throw it on the pond. Gradually, a snowy hill of about 1.5 m is growing over the water (with a total pond depth of 70 cm). The experience of several years has shown that such shelter plants are quite enough for overrevming. And in the harsh winter 2005/2006 Our nymphs were safely overlooked in the pond.

My acquaintances for the winter carry the tank with water lily from their pond to the nearest swamp, where they lower it on the rapid depth, and in the spring they remove and return to the pond.

Other owners of the "Queen of Water" are deeply digged in the Garden of the pit (50 cm deep) and bury their treasure into her, and in the spring, it takes nymphing from the shelter and put back into the pond.

In the spring, the pond is carried out, which necessarily includes the removal of all the courageous and dead leaves in the nifia, Kaluzhnitsa, Iris Airovoid, Aira and other ponds. It is best to do this when the water in the pond has already warmed so much that households that you attract to help in this difficult event were not "seen" from him subsequently. But it is better to have time to complete everything spring work In the pond before the growth of new leaves of plants, so as not to harm them.

However, in my experience, the nymphis are quite unpretentious, and even repeated transplants of vegetative plants in one season (from one pond - to another, from the tank - in the container) were affected only on the abundance of the flowering of the aqua queen.

In early May, we remove the baskets with water lily from the pond for cleaning them from old leaves. Cleaning the capacity with plants from the pond with plants from the fallen foliage and other organic garbage, otherwise their rotting will lead to damage and the "blooming" of water in the pond.

To process spring care The pond passed quickly and without problems, take care of his convenience in advance, while planting plants: Squeeze the nymphs into a suitable container with one or two handles (for example, in the old stainless metal basket, or in a plastic bucket, or in a pelvis). Experience shows that low and wide containers are best suited for water lily; In such conditions, the nymphs are freely growing and swapped faster.

If, after extracting a basket with a plant from the pond, it will be found that the tank has become close to the rowing of the pitch, it must be divided.

The reproduction operation is carried out so: cut off part of the rhizoma with the kidney, cut down a little sprinkle with pushed charcoal. Delinka land in different containers.

When landing the root of the nymphi in a new capacity, pay attention to how your pet grew before. If the rhizer was located in the old capacity vertically, provide him with the former vertical position and in a new place. If the rhizome of the nymphs used to lay horizontally, similarly put it in a new container and pour on top of the earth, not blocking the kidneys with new leaves. Otherwise, the water lily will chill and can die.

For landing nymphy, it is better to use a clay sandy mixture with sand, adding a little ordinary sadroom soil. I mix these components of the substrate in proportion (2: 1: 1). Il from the bottom of the nearest reservoir is also suitable - but only if the water in it is peat (and if there are no collective farm fields, from where a fuel or fertilizer can get into the water). Peat water Externally blundly, with small peat particles. Such water is absorbent; In it, as in Ile, does not contain harmful substances.

It is usually recommended to add special pond fertilizers or bone flour to the soil for planting nymph. It is probably correct and useful for plants, but it is not always possible to find special fertilizers on sale. The easiest way to be filing the plants with a mixture of "Kemira Universal" (up to 5 g per adult plant) with the addition of a small amount of superphosphate (about 3-5 g per plant). All fertilizers mix with the landing substrate and add water, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream, and landing the rhizome pita. The surface of the substrate in the container is desirable to fall asleep with a layer of pebbles (2 cm) so that the soil is less floating.

Capacity with nymphyma dropped in the pond.

The pitches are developing very quickly; They begin to bloom shortly after landing. Even a tiny Delinka Nimfei, planted in May, the first flower appears in July, and she blooms until the end of September.

Caring for the water lines during the season is reduced to the removal of yellowing leaves and the sworded flowers.

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Gentle, extraordinary beauty Flowers Nimifia are no longer uncommon for our dachans. Many are called their water lily or water lilies. Increasingly, these decorative plants decorate reservoirs, ponds on many panstones. A decorative pond with charming nymphs surrounded by leaves, which lie on the water stroit - a beautiful and unforgettable element of landscape design. How to decorate a decorative reservoir nymphyma and how to properly care for an excellent plant?

Nymphia (Nymphaea) are rightfully considered "queens of water." This unique one drawn flowerThe legends and unusual stories are composed of. Nymphi received its name in honor of the gentle female nitif - patrons of nature and water elements. The Slavic peoples of the waterway are associated with fabulous mermaids, and according to the Scandinavian legends, each water lily has its own elf, which is born and dies with the flower. Often about the nymphs mentioned in ancient Greek myths. Nimfeuy is sometimes called the "Child of the Sun": its magnificent flowers are revealed in all its glory with the first sunny rays, and close with the onset of twilight.

Nymphi is a perennial grassy water plant with a powerful, fleshy rhizome, which consists of more than 50 species. In nature there are tropical and winter-hardy, adapted to our climatic conditions Plant species. Sprinkle with nymphy in flowing water bodies with slowly flowing water.

The blooming nymph in northern latitudes begins in June, in the southern regions - in May. Beautiful tender flowers of white, yellow, pink, purple shades are open in the morning clock and close, falling into the water when the sun sits down. In cloudy rainy weather, the water lily may not appear on the surface of the water. The duration of flowering pita - up to 4 days, then the flower dies. The flower of water lily is a single, rigging, has a proper symmetrical shape. Flowers can be terry or semi-world. The flower diameter varies from 3 cm to 30 cm. Numerous stamens are located in the center. large sizestained in yellow or orange color.

Nimifia exude a bright, attractive fragrance for numerous insects that pollinate it. Basic pollinators of water lily - beetles. If the beetle does not have time to fly from the bowl of the flower before its closure, it remains inside the pita and goes down with it under water, and in the morning it returns to the surface of the water.

Stem water lisms are powerful rhizomes that are horizontally immersed in the bottom soil or have a tuber shape, from which numerous long roots depart, holding the flower in the roof of the reservoir.

On the water stroit there are surface leaves and flowers that look at their magnificence. The shape of the surface sheet plates is rounded, elliptical, with a pronounced recess. Leaves are dense, with a wax chain, thanks to which they do not wet. The dimensions and color of the surface foliage may differ depending on the type of plant. Decorative leaf leaves can be rich-green or light green, burgundy, motley. Elastic cutters of leaves, under the influence of wind or reservoir flow, are freely moving along the surface of the water. The length of the petioles depends on the depth of the pond and the water level in it.

The leaves underwater have another building: broad-chain, film, swollen cap, under which flower kidneys and emerging surface leaves are located. On the entire vegetative part of the aquatic plant there are aircraft channels that provide him with breathing and allow you to stay on the water.

Nimfei: Sorta

Decorative reservoir decoration used pita different sizewho are selected in the depths of their landing. Nymphi can be divided into three main groups.

Nymphi dwarf. This is a miniature waterwear with a flower in diameter from 3 to 15 cm. Depth planting plants - from 15 cm to 50 cm. Buy dwarf nymphing for the pond can be in the store, for convenience dwarf varieties Marked the mark "Pagmy". Among the popular varieties used for decorative reservoirs:

  • Alba - White Water Lily.
  • Rubra - Dark Red Flowers.
  • Aurora is a chameleon variety, at the beginning of flower flower cream-yellow, orange shade acquires by the end of blossom.

Nymphi is medium. The flower is larger, up to 18 cm. You can plant in a reservoir to 60 cm deep.
Mid-sized water lily varieties:

  • Rosearey is a beautifulwood water lily, in diameter up to 15 cm with soft pink petals that burn out in the sun and acquire a pale, almost white shade. Thanks to this feature, the pond looks especially attractive. It grows into width no more than 1 meter.
  • Helvola is a yellow-ceiling nymph.
  • Attraction - flower with red petals, dyed white spots of small size.

Nymphany is large. Flowers are large, reach in diameter up to 25 cm, you can land in a pond with a depth of 1 meter.
Varieties of large-flowered nymphs:

  • Chromatella is a yellow water lily, preferring a half, sitting in the ponds up to 1.5 meters deep.
  • Escarboucle - Nymphy with bright raspberry petals, closes the flower late at night.

How to plant nymph in pond

The success of growing nymphy in the pond depends on high-quality landing. To plant plant, it will take a low wide container with drainage holes to allow rhizomet to grow and multiply. Small buckets are suitable for dwarf varieties for medium and large varieties - 10-12 liters buckets or other large containers. In addition, in flower shops you can purchase special baskets for landing nymph. Next, you need to prepare the land for landing nymph, the composition of the soil consists of:

  • 1/3 wet clay, without sand and whiskers;
  • 1/3 garden land, with the addition of peat;
  • 1/3 cow manure (blunt).

All components need to mix well and put on the bottom of the container. For landing, the water lugs are recommended first to use humus, and then the soil mixture.

The planting plant, rhizome needs to be positioned horizontally, directing the roots down, gradually sprinkling the earth and sealing them. The edge of the rhizoma, the opposite of the growing kidney, must be placed at the walls of the bucket, to give the root to grow freely. In order to prevent the soil flushing with water, a layer of pure sand is added from above and shallow stones or pebbles are put.

Landing a pita nymph in the pond

Containers with planted water lisms can be installed on the bottom of the reservoir to the optimal depth for them, considering what group they relate to. The depth of planting is calculated based on the surface of the soil in the container, and not from the bottom of the pond. It should be borne in mind that at a depth of water has a rather low temperature, as it is badly heated by the sun, the leaves and flower kidneys will be much more difficult to reach the surface of the reservoir. However, too small immersion of the tank with a jug is undesirable - the leaves and flowers of the nifia grow quite quickly and in a few days will turn out to be water. The blossoms of the nifia begin shortly after the landing.

Nymphi after shopping in the store

If you decide to buy a beautiful nymph in the store, where it is sold in a special container, follow the following recommendations:

  1. After buying a plant, you need to plant right away, without waiting for it to dry. As a rule, the pitches are sold in containers filled with water or perlite crossed by perlite.
  2. Choosing a plant, pay attention to the number of sleeping kidneys. Consider so that they did not have signs of rot. Also carefully examine the rhizome. After purchase, it is advisable to wash the root flowing waterSo that possible infections or pests in the pond.

Nimfei: Pond Care

Caring for nifries is not complicated, it is enough to remove dead flowers and yellowed leaves. It is worth noting that the pita lines very quickly grow on the surface of the pond. When the leaves close all the reservoir mirror, the flowers become smaller, less often bloom. Therefore, while planting water lilies in the reservoir, it is necessary to leave at least half the pond free and not to plant right away a large number of Plants.

The prerequisite for the care of the pond is its spring cleaning, after wintering Nymphi. Capacity immersed in water must be removed and cleaned from organic garbage that focused foliage. Also, the pond should be cleaned of garbage and dead coastal plants.

How to propagate the nymphay

Nimifia multiply rhizomes. In an adult plant, a rope root with a kidney is cut into a sharp knife. The cutting place must be processed wood coal. Tuber with kidney put in container in conventional method Landing nymphovy described above. It is less commonly used by a seed method of breeding - the seeds of the nymphy are put into the pot and lowered into the water. This method of reproduction is suitable for warm regions.

Wintering nymphy in pond

Winter-hardy nymphs grown in our region perfectly carry frosty winter, provided that their roots will not freeze in the waterstroke - under such conditions, the nymphy will die.

If the pond is more than 50-60 cm depth - the nymphany perims perfectly, as it will not freeze the reservoir until the bottom. For reliability, the pond can be inspired by setting on the bottom of the board, foam layers or a double-layer of film.

If the reservoir is small, a depth of less than half a meter - on the bottom you can pull out a small hole and deepen the roots of the plant on it winter. For fine reservoirs with artificial bottom this method It is not suitable, so the container with the root is transferred to the room. It is possible to store pita directly in a container packed in a plastic bag, leaving a place to circulate air. A packed container with a jug is placed in a basement with a plus temperature (from 0 to 10 degrees). During the winter, monitor the soil, it must be wet, the plant should not dry.

It is possible to store the nymph in the winter and outside the container where it grew. To do this, remove the plant from the container, crop stems, leaves. In a polyethylene pack, filled with perlite or wet moss, put the rhizome water beauty and place it for the winter in the refrigerator, not forgetting to follow the moisture of the root.

Pests Nimfei.

Nimifia almost never hurt. Possible difficulty with which you have to face the cultivation of nymph in a decorative pond - reinforce the roots. The reason for the rotation may be a fungal infection, which was infected with the root when buying, as well as the appearance of poisonous substances in the reservoir. Disease Prevention - Purchase healthy Plant And timely rehabilitation of Nymphy.

  • The main enemy of the queen of reservoirs is a word. The difficulty of destroying the role is that in the pond can not be used by treatment by pesticides. Wash the TRU from the leaf leaves can only be mechanically.
  • The pitched leaf is a small bug, which has a brown color. Deals harm water hats in that she puts eggs on the leaves of the plant. The hatched larvae feed on the leaves, having blurred through holes in them. Leaf larvae collect manual wayand damaged leaves are removed.

  • Spotted leaves - a disease that is characterized by the appearance of black rounded spots on a leaf plate of water lishes. After some time, the stains are increasing in the amount, it is rotated and through holes are formed in the leaves. In the presence of this disease, the leaves should be deleted.

Beautiful, widely opened nymphy flowers surrounded by floating leaves in the pond - fascinate and admire everyone around. Pond with water lilys in the garden - garden decoration and pride of any dachank. Observing all the rules of landing and wintering nymphi, you can enjoy their beauty for many years.

The genus of the nymph belongs to the Family Family (NYMPHAEACEAE). There are about 50 varieties of nymph. Among them are cosmopolitans who are coming out in fresh reservoirs from South America Tundra: Nymphany tetrahedral (NYMPHAEA TETRAGONA), Nymphy Belaya (Nymphaea alba), Snow white nymphy (Nymphaea Candida).

Nymphis are able to grow, blossom and fruit with a significant decrease in water level and even on land. For this they are called amphibious plants.

Distributed on all continents globe. In ancient times, they were often accepted for. The famous Egyptian lotus is actually Nymphaea Lotus.. Widely known Red Indian Lotos. (Lat. Nymphaea Rubra.) I. Nile blue lotus(Lat. Nymphaea Caerulea). In Russia, dried rhizome Nimfei was called establish grass And worn as charm.


Water herbal perennial height of 60-250 cm. In diameter grows up to 200 cm.

Rhizome thick, cheeky or horizontal, immersed in the bottom substrate. The diameter of the root 4-5 cm. Root hairs are numerous, located in the nodes of the root.

ON THE PICTURE:Rhizome Nimfei. Photo Arthur Haines.

The leaves are attached on elastic and durable stiffs. Some representatives of the genus the length of the Cherchkov reaches 5 m.

Superwater leaves round-heart-shaped. Length 12-30 cm. The color of the surface leaves varies from dark green and green-silver before the burgundy in stains. Located under water, broad-tangible leaves covered with film. Cellular underwater leaves cover the kidneys of growth of plants with forming flowers and leafy cutters.

ON THE PICTURE:Due to long cutters, the leaves of the nimphy leaves are moved along the surface of the water, without damaging the flow and fluctuations in water. Leather and dense sheet plates are protected by a wax coating from the blotch.

Flowers with a diameter of 3-25 cm. Location floating or sticking. Star shape, spherical or invigorate, with four-five green cupcakes, a stroke-polar beanler and a thick starbird. Less often flowers of chrysanthemum-shaped, tulip-shaped, bed-like or radious.

ON THE PICTURE:Flower of cultivar "Siam Purple".

Color flowers white, cream, yellow, pink, orange, red, bluish-purple. Flowers most varieties exude a thin pleasant flavor.

The flowers of the nymph are opened in the morning and close in the evening. With sudden cooling, they do not bloom and go under the water.

The fruit is a berry-like spongy long-standing. Each fruit contains 1600-1700 seeds. After ripening under water, the fruit breaks down. Seeds float to the surface, spread with the flow, birds and water fauna.

Popular varieties and varieties

IN middle lane Mostly grown frost-resistant varieties. Many of them brought the French breeder J. B. Latour Marliak.

ON THE PICTURE: Cultivar "Lucida" removed Zh.B. Latur Marliak in 1894 photo Alice Galante.

For cultivation in aquariums and others, dwarf varieties are popular: "Pygmaea Rubra", "Pygmaea Helvola", "Pygmaea Alba", "Aurora". These cultivars are tolerant of tough water and a small amount of alkali. For the closed room, it is also suitable compact and unpretentious in the care of nymph aul.

Compact nymphs of varieties "Pygmaea Rubra", "Pygmaea Helvola", "Pygmaea Alba" and "Aurora". Photo Alice Galante.

Owners of small garden reservoirs Prefer medium I. small varieties Nymphy, especially Laydeckeri Hybrids, Hybrids K. Leideker. This is "Gonnere", he "Snowball", "James Brydon", "M-Me Wilfon Gonnere", "Perry's Fire Opal", "Rose Arey", "Marliacea Chromatella". Leesteker hybrids are distinguished by small leaves, rioty and abundant blossom. The diameter of mature instances up to 60 cm.

In the photo (from left to right, from top to bottom): Leesteker hybrids "Gonnere", "James Brydon", "M-me Wilfon Gonnere", "Perry's Fire Opal", "Rose Arey", "Marliacea Chromatella". Photo Alice Galante.

The mini-ponds grow well nitifia siny ( Nymphaea odorata.) "ALBA". It is considered one of the most winter-hardy.

ON THE PICTURE:Nymphi siny "Alba".

Wested varieties for water bodies of more than 60-80 cm. Steel high-screen and unpretentious "Marliacea Rosea", "Marliacea Cornea", "Attraction", "Gladstoniana", "Escarboucle", "Hollandia". In deep ponds, the popular European variety, the Nymphy Belaya is grown. She is notable decorative leaves With green top and purple-red "outstanding", and terry white flowers with a bright yellow center.

In the photo (from left to right, from top to bottom): Large-flowered varieties of Nyphfe "Marliacea Rosea", "Marliacea Cornea", "Attraction", "Gladstoniana", "Escarboucle", "Hollandia". Photo Alice Galante.


In indoor culture:

For growing nymphin in a closed room, a container or a special basket is required for water plants, 25-30 cm high and a diameter of 30-60 cm. The container is filled with a peat mixture, sand, humid and sapropel 1: 1: 1: 1. Mineral fertilizer for nymphy is added to the ground.

The rhizome is placed in the ground at an angle of 45 °, so that the growth point is at the ground level or slightly higher. The depth of planting for container plants is 20-40 cm. Then the soil is missed and covered with gravel.

ON THE PICTURE:In addition to gravel, small river pebbles are suitable for mulching the soil around the nymphy.

At first, the container with nifiah is placed on a depth of 20 cm. Underwater. Then, as the leaves are growing, the depth of the dive is adjustable to the recommended for the variety.

It is advisable to lift the water for the nymph. Read more about the use of acids with this and other purposes, read in the publication :. Be sure to soften and pre-filter the water.

Room nymph is contained in a well-lit place at air temperature + 24-28 ° C. When the temperature is reduced to + 22 ° C, nymphany grows slower and does not bloom.

ON THE PICTURE:Redtime species, for example, this nymphy "Red Tiger Lotus", need larger quantities Light than adapted to the conditions of average latitude. So that exotic varieties are not in the state of rest and did not lose decorativeness, it will take.

For fertilizer, nymphy in closed containers is recommended bone flour. So that the feeding is not flushed with water, it is mixed with clay, it is mounted in balls with a tennis ball size and placed under the rhizome when planting the plant. Granulated fertilizers are suitable for aquarium plants.

In garden reservoirs:

Aliaphy adapted to the conditions of medium latitudes are growing in any garden pond with filtering, circulation and aeration of water.

ON THE PICTURE:Nymphi looks great in various ponds. Small designer tricks, such as evening lighting practice their decorative foliage fabulous appearance.

The pond with nymphs is important to equip the plum and influx of new water, for the prevention of stagnation and "blooming" of the reservoir in the hot months. Nymphis feel good in standing water, but a selection of 5-10% of the pond content weekly is desirable.

The illumination of the reservoir is important: in a strongly shaded pond, the cultivation of Nymfe is difficult.

Plants disembark not the thick of one instance by 0.5-4 m 2. There are two accommodation options for nymphs in a garden reservoir:

  • in the container;
  • landing in the ground, exclusively for rapid water reservoirs.

In the first case, the container with the plant is placed in the pond after the temperature of the air and water will stop falling below + 18-20 ° C. It is more convenient to have nymphis in a partially filled reservoir.

In the soil fell deep-water species. For the safety of the root in the winter, the place is selected at the maximum depth. In order for the rhizome of the nymphy to take root and emerge, the soil at the bottom of the reservoir should contain il and clay, preferably white.

The landing is made in May-June as follows:

  1. Rhizome is exempt from damaged areas with shortening root hairs to 5-7 cm., Sprayed with water.
  2. The planting material is plugged into the soil at an angle of 45 °. For medium-sized varieties, pits are needed with a depth of 60-80 cm, for large 80-150 cm. The growth point is left at 1 cm. Over the Earth.
  3. Planted plant is fixed by stones.
  4. Mulch soil around the nymphy.

If the growth of Namfey in the pond is stable, special fertilizers are not required. When slowing down the growth of plants is fed by complex mineral fertilizers in granules. Allowed by I. organic feeding, For example, a vegetable compartment. But an excess of organic organics in the pond can cause root rotting.

Diseases and pests

Nymphis are little susceptible to pests and diseases. With dry hot weather, the outer parts of the plant sometimes damages and. Get rid of malicious insects help.


Vegetative technology:

Vegetative reproduction is preferably preserved varietal signs. It is better to multiply nymphing vegetatively since the beginning of the spring until the middle of the summer.

Rhizome is taken with several growth points. It is thoroughly clean with the removal of old leaves and flowering. Cuts sterile knife to pieces so that one point of growth remains at least on each decene.

Slices are sprinkled with charcoal. After that, the part of the rhizomes are placed in containers with a suitable substrate and plunge into a small depth for germination. As the plant grows, the capacity is plundered more.

The plants obtained by the vegetative method are blooming the next year.

On video:The secrets of the division of Nymphy reveals a biologist, founder of a unique Russian water park park Alexander Marchenko.

From seeds:

The seed method is basically proclaimed species nymphy. Nymphi sow in winter or in early spring in a pot with a substrate. After this, the tank is immersed in water with a temperature of + 25 ° C, leave in a lit place.

If the nymphs are sown to the aquarium, there should not be herbivores and snails.

After the appearance and growing germs, they are divened. In the future, for young plants, they care as well as adults. For the second year of the life of nithely grown from seeds, flowers appear.

First steps after shopping

If an adult plant is purchased in a 3-5 liter container, it is not necessary to transfer immediately. When landing nitfei in nutrient soil The substances needed for its growth for a long time.

If the ambulance is not planned, the root of the nimfeia is stored at a temperature of + 5-8 ° C in the basement. The tank with the root is put into the water so that the moisture reached the edge of the container. Can be stored planting material I walked into a wet land to a depth of 20 cm. Or cover it with a moistened moss-sphagnum.

Secrets of Success

Nymife is better to translate, and not to replant. This is done when leaf outlet from the rhizoma becomes closely.

ON THE PICTURE:For Nimfei, a new capacity is selected in one and two times more than the previous one.

To the nymphs blooming lush and annually, rhizomes share every four years. In this case, parts of the roots are constantly sprayed. It is impossible to allow short-term drying.

To preserve decorativeness and health of the plant, you need to constantly remove old, brown or yellowed leaves. When removing faded flowers, they are cut with a flowerball.

Nymphya without any problems in the reservoirs below the waterproof point, at the depth of meter and a half. During the descent of water in the pond for the winter rhizoma, the nymphi is covered with opal leaves. If the rhizomes are buried on the wintering in the soil, the thick layer of snow is poured over them.

Possible difficulties

Sudden growth of growth.

The reasons:

  1. rigid water.
  2. nutrient deficit.
  3. insufficient lighting.

Range leaves and roots.

The reasons:

  1. population of floating leaves.
  2. stagnation of water in the pond or room reservoir.

Poor blossom.

The reasons:

  1. growing in a shaded place.
  2. lack of fertilizers.
  3. hardness of water.

A decorative pond at the cottage is a rather unusual and impressive element of landscape design. If a decorative pond decorate with suitable moisture-loving plants, its attractiveness will become even greater. In this article we will talk about this option to decorate a pond, like growing water water lily. Now you will learn how to make care of nymphs, as well as see the photo examples of their bright unusual species.

Using a nymphon to create a pond with water lily

Most dacms do not use nymphi to create a pond with water lily, because It is believed that the data of the moisture-boring plants do not tolerate the cold. This is a great misconception, because today there are many varieties of frost-resistant nymphi, which are able to overwhelm with junior frosts and decorate the pond for several seasons.

Water nymphs have an attractive bright color, which can be white, pink, yellow and red shade.

These plants practically do not require the care of which we will talk a little lower.

The decorative pond, decorated with waterwater (nymphyami), will create a romantic environment, so it is desirable to post near the pond.

We draw your attention to the fact that watering nymphs quickly grow up, so for decoration decorative pond Enough to plant several seedlings.

It should also be noted that watering nymphs should take no more than half of the pond area, otherwise the composition will look like a nationist. Here you should add the fact that it is better to choose the plants of one shade, because Multicolored ponds are not so won when decorating the territory, like monophonic white, pink or yellowish.

If you still want to decorate a pond with water lilies with several kinds of plants of different colors, it is recommended to land a nymph in different places, which would be distinguished by the shades of colors were separated by water stroke.

Nonphian care

Whatever the pond with water lily decorate the summer cottage as long as possible and with the minimum host intervention, it is necessary to carry out correct care Behind the nymphs.

As we said, the nymphs are not too demanding in care, but still something you have to do, namely:

  • Fertilize nymphi for better growth
  • Transplant in containers for overreving
  • Follow their number in the pond

So, everything is in order.

Fertilizer Nitfe

In order for the nymphy to grow faster and have large bright flowers, it is necessary to carry out fertilizer of plants. To do this, in the container where the root system will be, it is recommended to pour a mixture of fertile soil with sand and compost. It is also desirable to add to the fertile mixture a pinch of bone flour, which is an excellent fertilizer for water hymeph.

That bone flour was not so quickly washed away from the container, it is recommended to point it into the clay balls and also put into the root container. In this case, bone flour will fertilize the nymphi for a long time.

Since the nymphs have small roots in terms of volume, it is recommended to transplant them into spacious containers. This will allow not only to move the plants by the pond by changing landscape design reservoir, but also to carry out plants.

Although, as we said, there are frost-resistant species of watergamy, sometimes due to certain conditions there are to hide plants for the winter from frosts.

There are 3 habitat conditions of water water lily (nymphi):

  1. Nymphis grow in a deep pond (the depth of over 0.6 m)
  2. Nymphi grow in a shallow natural pond
  3. The nymphs grow in a shallow artificial pond, where the bowl is concreted or made of plastic.

In the first case, it does not matter natural or artificial pondThe depth will allow the roots not to freeze during the junior frost.

If the pond is shallow, but its bottom is natural, then you can simply dig up at the bottom of the reservoir of the yam about 0.5 meters deep and put roots there before the winter season.

But if the pond is shallow and also artificial, deepen the roots of the plants will not work, so you still have to move the plants for the winter in a warmer room. For this, containers will be useful, because In this case, you do not need to break root system Nymphy, and simply transfer the plants to the basement, where the temperature will be normal for overrevming.

In addition, the containers are good because the plants can be moved along the pond, creating a floating flower leaf, which will soar in the middle of the water branch with water lily.

We draw your attention to the fact that of different types The nymph is the length of the roots differs, there are varieties with 20-centimeter roots, and there are varieties and the root system longer than 1 meter, it must be considered when creating a pond composition with water lily.

Numen nymph in pond

We have already said that the number of nymphing in the pond should be limited. First, a large number of plants will only reduce the attractiveness of the pond. And, secondly, if Nymphy is too much in a pond, they will not be able to grow normally: there will be many small flower flowers on the water with tiny green leaves. If you limit the amounts of waterpashes, they will be big and bright what looks much better!

Anyone knows how the water lily looks like. And immediately imagines white, large flower On water. But breeding and even natural pollination presented us with many types of water lilies of a variety of colors: from white-yellow to dark-red. Due to the fact that the pitches bloom in the warm season, some consider them heat-loving. But there are winter-hardy varieties that are withstanding extremely low temperatures. So let's figure out how to plant the nymph in your own.

Description and popular views

Nymphi - Latin name of the pita, or lily. This is a digestive one and refers to the lifelock family. Nymfei flower has round leaves dark Greenwhich in diameter reach 40 cm. In the wild, the NYMPHAEA ALBA is most often found - the nominal type of plants (white water lily).

The flower of this type is white with a yellow core, usually in diameter 15-20 cm. The fruit is simple - a box, like many plants. Nymphi is blown at the end of July, and finishes his bloom in September. Seeds ripen under water. The most interesting thing is that its rhizomes grow horizontally and the pita are often intertwined with each other because of this.

Did you know? The nymph is also called "dental grass."

Scientists have about 44 species of water lishes. However, each of them can have several subspecies. All of them are divided into 2 groups: exotic and winter-hardy. Given our moderate climate, let's understand in winter-hardy species.

Did you know? Swedish red water lily in nature grows only on 2 lakes.

Among popular winter hardy grades Allocate:

Important! Vanwis will die in winter if she has a very big rhizome. Only a small rhizome of this water lily will help move the frosty winter in the pond. On the contrary, if the wintering is in a closed room, then the best will be a major rhizome. Submarine leaves can be saved.

Did you know? During growth, any nymphy forms several "growth points". And each of them is considered a separate plant.

Laydekeri Lilacea varieties, "Perry" s Baby Red "," White Sensation "," Marliacea Albida "," Fabiola "also get along well in a moderate climate. To certainly winter-hardy needs to be attributed to all the subspecies of Nymphi Belaya (Nymphaea Alba). Among these subspecies - "Rubra", "Albatross", "Darwin", "Escarboucle", "Marliacea Carnea", "Atropurperea" and others.

Important! When choosing Nymfei varieties, take into account the depth and nature of the pond, as well as your climatic conditions.

Landing Nimfei.

Of course, it is recommended to acquire an already mature pita, because the cultivation of seeds is a time-consuming process that requires deep knowledge. Landing and care in the pond is already adulting nymphy not takes a lot of time. Do not forget that every variety has its landing depth, but absolutely all the flowers need and.

The transplant depends on the variety. But on average, it is recommended to conduct it every 2-3 years.

Soil and capacity

The transplant is produced by B. kashpo (Decorative pot vase), as the rhizome of the water lily grow horizontally, and this container is larger in diameter than height. Do not forget that the container should not be very big, because then you will not be able to raise it for transplantation. The small container will reduce plant flowers, because the rhizome will also be small.
The soil is introduced by clay, turf. It is chosen due to the fact that it delays moisture for a long time. The substrate interfere and - usually it is also used as well. The ratio and fertilizers should be, respectively, 70 and 30%.

Important! Clay in the soil mixture acts as a preservative and does not allow her to quickly wash out.

Technology landing

By filling the capacity of the soil, you need to do a small hole in the center. There you need to put the rhizome of the pita. Please note that the rhizomes do not need to remove the one in which it was originally. Leave some place in the soil so that there is an opportunity to add sand (2-4 cm layer). It will consolidate the substrate and will not give the upper layer of the earth to wash out when the flower is immersed in water.

- required condition If there are fish in the pond. They will not only perform a decorative function, but also to protect the rhizome from fish that may want to dull the pit.


Nonphic care is not a lot of work. After all, many species in the pond are winter. The feeder starts immediately as soon as ice comes. It is important to select, which slowly dissolve. So they will act longer and have a greater effect. This is usually crystalline fertilizers that need to be slightly deepened into the soil.

Important! When landing water lishes in hot weather, cover them with a wet towel so that they do not dry.

How to propagate the lily fission of rhizomes

To multiply nymphing is better than rhizomes. Many do it in the spring, but at this time of the year the water in the pond is too cold, and get the pot with water lily will be problematic. Therefore, do it at the end of the flowering season.

It is better to unravel the stems in the water, since on Earth the process will take 2 times longer.

The root system of the nymph reminds rhizome. Therefore, boldly find and divide the root. Remember that the lentium-grass forms a large number of lateral roots, which is intertwined and grow together. It is possible to divide them with the help of any garden (for example, a blade).

Dividing the rhizome into several parts, carry out the landing procedure. In the same way, add clay and fertilizer to the earthen mixture, lower the rhizome in the hole and confuse it tightly. Pull with sand on top. It can be slightly rinsed with cool water. Add stones if necessary.