Drilling technique for water. How to drill and equip a well into the water with your own hands? Technology and drilling methods, types of wells

For autonomous water supply country plot It is necessary to perform a complex of water drilling work on water and the installation of pumping equipment.

The process of creating a well for a single country has always has its own characteristics. In this article, we will analyze the technology of drilling wells for water in the Moscow region.

Major terms

Drilling - This is the process of a well construction for the destruction of rock.

Well - These are cylindrical mining, built using special tools for which a large length and small diameter are characteristic. The main parts of the well is the mouth - 1, trunk - 2 and the bottom - 3 (Figure 1).

Debit of wells (not to be confused with an accounting debit) - the volume of water that can be produced from the well per unit of time. It is measured in l / s or m 3 / h. Most important parameter for selection of water supply equipment and uninterrupted work Source.

The water well brings directly to the aquifer and, depending on the depth and flow, is an excellent source of water, both for household and industrial purposes.

Figure 1. Well scheme

The water well, like any other, is a complex technical structure and on compliance with drilling technology, as well as the correctness of the selection of the well design, its productivity depends on the service life and water quality.

Determining factors, when choosing a water drilling technology, the depth of groundwater is depth, as well as rock rocks, the sloping incision at the drilling site. The correctly selected technology will allow the well to be dried in the minimum time, exclude accidents and complications in the drilling process, and most importantly, to obtain a maximum flow rate corresponding to these geological conditions.

Types of wells

Water wells can be divided into three main types, depending on the target aquifer (Figure 2):

  • shallow sand;
  • deep sand;
  • limestone (artesian aquifer).

Figure 2. Location of aquifer

In the Moscow region, the location of aquifer ranges in the following intervals:

  • the first (shallow sand) - 10 - 30 m;
  • second (deep sand) - 40 - 90 m;
  • third (limestone) - reaches a 220 m mark.

The wells for limestone - aquifer complex of Paleozoic coal deposits, which nourishes the Moscow region and is divided into several horizons:

  • serpukhovsky (Lower Carbon);
  • podolsko-mechkovsky (medium carbon);
  • kashirsky (medium carbon);
  • casimovsky layer (upper carbon);
  • gzhelsky (Upper Carbon).

The Moscow region is divided into the following aquifers:

  • south - water level is at a depth of 10 - 70 m, the depth of wells from 40 to 120 m;
  • southwest - has a small flow rate, the depth of wells on average 50-70 m;
  • the central region is the largest in size, water mainly carbonate, carbonate sulfate;
  • eastern - the depth of occurrence of aquifer - 20 - 50 m, water is very mineralized.

Assessment of the state of groundwater of the Moscow region is significantly complicated by the large intensity of their use on a relatively limited territory.

Although the population of Moscow is almost 100% provided by surface waters, then in the region, on the contrary, most water consumption objects use groundwater. At the same time, the number of autonomous consumers is growing every year - these are new cottage villages, industrial enterprises and holiday homes.

According to 2011, the potential of water resources of the Moscow region is 11.3 million m 3 / day. The largest production density of the water treatment (up to 2 l / s per km 2) is located in the central part of the region.

As a result of a high intensity of underground water resources consumption in the region, an extensive depression funnel was formed, which unevenly covers various aquifers, and its center is located in Moscow.

Sunflower Drilling Technology

In the Moscow region, the aquifers are locked at a depth of 10 - 30 m, the flow rate of such wells will be up to 1 m 3 / h, which is quite enough to provide a small country site. Although, with the right engineering solution, such a well is quite capable of providing a small country house. To do this, it is necessary to use a cumulative container in which borehole pump will pump water from the well, and another one surface pump deliver water directly to the consumer.

Drilling on a shallow sand is possible in Volokolamsk, Voskresensky, Yegoryevsky, Mytishchinsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Podolsky, Ramenskoye, Ruza, Solnechnogorsky districts, more - drilling wells for water. The first aquifer in these areas is located at a depth of 10 - 30 m, the flow of wells from 0.5 to 1 m 3 / h. However, due to high density industrial facilities In many areas, water quality of the upper aquifers is not high.

The advantages of wells for the first aquifer is:

  • small cost;
  • fast drilling process;
  • the possibility of operation using an inexpensive vibration pump.

Disadvantages of the well on the shallow sand:

  • relatively short service life;
  • small flow rate;
  • unstable water quality;
  • the dependence of the water level of seasonal oscillations and neighboring watersters.

It should also be noted that the filter of the sandy well is necessary to periodically rinse due to its grain. Replacement such a filter is not subject to replacement, therefore, when it fails, it will have to drill a new well. Despite the presence of the filter, it is difficult to secure the water supply system of a sandy well from the sandage of sand, which can significantly reduce the life of the well pump.

For drilling shallow wells in loose rocks, the most popular auger drilling. The auger is a pipe with spiral blades (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Drilling Auger

The rig for its design resembles a corkscrew, due to which the drilling occurs due to the rotational process with immersion in the soil and the recess of the selected rock on the reverse move (Figure 4).

Drilling the screw is performed using installations on freight and passenger cars. You can screw the auger to the ground and manually, as well as using an electric drive or a motorible. Manual drilling allows you to get water on the site yourself, however, drilling with an electric drive, although the cost, but allows you to greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

Drilling with auger is possible only by soft rocks. If rock rocks are emerging on the way, further drilling will be impossible. You can increase the length of the auger using docks with additional screws or rods.

1 - wellbore, 2 - auger, 3 - chosen breed.

Figure 4. Rotary drilling diagram with auger

At the end of the drilling wall of the well are strengthened by a casing. The design of the well on the shallow sand is one casing with a perforated filter part.

For plants of water wells, pipes of two types are used on sand:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

The classic solution for plating a water well is tubes of black steel. Having a 4.5 mm wall thickness, the steel pipe will retain the integrity of 10-30 years, withstanding any movement of soils, and at the same time will not add anything except rust. However, the presence of rust (trivalent iron) is not in water big problem, it is easily removed using the usual household filter. The only harm that can cause rust is the harm to the pump, provided that it is designed only for clean water.

The main disadvantage of steel pipes is the high cost, so to cover wells on a shallow sand with a relatively low service life, the use of steel pipes is not always appropriate.

An alternative to the chucks of shallow wells are plastic pipes - NSLH, PND.

The main pluses of plastic pipes are the impetition of corrosion and the absence of any additives into water, as well as low pricerelatively steel pipes.

The disadvantage is their low strength.

In the wellbones in the sand necessarily use the filter. The filter zone, however,, like the production pipe itself, is not subject to replacement, so actually time well service devices depends on the service life of the filter. Also, the quality and design of the filter play a decisive role, in which water will give the well.

Sand well design

The classic well construction on the deep and shallow sand is the same and is a casing with a filter. The filter can be installed "Way" (Fig. 5) or made on the casing tube (Fig. 6).

Figure 5. The design of the sand well with the filter "Woven". Figure 6. Conventional well design on sand.

The design of the filter for the sand in the sand is quite simple, therefore the quality of the material from which it is made is made in choosing the filter.

The filter is made of the following elements (Figure 7):

  • perforated base - 1;
  • frame filter layer - 2;
  • directly filter layer - 3.

Figure 7. Filter for a well on sand

The main advantage of the design of the well with the conductor and the "Way" filter installed (Figure 5) is a reliable insulation in the water well from surface pollutionthat is impossible with a conventional one-tube design.

Although, due to technological complexity, this filter is more expensive, but it provides better water quality, and the main thing is to replace, which is significantly more profitable than to bury the new well.

The main disadvantage of such technology is the complexity of the installation of a reliable gland intended to prevent the sand penetration into the well and insulation of the interval between the working and filter column.

The restriction for installing the filter "Woven" is the presence of small dusty sands in the aquifer due to the impossibility of creating gravel sinking filter, and therefore a slight decrease in the debit of well due to the use of small grids.

However, in the layers of coarse sand and alert this technology It is possible, among other things in the Moscow region.

The most common design of the well on sand in the Moscow region is presented in Figure 6.

By type of filter layer, filters of three types are used:

  • frame-rod;
  • mesh;
  • combined.

The most effective are frame-rod filters from of stainless steelHowever, these filters have a high cost. Quite good operating characteristic There are mesh filters from stainless steel, while having a much lower cost than frame-rod. In addition net filter You can install on pVC pipes. Due to this, this filter is optimal for wells to a shallow sand.

The filters with a polymer mesh are also used, but they are technologically inferior to metal grids, as external loads are kept worse.

A filter with a deposition of PVD (high-pressure polyethylene) is a perforated tube with a special fiber-porous material placed on it.

This coating perfectly protects the well from the penetration of solid particles from the aquifer, including dusty sands. In this case, this filter is capable of providing good permeability on the flooded sands, due to the porosity of the material.

PVD spraying consists of three layers:

  • supportive - largest;
  • worker - average character;
  • protective - finely protected.

The advantage of this filter is its versatility: it works evenly in an alkaline and acidic environment, is environmentally safe and not toxic, does not highlight into water chemical elementsis protected from hardness salts. Thanks to the fibrous and porous barrier, it perfectly protects the borehole pump from any mechanical impurities.

To increase the flow rate, an increase in the duration of the filter, a decrease in the coaching process (casing) is performed by gravel filter sulfium (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Gravel filter sprinkle

The gravel sprinkle can be performed only with rotary drilling with flushing. In some cases, instead of gravel it is possible to use coarse sand. The gravel layer between the filter and aquifers increases the filter area, prevents dusty sands from entering, reduces the abrasive effect of sand on the grid and extends the filter period several times.

Performance feasible under the observance of the above technology and the use of highly qualified personnel.

Deep Drilling Technology for Deep Sand

In some areas of the Moscow region, the nearest aquifer is located at a depth of more than 30 m.

For example, in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region not everywhere there is a shallow shut-off aquifer. At the same time, wells drilled on deep sand (from 40 m) give a flow rate up to 2 m 3 / h. Also, the wells on the deep sand of Buryat in Istra, Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrovsky, Pushkinsky and Sergiev Posad regions.

For example, in the Yaroslavl and Belgorod region, there are almost no wells for limestone, due to the fact that the aquifer limestones occur quite deeply, 150-250 m. Accordingly, such wells require more complex design, Applications of two or three casing columns different diameter, as well as more powerful borehole equipment.

The wells for deep sand have a number of advantages over shallow, as well as artesian wells:

  • debit of wells on deep sand is higher than in a shallow (1.5 - 2.5 m 3 / h);
  • water quality is better (stable) than in shallow wells;
  • drilling time and cost lower than for artesian;
  • in contrast to the drilling of deep artesian wells, no license for subsoil use is required.

However, problems using the filter for the sandy well remain the same as for shallow sandy wells.

The most optimal method for the belling of the well on deep sand is rotary drilling.

Drilling with a rotary way is performed using a frame rig, on which lifting equipment is mounted, which is allowed to raise and lower the drill string. The installation of rotary drilling can be performed on the basis of the car (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Installation of rotary drilling

With a rotary drilling method, the rock is destroyed by the rotating bit, to which the axial load from the rotor is supplied using a drill string, which consists of drill pipes interconnected by couplings. The top shaft of the column through the swivel, providing free cargo rotation, is suspended to the melting system. This system Provides the flow of the drilling pipe of the drill pipes into the chisel. As a result, the coiled breed (sludge) rises to the surface along with the drilling fluid.

The rotary drilling scheme is presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Rotary drilling scheme.
1 - Chisel, 2 - Drilling column, 3 - Drill pipe, 4 - Floor equipment, 5 - Rotor, 6 - winch, 7 - leading drill pipe, 8 - Vertilug, 9 - Hook, 10 - Talem block, 11 - krangelock .

Well drilling technology on limestone

Within the Moscow region, aquifered limestones occur extremely uneven, from 20 m in the south, up to 200 m in the north, but the spread of the Artesian horizon is most common at a depth of over 100 m.

Thanks big depth The occurrence of artesian waters and, accordingly, highly reservoir pressure water well on limestone can be pressure, sometimes self-deployed.

Advantages of the Artesian Well:

  • the possibility of drilling anywhere;
  • stable water quality;
  • long service life;
  • high performance.

Disadvantages of the Artesian Well:

  • technological complexity of drilling;
  • high cost of drilling;
  • possible high mineralization of water;
  • legal entities need a license for the use of subsoil.

Due to the widespread of the distribution of water-saturated limestone, as well as a high flow of artesian wells, such a well is optimal decision For monumental buildings, housing cooperatives, as well as industrial purposes.

The drilling of artesian wells is a rather complicated process due to the depth and hardness of rocks. Depending on the geological conditions in different parts of the Moscow region, these or other problems arise in the drilling process.

In the Volokolamsky district, difficulties can create granite deposits found near Sychevo and Cherezovo. Although in a number of settlements, water limestones are located not deep, from 30 to 50 meters. Also do not deeply flow aquiferous limestones near the river-river bed in the Voskresensk district. In Kashirsky district, the first limestones are located at a depth of about 40 m, but they do not have sufficient water studies and only complicate further drilling to water-saturated carbonate rocks located at a depth of 70 - 140 m. In addition, there are unstable breeds in the context, which leads to an increase in flow Drilling scenes. Need to choose casing pipes larger diameter For overlapping these breeds. In the lotoshin, Ruz and Odintsovo districts, drilling is complicated by boulders falling into the breed. In the context of the breeds of the Chekhovsky district there are crumbling breeds of limestone, requiring a reliable metal chip.

The optimal solution for drilling artesian wells is rotary drilling. Due to the simultaneous impact on a rock-reserving tool of the axial load and torque, the drilling performance increases significantly.

Hide drilling is suitable for breed V-XII category. The waterproof is installed between the column set and the drill pipes. For the means of drill pipes, a drilling fluid and rotation are fed into the chisel. The flushing fluid removes the sludge from the face, cools the chisel, as well as the drive of the shock machine. With an increase in the flow rate of the drilling fluid, the energy of a single strike increases, which leads to an increase in the intensity of breed destruction.

In relatively soft rocks, an increase in the velocity of the axial load increases the drilling rate, and in solid abrasive rocks, with an increase in the axial load, the wear of a rock separating tool increases.

In solid rocks, it is advisable to use a pneumatic bar. Pneumoral drilling is a type of shock-rotational, using a submersible drilling hammer - a pneumatic stage operating on energy compressed air. Piston-bats of a pneumatic diabetes progressively return movements on the shank, which is part of the bit that rotates with the pneumatic bar. Cleaning the face from the chuck occurs with the help of a well purge. As the well deepends, the drilling projectile is increasing.

The diagram of pneumatic drilling is presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Scheme of pneumatic drilling
1 - chisel, 2 - Pneumatic bar, 3 - Drilling tools, 4 - rotator with electric motor, 5 - Feed mechanism, 6 - Compressed air supply hose, 7 - compressor, 8 - control panel.

Design of wells on limestone

The design of the well on limestone can be four types:

  • classical - includes a casing, reaching water limestone, and then an open barrel of smaller diameter (suitable for strong limestone);
  • with a double casing - consists of casing pipes of two diameters: more at the top to the aquifer and smaller in the aquifer (Figure 12);
  • with a conductor - it is used when you need to cut off quaternary deposits of a casing of a larger diameter;
  • telescopic - the design consists of three or more casing columns of different diameters, where each subsequent column with a diameter of less than the previous one is used in areas with a complex geology to cut off unstable and aquifers.

Depending on the geological section of the drilling area, the depth of the aquifer is preferable to one or another well design or a combination of several structures.

Let's look at a few examples.

Example 1: Classic two-pipe design with plastic.

Figure 12. Body design with double shock

Drilling technology can be described as follows:

  • Sulking the vegetable layer, the thickness of the sand with the inclusions of gravel, the thickness of the clay, we reach limestone (see Fig. No. 12). According to the nature of drilling, the velocity of the peak, visual control of the storage breed, raised (washed with drilling fluid) to the surface, determine the lithological cut.
  • A little caress the limestone, raise the tool.
  • We produce a tip of the metal pipe on the roof of limestone.
  • We change the chisel, we wash the wellbore from the drilling fluid. Use for further drilling is clean water (without bentonite).
  • We continue drilling in limestone inside the metal pipe.
  • Passing a layer of dry limestone, we reveal to the fractured, aquiferous limestone. Cracks in limestone can be determined by the absorption (failure) of the circulating water into the opening crack. The drilling tool can also fall at 10-15 cm.
  • We raise the drilling tool, change the bit to a smaller diameter.
  • We continue drilling, we open the fractured limestone, carefully control the process to determine the presence in the limestone of Mergel, clay, sand, if any.
  • Turning out 5.10 or 20 meters of water limestone, a plastic pipe is closed. Limestone opening depth Determines the drilling master indirect signsDepending on the power, the thickness, aquifer, the required amount of water and lithological features.

Because clay and sand becks in limestone there are no, the limestone is difficult to use, the non-destructive, plastic pipe attached to the aquiferous limestone, the cracks open the open barrel.

Example 2: Single-tube design with complications.

Figure 13. Single-tube well design

The drilling process to limestone is described in Example No. 1. When drilling in limestone and the construction of the water treatment part there are differences. Let's look at them.

If you do not block the clay and sand in limestone and collect the design as in the 1st example, we will get muddy water with sand.

It can go constantly or arise after a distance (lack of water discharging from the well).

The drilling master, which does not carefully track the drilling process, may not notice the layer of clay and sand, collecting the design as in Example No. 1. After completing an experienced pumping and finding a torment and sand, it will be forced to dismantle the plastic, install a smaller diameter metal pipe to overlap the sand layer. Be sure to seal the transition between the pipes with a packer to eliminate the possibility of the flow of muddy water with sand along the transition between the pipes.

Figure 14. Design of well with complications in the drilling process.

The clay layer can be blocked by a plastic pipe, the sand layer of the plastic tube is problematic. Therefore, used metal pipe smaller diameter. If the initial pipe is Ø133 mm, then the pipe Ø114 mm is installed inside. The pipe Ø114 mm closes the PND tube with a diameter of 94 or 90 mm, in 94 pipes can be installed a well pump with a diameter of 3 inches (76 mm). In the PND Ø90mm - the pump with normal pressure characteristics will not be able to install.

Figure 15. Design "Telescope".

When the water level is generated above the transition 133-114 (no less than 15-20 meters, it is possible to build a design with a plastic - 90 (94) of the Metal and 117 inside 133 (see Figure No. 14. ).

Let's look at the technology of drilling well taking into account the presence of unstable breeds in the context. The situation considered below is typical for deep wells (150-200 m), cuts with boulders and wells with intermediate aquifers. In order to interval reinforcement of the formation, the design "Telescope" is used (Figure No. 15).

The customer to put the task is to drill a well to the limestone and collect the design 133/117.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. We begin to drill a well under the 133 metal pipe with chisel 146 or 155 (161) mm. But, without reaching limestone, we meet in the context of boulders together with aquifer.
  2. When drilling below, the boulders begin the taps of the instrument - stones fall on the guide with chisels and bought it, interfere with continuing further drilling, block, do not raise the tool from the wellbore.
  3. When trying to harmonize the installation of the conductor with the customer, it does not allow permission to increase the cost of the well and is ready for the result without plastic. We make a solution to isolate unstable breeds by setting a pipe with a diameter of 133 mm in a stubborn trunk.
  4. Further drilling continue inside the pipe by a bit of 124 mm.
  5. Having reached limestone, install a metal pipe of 114 mm. Seal the transition between the pipes with a packer, to exclude the dirt and water flow in the slot between the pipes.
  6. We wash the wellbore from the drilling fluid. We bring further incision in limestone with a bit of 76 mm on clean water.
  7. When opening limestone, we detect the glilateral layer in it, the upper part of the aquosity limestone is destroyed.
  8. We accept decisions to isolate the layer of clay with a deaf metal pipe Ø89 mm, and destroyed limestone to equip a perforated pipe.
  9. To do this, we boar the open limestone with a bit of 98 mm - to strong limestone. We raise the drill column and plug 89 pipes.
  10. In a strong limestone, the water-receiving part is left open with an open barrel Ø76 mm.

In such a situation, the design with plastic is not possible to assemble. Since the water was formed at 114 pipes, the metal Ø89 mm is below. In 89, the pipe does not fit the PND tube to which you can install the pump. The customer will be delivered before the fact that it was not possible to implement the planned design of 133/117. The cost of the well will be recalculated. The term of work, the resulting wells, will be significantly less than planned 40-50 years.

That is why we recommend using the Ø159 mm initial pipe or use the conductor in areas with a complex geology. This is more efficiently and durable, it allows you to collect a design with a plastic liner inside the pipe with almost any complication - see Figure No. 16.

Figure №16. Body design with conductor.

Addressing the drilling company, it is necessary to clearly set the problem on the flow rate, the diameter of the planned pump, its power.

Experts begin to plan a well design with a filter and an approprical zone depending on the lithological cut and the power of the aquifer. That is, they begin to plan the design from the bottom up, and not the opposite.

If we talk about the initial diameters and averaged well parameters with good geology, then approximately the following values \u200b\u200bcan be called:

  • Pipe Ø133 mm - will provide a flow rate of up to 3 m 3 / h, suitable to provide water with one or two cottages;
  • Pipe Ø 159 mm - will provide a flow rate of up to 8 m 3 / h, an option for a large house with additional buildings or for several households;
  • Pipe Ø 219 mm - will provide a flow rate up to 15-40 m 3 / h, such wells are industrial and are able to provide water industrial object or a small settlement.

For those who want to explore this question more tightly we advise you to use additional literature - Bashkatov D.N., Rogova V.L., Drilling wells for water. We recommend this book as a desk allowance for beginner boring. Unfortunately, she was written in 1976 and does not take into account some modern materials and technology.

Conclusions: The process of drilling well - complex technological process. Drilling will be successful, and the well will retain its performance for several decades, provided:

  1. Ownership of the drilling organization with comprehensive information on the geological features of the site, where work will be performed. We have experience experience in this place.
  2. The presence in the state of professional drillings capable of responsibly, chevetally refers to the drilling process and to the construction proper design Well.
  3. The conscientiousness and responsibility of the organization. Today, in pursuit of maximum profitMany lose these important human qualities inventing different schemes Cheating customers.
  4. The conscientiousness and responsibility of the drilling brigade. The desire to quickly prove often leads to the deception of the employer and the customer at the same time. Sale on the side of the underworked pipes in the well, drilling instruments. Credit with the customer in the depths of the well (let's drink 30, and we will make 50, 20 meters in half ...) Shiving the customer's guarantee.
  5. The organization should own the material and technical base. Carry out the repair of equipment, to make parts for wells for wells (pull out the transition, make a packer, cut the thread), storage required tool and equipment. Have a qualified staff able to ensure the functioning of the base and provide a continuous workflow of drilling and assembly brigades.

The combination of all these criteria is the key to the construction of the well using technology and producing a reliable well on your site. This criteria corresponds to the company "Water Assistance".

Water drilling technology depends on the method that this process is carried out. There are several methods that can be carried out by such work, they differ among themselves by the need to use tools and methods of drilling wells for water.

How to choose a place?

Before starting drilling well to water, you should choose a place to work. In this regard, it is necessary to consider that the site should be convenient for work and entry of machines, if necessary. In addition, it is necessary to define a plot where technical water will merge and where it is better to store unnecessary equipment.

Water drilling technologies include the availability of smooth territory, where work will be carried out. The plot should be at least 4x12 m, to it should be provided with a free entrance of the equipment to carry out drilling without difficulties and problems. Nearby should not be placed the wires of power and other communications.

The place itself is chosen on the basis of economic feasibility. So, for example, the closer the well will be located to the point of its input, the less work will be required and the use of pipes. But it should be remembered that the design should be further three meters from the construction. Over some types of wells, such as artesian, can not be erected by other buildings.

Ways to perform work

The method of drilling wells includes four types of performing the task: with a screw method, rotary, shock-rope and manual. Each of the presented types has its own characteristics, as well as positive and negative sides.

Using auger and rotor

Most. affordable way is a screw drilling of wells. It implies the use of a screw that enters the ground, breaking it. The use of this reception is possible in a dry or soft ground. For rocks or floats, such a method is not suitable.

Drilling wells is carried out by the destruction of the breed and feeding it in the mouth. A screw method is possible for drilling wells, the dimensions of which are 6-80 cm in diameter and 60 m in depth. In some cases, the depth can be increased to 100 m. When lifting a borain, it is necessary to fasten the walls of the well. To prevent sinking immediately after immersion, the auger needs to be loaded the casing.

Thus, this method of drilling wells is easy to organize and perform work. The installation itself is mobile, which allows it to be used in the right place for a small period of time. However, this method has a limited depth on which work can be carried out, and the restriction on the place can be carried out, for example, drilling on rock rocks.

Water drilling with a rotary way due to the continuous action of the bit that rotates. Simultaneously with it, a clay solution is used, which is designed to leash the breed well from the wellbore. This method can be broken down by rock rocks. To carry out the stem of the soil, you need to have a mud pump, and the solution should be continuously supplied to the pipe.

With this method can be applied reverse flushingat which the solution is served in the bubble area. Washing the destroyed rock occurs through the pipe. This allows you to speed up the work and more efficiently reach the aquifer.

This method has a number of advantages. The cost of work is noticeably reduced, which is explained by the savings of casing. In addition, the feed speed is quite high compared to other methods. However, it is necessary to pay attention to that in the cold season, insulation should be carried out circulating system. Plus it is impossible to remove the sample from the aquifer without performing a preliminary descent and a wells. As used a large number of Water and clay, it leads to contamination of limestone.

Shock-rope and manual ways

The most time-consuming and long-term execution is the shock-cable method. However, he is the highest quality, so you should not forget about him. The process is the destruction of the rock due to the impact of her heavy item beaten from a certain height, followed by the extraction of the fragmented breed.

The drilling unit is a tripod, cable, winch and a glass. The last element is pointed on the one hand. The rise of this element is carried out using a winch, after which the shell is sharply lowered. When falling in the shell falls a small amount of soil. For better overcoming of the soil resistance, a shock rod is used, which strikes the glass at its end. Chisel is used to work with solid rocks.

This use is very simple, since it does not need to use a solution for leaching rocks. In addition, a person who performs work using this method immediately learns about the opening of the aquifer, and such a well will work for a long time. However, when working, it is necessary to overlap the aquifers and floats using a casing.

In a small area, good efficiency shows manual to water. To work, it will take the boring, tools with which the boraner will be cleaned, and transition rods. As for the diameter of the main tool, this parameter may vary in the range from 10 to 30 cm. This method Suitable in cases where it is required to make a well depth, not exceeding the mark of 10 m.

Completing of the work

Earlier, the main technologies of drilling wells were described, now it should be stopped in more detail on the main points of this process. This work includes three stages: the grinding of the rock, removing the soil from the hole of the well, after which its walls are fixed.

The first stage is the grinding of the breed. Work is performed using special mechanisms that destroy the soil. The choice of mechanism depends on the well drilling technology used, the main of them were previously described. Removing the soil, or rock, also depends on the method used.

In this regard, the hydraulic method is isolated. It implies the use of technical fluid, with which the breed rises. The mechanical type of soil removal includes the use of drills, augers or ulutes. Using a pneumatic method, the removal of the breed is carried out by the action of compressed air.

After removing the breed, a wells is required to perform a wells, which is performed by metal pipes. Frequently used pipes that are made of ferrous metal. Use the same pipes having a galvanized surface is not recommended if it comes to drinking water. As for the use of stainless steel pipes, this event is simply unprofitable.

Currently, the method of drilling well implies the use of a doublecloth. This method includes the use of plastic liner, with which the column is insulated. Doubleclip allows you to increase the service life of the object, at the same time increasing the technical parameters.

The last stage of the engine drilling technology includes water pumping until it reaches a transparent state. In addition, the flow rate, dynamic and static levels should be measured, which are necessary for the selection and subsequent installation of water supply inventory.

Thus, the water drilling technology for water includes several stages that are concluded not only at the beginning of the drilling process and its continuation, but also the subsequent wellbore in the purpose of its further use and production of high-quality water.

In general, the work process depends on the method used, which should immediately pay attention to.

Most reliable way Supporting country household water consists in the device of its own source. But for this you need to drill soil layers to contact with aquifer. Exist different methods Drilling wells for water, some of which are quite realistic to embody with their own hands using a special tool. Drill technologies used for wells for water production will become the topic of the article. Separately consider effective methods self-deepening In soil, which are not complicated, because they are used by many homeowners who have no experience in drill work.

The location of the aquifers relative to the surface of the soil depends not only from the region and hydrological characteristics. Plays a role, water of what quality is the purpose of drilling. Experts distinguish three key aquifers of various water quality, moisture reserves, ground depth.

Not far from the surface (3-10 m) there is a first water reservoir, called the Ripper. It is just that water, to which you can do without much difficulties if you drill with your own hands. On the path of drilling, solid rocks are extremely rare, therefore, having a small experience and a simple tool, there is an opportunity to arrange an Abyssinian well (the so-called a well for the production of moisture from the rover). The power of surface water layers is small, so the debit above 0.5 m3 per hour should not count. Water quality in most cases is low, which is enough only to ensure technical needs.

The occurrence of sandy aquifers is at a depth of 10-35 m. Here is a satisfactory water in quality, more considerable power of the inflow (debit to 1 m3). It is unlikely to be equipped with her hands to the sandy waterproof, although experience shows that some diligent water "prospectors" could have been able if the horizon was at a small depth (up to 15 m). In most cases, mechanized drilling methods are used for the device "on the sand".

Limestone waterpons (30-250 m) are located deeper, to which drilling with their own hands is not accustomed to the very surface location relative to the surface of the soil. In order to get a loose limestone, carrying the highest quality artesian water, sometimes not any drill technique will suit. The inflow of water here is much higher (3-5 m3) and depends on the power of the reservoir and the perfection of the well. Now consider the methods of drilling wells to water into the water, including those professionable with their own hands.

Well drilling methods?

The choice of a method that would help get to the desired waterproof depends, first of all, from the depth of the ground and the features of the soils. You will have to choose among such drilling methods:

  • screw;
  • rotor;
  • shock-rope;
  • manual.

Each of the listed methods has advantages, but not everyone will help get to deep reservoirs of water reserves. Which depth of drilling can be rejected using the designated types of drilling wells, talk further.

Drilling Snack

The wells of the well is the simplest of the mechanized technologies used. Drilling occurs with the rotation of the screw-like device, which first breaks the ground, crashes into it, and then raises it to the mouth of the well. It is possible to drill in this way to a depth of 80 m with a width of the well from 10 to 60 cm.

The advantage of screw drilling in the simplicity of technology and its relatively low cost. In the regions with dry and not solid soils, such a way of drilling wells is preferable to others, if you boot up to the rigor or "on the sand". It is possible to get a screw to limestone if it lies not deeply.

The lack of the method is that it is not suitable in the saturation of soils by scaling rocks or the presence of floats. Often the screw method is complemented by others, which helps to go through the drilling fragments of rock deposits.

Rotary drill plants

The robot of the rotary bora can be compared with the action of the construction perforator. The breed is broken down due to the rotation of the working part and the impact, which provides the hydraulic mechanism. The destroyed soil is removed on the surface due to the continuous washing of the trunk with clay mortar. Distinguish these types of washing:

  • straight;
  • reverse.

Straight flushing is easier to be carried out technically. In this case, the solution is supplied to the barrel and goes to the mouth of the bonding space (between the casing and the edge of the bored barrel).

Reverse flushing is more difficult technologically, but it gives the best autopsy of the aquifer and a greater debit of well during subsequent operation. The washing liquid is poured into the annulus space, after which the pumping equipment is pumped together with the breed destroyed during drilling process.

Rotary drilling is the most technically complex and expensive of the methods used, but it is indispensable if desired to achieve deep artesian aquifers, especially on complex soils. The depth of drilling by the rotor reaches 300m, which allows to open any deep-resolved artesian layers. Another advantage of the method is the high velocity of the trunk.

The lack of rotary technology in the use of large volumes of the clay solution used for washing, as a result of which clay pollutes aquifer around the well. In order to evaluate the quality of water and its influx, it is necessary to wash the trunk for a long time until pure water becomes approaching.

Shock-rope drilling

The shock-cable method will not attribute to new methods of penetration of the trunk, as it is one of the first, which was used to be mechanized at the beginning of the last century. Despite the fact that the technology is largely perfect, it is still applicable due to its simplicity and good quality Manufactured well.

Breaking the soil in such a method for a long time. The essence of the trunk's penetration is that heavy, the cylindrical subject (glass) is falling from the height (glass), and due to this, smashes. The sample of the destroyed rock occurs the same glass, arranged so that the soil enters its cavity and rises upstairs along with the projectile. A glass lifting occurs with the help of a cable and winch, which is installed on a tripod, or another reliable frame, towering above the soil level.

To destroy solid rocks found on the trunk running path, a shock rod is used, which beats the glass from above, multiplying the force. Often, for the same purposes, the tip performs the function of chisels is additionally used.

Despite the complexity of the drilling drilling method, the technology has a number of advantages, most importantly of which is a high-quality opening of aquifer with minimal pollution. The second undoubted plus is a technological simplicity, thanks to which this method of drilling wells, many homeowners, as experience shows, are successfully used with the device shallow wells with their own hands.

If the goal of drilling in such a method is deeper than the upper aquifers, it is necessary to take care of improving the trunk pipes to cut off the floats and underlying water layers.

How most of all BURATE do it yourself?

Taking into account the fact that manual drilling is very laborious, it does not have to expect a deep well. Experience suggests that it is even physically physically physically physically, and it takes too much time.

For self-penetration, the trunk is usually applied manual burthat, in fact, is a shortened screw (the principle of impact on the soil is the same). Rotation of the borax occurs due to the gate that is above the surface. When releasing the screw and the gate, connective rods are used.

After the penetration of 15-30 cm, the entire design is removed on the surface and cleaned from the nagwed soil. The more depth, the process of the recess and reverse room of the manual drill to the well becomes more difficult, which slows down the drilling rate and limits the rational depth of the trunk penetration.


Modern methods of drilling wells allow you to get high-quality water from large depths. However, this process is not for everyone by pocket, so it will be long-owned with your own hands with the use of this methods, especially in the regions where waterproofs are close to the surface with good quality water.

Water wells exist from time immemorial, and in different localities and at different times they were drilled in their own ways. Water drilling methods are very different, and at the same time they bring excellent results, but everyone is justified to one degree or another.

Simplest options

There were no heavy cars that could quickly and high-qualityly make a well in the ground, so people did it their own.

Shock-cable drilling of wells is the simplest in the theory of all, because Does not require any technical delights. It will take several physically strong people, supporting design, 1-2 blocks for convenience, rope, guide and working pipe. Such a simple device can be built at home quickly enough, besides, you can slightly improve so that the cable is not to pull it out, but wind up the coil.

The task of the masters first make a pit in which the guide tube is installed big diameter (Usually 1-1.5 inches wider than the working), after which it is thoroughly fixed. The following actions occur quite similarly:

  1. The working pipe rises to the maximum allowable height.
  2. The cable is weakened to the state of the free fall so that the pipe enters the ground as deep as possible.
  3. The procedure is repeated 2-4 times.
  4. The pipe is extracting outside and with the help of an ordinary hammer cuts up from all sides to extract the gathered soil.
  5. It all starts again.

Such a method is quite slow, noisy and laborious, but allows you to get to depth of 25-30 m, even if there are quite strong resistance points. The convenience of this method is also not required to use water or clay solutionWhat is there no contamination of the arteries.

The screw drilling of wells (rotational method) is carried out manually and without noise, although the effort will have to be attached significantly more. Typically, set drums with 2 blades or a spiral over the entire length are used. If only 2 blades, then drilling will be carried out on a small depth, because There is no screw column for which the ground is rising out.

Working with a typical screw column is much more complicated due to the fact that it accounts for a sufficiently massive installation manually. With work up to 10 m, even 1 person can cope with, but then you will have to use support. The work process is usually completed by 30-35 m, although sometimes you can see 40 m.

There are no equipment here, but with the skillful handling and milk soil, you can move up to 20 m, although it is usually possible to be content with 10-12 m. A similar method can be used for geological exploration, only instead of a screw, a carbide or diamond crown is used (core drilling) .

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Complete ways

Both described variants are adapted to use by modern trucks, and it is precisely such methods of drilling wells to water apply in most cases.

Most of the methods are based on the rotational principle, because This allows you to achieve large results with smaller losses. The only negative is the need for massive high installations that can not drive everywhere.

The reactive-turbine method differs from the screw in that it is driven by a flushing fluid pressure, but instead of 1 turbobur need to use at once 2. This method is quite expensive, but allows you to work several times faster, because Bras do not just do not quit each other, but also complement, mutually increasing the efficiency.

Drilling with straight and reverse flushing. It uses clean water or clay particles that allow you to carry cut soil upstairs. Both of these options are used quite often, because They allow you to increase the speed of work with respect to a conventional auger method. The fact that the flow of casing is significantly reduced is very expected.

The presence of its own well allows the homeowner less dependent on central water supply (as far as possible), in addition, cook food and drinks based on natural clean water. Consider where to start the planning process and drilling well to water.

Choosing a well type

Drilling of water wells is a process that requires a connival of the technical part and some preparatory stages. First of all, it should be determined which type of well to drill, as well as analyze whether the water produced is suitable.

The bore bar may be:

  • Filter - sand well;
  • Stillarning - Artesian Well;
  • Well tubular.


It implies drilling to a depth of two hundred meters - a porous limestone lies at this depth. The advantage of artesian wells for water is uninterrupted water supply, regardless of the time of year, as water will not freeze water at such a depth. The duration of operation of the well reaches fifty years.

The principle of drilling


Buryat to thirty meters deep. Such a well consists of a swallowed pipe, at the end of which a filter is installed, delaying large mechanical impurities and sand. Sand well can provide water country cottage area or a small country house.

The advantage of the sandy well is the simplicity of drilling and the relatively low cost of arranging and servicing the well. The disadvantage is:

  • low performance;
  • probability of casing;
  • hit into the well of soil or surface water.

In addition, the sand well usually serves no more than ten years.


Scheme and installation of the Abyssinian Well

The well installed for the extraction of pure water is called Abyssinian or tubular. It is drilling to the depth of up to fifteen meters, and the bottomwork is constructed by factory concrete rings. If there is a good spring on the site, the well will quickly accumulate water.

Defined with the type of well, consider the water volume you need for consumption and the regularity of water consumption. For example, a sandy well will fully provide the country area on which they live only in the spring-summer period.

If it takes to ensure water of the house in which they live round yearThe artesian well is suitable, as the most acceptable option of autonomous water supply.

To approach the technology of drilling under the well reasonably and without deposits, you should pay attention to several important nuances.

Intensity. With an uncontrolled and massive fence of water, the so-called soil suffusion can begin, as a result of which it fails and is deep enough, which is especially smoked for sites with residential buildings.

Depth. With independent drilling on the plain in Russia, twenty meters are considered a critical depth. If you want to drill deeper, ask the specialists how much such work costs, and you will be pleasantly surprised, since independent drilling of deep well will cost much more expensive.

Term of use. The period of operation of any well depends greatly on how often and how much water will be taken from it. If it is rational to use a sandy well, it can serve 15 years old, and Artesian will inhabit five years after five years, if the water is uncontrolled from it.

Exploratory drilling and water analysis

Exploration drilling is carried out to determine the high-quality source of water on the site, as well as for analyzing the extracted water. Sometimes it serves as a temporary source until it is finally decided on the capital well. An exploration table is called a needle.

To do this, you need a drill rod, a drilling projectile and a clip that will be one of the whole. Bur remains in the ground. Such a well is performed by impact technology. Special drilling tools are not required for this. The penetment is up to three meters per hour, and the maximum depth is up to fifty meters.

The simplest filter will have at the end of its spear tip, in the middle consisting of a hole of the hole, and on the top - from the ball valve.

In this way, the water is thus given to any laboratory for the study of natural resources for inspection on mineral substances, the activity of hydrogen ions, the content of metals, alkali, dissolved acids.

Drilling methods

Drilling methods are classified in two parameters.

Depending on the mechanism used, drilling can be:

  • Mechanical;
  • Manual.

Depending on the principle of work of the borax:

  • Shock-rotational method;
  • Shock;
  • Rotational.

Consider than a remarkable every technology of drilling wells for water and how it is performed.

Manual way

It is quite suitable for self-execution of the process with all required tools. Such a well will be no more than thirty meters, the soil breaks to the reaches of the water layer.

For this you need casing, rods, winch and drilling heads of different parameters. When creating a deeper well, you need a drill tower for lifting and immersion of the bora.

If the rods were not found, it is possible to make it, connecting the pipe with veneer or carvings. By the end of the bottom rod fasten the drill head. The process is as follows:

  1. Above the place of the intended well placed the tower so that it was somewhat higher than the rod length.
  2. The shovel dig a small recess for the bora.
  3. Insert the boring into the recess and rotate it. Perhaps you will need help, because in the deepening movement of the bora, it will be difficult.
  4. Through the half meter, stop, remove the boring and clean it from the nagwesham.
  5. Having achieved a water layer, throw out three or four groundwater buckets.

The last action is necessary to eliminate dirty water and can be performed by a submersible pump.

Rotary way

This is a rotational method, which is most often used when drilling a deep well. To do this, you will need a special installation equipped with a pipe. In this pipe there is a rotating shaft and chisel. Impact on chisel is performed due to hydraulic installation. The soil from the drilled well is washed with a special solution.

Thus, the pipe is located above the drilling site and when the shaft is rotated and the soil breaks. The liquid can be supplied on the barrel from top to bottom, then the solution, washing up the ground, it turns out through the annular space. This method is called straight washing.

A reverse flushing can be applied, in which the solution of samoter goes into the annulus space and after breaking through the submersible pump.

Shock-rope method

The method is based on the fall of the most severe tool, usually a clogged glass, from a tower in the place of the intended well. If you wish to apply shock-cable technology yourself, you will need:

  • Durable rope;
  • A bottom cup is usually a durable metal tube suspended on a rope;
  • Tools for soil cleaning.

Technology and sequence of actions:

  1. We are made in the shape of a tripod of steel pipes or strong logs. The height depends on the length of the bottom glass and must exceed it by 1.5 meters.
  2. A bottomhole glass is made from steel pipeAt the end of which there is a cutting device.
  3. A cable is fixed to the top of the glass.
  4. Adjusting the cable, the glass is quickly released at the place of breakdown.
  5. Earth from a glass is removed through every drilled half meter.

To create a deep well attracted installation of the UGB-1VS type.

Auke fashion

The method took its name from the main applied tool - auger or an archimedean screw. It looks like a drilling rod to which the blades spiral. Rotating such a screw, the earth is taken out on the surface and is going.

For a deeper well, it will be necessary for rent, since the self-made auger buryur is no more than ten meters deep.

It is worth noting that it is suitable only if the ground is rich in a sandy rock. In addition, if the auger faces on his way with a stone, you will have to look for another place to break the soil and stop the work.

Column method

It is less and less used in our days for drilling wells under water. It is often used for hydrogeological studies. For this, the equipment of the ZIF-650 type is used, which retrieves the soil pillar, creating a so-called column.

Corresponding line diagram for drilling well under water

The destruction of the soil is carried out by an annular way, then it is washed away. The speed of such arrangement is quite high, in addition, it allows to break solid rocks, but requires large costs for leasing of serious geological equipment.