The smallest cucumbers are gherkins. Gherkin cucumber varieties - description and care features

Small pickled cucumbers (cucumber) are an integral part of almost every feast. They are liked by many summer residents who plant different varieties to your taste, giving small and tasty fruits. By the way, gherkin is not a cucumber variety, but a size, so you can collect it from different plants. About how to choose the right gherkin varieties, why salad greens are best suited for these purposes, and how to properly carry out agricultural techniques - further. Also from this review you will learn how and where the variety of small cucumbers appeared, what yield can be harvested on your site, and what you need to know about pest control of crops.

Characteristics and description of gherkins

Gherkins are a size, not a variety of cucumbers. That is, it is theoretically possible to collect them from any crops, although salad dressings give the most delicious (in this case juicy and crunchy) fruits. Pick gherkins 1-2 days after the appearance of the ovaries - when the length of the fruit is several centimeters (usually no more than five). Even such small unripe cucumbers are quite tasty, crunchy appetizing and ideal for pickling. The characteristics of the fruits are directly dependent on the cultivated on the site. If you want your harvest to be tasty, beautiful and not bitter, choose appropriate crops.

Gherkins differ from other cucumbers in their size.

Gherkin (from French cornichon) are small cucumbers from 3 to 5 cm long, removed immediately after the end of the flowering of the cucumber plant. They are used mainly for pickling, salting.

Features: sizes of gherkins

Small cucumbers came from France - it was the French breeders who set the fashion for crunchy small fruits. Do not confuse gherkins with pickles - yes, some gherkins can be pickles, but not all. The first type of cucumber grows to a maximum of 9 cm, and usually no more than 5. It is a multi-day fruit, which, from the point of view of botany, is more of an ovary. And the second type is any small-sized pickled vegetables. That is, pickles can be cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, carrots, even corn cobs.

Gherkins have a number of differences from conventional pickling and salad cucumbers... The main ones are high density and the absence of voids, due to which the vegetable turns out to be crispy.

What cucumbers should look like

Gherkins are cylindrical and bright green color(a good example is). Ripening time is short, taste qualities high, bitterness in a few days from the moment the ovaries are formed, the fruits usually do not have time to acquire. Another important advantage of gherkins is their versatility (they can be pickled, salted, used for making salads, canapes, they can be eaten in their pure form). Hybrids are resistant to most pests, such as:,. The yield is not bad, the only disadvantage of the cucumber variety is the presence of thorny thorns.

Cylindrical and bright green

Good varieties

The correct choice of variety is a pledge successful cultivation delicious gherkins. Most Popular:

  • "Parisian gherkin"- early maturing culture, pollinated by bees. The first harvest is taken 41 days after planting in the ground. Fruits reach 6-10 cm in size.
  • "Moravian gherkin F1" has high taste, grows in the ground no worse than in greenhouses.
  • "Gerda F1", "Kai F1"- these varieties have similar parameters and give a good harvest even in conditions of lack of heat.
  • "Advance F1"- early ripening culture with excellent taste characteristics, fruit length is 7-9 cm.
  • "Thumbelina F1"- an early ripe variety, unpretentious in terms of storage and transportation.
  • "Accordion player F1"- the culture has the longest fruiting period, bundle ovaries are formed during the growing season.
  • "Chinese sustainable"- a hybrid with high immunity, which is not afraid of most diseases. Read about the Chinese cold-resistant cucumber.

Mini gherkins are harvested a few days after the end of flowering.

Outdoor cultivation

Gherkins are grown in open ground and greenhouses.

Seed planting

At the initial stages after planting in open ground, it is advisable to cover the culture with a film. Basic landing rules:

  1. If the seeds have been treated with thiram, they do not need to be soaked. Omit planting material directly into the ground or into peat pots.
  2. Gherkins are transferred to open ground when the soil is sufficiently warmed up.
  3. The pick is performed 25 days after landing. Seedlings are planted in open ground when 4 leaves appear (around the end of May).

Read about diving tomatoes.

When planting in a hole, it is recommended to add 15 g nitrogen fertilizers- so the bush will grow better... Instead of nitrogenous compounds, you can use others: mineral fertilizing, sand, humus and peat. Seeds are laid to a depth of 2 cm from the upper layers of the soil, the beds are always mulched.

For gherkins to grow well, do not plant them in the sun (the rays can burn the leaves), and choose corn as a neighbor.

The optimal distance between seedlings is 30 cm, it is recommended to pinch shoots and ovaries after the appearance of the first four leaves (this is necessary to strengthen the root system). Continue pinching the shoots until 8-9 leaves appear, then it should be stopped. If you choose to grow vertically, don't forget about the garter.

It is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner, preventing the soil from drying out. Top dressing is carried out every two weeks or a little more often. Fertilizers - an aqueous solution of urea or carbamide. When moisture is absorbed, the soil is loosened and mulched. The average number of dressings per season is 5-6.


You need to harvest from the bushes often - every few days. Mini-hybrids are unlikely to outgrow 5-9 cm, but until the old fruits are removed, new ones are not tied. The minimum plant growth period is 35 days (depending on the variety), from one bush, subject to the rules of caring for it, you can collect 10 kg or more for square meter.The number of harvests is 2-3 per season. The fruiting period of gherkins lasts from June to about the end of August or early-mid September. At the end of the season, the fruits must be harvested periodically, do not wait until they reach their maximum size.

The yield is up to 10 kg per square meter

Varieties of mini-gherkins acquire full commercial qualities in small-sized specimens. That is, a 3 cm long cucumber will be fully ripe.

Diseases and pests of cucumber

Consider the most popular diseases and pests of gherkins:

  • Rust- brown spots appear on the shoots. To combat rust, plantings are treated with fungicides.
  • Peronosporosis (or)- whitish spots on the leaves indicate infection, which eventually cover the entire green part of the plant.
  • Aphid- when infected with this pest, the leaves curl, the flowers begin to wither and crumble. Treatment with infusion of ash, soap and tobacco helps. Some gardeners use infusions of garlic and onions to combat aphids.
  • Spider mite - green leaves turn yellow and die. To combat ticks, use soap solution and carry out preventive digging.
  • Gall nematode- causes a slowdown in plant growth and a decrease in yield. To combat rootworm nematode, steam treatments are carried out.

What to do if cucumbers turn yellow, read on.

Many hybrids are highly resistant to diseases and pests, but each has its own weak point. For example, the popular gherman variety "Herman" is often affected by rust.



Gherkins are small crunchy cucumbers that are harvested in the first days after ovary formation. Different varieties can be used, the most popular are disease and pest resistant hybrids. Planting is carried out by seeds and seedlings, in open ground or in a greenhouse. The crop is harvested 2-3 times per season, depending on the variety.

Read about the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in.

Pickled cucumber is a favorite snack both on the festive table and in everyday use. Even specimens with small seeds and up to 10 cm in size are especially good.For the sake of gourmets, French culinary experts began to preserve small cucumbers in the 19th century, calling them gherkins.

Standards and varieties of gherkins

Amateur gardeners often call ordinary cucumbers harvested during the period of milk ripeness and have not reached the standard size for their variety as gherkins. Meanwhile, the real gherkin is a separate variety, which has its own characteristics:

  • fruit length is in the range of 5-8 cm;
  • the cucumber has a bright green thin peel;
  • dense pulp without voids;
  • small unripe seeds.

Zelentsy-gherkins, although they consist mainly of water (97%), like ordinary cucumbers, but contain more useful trace elements and mineral substances.

The most productive varieties of gherkins

Developing new varieties of gherkins, breeders strive to maximize the useful and taste qualities of fruits, the plant's resistance to different kinds diseases. Gherkin hybrids are distinguished by enviable productivity, good keeping quality during transportation.

Variety name Properties
Pollination is required. Harvesting takes place in 42-45 days. The length of the gherkin is from 6 to 10 cm.
Weight 65-90 g.

Resistance to coolness and typical diseases of cucumbers.

Parthenocarpic mid-early variety. Productivity up to 9.5 kg / sq. m. The fruit is 7-9 cm long.
Diameter 2.8-2.9 cm.
Does not lend itself to root rot.
Ripening rate 39-44 days. Buds are formed in a bunch - up to 5 fruits per node. Ripens in 40-44 days. Disease resistant. Productivity up to 13 kg / sq. m.
Mid-season (48-50 days). Does not require pollination. Bunch type of ovary, 3-5 fruits per bunch. Cucumber size 8-10 cm. Weight 70-75 g. Resistant to overgrowth and deformation. Not prone to damage by powdery mildew (true and false).
Ultra-ripe (35-40 days). Fruiting is observed throughout the growing season. Resistance to cold snaps and typical diseases. Fruit size is from 10 to 11 cm.

The number of varieties of gherkins is constantly growing. The popularity of this subspecies of cucumber forces breeders to work on the creation of new names. In addition to those listed, there is a whole galaxy of varieties that demonstrate excellent performance- F1 Cappuccino, F1 Quadrille, F1 Mumu, F1 Mademoiselle.

Mini gherkins

The peculiarity of cucumbers, called mini-gherkins, is their ability to acquire full commercial qualities (taste, fruit density, crunchiness) in small-sized specimens. They can be harvested when they reach a length of 3-4 cm - while such "babies" are fully ripe, they can be subjected to all types of processing (canning, pickling).

Variety name Peculiarities
The growth period is 35-45 days. Bee-pollinated. The maximum size is 6-8 cm. Long-term fruiting. Resistant to overgrowth and typical cucumber diseases.
Mid-season (45-50 days). Large lumpy white thorn fruit. Bee-pollinated. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus and downy mildew. Productivity up to 10kg / sq. m. Commercial qualities are achieved when a length of 3-5 cm is reached.
Mid-season with white thorns. The length of the fruit is 6-7 cm. It bears fruit for a long time and abundantly. Resistant to diseases and viruses. Retains excellent taste in the pickle phase (2-4 cm).
Early (36-42 days). Does not require pollination. Fruiting until autumn, the ability to harvest 2-3 crops from the bush. Maximum length 7-8 cm. Resistant to real and downy mildew. Differs in the proportionality of the fruits.

Cucumbers mini-gherkins require constant harvesting - in 1-2 days. Despite the fact that most hybrids are not prone to outgrowing, a delay in harvesting is an obstacle to the formation and filling of new ovaries.

Planting gherkin seeds

Planting gherkin cucumbers can be done both by seeds, immediately in the prepared bed, and by seedlings grown at home. The seedling method will help to get the harvest 12-14 days ahead of schedule.

How to sow gherkins correctly
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Important. Gherkins have an extremely delicate root system, so seeds for seedlings should be placed in peat pots or paper cups filled with earth. So the roots will not be damaged during handling of the plant.

Seeds can be planted during the period when there is a steady heat, the soil temperature does not drop below 12-130 C. Usually, the mass sowing of cucumber seeds occurs in the third decade of May. To avoid diseases of the greenery caused by hypothermia, the bed for gherkins can be additionally warmed up with the help of a film - in such cases, special slots are provided for the sprouts.

The seeding rate depends on the variety of gherkins - specific recommendations are indicated on the bag. In general, it is assumed that you need to sow 3 g of seeds per 1 m2.

When planting in the ground, the distance between the holes should be 30-35 cm, in each "nest" it is enough to place 4-5 seeds or 2-3 plants in the form of seedlings.

Choosing a place for the beds

For gherkins, loose and light soils with an acidity level of 6 to 7.5 pH are good. If the soil is excessively acidic, then it is advisable to carry out preliminary liming. The introduction of organic matter during the autumn digging of the garden will increase the fertility of the soil and supply it with the necessary amount of nitrogen.

Gherkin is a capricious culture for both light and cold. Cucumber beds are best made in the form of ridges, with a slope to the south - so they will be protected from the north wind. In order to avoid hypothermia of the soil during late spring frosts, special mobile beds with film insulation can be made for gherkins.

For cooking warm beds it is necessary to lay thin old branches in layers on a marked area in a sunny place, then plant residues that have not decayed and garden soil. After spilling any bed with an ash solution (1 glass per bucket of water) and a humus mash, it is covered with a black film and left to ripen for 25-30 days.

After this period, you can plant seeds that are guaranteed to give a high yield.

Watering and feeding cucumbers

To ensure the continued growth of gherkins, it is important to regularly water and feed on time. At the initial stage of development, the soil under the cucumbers must be moistened with an interval of 3-4 days. The amount of water is up to 10 liters per hole. With significant watering, the development and growth of the root system improves, which will make the plant stronger and more resistant to negative impacts and diseases.

In the fruiting phase, the greens should be watered every day, in the early morning or in the evening. If excessively dry and hot weather is established, then watering and irrigation of gherkins must be done up to three times a day.

Fertilization when growing gherkins is carried out by the fertigation method, i.e. with preliminary dissolution of mineral dressings in water for irrigation. This way of serving nutrients into the soil provides good efficiency and prevents overfeeding of plants.

Gherkins need regular nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium supplementation. In order not to exceed the recommended feeding rates and to avoid active growth of leaf mass, mineral fertilizers are applied in the following quantities:

  • phosphorus (superphosphate) - at the rate of 15-20 g / m2, with an increase of up to 30 g / m2 on poor soils;
  • magnesium - 1.5-2 g per 10 square meters;
  • potassium salts - 10-25 g / m2.

Top dressing at the growth stage is carried out in the flowering phase - if the plant has developed normally before. For this, a complex fertilizer is used with the obligatory presence of nitrogen - ammofosk or azofosk. Organic solutions can be used - herbal infusion, horse manure or bird droppings.

As soon as the gherkins begin to actively bear fruit, they need additional nutrition. After the appearance of the first fruits, nitrophoska is introduced (1 tbsp.a spoonful in a bucket of water), and after 7-10 days, a second root feeding is carried out - 1 tsp of potassium sulfate and 0.5 kg cow dung for 10 liters of water.

After that, during the entire fruiting period, complex fertilizer or herbal infusions are applied weekly. Application is especially important universal fertilizer- potassium nitrate. This drug helps to improve the taste of cucumber.

Interesting! Gherkins react well to yeast feeding. A pack of dry yeast (10-11 g) dissolves in 10 liters warm water, and after the beginning of fermentation, the mixture is diluted with another 50 liters of liquid. This fertilizer stimulates the active growth of the plant; it can be applied twice a season.

Possible problems when growing gherkins

When growing gherkins on open area problems often arise that significantly reduce the yield of the crop and can even completely destroy the plants:

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology - sufficient (but not excessive) watering, timely introduction of nutrients, the formation of a cucumber bush and, most importantly, the use of high-quality varietal material - a guarantee that until autumn gherkins will delight vegetable growers.

Video - Seeds of cucumbers Parisian Gherkin

Video - Wagner F1 (Wagner F1) parthenocarpic cucumber-gherkin

Tiny and pretty cucumbers gherkins have a lot of advantages, they are famous for their crispy structure and excellent pickling characteristics. Vegetables of a certain size and variety purchased on the market are suitable for home preservation, but they never compare in taste to those grown on own site fruits.

Cucumbers gherkins - varieties

First, let's look at the difference between crispy gherkins and other varieties. The word "сornichon" is translated very simply and means "cucumber". it popular name invented by the French, it stuck and quickly became fashionable in other countries. Standard gherkins for open ground can be obtained by removing young juicy greens up to 9 cm long from ordinary bushes. Smaller cucumbers ranging in size from 3 cm to 5 cm are called pickles.

Authoritative vegetable growers and culinary experts claim that it is better to purchase special small-fruited varieties of gherkins for sowing, intended for pickling, with improved characteristics. Their fruits are crispy, inside when ripe they do not form cavities. When ripe, gherkins do not grow to huge sizes, they are always calmly placed in jars or used for processing into salads.

The most popular gherkins:

  • Parisian gherkin,
  • Funny company,
  • Moth F1,
  • Marinade F1,
  • Child,
  • Filippok F1,
  • Sweet crunch
  • Son of the F1 regiment,
  • Favorite son-in-law F1,
  • Brownie F1.

It is recommended to purchase gherkin cucumber hybrids instead of old varieties, on which mini fruits grow, suitable for harvesting at a very early stage. These plants have a predominantly female flowering type, form smooth greens. Their one-day or two-day ligature reaches a length of up to 4 cm and is excellently used for processing. It is not thin, tasteless "pencils", but juicy quality cucumbers.

Cucumber Moravian gherkin

Listing the best varieties of gherkins, one can single out the Moravian gherkin F1, which has excellent characteristics. Growing this hybrid, you will receive stable production of even marketable fruits without bitterness weighing 68-94 g, resistant to major diseases. The productivity of the bushes reaches 8 kg / m 2, the average growing season is 45 days. Seeds are sown with a planting density of up to 5 shoots per 1 m 2.

You cannot miss the famous Parisian gherkin cucumbers, the description of the French variety will appeal to most gardeners who want to get a stable harvest of vegetables on the site annually. The shape of the zelents is fusiform, they weigh under 57-78 g, the ripening period is about 45 days. On crispy fruits with large tubercles, there is a characteristic dark fluff; when they ripen, bitterness does not appear in the taste.

Cucumbers gherkins - planting

Planting gherkin cucumbers in the ground is carried out by the non-seedling method or seedling method, based on this, the timing of sowing seeds is greatly shifted depending on climatic zone specific region. In case of frost, an urgent need to cover the ground with film or other materials. In the open field, cucumbers are sown when night temperatures reach 15 °. Seeds are planted to a depth of 3 cm, we form a bed according to the scheme 50x30 cm.

Cucumbers gherkins - planting time

V Middle lane Russian gherkins for cultivation in polycarbonate greenhouses without heating are safe to sow in early May, on beds under a film shelter - from May 15, in open ground - in the last decade of May. In the south of Russia and Ukraine, the terms of work are shifted to April and early May. Newbie growers should be guided by the weather and seeding calendar for their region.

For work, prepared seeds are suitable, which have undergone pickling and processing in stimulating solutions, disinfection of imported material is performed industrially before implementation. Own seeds should be carefully examined, discarding damaged or light seeds. Gherkin cucumbers are planted according to the rules that are the same for most varieties, there are no special tricks here.

  1. Gherkins for planting and care by the seedling method are sown in containers measuring about 10x10 cm with drainage holes made.
  2. The pots should be filled 3/4 full with soil.
  3. We use a loose and light nutritious substrate for vegetables.
  4. The optimum soil acidity for cucumbers is pH 6.5-7.0.
  5. It is advisable to add rotted manure or compost to the pots.
  6. We bury the seeds in the ground by 2-3 cm.
  7. Gherkins germinate at 21-35 ° C.
  8. For optimal growth, a temperature of 21-26 ° C is suitable.
  9. Before planting, we must temper the seedlings.
  10. On the garden bed, we maintain the distance between the bushes up to 2.4 m, for small plants, you can leave 2.1 m.
  11. Gherkin gives the best harvests on a trellis.

How to grow gherkins cucumbers?

Growing gherkins in the open field does not require special techniques. The main thing in this matter is timely watering, weeding the beds, loosening the earth, feeding the plants and daily harvesting the fruits. It is advisable to place the ridges in a warm and lighted place, but excessive drying out of the land leads to a loss of yield. In hot climates, gardeners often use hedge from plantings of corn, forming a shade for the bushes, saving them from the scorching heat.

Gherkins - watering

In the first phase of growth, the bushes consume fewer microelements and require little moisture. Watering during this period is carried out at intervals of 3-5 days, focusing on weather conditions. The plant's need for moisture increases dramatically with the onset of fruiting. In the heat, daily watering is done to ensure the normal growth of the bushes. For gherkin cucumbers, soil characteristics play an essential role. On light soils, when the temperature rises, it is often necessary to water vegetables twice a day, in otherwise their yield drops sharply.

Gherkins - top dressing

Growing gherkin cucumbers is done using organic matter or mineral fertilizers... There are a lot of application schemes nutrients, so you can easily find a convenient schedule, focusing on your means. With good soil, 4 high-quality top dressings are enough for cucumbers:

  1. 1 feeding of gherkins is done 2 weeks after planting. It is produced with slurry in a ratio of 1: 6 or with an infusion of cut grasses 1: 5. Organic matter can be replaced with a solution of 1 tablespoon and 60 g in a bucket of water.
  2. 2 feeding is carried out before flowering. Nutrition is introduced in the form of an infusion of cut herbs (1: 5), mineral agents are replaced with an aqueous solution of ash (1 glass per 10 l). Good help foliar feeding boric acid (1 tsp / 1 l of water) or superphosphate (35 g / 10 l).
  3. 3 feeding is done during the mass ripening of cucumbers. A two-day infusion of cut herbs (1: 5) or a solution of urea (50 g / 10 l) is used. Urea is suitable for foliar nutrition of bushes, in this case it is diluted in a proportion of 12 g per bucket of water.
  4. 4 we make feeding after 2 weeks, it helps to increase the fruiting period of gherkins on poor soils. An infusion of herbs (1: 5), an ash solution (1 glass per 10 l) or foliar application of urea (15 g / 10 l) is used. Ash is completely safe means, which is recommended to be applied during the entire harvest period every 10 days.

Growing gherkins - diseases and pests

In the question of how to grow gherkin cucumbers, one should not lose sight of the fight against dangerous infections and insects, the affected plants give an extremely small yield or quickly die. Of the diseases, peronosporosis should be distinguished, outbreaks of which are always observed in July after heavy rainfall. Spraying the bushes with the "Champion" or "Aliett" preparation helps against the fungus.

Bacteriosis causes the appearance of holes in the leaf plates, a change in the color of the bushes, and the death of green mass. They get rid of it by treatment with copper-containing agents or fungicides "Champion", "Kuproksat", "Kurzat". Of the insects, sprout flies, thrips, aphids and alfalfa bugs are most harmful to cucumbers and gherkins. They damage shoots, young shoots, stems, suck out the juice. For the fight, effective insecticides such as "Decis" or "Talstar" are used.

Miniature pickled cucumbers are rightfully considered a real delicacy on our table. Exceptional taste and concentrated mineral content make this snack not only tasty, but also very healthy. How to properly grow gherkins on your own in the open field. Which varieties are optimal for this, as well as some secrets of a successful harvest, will be revealed to you by our article.

What are they - varieties of gherkins for open ground

"Fashion" for such vegetables was established by the French, who came up with a special classification for such pickles. Most often you can find the name "pickuli", which is mistakenly considered the designation of gherkins. In fact, pickles are a generalized name for pickled snack vegetables, but gherkins are something completely different than just cucumbers that have not grown to their normal size.

Our gardeners in full confidence pick young cucumbers in the so-called "milk" ripeness, so that later they can be preserved for festive table or for a special occasion. At the same time, there is a separate gradation, according to which "normal" gherkins should not exceed 5 - 9 centimeters in length. Mini - gherkins usually grow from 5 to 7 centimeters, but smaller representatives are referred to as pickles.

The best

The characteristic features of such varieties are considered to be miniature sizes, but the composition of such cucumbers is slightly different from the usual salad or pickling options. There are no voids inside the gherkin, the flesh is quite dense and, when salted, has a crispy structure. Gherkins are considered a special subspecies garden culture cucumbers, so the growing conditions will be slightly different. After what crops you can plant cucumbers, he will tell.

Popular varieties of gherkins for open ground:

  • « Parisian gherkin"- early maturing bee-pollinated variety. The first crop can be harvested approximately 41 days after planting. The fruits reach an average length of 6 to 10 centimeters.
  • « Moravian gherkin F1"- a cucumber variety of similar characteristics, intended for cultivation in the open field.
  • "Kai F1" and "Gerda F1"- varieties of gherkins, similar in parameters, suitable for growing in cold climates. The varieties are adapted to low temperatures and will give excellent harvest even in the cold summer.
  • "Advance F1"- is considered one of the earliest ripening, fruits reach 7 - 9 centimeters in length, have good taste characteristics.
  • "Thumbelina F1"- ultra early ripening variety. Refers to partially pollinated hybrids with good yields. They can be stored for a long time and perfectly tolerate transportation.
  • "Accordion player F1"- an excellent variety of gherkins with a long fruiting period. Early maturing species, forms characteristic bundle ovaries.

Find out what parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers exist.

In addition to the above varieties, excellent results were shown by the cultivation of such gherkins as: "Suzdalsky", "Mademoiselle", "Quadrille", "Bobrik", "Cappuccino", "Mumu" and others. All of them are marked "F1" in the marking of the variety, belong to the parthenocarpic species, which means they perfectly form ovaries without the help of insects - pollinators. This makes them also possible and home cultivation on the balcony.

Read reviews about the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground by.

Mini - gherkins are considered fundamentally different from traditional cucumbers. Characteristic feature there will be an opportunity to harvest already 2 - 3 days after flowering. Moreover, it will be a full-fledged fruit. small size, but with all the characteristics of a full-fledged vegetable. This is a very important difference from cucumbers simply plucked in "infancy" age. How the seedlings are grown from seeds is indicated.

The best mini gherkins

  • « Child F1"- suitable for growing on the balcony. Beautiful bush, small leaves and good performance.
  • « Marinade F1"- fruits are very crispy, light green color.
  • « Moth F1»- mid-season, the period before the first harvest is up to 50 days.
  • « Filipok F1"- an excellent hybrid, does not turn yellow or overripe, ideal for canning.
  • "Son of the F1 Regiment"- early maturing bee-pollinated variety, ripening period from 40 days.

To relatively less common varieties, but also with good characteristics from gardeners are such varieties as: "Red mullet F1", "Tablecloth - samobranka F1", "Mikado F1", "Red mullet F1", "Nastya F1", "Favorite son-in-law F1" and others.

on video seeds of gherkins for open ground:

The main feature and secret of success will be the need for daily harvesting. This is done for a number of reasons, including fears that the vegetable will outgrow the required size, as well as a deterioration in taste characteristics. At the same time, the bush itself will bear fruit much more actively and form new ovaries only under the condition of mandatory regular collection. You can divide the area with a plastic one, so it will be easier to separate vegetable crops of different varieties.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


Cucumber is a popular vegetable crop among residents of Russia and neighboring countries. The fruits of the plant are widely used in the preparation of hot and cold dishes, snacks, salads and even drinks. Cucumber seedlings are whimsical and require special care, therefore, for good harvest should take care of optimal conditions cultivation. Breeders are actively working to develop hybrids suitable for planting in local soil.

Which variety of cucumbers is best for open ground

In plant growing, there is a division of vegetable crops by varieties. The choice is determined by several factors: purpose (eating raw, rolling, adding to salads, etc.), growing method (seedling, normal), climatic conditions, soil type, and more. Cucumber varieties for greenhouses and open ground are very popular among summer residents and are actively grown on plots. There are the following popular classes suitable for planting in open ground:

  1. Zozulya is a class that gardeners love. The first gherkins appear within 1.5 months after planting. Partially self-pollinated vegetable crops are considered the best because they are resistant to sudden changes temperature regime... Their feature is considered good yield even in low light conditions, there is no need for pinching and pinching. At the initial stage of fruiting, the yield is up to 16 kg per square meter of planting, but during the month it continues to increase to 20. Vegetables are cylindrical in shape, on average up to 24 cm in length and weighing up to 300 grams.
  2. Claudia is a self-pollinated species that does not need chemical processing from insect pests. Medium cylindrical vegetable, skin dark green with sparse light stripes. On average, the weight of a ripe fruit is 80 g, and the size is up to 12 cm.
  3. Masha F1 is a parthenocarpic class capable of forming a vegetable without fertilization and pollination. The first harvest gives in a month. The plant is demanding on light, in insufficient light, a decrease in ovaries may be observed, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to turn on the backlight. Gherkin is cylindrical, medium in size with large bulges, tasty, not bitter, resistant to various diseases.
  4. Chinese climbing - late ripening class. The first harvest must be waited for almost two months. Shrubs with a mixed flowering type, pollinated by bees. The fruits, on average, reach a length of 13 cm, and weigh up to 130 g, the density is average. Its main advantage is its resistance to powdery mildew and the ability to withstand a decrease in temperature. The variety is versatile in use and has a good taste and appearance.

Ultra early ripening varieties

Species that are quick to ripen the harvest are gaining popularity among gardeners, are resistant to changes in climatic conditions and have good taste and yield. It has been proven that this category of plant is distinguished by its ability to fight diseases. Gherkins are distinguished by their versatility, they are suitable for consumption raw, do not lose their taste when salted and pickled. Among the varieties of cucumbers that are popular for open ground, each summer resident chooses his favorite.


This subspecies is a hybrid seed group. Possesses high commercial and taste qualities, productivity, pollinated by bees, is resistant to powdery mildew. The bushes are highly branched, the type of flowering is mixed. The average length of a ripe vegetable is 13 cm, weight is 100-108 g. On the surface are rare tubercles. It is recommended to plant from early spring to the first month of summer in warm soil. For good yields, frequent fertilizing with fertilizers, loosening of the soil and timely watering are necessary, the first harvest appears on the fiftieth day.


This category is considered hybrid, universal. It ripens early, the first crop is harvested in 1.5-2 months. The hybrid is suitable for growing at home on the balcony, since it is compact, unpretentious to the temperature in the room, and has a pleasant taste. The plant is productive, with proper care it can produce up to 13 kg of fruit per square meter. The gherkin is cylindrical with small white thorns. Due to its genetic characteristics, it does not taste bitter, therefore it is popular among gardeners.

Medium ripening

It is recommended to alternate such cucumbers with early ripening and late species in order to consume the fruits constantly, until the first frost. The mid-ripening ones are more resistant to diseases than the early ones, and they require much less fertilization than the late ones. Seedlings of medium ripening have the ability to grow a powerful root system which will provide high level yield.


This plant variety is one of the oldest, but no less popular, its name comes from the Ukrainian city. The average length of the lash is two meters. The vegetable belongs to bee-pollinated species and bears fruit in 1.5-2 months, they are suitable for consumption raw, for conservation and salting, since they have a very high level of quality. The pulp is juicy, with a characteristic crunch, and has a sweet taste. The peel is thin, with tubercles and small black thorns. Sprouts are disease-resistant, for which they are appreciated by experienced vegetable growers.

It is recommended to plant Nizhinsky in open ground, covering it with a film. When planting in a greenhouse, hope for big harvest not worth it, since this type of plant needs natural pollination, and cucumber loops, due to their length, need a lot of space. Cultivation is possible with seedlings and seeds. Pre-soaked seeds are recommended to be planted in mid-May in warm soil. For achievement better result the culture is grown on the ridges using trellises.

Far Eastern

The variety belongs to the class of mid-season, bee-pollinated. The first fruiting occurs 40-55 days after planting in the soil. Zelentsy of medium length, up to 15 cm, weighing 150-200 g. Cucumber peel is light green, covered with a weak waxy bloom. The application is universal, the vegetable is used raw and for pickling. The plant is able to develop a powerful root system, foliage is not abundant, seedlings are drought-resistant.

Late ripening

Shrub plants of this class germinate well only in the third year. Late ripening varieties for open ground are planted by vegetable growers for conservation or pickling. In total, there are more than 80 plant species, including Dutch ones, with an average ripening time. You should buy seeds for planting with caution; you need to purchase a small number of different names in order to independently evaluate their taste and external qualities after ripening. A few vegetables of the classes you like should be left to ripen for seeds.

Relay race

A hybrid, bee-pollinated class. Collection is possible in 1.5-2 months. Dimensions of gherkins 16-20 cm, average weight 220 g are intended for the preparation of salads. The pulp is fragrant, the seeds are small. The skin is dark green, covered with tubercles with small thorns. Suitable for growing in the winter-spring period and is distinguished by its ability to produce high yields, on average 30-35 kg per square meter. It has been proven that zelents retain their freshness well, so they are often exported.


A versatile plant, used for salting and making salads. The fruit is oval cylindrical in shape, strong, large (weight up to 180 g), up to 16 cm in length. The surface has large tubercles, white thorns are present. The type of ovary is bunchy, the flowering is female, the stem is long, on average it reaches 3 meters. The species is resistant to some diseases, has good taste and dense structure. Fruiting occurs 60-65 days after planting.

High yielding

An experienced gardener achieves high quality fruit. The main criterion selection of seed material - taste. Soil preparation and fertilization, loosening, weeding - mandatory procedures to guarantee a good harvest. Any varieties of cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation and open field require careful maintenance. There are several popular plant classes that guarantee proper care good harvest.


Cucumbers of this subspecies are one of the promising leaders of their group. The plant adapts well to adverse weather conditions and is resistant to diseases. Fruits are cylindrical in shape, fragrant, not bitter, grow medium in length, 10 cm, and the weight does not exceed 80 g. Sowing is carried out in soil that is loosened and warmed up to 14 degrees. The first crop is harvested after two months of cultivation and care.


This variety is unpretentious to planting, it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The harvest ripens on the 36th day after planting, so the Dasha variety is early ripening. Zelenets slightly elongated, dark green, cylindrical in shape, ripe cucumber length 7-8 cm, weight up to 80 g, has a high yield and has good taste.


Previously, for planting in open ground, gardeners preferred varieties pollinated by bees. Recently, vegetable growers have been actively growing self-pollinated species, since they do not require special care. For active growth, cucumbers are provided good humidity air, fertilize the soil and provide the required amount sunlight.


Medium ripening gherkin variety, resistant to deformation, overgrowth and some dangerous diseases... The fruits ripen on the 40th day after planting, have an elongated shape, small thorns and tubercles are present on the surface. Cucumbers of this type are juicy, grow up to 10 cm in length with a weight of 75-80 g, the seed chamber is small. Vegetables are suitable for pickling, fresh consumption.


An early ripe representative of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground. Zelentsy are cylindrical, short, green. They have a pleasant taste without bitterness. The yield is 11-17 kg per square meter, the vegetable is 7-8 cm in length, the weight is up to 80 g. The hybrid is appreciated by gardeners for its resistance to certain diseases, early ripening of the crop and high marketable condition... The purpose is universal - gherkins are suitable for pickling and preservation, for fresh consumption.

Disease resistant

Unfortunately, this vegetable crop is susceptible to viral and fungal infections, which can provoke a decrease in the yield level and the death of the plant. Thanks to the efforts of specialist breeders, varieties for open ground with resistance to diseases have been developed. They are unpretentious to their habitat, therefore they are grown in greenhouse conditions and in the open field.


The plant of this class is hybrid, belongs to early maturing high-yielding varieties. The bushes are resistant to some dangerous diseases such as powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, and cucumber mosaic virus. Ripe salad cucumbers have high marketability and taste, they are used by housewives for pickling and pickling. The fruit is of medium thickness, cylindrical in shape with small tubercles. The length of the greenery is 10-13 cm, the weight is up to 120 g. Benefis is a heat-loving vegetable, the optimum soil temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees. The ripening rate of the crop is 1.5 months.


The representative of this variety of cucumbers for open ground belongs to the class of mid-season hybrids, the growing season of which is from 45 to 48 days. The fruits are deep green in color, have the shape of a cylinder with large tubercles. The vegetable is resistant to olive spot, cucumber mosaic, southern (powdery) mildew. The plant belongs to high-yielding, suitable for salting, well tolerates an increase in temperature.

Ground cucumbers for pickling and canning

Not every type of vegetable crop is suitable for pickling and preservation. In order for the result of processing to please, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of seeds. The optimal cucumber for pickling and pickling is one that has thin skin and elastic flesh, which does not lose crunch under the influence of salt. If the goal of the gardener is to achieve the most pleasant taste of canned cucumber, then you should rely on popular varieties suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Parisian gherkin

An early maturing bee-pollinated species, which is a leader for salting and conservation, since it does not taste bitter. The first crop is harvested on 41 days. The ripe fruit has a dense skin with large tubercles and black thorns. A cucumber grows in length no more than 10 cm, and its weight is 100 g. The plant is resistant to variability of climatic conditions and dangerous diseases.


These hybrid gherkins are distinguished by abundant yields. The variety requires pollination, can be grown outdoors or in greenhouse conditions. Fruits ripen on 43-48 days. The vegetable is even, small in size, with thin skin, optimal for preservation. Differs in bundle arrangement of ovaries, has a female type of flowering. It is appreciated for its resistance to diseases, lack of bitterness.

Son of the regiment

The plant of this species is medium-sized with green leaf medium-sized, bee-pollinated. Zelenets are oval in shape, green, with medium-sized tubercles, located rarely. The length of the fruit is 7-9 cm, it has a high taste. The plant is scab resistant. A ripe vegetable can be harvested in 40-45 days, it has a good yield, and due to its small size it is actively used for canning and pickling.

New varieties of cucumbers

The bunchy variety is also called bouquet. Seedlings take up little space and can bear fruit even on windowsills and balconies. Differs in miniature size, but holds the record for yield. From one branch of a plant, you can get up to 10 kg of vegetables. All bushes with a bunched ovary are hybrid; for their breeding, two subspecies are crossed that have the necessary characteristics.

Relatively recently, gardeners began to plant Chinese cucumbers. This plant is a kind of common vegetable, it has an elongated thin fruit. The palate is brighter, the pulp is sweetish, with a light watermelon aroma, the skin is not bitter. Almost all varieties of Chinese cucumbers are early ripening, so they easily adapt to weather conditions and temperatures.


The variety is an early self-pollinated hybrid. The harvest ripens on day 38. The leaves of the plant are medium-sized, weakly growing. The fruit is cylindrical in shape with medium-sized tubercles. When they reach a size of 6-8 cm, the cucumbers continue to grow in width, so they try to shoot them small. The main advantages are considered resistance to peronosporosis and other diseases, high yield, high taste. Unfortunately, cucumbers of this variety have a significant drawback - they are prone to the formation of voids in the middle of the fruit.


Good seeds of cucumbers for open ground - "Master" variety. Gherkin of this class is a mid-season bunch hybrid. Up to 6 ovaries are formed on a branch. Suitable for greenhouse planting and open ground. The skin is green, with tubercles and white thorns. The species is resistant to cladosporium disease and has good taste. On average, the mass of greenery is up to 110 g.

Chinese farm

The seeds of the Chinese vegetable species are popular with gardeners and vegetable lovers. The farm plant is a medium-ripening hybrid with a highly branched stem that matures well in open ground. The crop can be removed after 50 days. Fruits are even, smooth, about 40 cm long, resistant to diseases and bad weather.


This variety is actively used for preparing salads. Plant female type flowering, medium-branched, resistant to some diseases. Zelenets is long, dark green in color with small tubercles and a white edge. The bush gives a high yield and is highly adaptable to weather conditions and temperatures. The pulp is juicy, not bitter, has a sweet taste. The vegetable is thermophilic, requires a large number sunlight, disembarkation is made in a warmed-up earth.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground in the Moscow region

Russian breeders have decided to withdraw special types vegetables, adapted to the climate and soil characteristics of the Moscow region. Scientists engaged in active development and breeding of new hybrids to increase the yield and quality of the finished product. Among domestic hybrids, gardeners have identified some leading species suitable for growing outdoors.


Cucumbers of this species are considered to be early maturing bee-pollinated hybrids. From the moment of germination to harvesting, it takes up to 47 days. The mass of ripe greenery is 90-110 g, length is up to 11 cm. High yield of the plant can be achieved when grown in open ground, under these conditions, the indicators reach 25-35 kg per square meter. Fruits with black and brown pubescence, cylindrical, dark green, medium-sized tubercles, located on the surface.

State farm

A rare vegetable that fully matures in two months. The weight of a ripe vegetable is about 150 g, the color is dark green, there are light tubercles on the surface of the skin. The species is one of the most successful for planting in the soil of the Moscow Region, since it is adapted to certain climatic conditions... The cucumber is universal, suitable for eating raw for salads and preservation.

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