Production Instructions Lifter-Manager Service Manager HOA "Key. Typical Instructions for Lifther Service Lifts and Dispatch Point Operator Factory Operating Instructions for the Cargo Lift


1 Russia Siblift LLC 0411С.Re "I argue" Chief Engineer LLC "Siblift" Galotsky G.E. 2012 Elevators Passenger Operation Manual 0411С.Re Chief designer Shvets I.N. 2012 Normocontrol Sharypova A.F. 2012 Developed mosquesinat.g. 2012 Commons 2012

2 Content Introduction 3 1 Description and Operation Elevator Purpose of the elevator Technical data Lift Composition, Device and work Elevator Description and operation of component parts 17 2 Conditions and requirements for safe operation of the elevator Introduction General instructions Safety measures Preparing work procedure Possible malfunctions and methods of their elimination maintenance Periodic technical examination 89 3 Overhaul of elevator 95 4 Evaluation of the conformity of the elevator who spent the appointed service life 97 5 Methods of safe evacuation of people from the elevator cabin 98 Appendix A List of rapidly weathered elevator parts 100 Appendix B Ropes Range Norms 101 Appendix B Cabin Door Drive Cable Setup Guide 103 Appendix G BEAD-7.31 Using Manual and Uspen Setup Device 110 Appendix D Procedure for Testing Speed \u200b\u200bLift For Elevators Without Machine Premises 113A List of Registration List 114 2

3 This guide contains information on the device and the work of passenger elevators, as well as the instructions necessary for properly operation and maintenance. Management is intended for specialists in the operation and maintenance of elevators, trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of elevators. When operating and maintaining elevators, in addition to this manual, the following documents should be guided by the following documents: - accompanying documentation set with an elevator led to the statement of operating documents (on the list); - Technical Regulations on the safety of elevators; - rules of device and operation of electrical installations (PEU); - construction standards and rules (SNiP); - GOST "Electrical work. General requirements security "; - provisions and instructions operating in organizations operating operations, maintenance of elevators. The design of the elevators is constantly improved, so individual nodes and parts may differ slightly from those described in the manual. Description of the electric drive and automation are published by separate documents and are included in the accompanying documentation supplied with the elevator. 3.

4 1 Description and work of the elevator 0411С.RE 1.1 Purpose of the elevator The elevator is intended for lifting and lowering people. In some cases, it is allowed, accompanied by a passenger, the rise and descent of goods, the weight and dimensions of which together do not exceed the nominal capacity of the elevator and do not damage the equipment and the finish of its cabin. The elevators are not intended for work: - in buildings and premises related to categories A and B in the explosion and fire danger in the field of fire danger; - in rooms with aggressive vapor or corrosive gases; - In conditions of moisture condensation in a mine or machine room, falling out of the Inea or ice formation on equipment. Limit values \u200b\u200bof climatic factors ambient For machine premises and the mines of elevators are: - the limiting air temperature in the engine room from plus 40ºС to plus 1 ° C; - the upper value of the relative humidity of air no more than 80% at a temperature plus 25ºС. The elevators are designed to install them at a height of no more than 2000 m above sea level. When operating the elevator at a height above sea level from 1000 to 2000 m, the inclusions per hour decreases by 1% per 100 m. Installation of elevators in buildings and structures located in areas with the intensity of seismic exposure 7 9 points, allowed with the implementation of additional activities Applications and indices of elevators are shown in section 1.2. of this manual. four

5 1.2 Technical data of elevators 0411С.Re elevators have the following main technical specifications: - load capacity: 400 kg, 630 kg, 1000 kg; - Speed: 1.0 m / s; 1.6 m / s; - Drive: Two-speed or single-speed with frequency regulation; - Door drive with frequency regulation. Full elevator specifications are shown in Table 1. 5

6 Table 1. Specifications Elevators 0411С.Re name Specifications Specifications (characteristic) Indicators Indicator index LP-0401C LP-0411S LP-0411M LP-0416S LP-0431M LP-0601C LP-0611S LP-0611S T LP-0616S LP-0631С LUNGPARATION, CG Suspension system / Multiplicity polyspuskaya straight / 2: 1 direct capacity of the cabin, people. 5 8 Cabin speed, m / s 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.0 The largest lifting height, M largest number of stops accuracy of stops, mm ± 35 arrangement of the counterweight from behind; rear; Behind the side of the rear; On Sidey Side Side Location, the location of the machine is inclusions per hour, no more relative duration of PV% inclusions, no more control system nominal sizes Cabins: Width, Depth Illumination Couple Couple on Control devices and at floor level, Cab Door Lux and Mine Upper Mine-free Mixed, Collective when moving down variable, 3 x phase, 50Hz, 380V 1100x x x x x x x2100 Central Opening 50 Center. opening 2 speed. Side opening 2 speed. side; Center. Vottkr width door opening, mm; ; ; ; Passage 1100x2070 Center. Opening 6.

7 Continued Table S.RE Name Specifications Specifications (Characteristic) Indicators Indicator Elevator Index LP-0621S LP-0626S LP-0651C LP-1001S LP-1011S LP-1021S LP-1031С LUDBILITY, CG Suspension System / Multipascent Light 2: 1 Polyspaste / 2: 1 Cabin capacity, CA Cabin speed, m / s 1.0 1.6 1.0 The highest lifting height, M largest number of stops Stop accuracy, mm ± 35 Arrangement of the counterweight from behind behind; On the side of the side from the side of the side of the location without a machine without the engineering top of the machine room of the room. The number of inclusions per hour, no more relative duration of PV% inclusions, no more than 40 Mixed control system, collective when moving down the current, nominal variable, 3 x phase, 50 Hz. 380V Cabin sizes: Width, depth 2100x x x x2100 Coupe lighting on control devices and at floor level 50 Lux 2-speed cabin cabin and mine center. Centre. side; Central opening two-sided. bilateral. central opening of the width of the doorway, mm; ; 900 7.

8 1.3 Composition, device and operation of the elevator each, of the listed in subsection 1.2 of the elevators consists of the components of the same name. The modifications of elevators differ in carrying capacity, differ in cabaries of the cabin, the accommodation of equipment in the mine, machine room and constructive execution Separate nodes The elevator equipment is placed in a mine related to the construction part of the building. At the bottom of the mine is a veil. Each elevator is equipped with a single set of spare parts: a zip set of spare parts for a warranty period of operation, the winning part of the spare parts for commissioning works by the main components of the elevator are: winch, cabin, speed limiter with a tensioning device, counterweight, Mine doors, guide cabins and counterweight, traction ropes, knots and impressive parts, electrical equipment and electric separation. The relative arrangement of the components of the elevator is shown in the elevator pattern have a straight line 1: 1 or a polyspa suspension 2: 1. Elevator kinematic schemes are shown in Figure 2.1; 2.2; 2.2A chains compensating are set at an altitude of the lift over 45m and 25 m for elevators with upper location Machine room and without it, respectively. At a movement speed of 1.0 m / s, a compensating chain is attached between the shaft wall and the lower beam of the counterweight; At a speed of 1.6 m / s and for elevators without a machine room between the lower beam of the counterweight and the floor of the elevator cabin with a polyspaste system 2: 1 The suspension of the cabin and the counterweight is located in the engine room (Figure 2.3). On the end of 1 through the slab 2, thrust 6 are fixed. The slack of the slacks of the ropes is located in the installation of the wall of the cab wires. The uniformity of the tension of the ropes is controlled by the ski 5, fixed on the brackets 3, 4 and the switch 10. Each rope with a wedge 8 and the closure 7 is connected to the loader 6. In case of an exhaust or breakage of any number of ropes of spring 9 through the craving 6 turns Ski 5, turns the contacts Switch 10. The cabin stops. The design of the anti-sink ropes of the counterweight is similar, except for the lack of a device of the slack of the ropes (Figure 2.4) in the elevator models without the machine room and the polyspasny system 2: 1 The suspension of the cabin and the counterweight is located under the upper overlap of the elevator shaft (Figure 2.5). The design of the anti-silent suspension node is similarly described earlier. The suspension of the cabin in the type is balanced, is installed under the overlap of the elevator shaft or console (Figure 2.6), or on the beam (Figure 2.7). The balancing suspension consists of a bracket 1, fixed on the wall of the mine by means of anchor bolts or welded to a mortgage detail of the mine. Rack 2 via a shock absorber with bolts is installed on the bracket 1. Balancars 3; 4 by means of axes and thrust 5 are connected to the resistant 8

9 and each other than the uniform distribution of the load on the ropes is ensured. With excessive overwhelming suspension balancing, ski 8 acts on the switch 9. The cabin stops. The design of the balancing suspension of the cabin fixed on the beam is similar to the exception that the rack 2 is installed directly on the beam consisting of the channels of moving the cabin 7 (Figure 1) and the counterweight 12 on the guide 3, 4 is carried out by winch 1 installed in the engine room, using traction ropes 16. There is also a speed limiter 2, elevator control station 15, input device 17, lighting switches and a socket for connecting an electrified tool. In the elevator mine, guide cabins 3 (Figure 1) and counterweight 4, with elements of their fastening are installed. Shunts, switches, extension cords are installed on the booths. In the lower part of the mine (pit) there is a tensioning device 14, a speed limiter rope 19, a cabin buffer 13, and a counterweight 18. To enter the cabin and out of it, the mine has a row of doorways closed with mine doors, the number of which corresponds to the number of stops elevator. The doors of the mine and cabins are locked up by automatic locks. Opening and closing doors is made using a drive 6 installed on the cabin ceiling. Mine doors open when the cabin is located on the landing site (stop). In the absence of a cabin at stopping, the opening door of the mine outside is possible only with a special key. ATTENTION If the cabin is at the stop level (the rollers of the door locks are located between the door drive chains) and when the input is turned off (the supply network is disabled), it is possible to open the cabin doors and mines from the inside of the cabin, since the lock is open (see Figure 4.5). nine

10 Ëåáåäêà 2 - Îãðàíè èòåëü ñêîðîñòè 3 - Íàïðàâëÿþùèå êàáèíû 4 - Íàïðàâëÿþùèå ïðîòèâîâåñà 5 - Îãðàæäåíèå íà êàáèíå 6 - Ïðèâîä äâåðåé êàáèíû 7 - Êàáèíà 8-Áàøìàêè 9 - Ëîâèòåëü 10-Äâåðüøàõòû 11 - Àïïàðàò âûçûâíîé 12 - Ïðîòèâîâåñ 13 - Áóôåðà êàáèíû 14 - Íàòÿæíîå óñòðîéñòâî -Ñòàíöèÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ 15 16 - Òÿãîâûå êàíàòû 17 - Ââîäíîå óñòðîéñòâî 18 - Áóôåðà ïðîòèâîâåñà 19 - Êàíàò îãðàíè èòåëÿ ñêîðîñòè 20 - Óñòàíîâêà êîíå íîãî âûêëþ àòåëÿ Figure 1 General form elevator 10.

11 The movement of the cab and counterweight is carried out by the drive, due to the friction force between the traction ropes and the rope pulley. The drive (winch) is installed in the engine room above the elevator, the control system and speed limiter are located. Cabin buffers, counterweight and tensioning speed limiter rope. Compensating chains reduce the uneven load when changing the weight of traction ropes in the lower, upper positions of the cabin cabin is driven by a winch with electric engine. When you press the order button (cabin) or call (landing site), selecting the direction of movement (start, overclocking, slowing down and stop the cab, the door work) is provided by the control system. The transmission of signals from the control cabin installed on the cabin to the control system is carried out using a suspended cable 10. (Figure 4). The general principle of the elevator is as follows: when you press the button of the call apparatus 11 (Figure 1), an electrical pulse (call) is supplied to the elevator control electrical device. If the cabin is located at a stop with which the call is received, the cab doors and mines are open at this stop. If the cabin is missing, then a team is fed to its movement. In the winding of the electric motor winch and the electromagnet coil, the voltage is fed, the brake pads are squeezed and the rotor of the electric motor starts to rotate, providing the rotation of the rope pulley with a worm gearbox, which due to the friction force leads to the drive and counterweight. When the cab is approached to the desired floor, the elevator control system across the slowdown sensor signal switches the winch electric motor to work with a reduced rotor rotation frequency. The speed of the cabin is reduced at the time when the floor of the cab floor is combined with the level of the door door threshold, the cabin stops, the brake is superimposed, the door drive, the door drive, the cabin doors and shafts open. When you click on the button of the button post, located in the cockpit, closes the doors of the cabin and mines, and the cab is sent to the floor, the button of which is pressed. Upon arrival at the required floor and the output of passengers, the doors are closed, and the cabin stands at the stop until the button of any calling device is pressed again. eleven

12 Îòâîäíîé áëîê Îãðàíè èòåëü ñêîðîñòè Ïðîòèâîâåñ ÊÂØ Ïåðåêðûòèå ìàøèííîãî ïîìåùåíèÿ Êàíàò òÿãîâûé Êàáèíà Êàáåëü ïîäâåñíîé Íàòÿæíîå óñòðîéñòâî Öåïü êîìïåíñèðóþùàÿ Figure 2.1 Scheme direct suspension lift ÊÂØ Îãðàíè èòåëü Ïåðåêðûòèå ñêîðîñòè ìàøèííîãî ïîìåùåíèÿ Áëîê ïîëèñïàñòíûé Ïðîòèâîâåñ Áëîê îòâîäíîé Êàíàò òÿãîâûé Áëîê ïîëèñïàñòíûé Êàáèíà Êàáåëü ïîäâåñíîé Öåïü êîìïåíñèðóþùàÿ Íàòÿæíîå óñòðîéñòâî Figure 2.2 Lift Lift Suspension Scheme 12

13 Îãðàíè èòåëü ñêîðîñòè Óðîâåíü óñòàíîâêè áàëêè ïðèâîäà ëèôòà Áëîê ïîëèñïàñòíûé ÊÂØ Êàáèíà Êàáåëü ïîäâåñíîé 0411S.RE Êàíàò òÿãîâûé Ïðîòèâîâåñ Íàòÿæíîå óñòðîéñòâî Áëîê ïîëèñïàñòíûé Öåïü êîìïåíñèðóþùàÿ Figure 2.2a. Scheme of polyspusny suspension elevator without machine room 13

14 S.RE Tumba; 2 stove; 3, 4 bracket; 5 ski; 6 traction; 7 clip; 8 wedge; 9 spring; 10 Switch Figure 2.3 The system of polyspust suspension cabin cabinet; 2 stove; 3 traction; 4 clip; 5 wedge; 6 Spring Figure 2.4 Polyspaste Suspension System 14

15 ó ü íããããããããðêêêêððððòòòòòòòòÒû Bracket Spring Suspension Bracket; 2 beam; 3 traction: 4 clip; 5 wedge; 6 Spring Figure 2.5 Polysping suspension system for elevator without machine room Bracket; 2 rack; 3.4 balancer; 5 traction; 6 clip; 7 wedge; 8 ski; 9 Switch Figure 2.6 Polysp most cabin suspension system for elevator without machine room 15

16 beam; 2 rack; 3, 4 balancers; 5 traction; 6 clip; 7- wedge; 8 ski; 9 Switch Figure 2.7 Polysp most cabin suspension system installed on beam for elevators without machine room 16

17 1.4 Description and operation of the component parts of the elevator winch winch is installed in the elevator engine room and is designed to drive the cab and counterweight. The main components of the winch (Figure 3) are: Reducer 1, brake 3, frame 7, engine 2, cordant pulley 5. All elements of the winch are mounted on a frame that relies on the engine room overlapping through the subframe 8 and shock absorbers 10. Worm cylindrical reducer ( Figure 3.2) Designed to reduce the rotational speed while increasing torque on the output shaft. The oil level is controlled by a rod oil indicator or viewing window. The oil drains is performed through the hole at the bottom of the housing, closed by a plug. Brake Shoe Figure 3.1, normal-closed type double-circuit is designed to stop and retaining in a fixed state of the elevator cabin with a non-working engine winch. The brake consists of electromagnets 8, levers 1, with friction linings fixed on them. The required braking torque is created by springs 3. The handle (lever) is served for manual focusing. The engine asynchronous, two-speed or single-speed (with frequency adjustment) with a shortly closed rotor, is fixed with a transition flange to the gearbox housing and connected to a worm shaft with a flush-finger coupling Figure 3.3. In the winding of the stator, the temperature protection sensors are mounted. Maintenance of the gearbox. 2 engine; 3 brake; 4 couplings; 5 rope pulley; 6 rejected block; 7 frames; 8 subframe; 9 frame reducer; 10 shock absorber; 11 Hairpin Figure 3 General Type of winch 17

18 S.RE ç lever; 2 brake shoe; 3 Spring power; 4 hairpins; 5 nut (locknight); 6 plunger; 7 plunger studs; 8 electromagnet; 9 washer; 10 laying; 11 plate; 13 Adjusting bolt; 14 Nut (locknut) Figure 3.1 Brake 18

19 S.RE Gearbox Corps; 2 worm shaft; 3rd worm wheel; 4-crown of worm wheel; 5-half-half brake; 6-demise; 7-elastic coupling element; 8-oil indicator; 9-bearing roller conical 7309; 10 - Radial-thrust ball bearing 6309; 11 - Cuff D45x68x12; 12 - Bearing Roller Radial-spherical 32212; 13 - Roller Radial-spherical Bearing 3221; 14 - d90x115x13 cuff. Figure 3.2 General view of the gearbox 19

20 Figure 3.3 of the sleeve-finger coupling 20

21 Rope pulley 5 (Figure 3.) Converts its rotational movement into the translational movement of traction ropes due to the friction force arising between the ropes and the pulley streams under the action of gravity of the cabin and counterweight. The pulley is made of cast iron with high wear resistance. An illuminator winch for elevators without a machine room. The winch 5 is installed on the beam 1 under the upper overlap inside the mine (Figure 3.4). Composite parts without a gear winch are: a slight DC motor; Built-in brake brake, KBS. Hand-broken focusing in the design of the winch is not provided. The proceedings are carried out from the elevator control station. In addition, the beam is mounted: Final Switch 2; speed limiter 3; Counterweight suspension 4. À ç ç À-À 1 beam; 2 Final switch; 3 speed limiter; 4 suspension of the counterweight; 5 Cleaver winch; 6 Cutting Pulley Figure 3.4 General view of the winch The elevator cabin cabin (Figure 4) is intended for the transport of passengers, including the cargo. The cabin is suspended on traction ropes in the mine and fixed from reversal, relative to the vertical axis guides. 21.

22 The main parts of the cabin shown in Figure 4 include: coupe 1, in which the ceiling 6, floor 4, and shields, door drive 3, Lower beam, door sash 5. The cabin for the carriage of fire units is equipped with a hatch located in the cab ceiling. The upper beam is connected to the coupe (lower beam) of risers 7 with bolts forming a cab of the cab. Natural ventilation is provided through ventilation holes Upper beam (Figure 4.1.1; 4.2.2) is a welded metal structure consisting of: channels 1, plates 3, kosnock 2. On the upper plates 3 installed shoes 8. Through shock absorbers 16, traverse 5, traction 9, closure 11 beam connects With carrier ropes. Between the chapellers 1 and skins are installed jamming mechanisms 6, interconnected by a burden 18. The uniform of the tension of the ropes is controlled by the ski 10 and the switch 14. Each rope with a wedge 19 and the closure 11 is connected to a load 9. In case of an exhaust or breaking of any number of spring ropes 15. Through the craving 9 turning skiing 10 of the slacking of the ropes (SEC) breaks the contacts of the switch 14. The cabin stops. On the upper beam, the loading control unit is set to measure the loading of the elevator cabin together with the strain gauge sensors 20 and the transfer of the corresponding commands to the elevator control system. The principle of operation of the formation is based on the transformation of the signal coming from the strain gauge sensors into the digital code. The weight of the elevator cabin with passengers is perceived by one (balancing beam) or three power sensors. Electrical signals Proportional load on the elevator is transmitted to the joints on connecting cables. Next, the signals come to an analog-to-digital converter and a microcontroller, which, in turn, makes all procedures related to the processing of signals and the transfer of the corresponding commands to control the output relay. As the elevator cabin loads, the formation of thresholds on the output relay opens the sensors. Overlooking thresholds: 1. 15kg or 50kg; 2. 90% of the nominal lift capacity; 3. Exceeding the nominal lift capacity by 10%, but not less than 75kg. When reached the relevant threshold, the relay opens. For models of elevators without a machine room and g / n 1000 kg, the load control is carried out by four sensors installed in the floor platform 1 (Figure 4.1.6) on the sensors installed the movable floor of the floor 2 by means of studs M12. The topping beam for the elevator models of g / n 1000kg with a polyspaste system is presented in Figure 4.1.3; It is a welded construction of challers 1, side 2 plates, plates 3, where the brackets of the hoods of the shoes 9 are attached, the plates 4. The polyspusk block 8 is installed on a welded beam through the plate 4 by means of bolts 5, sleeves 6 and shock absorber 7. 22

23 The polyspuskny block pattern consists of a housing 1 on which the axis 3, the bearings 4 and the spacer bushings are fixed 5. On the axis 3 there is a tap unit 2. On the body of the polyspaste block, an axis 6 is installed, which prevents the rope from the rope groove. In the cabins of elevators it is possible to install the beam top with the balancing suspension Figure 4.1.1a. The design of the beam is similar to the beam with a spring suspension, except that the ropes are connected to the beam framework through the system of balancing 22, 23 and rack 21 through the shock absorber 16 bolts. Provided additional device Slabs of ropes (dust). When weakening the tension of the ropes, the dusk lever 24 affects the switch in the elevator models of g / n 1000 kg besides the upper beam in the cab design, the bottom beam draws the bottom beam is attached to the cab floor. By design, the bottom beam is similar to the top cabin of the cab. Between the chapels of the welded beams 1 installed the jamming mechanisms 4, the Brackets of the shoes 2 are installed on the welded beam, on which the liners design of the top, the beams of the bottom for the elevator without the machine room are somewhat different: the weld design of the top beam is presented in the figure and Consists of chapels 1, kosnock 2, plates 3, 4. To the plates 4 with the help of bolts 5, the bracket 6 is fixed, on which the housings of the shoes 7 are installed with liners 8. The polyspuskny blocks 1 are mounted on the bottom beam frame (Figure 4.1.8). The frame consists of 2 chambers; plates 3; side plates 4; Plates 5 with enshrined on them housings of shoes 5 with liners 6. The jamming mechanisms 8 are mounted between the channels of beams and are associated with a tag 9. 23

24 coupe; 2 Top beam; 3 doors drive; 4 floor; 5 sash; 6 ceiling; 7 risers; 8 fence on the ceiling; 9 apron; 10 Suspended Cable Figure 4 Cab 24

25 Ä 6 Ä, Ä-Ä 41 * 2min 20 4 * 25.4 * 162 * 1 channel; 2 brazers; 3 plates; 5 travers; 6 catcher; 7 lever drive trap; 8 shoe; 9 traction; 10 ski; 11 clip; 12 lubricant; 13 Power sensor; 14 Switch; 15 spring; 16 shock absorber; 17 eyelet; 18 traction of catchers; 19 wedge; 20 strain gauge sensor drawing beam top 25

26 Schwell; 2 brazers; 3 plates; 5 travers; 6 catcher; 7 lever drive trap; 8 shoe; 9 traction; 10- ski; 11 clip; 12 lubrication device; 13, 14 switch; 15 spring; 16 shock absorber; 17 loop; 18 traction of catchers; 19 wedge; 20 strain gauge sensor; 21 rack; 22, 23 balancers; 24 DUSK lever Figure 4.1.1A Top balancing beam 26

27 À À 0.3 ... 1,15 67 * drawing beam top on three strain gauges 27

28 10 À 9 3 à Schwell; 2 layer plate; 3 plates; 4 plates; 5 bolt; 6 sleeve; 7 shock absorber; 8 polyspuskaya block; 9 Housing shoe; 10 lubricant; 11 liner; 12 casing drawing beam top for models of elevators g / n 1000kg with polyspa suspension system 7 28

29 À À-À 0411С.Re À housing; 2 Blocking unit; 3 axis; 4 bearings; 5 sleeve spacers; 6 axis drawing unit polyspusny 29

30 À 2 à) Welded beam; 2 brackets of shoes; 3 inserts; 4 jamming mechanism; 5 traction; 6 Switch Figure Lower beam for elevator models G / n 1000kg 30

31 À 2 À 1 3 À-À 4 1 platform; 2 Lower beam; 3 playground; 4 Sensor - 4pcs. Figure floor for elevator models g / n 1000kg 31

32- ñì êêêêêêêêêêêêê ó óóõõõõóõõõõîõîîîîî 2 brazers; 3.4 plates; 5 bolt; 6 bracket; 7 Housing shoe; 8 insert; 9 Lubricant Device Drawing Beam Upper For Lift Model With Machine Premises 32

33 À à polyspiral blocks; 2 channel; 3 plates; 4 side plates; 5 plate; 6 Housing shoe; 7 insert; 8 junction mechanism; 9 thrust drawing beam lower elevator without machine room 33

34 Coupe 1 Couple (Figure 4) consists of floor 4, the ceiling 6 interconnected shields side, rear and front. On the brackets of the ceiling installed the door drive 3. The doorway is closed with furnaces 5, which are fixed on the heels of the door drive 3 and their shoes move along the guides (thresholds) of the floor drive door drive of the central opening doors (Figure 4.2), by means of opening the cabin doors and the mine consists of beam 1 on which the engine 2 is installed, the bearing unit 3 with pulley, the line 4, with the carriages installed on it 5, 6. The engine 2 is connected to the pulleys and the clinorem transmission connected to the bearing unit 3. The bearing unit 3 is connected to the bearing assembly The tensioner 7 by means of a gear metal cup belt 8. The carriages 5, 6 move along the ruler on the rollers 9 and from vertical movements are held by counterbulb 10. The carriages are installed mobile and fixed gag, which interact with the lock door lock. Between themselves, the carriages are connected by rope 11. To ensure the movement of carriages (sash) from the drive, the carriage 5 is rigidly connected to the belt 8. Controls the operation of the door drive automatic door control unit (BUAD) 12. Door drive with a lock (Figure 4.3) differs from the above described above That on the carriage 6 installed Castle 2. To ensure the movement of carriages (skeins) from the drive, the carriage 6 is connected to the belt 8 through the bar 4. The plane is connected to the lock 2. The electromagnet 7 is fixed on the beam. Electromagnet 7 interacts with the electromagnet placard, Installed on the hook of the castle. Castle 2 (Figure 4.4.) Consists of a bracket 1, on which the thrust 5, 6 are fixed. The cheek 2 and the jam 4 move to the meeting of each other on the axes of the thrust. In the axis of the thrust 5, the tap 3. The tap 3 is focused in such a way that it has three working positions. The scheme of the lock is presented in Figure 4.5. The lock is closed: the distance between the locks of the lock is 53 ± 1.5 mm. The size is provided by the position of the electromagnet 7 (Figure 4.3), adjustment is carried out by moving the bracket 8 (Figure 4.3) in the groove in the beam. At the same time, the bracket 1 (Figure 4.5) should be inside the castle of the lock 2 (see the shaded region in the diagram), which eliminates the movement of the carriage. The lock is open: the distance between the locks of the lock is equal to 30 ± 1.5 mm. At the same time, the tap 2 rotates and comes out of the engagement with the bracket 1 carriages can freely move via the line; The lock is closed: the distance between the locks of the lock is 20 or less. The size is ensured by the position of the upper stop, the adjustment is carried out by moving the stop of Yu by a groove in the bracket 1 (Figure 4.4). At the same time, the bracket 1 (Figure 4.5) should be inside the castle hooker 2, which eliminates the movement of the carriage. 34.

35 A distinctive feature of the drive drive with automatic opening of one sash (Figure 4.7) is that, if necessary, the second sash can be opened manually. To do this, it is necessary to raise the handle of the latch 5 up (position II), as a result of which you can freely move the carriage 3 according to the drive line 2. When closing the sash, the latch is also necessary to hold in the upper position, thereby ensuring its occasion to the neckline in the corner 6. After that, pull the latch down (position I) by fixing the sash in the closed position. Door drive two-speed (telescopic) side opening (Figure 4.6). Two rules 2, 3 are fixed on the drive beam 1, with two carriages of the low-speed 4 carriage 4 and the speed 5. The speed carriage 5 is connected by a flexible tape with a belt 6. The kinematic connection between carriages is carried out using a multiplicity block fixed on a low-speed carriage 7, which allows the low-speed carriage to move at a lesser speed. In a high-speed carriage, a lock 8 is installed with two moving chains (see the principle of the lock). Check the cabin lock lock. If necessary, perform adjustment of the lock in accordance with the Annex B. The automatic drive drive works as follows. Turning on the drive to open the closure produces Baad 12, according to a specific program "Slow fast slow", for a certain time interval on a certain doorway (the value of the movement of the sash). The countdown of the doorway is carried out due to the pulses of the resulting tank 13 from the diaphragm 14. Reversing the drive is carried out by the doorway controller and duplicates the Baad. In closed open positions Doors hold the boad with a given effort. ATTENTION If you need to adjust the parameters of the BUAD-7.31, performing the work in accordance with the application of 35

36 À 0411С.Re î î î î ñ è á ô ô ò ò ñ ç à â ä ñ ê î î é ¹ À 1 0 a - a beam; 2 engine; 3 Bearing node; 4 line; 5, 6 carriages; 7 Bearing tensioner assembly; 8 belt; 9 roller; 10 counterboliga; 11 rope; 12 Baad; 13 Tax; 14 diaphragm. Fig. 4.2 Door Drive Central Opening 36

37 À 000 "" ñèÁÁëôÒò "0411ñ à beam; 2 lock; 3 bracket; 4 bar; 5 leash; 6 carriage; 7 electromagnet; 8 bracket Figure 4.3 Drive of central door doors with lock 37

38 7 0411С.Re Bracket; 2 cheeks; 3 tap; 4 tank; 5.6 traction; 7 Spring; 8 plates of electromagnet Figure 4.4. Castle 38.

39 ð ææèæèåèèèèîîîîîòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò ïð. Þ ± 1,5 II RESIDE ENERGY WHERE - CONTRIBUTION OPTIONS FL. Þ 30 ± 1,5 III PERSONS EXISTERS - ENGLISHING FL ïðîîêêêòòòòòÒ. Þ< 20 1 кронштейн; 2 зацеп Рисунок 4.5 Схема работы замка 39

40 À 000 "ñèáèôôò" 0611ñ À 1 735 * * 52 * 1 Drive beam; 2, 3 ruler; 4 Pacific carriage; 5 boat carriage; 6 belt; 7 blocks of multiplicity; 8 Castle Figure 4.6 Door drive two-speed side opening (telescopic) 40

41 1 4 À 3 2 Using II of the II beam; 2 line; 3, 4 carriage; 5 latch; 6 Corner Figure 4.7 Door drive with automatic opening of one sash 41

42 Cattakers Failure braking (Figure 5.1 g / n 400, 630 kg; Figure 5.2. G / n 1000 kg) are designed to stop and hold the cab on the guides with an increase in the speed of the cockpit relative to the nominal: up to 1.5 m / s at nominal speed 1m / sec; Up to 2.15 m / s at a rated velocity of 1.6 m / s, the triggering of catcher comes from the speed limiter installed in the machine room and acting on the drive of the catcher using the speed limiter rope. Covers are installed between chapellers 1 top (Figure 4.1) under the upper shoes on each side. Cathers g / n 400, 630 kg (setting of catchers) consist of a wedge in collecting the right and left À 3 6 À 3 ± 0.25 3 ± 0.25 1 wedge right assembly; 2 wedge; 3 shoe; 4 spring; 5 roller; 6 covers; 7 bolt with washer; 8 Screw with washer Figure 5.1 Catcher (g / p 400,630) 42

43 À à brake shoe; 2 wedges; 3 Spring, 4 liner; 5 separator; 6 roller; 7 Block Figure 5.2 Catcher (g / n 1000kg) 43

44 Klin assembly 1 (Figure 5.1) consists of a wedge 2, pads 3, springs 4, roller 5 placed between the lids 6, attached to bolts 7 with washers and screws 8 to chapellars and risers. Catcher (g / n 1000kg) Figure 5.2. (Swimming mechanisms) are installed on the ends of the beam below and are fixed by bolts on both sides. The jamming mechanisms consist of a welded shoe of the braking 1, wedge 2, springs 3, inserts 4, separator 5, rollers 6 and pads 7. When the speed of lowering the cabin is exceeded above nominal to: 15 50% for the speed of movement 1m / s; 15 35% for the speed of 1.6 m / s, the speed limiter is triggered, the working pulley of the speed limiter is slowed down and the translational movement of the rope of the speed limiter fixed on the lever 7 (Figure 4.1) stops. The force of pulling the rope N. With a further movement of the lever 7 turns the shaft drive shafts 6 connected 18. The tailed 18 is installed, pressing the switch 14, the contacts of which are swapped, and a signal is fed to shut off the winch. When choosing a gap between the guide and wedges, their encouragement occurs. Removing the cab with manifolds is done with the helmet, with the input device turned off, manually, with a deficer cleared brake lever. For models of elevators without a machine room, the removal of the cab in the lift is carried out by the lift drive or by exposure to the speed limiter lever, the speed limiter and the tensioning device of the speed limiter, the speed limiter Figure 6 serves to actuate the catcher at the increase in the speed of the cabin movement. The speed limiter is installed in the machine room of the elevator speed limiter consists of cached lid. Cases 1, in which the axis of rotation of the pulley 2 is installed and the stops of 3 interacting with loads 4 at a critical pulley velocity are welded. In the boring mills 2 on the axes, two cargoes are installed on the axes 4. The load 4 is hinged with each other, 5 and the spring 6 and form a parallelogram. On the top of the housing 1, the switch 7 is fixed on the bracket. On each cargo 4, the grooves are installed 8, which, with a critical pulley rotation frequency, interact with the switch, the principle of action of the speed limiter is as follows: - when the elevator cabin moves, the rope of the speed limiter 10 laid in the stream pulley 2, rotates pulley at the expense of friction forces; - when the number of pulley revolutions is exceeded, the regulated value, the load 4 together with the tank 8 due to centrifugal forces overcome the resistance of the spring 6, begin to unfold on the axes; - Grades 8 interact with the arm switch 7 and tear the control circuit; 44.

45 - In the event of a further increase in the elevator speed, there is a further turn of goods 4, which leads to the engagement of the load 4 for the stop 3, causing the stamp of the pulley 2; - the rotation of the pulley stops, the movement of the speed limiter is stopped with a further cockpit movement. The rope 10 turns the lever of the capping drivers and the cabin falls on the lift to restore the elevator working, it is necessary to remove the cabin to the cabinet and set the housing switch to the original position; 2 pulley; 3 emphasis; 4 cargo; 5 traction; 6 spring; 7 sensor; 8 Digital Figure 6 Speed \u200b\u200bLimiter 45

46 1.4.4 Tensioning device of the speed limiter 0411С.Re The tensioning device of the speed limiter (Figure 7) is located in the admission of the elevator mine and is intended to provide the required tension of the speed limiter rope and create the necessary friction force between the rope and the pulley strength of the speed limiter, the tensioning device consists From the bracket 1, on the axis of which the lever 2 is installed with block 3 and the load 5. Block 3 is mounted on the axis of rolling bearings and is suspended on the speed limiter loop. The load 5 serves to tension the rope. The angle of the lever 2 is controlled by the switch 6. The tensioning device is fastened to the guide cab with clamps 7. When the lever 2 is deviated to the angle of more than 33, the tank 4 interacts on the arm switching lever 6 and opens the elevator control circuit to restore the elevator working capacity, it is necessary to set the switch lever 6 to its original position With horizontal arrangement of the lever 2) bracket; 2 lever; 3 block; 4 tank; 5 cargo; 6 switch; 7 clamp; 8 Rope Figure 7 Tensioner 46

47 1.4.5 A counterweight 0411С.Re A counterweight (Figure 8) is intended for balancing the weight of the cabin and 50% of the nominal load capacity. The counterweight is placed in the elevator mine and suspended on traction ropes. The counterweight is located at the back or side of the cab and moves along the guides of the counterweight (Figure 8.) consists of the upper beam 1, the lower beam 2 connected to each other 3. The cargo formed by the top, lower beams and risers are stacked 4. Loads are fixed with corners 5, Their random falling out of the frame frame is excluding. At the top and bottom beams are shoes 6. Through the holes in the upper beam are skipped 7, which through spherical sleeves and springs 8 are based on it. To the upper bridges 7 through the closure 9 and wedges 10 are connected traction ropes. The springs 8 provide uniform tension of the rope bars (Figure 8.1) for elevator models G / P 1000kg according to the structure similar to the above, except. On the upper beam 1 of the counterweight, a unit is installed 7. On the lower beam 2 there are three wooden bars for elevator models without a machine room. The counterweight is characterized by the design of the upper beam (Figure 8.2). A polyspuskaya block 2 was fixed on the beam box 1 by the bolt compound, the counterweight corresponds to the design for the elevator models of g / n 1000kg. 47.

48 S.RE Upper beam; 2 lower beam; 3 risers; 4 cargo; 5 corner; 6 shoe; 7 traction; 8 spring; 9 clip; 10 Wedge Figure 8. Advanced 48

49 À À - À 0411С.Re à À beam top; 2 Lower beam; 3 risers; 4 cargo; 5 corner; 6 shoe; 7 Blocking unit; 8, 9 casing; 10 Bar Wooden Figure 8.1 Counterweight for Lifts Lifts 1000kg 49

50 2 3 1 À 20Å À \u200b\u200b1 beam; 2 polyspusk block; 3 Bolt Figure 8.2 Top Beam For Elevator Models Without Machine Room 50

51 1.4.6 Mine doors The elevator is equipped with the doors of the central opening mine (except LP-0621С, LP-0626C, LP-0651С, LP-0611C T, 1031C), which are driven by the door drive. Mine doors are made with the E30 fire resistance limit; EI30; EI Mine Door (Figure 9.1) consists of beams 1, risers 2, 3, crossbars 4, thresholds 5, 6, sash 7, 8. On the beam 1 installed rules 9, according to which carriages 10, 11 are moved on rollers 14. Counterbagging 15 Exclude the rise and discontinuation of carriats from Linek. Fold 7, 8 are fixed through studs on carriages. In the closed position, the carriage is locked up by the lock shown in Figure 9.1 The position of the door mechanisms corresponds to the location of the locked doors (carriages). Opening doors is as follows. Right position: Mine door lock rollers are located between the cheeks of the doors drive. When receiving a signal to open the door, the cabin is starting to move, the cheek of the tank selects the gap between the latch and the lower roller of the lock 5 (Figure 9.2.) Mine doors. The lock hook turns and unlocks the security control of the mine door lock control. With a valve turn of the latch, the lock is unluckled and the door begins to open the door of the mine door (Figure 9.2) consists of a rack 1 on which the hook is fixed 2. The bracket 3 is fixed with loads 6. With a fully closed hook 2 under the action of cargo 6 comes for fixed Heart beam hooking hook and stops carriage. At the same time, the movable part of the switch 4 closes the door closing control chain and locking the door lock Lift passenger 0621c, 0626c, 0651c is equipped with the doors of the shaft (Figure 9.3) with automatic opening of one or two sash. The principle of opening and the design of the doors is identical to the doors of the central opening mine, except that in the first version, the small sash opens only in emergency cases with the key of the passenger elevator 0611C T, 0616C, 1031c is equipped with the shaft doors (Figure 9.4) with automatic opening and the design of the doors identical to the doors of the central opening mine except that there are two rules 1, 2 on the beam; For which carriages move: one low-speed 3 other high-speed 4. The carriages are moved in one direction, but with different speeds. One lock is installed on the mine's doors (on a fast carriage 4). Spontaneous closure of shaft doors from any position is provided by the spring. 51.

52 beam; 2, 3 risers; 4 cross; 5,6 thresholds; 7, 8 sash; 9 line; 10, 11 carriages; 12 castle; 13 Switch; 14 roller; 15 counterboliga; 16 castle roller. Figure 9.1 Mine doors 52

53 Ð ð ê ç ç ç ö ö å ï À rack; 2 latch; 3 bracket; 4 Switch; 5 roller; 6 Cargo Figure 9.2 Mine Doors Castle 53

54 Figure 9.3 Doors Mine LP-0621С 54

55 S.RE, 5 +1 0.5 ... 1.5 7 1, 2 line; 3 shifting sash; 4 sash speed; 5 castle; 6 Spring Figure 9.4 Doors Mine LP-0611S T 55

56 1.4.7 Guide guides and counterweights determine the position of the cabin and the counterweight relative to each other and relative to the mine, and also perceive the loads arising when the cabin and the counterweight is moving and landing the cabin on the cabs. Guides are made of special profiles with a length of 4.5 and 5.0 meters. Separate segments are connected to each other with a spike at one end of the guide and groove on the other. The place of the joint is bonded by a butt bar and bolts with nuts, washers. Guides are installed on the brackets attached to the walls of the mine. The mounting of the brackets to the mortgage is made by welded (electric welding) or special studs with washers and nuts, which are not included in the supply of elevator. The guides themselves are attached to the brackets using the presses. Installation of regulated gaps of the Cabin and counterweight gaps are made by moving the brackets on the grooves relative to each other ropes of traction ropes, depending on the lift carrying capacity, are used in an amount of from 3 to 6 with a diameter of 10.5 mm or 12 mm. The mounting of the ropes to the cabin and the counterweight is shown in Figure and Figure the rope of the speed limiter with a diameter of 6.4 mm is fixed on the trap drive lever, laid on the pulley of the speed limiter and stretch the buffer with a tensioning device at the bottom of the mine (in the pit) of the cabin and Counterweights intended for quenching the kinematic energy of the cabin and counterweight when moving the cabin levels of the lower or upper landing grounds. For the elevator models at a rated speed of not more than 1.0 m / s, spring or polyurethane buffers are used, with a speed of 1.6 m / s. Hydraulic buffer is installed. Installing the switch and shunts. Installing the switch is used to stop the elevator in the case of the transition of the cabin of extreme upper and lower positions. . The installation consists of a switcher installed on the speed limiter bracket and interacting with a lever with a lever. The lever interacts with the stops installed on the speed limiter rope. 56.

57 Installing the shunts is used to switch the nominal elevator speed on the cabin at a stop approach to the stop and stop at the landing ground level. Consists of shunts installed on the brackets fixed by clamps on guides and interacting with switches installed on the cabin. It is used when used in a two-speed engine elevator. When using a single-speed engine, the speed is regulated by the frequency converter, the cabinet control cabinet of the elevator is installed in the engine room. For elevator models without machine room, the control cabinet is installed on the upper landing site in the shaft door frame. The principle of operation and the description is set forth in the operational documentation for the closet (Schulm; UKL; NCU; Union; ul) 57

58 2. Conditions and requirements of the safety of elevator 2.1 Introduction 0411С.Re This operating manual contains instructions necessary to properly operate electric passenger elevators of the "Siblift" Ltd. Guide is intended for specialists trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of elevators The training on the device and the rule of operation on the elevators of the Siblift LLC, in addition to this guide, the elevator should be guided by the following documents: - "Instructions for installation, start-up, regulation and commissioning 0411С.Im"; - Technical Regulations on the safety of elevators; - "Rules of the device of electrical installations"; - "Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations"; - "Manual for the operation of control cabinets: Shulm; UKL; NCU; Union, ul "- automation and elevator control systems; - "Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers." 58.

59 2.2 General instructions 0411С.Re Before commissioning, the elevator is subject to complete technical examination, examination and government control in accordance with the technical regulations on the safety of elevators The operating organization (elevator owner) provides the elevator content in good condition and its safe operation by organizing quality service and Repair in accordance with the technical regulations on the safety of elevators. Maintenance and inspection of the elevator must be carried out in accordance with the production instructions of the service personnel and this manual, the order and scope of work on the technical condition and maintenance of the elevator are given in this Instruction. 59.

60 2.3 Instructions for security measures 0411С.Re work on inspection and maintenance should be carried out with strict compliance with the security measures set out in the production instructions of the service personnel and safety instructions operating in the organizations of the exploiting elevator in operation, only a good and past technical examination of the elevator in accordance with GOST R "elevators. Rules and methods for assessing the conformity of elevators when commissioning. " Before conducting work on inspection and maintenance of the elevator, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the erroneous or sudden launch of the elevator or its mechanisms for maintenance and repair of the elevator should be carried out in accordance with GOST R "elevators. Rules and methods for assessing the conformity of elevators during the period of operation "and" Instructions for the labor protection of an electromechanics in elevators "developed by a specialized organization working on maintenance and repair of the elevator The movement on the cabin for the production of work in the mine is allowed only when controlling the elevator in the revision mode " The personnel on the roof of the cab while driving, it is necessary to be located closer to the center of the cabin, keeping the fence installed on the cab in the cabinet or repair of the control cabinet, dielectric mats should be used. With the maintenance of the introductory device, the service personnel must use dielectric gloves before carrying out work related to the maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical equipment, it is necessary to turn off the introductory device and lock it on the lock. At all time work on the introductory device, a poster must be posted: "Do not include, people work" before work in the pit it is necessary to check the maintenance of the door lock switch of the lower floor. Works in the pit should be carried out with the open door of the shaft of the lower floor, when the switch is turned off in the pit, the switch circuits and installed on the doorway 60

61 fence or protection of the open doorway. At the same time, a poster must be posted: "Please encourage planned maintenance" Check and make sure that all the doors of the mine are closed and locked, then switch the elevator to the "Normal work" mode. Moving the cabin manually (by rotating the flywheel) only when the introductory disabled The control cabinet door should always be locked, except for the time when work is performed on it before starting work related to the replacement of brake parts, coupling or brake adjustment, set anti-buffer counterweight. At the same time, the cabin should not be loaded with replacement, repairs of traction ropes and work, accompanied by removing the ropes from the rope pulley or disassembling the winch, to be made after installing the counterweight to buffer, planting the cabin to the cabs at the top of the mine and the additional lines of the cabin for the top beam using the Country Means during operation are prohibited: - output safety and blocking devices; - to start the elevator by direct impact on the devices supplying the voltage to the electric motor; - use a faulty tool and devices, as well as faulty protective and safety agents; - connect to elevator control circuits power tools, lighting lamps or other electrical devices, with the exception of measuring; - use portable lamps to voltage more than 42B; - produce maintenance or repair of electrical equipment and electrical appliances under voltage; - perform work from the roof of the cockpit while driving; - leave open doors of the mine in the absence of a cabin on the floor; - sticking out for the dimensions of the moving cabin; - is in the cabin to people with dynamic elevator tests; - Located in a mine and pit without protective caskens; - produce work at the same time in two levels (on the cabin and in the pit); - descend and climb the designs of the mine and in traction ropes; 61.

III. Territorial unit rates for overhaul equipment Tyumen region TermR-01-2001 Part 1. Overhaul and modernization of equipment elevator equipment including rates,

III. Territorial single rates for overhaul equipment Kostroma region TermR-01-2001 Part 1. Overhaul and modernization of equipment of elevators Rates, Department 01. Works

III. Territorial unit rates for major equipment of equipment Thermar-01-2001 Part 1. Overhaul and modernization of elevator equipment Rates, department 01. Works on the replacement of equipment,

Territorial estimated standards Territorial unit rates for overhaul equipment Terms 2001 Yaroslavl region Part 1 Overhaul and modernization Equipment Elevator equipment Yaroslavl

Territorial Estimated Standards Territorial Single Rates for Overhaul Terms 81-06-01-2001 Bryansk Region Part 1 Overhaul and Modernization Equipment Equipment

Working card of elevator reg. N. Legend states: - in order, corresponds to Pubel; - requires troubleshooting, disorders; - requires repair or replacement, does not correspond to Pubel;

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Approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR on August 29, 1986, a typical instruction for the operator, the elevator service lifter is a necessary list of requirements for serving elevators to staff.

Current service I. maintenance Lifts Current service and maintenance of elevators 1.1. The content of elevators 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 Planned and unscheduled inspections of elevators, checking safety devices

The State Committee of the USSR on the supervision of the safe conduct of work in industry and mining supervision (Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR) was approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR on August 29, 1986. Typical instruction for

1.1. This instruction is designed for lifters for servicing freight elevators.

1.2. The instruction defines the basic provisions for the maintenance of elevators regardless of the speed of the cab.

1.3. To work as a lifter serving elevators, people are not allowed not under the age of 18 who have passed medical examination.

1.4. Lifter must be trained in the relevant program and certified in educational institution. Persons who passed certification must be issued by the corresponding certificate.

1.5. The admission to the work of the lifter should be decorated by order if there are certificates of learning and production instructions on the hands.

1.6. The lifter should periodically, at least once every 12 months, to undergo a re-test of knowledge.

1.7. Additional or extraordinary knowledge checks should be carried out:

  • 1.7.1. When moving from one enterprise to another.
  • 1.7.2. At the request of the inspector of the Gosgortecadzor or the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of the elevator.
  • 1.7.3. When switching to the maintenance of elevators of another design.

1.8. Repeated, additional and extraordinary knowledge checks should be carried out by the order by order by the order of the enterprise's qualification commission in the volume of the production instruction of the lifter, while the participation of the Gosgortkhnadzor inspector is not necessary.

1.9. Allowed to independent work the lifter should:

  • 1.9.1. Have general view About the device serviced elevators.
  • 1.9.2. Know the value of the control devices located in the elevator cabin and on the floor sites, and be able to use them.
  • 1.9.3. Know the appointment and location of the elevator safety devices, shaft door locks, mines and cabin contacts, underground contacts, limit switch, speed limit and catcher.
  • 1.9.4. Know the appointment and be able to use light and sound alarm and bilateral negotiation bond.
  • 1.9.5. To be able to inspect the elevator and check the health of the shutter doors of the mine, the doors of the doors of the mine and cabin, underground contact, light and sound alarm and bilateral negotiation communications.
  • 1.9.6. Know the rules for the use of elevators.
  • 1.9.7. Be able to enable and disable the elevator.
  • 1.9.8. Know the ways of evacuating passengers on the stopping cab.
  • 1.9.9. To be able to provide first medical care to the victim.
  • 1.9.10. Know requirements fire safety And be able to use fire fighting.

1.10. The liftor is prohibited:

  • 1.10.1. To allow entry into the engine, block room, and also leave these premises not locked on the castle.
  • 1.10.2. Store objects that are not related to the maintenance of elevators, in machine and block rooms.
  • 1.10.3. Go to the roof of the cab.
  • 1.10.4. To start the cabin from any devices installed on the control panel.
  • 1.10.5. To start the cabin from the floor site through the open doors of the mine and cabins.
  • 1.10.6. Alone to eliminate any malfunctions for damage to the elevator.
  • 1.10.7. Leave workplaceIn addition to cases related to the service of elevators.

2. The responsibilities of the lifter.

2.1. Lifter at the beginning of work should:

  • 2.1.1. Get acquainted with the records in the Vachnic magazine made when working in the previous shift.
  • 2.1.2. Include an elevator to work.
  • 2.1.3. Check availability and sufficiency of cab lighting, shafts and playgrounds in front of the shaft doors.
  • 2.1.4. Check the state of the fence of the shaft and cabins; Check the serviceability of the locks of the mine doors.
  • 2.1.5. Check the service of the contacts of the doors of the mine and the cabin.
  • 2.1.6. Check the function of the rolling gear.
  • 2.1.7. Check the accuracy of stopping the cab in the floors.
  • 2.1.8. Check the help of the button "STOP", light signal "Busy", Sound alarm, bilateral negotiation communication.
  • 2.1.9. Check for availability "Elevator rules", Warning and index inscriptions.
  • 2.1.10. Make an entry in a route log about the results of the inspection and sign in the reception of the shift.

2.2. When I detected during an inspection of an elevator, any faults that might lead an accident or an accident, you must turn off the elevator and report a fault to the head responsible for the serviceable elevator. On the main, boot, floor to post a poster with an inscription "The elevator does not work."

2.3. Lifter during operation should:

  • 2.3.1. Constantly staying in the elevator cabin and direct the cabin to the call site.
  • 2.3.2. Prevent elevator overload.
  • 2.3.3. Do not allow simultaneous overload of goods and people except accompanying cargo.
  • 2.3.4. Do not allow extranemy elevator.
  • 2.3.5. On the elevators, the cabin is equipped with sliding lattice doors, follow the people who are in the cockpit do not fit to the doors and did not hold their hands for them.
  • 2.3.6. With a random stop of the cabin between the floors, turn off the elevator and inform the administration of the enterprise.
  • 2.3.7. If you detect any elevator malfunctions during the change, turn off the elevator, squeeze the poster "The elevator does not work" And report on the malfunction of the administration of the enterprise.
  • 2.3.8. Keep clean the elevator cabin.

2.4. Lifter at the end of work should:

  • 2.4.1. If the elevator work continues, to produce a record of all remarks on the work of the elevator during the shift, sign in the delivery of the shift and transfer the keys to the elevator of the next shift.
  • 2.4.2. If the next shift is not, put a cabin on the main landing floor, lock the door of the mine on a special lock, turn off the elevator, make the necessary entries in the log, pass keys to storage.

2.5. Lifter in emergency situations should:

  • 2.5.1. In the event of an emergency (accident, fire, natural disaster), it is necessary to immediately stop working and report a situation to the superior operational personnel.

    In the event of an accident or accident in the elevator, immediately turn off the elevator, report an incident to the head and take measures to preserve an accident situation, if it does not pose a danger to the life and health of others.

2.5.3. In case of fire:

  • notify all working in production room And take steps to extinguish the focus of fire. Burning parts of electrical installations and electrical wiring are carried out by stress, carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers;
  • take measures to call the fire of your direct supervisor.

2.5.4. In case of accident, bring the victim from a dangerous zone, to provide him with a prefiguration assistance, report this to the head of the work or administration. Call an ambulance by phone "03".

2.5.5. The situation in which an accident occurred should be, if possible, has been saved to conduct an investigation by the Commission.

2.5.6. When freeing the victim electric current It is necessary to use dielectric gloves, galoshes, rugs or dry items, and it is also necessary to ensure that it is not to be in contact with the current-user part or under stepper voltage.

When separating the victims of the current-carrying parts to act with one hand, holding the second hand in your pocket or behind the back. When freeing the victim, which is at the height, it is necessary to take measures to warn its fall. When separating the victims of the current-carrying parts, the voltage above 1000V should wear dielectric gloves and bots and act a barbell or insulating ticks.

3. Inspection of elevators with lifesters.

3.1. Checking elevators with shaft open doors

  • 3.1.1. Checking automatic locks of the shaft doors is carried out with the aim of ensuring that the doors of the shaft do not open when the cabin is missing on the floor. To do this, the cabin should be stopped so that the floor is not less than 150 mm higher or lower than the level of the site, and try to unlock the latomatic shutter and open the mine door. If the door of the mine does not open, the automatic lock is correct. Such a check is carried out on each floor.
  • 3.1.2. Checking the shaft door contacts are performed by a trial launch of the elevator when the mine door is open to 20 mm and the cabin closed door. If the cabin does not move, the maintenance of the doors of the mine work properly.

    With multi-door doors, such a check should be carried out for each sash separately.

  • 3.1.3. Checking the Cabin Door Contacts is performed by a test launch of the cabin with the door of the shaft and open one of the cabin sash. If the cabin does not move, the cabin of the cabin sash work is working properly. Similarly, the second sash of the cab doors is checked.
  • 3.1.4. Check the serviceability of the gear mechanism and underground contacts with a load of 15 kg. The cargo is located at a distance of 300 mm from the door of the cab. At the same time, the cab should not come into motion when you press the call buttons.
  • 3.1.5. Checking the accuracy of stopping the cab on the floors is carried out by starting the cabin alternately for each floor. The difference in the flooring levels of the cabin and floor flooring should be no more than 50 mm, and for elevators loaded through floor transport and carts - no more than 15 mm.
  • 3.1.6. When checking the push-button and call vehicles, make sure that the cabin comes to this floor, the button of which was pressed.
  • 3.1.7. When checking the lever apparatus, make sure that when removing the hand, the knob returns to the neutral position when the army is removed from the handle. In the extreme upper and lower floors, the lever must be disconnected automatically.
  • 3.1.8. When checking the button "STOP" At the time of movement of the cabin, press the button, the cabin should stop at the same time.
  • 3.1.9. Checking signal lamps "Busy" And the cabin lighting lamps is carried out by opening the mine door. In this case, signal lamps "Busy" And the cab lighting lamp should be turned on.
  • 3.1.10. On the elevators with a fixed floor, the cab lighting is switched on with a switch installed in the machine room. On passenger elevators with fixed floors and automatic doors, the lighting should be turned on when the doors are opened. If after 5-8 seconds after the door closure does not come into motion, the main lighting lamp should go out. Emergency lighting lamp should burn constantly.
  • 3.1.11. Checking the health of the fence and lighting of the mine, as well as the lighting of sites in front of the shaft doors is performed by an outdoor inspection.

4. Faults in which elevators must be stopped.

4.1. The main faults under which the elevator work must be discontinued:

  • 4.1.1. The automatic shutter of the mine doors is faulty - the door of the mine opens in the absence on the floor of the cab.
  • 4.1.2. Mine doors contact - the cabin comes into motion with the open door of the mine.
  • 4.1.3. The cabin contact is faulty - the cabin comes into motion with an open door, if there is a passenger in the cab.
  • 4.1.4. Contact contact - when you press the button "CALL" The cabin comes into motion if there is 15 kg in the cabin in the cabin, as well as pressing the button "CALL" Free cabin does not move.
  • 4.1.5. The cabin stops above or below the level of the floor area is more than 60 mm and more than 15 mm (for elevators loaded by floor transport and carts).
  • 4.1.6. A sound alarm system does not work on the elevators with the conductor - when you click on the teleclose buttons on the floors, the signal call does not go to the conductor.
  • 4.1.7. It is not lit cabin or playground in front of the shaft doors.
  • 4.1.8. The glass is broken in the viewing windows of the mine doors or damaged the shaft fence at the height available for passengers.
  • 4.1.9. The glass is broken in the cabin or damaged cabin damaged.
  • 4.1.0. There are no covers on the call and push-button devices and there is access to naked current-generating parts of electrical equipment.
  • 4.1.11. Metal structures of the mine or apparatus in the mine and in the cockpit are under voltage, when touched it is felt electric current.
  • 4.1.12. When working the elevator, an unusual noise, knock or smell of Gary appeared.

5. Responsibility for violation of this Instruction.

5.1. The person guilty of violating this instruction, including the Lifter, is responsible in accordance with the current legislation.

5.2. Supervision of the execution of the lifter of this Instruction is assigned to the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators and for organizing its operation.

5.3. The lifter is subordinate to the maintenance of the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of the elevator and the electromechanic, responsible for the good condition of the elevator.

Instruction number ___

For labor protection
When operating passenger and cargo elevators

The instruction is drawn up in accordance with the "typical instruction in the operation of passenger and cargo elevators" TOI R-01-003-97.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Employees are allowed to perform work related to the operation of passenger and cargo elevators:

  • not under 18 years old;
  • trained in safe methods and techniques of labor;
  • we have passed on electrical safety instructions in the workplace and checking the assimilation of its content;
  • past introductory labor protection instructions;
  • last instructions in the workplace;
  • past preliminary (when taking a job) and periodic (during operation) medical examination;
  • having II electrical safety group

1.2. Primary briefing in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, current conducts direct supervisor. A record of the instruction and verification of knowledge is recorded in the registration log with a mandatory signature of the instructor and instructors.

1.3. Re-instruction pass all workers, regardless of the qualifications, education and experience of the work once every three months.

1.4. When translating new job, with a temporary permanent, from one operation to another employees should be a new instruction on labor protection in the workplace with registration in the registration log.

1.5. During the operation of the elevator to the employee, the following harmful and / or dangerous factors can affect:

  • moving and rotating parts and elevator nodes;
  • falling of goods with lifting and unloading work and their transportation;
  • dangerous voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • lack of natural light;
  • the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the surface of the Earth (Paul);
  • unauthorized stop of the elevator cabin between floors;
  • vibration.

1.6. The administration is obliged to provide workers with overalls, as well as means of protection in accordance with the work performed and according to the current standards.

1.7. Each employee needs:

  • know the location of the workshop;
  • be able to provide first aid for industrial injuries;
  • immediately apply to healthy in case of injury, microtrauma;
  • about the occurrence of incident timely notify the administration.

1.8. When performing work, it is necessary to be attentive, not distracted by outsiders and conversations and not distract others from work.

1.9. Each employee must:

  • comply with the requirements of this Instruction;
  • observe labor and production discipline;
  • know the rules for the technical operation of the equipment;
  • comply with the internal regulations;
  • comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • observe the requirements of electrical safety and prevent your comrades about the inadmissibility of the violation of these rules and instructions.

1.10. It is allowed to serve only the type of devices for which training and instruction has been carried out.

1.11. When working, lifters and elevator conductors are required to undergo a periodic medical examination once every two years.

1.12. The elevators check annually and the results are entered into a special tablet. The elevator should contain the instructions for safe operation with the maximum carrying capacity (for passenger elevators, indicating the maximum number of passengers).

1.13. Lifters must have a corresponding certificate for the right to perform work. When switching to work from one type of elevator on another (and large interruptions in the work), an unscheduled instruction on the safety of labor is carried out.

1.14. Lifters and accompanying facial elevators should know:

  • in general terms, the device serviced by the elevator;
  • appointment of management bodies and be able to use them;
  • appointment and location of safety devices, door locks, door and underground contacts, trappers, limit switch;
  • alarm assignment;
  • how to enable an elevator and check the serviceability of door locks, door and underground contacts.

1.15. The lifter and conductor are prohibited:

  • leave an enabled elevator without supervision;
  • descend into the pit and get out of the cockpit on the roof, as well as keep any things on the roof of the cabin;
  • produce a launch of an elevator from the floor site through the open doors of the mine and cabin;
  • correct an independent elevator;
  • leave an unlocked door of the machine room.

1.16. All faults in the work of the elevator lifter and the conductor must inform the electromechanic attached to the administration for the supervision of the elevator, and in cases provided for by this instruction, stop the work of the elevator to eliminate the faults.

1.17. Lifter and conductor when examining the elevator or in case of its malfunction on all the doors of the shaft, which can be opened from the floor sites by the passengers themselves, should post posters with the inscription "Elevator does not work".

1.18. Lift to break the elevator after troubleshooting the lifter or conductor can only with the permission of a specialist who has emerged.

1.19. Persons guilty of violating the requirements set forth in the general and given instructions are liable in accordance with applicable law.

2. Security requirements before work

2.1. Wear a bathrobe, fasten it to all buttons, hair remove under the headdress.

2.2. Check the maintenance log of equipment. In the event of any comments to work, do not start troubleshooting and marked in the journal (adjuster, electrician) about the health service.

2.3. Inspect the equipment and workplace.

2.4. Check the serviceability of the machine, including, switching devices, the presence and strength of fixtures, locks, the presence of protective grounding, cleanliness and order in the workplace.

2.5. We immediately inform the head of work, and before troubleshooting and resolving the wizard, do not start troubleshooting and resolving the master.

3. Safety requirements while working

3.1. The lifter or conductor must include the main chopper and lock the door of the machine room, and also check:

  • feebility of lighting of shafts, cabins and sites of all floors on which the cabin stops when the elevator is operating;
  • state of mine fences and cabins;
  • serviceability of light and sound alarm;
  • the presence of rules for use of the elevator;
  • the serviceability of automatic locks, locking doors of mines, door and underground contacts (if this check is not entrusted to the electrical system).

3.2. When checking the help of the doors' contacts of the mine and cabins, you should make sure that when you press any button to start the elevator (from another point), the cabin remains fixed.

This check in internal control elevators is made from the cab. When checking the doors of the door cabin, mines must be closed. The contact of each sash is monitored alternately. To do this, leave an open sash, the contact of which is checked, and produce a trial launch of the elevator.

The contacts of each door of the mines are checked in the same order, but the cab doors should be closed.

3.3. When checking the door locks, make sure that the cabin is above or below the floor site or is missing on this floor, the door of the mine is locked.

To establish a malfunction of the cab lock, it should be installed so that the floor of the cabin is lower or above the floor floor level at least 200 mm.

To determine the health of the automatic locks of the shaft doors, the passenger elevator follows, while in the cabin, try to open the door. To check the serviceability of non-automatic locks, it is necessary outside the mine to try to unlock the lock key or handle.

The actions of the locks in the cargo elevators with the conductor are checked from the cab, and in freight elevators without a conductor and small freight elevators - outside the mine, unlocking the lock with the key or handle.

3.4. The action of underground contacts check two lifters: one of them, being in the cockpit, rises to the half-floor above the level of the floor site, and the second is trying to call the cab by pressing the output button.

Completely underground contacts when the cabin cannot be called with a passenger in it.

3.5. When checking the alarm action from passenger elevators, make sure that the "busy" warning lamp is included when the mine door is open, as well as when the shaft doors are closed, if the passenger is located in the cabin. Freight elevators without conductor, the "Busy" warning lamp should be included when opening the mine door and stay on until this door is closed.

3.6. The lifter of the passenger elevator should:

  • constantly being at the elevator on the floor where the landing of the passengers included in the building;
  • prevent elevator overload;
  • do not call the cabin, and also not allow PUB to the call button with passengers when the burning lamp "Busy";
  • close the doors of the mine, not closed with passengers;
  • at a random stop of the cabin between the floors to offer passengers to cover tight doors cabins and then press the button again again; If the cabin continues to stay still, de-energize the elevator and cause an electromechanics.

3.7. During the operation of the freight elevator, the following rules must be followed:

  • the lifter and the conductor should not allow the cab overloads above the installed limit load; If you are not sure that the weight of the cargo does not exceed the maximum load. They are obliged to ask the permission of the administration on its transportation;
  • the lifter and the conductor must ensure that when calling the cabin from the floors, they did not pull over the handle of the shaft doors and did not knock on the door; About any violations should immediately inform the administration;
  • if there are lattice in the cab sliding doors The conductor must ensure that people who are in the cockpit do not fit to the doors and did not hold their hands for them;
  • when transporting cargo in the cabin, there can be, except for the conductor, only persons accompanying the cargo;
  • at the same time, the transport of cargo and passengers is not allowed.

3.8. Lifter and conductor of the elevator with lever control should:

  • stop the cabin in such a position so that the difference in the floor of the cabin and floor of the site does not exceed +5.0 cm, and the elevators, the cabin is loaded with trolleys, +15 mm;
  • during the movement of the cockpit, do not translate the lever from one position to another until the cab is complete;
  • to declare the electromechanic about the malfunction of the lever, if the handle after removing the hand does not automatically return to the zero position.

3.9. The lifter and conductor must replace blinking lamps in a timely manner in the elevator cabin new.

3.10. During the shift, the lifter and the conductor should not leave their workplace, you can go only to the interruptions. In this case, the elevator must be de-energized.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of ignition occurs immediately disable the machine, de-energize the power grid except the lighting network. Report a fire, and to all those working in the room, proceed to extinguishing the focus of fire existing fire extinguishing agents.

4.2. With all the disadvantages detected during the inspection, the lifter is obliged to de-energize the elevator, post the poster "Elevator does not work" and report this administration.

4.3. With a random stop of the cockpit between the floors due to the elevator fault, the conductor must give an alarm and wait for the arrival of the electromechanics.

4.4. Lifter and conductor are required to de-energize the elevator and inform the administration with the following faults:

  • when starting the elevator, the cabin moves with the open doors of the shaft;
  • blocked the signal light;
  • in elevators with movable floors, the warning lamp goes out if there are passengers in the cabin, as well as when leaving the cabin of all passengers with an unlocked mine door;
  • the door of the mine opens from the outside in the absence of a cabin on this floor;
  • sections of the spontaneous movement of the cabin are noticed;
  • if the cab is instead of going up, go down, or vice versa;
  • cab (with a button control) does not automatically stop on the extreme floors;
  • bad condition electrical insulation wiring or electrical equipment elevator;
  • faulty button "Stop";
  • the elevator malfunctions are noticed as: an unusual noise, knock, creaking, jerks and shocks while driving a cabin, a rope breakdown, an adee from the guides, the inaccuracy of the cab stop at the floor sites, as well as with the malfunctions of the shaft fence or its lighting.

4.5. In case of accident, it is necessary primarily to free the victim from the traumatic factor. When freeing the injured from the operation of the electric current, make sure that it is not to be in contact with the current-carrying part and under the voltage. Tell administration about the case.

5. Security requirements at the end of work

5.1. Stop the equipment, turn off the shared introductory switch, clean and put in order workplace, make an entry in the journal about the technical condition of the equipment.

5.2. On the observed faults in the equipment to inform the work manager.

5.3. It is necessary to remove the garbage and lower the cab to the floor level of that floor from which the lifter (conductor) enters the cab at the beginning of work.

5.4. You should make sure that the cabin is empty (leave the cab under the load after the end of the work is not allowed).

5.5. Turn off the light in the cockpit.

5.6. In cases where the latomatic castle of the door of the mine, against which the cabin is stopped, unlocked by a handle, lock the lock door with the lock.

5.7. Turn off the main switch or automatic and light in the engine room.

5.8. Remove workwear, remove it into the wardrobe or in an individual cabinet.

5.9. Wash your hands and face with warm water with soap.

1.1. Lifter is a worker and subordinate directly ......... (Name of position / profession of the head)

1.2. For work the lifter is accepted by a person:

1) past vocational training training programs for workers' professions, employee posts, workers retraining programs;

2) Having experience practical work Under the guidance of an experienced lifter at least 1 week.

1.3. A person is allowed to work as a lifter:

1) the undercoming preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in accordance with the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of workers employed in hard work and with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 N 302n;

2) having an appropriate electrical safety group (not lower than II Group);

3) The admission to the work of the lifter on the local act of the organization in the presence of qualifying certificates or certificates confirming the competence to perform the relevant labor functions.

1.4. Lifter should know:

1) general about the device serviced elevators;

2) the order and technology of the inspection of elevators;

3) Purpose and location of safety devices and elevator safety devices;

4) appointment and order of verification of control devices located in the elevator cabin and on landing (loading) sites;

5) the procedure for checking and using sound alarm and bilateral negotiation;

6) production instructions and instructions for labor protection of the lifter;

7) safe techniques for work;

8) the rules for use of the elevator;

9) the procedure for informing relevant persons (services) on the identified elevator faults;

10) the procedure for issuing inspection and reporting documentation;

11) faults in which the elevator must be disabled;

12) the procedure for issuing identified malfunctions affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

13) types of abnormal situations on elevators, their signs;

14) the procedure for holding work on the release of passengers from the stopped elevator cabin, taking into account the types and models of the served elevators;

15) Safe methods for evacuating passengers from the elevator cabin;

16) the rules for the behavior of passengers during evacuation from the elevator cabin;

17) the procedure for informing relevant persons (services) on the release of passengers from the stopped lift cabin;

18) the rules for the first assistance of victims;

19) the rules of the internal labor regulation;

20) rules for the protection of labor, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

21) ......... (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. Lifter should be able to:

1) Check the health of locks and safety switches of the mine door and elevator cabins;

2) check the health of the rolling gear, the doors drive reverse;

3) check the health of the control of control devices in the elevator cabin and on landing (loading) sites, light and sound alarm;

4) check the health of bilateral negotiations between the elevator cabin and the location of the service personnel;

5) Check the accuracy of stopping the elevator cabin on landing (loading) sites when moving up and down;

6) check the presence of lighting cabin of the elevator and landing (loading) sites;

7) check the integrity of the elevator equipment;

8) check the health of the door locks with placed elevator equipment;

9) Check the condition of the doors of the elevator shaft (open, closed, locked, not locked);

10) to move the elevator cabin in compliance with security measures;

11) check the presence of preventive and index lifting inscriptions;

12) determine the location of the cabin in the elevator mine (on the floor / between the floors);

13) control the uniform accommodation of cargo (mobile means for transporting patients) in the elevator cabin, its correct fastening;

14) instruct the persons engaged in the load (unloading) of the cabin, and persons accompanying the cargo;

15) control the elevator directly when climbing and descent of cargo or mobile means for transporting patients and accompanying persons;

16) take measures to exclude the movement of the elevator cabin with the open doors of the mine;

17) free passengers from the elevator cabin in compliance with security measures;

18) determine malfunctions affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

19) inform the relevant services about the identified faults in the elevator;

20) make the necessary entries in the reporting documentation on the identified elevator faults;

21) provide first aid;

22) to provide reporting documentation on the post-free inspection of the elevator;

23) execute the reporting documentation for the work on the evacuation of passengers from the stopping cabin of the elevator;

24) ......... (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.6. ......... (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Lifter labor functions are:

2.1.1. Operator service of elevators:

1) daily inspection of the elevator;

2) the control of the elevator of the indifferent use (cargo, hospital, passenger);

3) take action when the elevator malfunction is detected;

4) Conducting the evacuation of passengers from the stopping cabin of the elevator.

2.1.2. ......... 2.2. ......... (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift) Lifter:

1) goes to installed manner prey (prophylactic) medical examination;

2) gets a production task;

3) passes if necessary for labor protection;

4) takes a shift;

5) checks the health of fixtures, tools, inventory and personal protective equipment;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.2. During the work of the lifter:

1) performs work that is instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the direct supervisor to perform the task, safe receptions and methods of work production;

4) complies with the rules for the use of technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for safe operation;

5) immediately puts the direct supervisor about all the shortcomings discovered during operation;

6) complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ......... (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the lifter performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) carries out the performance and operation of the elevator equipment in accordance with the manual (instruction) for the manufacturer's operation;

2) visually determines the presence / absence of external damage and malfunctions of elevator equipment;

3) carries out documentary design of the results of the elevator examination;

4) informs the corresponding faces (services) on the identified elevator faults.

3.3.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

2) monitors the uniformity of loading the elevator cabin, proper placement of cargo and its unloading;

3) monitors the location in the cabin of passengers and accompanying persons.

3.3.3. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) disables the elevator when malfunctions are detected affecting the safe operation of the elevator;

2) informs the relevant persons (services) on the identified faults in the elevator;

3) places on the main landing (loading) floor information about the elevator malfunction;

4) carries out a documentary design of the elevator malfunction in the magazine of the epishet examinations of the elevator.

3.3.4. In the framework of the labor function specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this Instruction:

1) analyzes information about the emergency stop of the elevator;

2) informs passengers about evacuation measures that will be undertaken and instructs on the rules of conduct;

3) performs the preparatory activities necessary to liberate passengers;

4) frees passengers from the elevator cabin in accordance with the methods and guidelines (instructions) of the elevator manufacturer;

5) informs relevant persons (services) on the results of the evacuation of passengers;

6) carries out documentary registration of the results of passenger evacuation;

7) causes medical service (if necessary).

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift) Lifter:

1) leads to the proper state of the device, the tool, transfers them to storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and special bows, if necessary, places drying and storage;

3) gives the established reporting;

4) produces an inspection (self-saw);

5) replaces a shift;

6) ......... (other duties)

3.5. As part of the fulfillment of its labor functions, the lifter:

1) executes the instructions of his direct supervisor;

2) passes periodic medical examinations (surveys), as well as

extraordinary medical examinations (surveys) in the established

legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ......... (other duties)

3.6. ......... (other regulations on duties)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing their labor functions and responsibilities Lifter

it has the labor rights provided for by prisoners with the employee

labor contract, internal labor regulations, local

regulatory acts, Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts

labor legislation.

4.2. ......... (other provisions on employee rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The lifter is involved in disciplinary responsibility in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance by its fault, the responsibilities listed in this Instruction.

5.2. The lifter carries material responsibility for ensuring the safety of entrusted commodity values \u200b\u200bentrusted to him.

5.3. Lifter for committing offenses in the process of its work activity, depending on their nature and consequences, are involved in administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.2. ......... (other provisions about responsibility)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This instruction is developed on the basis of professional standard "", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 12/22/2014 N 1082n, taking into account ......... (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this official instruction is carried out when taking a job (before the signing of an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this official instruction is confirmed ......... (signature on a list of familiarization, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in the copy job descriptionstored with the employer; in other way)

6.3. ......... (other concluding positions).

Production Director
PJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Melnikov

"___" ___________

Working Instructions
Passenger elevator liftor

The elevator of a single passenger elevator performs work on the safe transportation of passengers is guided by the RD 10-360-00, TB and PB rules.

1. General

1.1. Admitted to independent work The elevator should:

Have general information about the device serviced elevators and console; know the rules for the use of elevators;

Know the appointment of control devices located in the cockpit and on the landing site and be able to use them;

Know the purpose and location of the elevator safety devices; provide first medical care to the victim;

2. Getting started

2.1 Get acquainted when receiving a change with entries in the journal of the previous shift.
2.2 Check the health of locks and safety switches of the Mine and Cab Doors.
2.3 Selectively check the accuracy of the cab stop when "up" and "down" moves at least three landing (loading) sites.
2.4 Check the health of the rolling gear, the electromechanical reverse of the door drive and the reverse of the doors from the photo sensor if available.
2.5 Ensure in the presence of lighting of the elevator cabin and landing (loading) sites, as well as machine and block premises and approaches to them.
2.6 Check the serviceability of the "Stop" buttons, "doors", light board, light and sound alarm, as well as the health of the bilateral negotiation between the cabin and the location of the service personnel.
2.7 Ensure that the rules for use of the elevator, warning and indicative inscriptions.
2.8 Check the status of the fence of the shaft and cabins.
2.9 Check the availability and operation of the lock door lock and (or) block room.
2.10 The results of the inspection should be lifter in the magazine of the eponymous inspection of the elevator.

3. Duties of Liftøra

3.1. Responsibilities of the lifter.

3.1.1. The lifter of a single passenger elevator is obliged to:

- to be at the elevator on the main landing floor, follow the performance of the rules for use of the elevator and prevent its overload;
- Introducing the launch of the elevator by direct impact on the devices supplying the voltage into the circuit of the electric motor, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the mine and cabins;
- to face open to the current parts of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of the equipment;
- to equip the performance of safety devices;
- to repair the elevator and include control station devices, as well as use the elevator is not intended;
- Use the elevator if there is a smell of smoke (Gary) in the entrance (room).

4. End of work

4.1. At the end of the work, the lifter, the operator is obliged to: transfer the keys to machine (block) and service premises next shift, make the necessary entries in the journal.

In the event of a change of change to notify the owner of the elevator and act according to its instructions; With a single work, put the elevator cabin on the main landing (loading) pad, lock on the lock swing door Shakhty, turn off the elevator, make the necessary entries in the log.

5. Faults in which the elevator must be stopped

5.1 A loaded cabin comes into motion with the open door of a mine or a cabin or empty - with the open door of the mine.
5.2 Cabin doors with automatic drive open when moving or between floors.
5.3 When you press the call button, the loaded cabin comes in motion, and empty - no.
Operator. There is no alarm from the cab and call service personnel (for cargo and hospital elevators).
5.4 When the elevator is operating, there is an extraneous noise, sharp shoes, the smell of Gary is felt.
5.5 Not lit cab or playgrounds in front of the shaft doors.
5.6 damaged cabin fence or mine.
5.7 Broken glass viewing window in shaft or cabin doors.
5.8 There are no or broken pushers of push-button elements of the call or orders, and access to the bare-generating parts of electrical equipment is available.
5.9 Metal structures of the mine or electrical supplies are under voltage.

6. Rights and responsibility

Elevator service lifter guilty of violating his working Instructionsis responsible for the violations
According to current legislation.

The lift has the right:
- for free provision of overalls, shoes, personal protective equipment;
- require the administration of the fulfillment of the conditions of the collective agreement and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Head of the shop I.I. Ivanov


Head of KTTS P.P. Petrov
Head of the Department of Famillery I.I. Mirooleubs

Head of the Legal Department S.S. Sidorov

Leading Engineer at the SMK V.V. Vasilyev