Methods for the development of creative thinking.

Development creative thinking in children. The development of creative abilities in children. Educational games. Educational games for children's holidays. Exercises for the development of creative thinking.

IN modern psychology The tasks that this section is devoted is usually called divergent, and thinking that they are activated - divergent thinking.

The specificity of the divergent tasks is that one registered question may be not one, but several or even many correct answers. Naturally, it is the divergent type of thinking that is usually qualified as creative. This type of thinking is closely related to the imagination.

The tasks of the divergent type are extremely rarely used in traditional school learning. Orthodox education usually does not aim as a goal of developing non-standard thinking skills in man, and therefore divergent tasks acquire a special value: for creative activities in any field, divergent thinking is required.

Consider as an example some types of tasks commonly used in practice work with children.

Take plastic, wooden (or make cardboard) multi-colored geometric shapes and offer a child to make up as many different stylized images (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Examples of images that can be folded from simple geometric figures

The following task is largely on the previous one: from paper cones, cylinders and other elements, try to glue as many figures of people and animals as possible. Examples of this task are presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Come up and create figures of people and animals from paper

Stuffed with old illustrated magazines and bright pieces of fabric. Cut together with a child of the illustrations contained in magazines and pieces of Fabric Figure different shapes. Now take the resulting figures on a sheet of cardboard and get a collage. Examples are presented in Fig. 3. All this is a creative job, but the main task sounds like this: "Find as many analogies with real objects." The collage can be rotated as you like.

Fig. 3. Examples of collages from different materials

Very interesting, and therefore a very popular task suggested a psychologist J. Gilford: Find as much different as possible, original applications Well familiar subject. As such an item, you can use brick, chalk, newspaper and much more.

On the execution of this task is usually given five to six minutes. During the analysis of the results, all the answers are taken into account, except for those that do not correspond to the task, repeated or can be considered ridiculous. This task can be offered a senior preschooler, and an adult.

It is estimated in this case the productivity and originality of thinking. The more ideas, the more among them are unusual, the more points receive the participant.

Another task: to choose the adjectives and nouns, which enclose the concepts of light and darkness (heat and cold, spring and winter, morning and evening, etc.). We give examples of answers.

Light is bright, gentle, alive;
the sun - ...
morning - ...
Lamp - ...
Bonfire - ...
Candle - ...

Darkness - closed, night;
Night - ...
Evening - ...
Cave - ...

Find as much as possible general signs For unlike items.

Well - parquet;
log - box;
Cloud - door;
Doll - Snow.

Divergent tasks include the tasks for the search for the causes of events. Here are some situations, it is required to determine the causes of their occurrence:

1. In the morning, Dima woke up before the usual.
2. The sun has not left behind the horizon, but it has already become dark.
3. Sitted at the foot of the owner, the dog grunzenly buried on a small kitten.

Another option described above: come up and tell me what happened to each of the heroes.

The child must understand emotional condition Each boys and tell what happened to them.

Third Operation: Think what can happen if ...

"... the rain will go without ceasing."
"... people will learn to fly like birds."
"... Dogs will start talking to a human voice."
"... all fabulous heroes come to life."
"... Orange juice is poured from the water tap."

Well, if a child was able to come up with an interesting answer to each of the proposed phrases.

Another type of tasks for the development of creative thinking in children: inventing stories, stories or fairy tales using a given set of words, for example:

Traffic light, boy, sled.

The second version of this type of tasks: Look at the drawings and invent a fairy tale in which all these characters would participate.

The next type of tasks: "Clouds-riddles". The child needs to determine what the clouds depicted on the drawings (ink stains) are similar. Well, if he can see at least one character in each cloud.

Another version of this task is to try to draw something interesting using these figures.

Another exercise: Dorisui and paint the wizards so that one becomes good, and the other is evil.

Divergent, creative tasks can be developed on any material. A good task of this type can be the creation of various figures of the construction designer. After all, not only palaces, bridges and others can be built from the details of the building designer. architectural facilities. Let's try to look at the building constructor on the other hand. Its details are suitable, for example, for the manufacture technical models Steamer, locomotive, car, aircraft. Of these, it is possible to make schematic images of animals and people and even bulk plot compositions. We give examples of possible solutions (Fig. 4).

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website He knows that creative personality lives in each. To reveal the entire potential, we need only perseverance and free time.

These exercises should be done in writing. For each try to highlight a certain time - 7 minutes, for example.

  • Close your eyes. Think about one of the items located in the room. Without opening the eye, list as many signs of this item as possible. Discover your eyes and write down everything that I remember, still without looking at the subject.
  • Select the poem that you like. Use its last string as the first line of your own poem.
  • Where are you going when you want to relax a little? Write about this place.
  • In 400 words describe perfect placewhere you would like to live.
  • Write what you would say uninvian guestLooking at you at 3 am.
  • Write a story, starting with the words: "Once I had the opportunity ... But I missed her."
  • Letter in the past. Write a letter to yourself with a 10-year-old.
  • In 200 words, describe your first toy.
  • Write about the most difficult decision you've ever received.
  • Write about the very easy decisionWhat you ever took.
  • Write a story about an empty glass.
  • Remember the most boring day in your life. Describe it, but remember that your story should not be the same boring.
  • Start an article on 500 words like this: "If I could change something, I would change ..."
  • Write the explanatory why you are not engaged in improving your written skills daily.
  • Write a story about the blue subject.
  • Imagine that you are in the room, full peopleBut you are the only blind. Write down what you see room and people in your imagination.
  • Make a list of everything that is afraid. Choose one fear and write about it.
  • In 200 words, describe a hot day.
  • What do you do in bad weather? Write about this story in 250 words.
  • Write about what our disadvantages would you treat an worst enemy.
  • Think about a person who can be called too proud. Describe the behavior of this person.
  • Using 150 words, describe the appearance, occupation and human habits by name, say, Anatoly Bubliks.
  • List 50 actions you never do.
  • Write a monologue from the face of a fresh carved flower.
  • Soch the story using keywords: "Instructor-dog breeder", "Law", "Beach", "Bun".
  • Write a monologue of a pure sock, mistaken in the fridge, crashed by products.
  • List 15 reasons to learn a foreign language.
  • Why is the teacher going to change his career? Name at least 10 reasons.
  • List the 7 worst phrases that you can just say a dismissed person.
  • Write a short angry performance out of 7 paragraphs, starting each of them the expression "grows as a weed grass."
  • Write short storyUsing words: "Preacher", "Coin", "Comb", "Staircase", "Well".
  • Write a short story with such a plot: Elvis Presley clones won the world.
  • Come up with at least 7 reasons, including the most incredible why the seller of Antiques left his town.
  • Write a monologue on the face of a single tree left on the place of the forest after all the other trees of spill.
  • List 8 deserving the reasons for justifying the liar.
  • Write a short story using the words: "Priest", "Ring", "Garden", "Binoculars".
  • Offer 5 options inserts to the next request: "Please do not mantle ___, because (otherwise, and then) ___".
  • List the 10 things for which you would give the last 500 rubles a week before the salary.
  • Soch the story using the words: "Grandfather", "Photo Album", "Mail", "Match".
  • Name 7 circumstances, because of which the playwright can redden.
  • Write a monologue on behalf of a spoon that fell into the dishwasher.
  • You return home from the store. List 10 reasons, including the most incredible, why entrance door Your apartment is open.
  • Write the instruction how to teach domestic cockroaches to beat the chute.

"Creativity is a creative focus, which is congenitally peculiar to everyone, but by a majority under the influence of the established system of education, education and social practice."
© American psychologist Abraham Masu

We have already published an article. Now we offer you practical exercisesSuppose to make your mind more flexible and sharp, develop creative abilities and contribute to the improvement of creative thinking.

So, 5 exercises:

2 random words

Take any book or dictionary. Right Choose 2 Words: Open any page and do not look with your finger. And now try to find something in common between these two words, compare them, compare, analyze, look for interconnection. You can come up with an incredible, even crazy story that would associate these two concepts. Exercise and train your brain.

He said: "Creativity is just the creation of connections between things. When creative people ask how they did something, they feel a little to blame, because they did not actually do anything, but simply noticed. It becomes clear with time. They were able to tie different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This is because they survived and saw more than others, or because they think about it anymore. "

Mad architect

How do you look at trying on the role of architect and design the house? Do not know how to draw or remembered horror school lessons of drawing and conversion at the university? Nothing terrible, the ability to draw and draw here the tenth business. The main thing is the process. Well, agree? Great, then went.

First write on a sheet of 10 nouns, any. Mandarin, glass, meadow, water, tomato - everything that comes to mind. These 10 words are 10 required customer conditions, which you design a house. For example, "Mandarin" - Make the walls of the house orange color, "Water" - let the house be a fountain or armor, "Tomato" - Run into the pond of red fish or hang in the house of red curtains, etc. Give your fantasy will. Draw and imagine how it would look in real life.

Associations (5 + 5)

Take a look at the room in which you are now. What item caught your opinion for what item? My - for the chocolate chip, which lies on the table. And now take a piece of paper with a handle and write 5 adjectives that are most suitable for the subject you chose. For example, bitter chocolate, delicious chocolate, Belgian chocolate, natural chocolate, milk chocolate (still imported, domestic, beloved, white, milk, hot, tiled chocolate, and many other options).

Wrote? And now the most interesting thing is to write another 5 adjectives that are absolutely not suitable. Make it is significantly harder: glass chocolate, teddy chocolate, summer chocolate, mysterious chocolate, roasted chocolate. O_O That's what came to my mind. Right in your sensations and perceptions and find the right definitions. Attach a little more effort, and everything will turn out, the main thing is not to lend the task unfulfilled. Sit and reflect.

Hour "silence"

Do not be afraid, to gain water in your mouth and do not have to be silent. As you understand from the exercise name, this task will take you one hour, but at the same time you should not break away from your affairs and the usual routine of the day. In this hour, answer people only on general issuesI use "yes" and "no". Will behave as much as possible so that no one can suspect anything strange. The surrounding should not have the impression that you are not in yourself, got sick or got up in the morning not from that foot. Try it and, believe me, you will enter the taste.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, and discard all doubts away. We take a sheet of paper and draw such crosses: 6 in height and 9 in length:

Now tune in to the creative wave, deeply inspired and slowly exhaled. We take the handle and begin crossbars into pictures and small sketches, for example, like this:

Finished? And now see what happened and choose the most successful, such for sure will be found.

The initial task may look different, for example, like this:

Or like this:


Generate thoughts, do not stop there. The more you exercise your brain, develop fantasy and creative component, the more interesting ideas And solutions will come to you.

Be creative!

"Creative is not the craft where you have to justify your salary; It is such a craft where your salary justifies you. And Creator Career, as Efhemne, as a Career Director of TV programs. " © Film "99 Franc"

how many different ways Can I be able to come up with three minutes? If your results relate to most indicators, the answer will be somewhere between 10 and 20.

This famous test was invented in 1967 by Joe Paul Gilford (J.P. Guilford), an American psychologist and professor of a number of leading universities. The test was used to evaluate divergent thinking.

Similar tests, also known as "tests alternative use", Very popular in modern world - Surely you have ever encountered them at trainings or interviews.

In the image above you saw two strange figures - this is part of another interesting test, within which it is proposed to trim the picture in each window. This is another test for divergent thinking - than creative tests, the more interesting images are obtained as a result.

Creative thinking is often considered as a givenness - either it is, or alas. But recently, such a position loses its strength: according to the results of the study at Harvard, the success in creativity is 85% defined by skills of skill. This means that each of us can develop creative thinking.

The question is how to do it?

What is creativity?

Creative thinking is an intangible subject for discussion. It is impossible to put creativity on dinner table And consider it under the magnifying glass. In most cases, meeting with real art and creative peopleYou just feel it. Maria Popova, creative genius, says that creativity is the art of unique, transforming existing knowledge in new way Visions of the world.

This definition seems to extremely describes all areas of the creative process - but we will look even deeper.


This practice allows you to carry out the lines between, it would seem, absolutely alien to each other things and ideas. Sir Richard Branson (Richard Branson) believes that the entire Virgin Group is built on this method.


Curiosity - frequent quality in humans creative professions. Many innologists are constantly interested in all what is happening - they are not satisfied with the current state of affairs in the world.

Leonardo da Vinci was convinced of a strong impact of curiosity on creative process. In one of his sketches, the inscription was preserved: " I wandered around the surrounding area in the hope of finding answers to things that could not understand».


Maria Konnikov in his book "Think like Sherlock Holmes" (How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes) emphasizes the importance of constant and deep surveillance environmental. To illustrate this thesis, Maria gives an excerpt from the book: Sherlock asks Watson, how many steps on the stairs in the house of Holmes, in which each of the heroes passed hundreds of times. Watson could not answer what Sherlock said:

"You are not observant. Every day you climbed the stairs, and for sure I subconsciously considered our steps, but do not remember this. I know that there are 17 steps on the stairs, as I saw and watched. "


It is not just about expanding the list of contacts on LinkedIn. Networking consists in increasing the number of your social connections and attract ideas from all sectors of society. Truly creative personalities do not sit in the shell of their circle of communication - they constantly try something new.


To see the latest ways and opportunities, you must get out of the comfort zone and experiment with new ideas and methods of work. Google The first introduced a principle of 80/20 into workflow, which allowed the corporation staff to actively work only 20% of standard working hours.

Since then, the concept has time to arrive in Apple and LinkedIn. These companies understand that creativity is not a joke or entertainment, but hard work. One desire to be creative is not enough to succeed - you should make efforts.

Plan for the development of creative thinking

Now we found out the components of creative work, but how to develop creativity? There are five simple methodsthat stimulate thinking to the exit from the comfort zone and can give you more ideas than you think.

Mind your creative muscles

"Ideas are like rabbits - first you have several of them, but starting messing with them, you will not notice how to get a whole brood". John Steinbeck

Just like the strengthening of the muscles in the gym, the development of creative potential takes time and energy - daily efforts are needed. Take the obligation to regularly exercise your mind.

For example, James Altuhercher developed a habit that helps him create 3650 unique ideas in year. Everything is very simple: every evening James sits down and comes up with 10 ideas, from business plans to book concepts.

Regular generation process fresh ideas Tears the brain to constantly look for new ways to solve problems. This approach not only creates a nutrient environment for creativity, but also strengthens your mind.

When we do something new, in nervous system There is a signal that we are learning, and this causes a portion of dopamine - neurotransmitter, which is responsible for good moral well-being and is the key component of the learning process. This is a pleasant reward for mental effort, which can serve as motivation to master unpredictable previously creative reserves.

Clear more often

All people are different, and everyone has their own way to generate ideas. Someone fresh thoughts come for dinner: a glass of wine, a calm atmosphere, it is no longer necessary to think about work - this is where the brain switches and can give something interesting.

Someone uses for similar purposes to running in the morning, shopping, morning coffee - anything, right up to the daily hour in traffic jam. Everyone can remember the situation in which good thoughts come in most often that it is no coincidence.

When we get distracted a little from daily problems, our consciousness is slightly unloaded, which can be caused for a fresh look at things. Shelley N. Carson (Shelley H. Carson) claims: "Distraction can give the brain a break required to distract from an ineffective solution to the problem."

Too much attention paid to issues, as a rule, uses all your cognitive resources. Make a step back, do in your household chores, go for a walk - in a word, stop for a minute and give a breather to the brain, clearing it from daily garbage. So you free the space for creativity.

Change the environment

You probably never visited the kitchen of an elite restaurant. Similarly, you have hardly seen a sewage scheme that comes from your office for several kilometers. But when watching the cartoons "Ratatuu" and "In Search of Nemo" scenes in such places seemed to you quite genuine. Do you know how these works appear?

To create a realistic effect, the Pixar directors themselves plunged on Wednesday that they wanted to build. When shooting "Ratatoo", the creators went on a two-week business trip to France, where local cuisine was investigated. In the case of Nemo, the group spent some time in the city sewage of San Francisco, to explore drainage system cities.

No one forces you to go to France tomorrow - and even more so climb into the sewer. But it is sometimes necessary to get out of the usual circle to give an impetus creative thinking.

For example, a number of research among immigrants showed that people living in someone else's country often find non-obvious ties faster and show high success in creativity. Adaptation to life in society with a new language, culture and construction is forced to transform old ideas and change the usual behaviors.

Again, you should not emigrate only because you need to develop creative thinking. Just go on a trip - so you are freeing the brain from routine, work tasks and at the same time will give him fresh impressions from new countries and cultures. Good journeylike nothing else changes the ideas about the world and internal installations, At the same time enriching the horizon.

Change your schedule

According to recent studies, we could work more efficiently, bringing some innovations to your usual routine. It is about the following - in periods when activity decreases, our ability to concentrate decreases, respectively. Loss in attention makes it possible to cover more wide spectrum information. In the state of low activity, our brain generates more alternatives and various interpretations that contribute to all kinds of innovative ideas and insights. In periods of reduced activity, your consciousness is slightly less organized. Instead of linear thinking of thought, it seems to be scattered in different directions, one clings the other, immediately gives way to the third, etc. In such a state, you can subconsciously find non-obvious connections between ideas.

Of course, the "owl" should not be forcibly contacting the "Lark" and vice versa. Just sometimes it is useful to break the usual stroke of things.

Consciousness Novichka

The human brain first faced with the theme, is able to prompt many ways to solve. The expert knows only one road, which goes many, many years in a row, not even imaging what can be collapsed.

In Zen-Budyism, this is called "Shoshin", or a sense of beginner. The essence is to feel like a newcomer who does not know the borders and disappointments - as well as all the answers. Two advantages lies here. First, newcomers are more open for new ideas and alternative paths solutions to the problem. Secondly, the desire to explore the new is very important for creative thinking. Studies have shown that people with rich adventure experience tend to think less template than others.

Today at social sphere, the economy, education and industry succeeds the most creative and non-indifferent people. Logical thinking is necessary, but only one is not enough. Organizations are looking for employees who know how to find non-standard solutions. Fortunately, anyone can develop creative skills. How exactly? Read about it in our novelty"Flexible mind" . And now - several tips and exercises from it.

"Free" thoughts

When solving problems, we rely on past experience, what happened earlier or with what we once dealt with. Unconsciously we ask ourselves: what did I learn in life? After that, choose the most promising approach and reject the rest.

Such thinking is devoid of flexibility, it generates standard and non-original ideas. Decisions found with its help, exactly repeat our past experience or - at least - outwardly similar to it.

With a creative approach, we are not rushing to the problem, armed with past experiences, but we ask the question: how many points of view on it, ways to rethink and solve it? The goal is to come up with as many answers as possible, including non-sabroval.

One of the forms of creative thinking is a conceptual mixing - allows you to carry out associations between different themes. Children in this are real experts. Their thoughts look like water: the same clean, flowing and comprehensive. Everything is mixed and combined, a lot of connections are created. Therefore, children do spontaneously.

At school, we are taught to determine, to carry out differences, divide and distribute in categories. In later life, these categories remain divided and not in contact. "Liquid" child thinking as if freezing in a mold for ice, where each cell is a category. Therefore, many so hard to use imagination and creative abilities.

For new opportunities you need to "release" thoughts. Fortunately, our brain is able to study and change up to death. This means that we can increase your creative potential if we work out.

Heat for the brain: Creating Associations

Choose the first four words.Come up with the criterion for which one will be superfluous.For example: Dog, cloud, water and door.

Criterion 1: Dog, water and door can be in the house, and the cloud is not.

Criterion 2: In the words "Dog", "Water" and "Cloud" there is a letter "O", and in the word "door" it is not. Etc…

Additional techniques:

Randomly select six words and divide them into two groups of three words. Each group should have its own principle of choice.

Make two lists (A and B) four words each. Come up with the criterion for which the word from the list A is associated with the word from the list B.

Make a list of five words selected at random. Choose one of five words and find the principles for which it can be connected to the remaining four.

- Choose two any words. With the help of these two words, create a scene of the murder. Add three more words selected at random. Each of them should be evidence. With the help of these evidence, come up with the circumstances of the murder and the suspect.

Choose random four words. Using these words (not derived and not association), come up with a newspaper header. Write the annotation of this article.

Word task

What is the essence of your creative task? Can you describe it with one phrase out of six words? "To make something that no one succeeds", "Customers, with joy using my goods," "To give all exams in this session," "remain with a satisfied bachelor as longer as possible", etc.

Describing complex problem One phrase out of six words, you stimulate your imagination. The more accurate the wording, the easier it is a solution. Imagine that the creative task is a drawing on the box, without which it is difficult to collect a puzzle.

100 ideas

One of the obstacles to creativity: when it comes to mind a good idea, she can interfere to come up with the best. Therefore, it is necessary to produce ideas, without thinking about whether they are bad or good, is it possible to realize them in life, whether they solve the problem.

Give yourself the opportunity to think without censorship. To do this, put the time and number of ideas. Thus, you direct creative energy in the right direction. Innovative companies most often set the rate of 100 ideas per hour. Let's try and we.

Come up and write down 100 brick use options. You will see that the first 10-20 will be standard, familiar, known: fold the wall, climb higher, build grill, maintain bookshelves and so on. The next 30-50 ideas will be more original. As the brain approaches the hundred, the brain will begin to make additional efforts and will produce more creative and non-standard alternatives.

In order for this process to be the most efficient, you need to curb internal criticism and start recording all the ideas, including the most obvious and bad. The first third, most likely, will include old, the same ideas, in the second third there will be more interesting, and in the latter, worthy of attention, unexpected and difficult inventions will appear. If we did not put on behalf of this a large number of ideas, these last thirty would not see light

Get rid of routine

Often the routine becomes the enemy of creativity. Make changes to the routine of the day. Make a list of what you do in the habit is always the same. Usually classes from such a list are almost thoughtless.

Try a bit to change the way you do, within a week, day or month. For example, go to work or study to another way, change the clock sleep and work, start reading another newspaper, get acquainted with new people, instead of drinking juice, go to another restaurant, instead of the shower, take a bath with foam, look at another program on TV and t d.

Technique: Questions

Most taught not to question authorities, especially at work, at school or family. Because of this, we rarely ask right questions. To achieve fresh look and develop curiosity in yourself, it is necessary to continuously in everything. Make this part of everyday life.

Why? This question helps to understand this state of affairs, question the generally accepted opinion.

What if?.. Helps explore new opportunities, to imagine what will happen to the world if you change something or implement a new idea.

Why not? This question will help to understand the restrictions and factors on the path of positive change.

If you need to get to the essence of the problem, use the five "why" method:

1. Why do people prefer Potatoes of Competitions, and not our? Because it is tastier.

2. Why is it tastier? Because their seasonings are better than ours.

3. Why are our seasonings better than ours? Because their chef is better.

4. Why is our chef worse? Because we considered the chef not an important change, and now for twenty years we have a talent officer.

5. Why have we still not hired a new chef? Because no one dared to offer it to the owner.

Mental maps

Mental cards are one of the most simple and effective tools for the release of creative potential. They were developed by the British scientist Tony by Busen, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci notebooks.

Today, mental maps make up an integral part of training courses and solving problems in many companies and institutes. You can use them for personal purposes, such as recreation planning.

This technique allows you to develop a lot of ideas in short term and submit a large amount of information in limited space. All key concepts associated with a particular topic will be organized in such a way as to encourage the search for associations.

It is the search for connections between ideas and makes us more creative.

1. Take white listThe more, the better, and five or six markers or color pencils. Put the sheet in front of yourself horizontally. In the center of the sheet as you can draw or imagine as a symbol of your card as a symbol. Do not worry about the quality of the drawing. Use different colors.

2. Placing the central image, start recording the most indicative ideas on the lines emanating from the center. Then add keywords and concepts as tree branches. Freely create associations and try to fill the sheet as quickly as possible. Create ideas in shape keywords simply.

3. As soon as you feel that they scored enough material with free associations, look at the result. All your ideas are set forth on a sheet of paper. You will notice the connection that will help organize and summarize these ideas. If a repeated word meets, it is possible that this is something important. Connect different parts of the map arrows, codes and flowers. Delete unnecessary parts of the card.

Do not forget to use images, because they serve as anchors to memorize keywords. Try to write one word in the line. It trains attention and disciplines. The mental card may be infinite. It is completed only when the information is enough to solve the creative task.

Reading, silence, game

It is well known that in the process of creativity, the greatest activity shows right hemisphere. All listed techniques help train neural networks of this area. And here are some more ways:

1. Reading stories, stories and novels. Fiction Develops the intellectual abilities necessary in order to think differently, more creatively.

2. Silence. Operating in which you do not need to talk, we significantly suppress the activity of the left hemisphere. Thus, we reduce the activity of dominant models of thinking in neural networks, as if reducing the volume of our consciousness.

3. Any activity or game, training imagination. Puzzle board games, crosswords, theatrical, musical or dance improvisations and many other classes not only train our ability to produce different ideasBut allow you to see the entertainment side of the creative process.